Prodigal Father
- 4 years ago
- 19
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After leaving Wilkins, Lt. Hobson rode next to Colonel Anderson. “Sir, I didn’t want to bring this up. In front of the civilians but we have already cut their trail. They did indeed head north out of town. But about 5 miles out, they tried to hide their tracks. From there, they turned due east and headed out at a gallop. When they turned south, our trackers broke off. Except for one rider. He will keep to their trail. I have a bad feeling that they may be headed for Mexico. We would play hell pulling that tick if they got south of the border.”
“I agree, Lt. And I hope that we can catch up to them before that or they cause even worse troubles. How are we going to find your tracker? It’s a big country and damned easy to get lost in.”
“No problem, sir. At about 18:00, he’ll light a smoky fire. Hopefully, we’ll be in range and see it. If we spot it, We’ll set our own signal fire. If he doesn’t see ours, we try again at first light. He’s got orders to head home at first light if he doesn’t spot ours.”
“Well, Lt. Hobson, I don’t want to do this, but I need to disrupt your plans. We first need to head over to the Jackson ranch. I need to talk to Obie before we do anything else.”
Riding up to the main gate Joshua was mildly impressed with the group waiting for him at the entrance to the Jackson home. There were 30 cowboy’s half of them mounted the other half hidden behind barricades.
Either Obie had already heard about the attack and was expecting major trouble, or he was just so paranoid that he would maintain a combat group at his front gate all the time.
Joshua Halted his group, a quarter-mile from the main gate, he called Lt. Hobson forward.
“Lt Hobson, this one is even more dangerous than I thought it would be. We know that Billy and his flunkies are not here. We are here because I need to talk to Obie. He deserves it. It’s not his fault well, not all his fault what his boy has turned out to be. It looks like he knows what happened. I just hope he’ll listen to me.”
“You and me both, sir. I like doing what I do. But the parts that involve killing are not the best part. If the worse should happen, what are my orders?”
“You ride back to the Hacienda and report to the command group. They’ll take it from there.”
Roosevelt Hobson saluted his commander. “Good luck, sir. It’s been a pleasure riding with you.”
Returning the salute, “And me with you, young man.”
Joshua pulled his handkerchief out and tied it to the trigger guard of his carbine. Then as he slowly rode up to the gate, he grasped the barrel of the rifle and raised it upside down. The handkerchief clearly visible.”
As he arrived at the gate, he was greeted by Obie himself. “Well, landgrabber, what do you want?”
“Obie, I think you’re well aware of why I’m here. Your boy is out of control and on the fast track to the gallows. I know he isn’t here right now. He’s headed for old Mexico. But we both know that won’t last down there for very long. He’ll be coming home sooner or later. There are posters being put out on him as we speak. They don’t come from me. In fact, if the boy was to turn himself into one of my people, I’ll guarantee you, right here and right now, his safe passage to the nearest law enforcement available. I want the boy to stand trial, not a lynching. Our differences are between you and me, not the boy.”
“Why should I trust anything you got to say landgrabber. What guarantee do I have that he’ll get here alive? I’ll bet you have your gun hawks out there now hunting the boy down.”
“Obie, I’m not going to argue this with you. All I’m saying is that if there isn’t a bounty on the boy already, there soon will be. It isn’t my fault, I don’t have anything to do with it. But it’s still there. Call in the boy, turn him over to Pete or whoever you want. But the longer he’s in the wind, the more likely he’ll be buried on boot hill in some dusty nowhere burg. For $50 dead or alive.”
With that said, Joshua turned his horse and started walking it back to Lt. Hobson. Every step of the way, he expected a bullet.
As they rode away from the Jackson ranch, Colonel Anderson called Lt. Hobson forward. “Lt. Hobson, now we need to head to Council Butte. And when we get there, I need to give some orders that you and your men might not like. But it’s vitally important that you follow them.”
“No worries, sir. I’ll just let our point know where we’re headed.”
“Council Butte Lt. When we get close, I’ll let you know.”
In the early afternoon, as the group approached the area that the Colonel had designated as Council Butte, he called for Lt. Hobson and halted the party. “Lt. Hobson, you see that canyon ahead of us?”
“Yes, sir.”
“You’ll set your bivouac at the entrance to that canyon. Please bring all of your outriders in now. When we get set up everybody will stay in camp. Don’t worry about noise or light discipline. Our hosts already know we’re here. Meanwhile, I will be heading up that canyon. Please do not follow I won’t be in any danger, I hope. Unless that idiot Jackson has spoiled a lot of hard work. I’ll return by noon tomorrow. If I don’t, and Lt. Hobson, this is an order. You will return to the Hacienda by the fastest, most direct route. When you arrive at the Hacienda, you will report to the command group what has happened.”
