Failures Of PerfectionChapter 15 free porn video

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Natalia stroked the amazingly soft skin of Jessie’s inner thigh as they were watching a rental movie on the small screen which was mounted at the wall of her bedroom.

They were lying next to each other, their bodies’ naked skin touching, enjoying the closeness.

Jessie truly enjoyed Natalia’s teasing fingers but actually she longed for more and she tried to slowly wiggle her body down.

“What are you doing?” asked the redhead, faking her ignorance.

As the Latina tilted her hips down hoping that Natalia’s fingers would reach her sensitive flesh she growled, “You’re such a tease.”

Her bedmate giggled and nuzzled her nose against the soft and pliant flesh which was perfectly displayed before her eyes.

Again the Latina turned her body, trying to get her sensitive nipple in reach of the soft lips of her partner. This time Natalia gave in and gently sucked the hardening nipple into her hot mouth.

A slender hand ran slowly through the auburn tresses which encouraged the owner of it to suck in more of the delicious soft flesh.

Jessie moaned, enjoying the attention her body was getting but she wanted more.

“Please Nat,” she begged, “Stop teasing me.”

With a loud plop Natalia released Jessie’s breast from her mouth and as she proudly looked at the result of her efforts she said upbeat, “Okay.”

Jessie looked surprised, not really understanding what Natalia had meant with that.

With a cunning smile Natalia slowly leaned over Jessie’s body, dragging her breasts over the Latina’s trim stomach, to grab the remote from the bedside table. With a theatrical move of her arm she turned off the movie and as she unceremoniously dropped the remote back on the small table she said softly, “Close your eyes Jess and don’t move a single muscle except if I tell you to do so.”

Jessie gasped and as she looked at the redhead with puppy eyes she asked meekly, “Please Nat, will you blindfold me?”

“Oh, “ purred Pamela, “That is even more fun!“

With a genuine smile Natalia gave the dusky hued woman a gentle peck on her cheek and replied warmly, “With pleasure Jess. I feel honored you trust me.”

With contemptuous ease she climbed off the bed and slowly walked to her chest of draws, sensually rolling her hips. As she opened the top draw Natalia saw the neatly folded scarfs and suddenly she had another cunning plan.

“I think I want to tie her up, “ she confessed to Pamela.

“Ask her, “ her partner advised, “This is way more intrusive.“

As she draped one of the scarfs over her arm she asked her friend huskily, “I have five silk scarfs which I would like to use. Is that okay with you?”

Jessie instantly understood her friend’s question and to her own surprise she blurted without any thoughts, “Oh yes please!”

“Oh my, “ gushed Pamela, “She is really keen! This is going to be so much fun!“

“Alright, Jess,” Natalia said with a more serious tone, “I want you to think of a safe word. I’m pretty sure you’re not going to need it but better safe than sorry.”

The Latina chuckled a little nervous as she looked at the silk scarfs lazily flowing in the movement of Natalia’s arm.

“I always have fantasized over such an amazing evening,” Jessie said softly, “Pineapple.”

“Sorry?” Natalia asked confused.

“Pineapple,” said her friend huskily, “My safe word is pineapple.”

The redhead chuckled as she thought it was such a coincidence thinking back at Pamela’s aversion for a Hawaiian pizza.

“Pineapple it is then. Now, relax honey,” she said as she sat down next to the beautiful woman and as she took the darkest scarf from her arm she asked, “Blindfold first?”

The Latina looked into the olive green eyes of her lover, knowing it would be even more exciting she whispered, “Yes please.”

“Sit up, Jessie,” commanded Natalia.

As she sat crossed legged on the bed Natalia moved behind her and pulled the carefully folded scarf over her eyes. With swift movements a sturdy knot was tied at the side of her head and a few moments later she felt a warm hand pushing her down to the mattress.

She willingly let herself fall back to the comfortable warm sheets and stretched her arms above her head.

“Good girl,” a warm voice purred next to her ear.

With his heart in his mouth Gregory guided Jeanette and Ellen around the last corner and as soon as they saw the large doors he said, “We’re here.”

“Finally,” sighed Ellen relieved, “Took us at least 25 minutes.”

