Hero Ine -Salvage The Earthians free porn video

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Hero Ine - Salvage the Earthians by Enbreeze Ine stretched out upon the " couch of life ". It was made of red velvet and lace. Ine smiled to itself when it looked upon Earth from its space. " I love Earth.." said Ine in a voice that was neither tenor or soprano, " shame.. so many people unhappy and destroying their home... " Ine stood up. Ine, looking at it. had short, muscular arms, a discreetely feminine face, and a very boyish hair cut. Ine's light purple slippers flopped as it walked around in it's space. " I must do my best.. " said Ine, " I have to give back the Earthians the life they so deserve... from the poor child starving on the streets of a country on the east side of the planet, to the unhappy net dwellers who spend their whole existance in a page called Fictionmania to not have to face the reality of their own life, gender, or being. " And so, Ine sat back on its couch and went into deep meditation. " I will do this.. one life at a time... " said Ine, " I will restore everyone's true form. It is this that will give the Earthians a new beginning... " * * * EET! EET! EET! Greg's hand slammed down on the alarm. " Damn... " he said, " I hate school.... and I was having such a nice dream too.. " Greg blinked a few times, and realized that he was dreaming of being in the arms of an extremely handsome man. " Dear god... " muttered Greg, " what a dream... to think I actually enjoyed it... " Greg sighed as he got up out of bed. " Maybe I'm a faggot... but I KNOW I love women... I mean.. I mean.. " he continued to mutter to himself. Greg, trying to forget the dream ambled into the shower. " That dream was no coincidence... ' Greg '.... " said a mysterious voice in his head. " Who the hell? " said Greg, looking around. No one was around. " Okay, damn, " said Greg, " first with the strange dream, now with hearing voices. I need to get my head checked. " Greg put on his school uniform and left his house. * * * " ' Greg '... " said Ine, sadly, " thats not even your real name, and nor does it suit you now.. I'm sorry, my child. " * * * Greg walked into the classroom, books under his arm. " Greg, you're late. " said Mrs. Natora, " now sit down, young man. " Greg heaved a sigh. " Okay, Mrs Natora. " he said. Mrs. Natora stood up, her already visible veins and such seemed to pulse. ( that hag... ) thought Greg. " Say ' Yes ma'am ', not ' okay ' . " said Mrs. Natora. Greg gritted his teeth. " Yes... ma'am!! " he nearly yelled. Mrs. Natora, looking satisfied with herself, sat back down. " I trust that you all studied for your test? " she said. ( DAMN! ) thought Greg, ( I MEANT to study, if it weren't for that damn dream occupying my thoughts on the bus! ) * * * Ine looked at Greg, who was on the verge of crying from the stess, but holding back his tears in fear of repurcussion from the other boys, or even worse, Mrs. Natora. " I'm sorry... " said Ine, " I promise I'll make your life right again... " Ine opened a book on it's lap and paged through it. * * * " .... promise I'll make your life right again... " Greg heard again. ( This is almost it... ) thought Greg, ( It... I can't bear this much longer... ) " Pencils down, papers forward. " snapped Mrs. Natora to the whole class. When Mrs. Natora saw Greg's test, she gave him the " look ". --- " Man, Greg, what happened? " said Barry, " that old b-- witch really had it in for you today! " Barry was one of Greg's best friends, always there for him. Right now, they were sitting at lunch. Greg looked down at his food but wouldn't touch it. " You're in one of your moods again, huh? " said Barry, laughing, " not even my girl gets your kind of mood swings! " " Go away Barry.. " said Greg, almost whispering. Barry looked sad and patted Greg on the back. " I hope you feel better, man. " he said. Greg managed a small smile. " Thank you... " he said, softly. * * * " So this is who you are.. " said Ine, looking at a book, " so young... how sad... " * * * " .... so young.. how sad... " repeated the voice. Greg stripped down to his boxers, for a good night's rest. " Man, I hope I get better soon, " he said, " first with all this.. and this voice... oh man... " Greg sighed and threw his homework on the floor, not giving it another thought. He flopped down on his bed and went to sleep. * * * " Where.. am I? " said Greg, finding himself floating in some blackness. " Welcome ' Greg ', " said a voice, " I am Ine, Guardian of Life. You might think of me as the ' mother ' of the Earthians, but I am also the father. " A figure came in front of Greg. It was a strange human ( or so he thought it was human ) who was dressed in a baige robe and purple slippers. The face and hair was definately of a woman, but most of the build seemed boyish. Ine's voice was neither male or female. " Who are you? How do you know my name? " said Greg. Ine sighed. " I don't know is asked that more, me or that stupid wizard at the mall that I have to keep cleaning up after. I am the Guardian of Life, I saw your life and birth, of course I know you ' Greg '. " it said with a warm