Prodigal Father
- 4 years ago
- 18
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In the years since Colonel Anderson’s riders arrived, many changes have happened in and around Wilkins. Small farms and ranches started popped up all over the territory. In Wilkins itself, dozens of new shops and businesses opened up. Some were family oriented such as the candy store and ice cream emporium. Expensive treats to be enjoyed by all.
Some were much-needed services such as the laundry, which had been opened by a Mexican widow of advanced age. At first, she handled all of the required duties. But soon as time and business advanced, several other older women joined the workforce. It eventually became a center of activity. And as the prosperity of the region improved, so did the availability of disposable funds for luxuries such as clean clothes.
Surprisingly the widow, after hiring several of her friends and neighbors, continued on and opened a bakery. Of course, the first items on the menu were tortillas. Both corn and flour. But this soon expanded to various kinds of breads.
Other business ventures were intended for a more select clientele, such as Elizabeth’s Tea House. While tea could be purchased at Miss Utley’s, that wasn’t the main item on the menu. Lonely travelers from Virginia City to Flagstaff knew that a clean room could be had at Elizabeth’s Tea House by the half or full hour. Or if you were flush the entire night. Of course, the price of the room also included a willing and comely young lady. Also available were several games of chance such as faro and poker.
The tea house had caused an uproar among the respectable ladies of Wilkins. There was talk of misrepresentation and lying. The lady’s association had complained to the Mayor, Sheriff and town council that Elizabeth Utley was a woman of low and immoral character. They further complained that they had been duped into funding what was in effect a house of ill repute. When asked to comment, a meeting was had between Elizabeth and the council. No one would repeat what was said, but the matter of the tea house was dropped, and the lady’s association told to tend to their knitting. The loan for the Tea House was paid off, with interest. without comment.
Of primary importance, though, was the Wells Fargo stage line. When Colonel Anderson arrived in Wilkins, the Wells Fargo company had already scheduled the discontinuation of the Wilkins run as a regular stop. This was due in part to the lack of passengers and freight coming to Wilkins. This was originally due to disruptions caused by the Civil war. But later because of the increase in bandit activity. Both stages carrying paying passengers and freight wagons carrying ore were being robbed on the various routes. These assaults dwindled to almost nothing when riders from the Anderson Hacienda started making regular patrols throughout the territory. Those patrols also contributed to the sense of safety felt by the small ranchers and farmers. It became a rare event for banditos or Comancheros to attack isolated locations. Especially when well-armed combat-trained riders had the upsetting habit of showing up just when the fun started. Word quickly spread through the criminal community to avoid the Wilkins region.
That same bandit activity had a negative effect on the mining operations in the area. Payrolls didn’t come in. And ore wagons couldn’t get out. Before Colonel Anderson’s arrival, most of the smaller operations had let their claims lapse. The larger ones at first tried to buy up those claims. But without pay for the miners or ore going to the refineries, they too slowly choked to death.
But as with all the other recoveries, the mining operations had a resurgence. The difference was that the new owners of those claims and mines were local concerns with local owners.
But an unfortunate result of peace is a relaxation of awareness. If a visit to town was no longer considered dangerous, if the last ten visits had been pleasant adventures, why shouldn’t this visit be the same?
It was with this sense of peace and security with the world that Linda Price and Susan Gibson. Both young members of the Anderson Hacienda. Planned a trip to town.
Linda’s husband had been a member of Colonel Anderson’s troop during the war. After Appomattox and the tragedy at Ford’s theater, they had reunited. But because of his wounds, he had succumbed to infections that were untreatable at the time. As the wife of a fallen comrade, her membership with the Regiment was unquestioned.
Susan Gibson and Hans Shelton were orphans. Border raiders had murdered their parents during the early phases of the war. Susan, the older of the two, had done what was necessary for the pair to survive. It had been during the Regiments move westward that they had been found and accepted into Colonel Anderson’s family.
Orphans were not unknown in the Regiment. And everyone did what was necessary to care for them. Those too young to care for themselves were adopted to couples. Those able to care for themselves were assigned to a mentor. That person was a guiding force for those youngsters. Hans and Susan became Linda’s family, sort of. It was a relationship that was built through acceptance and trust. It may not have been parental, but it was just as strong.
The long-standing order at the Hacienda was that anybody going into Wilkins had to be accompanied by an adult. That children and minors were not allowed passage outside of the Hacienda walls without an adult supervisor. When Linda and Susan planned their trip into Wilkins, they felt that they were complying with those orders. It didn’t spoil their plans, which included a visit to the ice cream emporium when Hans heard what they had planned. They reluctantly agreed to his accompanying them. His argument that they needed a protector was light-heartedly accepted.
