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Masquerade: Part One

By Some Writer

Her heart raced as the conveyor belt moved quickly on.She was held down on it, her wrists bound by large silvery metal clasps.Her legs werevertical, bound to tall poles that stretched upwards from the rigid conveyor belt.Loud machinery churned all around her, metal sparking against metal,yet the air was cold against her naked skin.The conveyor belt ground to a sudden halt that shook her against her bonds.

A man stepped out from the darkness and grasped the poles next to her legs.She craned her neck to look at him and saw his already erect dick moveforward and slide easily into her waiting vagina.She could barely feel it inside her and as he began sliding backwards and forwards she gained noreal pleasure from it.She tried to look at his face but she could not see it.All she could see was his naked body, a perfectly muscled body likethat of an athlete - perfect and bland.

After only a short time he withdrew - without coming - and stepped back into the shadows.The conveyor belt moved on with a sudden accelerationfollowed by a matching sudden stop.Another man, who looked identical to the first, stepped from the shadows and slid his dick inside her as he tookhold of the poles.Once more, she could barely feel him.She looked further down the conveyor belt to see tens if not hundreds of men waiting.Shescreamed...

... And awoke with a start.Melinda's breathing began slowing as she realised she had woken up.She tried to roll over and grimaced as she felt thedamp bedsheets below her - soaked in sweat.The alarm clock read 7:00AM, and it was Monday.She grimaced again and summoned the willpower to rollout of bed.Her light-brown hair mostly fell to the top of her neck, but some bits had been incited by a night's sleep into sticking out at crazyangles.She had eyes that were some mix of green and brown, and a pretty face with smooth skin but a strong, prominent bone structure that evokedmemories of Hollywood beauties from the Forties and Fifties.Her figure was similar - not a stick-thin figure of a modern model, but rather a classicfull hourglass figure that would once have been the definition of attractive, with moderate - but not large - breasts to suit.

The week ahead at least held the promise of a dress-up party on the following Saturday, even if that did mean that Melinda needed to find some timeduring her busy week to go and rent a dress.Busy busy busy, she thought to herself as she searched for her towel.She took it into the bathroom andclosed the door behind her.

* * *

Lisa, one of the typists, stepped into the office and walked down the aisle between the pairs of desks that filled the long office, past her fellowfemale typists, to the other workers beyond them.Jake, the young accountant, looked up as she approached his desk.He opened his mouth to sayhello, but she was already talking.

"Jake, can you come help me out a minute?"

"What's up?" Jake asked, slightly puzzled.Lisa did not usually speak to him much.Lisa looked down imploringly at Jake.He had a friendly, but notfeminine face with a strong jawline.His deep-blue eyes contrasted well with his dark brown hair that was short and professional without having aclearly discernible style.Lisa thought some stubble would suit him well, but he was always clean-shaven.

"It's my car, I need to change the tyre and I was wondering if you could help me," she explained.Jake looked around at everyone else in the office.He was the only man in the room.

"Ok," he said, fighting the temptation to make a barbed comment.He got up from his desk and followed Lisa out of the office into the car park.Shehad at least taken out all the appropriate equipment out from the back of her car.Jake eased off the hubcap and put the wrench on one of the tyrenuts.He stood on the horizontal handle of the wrench, trying to use his weight to loosen the nut. As he bounced up and down, trying to loosen it, he looked across at Lisa.She was not petite, and probably weighed more than him.

"Do you want to give it a try?" he asked circumspectly.

"I don't think I'd do any better than you," Lisa said, and Jake smiled wanly at her as he continued to jump on the wrench.Finally it gave way, andJake undid it slightly more before moving on to the next nut.Neither of them said much as Lisa watched Jake undo the nuts.He directed her to putthe jack in the right place under the car and told her to wind it up.Half an hour later the wheel was changed, and Jake hurried inside to clean hisoily hands, with a genuine word of thanks from Lisa.

* * *

Melinda slowly worked her way down the row of dresses in the shop for the second time.The parties, held by her friend Kate, were always lavishaffairs, with dresses to match.Large blooming dresses that spoke of an earlier era, when minimalism and simplicity were never fashionable.Shesighed, louder than she had intended, as she flicked past dress after dress, none of them inspiring her to try them on.

