Failures Of PerfectionChapter 2 free porn video

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Looking straight into the oval she recognized the hall with the four doors and she wondered why the portal was here in her flat.

She was in two minds: she was thrilled to go again but feared being overwhelmed, risking losing herself completely.

She was really hungry but the portal was blocking the way to her fridge which actually forced her to make a snap decision.

She shook her head, amused how cunningly smart those Enzuins were to create the portal in front of her fridge. Remembering the amazing garden full of enticing looking fruits she resolutely stepped through the portal.

She chuckled as she recalled how she practically launched herself into it. She inspected the floor, which was immaculate, not a trace of blood to be seen! Pleased that everything looked fine she walked towards the pastel red door hoping she could have something to eat.

The door opened silently and Natalia was relieved to see the beautiful garden again. She had seen some interesting fruit when she was following the man and decided to have a try to eat one of those.

The fruit looked like an apple but it was just a little larger and the light green skin was decorated with bright red swirls. As she reached out to pluck one a female voice said, “You might not like those.”

As if stung by a bee Natalia spun around to see who had addressed her.

A beautiful tall woman dressed in a simple but slim-fitting ruby red long dress walked towards her. Her gentle smile reached her eyes as she said, “The more beautiful the fruit the more disappointing the flavor.”

Natalia laughed. “I knew it. If it looks too good to be true, it is too good to be true.”

“Very wise words, Natalia,” quipped the woman.

“Thank you,” Natalia replied, “May I know your name?”

“My name is Jeanette 10.24 but Jeanette will do,” replied the woman without batting an eye.

Natalia couldn’t believe her ears and stared at the woman not knowing what to say. The number 10.24 had an ominous ring to it.

Jeanette touched Natalia’s arm as she said, “I’m one of the AI’s helping out Greg.”

Natalia was amazed that Jeanette’s hand was comfortably warm and asked with awe, “You’re actually a robot?”

Jeanette’s laugh sounded sophisticated like a Geisha and with a stunning smile Jeanette replied, “My body is a class R android, which is as close to a human body as an android can be.”

Before Natalia could ask anything else her stomach was expressing its discontent quite loudly.

Jeanette giggled and said, “Come, I’ll show you the most nutrient and tasty fruit you can eat.”

“I’m glad I’ve met you. I’m literally starving.”

“I bet you are,” said Jeanette, “It’s quite apparent considering you’re dealing with so many nanites in your body.”

“Oh?” asked Natalia shocked, “do I need to feed them?”

“Considering what they have done, I think you should treat them with a nice full tummy.”

Natalia understood instantly what Jeanette was talking about and said a little subdued, “Of course. It totally makes sense. How stupid of me.”

Jeanette handed Natalia a dark brown egg-shaped fruit as she said, “It doesn’t look appetizing but I promise, you won’t be disappointed.”

Natalia examined the fruit and couldn’t prevent herself to think that she was about to eat a turd. Closing her eyes she hesitantly took a bite and she was almost overwhelmed by the exotic taste which exploded in her mouth.

The texture of the fruit was soft yet firm enough to have the feeling it would fill your stomach.

“Oh my, this is delicious!” exclaimed Natalia.

“Good,” said Jeanette as she was trying to hide her relief, “Please remember that one of those is more than enough. Eating more of them might have an adverse effect.”

Natalia looked with disbelief at the last bit of the fruit she hadn’t devoured yet. It actually was consistent with what she had discovered so far and she decided the last bit of fruit had to last the rest of the evening.

“Thanks for the advice,” Natalia said with a friendly tone.

“You’re welcome. It’s one of my objectives. To serve and protect you from any harm.”

Her stomach had already calmed down which brought her into a much more comfortable state of mind. She studied Jeanette trying to determine whether she could detect any hint she wasn’t made of flesh and blood.

“I must admit,” Natalia said, “I can’t distinguish you from a human.”