Now, as Susan’s younger adopted brother, he saw it not only as his right but his duty that he be included in this adventure. After all, the ladyfolk needed a protector. Besides, whoever heard of a girl driving a buckboard.
Hey, give him a break. He was young, and it’s the 1880’s.
When they arrived in town, everything seemed quiet and peaceful. Hans drove the team over to Clive’s Livery Stable and with the watchful amused and tolerant eye of Linda. Negotiated the stabling of their horse and buckboard for the day.
Linda knew that any offer from Clive would be honest and fair. After all, he was a good friend of the Regiment.
What followed was an enjoyable adventure for the ladies. They spent hours picking through the selections in Gumble’s Emporium. Picking and choosing and asking each other for their opinion. Hans bored and regretting his insistence on accompanying the ladies was also asked his opinion for fabric color texture cost and a dozen other aspects of what to Hans, was just cloth. Nothing more, nothing less.
Finally, to Hans’ relief, the ladies decided that the day’s adventure was concluded. That they needed to get back home. It was as they walked down the boardwalk that life took a tragic and unexpected turn.
dear to whomsoever it may concern: hello, hey, hi, … hello. hey. hi. how are you all doing among yourselves, huh? & you know like say, or how you say like since that being of the last time that i myself was upon this one particular social-media website-address being of a pornographic nature, I do sincerely hope that those persons being among yourselves being of whom are of whatsoever races, &/or likewise from whatsoever walks of life, factions of society, or lifestyle preferences,...
As the plane taxied to a stop beside the terminal, I asked myself if I could go through with everything. It had been four months since I had left this wretched place, my hometown, with memories happy and sad, a guilty heart and, unknowingly at that time, with a son inside me. There was nothing to regret my life here, I thought sadly as I picked up my handbag and walked to the door, except for two nights that had forever changed my life. And, in my darkest moment of despair, I wished for a...
“Sheriff better come quick. They’re coming.” The Sheriff looked questioningly at the Doc. “Go ahead, Pete. There’s nothing you can do for them. As soon as I can, I’ll be over to look at the boy.” “Ok, Doc, but you know these folks will want some answers. Is there anything I can tell them?” “Tell them that the young lady is alive and not likely to die. Both of the women are in shock. I don’t have anything else until I can talk to them. The boy I don’t know. Won’t know until I can look him...
After leaving Wilkins, Lt. Hobson rode next to Colonel Anderson. “Sir, I didn’t want to bring this up. In front of the civilians but we have already cut their trail. They did indeed head north out of town. But about 5 miles out, they tried to hide their tracks. From there, they turned due east and headed out at a gallop. When they turned south, our trackers broke off. Except for one rider. He will keep to their trail. I have a bad feeling that they may be headed for Mexico. We would play hell...
Sun Hair leading his other horse sped from town. He knew the general direction that the attackers had taken from Wilkins and soon found their trail. Five riders at a fast gallop were easy to spot. Sun Hair rode as fast as he could without caring too much about his mount. He planned to ride as hard as possible and catch up to the group. He would then switch mounts and let the winded horse loose. He knew that he held that advantage on the group. They had no remounts. Thirty minutes into the...
Two years later The heatwave shimmered, disguising the dust cloud of the approaching seven riders. They were dressed identically. Canvas dusters and black cavalry slouch hats. When they had gotten to about 100 yards from the farmstead, they slowed their horses to a walk. The farm was the usual arraignment, a house probably three rooms. An outhouse for the obvious reasons. A root cellar and a barn. The barn was easily the largest and most important structure on the farm. Two stories and...
While the prisoners were being placed in their cells, Sheriff Quigley’s problem with the Wilkins lady’s society was continuing. Mrs. Macvley and her gaggle of squawking geese, joined by the newly reformed Clinton Elsworth. The self-styled religious leader of Wilkins. Had burst into the Sheriff’s office and were loudly demanding that Sheriff Quigley agree to their demands. Mostly those demands were spur of the moment offenses to the sensibilities of the ladies. Mainly that the prisoners had...
When Colonel Anderson returned to the Hacienda, an officer’s call was sounded. The assembled officers met in the Regimental dining hall. This was the only space large enough to hold the officers’ corps. As Joshua entered, Sergeant Major Young called out. “Gentlemen, the Colonel.” everyone in the room rose and faced towards the door. Without a word, Joshua walked to the front of the room and took his position behind the podium. “At ease, Gentlemen.” there was a rustle from the waiting crowd...
