Love at the Masquerade
- 5 years ago
- 28
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Jack and Steph had been happily married for more than twenty years. As with all marriages, there had been highs and lows, but seeing friends and acquaintances struggle in their marriages in recent years helped them realize the fundamental strength of their marriage. They loved one another without question, and, unlike many couples they knew, they enjoyed - and made a point of - spending time together. Their sex life, like their marriage, had experienced ups and downs, with the vicissitudes that accompany life changes such as moving, changing jobs, changing cities and homes, and, of course, having children, plus all of the burdens all of these experiences place on your time, energy and libido.
They had experimented a little bit with porn and sex toys, and found that both added to their sex lives, but there is always an opportunity to experience and explore more. One thing they had discussed, while watching porn, was that it was erotic to watch other people - preferably, of course, attractive people - having sex. Because they were a relatively conservative couple, it was virtually impossible to imagine doing so in any environment other than on a television screen. They weren't the type to go to a Hedonism resort or inject themselves into a situation where that seemed possible.
One evening, however, Jack discovered something that piqued his interest. While reading a story on an erotic literature website, a commenter mentioned a new club that had opened in a town near Jack and Steph's. It was near a lake house owned by one of Jack and Steph's friends, Phil, whose girlfriend, Amy, was Steph's best friend. The name of the club was Catan's Masquerade, and, after a little research about the club, Jack found the concept intriguing.
The "Catan" portion of the name derived from the layout of the club, which reflected a similarity to the layout of the popular strategy board game, Catan. Beyond the entry to the club, which opened into a rectangular bar-room that ran the full length of the front of the premises, lay an interlocking network of hexagonal rooms, with narrow hallways in between. The walls of each room were comprised of windows so that from an interior room, an attendee could see into the six surrounding rooms. From exterior rooms - those on the outside border of the hexagon - patrons could see into three adjoining rooms. A button on each wall functioned to raise or lower tinted privacy glass - like that found in cars - that enabled seeing out, but not seeing in. From within a room, you could choose to be seen by no other rooms, by all other rooms, or by specifically selected other rooms.
The "Masquerade" portion of the name derived from the masks frequently worn by club patrons. Attendees could wear full or partial face masks, or face paints, that functioned to conceal identities. Some did, while others didn't.
A $250 entry fee ensured a certain type of demographic in the club, and also paid for: 1) new impermeable furniture coverings on the chairs, couches and beds in each room, which were replaced after each use; and 2) steam cleaning of each room after each use. Every portion of the club was clean, and the clientele was sophisticated.
Rooms had different themes, such as Mardi Gras, the Forbidden Forest, Pirates of the Caribbean, Hawaii, Hunting Lodge, Library, the Dungeon, decade theme rooms for the 1860s (Victorian), 1920s (Flappers and Jazz), 1950s (Suburban Stepford), 1960s (Free Love), 1970s (Funk), and 1980s (Tacky); as well as basic contemporary living room and bedroom set-ups.
Jack thought it would be fun to go, but on the outer border of his, and certainly Steph's, comfort zones. But their recent experiences with Phil and Amy that summer made him question if their comfort zones were as limited as he had previously believed. Perhaps their boundaries could and should expand. Over a mid-April weekend near Jack and Steph's anniversary, their children were going to spend a Saturday night with their grandparents, which presented an opportunity to visit the club. After spending some time contemplating whether it was too crazy to pull the trigger on, he decided to go for it. They'd be anonymous, in masks, could keep the privacy windows up, and could leave at any time. The biggest regrets in life often lie in the opportunities you don't take. And if you live a life without taking any risks, have you even really lived? Too many people miss out on too much, restrained by fear, doubt, hesitation, and uncertainty.
Jack decided to tell Steph simply that he had planned something special, that it involved a masquerade party, that they would wear "ball" clothes and masks, and that it would be something "sexy." Steph was a bit skeptical at that, but Jack refused to give any further details, and so she resigned herself to endure whatever hare-brained scheme he'd come up with this time.
Steph's parents lived a couple hours away. The club was about halfway between Jack and Steph's home and Steph's parents', on the outskirts of a town on one of a series of lakes between their homes. So when the weekend arrived, they drove to Steph's parents' house to spend Friday night and Saturday, with plans to go to the club Saturday night and spend the night at Phil’s lake house.
Jack was anticipating the evening with curiosity, and Steph's annoyance had turned to mild intrigue. Jack wore a tuxedo and Steph a black dress she had worn to a Christmas party for Jack's work. They went for an elegant dinner at a restaurant in the lake town. Jack and Steph had met Steph's friends at a more casual restaurant on the same block previously, and they liked the little town. Dinner included a very nice capreze salad, a delicious salmon dish, and a light cheesecake for dessert, accompanied by a mild Pinot noir. The meal was excellent, and not too heavy.
After dinner, the adventure began. Minutes later, as they approached the club, Jack gave Steph her masquerade mask, and they each put one on.
"Are you finally going to tell me what we're doing?" Steph asked.
"Like I told you," Jack told her, "it's a masquerade party. It's completely anonymous, although not everyone will be wearing masks. It is all adults. And it's my understanding that people are very ...." He paused. "Very open."
"How open?" Steph asked.
"I don't know for sure," Jack replied. "I guess it depends who's there."
"I'm not going if it's some swingers club," Steph insisted.
"No, it's not that," Jack answered. "I mean, I think some of that can and may happen. But it's not expected and you can do pretty much what you want. There is a bar area, and adjoining rooms. We can stay in the bar area. Or we can check out one of the rooms. And the room can be completely private. Some people don't want it to be.”
"I'm really not sure about this," Steph said.
"Let's just give it a chance," Jack replied. "After some of the things that have happened with Amy and Phil, I thought maybe we’d find that we are interested in this. If you hate it, we can leave and go to Phil's."
"Fine," Steph said. "One drink."
At the entry, they were greeted by a concierge/host, who asked if they had been to the club before. When Jack replied that they had not, the concierge welcomed them and told them to enjoy the unique experience. "I don't know of any other place like it in the world," he added. "The price of entry is enough to exclude many. We want clean people of a certain standard in this club. If people seeking to enter look dirty, if their attire is disheveled, if they appear intoxicated in any way, or if something else just does not feel right about them or they look the wrong way, we absolutely refuse the right to enter. We have few patrons below thirty, and not many above sixty. We have a diverse client base, with patrons of all races and sexual preferences. We require a certain minimal level of sophistication to ensure the comfort and enjoyment of all of our patrons. Our rooms are far cleaner than any hotel room you have ever entered. Cleanliness allows relaxation, and without relaxation, there is no enjoyment. We make every effort to make your experience unique and enjoyable, and we do hope you'll leave looking forward to your next visit. Again, welcome. Thank you for entering Catan's Masquerade."