An assistant appeared at her side, unbidden.He looked like he should work as a tailor - well-dressed but stuffy with an authoritative air about him.Probably forced to temp at a rental place due to a lack of work, Melinda thought cruelly to herself."May I help you?" he asked, over-politely.

"Not really," Melinda said, exasperated."I'm looking for a dress but I can't find anything I like."She looked around the shop and her eyes scannedpast the men's suits."The men have it so much easier, don't they?They want a suit, they get a suit.All of them look about the same anyway."Theassistant smiled, unsure what to say.Doesn't want to talk to the mad woman, Melinda thought as she continued looking around the room at all thedresses that she had already rejected.

"What is the occasion?" the assistant asked after the pause became too awkward.

"A dress-up party.Suits and lavish dresses," Melinda explained lamely"It's usually a mix of semi-historical black-tie and fancy dress." Then it struck her."Of course, no-one says only the men can wear suits.I mean, it's sort of fancy dress."

"Sorry?" the assistant asked, puzzled.

"Do you think you could find a suit that would fit me?With a hat too," Melinda added, suddenly beaming.

Whatever else she might have thought about the assistant, he at least had manners and knew that the customer was always right.Even when she was amad woman."Certainly," he said, without any sign of surprise, and led her over to the suits.

* * *

Jake sat on his bed flicking through his stash of porn magazines, his trousers unzipped and his cock protruding from his underwear.All the womenwere identical, dyed blondes with fake breasts, perfectly small bodies and shaven pussies.Nothing took his fancy, despite feeling in the mood forsome masturbation.He got up from the bed and his trousers dropped to his ankles.He stepped out of them and walked to his computer.

He idly toyed with his dick while he waited for it to load up, and then set about browsing the Internet for pornography.He surfed through a numberof clich?d big-dicks-pound-tight-pussies sites before finding a site of 'amateur' couples.Their attention in the pictures was totally on each other,not on posing for the camera.He settled on a young couple pleasuring each other, a genuine look of caring andinterest on the face of the woman as she grasped her partner's cock in her hand.Jake grasped his own cock in his hand and stroked furiously.

* * *

Melinda stood in front of the mirror, turning this way and that as she looked at herself in the mirror.She needed to be off to the party imminentlybut something was not quite right and she could not decide what.The suit fit fine.Her female figure did not make it look bad - quite anachievement considering that her breasts were not small.The pencil-thin fake moustache - light brown, to match her hair - was a touch she wasparticularly proud of, and it made her look mischievous without looking stupid.The hat gave the whole thing someflair.The effect was faintly ludicrous, yet indefinably stylish.She was really pleased with how it looked, but now she was worried that shecould not adopt the right attitude.

She needed to feel confident and suave, and above all: male.No point turning up in a suit unless you looked like you were meant to be wearing it.So far, she still felt like a woman who did not have an outfit and thus had been forced to borrow her husband's suit.Melinda began practising stupidmale muscle-flexing poses in the mirror as she fooled around to try to get in the right frame of mind.

In a flash of inspiration she realised what she needed to enable her to wear the suit with pride.A present from an ex-boyfriend, something she hadnot worn in several years.It would not be visible, but it would be perfect.She took off the suit and hung it up - ready to be put in the car -before she hurried to her cupboard and began searching.

* * *

Jake stood in front of his mirror, looking forlornly at his suit.It was obvious now that it was too large.Not ludicrously so, but obvious enoughthat people would notice.It had looked just right in the shop, but everything always does.It was too late to change it now.It made him feel likean impostor - like a boy wearing his father's suit.

He was tempted for a moment to just not turn up, but he knew that Kate would notice.Even if she had a hundred guests (which she often did), Katestill noticed exactly who was there and who was not.Jake knew a few other people who were coming, but he had visions of spending most of the nightsitting on his own.

He sighed, his whole body visibly sagging as he watched in the mirror.He put on his bow-tie and headed out to the party.

* * *

"I like your outfit."Melinda turned to see the man beside her who had paid the compliment.

"Thank you," she said perfunctorily.

"I'm John," he offered, and smiled.He had a friendly smile, Melinda noticed.

"Melinda," she replied.

