Confessions Of A Fashion Witch
- 3 years ago
- 39
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It had been so long since I left the human world. After twenty years, I decided to join my old alumni, taking on the identity of an absent student using a charm spell. Boy, it was such a rush. You see, I never actually graduated from school. I left school when I was 14 or 15. Had a big fight with my father too because of that.
Anyway, everything was different from what I could remember. The school that I used to study at was larger after twenty years, taking in the surrounding lands that used to be residential land. Where it was once only a high school, now it also included elementary and college diploma studies. Truly amazing how much change twenty years could have.
That day, I was studying quietly in one of the classes. Apparently, this girl I was impersonating was the class monitor in charge of high school Year 4, Class 2. Good job, girl. I was a class monitor too back in my day, but I couldn’t remember much about what I did back then. I recalled sleeping in class a lot, though.
It turned out that the teacher for the last class was absent so the class would be taken over by one of the senior teachers who was free. During one of the classes in the middle of the day, I asked to be excused as I had been holding my piss in for hours. The teacher looked relieved for some reason. Strange, my old teachers from twenty years ago would’ve told me to finish my business quickly.
So I went out and damn, had everything changed! Some of the old buildings still stood where they were, but they had completely reworked the walkways and redecorated the bushes. This sucked. So being the awesome witch that I was, I flew over to the other side of the tall bushes, expecting a toilet on the other side. But nope, it was another building full of classrooms.
Some of the students saw me and whispered to another friend. That friend also whispered to another friend. I didn’t care much and just walked around. Witches were not a new occurence. Back when I was in school, there were even a few of the witches and mages around. They were adored. One of my former school teachers was one and it was from her that I learned magic.
When she quit her job, I quit school and went with her. We went deep into the mountains and from there, gated into another world. A world of magic and fantasy, where your survival depended only on your own strength. When my teacher passed away, I thought that was enough travelling. I came home, being one who could already be counted as the ace of aces, the greatest witch in the world, if such a title existed.
I finally found the toilet. It was amazing how I had to walk this far just to go to the toilet. I wondered who designed these new buildings?
I got lost again when I wanted to return to class. Seriously, who designed these new buildings? So confusing!
I came across Tahira, the girl who sat next to me in class. I called out to her. She asked me what I was doing and I told her I was in the toilet. She told me how she couldn’t believe I would take so long finding the toilet.
It was not my fault, okay. The school was confusing.
So I followed her back to the classroom. As I sat back on my seat, I noticed the piercing glare of the substitute teacher of the last class. He looked at me as if trying to pierce through me for some reason. It was a strange feeling.
He handed the class a sheet of paper, telling us we were doing a little quiz. Oh how I loved quizzes back in my day. I recall this part about my old school life. So they still do this, huh? I thought.
The moment I touched the paper, it shone brightly. The light was so blinding, it seemed to illuminate the entire classroom. That was unexpected. It must’ve been a special paper that took in my magic and turned it into light. Amazing how technology progressed after twenty years.
When the paper was wrenched away from me, it slowly lost its light and everyone in the class looked at me with eyes of shock. Even Tahira couldn’t keep her mouth closed.
_Yeah, you caught me, I’m a witch. That’s right, the one and only, the most amazing witch in the world. Be amazed.
You can all applaude now, tell me how much you want to learn magic from me.
Anytime now.
Now maybe?
Contrary to my expectations, everyone had a look of fear on their faces. I couldn’t understand why. Why were they afraid? Witches weren’t something new, they’ve been around for millenias, but it was only recently that they made their presence public.
There were whispers of “A monster”, “She’s a monster, right?” and “Shouldn’t we contact...”
Something was definitely wrong. At that time, I knew that I had overextended my welcome. Turning to Tahira, I said, “Sorry about this. I guess it’s time for me to go.”
I cast the spell of invisibility, to the audible gasp of everyone in class. All of them had moved closer to the doors by now. When they saw the chair moving back without anything touching it, they scampered out of the classroom, trampling on each other. That left only me, Tahira and that substitute teacher.
Tahira mouthed a word towards my invisible self, which I assumed to be, “Run.”
So I ran. Left everything behind, even my first school bag in twenty years. I just ran. Where tall bushes or walls became obstacles, I flew past it. Still invisible, I ran out through the school’s wide open front gate.
