Prodigal SonChapter 2 free porn video

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In the years since Colonel Anderson’s riders arrived, many changes have happened in and around Wilkins. Small farms and ranches started popped up all over the territory. In Wilkins itself, dozens of new shops and businesses opened up. Some were family oriented such as the candy store and ice cream emporium. Expensive treats to be enjoyed by all.

Some were much-needed services such as the laundry, which had been opened by a Mexican widow of advanced age. At first, she handled all of the required duties. But soon as time and business advanced, several other older women joined the workforce. It eventually became a center of activity. And as the prosperity of the region improved, so did the availability of disposable funds for luxuries such as clean clothes.

Surprisingly the widow, after hiring several of her friends and neighbors, continued on and opened a bakery. Of course, the first items on the menu were tortillas. Both corn and flour. But this soon expanded to various kinds of breads.

Other business ventures were intended for a more select clientele, such as Elizabeth’s Tea House. While tea could be purchased at Miss Utley’s, that wasn’t the main item on the menu. Lonely travelers from Virginia City to Flagstaff knew that a clean room could be had at Elizabeth’s Tea House by the half or full hour. Or if you were flush the entire night. Of course, the price of the room also included a willing and comely young lady. Also available were several games of chance such as faro and poker.

The tea house had caused an uproar among the respectable ladies of Wilkins. There was talk of misrepresentation and lying. The lady’s association had complained to the Mayor, Sheriff and town council that Elizabeth Utley was a woman of low and immoral character. They further complained that they had been duped into funding what was in effect a house of ill repute. When asked to comment, a meeting was had between Elizabeth and the council. No one would repeat what was said, but the matter of the tea house was dropped, and the lady’s association told to tend to their knitting. The loan for the Tea House was paid off, with interest. without comment.

Of primary importance, though, was the Wells Fargo stage line. When Colonel Anderson arrived in Wilkins, the Wells Fargo company had already scheduled the discontinuation of the Wilkins run as a regular stop. This was due in part to the lack of passengers and freight coming to Wilkins. This was originally due to disruptions caused by the Civil war. But later because of the increase in bandit activity. Both stages carrying paying passengers and freight wagons carrying ore were being robbed on the various routes. These assaults dwindled to almost nothing when riders from the Anderson Hacienda started making regular patrols throughout the territory. Those patrols also contributed to the sense of safety felt by the small ranchers and farmers. It became a rare event for banditos or Comancheros to attack isolated locations. Especially when well-armed combat-trained riders had the upsetting habit of showing up just when the fun started. Word quickly spread through the criminal community to avoid the Wilkins region.

That same bandit activity had a negative effect on the mining operations in the area. Payrolls didn’t come in. And ore wagons couldn’t get out. Before Colonel Anderson’s arrival, most of the smaller operations had let their claims lapse. The larger ones at first tried to buy up those claims. But without pay for the miners or ore going to the refineries, they too slowly choked to death.

But as with all the other recoveries, the mining operations had a resurgence. The difference was that the new owners of those claims and mines were local concerns with local owners.

But an unfortunate result of peace is a relaxation of awareness. If a visit to town was no longer considered dangerous, if the last ten visits had been pleasant adventures, why shouldn’t this visit be the same?

It was with this sense of peace and security with the world that Linda Price and Susan Gibson. Both young members of the Anderson Hacienda. Planned a trip to town.

Linda’s husband had been a member of Colonel Anderson’s troop during the war. After Appomattox and the tragedy at Ford’s theater, they had reunited. But because of his wounds, he had succumbed to infections that were untreatable at the time. As the wife of a fallen comrade, her membership with the Regiment was unquestioned.

Susan Gibson and Hans Shelton were orphans. Border raiders had murdered their parents during the early phases of the war. Susan, the older of the two, had done what was necessary for the pair to survive. It had been during the Regiments move westward that they had been found and accepted into Colonel Anderson’s family.