"I especially like the hat," John continued."Looks better on you that most of the guys here."He indicated the rest of the large ballroom with asweep of his hand.Melinda smiled.

"Would you like to try it on?" she asked.

"I think it would be a bit small."She took the hat off anyway and handed it to him.He put it on but it only perched atop his head.Melinda laughed.

"That bad eh?" John said, handing it back."So tell me, do you live around here?"

"No, I've come quite far," Melinda explained as she put her hat back on."I knew Kate from many years ago."

"From when she used to work on the south coast?"Melinda nodded.

"You have a hotel room here then?" John asked casually.

"Yeah, I had to," Melinda told him.She had travelled more than a hundred miles to get to the party, so she was not making the return trip until thefollowing day.Thankfully, Kate's party was in the large - no, huge - ballroom of a hotel.The rooms were not cheap, but were very convenient forthe party-goers.

John leaned forward, getting as close to her ear as he could, his head pressing against the brim of her hat."How about we go up to your room?Youcan suck me off and I'll even lick your pussy for you."Unseen by John, Melinda raised her eyebrows in shock.

"A very kind offer," Melinda said dryly."Maybe later," she added vaguely, "I want to meet a few more people first."

John smiled."Ok, well just come and find me when you're ready," he said with a smile and a wink.A friendly smile, Melinda thought - wasted on him.

* * *

On the other side of the room, Jake was doing well with a woman he had just met.Her name was Heather.She was a faintly pretty blonde who waswearing a slinky, almost figure-hugging royal blue dress, a much more modern design than most of the women attending the party were wearing.Shecurrently worked with Kate, although Jake got the impression that Heather did not know Kate too well.Given the amount of guests at the party, it would notbe surprising if most of the guests did not know Kate well.

"Pretty big place, huh?" Heather said, gesturing at the room.

"Yeah, it's immense," Jake agreed.

"And have you seen the grounds to this place?" she asked.

"No, I arrived a bit late so it was already dark."

"Want to come and take a look?" Heather asked, and Jake thought he saw her subtly raise her eyebrows.

"Yeah, sure," he said.Heather stood up and he followed her outside, onto the crunching gravel path, faintly lit by upward lighting amongst thebushes adjacent to the walls of the hotel.Heather took his hand and led him around the building to a darker area by the side.They slipped into anarrow alley between two storage buildings.He grasped her waist and kissed her.She wrapped her arms around him as he gently pushed her against thewall behind her.

"Do you have protection?" she whispered in his ear.He nodded.Half his face was in shadow, the other side lit by the lights shining in the gardens.

Heather turned around and quickly hitched up her dress until it was above her waist, revealing her naked bottom.She leaned forward to keep her dresswhere it was, and put both hands on the wall, legs apart as if Jake was a cop about to frisk her.Jake put his hands on her cold cheeks and begancaressing her bum.

"What are you waiting for?" Heather asked when Jake's hands began running down the outside of her thighs."Do you need me to suck your dick first orsomething?"

Jake's prick was already nearly fully-erect."No," he said and took his wallet out of his pocket, feeling for the condom inside it.Suddenly therewas raucous laughter just beyond the end of the alley.Heather straightened up, the hem of her dress dropping back down to her knees.The two ofthem quietly stepped into the shadows in the alley and walked out of the other end.The laughing people came all the way around the building to findHeather casually walking around towards them.Jake stood back a way, appearing to use his mobile phone.

"Hi Heather!" the man called.He was accompanied by another woman, who appeared to be his wife.

"Oh, hi Tom, Jill,"Heather said, nodding at them in turn."Just thought I'd catch some fresh air."

"I know what you mean," Tom said."We were just coming out to do the same before heading for a drink in our room."

"You have a room?" Heather asked."You don't live far away."

"I know, but it's a chance to get out and do something different isn't it?" Tom said."Did you want to join us?"

"Yeah, sure," Heather said with a brief glance at Jake.

"Did you want to bring your man there?" Tom asked, loud enough that Jake heard him.

"He's nothing to do with me," Heather hissed to Tom, quietly enough that Jake would not hear.

"Ok, let's go," Tom boomed.Tom, Jill and Heather wandered back to the hotel.Jake slipped his phone back into his pocket, sighed, and startedwalking back to the party.

