Prodigal Father
- 4 years ago
- 20
- 0
During what had become a Saturday tradition. The four men met once again for their weekly poker game at Bart’s saloon. Pete Quigley and Joshua Anderson were in their reserved seats against the wall. The other two places were occupied by Mayor Dan Coleman and Doctor Stone, the fourth regular member.
The game was a friendly one. Table stakes and a $5.00 limit. Professional gamblers couldn’t be bothered at this level. But if they had been, they would have been surprised at the expertise of the players. All four were experts, and these meetings were more an exercise of ability than financial profit. Cash was considered a way to keep score rather than a path to riches.
While the game was a regular event, and these four players were usually in attendance, from time to time, others had been invited to the game. Normally once or twice. But never on a regular basis. And these players were generally well known to the other four. Strangers were suspect and seldom granted admission.
Today’s game had started in a discussion of the protection racket bandits. The Powell brothers had been released to an Arizona Ranger and his driver. When last seen, they were in a prison wagon rolling slowly out of town. Screaming insults at any and all about their treatment in Pete Quigley’s jail and how their friends would be coming to punish Wilkins.
This had been on Wednesday when Colonel Anderson was dispatching his teams west. On Friday, word came from Flagstaff that the Powell brothers had arrived and in record time been executed. The word was that the townspeople were greatly amused at the pink dresses they arrived in. So amused that they were hung in those same clothes.
Play had been going on for about an hour when a stranger walked into the bar. This immediately attracted the attention of several people. Sheriff Quigley and Colonel Anderson almost simultaneously assessed the risk factors and, based on his appearance and demeanor, had placed the stranger on a non-dangerous but watch level. They remained alert but unalarmed.
Bart, the bartender and owner, looked at the stranger from a different viewpoint. Bart’s interest was purely financial. He evaluated that the stranger probably had more money than he really should. And started thinking of ways to separate him from that wealth.
Maybelle and Julieann, the two ladies that considered Bart’s as their personal hunting ground, also evaluated the stranger’s economic position. They also evaluated his demeanor. Each of them had misjudged in the past, to their painful regret. Along with the Sheriff and the Colonel’s assessment, they didn’t consider him as a threat.
Several other customers also evaluated him. While they didn’t see him as a threat to themselves, they reserved judgment as to the possible danger to Colonel Anderson. They kept him under close observation.
Before Maybelle or Julieann could decide which of them would strike first, the stranger looked around the bar, and his attention zeroed in on the card players. He walked up to the table. Unaware that as he approached, at least four pistols were loosened in their holsters. The stranger was oblivious to the physical danger he was in.
“Colonel Anderson?” he asked.
Joshua looked up at the stranger and answered. “Yes, sir? is there something I can do for you?” those pistols previously mentioned were now half drawn from their holsters.
“Eugene Herrington of the overland stage company, Sir.” he handed a card to the Colonel. While the tension in the room lessened, it didn’t go away completely.
Colonel Anderson reached up with his left hand and took the card. He examined it closely. “Mr. Herrington, what can I do for the regional security director of the Overland Stage Company?” the various watchers of this drama started to relax.
“Well, sir, is there somewhere we could speak in private?”
“No, I think not. Pull up a chair, Mr. Herrington. Do you play poker, perhaps?”
“Not very well, sir. But the subject I need to speak to you about is confidential. I don’t know these other gentlemen. Can they be trusted?”
“Mr. Herrington, you are looking at the Sheriff, Mayor and Physician of this humble town. They are also my friends. I trust them with all but the most sensitive of secrets. At least within reason. No, Pete, I’m not going to tell you what I’m holding.”
Sheriff Quigley grinned. “I already figured it out, Colonel. You’re bluffing, I call.”
Joshua smiled and laid his cards down. “Sorry, Pete, full house.” and started collecting the pot.
The Mayor broke in “Mr. Herrington it’s a $50.00 buy-in. Table stakes and a $5.00 limit.” as Herrington reached into his jacket and pulled out his wallet. He pulled several bills from it.
Mayor Coleman spoke up, “You got coins, sir? It’s not that we don’t trust those paper bills. But solid silver and gold speak louder than mere paper.”