With that, Jack and Steph entered the bar room that comprised the front of the club, and it made an immediate sensory impression. What they saw conjured, in Jack's mind, an image not unlike the Cantina Scene in Star Wars. There were simply so many different people at the bar, on the small dance floor, and at short and tall tables spread across the room. There were people in face paint. People in full body paint and nothing else. People with masks and without. Some people dressed like Jack and Steph, and others in costumes that ranged from superheroes, to movie characters, to police men and police women, to nurses and doctors, to pirates and wenches, to Victorian aristocracy, and more.
The array of people in body-paint alone was ... impressive, to say the least.
If nothing else, it was surely interesting. And, as Steph looked around the room, she could see that the concierge was clearly screening the guests. There were no unattractive people in the room. Not everyone was a model or a stunner. But everybody in the room was certainly above a certain threshold.
They could absolutely do some people watching.
Having entered, Jack and Steph both realized after a moment that they had stood a motionless inside the door as they took in the surroundings. Jack guided Steph to the bar, where they found two stools, and ordered a wine and a beer.
The music was eclectic, ranging from 80s music to dance music, hip hop, and a bit of rap. It was loud enough to dance but not so loud as to prohibit conversation.
Some patrons greeted one another as if they knew one another well, others appeared to be couples on their own, and there were groups sitting at some of the tables.
One funny thing, looking around the room, was the reminder that men's arousal can be decidedly more obvious than women's. While most of the men were in casual conversation and flaccid, there were other men in all variety of states of arousal.
Steph had to admit that it was sexy, and was fun to look around.
A glance at the dance floor revealed, among others on the floor, one couple that looked to be in their mid forties. While others on the floor were clothed, this was one of the naked, painted couples. The woman was painted like Cat Woman from Batman, and the man was painted in a tribal design, with mostly red arms and legs, green around his chest, and a blue medallion painted at the top of his chest. She had her back turned to him, grinding back against him, while his hands caressed her hips and then rose up to cup her breasts. Steph would later learn that their names were Dave and Cheryl
In the corner of the dance floor, abutting the corner of the bar, stood a statue of a man with a devil mask, cupping a protruding, very large cock. It was an image that caused a double take. And then, when Steph started to look back to the dance floor, the statute moved. It wasn't a statue at all, after all. The man turned and joined a male partner on the dance floor, his large cock still extended. The boyfriend wrapped his fingers around the devil's big cock and stroked it as they danced.
Steph's eyes returned to the other couple dancing - Cat Woman and Tribal Man. As Cat Woman ground back against Tribal Man, his left hand remained upon her breast, while his right slipped down her belly, across her hip, and between her legs. Steph watched as his thumb and forefinger formed around her nipple and she ground against the hand he had slipped between her legs. Cat Woman closed her eyes as Tribal Man stroked her breasts, and she rocked her hips against his hand, grinding her butt back against him. Tribal Man's hands returned to her hips, and their bodies ground together. It was sexy to watch. As the song ended, and Cat Woman turned around, Tribal Man's cock was revealed, rigid, thick, full and upright. Cat Woman took him by his cock, and led him past the end of the bar to his the entrance to the hexagonal Catan rooms, where they were obviously going to find a room.
About halfway through their “one drink,” a painted couple, probably in their mid-thirties, approached Jack and Steph. The woman was painted pink, with purple stars over her nipples, and the man was painted red below the waist, black above. His nicely-sized, uncut penis hung downward, lazily, although it also looked like it could swell nicely.
"Hi," the pink lady said. "Are you guys new here?"
"Yes," Steph answered, "first time."
"My 'masquerade name' is Anne," the woman said, extending her hand and adding, "and this is my husband, Mark."
"Masquerade name?" Steph asked. "For anonymity?"
"Exactly," Anne replied.
"But you don't cover your faces?" Steph continued.
"We used to," said Anne. "I guess we've gotten a little more relaxed here. But we picked our masquerade names the first night, and that has stuck."
"I also feel like it helps me step into my 'masquerade personality,'" Anne added. "It's a little different than the more conservative housewife I am in the real world. I put on my alter ego, so to speak. I do things here, as Anne, that I wouldn't have done before. And I've found it's creeping into my outside life as my comfort levels expand and learn things I didn't know or wasn't sure I liked."
"Interesting," replied Steph. "Well, let me think of our masquerade names." She paused. "I .... I am .... Amy," she thought, amused at using her best friend's name. "And this is my husband .... Phil." Jack and Steph exchanged a glance when Steph used those names.
"Can we buy you a drink?" Mark asked.
"Sure," Jack and Steph both replied, and, after acquiring more drinks, they joined Anne and Mark at one of the tall round tables that occupied the center of the bar area, between the dance floor on one end, and shorter, larger tables and pool tables on the other end.
Mark sat to Steph's left, Jack to her right, with Anne across the table.
Like Jack and Steph, Anne and Mark had two children, and the couples talked generally about the joys and challenges of parenting, and the ways children change your lives. Anne said that she and Mark had enjoyed a satisfying sex life until the children were born, but that, as with many couples, it became more difficult to find time in the day once children took over their schedules. A little over a year ago, Mark had learned about Catan's Masquerade and told Anne about it. She had initially resisted, until she decided that to reinvigorate their sex life, and bring them closer together, she needed to step out of her comfort zone and try something different. If you had told her two years ago that she would be at this club, she'd have said you were crazy. But, in coming, and trying it out, she had learned about herself. Seeing so many "normal" people doing ... adventurous things ... dispelled notions she had previously held about those who have more adventurous sex lives. They weren't unusual at all. They were exactly like the parents you meet at kids' sporting events and at church. In fact, for the people who knew them, they were those parents.
"Our first night here," Anne said, "I had decided we would stay in the bar room only. As we sat at a table in the bar area - come to think of it, it was this same table we're at now - I looked over to the table next to us and saw a woman slide her fingers around her husband's penis and start stroking it. I think you may have seen them tonight? Cat Woman and the guy with the tribal looking body paint? Their names are Dave and Cheryl. When Cheryl saw that I was watching, she smiled and positioned her hand so that I could see better. Dave got thicker and harder as she stroked, and I couldn't - and realized I didn't want to - look away. I don't know if you noticed, but he's got a pretty nice cock. Anyway, It was really sexy, and it was eye-opening for me in more ways than one. Mark and I had watched porn together before, but I didn't know what it would be like to see sexual contact in real life. I didn't know if it would seem dirty or sleazy or too much or .... I just really didn't know what to actually expect. But when I saw her stroking his cock right there in front of me, it seemed like the hottest thing I’d ever seen. I was instantly and undeniably aroused."
As Anne was recounting this, Anne slipped her fingers onto Mark's thigh and traced her fingernails upward until they brushed Mark's balls. Anne glanced down as she did so, watching her own hand, naturally drawing Steph's eyes there as well. As she continued talking, Anne slipped her fingers around Mark's penis, which began to respond.
