O?s Masquerade free porn video

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o’s Masquerade

Master dressed in a black tuxedo complete with top hat and gloves. His slave was naked except for collar, cuffs and the mules on slave’s feet.

Well, i guess that is not strictly true. i was also wearing a blindfold. It is actually a double blindfold. It is swimming goggles with the lenses painted black. Wearing these it is impossible to see anything. But Master likes the aesthetic of a cloth blindfold, so the goggles are covered with a strip of black silk. He slipped the elastic band of the goggles over slaves head and then tied the black silk blindfold at the back of slave’s head.

One of the unusual things about this blindfold is that i can keep slave’s eyes wide open. Many blindfolds fit in a way that forces the eyes closed. These goggles were intended for swimmers who want to have their eyes open. With the lenses painted black i can keep slave’s eyes wide open and see nothing but blackness. Actually, it can be a bit disquieting.

Next, He instructed me to open slave’s mouth and He inserted a latex cock. It is a little smaller around and shorted than Master’s fabulous cock. Master refers to this as a passive gag, because it does not have any straps to hold it in slave’s mouth. For me it is more of an active gag, as i must keep some suction on it to be sure it stays in slave’s mouth.

Because the first half of the cock is softer and curved, i can take about six inches into slave’s mouth quite comfortably; the last two inches are less comfortable. Master does not require that i keep all eight inches in slave’s mouth at all times. So i can suck it in, and work it out with slave’s lips and tongue, as i wish.

For a bit of a respite, i can even suck it completely into slave’s mouth and almost close slave’s mouth over the back, thus letting slave’s teeth keep the gag seated. This allows slave’s mouth a bit of relief, but it sometimes has a tendency to challenge slave’s gag reflex.

Finally Master inserted a remote controlled vibrating egg into slave’s sex, and instructed me to take slave’s place on His front porch. Standing in the spotlight on the porch, i heard the door being locked behind me.

Shortly i heard Master back His car out of the garage and He came to lead me to His car. W/we were going to a masquerade party at a home in a very upscale gated community. The invitation stated that the partiers were to come dressed as their favorite couple, real or fictional.

Of course, Master and i were going as Sir Stephen and his slave o, from ?The Story of O?. The invitations advised that it was an adult party and costumes could be as ?creative? as W/we pleased.

Master drove up to the guard’s kiosk and showed the invitation to the man at the window. i heard Him tell the guard that He had been to the house before and did not need directions. He drove right to the house and parked on the street in front. He said that there were a dozen or more cars in the driveway and on the street.

Master came around and opened the passenger door. He helped me out of the car and secured slave’s wrist cuffs behind slave’s back with a QuickLink. i now had no illusions that i would be wearing anything more than i was (essentially nothing) for the duration of the evening.

Blindfolded i was somehow more aware of slave’s hands resting on the divide of slave’s ass. slave’s wrists are often tethered this way leaving slave’s hands resting on slave’s ass. i guess maybe the blindfold increased slave’s awareness of it, and thus of slave’s nakedness.

Master fastened His leash to slave’s collar, but He put His left arm around slave’s back and under slave’s left arm so that He could cup slave’s left breast in His hand, thus He would guide me to the front door.

i could feel the flush coming over slave’s body as i considered being paraded before who knows how many strangers, naked, leashed, blindfolded, with a latex cock stuffed in slave’s mouth. Slave’s heart was racing and pounding so hard i thought i probably couldn’t hear anything but slave’s heart beat. i had no way of knowing how many, if any, of the partiers i would know.

Being an affluent neighborhood the streets are undoubtedly well lighted. i was sure that slave’s naked body would be clearly visible to any nosey neighbor, and what neighborhood doesn’t have at least one of those?

Master applied the slightest pressure to slave’s back with His arm to let me know that i was to keep walking. Then He pulled back slightly on slave’s breast and i knew i was to stop.

He rang the doorbell.

i sucked the cock-gag deep into slave’s mouth; just short of all the way in. Being ?blind?, i should have been able to be much more attentive to the sounds around me. But, in fact, all that i could hear was slave’s heart hammering in slave’s ears.

i did hear the door open and then heard a woman gasp.

?Oh, my god. Hello Steven. You look marvelous. And this, I presume, is your odalisque. I expected something fun from you, but this is phenomenal. Please, come in.?

?Hello Candace. Your invitation said it was an adult party so I took you at your word.? Master apparently knew Candace; i did not. i had not met the hostess. i wondered if i had met anyone who was attending the party. i would only be able to recognize them by their voices, of course.

Master’s hand raised slave’s breast slightly to let me know there was a threshold. i heard the door close behind U/us and Master released slave’s breast. He walked a couple of steps away from me until the leash became taut and pulled me forward. i could hear the party noise, but it sounded as if it was a room, or two, removed.

?Steven, your odalisque is going to be the ‘Belle of the Ball’ but, from what I’ve heard, she usually is.? It was Candace’s voice.

i was having a little trouble concentrating, or more accurately, knowing what to concentrate on. On the one hand, i wanted to gather as much information as i could audibly, but on the other hand, i had to be acutely aware of the lead of Master’s leash so that i didn’t run into a wall or something.

i realized i was keeping slave’s eyes wide open as if at some point i would suddenly step out of the darkness and be able to see. i tried to relax, but i couldn’t help staring vigilantly into the pitch blackness of the blindfold.

This was yet another new experience for me. i can’t remember ever walking stark naked into someone else’s home full of guests. i am, of course, naked in Master’s home and i have been naked in any number of places, but usually i start out clothed and end up naked. Here i was walking right into a party of probably 25 or thirty people (whom i could not see) utterly naked. And i knew that i was going to remain naked throughout the evening.

It may sound strange but i was much less comfortable not being able to see the people for whom i was on display. When i can see people’s faces i can get a feel for their reaction to me. i think when i can look someone in the eye it tends to ameliorate their reaction to me a little. If I can see their faces, i can interpret what i see there and respond appropriately. Blindfolded i don’t know anything about these people. They might all be what Master refers to as ?in the scene? and so dressed almost as outrageously as i, or they might all be Sunday school teachers.

i could hear that W/we were getting closer to the party, and i could feel slave’s head getting lighter and breathing becoming shallower and more difficult. i felt Master make a sharp turn, and i followed.

