Failures of PerfectionChapter 3
- 2 years ago
- 27
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Ellen stepped into the hall of Enzuinia and directly walked towards the golden yellow door which led to the main office building. She had been thinking about the situation and she wanted to have a frank discussion with Gregory. Nothing had shocked her more than the hideous state Pamela was in. She wanted this cleared as soon as possible.
The door opened silently and to Ellen’s relief she saw there was a light shining under the door of Gregory’s office.
She knocked politely knowing he hated loud noises.
“Enter,” sounded his baritone voice gruffly.
Ellen knew instantly from the inflection of his voice that she had to tone down her demand if she ever would have a normal conversation with him. With a smile she entered the office and said with an upbeat tone, “Good morning Gregory.”
“Ellen,” the man said with a smirk, “You are early. Have you eaten already?”
“I’m fine thanks, but I was hoping you might have a few minutes to listen to what I found out last night.”
He looked at his watch and asked, “Can we discuss this while I get something to eat?’
“Pamela’s count is down to 35%.” Ellen said flatly, “You can think about it while we walk to the officer’s mess.”
“Jesus!” he gasped, “How’s that possible?”
“I think Pam used her nanites to get herself injected into Natalia. Have you checked the jars?”
“Yes, that was the first thing I did and somehow it seems that Pamela’s jars are gone.”
“And the jars you’ve used for Natalia?”
Gregory sighed and replied, “They are still there on the designated shell in the cupboard. It really doesn’t make any sense unless Pamela has changed...”
“Exactly,” interrupted Ellen bewildered, “She has used her nanites to change the appearance of her jars!”
“Oh dear,” Gregory hung his head as he said, “No wonder her count is that low.”
“You need to get her count replenished, Gregory.”
Shaking his head slowly he looked up to Ellen and muttered, “I’m afraid they will not grant such a request.”
“Nonsense,” Ellen spat, “This is a completely different situation!”
Gregory looked at Ellen for a moment before he said, “Remember Julia? For weeks I have been trying to negotiate with them and in the end they simply declined the request because type R androids were obsolete.”
“But Pam is in a human body, surely that must be reason enough,” said the old woman incredulously.
“Their answer will be to purge Pamela’s nanites and provide Natalia with a normal set of nanites,” Gregory said flatly.
“You know that is not going to happen,” answered Ellen curtly, “Natalia will never allow Pam to be purged out of her body.”
Gregory sighed and said with a defeated tone, “If that is the case I think they should reconsider their options and think really hard whether their symbiotic relationship is going to work.”
Ellen huffed and sneered, “I see. Nothing had changed since the last time we wanted something organized for one of my fellow peers. Well good luck with it because Natalia will come with the same questions and I’m afraid she might be a lot more persuasive than I am.”
Gregory’s face became as white as a sheet and almost begged, “Surely as an anchor, you can help her see that this case is set in stone.”
Ellen sighed, realizing it was a huge burden for Gregory, and she conceded, “I’ll try Gregory, but please understand that my function as an anchor is rather limited. I can only provide her information and guidance if she asks for it.”
“Well in that case I better prepare myself for the worst case scenario,” Gregory said with a weak smile plastered on his face, “care to join me for breakfast?”
Ellen sighed deeply, knowing there was little more she could do before Natalia broached the subject with him later and said, “Sure, I definitely need a cup of coffee.”
Natalia looked at herself via the mirror, amazed how a few sharply defined lines could change her look completely. She had given Pamela the green light to do the makeup this time. Her companion used fine gothic features with a touch of red which resulted in a sophisticated transformation of her face.
“This is amazing, Pam,” gushed Natalia, “thank you so much!”
“I’m glad you like it. I’ve tried to take the best of the Goth world and the current trends.“
“Current trends?” Natalia asked curiously.
“Hmm yes, “ Pamela said, “So far you’ve looked at 62 women and I managed to look at 200 more so I do have a general indication what is trending.“
“It’s shocking to know I’ve looked at so many women.”
“That’s nothing compared by the number of men you have studied the last few days.“
“Oh dear,” giggled the redhead, “I don’t think I want to know.”
“Clearly your preference goes to a tall well build man with a lush head of hair.“
“Very well observed, my dear Pam,” Natalia responded, “But we need to get ready.”