"When Cheryl and Dave saw us watching them," Anne added, as she lazily stroked Mark's swelling - and then fully swollen - cock, "it seemed to excite them even more," she said. Anne's thumb drug up and down the prominent vein on the front of Mark's big cock, and her fingers then cupped his balls before wrapping again around the base of his shaft.
"We watched them, and they watched us watching them, as she casually slid her fingers up and down his hard cock. He almost seemed to grow with each stroke, thicker, more rigid, standing straight upward to his belly button. And with each stroke, I felt like I got more turned on and more eager to see even more. Know what I mean?”
Steph nodded as she realized that her nipples were tender and her pussy was getting wet.
The conversation paused as Anne looked down at her fingers and focused on stroking Mark's dick. Her fingers rose and lowered, stroking and caressing. It was undeniably sexy. She pumped him in her hand and, as Anne had described about Dave, Mark's cock seemed to grow fuller and stiffer with each pump of Anne's fingers.
"Over time," Anne added, "I've started to understand why they were so turned on by us watching."
Anne's fingers kept steadily pumping, stroking, and caressing Mark's shaft.
"The last time we were here," Anne added, "was the first time we de-activated the privacy windows in our Catan room. We saw another couple watching us. It was such a turn-on that they were excited by us. By my body. By Mark's. By our fucking. I don't know if I had ever really considered myself 'sexy,' so to speak. But that totally made me feel sexy. They just watched us at first, and then started fucking, mimicking what we were doing. Like watching us got them so hot that they had to fuck."
Anne paused to brush her own nipple as she jerked downward on Mark's cock.
"But this is the first time," Anne said, squirming in her seat, "anybody has seen us being sexual," she touched her nipple again, "in the same room. From so close."
"And now I understand why Dave and Cheryl eventually stood up," Anne went on," and approached our table. They asked us if we would please join them in their room. Although I had planned to stay in the bar room, I was very turned on and honestly, desperate to see more. My brain heard my mouth say yes, and moments later, we found ourselves on a couch in their room."
"I can still see in my head," Anne recounted, "the way he bent her over and fucked her with his big cock. He bent her over on the bed, on her knees, right in front of us, and held his cock above her. By the time we got to the room, she wanted it so bad. She was desperate for his cock. I was desperate to see her take it. Like I am growing desperate now for Mark. When he held his cock above her, she reached around to grab him and guide him to her pussy. I can still see the expression on her face and hear her moan as he grabbed her hips and thrust into her. The privacy windows were activated, so we were in our own little world in there, like a cave. His cock pounded deep inside her, and her whole body seemed to absorb the thrusts. Their moans filled the room."
"And that reminds me of the other thing I remember so clearly. The way they talked dirty to each other. Sometimes dirty talk is such a turn-on. I'd never felt comfortable talking dirty to Mark before that, but I've tried it after. When Cheryl reached back to guide his cock to her pussy, she told him, 'I need that cock. Fuck me with that big dick!'"
Anne stopped stroking Mark's cock for a moment as both of her palms grazed her nipples before she returned her hand to his shaft.
"I'm getting so turned on just remembering and telling you," she added. "As he kept fucking her, I had to reach into Mark's pants and feel his hard cock. Hold it. Stroke it. He was in a tux, and I was in a dress, like you and Phil tonight. You remind us so much of us. That's why we wanted to introduce ourselves."
"Anyway,” Anne went on, "since Mark was in a tux, I had to reach into his pants and pull his cock out. And he was rock hard. Meanwhile, Cheryl was moaning and talking dirty to Dave, saying ‘Fuck me with that big cock ... give it to me ... harder ... FUCK ME!’ And Dave was responding. “You want it? You want my big cock?' And she was responding yes to his questions and he was fucking her harder and I was pumping Mark's cock in my hand and wanting him to fuck me just like we were watching."
"I'm sorry," Anne said, pausing. "I am getting way too turned on. Mark and I have to get a room. Will you and Phil join us?”
Before they knew it, Steph and Jack had agreed and were following Anne and Mark around the bar and down a hallway to a room that reminded them of a room they had stayed in at the Venetian in Las Vegas many years ago. A bed was in the center of the room. On the other side of a small railing stood two couches. One corner of the room held a glass, standup shower, which is where Anne and Mark went when they entered the room, explaining that they wanted to wash off their body paint and "get naked." The paint can look so much like clothing, they wanted to feel and be completely bare.
While Anne and Mark showered, the paint dripped off their bodies as their lathered hands wandered each other,
"Are you doing okay?" Jack asked Steph, as they glanced between the shower and one another.
"I think so," she responded.
"Are you turned on?" he asked.
"Yes," she replied. "It's just weird that they seem so normal."
"I think they are normal," Jack answered. "Perfectly normal. No different from any of our friends and acquaintances. We just don't see what other people fantasize about and do behind closed doors."
Anne guided Mark by the hand from the shower toward the bed. They paused at the railing, and looked over at Steph and Jack. Although they were in fact no more naked than they'd been before, they now looked clearly naked.
"We're kinda nervous," Anne said, holding Mark's still gleaming hard cock in her fingers. "We've never had anyone watch us like this. We've fantasized about it. We really hope you are as turned on as we were when we watched Cheryl and Dave. That's what gets us so hot. The idea that we could be erotic enough to turn others on."
“You already are,” Steph replied, honestly, wanting to encourage Anne, who was being so kind.
Anne smiled at her and turned to Mark. "That big cock looks so good," she said, as she guided him around the railing toward the coach perpendicular to the one Steph and Jack occupied.
Steph felt like she was squirming inside as Anne and Mark approached, naked and aroused and oh so near.
Anne looked at Steph and Jack. "It makes me a little bit uncomfortable to talk like this. Wait. Okay. A lot uncomfortable. But it turns me on when we get into it. So I just push myself over the first uncomfortable humps."
"As I was saying," she turned back to Mark. "I love that big, fat, gorgeous cock."
"Do you want it?" Mark asked her.
"You know I do."
"How bad?"
"So fucking bad."
"Do you want to taste it?"
"Lick it?"
"Oh yes."
"Suck it?"
"Please," she cooed.
Steph understood what Anne was saying about the dirty talk. It added an extra degree of intensity to the building sexual tension. And it also seemed to show Anne taking charge of her sexuality and using it confidently in a way that was very sexy.
Mark sat back on the couch, his fat cock elevated upward and resting on his belly, and Anne knelt before him, taking his cock once again and stroking it - pumping it in her fingers - as her tongue touched his balls. She held his shaft in place with her fingers as her tongue glided up the front of his dick and traced over and around the head.