Then i heard another woman’s voice, ?Oh, good lord.? And suddenly the party noise was all but gone. i heard a couple of gasps, a laugh, maybe two, and then, astonishingly, applause. Yes, the room seemed to erupt in applause. i don’t know how many people were in the room, and i don’t know how many were applauding, but it sounded like a small theatre full.

i could feel the blood suffuse slave’s entire body in a blush. i wouldn’t have thought slave’s heart could beat any faster, or louder, but it did. i felt  completely lightheaded and on the verge of being physically ill. i suddenly thought what do i do if i start to throw up with the gag in slave’s mouth. i fought very hard to breath deeply and slow slave’s heart.

i must have looked rather bizarre because i was breathing around the cock-gag at a very rapid pace.

i felt Master’s leash go slack, so i stopped. Master used a non-verbal command by tapping slave’s knee with the end of His leather crop. i immediately knelt where i was, without actually knowing where i was. i did this carefully, as being light-headed, blindfolded and with slave’s wrists secured behind slave’s back, it can be a little tricky. i was happy to feel the plush carpet under slave’s knees.

The party noise gradually resumed.

i felt Master’s leg next to me and His hand stroking slave’s hair. He stopped long enough to, apparently, shake someone’s hand.

?Steven, welcome, and congratulations, that was quite an entrance. And, need I say, your odalisque is exquisite.?

So this man was another person i apparently didn’t know. ?Thank you Blake. And thank you, and Candace, for inviting us.?

As i knelt with Master stroking slave’s hair, i recovered slave’s breath and composure enough to wonder what the other guest’s costumes were. i could only assume, but with some confidence, that i was the only naked woman in the room.

The voice i understood to be Blake’s said, ?Here, let me take your hat and gloves. Why don’t you sit down for a few minutes and then I will introduce you, and odalisque, to the other guests.?

With that, Master pulled up on the leash and i carefully stood. He let His end of the leash hang freely down the front of slave’s body. He put His left arm around slave’s back and cupped slave’s left breast in His hand.

W/we took a few steps and stopped. i guess Master must have sat down because the next thing i knew His hand was between slave’s legs at slave’s sex. He played with slave’s clit a little and then stroked slave’s thigh.

i heard a woman’s voice, ?Geeze, she didn’t even flinch when he just stuck his hand between her legs.? 

Master’s left hand started at slave’s clit and slid down to slave’s knee, and up, and down, and up?i don’t know how long this went on. It seemed at once to be too long (i had no way of knowing how many people were watching) and not long enough (i was enjoying Master’s attention as i always do).

Eventually, Blake’s voice again, ?Steven, I would like you to meet Brian and Aleah. And this lovely creature is Steven’s odalisque.?

Master must have stood and moved His hand to caress slave’s left breast, i couldn’t help wondering what ?couples? Blake & Candace and Brian & Aleah were dressed as.

?Very pleased to meet you Steven and odalisque.? It was a male voice that i assumed was Brian.

i’m not quite sure what happened next, but suddenly the cock-gag seemed to have a mind of its own and it began to slide out of slave’s mouth. It felt as if it got about half way out before i managed to suck it most of the way back in.

?Oh, my word, have you had that down your throat the whole time? Oh, I’m sorry, that is so stupid, of course you have, and because you have, you can’t possibly answer my question.

?Honestly, Steven, I’m not usually this obtuse, am I Brian? I guess your odalisque has just sort of stupefied me.? i assumed that this voice must be Aleah.

?I’m sure that you are not the least bit obtuse Aleah.?

?My god, it looked like that thing was a foot long. How can she keep it in?? Aleah again.

?Actually, I think it is close to eight inches long. And she keeps it in by oral manipulation, accomplished with a great deal of practice in one way or another.? i could hear the laughter in Master’s voice, and i doubted that i was the only one to recognize it.

In an effort to illustrate Master’s point, i let as much of the cock-gag slip out of slave’s mouth as i dared, using slave’s tongue and lips to expel it. Then i sucked it back into slave’s mouth almost to the hilt.

?I don’t suppose you need any ‘practice dummies’ for her, do you Steven?? i thought this was Blake’s good- natured voice.

Then i was sure, when i recognized Candace’s voice, ?You would only be good for one time, Sweetie, because I would cut it off in mid ‘practice’, and I do mean cut it off.? She said it in a way that, even sightless, i recognized as playful. i could feel a smile come to slave’s mouth around the gag.

i recognized Aleah’s voice. ?Well Candy, you suggested that there might be something rather interesting at your party. I must say that you delivered in spades.?

?It’s very nice to meet you Aleah and Brian.? Master guided me a few steps to O/our right and then W/we stopped again.

?Mark and Jack, I’d like you to meet Steven and his odalisque.?

?Holy John, Paul, George and Ringo. Blake, you have outdone yourself. Steven is this like a theatrical gig, or something??

?It’s nice to meet you both. It is very much odalisque’s realty. She??

?But, my god man, how can you get away with it? I mean there must be laws or, I don’t know, something, but how??

There was no way i could determine which voice was Mark and which Jack. i couldn’t help wondering what favorite couple they came as.

?I don’t think we are breaking any laws, except perhaps public decency when we walked from the car to the front door. odalisque’s slavery is completely consensual. I’m sure, if she could, she would happily confirm that.?

?Nice meeting you both.? Master guided me to the next introduction.

This time Candace did the presentation. ?Joy and Tony, I would like you to meet Steven and his odalisque. Isn’t she spectacular? Oh, I’m sorry Steven, you are wonderful, as well.?

?That’s alright, Candace, I am accustomed to paling in comparison to o.?

It was a women’s voice, so i assumed it to be Joy, ?I was across the room when you were showing off the length of that thing in you mouth, could you do it again? I mean, would you do it again. Is this, like an act or??

?Yes, o.?

Master having given permission, i worked the gag out of slave’s mouth so that i only had the ?head? between slave’s teeth.

?Holy shit. ‘Spectacular’ doesn’t begin to describe her!? It was a male voice so i guessed it was Tony. ?Incredible, awesome, I can’t actually think of a word sufficient to describe her. That thing must be ten inches long. Forgive me for asking, but was she a ‘working girl’ when you met her. Did you have to train her, or??

?Toooooonyyyyy!? Joy again.

?Actually, Tony, she was a working girl when I met her. She was working in my office as my Confidential Administrative Assistant. She was also one of the brightest, most conservative young women you could possibly imagine. Yes, I’ve trained her, but once she embraced it, she was very much a natural.?

The voice i recognized as Candace, ?I just realized, Steven, with all the excitement, we didn’t offer you a drink. Can I get you something? We laid in a very respectable sparkling wine, as Blake said that was your preference.? Well, obviously Blake does know Master, at least his taste in wine.

?That would be wonderful Candace, if you would be so kind.?

