Fun at the beach pt13
- 3 years ago
- 27
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You'd think that by the time a man got to be my age he'd know the difference between acceptable risk, and genuine stupidity. But as I walked into the teeth of the building storm, I just didn't care. My intention was to make it to the comfort station that was located a little more than a half a mile from the truck stop. There were food machines there, benches, maybe even cots to lie down on, and hopefully no one there to bother me.
Over the past 3 days since I'd left the town that had become my home since Mary and I left Texas, I'd gotten over some of the initial pain and heartache of Mary's betrayal. I could see that some of my actions over the past week or so had been fueled more by anger, and my bruised ego, than by rational thought. But hey, an emotional situation sometimes requires an emotional response.
I was ashamed of the way I'd spoken to some of the townspeople. After all, people in general are just fucking nosy. That curiosity and need to know things has helped the species survive and thrive, so I guess them wanting to know all of the gory details about our breakup, while embarrassing for both Mary and me, was only normal.
I was also really ashamed of my treatment of Mary. I should have been, and had really tried to be, more civil about the whole thing. I'd offered her a quick easy divorce on the grounds of irreconcilable differences, which could really mean anything. But she had thrown it back in my face, steadfastly refusing to grant me the divorce. So she had really forced me into threatening to drop the hammer on her and bringing out my big guns.
My big guns were changing the reason for the divorce to infidelity, suing her lover/pimp, and posting the pictures of her whoring, in a local motel on the internet and sending copies to her parents and all of her friends. I was going to also sue her pimp Sundown for alienation of affection. She had basically laughed in my face and told me that rather than divorce me she'd go door to door all over town and personally tell everybody what she'd done, and she'd have billboards made with my pictures of her on them because she didn't care what anyone thought of her. She was just not willing to let me go.
The fact that Sundown was dead and no one was willing to believe or even care that I'd killed him meant that I couldn't sue him either. I really needed to think this out and I needed privacy to do that, so the comfort station in the middle of a blizzard seemed like the perfect place.
The problem was, as anyone with half a brain knows, that when you walk into a snowstorm of that intensity everything starts to look the same. They call it "Whiteout". It becomes very easy to get turned around or start walking in circles and after about fifteen minutes I was not only lost, but beginning to become uncomfortable from the cold. I turned around hoping to spot the lights from the truck-stop I'd just left, but I could no longer see them in any direction. I then tried moving to the side so I could find the edge of the road and the drainage ditch along either side of it. If I could find the ditch, I'd be able to know which direction to walk in, because going along the road either way would be good. If I went one way I'd end up back at the truck-stop, and if I went the other way, I'd end up at the comfort station. Either way I'd be out of this storm.
The problem was that somehow I'd already left the road apparently, so at least I now knew that I didn't know where the hell I was. As you can see except for where Mary was concerned I was extremely optimistic so I just started walking again; and the snow got thicker and piled up deeper. I was so cold after a while that I hoped my fingers would just drop off so they wouldn't hurt any more. Then I started thinking that in just a few more yards I'd be home and Mary would make me feel all better, so I kept walking. I just had to get home to Mary.
I don't know how much longer I was out there but an SUV pulled up next to me and the door opened up. At this point I could barely see but I was shocked.
"Mary," I said.
"Get in the truck John," she snapped.
I got into the truck's rear seat and the sudden warmth was a shock to my system, I started to get dizzy. The woman behind the wheel reached past me and closed the door, then started inching forward through the snow. The big SUV had a light bar across it's roof that lit up the road ahead of us but you could still only see maybe 20 -25 feet in all of this snow. The driver was talking to me, but I could barely make out what she was saying.
"Talk slower Mary," I said.
"My name is Arlene," she snapped. "That bitch has you twisted up really badly doesn't she?"
I sat right up at that point; I was exhausted and half frozen, but I wouldn't stand for anyone talking about Mary badly.
"Don't call my Mary a bitch," I snapped.
Then I fell over on the seat out cold. Arlene just shook her head and continued driving.
When I woke up I was in a bed with blankets piled on top of me, and nothing on but my boxers.
There was a gentle glow from a small lamp on a desk near the bed. The whole room had a cozy feel; it just felt like someone's home. It had a lot of nice personal touches in it that let me know that it was a woman's place. We men never did things like that. We could live in a place for years but it would never seem nearly as homey as a place a woman had been in for a month.