Orphans were not unknown in the Regiment. And everyone did what was necessary to care for them. Those too young to care for themselves were adopted to couples. Those able to care for themselves were assigned to a mentor. That person was a guiding force for those youngsters. Hans and Susan became Linda’s family, sort of. It was a relationship that was built through acceptance and trust. It may not have been parental, but it was just as strong.

The long-standing order at the Hacienda was that anybody going into Wilkins had to be accompanied by an adult. That children and minors were not allowed passage outside of the Hacienda walls without an adult supervisor. When Linda and Susan planned their trip into Wilkins, they felt that they were complying with those orders. It didn’t spoil their plans, which included a visit to the ice cream emporium when Hans heard what they had planned. They reluctantly agreed to his accompanying them. His argument that they needed a protector was light-heartedly accepted.

Now, as Susan’s younger adopted brother, he saw it not only as his right but his duty that he be included in this adventure. After all, the ladyfolk needed a protector. Besides, whoever heard of a girl driving a buckboard.

Hey, give him a break. He was young, and it’s the 1880’s.

When they arrived in town, everything seemed quiet and peaceful. Hans drove the team over to Clive’s Livery Stable and with the watchful amused and tolerant eye of Linda. Negotiated the stabling of their horse and buckboard for the day.

Linda knew that any offer from Clive would be honest and fair. After all, he was a good friend of the Regiment.

What followed was an enjoyable adventure for the ladies. They spent hours picking through the selections in Gumble’s Emporium. Picking and choosing and asking each other for their opinion. Hans bored and regretting his insistence on accompanying the ladies was also asked his opinion for fabric color texture cost and a dozen other aspects of what to Hans, was just cloth. Nothing more, nothing less.

Finally, to Hans’ relief, the ladies decided that the day’s adventure was concluded. That they needed to get back home. It was as they walked down the boardwalk that life took a tragic and unexpected turn.

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I'd like to dream that what happened next was an instant orgy with all three girls cuddling into bed with me. I'd like to, but it sadly wasn't what happened. The fear that Courtney had exhibited managed to put us all completely out of the mood. When sleep came to me finally, it was only in fits and starts, and I found myself feeling the edge of a dream only to have it snatched away by a nervous breath. "I didn't want to hurt her..." The voice was stronger now than it had ever been...

3 years ago
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Miss Goody Two Shoes

As I was hanging out my washing, Mary, my elderly neighbour called me over. “Victoria, I don’t really know how to tell you this, but my son is coming to stay with us, on Wednesday.” she muttered. “That’ll be nice for you. I didn’t know that you had a son,” I replied, somewhat in shock. We’d lived next to Mary and Ron for over two years and they’d never mentioned a son. “He’s been away,” she continued, “in jail.” The last two words were whispered. “Oh!” I put my hand over my...

3 years ago
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Tricked into Hypnosis

My name is Al, and I want to setup my story with a little history before I jump to the mind control of my 17 year old online female friend. If you wish to skip over this part and go right to the sexual part then you may, but I think you will be intrigued to read my discovery into the hypnotic world which is all true. Besides it is not the typical sex story, it is more about a sexual experience. Don't expect dialogue or a sex scene with lots of action, you won't find it. You still...

4 years ago
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The Branson KidChapter 5

I had Jack on a lead rope, though I did hope that he would eventually learn ta follow without one. We were about 15 miles from Dallas, an' I was thinkin' on whether or not ta press on ta Ft. Worth or ta camp fer the night. I was payin' too much attention ta my thoughts, an' Jack paid fer his keep right then. He brayed an' stopped, jerkin' the lead rope from my hand. That snapped me to attention just in time ta see a man ride out of the bushes ta the side of the road. He had a gun in...