During what had become a Saturday tradition. The four men met once again for their weekly poker game at Bart’s saloon. Pete Quigley and Joshua Anderson were in their reserved seats against the wall. The other two places were occupied by Mayor Dan Coleman and Doctor Stone, the fourth regular member. The game was a friendly one. Table stakes and a $5.00 limit. Professional gamblers couldn’t be bothered at this level. But if they had been, they would have been surprised at the expertise of the...
As Colonel Anderson stepped into the room, everyone rose. “Be seated, Gentlemen. I called this meeting because we have been offered a proposal from the Overland Stage Company. They are having some problems west of here in the Carson City to Reno area. Stages and freight wagons have been robbed. And relay stations have been raided and destroyed. The current death toll is 15 employees and civilians. It wasn’t mentioned, but I suspect that farms and ranches in the area have also been raided....
“Sergeant of the guard. Tower reporting two riders and a carriage coming in.” Sergeant Albert Pullman came up the stairs from the guard-room below. “Whereabouts, Snyder?” “On the main road sarge. Coming in slow. Two outriders and two more in the carriage.” Pullman had his field glasses up and looking in that direction. “Got them.” he watched for about five minutes, then exclaimed. “Oh, cripes. Do you know who that is? that’s Clara Jackson, Obie Jackson’s wife.” Pullman ran from the...
At 8:00 am, Eugene’s typical morning started. As he walked by the hotel dining room. A familiar voice called out. “Mr. Herrington. Please join me.” Seated at a table near the door was Joshua Anderson. From all reports, he had received, this man commanded a paramilitary group larger and more powerful than the armies of some small countries. His research of Joshua Anderson proved that the rank of Colonel was deserved. He had served with distinction and courage in the Maryland cavalry during the...
A rider was approaching at full gallop. The dust could be seen for miles. As he got to the sentry at the entrance, he didn’t even slow down. The sentry did nothing. He recognized the leader of his gang. He also recognized that Bob was mad. Madder that he had seen him in a long time. Bob Pritchert had led this group for over a year. Most of that time had been in the south. But the pressure from the Mexican law had convinced him to return to his original stomping grounds. The Washoe County in...
Sun Hair motioned for Sergeant Jefferson’s attention. “Sergeant, we’ve got company.” and motioned over to the southwest. About 2 miles away on the top of a rise was a group of Indians. Their face paint stood out even at this distance. “Yeah, I spotted them about the same time. Think it’s a war party?” “They look like Paiute, Sergeant, probably a hunting party.” “What makes you say that Sun Hair?” “If they were a war party, they wouldn’t be making themselves obvious to us. They would be...
Jeff Huffman was thinking about his lunch. Trying to decide if the 2 bit beer and sandwich deal at the saloon was better than the 6 bit steak at the diner. He had decided that pastrami and rye plus a bucket of suds was better than a tough, overcooked beefsteak. When the bell over the door announced a customer. “Yes, sir, can I help you?” “I need to send a telegraph to Wilkins, Nevada.” The newcomer was a medium height, well-built man. While his clothes were dusty, they were made of...
Paco was dozing in the back seat of Clara Jackson’s buggy. He would have preferred to join her in the church. As a Catholic, he enjoyed going to mass with his mother and sisters. But the Protestant church that Clara belonged to preferred that the Mexican members of the community celebrate the lord at other locations. Paco was ok with this. He was well experienced with the local prejudices. But it would have been nice to sit in the cool interior of the church while waiting for Dona...
Paco was nervous. He was almost panic-stricken. If it hadn’t had been for Pablo, he probably would have bolted and ran. Pablo talked to him, reassuringly. Telling him that everything would be alright. That people were watching them the whole way and that if something went wrong, they would come to their rescue. This was of some comfort to Paco. But he was still afraid. As they approached the meeting place, Pablo took charge and firmly told Paco what to do next. As they rounded a corner, Ed...
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I’ve been reading the indian sex stories from past 4 years. Throughout this time i’ve read the stories to boost the sexual appetite. However, i used to read and think are these real stories? But, whatever be the answer, i would like to publish my real story, which happened 2 years ago. My name is kenneth (name changed due to privacy reasons). I reside in pune city. My family had recently shifted from goa, and i was sitting on the couch after returning from work. At that point of time, i was...