I smelled food and my mouth started to water, I looked up and there was...
"It's Arlene," she said.
"Don't, fucking, call me Mary again, or I swear I'll throw you out."
"John, how long has it been since you last ate anything?" she asked.
"Yesterday I think, at the truck stop," I replied.
"You had coffee, I served you remember," she said. "I made some soup, nothing to heavy, just some Campbell's tomato. If you can keep this down, we'll move on to something heavier."
Arlene even had a robe like the ones Mary had back at home and only wore if she was sick or having her monthly.
It was uncanny, except for their faces; she was so similar to my Mary that I couldn't help staring at her. Even the cast of the faces though when you got right down to it weren't that different. If I didn't know that Mary had no sisters, I'd swear that this woman must be her twin.
I watched Arlene intently as she fed me the soup. It didn't feel very good when it reached my stomach, but at least it stayed there. She was right; almost any solid food might've come back out. As I concentrated on her, if she noticed it, Arlene gave no sign of her displeasure. It was as if she wanted me to take some time to notice the differences between them, and see that she was truly not Mary.
A week ago I'd have been able to see the differences much easier. Up until then Mary, always had a purely angelic glow to her. They say that pregnant women have this glow about them, and Mary had that all the time. But in the days that we'd been apart, she'd gotten paler, and colder, perhaps that whole persona was just a part of the snow-job that she and Sundown had pulled on me.
Both Arlene and my Mary were kind of thick, but definitely not fat. I think Mary had bigger tits but maybe they just sat up higher on her chest, or sagged a little lower. Arlene's ass was a little bit bigger but Mary's legs were in a class by themselves.
I was getting dizzy again but I could still hear Arlene talking to me.
"Are you satisfied?" she asked me
"What?" I asked confused
"Can you tell that I'm not your precious Mary?"
"Unh hunh," I said as I passed out again.
"This is one seriously fucked up family," was the last thing I heard her say before the darkness took me.
I woke up a little while later and Arlene was in the bed next to me. I was starving and only the small light was on. The human condition is one of the most amazing things, because as soon as I looked over at Arlene's large robe covered ass, I got a hard on.
"OK, turn over the other way" she snapped. "While you were asleep, you couldn't help it but now that you're awake, I'm not taking any chances with that thing. Especially under the circumstances,"
"What circumstances?" I asked.
"Better you don't know," she said softly.
"That was a good nap" I said. "I'm hungry again; can I have the rest of that soup please?"
"What soup?" she asked.
"The tomato soup you gave me a little while ago" I said.
"John that was 2 days ago, you've been asleep for longer than you think. I was starting to get worried, so I called the doctor from town. He took a look at you and said that you were dehydrated and suffering from exposure. After I told him about your situation, and what that bitch did to you,"
"How did you know about my situation?" I snapped. I started to get up but the room started spinning. Once the objects around me were stable again, I dove, right back in
"You read my letter," I accused.
"Yep, sure did," she snapped.
"You promised me that you wouldn't open it," I whined. "Opening someone else's mail is a federal crime,"
"So is murder," she snapped.
"How did you know about that?" I asked, confused. "That wasn't in the letter,"
"What the hell are you talking about John?" she asked.
"How did you know I killed Sundown?"
"I don't know what you're talking about John. I was talking about me killing you, if you don't let me talk," she said. "First off, the only reason, that I read your precious fucking letter to your precious fucking Mary, was because you forgot to close the word processing program you used to type it on my computer at the restaurant. Normally to save someone's privacy, I'd have just closed the program and not saved the letter, but after seeing the name on the envelope I was a little more than curious, especially since you and I have a little more in common than you know,"
Now it was my turn to be confused
"I'm sorry Arlene; I had no right to accuse you, without having all of the facts. I'm just kind of still sensitive when it comes to Mary,"
"Aren't we all, I'll get you something to eat," she said and got up.
As she got out of the bed, I couldn't resist trying to sneak a peak at her as her robe gapped open.
"Stop that," she snapped. "I'm not used to having to wear a robe in my own home; so stop trying to look at me like that or I'll tell your precious Mary."
"Sorry," I said.
I swear she was smiling as she left the room.
"Call your lawyer, your cell phone is on the table to your left," she yelled
I checked my phone and there were several missed calls from my lawyer, so I called him back.
"It's good to hear from you," he said. "For a while there, I feared the worst,"
"I wrote Mary the letter explaining my side of things," I told him that she should be getting it any day now.
