Down To Earth free porn video

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Michael Partenza parked her Corvette in front of Hanger Alpha 01 and got out, walking toward the armed guard with the locked and load M16A1. She rifled through her purse looking for the pass plates that would let her into the hanger. Michael found them and proffered them, causing the Air Police Tech Sergeant to snap to attention and salute rather than turning her into human hamburger meat. Michael returned the salute and walked in. she thought grimly, 'He would have done it, too, without a second thought.' Michael had to go through two more equally potentially lethal checkpoints to reach the interior of the hanger. When she did, she saw Agent Vernest Torgeson standing and speaking to General Morton Ballard U.S Air Force, the base commander. Michael came to attention and snapped a correct salute; palm parallel to the ground, fingers, and thumb aligned and held it. The General returned it in good order and told her, "Good morning Commander, you're a bit Early, aren't you? That's alright, I like an officer that's bright eyed, and bushy tailed." "Yes, sir, in truth, I haven't slept sir, too much to think about." "I understand, Commander, that business on the moon, it must have brought up terrible memories for you." Michael was surprised, "Sir, you know,...about me?" "Of course I do, Commander, something like this simply does not come onto my post unless I get all the numbers and letters about it. I must say, young lady, you are bearing up under this far better than I would have at your age." "Thank you sir." She turned to Agent Torgeson and asked, "How did you like your time among our new partners in peace, Agent Torgeson?" "The landing in Kazakhstan was rough as hell, the food sucked and I had to damn near wear my credentials on my face, to make sure I got back here with Bobo the bubblehead." Michael smiled ruefully at Torgeson's recounting and did not envy him. He had been a Central Intelligence Agency agent in the U.S.S.R. She doubted they treated him with anything other than barely concealed contempt despite the new political situation. "Ah, that sounds," At that moment, Lt. Commander Ronald Evans and Major Schtopaugh Strelnikov entered the classified Area. Schtopaugh was telling Ron, "Well, that was interesting, for a second I thought one of those 'Buckaroo's' was going to grease me for kicks regardless of my badges and passes." Ron was smiling grimly, "Yeah, pal, now you know why I wanted to come with you, to keep some enlisted zoomie from popping you for thrills. The U.S. Air Farce." What are you gonna do?" That was when both men saw the two-star General standing there looking at Evans with a cocked eyebrow. Evans and Strelnikov both snapped to attention and saluted. The Russian clicked his heels together as he stopped and said "Major Schtopaugh Dumovich Strelnikov, reporting as ordered, Colonel General." The Major General realized that 'Colonel General' was what they called a two-star General in Russia, the man was just trying to be correct. He kept himself from being insulted at the former enemy addressing him by a 'Commie rank'. Ron Evans also snapped to and saluted in a decent American manner and said, "Sir, I didn't,. I mean, that is,..." "Think nothing of it, Lt. Commander, I'm no fan of the Navy either, but we're all on the same team, son." The General turned to Agent Torgeson and asked him, "Why don't you start the briefing, young man?" Torgeson answered, "Yes, sir. This is the commencement of Project Rampart. This Air Force Base will be the primary headquarters for our operations, but we will be a cross branch operation that will have executive access to, essentially anything we need. As you can see, we have the craft shot down by Commander Partenza behind those metal barriers and the three pilots are down below us in the bunkers. Further, down in the deep hold we have our prisoner. Our objective here will be strategic and tactical planning for future missions and research and intelligence gathering on the enemy. Now, before I continue are there any questions?" Michael raised her hand, "Where is Joe Bradley, is he here?" "No, Commander, Mr. Bradley is at Lovelace medical in a guarded closed off wing. He is being examined the way you were to make sure of continuity of identity. Don't worry, Commander, he will not be mistreated, Mr. Bradley is a citizen of this republic. He pays his taxes and abides by the law; we have no reason to treat him with anything but respect. You can even see him if you like afterward. you certainly have the clearance. Now, if I may continue?" Michael stepped back into line next to Schtopaugh. "Now, if you will all follow me, I'll show you around." Agent Torgeson led the General, Michael, Ron, and Schtopaugh to an elevator at the rear of the base, once again guarded by an armed Airman. As the group walked past the partially shielded ZR Ship, Michael glanced at it. The entire ventral port side of the ship was torn open and it was clear one of two main engine housings had been torn out. That was why the ship went down, but why had the pilots died? Then it hit Michael. The main engines went out, so that probably took out main power and any inertial dampeners they might have had. The pilots died of severe broken bones and possibly massive internal bleeding. So much for the myth of the invincible super tech aliens. When they reached the elevator, Michael kicked herself, She left breakfast in the car. The five people had their bona fides once more checked, and boarded the elevator for the descent to the level holding the prisoner. The elevator car seemed to travel for an abnormally long period of time. It reached the point at which Schtopaugh asked rhetorically, "Who came up with the idea of literally keeping this creature in hell?" That got a chuckle from everyone BUT the eternally humorless Agent Torgeson. When the elevator reached the point Michael mentally termed the 'B.O.T.E', (Bowels of the Earth) it stopped and the doors opened. Torgeson led the four uniformed officers into something that looked like a science fiction super base right out of a Saturday morning serial. The walls were polished sandstone, the floors were granite, and the ceiling was covered in full spectrum lighting panels. As the group walked, they could see various specialists working in various clean rooms wearing full body coverings. Not to prevent them from contamination, but to keep the samples and items they were analyzing from contamination. Torgeson was speaking again, "At this point, the United States and our allies, including the Soviet Union have taken the position that what we need is a full court press of scientific and specialized research. We need to find out the enemy's technology and crack it to develop the ability to combat them on equal terms. Our various allied Militaries will serve as the implementation of force against our enemy, but our leading and bleeding edge scientists will serve as the generation of that force. One might say, General, that our battles with them will be won or lost right here in this lab and in others like it around the world." The General told him, "I understand, just as we won World War Two by developing the best and most advanced weapons before the axis could do so." "Exactly sir." Michael walked with them until they reached an air locked and guarded room at the end of the large, long facility. Torgeson told her. "Commander Partenza, this is your stop, if you can we need you to talk to this,...thing. Find out what it wants, what THEY want and learn the nature of their intentions toward us." Commander Michael Partenza stood with her purse over her shoulder and her cover tucked under one arm and looked at the door cycling open. She would be alone in there with that,...thing. Michael felt trepidation, but knew this had to be done. The U.S.Navy Commander handed her purse and cover to Major Strelnikov and was then told, by Agent Torgeson, "Commander, we don't want anything in there that it might make use of or learn from. Could you please disrobe for your interrogation? This would limit exposure to information it already has.. After