Jack caressed Steph's thigh with his palm at the hem of her dress as they watched, slowly inching higher, hiking her dress slightly upward. Feeling a need to echo, on some level, Anne’s sexual confidence, Steph grabbed Jack’s hand and pulled it all the way to her pussy — Jack had persuaded her to go without panties tonight.. She gasped as she realized how sexy it felt to be more assertive, even in this small way.
Anne's lips circled the head of Mark's upright cock, and she slowly took him into her mouth, her fist wrapped around the base of his shaft.
"Oh Anne," Mark gasped. "So good."
"I love your big cock," she replied, looking up at him as her fist slowly pumped his hard dick.
"Your mouth feels so good," he responded, and she reacted by taking a bit more of him into her mouth as her fingers traced his balls and then pumped at the base of his shaft.
"So fucking good," he repeated, as her tongue traced and circled and her lips descended and rose.
Mark closed his eyes as his wife's mouth surrounded his cock, and his hips instinctively moved, helping guide his shaft into her warm mouth. Her tongue traced the rim of his head as her fingers held his balls. As Anne licked down Mark's cock to his balls and her lips sucked one, and then the other, into her mouth, she pumped his dick in her hand.
Meanwhile, Jack slid his fingertip between Steph's warm labia and caressed her pussy as they watched Anne kneeling before Mark and pumping his fat dick harder and harder.
"That's fucking amazing," Mark gasped.
Anne looked up at Mark and, as she stroked him, looked into his eyes, asking "Are you ready to fuck me with this big thing?"
"Is that what you want?" he countered.
"I do," she answered, smiling.
"My big cock?"
"Pounding you?"
"Not yet," he replied, taking her by the hand, pulling her up, and trading places with her. Mark pushed Anne's knees up so that her heels rested on the edge of the couch, and he knelt in front off her, licking his way up her inner thigh.
Anne looked so exposed spread open before Mark, but rather than looking trampy or sleazy, she looked sexy and hot.
"Mmmmmmmm," Anne gasped as Mark's tongue dipped between her labia.
"Markkkk," she moaned, as his lips and tongue kissed, licked and suckled along her heated, swollen pussy lips. His tongue glided back and forth, spreading her open to his mouth, and her knees pointed outward, opening herself further to him.
Steph gasped at how sexy it all looked. As Anne's head tossed back against the coach, a slow moan forming at and escaping her lips, Jack curled his finger inside Steph, slowly penetrating her as she pressed her clit against his palm.
When the tip of Mark's tongue grazed Anne's clit and started pressing and circling against her, her fingers found the back of his head, and her hips bucked, grinding herself against his mouth.
Mark cupped Anne's buttocks and pulled her tighter to his mouth, his tongue darting down and penetrating her. Tongue-fucking her.
"Oh! Mark!" she exclaimed.
Underneath Steph's dress, Jack's fingers alternated between brushing Steph's clit and finger-fucking her as they watched Anne's body arch, her hips lifting off the coach as she fucked Mark's mouth.
"Now!" Anne yelped to Mark, scrambling to her knees on the couch.
She looked back over her shoulder at him. "Fuck me," she said. "I need you to fuck me"
"Need it? He asked
"I NEED it," she confirmed. "Right fucking now."
Jack's fingertip found Steph's clit and brushed against it, and Steph's hips rotated in response. As he stroked her, sending heat through her body, Steph's fingers found the zipper of Jack's pants, frantically unzipping them to slide her fingers into his pants and around his rigid cock.
Mark moved behind Anne, poised to fuck her with his throbbing cock. As Mark positioned himself behind Anne, Anne looked over, watching Jack and Steph, looking toward Jack's hidden hand under Steph's skirt and at Steph's hand in Jack's pants.
"Is he hard?" Anne asked Steph, indicating toward Jack. "Can I see?"
In whatever logic functioned in this heated moment, Steph silently responded, unfastening Jack's belt, and opening his pants to reveal Jack's upright hard dick.
"That is so fucking hot," Anne said.
"We're doing it," she said to Mark, and she pressed back to him, guiding her pussy back to the head of his cock, poised to slide over it. "We're turning them on."
"They're going to fuck," Anne said to Mark. "As soon as we leave. Just like we did when Dave and Cheryl left. And it's going to be some of the hottest sex they've ever had. Just like us."
He thrust, driving into her.
"Maybe even ...," she panted, "before we leave. I hope."
Mark's hands gripped Anne's hips, holding her in place as he pulled back and drove forward.
"Fuck me with that big cock, Mark," she said. "Fuck me. With. That. Big. Cock!"
And he did. Steph watched Mark's impressive cock withdraw and thrust into his wife, pulling back and firing forward repeatedly. She became vaguely aware that her fingers were pumping Jack's cock in rhythm with Mark's thrusts into Anne. Meanwhile, Jack's fingertip flickered against Steph's clit, and her body moved in response.
"I think she wants him to fuck her with that hard dick," Anne said to Mark, looking over at Jack and Steph.
"I think she likes watching your big cock fuck me." Anne said. And she was right. Jack and Steph were both intensely turned on
"It makes her want to get fucked," Anne added. "Need to get fucked. Not made love to. Fucked."
"The privacy windows are up," Anne added, looking at Steph. "You can do anything you want. Only you and we will know. Put on your masquerade personality. Be Amy."
"Don't you want to get fucked?" Anne asked, looking at Steph.
Anne didn't wait for or focus upon the answer, instead pressing herself back against her husband, as Mark thrust forward again. "Mmmmmmm.....yes," she moaned.
Mark pulled out for a moment, his rigid dick poised above his wife, glistening, full and virile, as Anne wriggled her body back to him for more, pausing to look from Steph to Jack, and speaking to Jack.
"Go on and fuck her," Anne said to Jack. "Put on your masquerade personality, too. Mark had to learn how to. Don't be a doting, hesitant husband. Be a powerful lover. She wants you to fuck her. Right now. She might not say it out loud, but she wants it. I wanted Mark to fuck me our first time, while we watched Dave and Cheryl. But I couldn't find the words to say it. And he hadn't learned to just do it without my asking, to just take me and give me what I couldn't express that I wanted. I'm watching her stroke your hard cock. And it looks so fucking good. You could definitely fuck me with that thing. She wants you to fuck her. Right now.”
Steph couldn’t believe what she was hearing, and couldn’t believe how true it was.
Jack slowly stood up, his cock erect and upright. He looked at Steph. She didn't say anything. But she slowly changed positions, moving to kneel on the couch and hiking the dress up over her hips.
Jack, cock in hand, moved behind her, his dick hanging above his wife just as Mark's hung above Anne.
"Fuck us," Anne said, and time stood still. Everyone paused.
“Don’t you want them to fuck us, Amy?” Anne said to Steph, who immediately nodded
"Fuck us!" Anne repeated.
Mark and Jack each thrust into their wives.
Breaths, gasps, and moans filled the air.
"Oh fuck!" Anne exclaimed. "So hot."
