Failures of PerfectionChapter 3
- 2 years ago
- 27
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Looking straight into the oval she recognized the hall with the four doors and she wondered why the portal was here in her flat.
She was in two minds: she was thrilled to go again but feared being overwhelmed, risking losing herself completely.
She was really hungry but the portal was blocking the way to her fridge which actually forced her to make a snap decision.
She shook her head, amused how cunningly smart those Enzuins were to create the portal in front of her fridge. Remembering the amazing garden full of enticing looking fruits she resolutely stepped through the portal.
She chuckled as she recalled how she practically launched herself into it. She inspected the floor, which was immaculate, not a trace of blood to be seen! Pleased that everything looked fine she walked towards the pastel red door hoping she could have something to eat.
The door opened silently and Natalia was relieved to see the beautiful garden again. She had seen some interesting fruit when she was following the man and decided to have a try to eat one of those.
The fruit looked like an apple but it was just a little larger and the light green skin was decorated with bright red swirls. As she reached out to pluck one a female voice said, “You might not like those.”
As if stung by a bee Natalia spun around to see who had addressed her.
A beautiful tall woman dressed in a simple but slim-fitting ruby red long dress walked towards her. Her gentle smile reached her eyes as she said, “The more beautiful the fruit the more disappointing the flavor.”
Natalia laughed. “I knew it. If it looks too good to be true, it is too good to be true.”
“Very wise words, Natalia,” quipped the woman.
“Thank you,” Natalia replied, “May I know your name?”
“My name is Jeanette 10.24 but Jeanette will do,” replied the woman without batting an eye.
Natalia couldn’t believe her ears and stared at the woman not knowing what to say. The number 10.24 had an ominous ring to it.
Jeanette touched Natalia’s arm as she said, “I’m one of the AI’s helping out Greg.”
Natalia was amazed that Jeanette’s hand was comfortably warm and asked with awe, “You’re actually a robot?”
Jeanette’s laugh sounded sophisticated like a Geisha and with a stunning smile Jeanette replied, “My body is a class R android, which is as close to a human body as an android can be.”
Before Natalia could ask anything else her stomach was expressing its discontent quite loudly.
Jeanette giggled and said, “Come, I’ll show you the most nutrient and tasty fruit you can eat.”
“I’m glad I’ve met you. I’m literally starving.”
“I bet you are,” said Jeanette, “It’s quite apparent considering you’re dealing with so many nanites in your body.”
“Oh?” asked Natalia shocked, “do I need to feed them?”
“Considering what they have done, I think you should treat them with a nice full tummy.”
Natalia understood instantly what Jeanette was talking about and said a little subdued, “Of course. It totally makes sense. How stupid of me.”
Jeanette handed Natalia a dark brown egg-shaped fruit as she said, “It doesn’t look appetizing but I promise, you won’t be disappointed.”
Natalia examined the fruit and couldn’t prevent herself to think that she was about to eat a turd. Closing her eyes she hesitantly took a bite and she was almost overwhelmed by the exotic taste which exploded in her mouth.
The texture of the fruit was soft yet firm enough to have the feeling it would fill your stomach.
“Oh my, this is delicious!” exclaimed Natalia.
“Good,” said Jeanette as she was trying to hide her relief, “Please remember that one of those is more than enough. Eating more of them might have an adverse effect.”
Natalia looked with disbelief at the last bit of the fruit she hadn’t devoured yet. It actually was consistent with what she had discovered so far and she decided the last bit of fruit had to last the rest of the evening.
“Thanks for the advice,” Natalia said with a friendly tone.
“You’re welcome. It’s one of my objectives. To serve and protect you from any harm.”
Her stomach had already calmed down which brought her into a much more comfortable state of mind. She studied Jeanette trying to determine whether she could detect any hint she wasn’t made of flesh and blood.
“I must admit,” Natalia said, “I can’t distinguish you from a human.”
“You can’t,” Jeanette replied calmly, “unless you check my DNA. Only then you might discover I’m a cleverly constructed android.”
Natalia knew that the Enzuins were incredible but still it all felt off. For instance she wanted to know why she was here again.
“Jeanette,” Natalia asked hesitantly, “Do you know why the portal was active in my house?”