all, it knows what a naked human woman looks like already, Commander." Michael was terrified at the prospect of being alone with that thing and her uniform was to be her solace, her shield against total fearful breakdown. This man was telling her she would be denied even that. "What in the hell can it learn from a Navy officer's uniform?" "Commander, we don't know, but we cannot take the chance." Major Strelnikov put his hands on her shoulders and said to Michael, "Misha, do not worry, I am here, and if that filthy imperialist monster tries to hurt you, I will separate his head from his body. You are my proud and brave warrior; you have nothing to fear from that miserable little Cossack." Michael hugged Schtopaugh tightly for a second, then turned, and walked into the lock. The door closed behind her, and Michael took off her uniform tunic and put it in the hanging bag on the wall. She kicked out of her shoes, and undid her delta-tie and unbuttoned and removed her inner top, pulling the tails of it from the waistline of her skirt. She then unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor before picking it up and placing that in the bag. Then Michal reached back behind her and undid her bra, removing it from her shoulders and bagging it. Finally, she pushed her panties and pantyhose down and sat on the bench to take them off her legs and feet. Commander Partenza was glad she never pierced her ears. Technically pearl earrings were part of the female uniform, but so was makeup and no one was making her wear that. Finally, Michael steeled herself by saying allowed, "I am Commander Michael Gabriel Partenza, United States Navy and this little shit is my bitch." Michael pressed the comm button and told the little intercom, "O.K., I'm ready." The inner door cycled open and Michael saw it. It stood there, in the center of the room. When Michael stepped in and toward it, it stepped back. As it did Michael saw a set of nictitating membranes flicker over its large black eyes. She advanced two more steps into the room and it stepped back further, almost staggering back. It's mouth opening and closing. Finally, it could retreat no further as it hit the wall in the back of the cell, it's eye membranes flickering madly. It was terrified. This, creature, this monster from beyond the stars was absolutely scared out of it's mind of a naked woman! Suddenly, to Michael her new femininity was not weakness it was strength. Abruptly her nakedness was not vulnerability it was a drawn weapon. She felt as if her breasts were two guns pointed at the enemy. Michael placed her fisted hands on her naked hips with her feet apart and asked confrontationally, "Alright, Zulu Romeo, Tell me who you people are, tell me what you're doing here and tell me why you did this to me." Suddenly, Michael's mind filled with images from their point of view. Images of huge pink-skinned or black skinned or yellow skinned or brown-skinned giants wearing strange body coverings. It was as if she herself was encountering a strange race of beings that seemed to actually be TWO races. One larger and stronger than the other and having a set of organs between it's legs that had a strange purpose and the other having soft fleshy protuberances on it's torso and a weird frightening slit and opening between it's legs. They researched and learned that the larger one put It's protruding organ into the smaller one's slit and somehow injected genetic material causing there to be more of them, not reproductive duplicates of a single parent, but strange combinations of TWO being's biology's. Completely new beings capable of anything and not bound by the memories or genetics of any single parent. They were terrified of the Birace. They did not know how such things were possible and so they began kidnapping members of the Birace. Eventually they learned to transform a bigger stronger Biracian into a smaller softer Biracian, hoping to weaken and destabilize the Birace. Their further research told them that this only worked on an occasional individual basis. Even then, sometimes the new weaker Biracian would resume actions and thoughts having adapted to being a smaller weaker Biracian. It was this strange ability for adaption and resumption of previous mental acuity that frightened them the worst. Finally, it sent words into Michael's mind. (We changed you from Alpha Birace to Beta Birace. At first, you seemed to begin failure cascade, but then we lost transmission shortly before your force hierarchy discarded you. Then you returned and attacked us. You were not discarded and you adapted. How can you adapt, how can you change? You are Beta Birace, why are you not now weaker and softer?) Commander Partenza backed out and reverse stepped into the lock. She had a grin on her face that officially qualified as 'Shit eating'. As she dressed, Michael processed what she learned. The Zulu Romeos were a single gender race, reproducing by parent child parthenogenesis. What first seemed to be a featureless crotch was actually an egg slit that disgorged their young in shells to be hatched. Then the child grew into a near duplicate of the parent. Michael emerged from the outer lock dressed properly in her uniform and told the General and Agent Torgeson. "Fellahs I have a lot to tell you." Michael Partenza was debriefed in a separate room a few levels up with several witnesses and various video and audio recording devices to establish an archive. Michael told them everything the Zulu Romeo showed her in as much detail as she could and summed up by telling them, "The enemy is both mystified and terrified by our reproductive process and they are greatly concerned by the fact that human children are effectively unique beings. Zulu Romeo feels that this makes us possibly the most dangerous race they have ever encountered. In addition, sir, they expected their transformed subjects to weaken and break, becoming useless, and according to their records, sometimes, that happens, but more often than not it doesn't. Furthermore, General, if you will forgive my plain talk, the prisoner was most frightened by the sight of my female organs, my breasts, and vagina. I think human reproductive organs scare them sir. At first, I was concerned at being naked in front of it, but now I advise all future interrogators to be naked to increase the intimidation factor. Perhaps a male interrogator would be a good idea, the sight of his penis and testicles would I think, be quite frightening, Moreso than my private parts." General Ballard slapped his knee and guffawed merrily, "I'll be a son of a bitch, I'll be god damned, the little pricks are scared witless by seeing real live girl and boy parts that may be the funniest damned thing I have ever heard!" Agent Torgeson wondered, "I can only speculate what it's reaction would be to witnessing an act of human procreation. Perhaps a film of a man and woman copulating should be shown to it, followed by a film of a human birth." The General told the agent, "Get it done and splice in montage footage of the woman's gestation and the child coming to term. Bring home to that son of a bitch that we can hump up just as many super adaptable wild card crazy assed 'Biracians' as we damned well please. Then we'll inform it that the more cooperative it is with us, the easier things will go on it." The General stood up and told Commander Partenza, "You and Major Strelnikov brought us that prisoner and all those toys, and you shot down that ship upstairs. I am going to see to it you get your fourth gold band if I have to kick every black shoe bastard in the Navy right in their ass. The three of you are dismissed, Commander, you go upstairs and have yourself a little fun, you've damned well EARNED it." Partenza brought her hand to her forehead in salute and said "Yes sir" The general returned and said, "Tell the O-Club your and the major's booze is on me until the two of you fall down." "Yes, SIR!" With that, Commander Partenza, Lt. Commander Evans, and Major Strelnikov journeyed back upstairs. On the way back up to the surface, Evans told the two of them, "Listen, My wife, and kids are comin' out here to stay with me, for