The Long Con Magnificent Mandy part 4
- 4 years ago
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Introduction: What do you do when the woman of your dreams isnt someone you can have? I remember the day so vividly, when I first saw her. In fact, many times after we made love I would think back to that day. Hard to believe it has been 20 years now. My hair is turning gray, my skin is getting leathery, I have developed a bit of a belly, though I try to work out a lot to keep it from getting too big. You dont want to be too fat when you are only 5 foot 10. The pounds show fast. I heard Miranda make a soft noise in her sleep and she spun over and cuddled back into me.
The trees were blowing outside on this Saturday morning, and the cool breeze of Autumn were just beginning to blow. I have to say, despite the legal battles and the friends I lost and even now the occasional scornful looks I get dont bother me. Mostly because I figure all the women are just pissed and the men envious. After all I am now 62 and my amazingly attractive wife is a spry 34. We had our first child only 4 years ago and I do worry about dying before little Ana grows up, but would I change a thing? Hell no, 20 years of great sex with the hottest women I have ever known.
Mandy is still a knockout, turns heads everywhere she goes, and I still think I am lucky to have had her all this time. But god you should have seen her when I first did. You can talk about the Kim Kardashians, the Ariana Grandes and even the Svetlana Bilyalovas, and I am telling you, Mandy was still hotter in her day, not to mention an incredible 34 year old MILF today. Feeling her warm breath on my chest as I listen to the crickets, I truly feel like I ended up in heaven.
Its funny, even today when I go into Chipotle for a burrito bowl, I remember her and her mother and her sister at the register. Her face was obstructed due to her short stature, but I could see her body and I was hooked immediately. All I could actually see was her sculpted 34 C breasts and what seemed like an impossibly small waist considering her hips and breasts. I remember I could see the folds in the waist of those jean shorts, a belt pulled tight to keep it on her, though it still would be an effort to pull those shorts over those hips. In fact, I know for a fact it was.
Anyway, they disappeared into the busy restaurant and I had to move forward in line so I lost sight of her for a minute. Then, just one person from the front of the ordering line, I saw her again, her back was too me but I noticed the long sleeved thin sweater top and the jean shorts out of the corner of my eye. That was when I understood why she wore shorts that were too big. Because she had large thighs, phat thighs, thighs a black or latin woman in a music video would be so proud of. Not a speck of cellulite, no, those thick thighs were by design, they were as big around as her waist, plus a bit. For a white woman, that was nothing short of insane. She was wearing flats, and I couldnt help but wonder if those legs actually looked better in heels, because they were incredibly luscious without already.
Then my attention was pulled as it was my turn to order. I ordered and went through the line and grabbed my to go order and filled up at the soda fountain. I turned and started in the direction of the exit when I saw where she was sitting, right along my route. I knew by the sweater (and the cannon balls inside) that it was her and I admit I was so shocked I almost dropped my bag. Her face was angelic, dont get me wrong, an absolute cover girl, but even under the somewhat heavy makeup there was no doubt she was young, so much younger than her body would suggest. I didnt know her age, but it was clear she was a good few years from adult hood, though with that body, makeup and walk, she had to be in high school.
I stared at the young face as I walked by, and thank god she didnt look up and see me, as she might have remembered my face and it would derail most of the plan I ended up putting into action. As I mentioned, she was a bit heavy on the make up, has always been, but it is part of her hotness really. She is a doll and dolls herself up. That day she had long fake lashes, a bit of foundation and rouge, a pale pink lipstick, mascara and had used the pencil to draw long lines on her upper eyelid which went to a point at the outside of her eye, almost giving her a catlike eye appearance. Her long auburn hair had intermittent highlights and was unstyled, just laying over her shoulders. Her face was very symmetrical and more oval than round. Her nose was perfect, a little button on her cute face, her nostrils slopped down so that head on, her face showed nothing but perfect coloring. Like I said, angelic.