I ran a few more kilometres away from the school. Only when I was far enough away did I stop to catch my breath and with it, my invisibility was dispelled. I had forgotten about my invisibility spell. It was not a problem even if I wanted to keep the invisibility spell on for several days. It had been years since I was bothered by the amount of mana spent on maintaining invisibility. It wasn’t the lack of mana that removed my invisibility, it was the shock of being feared.
I couldn’t understand. Back in my day at school, mages were revered. I even asked my teacher to show us some of her magic after class. In school assemblies, some of the teachers even performed magic to keep us awake. How come now people look at me with fear?
I walked aimlessly like this for hours. Only noticing my surroundings when everything around me became quiet. I looked around and for some reason, everyone was looking at me with eyes full of fear. Some were whispering among each other. I was confused until I saw my face on the TV.
“Doppelganger #2884. Wanted alive. Known powers include invisibility, charm and flight. Contact COCOM if you have any information.”
Doppelganger #2884? Me? I’m not a doppelganger! I’m a witch! I screamed inside, but that was no longer the point. The point was, I was a wanted person. Why? I asked myself. Witches were respected when I left. Even I was a respected witch in the other world, young as I was. Had things changed so much since twenty years ago?
I looked around trying to find a way to escape, but there was none. It would be impossible for me to slip through the tight crowd, especially since everyone’s eyes were on me. So I jumped to the sky, activated invisibility and flew away. It was too bad that my mastery over flight skill was very low, allowing me to only drift slowly instead of rushing through the air, but there was no other way. I had to escape before they call whoever they were supposed to call.
My feet touched down far from that crowd in front of an old clothing store. I recalled this store. When I was younger, my parents would take me here to shop for clothes. It was one of the few memories I could still recall clearly.
That’s right. I should go home! Mom and dad is surely there. They won’t be afraid of me. They won’t call whoever COCOM is supposed to be. They will certainly welcome me home!
And so I ran again, back to the old neighbourhood near the school. Back to the rows of old terraced houses where I once lived. I knocked on the door, with no response. I called mom and dad as I knocked again. When I was younger, both would be out at work at around this time, but they should both be retired now. I hoped they weren’t on a vacation somewhere. Or moved somewhere. I was this time that I wished I didn’t lose my keys during the battle against that mad god.
The front door to the house next door opened while I was knocking on my front door. This neighbour was unfamiliar to me. Maybe she moved in after I was gone. Twenty years is a long time after all.
“Are you the daughter of the Arkans?” she asked.
“Yes, can you tell me where they are?”
“I’m sorry. I’m sure this is going to be hard for you to take in, but they both died six years ago. This house had been unoccupied since then.” she said before she went back into her home and coming out with a key.
She handed me the key and went back into her home. It was the key to my home. I didn’t know how she got it, but didn’t care.
I grabbed the key so hard that it felt like the keys dug into my palm. With the key at my chest, my tears fell, one after another. I was a fool. The last thing I could recall of my father was how we argued over my decision to quit school and learn magic from my teacher. My last memory of mother was making her cry. I always thought if things didn’t work out, I could always return home.
I turned the key and pushed open the front door. It was a familiar guesthall. Cobwebs covered the ceiling and furniture, but everything was pretty much the way I had left it. The old CRT TV, so retro even when I was a child was still there. My father’s old radio which played cassettes in the age of MP3s were still there on the cupboard. I repeatedly told him to sell it because he had not used it at all, but he always refused. He told me that radio was how he met my mother.
I looked at the walls, where the framed certificates of excellence from my school years were hung. At the corner was a glass display case, where trophies from my school days were displayed. I was such a great student back then.
Ah, why is my face so wet?
A name on one of the trophies caught my eye. Aya, poet of the year. That’s right. There’s still Aya, my little sister!
I ran up the staircase two at a time. Running through the hallway of the second floor, I stopped in front of a door with ‘Aya’ written on the plaque that hung in front of the door. I opened the door with what must’ve been a smiling face, full of hope.
“Aya, I’m ba-”
There was nothing there in the room. The little wooden bed where I used to read fairytales to her before sleep was now dull and broken. The glass window had a hole in it, the culprit of which I traced to a baseball on the corner. The vanity she inherited from mother was covered in cobwebs. I opened her dresser and saw nothing in there. Not even a single piece of old clothes.
My steps were heavy as I left her room, barely recalling to close it behind me out of ... I don’t know ... Was it out of respect? Habit? Disappointment? Maybe all of them? It didn’t matter. She wasn’t there. She hadn’t been there for years.