security reasons and I need to get with the personnel section and arrange housing, schooling, you name it. My Wife's not going to be thrilled about moving again, especially on such short notice, but it can't be helped." O.K., Ronny, I'll see you later." "Take it easy, Pardo and don't let the Russian kill you via alcohol poisoning." "Michael chuckled and answered, "No worries." Several hours later, Michael and Schtopaugh were in the Kirtland Air Force Base Officer's club at a booth in the back. Her tunic was open and her delta tie was undone and she had her fifth beer clutched in one hand. She was talking to Schtopaugh, "I had my stuff all up in it's face, and it was back up against the wall looking like it was gonna take a dump or cry or something,. And I asked it, "What gives, mother fucker?' and he was all' I'll talk I'll talk just don't let your cootcher eat me." I swear, it was great!" Michael finished the beer in her hand and shouted "RELOAD!" At the bar and got up to walk/stumble to the bathrooms. Michael walked unsteadily to the door of the men's room and blinked blearily at the pictograph before saying, "Hang on a second, that's not my pisser,...anymore." She then veered around 180 degrees and looked at the female pictograph on the door saying, "That's the one, good thing; too my back teeth are floating." Michael Partenza made her way to a stall in the back and managed to make it into it and get her skirt, hose and underthings out of the way before planting her butt on the toilet seat. She did her Business and while busy with that wondered aloud, "Man,. I wonder if them things even piss, and if so, how." She waited until being relatively sure she was finished and lamented, "Jeeze right about now I wish I still had my dick. That li'l wiggler would'a come in right handy about now." When finished, Michael wiped up front to rear the way Petty officer Wilkes taught her. After sorting her skivvies and uniform back into place, Michael weaved toward the door. On the way an Air Force Second Lt. was fixing her hair and told Partenza, "In the Air Force we're trained to WASH our hands after we use the bathroom." "No shit, shavetail, well in the Navy we're trained not to piss on our hands." With that, Michael made her way back to the table to find Schtopaugh standing by the table offering her cover and purse to Michael. He told her, "Why don't we go and walk this off?" "I gotta better idea, let's go drive this off, I gotta hot car, you'll love it, Baby doll." "I know, Misha we came here in it, when you were sober. Why don't you hand me the keys and we'll head back to the B.O.Q." "A Russki driving an American Corvette? I'd be hung fer goddam treason!" "Come on, Misha we don't want the Air Police to catch you driving drunk and put you in hack with the Brass now do we?" "Ooooh, yeah, you're right, fuckin' Air police have no sense of humor at ALL," Michael pushed her car keys into Schtopaugh's hand and weaved over to the passenger side of the car. She got in and blinked at the dashboard. She cursed, "God damn it, somebody stole my steering wheel!" "Relax, Misha I found it, it's over here." "Oh, good, you drive then, don't ride the damn clutch." Schtopaugh started the car and pulled out being careful with the clutch as ordered, and drove back to the B.O.Q." Michael looked at him and demanded, "Hey, Russki, you were pounding 'em down just like me, how come you can drive straight?" "Well I'm bigger than you and no offense but you Yankees are light, My Grandmother could put you out." "Ok, so does that mean when we get home you can still fuck me, 'cause THAT would be GROOVY!" "Well See, Babushka, we'll see." "Neat." And with that Michael conked out. When they arrived at their destination, Schtopaugh turned off the car, got out and moved to the passenger side. The motion of picking up Michael woke her up and she said, "Hey man, I can walk." Schtopaugh asked, "Are you sure, Misha?" Sure, I can hack it, the day I can't handle my booze is the day I put on panties and start sucking dick." "Dear one, don't you already,...?" "Aw, shut your ass, whatta you know?' Then Michael grabbed Schtopaugh's crotch and asked, "Is that package for me? I think it is." As she grinned lasciviously. As it developed, Michael was not able to sustain consciousness after five boilermakers long enough to initiate coitus with Schtopaugh this time, rather Schtopaugh undressed her, slid her between the covers and left, kissing her on the forehead and telling her, "Sleep well my little treasure, I do not envy you the headache you have coming when you awaken,...I love you." The first thing Michal was aware of upon waking was the almost lethal pain in her head. The second thing that demanded her attention was a terrible nausea. The third was a revolting taste in her mouth, as if some rude Air Force twit used her mouth as a toilet. Michael lifted the blanket and looked down at herself. She was still wearing yesterday's bra and panties, but the rest of her clothes including her hose were gone. Michael looked around and saw her uniform in a pile on the room's desk. The panty hose was in a snarl on top of it. Schtopaugh just took her uniform off and stuck her in her rack. He never touched her while she was polluted. This caused a strong feeling of affection combined with pity for Schtopaugh. He denied himself because she had been incapacitated. Poor fellah, Michael resolved to make it up to him tonight. A fine dinner, her treat followed by the best Sex, Michael could give him, an experience that would really snap his ears back. With As much as she enjoyed sex with Schtopaugh, Michael realized it would not exactly be a chore. Michael shambled to the little bathroom in her room and took off her bra, chucking it into the laundry duffle. Then she pushed yesterday's panties off her hips, kicked them off, and threw them in the duffle. Michael turned on the water and tweaked it to the right temperature, then stepped into it and stood under the spray for several minutes letting it wake her up. Once she felt awake and alert, Michael scrubbed her body and washed her hair in a brisk utilitarian manner. It was still early and she had time, but there was too much to do this morning. For one thing, she had her second encounter with Zulu Romeo to which she looked forward, the further adventures of Michael Partenza, nudist interrogator. Remembering that, gave Michael an idea and she used her leg razor to carefully shave her pubic mound. Doing so would accentuate her sexual organs and increase their 'horror factor' for the alien. When Michael stepped out and dried off, she sat and thought about her privates in light of the Alien's almost invisible crotch slit. Contrasted with that the slightly accentuated public mound, Labia's Minora, majora, and vaginal entrance probably looked as monstrous to it as the Zulu Romeo did to her. Michael wondered how it would view being confronted with an erect penis. It would probably crap itself. Commander Partenza dressed in the Uniform of the day, which once more was her Navy tans. This was not a problem as they were not really dirty and were still in condition for another wear. Michael dressed in her underthings completely reflexively by this point. She did not even have to think about it. Even twisting her arm and hand around her back to close her bra was easy given long practice. Donning the panty hose was even easier, now that she knew how. Finally Michael picked up her purse and cover and checked it to make sure she had all her stuff. The last thing she did was to look in her mirror and felt at her hair. It was getting longer. It was not very long but it no longer qualified as a brush cut and needed to be combed. Michael saw to that and then walked out with her cover under one arm and her purse over one shoulder. Michael grabbed breakfast at the base officer's chow hall and drove to Hanger Alpha 01. She looked at her watch and saw the time was 0657. Michael clipped her bona fides to her left tunic pocket flap and walked in. Tech Sergeant Blevins saluted her as she walked past and she returned the gesture telling him, "Good morning Tech Sergeant." Walking into the hanger and joining her friends