Hero Ine: Ine In A New Situation free porn video

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The Hero Ine Who am I? That is something that I have asked myself many times. Have I been living a lie? That is something I wonder about... the truth. Why do I bother? My name is Ine. I love all. The only one I'd raise my hand against is Kegare and finding him is next to impossible anymore unless I go into individual cases. But I'm a 'Goddess', how can I possibly help the Earthians on a case by case bases? With the help of Nina, Rose, Tulip, and Chrys, life has become bearable again. What about Black Orchid? She ran off to settle her own agenda with the ones who had hurt her. This task had become so daunting, and all the girls except Tulip have been attending their second year of college, so asking them to fulfill their volunteered duty of selling my special flowers is not truly fair. I had created them from fallen souls as soldiers against Kegare, but I... I did not have the spirit. I know who I am now and my limitations. I am no Goddess. I am... just a silly little girl who learned two magic tricks and went to take on the world. I went to the last person in the world I wanted to see, the one who I had my own issues to settle with. He knew I was coming, seeing the place took little trouble. The bell tinkled as I stepped into the dusty store. There he was, in that same dusty bathrobe. He made me sick. But he may be my only stand against Kegare, and I had no choice. I had to confront him, as I had almost done in the Ice Caves in that one child's soul. I would put it off no longer. There he sat, the wizard of Spells R Us, before me on a stool behind the counter. He was busy paging through a rather large book. His little 'pet' wolf looked up at me with those serious eyes he always would give me. "Oh, I wondered when you would be coming." he said, not even looking up. I strode over to the counter, nearly tripping on my own robes. "What filthy tome are you perusing? What horrible things are you going to do to the next mortal to walk into this store?" The old man looked up at me with his usual serious expression. He soon smiled, making him lose the fierce air that he held moments ago. He pulled back the cover of the book, giving me a full view of the front. This thick book did have a talented illustrator, I will give it that much credit. In large letters across the top lie the words "Harry Potter". "Very fascinating," chuckled the old man, "the woman who had wrote this must have known an old friend of mine. But I don't suppose you want to hear about it, do you?" I shook my head. This was not going the way I had wanted it to. Once you're in this store, you have no choice but to play to his drum. The Earthians that had come in here before fell right into his little lure and scams. I hated dealing with such scum, but he had helped me against Kegare before and I needed any kind of help I could take. Of course, he had read my thoughts - the ones I just had. I was expecting it anyway. "It is a shame you think of your 'uncle' this way. Do you really consider me 'scum'? You're young, your blood is hot, and you're primed to fight a foe you cannot even see." I placed both of my hands on the counter, the bracelets I had jangled against the wood almost angrily. "At least I am willing to fight. Evil only wins when good men do nothing! How can you look at yourself when you know Kegare is doing what he can to undermine the human race?! We... we as superior beings have a duty to protect the weak! We have a duty to offer nothing but love and help them out of their own petty problems... How can you sit in this musty old shop when you could be changing the world?!" His serious expression returned and he stood up and faced me, eye to eye. His wizened face was as still as stone and his eyes seemed to pierce into my very soul, reading me. Scanning me. This is what I hated about him most. "Ine, you're so naive. You do not know. You see what I do as being nothing when in fact, I am on your side. Do you think I would spend a minute here every day, waiting for my next mindless customer if I did not care for the humans?" I folded my arms. "Do not try decieving me, 'uncle'. Kegare has just as powerful an ally in you as I would have. I have SEEN you transform people for practically no reason but to be a sly, old, tricky bastard! Do not try to hide from me, or I will strike you down along with Kegare!" I had finally done it. Threatening the egotistic fool had finally enticed him into the state where he could not guide me with his thin lies. He stretched out his arms, and two fireballs began to gather. The shop