smile. Greg felt warm all of a sudden in the presence of this being. " Are you that voice I heard echo in my head all day? " said Greg. Ine smiled. " You a bright young la-... man. " said Ine, " yes, I am the one who was trying to contact you. " Greg looked down at his feet. " I'm sorry, Miss or Mister Ine, " he said, " but I must ask you to stop doing that. I have enough confusion in my life without you contributing to it. " Ine walked over to Greg and hugged him softly. Despite Ine being a complete stranger, Greg accepted it. He suddenly a warm energy run through him, it made him feel strange, but it was almost comfortable. " Thats why I'm here. " said Ine, " I want to help you, restore you. " " What do you mean? " said Greg, " I honestly don't see what you can do for me. " " You.. " said Ine, " aren't who you think you are. " " Stop beating around the bush.. " said Greg, " if you're going to tell me something, just do it. " " Very well.. Nina.. " said Ine. " Who? " said Greg. " Your name is Nina, " said Ine, " you lived back in the late 1960s. You were a young, happy, easygoing young lady who's life was on the right track. In fact, destiny even hinted you would become one of the protestors speaking out for women's rights in the workplace. Unfortunately... " Greg blinked and stared at Ine, not believing his ears. " You were killed in a car accident while with friends. You were announced DOA. And, by the law of life, you came back as you are now -- Greg Hatterfield. " Greg's mouth dropped. " You... you're kidding.. " he said. Then he grabbed his throat. That wasn't his voice! But he still sat, spellbound, listening to Ine. " Being Greg had made you, Nina, very unhappy subconciously. You wanted badly to return to your old life, and again have love for men. To live as yourself and be true to yourself and everyone. But your lack of that had begun to eat you from the inside out. If you continue to live as Greg, no doubt you will wind up like those people who read TG transformation stories all day ( still have to get to them ) and may become transsexuals. " Greg shook his head, feeling something behind his neck sway. " Its true, ' Greg ', " said Ine, " I have the records to prove it. I just want to make you happy again, because you are my child, like any Earthian. See for yourself, child... " Greg looked down. " Ahhhhh! " he heard a feminine shriek escape his own lips. Looking down, he saw a light pink, almost white blouse with a blue brooch, and a red skirt that went to the knees, and small feet in leather sandals. ( What happened to me?! ) thought Greg. " What had you done?! " screamed Greg again, putting his dainty hands into curly auburn hair. " Please.. calm down.. " said Ine, " just relax. " Greg felt tears run down his cheek. " Nina.. please.. don't feel alarmed.. you've returned to your natural form.. " " I'm.. a... a... woman! A girl! AHH! " ( Why? WHY?!! ) " Yes, " said Ine, " a very pretty young lady, like you were before that tragedy decades ago. While I can't give you back the life you lost, at least I can help remake your new life. " Greg fell to ' his ' knees, sobbing. Ine crouched down and hugged ' him '. " Its okay Nina, " it said, " its okay... it may take a bit to readjust, but just calm down.. okay? " " O-okay.. " stammered Greg/Nina. * * * BRING! BRING! Greg reached out and stopped the gentle bells on the alarm clock and sat up, not even bothering to wonder why it wasn't going " EET EET " instead. " What a dream.. " he muttered. Then grabbed his throat again. Looking down, in fear, he saw what he should have known. A long, white nightie was on ' him '. He was still a woman. Flopping out of bed, ' Greg ' ran to the bathroom, feeling something on his chest jiggle the whole way. In the mirror was a pretty young girl with a slightly rounded nose, full lips, and curly auburn hair that went to the shoulders. She'd be very attractive if it weren't for the expression of absolute horror on her face. " Oh my god... " said Greg, feeling his cheek. The cheek didn't seem too much softer, to his surprise. In fact, it felt the same as ever, only.. different somehow. " Nina! " came his mom's voice from downstairs, " please be quick about the shower, you remember how late you were yesterday because of it! " ( Shower?! ) thought Greg ( Mom.. she called me a girl... ) Greg, surprised, walked into the shower, and noticed that it seemed more.. arranged and had more shampoos and conditioners and his usual bar was replaced with a sponge and bodywash. When Greg came out, he looked for his school uniform, which was now a knee length skirt with a blouse in the school colors! ( This is so strange... ) thought Greg. Greg noticed, on his desk was a makeup kit. He felt a strange compelling to use it, but tried to ignore it. " Come on, Nina, " said Ine, " we both know you want to give yourself a quick makeover before school. You're no longer ' Greg ', you don't have to fight it. " Greg blinked, and started to put on makeup. ( This is creepy.. its like I've done this for years.. ) He looked in the mirror and saw the difference the makeup made. He thought he would feel an erection, but instead he felt