and colleagues, Michael thought about everything she was doing. The little rituals, and military courtesies, her uniform, the sheer reflexive conformity of military life. All of it was, she suspected much of the reason her mental recovery happened the way it did, let alone at all. Thinking about that reminded Michael of Joe Bradley. Joe would not have any of that and so, most likely would be doing much worse. Michael resolved to go and see Joe and make sure he was all right, or at least not completely suicidal. By the time, Michael reached the Zeta Reticulan's cell and stood in front of the airlock-like sally port Michael resolved to do everything she could to help Joe make it as a woman. Agent Vernest Torgeson walked up a few minutes later and Michael told him, "Agent Torgeson, good morning, what's on the agenda for Michael Partenza, nudist interrogator?" Without laughing, Torgeson answered, "Very droll, Commander, your sense of humor at least is in fine health. Today we need you to ask it about any authority. Specifically Langley needs you to find out if the authority you hypothesized actually exists and if so is that what has kept their operations so comparatively low key." "Yes, Sir, I can do that, it will be a pleasure. Oh, hey, give me that folding chair." "Why?" "I have an idea." There was a folding chair leaning against the wall placed there in case it was needed, and Torgeson handed it to Michael as she entered the lock. When Michael heard the door cycle closed, she leaned the folded chair against the wall and began disrobing. As she did so, she made herself think of Schtopaugh. The way he smelled the timbre of his voice, his gentleness when he made love to her, he orgasmic roughness with which he fucked her when she asked him to do it that way. By the time she was naked, Michal was well and truly horny. She could smell her own juices from her vagina. Michael buzzed the guard and did her best to control her voice as she said, "O.K., do it." Even with her control, Michael could hear the throaty sexiness of her own voice. She thought to herself, (Yes, that should just about do it.) Michael entered the room and watched the alien scuttle to the far rear wall. Michael set up the chair and sat in it spreading her legs far enough to expose her wet and blood engorged vulva to the alien's full view. It's reaction was immediate. It's chest heaved with fear and it put a hand over it's nasal slits due to her musky smell. The sight and smell of a naked and horny human woman was seriously freaking it out. Now it was time for today's first question. Michael knew to never phrase it as a request. Always phrase it as an order, something it HAD to do. "Tell me about the Authority, the Galactic controllers." Images filled her mind of humanoids, larger than humans, at least nine to ten feet tall and blonde. They were very attractive by human standards and most or all of them seemed to be female by human standards. That made her realize why this thing was so afraid. To a large extent human women looked like these creatures. They seemed to like all over body hugging skin suits similar to wet suits or leotards and they had a level of tech that was superior to what these creatures used or had. "Tell me why you fear them." Partenza's mind filled with images of massive metal block-ships coming into orbit about a strange desert like world and bombarding it with blinding energy bolts and sustaining the barrage until the surface was denuded of life. Michael realized that this creature was afraid that these 'Nordics' would do that to it's home world and as many worlds as the Zulu Romeos had colonized. They could do so with impunity. "Tell me why they would do this thing." The Zulu Romeo did not want to, it seemed reluctant, and so Michael put her left hand between her legs and started teasing at her vulva with her index finger. Her musk increased and her lower lips parted. Michael's breathing roughened and she said In a too loud voice, "TELL ME!" It flooded Michal Partenza's mind with images of the Earth and with space launches observed from the Moon, Sputnik, Vostok, Mercury, Salyut, Gemini, Soyuz, Apollo. Then the images changed to animals in the field grazing contrasted with beings in space ships traveling the stars. Over and over, the refrain repeated, dumb animals taken from the field and used as the Zulu Romeos pleased Contrasted with space traveling beings in ships. Then an image of a being in a ship used and experimented on, followed by an image of planetary bombardment and destruction by the Nordics. Michael stood up without a word and walked to the door. It cycled and she stepped in. When it cycled closed, she leaned against the wall and her legs shook not with fear, but with a strong need for sexual satisfaction. She wanted to at the very least masturbate to an orgasm, but there was no time, she had to dress and get this report transcribed and she had to do it now. Michael dressed but skipped her panties, not wishing to see them soaked with her own lubrication. Instead stuffing them in her purse and standing trying to look composed. When she left the lock, she told Torgeson, "O.K., let's get this report transcribed we need to get it done while I still have it in my head. Torgeson looked at her with concern and asked, "Commander, are you all right, did the prisoner do something to you?" Michael's breathing was heavy and ragged as she told the Agent, "No, didn't,..but,.. Look let's just get this done, O.K.?" In the upstairs room fitted with recorders and cameras and the Air Force stenographer. Michael told them exactly what the prisoner showed her in detail worthy of a great American novel. Agent Torgeson's eyes grew wide and his surprise was evident as Michael finished. "Commander, if he did not touch you or hurt you, why are you in such a state?" Michael looked at him as if he were a simpleton and told him, "Because I had to sit in there buck naked legs open and practically playing with myself to make that little shit talk and now I am as horny as a ten peckered goat, you fucking moron." Torgeson was properly abashed and embarrassed as he red facedly told, Michael, "Oh, uh, yes, well then, should probably go and deal with your uhm, other duties, then.." There was something in Torgeson's voice and manner, almost as if,... Michael put it from her mind. "Yeah, I'll go do that, right after I find out what they are other than interrogating that schmuck." "Actually, Commander, you have been tasked with going to Lovelace medical center and speaking with Joe Bradley about his situation. The Project Rampart staff wants you to assist him,...or rather HER in learning to live as a person of her new sex." "Well, that actually works, given that I was going to ask about doing that anyway. I'll see you on the flip side, Torgie." With that, Michael left and returned topside. On the way out she could see a crowd of men on full coverage 'bunny suits' crawling over the Zulu Romeo ship and removing pieces from it. One of the men left the group and approached Michael asking her, "Commander, I was told that you shot this thing down with two conventional AIM-9 sidewinder missiles, is that correct?" "Yes, sir, that's correct, I caught it right in the butt, and it went down like it had a glass jaw." "Amazing that a craft of this sophistication could be brought down by such comparatively primitive weapons." "Listen, Dr. before you go on that train of thought I remind you that as primitive as an arrow might be, it can still kill a 20th century U.S. infantryman. And it has been a millennium since an arrow was the top of the pops in state of the art weapons, 'primitive' does NOT equate to 'useless', Dr." "Yes, yes,. of course, you're right, it's just surprising, that's all. You can go, I'm sure you have things to do, Commander." "Wait a minute, who in hell are you, anyhow?" "Dr. Lucas Forrester specialist in Xeno-engineering, I invented the field actually." "No shit, O.K. Dr. as you were." Michael walked out rather pleased that her current level of sexual ardor did not keep her brains from working. She should not have been surprised as she could remember times when HE could still do a