seemed to fade out, leaving nothing but blackness. We were in the void that is the universe, far from Earth. His robes flowed very quickly in a nonexistant wind. "I do not take well to threats!" He flung the fireballs at me and moving quickly, they had barely missed me. My right cheek felt singed. The old man's aura seemed to glow, but he was not angry yet. He had not lost control yet. He could have easily fried me. "Yes, Kegare is with me," he said, "but that is normal. You are opposing the very flow of nature, 'niece'! Kegare is the darkness of the heart... it is what makes us what we are! You think your syrupy sweet ideal of a world would have a single whole person alive in it? Not at all, my dear, not at all!" What....? "Your intentions are very well and good, but you challenge the very fundamentals of nature. You know not your own strength. You challenge even me, one of the most powerful wizards of this era. Ine... you are still young. You still have much to learn." The shop started coming back into focus. I had not expected things to make this sort of turn and I was a bit dazed. "Did you feel it, Ine? The need to tear me apart, the feeling that makes you detest the very being that I am? That is Kegare itself, it lies even with you." He was right... I came here to ask for his help and it lead to me to wanting to send him to oblivion. Kegare was here too, inside me. It made me hate it even more, but I had no choice... No choice. "Ine, what appears to you as random bimbo-ization and acts of cruelty are in fact changes I make to the balance of the world. It all comes together in the end." His eyes were dark again and he made one of his small laughs to himself. I felt the anger, the oversurge of passion begin to drain. "Its all I can do keep this place from going to the dogs." he said with a shrug. The wolf sat up and glared at him. He put a hand to his forehead, nodded and gave an apologetic gesture to the canine. The wolf seemed satisfied and went back into the lying position it was in when I came in. "Even so, 'uncle', there is a problem. There is an evil presence that is trying to use humanity for it's own ends. If it isn't Kegare itself, its something that is using Kegare. Even if you don't want to face it directly, I do. I just.... I just..." He put a hand to his beard and stroked his chin. "You are right about that much. Yes, you have my support, Ine. I will make my shop visible to your girls. Is that all?" I knew it. I knew he was too old, too set in his ways to want to come out of this dustbin to help me fight against this dark power. I felt sick. He was right... I am no omniscient Goddess. I'm as shallow as any of those mortals, and it was making me an easy target for this dark force. I knew the battle would be coming, and if I had to face it alone, so be it. Without another thought, I left the store. I had something important to tell the girls. * * * The old man watched her leave. Dannie came out from the shadows. "Oh, so you overheard." said the wizard, who's 'oh' didn't sound surprised at all. Dannie fidgeted. "I kinda know what she is trying to do. I was talking with Rose just the other day. Does Anya's grandmother know about her?" The wizard gave Dannie a look that she should quit while she was ahead. He then signed and shook his head. "I have no doubt that it would make little difference if she did know about my... out of control 'niece'. Its just as well." * * * Rose I am one of the Flower Girls that Ine had assigned to 'protecting the world'. My existance was to bring passion back to someone's life. I should introduce myself! Is the passion I give sexual? Yep, it sure is. I don't really remember who I was before Ine gave me new life, but what does it matter? The boys are cute, I'm cute, and I got flowers to deal. Something you might not expect from me is intelligence, due to the fact I've slept with my fair share of boys since becoming Ine's assistant, but you'd be mistaken. I love reading big books. I don't bother dressing like a slut, I got dignity baby. Hey, if you were as cute as me and you were magically contraceptive, wouldn't you take advantage of it? Actually, do you want to be as cute as me? Okies, first-of-all, I sell roses. Did you know Freud said that flowers in dreams are representative of a vagina? Thats sorta what I'm selling. A lotta the time I sell a flower, the recipient whiffs it and changes into a girl almost as cute as me. Tulip found out the other week that if the person had a latent transgender desire, they become flower sellers too. Of course, that doesn't ALWAYS happen (who would we have flowers to sell to afterwards?) but it does