“No not really,” she answered, “Greg will know but because you took your time he had to go somewhere else and so he asked me to be your host for the time being.”
Natalia decided to ignore the fact that they have been waiting for her. However the name ‘Greg’, Jeanette had mentioned, was far more interesting.
Trying not to sound too keen she asked, “Greg?”
Jeanette smiled wistfully. “His name is Gregory but for some unclear reason I like to call him Greg.”
It was strange for Natalia to finally know the name of the man. She liked him, although she felt he was hiding something and was a little disappointed by the fact he kept her at arm’s length.
Maybe he was an android like Jeanette which would explain his behavior although it would make him a liar.
She had to know the answer and asked quite bluntly, “Is he an android as well?”
Jeanette sighed and with a melancholic edge to her voice she said, “No, he is just like you: a human.”
Natalia was relieved hearing the answer but was surprised how sad Jeanette looked. It suddenly dawned on her that the woman was an AI encased in a super sophisticated female body and it definitely looked like that Jeanette just had expressed some feelings!
That was unheard of! At least on Earth mankind never managed to create an AI which could do that, not even using the most powerful computer.
Looking at the woman Natalia could hardly fathom Jeanette was actually an artificial intelligence program running on a supercomputer, which was cleverly hidden in her android body.
She tried to ignore that train of thought, Jeanette was a sophisticated computer, and decide to treat her as a normal person. Clearly Jeanette was more human than android and she asked, “What’s wrong, Jeanette? Did I upset you somehow?”
“No,” responded Jeanette silently, “I’m not upset with you. I feel sad for Greg. I’m afraid that is something for him to share with you. It would be wrong if I tell it to you.”
“Oh okay,” Natalia murmured softly.
Natalia hated to be kept in the dark but there were many unanswered questions she wanted to have answered.
“Gregory indirectly told me there have been, or perhaps still are, other people?”
The woman smiled and said with a slight slyness in her voice, “There have been others, yes.”
Natalia didn’t like the evasive answer but kept her smile plastered on her face as she asked, “All, female?”
Jeanette shook her head as she responded dreamily, “No, there were males once in a while.”
That snippet of information helped to ease her mind a little bit. She had worried about all kinds of horror scenarios which were minimized in her mind now; but still she was totally in the dark about what the Enzuins had planned for her.
She was intrigued by how this amazingly beautiful woman fit into this strange scheme but her ultra-short answers were tiring.
It felt like she had to pull every answer out of the woman but she kept her calm and asked with a friendly voice, “And all of them desperately needed help?”
“Yes,” answered Jeanette without blinking an eye, “You see, the Enzuins have one basic rule: only if both parties are in alignment it will happen.”
“Both parties?” asked Natalia confused.
“You and Greg,” explained Jeanette, “For example: he wanted you to be here and you are in alignment otherwise you would have stayed at your place.”
It all started to make sense for Natalia: it was obvious now why Gregory was so tensed trying to keep her in consensus all the time. But it still didn’t give her a satisfactory answer to the question of why she was selected in the first place.
“Tell me Jeanette,” started Natalia with a sweet voice, “Do you know why the Enzuins have chosen me?”
“Well,” she answered slowly, “Not exactly, but looking back at the others who have been here before I can tell you that most of them were headstrong and extremely resourceful.”
“How do you know?”
“Because I have trained them all.”
Natalia looked the woman up and down with an appraising eye and could not see anything out of the ordinary which could lead to any convincing conclusion.
Jeanette smiled warmly as she noticed Natalia studying her physique and said, “I would like to help you master various fighting techniques.”
Natalia gasped as she heard the bold statement. She liked her sports like badminton and swimming but she never had an affinity towards those kind of activities.
She looked at Jeanette incredulously as she quipped, “Well, I hope you will have enough patience with me because I do really suck at martial arts.”
“One once said, humble students are the best,” Jeanette responded with a laugh, “You’ll be fine. The way you’ve handled those men was absolutely brilliant.”
“What do you mean?” Natalia asked bewildered, “I just ran away from them and I stupidly chose the wrong alleyway. If it wasn’t for Gregory’s intervention I would have been raped by those men.”
“You’re forgetting a few pivotal moments. First of all you stayed calm while you kept up your appearances. Secondly, the way you stepped out of your heels was amazing; all those men were totally captivated by your little act. Thirdly, throwing the shoes in a perfect lob accompanied by your playful command to catch them was utterly brilliant.”
