The Irreverent Mandy Jack free porn video

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Mandy Jack had another of those useless thoughts: Why had she given up smoking?

For health reasons you useless dope, she sniffed, waiting for coffee. She wished she could have thought useless slut but a guy hadn’t popped her for close to a month and so the word slut was inappropriate. Also why give yourself a bad name?

God she was bored. She hadn’t found work since returning home fifteen months ago.

No sex was a worry. What was happening? Had she lost her sex appeal overnight or had half the city’s eligible males turned gay?

‘Enjoy,’ said the surly waitress, dropping the coffee in front of Mandy. Liquid sloshed into the saucer.

‘I’ll get your another coffee.’

‘Don’t bother,’ Mandy sighed.

‘I don’t drink coffee here,’ said the waitress with a knowing smile.

What the hell did that mean?

Mandy took a sip and almost spat it out.

It tasted like shit. Er, whatever. Certainly not like top coffee. Ownership of the coffee shop had been taken over by foreigners.

She left the liquid masquerading for coffee and walked out, still thirsty.

The twenty-four-year-old with an MA in Art History (19th Century) eyed the bar across the street, knowing her parents didn’t like her frequenting bars… and probably not brothels although that had never been discussed. It scared her witless just thinking about entering one to try the male service or perhaps a female whore if they had any under forty. God their dorm in her final year at college would have made a brothel look like a church, only she had no idea of how much of a cesspit was a house of ill repute.

Conscious that her parents were continuing to fully support her, otherwise she may have starved to death or fallen into prostitution (that may have meant an early death anyway), Mandy ignored the bar and walked down the street for fifty yards before temptation won through. She crossed over and walked up the street and entered the bar.

The bar was empty apart from the bored bartender and a guy at a table.

He called, ‘Hi gorgeous.’

She ignored him.

He tried again. ‘Hi Mandy.’

Startled she turned, recognized him and said, ‘Hi Harris.’

‘Buy you a drink?’

‘Yes please. Single shot vodka on the rocks.’


‘I heard,’ said the bargirl.

Mandy went over to Harris who rose and kissed her, flush on the lips. So she flushed.

Harris went over to fetch her drink and Mandy recalled who he was, the youngest son of Rev. and Mrs Walsh, good friends of her mother although none of their family ever attended church except for births, deaths and marriages and there had been quite a few of those in Mandy’s time in her extended family.

‘You’re looking great. Who’s fucking you?’ Harris said, sitting and sliding her drink over and picking up his bottle of beer.

Mandy thought he couldn’t have said that, not the son of a minister.

‘Same guy who’s shafting you,’ she grinned and was relived he greeted that with a full laugh.

‘God you are funny.’

Mandy looked nervously at the ceiling. A minister’s son saying God like that could produce a thunderbolt.

But none came.

Harris looked up at the ceiling and asked, ‘Looking for copulating flies?’

‘I wasn’t aware they did it upside down.’

He laughed again and then asked her what she was doing.

‘You’ve already asked who was shafting me.’

‘No I mean what are you doing to put bread on the table or in your case to clothe your back and finance expensive cocktails, beauty treatment and holidaying in exotic locations with your girlfriends?’

‘I returned from college just over a year ago and haven’t managed to dredge up a suitable job yet.’

‘What is your degree?’

‘An MA in Art History, 19th Century.’

‘And none of the private galleries of the city gallery want to hire you?’


‘Because you have insufficient experience and that degree is of no particular interest to them?’

‘You’re partly right. The reason given for rejection was my lack of experience.’

‘How did they get experience?’

Mandy grinned. ‘I actually asked them all that and the replies were similar. When they hit the job market it was in boom times and people were employing, unlike now.’

‘So who is shafting you?’

‘I have been under utilized.’

‘Oh too bad. You’ve filled out since we last met some years ago. I can’t believe that no guy is regularly plowing your furrow.’

Mandy wondered if she’d got it wrong, that Harris’ father was not the Rev. Walsh.

‘What is your father’s occupation?’

‘He’s still a clergyman. Why?’

‘You don’t talk like a minister’s son.’

Harris laughed and said if she thought he was coarse in what he said, she ought to listen to his sisters, both of whom were married. ‘It’s something to do with breaking out from the childhood regime that everything must be good otherwise you must read the bible for an hour or each misdemeanor and/or be birched.’