happen once in a blue moon. One day, Ine called us 'originals' together for some kind of meeting. What was up? Our meeting room wasn't much to talk about. Its... like a living room in the middle of space with Earth in view. The stars can be seen below us and around us. The floor is invisible. Its real room, not really the universe, but touching the large 'model' of Earth can take you anywhere on it. Otherwise, I didn't know any other way out of this room besides through the 'model'. When people came in, a patch of light would appear on the 'floor' and they'd just appear. Which is what Ine just did. Ine wasn't dressed like she normally was, and she wasn't in that weird hermaphrodite form she usually used. She was dressed like one of us... OK, maybe not really. She was wearing these strange white robes. Her hair was black and it was tied in a flowing 'tail' behind her head. Ine herself, if she were human, she'd look like a young Latin American woman. Definately not the hermaphrodite. "Rose, Tulip, Chrys.... where is Nina?" We all looked to each other. "She isn't coming..." came a rich, soft, familiar voice. Black Orchid walked into the room. We all instinctively tensed up. Black Orchid gave it no thought, only ran a hand through her short, magenta hair. I gotta say, out of us, Black Orchid was probably the most unpredictable. Chrys saw her punish people with her powers rather than help, oftentimes changing their skin color to match hers as a mark. "What are you doing here, B.O?" asked Tulip, giggling. Agh! Tulip was so stupid sometimes. Well, not stupid. Thoughtless more like it. She always called Orchid "B.O" which, needless to say, did not get a good reaction out of her. Black Orchid jumped straight up into the air, doing a triple somersault and landed right in front of Tulip and held a jack knife to her throat. Chrys, being the lady of our bunch, gasped and put her hands over her mouth. Black Orchid slowly withdrew the knife. "Watch your mouth. I had plenty of practice with a blade back in the projects, but that doesn't mean I do not occasionally.... slip." With that, Black Orchid faced Ine. Her small face looked almost innocent, but it was an innocence shattered by what happened in her previous 'life'. Her sleeveless black leather jumpsuit strained against her well toned muscles. She faced Ine. Ine stared back at her. Black Orchid did not put back her knife. "Nina is a normal girl again, Ine. She, like me, had chosen a life outside of your little control freak game. We go to the same college now. She is my roommate in fact, but that's none of your concern. I just came to tell you that two of my.... friends... from my former life are now taken care of. And I plan to go for the others too." She would. I knew what she did to that judge from Chrys, and she had also taken care of her lawyer. Something like that, I don't really know Black Orchid's past except that how she died was truly wretched. Without another word, she jumped away and left us. Ine faced us, her robes changing color like a mood ring as she did so. "I've lived a lie," she said, "a very harsh lie. I thought I was a Goddess because of my power, and I looked down on the very people who cared about my life. The very people who understood me... someone with a truly pure soul had showed me yesterday who I really am. I ask you to help me, not as my flower soldiers, but as my friends..." I was going to say something, but Chrys spoke up with Tulip standing right behind her. Chrys's aquamarine hair seemed to sway softly with each of her words. I listened intently, because Chrys doesn't like talking unless she needs to. "Chrys.... I robbed you of your life as a kind young man...." "Ine, you saved me. My parents had a situation dealing with my predicament... But... If choosing between losing a child in a train accident... or trading a son for a daughter. I don't know Ine. I don't know... I just know my heart tells me that I have a place now. I've never felt so right with anyone before. My gender was really a secondary issue to me.... We... I speak for all of us when I say you can rely on us!" Tulip giggled, stuck a hand behind her head and laughed nervously, her brown hair bobbing with each breath. "Ya, ya, thats about right!" I wasn't sure what to say myself. I just put a hand on Ine's shoulder. "All right, listen, we need to decide what to do soon..." said Ine, "and I'm going to join the fight with you instead of holing myself in like an old fool I know." I felt Ine's blood start to run hot again. Where DID she get that temper, anyway? I decided I had to say something quickly. "What exactly are we fighting, Ine? I read