“Now what are we going to do?” asked Jeanette a little nervous.

“I’ve learned from Natalia that this thin line triggers the doors which open as soon as we cross it,” said Gregory, “I think it’s best that I do the talking.”

“Right,” said Ellen impatiently, “What are we waiting for?”

“I guess we’re as ready as we can be,” he said as he shrugged his shoulders and deliberately stepped on the disruption in the floor.

As expected the doors opened silently, revealing the room with the 3 chairs; but this time the room was brightly lit, showing off the beautiful carved wooden panels which decorated the whole room.

The 3 looked at each other and without saying a word they walked as one into the spacious room.

“Wow,” Ellen gushed as she studied one of the panels more closely, “These are amazing.”

Gregory was speechless as he carefully touched the shiny wooden carvings with his fingertips.

“These are stories from the past,” Jeanette said in awe, “They are so beautiful!”

“They are, but not as beautiful as the siren message we just heard a short while ago,” a warm but eerie voice reverberated through the room.

Gregory instantly recognized the voice and replied with deference, “Thank you, Thymea. It was Jeanette who performed the siren call.”

“It was very fortunate it was performed close to the optimum position.” Thymea responded instantly, “And I’m obliged to tell you the performance was flawless, Miss Jeanette.”

Jeanette could only squeak as she heard the Enzuin mention her name, stunned by the fact they had admitted her interpretation of the siren song was flawless.

“That’s great to hear,” said Ellen, totally unimpressed by Thymea’s remark, “When can Jeanette do it again so we can transmit it to our colleagues?”

“It is already transmitted, Miss Ellen,” Thymea excitedly said, “It was perfect and we came to the consensus to send it to the type R androids without any delay.”

“What?” Ellen exclaimed, “Why? A lot of our people will suffer because Jeanette won’t be there on time to give them the necessary closure of the call!”

“There will be time enough for Miss Jeanette to welcome the first guests,” answered Thymea with a calm voice.

“I think Jeanette should leave immediately,” said Gregory with a slight tremor in his voice, “It will take her at least 20 minutes to get back to the main entrance.”

“That will not be necessary,” replied Thymea; and as soon as he had finished his sentence a large portion of the wooden panels silently moved upwards, disappearing in a rectangular gap in the ceiling. The grey wall behind the wooden paneling became translucent, revealing the 4 pastel tinted doors of the main entrance hall which seemed to be empty at the moment.

“As you can verify,” Thymea said smugly, “Nobody has responded to the siren call, yet.”

Ellen gasped and asked him incredulously, “Are you telling me we have wasted 20 minutes to get here?”

“No, Miss Ellen,” Thymea retorted, clearly starting to lose his temper, “It takes16 minutes to be revived from Cryostasis. The correct procedure to engage with us is to have the sincere intention to willingly undertake the walk so we might be fully revived. This is a trivial process for us.”

Gregory put his hand on Ellen’s shoulder and as he squeezed her gently he said, “We appreciate the effort you and your brethren have taken, Thymea.”

Ellen gently patted his hand, signaling she was in alignment with his point of view and addressed the Enzuin with a gentle but sincere voice, “My apologies Thymea, I didn’t know. It must be hard.”

“Apologies accepted Miss Ellen,” Thymea responded flatly, “Now, Miss Jeanette should get ready to welcome the Summoned. If Mr. Gregory and you would like to stay to discuss another urgent matter.”

Jeanette gasped as she recognized the man who just stepped out of a portal and whispered enthusiastically, “It’s Rus!”

“Just walk towards him, Miss Jeanette,” Thymea said with a calm voice.

Jeanette waved awkwardly to the two stragglers in the room and walked with a spring in her step straight through the wall.

Ellen and Gregory witnessed how Jeanette appeared in front of the man, welcoming the newcomer with a warm embrace. But all too soon the emotional scene slowly faded away, revealing the solid grey wall again and only a second later the wooden panels swiftly descended from the ceiling, hiding the dull grey concrete from view.

Gregory cleared his throat and said, “You wanted to discuss a matter with us Thymea?”

“Yes,” the alien responded, “We would like to discuss Miss Bloom.”

His heart started to beat a little faster and he meekly responded, “I must apologize for my misstep, Thymea.”