‘Truly? In early times artists brilliantly portrayed incidents of flaying and self-mutilation.’


‘Painting by notable artists of past centuries.’

‘Oh, I thought you were talking about some of those sickening websites.’

‘No I wasn’t talking about self-gratification of sick-minded people, I was referring to attempted religious redemption through inflicted pain and suffering.’

‘Wow, I’d never thought about art depicting real life drama like that.’

Mandy looked astonished. ‘Then what did you think those painters were doing whose work hangs in our galleries or is brilliantly reproduced in very expensive books?’


‘Oh god,’ Mandy sighed.

Grinning guiltily as if conceding he was either a moron or a Philistine, Harris said, ‘What is your answer to my invitation to a movie and to dinner and then you know what?’

‘That seems a big program for one night.’

‘Eh?’ The poor guy scratched through his curly blond locks as if mining enlightenment.

‘That was a joke to allow me time to think and what I though was had you actually asked me for a date?’

‘I’m sure I did.’

‘That has an edge of doubt to it.’

‘Jesus, little wonder you haven’t scored with a job. Talking to you is like being put through the Inquisition.’

‘You know about the Inquisition?’

‘I went through school and college.’

‘Oh I’m surprised. And what is your degree?’

‘Just a BA in Fine Arts, Journalism and then an online MBA.’

‘Oh how fascinating but your studies left you with a big hole in culture and humanities?’


Mandy sighed and this time Harris lifted an arm and scratched the armpit, obviously feeling uncomfortable at being put through the mill. She called, ‘Same again Kate and this time bring them over.’

‘Yes ma’am.’

Harris appeared surprised. ‘Jesus, you motivated that lazy bitch.’

‘It was simply the command in my voice your Bozo. Her ancestors probably were foot soldiers in England and were honed on centuries of being bullied.’

Harris went to say ‘Eh?’ but stopped. When Kate came over with the drinks he asked slyly, ‘Where were your forebears from Kate?’

‘My mother’s line came through Spanish settlers in Argentina.’

Harris grinned knowingly at Mandy.

‘My father’s people were very English, some serving in The Crusades as foot soldiers and in wars against France.’

Mandy winked at Harris who turned scarlet.

‘Why do you ask Harris?’

Harris appeared to swallow his tongue.

‘He was telling me he thought you might have Italian or Spanish blood because your skin is so beautiful,’ Mandy said.

Kate gaped. ‘Harris you’ve never paid me a compliment before. Wow.’

The bartender smiled at him hugely and walked
away humming.

Mandy also smiled. ‘You appear well positioned to screw Kate you dirty young man.’

‘Mandy, please,’ Harris said weakly. ‘Kate’s married to a guy with fists the size of hams.’

He was told then he shouldn’t say flirty things to married women.


Mandy told him she was off home and he said he was off to work.

‘What do you work at Harris?’

‘My maternal grandparents own the Melrose Eagle and I made quite an impact when I joined the newspaper. They recently appointed me editor.’

‘Good for you. Then you can find me a job.’

‘We employ contract cleaners.’

Mandy laughed and walking off told him to call for her at 7:00 on Saturday evening. ‘Do you supply condoms or am I expected to bring my own?’

‘He re-uses them ma’am,’ Kate sniggered.

‘Good one Kate, call me Mandy in future. I’m Mandy Jack.’

‘What Mayor Jack’s daughter?’

‘Yes, my mom has the distinction of that title and my dad owns and operates Jack’s Quarries.’

‘Bye Mandy. My dad is a clerk in the accounts receivable section at City Hall.’

‘I’ll tell mom I know his daughter Kate,’ Mandy waved.

Mandy was walking home when a SUV drew up alongside her.

‘Jump in and I’ll drop you off at your home.’

‘No thanks Harris. I’m walking to try to burn fat off my ass.’

Harris lifted up to look out the front seat passenger’s window but the sill was too high for him to check out Mandy’s ass.

‘I’ve been thinking. Want to work for the newspaper as a freelance columnist writing a column about anything you wish, within reason, for publication on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays going back page of the front section. I’ll pay you four hundred bucks.’

‘What per column?’

‘No per week, a three-month contract that could be renewed if you are doing well. We’ll need two columns in reserve in case you fall ill or the news editor pulls a column as being unacceptable for our newspaper.’