about that Kegare you were talking about by going through one of the books by Carl Jung, and it doesn't seem to be exactly what we should be messing with." Tulip flashed me a half grin and pointed at me. "My friend, the beauty bookworm!" I would get her for that later. I can't stand her sometimes. Ine, however, gave her no notice and gave us the signal to calm down. "There are people who had been taken over by evil," said Ine, "and waiting on the sides to repair their damage isn't going to be very effective. We have to find out where it originates.... Other worlds." I looked at her like she was crazy. Other worlds? What did she mean? Even if such a thing were possible, how would that help Earth? "Trust me," said Ine, "if we can move quickly, it will have an effect on Earth." Ine snapped her fingers. The whole room began to shake and the Earth model began to move above us, with an arctic landscape being the only part of it that could be easily seen. "Now for the unseen..." said Ine, carefully, "watch what happens." A string shot out of the Earth.. yes, a string. Like a white worm. It came out of some location on the model that I could not see from my angle. Another planet suddenly came from behind us and attached to the string. The planet was not one I've seen in any book, and I've read astronomy books before. Now this planet was connected to Earth, like an astronaut going into open space would be connected to the inside of his shuttle. "A writer had done a story that isn't Earth. Either that or a reader... viewer possibly had made a connection to a new world by engaging with the fiction she reads. Someone made a connection to another world, and here it is now. This is only a recent connection... There are many like these that are not shown. What we are going to do is enter one of the connected worlds and fight the evil that exists there. If we can purify that world, part of Earth will benefit from it. Do you understand?" I didn't know what to say. Fight evil on different worlds with girl-making flowers. This was a bit too much for me right now. Without saying anything, I just left. Left. I needed to lie down. * * * Obligatory transformation Derek walked into the singles bar. Time to get laid, he thought. Sitting at the end of it was exactly what he was looking for. Her skin was rich, dark, creamy.... Her hair color was a little strange, but he wasn't looking at her face. He wanted to see what lay under that black jumpsuit. Oh man, did he love sleeping with black girls! He could smell her from here.... He carefully sidled next to her and sat down. "Can I buy you a drink?" She looked at him like he was something she just scraped off her shoe. He knew he was going to get slapped. But to his surprise, she didn't do a thing. "Planning on having a girl in your bed tonight?" she asked, with her rich voice. Ahh... that perfume. He loved the perfume she was wearing. "You know it." he said with a knowing, hopefully confident grin and wink. She still had the eyes that said she was going to kill him. But she still did not make a move. He thought for a second he caught a glimpse of a knife. "I can arrange it," she said, "under one condition. I'll let you buy me a drink if you buy a flower." A flower? Derek thought it was stupid that a girl like her would keep flowers, let alone black ones. But hey, it was cheaper than a whore. He still couldn't shake the feeling she didn't want to really do what she was letting on, and her voice still seemed hostile. He took the flower from her and put it next to him. "Aren't you going to smell it?" asked the intimidating girl with a domineering tone of voice. Yeah, this girl was going to be hot in bed all right he thought. He took a long, deep whiff of the black orchid in his hand. But something was wrong. The smell didn't leave his nasal passages. Instead it seemed to flow through his sinuses and throughout his entire body. His skin seemed to slowly take a different tone, like the lights in the room were becoming softer. But it wasn't the lights - HE was becoming softer. It was over very quickly. The girl then stood up and pulled a knife out and stuck it in his direction. "There. I fixed it. You can sleep with your kind of girl tonight. And tommorow night. And the night after that. And every night for the rest of eternity. Next time you try something like this on me, assuming your sexual orientation didn't change, I'm going to cut you. And I won't fuck around either. Now get lost!" With a wave of her hand, "Derek" dissapeared from the bar and out of her life. A minute later she cussed because she forgot to let him pay for the drink. Oh well. THE END