“We don’t wish to discuss her visit to us,” the Enzuin said resolutely, “We want to address the disturbing fact that Miss Bloom believes the GIS is under attack.”

Gregory looked wide eyed at Ellen who had the same distressed look plastered on her face and as soon as he had mustered enough courage to speak he said, “I think her view on the situation is a little over agitated.”

“Her view is based on facts,” the alien retorted, “The number of recent purges is disturbingly high.”

Gregory’s mouth fell open as he heard his own concern reflected back at him; but before he could respond Ellen said calmly, “This has been brought to your attention many times, Thymea. That’s why we initiated the siren call.”

Thymea’s voice sounded irritated as he replied, “Yes, but that will not be enough! It has been decided that Miss Bloom was to receive an upgrade and now she must be prepared for the task and rebuff the attack.

Ruben restlessly paced in a circle in his small living room as he continued mulling over the possibilities and logistics required to set up his lover’s suggestion. He knew he had to come up with a complete, well considered plan.

The location was crucial: it had to be luxurious, preferably owned by Mr. Sinter to prevent any unwanted attention.

He was not concerned whether his beautiful spy would be able to lure the man to come to the hotel but the steps after that were still not completely clear to him.

He definitely wanted to interrogate the man, getting valuable information to enable a direct attack of the GIS from within. Ruben knew this was the weak part of his plan as he never had done this before. His forte was to manipulate people, brainwashing them into willing puppets; but extracting information was something completely different.

He had heard somewhat disturbing stories about how successful Sindy was when she was tasked to extract information from any person. He shivered a little as he remembered her enchanting eyes following his blatant gaze over her incredibly sexy body and his heart was beating in his mouth as he remembered her firm breasts pushing in his back as she had pinned him against the door.

He couldn’t keep himself from fantasizing about forcefully kissing those incredible, ruby red lips while pounding like a wild animal into her sex. The fact she almost suffocated him with her bare hands made it all seem surreal until he recalled the woman licking his earlobe as she whispered, “Good boy.”

“Fuck!” he shouted out loud knowing he would find himself in a serious predicament if he should meet her again.

He sighed deeply and he knew he had to take the next steps, feeling Mr. Sinter’s annoying breath on his neck.

He grabbed his phone from the table and used the short dial to reach the main office. He checked the time on his watch and knew it was actually too late to call but he was utterly surprised when the call was answered.

“Ruben,” Sindy’s sultry voice sounded in his ear, “I’ve been thinking about you.”

His heart was in his mouth as he responded hoarsely, “Hi Sindy, I didn’t expect someone would pick up so late.”

“Then why did you call anyway?” she asked as her voice sounded even more husky as before, “Is there an emergency, Ruben?”

“No, not really,” he responded, cursing about the fact his throat was getting dryer by the minute, “But I can lure one of the GIS leaders to a hotel.”

There was a long pause and Ruben wasn’t sure what was going on and said, “You’re still there?”

“I am,” Sindy replied curtly, “I guess your pretty brunette will seduce him into having some fun.”

He had trouble swallowing and as soon as he thought his voice was to be trusted he croaked, “That is the plan, yes.”

“Right,” said the woman haughtily, “Next week Wednesday at The Blue Lounge Hotel room 969. Booked in the name of E. Brown and the room will be available from 4 pm.”

Ruben wrote down the details and replied, “Got it: next week Wednesday 969 Blue Lounge. E. Brown and not before 4pm.”

“Ruben?” asked Sindy with a small voice.

His mind flashed back to the scene where he had blatantly had checked out her physique, remembering her sad looking face and her bright red lips in particular. He was not sure what she was playing at and didn’t want to get in trouble again.

He took a deep breath before he replied, trying to keep his voice as neutral as possible, “Yes Sindy?”

“Please don’t fuck up.”

His mouth fell open hearing the sentence, having great trouble to keep his calm but he managed reply soothingly, “Don’t worry, everything will be fine.”

She snorted and replied condescendingly, “I’m not worried but it would be a shame if they going to mess up your pretty face.”

His blood was boiling, knowing exactly why she was trying to get him off guard and he answered flatly, “How sweet to know you think I have a pretty face.”