‘Oh I suppose I could do that. It means I could take other work as well, doesn’t it?

‘Only for our company. The payment is for exclusive use of your talents. My instinct tells me you are not without talent to generate and produce interesting columns.’

‘Damn right and I assure you I pose no risk to your good judgment in hiring me. Now that you’re my boss you can’t fuck me Saturday night.’

‘Aw come on Mandy.’

‘Are you married or engaged Harris?’


‘Then I suppose my stance on sex with you is negotiable.’

‘Bye,’ Harris grinned, taking off burning rubber.

Mandy was left flushed in delight and glad she’d not accepted offers to work for either of her parents, telling them she preferred her allowance and living at home at their expense. They knew not to believe her and knew she’d prove an embarrassment working for them because she was so outspoken and lacked personal discipline. In fact there was doubt if she possessed any personal discipline.

Mayor Jack was entertaining five women for lunch when Mandy appeared.

‘Oh ladies, this is my daughter Mandy.

Rhonda Jack completed the introductions and invited Mandy to join them.

‘No thanks mom. I’ll grab a couple of bottles of beer and swim some lengths. You continue with entertaining these fine ladies.’

‘Mandy please change into a swimsuit.’

‘Anyone embarrassed by raw flesh should look away mom.’

‘Ladies, you heard Mandy, She’s such a brat. One would think she was fourteen rather than twenty-four.’

When Mandy arrived with a bottle of Coke and stood beside the pool, the two women with their backs to the pool stood and turned their chairs around and sat facing the pool and picked up their wine glass.

‘God what a body,’ said Anna, the district attorney’s wife.

‘I think I possess a memory of my body looking something like that,’ said Harris’ mom Lisa and her mother-in-law beside her said she was never allowed to see her body when she was young.

Everyone laughed and Rhonda was asked what Mandy worked at.

‘She’s without a job. She has a degree in art history. Wrong choice of degree I’m afraid.’

‘That’s unfair Rhonda,’ said the wife of the chief executive at City Hall. ‘She’ll be highly educated and all she requires is adaptability. ‘I’ll ask John to place her.’

‘No she refuses to work at City Hall or our quarries,’ Rhonda sighed. ‘She says being a full-on person she doesn’t wish to risk embarrassing us in our employ.’

‘With a body like that I could employ her as our chief model for women with fuller figures,’ said the chief executive of Melrose City Mall.

The middle-aged women, now with their private thoughts, watched the undressed nubile woman dive into the pool and begin a measured swimming rhythm, indicating professional coaching.

‘Oh god, if I were young again,’ said Marcia, wife of the city DA.

‘Amen,’ said some of her fellow diners who were eating much too much for the good of their figures.

All but two of the guests had department when Mandy completed her one hundred and fifty lengths, thereabouts, according to the clock at the far end of the pool.

She dressed and went over and joined her mom and Harris’s mom Lisa and grandmother Marjorie for coffee.

‘One of my grandsons Harris could be interest in you,’ Marjorie said.

‘He already is. We met today in, er, a coffee shop. I knew him as a kid and we had a great time catching up. I’m going to work for him as a columnist.’

‘But we don’t employ columnists,’ said his grandmother.

‘Well you do now. I have accepted a three-month contract. He really interrogated me Mrs Allen. I assure you I’m not totally a flighty, in-your-face bitch. I do possess and exercise values that induce people in the know to label me as rather complex character. The reality is I’m just a gal from Melrose whose decided she should just be herself if she wishes to get on in this world and to obliterate her critics by her power and her achievements.’

Marjorie’s eyes appeared to be spinning. ‘You said ‘Obliterate her critics by her power and her achievements’. That’s really strong talk for a woman Mandy.’

‘I’m up to it Mrs Allen. If you think I’m an unsuitable person to be stirring up the community through your newspaper, despite my using moderate language and clinging to memories of what was judged to be generally acceptable taste, I’ll walk away from my contract that I’ve yet to sign.’

‘Young woman do that and I’ll have you birched.’

‘Oh you ought not tempt me.’

Marjorie, her mother and Lisa roared with laughter.

‘Ohmigod,’ wheezed Marjorie, clutching her chest. ‘I don’t think I’ve ever met any woman who expresses herself like you.’

And so the career of an influential newspaper columnist was launched.