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Zwei Jahre war ich mit Andrea zusammen. Ich war verrückt nach ihr. Damals und leider auch heute noch. Mit ihrem süßen unschuldig verlogenen Mädchengesicht, ihren brünetten halblangen Haaren und ihrem prächtigen dicken Hintern, den sie bevorzugt in knallengen Jeans oder Leggings präsentierte. Dass sie gerade mal 160 cm groß war, stellte ihre Macht über mich nie in Frage. Nachdem Andrea mir in einem Cafe bei einem Glas Champagner, den ich ihr auf ihren Wunsch bestellt (und dann natürlich auch...

1 year ago
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Erlebnisse einer Schlerin im Onlineflirt

Hallo! Entschuldigt, dass ich weder meinen Namen, noch mein Alter verrate, aber was ich euch erzählen will ist ein bisschen heikel! Ich gehe nämlich noch zur Schule und möchte euch hier von meinen Männererfahrungen schreiben. Also: Alles fing an, mit diesem Idioten. Der war in meiner Klasse und ich war eigentlich restlos verliebt in ihn! Ich dachte er auch in mich. Wir sind nämlich schon vier Wochen zusammen gegangen, als ich ihn auf ner Party an einer Anderen rumlutschen sah! Das wars für...

3 years ago
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Incestuous Tales of the QuarantineStory 2 Quarantined with His Hot Mom

Who would have thought having no school, playing video games, and masturbating to porn would get boring? Three weeks into quarantine, and I missed doing things. My mom was paranoid. She always made me use hand sanitizer and wear a mask. The only time I could leave the house was to go shopping with her. When did going to the grocery store with my mom become something to look forward to just to get out? To move and do shit. I was horny all the time. There were no girls at all to hang around...

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It all started in the hotel bariAs the duty manager I got called to the bar to deal with a complaint. When I got there I was sent to you, a very good looking mature woman who said your 1982 bottle of chateau neuf was corked. As I apprached you I noticed you had a figure hugging pencil skirt on and i took a sharp intake of breath as I noticed the suspender belt outlined and a panty vpl. I was aware that my dick was getting hard I sat down oppisite you hoping you hadnt noticed the bulge in my...

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It all started in the hotel bariAs the duty manager I got called to the bar to deal with a complaint. When I got there I was sent to you, a very good looking mature woman who said your 1982 bottle of chateau neuf was corked. As I apprached you I noticed you had a figure hugging pencil skirt on and i took a sharp intake of breath as I noticed the suspender belt outlined and a panty vpl. I was aware that my dick was getting hard I sat down oppisite you hoping you hadnt noticed the bulge in my...

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Toms kleine geile Cousine

Toms Onkel und seine Tante baten ihn für ein Wochenende aufzupassen, dass ihre 18-jährige Tochter Chantal keine Dummheiten macht und da der Onkeln noch was gut bei ihm hat muss der 25-jährige wohl den Babysitter spielen. Tom klingelt an der Haustür. Nach etwa 5 min. öffnet Chantal, seine jüngere Cousine in einem Bademantel noch ganz nass die Tür und sagt, dass sie grade geduscht hat und es deswegen so lange gedauert hat die Tür auf zumachen. Tom nickt kurz und geht in die Wohnung rein. In der...

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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 12 Caroline Part 1

When Arlette and I arrived at the bistro, Caroline and Claude, who had gone there directly from work, were already waiting. Claude did the introductions. I ignored Caroline's outstretched hand and kissed her on both cheeks. She looked wonderful. Her pitch-black hair and dark eyes contrasted beautifully with her pale skin, just as Claude had told us. And her mouth! Her full lips were always slightly apart. It made me think that she was permanently ready to plant a kiss on a cock head in front...

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Captain Janeway Captains Slave

Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do ?Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do. Well when I was a younger man and she was younger. But I still find her kind of sexy for a mature woman. So sue me for using my talent to have a little fun with what I consider a hot older babe. I enjoyed writing it. How you enjoy reading it.???????????????????????????????? ???    ??????????????? CAPTAIN JANEWAY CAPTAIN?S...

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Eine kleine rmische Orgie

Zwölf wohlhabende Männer Ende dreißig gründeten einen Verein, mit der Absicht, jeden Monat eine Party im Haus eines anderen Mitglieds zu veranstalten. Diesen Monat sollte die Party bei Cepheus sein. Cepheus 'Haus war ein typisch römisches Haus, ein zweistöckiges Ziegelrechteck, das mit Gipsstuck verziert war. Ein einziger Eingang führte durch ein Atrium zu einem Peristyl, einer Öffnung in der Mitte des Gebäudes, die von einem überdachten Gehweg umgeben war. Alle großen Räume hatten Türen zum...

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All characters in this story are over twenty one except the baby. Morton Franks was out for his Sunday walk. He liked the peace and quiet of the neighborhood on Sunday. His route took him around the park and then down Oak Street. He was a mile from his house when he saw the smoke. The smoke was coming from a small house set back off the road. As he approached a woman came screaming out of the front door followed by a blast of smoke and flame. ‘My baby! My baby!’ she screamed, ‘I can’t find my...

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HeroChapter 2

Mallory French sat on the side of his bed for close to an hour - holding his hand. He gripped her hand tightly when the demons came back to haunt his memory. The demons kept trying to claim the girls again as he saw them in the car crying, gulping the dirty water as they screamed to him for help. He snatched them away from the demons of death and took them to their momma. He felt good and slept with the pretty woman’s hand, holding his hand. Marc rested peacefully for the first time since he...