a strange sense of pride in how he looked. " I have to get going... " muttered Greg, " I'll figure this out later... " * * * " Hello, Miss Hatterfield. " said Mrs. Natora with a smile as ' he ' walked in. (Yikes, whats wrong with Mrs. Natora?) Greg felt strange, in front of all his classmates in a skirt. He felt like they were going to laugh at him, and it made him sick. ( I can't believe this.. I'm suddenly a girl and they're not saying anything. In fact... no... it can't be... Rand is staring at my.. umm.. ) " Nina, " said Mrs. Natora, " can I speak to you after class? " ( Uh oh.. ) * * * Greg walked up to Mrs. Natora's desk. ( I don't believe it. I'm confronting my worst teacher as another woman... ) Greg thought. " Sit down. " said Mrs. Natora with a smile, " Nina, you didn't exactly score all too well on your test yesterday, and I wanted to ask you what was wrong. You're usually pretty good in my class, and in fact, you're one of the best students I've had for years. " " I.. I am? " Greg said, incrediously. " Yes, " said Mrs. Natora, " you are a fine young lady and a pleasure to talk to. Most of the girls I get are too busy concentrating on talking about the boys or their clothing to have class discussions or keep up with their work, but you're different. " ( She.. she called me a fine young lady.. that feels so strange.. but it somehow..) " That makes you happy, admit it Nina. You haven't been called that for a long, long time. " " Anyway, " said Mrs. Natora, " I won't keep you from your lunchtime. I just wanted to say that anything I can help you with, don't be afraid to ask. " * * * " Hey Nina! " said Barry, sitting down near Greg. ( Oh no... Barry... ) Barry bit down into the burger and chewed before wiping his mouth. " Hey, " he said, " you know Kate? " " Yes, " Greg said in that light voice again, " your girlfriend, what about her? " " Well... " he said, " she wanted to know if you wanted to go clothes shopping this weekend with her. You know... your usual girl stuff. " Barry laughed, and Greg felt surprised, but somehow it seemed appealing. " Oh... clothes shopping. Didn't you ' die ' on a trip back from the mall? " " Thanks, I'll get back to her, Barry. " Greg said, smiling. " Okay, cool, " he said, " by the way, are you feeling any better? You looked seriously depressed yesterday, I wondered what was bothering you. " ( Whats with him? He knows I'm always like that ) " Its nothing.. " said Greg " Ohhhhh... " said Barry, laughing, " I see. PMS or something? " " Yeah.. maybe.. " said Greg, smiling a bit. " Thats why I like you and Kate, " said Barry, smiling, " you're the only girls I know who don't mind PMS jokes. " ( Why would I? I used to make them.. great.. now I'm going to be the one with periods... At least until I can talk to Ine again ) * * * Greg sat down at ' his ' desk and pulled out ' his ' homework. He pulled out a penceil from his drawer and jumped when ' he ' saw it's heart eraser. " Hello.. " said a voice. Greg looked up, and noticed a mirror above ' his ' desk ' he ' never noticed before. In it, was the image of Ine. " How are you Nina? Did your first day go well? " " Y-yeah.. I guess so... " " Thats good, " said Ine, " because... well.. I didn't tell you something last night because I thought it would make the impact worse. But... " " What? " said Greg. " You'll always be Nina. Always be a young lady. Because.. well.. ' Greg ' never existed in the first place. It was always Nina forcing herself to be ' Greg '. ' Greg ' was never an entity, so.. I could never change you back. You're in your true form again, a young teenage girl. " " I.. I... I don't know what to say.. " Greg said. " But admit it, " said Ine, " you were happier. Life seemed better. " ( I didn't want to admit it, but Ine was right. I didn't know why, but my whole life had literaly changed overnight. Maybe, just maybe, Ine was right about Nina needing to surface again. I could again have dreams of being in the arms of a man, and this time without guilt. The cloud that hung over my head had dissapeared. ) " Now, Nina, " said Ine, " go, and make a life for yourself again. Bring yourself back to the world. " " Yes.. I will. " said Nina, feeling a new sense of hope. Nina finished her homework and went to bed, knowing she finally had a direction. It wasn't becoming a female that changed her, but rather her spirit had blossomed through the kindness and encouragement Ine had given her. " Good luck, Nina. " said Ine, " I won't see you again, I have other people that need my help. But know, that I, the Guardian of Life, will always be near. " Nina looked up at the stars before hugging her teddy bear and going to sleep. * * * Ine relaxed on it's Couch of Life, knowing that it had saved Nina from the flames of self destruction. " Someday.. " said Ine, " I am going to revive the spirit of the Earth... And all those who are on it.... One person at a time. Today it was Nina's time to be alive again... who can I help next, I wonder? I suppose time will only tell. " With a satisfied smile, Ine reclined and took a nap, a well deserved rest before she brings light and life to another's existance. (the end)