Harris came down wearing a baggy shirt, baggy trousers and scruffy shoes. His mother practically palpitated herself into suffocation.

Lisa gasped, ‘Harris you can’t go out dressed like that. It’s Saturday night.’

He told Lisa, ‘Mandy is about as unconventional as any woman you know. She will be dressed in, er, a poncho with boy shorts and white tap shoes.’

‘This girl is blowing you brain Harris. Be very, very careful.’

‘Yes mom,’

Mandy came down the stairs and appeared before her mom dressed in a Spandex skintight blue trouser suit under a white jacket and matching blue boots.

Rhonda looked in despair at the stupid young man who greeted her daughter by gaping and said ‘Jesus’. God why couldn’t men be born with a brain?

As the couple drove off Mandy said, ‘Could we skip the movie and go to dinner?’

‘Er yes.’

Eating a curried chicken and rice dish Mandy said sweetly, ‘Do we fuck after this? I’m eating lightly.’

Harris felt his voice was set at the right pitch and said ‘Yes’ and pushed his half eaten s
teak away.

They went to his office that had a full-width leather sofa.

‘Oh leather. Good, your cum leaking from me won’t be difficult for you to remove.’

Harris coped admirably. ‘No cum will be leaking from you dearest, I’ll siphon it up with my mouth.’

‘Oh god,’ Mandy sighed. ‘I’ve found a real man at last.’

Mandy admired the length of Harris’s dick as he hauled it out but gulped when she saw the head on it was about quarter the size of a pot of facial night cream. Oh god, she thought, feeling her pussy quivering, she imagined in terror.

But it went fine. She ended up bent over the end of the sofa screaming for it and when Harris obliged the head of his dick just slid into her because she was oozing excessively after their ultra-sexy preamble.

In Mandy’s opinion men were bereft imbeciles when it came to foreplay. But Harris was so passionately into it that at one stage she almost thought she’d climax through her upper mouth. It must be understood Mandy regarded the entrance to her pussy as a mouth because of the interest guys showed in tonguing it.

They fucked themselves to a standstill and went to sleep.

When Harris awoke with the office clock indicating it was 4:00 am Mandy, already dressed, said curtly, ‘Get dressed and we’re off. I don’t want your mom to think you were out all night with a slut.’

Wondering what was the difference between 4:00 and 2:00 am or for that matter 6:00, Harris did what he was told simply because Mandy looked ready to steam through her nose and whack his ear.

Lisa arrived in Harris’ bedroom at 7:00 with two coffees and was surprised Mandy was not alongside him.

‘Did you do something wrong?’

‘Not according to the way she reacted then I swamped her with two huge ejaculations.’

‘Harris!’ wheezed his mom.

‘Oops sorry. I was reliving last night. Mom, she can talk with authority, act with authority and is one helluva fuck.’

‘I’m sure she is darling. I must get ready to accompany your father to church and sort him out there as he’s apt to be forgetful under pressure. I’m so happy for you as Gran and I have wanted you to find a real woman because you tend to be a little wishy-washy.’

‘Mom when up Mandy I’m feeling like Neil Armstrong walking on the moon.’

His mom, rather embarrassed with her son talking to her so candidly gurgled, ‘Oh darling, you’re such a clever boy finding her ‘ and fled, not hearing Harris say Mandy had actually found him.

Mandy awoke not long after 10:00 and felt a little stiff and sore, the welcome legacy from being in action again and doing the thing she’d appeared on earth to do. Long may it last! She wriggled in delight at the memory of having Harris’s dick shoved into her mouth and then when he began puffing and twisting around and groaning she’d raked her teeth sharply around it and along it until whacking against the collar of his huge cock head and he shot two huge streams down her throat. The poor guy, looking a little like death warmed up, fell over, his strength almost totally drained momentarily.

She almost bleated at the though of him attempting to get that thick-ended cudgel up her ass. No way. Absolutely. Now that he’d fucked her Mandy thought she’d like to position herself so she got that treatment from him at least once a day.

Mandy’s parents usually wallowed in sex on Sunday mornings so they’d not been long out of bed when she arrived for late breakfast to find they’d waited for her.

‘This guy you were out with last night,’ said her father sternly. ‘Why didn’t he come in for us to get a good look at him?’

Her mother appeared to be awaiting the answer although pretending not to be interested.