"We're in kind of a dangerous are for blizzards and snow storms so the mail service in this area is kind of spotty," I said
"Uhm John," he interrupted.
"Tell Mary" I'll give her a choice, after she signs the papers. She can either have an hour on the phone, or 30 minutes face to face but only after the papers are signed,"
"John," he said again, this time more insistently. "Your wife doesn't seem understand the legal process," he said hesitantly.
"What do you mean?" I asked "We explained everything to her the other day, or last week before I left, didn't we?"
"When I took her the papers, she said that she'd been thinking about it. She told me that your idea of her being free to marry someone else made absolutely no sense, because she was already married to you, and wouldn't ever want anyone else so signing the papers wouldn't be in her best interest. She also said as the papers being signed would however give you the right to marry someone else or start dating, and seeing as she'd never allow that, she tore the papers up, right in front of me. I told her that I'd just print up more copies and she said go ahead and she'd just tear them up as well. I told her that we'd send out copies of the PI file to everyone in town and she told me not to waste time mailing it and just give her the copies so she could take them around and pass them out. She also said that since you live in a small town, half of them probably know already but that she'd just tell them the whole story and eventually they'd forgive her or forget about it. She said the only thing that mattered to her was you, and she wouldn't give you up, period. I tried telling her that you'd never speak to her again and that signing the papers was her only option for a chance at closure and she told me that she had other options that I wasn't aware of. That was the last I heard from her, and that was yesterday,"
"I need some time to think, I still don't have my strength back yet, I'll call you tomorrow, but isn't there a time limit on these things, so that after it passes the divorce is granted whether both parties sign the papers or not?" I asked.
"In some states, in some situations," he said.
"I'll look into it," then we hung up.
Arlene came back into the room, instead of the robe she had on earlier, she now wore a short thin kimono. It was silky and molded to fit her body precisely. Her big legs had no stockings or anything on them and her tits were straining the kimono's ability to stay closed as they bounced around. My physical reaction was immediate and strong. As she leaned over and tried to kiss me I backed away. She laughed and put the tray down on a table next to the bed. As I reach for it I almost knocked it over. I was still not quite back to normal.
She started to laugh. "You're still going to need someone to help you for a couple of days, until your strength comes back."
She started untying the belt around her waist, which was the only thing holding the Kimono closed.
"Arlene, I don't think that's such a good idea," I said hoarsely.
"Why not," she snapped "You're already trying to divorce that bitch. You've got to move on sooner or later and you'd be stupid to turn this down" she said running her hands across her breasts.
"Yep, I would be," I said "But right now, I'm still married to her and I told you not to call her a bitch. Next time you forget, as much as I appreciate your hospitality, and the fact that you probably saved my life, I'll walk or crawl out of here back into the snow,"
"But why?" asked Arlene.
"I've never once cheated on Mary, and since we're not divorced yet this would be cheating," I said.
"But if she already did what you wrote in your letter, wasn't that cheating?" she asked
"To me yes it was, it was the worst kind of cheating, and that's why I can't be with her anymore. But just because Mary stopped loving me and needed other men, doesn't mean I ever stopped loving her," I explained.
"How can you still care for her, after all of that," she asked.
"I don't know," I said with tears in my eyes 'But I just do."
"So you still love her?" she asked, her voice had lost its hard edge.
I just nodded my head up and down.
"Too bad," she said tightening her Kimono up.
"Did you hear all of that?" she said a little louder.
"Yes, I did," said Mary from the doorway.
She stepped into the room and looked at Arlene's outfit.
"Why are you dressing like a whore around my husband?" she demanded.
"So you could see that this idiot doesn't want anybody but you," said Arlene.
I tried to get up. I was leaving.
"What the fuck is she doing here?" I yelled.
The room started spinning again and the sudden increase in blood pressure caused me to black out.
When I woke up, the first thing my eyes focused on was Arlene's kimono, she was sitting on the bed next to me close enough for us to touch and it felt so good, I almost went back to sleep just to continue feeling like that. I'd been stupid to turn her down.
She was reading something and crying softly.
"Arlene, why are you crying?" I asked.
My eyes focused better as she began speaking.
"Because I just read your letter and I'm not Arlene," she replied.
I immediately rolled as far away from her as I could get without falling out of the bed. I started trying to get to my feet, but the blackness started around the edges of my vision and I didn't want to black out again so I sat down.