“Well my dear Natalia, “ Pamela said with a haughty voice, “I think you should ware those lovely Victorian ankle boots. It will make you look hot and untouchable at the same time.“
“I can agree on the hot part but untouchable? I’m not sure,” as she walked back to her bedroom to step into the pretty black boots.
“Watch my words, Nat. You’re going to need a black leather riding crop to swat all the unwanted people away.“
“I’ll bear that in mind, but today I think I’ll be fine. Plus what would people think if I arrive with a riding crop and no horse?”
“That you’re into BDSM perhaps?“
Natalia laughed while her face started to get really warm.
She sighed and as she walked towards the living room she said, “I think I’ll refrain from getting a riding crop, it definitely will give out the wrong message.”
“Too bad, “ Pamela said with a deep sigh, “It would have been fun.“
“For you perhaps but not for me,” bantered Natalia back to her companion, “Now, let’s see if I can do the same trick that Ellen did.”
She clapped in her hands twice and to her delight the portal appeared right in front of her.
As she stepped into the hall she said with an upbeat voice, “Brilliant! Easy peasy.”
Natalia was shocked as she heard a male voice ask, “What is easy peasy?”
She turned around to see a young man leaning nonchalantly against the back wall of the hall.
“This is Jack. Be careful, he likes to woo every new girl into his bed, “ Pamela warned.
Natalia smiled as she asked, “Oh hello, what’s your name?”
He smiled back and as he blatantly checked her out he said, “My name is Jack. And yours is?”
“Miss Bloom,” Natalia answered as she slowly walked towards him.
“Oh come on,” Jack said trying to lower the pitch of his voice, “I know everybody by their first name.”
Natalia slowly let her eyes pass his whole body before she asked, “And why should I give my first name to you?”
“Well,” Jack said with a smirk, “I know how things work here on Enzuinia.”
“Ask him his age, “ Pamela said in a disgusted voice, “that will shut him up.“
“Oh,” said Natalia, “So, you’ve been here long?”
“A couple of years,” he answered evasively, “long enough to lend you a hand.”
“You’re a type R android, aren’t you?” Natalia said as she moved to see Jack en profile.
“I see you’re very perceptive,” he said flatly as he turned his body to face Natalia again, “Why are you checking me out like this?”
Natalia tapped her finger on her lips as she looked at him for a long time.
“Well, that’s simple Jack,” she said with a blazing smile, “It seems that I like men who are taking care of themselves.”
He raised his eyebrows and replied with a little uneasy smile edged on his face, “and what is your verdict?”
“I have learned that you guys are a lot older than you look. So your estimation of a couple of years is closer to a couple of decennia.”
Jack wanted to say something but Natalia raised her hand to prevent him to speak.
She continued, “I understand that keeping your body in shape isn’t that hard considering what you are and I think you’ve started to be a little sluggish.”
“Sluggish?” he asked with a red face, “What the hell does that mean?”
“Oh, Nat you’re brilliant!“ gushed Pamela, “I’ve never seen him so shocked.“
Natalia had trouble to keep her face serious as she replied, “Your muscle definition is weak. I’ll bet you’ve haven’t been to the gym for at least a few years. Your arms are a little floppy, your chest lacks any interesting features. I think I’ll rate you a small six out of ten and that is because of your cute face.”
“How dare you to rate me as if I’m a.”
“A juicy piece of meat?” Natalia interrupted him with a sweet voice, “Tell me Jack, how did I score?”
“I’m not going to answer that question,” he spat.
“You don’t have to because I don’t give a fuck what you think of me,” Natalia replied calmly as she walked away from him, swinging her hips just a little more.
“Take the yellow door, “ Pamela said huskily, “It will bring you straight to the offices.“
“You’ll suffer for this, you cunt!” he fumed, “Nobody fools with me like this! You hear?”
Natalia ignored his threat and as she reached the golden yellow door, it opened swiftly enough she could keep on walking into the corridor.
As soon as the door had closed Natalia asked, “Wow! Who the hell does he think he is?”