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A graying woman in red robes and a pair of sheathed short swords with worn hilts arrived two hours before dawn. Kneeling across from me, she got comfortable before speaking. “I’m Mother Chandra. I would like a few minutes of your time, Hero.” “Are you the leader of the priestesses with swords, from the beach?” “Yes, I am. We serve Kassandra, Lady of the Dance.” she replied with patience. “What is your will?” tomorrow would be ugly; I wasn’t in the mood to play guessing games. “I ask that...

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Eine kleine rmische Orgie

Zwölf wohlhabende Männer Ende dreißig gründeten einen Verein, mit der Absicht, jeden Monat eine Party im Haus eines anderen Mitglieds zu veranstalten. Diesen Monat sollte die Party bei Cepheus sein. Cepheus 'Haus war ein typisch römisches Haus, ein zweistöckiges Ziegelrechteck, das mit Gipsstuck verziert war. Ein einziger Eingang führte durch ein Atrium zu einem Peristyl, einer Öffnung in der Mitte des Gebäudes, die von einem überdachten Gehweg umgeben war. Alle großen Räume hatten Türen zum...

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All characters in this story are over twenty one except the baby. Morton Franks was out for his Sunday walk. He liked the peace and quiet of the neighborhood on Sunday. His route took him around the park and then down Oak Street. He was a mile from his house when he saw the smoke. The smoke was coming from a small house set back off the road. As he approached a woman came screaming out of the front door followed by a blast of smoke and flame. ‘My baby! My baby!’ she screamed, ‘I can’t find my...