****************************************************************************** STANDARD DISCLAIMER =================== The following piece of fiction is intended as ADULT entertainment and has only been posted to an appropriate group on the Internet. If it is found in any other place it is not the responsibility of the author. If you are not an ADULT of legal age, you should avoid this text, and find something more appropriate to read All characters in this story are fictitious, and any...
--Author's Note: This is a stand alone story set in the "Timber Grove" universe. There is absolutely no need to read any other "Timber Grove" story, outside of "Letters From College 1-8", to enjoy this. If you do enjoy it, please let me know with a Review. Thank You!-- Rosies! I was so glad to get your letter, and super glad that you've finally come around! Isn't that tequilla just the best! Amy swears to me that it really doesn't help with the weight loss, but I am so psyched to...
one night i had a dream. it started with me and my friend. we was in my bedroom talking about girls we would like to fuck. but he didn't know i was gay. so just talk for a long time. but it was getting late so choose to go to bed. but i couldn't sleep. so i reach in my boxers and play with my 5.5 dick thinking about my friend. i never seem him nude. but i been thinking about it. well i got scare when i heard a noise. i look up and saw my friend watching. he ask me what i was thinking about and...
I had been working out of town quite a bit. When I was at home, the wife and I always had great sex. We have always been quite in tune with each other sexually. That is not to say that I shared all of my fantasies with her. I think all men keep a vast majority of their sexual fantasies from their wives. It isn’t due to lack of trust, I don’t believe. However some fantasies are just better left alone as thoughts in your mind as you are getting yourself off. Some fantasies aren’t meant to be...
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I sat there wondering what he might suggest. I had just told my father-in-law who also had just become my lover, that I would like to try new things with him. He smiled at me and said, "OK Kathy, take off the bra and your panties. Don't even think about putting them back on until we get back to the family." I grinned widely I know... I loved the idea. I slowly removed my button up blouse and then the skirt which was knee length and also buttoned up the front. The bra went and I just sat...
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I was told to separate the original story into two parts so here they areIt's been a while since I wrote a story for you, but things have been a bit hectic for us in out life. Hopefully I will get to write more of our exploits in the future. The story that's place a few years ago. As always these stories are 100% true. *Warning* this a long story broken up into two parts. Hope you guys enjoy and comments are always welcome!!Part 1 Just a little refresher my wife Kelsey is 5'6" 112lbs, long...
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My wife’s 30th birthday was approaching, and I planned a special surprise for her birthday present. It was a very kinky surprise. Something that we had only talked about after a bottle of champagne and an evening of watching adult videos. I wanted to do something extra special for the woman who has always gone above and beyond to make me happy. So, I made reservations at a resort a fair distance away from home, packed an overnight bag for the two of us, and made extra arrangements for an extra...
CheatingSo I'm a big fan of a big tranny cock in my ass. Just throwing that out there early on here.So this past summer I decided that with my school being off I should get some tranny cock as fast as I could. I went on a site and set up a new account, hoping for the same luck I had a few months ago with a hot black tranny named Jade and her friend. I quickly found a very nice 20 something tranny names Maria who said I would do. We went through a few chat sessions, with our cams on and I convinced...
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After breakfast Fiona, Sophie, and I go for our ten kilometre morning run with a mid-run drink break at the McDonald’s. I know Joan and Terri will open up and look after the pool. While today isn’t as hot as yesterday it’s still a hot summer day so we expect most of the kids to turn up for a swim and to cool off. Some of them will have other activities they want to do. Erica and the Nats know to feed the slaves for me. When we return I find a police officer at the pool gate arguing with...
The sun shone into Jack's bedroom window. He laid back on his bed wondering when Emily was finally going to be round. His acceptance grew to inpatience. But then, there was a knock on the door. Jack lifted himself from the bed and rapidly scurried downstairs. Pulling open the door with such strength, he saw her. His eyes scaled her whole body. She was wearing a pair of tight denim shorts, a tight vest top and a pair of flip flops. He could not believe his luck. Waving goodbye to her mum Jack...
Love StoriesThe New OwnersDisclaimer: This story is a work of pure fiction. Any resemblance to individuals living or dead is purely coincidental. The author does not endorse any ideas presented in this story, it is merely intended for adult entertainment purposes and not to promote any particular point of view.Part 1: Welcome to the neighborhood?Honey, it looks like someone is finally moving in next door,? I said, peeking out the south window of the family room. ?It looks like a black family.?Little did I...