briefing, preflight a bird debrief and do a maintenance takedown of an F-4G with a raging hard-on. Michael left word with Tech Sergeant Blevins to, "If General Ballard asks, please let him know that I will be at Lovelace Medical Center." Tech Sergeant Blevins saluted and answered, "Yes, Ma'am." Michael walked to her car and got back behind the wheel hoping that if she concentrated on duties and focused she could 'wait out' her ardor and it would fade to something manageable until she and Schtopaugh could be alone, and pull the chocks out from under the landing gear. Michael drove from the Hanger to the western Gibson gate and from there east to Lovelace medical center. As she did, Michael thought about Joseph Allen Bradley. His file was on the passenger side seat of her Corvette marked "Classified, Top Secret' and rimmed in blazing red. Joseph Michael Bradley 45 years old, Married 18 years to Marjorie Leigh Hitchens (nea) Bradley, Two Children Edgar George Bradley, 15 and Mary Catherine Bradley, 10. Bradley worked as a food wholesaler merchandising things like tropical fruit, coffee, sugar and other goods from Island growers to manufacturers on the mainland and made quite a comfortable living. He was a Veteran of the Korean Conflict having served in the U.S. Marine Corps and been decorated on several instances for valor, No criminal record., No instances of domestic disturbance, Active in his church. He and his family had been on a camping outing on the island of Kauai when he disappeared. His wife and son described seeing strange lights over where the man had been relieving himself in the woods and he was gone. As far as Michael was concerned, the details only made this worse. Commander Michael Partenza had been in their yard, poking around, looking for trouble. To an extent, she should have seen it coming. Joe Bradley did not deserve this. He wasn't even deserving of the kind of karmic retribution one might see in a magical romantic comedy. Michael turned off and pulled into the hospital compound. She then drove to the military wing of the hospital and parked. Michael clipped her badges to her tunic pocket flap and walked in. her badges got her past the guard station and into the elevator to Joe's floor. An Air Force Captain in their medical corps was waiting for Michael when she arrived. "Commander, Partenza, I was told you would be coming. I'll be working with you on the Bradley matter?' "Yes, Dr. Carling, What can you tell me about Mr. Bradley, how is he?" "Well, Commander, physically, she, or rather he is fine, better than fine actually, I have never seen anyone so healthy. In fact if I had to guess I would have pegged her, or rather him as a woman in her early twenties, not someone in their middle forties." Michael held the folder under her arm and told the man, "Yes, age regression appears to be a major side effect of the process Zulu Romeo uses." "Indeed, a fountain of youth with one doozy of a tradeoff. If I may be frank with you, if that's the cost, I'll stick with my own age." "I hear you, Dr., boy do I ever." "Commander, I was under the impression you had adjusted, made the mental transition to living with your,...condition." "Dr., picture a man who loses, a leg, or an arm or some other major body part in combat, such as their sight. If they're smart they learn to live with it. However, they never learn to like it. The day never comes when they say, 'Gosh I sure am glad my legs were blown off by that land mine, life is EVER so much better for me now that I live in this wheelchair.' The doctor was contrite as he realized the thoughtlessness of what he said, "I'm sorry, Commander, I mean no offense,-" "It's all right, Dr. I understand, but right now the most anyone can do for Joe is to help him live with it, and move forward. No one not even me is EVER going to make him like it. For Joe it's worse because he's just lost his wife and family, his whole life is gone, his friends everything. He is going to have to start from scratch." "I realize that, Commander, I'm sorry, would you like to see him now?" "Yes, I would there are things he and I need to talk about." "Of course, right this way. Michael followed the Captain/Doctor to a door guarded by a female Air Police woman in the chevrons of a Staff Sergeant. She snapped to attention and saluted as Michael and the Dr. approached. The Doctor and Michael returned the gesture and the doctor told her, "As you were, Staff Sergeant, please open the door for the Commander and I, also Commander Partenza is to be allowed in to see the patient, even if I am not here." The Staff Sergeant responded in good order, "Yes, Sir, of course, the standing orders will be altered to reflect that, sir?" "Yes, Sergeant, they will." "Very good sir." She opened the door and allowed Michael and the Doctor to enter. The Colt M1911 remaining in its holster on her hip. Michael saw an abnormally shorthaired woman in hospital pajamas sitting in bed She was listlessly watching a random soap opera on daytime television. The woman was obviously not paying attention to it, but merely had it on for the noise and light of the Television. She turned the TV off and looked at Michael and the Doctor. "I recognize you, you're the Astronaut, from the moon." Michael told the doctor, "I think we'll be O.K., from here, Dr. I'll call if I need you." "Of course, Commander." With that, the only biological man in the room made his exit. Michael took note of the absence of any glucose drip or other medical accoutrements. Of course, they would not be needed; this was after all the psychiatric wing of the military annex. Joe looked, not at Michael but out the room's window. Joe spoke, "My wife's birthday, is October 23rd. Her mother's birthday is May the 12th. Our anniversary is July 20th. My son was born on August 6th, our daughter on June 10th. I have never laid a hand on my wife in anger. I always support her in what she wants to do. When she wanted to back to school, I supported her. When she wanted to teach part time, I told her to do it. I have never even looked at another woman since we were married. Michael was nonplussed, "Mr. Bradley, why are you telling me this?" The woman rose from the bed and stood, trying to hold onto scraps of dignity, "Because I want you to tell me why this happened. You tell me what I or, even you did to deserve losing our whole lives, to have everything taken from us by those,...those THINGS!" "Nothing, Mr Bradley. We didn't do anything. No one ever deserves it when a crime is perpetrated on them, and that is what happened to us. A race of stellar criminals violated us and now we have to pick up the pieces." "Are you going back?" "I don't know. A 20th Apollo mission has been green-lit but I do not know if I will have anything to do with that. I don't even know if my skill set would be called for on that mission." "I don't know what to do, Commander. I have no idea how to go forward from here. How are you doing it, how is it you are able to function now?" "Well, Mr. Bradley,-" "Please, stop calling me that. Call me Joe, and if I could, I would like to call you Michael." "O.K., Joe. Well I am in the military, and my mind has been using the military life with all of it's structure and rules and formalities as a crutch. "The other day I borrowed a hand mirror from a nurse. I used it to look at, at, at, it, the thing, the thing, I,...have between my legs now. I even touched it, and,..I swear I thought I was going to flip out, go bughouse." "Joe, I know. I know exactly what you mean." "I know you do, Michael. I know you do, That's why we're still talking and I haven't told you to get out." Joe looked at Michael's uniform and asked her, "How do you wear that stuff, how do you wear, bras and panties and high heeled shoes and the like?" "It was not easy, and sometimes it still isn't. Nevertheless, sheer practicality rules out most of the time. I wear these clothes because for me, now, in this body, they're more comfortable than it would be if I tried to dress as a man. Then too, the Navy accepts me when I dress this way, I have a place among them when I wear what they consider the correct uniform." "Yeah, I guess so. I guess I'll have