2 years ago
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My First Meeting A work of fiction

I had absolutely no idea what to expect as I rang the doorbell of Jane’s house. It was an extended bungalow on the outskirts of Edinburgh and it had taken me 30minutes to drive there, getting more nervous with each passing mile. Jane and I first contacted each other through as online transvestite networking site a couple of months previous. We had got on well, and often chatted in a private chatroom, and exchanged pictures of each other. While I was relatively new to being a tranny, Jane...

2 years ago
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Im Not White Trash

Prologue I will never know whose baby I was carrying, because I don't know whose sperm got to me first, my brother Tony's or his friend Guy's. All I know is they both raped me. I lived just a few minutes from the ocean, in a kind of poor town that looks like one big trailer park, and was in my senior year in high school when I agreed to meet Tony and Guy at "The Rocks." It's a mostly secluded beach where tons of rocks, concrete pilings, and other huge chunks of junk were long ago...

2 years ago
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Kitty in the Cream

Kitty let her butt sway just a bit more as she walked up the sidewalk. Old man Barnes whistled again when she looked back over her shoulder to toss her honey-blonde hair and wink at him. He creeped out most of the girls, but Kitty knew he was harmless. She was dressed to kill in a form-fitting blouse and skirt, so she would have been disappointed if he hadn’t noticed her when he came out to fetch his paper. Giving him a little thrill now and then was well worth it whenever she ran out of her...

2 years ago
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Uncle Jims Birthday Present

The adventure of a lifetime, that was what she wanted to do. Go on the adventure of a lifetime. Men, dancing, booze, exotic places, easy work and no parents, and most of all, men.  She had just turned sixteen and had gotten a ticket to wherever she wanted to go from her Uncle Jim who said he would chaperone if her parents thought she needed one.They said yes. So she and Uncle Jim, who was in his forties, had their heads together pouring through the atlas trying to decide which country they...

2 years ago
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The Footist

THE FOOTIST by bound bob 2005 Lines of my sexual development blur. What came first my submissive sexualtendencies or my fetishes? It's like asking the chicken or the egg question.I'm sure my silk and satin fetish has always been with me. My submission? I'mnot sure when that happened. The leather fetish I think came after my Dommefetish. Stocking fetish, who knows but they look great on leather clad Dommes.I don't have a foot fetish but now I always look at a woman's feet. I blamemy wife for...

2 years ago
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10th GradeChapter 38

We all teed off the next day from the white tees, even Mama. I was sure the extra yardage would have a big effect on her scoring, but it didn't seem to have any effect at all. She finished up at one over, beating Uncle Bunny, dad and I. I only won one hundred from dad and two hundred from Uncle Bunny. It hurt having to pay it all to Mama. I had shot an eighty seven, but it was a forty on the front and a forty seven on the back. The back nine score had caused me to tie my bet with Uncle Bunny...

1 year ago
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Debonair Blog! Damn! I actually thought that the page that I entered on was some sort of a sales page for bitches and mobile phones! Turns out, it's not. It is a blog site that covers Indian sex scandals. How about them apples? Turns out, India has so many people over there that they have constant sex scandals and they have material to go around for years. Crazy, huh? The reason why I thought that the site is about phones is that the scandals that they cover have to do with...

Indian Porn Sites
3 years ago
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The Parking Lot

Driving past the church parking lot always made me smile. Not because I had some great connection with the Lord. No, it made me smile because it was the best spot for phone sex that I had found thus far. Yes, you heard me, phone sex. My lover and I often took advantage of the heat of the moment while I was driving, and in order to give him my full attention, parking was necessary. I often parked in this secluded church parking lot. Now, driving past it, my pussy began to ache. Literally throb...

4 years ago
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Androids of Evergreen pt1

Thomas Evergreen sat alone in his little corner of the world. He lived on a hundred acres of land, uninhabited except for him. He was an only child, never married, and never had any children. His parents had passed away years ago and he had no other relatives, except for a few distant ones that he shunned. They were only after his parent’s wealth after all. The mansion and property were worth millions upon millions to the right buyer or inheritor. At 42 years old, Tom wasn’t likely to have...

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