"Are you trying to hurt yourself?" she asked.
"Maybe I'm just trying to finish off what you started" I snapped.
"John, I love you," she said slowly "I have never in my life, before you, or since you, loved anyone the way I love you. That's why when you didn't come home I had to be hospitalized. I simply can not live without you," she said, as if it was the most obvious fact in the world.
"Get the fuck away from me," I said coldly.
"No, we need to talk," she said.
"We were going to have a talk as soon as you signed the fucking papers," I said. "Remember you get 30 minutes, I won't interrupt, and you can say whatever ridiculous drivel you need to say to make you feel better but not until you sign the fucking papers,"
"John, I won't ever sign those papers," she said emphatically.
"My lawyer is looking into time limits for me, as we speak and if I have to I'll simply file from a state where I can wait 6 months or a year so whether or not you sign the papers the divorce will be granted,"
"Why would you do that?" she asked, she was noticeably paler now.
"Mary, just sign the papers and we can talk about anything you want for 30 minutes,"
She started to say something else until she noticed that I was looking away from her and had my fingers in my ears. It was very childish, but also very effective.
She started trying to feed me but I told her I'd wait for Arlene.
Mary started crying and sent Arlene in.
Arlene sat down on the bed next to me and began to feed me.
"You're kind of an asshole," she said "But I guess in your position, I'd be feeling the same way but you know you can't win this don't you?"
I just ate; every time the spoon was in front of me I opened my mouth and took food in. The sooner I got my strength back the sooner I'd be on the road.
"Trust me I know where you are, I've been there. Even if you win you lose, and she'll never give up," she said.
"How do you know that," I asked between bites.
"Did you notice how pissed I got every time you called me Mary? Mary and I are cousins, we grew up together; we were closer than sisters for all of our lives until we had a falling out. We argued over a guy. Mary had fallen in love with him first, but I had to have him. She told me that he wasn't the guy for me, but while they were together, he was fucking me on the side. He'd gotten Mary pregnant, but neither of them knew about it. When Mary found out about him and me, she confronted him, and he beat her up so badly that she lost the baby. What made it worse was that she couldn't have kids any more. He and I ran off together, even though everyone warned me to stay away from him, but to tell you the truth, I was just tired of playing 2nd fiddle to Mary. Even though I'm the older of the two of us, it was always Mary and Arlene. Mary has always had this way about her, everybody loves Mary and I was just her side kick then finally there was someone who wanted to be with me instead of Queen Mary. With Mary he had been loving and kind, until he snapped, but with me he was an asshole from the first day. We argued constantly and had physical fights regularly. He was always comparing me to Mary and I always came up 2nd or 3rd. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and walked out on him but the damage had already been done. Mary wouldn't forgive me and neither would the rest of our family. That was 12 years ago, and if you hadn't come along, she still wouldn't be talking to me. Mary has a great capacity to love, but she's also the most stubborn bitch to ever shit between 2 shoes so if she says she'll never let you go, she won't and you have another problem too,"
"What's that?" I asked
"Right now, you're hurt, your little ego is bruised, but you love her more than anything I've ever seen. You can refuse to talk to her about it and run away from her, but you're never going to get away. First because she loves you as much as you love her, and she'll just follow you, and secondly because you carry her in your mind and in your heart everywhere you go. Every woman you see, you compare to her, don't you? When you look at TV and see beautiful women there, they don't compare to Mary in your mind, do they?"
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Hi to all, I am back with new story.Sab se pehle to me ISS ko thanks kehna chahunga jisne meri story post ki aur unn logo ki bhi thanks bolna chahunga jisne muje mail kiye aur fb pe reply diya. Thanks to all. Jo muje nahi jante use me apna intro de deta hu..Hiii I am aryan from rajkot(gujarat). Me dikhne achha hu, 22 year ka hu aur jim me jane ki vajah se achhi body bhi he meri. Jisko muje contact kar na ho vo kar sakte he. Mail me on aur ap log muje facebook pe bhi mil sakte he just search...