‘He knows you both so was a little embarrassed at coming in, knowing what he intended doing with me.’

Greg scratched his head. ‘What’s embarrassing about going to a movie unless it’s triple-X rated?’

His wife sighed, ‘She means having sex afterward you fool.’

Mandy’s father pulled his thumb and forefinger down his nose as if preparing to attack. ‘Are you sure you should be talking sex to your parents Mandy?’

‘Yes because it would be quite wrong with you two thinking it’s something exclusive to you. I’m sorry to be the person responsible for destroying that delusion.’

She could hear her mom behind her stifling a giggle.

Her father rose to his full height of six three and splayed his elbows, making his shoulders appear enormous.

‘Pull your beer gut in if you want to imitate a He-man dad otherwise you appear pathetic.’

Greg looked quite hurt but brightened when Mandy said, ‘You still look in pretty good shape dad. I still remember how you dwarfed the fathers of my school friends and when you visited college how many of the girls thought they’d like a piece of you.’

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Mandy and the Wimp

I wasn't ready for it. I knew what I was going to find when I got there, but I still wasn't ready for it and it didn't help any to know that it happened because of something I'd done. I met Mandy when she came to work at the XYZ Corporation as a secretary. I had started at XYZ the week after my graduation from Eastern Michigan University and in seven years I had risen to regional manager. Sarah, my secretary was going on maternity leave and personnel had sent Mandy to me as her...

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My Love Mandy

I saw Mandy in school. She had very long black hair going down to the beginning of her legs. She had very pale skin, almost like if she never went into the sun. her hair was frizzy. But she was rejected by everyone. She was not clumsy or stupid. She was in fact a nerd under a Goth body. Her marks where always among the best. Even with that, everyone made fun of her. They even pulled some tricks and bad jokes on her. She was in some my class and I was the only one not making fun of her....

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She’s GoneMy Wife Mandy and I have been married for 25 years, and she looks to be in her early 30’s, not bad, considering that she is 45 years old. We have two k**s that are grown up and have left home to pursue lives of their own, leaving us empty nesters. Things between us had become stagnant over the past few years, as she and I lives our lives separately, but we admit that we still love and need each-other. Mandy stands five feet, six inches tall, and weighs one-hundred and forty lbs. She...

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A Date With Mandy

Author’s notes: It has romantic elements as well as sexual situations. Please skip it if this is not the kind of story you like. There are many great stories on this site with more explicit sex. Please do not read this if you are under 18, or are not allowed to read it in your region… Please do send feedback and comments, they are greatly appreciated. Special thanks to AnotherWannabe and Visioneer for their excellent feedback. All mistakes are the author’s however. A Date with Mandy ...

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Bank holiday camp part 3 Getting to know Mandy

. Mandy and I had finished showering each other after having some fun at pool side, and paying particular attention to each other’s intimate areas. “Would you like to come back to my Caravan for a Drink, and a get to know you chat?” Mandy said with a wink and a smile. “How could I refuse such a sexy woman?” I replied. With that, she took my hand, and we said goodbye to everyone else as we left the pool. As we walked along the gravel pathway Mandy was telling me all about herself, and how she...

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mandy gets taught a lesson

The bell for the end of lunch sounded, and Mandy stood up, slinging the strap of her bag over her shoulder as she did so. Walking to home room, she wondered what her homeroom teacher would be doing when she arrived, reading, or marking papers maybe.In the hall now, kids were jostling and shoving one another, eventually making their way to their homerooms. Mandy followed suit, slipping into class 3 c after a group of chattering girls. She sat down at the back of the class, skimming the room for...

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MandyChapter 3

After I became Mandy's foster parent, our love life just got better and better. She had moved into my bedroom on a more or less permanent basis. Mandy did go out on a few dates from time to time, mainly for appearances' sake, but mainly came home to me for her loving. When she turned fifteen, Mandy became good friends with a girl in her class named Tawny Bledsoe. Tawny was a gorgeous blonde, slightly taller than Mandy, but equal in all other departments. Since they were in high school...

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mandy and my holiday in crete

Introduction: mandy and i go to crete for a holoday, she isnt very outgoing sexuakky but she is fucked in every hole, body modified, and life will never be the same again We arrived at our apartment in Crete at about 4 in the afternoon, hot and sweaty and tired from a 5 hour flight from the UK. We needed a break we had decided as we were not getting on fantastically well so me and the wife left our kids with their grandparents and jetted of for a week of sun, sea and sex. The sex we got was not...