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HeroChapter 2

Mallory French sat on the side of his bed for close to an hour - holding his hand. He gripped her hand tightly when the demons came back to haunt his memory. The demons kept trying to claim the girls again as he saw them in the car crying, gulping the dirty water as they screamed to him for help. He snatched them away from the demons of death and took them to their momma. He felt good and slept with the pretty woman’s hand, holding his hand. Marc rested peacefully for the first time since he...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 287 Pigshit Airlines and Reality Tv Exec

The other good thing about flying with PigShit Airlines was that I got to carry a pistol. Actually I carried two pistols and a box opener. I carried the Glock, 10mm ugly automatic, in a belt holster on my ass, and the .38 concealed hammer revolver in my purse. The flat box opener, I carried it in the hip pocket of my well worn jeans. The limo dropped me at the hotel, which was also chosen by our travel agent. I signed the register with Maxine's old signature, even thought I had a dozen more...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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Fun in the cinema in the Philippines

Spending half a year in the Philippines opened up my eyes to the Wonder that is Philippine girls and I greatly enjoyed many filipina friends and our experiences together.I met this lovely amazing girl through my work who quickly became my girlfriend. We also quickly found out that together with me she liked it a Little "risky".. this is a Little short story about our visit to the Cinema.I can't remember the date precisely but it was about halfway into December month, since we were going to...

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Canine Therapy Chapter 3

Knowing she was now officially a patient under Dr. Conseil Amy felt herself shudder at the thought of continued therapy. Try as she might, she couldn’t help but wonder what was in store for her on Friday. It was gnawing at her, filling her with a morbid curiosity. Throughout the week she kept up with her normal life as best she could. It was a struggle to attend her Sports and Physical health lectures as well as gymnastics training, but she was doing her best to at least show up. That was...

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Canine Therapy Chapter 3

Chapter 1 - www.sexstories.com/story/106487/ Chapter 2 - www.sexstories.com/story/106545/ Amy woke up at ten in the morning feeling well-rested. For weeks she had woken up tired, from restless nights full of terrors, but ever since she indulged in her masturbatory exercises she felt energised again. Oh how she had missed those lazy Saturday mornings where she could sleep in, uninterrupted by fear or paranoia. She started her weekend with some light stretches, followed by a healthy...

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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 20 Memories of Sainte Jacqueline

I have successfully passed all the phases of my purification and slave training. As promised, my Master has accepted me back as soon as I was released from the prison beneath the Eglise Sainte Jacqueline. My life is back to normal - as far as a relationship consisting of a Master, a Mistress and a slave can be called normal. It is normal in the sense that my Master has returned to using all three of my orifices and my Mistress allows me to pleasure her with my tongue. How long was I held...

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Rough Draft Twisted Ink Raine and Deak

Prologue ‘Shit. Feels so fuckin’ good.’ ‘Please, please, please. Harder,’ the little redhead begged. We started pounding harder. ‘Oh, God. Yes,’ she squealed. ‘Fuck, man. I can feel you,’ I gasped. ‘Yeah. Jesus. Fucking close,’ Raine gritted out. I looked at his enraptured face and my balls tightened painfully. Shit. His dark eyes were hooded, his teeth sunk into his bottom lip, and head rolled back slightly. He was sexy. He was gorgeous. He was also very, very straight. ‘Holy fucking...

3 years ago
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Hard Pounding Raine

Down came the windows, though she knew that the interior would have a fine coating of gravel dust by the time she returned home. It was the first truly warm day of the year. The office had hired a couple of people to reduce her workload. She'd finally come to her senses and returned to single life after a string of two bad relationships. She meant to enjoy it to its fullest. The wind whipped through her short blonde hair, bringing a smile to her lips as she cruised between the fields and...

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Raine on Her Parade

This one might be just a touch, a tad, a jot, an iota over the top. The answer to that stereotypical LW cliché, that trite meme – is not that the best revenge is a life well-lived – it is a life really, REALLY well-lived. Enjoy. (BTW, if you recognise the accent – it’s not from there!) RAINE, ON HER PARADE “Damn, you’re a hard man to track down.” I grunted. I didn’t look around – I didn’t need to: she still wore the same perfume. Not knowing quite what else to do, I continued attaching...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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For Karine and Country Ch 01

This is the first part of my first story, inspired by a friend of mine serving in the Canadian army. No sex in this one. ******************* Now a newly minted Captain, Matt Young stared out of the bar’s window, looking at the rain softly flow down the pane of glass as the night took hold. After what seemed like an eternity, he quietly turned back to the bar and stared down at his drink, stirring it slowly like he would a coffee. Coffee. There was something he hoped he wouldn’t have to...