Moments later i heard a cork pop, so i gathered that there was a bar in the room. Within seconds Candace was back with the wine.

i felt the egg inside me come alive, rather gently  moving about within me.

Candace called, ?Maci, come here.?

i gathered Maci did, as Candace said, ?Maci and Eric this is Steven and his odalisque.?

Master tapped slave’s knee with His switch and i knelt at His side. A male voice said, ?Man, I wish I could get my horses to respond like that.?

?Well, Eric, your horses, at least initially, don’t want to learn or please. That is where I have the advantage. o, very much, wants to please and so she learns.?

?Boy, I’ll bet she does please, too. I saw that thing in her mouth, that’s got to be a talent that would please any guy, in fact she could probably please my horses.?

?Eric, geeze, you’re not in your stable. She is a woman, and just because...? As this woman, Maci, ii assumed, was speaking, the gag slipped more than two-thirds of the way out of slave’s mouth. i worked quickly to bring it back in. ?Oh, my god, look at her working on that thing. She must have jaw muscles like a python.?

i brought the gag completely into slave’s mouth so that i could almost close it and rest slave’s jaw muscle’s a little. i guess i didn’t get it quite right because i could feel slave starting to gag and so had to let the ?cock? slip back out of slave’s mouth about half way.

The voice i thought to be Eric’s said, ?Shit. I’m getting’ hot just watchin’ her play with that thing. I can’t imagine what it would be like if that was my dick she was suckin’.?

?And you’re never gunna know, trust me cowboy.? Maci’s voice, this time i was sure.

Master pulled me up by the leash and W/we were introduced to some additional guests. Master increased the tempo of the egg in slave’s sex. But it was still not taking over slave’s body as it can do.

i realized that i hadn’t really been paying much attention to the names of the guests. i just sort of let them slip from slave’s memory as W/we moved away from them because i knew that i would never be able to remember these people by the sound of their voices. With each introduction, i tried to imagine what their costumes might be, but it was really impossible.

At some point i heard Candace say, in what she probably thought was a whisper, but i could clearly hear, ?Isn’t she outrageous? Can you imagine, this is her life? Blake says she looks like an angel, (duh), but she acts like the devils hand maiden. He says she is naked almost every hour of every day. He said he doesn’t think there is anything that Steven would tell her to do, that she wouldn’t do.?

Another female voice, ?Joe said she sure isn’t a woman one he could take home to mother. But you know, if you put clothes on her, she’d probably look like Gwenyth Paltrow or one of those. I mean she’s absolutely gorgeous, and not the least bit hard or coarse or ‘used’ looking. You’d just have to be sure to keep her away from your father.?

While I was listening to this conversation, Master put his hand under slave’s chin, the non-verbal command to slide the cock-gag out of slave’s mouth. i worked the gag out, again until the ‘head’ was caught by slave’s teeth.

i heard a woman whisper ?That is feakin’ unbelievable. i have my hands full, (ha ha) I mean my hands and mouth full, with Joe’s little pecker. That thing is enormous and she seems to have complete control of it.?

Master took slave’s chin in His hand and pulled the cock-gag from slave’s mouth. He reached around me and put the saliva covered latex cock in slave’s hands.

i exercised slave’s jaw which was a little stiff in spite of all the ?practice? that i get having a cock (Master’s or prosthetic) in slave’s mouth. Master put His hand under slave’s chin, a command to open slave’s mouth, and He poured a little wine into slave’s welcoming mouth.

i heard a women’s voice whisper, ?Can you believe this? And you weren’t sure you wanted to come tonight.?

And then a male voice, ?This is pretty perverted, but I sure wouldn’t have wanted to miss it.?

After three or four more sips of sparkling wine, Master tapped slave’s knee with His crop. i dropped to slave’s knees. i could hear some ooohs and aaahs. It seemed apparent that more than one person at the party envied Master His obedient slave.

i felt Master again stroking slave’s hair as i knelt next to Him. He was in conversation with Blake and Candace, who, i couldn’t help thinking, were kind of neglecting their other guests since W/we arrived.

It is hard to explain just how i felt as i knelt at Master’s side. i was sure that i was the only naked woman in the room, but i really had no idea who the other people were. 

i didn’t even know how large a room W/we were in. As i knelt next to master i could hear some bits of conversations. i wondered if, as has happened before, people were just walking up, staring at me, discussing me and walking away. At least this time, up until moments ago, they had a good reason not to try to engage me in conversation.

Kneeling next to Master i overheard two women, ?Can you believe her??

?What do you suppose would make a woman submit to this? Did you know they were going to be here??

?No. But Candace did say that Blake had invited a couple who would probably be the talk of the party. I’m guessing they’re who she meant.?

Then a man’s voice, ?What would it take for you to submit to something like that??

And a woman’s, ?There is nothing in this world that could make me do that for even one night, and someone said she is always this way. This is who she is.?

i love to hear that because it reinforces how unique i am, and how special i can be to Master.

The man’s voice, ?Yeah, Blake said she is almost always nude and when she is dressed, it is in see-thru dresses that don’t really hide anything.?

?But how can that be. She can’t really live like that, can she??

?You wouldn’t think so, but Blake swears she does.?

After i don’t know how long, Master reached for the leash and pulled me up by it. Master put His left arm around slave’s back, under slave’s left arm, and cupped slave’s left breast with His left hand. Master led me a number of steps to what i guessed was a table of food. i could smell the food, hear people talking about it, and hear plates and silverware clinking. Master relinquished slave’s breast and guided me along the table by the pressure of His body against slave’s. He apparently was filling a plate.

i overheard a female voice behind U/us in a half whisper, ?Holy crap, look at her hands, she’s caressing that dildo like it’s a real prick.? It took me a moment to grasp that she was talking about me (obviously). i didn’t even realize that i was, in fact, stroking the latex cock in slave’s hands as if it was Master’s magnificent cock. ?Can you imagine leading a life so totally abandoned to sex and gratifying a man??

i could feel that W/we had come to the end of the table and master said, ?Wait here o.?

?Yes Master?

Then a female voice, ?Your, um, Master? is across the room. Is it okay to talk to you?? i was fairly sure it was the voice that commented on slave’s hands fondling the cock-gag.

?Yes Mistress.?

?People are saying that this is your life; that this is not an act, or a party game, but pretty much the way you spend every day of your life. Can that really be true?? i had the feeling that she almost wanted to believe.

?Well Mistress i am naked most hours of most days. But, as you might imagine, i am not always in a stranger’s home in front of a dozen other strangers??

?More like fifty.?