2 years ago
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Mandy Part Two

Suzie explained that when she needed a big cock she went to the Ebony Room over in the black part of town. She said, "You'd be surprised at the women you'll see there especially late at night after the other bars close. It's a nice crowd, overall, both black and white; some of the black men are good looking, and a couple of them are hung like a horse." Mandy had thought all week about the notion of trying her luck at the Ebony Room. She had heard of the reputation of black men as...

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mandy and my holiday in crete

afternoon, hot and sweaty and tired from a 5 hour flight from the UK. We needed a break we had decided as we were not getting on fantastically well so me and the wife left our kids with their grandparents and jetted of for a week of sun, sea and sex. The sex we got was not what we had in mind and this is our story. The apartment had a shared pool with one other villa, when we got out of the cab, the couple in the other villa were laid out on sunbeds,...

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It was a typical late Spring Saturday morning on the Florida Gulf coast, hot, muggy and sunny with a slight breeze coming in off the water. My wife had to work until 3:00 and she had been gone for about an hour or so. I had showered and eaten breakfast and was sitting at the table reading the newspaper. When I heard the thunk from above my head I looked at the clock in the kitchen, 10:30. Mandy, our 18-year-old daughter, was finally out of bed.In a few minutes I heard her footsteps in the...

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Doing MandyChapter 9 Making Her Bring Julie Into the Game

I had no sooner finished my final day of work for Mandy and had my "nooner" fuck with her at the local motel than I began to formulate my next step. It hadn't been an hour after I finished fucking Mandy that I called her and told her precisely what the next step in our relationship was going to be. The phone rang on Mandy's end and I waited impatiently for her to pick it up. It rang and rang and rang... I figured my sexy blonde fuck-mate was probably in the ladies room diddling her cunt...

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Mandy Gets A Shower

In a few minutes I heard her footsteps in the stairwell as she headed for her morning breakfast of a bagel and orange juice before her shower. She wore her usual nightclothes, not stopping to put on a robe before coming down. In the past year or so this had become the rule rather than the exception with her. She wore a pair of silk thong panties and an old muscle shirt that a friend had given her; they did nothing to hide the growing woman beneath them. The big arm holes and scooped neck meant...

2 years ago
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Foosball Bet gets Mandy Gangbanged

Mandy and I have been married for about four years now. She is still as stunning as the day we got together. She is about 5 foot 5 and maybe 115 pounds. She has an absolutely great set on perky low C cup tits. When we met she was a dirty blond, but recently has changed her hair up to a deep brunette with thin purple streaks on the sides. She was incredibly hot before, but her new hair suites her amazingly. We used to have quite a regular party/sex life, but have sinced moved away from our...

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Mandy Part 5

While the girls took a shower he 'tidied' a little, occasionally listening at the bathroom door as they soaped and played with each others bodies. Once they were finished he had one himself, returning to the bedroom in a towel and stopping dead again. Once more they were wearing the 'costumes', but this time they'd swapped and Mandy was the 'Nurse' while Karen had donned her high-boots and jacket, her 'awkwardness' seemingly gone. She was sat on the bed, the coat was zipped up, but he could...

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Mandy Part 4

He opened the door with a mixture of anticipation and slight trepidation, and for a moment he was disappointed, but also a trifle relieved. "So, you couldn't persuade her?" "No," she smiled a little ruefully. Then a second or two later she chuckled. "Just winding you up! She'll be up in a minute, she's just paying the cab..." He smiled politely while she grinned up at him playfully. Even allowing for the very warm weather the shorts she was wearing were unbelievably short and the...

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Doing MandyChapter 19

It had been nearly a year since I'd last been with Mandy sexually. What a run we'd enjoyed not only before my "last two weeks" were over but then for quite some time after that, Mandy had been MORE than willing to fuck me. Ahhh, Mandy, what a hot pussied fucking bitch you were, babe. What an amazingly sexy and orgasmic woman you turned out to be. Truly a delight to fuck and to make you suck my cock like your favorite personal lollipop. Well, almost a year to the day that I'd last fucked...