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Long Standing Desire Fucked By Vineet

Suresh after that day became much bolder and as soon as vineet use to leave at 1 pm. He would bolt the door and ask me to take my clothes off and start fucking me either in the mouth or in my gaand. He would often say when his lund use to be inside my gaand, ooohhh… chintu…meri jan I am so lucky that I am the first one in the batch jo teri gaand maar raha hai. Teri gaand ke peeche to sara batch pagal hai. Tu bus kisi ko bhi ishara kar de woh teri chudai ko taiyaar ho jayega. He was a pretty...

Gay Male
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Trained Restrained and EmptyBrained

Trained, Restrained, and Empty-Brained -- by jessicablank Glenn got home from work, and found the package on the front porch. Not something he'd ordered -- but the name of the company seemed familiar, somehow. He brought it in, with the rest of the mail, sorted through the bills, set the magazine aside. Then he opened the package. Two metallic dildos, a couple of little clamps, and a little box of electronics, with USB cables leading out of it. He looked at the paperwork that came in...

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Logans Raine Ch 03

Dear readers it’s been a long while since I sat down to finish the story that I started I’m hoping that you will enjoy the story as much as I enjoyed writing it. ***** Meanwhile Logan paced back and forth in his cell. Eagerly awaiting for the guards to escort him to his visit with Raine. He stood with his feet apart, hands stretched out touching the walls of his cell. His head slightly bent forward while meditating. His training as a Navy Seal provided him with various techniques of...

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Meine Frau braucht einen Schwanz

"Oh Mann..." Aufseufzend rollte sich meine total verschwitzte nackte Frau von mir herunter. Ich wusste, ich hatte sie wieder enttäuscht. So viel Mühe sie sich auch gab, so wild sie auf mir ritt, wenn wir miteinander schliefen, mein Schwanz wollte einfach nicht mehr richtig hart werden. Nur, wenn sie dann irgendwann zu fluchen begann, wie gerade eben, wenn sich ihre Fingernägel in mein Fleisch gruben und sie in meine harten Brustwarzen biss, so dass ich aufschreien musst, wuchs er für sehr kurze...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 164 Liaison Meeting Pipeline Mathematics

Sunday, May 1, 2005 (Continued) Julia started the meeting off with, "I'll begin by saying that I had a few wrong ideas when I started the Liaison system. The biggest error I made was wanting every suitable girl at school to fall for Mark, to want to chase him, and to treat him the way I thought they should. That caused me far too much frustration and work. So many girls failed to understand how wonderful he is that I felt I was banging my head against a brick wall most of the time. I...

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Ich meine Kollegin und eine Trkengang

WARNUNG! Diese Story beinhaltet starke Gewalt, extreme Erniedrigung und sehr harten Sex. Wer so etwas nicht lesen will, sollte diese Geschichte nicht weiterlesen. Ich weise auch ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass diese Story keine ethnische Gruppe diskriminieren will oder eine Meinung über eine Volksgruppe wiedergibt! Außerdem wird so etwas nicht in der Realität gutgeheißen oder gewollt!!! Es ist reine Fantasie und da ist bekanntlich alles erlaubt. Alles begann an einem späten Sonntag abend im...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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WARNING: This is a very intense tale of fiction. Nothing in the story is real. AlineCHAPTER 1 Aline walked down the street looking into the beautiful setting summer sun, the brightness was a soft reddish yellow as it bathe her young body in warmth. Feeling the sun as it warmed her smooth face and neck Aline tingled. Marveling at the way it felt warming her young tender nipples through the sheer cotton sleeveless shirt; Aline let her mind drift to Bobby Baker. Bobby was a high school dream and...

1 year ago
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Meine Frau hat einen schwarzen Liebhaber

Mein Name ist Jim und meine Frau Honey und ich sind seit acht Jahren verheiratet. Wir haben Zwillinge im Alter von vier Jahren. Ich arbeite für eine Versicherungsgesellschaft und Honey arbeitet für eine große Werbefirma. Honey muss mit großen Kundenumgehen und arbeitet auf Kommissionsbasis. Honey hat schulterlange blonde Haare und ist 5'6 "groß mit Figur wie eine Sanduhr. Sie hat lange schlanke Beine und sieht sie ihre 5" Spike Heels tragen. Sie zeigen alle ihre Kurven an den richtigen Stellen....