?Yes Mistress, as you say, naked before fifty strangers, and i am not usually blindfolded. i am always at Master’s service for whatever He may want of me. So i guess it would be fair to say that this is pretty much slave’s existence, yes Mistress.?

?But how; why?? This was a different female voice.

?Mistress, there are two answers to that question. One is very long and i will not bore you with it tonight, but if you are truly interested we can talk at a later date. The short answer is, ‘Being Master’s naked display-slave pleases Master, and pleasing Master makes me happy.’? As i was speaking i could feel the vibrating egg becoming very active within me.

?But what do you really get out of the relationship? It can’t just??

?i think that you will have an answer to that question in just a moment. Do you see slave’s Master??

i felt Master’s arm go around slave’s neck and His hand rest on slave’s breast. ?I am here o.? As He stroked slave’s breast i could feel slave vigorously stroking the cock-gag in slave’s hands behind me.

i turned slave’s head toward Master, ?May Your slave please cum Master??

?Yes o.? and Master kissed me while moving His arm so that slave’s shoulder was in His grip as slave’s orgasm passed over me. Slave’s knees buckled, and had Master not held me tight to His body, i would surely have fallen to the floor. i didn’t scream, but i was not mute either. i could only imagine the looks on the faces of the two women to whom i had been speaking, and any others in our vicinity.

When slave’s body quit convulsing Master took His lips from slave’s mouth. The egg’s vibration went back to almost quiet. Master was still holding slave upright. i managed to recover slave’s equilibrium and Master took His end of the leash from where it hung between slave’s legs and lead me away. i could hear one of the women saying, ?Is that what she meant as an answer to your question??

?An orgasm like that would almost be enough for me? almost.? i thought i heard giggles.

Master lead me a couple of dozen steps, put His hands on slave’s shoulders and turned me around. He taped slave’s knee and i knelt. He must have sat in a chair because He put his arm was around slave’s shoulder and neck and He caressed slave’s breast.

i felt something at slave’s mouth so i opened it and Master inserted half a stuffed mushroom. It was delicious. He then fed me fruit cubes, shrimp, little pieces of pizza and other delights.

From somewhere in front of U/us i heard a man whisper, ?If I touched her mouth with the end of my dick, do you think she would take it??

Another male voice, ?I don’t know, but I would sure as hell like the opportunity to try it; Even if she bit me.?

Master took His hand from slave’s breast and with His index finger applied a little pressure to slave’s chin, i opened slave’s mouth and received some delicious sparkling wine.

i have no idea how long this went on or how many people were watching.

At one point i heard a male voice, ?Imagine what it would be like to have her around the house all day.?

?Exhausting.? The reply was accompanied with some laughter.

?If you two can get your hands off your dicks long enough, consider this: Do you suppose I am the only woman in this room who is wondering what Steven has, or does, that makes it worth it to odalisque to do what she is doing?? It was a woman’s voice I’d heard before. It was said lightly, but it seemed in earnest. i never got a chance to hear the response, they seemed to drift away as they spoke.

From behind me, i heard a woman’s voice, ?I don’t think she has quit fondling that dildo since he put it in her hands.?

Another woman’s voice, ?I know. She is wholly wanton.?

Master told me that He was going to leave me for a moment, but He would be back briefly. i heard Him pick up the plate and silverware, He wiped slaves face and i sensed Him leave.

Almost immediately i felt a presence next to me. A voice whispered, ?What is it like to lead a life so totally abandoned to sex and gratifying a man?? i recognized the voice and the words from just a few minutes earlier in the evening.

?i am sure what it might be for anyone else, Mistress, but for me it is nirvana. i can no longer imagine living any other way. In fact i am not sure i could live any other way.?

?Has it ever occurred to you that you might be sick. I don’t mean in the Puritanical way, but I mean slightly unbalanced??

i thought for a moment. ?Mistress, what if i told you that i knew of a way that you could be incredibly happy almost every second of every day, without a worry or responsibility in the world? What if i told you that you could have the love of your life, more love than you can conceive of, physical and emotional. You will never have the cares and woes of most of the rest of the world. And all you have to do for it is what i am doing tonight, would you? Would you at least consider it? i think many women would. But most would not have the trust and faith in their Master, or the cheek, if you will. Master gave me the courage and i have never regretted it.?

?Of course, looking like you do, you probably could have had most of that with a snap of your finger.?

?You are most generous Mistress, but do you think that people would see me so differently if i was only four foot eight, or weighed an extra thirty pounds? It is the attitude that they see. It is slave’s willingness, submission, if you will. An attractive display is probably a bonus, but i bet most of the people, men, in this room would feel much the same if i was ‘Ugly Betty’??


Master returned and picked up His end of the leash from between slave’s knees and pulled me to a standing position.

?If you will excuse us Heidi.?

He untied the silk blindfold and slipped the swimming goggles over slave’s head. It was not bright in the room, but i had to squint. It was probably from straining so hard to see in that total darkness that now the lowest light felt like looking directly into the sun.

At last, i quit blinking and Master asked if i was ready. i said ?yes? without knowing ?ready? for what. i looked at the woman who had apparently been asking me the questions. ?Master did you call her Heidi because her name is Heidi or because she is here as Heidi someone??

?She and her partner are here as Heidi Klum and Seal.? i could see that she would be a very reasonable Heidi Klum, certainly capable of getting much of what she might want with the snap of her fingers.

Master turned me so that i was facing a very striking couple dressed as Tarzan and Jane.

Before W/we arrived, Jane’s costume was probably considered rather daring. The top was a strip of faux leopard fur with a piece of hemp string from the upper corners around the neck. Another piece of string went from a lower corner around ?Jane’s? back to the other lower corner. Below she wore a faux leopard skin thong. She has a wonderful body and was absolutely stunning.

Tarzan’s loin clothe was brief but more than adequate. He had a very nice build. They were both extremely attractive.

?odalisque, these are our hosts, Blake and Candace.?

They were about Master’s age and looked stunning in their ?native skins?.

?Hello, Blake Sir, and Mistress Candace. i love your costumes.?

?And I greatly admire yours o.? Blake was smiling, as was Candace. They seemed to be a couple quite at ease with themselves, and each other.

Now the party began to ?normalize? a little as people began to mingle and talk of things other than the naked slave in their midst.

A couple dressed, and identified by a ?press pass? and ?photographer’s credentials?, as Oscar and Felix, the Odd Couple, walked up.

Master introduced them as Mark and John.

?Your Mas, uh, Steven says that you are a real life, fulltime slave completely by choice. Is that true?? It was John’s question.