I opened the door to my room, which was right in front of hers. It was certainly my room. The vanity that I insisted my father to buy when I turned 14 was still there. There was the old computer I used to play games on which was outdated even back when I was still in school. The bed I used to sleep in at night was tidy, just like the day I left it. The closet even still had my clothes. Nothing had changed. Everything was exactly the way it was when I left it. Did my parents leave it that way, hoping for all these years that I would come home?
How long did they wait? How long did they keep their hopes up? Did they ever thought that I wouldn’t be coming home at all?
My hands stopped right before I touched the doorknob of the door that separated their bedroom from the hallway. Could I handle this? I was afraid. I was deathly afraid. Even now, in my mind’s eye, memories ran through my head. Of how I used to sleep with them when I was a child, afraid of the dark, afraid of thunder, afraid even of the shadows the tree outside my window cast that made father cut it down when I was twelve. I recalled mother’s gentle smile as she hugged me with love and affection only a mother could offer. I recalled father’s stern and firm ways, who would scold me for the slightest mistakes, but always helped me silently, in ways not so obvious from a glance.
Then I recalled Aya, my dear little sister who was only 6 when I left. How she would call me big sister. How she would ask me to play with her, which I always tried to find my way out of. When my friends came to play, she also wanted to be there, and I always told her to leave. How I wish I could turn back time. Perhaps if I had studied more instead of having fun for this past twenty years, I would’ve found a way to turn back time. To return to that time in the past and stop myself from leaving.
I didn’t remember when, but my legs eventually went out. I sat on the floor, my back against the wall, sobbing by myself. I couldn’t even dare myself to open my parents’ bedroom. I couldn’t dare to see for myself if they were truly gone. I was nothing more than a coward. In my mind, I could only say, “I’m sorry” repeatedly, for who knows how long.
What is left for me now?
Empty. Everything here is empty. No father. No mother. No Aya. Nothing.
Eventually I noticed the ringing of the front door bell. It was an old bell, antique even. Instead of running on electricity, it was mechanical in nature. So even in the darkness of my house, I could still hear it.
I stood up with unsteady feet. Dragging my feet down the staircase, I walked to the front door without any urge to hurry. I didn’t even look through the peephole, not caring that my face was red from crying when I opened the front door. Standing in front of me was a man in his late 30s wearing a business suit. His dark hair looked reddish under the light of the evening sun.
“Good evening. My name is Michael Hart. May I ask if you are Charlotte Arkan?” he said with a smile which for some reason, I felt somewhat unnerving.
“Yes, what is it?” I asked. It couldn’t be a debt collector, could it?
“I am a staff of COCOM, here is my card,” he said as he brought out a fancy business card.
I took the card. COCOM sounded familiar, but I couldn’t recall what it was with the shock I had just received. Looking at the card, I could see the words Michael Hart, Troubleshooter, Department of Monster Classification, Organisation for the Command & Control of Monsters.
Wait, monster?
Suddenly I remembered. That wanted ad, to call COCOM if they saw me. Do COCOM arrest monsters? Am I a monster?
He smiled as he said, “Please follow me. If you do not try to fight, I can assure you, you will not be harmed. However, in case you want to escape, I must assure you that we have evacuated this neighbourhood and you are currently surrounded by elite enforcers of COCOM. Attempting to escape will be quite unpleasant. For you, that is. Me, it’s just another batch of paperwork.”
His smile never left his face this whole time. Not even once did his smile slip. As he kept smiling, he walked past me into the house before placing a black briefcase on the shoe rack. He opened the briefcase and inside it was a silvery metallic circle. It was ornately carved with symbols, some of which I understood as arcane symbols while the rest were foreign to me.
He took out the silvery circlet thing and pressed a button, opening it into half-circles around some kind of hinge in front. “Now turn around and raise your hair. I can assure you this is in no way painful. Though there may be some discomfort.”
Wait, is that a collar? Is he telling me he’s going to put a collar on me? I’m not a dog!
“I can see that you are quite shocked. No need to worry. This collar will not kill you. It will only remove your powers and return you to your true form, whatever that may be.”
I stepped away from him. The smile that was only a mild unpleasantness before this suddenly felt oppressing. That smile, made seemingly carelessly felt nauseating, scary and threatening. It felt as if I would be killed if I didn’t let him put that collar around my neck.
I, a great witch who once slew dragons, overturn mountains and consorted with gods, were afraid of this man in a business suit. How could that be?