“You can’t,” Jeanette replied calmly, “unless you check my DNA. Only then you might discover I’m a cleverly constructed android.”

Natalia knew that the Enzuins were incredible but still it all felt off. For instance she wanted to know why she was here again.

“Jeanette,” Natalia asked hesitantly, “Do you know why the portal was active in my house?”

“No not really,” she answered, “Greg will know but because you took your time he had to go somewhere else and so he asked me to be your host for the time being.”

Natalia decided to ignore the fact that they have been waiting for her. However the name ‘Greg’, Jeanette had mentioned, was far more interesting.

Trying not to sound too keen she asked, “Greg?”

Jeanette smiled wistfully. “His name is Gregory but for some unclear reason I like to call him Greg.”

It was strange for Natalia to finally know the name of the man. She liked him, although she felt he was hiding something and was a little disappointed by the fact he kept her at arm’s length.

Maybe he was an android like Jeanette which would explain his behavior although it would make him a liar.

She had to know the answer and asked quite bluntly, “Is he an android as well?”

Jeanette sighed and with a melancholic edge to her voice she said, “No, he is just like you: a human.”

Natalia was relieved hearing the answer but was surprised how sad Jeanette looked. It suddenly dawned on her that the woman was an AI encased in a super sophisticated female body and it definitely looked like that Jeanette just had expressed some feelings!

That was unheard of! At least on Earth mankind never managed to create an AI which could do that, not even using the most powerful computer.

Looking at the woman Natalia could hardly fathom Jeanette was actually an artificial intelligence program running on a supercomputer, which was cleverly hidden in her android body.

She tried to ignore that train of thought, Jeanette was a sophisticated computer, and decide to treat her as a normal person. Clearly Jeanette was more human than android and she asked, “What’s wrong, Jeanette? Did I upset you somehow?”

“No,” responded Jeanette silently, “I’m not upset with you. I feel sad for Greg. I’m afraid that is something for him to share with you. It would be wrong if I tell it to you.”

“Oh okay,” Natalia murmured softly.

Natalia hated to be kept in the dark but there were many unanswered questions she wanted to have answered.

“Gregory indirectly told me there have been, or perhaps still are, other people?”

The woman smiled and said with a slight slyness in her voice, “There have been others, yes.”

Natalia didn’t like the evasive answer but kept her smile plastered on her face as she asked, “All, female?”

Jeanette shook her head as she responded dreamily, “No, there were males once in a while.”

That snippet of information helped to ease her mind a little bit. She had worried about all kinds of horror scenarios which were minimized in her mind now; but still she was totally in the dark about what the Enzuins had planned for her.

She was intrigued by how this amazingly beautiful woman fit into this strange scheme but her ultra-short answers were tiring.

It felt like she had to pull every answer out of the woman but she kept her calm and asked with a friendly voice, “And all of them desperately needed help?”

“Yes,” answered Jeanette without blinking an eye, “You see, the Enzuins have one basic rule: only if both parties are in alignment it will happen.”

“Both parties?” asked Natalia confused.

“You and Greg,” explained Jeanette, “For example: he wanted you to be here and you are in alignment otherwise you would have stayed at your place.”

It all started to make sense for Natalia: it was obvious now why Gregory was so tensed trying to keep her in consensus all the time. But it still didn’t give her a satisfactory answer to the question of why she was selected in the first place.

“Tell me Jeanette,” started Natalia with a sweet voice, “Do you know why the Enzuins have chosen me?”

“Well,” she answered slowly, “Not exactly, but looking back at the others who have been here before I can tell you that most of them were headstrong and extremely resourceful.”

“How do you know?”

“Because I have trained them all.”

Natalia looked the woman up and down with an appraising eye and could not see anything out of the ordinary which could lead to any convincing conclusion.

Jeanette smiled warmly as she noticed Natalia studying her physique and said, “I would like to help you master various fighting techniques.”

Natalia gasped as she heard the bold statement. She liked her sports like badminton and swimming but she never had an affinity towards those kind of activities.