?Well, John Sir, i am certainly a full time slave. As for ‘completely by choice’ if it wasn’t true, and i was somehow being coerced, i probably wouldn’t be able to tell you, would i? But the honest answer is, yes, i am Master’s slave completely by consent. i love being His slave. i wouldn’t have it any other way.?

?But don’t you find it degrading? I don’t know if a common whore would do what you are doing.? It was Mark this time.

?i would hope that you don’t find me common, Mark Sir, and i am categorically not a whore. So perhaps what makes me different is what makes me special, to Master at least.?

A couple of women joined U/us. They were a very recognizable Ellen Degeneres and Portia de Rossi. i had the feeling that they were every bit a couple as are the real Ellen and Portia. ?Ellen? was wearing an off-white pants suit complete with tie and Portia was wearing a beige mini dress with stiletto high-heels.

The ?Ellen? spoke first, ?Hi. Candace didn’t get around to introducing us, so I’m Patty and this is Valerie.?

?Hello Mistress Patty, you and Mistress Valerie make a wonderful Ellen and Portia.?

?Thank you,? she seemed to read slave’s name off of slave’s thigh, ?odalisque, what do you get out of being treated like shit??

?Well, Mistress Patty, first of all, it is your opinion that i am treated like ‘shit’. Slave’s view is rather different. i think that i am treated like Master’s display slave, and very much loved by Master. i very much love Master, and so want to please Him. Being His naked slave pleases Him.?

?That is some fraternity boy’s fantasy. Get real and get a life.? It seemed Patty was not going away quietly.

?i had another life Mistress Patty. i have an MBA and was Administrative Assistant to Master Steven when i fell in love with Him, and became His slave. i wouldn’t change a moment of it.?

?Whatever!? Not the first time i have heard that ?argument?. Patty and Valerie turned and left.

A couple dressed as Roy Rogers and Dale Evans approached. i don’t really know much about Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, but this was a very cute cowboy/girl couple.

Master said, ?odalisque, Roy Rogers and Dale  Evans are really Maci and Eric.? i think He introduced them that way in case i didn’t recognize them, because Roy and Dale were a bit before slave’s time. Master excused Himself and left me with Roy and Dale.

He also left me with an egg vibrating, now vigorously, in slave’s sex.

?Hello Eric Sir. You are the gentleman who thought that i might be able to satisfy your horses, aren’t you??

Maci laughed wholeheartedly and Eric’s face turned as red as his bandana.

?Uh, well, yes Ma’am, I, uh, I, well, I meant it as a compliment.?

?And that is how i took it, Eric Sir.? i smiled at Maci who was obviously enjoying Eric’s discomfort.

?I think maybe Eric thought your blindfold covered your ears, too, odalisque. May I ask you a question??

?Of course, Mistress Maci.?

?When you began this relationship, did you dream that it would lead to you being nude in a room full of people, and demonstrating your oral dexterity with an 8 inch dildo.? Goodness, Maci gets right to the point.

?No, Mistress Maci, not in the beginning. But as O/our relationship progressed, i recognized that it offered endless possibilities. And i knew that Master has a wonderful mind and an astonishing imagination.? i could feel slave’s body beginning to react to the vibrating egg. ?Thus far Master has not required anything of me that seemed like a giant leap. Tonight is certainly a progression and i’m sure there will be additional progressions, but??

?Oh, my lord, what in god’s name could be a progression from here??

?i don’t know Mistress Maci, just as yesterday i could not have foreseen tonight. But i’m sure that i will survive, if not relish, whatever service Master may require. And i am quite confident it will not involve horses, Eric Sir.?

We shared a laugh. The egg must have been in overdrive. i could feel the sweat beginning to show on slave’s body. i was looking for Master. Slave’s breathing was rapid and shallow and i could see Maci looking at me rather askance.

?But what if it did?? Eric persisted.

?Well, i don’t think it? would come out of the blue. i think? Master? would prepare me for it, and offer it in a way? that i could, if not embrace it, at least abide it. And i know that i would try? to accomplish it. i know that probably sounds? crazy and maybe a little perverted, but it is how? i feel,? now at least.?

Master stepped up beside me, put His arm around slave’s back, under slave’s arm and cupped slave’s breast with His hand. i looked at Maci and Eric staring at Master’s hand on slave’s breast. i didn’t know if they could tell how quick and shallow slave’s breathing was, but i was sure Master could.

i looked to Master and said in what i hoped was a fairly normal voice, ?May Your slave please cum Master.?

?Yes o, please do.?

Almost before He finished the short sentence, i burst into an orgasm that buckled slave’s knees. Master pulled me closer to Him and kept me from falling to the floor. i bit slave’s lip to keep from screaming, but i couldn’t control the moans.

After a few moments i came back to reality and saw the shocked look on Maci’s and Eric’s faces.

?Is she okay??

?Oh god, Eric, ‘Is she alright?’, she just had an orgasm right here before god and Roy Rogers and Dale Evans.? Maci seemed more captivated than shocked, or indignant.

When she saw that i had regained a measure of normalcy, Maci said, ?Well, surely that was another progression, wasn’t it odalisque??

Though i was still having a little trouble with slave’s breathing, i said, ?Uh, oh, no Mistress Maci, it is not unusual for Master’s slave to be brought to orgasm in exciting situations like this evening. In fact ii had one earlier this evening.?

?Yes, you’re right, your life does seem slightly insane, but also a little bit astonishing. It’s been very nice meeting you, best of luck odalisque.? So saying Maci took Eric’s arm and kind of dragged him away. Now she seemed to be as much in shock, as i felt.

Eventually the party began to seem more like any other cocktail-masquerade party, except, of course that i was stark naked, with wrists secured behind slave’s back.

Master asked if i wanted more wine and i said yes. He went to the bar to get it, leaving me standing alone.

A couple approached. He was wearing a Bill Clinton mask and she a Monica Lewinski mask. He was in a dark blue suit and she was wearing a simple blue dress with a small stain on it. His voice had quite a bit of Clinton’s tone to it. ?Hello odalisque. Boy i wish i had met you before i wasted so much time on this bimbo Monica.?

I guess instinctively, he put out his hand and i turned enough for him to see that slave’s wrists were secured behind slave’s back and slave’s hands were full of a latex cock.

?And they called me ‘the bimbo’. Hi odalisque. My name really is Monica and Bill here is my husband Eric.?

?Hello Eric Sir, and Mistress Monica.?

?You are really something. Did Blake and Candace hire you to liven up the party or??

?No Mistress Monica, Master and i are guests, just as you are.?