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Hero the EscapeChapter 6 Two years

My reprieve ended two weeks later when a small fishing boat sailed straight at my little island. I noticed when it was under three kilos away while framing the window on the east facing. Up until then, no one had else had even come close. My location seemed to be outside of normal fishing lanes. Two men and two women, the men both had deep dark tans from extended exposure to sunlight on open water; of the soon to be arriving women; one was familiar and one not. Justiciar Dana Hershim asked...

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Hero the EscapeChapter 11 Shock and Awe

A graying woman in red robes and a pair of sheathed short swords with worn hilts arrived two hours before dawn. Kneeling across from me, she got comfortable before speaking. “I’m Mother Chandra. I would like a few minutes of your time, Hero.” “Are you the leader of the priestesses with swords, from the beach?” “Yes, I am. We serve Kassandra, Lady of the Dance.” she replied with patience. “What is your will?” tomorrow would be ugly; I wasn’t in the mood to play guessing games. “I ask that...

1 year ago
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Fun in the cinema in the Philippines

Spending half a year in the Philippines opened up my eyes to the Wonder that is Philippine girls and I greatly enjoyed many filipina friends and our experiences together.I met this lovely amazing girl through my work who quickly became my girlfriend. We also quickly found out that together with me she liked it a Little "risky".. this is a Little short story about our visit to the Cinema.I can't remember the date precisely but it was about halfway into December month, since we were going to...

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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 20 Memories of Sainte Jacqueline

I have successfully passed all the phases of my purification and slave training. As promised, my Master has accepted me back as soon as I was released from the prison beneath the Eglise Sainte Jacqueline. My life is back to normal - as far as a relationship consisting of a Master, a Mistress and a slave can be called normal. It is normal in the sense that my Master has returned to using all three of my orifices and my Mistress allows me to pleasure her with my tongue. How long was I held...

4 years ago
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Rough Draft Twisted Ink Raine and Deak

Prologue ‘Shit. Feels so fuckin’ good.’ ‘Please, please, please. Harder,’ the little redhead begged. We started pounding harder. ‘Oh, God. Yes,’ she squealed. ‘Fuck, man. I can feel you,’ I gasped. ‘Yeah. Jesus. Fucking close,’ Raine gritted out. I looked at his enraptured face and my balls tightened painfully. Shit. His dark eyes were hooded, his teeth sunk into his bottom lip, and head rolled back slightly. He was sexy. He was gorgeous. He was also very, very straight. ‘Holy fucking...

3 years ago
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Hard Pounding Raine

Down came the windows, though she knew that the interior would have a fine coating of gravel dust by the time she returned home. It was the first truly warm day of the year. The office had hired a couple of people to reduce her workload. She'd finally come to her senses and returned to single life after a string of two bad relationships. She meant to enjoy it to its fullest. The wind whipped through her short blonde hair, bringing a smile to her lips as she cruised between the fields and...

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Raine on Her Parade

This one might be just a touch, a tad, a jot, an iota over the top. The answer to that stereotypical LW cliché, that trite meme – is not that the best revenge is a life well-lived – it is a life really, REALLY well-lived. Enjoy. (BTW, if you recognise the accent – it’s not from there!) RAINE, ON HER PARADE “Damn, you’re a hard man to track down.” I grunted. I didn’t look around – I didn’t need to: she still wore the same perfume. Not knowing quite what else to do, I continued attaching...

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For Karine and Country Ch 01

This is the first part of my first story, inspired by a friend of mine serving in the Canadian army. No sex in this one. ******************* Now a newly minted Captain, Matt Young stared out of the bar’s window, looking at the rain softly flow down the pane of glass as the night took hold. After what seemed like an eternity, he quietly turned back to the bar and stared down at his drink, stirring it slowly like he would a coffee. Coffee. There was something he hoped he wouldn’t have to...

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Long Standing Desire Fucked By Vineet

Suresh after that day became much bolder and as soon as vineet use to leave at 1 pm. He would bolt the door and ask me to take my clothes off and start fucking me either in the mouth or in my gaand. He would often say when his lund use to be inside my gaand, ooohhh… chintu…meri jan I am so lucky that I am the first one in the batch jo teri gaand maar raha hai. Teri gaand ke peeche to sara batch pagal hai. Tu bus kisi ko bhi ishara kar de woh teri chudai ko taiyaar ho jayega. He was a pretty...