After passing by her, and wanting to cum right in my pants I got a look at her mother. How in the world does a hefty, ugly, bad skinned, pale eyed woman give birth to a goddess? Its one of those things that will baffle forever but I did wonder if the mom had a better body when she was her daughters age. I also contemplated if the daughter would swell up. But I hoped not.
I had lead a pretty regular life, I went to school, got a degree in biology, ended up working in a blood synthetics firm. The money was pretty good, but it didnt give me much access to women, and despite my smarts and good income, I just wasnt good at picking up women. Probably because I always wanted the ones who were way out of my hotness quotient. Anyway, I mostly dated kind of plain women and therefore had never gotten serious. But this girl . . . she was the climax of all the women I had desired through my life. She was perfect, and she would only get better as she fully matured.
I got in my car and put the keys in the ignition, but I didnt start it up. I waited. I waited until I saw Mandy come out with her mother and sister. I watched those amazing thick thighs, not a hint of flab, but a muscular jiggle of her rounded stems as she walked. Her breasts seemed like they would tip her over, they were so large on her otherwise small frame. The girl was all thigh and tits. Amazing.
I watched them get into a older Honda and back out. I turned on my car and followed them to their house. A modest ranch in a lower middle class neighborhood. I watched them go inside. I took down the address and used my weekday off day (I worked 4 10s) to get a sense of their patterns. Of course I also watched through my binoculars to see what Mandy was wearing each day. She rarely disappointed and she did amazing work with stuff she bought from the Salvation Army and other second hand clothing stores. Lets just say, it wasnt a mistake that she showed off that chest and those legs. She was young, but she already knew what men loved.
Finally after a month, I figured out my plan. I had no idea if it would work, but I was gonna do my best to find a way to plant my seed in the garden of my dream girl. I followed them each of the next few Wednesdays and finally caught them going to the grocery store. I took the risk of parking in a handy capped spot to get in before them and waited in the produce section. When I saw them I made my way close to them and when they were near the avocados I made my move.
Excuse me maam, do you know how to know if an avocado is ripe?
Hmm? Oh, well you want one soft but not squishy.
Sounds like a fine line. I joked with Jolene, her mother.
Yes, it really can be. She replied with a smile. It was obvious she hadnt been hit on in quite some time. I just brought up talking point after talking point, anything to keep her engaged. I could tell Mandy was getting restless as she was buried in her phone, would look up and roll her eyes and go back to her phone. It was hard not to look at her. She had on a flowered willowy skirt, sadly down to her knees, and a pink tank top that barely held her tremendous tits inside. Too bad her mother only had sagging flat tits. Where the hell did Mandy get her genes?
Anyway, in the mood of brevity, before we finished talking I had gotten Jolenes number and within 10 days I had a date. Like I said, I am no casanova, nor am I very handsome, but I am also not ugly and have a good head of hair and that was enough for Jolene. It only took about 4 dates for her to invite me to the house for dinner. We she introduced me to her daughters. There was Jaime, her 6 year old and of course, Mandy my fantasy. Mandy was only wearing sweats and a wife beater. Her nipples were easily visible poking into the fabric and the areola red were slightly showing through.
It was one of my favorite moments. I actually got to just stare at Mandy while I was introduced to her. Finally I got to take her in up close, and she was even more amazing. She had on little makeup that night, but was still brilliantly pretty, with eyes that were wet and large and round. She was practically an anime character. Now all I needed was to hear her moan and watch her body twitch like they did in the anime pornos.
Thank god I got to get a great minds eye of her too. Because that night I sealed the deal with her mother and if it wasnt from the horniness that Mandy gave me I would never have been able to stay hard fucking her mother. But I was hard as hell and kept imagining it was Mandy I was in and it made for a long good fuck and her mother was smitten.