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Today in Private Specials, Beach Angels, the sexy brunette Mary Popiense makes her debut alongside star Angel Rivas, and this is one tag team duo that you won’t want to miss in action! You see, Mary and Angel are members of a beach volleyball team that loves to strip the losers, and the lucky loser today is Alberto Blanco, a hung stud who won’t waste the opportunity as he offers both babes back to his place for phenomenal outdoor fuck by the pool that includes some anal for...
xmoviesforyouCarla and Mike Carl and Mike had been high school friends. Both were average students, Carl better in the classroom, Mike a natural jock. Carl chose college, Mike the military. After being separated a decade they were meeting again. Carl had been an introvert, often the subject of rumor of being gay. Yet never in school had it ever been proved. Mike didn't question and had been a “girl slayer”, but they had a mutual interest in the “Old West” since Carl's great grandfather had been an actual...
I want to share this true story in my life Which happened with me and I loved it. The whole episode is so clear and exciting to me today as it was six years back when all these started. It was the third year of our marriage. My name is sarina was married to kuldev three years back. His younger brother surdev got married after one year of our marriage to nayna. Nayna was a nice girl but Kul always says I am the hotter. Anyway Nayna gave birth to a nice boy after a year of marriage -that’s when...
The town car had arrived about 8:30. By 9 they were on their way to Las Vegas. After take off, they settled in together in one chair, with Mandy on his lap. It was then that she asked him a question that had been floating in the back of her mind. "Bob, we've been having sex, several times a day for three months. It there something wrong with me. I thought I'd be pregnant by now." "Do you want to be pregnant?" "Yes. I want to have our child. I want to have one soon! "I want one...
The Hideaway was an old bar in Redwood City. It was located between the Mexican barrio and an industrial area of mostly small shops. The owner at the time was a friendly Latino, rumored to be a gangster of sorts.The Hideaway catered to a very diverse bunch. Mostly men, though there were usually some women there. About half the patrons were Mexicans, mostly legal and mostly employed in the area. The other half were mainly Caucasian small business owners, like myself, and their employees.There...
CuckoldWhite Skates Small boy holds on to his mother's hand, as they navigate the store, looking for the right place. Soon, they are in sporting goods, and the two of them join the small group of boys and girls and harried parents getting new skates. "I want white skates, momma," the small boy practically whispers. "White skates are for girls," she says, and sits him down so the salesclerk can measure his feet. Soon they are stuffed into black skates, and the mother says "Now you'll be...
"So, we're up to the point where you met Warren." Mary was saying. It was the beginning of their Friday session. "Yeah. We were just friends." Sophia told her a bit about how their friendship developed. "You seem to have let him in pretty quickly." "I don't know if I let him in or he burrowed his way in," Sophia laughed. "For some reason, though, I trusted him almost immediately. You have to know him. There's something about him. Everybody that knows him trusts him, I found out...
Note : This story is work of erotic fantasy only! My story begins when I was just 18 years of age. Other lads used to comment on the size of my prick. I used to wank three or four times a day trying different things like cutting a peach in half and rubbing my prick in between. Another favorite was one of my sister’s teddies. I put a split between the legs and used to hump it making sure I pulled out before I shot my load. Anyway back to when I was 13. My aunt on my mum’s side had just got...
IncestI believe Life is a roller Coaster Ride every now and then life brings you full of surprises. Your relations with old buddies Vanish in a moment , You develop new relations and your relations with old friends with whom you are proud off go so bitter that you don’t feel like calling them and on the other side you get in touch with new friends and they become integral part of your life. This story is all about such relations which turned into some serious involvements and I am from Indore working...
THE STORY The story centres on Nathan Sand, a high school boy and his growing sexual adventures with some of the females in his family. I strive to write between 400 and 800 words on each fork, not to make it too short and lose depth in the story and not to make it too long and boring. CHARACTER INTRODUCTION! Nathan Sand (our main hero) Age: 18 Height: 5,6ft Weight: 131lbs Hair: Short dark brown Occupation: Student Relation: Son Veronica Sand Age: 34 Height: 5,7ft Weight: 119lbs Hair: Long...
IncestI lived in Flagstaff, Arizona, from 1983 to 1995. My husband, Jarold, had worked as a tow truck driver for almost eight years until one winter’s day a horrific accident on the I-40 drove him out of that career. He had seen a car completely pulverized between two semi-trucks, and the family of five inside were all dead at the scene. He was heartbroken and never wanted to witness anything like that, ever again.One day, out looking for a new job and a new career, he dropped in on a friend who...