Jack held Steph's hips and pumped long, steady strokes into her. She rotated her hips back, accepting him and guiding his strokes. He felt hot inside her, and she around him.
"Fuck me," Steph quietly whispered to Jack, as she watched Mark's cock drive into Anne, watched Anne's body ripple with each thrust, and listened to their moans and sounds.
"Deeper," Anne told Mark. "Fuck me! Harder!"
Both men responded, pounding faster and deeper. Grunts of pleasure.
Jack pulled out of Steph, stood her up, unfastened her dress the rest of the way, slid it off of her, and she stepped out of it, naked and horny. He removed his tuxedo and, naked now but for the mask, sat back down on the couch, ready to pull Steph to him to climb onto and ride his cock.
As Steph stood in front of Jack, Anne looked over.
"Mmmmm," Anne said to Jack. "That looks so good. Your cock looks so fuckable right now. I could come right over there and climb onto you. I want you to fuck me. I want you to make me squirm. Make me cum." Steph looked from Anne to Jack's throbbing cock as Anne talked.
"And if I did," Anne continued, "I'd want your wife to trade places with me. I can't believe I am talking like this, but Mark's cock would look so hot thrusting into her. I can see it in her eyes. Just like when we watched Dave. I wanted his cock. Deep inside me. I wanted to be in Cheryl's place. Just like she would like to be in mine right now. Wouldn't you?" she asked Steph.
Steph didn't answer, just standing, frozen for a moment, absorbing it all.
"Wouldn't you like to fuck her, honey?" Anne said to Mark, leaving Steph relieved not to be pressed to answer as Anne turned her question on Mark. "Would you make her squirm like you're doing to me? Would you make her cum all over your hot cock? Tell me. You can tell me."
"Yes," Mark answered. "I want to fuck her. She is fucking hot. I want to pull her onto me. I want her to climb onto my dick and ride it. I want her to grind her clit against me and push her nipples to my mouth. I want to grab her ass and slam her down over my cock - it's so fucking rock hard for her."
"I have an idea," Anne said to Mark, "Go get our masks." Mark went over to Anne's purse, pulled out two masks similar to Jack and Steph's, brought them to Anne, and they put them on.
"Sit down next to Phil," Anne told Mark, and he did.
"Close your eyes," Anne told him. Anne knelt astride Mark on the couch, her nipples brushing his chest, as she poised herself over him.
"You wanna fuck her?" she asked.
"Yes," he answered.
"I'm going to fuck you like I know she wants to fuck you right now. Close your eyes and feel her."
She lowered herself down over him, his cock sinking into her.
"She'd fuck you like she's never fucked her husband," Anne added. "With wild abandon. Like I never fucked you until I found 'Anne' inside me."
Anne started rapidly raising and lowering her hips.
Jack and Steph watched, as Anne slammed down over Mark's cock.
"FUCK me, Mark!" Anne shouted, as she undulated over and upon him, jamming herself down over his cock.
Mark held onto Anne as his hips responded to hers, raising and lowering, their bodies separating and meeting one another with powerful thrusts.
"Harder, baby!" Anne exclaimed. "Is this how you want to fuck her?"
"Like THIS!" Mark responded, pulling out of her and putting her on her knees on the carpet between the couches.
He stood over her from behind, straddling her body as he guided the head of his cock to her pussy and jammed it into her.
"Oooopphhh," Anne grunted, as Mark's cock drove into her, to the hilt.
"This is how I want to fuck her," he said as he thrust. "Like she's never been fucked before."
Mark gripped Anne by the shoulders for leverage, pulling her back as he thrust forward, impaling his raging cock deep inside her core.
Anne's body was absorbing the force of the deep, powerful thrusts, her breasts swaying and bouncing.
Steph realized she was still standing there, watching, and she sat down, back against Jack, and they watched Anne and Mark's frenzied fuck.
"Oh god!" Anne gasped, barely able to form even those words, amongst her murmuring grunts and moans, as Mark pounded deeper into her.
"You fucking love it," he barked.
"Yes," she gasped.
"You want more," he added.
"Oh YES!"
"How do you want it?"
"Fuck me ..." she searched for words, "fuck me .... fuck me like a dirty slut," she moaned.
Mark's hips erupted in response, driving downward and pinning Anne with savage, hungry thrusts.
And she pressed back against him just as savagely. Raw, hungry, lustful fucking. His cock swollen and throbbing deep inside her. Her pussy throbbing equally around him, pulsing with each deep thrust.
Jack's stroked Steph's clit and rapidly finger-fucked her as she leaned back against his chest, watching Mark and Anne.
As Mark thundered repeatedly into Anne, she panted, barely perceptibly, "Myassbaby."
"My ass. Fuck. My. Ass." she enunciated through clenched teeth. "Like Dave."
He pulled his cock out, held it in his hand, and brushed the tip against Anne's ass. "Are you sure?"
They had talked about doing this since they saw Cheryl’s overwhelming, convulsive orgasm from anal sex with Dave, but hadn't done it yet.
"Please," she answered. "I'm ready."
Mark didn't need further encouragement. He reached for Anne's purse, and removed a tube of lubricant. He spread the lubricant over Anne's ass and his cock, and pressed the head of his dick against her ass. Then, holding Anne's hips, Mark gently pushed forward, slowly, and steadily, until the crown of his cock disappeared.
"Mmmmmmm," Anne hummed.
Ever so slowly, Mark rocked back and forth, his penis pushing in another quarter inch, and then another, until a couple of inches of his dick were inside her ass.
Anne's fingers gripped the carpet, and she closed her eyes, releasing a low, steady, constant humming moan.
Mark held still, and Anne gingerly rocked back and forth on Mark's dick, Mark allowing her to control the depth and the pace. She found a comfortable rhythm and tugged her own nipple downward with her thumb and forefinger as she slowly increased the pace.
As Steph and Jack watched, Steph still leaning back against Jack, Steph could feel Jack's hard cock against her back. Jack's fingers roamed the front of Steph's body, cupping and caressing her breasts, tugging at her nipples, dragging against her pulsing clit, and sliding into her wet pussy.
"Your cock. Feels so good. In my ass," Anne panted at Mark, as she slowly undulated, stroking his cock with her ass as she moved, looking over at Jack and Steph, making and holding eye contact as she fucked Mark's throbbing cock with her ass.
"I'm so fucking close to the edge," Anne said, looking over at Steph and Jack and sliding her finger to her clit as her body moved against Mark's cock. "Can I see his cock again?"
Steph slid to the side, her fingers wrapping around Jack's steely erection as it came into view. "That's so fucking hot," Anne gasped, watching. "I would love to suck that cock. Do you like sucking him? That would drive me over the edge!"
Jack stood, and, taking Steph's hand, walked over in front of Mark and Anne. Jack wrapped Steph's fingers around his cock, and she stroked him in front of Anne's face.