* * *

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The Labyrinth Extended Prologue

Labyrinth Extended Prologue When he opened up his eyes, he knew whose face he would wear to get the job done. It was four o'clock in the morning and the day had not even started yet. He always woke up this early, no matter how terrible the jet lags or how severe his wounds after gunfights - or how tired his body after interrogation sessions. It's automatic: one of those things that his body was trained for; a simple practice that had saved his life countless times. He reached...

1 year ago
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Caught sniffing my cousins panties

Ive always had a thing for my cousin. I dont know what it is, but when I am close to her or in her house, i get permanently horny. Sarah is three years younger than me. When this happened… Ive always had a thing for my cousin. I dont know what it is, but when I am close to her or in her house, i get permanently horny. Sarah is three years younger than me. When this happened the first time, I was about 19 and she was 16. Shes quite tall, a little skinny, blonde and blue eyes. She has long...

4 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS14 E18 Erica Murdoch 47 from Bournemouth

With begin today’s show with a drone shot of the buildings and grounds of a large school campus - several large buildings surrounded by playing fields and parkland, and hundreds of students making their way from one building to the next as we watch... A big caption appears, filling almost the whole screen, “BOURNEMOUTH, ENGLAND.” The caption fades, and then we see that many of the students are double-taking, turning, walking backwards, as they see a woman in a very small red dress,...

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Flowers of the Night part II

“What were you thinking, calling Damion?” I asked Hunter. “He's my friend,” he said. “Why shouldn't I call him?” “Let's see,” I said. “Maybe because you spent the afternoon fucking his wife.” “I hadn't fucked you when I called him.” “You called him before you called me?” “You're not jealous are you? I called him early, when I first got in.” I looked at him across the table and slowly sipped my fuzzy navel. Maybe Damion didn't suspect anything, I thought. On the other hand, maybe he did. I kept...

1 year ago
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Stephons first run in with Sora

I'm a young, attractive, slender, african american young man. I'm on my grind everyday. I like to drink, sleep, and fuck. I find that I can make any woman laugh until it is about that time to fuck. This is just one incident that proves this stament. Alright so I'm in one of my classes doing my regular, being a class clown, and funny as hell. all of a sudden the most amazing looking female walks through the doors of our lecture hall and im like... Fuck, its time to calm down because if i want to...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 40

A blind guy sits down in a diner and says to the waiter, "I'm sorry, but I'm blind and I can't read the menu. So just bring me a dirty fork, I'll smell it, and order from there." The waiter picks up a greasy fork, and hands it to the blind guy. The blind guy puts the fork to his nose, breathes deep, and says, "Ah ... that's what I'll have ... meatloaf and mashed potatoes." The waiter can't believe it, and he goes and tells his wife, Rose, who's the cook. The next day the...

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Best Friends ForeverChapter 4

While I waited, Mr. Knowles brought in Becky and we talked for a while. “I am so proud of you, Ricky,” Becky said to me giving me a light kiss in front of her father. “Ricky, you certainly are worth every penny I am paying you. I have never seen Mr. Minsky so gratified. You seem to be a very smart young man.” Just then, Mr. Minsky brought back in the laptop, and set it down in front of me. “There was nothing wrong with the program, you are that good! I have ramped this up to the...

4 years ago
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Your Wildest Fantasy Let me tell you about Elizab

I'd been to McDill AFB many times. This time they put me up off base in a contract hotel. I got there early, so I had two days to kill. This place had everything, restaurant, bar with dance area, work out room, pool, Jacuzzi suites, which I was lucky enough to have one. I went to get some food & found the restaurant had a wide variation of choices. I hadn't had chicken parmesan in some time. I was enjoying my meal and my grey goose on ice when I noticed a guy a few tables away leaning back...

2 years ago
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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 36 The Naked Choirmaster

Sonika Jharm, the new choirmaster for the Redsands First Congregational Church Youth Choir, had only just unbuttoned the first top three buttons of her soft cotton blouse when Bjorn asked another question. “But ... but...” the poor guy stammered, “ ... but isn’t this all kind of against everything the church and religion and the Bible stands for. Our church has been so dead against this sort of thing for so long that I’m finding it all a bit difficult to grasp. Not that I think I am going to...