She looked at Jeanette incredulously as she quipped, “Well, I hope you will have enough patience with me because I do really suck at martial arts.”

“One once said, humble students are the best,” Jeanette responded with a laugh, “You’ll be fine. The way you’ve handled those men was absolutely brilliant.”

“What do you mean?” Natalia asked bewildered, “I just ran away from them and I stupidly chose the wrong alleyway. If it wasn’t for Gregory’s intervention I would have been raped by those men.”

“You’re forgetting a few pivotal moments. First of all you stayed calm while you kept up your appearances. Secondly, the way you stepped out of your heels was amazing; all those men were totally captivated by your little act. Thirdly, throwing the shoes in a perfect lob accompanied by your playful command to catch them was utterly brilliant.”

Natalia had to giggle as she remembered all those men tried to catch those shoes.

Jeanette gently placed her hand on Natalia’s arm as she said, “Actually it was a little sad to see you couldn’t believe that you could have such a profound effect on people.”

Natalia sighed deeply and looked a little forlorn as she softly said, “I think the alcohol was the double edged sword there. It made me a lot more daring but it also numbed me much more than I thought.”

“Still,” reacted Jeanette passionately, “it’s the out of the box idea what counts. Granted, your execution needed some fine-tuning but without that initial spark other things would have happened and you’d have been suffering the consequences.”

Dumbfounded Natalia looked at the woman whose hand was still resting on her arm.

“Are you telling me that my little show and ditching my shoes saved me from being raped?”

Jeanette nodded as she confirmed softly, “As Greg had said to you; you did rescue yourself.”

Natalia still couldn’t fathom what the android had said to her. As she tried to recall what she was thinking at the moment those men had cornered her, she vaguely had the idea to distract them so she could run away. But those memories were all a bit blurry because she had been heavily affected by the alcohol in her system.

Jeanette squeezed her arm softly as she said with an upbeat tone, “Let me show you around. By the time you have seen the most important venues Greg will be back with us.”

Natalia’s head was still reeling with what she had seen; Enzuinia was enormous! The lovely sandy beach and the Olympic sized swimming pool were amazing but the dojo and the tennis/badminton hall were wonderful as well. She knew she could spend many hours here without getting bored.

The only thing she found disturbing was the fact that there was nobody else. It felt like a ghost town.

“So, Natalia,” said Jeanette, “What do you think of the facilities you have seen so far?”

“Amazing,” Natalia said hesitantly, “but it is very quiet. I mean I haven’t seen any other persons.”

“They are there,” answered Jeanette resolutely, “Don’t worry you’ll meet them when it’s time.”

Natalia couldn’t prevent a roll of her eyes which made Jeanette laugh. “Patience, Natalia. Trust me you’re lucky to have all this to yourself for the moment.”

“Why is that, Jeanette?” Natalia instantly asked as she turned to face her, “and why aren’t you telling me why I’m here?”

“She is definitely headstrong,” Jeanette murmured while shaking her head.

Natalia sighed as she clearly heard Jeanette’s remark and conceded, “There’s one thing I can’t stand: when I’m kept in the dark.”

“Maybe,” a male voice said behind Natalia, “it’s time to explain a few additional things.”

Natalia recognized the voice and as she turned around to face him she exclaimed happily, “Gregory!”

Somehow it felt as if she had missed him but then she figured it was her hunger to know the truth that needed satisfaction. The man leaned against the post of a door opening and as soon as she saw a distressed look appear on his face she knew she had responded a tad bit too enthusiastically. It pained her remembering he had kept her at arm’s length.

Trying to minimize the damage she turned her happy expression into a stern look as she said, “You took your time.”

Gregory stared at her for a long time before he cleared his throat and briefly looked at Jeanette before he said dryly, “I see that Jeanette has shared some information with you.”