"Ohmygodohmygodohmygod," Anne stammered.
"Too. Fucking. Hot."
Inspired by who-knows-what, Steph slid down Jack's body and, still holding his hard cock in her hand, licked up the front of his shaft.
"No. Fucking. Way!" Anne responded.
Steph glanced sideways at Anne and Mark as she held Jack's shaft in her fingers and took the head of his bulging cock into her mouth.
"Oh god!" Anne said, eyes widening.
She rocked back and forth.
"Oh BABY!"
Anne started firing more quickly back and forth on Mark, stroking her clit faster, her head rolling on her shoulders, as Steph, gaining confidence, sucked on Jack's cock.
"BAY-BEEEEEEEEEEE!" Anne shouted to Mark.
Anne watched Steph's fingers stroke the base of Jack's shaft, her lips and tongue caressing and stroking and sucking on the head of his hard dick.
"NOW!" Anne shouted.
"NOW!" as her hips hurried back and forth.
Anne shuddered. Her entire body. Head rolling on her shoulders, hair tossed, fingers crawling on the carpet, bucking back against Mark's cock as she erupted in thunderous orgasm. She panted and gasped and her body bucked and writhed, shuddering four - five - six - times.
As Anne collapsed on the floor beneath Mark, he tossed his head back and his cock erupted, bursts of his sperm floating through the air and landing on Anne's backside.
Anne's body convulsed against the carpet. Once. Twice. A third time. Shuddering. As aftershocks of orgasmic sensation overwhelmed her. Still panting. Until they collapsed together, chests heaving as they regained their breath.
Jack moved back to the couch, sat down, and pulled Steph to him. She climbed onto the couch straddling him, and immediately thrust herself down over Jack''s raging cock.
"Fuck me!" Jack demanded, and Steph responded, her hips quickly bucking.
"Harder!" Jack shouted, and Steph complied, her breasts and nipples smashing against his face as she grabbed the back of the couch for leverage and ground onto his throbbing dick.
"Oh yeah," Steph panted.
"You like that?" Jack asked, grabbing her ass and pulling her down harder upon him.
"Yes, Phil" Steph answered, an impish grin on her face as she said Phil’s name.
"You like my hard cock deep inside you?" Jack added, as his fingertip traced down between Steph's butttocks and caressed the tender skin between her pussy and ass, stroking, and sending sensations through Steph's body.
"Yes!" she countered.
"Say it. Tell me. Tell me you like my big fucking cock."
She hesitated. And then answered "I like your big fucking cock, Phil, deep inside me." She’d used Phil’s name again, and they both knew what she meant
Jack's fingertip brushed and caressed Steph's ass, and her hips ground furiously, clit brushing against Jack's pelvis as her pussy slammed over him. She felt the approaching wave as Jack took her nipple into his mouth, stroked and prodded her ass with his fingertip, and bucked his hips upward to meet her thrusts.
As the wave washed over both of them, their bodies moved in a blur against one another.
Steph's hips locked down over Jack's cock and she pressed against his prodding finger. Jack's hips thrust up and the wave of sensation exploded. As Steph felt Jack's cock pulse, his sperm erupting, her body shuddered. She closed her eyes and surrendered to the tidal wave of sensation, crashing over the edge, her body rippling in orgasmic pulse after pulse after diminishing pulse until she felt light and warm and tingly and soft. Steph collapsed against Jack's chest, his penis resting in her, both of them catching their breath as their bodies melted together.
As they began to regather their senses, Jack and Steph looked over at Anne and Mark, lying together on the couch, watching them, Anne's finger still wrapped around her husband's penis.
"That was beautiful," Anne said.
"Welcome to Catan!" she added. "We really hope you'll come back and we'll see you again."
"I think I could see that happening," Jack answered, looking at Steph as he did so.
She nodded.
NGIS Part 12: Prom Night Masquerade Written April 12-17 2018 And thus, Prom Week was at hand. Oh yeah, Leavitt Jones High School held Prom as a week length celebration of the springtime, the time of near perpetual youth and vigor. The preparation work involved was extensive and labor intensive. But at the end of it all, it would be all worth it. For Chloe L'Amour, or rather M, the time was fast approaching when she would open up to Joey about her mission and see how he would take it....
o’s MasqueradeMaster dressed in a black tuxedo complete with top hat and gloves. His slave was naked except for collar, cuffs and the mules on slave’s feet. Well, i guess that is not strictly true. i was also wearing a blindfold. It is actually a double blindfold. It is swimming goggles with the lenses painted black. Wearing these it is impossible to see anything. But Master likes the aesthetic of a cloth blindfold, so the goggles are covered with a strip of black silk. He slipped the elastic...
I had approached the halfway point for my second time around, the sun had by now completely departed the upper horizon of our world, and darkness now replaced the once colorful sky. I looked up and sighed at the beautiful stars, so bright, and looking down on me like a million eyes of angels. The sight as usual was breathtaking. I continued walking and as I approached an area of the path, that had a scattering of picnic tables and benches, I saw a few friends of mine from the neighborhood...
Masquerade By Electric Badger Chapter 1The idea came to Eleanor while she watched Elise at the bar throwing back shots of tequila. The bitch was dressed like a complete slut in a blood red Victorian corset and latex mini skirt inspired by a fetishist’s wet dream, complete with four inch fuck-me heels – a tramp on the town for Halloween, although in this case the function was a company masquerade ball. Eleanor didn’t remember actually deciding to really carry her plan out; it matured as an...
Needless to say, the Canada Day party exceeded expectations, with reality having been even more exciting than Steph’s dream. As you can probably imagine, Jack and Steph’s sex life was rather charged up in the following weeks. But, of course, as happens with summer, Jack and Steph got very busy over the next month with picnics and festivals and the kids’ events and family vacations and concerts and parties and on and on and on, all of which are very fun, but cumulatively exhausting. So it came...
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i was startled out of my deep thoughtsas a shiver ran through me. see, i sleep either nude or in just boxers every night. as my room tended to get hot during the lon, hot summer months. i always had my fan on, and usually set it on low before i fell asleep, but had forgotten to turn it down last night. the shiver ran through me again, this time more around my midregion. i looked down, and realized that i had a boner. "must have been a good dream," i thought. "if only i could remember...
In the predecessor to this story, “Party Dream,” Steph dreamt about a Canada Day party she and Jack had planned. In the dream, Amy and Phil had watched from the kitchen — and then the deck — as Steph rode Jack's cock to an incredible orgasm in their back yard, well aware that Amy and Phil were watching. In Steph’s dream, Phil's gorgeous, swollen cock — pumped by Amy's fingers — showed that he was as turned on by Jack and Steph as Jack and Steph had been the previous weekend when they had...