“Don’t be afraid,” he said with a smile, “This will not hurt you one bit.”
His voice was strangely hypnotic. Had it been anyone else, he probably would’ve gotten his way. But I was a great witch. How could I ever be taken in by that hypnotic voice? I have withstood far worst.
Yet at that time, it felt like he was the greatest threat I have ever encountered. None others from my past could ever compare. Not the flame dragon Rakthul. Not the mad god Allurien. Not the evil sage Amarillis.
I have to admit, I was terrified of this man, Michael Hart.
I ran again, smashing through the front door of my house. I applied every enhancement magic I could recall, trying to escape from this man. I was scared, for some reason, something about this man terrified me more than a mad god.
But before I could take another step outside of the house, I received a sudden strong impact on my left breast. It was a bullet. A very large bullet, probably the same kind used in anti-tank rifles. I looked at the place it hit, imagining how it must’ve at least broken a few ribs considering how painful it felt despite my personal shield.
But there was no time to think. I had to escape. So I ran again, casting an additional barrier from the direction the previous bullet came from. But this time, not only did the barrier was attacked, more bullets came from three different angles. I was barely able to avoid them.
So I kept running. What choice did I have? There was no time to think. No braincells to spare. Even with my physical enhancements, mana shield and barrier spell, many of their bullets still hit me. I hadn’t even run for 200 metres before one of the bullets flew through the gap in my barrier, broke through my mana shield and hit me straight in the heart.
I fell on the road, coughing blood. My wounds bled the red liquid that sustained my life as it spilled on the asphalt road. The very same road I used to run around as a child. The very same road where I greeted my friends on my way to school. The very same road I used to chase my father’s car as he went to work in my kindergarten days.
Now I was lying on this road on my back, in a pool made of my own blood.
“You shouldn’t have run. This is what happens when you run. Seriously, you monsters just can’t see reason. Sometimes I wonder if you even have a brain. Maybe that thing up top is just decoration. Well, doesn’t matter. Even dead your body can be a good research material,” the man said as he stood above my head.
Hearing his words, any thoughts of dying disappeared. As I struggled to push my body up, I told him, “Not die ... not die ... here ... not you...” I said, barely coherent in my voice and mind.
“Oh? Still has strength, huh?” he said as he took out a gun from his coat pocket. “Guess I’ll just give you the final blow, then.”
“AHHHHHHH!!!” I screamed, releasing a great blast of mana as a fiery explosion. The explosion expanded, encompassing a large area that even swallowed my old home. No doubt even that man, Michael Hart was caught in the explosion. Nothing could’ve escaped the destruction.
Nothing except for me. For I had cast both invisibility and phasing spell on myself, which shifted my invisible body to another dimension. In effect, both spells made me invisible to the naked eye and invulnerable to any weapon of this world. I should’ve done this from the start. I guess my fear of that man stripped me of all reasoning.
As the smoke cleared, I heard footsteps approaching.
Then I heard that man’s voice, clear as day.
“Spread out. Find out where she ran off to. She’s still alive. This is nothing more than diversion.”
How could he have escaped the explosion? He was right next to me! He couldn’t have enough time to escape.
As many thoughts raced inside my head, I slowly healed my body. Despite releasing a large amount just now, I still had some mana, barely enough to maintain invisibility and phasing. Healing my body would be stretching it further, but I had no other choice. Even if I had to crawl away, I had to escape from this man who was strangely coming closer to the center of the crater.
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I wrote this story four years ago and posted it on a BBS I was a member of. You may archive this story, or repost it for provided do not realize profit by doing so, provided you do not change the story and provided that you do not claim credit for the story. This story is intended for the entertainment of adults who enjoy stories involving sex, romance and a touch of the kinky. If you do not enjoy these stories, are underage or are in a jurisdiction where such things are not legal,...
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Copyright 2001 swl all rights reserved except: 1. Permission is given to Fictionmania to post this story. 2. As these characters are real people, permission is given to them to use any of us in their own story with the same veto restrictions that I gave each person; weather or not this is a continuation of this story. 3. Permission is given to a reader to download one copy for personal use. Included in this copyright is Fictionmania's copyright of the Hyperboard. The Hyperboard...