“Yes, sir, and you, sir? what about you?”
“Son, if I’m not back by noon tomorrow, I won’t be coming back. And it will fall to you to save the Regiment.”
Lt. Hobson stood just a little straighter what the severity of what had been said dawned on him. “Sir, are you telling me that you think this might be a suicide mission on your part?”
“Lt. Hobson, whether it is or isn’t doesn’t matter. What matters now and in the future, is the Regiment, and the people the Regiment protects. We are more than a formation, sir. We are a family, a community, a society. From the lowest Mexican peon that we have inherited from the Ruis family to the oldest grandmother of the oldest Trooper on our rolls. I am not the Regiment we are the Regiment. We are Cavalry.”
A murmur arose from the loose formation of riders. Not the parade ground prima donnas on display for civilians’ politicians and generals. Both Hobson and Anderson looked at the surrounding Troopers.
Colonel Anderson grinned. “Oops, you guys weren’t supposed to hear that. But let me say right now, regardless of tomorrow, I am proud to have had the chance to ride with you. Now let’s find someplace for the night. I’m beginning to feel my age a bit.”
Hobson gave a piercing whistle and angled the troop to a group of tamarisk trees. Cover concealment and probably some water. Anderson was impressed.
After they had set their camp Colonel Anderson told Lt. Hobson to start up his smoke signal. What he didn’t tell the Lt. was that it had a dual purpose. Once it had begun smoking heavily, he took his leave from the troop.
dear to whomsoever it may concern: hello, hey, hi, … hello. hey. hi. how are you all doing among yourselves, huh? & you know like say, or how you say like since that being of the last time that i myself was upon this one particular social-media website-address being of a pornographic nature, I do sincerely hope that those persons being among yourselves being of whom are of whatsoever races, &/or likewise from whatsoever walks of life, factions of society, or lifestyle preferences,...
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The Great Shift: Healing Hands By Johnny Girl ([email protected]) I stared down at my hands. My hands. I still had trouble believing they were really mine. They were long and slender and delicate and feminine, wearing rings and bracelets, the fingers tipped with sparkly purple fingernail polish. These weren't the hands I was familiar with. They weren't the rough and strong and calloused hands I'd been so dependent on; they were weak and soft and smooth and small and useless...
I've tried to get Laura to write... she's not keen. Doesn't like so much for me to write about her. Ginny, on the other hand likes the stories about her. Even asked me to use her real name... though for continuity sake, I won't for now. Anyway, here is a bit of a continuation of our last adventure. Mile High... Ginny had moved in for a month, and she and my wife Laura had taken every chance they could get to eat each other out, or finger fuck each other, and I wasn't getting any...
When the President announced the coming of the Sa’arm I really was surprised. I was a twenty-one-year-old male computer science student at a local university. I was a strong practicing Catholic and among other things believed in the Church’s views on sex before marriage. I can’t say that I felt as positive about the Church’s stance on almost everything else. Of course, I was a virgin much to the delight of many of my non-Catholic friends. That does not mean I didn’t have a sex drive. I did and...
Sam came to visit but didn’t touch her. Brandon and Yeong said hi in passing by her open door on the way to what had increasingly become ‘their’ room but otherwise she felt like a ghost. The next morning Angus and Sam visited her together before leaving for work, requesting she blow them both at the same time – she alternated between them until they were ready to burst and she egged them on, begging for them to paint her face as she pumped furiously with both hands, which they happily...
"He's actually going to come," Emily said distantly, as she replaced the receiver. "Oh, that's great!" Sandra chirped, giving her a little hug. Richard just smiled through a mix of emotions. Every positive thing would help Emily. It was easier to smile than he thought. Last night, when he had reached the point where he had to decide what he would do about Emily's confession, he was distraught. It would have been so easy to give in to the feelings of disappointment and betrayal that...
Prom Date Ben Carter waited for all his peers to exit the classroom. His teacher Miss Jamieson had requested he stay behind for a few minutes. It was the end of the day on a Friday and a long weekend loomed. Ben was anxious to get back home. He suspected he knew what the teacher wanted to discuss, "So Ben, what am I going to do with you?" Miss Jamieson asked. She was an older lady with a kind smile and seemed genuinely concerned for Ben. Ben looked at her with a downcast look. "I...