She looked at me as if i was not understanding the question. ?But what do you really do, and Steven, what does he do for a living??

?Master is a marketing/public relations and motivation consultant, and i am His slave.?

?Speaking as Clinton, and Eric, I can assure you that slavery was abolished some time ago, my dear lady.?

?Involuntary slavery, yes Eric Sir. But i am a most willing slave.?

i saw something in Monica’s body language that suggested she was going to be another member of the group that would never understand. ?So, for nothing, you allow yourself to be completely debased and humiliated. Treated like a dog, if not worse than a dog and??

?Excuse me Mistress, it is not for nothing, it is for love. i know that it is very difficult for many to understand, because you only see O/our relationship over this brief couple of hours. But i love Master, and to please Him, i am His slave.?

?You are so right, I can’t understand it, but you actually do look pretty happy, considering. Good luck to you, odalisque.?

For a few moments i was alone again and i looked at all the costumes. i was right in guessing that i was the only naked woman at the party. In fact, most of the costumes were pretty conservative. Most of them looked as if they could have been purchased at a local costume shop.

Candace and Blake, were a bit daring and Aleah was wearing a Victorian dress that presented the upper third of her breasts beautifully, but the rest of the costumes would have been appropriate for any Halloween party.

As i was looking around, a man walked up, grabbed the end of the leash and started to pull me toward the sliding glass door to the patio.

As he was reaching for the door Master stepped up and said, ?Excuse me, but I think you have someone who belongs to me.?

?Really? I thought she was free for the taking.?

?I’m afraid you are mistaken. Please release the leash.?

?Okay, okay. Sorry for the misunderstanding.? And without another word he turned and walked away. He didn’t actually slur his words, but his voice was thick with liquor. i had the impression that when his wife tells him tomorrow what he did, he will probably be mortified.

Master had the two glasses of sparkling wine in His hands. He reached out to pour some into slave’s mouth. ?Are you alright o??

?Yes Master, but i am glad You came when You did.?

The party proceeded unremarkably for another hour or so. Then Blake and Candace came up to U/us. It was Candace who spoke, ?Steven, could I possibly ask a favor of you??

?You certainly may ask Candace.?

?I’m afraid that Patty and Valerie have had a bit more than their limit of wine. They are ‘asleep’ in the guest room. They live in your direction, would it be possible for you to drop them at their home on your way home? We can work out the retrieval of their car, with them, tomorrow.

?I am not hurrying you home, in any way, I’m sure they will sleep until you are ready to leave.?

?Actually, it is time for us to say good-night anyway. Why don’t we bundle them into their car. I will drive them home and o can follow in my car and we will go home from there??

?Oh, Steven, that would be fantastic. They aren’t usually much fun the day after a night like this. You would be an absolute life saver.?

So Master left me in the care of Aleah and Brian, and He and Blake went into the guestroom and gathered up Patty and Valerie. Candace went through Patty’s pockets and found the keys to their car and opened it. Master and Blake deposited Patty and Valerie in the backseat.

Master came back to fetch me and W/we said good-bye to all but Candace and Blake who came out to the car with U/us.

?I can’t tell you how much we appreciate this Steven. Here is the address of their house. We could have taken them ourselves, but it would have been much later and??

?Enough said, Candace. It is no trouble at all.? Candace leaned toward Master and raised up on her toes and kissed His cheek.

Then she turned and took slave by the shoulders and kissed me, on the lips. ?Thank you, too, odalisque. Will you be okay??

?Oh, i’m sure i will. It’s been a few years since I’ve driven, but i’m sure i’ll be just fine, and Master will be right in front of me.? Candace had kind of a funny look on her face. i think it was the idea that, living in California, i could have gone without driving a car for a couple of years.

It is funny that having this mission, W/we all seemed to ?forget? about slave’s nakedness. W/we took O/our time with O/our goodbye’s and then Master removed the QuickLink from slave’s cuffs and i walked the four or five car lengths to Master’s car and got in. Master got in the other car and started it. i started Master’s car and, when He passed, i pulled out and followed Him to the gate and onto the highway.

W/we drove for about ten miles and then Master signaled for the exit, and i followed.

On the surface road W/we went about a mile and suddenly the whole inside of Master’s car was red and blue. i looked in the mirror, saw the police car and, as soon as possible, i pulled over to the side of the road. i was sure i was going to pass out or throw up or have a heart attack, or all three.

The police car passed me. Master pulled to the side of the road and the police car passed Him.

i just sat in the car trying to decide if i needed to open the car door and vomit right there on the side of the road. While i was trying to take deep breathes and settle slave’s heart rate down, Master walked up to the window. i lowered it.

?Are you alright o??

?Yes Master, but that did frighten me. i don’t know what i would have done if they had stopped me.?

?W/we haven’t done anything wrong. They just kind of sneaked up on U/us because they don’t use their siren in the neighborhoods if they can avoid it.?

i finally felt as if i had slave’s composure back.

?Are you okay to continue o??

?Yes Master, thank you, I’m fine.?

W/we drove the last mile or so to the condominium complex where Patty and Valerie live. Master parked their car on the street right in front of their door and i parked Master’s car with three cars between.

Master opened the back door of the car and was trying to awaken them. It was late enough that i felt safe getting out and going to see if i could help. When i reached Master’s side He had Patty’s arm over His shoulder and He was helping her toward their front door. He asked me to take the keys out of the ignition and open the door to their condo.

They had left the porch light on so it was well lighted. i went up the half-dozen steps to the door and tried a couple of keys until i found the one that worked. Master half dragged Patty into the condo and laid her on the couch.

He went back to the car to retrieve Valerie. i waited just inside the front door. When Master had helped Valerie into the home, he gave her the keys, and W/we said ?goodnight?.

i took Master’s arm and W/we walked down the steps toward Master’s car. i almost felt like skipping. i don’t know why.

The urge to skip passed quickly. Standing next to Master’s car was a private security patrolman. W/we walked to Master’s car and the Patrolman looked up from looking inside Master’s car window.

?Holy shit. Uh, oh, uh, um, I’m sorry. Excuse me. Are you alright lady??

?Yes sir, i am quite fine, thank you.?

?Boy, you sure are! Is this your car??

?It is mine. Is there a problem?? Master sounded stern but not confrontational.

?Well, I just noticed that the keys are in the ignition and, even in this neighborhood, that isn’t a good idea, sir.?