TrueThe days turned in to weeks. The relentless fashion shows whilst her mother was at work, the accidental walking in on me showering (whilst I was behind the curtain), the walking into out bedroom practically naked whilst I returned from a night shift. It was relentless. Laura had created this weird, erotic, hostile environment that only we knew about. Everytime my missus was around, she was nice as pie. As soon as she left, the bitching started followed by flirting. It was a head fuck. A few...
This is my first story so would appreciate any feedback from anyone!Tamara was sitting at her desk thinking how perfect her life was. She was the Manager of a 25 million dollar a year company with 75 staff reporting to her, she had paid for her house in full, had a new BMW and a hot boyfriend. And she was only 24. There was just 1 thing - although she had plenty of money, she always wanted more. She couldn't bring herself to be satisfied. She used to work a second job at night to get extra...
Indian summer had arrived and it looked like the weather was going to be glorious. The nights were chilly, but the days were nice. The really cold weather would be coming in a couple of weeks. Until then, people were taking advantage of the warm temperatures. Leaves needed to be raked, storm windows had to be put in place, and other little errands in preparation of winter had to be performed. Laura looked over the roof of her station wagon at the old house. Burl had been a perfect gentleman....
Slender, Black stunner Alexis Tae teases in tight lingerie, smiling seductively as she reveals the butt plug wedged in her asshole. The brazen beauty strips and spreads for the Jonni Darkko’s POV camera, ultimately finding herself on her knees before the XXX director. Alexis chokes and slobbers as she sucks his cock, holding a glass below to collect her nasty throat slop. Jonni bends her over and sodomizes her, Alexis moaning through intense anal reaming. Jonni alternates plunging her...
xmoviesforyouHi friends this is my first story i have written.Let me intoduce myself first .My name IS Ocean .I m 22 male from Bhopal and i living alone with my friends bcoz i m studying in enng collage. Maine 10 no. Mai flat rent par liya tha waha par ek dukan thi bakeri ki hum log continue wahan se hai saman kharidte the dheere-2 humlogo ke samband bahut achhe hogaye the wo bakeri ek uncle ki thi dinbhar uncle hi waha par baithe the paar sham ko jab uncle shoping ke liye jate the to apni wife ho baitha...
"I bet he wants your ass, too. Men always think women want that, and they never do."I watched the other ladies in the group laugh or look down. That was Jennifer talking, and she was teasing Jackie about her boyfriend, whom Jackie described as "pretty adventurous in bed.""What do you think, Eric?" Amy's eyes challenged mine as I snapped over to her."I think I'm smart enough to stay out of this conversation," I replied, to a couple of giggles from the ladies."Well that's the nice, safe, boring...
"I can't believe this! You're telling me you don't have your rent money again! Fuck! Completely unacceptable! You need to do something about this. Now!" Holly fumed as her roommate Brittney teetered in front of her. "Look, I'll get the money! I just need a little more time. I'm looking for work, I think I have a line on something tomorrow. Please, just give me a break," Brittney whined. In truth, she had no idea how to come up with the money. With her recent degree from the Walter Cronkite...
BDSMThe last time I was fucked by my master as his slave occurred on the Wednesday that followed the lesson he gave me at my church. As usual he wanted to fuck me as soon as I arrived at his house after school that day. And as usual I was more than ready for it. During class I had masturbated in the bathroom not once, not twice, but six times. Once an hour, as per my master's newest rule. I wasn't allowed to climax when I did this, but I did have to finger myself until I at least got wet. I'd...
Chuck shows up to see his realtor Sue, but her daughter Sera Ryder answers the door instead. Sue has food poisoning, so Sera will be replacing her, and takes Chuck on the tour of the place. Sera’s phone keeps ringing with her mother micromanaging her, and she confesses to Chuck she can’t wait to start her own agency. Sera tries to poach her mother’s client using her special sales technique: seduction! Sera opens her blouse to show Chuck her perky tits, then slips off her skirt...
xmoviesforyouAfter he recovers from Emma’s astonishing announcement, Donald opens the end table and removes a cloth and wipes all the cum from both of them dripping out of Emma. She then leans forward and cleans his cock of the last fluids. Donald thinks how nice it would be to lick her clean as she does him, but right now is not the proper time for that.He lifts her Delta of Venus book up from where it was tossed in their frenzy and looks to see how far Emma has gotten. She is on page fifty of the...