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Carly The Naughty Smoking Witch "Do you mind not doing that please?" This young woman said as Carly smoked her cigarette. Carly was not impressed but simply glared at the young woman as she took another drag. The woman was a 29 year old solicitor, slim, with long straight brown hair and she looked good for her age. She was well dressed in a business suit which matched her top and short skirt, it showed off her figure well. Her name was Sarah but Carly just looked at her and then...
*This story is based on the above picture by XenaStorm from DeviantArt. Credit for the image goes to her: Jack was walking home from the gym after an amazing workout. Although most people tend to work out earlier in the day, Jack much preferred to exercise later because he loved the nighttime and the feeling of the brisk, cool air against his skin. Little did he know, he’d really be feeling that air against his skin in just a...
"She's a witch!" I could see disbelief in her eyes and the faintest trace of a smile on her lips. "No, I really mean it, a real witch with spells, magic potions and everything." I was describing my new love interest to Carla, my best friend. I know that it is unusual for a man to have a woman as his best friend but it had been that way for as long as I could remember. We were more than friends. In high school we had been lovers. When we were 15, she was my first and I had been hers....
The summer of 1987 was stinking hot. I was kind of down on my luck as far as women went. Not that I really cared, I was working really hard, but my nosy good friend, Ken, was concerned about my "lack o' love" as he called it. Actually, it was all Ken's wife, Jessica's, doing really. Ken and Jessica reckoned I had gone too long between girlfriends and was taking my work too seriously. It's true I was drinking pretty hard and smoking too much. Probably jerking off too much as well to make up for...
‘Mummy, let’s go.’ The kids were getting restless. As much as they had enjoyed the party at Sharon’s house, they were looking forward to the trick or treat bit. Sharon smiled somewhat exasperated. I suppose she was happy that her contribution to the day was coming to a close now also. It had been a long day already, a long week for that matter. Halloween was an imported holiday I still couldn’t relate to properly, but of course the kids loved it. It had been not been easy to make a proper...
by Graeme McGregor (c) Widow Irene Daniels’ two children lived in other countries. She appeared happy but would awake most nights and weep. No one knew of her deep loneliness and she was determined to keep it that way. Now she was crying in despair, thinking she’d done the wrong thing earlier in the day with a problem better suited for a male to deal with. Irene had suspected the two lazy and disrespectful guys from Ford Construction engaged in converting the front porch of her house into a...
I stood by her door, opened it, strolled in and turned on the light. "Shit, its cold in here, I might freeze my tits off," I muttered, covering my breasts and shivering. "There has got to be a dirty pair around here somewhere. Damn, she has jeans, shirts, pop cans and other shit all over the floor, but no panties?" I whispered, scanning the perimeter. "I can't see any in plain sight, but would it be bitchy to go through her stuff?" Then I glanced down. "Oh, a picture of you in that small blue...
LesbianCaptain America called Scarlet Witch into his office. "You saved the day again, Scarlet! Now please tell me exactly how you saved the life of that Dutch porn star, Lillian de Dong.""Well Captain, as you know Lillian suffered from that rare Hawaiian disease known as lackanooky. How the hell she got that in the Netherlands I have no idea. What with all those horny flight attendants from KLM Royal Dutch Airlines on the loose in the neighborhood looking for a goose This assignment was easy. I just...
The Mother Witch The following story contains graphic scenes of unbirthing, so if that is not your thing, please enjoy my other stories. This story came to me while thinking of the phrase in the first sentence. It was my way of seeing a population as potential sexual mates but with only my permission. Chapter 1 It's an empowering feeling being able to look around a room and choose who I want inside of me. It's not a matter of whether they want to be or not, the answer is...
Warning: This story contains torture, rape, and violence. You have been warned, and so I say, read at your own risk. Also, this is a sequel to "A Warrior Reborn." I suggest you read it before reading this. The Black Wtich Tristan paced the battlefield, his long strides covering twice the distance of most other men. His long, golden locks fluttered in the gentle, wandering breeze. That wind carried with it the evidence of that day's battle - a horrid stench of death and...
My name is Lily Helm. I’m blond, eighteen, well almost in a couple of days that is and very sexy. I intend becoming a model and maybe an actress, or even a porn star, why not, after all I love sex? I lost my virginity at fourteen although I had my first sexual experience a year earlier but it was with another girl. My cousin. Wow! What an experience that was. It was during school holidays while my brother Jason was away camping with his school. My cousin Rachel was on her own, her mother and...