to learn to get dolled up like that too, won't I?" "Well, being quite frank it would be a good idea. Wearing a bra is more comfortable for me than not wearing one. Wearing panties is more comfortable than not wearing them. I am in the body of a woman, this is me now, and so more and more I feel better and more normal in the clothing of a woman as well." "Do you own dresses and blouses and women's shoes,. I mean other than your uniforms, I mean?" "No, Joe, I don't. I don't have one single stitch of civilian women's wardrobe. I haven't really had the time, or the inclination to take any shopping trips. For that matter I would not even know how." Joe sat back down on the bed and looked out the window once more, "Thank you for not lying to me, Michael, thank you for not blowing smoke up my ass. Will you come and see me tomorrow?" "Yes, Joe, I will." "Thank you." By the time, Michael left the hospital it was late afternoon. Michael looked at her watch and saw it was nearly 1530 hours (3:30 PM). She hoped Schtopaugh was at the base where she could find him. Driving back to the base and to Hanger Alpha 01, she saw Schtopaugh coming out of the hanger and waved to him . He came over to the passenger side of the vehicle and got in. "Misha, where have you been, I missed you today." "After I talked to the Zulu Romeo I had to go talk to Joe Bradley." Schtopaugh's face showed concern and he asked, "How is he, is he well?" "Well, he's doing pretty good given the givens but I think he's going to be leaning on me pretty heavy for a while." Michael pulled out having never turned the car off and drove to the B.O.Q. Schtopaugh asked, "Wait what are we doing here, I thought you might be hungry." Michael got out and almost dragged Schtopaugh from the passenger door, taking him by the hand and pulling him into the B.O.Q and to her room. "Food after, I have been waiting for this all day." When the door slammed behind them Michael took hold of the buttons on Schtopaugh's uniform tunic and unbutton them, then she undid his tie and started on his shirt. Schtopaugh not being an idiot did the same with her uniform. In the flurry of discarded clothing the two made there way to Michael's bed and Michael now dressed in nothing but her slip, and hose sat heavily and reached into Schtopaugh's undershorts taking hold of his penis and stroking it. He was already semi hard and Michael's efforts brought him to full erection. When she saw that, she took him in her mouth and started licking and sucking his erect penis. The effect was immediate as the Russian exclaimed "Bozhemoi" Lolling his head back and enjoying the sensation of Michael's lips and mouth and tongue on him. She twirled her tongue around the shaft and played with his testicles in her left hand while fingering his taint with her right. She knew to do this because she had clear memories of how good it felt to have that done. She was not at that for more than five minutes when he told her gasping, "Misha, I'm going to, come." Michael intensified her efforts as she hummed around his dick, "Mmmm-Hmmm" in a clear affirmative. Michael sucked and licked and started humming around his shaft and Schtopaugh could hold back no longer as he cried, "MISHA!" With that, his sperm shot into Michael's mouth and she swallowed it as quickly as she could. only a little of it ended up on her lips and she licked that off, then she licked the rest from Michael's penis. This brought him back to semi hardness and he pushed her back on the bed, and pushed her slip up around her waist Schtopaugh looked and told her, "Where are your panties someone is an eager little thing." And pulled her hose down roughly, not caring that he just ruined the hose. Schtopaugh then pulled her legs apart and pushed his face into her vulva, licking and sucking at her lower lips and trying to drive his tongue into her cleft as deeply as he could. Michael moaned in pleasure, "Oooohhh, yes,, ohhhh, jeeze, I've needed this so bad, yes, MMMMM Oooohhhhh," Michael's pleasure built as Schtopaugh worked her vagina with his mouth, licking, sucking, and even humming into the fleshy folds surrounding her cleft. Michael's vision blurred and clouded with pink and purple sensation and she felt her first orgasm approaching, Mmmmm, Uuuhhh,, Aaaaahhhhh Ahhhh Yes, Yes, YEESSSSSS YEAAAAAAAGGGHHHHH!!!!" After that Michael said roughly, "I sure as shit hope you're hard because right now I need to get fucked! Schtopaugh pulled his face from her crotch and mock saluted as he told her, "Ma'am yes, Ma'am" Then he moved between Michael's legs and placed his penis at the entrance to her vulva. Schtopaugh inserted the glans of his penis in but moved no further and Michael growled, "You ASSHOLE, What are you doing, quit fiddle fucking around and DO IT, Oh GOD!" Schtopaugh moved his hardness into her, penetrating a litter further and began slowly, teasingly moving in and out, only achieving full penetration after minutes of Michael's keening protests, When he was fully inside her he thrust in and out and licked her breasts while he did so, occasionally kissing her on the lips as they thrust in time with each other. Michael knew where his mouth had been and Schtopaugh remembered what Michael did for him. Neither of them cared as their hips moved together and their tongues danced as Schtopaugh's hands played over her breasts. Schtopaugh grunted and Michael moaned and keened as their mutual moment of completion came upon them, Michael wrapped her legs around his back and Schtopaugh kissed and sucked her ears and face and suddenly Michael's body burned and hummed and buzzed and every inch of her skin felt as if it was radiating white light. She screamed, "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH OOOOHHH, GGGAAAAAHHHHDDD AAAAAHHHHHH" Schtopaugh grunted , "Oh, Uhh Uhh Uh UHHHH AHHHHHH MMMMMM" And his body convulsed and his sperm fired into Michael vagina as her inner muscles gripped the shaft, almost as if she was trying to hold him inside of her. He fell against her, and she clutched him with her arms and legs wrapped around him. Finally they disengaged, Michael, told him, "I love you, Schtopaugh." "I love you as well my treasure. I have ever since we,...that first time." Michael sat up and told him, "Yeah, I guess, I kind of felt the same way, even if I didn't realize it. Come on, big boy, we need a shower, before dinner." "O.K., but no Hanky Panky, Misha or we'll never get out of here." "Would that be so bad?' "Hell yes, it would I'm fucking HUNGRY, Misha." As Michael stood on wobbly legs, Schtopaugh picked up a manila envelope they had stepped on as they came in, he told her, "I think this is for you." Michael opened it and found a sheaf of orders, payment vouchers, and uniform protocols for promotion to the rank and grade of Captain (O-6) United States Navy. Also included were orders to report to Cape Canaveral in 30 days for training for Apollo 20. She looked up and told Schtopaugh, "I'm a Captain. They gave me my fourth braid. Moreover, I'll bet dollars to donuts you're going to find an envelope like this in your digs. We're going back to the Moon. Michael dropped the papers on her desk and walked to the bathroom, pushing her slip off her waist as she walked. Schtopaugh could sense she was worried about something, and asked her, putting his hands on her shoulders, "Misha, treasure, what is wrong?" "Schtopaugh I've been questioning that thing In the Air Force's basement and the things it has been telling me,...Schtopaugh we're facing something that kidnaps people and fucks them over and steals their lives away, and does it without a second thought, and doesn't even think it's wrong." "But we struck back, Misha, we hurt them." "We took out one base, Lover, ONE lousy beachhead. Strategically we haven't laid a finger on them. We have to find a way to reach Tango Foxtrot Alpha. We have, to,..." Michael started crying as she said, "We have to, we have to go and run tell the teacher so THEY can make the bad kid stop picking on us and it just makes me feel so damned little and weak and HELPLESS, because THAT'S ALL We can do!" Schtopaugh wordlessly hugged her and let her cry herself out into his chest.