Gay Male
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Trained Restrained and EmptyBrained

Trained, Restrained, and Empty-Brained -- by jessicablank Glenn got home from work, and found the package on the front porch. Not something he'd ordered -- but the name of the company seemed familiar, somehow. He brought it in, with the rest of the mail, sorted through the bills, set the magazine aside. Then he opened the package. Two metallic dildos, a couple of little clamps, and a little box of electronics, with USB cables leading out of it. He looked at the paperwork that came in...

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Logans Raine Ch 03

Dear readers it’s been a long while since I sat down to finish the story that I started I’m hoping that you will enjoy the story as much as I enjoyed writing it. ***** Meanwhile Logan paced back and forth in his cell. Eagerly awaiting for the guards to escort him to his visit with Raine. He stood with his feet apart, hands stretched out touching the walls of his cell. His head slightly bent forward while meditating. His training as a Navy Seal provided him with various techniques of...

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Sine Equals Cosine

Como siempre, para mi mama. (Like always, for my mother.) I did not want to be there, especially with the guitar weighing me down. The crowd made me uncomfortable as soon as I opened the door. I had made a decision though; my discomfort meant nothing. I looked around the off-campus hangout; it was surprisingly large for a non-franchise coffeehouse. Every seat was full, so people lined the walls or sat on the floor between tables. The faces were mostly Latin because the Images House sponsored...

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Meine Frau braucht einen Schwanz

"Oh Mann..." Aufseufzend rollte sich meine total verschwitzte nackte Frau von mir herunter. Ich wusste, ich hatte sie wieder enttäuscht. So viel Mühe sie sich auch gab, so wild sie auf mir ritt, wenn wir miteinander schliefen, mein Schwanz wollte einfach nicht mehr richtig hart werden. Nur, wenn sie dann irgendwann zu fluchen begann, wie gerade eben, wenn sich ihre Fingernägel in mein Fleisch gruben und sie in meine harten Brustwarzen biss, so dass ich aufschreien musst, wuchs er für sehr kurze...

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Ich meine Kollegin und eine Trkengang

WARNUNG! Diese Story beinhaltet starke Gewalt, extreme Erniedrigung und sehr harten Sex. Wer so etwas nicht lesen will, sollte diese Geschichte nicht weiterlesen. Ich weise auch ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass diese Story keine ethnische Gruppe diskriminieren will oder eine Meinung über eine Volksgruppe wiedergibt! Außerdem wird so etwas nicht in der Realität gutgeheißen oder gewollt!!! Es ist reine Fantasie und da ist bekanntlich alles erlaubt. Alles begann an einem späten Sonntag abend im...

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Ich ging in die Videokabinen eines Sexkinos

Ich bin die 18jährige Svenja, eine bildhübsche Blondine mit blauen Augen, wobei meine Haare naturgelockt bis auf meine Schultern fallen, ich bin schlank, habe einen kleinen, festen Busen, eine Wespentaille, einen ebenfalls kleinen, festen Knackarsch und lange schlanke Beine. Na ja, und ich bin eine kleine versaute, devote, Schlampe, die schon einiges erlebt hat. Wobei meine Erfahrungen im sexuellen Bereich sich auf Verkehr in allen möglichen Stellungen beziehen, bis hin zum Verkehr bei dem...

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WARNING: This is a very intense tale of fiction. Nothing in the story is real. AlineCHAPTER 1 Aline walked down the street looking into the beautiful setting summer sun, the brightness was a soft reddish yellow as it bathe her young body in warmth. Feeling the sun as it warmed her smooth face and neck Aline tingled. Marveling at the way it felt warming her young tender nipples through the sheer cotton sleeveless shirt; Aline let her mind drift to Bobby Baker. Bobby was a high school dream and...

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Quarantine Fun With Newlywed Malaika Bhabhi

Hi guys. I have been a vivid reader of ISS and also I have been a writer on this very site. You may know me by the nickname “Aryans” if you have read my previous stories. I have got a lot of nice reviews from most of you guys for my previous stories. You can check those stories here on this site. Today, I am back with Part 2 version of myself, a different name, different stories, different kinks and different characters (precisely female ones to jerk). I hope you love this story and send me...