“Of course, I hope I have the correct amount,” Herrington said. He reached into his vest pocket and pulled out a well-worn leather poke. From that, he pulled three double eagles. “Would $60.00 be satisfactory?”
dear to whomsoever it may concern: hello, hey, hi, … hello. hey. hi. how are you all doing among yourselves, huh? & you know like say, or how you say like since that being of the last time that i myself was upon this one particular social-media website-address being of a pornographic nature, I do sincerely hope that those persons being among yourselves being of whom are of whatsoever races, &/or likewise from whatsoever walks of life, factions of society, or lifestyle preferences,...
As the plane taxied to a stop beside the terminal, I asked myself if I could go through with everything. It had been four months since I had left this wretched place, my hometown, with memories happy and sad, a guilty heart and, unknowingly at that time, with a son inside me. There was nothing to regret my life here, I thought sadly as I picked up my handbag and walked to the door, except for two nights that had forever changed my life. And, in my darkest moment of despair, I wished for a...
In the years since Colonel Anderson’s riders arrived, many changes have happened in and around Wilkins. Small farms and ranches started popped up all over the territory. In Wilkins itself, dozens of new shops and businesses opened up. Some were family oriented such as the candy store and ice cream emporium. Expensive treats to be enjoyed by all. Some were much-needed services such as the laundry, which had been opened by a Mexican widow of advanced age. At first, she handled all of the...
“Sheriff better come quick. They’re coming.” The Sheriff looked questioningly at the Doc. “Go ahead, Pete. There’s nothing you can do for them. As soon as I can, I’ll be over to look at the boy.” “Ok, Doc, but you know these folks will want some answers. Is there anything I can tell them?” “Tell them that the young lady is alive and not likely to die. Both of the women are in shock. I don’t have anything else until I can talk to them. The boy I don’t know. Won’t know until I can look him...
After leaving Wilkins, Lt. Hobson rode next to Colonel Anderson. “Sir, I didn’t want to bring this up. In front of the civilians but we have already cut their trail. They did indeed head north out of town. But about 5 miles out, they tried to hide their tracks. From there, they turned due east and headed out at a gallop. When they turned south, our trackers broke off. Except for one rider. He will keep to their trail. I have a bad feeling that they may be headed for Mexico. We would play hell...
Sun Hair leading his other horse sped from town. He knew the general direction that the attackers had taken from Wilkins and soon found their trail. Five riders at a fast gallop were easy to spot. Sun Hair rode as fast as he could without caring too much about his mount. He planned to ride as hard as possible and catch up to the group. He would then switch mounts and let the winded horse loose. He knew that he held that advantage on the group. They had no remounts. Thirty minutes into the...
Two years later The heatwave shimmered, disguising the dust cloud of the approaching seven riders. They were dressed identically. Canvas dusters and black cavalry slouch hats. When they had gotten to about 100 yards from the farmstead, they slowed their horses to a walk. The farm was the usual arraignment, a house probably three rooms. An outhouse for the obvious reasons. A root cellar and a barn. The barn was easily the largest and most important structure on the farm. Two stories and...
While the prisoners were being placed in their cells, Sheriff Quigley’s problem with the Wilkins lady’s society was continuing. Mrs. Macvley and her gaggle of squawking geese, joined by the newly reformed Clinton Elsworth. The self-styled religious leader of Wilkins. Had burst into the Sheriff’s office and were loudly demanding that Sheriff Quigley agree to their demands. Mostly those demands were spur of the moment offenses to the sensibilities of the ladies. Mainly that the prisoners had...
When Colonel Anderson returned to the Hacienda, an officer’s call was sounded. The assembled officers met in the Regimental dining hall. This was the only space large enough to hold the officers’ corps. As Joshua entered, Sergeant Major Young called out. “Gentlemen, the Colonel.” everyone in the room rose and faced towards the door. Without a word, Joshua walked to the front of the room and took his position behind the podium. “At ease, Gentlemen.” there was a rustle from the waiting crowd...
As Colonel Anderson stepped into the room, everyone rose. “Be seated, Gentlemen. I called this meeting because we have been offered a proposal from the Overland Stage Company. They are having some problems west of here in the Carson City to Reno area. Stages and freight wagons have been robbed. And relay stations have been raided and destroyed. The current death toll is 15 employees and civilians. It wasn’t mentioned, but I suspect that farms and ranches in the area have also been raided....