Love StoriesChapter 9 Best Laid Plans When I got home Chrissy’s car was outside but she was not around so I assumed she was getting ready to go out. I made a cup of tea then did the same. Half an hour later I walked back downstairs and I listened to the radio as I waited for Chrissy. I was sat on the couch as Chrissy came into the room, she looked fabulous in a purple dress that was short enough to show off her very shapely legs and although high at the neck it had a deep narrow vee that showed off her...
Thank you for your response. A piece of advice for new readers, please read part 1 before reading this, if you want to understand the whole story. A quick intro: My name is Mr. X (name changed). I am a Sardar aged 23. I am 5’11” tall with a dick size of 5.8 Inches (an average size, that almost all men in India have, and also not lying about the length of my dick, like others, generally do.) One request to all male readers, please don’t ask me for her actual identity. Kindly respect their...
"I see that there is evil And I know that there is good And the in-betweens I never understood" - Ben Folds Alex's Story: My name is Alexander Hilt. What I'm about to tell you is true. You may not want to believe it - not that I would blame you. You may say that it couldn't happen, that things aren't really like that. I promise you that by this tale's end, your mind will have changed - you will see that power and greed corrupt, that fame and beauty are fleeting and that love is...
If you want a continuation of this story or others I have written please send me feedbacks and requests at [email protected]. It’ll make me to write follow-ups!!!!! "Sveta, this is Mr. Avdushev," her father shouted after Sveta had cheered her final high school game. "He is from the university and he wants to talk with you about a cheer scholarship, honey." ???? His daughter was a sweet-faced blonde with hair to the shoulders. She worked hard to keep in good shape, working out 3 times a...
"Look at this one. This mom with a dick is banging her adolescent son in the ass!" Andrea flipped her phone screen around to show her husband exactly that image. "So after this RnD demonstration, you suit up as a MILF and I'll be the son. Cool right? And then we FUCK!" Markus was less than impressed. "No, that won't do. You want incest? You'll have to put effort into it, not just shout for your mom during sex!" Andrea grumbled aloud and Markus immediately interjected. "Effort...
This story is true of how I became a cuck.I am a 55y/o white boi who is dedicated to promoting, educating, and encouraging white women and of age girls to breed black. This is how I was cucked when I was married to my beautiful wife.My wife was introduced to her black lover by her best friend in high school. He was a foreign exchange student from Mozambique Africa and was so black that he had shiny ebony skin. She is a beautiful pale white redhead who used to be a department store catalog...
I woke up at 10:35 a.m. from a crazy night, realizing today is the day I was to hang out with Zac. I got up and went to my dresser, getting a orange bra and lace panties that matched, and put them on. I went to the bathroom and began to brush my teeth, as I turned on the flat iron. After I was finished brushing my teeth, I started straightening my hair and put on a red bandana. I walked from the bathroom to my closet and grabbed a white tank top and a pair of jeans. I changed and walked...
Straight SexWhat broke me from this state of ecstasy was the fact, the room sounded noisy with moaning, chatting, and the fact I heard another girl screaming out “Fuck Me.” It made me open my eyes, and t tried to get my focus back. I looked around then up. I didn’t know the person I was sucking off. I quickly spat his cock out of my mouth, as drool run down my chin. Then I looked at who was fucking me, I didn’t know them either. He was clutching my breasts as he fucked me. I positioning my ankles to kick...
Mike was my college roommate for two years. He was a great guy and we became fast friends. Mike is black so he knows about white racism in all its forms. I'm white but my personality and upbringing made me a truly color blind person. All people of color can pick this up about me immediately and they drop their outer defensive walls with me which they rarely do (or should per my opinion) with other white folks, white guys in particular.This is a true story and it happened about 30 years ago. But...
“That all sounds just so awesome, Jessie. Who would have thought that posing nude for an NTFLN clerk would produce that sort of a result. Has any sort of a payment been discussed yet for you and your choir’s performances?” Jessie Harper had a big smile on her face as she looked at her best friend Kate Terrence but did not reply to Kate’s question immediately. Instead she turned and looked at the naked man sitting next to her on the sofa in Kate Terrence’s living room. Jessie was also totally...
The next three days dragged as Arron kicked his heals waiting for a reply from the King of Terfain. He left the Guard building for a safe house on the outskirts of the city in the rundown poor quarter as he wanted to avoid being recognized. The fair-haired General of the Halcyon Western Army was as infamous in Matheros as he was famous in Halcyon. He was relying on the fact he was infamous in Terfain as well for his plan to work. With time on his hands he considered what Minara had told him....