1 year ago
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Bird SongChapter 4 Release

Shafiq and her companions sat on a park bench for thirty minutes to give the members of the Glasgow cell time to arrive and pick them up. When they walked to the entrance to the park, a black cab moved down the road and pulled in beside them. "Get in. Hurry, we can't hang around," said the driver of the cab. "I'm sorry, we didn't order a cab," Shafiq responded. "Shit! Okay, bird song. Now, get in, quickly," the driver urged. Shafiq relaxed when she heard the code words and...

4 years ago
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The OutsiderChapter 10 Ruthies Obsession

When her shift ended at 11:00, Ruthie returned to her room for the first time in 24 hours. She could tell that Shannon was somewhat curious to know where she had been, but since the two students were not on speaking terms; Ruthie did not feel obligated to offer any explanation. She loaded her backpack and immediately left to meet up with Mike for lunch. Among the items Ruthie decided to stuff in her backpack was the dress that he had bought for her the previous weekend. As much as she wanted...

1 year ago
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Clandestine Reserve Affair Pt 4

Friday Night, The Third Weekend... Betsy looked around her house to make sure all was in place. She was satisfied with what she had done and then looked at her watch. The commander would be here any minute. After the last encounter, during night maneuvers, Betsy had wanted something very badly and so she had e-mailed Justin on the Sunday afterwards, at lunch time, about coming over to her house for dinner and a relaxing evening the next reserve weekend. He had not said a word about it at the...

1 year ago
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Making Her Wet On The Dance Floor And What Came After

I was out for happy hour with a number of work colleagues. We were at a new club downtown that was having a grand opening. The drinks were flowing and our group started to mingle a bit. I started talking to this really hot girl named Chris who worked for a local media buying agency.I bought her a few drinks and as is often the case, the conversation turned to sex. I was quizzing her about the wildest experiences she had ever had or wanted to have, and she told me that she had often fantasized...

3 years ago
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Understand Me

Understand Me Dauphin You can contact me on [email protected] (also my skype) Dauphin Welcome to the Dauphin Show. Tonight we are speaking to a family and neighbourhood that have been shocked by what many see as abuse. Some see it as a medical condition; many others see it as a confused family When a family sends their boy to a ballet class, and he is not accepted, what do you do? Is the answer to send him to another ballet class dressed as a girl? Is this abuse? Just what is...

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Green eyed monster

People, by their very nature are a jealous bunch. What kind of woman wouldn't be jealous of that girl with the perfect figure that you can never attain? Perhaps they have those giant perfect breasts you weren't gifted with, or they're taller, thinner, or fitter. Maybe they have that perfect round butt your boyfriend keeps staring at. Either way that burning envy can lead to some dramatic reactions and intense humiliations! Imagine how embarrassing it would be to be nude and exposed in the...

2 years ago
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Running a train in the factory day one

I clearly stated in my story ''My Gangbang at Work'' that I wasn't the last time that I fucked black employees at work. The word was being spread to other employees in the factory, particularly among the black employees. I heard from sources that I was the asian boy-girl whore that wanted to fuck all the black men in the factory. It's not like if this was false. Once I got fucked by these black bulls, I knew that found a source of black men willing to disregard the fact that I had a little...

1 year ago
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Ladies Day the Ball and after

The glamorous couples at the Racehorse Owners Ball at the Savoy are on the dance floor, the band playing a soft romantic song. There are two big Scotsmen looking dashing in full Highland evening wear, their dress kilts looking dramatic against their heavy, hairy knees. In their arms as they dance, the men's' hands pulling the girls' bottoms close and the girl's arms around their necks, are two gorgeous blonde girls, resplendent in full length evening dresses, the thigh high slits in...

3 years ago
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It is Good to be the King

I left the pool disappointed.After weeks of flirting and cajoling Sara had finally agreed to meet in person. She let slip that she would be working out at the Fitness Center and if I happened to be there at the same time perhaps we could say hi. I suggested that we meet as if by chance in the pool. Neither of us had done anything like this before and I thought it a rather clever precaution for we could spend time idly chatting between laps and no observer would be the wiser. As a bonus I would...