“He was the main man about 40 years ago, “ Pamela said with a somber tone, “He managed to solve many cases but because of a major mistake he had blown the cover of his group. They barely managed to escape a certain death and after that he has been transferred to Enzuinia.“
“Oh, no!” Natalia gushed as she tried to imagine the situation, “His group must have been devastated.”
“We were, “ whispered Pamela.
“Pam, oh my,” she said softly, “I’m so sorry! Was Ellen in the group as well?”
Natalia looked at Ellen as they drove smoothly through the traffic not really knowing how she wanted to address the situation. “You’re silent today,” Ellen remarked softly as they stood still at a traffic light. “I am, aren’t I?” Natalia conceded, biting her lip nervously. Ellen chuckled softly as she accelerated the car after the light had changed to green. Somehow Ellen was always the woman who Natalia could relate with, especially after her parents had decided to immigrate to Europe....
Natalia’s mouth fell open as she instantly understood that Ellen could summon a portal and as she stared at the four doors she asked incredulously, “You can just open a portal at will?” As Ellen stepped into the hall she turned to address the shocked girl, “It looks like it, doesn’t it? But to tell you the truth: the Enzuins were waiting for us and clapping my hands gave them just an enough spike to create the portal at that precise location.” Natalia shook her head as she followed Ellen...
“Right Pam,” Natalia said with a deep sigh, “I think I need something to drink.” “Oh dear, is it that bad?“ Natalia laughed shortly and then said blatantly, “Why don’t you start explaining to me how you managed to get yourself injected into me.” There was a silence which Natalia used to open a bottle of white wine she had taken from the fridge. “How did you know?“ Natalia took a sip enjoying the freshness of the cool drink. “Gregory would never inject his lover into another woman,”...
“Oh hi Ellen, what a nice surprise!” Natalia said playfully, “Do come in!” Ellen skillfully moved the bottles to one hand and hugged the redhead with her free arm as she spoke softly in her ear, “How are you doing, sweetheart? I thought to bring you some more wine.” Natalia harrumphed and scolded, “As if that is going to change the fact I can’t get drunk anymore!” Ellen softly closed the door as she said, “The great thing is that you can enjoy every sip of wine without getting sick.” She...
Ellen wasn’t surprised to see the somewhat strange scene with Gregory staring at Natalia’s half exposed, curvaceous chest, but she was pleased to see that Pamela and Natalia both were smiling. “I see you girls are happy,” Ellen purred, “Did Gregory behave himself?” Gregory chuckled and said, “I had to if I wanted to have any chance to survive: they are a lethal couple.” She laughed when Natalia rolled her eyes as she said, “Well, Pam didn’t mince a single word. But she was funny.” “Hey!“...
“Pam?” Natalia asked as she lazily leaned back against the side of the enormous bathtub, “Would you mind telling me what your missions were like?” “I can, “ Pamela, “but I guess they are a bit out of date by now.“ Natalia chuckled. “I don’t mind. I know I’m a rookie but I just want to know what you were doing.” “Alright. We usually got the initial info from the intelligence branch when a company is producing goods which come with a lot of waste and there’s proof they don’t have any kind...
Ellen strolled down the path between personal quarters and the main garden as she explored Enzuinia for significant changes. So far as she could see, nothing much had changed the last 25 years which explained the archaic look and feel she had. “What the fuck did you do to that bitch of yours?” a voice boomed behind her. The first few moments her heart had skipped a few beats until she had recognized the voice belonged to Jack. Being thoroughly upset by his cunning way to startle her, Ellen...
“Alright,” said Natalia as she blew out some air, “Here goes nothing.” She stepped deliberately on the disturbance with the pointy heel of her high heeled shoe and the enormous door swung slowly open. The room was dark except for the minuscule lights which lit the three chairs. “Pam, “ Natalia asked somewhat taken aback by the sinister look of the room, “Do you have night vision?“ “Yes, “ she whispered, “there’s nothing else in the room. No windows, nothing.“ “You are not the...
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Natalia stroked the amazingly soft skin of Jessie’s inner thigh as they were watching a rental movie on the small screen which was mounted at the wall of her bedroom. They were lying next to each other, their bodies’ naked skin touching, enjoying the closeness. Jessie truly enjoyed Natalia’s teasing fingers but actually she longed for more and she tried to slowly wiggle her body down. “What are you doing?” asked the redhead, faking her ignorance. As the Latina tilted her hips down hoping...