Natalia had to giggle as she remembered all those men tried to catch those shoes.
Jeanette gently placed her hand on Natalia’s arm as she said, “Actually it was a little sad to see you couldn’t believe that you could have such a profound effect on people.”
Natalia sighed deeply and looked a little forlorn as she softly said, “I think the alcohol was the double edged sword there. It made me a lot more daring but it also numbed me much more than I thought.”
“Still,” reacted Jeanette passionately, “it’s the out of the box idea what counts. Granted, your execution needed some fine-tuning but without that initial spark other things would have happened and you’d have been suffering the consequences.”
Dumbfounded Natalia looked at the woman whose hand was still resting on her arm.
“Are you telling me that my little show and ditching my shoes saved me from being raped?”
Jeanette nodded as she confirmed softly, “As Greg had said to you; you did rescue yourself.”
Natalia still couldn’t fathom what the android had said to her. As she tried to recall what she was thinking at the moment those men had cornered her, she vaguely had the idea to distract them so she could run away. But those memories were all a bit blurry because she had been heavily affected by the alcohol in her system.
Jeanette squeezed her arm softly as she said with an upbeat tone, “Let me show you around. By the time you have seen the most important venues Greg will be back with us.”
Natalia’s head was still reeling with what she had seen; Enzuinia was enormous! The lovely sandy beach and the Olympic sized swimming pool were amazing but the dojo and the tennis/badminton hall were wonderful as well. She knew she could spend many hours here without getting bored.
The only thing she found disturbing was the fact that there was nobody else. It felt like a ghost town.
“So, Natalia,” said Jeanette, “What do you think of the facilities you have seen so far?”
“Amazing,” Natalia said hesitantly, “but it is very quiet. I mean I haven’t seen any other persons.”
“They are there,” answered Jeanette resolutely, “Don’t worry you’ll meet them when it’s time.”
Natalia couldn’t prevent a roll of her eyes which made Jeanette laugh. “Patience, Natalia. Trust me you’re lucky to have all this to yourself for the moment.”
“Why is that, Jeanette?” Natalia instantly asked as she turned to face her, “and why aren’t you telling me why I’m here?”
“She is definitely headstrong,” Jeanette murmured while shaking her head.
Natalia sighed as she clearly heard Jeanette’s remark and conceded, “There’s one thing I can’t stand: when I’m kept in the dark.”
“Maybe,” a male voice said behind Natalia, “it’s time to explain a few additional things.”
Natalia recognized the voice and as she turned around to face him she exclaimed happily, “Gregory!”
Somehow it felt as if she had missed him but then she figured it was her hunger to know the truth that needed satisfaction. The man leaned against the post of a door opening and as soon as she saw a distressed look appear on his face she knew she had responded a tad bit too enthusiastically. It pained her remembering he had kept her at arm’s length.
Trying to minimize the damage she turned her happy expression into a stern look as she said, “You took your time.”
Gregory stared at her for a long time before he cleared his throat and briefly looked at Jeanette before he said dryly, “I see that Jeanette has shared some information with you.”
Natalia’s mouth fell open as she instantly understood that Ellen could summon a portal and as she stared at the four doors she asked incredulously, “You can just open a portal at will?” As Ellen stepped into the hall she turned to address the shocked girl, “It looks like it, doesn’t it? But to tell you the truth: the Enzuins were waiting for us and clapping my hands gave them just an enough spike to create the portal at that precise location.” Natalia shook her head as she followed Ellen...
“Right Pam,” Natalia said with a deep sigh, “I think I need something to drink.” “Oh dear, is it that bad?“ Natalia laughed shortly and then said blatantly, “Why don’t you start explaining to me how you managed to get yourself injected into me.” There was a silence which Natalia used to open a bottle of white wine she had taken from the fridge. “How did you know?“ Natalia took a sip enjoying the freshness of the cool drink. “Gregory would never inject his lover into another woman,”...