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House of Dark PleasureChapter 2

"So she's the secretary," said Mabel Williams to the chauffeur. He shrugged, gave a sardonic smile. "That's what Mildred says--" "I didn't see her when she was here before. She's a pretty young girl," said Mabel. They were talking in the kitchen. Mabel was preparing a meal, while George Bateman was sipping at a glass of beer. "Naturally," he said, "she wouldn't have got one that wasn't nice looking." He took a gulp of his drink, then muttered, "Sexy figure, too--" Mabel...

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My Girlfriends Gum A Witchy Girlfriend

My Girlfriend's Gum (A Witchy Girlfriend) By: Boredsitting This story is heavily influenced by the story A Force Of Habit by Jessica Drew. I read the story a long time ago, and it is still one of my faves. There's also some other influences in here, as well. I just hope that it is as good a read as hers. Also, I tried to change the story about midway through to avoid copying her directly. The first half is a tribute to A Force Of Habit, but the rest needed to be my own. This...

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STARSTRUCK   Contest entry: VIP   By K_Finn64, 7/26/12   (This is a work of fiction. The usual disclaimers apply)   —*—   I gripped the seat with excitement as the driver turned off of Thomas and into the crowded parking lot of the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in downtown Phoenix Arizona. It was a warm August night in 1982, and the spotlights from the arena caught the flinty dust in the air, creating a sparkling light show above the gravel parking lot as the sleek white limousine headed...

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Rachels Dare Part 2

Rachel and I continued on down the path back to where our cars waited for us. I estimated we were half way to the timer going off again, and so far we'd walked in perfect silence. If she felt anything like me, then her senses would be firing on all cylinders at the moment. A light breeze had picked up, and was gently wafting through the trees to our right-hand side. The result was that every now and again, a branch creaked, or some leaves rustled on the ground. When it did, we'd both...

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al sex stories 3

visit here to see previous chapter http://www.papahaxx.comChapter 3Ellen and Ben Hudson smiled benignly at Priscilla who was wolfing downher lunch."Riding Beauty sure gave you an appetite, didn't it, Priscilla?" Mrs.Hudson said. She was tall, blonde, and blue-eyed an older version ofher teenage daughter, Tammy.Priscilla glanced up sheepishly. Her cheeks were flushed pink. Herbrown eyes sparkled. "Yes, it did, Mrs. Hudson." She swallowed the resther food. "It's so beautiful around here. Much...

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The Witchs OfferingChapter 2

Ren took a couple of deep breaths as he tried to regain his composure, “What the fuck was that I just saw?” “Jones is a werewolf,” she replied. Ren guessed that the British accent must be her natural way of speaking. “I made it quite plain that I dress this way because I’m a witch, an eromancer to be precise, and showed you some of my magic. I’m not understanding why you are so surprised werewolves exist.” “Showed me your magic? When?” “The noise, dear. It didn’t come back until we were...

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A Month to a Changed WomanWeek 4

Thursday night I once again played the peeping tom (peeping jane?) and spied on Mr. and Mrs. White. While it was hot and steamy, it was not significantly different from what I'd seen before. Friday morning, however, was a different story. As usual, I went to the master bedroom to clean. However, though I thought that Mrs. White had gone out, she had apparently changed her schedule and decided to stay home. In her bedroom. Masturbating. With a large dildo. When I walked into her bedroom she...

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WatchingMyMomGoBlack Charli Phoenix 08242022

Charli has one spoiled stepson on her hands. He is constantly milking his father for money and refusing to work. So today when he interrupts Charli during her golf lesson she gets a little miffed with her stepson as he actually blames her for stopping his father from giving him money for a concert he wants to go to. Then to top it off he interrupts again when she is fucking the golf instructor. Damnit, doesn’t he realize this is how she pays for the lessons and his father might appreciate...