Sindy chuckled and said huskily, “Good boy.”

Before he could reply she had hung up and he realized he had walked straight into her cunning trap. He sighed as he had trouble to get her pretty face with those kissable lips out of his mind.

“How interesting,” Ellen murmured as she walked next to Gregory, “But I’m actually quite disappointed in Natalia.”

“I do understand why Pam and Natalia haven’t told us,” he responded calmly.

“Oh and why is that?”

“I’ll bet that they need some time to figure out the upgrade before they’re going to deploy it.”

Ellen pondered about Gregory’s view and came to the conclusion he was partly right. “Maybe, but still,” Ellen replied with a hint of annoyance, “They could’ve mentioned it.”

“I beg the differ,” he said soothingly, “We were all completely preoccupied about the wonderful news and even if Natalia had told us it probably would have slipped my mind.”

Ellen chuckled. “You seem to forget we are androids Gregory; nothing ever slips our minds.”

“You do have a point there,” he pondered as he put his hands behind his back, “But I believe they would have told us if they were confident enough to share it with us.”

“I guess you’re right,” Ellen responded as she was tapping her finger on her lips, “Natalia is a perfectionist and she absolutely doesn’t like to rely on something which is only half finished.”

Gregory sighed and said, “I must admit it was quite confronting to hear my own arguments being used to validate Natalia’s upgrade.”

Ellen moved closer and as she gently put her arm around his waist she said warmly, “Those 2 combined are a lethal weapon and I bet Natalia had maximized the element of surprise to her benefit. Resulting in the amazing fact that Thymea was goaded into support them no matter what.”

“Indeed, which brings us to another hurdle we have to take,” he said softly, “Now Jeanette will be preoccupied for a while because she’s the siren to receive all the guests.”

Ellen stopped walking and as she stared at him in disbelief she grumbled, “You want me to take over Jeanette’s role to train Natalia.”

“Yes and I believe we should keep the number of people knowing about Natalia’s special situation as small as possible.”


“Come on Ellen,” he chuckled, “I think it’s time to bare your teeth again.”

“Why?” she asked him, remembering the early days of the GIS.

“Because we just can’t wait any longer,” he muttered, “Plus we need to find the mole.”

“Do you have an idea who the mole is?”

Gregory continued the walk to his office as he sighed deeply. “To be honest; not really. Although I must admit that Natalia’s outspoken remarks about Jack’s behavior were an unpleasant confirmation of what I had suspected for a while.”

“Why don’t you just tell me you knew all about it,” snorted Ellen and continued by saying, “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

“I know, I know. But there’s no valid reason for Jack to be the mole,” he pondered out loud, “He clearly loves his function too much.”

“There’s that,” she responded thoughtfully, “but someone must have a grudge or another motive to compromise the GIS.”

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My sisters Diary

I'm Tom. I am a hard working senior in college with a minimum wage job and a loving family. I have a younger sister that means the world to me, a mother and a father that have helped me get through all kind of tough times and help me out every step of the way. I also have four of the best friends in the world, or so I thought until I rooted through my sister's diary. I wasn't just snooping around, I was worried. It went like this: I noticed that my sister was dressing in skimpier and skimpier...

2 years ago
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Back Door

"I'm too impatienttt to dineee at nineee!"Badum bum bum"I must be wined and sixty-nined!" I belted flatly at the top of my lungs as my dog Nala winced and laid her ears flat at the sound of my amazing singing voice. "Oh shut up! What do you know about the fine vocal arts?"It was Saturday night and I had a dinner date with... wow. This man has bent me over in a parking lot, practically forced me to masturbate at my job, has me trying a GD butt plug and I still don't even know what his...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 666

At the Castle Six weeks earlier continued. ... There were, indeed, the ingredients for sandwiches. Freshly baked turkey sliced onto the side of the platter in addition to a profusion of cheeses and other items with which to make sandwiches. Glenda cut a slice off the still-warm loaf, slathered butter on it and took a bite. “Oh, this is truly superb. I could make a meal out of this bread with nothing to go on it except butter.” Laughing, they began. Dessie, after a few minutes to build...