“Sergeant of the guard. Tower reporting two riders and a carriage coming in.” Sergeant Albert Pullman came up the stairs from the guard-room below. “Whereabouts, Snyder?” “On the main road sarge. Coming in slow. Two outriders and two more in the carriage.” Pullman had his field glasses up and looking in that direction. “Got them.” he watched for about five minutes, then exclaimed. “Oh, cripes. Do you know who that is? that’s Clara Jackson, Obie Jackson’s wife.” Pullman ran from the...
At 8:00 am, Eugene’s typical morning started. As he walked by the hotel dining room. A familiar voice called out. “Mr. Herrington. Please join me.” Seated at a table near the door was Joshua Anderson. From all reports, he had received, this man commanded a paramilitary group larger and more powerful than the armies of some small countries. His research of Joshua Anderson proved that the rank of Colonel was deserved. He had served with distinction and courage in the Maryland cavalry during the...
A rider was approaching at full gallop. The dust could be seen for miles. As he got to the sentry at the entrance, he didn’t even slow down. The sentry did nothing. He recognized the leader of his gang. He also recognized that Bob was mad. Madder that he had seen him in a long time. Bob Pritchert had led this group for over a year. Most of that time had been in the south. But the pressure from the Mexican law had convinced him to return to his original stomping grounds. The Washoe County in...
Sun Hair motioned for Sergeant Jefferson’s attention. “Sergeant, we’ve got company.” and motioned over to the southwest. About 2 miles away on the top of a rise was a group of Indians. Their face paint stood out even at this distance. “Yeah, I spotted them about the same time. Think it’s a war party?” “They look like Paiute, Sergeant, probably a hunting party.” “What makes you say that Sun Hair?” “If they were a war party, they wouldn’t be making themselves obvious to us. They would be...
Jeff Huffman was thinking about his lunch. Trying to decide if the 2 bit beer and sandwich deal at the saloon was better than the 6 bit steak at the diner. He had decided that pastrami and rye plus a bucket of suds was better than a tough, overcooked beefsteak. When the bell over the door announced a customer. “Yes, sir, can I help you?” “I need to send a telegraph to Wilkins, Nevada.” The newcomer was a medium height, well-built man. While his clothes were dusty, they were made of...
Paco was dozing in the back seat of Clara Jackson’s buggy. He would have preferred to join her in the church. As a Catholic, he enjoyed going to mass with his mother and sisters. But the Protestant church that Clara belonged to preferred that the Mexican members of the community celebrate the lord at other locations. Paco was ok with this. He was well experienced with the local prejudices. But it would have been nice to sit in the cool interior of the church while waiting for Dona...
Paco was nervous. He was almost panic-stricken. If it hadn’t had been for Pablo, he probably would have bolted and ran. Pablo talked to him, reassuringly. Telling him that everything would be alright. That people were watching them the whole way and that if something went wrong, they would come to their rescue. This was of some comfort to Paco. But he was still afraid. As they approached the meeting place, Pablo took charge and firmly told Paco what to do next. As they rounded a corner, Ed...
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The room was stark and bleak, yet the air seemed warm. A little too warm it seemed for the the absence of anything resembling a source of the heat. The floor boards were raw, unstained, and looked like they had been fervently scrubbed many times over. Alone in the middle of the room was a large bed with four rusty bed posts. The girl was still shaking from the scalding bath she had just endured from the cold blank elderly blind women. After the searing bath she had been lead naked to this room...
Erotic FictionHello friends, this is Raj back with new experience of mine… This is with one of the online friend whom I met after she approached me by reading my story Thanks for the comments on previous experiences and also to all the ladies who showed up interest in making lover and secret relationship. I appreciate your love . Do keep showering your love @ Well I will start with this story hope you like it. Her name is pooja.. Looks decent but very naughty.. She likes to wear indian traditional clothes...
Alex went back to fetch Linda. She was looking forward to this; Linda would be hers to train initially. She always trained the cows to start with. Master gave her pretty much a free hand on how she would do it as long as the result was to his satisfaction. Alex stopped in front of Linda and in a low hissing voice said. "Now you little cow you belong to me and it is time to start your training" "Yes Mistress." Linda didn't like the idea and Alex scared her but there was nothing she...
"Harold, get in here right now, I haven't got all day," Miranda Davis snapped as she sat in front of her dressing table while preparing to go out for the evening with several of her female friends, "do you hear me, you insignificant piece of crap, I said get your ass in here!!!" Harold Davis hurriedly put down the load of dirty clothes he was carrying to the laundry room and entered his wife's dressing room with his head hung low and a worried look on his face as his wife of twenty two years...