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Hero Ine Salvage the Earthians

Hero Ine - Salvage the Earthians by Enbreeze Ine stretched out upon the " couch of life ". It was made of red velvet and lace. Ine smiled to itself when it looked upon Earth from its space. " I love Earth.." said Ine in a voice that was neither tenor or soprano, " shame.. so many people unhappy and destroying their home... " Ine stood up. Ine, looking at it. had short, muscular arms, a discreetely feminine face, and a very boyish hair cut. Ine's light purple slippers flopped...

2 years ago
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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 2 A Murder Earthshaking

A Murder Earthshaking Hank Dalton hurried through the underground passage between his home and his office. The scanner had announced TWO people in the visitor's conveyance. Hank glanced at the data link in his hand, a device known commercially as a Palm Slave, and tried to discern the people carried in the slave compartment of the government-issue sky car. Normal people never paid attention to the contents of a slave compartment. They thought that nobody important was back there. As Hank...

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lockdown GAY

OMG, Nooooooo, it has just been announced that the whole country will be going into lockdown.It seems that there is new virus going around attacking everyone's respiratory system and causing them to become unwell, getting some distressing symptoms.Thankfully, I am not going to be alone during the lockdown I've got my stepbrother Cole here.He's my dad's new wife's son. Thankfully, he is similar age to me so we got lots in common: Both gamers, both play for our local soccer teams and love to have...

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Lockdown Sex 8211 Part 1 My Hot Neighbour Guy

Hello everyone! First of all, sorry for not penning down any recent experience in the last couple of years. It was a tough time especially last year due to Covid. Today, I am here to share my first experience with my new young neighbor cum boyfriend. Those who don’t know me. I am a 31-year-old married woman from Mumbai, living with my husband. We have no kids. My vitals are 34-30-34. I had a few wonderful experiences in the past which I have shared already here. Coming back to this experience,...

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Touchdown.By Phil LaneWith Freddie CleggThe Fourth Story in the Joe & Jenny Series.A sequel to Thesis, Such Sweet Sorrow and Tales from a Far Country.WHAT’S WHAT Touchdown is the fourth episode in the story of the relationship between Jennifer McEwan, also recently known as Vyera Anatol’yevna Kuznetsova an adventurous academic who is studying BDSM games and adult play behaviour and her husband Joe, a civil engineer who is anxious about his wife’s sexual interests and where they might lead....

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Lockdown with Daddy Ch 2

Harry felt his wife stir. He looked at the clock, it showed seven thirty.“Grrrh, don’t go,” he grumbled, putting an arm over her. He had woken from a beautiful dream, he could remember how that warm wet pussy had nestled on his cock, those cheery tipped breasts hanging down, tormenting him. The face smiling down at him, the beautiful face of his daughter.“Stop it Harry,” Ann said, trying to wriggle out of his grasp. “Let’s not have a repeat of yesterday shall we, and stop pressing your erection...

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Lockdown 2020 the lost Year

Fortunatly I been often in adult theatres and Swingerclubs before the lockdown. In the begin of March I did also a photo session, I think I changed different clothes for about 6 hours and took pictures. The first and second week of march I have been there and have had good sex. The week before the lockdown we chatted in the groups, if we should go to the Swinger Club or avoid it, not to get infected. But we didn't need to make a decission, because the Club was already closed.Since the lockdown,...

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Lockdown Mein Nayi Client Ko Maze Diye

Mera naam Rohit hai aur main Mumbai se hu. Part time ke liye main callboy ka kam karta hu. Maine pehle bhi kafi kahaniya likhi hai. Aap use bhi padh ke anand le sakte hai.  Ye meri guarantee hai ki ladke bina muth maare aur ladies bina fingering kiye reh nahi payegi. Meri kahani ka naam se abhi tak maine kafi mahilaon ko service di. Aur kafi meri regular clients bhi hai jo mahine mein 3 se 4 baar mujhe hire karti hai. Ye meri nayi kahani hai. Mere lund ka size 7” hai. Ye us samay ki baat hai...

2 years ago
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Lockdown Mein Padosi Ke Sath Anal Threesome

Hi friends! Toh kaise hai aaplog? Main Daksh Kashyap (engineer of IIT, Bombay) fir se aapke samne hazir hu. Ye kahani meri pichli kahani ka continuation hai. To please woh kahani aap pehle padh le. Ab kahani pe aate hai jo ki anal threesome ki hai. Maine pichle part mein bataya tha ki kaise Pooja ne mujhe khush karne ke liye apni behan Aarti ki chudai karwayi. Fir roj rat ko pehle main Aarti ki chut chodta tha aur fir Pooja ki gand marta tha. Aise hi lockdown 2 khatam ho gaya. Aarti ko aur...

3 years ago
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Lockdown Lullabye

Lockdown Lullabye I got caught... literally. You see, I'd booked in at my favourite adult nursery for a weekend of being my baby self with Nanny. I'd arrived, got undressed, Nanny had dressed me in my triple-thick nappies, plastic pants, frilly nappy knickers, sweet pink little girl's dress, tights, bootees, mittens and bonnet and I'd had my evening feed of stewed prunes and apple together with two bottles of warm baby formula before being put down for the night in the high-sided crib...

2 years ago
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Lockdown Diary Part 1

Lockdown Diary Part 1Chapter 1Hi, I’m Rachel, I’m a 24-year-old blonde with 38d tits, long legs and a shaved pussy. I have long blonde hair past my shoulders and green eyes. I work as a legal secretary for a local solicitor and I’m currently furloughed from work.It was only the second week of lockdown and I was bored. I was cooped up in my little flat with only a small balcony for outside space. I was already looking forward to my 1 hour’s exercise today and going food shopping later and it was...

4 years ago
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Lockdown with Daddy 2nd Episode

“Grrrh, don’t go,” he grumbled, putting an arm over her. He had woken from a beautiful dream, he had felt that warm wet pussy nestled on his cock, those cheery tipped breasts hanging down, tormenting him. The face smiling down at him, the beautiful face…..of his daughter. “Stop it Harry,” Ann said, trying to wriggle out of his grasp. “Let’s not have a repeat of yesterday shall we, and stop pressing your erection against my bottom.” “Oh come on Annie,” Harry groaned, “just this once, you know...

3 years ago
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Lockdown mein Steffy bhabhi ko choda

So, hello guys it’s been years I haven’t shared any stories. The previous story, , was on a real based incident. And this too is based on a real incident. Coming to the story. Aap sabko pata hi hoga covid lockdown ne kaise hamari life mai impact kar di. Ab incident par aatae hai kaise bhabhi ne diye maje aur real sex ke feeling diye. Steffy bhabhi 2 bachi ki mom hai. Umar 32 saal rang gora. Aur sabe se mazedar 42d ke boobs size aur gol motal gaand jise dekhar kisi ka bhi khada ho jaaye. Aur...

1 year ago
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SundownChapter 2

You'd think that by the time a man got to be my age he'd know the difference between acceptable risk, and genuine stupidity. But as I walked into the teeth of the building storm, I just didn't care. My intention was to make it to the comfort station that was located a little more than a half a mile from the truck stop. There were food machines there, benches, maybe even cots to lie down on, and hopefully no one there to bother me. Over the past 3 days since I'd left the town that had...

3 years ago
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Lockdown fxxk and her wish

Dawn and I are on lockdown and God its boring, we have watched Netflix, Amazon, Disney, ect ect. We started to drink a few on a night time to pass it away and whilst pissed we would shot the porn on! Dawn was not normally interested in porn but when she's had a few she would be like put the porn on and lets get down and dirty! lol.she was funny in drink she would like to dance about and act sexy and say let me be like that porn star and i'll do you like she's doing that bloke on that film!, I...