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Ladies LodgeChapter 7 A Kidnapping Gwendoline is beaten up

After over two hours of holding the same position in the cold afternoon air Harriet was beginning to regret not taking advantage of Gwendoline's kindness in getting her out of the assignment. It was not a comfortable pose at all, involving as it did keeping one foot raised almost off the ground with only the tip of her big toe on the ground and almost all her weight on the other. One hand was resting lightly on her hip and the other touching her breast, which Jim assured her looked fine...

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I was orphaned at an early age and lived on the street. I got my education through the public comp systems. At sixteen I got a job just off the port warehouse district as a night watcher. It was not much but I made enough to rent a one room apartment once called a studio. The area was very old and close to the port so the buildings were between six to ten stories tall. Since the area was old it was also neglected by a lot of the city maintenance workers. Few constables patrolled the area and...

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Chinese Wife Caroline

I am a Chinese American guy, I met Caroline a year ago in China whenI went there for vacation, she was the most perfect girl I've evermet; she is a 26-yo traditionally raised, conservative Chinese girl.She has a caring, compassionate heart, and has a very sweet smile. Wegot married not too long after; I brought her back to the U.S. We arevery much in love and had become each other's best friends. She haslearned Yoga since she was a little girl, so she asked me if it's okfor her to find a job, I...

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Master of the Kingdom Seizing Power ArcChapter 8 Angeline I

The royal apartments of the castle were built to be fully enclosed, with the only access coming from the grand stairway (which was guarded by the fearsome Veronomigan Guard) and the throne room (which, itself, only had one entrance which was also under guard). Being so self-contained, the apartments themselves were built around an internal staircase that provided access to three levels- the bottom being primarily servant’s quarters, the middle having both larger suites and several functional...

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Meine ersten Erfahrungen mit einem Mann

Es fing alles so an, dass ich immer schon gerne Pornos geguckt habe und dabei viel mir auf, dass fast in jedem Porno immer der Schwanz ganz groß dabei ist. Ich fand es immer geil diese dicken Dinger anzugucken. Besonder wenn eine Frau anal genommen wurde oder mit den Füßen einen Pimmel gewixxt hat. Also hab ich aus Spaß im Suff einfach mal eine Anzeige geschaltet, dass ich einen ältern Herrn suche der mir sein Ding zeigt usw. Daraufhin meldete sich Tobi. Tobi beschrieb sich als normalo Mitte 50...

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Blythes Machine 3 the Chinese MenaceChapter 3 A Traitor Found

It was half an hour later, Lloyd and Susan had arrived at the house and were with Jack in the basement; Professor Blythe was working away at the machine, checking it over. Lloyd stared at Jack. "Well? What happened?" He demanded Jack looked back at the machine that had just destroyed itself, "He took her through the window. She's trapped there." He said softly. "Not really Jack my boy, this happened to me several times with my machine, but it's simple enough to get the parts, the...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Hero the EscapeChapter 7 Boons

After a meal at the reasonably priced diner with large portions around the corner from my apartment on the main boulevard, I stopped a guard on the way to the city district and asked for guidance to the Justiciar’s office. Questioning me and accepting my response of an appointment with Dana, he gave me concise directions to her office. I had passed the building the night before but didn’t know its purpose. One of the few all stone buildings, it towered above the nearby official offices with...

3 years ago
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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 3 Vineeta Fucks Her Son

Rick looked at me with desire in his eyes and moaned, “Mom your lips are so juicy and hot.” And in a swift move put his lips on mine and started feeding on them. Such was the intensity that a short gasp emitted from my mouth. But got submerged in his soft groans of pleasure. I also found myself gorging on his mouth. Within a few seconds lost total control immersing ourselves in the most passionate kiss of our lives. I felt his penis growing hard and long and banter upon my thigh. It must have...


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