3 years ago
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Outwardly BoundChapter 3

Their clothes all off; she moved her bare pussy lips to his hard penis, the first penis she had ever felt. The touch was unlike anything she had felt before. She was scared, excited, and unsure of herself. She let her body and what her sister had taught her to guide her. No more cloth between them, only bare skin. She felt him against her. His body warm, muscled, his blue eyes comforting her, loving her. She wanted him inside her now! Push! Do this! Her mouth opened, lusting, desiring, as...

2 years ago
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Discovering Melissas Dirty Little Secret

I am happy in my relationship with my new girlfriend, Melissa. We see each other often but still, have those moments of freedom or ‘free time’ as we like to call it. The sex is outstanding and she has a voracious appetite for fucking. She is kinky, perverted sometimes, and has proven that anything goes as far as sex is concerned, which is great. I would say we are like-minded in that respect.Our relationship is fairly new, and recently, I have been staying over at her flat a little longer than...

2 years ago
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Independent CommandChapter 3 Month 75 Building a Family

"I will protect you from all around you" - Phil Collins That night when I got back to our quarters, Hannah greeted me at the hatch, completely naked and smelling, well, ready. Okay, this is good, but she generally only does that when she's in trouble and wants to get out of it, or when she wants a favor. And, I don't think she's in trouble. "Hi, honey, you're looking good today!" She gave me a really good full-contact hug and kissed my neck. "I've talked it over with the girls....

1 year ago
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Naughty Stewardess

After a few hundred stories it becomes difficult to put a twist on a story so the reader gets off on your thoughts.I masturbate as I write, that's a fact, so you know where I am cumming from (spelling was meant)and writing and masturbating to turn you on, makes me yearn for the Pizza boy or man to knock my front door, and relieve this built-up tension in my loins, but back to an incident in life, that bore fruit.I had arrived at my hotel in uniform, dressed in the Ryanair colors and ill fitting...

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Beauty fucks the Beast Chapter One

After a young, blond cheerleader catches her boyfriend cheating, Bianca's devious friends devise a plan to help her get revenge. Little does she know, the plan involves her making out with a grotesque, obese older man. The plan takes a turn for the worse when innocent kissing leads to passionate, mind-blowing sex as Beauty fucks the Beast. *** "We're over!" Bianca yelled, as she stormed out of the boy's locker room. Tears streaming down her face, Bianca Brogan threw her biology text book into...

Erotic Fiction
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Pigs Cant Fly Ch 3

After a rather harrowing, yet titillating, interview with the decidedly conflicted Father Bottomore, I was left with more questions than answers. While I couldn’t rule him out entirely as a suspect, his story certainly rang true. I would need to interview Mrs. Purdy Purity, but I decided my next move would be to interview Miss Heidi Honeypot. She’d been seen roaming about the house by several guests, although no one could confirm if she had been in Mr. Bucks’ bedroom the night of his apparent...

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JOHNs GIRLS part 2 A2 Suzanne

This is second episode of a model maker, who sometimes made the models!Suzanne, my second girl, was a bit shy, but little by little, by telling her about the small model figures that I made, she became more interested. She allowed some portraits to be taken, a few with her blouse opening, more and more. Legs and stocking tops, skirt off, blouse off. Turn this way, turn that way, different lighting and backgrounds.Measurements needed in order to scale the figures, cold ruler on soft nipples, hip...

4 years ago
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Sweet Little Katie Part Five

Katie opened her eyes as a cool breeze ruffled the curtains at her window and a ray of early morning sun played on her face. She had that moment of waking up in unfamiliar surroundings before she remembered where she was. She smiled and sighed as she recalled the time she had spent in the barn with her cousin Ken the previous evening.Just the thought of his hands fondling her breasts and his mouth sucking her nipples made her wet. She touched her clit with her left hand and gently flicked her...

3 years ago
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Sweeter than Coffee

“Good morning sleepy head”,You say with a coffee in hand. I smile my approval because waking up to the soft tone of your voice and the sweet smell of coffee makes for a perfect start to the day.You climb in beside me and the warmth from beneath the covers hits you like hot air from an open oven door and invites you in.I murmur sounds of contentment as I feel your skin on mine and I’m more comfortable now than I was a few moments ago when I had the bed to myself.Your eyes are soft like your...

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