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Four Weeks

This is an excerpt from my Four Weeks story posted on Literotica...Edie growled out her pleasure. It was music to Jenny’s ears. Lying between her black thighs, lapping at her juicy sex, was incredible. She had wrapped a few strands of Jenny’s hair around her fingers, tugging her head as she thrust her hips upwards.“That’s very good, kitten... so talented...”She had asked Jenny if she wanted her. She’d made her say yes. It wasn’t exactly that she was humiliating her. It was more that she wanted...

3 years ago
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We Never Break A Promise Part 1

We Never Break A Promise By Warm Hearted Synopsis: (This is my first story for FM, or really anywhere. It is the introduction story for a new universe.) Eric Jones was an orphan that grew up friendless and unloved in the foster system . Eric was always a misfit in school and he wanted a new start. But Eric did not know how new it would be. There are two major things I have learned in my life, the first is, things never go like you plan and the second is, magic is real....

3 years ago
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Skipper Chapter Nine

Skipper, Chapter Nine - By: Beverly Taff At dawn I woke with a start. My feminised senses had become attuned to the slightest noise from the girl's bedroom. I tried to sit up but found to my surprise and delight that I was still 'hooked' up to Sian. My efforts disturbed her and she grumbled sleepily. "Wha'ss 'a matter?" "Quick. we have to get dressed the children are waking up!" "Oooh damn!" she sighed. "I was so enjoying you." "So was I but the girls can't see us like...

3 years ago
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Do Bhabhiyon Nai Faisaya

Hi! this is Pabby… Jab ke ya baat hi tab meri age 21 saal ka tha aur tab mein Delhi mein raheta tha apny rishte daaron key ghar mein. Mere doo bhai thee ek 4 saal bada aur ek 5 saal bada. Dono ki shadiyan ho chuki hain. Wo ek amir khandan sai heen. Meri bhabhiyon don pataka hain.meri badi bhabhi Sona 22 saal aur chotti bhabhi Fana 21 saal ki hain. Badi bhabhi kya kahon mai itni choti se umar pataka hain. Size hai 36-28-38 jiska matlab hai un ki gaand kafi moti hai. Woh kafi dhumak dhumak ke...

1 year ago
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Taking the Farmers Wife

TAKING THE FARMER’S WIFE Sisyphus It was a stormy summer night and I was lost. I could barely see through the rain pounding my windshield. Thunder rumbled and lightening cracked sending bright flashing bolts across the sky. It had been a hot humid day of driving and I should have arrived at my friend, Jake’s house hours ago, but the directions were vague and I must have missed a turn-off. It was dark and I couldn’t make out addresses or road signs. Houses were far apart with no lights on but I...

4 years ago
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By the Personnel Book Chapter 3

By the (Personnel) Book CHAPTER 3: Patti's Job Duties I didn't sleep well that night, worrying about what would occur in what I assumed would be my first real day of carrying out my regular duties at the office. I considered wearing regular pants and shirt to work, but it was pretty clear that they were expecting me to show up in the miniskirt and blouse. Besides, Cindy was on her way over to help me get ready, and she would make sure I was in the clothes the company had purchased...

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Hmm, I wonder what you can expect on "The Nip Slip"? If you are into celebrity nip slips, then you may want to pay attention. Everyone I know and their dogs love the sight of celebrity nipples. I most certainly do, which is how The Nip Slip made its way to my list in the first place. Here they bring you the naughtiest celebrity nip slips, embarrassing wardrobe malfunctions, the barest of bums, up-skirts, topless candid and more. Anything nasty that involves a celebrity, you will find it...

The Fappening
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Adam Comes to VisitChapter 11

Kristen: We woke up slowly, each of us fondling something nearby, laying there comfortably in a nice afternoon haze of sexual bliss. Amy said, "Hey, Mom, I got him hard again. Time to wake up." That's my girl. I turned to Adam and, sure enough, his cock was at full mast. "Oh, how nice, Adam," I said as I bent down and gave his rested cock a nice suck. "Mmm, that feels good. Oh, yeah." "Well, let Amy have a little, too," and I relinquished Adam's cock to my daughter who began...