1 year ago
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Meine Frau hat einen schwarzen Liebhaber

Mein Name ist Jim und meine Frau Honey und ich sind seit acht Jahren verheiratet. Wir haben Zwillinge im Alter von vier Jahren. Ich arbeite für eine Versicherungsgesellschaft und Honey arbeitet für eine große Werbefirma. Honey muss mit großen Kundenumgehen und arbeitet auf Kommissionsbasis. Honey hat schulterlange blonde Haare und ist 5'6 "groß mit Figur wie eine Sanduhr. Sie hat lange schlanke Beine und sieht sie ihre 5" Spike Heels tragen. Sie zeigen alle ihre Kurven an den richtigen Stellen....

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Ladies LodgeChapter 7 A Kidnapping Gwendoline is beaten up

After over two hours of holding the same position in the cold afternoon air Harriet was beginning to regret not taking advantage of Gwendoline's kindness in getting her out of the assignment. It was not a comfortable pose at all, involving as it did keeping one foot raised almost off the ground with only the tip of her big toe on the ground and almost all her weight on the other. One hand was resting lightly on her hip and the other touching her breast, which Jim assured her looked fine...

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I was orphaned at an early age and lived on the street. I got my education through the public comp systems. At sixteen I got a job just off the port warehouse district as a night watcher. It was not much but I made enough to rent a one room apartment once called a studio. The area was very old and close to the port so the buildings were between six to ten stories tall. Since the area was old it was also neglected by a lot of the city maintenance workers. Few constables patrolled the area and...

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Chinese Wife Caroline

I am a Chinese American guy, I met Caroline a year ago in China whenI went there for vacation, she was the most perfect girl I've evermet; she is a 26-yo traditionally raised, conservative Chinese girl.She has a caring, compassionate heart, and has a very sweet smile. Wegot married not too long after; I brought her back to the U.S. We arevery much in love and had become each other's best friends. She haslearned Yoga since she was a little girl, so she asked me if it's okfor her to find a job, I...

1 year ago
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Meine ersten Erfahrungen mit einem Mann

Es fing alles so an, dass ich immer schon gerne Pornos geguckt habe und dabei viel mir auf, dass fast in jedem Porno immer der Schwanz ganz groß dabei ist. Ich fand es immer geil diese dicken Dinger anzugucken. Besonder wenn eine Frau anal genommen wurde oder mit den Füßen einen Pimmel gewixxt hat. Also hab ich aus Spaß im Suff einfach mal eine Anzeige geschaltet, dass ich einen ältern Herrn suche der mir sein Ding zeigt usw. Daraufhin meldete sich Tobi. Tobi beschrieb sich als normalo Mitte 50...

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Master of the Kingdom Seizing Power ArcChapter 8 Angeline I

The royal apartments of the castle were built to be fully enclosed, with the only access coming from the grand stairway (which was guarded by the fearsome Veronomigan Guard) and the throne room (which, itself, only had one entrance which was also under guard). Being so self-contained, the apartments themselves were built around an internal staircase that provided access to three levels- the bottom being primarily servant’s quarters, the middle having both larger suites and several functional...

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Hero Ch 01

Dan loved 3-on-3 the best. It made his legs ache and his lungs burn, but it made him feel alive. ‘Ball! Ball! Ball! Ball! Ball! Ball! Ball!’ he screamed … an old habit ingrained from his nail-tough high school basketball coach to let his teammates know where the ball was located. Karey, the player Dan was guarding, was forced to take an ill-advised, off-balance shot because the shot clock was about to expire. Jimbo, one of Dan’s teammates, grabbed the rebound and was fouled immediately. Dan’s...

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Heros Surprise

Jenny is my sister's 20 year old daughter...my niece. She is absolutely sexy in a modern trashy kind of way. I had not seen her until today. I just retired from the US Marine Corps. And really had nowhere else to go since I was single. Twenty years of long remote tours had left me 38 years old and alone. My sister invited me to come live with her and Jen since she was "in between marriages". When Jenny opened the door, I nearly dropped my teeth. She is the twin of my s*s from twenty years ago....

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