2 years ago
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Best Friend Nu Subeh Choda Khoob

Hi, mera name vipul hai or mai punjab se hu. Iss story mai apko pta chalega kaise maine first time apni best friend ko choda. Meri height 5.11inch hai and dick size kbhi measure ni kra but bda he hai. Iss story ki heroine hai aanchal jisko maine khoob choda. Aanchal ki age 22 year hai sry mai apni age btana bhool gya meri age 22 he hai. If any girl bhabhi aunty wife lady koi bhi age ki ho mere sath pyr time sprnd krne chahe sex krne chahe to mujhe email pr contact kr skti hai . Hamari meeting...

3 years ago
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Sex With MILF Teacher And Her Mature Mom

Hi, this is Rahul. I used to go for tuitions to Mrs. Salma. She was about 40 years old, her husband was in Dubai, and she used to be alone at home. Her daughter was married off and she lived alone, except when her husband came down. It was now more than 6 months since I began going to her place and seeing her in nighties and so on, I began to fantasize about her. It so happened that one day I got a CD from a friend, it was about how the teacher fucks her student. After seeing that movie, I was,...

4 years ago
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My Addiction To My Boss Chapter 6

"Then come get me..." I say and pull against the cuffs again. "Mm, mm, mm. Not yet, Ms. Adams. We're going to do this right," he says and tosses my vibrator onto the bed. He removes his coat and walks over to his dresser, pulling out a maroon tie. "Lift your head," he murmurs as he walks over to me. I do as he says and he wraps it around my head, covering my eyes. "Can you see anything? Be honest... it'll ruin the fun if you lie." "Nope, nothing." "Good," he says, and then I hear nothing. Not...

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Newest fantasy

08/23/'19 For Dawn & Mandy, In my newest fantasy ... although part of it is a continuation of an old one, the three of us have become, and I have no idea what it might be called in "the community" ... as far as the BDSM portion of our relationship I've become both "Daddy & Dom" to both of you and we've been having some amazingly wonderful times at the events we've been able to attend. Oddly enough, especially for the state of Oklahoma, it is not i*****l to engage in sexual...

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I like big ass licking

Hi friends I m water (delhi se) fir me aap ke samne ek nai story lekar aaya hoo mere baju me ek femly rehta he unke yaha hasband wife aur unki do ladkiya he badi wali ka name puspa he aur choti ka name rupali he puspa ki umer saal he aur rupali ki umer karib 10 saal hogi wo hamesa mere guer par aate jate the to unko mer guer me koi bhi baat ki pabandi nahi thi mera guer 2 manjil ka he uper to mera room uper me aksar uper room par hi rehta hoo hoo aur pc par kaam karte rehta hoo kaam karte thak...

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Black Mirror

       Lucia was on the floor, naked and with her hands tied behind her back and her ankles bound together.  There was another girl with her, tied in the same way and also naked.  When they could still hear the blond girl that had been with them screaming a few feet away from them on stage.  The show had gone on for a while and Lucia was starting to wonder how much more the small blond girl could take.  After much struggling the girl next to Lucia was able to get the gag out of her mouth.  She...

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Finishing School For Young Ladies Chapter Eight

Finishing School For Young Ladies By Michele Nylons Chapter Eight - Passport To Eternity "So are you seriously thinking about getting tits?" Sally dropped her newspaper and snuggled up to Valerie. "But I thought the whole tranny deal was only for two or three years? Just until Tony stopped looking for you?" Sally said inquisitively. "Well it was. But now I don't want to live any other way. I can't tell you everything right now but becoming a transvestite has answered a...

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Moms Best FriendChapter 7

That evening, Adam took Mary and her daughter to visit his children. Emily, his fifteen-year-old daughter, and Dean, her twelve-year-old brother, seemed to be well-brought-up children and greeted their guests politely, if not too warmly. Mary sensed that there was some resentment in the girl, and that it was aimed in her direction. "I'm sure you're right, darling," Adam told her later, as they talked over drinks in the kitchen while the children talked and watched television in the...