?You are absolutely right, thank you. We were bringing a couple of friends home from a party. They were in no condition to drive, so I drove their car and odalisque drove mine. As you can see she has nowhere to put the keys, I guess she thought it would be okay to leave them for the short time we were going to be here.?

i guess the patrolman took Masters mentioning that i had nowhere to put the keys as an excuse to take a very close look at me; and he did.

?Are you sure you’re okay Miss. It isn’t a good idea to wander around nude, either.?

?Thank you Patrolman. i am perfectly okay, but i appreciate your interest.? i smiled at him as i said ?your interest?, because he was very obviously interested in slave’s naked body.

?Well then i will wish you a very good evening.?

Master opened the passenger door and i got in. He went around and got in His side. ?Good night Patrolman, and thank you for your vigilance.?

?My pleasure, and thank you Miss.?

?Good night Patrolman.?

The rest of the evening was uneventful.

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Hawaiian Beauty Gizelle Blanco Is Ripe For The Taking! When it comes to finding the hottest new girls in the industry Manuel never fails to impress! Gizelle’s wearing sexy pink lingerie with matching garter and stockings as she shows off her curves by the pool. She spins around to let you have a look at her monster booty before taking off her top to reveal her perky pierced nipples. Gizelle takes off her panties and makes her way inside to the couch where she lays on her back to start rubbing...

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BurningAngel Keisha Grey Toned and Boned

The slutty-girl-next-door Keisha Grey gets her daily squats and pelvic thrusts in! You have to get your protein to stay in top shape – but those drinks are so gross.. There has to be another way.. Luckily Mr. Pete came along with an idea to replenish her reserves, but she’d have to help him raise both their heart rates for a little while longer. If Keisha wanted some delicious cum instead of a nasty shake, she was gonna have to sweat for it in this sexual workout! The fucking sweat...

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The Spanish Cleaning Lady Part Two

Twenty-one-year-old James Raeburn and his mother's Spanish cleaning lady, Maria Ramos, had had some great sex after realising the attraction that they had for each other, and both wanted more and plenty of it. Maria was aged fifty-eight and although she had become a friend to James's mother Elizabeth during the ten years that she had worked for her neither Maria nor James thought that Elizabeth would look kindly on the two of them indulging in sex, especially as Maria was in the house to do the...

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Mistress WatchingChapter 20

Ed left the building followed by a crowd of news people yelling questions at him. Rice led him to an unmarked Ford Crown Victoria Police Cruiser. "This was Schwartz's car. I don't think he'll need it today," Rice said as he held the door for Katherine. Katherine got into the car and Ed got behind the wheel. He pulled away from the building and headed for his apartment. "What happened back there?" Ed asked, "This morning I was just a nobody, now I'm the Police...

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Radhas Married Life Part 1

India. Well, it is a fascinating country. In every corner of the country you find a story. From a beggar’s hut to a rich man’s house you have many stories. All you need to do is bring it to life putting it on paper. Today I am going to tell you the story of Radha. Radha was born in a typical Indian family. Typical, as in you might have seen in vintage Indian movies how ladies are kept submissive, their heads bowed down in front of the males of the family, and their heads covered with their...

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Nimbuzz Ki Ek Anokhi Prem Kahani

Hi friends this is Dev this is my first story. I’m 23 year from Mumbai old looking normal. Cock size 8 inches long and 3inches round and I have a very different cock from others. I have a curve cock from this cock I can satistfy any age lady or ladki ka naam siya hai jo muje nimbuzz ke chat room mai mili thi mai kamasutras, kamdev ki id se tha or room mai sex ke liye sab se puch raha tha tab usne muje pvt mai hi likha maine usko asl puch tab usne bataya ki who 23 F Kolkata se hai mai. Mai use...

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Stop WatchChapter 13

Waking up with two naked and beautiful women on either side of you would have to be the best thing in existence. It had been a hot night (in more ways than one!) and we had kicked the all the blankets and sheets onto the floor. Or maybe we had done it in the midst of all the sex during the night; I was a little hazy on the details. The end result though was that I had woken up surrounded by smooth, soft, and cool skin. Linda was on my right and she was languid and relaxed - sporting a...

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The Rise of Jade ForceChapter 4 Colonel Nguyen Dies

May 1, 1975 Colonel Wynn finished assembling his rifle after having cleaned it. He had placed second in a shooting competition, right behind Sergeant Major Washington. They had tied in the regular round and had to go into a second and third round before a winner was declared. He now had a nice little second place trophy. After each competitor was eliminated, they had returned to the ready room to clean their weapons. Because of the extra competition rounds, he and the Sergeant Major been...

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Family LettersChapter 19

Dear Willow, Someone thinks I should work on your tank. Actually the loading mechanism. I'm sure it wasn't you who included about a ream of technical drawings and information regarding your loader. I got the word from Marissa, 'improve that if you can', so I'm busy in my personal space, which now looks more like the inside of a science fiction machine shop rather than a bedroom ... anyway I have convinced the replicator (I have a small one in my space) to interface with my version of...

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Katie and Martis Date

I had just finished swapping the engine in my fifty three Ford. It took two weeks to do this job but I was proud of the fact that I had installed a fifty seven Cadillac Eldorado engine under the hood. I contemplated that this car would make an awesome street machine, and I couldn't wait to get it on Woodward Avenue next Friday evening. This three hundred sixty five cubic inch engine with dual quads, and a three-quarter cam would, most likely rule the road. And that was saying a lot considering...

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Minara the Grojan WarChapter 15 Allies And More

Arron had started to pick his way over the bodies when he noticed Minara pause. "Wait, Arron, there is one here, still alive." She kicked a body and it moved. "Stop playing dead, animal!" She stood and pulled up her skirts, revealing long shapely legs. She hitched them up to her thighs. Arron stared at the creamy smoothness of her skin, and he sensed the beast within stir. "Minara stop! It won't take much to tip me over the edge again." She smiled, revealing her filed teeth, and drew...

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Cant Pick Your FamilyChapter 13 Ransom

"Joey!" Tess voice sounded from the living room. "Quick! Come down!" The urgency in his sister's voice made Joey run downstairs. He had just returned from the extensive testing at the hospital. He found Tess staring at the TV. A local news reporter was speaking into the camera, in a voice awed by his own importance. "Police confirmed the injured person as Karen Langner, the life partner of Assistant District Attorney Maureen Darling. Sources have confirmed that Ms. Langner was rushed...

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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 44

Ken was walking outside when he spotted Eric in the Garden digging a hole. "Um, Eric," said Ken, "why are you digging a hole in Lea's Garden?" "It's not a hole," replied Eric, "it's a fire pit. Bill and Gary are out getting some stone to line it with, and Sally's getting stuff ready to cook over it." "Huh," said Ken. Well, if Lea had a problem with a fire pit in Her garden, She'd let Eric know. "Who came up with that idea?" "Jane." "Have you seen her?" asked...