The next morning Natalia woke up to being embraced by Jessie who was rubbing her hand softly over the redhead’s flat stomach. “You know,” said the Latina softly, “You definitely have lost weight since the last time we were together.” “Hmm, “ Pamela responded with a sigh, “She’s just such a wonderful tease. I love that ticklish feeling.“ Natalia turned around lazily and as she hugged her friend she whispered in her ear, “Good morning, Jessie. Had a good sleep?” Jessie chuckled as she...
Natalia knew a small place in the neighborhood where she had been once before. The food was absolutely divine but it had been too expensive for her budget at the time; but now she didn’t care, even though she probably would spend all her cash today. “Oh,” purred Pamela, “This is some nice little place you found.” “Uh huh,” the redhead said, “They serve the most delicious Hawaiian Pizza.” A waiter bowed slightly as Natalia walked to him and said, “Good afternoon, Madame. Table for...
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Katrina's heart jumped into her throat when she heard the front door open at three o'clock the next day. Nervously she waited in the kitchen for her daughter to make the first move and come to speak with her. "Hi, Mom." Gretchen said in a cheery voice. "Hungry?" Embarrassed, Katrina stared at the floor. "You're mocking me," she said sadly. "No, Mother, I'm not." the teen answered as she raised her mother's chin with her hand, forcing her to look her in the eyes. "I just...
A New ResolutionShe threw back the covers and scrambled out of bed. “Oh crap! The goddamn big-deal donor is coming this morning.” She rushed towards her bathroom, dodging piles of books and clothes on the floor. Yanking on the shower faucets, she sat down to use the toilet, while waiting for the hot water to make its way up from the basement.“Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap.” Part of her university grant money was based on taking visitors around for ‘make nice to important visitors’ tours. Professor...
BDSMThousands of years ago, on the small continent of Rexral, a group of twelve mages landed on the shores of the island. The small empire at the time, Raxus, invited the mages into their court and heard their story of escape from a far off land that feared magic and executed any that weld such a power. Raxus, being a much more tolerant people assured these surviving mages that they would never have to fear such actions here and welcomed them to settle into one of the five holds. The mages...
FantasyThe following characters appear in the next few chapters: Angela Aengus's youngest daughter, 5'-6" tall, 130 pounds, 58 years old, brown hair going gray, blue eyes Fergus Feeney Guide, 5'-9" tall, 145 pounds, 45 years old black hair, blue eyes Brian Chief Druid, older man, tall, somewhat thin with a long white beard and hair Etain Sorcerers, older woman, tall, still with a nice shape, not too thin, long brown hair with silver highlights Emer Fairy, very blond with long hair,...
Hi Myself Raj from Bangalore staying in BTM aged 26, working in one of the MNC. I am regular reader of ISS and now it’s time to share my experience with you guys. I used to wonder how people get such wonderful chance to encounter their fantasy’s in real life.. But it happened to me also, just 2 months back. One day i was traveling from Majestic to BTM in bus number 25, it was not normal double door city bus a push-back but with single door at front and long seats inside. I got into bus in...
All beautiful young women believe they have a power over men, but just for that reason it is the man who has power over women to whom they will surrender. Men must struggle to win or create or find that power over the women he desires. As a man loses the simple but powerful lures of youth and looks, he must fall back on his wisdom and experience.My stepdaughter, Sara, was a young woman I had come to desire. I had married her mother, Beth, when Sara was only 11 and her sister Ashley only 9. Beth...
A blushing bride gives her new husband a very special gift.When Donna lifted her veil, I thought my heart would burst. Could it really be that this woman - this angel - had agreed to be my wife?I swallowed and glanced back down the aisle. The pews were packed with our friends, family, and the other assorted acquaintances and business contacts that one is compelled to invite to the notable events in your life. The soft spring sunlight cascaded through the stained-glass windows, giving the...
I got a call early from Amanda with my next job and it was from a lady called Mary who wanted an hours massage which I graciously accepted and after a couple of phone calls was able to hire a table for the occasion. I arrived at Mary’s house in good time and was met by a middle-aged lady dressed in a dressing gown, “Hello” she said in a soft inviting voice, “you must be Frank, please come in” and I walked in to her lounge carrying my portable table. She was very pleasant although quite plain in...