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Introduction: A tale of lust, love, and longing, spanning a few weeks and dozens of lives. Jim meets most of the family next door: Cindy and her teen daughters. No first person sex in this one – but some interesting discoveries over dinner. Your opinions matter, so comments with your thoughts are welcome. Constructive advice preferred, of course. Each chapter is labelled with the themes in that chapter. There are a lot of other themes to this tale as the chapters progress, including: anal,...
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Your Wish Come True by Pol Roger Chapter 9 Discoveries She makes discoveries about herself and the future becomes clearer STILL rather stunned and excited by her new apartment, Mandy decided she needed to get two things fairly urgently: her own new mobile phone and a new computer. She locked the apartment and, taking advantage of a lull in the rain, walked up to Chesham Place where she...
Friday. 6:00 p.m. Jack Flanagan had worked late every night that week, and was exhausted. He’d been so busy that he hadn’t given any thought to weekend plans, or even remembered that there was a weekend, for that matter. Jack had a thriving veterinary practice, which he loved. It had formed the backbone of his adult life. It was even how he’d met his wife, Steph, who had been his first vet tech when he’d opened the practice twenty-five years ago. But after recently turning fifty-five, he’d...
Wife LoversStrangely, Prel’s reluctance rekindled the spirit of motivation in me. I’d become complacent, losing myself in the haze of sexual desire and that of the potent berries that were so easily obtainable. The Kintinku provided me with a challenge – not only that of learning to communicate with the cat-man, but to seduce him as well. At first it was difficult. I had, in a true sense, become addicted to a heady mix of heightened sexuality and sensuality that the fruit induced. However, I soon...
Fantasy & Sci-FiBirds chirped. The sun felt warm on my skin. There was a gentle breeze. My eyes opened, and I saw the lake. The light breeze caused the smallest of crests upon the ripples in the water. My chin was on Jack's chest. We were both naked. On the lounger beside the pool. At the lake house.My immediate thought was minor panic that we'd be late to pick up the kids. They were at my parents' house, having spent the night there while we went out to the club, Catan's Masquerade, and then spent the night...
MILFAfter an exciting, pleasurable and surprising experience with Mark and Anne, — surprising because they had never imagined meeting a couple so much like them at Catan's Masquerade — Jack and Steph showered before getting dressed, saying warm good-byes to Mark and Anne, and leaving the club.As they relaxed on the drive to Phil's lake house on the south side of the lake, they looked forward to the peace and quiet there. "Are Amy and Phil going to be there?" Steph asked. On the one hand, it would...
Wife LoversDuring their recent date night at the Creekside Inn, Jack and Steph Flanagan had experienced a series of thoughts, feelings, sensations and desires that were eye-opening for Steph, a relatively shy and conservative housewife.While Jack and Steph had been heading back to their car after running into Steph’s best friend, Amy, and her new boyfriend, Phil, at a local restaurant, Jack and Steph had peeked into Phil’s backyard. They had been intending to check out his new deck to get ideas for a deck...
Wife LoversBook Two: Sultry Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Thirteen: Voyeuristic Discoveries By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Sam Davies Confusion billowed through me. Daddy was talking to someone that wasn't here as he stared at his phone, his cock throbbing as it thrust before him. Frowning, I wanted to understand all of this. I grabbed his cock, fresh from my ass, as I knelt. “What's going on, Daddy?” I purred then licked the tip, tasting the sour...
Book One: Naughty Fantasies Created Chapter Four: Shocking Discoveries By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Sam Davies Courtney's mouth felt so hot on my lips as we kissed. I trembled on the bed, squirming in my college's school uniform. My heart thudded fast with my excitement. It was Friday, the weekend was before us, and my friends and I were having fun. Her tongue thrust into my mouth as my fingers fumbled at her blouse, working to open her...
Your opinions matter, so comments with your thoughts are welcome. Constructive advice preferred, of course. Each chapter is labelled with the themes in that chapter. There are a lot of other themes to this tale as the chapters progress, including: anal, BDSM, blowjob, BDSM, bondage and restriction, cheating, discipline, domination/submission, first time, group, humiliation, incest, lesbian, oral sex, pregnant, romance, teen, threesome, toys, voyeurism, virginity, wife, young. XNXX doesn't...
Men are from Earth. Women are from Earth. Deal with it. This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between this story and any actual person, living or dead, is coincidental. The story contains mature subject matter. It may contain adult situations and/or language. If you're not old enough to legally read this (and you know who you are), then get out of here before it's too late. You've been warned. Permission is granted to archive or repost this story as long as the...
What happens when Robbie has problems adjusting to her new life with the PuzzleBox. The PuzzleBox: Discoveries By Talonhunter It had been about a week since Robbie had solved the PuzzleBox, and both he and Sarah and many discussions about their future and that of the PuzzleBox. During the week Robbie learned what it meant to be female. Although given the ability to chose and form what she wanted, she was still not quite comfortable about the nuances of being a woman. Sarah...
New Discoveries with Sandy By SONIA [email protected] Please send comments!!! Chapter 1 - Bored! I was 2 weeks into the Summer holidays, it was a hot sunny day, my sister had left for two weeks holiday with her friend yesterday, my parents were at work and didn't get in until 6.00 - and I was bored! I picked up the phone and rang my best friend, Sandy, and invited him over. He arrived on his bike a half hour later and we sat drinking coke trying to think of something...
Chapter 2: Friday's Discoveries After a very peculiar, albeit restful night's sleep, I rolled out of bed like always and made my way toward the bathroom. One swat at the wall turned on the lights. Down went the panties, followed by my plump, rounded ass onto the toilet seat. For the briefest of moments, it occurred to me that there was something a little off about me sitting to go pee, but I quickly dismissed this thought as the stream of urine blasted from between my legs, straight...
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? ? STANDARD DISCLAIMER The following story is fiction is intended as ADULT material. This story has been submitted to an adult group on the Internet. If the story is found in any other location, it is not the responsibility of the author. All characters in the story are fictitious; any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. The author does not condone or endorse any of the activities detailed in this story, many of which are dangerous and or...
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This is a work of fiction... Chapter 1 – The Temptation Begins: Although a quarter of a century has passed since these incidents occurred, it seems like only yesterday that they happened. I have never related these events to another living soul until now. To the best of my knowledge, my brother and I are the only people who are aware of our time of discovery together. Yes, I suspect it is a combination of shame and guilt that have kept either Gary or me from sharing these experiences with even...
Incest-Francois de La Rochefoucauld *** Miranda turned to say something to Richard and saw that he wasn't there. Only then did she realize she had no idea where she was. She was standing on a patio attached to a house she didn't recognize. It was night, and the tide was coming in on the beach below, and the fog was coming with it. She hugged her bare arms and retreated inside, closing the French doors behind her. The lights were off, but the room was lit by a dozen grinning...