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Oh Mandy

She sat in the corridor, shaking and alone, her knees drawn and her head on her arms. Mandy was shaking. Dane got off the elevator, walking toward his hotel room. His very presence exuded power and authority. He was a man who was used to getting what he wanted. His eyes took in the scene before him as he came close to his door. One of the hotel maids looked very distraught. Instinct took over, and he touched her shoulder, prompting her to look up. “What’s the matter?” he asked her softly. ...

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Britney Spears Mandy More Haveing A Good Tim

Britney Spears had her hands tucked under the table as she listenedextremely bored to what her manager was telling her.“And with the current research, I think we’ve found the perfectperson for you to go on tour with…” This immediately caught Britney’s attention. She was nervous for weeks trying to figure out who her touring partner would be. “….and I know you’ll be extremely pleased. Mandy Moore.”Britney’s jaw dropped to the floor. “Mandy Moore?!?” She yelled out annoyed. “You can’t be...

1 year ago
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Strip pool with my wife Mandy

About a year after our strip poker threesome With Nick, He moved to a new place in the same town as Mandy and I. He had graduated with a Bachelors Degree and would be attending our university to get his Masters. Nick moved into his Uncles place. It was a rather large place with a game room upstairs that had a pool table. My wife Mandy has always liked houses with pool tables. I’m not sure why, since she’s not very good and we only played now and then when we went out to a bar. We...

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Doing MandyChapter 13 Getting Some Help

Tom finished fucking Mandy and no sooner had he put his cock back into his boxers that morning than he began to hatch the next sex rendezvous that he would share with his busty blonde sex partner. He went and got a bite of breakfast, giving Mandy a little time to catch her breath after their lusty fuck that morning. About two hours later, Tom went to a phone booth and dialed Mandy's number at her office. The phone rang a couple of times and then he heard Mandy's sexy soft voice...

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Doing MandyChapter 18 Making Sure She Understood

It had been nearly three months since Tom had last seen Mandy. He'd missed not being in town where he could get together with her. He'd found himself getting very horny and missing the sexiness of Mandy's full womanly body while he was lying in bed awake at night. Tom had always found Mandy to be extremely sexy and very desirable. Before she'd pushed him to the edge so that he'd felt compelled to submit his resignation from working for her, Tom had often fantasized about how hot it...

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After a wide range of experiences as a gigolo, I developed a preference for a certain type of client: elegant, sophisticated women aged around forty five years old, with bodies anywhere between size ten to fourteen and not overweight. They were often a long way from home on business. Almost without exception these women would be very good communicators, uninhibited and able to articulate their sexual preferences. And if they enjoyed what I had to offer and recommended me to others that was an...

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Telling Mandy No

by Lubrican Author's Note: I got the idea for this story from one I read somewhere by another author. I don't remember the name of the story, or who wrote it, or even where it was posted. If it seems familiar, that's probably why. My intent is not to plagiarize, but I wanted to tell the story in a different way than it was originally written. Bob ======================================================= Bob didn't know exactly when he began to look at Mandy and see a woman,...

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Mandys Milk

ADULT. Not for selling. By Jay Jay1: Accidental Introduction Mandy could not believe she was falling victim to her own devices. Had she never pushed her father into the 21st century, she would not be in the predicament she is today. Mandy was born and raised on the family farm. She had left to go to college and had returned after gaining dual degrees in Computer Technology and Financial Accounting. But in the five years since she had left the fourth generation dairy farm; it had become...

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My Wife Mandy loses a bet

It had been almost six months since Mandy and I had played strip pool with our friend Nick. He had started seeing a girl, and she definitely was not the type to even consider getting involved in anything like that. Of course, either would Mandy unless she had been drinking. Anyway, Nick called us up one day and said that his girl would be out of town for a week so he was having a little get together with old friends that he didn’t really get to hang out with when she was around. He asked if we...

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After a wide range of experiences as a gigolo, I developed a preference for a certain type of client: elegant, sophisticated women aged around forty five years old, with bodies anywhere between size ten to fourteen and not overweight. They were often a long way from home on business. Almost without exception these women would be very good communicators, uninhibited and able to articulate their sexual preferences. And if they enjoyed what I had to offer and recommended me to others that was an...