Fetish“I heard someone scream, is everything alright?” Jan stood at the edge of the pool looking down at us. “Should we let her in on our fun?” Joel whispered into my ear, as he continued to slowly pump in and out of my wet pussy. I looked over at Jan and shook my head. I was really enjoying him fucking me without her knowing. “Maybe another time” He lifted me slowly of his still throbbing cock. I protested a little by locking my thighs around his waist. He raised an eyebrow at my action, but still...
You enter to find me sprawled on the couch, right hand massaging my left nipple, left hand buried as deep as possible into my pussy. I watch you as you enter and begin to unburden yourself. And as you watch me, I start to get more excited. Eyes filled with desire, you come towards me. You stand over me for a second, letting your gaze trail from my heavy eyelids and longing expression, to my hand playing with my breast, down to my shaved pussy full of fingers, and lastly to my spread legs, clad...
Moria stood on Luke's front porch and rang the door bell, he was her first stop, he'd won out over her house as the first place she'd stop. She'd been away for a month and it seemed like a lifetime since she'd been here and she couldn't wait to see him, they'd talked everyday until last week when he said he'd be taking a trip but assured her he'd be back when she was. Luke's mother came to the door and her smile matched Moria's, but Moria's was for Luke. "Hey Mrs. Duffy is Luke...
For a number of years now my wife Sarah and I have employed a cleaner, just four hours a week to blitz through the major PIA chores like changing the bedding and so forth. Unfortunately, all bar one, Amy, who was stunning but sadly way before we had began to introduce others into our sex lives, have been very un fanciable, including our current one, Julie. She has just turned 60, stands about 5 ft 2, which makes the fact she is a little overweight look like she is chubby, with mousy brown hair,...
I was on a business trip. Alone, wife at home.On the second night I was feeling really horny.But I did not want to go out and get just a hooker; I wanted something different this time. I decided I could taste a hot ass girl with a huge cock. A she male babe…That night I was wishing to service a nice hard and big cock.On the third gay bar I went, I just found what I wanted.She was Latino, nice sensual face, big tits, a couple of killer legs and most important thing, she said her cock was very,...
220 A HEREDITARY PAIN SLUT. [d] They took a long cool drink apiece and it refreshed them enough, to by mutual consent restart the video, Tim removing his clothing and taking his place to the left of his wife on the floor their feet facing he screen, as Binky pressed the remote. The dripping sex continued it dripping if only for a frame or two, then the picture moved on to Lady Penny, looping a string around the black scrotum and leading the lad and the procession of folk into the house and...
AT SABA IBN FADLAN'S Carol, Carol's mom and Aunt Sonya followed Mrs Aziz and Saba into what looked like an operating theatre, still covered in black from head-to-toe. This was a room where Saba and her Arab Muslim sisters had performed female circumcision on young Muslim girls coming from all over America, without the US government ever knowing about it. To Carol, mom and Aunt Sonya, this was a crime against women. "Oh no!!" panicked Aunt Sonya, already knowing what this room is. "Be...
He thought it would be just another domination session. His wife was the true master of the house, and she always wanted to experiment, especially to find new ways to punish him. And he enjoyed every minute of it. She would verbally abuse him whenever they decided to have sex (and that was always her decision). She would find new creative ways to torture him mentally and tease him until he would climax in a splash of orgasmic pleasure. But he never counted on his wife bringing home another man,...
Carol expected to hear screaming and yelling when she returned to the house. Instead she heard only silence. She checked out by the pool, but the pool area was vacant, so she walked toward the kid's wing of the house. As she neared Darla's bedroom, she could hear her sobbing. The girl was lying on her bed curled up in the fetal position and crying as hard as Carol had ever seen her cry. She sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her daughter into her arms. Darla clung to her like Carol was...
CHAPTER 1 Mandy Jack had another of those useless thoughts: Why had she given up smoking? For health reasons you useless dope, she sniffed, waiting for coffee. She wished she could have thought useless slut but a guy hadn’t popped her for close to a month and so the word slut was inappropriate. Also why give yourself a bad name? God she was bored. She hadn’t found work since returning home fifteen months ago. No sex was a worry. What was happening? Had she lost her sex appeal overnight or...