I took a sip of my Appletini, dancing in my seat at the bar to blaring dance music, watching men and women, masked and half-naked, grinding erotically on the strobe-lit dance floor. My girlfriend Velia, the naughty little thing that’d talked me into attending this swinger’s club with her and her husband, was in the already in the Red Room, probably getting the brains fucked out of her. I couldn’t bring myself to go in there. Not without getting a few drinks in me first, anyway. I had been a...
I took a sip of my Appletini, dancing in my seat at the bar to blaring dance music, watching men and women, masked and half-naked, grinding erotically on the strobe-lit dance floor. My girlfriend Velia, the naughty little thing that'd talked me into attending this swinger's club with her and her husband, was in the already in the Red Room, probably getting the brains fucked out of her. I couldn't bring myself to go in there. Not without getting a few drinks in me first, anyway. I had...
MatureGail “C’mon, Gail, go out with him! When was the last time you got laid?” “Terri, stop worrying about me. I’m fine. I get all the dates I want.” “It’s because you’re fucking your brother, isn’t it?” Added Becky. “Please, just admit it!” “Eww! For the hundredth time, eww and no!” Another girls’ night out with another round of overpriced wine, the girls trying to fix Gail up, and Gail denying an incestuous relationship. Gail and her brother Chris had always been very close, which had caused...
IncestLate September marked the end of the indian summer, cooler temperatures, and earlier sunsets. But none of this could dampen the spirits of young Devin Fawkes. For her, nothing could be finer in this life. She had great friends, even though she hadn’t joined them at the movies for a few weeks. Her grades were fine, she wasn’t stressing about SAT’s yet - it just didn’t worry her. Mostly, she was just elated to have a boyfriend. ‘And you know,’ she imagined telling Piper, ‘You’d think not being...
Chapter 5 – Discovery with my brother: Gary mounts me. Gary had pushed me over the edge, and now he was keeping me there. He would not allow me to come down. He kept forcing wave upon wave of orgasmic spasms through my core despite my pleas to allow me to stop. I was exhausted having endured the series of massive convulsions from my first multiple orgasm. My sides and abdomen hurt. But I could not stop cumming as my brother continued to stimulate me. I was forced to endure convulsion after...
IncestThe next seven months were very busy for the people living in Tah’s house. Prue worked on the business side as required. For the most part, she left it up to the team she had put together to get things up and running. It was their town and their people, so they knew who was who, where the best places to build were and where to get the resources that they need. Lyle had turned out a godsend, and he ran the office. Tah and Raghu looked after everything that needed to happen out of the office....
Peaks was your usual midwestern industrial town, although a bit larger than most. The summers of my youth were always the best times, accompanied by my small tribe of friends. Cicadas would call indefinitely, the trees whispering as we romped around those places in your hometown that one might overlook entirely, unless they were yours, and you had to find entertainment in them. We didn’t have a movie theater in town, and none of my buddies had a car for us to venture over to neighboring White...
Gay MaleSummer vacation in my younger years was a magical time in my life, filled with exciting, erotic discoveries. The thrills of the time actually started during the last week of school when I made a new friend. I’d always admired and envied him. His name was Bobby, and he was so cute; but we had nothing in common. He was the star of all the boy sports that I hated. I preferred to play on the swings and monkey bars; and when I was lucky, jump rope and hop-scotch with the girls. So I was confused...
Kat left work half an hour early. It was a Friday after all... and in any case, her boss hadn't been in all day meaning she'd had to teach his undergraduate tutorial class. The poor life of a 30-something university researcher. There was another reason she was leaving early. She almost broke out in to a run as she was approaching her car. She wanted to be out of there as quickly as possible and she didn't want to be seen doing it. The reason for leaving a little early was simply so she could...
CheatingSusan’s whole family, were furious with her for cheating on me. I was in a strange, almost cereal situation. Where my folks had sided with Susan. I think it most likely, with me being an only child, they were worried about keeping in contact with they’re grand children. But Sue’s whole family saw things a completely different way and took my side. Whilst they stayed in contact with Susan, they definitely gave her a pretty hard time. Susan had kept the main house in the divorce settlement,...
When I finally got home I was puzzled to see a light on in the lounge. My father was sitting up waiting for me. On thinking about it, I was surprised that he hadn’t called me, as I was sure Susan would have called home. But then my dad has this thing about mobile phones, he wouldn’t have one, and refused to call one, even if the shit had hit the fan. ‘Just what the hell is going on Donald? I’ve been trying to call you for hours,’ He demanded when I entered the house. Then I remembered that...
Melanie embraced this new dynamic instantly. Although she had always been a submissive, our relationship had opened so much more inside of her that she never realized before. She had told me that she would often imagine what other women might look like pregnant with my child and it excited her. She had mentioned her desire to see me with other women so she could see what she felt, as it happened, but she couldn't answer why. After I brought Audrey and Bonnie into our family, she finally...
Cooper was one of Jet's best friends, a seemingly eternally relaxed boy who despite being a bit short and always dressing in dark colors had a pretty powerful presence wherever he went. Part of this was the fact that despite multiple comments informing him of this, he insisted on wearing far too much body spray. However, most of this was attributed to his powerful sense of observation and his willingness to weigh in on the personal matters of friends and strangers alike, offering advice to...
“Hop in,” he said, pulling up at the end of the driveway. I was standing in the cold waiting for the bus. I sat in the seat, and as soon as I’d closed the door, we were off down the road. My next question had been eating at me all weekend. “What do you mean you’ll take care of your girlfriend?” “You’ll see soon enough,” he said, taking my hand in his. He left me in thought as we sped along the road. I thought to myself, What will happen if someone finds out? For God’s sake, my parents...
“I’ve seen you staring at me in class, anyone could see it.” I could tell through his voice his lips had curled into a smile. I was somewhat in shock; was it really that obvious? I threw the thought away as another popped into my mind. Is this really happening? I lay there, my dream boy clinging onto me, his cock rubbing my asshole. “Hey aren’t you forgetting something?” I broke from his hug, and turned to face him. But before I could say anything, he kissed me; and when our lips met, my...
I guess I should talk about myself some, huh? I like to think of myself as a good looking guy, you know, not too muscular, but definitely not fragile or anything. I guess you could think of me as having a type of swimmer’s physique despite that even though I live on a lake, I still don’t swim much. (My mother said I take the lake front property for granted.) I’m short for my age, standing at about five-foot two, with not quite shoulder length blond hair and hazel eyes that like to change...
I guess I should talk about myself some, huh? I like to think of myself as a good looking guy, you know, not too muscular, but definitely not fragile or anything. I guess you could think of me as having a type of swimmer’s physique despite that even though I live on a lake, I still don’t swim much. (My mother said I take the lake front property for granted.) I’m short for my age, standing at about five-foot two, with not quite shoulder length blond hair and hazel eyes that like to change...