350 years ago: It was a cloudy night along the Atlantic coast in America and not a star could be seen. The full moon however could be seen shining its light through the clouds and casting its pale light to the ground. Under the guise of this fairly dim night, a young girl could be seen scampering from shadow to shadow attempting to not be seen. This girl, a virtual nobody and the youngest daughter of the local corn farmer, was not spotted, luckily for her. For her mission that night was not one...
IncestCaptain America called Scarlet Witch into his office. ‘You saved the day again, Scarlet! Now please tell me exactly how you saved the life of that Dutch porn star, Lillian de Dong.’ ‘Well Captain, as you know Lillian suffered from that rare Hawaiian disease known as lackanooky. How the hell she got that in the Netherlands I have no idea. What with all those horny flight attendants from KLM Royal Dutch Airlines on the loose in the neighborhood looking for a goose This assignment was easy. I...
Alan Connor is just a regular high school student, 1,80cm tall, fairly average in body proportions and looks. In school, he is above average, had a handful of friends, and is overall happy. He used to be a very quiet child, but ever since his puberty started, he became more social - and moody. He gets along well with his friends and most other people, however, for some reason, his relationship to his mother is really bad. His mother, Jill Connor, is a quirky and young woman, with a height of...
MILFThe night grew darker as a cloud drifted across the full moon. Amanda walked through the front door and strolled into the kitchen. She saw her brother, Nick, reading a newspaper, while their mother cleaned the kitchen sink. Nick noticed a dour expression on his little sister's face as she looked down at him. Although Amanda was three years younger than him, she was a few inches taller. It was something that had often embarrassed Nick. Their mother was 5'9," and their father was...
Phone Witch by Jack Andrews original copyright 2001, revised 2008 original edited by Jennifer Stewart =-= The night was filled with erotic energy and promise. Ok, I'm lying: it was a evening alone since my girlfriend had made plans with her girlfriends and my presence was not welcome. I'd already checked out some of the erotica sites that I frequent and didn't see anything new, and I scanned the tube for anything NOT a rerun or a stupid-ass reality show with no luck. I called a couple...
SRU: The New Witch by Chrissy The Wizard carefully placed the last card on the top making the perfect structure when the bell to his door went making him jump and sending the cards scattering everywhere. He quickly bent down muttering under his breath whilst retrieving the cards. His shop was currently in Liverpool, England. It had been a while since he had been back to the British Isle to cause some unusual transformations and he needed to catch up. Gathering most of the...
The door banged behind me and I face into the room that was going to be my home for the next two years. 10x6 feet with two bunks and a bucket for sloops. I wasn't alone however, on one of the bunks was a middle-aged man reading his paper. He didn't acknowledge me though, which didn't bode well. But then after a few minute he put down his paper and looked at me. "What are you in for?" he asked straight out. "Burglary," I replied, "three years. You?" "Manslaughter," he said with a...
The Angry Witch By Anon Allsop The day started out fairly normal for a 16 year old sophomore boy, I noticed Cassie waiting in the lunchroom for classes to start so I wandered over there and sat about ten feet away. At least there I could look at her and not be noticed. I used to lay awake thinking about Cassie, she was so pretty and I was head over heals for her. My friends all thought she was a freak, I would bet that many of them had a crush for her as well, but they...
The day began like any other, nothing out of the ordinary, just an average day, but that was about to change. I went to work that day expecting to be busy, with Easter being that Sunday, so I was ready to do what was needed. There was a new girl there, I introduced myself to her, she said her name was Stephanie. We talked a little throughout the day, weather, work, and whatnot. I’d say that we hit it off. Later that day, while I was on break, she sat at the same table where I was, and she...
Hi all. I have done yet another story even though the responses to my stories have slowed down to 1 or 2 intead of the normal 8 or so. This story is one of my more creative works and is original to say the least. Also I have set it up to be a new universe but I will tell more about that after the story. I hope you enjoy it and please if you liked it let me know, I always reply if you take the time to send me a short msg. Thanks, ROBO --------------------------- PAYBACKS A...
Grant had almost turned tail and headed in the opposite direction when he saw the older woman sprawled in the snow. His fear was based on her identity, this was Constance Perkins the so-called witch. However, his parents had raised him well and he couldn't just leave her there. So he approached and offered assistance. "Help me up. Don't pull, just steady yourself," she said in a pleasant voice as she placed her hands on his forearm.Once on her feet, he assisted in gathering up the contents of...