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Mark had popped back to visit the Guild Lords at the end of the second week. He dropped off the thirty odd single gem items he had for each and explained why they had fixed them first. Renita and Palene had both agreed that they liked his and Jean’s reasoning and they believed they had found new candidates for many them. He had also redesigned them, and they now had two crystals on each and the gem for the discipline. He had also made the recipients small satchels that were about 32cm long...

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Matchmaking Trap Chapter 4

Donny (or “Donna” as she was now called) found her new life a tad frustrating, to say the least. She was not permitted to cum at all until the change was complete. It was agreed by her new owners that she was going to be happier and more fulfilled as a woman than as a man, so she was being gradually feminized. NO male behavior was allowed during the transition, since that would mentally reinforce the idea that she was a man instead of a woman. This included ejaculation. That was not to say that...

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Another Springtime Ch 04

Chapter 4: The Uniqueness of a Beautiful Girl The approaching holidays were both blessing and challenge. Europeans are much more tradition conscious than many Americans, and from my own time in Europe this could be a real time of wonderful experiences and family togetherness and spiritual uplift. The backside was that she could hardly overlook the fact that her family experience had been shattered. Jennifer and I knew something of that as well. The evening after they delivered the big oak...

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The Unexpected Houseguest Chapter 1

One day pet brought the mail in and set it on my desk for later when I returned home from work. I got home shortly afterward."Master, the mail is on your desk," pet said, right after she kissed me."Thank you pet," I said. I went through the mail and picked out a large red envelope. Opening it, I read the card inside. After I had read it, I called pet into my study. "I have received an invitation to a BDSM munch to be held in two weeks. I have been to these before but I know you have never been...

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My exwifes niece Pt 2

She leans in and kisses me deeply. Her tongue swirling mine, our hands running over each other's body. She works her way to my ears, which I really enjoy, and my neck. She spends some time sucking on my neck, making sure that I get good and turned on before working her way to my chest. Kirsten stops to take a minute and suck on my nipples. This is a new experience for me as no woman has ever sucked on them before. I find that I really like it as my cock starts to twitch. After spending a...

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Niki slowly woke up, groggy, remembering slowly that she had been having a very erotic dream. She’d been on the school stage demonstrating her exercise routine, when suddenly the principal had bent her over, lifted her skirt, and began to fuck her in front of the whole school. She was so turned on (in the dream) she did not even wonder how that could happen. As she woke up, she realized her face was pressed down into the sheets of the bed, her hips were raised high, and Max was sliding his...

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Twice Lucky II Time for a ChangeChapter 27

A conflicted Jake sat looking out the window of the Yankee’s chartered Boeing 727. He was bursting with excitement at the prospect of pitching in the Major Leagues, but he was already missing his family. The prospect of spending the first night in almost six months not snuggled up with his wife was a bummer. He was also going to seriously miss his son, Leslie, and Nina. Baby Jacob had graduated to toddler Jacob just last week by taking a few shaky steps for his dada. Leslie and Nina’s good...

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The Word On JohannaChapter 6

We slept like the dead that night but I was always aware on one level deep inside of the warmth and weight of Kathy hugged into my side, aware of her moving in her sleep enough to move closely with her turnings and keeping her gathered to me, holding her gently to my body, shifting my own so when she moved her legs she wouldn't hurt me as she was mostly laying on me with one leg up over mine and the crisp press of her wiry pubic hairs pressed up to the side of my body. Johanna woke us up by...

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AftermathChapter 18

The altimeter on the helicopter's instrument panel read 6300 feet above sea level, about three hundred feet above the point where the rain turned to snow. This put him almost two thousand feet above the rooftops of Garden Hill, high enough to see the entire subdivision and the surrounding landscape. Of course what he was doing would not have been possible even a month ago. The snow would have quickly iced up on his rotor blades, degrading their aerodynamics, eventually enough so that they...

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Susan and Jack were sitting in the very back row of the school bus. Jack was right in the middle so he could aim his cock right down the aisle when he started masturbating. This was their third and final day of public nudity as declared by the Council of Lifestyle Nudism. Jack and Susan should have had another four days ahead of them at least but that had all changed thanks to a fourteen year old girl called Rhonda Mead. Jack and Susan had not seen this girl since she had stripped naked in...

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The Interview with Eric

I have an interview today, I'm dressed in this nice business suit: navy blue blazer with a white spaghetti string top underneath with a very lacey push up bra to show some cleavage, a navy blue skirt that sits justs about 3 inches above my knee, I'm tan enuf that I don't need to wear hose, so I pick out my navy blue pumps. I get my resume in order and my portfolio of offices that I have redecorated.Once I get to the downtown building, I'm boarding the elevator to go to the 10th floor. I'm...

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Bikini Beach: The Bet By Julie Butch sat at the bar of his favorite club, looking around for any likely targets. He was a predator, although he didn't think of himself in that light. He stood 6'3" and weighed around 225. He thought of himself as being 'buff'. He worked out regularly because he liked the high he got off of the endorphins that the body produced during an extended workout. It was almost as good as sex. He never had any problems finding a sexual partner. One of...

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The Master DownstairsChapter 4

With a room full of naked women, all of them looking at me with such quiet intensity, it felt like I was 14 again with a cock that was so hard it actually hurt. I was starting to lose control, I wanted to rip my clothes off and just dive into the pool of flesh in front of me. My own wife had just told me she wanted me to fuck each one of them and make them mine. My head was roaring, but I wasn't a teenager, I was able to delay my gratification for a better outcome. I was the only person in...

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My Friends Wife

I've always thought my friends wife Alisha was a little freaky when it comes to certain things, meaning sex of course but I could never prove it until one day last summer. It had been a long tiresome day and hot, I think it was so hot you could fry an egg on the sidewalk. I get a call earlier on a Saturday from Alisha inviting me over for dinner, I have no plans so yeah I'd love to. On the way over I stop and buy a bottle of wine for her, she loves her wine. When I get to the door I just walk...

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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 70

Crow Ridge Tulsa, Indian Territory When Miranda first started teaching at the new school building in the fall of 1884, she started a tradition that she kept up as long as she taught school there. Each Friday after school classes ended, she and Grandmother would move the desks and tables back to the sides of the one room school building and teach dance steps to the students. They had an arrangement with Bill and Jack Robertson to come to the schoolhouse and play music while they taught the...

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