“Oh hi Ellen, what a nice surprise!” Natalia said playfully, “Do come in!” Ellen skillfully moved the bottles to one hand and hugged the redhead with her free arm as she spoke softly in her ear, “How are you doing, sweetheart? I thought to bring you some more wine.” Natalia harrumphed and scolded, “As if that is going to change the fact I can’t get drunk anymore!” Ellen softly closed the door as she said, “The great thing is that you can enjoy every sip of wine without getting sick.” She...
Ellen stepped into the hall of Enzuinia and directly walked towards the golden yellow door which led to the main office building. She had been thinking about the situation and she wanted to have a frank discussion with Gregory. Nothing had shocked her more than the hideous state Pamela was in. She wanted this cleared as soon as possible. The door opened silently and to Ellen’s relief she saw there was a light shining under the door of Gregory’s office. She knocked politely knowing he hated...
Ellen wasn’t surprised to see the somewhat strange scene with Gregory staring at Natalia’s half exposed, curvaceous chest, but she was pleased to see that Pamela and Natalia both were smiling. “I see you girls are happy,” Ellen purred, “Did Gregory behave himself?” Gregory chuckled and said, “I had to if I wanted to have any chance to survive: they are a lethal couple.” She laughed when Natalia rolled her eyes as she said, “Well, Pam didn’t mince a single word. But she was funny.” “Hey!“...
“Pam?” Natalia asked as she lazily leaned back against the side of the enormous bathtub, “Would you mind telling me what your missions were like?” “I can, “ Pamela, “but I guess they are a bit out of date by now.“ Natalia chuckled. “I don’t mind. I know I’m a rookie but I just want to know what you were doing.” “Alright. We usually got the initial info from the intelligence branch when a company is producing goods which come with a lot of waste and there’s proof they don’t have any kind...
Ellen strolled down the path between personal quarters and the main garden as she explored Enzuinia for significant changes. So far as she could see, nothing much had changed the last 25 years which explained the archaic look and feel she had. “What the fuck did you do to that bitch of yours?” a voice boomed behind her. The first few moments her heart had skipped a few beats until she had recognized the voice belonged to Jack. Being thoroughly upset by his cunning way to startle her, Ellen...
“Alright,” said Natalia as she blew out some air, “Here goes nothing.” She stepped deliberately on the disturbance with the pointy heel of her high heeled shoe and the enormous door swung slowly open. The room was dark except for the minuscule lights which lit the three chairs. “Pam, “ Natalia asked somewhat taken aback by the sinister look of the room, “Do you have night vision?“ “Yes, “ she whispered, “there’s nothing else in the room. No windows, nothing.“ “You are not the...
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Reality By Maid Wendy My story starts just seven months ago. A normal day of packages to deliver, and protective dogs to tend with. It had just snowed, and I was eager to wrap up the day, and head for home to get my driveway cleared. Just one more package stood between me and freedom for the day. Reaching back while the motor hummed at the stop light, I grabbed the small package, and read it's address... 213 County Rd 2. "Uhm, I thought that house was empty." The name read...
Perhaps it was the full morning of working hard around the pool in the summer sun. Maybe it was the combintation of an adrenaline rush and sexual climax brought on by fucking the naughty, older wife of my wealthy landlord in their marriage bed while he was away. Or the comfort of that bed, nicer than any I had ever been in, with a woman who was nearly 20 years my senior with her nude body pressed against mine. But I fell asleep beside her there with my cock exposed and resting on my stomach. I...
A shaking of Ann's shoulder accompanied a discordant buzz from her watch. "Plebe, you have thirty minutes to shower, dress and get to your first class. You don't have time for breakfast today, so ask the AI for a couple of energy bars." Ann, bleary-eyed, shut her alarm off and swung her legs out of her bed as the Class Lieutenant, already immaculately clad in her uniform, stepped back to give the smaller girl room to stand. "Thanks, Arlene," Ann mumbled as she came to her feet and...
My wife Carolina just transferred to the law firm I work at, and am so proud of the work she’s doing and how well she is getting along with her new boss, Mr. Fernandez, and the owner, my friend, Mr. Rangel. She is an assistant to Mr. Fernandez and he is a workaholic who sometimes keeps late hours at work. I was hoping this wouldn’t affect my wife where he would need her to stay late sometimes as I would prefer walking out of the office with her every day. I have a programming job there so I am...