SupernaturalThe night was filled with erotic energy and promise. Ok, I'm lying: it was a evening alone since my girlfriend had made plans with her girlfriends and my presence was not welcome. I'd already checked out some of the erotica sites that I frequent and didn't see anything new, and I scanned the tube for anything NOT a rerun or a stupid-ass reality show with no luck. I called a couple friends, but they were busy so I decided to make an early call to my favorite phone sex line. This was a great...
There was a clap of thunder and a flash of lightning. The door opened and Trent stepped out of the linen closet and into the hall. He was in the upstairs of the house. The girl's bedroom door was directly across from him. Trent had come to the show Sabrina the Teenage Witch and he was looking for 16 year old Sabrina Spellman. She was to be his latest conquest. No one was a home when he arrived. He had to be careful on this show, Sabrina would have to be entranced quickly. He'd have to take...
The Littlest Witch By Anon Allsop When they told me that the Covington family had volunteered to be my foster family, I was pretty happy, that was until the guys began to tell me about them. It seemed that the family had been around almost as long as the town had, in fact, the original member of the family had been burned at the stake for witchcraft. There were many who still held that belief to heart. The funny thing was that I didn't really have a problem with them, they...
While getting a long weekend off from college, I was invited to a party by my friend, Sam, at his girlfriends' house. I was told to bring somebody, but having no one to bring, I brought beer instead. Sam had just started to date this girl, Lisa, and she was a party a****l. Every weekend it was party time at Lisa's. I arrived a little early since I was bringing the refreshment, and bumped into a tall, olive completed, long black haired, curvy girl who was sporting a cast that ran up to the top...
The Good Witch By Paul G. Jutras Larry loved books on magic and witches especially. He wished he really had magical powers so that he could get what he always wanted most... a female body. As he put down the latest book in a series about boys and girls going to school to learn to be proper witches and warlocks, he let out a sigh. He knew just what he wanted to be for Halloween. As he went back to his book; however, there came a large banging. It was as if a door was suddenly kicked...
To have a witch in your town is a dangerous situation. You cannot let her go. You cannot keep her locked up for long, she’ll find a way to harm you. You cannot risk to have her seduce the wardens, the magistrate, or even the judge — she is a good-looking woman, after all, even now, lying naked on a heap of straw, cold and hungry, dirty and bruised, chained to the dungeon wall. You cannot put her to death, without proof of her guilt. You cannot have proof without her confession. Only pain will...
I had been having a pretty good day up until the point when my car blew up. Lets back up though because my car didn't just decided to blow up, it was blown up, by a witch, who I was hunting, well tracking down, she had unpaid traffic fines. Listen adventuring isn't what it used to be. Let me explain a bit though, my name is Alex, I am an independent contract adventure working for the local DMV in this case. I was supposed to deliver these tickets to a witch who lived out in the forest, pretty...
FantasyI hung around the cottage, watching the players materialize from out of thin air. It was kind of cool and something I hadn't done a lot of recently. I made a mental note to do this more often. And then there she was, an invisible presence, sensed rather than seen. A slight shimmer in the air gave her away, she was newly graduated and her inexperience showed. The shimmering grew stronger and she materialised before me, I whistled my appreciation. "Why thank you kind sir." "You're...
The Witch, Solana One - The Inquisitor Solana stumbled across the Town Square, her wrists tightly bound behind herback with thick rope. It was autumn, but she was barefoot, her feet achingwith cold, her naked arms coarse with goosebumps. In her mouth was a gag, aleather ball between her teeth, secured with a leather strap. H er lips formed a seal around its circumference, her jaws ached. Three guards. Two held her arms: the Sergeant followed. They hurried theirfrightened prisoner towards the...
The old lady was sitting on the bench in the park talking to 14 year old Abdul who had just given her a new coat and some food. Abdul often took the old lady food and talked to her, As they talked a group of girls from the local girls school appeared and started shouting abuse at the old lady, 12 year old Kim spat at the old lady hitting her on the shoulder, 16 year old Kelly and her twin sister Sara also spat at the old lady calling her a witch before walking away with Kim. Abdul produced a...
In the far reaches of the known lands, there is a traveling witch named Bella (short for Bellatrix). She had long black hair, purple eyes and appeared to be in her early 30s. Her ropes barely covered her slightly curvy milf-like body. She had a staff with the top looking like the figure of a pregnant woman. She had a small wagon of her stuff that she pulled down the road herself. What was more noticeable was what looked like a spell circle on her bare belly. This witch knows a few commonly...