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"Oh no, no, no, no, please no!" sobbed Mandy, as the car just died on her. No lights, no power, just a car slowly freewheeling to a halt in the middle of Exmoor. No passing motorists either and no sign at all of civilisation. "Dammit!" she muttered when pulling out her mobile; no signal either, she really was stuck. "Why me Lord?" she asked prayerfully. "Sorry Lord, your ways are mysterious and I'm sure there's a reason." The car had drifted to a halt on the narrow road that...

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Doing MandyChapter 16 Turning Her into a Slut

Just as Mandy was in the throes of her masturbation session with her hairbrush, Tom had walked up to the front door of her office and he could hear the wet sounds of Mandy's new "dildo" slicing in and out of her tight wet pussy. Tom couldn't believe what he saw when he opened the door. Months earlier before he'd made his former supervisor, Mandy, his submissive sexual partner he didn't even know if the woman ever had sex. She never said or hinted that she had sex and here she was now...

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157 Mandys Adventure with a master

157. Mandy`s Adventure with a master. Another true story by happy-cuck ghost written by EddyMandy my ex, she was to be my long-term partner in total for 14yrs she was a beautiful mixed race curvy sub and her father is from Jamaica, She is 5'6" tall about size 14 with 36d tits and a great big fleshy arse, a real hour glass shape and a deep seated need to be used and controlled... We had involved other people in our games but I told her I wanted to take it a step further. I had said I wanted to...

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Mandy Can Fuck DadbyThe Needler©I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. It seemed unreal, everything that happened the day before, and I was still figuring things out. I got up, ran through the shower, dressed and came into the kitchen just as Mandy was putting breakfast on the table."Hi Daddy, sleep well?"She was wide awake and cheerful, and the only thing she wore was an apron. It wasn't terribly broad, and I could see the outside of her nipples at the edges of the cloth. She had dimples on...

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MandyChapter 2

A teacher falls in love with his 13-year-old female student, only to have her move away; at the end of the semester, fate steps in and provides him with the opportunity to teach at his love's new school. After a short period of time, Mandy and I were back to our routine-fucking, fondling, and kissing every chance we got. I couldn't get enough of her; I wanted to just crawl inside her and live there. One Friday, Mandy came to class more excited than usual. I asked her why she was so...

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Doing MandyChapter 22

I had just come back into Mandy's life after several months of being away and she and I had gotten together during her lunch break and I'd fucked her brains out in the middle of the motel room bed where she'd readily agreed to meet me. Having Mandy do whatever I asked of her was now pretty much a foregone conclusion because she seemed more than willing to do whatever I demanded of her sexually. I'd enjoyed getting back together with her and having my cock deep inside her sexy tight young...

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Mandys First Time

Life had been really simple in the small town that Mandy had grown up in. She lived in a perfect little house with her folks, went to the local schools and even dated a high school football player she had lost her virginity to one night at the local driven movie. It had happened quick after some long kisses and lots of petting, but had left her empty thinking that if this was all sex was then maybe she should try her girlfriend, that was more into girls than boys. Roger had begged her for...

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Doing MandyChapter 12 Going to Visit Mandy Doing Her

It had been several weeks since Tom had finished his work with Mandy and Julie, their big boss. Tom had continued to get together with Mandy and was seemingly forcing her to have sex with him although he'd come to the clear realization that Mandy was more lusty and sexually hungry for him every time they met. Tom decided on a Friday morning that he'd just show up at his former workplace where he knew Mandy still worked and she if she'd be willing to give him some hot sex before her...

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The Long Con Magnificent Mandy part 3

Introduction: Gregs success. We were a total of 4 episodes into American Horror Story with a good 14 episodes to go. Jolene was snoring next to me. It was amazing how much her scent turned me off now. I had never desired her but at least I could imagine Mandy and it would be ​​ like jacking off. Now that I had shared intimacy with Mandy, I didnt want anything to do with her mother. I tell you, the next four weeks were insufferable. Jolene wanted it to be like when we first dated and I was so...

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Part 2 Mandy is deflowered

The time finally came! Mandy was 18 and she was kind of chubby, what you may call a nerd girl as she never dated but spent her time studying to get in to a larger college. Mandy had full firm breats and her ass was firm and round. She was a very pretty girl and when she was naked her body fit her frame and she was very attractive. I bought a few tickets to aconcert for all her parents had done for me and the night they were to go would be the night I planned to deflower their cute...

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