One of the happiest days of my life was getting on a Flying Tiger Airplane GOING HOME from Vietnam. Back at Fort Bautista in Mexico. Over the next week, the thirty from up north showed up dragging their rolling cases along behind. Some still had backpacks, some did not. All had seen battles at some level. Some had faced a local drug lord with a handful of men. A few had faced a hundred or more. Brad and Gloria had faced over 11,000. Tony and Willa had faced an army. They all had stories and...
January Christmas had come and gone. We’d been merry, eaten and drunk to excess, faithfully done our lessons, gone out in the days and done simple touristy things. I didn’t know Vienna well and Uli had delighted in showing me her city. We’d held hands as we walked, kissed each other goodnight, and I’d gone back to my habit of not wearing clothes unless I was cold or in company, but we hadn’t had any further sexual contact. On the other hand we had talked a hell of a lot. Her curiosity about...
Hi, I'm Ben. This is the story about my mother and me. It begins with the familiar return from college and a difficult re-insertion into the home life that I had left four years earlier and had not been part of except for Christmas holidays and the summer after my first year. Each summer after that I had worked a dream job as part of the crew for a company chartering sailboats in the Caribbean. I did that for the first two months after graduation but, due to the sagging economy, the company was...
Uh oh, someone's not abiding by the rules. It really feels good, but I don't want the others to be mad. I'd rather just lie here with the weight on me. Weight on me? I opened my eyes to find Brandy once again lying on top of me. She better not put on much weight or I'm going to have a hard time being her mattress. She was asleep, so who is doing it? Oh, that is so good, I'm getting so close. She sure knows how to suck, stroking me, sucking on the head, rubbing her tongue under it, and...
True Story, Anal, Authoritarian, Black, Blowjob, Cheating, Consensual Sex, Erotica, Exhibitionism, Hardcore, Male / Older Female, Male/Female, Oral Sex, Pregnant, Spanking, Threesome, Wife, Written by women Author's infos Gender: female Age: N/A Location: N/A Posted Tue 21st of January 2014 No persons involved in sexual acts or even witnessing the same are included in this series under the age of consent. A person under the age of consent may be mentioned in passing but he or...
[Now, we really wondered what Joshua wanted to tell us.] “The old goat can be totally tactless and as subtle as a ‘Louisville Slugger’.” Ann smirked. “I’m really sorry, I hope you can forgive me.” Joshua groused. “I DO have some things I want to ask you that REALLY are sensitive and I didn’t want you to feel inhibited by having others who don’t understand sitting around.” “Well, you definitely got our attention and maybe it’s a good thing.” I said, “Are we really the ONLY ones with this...
Georgia Plummer walked into the lobby of the four-story building, across the marble tile floors, past the polished limestone walls, and to the stainless-steel doors to the elevators. She didn’t bother to stop at the information desk, she had instructions that told her that the office of Smith, Brown & Wilmott, Attorneys at Law, LLP, was on the fourth floor. The security guard at the information desk, hearing the click-click-click of her heels as she walked across the lobby, smiled at her,...
Synopsis: Dan/Daniella is enjoying a wonderful weekend of servitude, up in the mountains with MzDominica. Saturday night, out for dinner and dancing, one of male slave, and tried to steal him away for the evening. Dominica turned the tables on her, and demanded the laces from her leather outfit as tribute. Chapter 8, Knotty: * * * * * * The feel of the cords brushing against her face brought Daniella upward from trance, just a little bit. With her right hand still holding the laces in front of...
FetishIt was the fall of the same year that I had gotten assaulted by those three dreadful high school bullies, the year before I became their designated sex toy. I was at the table with my Pops and Mom when the door bell sounded. Since we were not expecting any company we looked at each other as my pops went to the door. Sounds of surprise echoed thru out the house as my Pops called out (' ... you want believe who it is ... ') my smiled as my cousin entered the dinning room. Melvin, my moms oldest...
Working at Club UAuthor’s Note: I was inspired for this story idea by the story ?Piss Boy? by Kittylee that I read in GaggedUtopia’s Archives. I would like to thank her for giving me this idea.Since Master Greg moved in several months ago and had brought his slave girl Lilly, he and my Mistress/wife spent most of their time playing with her. I still had my household duties to perform but Mistress Alene was renting me out to her friends from the Femdom Club more and more. On Tuesday morning...