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Coming Home to Mom

So, I suppose most girls would be a little wary of talking to their moms about sex. If you've read what went before, you know my family's a bit unusual. Mom and Dad are kind of hippyish, and they had brought us up believing that sex was natural, a thing body did. Without the weight of social shame burdening the concept, it also lost some of that illicit shine that made it so tempting. My mother had encouraged me in my decision not only to hold on to my virginity until I found someone who would...

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Wet tshirt contest

In Hollywood they have an after hour club that had a wet t-shirt contest. My friend and I decided to go and have fun. They give you a very thin shirt and then spray you with water. It makes the nipples so hard when they feel the ice cold water. Then we all dance and strut around the stage showing our tits as the guys pick the winner.One by one we dance and display our tits as the guys whistle and shout. Bigger the tits the more they shout. They love the D and bigger tits. The guys start yelling...

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Nylon Awakenings

Finding out about nylonOh, those awkward teenage years. The sexual awakenings of one’s youth and the sexual desires and tastes that would be brought forward into adulthood. I think I must have been about 12 the first time that I masturbated myself to orgasm, and from that point on I had developed a new hobby that I would participate in several times a day! And it really didn’t take much to arouse my younger self in those days, either. There would be unwanted erections in school lessons,...

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Caught Looking MMF

Caught looking"Why don't you take a picture - it'll last longer." I said to John. I had just caught him red handed, or red-faced in this case, staring at my wife, Catie's cleavage.John and Catie had been standing and charring in the narrow space between the fridge and entrance to our kitchen. I had approached from behind Catie and slid my arm around her waist - as she turned her head towards me and away from John I clearly caught him look right down at Catie's tits. I guessed that he had been...

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TMWPOV Amber Deep After College Delight

Beautiful girl Amber Deep gets really bored when she comes home because she has nothing to do after college. In such cases, she usually lets her hands to wander and touch her pussy to keep herself occupied. But today a family’s friend comes to visit her for a few days, and she can’t miss the opportunity to have a good sex with him. Amber enters his room and begins to seduce him, bending over and showing her juicy ass. The friend is skeptical at first, but when he understands the...

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Spanked By The Babysitter

I had just turned sixteen but my parents still insisted I have a babysitter. I wasn’t the most mature sixteen year old so I guess you could understand it. My babysitter was a nineteen year old girl called Rosie. She was in the sixth form at my school and was a was an incredibly sexy girl who always wore sexy clothes and was very popular with boys and girls alike. She was tall and slim with long blond hair. All my friends fancied her so I was kind of happy she was my babysitter I guess. One...

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Crackin the wall

The phone in Brian’s dorm room rang three times before he picked it up the receiver and said, “Hello, who is it please!” “Oh, hi, Mitch, sure, okay, in fifteen minutes, good, meet you there!!!” After hanging up the phone, he said to himself, “Wow, I haven’t heard from Mitch in over two months, and now he wants to play tennis, now, if I can only find my racket, we’ll be all set!!!” It had to be in the closet, but it was so packed with junk it’d take a bulldozer to just to get to the bottom of...

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12Year Reward

Brandy straddled me, her freshly shaved pussy was as smooth as silk as she slid her pussy down my stomach. I reached between us and ran my finger tips over her plump tummy and down to find her swollen clit buried between her folds. She was so wet and I wanted this so badly, to feel her respond to my touch, to have her sink on top of my cock and be engulfed in her slick wet hole. She had promised I would not be unsatisfied if I shared her bed and “that your 12 years since your last intercourse...

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SxyPrn Lesbian

Man, I’m so fucking excited about this one. This genre is a tried and true favorite amongst me and just about every dude out there. Lesbian porn. Its popularity needs to explanation. Watching two slutty babes eat each other out, scissor, get fingered, and do all kinds of sexy shit is amazing. It’s fucking magical is what it is. Who needs dicks in their porn? I’d much rather watch some chick with a huge rack fuck another slut, hopefully with even bigger tits if I get to choose, with a big ass...

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