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MonstersOfCock Kali Roses Stranded Kali Roses Gets Helped By BBC

Kali Roses got ran out of gas in the middle of a lonely road and after a couple of hours she finally got to stop a car for help. She pleaded for a ride to the gas station and Pressure didn’t hesitate to get her inside the van. He has her show off her perfect pussy as a return. He ties her up and tells her his going to have his way with her white pussy first. Kali Roses was in shocked with whats happening and the size of his cock as she sucked him off. She got her pussy stretched as she got...

2 years ago
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Wifes new found pleasure

My wife Andrea is a true hot wife. I feel in love the very first time I saw her. She stands five foot three, weighs one hundred pounds even. Her perky thirty four b cups never need a bra and with her bleached blond hair and blue eyes she never fails to draw attention from men. On our very first date we had made plans to go to Six Flags over Georgia. Since it was June I told her to wear something cool because it was going to be hot. She wore a pair of cut off Jean shorts that just barely covered...

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the lady in the back


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My sister

Note : This story is complete fictional! Never try to do it in real live! It was a Friday, the first time I saw my little sister naked. Mom had left her in the bathtub, and I really had to pee. I knocked on the door and burst in, as I was peeing I noticed Suzie in the tub. She was stark naked, WOW, she was beautiful. My penis lurched, and I peed on the floor. Embarrassed, I pulled up my pants and ran out of there. I thought about her all nigh, while at work. The guys at Tim Hortons must have...

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Andria snuggled closer to me in our tent. The day had been very warm, but the wind coming off of the water made us shiver uncontrollably. I had suggested body heat would warm us up faster than anything else. I had another reason besides warmth to cuddle with her. Andria was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. Her dark hair fell in waves around her face. Her eyes were a sparkling green. Her curves were undeniably sexy. She had an air of confidence when she walked that said she could get...

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The Perfect SolutionChapter 26 The Kiss of Consummation

The day had been quite eventful and Erik had found it exhilarating to be taking charge of his existence. He felt that after years of waiting to begin his life, he was finally making it happen. He sank into the padded, high-back leather chair behind his desk and sighed. Allowing his eyes to scan around his office, he smiled at the thought of the last conversation he had before returning home. He had found Phillipe in his office near the Pont Neuf. Their conversation had been brief as Phillipe...

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She was on the prowl, not for a relationship. Scanning the crowd at the night club, she looked for the perfect one. Once every few months, she got these urges that could not be satisfied with her vibrators. Lisa sipped her drink. The loud music and flashing lights were getting on her nerves, but in order to get what she wanted she had to put up with the noise. Her keen gaze landed on a man leaning against the bar. His black leather pants hung low on his hips, emphasizing his package. A tight...

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Vampire War

My name is Jonathan Dark. I was born 40 years ago, yet look to be 17 or 18. I came to Jewel Valley to flee the vampire war that has raged since the 1500s. My mother, Anastasia, is an avid believer in the justness of the war. She, and consequently me, belong to the Immoral, the faction of vampires that aren’t resistant to drinking blood. The Immoral believe that humans are perfectly fine sources of blood. The Moral believe that humans are to be protected, and they drink animal blood. I’ve tried...

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Pyari Poonam Didi

Namshkar dosto main phli story likne ja rha hu dosto mera naan kunal h ar main varanasi ka rhne wala hu. Ab main seedhe khani pe aata hu mere pados ek khub surat didi rhti thi jinka naam poonam tha wo kafi sexi lgti thi apne figur ki vajah se main unko dil hi dil me khub pyar krta tha main unko dekhne ka mauka kabhi bhi nai chodta tha wo mujhpe kafi vishwas karti thi ar mere sath kabhi kabhi market bhi jaya krti thi jb wo bike pe mere piche baithti thi to mujhe lgta tha ki main apni biwi ko...

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Zugfahren im Winter

Jeden Tag musste ich mit diesem Zug zur Arbeit fahren. Jeden gottverdammten Tag. Einsteigen, ratter, ratter, ratter, ratter, Aussteigen. Abends das gleiche Spiel wieder: Einsteigen, ratter, ratter, ratter Aussteigen. Einzig und allein im Sommer war das angenehm wenn die Damen mal nicht mit ihren Reizen geizten und mal etwas Haut durchschimmerte. Aber im Winter.... Öde. Das einzige was man da tun konnte, war das Handy anzuwerfen und irgendwelchen belanglosen Mist in die Birne geprügelt zu...