John found Becky quite wild, and he had to admit it, some of the things she was into he found a little scary. But most of it he was cool with, and didn’t have a problem with being introduced to new and exciting things. They had known each other through mutual friends for about a year before they started dating. The first time anything sexual had happened between John and Becky, they had spent the evening with their friends in the pub. After a few lagers, he noticed how hot she looked, and...
Trauma Ward By Jennifer Richardson This one was an exercise in speed, to write the story in a the shortest possible time without skimping on detail, interest or entertainment. Let me know how you think I've managed and remember, if you bare a grudge you'll only make things ten times worse. I couldn't believe the cheek of the man! I mean, how dare he? Comes waltzing in twenty minutes late every morning and then has the nerve to pull a strip off me in front of the rest of the...
The muscles worked furiously in Nate’s throat as he swallowed again, this time dryly. There was a strange sense of expectancy in the air as I waited for him to respond. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t believe I said it aloud. An internal struggle danced across Nate’s face. I could see him fight with himself for a moment and I hated myself a bit for subjecting him to that, feeling very acutely that his life would be so much simpler if we never met each other. Then Nate smiled...
The day started just like all my other days,well I was horny as usual.Ever since I turn 40yrs it was as if my hormones when into turbo boost.Because no matter what I did I was still very horny.One day I went to the Health Centre where I spoke to the head nurse,telling her what was going on with my body.I told I am always feeling to have sex and it is getting worst.She turn and tell me to enjoy it while it last because some women don't feel for sex when they reach that age.I tried to get my...
This is not my story I found it on the internet. It is however a favorite fantasy for me, it has 5 partsI take no credit for this story Group SexCockometer Ch. 01Cockometer Ch. 01byvoucher776©(This story contains bi-curious situations. If you wish to avoid reading about two married couples exploring all aspects of their sexuality, please choose another story.) *Ben and I finished the Oahu project ahead of schedule and had two extra days, and more importantly, we had two more nights. The four of...
Note : This story is fictional! my name is jamie, ive lived in england all my life and have a sexy little sister called emma, she has just turned 18 but looks a little younger. ive always thought she was so hot but never thought of doing anything with her. one night the other week she had a few friends over and i was drinking with them. we all got a bit drunk and i was feeling especially horny. my sister was also quite drunk and was starting to get undressed into smaller clothes. she went up to...
IncestAmy's OrgasmAs per the instructions you left on my voice mail at work I kneel on the cold floor, palms down, legs spread wide. I am waiting for you. I hear the door open downstairs and immediately feel the wetness form in my cunt. I hear you moving around down there. God, please hurry! I hear your footsteps coming up the stairs. I am as you asked. Open to you, as I should be.My eyes are closed, I am feeling a bit ashamed and am afraid you can see that. I know my cheeks are burning crimson with...
I awoke to find that I had been turned into a walnut. A walnut. How or why this happened I’m not sure but it just did. As I sat there with all the other walnuts I thought about the last few days. As my memories slowly came together, it seemed, that perhaps this was part of some grand plan. Or maybe not. Evolution is a strange thing. You know it happens but don’t actually participate in it. Perhaps evolution might help explain the events of the last few days. I was born on the first day....
Hi I am Rohit mai mimbai mai rhta hu mai ekmiddle family s belong karta hu mujhe bhabhi or aunty psand h chaye 40 bhi chalegi jo mja autnty ke sath h or kisi mai nhi maine abhimtak 3 aunty choda hu start maine gujrt se kiya jaha mujhe malum pada ki sex ka maja kya hota hota h mre sabfrd bole h ki ladki dekn lekin mai aunty mai lean hota hu aunty se khubsurt koi nhi h mai dekhne mai bhi good looking hu mera flirt karna sabko psand h Gujrat mai mai apne chacha ke pass gaya tha ghumne ke liye mere...
“I need my husband to make love to me. And then fuck my brains out. And then I will fuck your brains out. If we have time.”“Oh, we have time Zoe,” Havian laughed. “For the first time since we reunited, we have all the time we want.” Laughing, he swept her into his arms and kissed her, molding her body to his as he did. He turned, pressing her back to the barracks wall and grinding into her, wrapping her legs around his waist as he explored her mouth with his tongue. Then he stepped back and,...
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