2 years ago
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Lockdown Mein Naukrani Ke Sath Sex

Hello friends, ye meri peheli kahani hai ISS par. Main bohut samay se iss ki kahaniyan padh raha hun. Toh aaj meri naukrani ke sath sex ki kahani aap sabke liye. Apne lund ko haath mein le le aur apni choot mein ungli daalna shuru kar de. Main Delhi ka rehne wala hun. Lockdown se pehele mere ghar wale hamare hometown gaye the aur lockdown ke time woh sab vahi reh gaye. Ghar mein kaam karne ke liye humne ek naukrani rakh rakhi thi jo daily bus se aati thi. Lockdown shuru hua toh woh mere ghar...

2 years ago
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Lockdown Mein Lady Doctor Ke Sath Masti 8211 Part 1

Hello friends. Main Gaurav. I hope everyone is doing good in this pandemic. Aap mujhe jaante hi honge. Agar nahi jaante to yahan pe jaake padh lo. Mere baare mein thoda jaan bhi loge aur mere experience bhi padh loge. Main Panvel mein rehta hu. Aaj bohut dino baad ek naye experience ke baare mein batane jaa raha hu jo ek ldy doctor ke sath hi. Waise last kuch mahine mein office ke kaam mein busy tha. Par 4-5 incidents aise bhi hue hai jo ki main aapko aane wali stories mein bataunga. To ye...

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Lockdown Adventure With Uncle

Hello ISS readers, I am Suhani and I am a big fan of ISS. I have been reading stories on ISS for a long time. Friends, today I am going to tell you about my steaming hot sex episode that I had with my uncle during the lockdown. OK, let me first tell you about myself. My age is 23. I am a college student. I live in Bengaluru with my mom and dad. My dad is a businessman and my mom is the principal of a college. I have a cute face and fair skin complexion. My hairs are jet black in color and they...

4 years ago
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Lockdown Mein Mili Kaamwali Ki Nayi Chut

Hi friends! Toh kaise ho aaplog? Main Daksh Kashyap (engineer- IIT Bombay) fir se hazir hu aapke samne. Meri pichli kahani agar aapne nahi padha to please padhiye. Ab kahani pe aate hai. Maine bataya tha ki main lockdown mein ghar pe fas gaya tha. Par Pooja aur Aarti, dono behano ne mujhe chudai ki kami nahi hone di. Ye bhi lockdown ki hi bat hai ki mujhe ek kaamwali ki chudai karne mili. Mere papa ka accident ho gaya jisse unka pair tut gaya. Papa kuch kar nahi sakte the. Toh mummy humesha...

3 years ago
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Lockdown Mein Maine Ma Ko Choda 8211 Part 1

Hi guys, this is Abhi. Today I am gonna share with you about how the corona lockdown led to me having sex with my mom! Before starting the story, let me tell you about myself and my mom a little bit. I am 21 years old, 6ft tall and athletic body. My dick size is 7inch. Now about my mom. Her name is Vidya. She’s 42 years old but looks like 30. She has a very curvy figure of 34 30 38. She’s 5.5 ft tall, has black hair. She generally wears a western dress and occasionally wears sarees. Now let’s...

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Lockdown Daughters Story Synopsis

During lockdown I got very frustrated and the only sexual satisfaction I was getting was from Patch licking my pussy through my knickers. This had to happen before I went to bed because Patch wasn't allowed to sleep in my bedroom, he always had to sleep in the kitchen. I have got this changed, and Patch is now a regular sexual partner in my bedroom. He often licks my wet cunt which I now offer to him, whilst I enjoy wanking him off, gathering his cum in to a glass which I then drink. I am...

4 years ago
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The Death of Saema Chapter 6 Commended to the Earth

He had thought about Saema a lot since her death. Sometimes, he was wracked with guilt, wondering if there was something he could have done to save her. At other times, he just thought about the good times they had. Saema had been very good to him and was a great girlfriend; in some ways, he didn’t feel like he deserved her. Now, though, she had been taken away from him and it was hard for him not to wonder what could have been. As he approached her casket, he peered inside and saw her laying...

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Black Paradise On Earth

My name is Jennifer Saint Hill. Just a tall, voluptuous young black woman living in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. I write this because I want to give thanks. I’m thankful for what I’ve got. The Good Lord gave me intelligent, health and good looks. He also gave me a wonderful family. I am grateful for my father, Franklin Saint Hill. He’s a stocky black man who works as a police sergeant in Boston. My mother Elise is a guiding light in my life. A fine complement to my father’s discipline and...

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Isla DAmor Heaven on Earth

I think I have found Heaven on Earth. If so, whether I am truly that ‘li’l devil’ you always joked I was, or not, I feel like a living angel. It all started when Joe, the man I told you I have been living with recently, came home from work the other day. I wish we had the time for you to meet him. I will be sending you a photo so you can see why I joke that, at 6’4′, and with arms of steel, if my ‘Giant Giuseppe,’ as I call him, holds his arms straight out, I can use them as chin up bars...

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The Greatest Game on Earth

You had gone to sleep without a hint of what was to come. It was about 1 am, although who could know that, when you awake, standing on stage of cheap game show from the 70s. The studio lights in front of you blind you to anything beyond them. The host of the show, a short man with overly-greased black hair and an incredibly superficial smile, greats you. "Welcome to the Greatest Game on Earth!" The audience suddenly comes alive. Through you can't see them, they chant the name of the show along...

Mind Control
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Ass Earth

The genders of Ass Earth have some small differences. Men: make up about 30% of the population. Testicle size ranges from golf ball to tennis ball and most men have four. Most men only enjoy giving anal sex during long term relationships and sometimes dislike anal entirely. Male ejaculation can be stopped at will after the first few drops. An uninterrupted ejaculation can be as much as 10 oz. Male/male sex is taboo and shunned especially by non-males. Male/neep sex is looked down on by most...

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The Greatest Show on Earth

You turn down the radio and try to keep the car on the road as you again pick up the small scrap of paper that was pressed into your hand at the club last week. "The Greatest Show on Earth," it said, "Girls and their Beaux, Guys and their Studs, Naughty Mommies, you name it, we have it." Then there was directions to some place out in the desert, you almost didn't go, but the stresses of the week (especially that fucking tease, Jillian, from work, wearing that tight blue dress again that showed...

4 years ago
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Heaven On Earth

Heaven On EarthBy: Londebaaz ChohanSeth and Garfield met for the first time at their Bank’s annual sales conference and were surprised to learn that they lived hardly a mile away from each other but with the regional demarcation line going exactly through that mile, they worked for entirely different regions and never had met before at the regional meetings. One evening, sitting late at the bar; Seth had to confess that although being married, he had no k**s because he had an open relationship...

2 years ago
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Heaven on Earth

have been thinking of you all the time, dying to meet you.  I am now driving to the airport to meet you.  I still can’t believe it’s true.  I am in knots thinking about meeting you for the first time.  The closest airport is two hours from my house in the mountains.  The entire drive I am anxious, thinking about how freaking beautiful you are, what will you think when you actually see me, what will we say/do, how it will be to hold you/kiss you; so many things.  The drive goes fast because of...

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