Mind Control
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Poor Percy

Poor Percy By Bea I face the mirror and study my reflection. Without vanity, I must admit to being very beautiful. My three ladies (I call them Ladies in Waiting) are close to being in the same category as myself, but not having the advantages of wealth as I have, are not quite at my level. They are around me - Cynthia, my beautiful English rose, pale blonde, creamy complexion, is brushing my hair gently, just the way I like it. Tracy, the...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 257 Gangbangers and Estimators

After not getting much information from the estimator, I made a call to Jennifer's office. "Maxine, how good to hear from you," the receptionist said. It was something new for people to check the caller ID and then act as if you were a long lost friend. I found it not just disingenuous but also insulting. "Thanks, did you get me the number for the prison gangster's lawyer?" I asked. "Yes, but I'm not sure Mr. Garcia's lawyer will see you?" she said. "Oh, I bet if I offer to pay...

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mom and son go doctor part 2

Diane laid back, staring at the ceiling. Doctor Hamsley took hold of a remote that was connected to the table by a thick cord. "I'm sorry Diane, let me make things more comfortable for you." A beep later and the whole table was moving, morphing into a different form as Diane slid her body to accommodate it. She was now reclining as if at the dentist, but still mostly on her back. Dr. Linda motioned to Jimmy. "We need to prep you." She hooked up a blood pressure cuff onto his arm, wrapping it...

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The Doll Maker

(This story was written for Halloween on my Patreon page. Right now there is also a Christmas story up, my Christmas story is twice as long and available for all my Patreon tiers. So be sure to check it out. As promised everything will become freely available eventually. ) Intro Carl had always been different, he was a quiet somewhat effeminate looking boy, taking mainly after his mother. From an early age he had loved playing with dolls instead of...

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The Long Hot Day

It was a Friday morning, already heading towards the 100 degree mark, and it was just too hot and too nice of a day to be cooped up in an office; or anywhere else for that matter. I called into work and played the act that I was sick and would schedule a dr appt to check and see what was wrong. The only thought on my mind was finding a nice cool water spot and enjoying the day. I packed a light lunch of leftover chicken and some fruit from the fridge, and slipped on my favorite kakki shorts and...

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Playboyhyd Again With Matured Slim Lady Neha In Hyderabad

Hi all,l thank you for iss and friends for feedbacks. This time it was with me friend neha again after two days again we meet and had once again about she is north indian housenwife age 37 staying with his husband in hyderabad we meet both meet and fun she 37 slim with good body. Any female or couple like to meet me or contact me means mail me on ping me to get good fun. Coming back to experience after our first fuck we talking in phone and chatting after two days she called me and said me to...

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Photo Session

A guy who made my his bitch in college visited me last night. He was now a professional photographer, and asked if he could take me back to his home, about 40 miles away, and take some shots.The thought of being far from home for the night, alone with him, with no defenses, makes me hotter than fuck. I eagerly agree to his request. Just over an hour later, my scantily-clad, overheated body was at his house. He guided me to his studio.I opened the door to the room and immediately saw the jacuzzi...

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AFWhat are friends for The ballad of Jessica

"AF- What are Friends For? The Ballad of Jessica" - By Flyover State. 2021. "Later," Mark said, leaving his friends. Mark and his friends had just finished basketball practice. He'd thrown a towel around his neck, and heavily plopped down into his car, a new Alfa Romeo Giulia. He started the car, cranking the A/C as high as it would go, until he cooled off, and then the Colorado air would be good enough. Mark ran his hands through his damp hair, he was blonde, with blue eyes, and...

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The Price of Guilt

The Pain of It All Rob waited patiently at the exit to the car park outside Blum Industries. It had taken him some time and lots of forced courage to ask Debby out. It was just a Wednesday night. She had refused him politely many times but he was not discouraged; the more Debbie dismissed it, the greater his desire to win her over. He was patient. Finally at lunch on Monday, he was alone with her for an instant and invited her for a drink at a nice bar he had discovered over...

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