My girlfriend was hot, worked out a lot, and had a hard muscular body.She and I used to watch porn together.So I had figured out that she liked interracial porn.Once we were out at a club, and I went to the restroom.When I came back, this big very muscular black guy was chatting her up.I could tell that she was getting horny, just from the way she was breathing and her eyes were dilating.When she saw me she kind of turned away from that guy and I whispered that she seemed kind of horny. She...
Carmen Rae is finally receiving her new guests, and everything is ready for the big occasion. Once they arrive, she shows them around and asks them to get comfortable while making them something to eat, but she can’t help but overhear the peculiar way they were taken care of before as she goes to them. After discovering they are missing some of their hot, breastfeeding action, Carmen remembered her promise of doing anything they need to make them feel at home, so it’s time to...
xmoviesforyouDid your mother ever warn you that hanging out with the wrong sort of people could get you into trouble? Well mine did, plenty of times, but like most adolescents I didn't listen. After all, I was fifteen years old. I knew everything about life that needed to be known. I was certainly old enough to be picking my own friends. What did a thirty-eight year old lady, out of touch with modern times, know anyway? And so it came to pass, in those dim dark days of nineteen eighty-five, that I found...
Terror ruled the streets of Peking. It was another day of the Boxer Rebellion. A group of fanatics known as the Militia United in Righteousness opposed to foreign control revolted against the Europeans and Japanese authority. Their targets were anybody unfamiliar including Christians and mercenaries. Crop failures during the years resulted in widespread famine, encouraging a population that the foreigners are not just a threat but a divine threat. The Boxers massacred individuals that... is a free aggregator porn website covering an excellent selection of adult niches, including lots of handjob pornos. If you want to know more about the site in general, you are welcome to check out my review on instead. As for those who would love to learn more about the handjob selection of pornos on this website, you are more than welcome to stick around!Lots of free handjob pornosAre you ready to see some hot videos featuring hot girls rubbing hard cocks? Well, you are in...
Handjob Porn Sites“No that won’t do at all,” Sandra said. “You need to earn the privilege of a landing strip like mine. If there is one solitary hair there tomorrow, there will be consequences.”“Yes mistress,” the tall brunette girl whimpered, trying to keep her hands at her side. We had already been warned about that…There were special rules at this sorority, special waivers we had signed in exchange for full tuition at the University of Maryland and the additional privileges of being funded by whatever pervert...
BDSM“That’s it, I think I’m finished!” Eunice squealed to herself as she held up the makeshift doll in her hands, admiring her work.It was a few weeks ago when Eunice came home to find the book wrapped in brown paper sitting on her doorstep. Thin hemp rope tied the package together with a little-folded note attached. ‘What lengths would you go for the one you want most?’She knew it had to be fate, some cosmic twist the universe gave her. A chance to finally be one with her obsession. Eunice never...
LesbianI'd been fantasizing about my day off for weeks, planning what I would wear and what naughty things I would get up to, home alone for the whole day. I hadn't jerked off in days as I wanted everything to feel that much more sensitive when I finally did touch myself.I woke up early and jumped straight into the shower, shaving my legs and arms, then rinsing myself off with soapy shower gel until I could feel the smoothness of my skin all over. After wrapping the towel around my chest and waist,...
First TimeThe Curtsey Part IX By Sissy Smith The week went fast for everyone. Jessie was busy training Leo and Ted and things were going her way. Both boys had succumbed to her charm and domineering ways. Jessie was still amazed at how the possibility of sex with her or the idea of a peak at her beautiful naked body would entice a boy to do. It was true, they really did have two heads and neither of these boys was thinking with the one on his shoulders. She now had both Leo and Ted walking...
My Neighbor - My Mommy By Deewet My story started almost a year ago, quite by accident on my part because not in my wildest dream would I think I 'd be sitting here, thickly diapered in my feet pajama's writing about my regression into being an helpless, and quite content baby girl. I was a little man, standing only five feet tall and 90 pounds. I use the past tense here because it is hard to think of myself as a man now. Even in my dreams at night, safely tucked into my crib, I'm...