The first phase of my plan had worked and I worked hard to make sure her mother thought I was the man of her dreams. Phase two of my plan was to win favor with the daughters and supplant their father figure. This turned out to be quite easy. Their dad had run off not long after Jaime was born and Mandy HATED him for it. She was very untrusting of men and while she seemed to enjoy tantalizing them, she never even hinted at a boy she wanted to date.
What I did is each of the nights I stayed at the house I would bring a gift, and on my salary with years of saving, it was quite easy to afford. Jaime loved the American Doll collection so it was dolls, clothes and accessories each time. Mandy was a little harder but I found out that she loved jewelry. So it was a little pair of earrings here, a necklace there. And every two weeks I brought her something nice, and rather expensive. I told her mother I had a friend in the industry so it was cheap for me, and outside of the cost, she didnt care a wit and within about 5 months they were all putty in my hand. Jaime even called me daddy on occasion, thought her mother would correct her.
Mandy felt genuine affection and caring from a man for the first time in her life and she loved it. She would greet me at the door with a big hug, smashing those sweater cows into my chest. I would hug her back and innocently let the fingers of my hand go too low and caress her ass for just a moment or two. She never thought a thing of it and the memory of the feel of her body kept me hard enough to continue fucking her mother. On movie nights Jaime and Mandy would snuggle up to me. Thankfully being next to Jaime made it feel fatherly and kept me from getting an embarrassing hard on.
The next night I was over for dinner, when I knew her mother was in the shower and Mandy and I were making dinner for everyone I said, So, are you really just a freshman?
Hmm? Yep, I am so excited to finally be in high school, so tired of all the immature kids I was dealing with.
Yeah,I mean as soon as I started growing boobs, all the boys just became assholes, just like my dad was. Mandy said looking over at me for a second, those big round wet eyes just begging for me. Or that is what I chose to believe.
Well, unfortunately guys tend to think about themselves first, its just how we are.
Youre not like that, Mandy said looking over and up at me. You are the nicest most decent guy I have ever met.
Yes, my dick twitched just a hair hearing her say that. Phase 2 had worked. Now it was phase 3, turning our relationship from friends, to more. I still wasnt sure how to do that.
So, do you have a boyfriend? I never hear you talking about one.
Heck no, I cant stand all the boys I have met. They all look at me the same way, like they only see me like a picture or something. They seem to ignore everything about me but my body.
Well, to be fair you do dress kind of provocative. And Mandy, you are so incredibly beautiful, its hard for boys to ignore that. You are an amazing young lady, and so smart. Some day you will be very happy for your looks. With looks and brains, you can do anything you want in this country.
Thanks Greg. Mandy said blushing and turning away to finish washing the lettuce.
So I am confused, if you dont want to date any of the boys, why do you dress like that? You must know how incredible you look. You look that way every day.
To be honest, I do it for the girls, there is such a power struggle for popularity. I dont want those gross childish boys, but I want to be respected by the upper class cliques, you know?
Sure do. I am sure it will work, if I had seen you in high school, I wouldnt have been able to talk normal
Hahaha. Come on Greg, youre so sweet and generous. You must have had all the girls.
Not looking the way I do. I wish though.
Oh come on, you are handsome. Mom is crazy about you. She thinks youre a great catch and I think she is right.
Thanks Mandy, that is very sweet.
Right after that her Mom showed up and I went back to normal, though I had to keep my waist back so my chubby didnt show through. That dinner Mandy was even more giggly and playful than normal. I kept up this playfulness with her for the next couple of weeks, and it started to feel like we were very close friends.
What was more, a few times she told me secrets that she made me promise not to tell her mom. The first was she and her best friend got some pot and had tried it a few times. Another was that her friend Jenny had let her boyfriend eat her out and that Jenny had told her it was an amazing feeling. The last was that she had seen a bestiality movie on the internet and couldnt believe this lady let her dog screw her. She continued to tell me the things she could not tell her mother and I could feel the deep trust she was having in me.
Like most girls with daddy issues, trust in a man is not that far from affectionate or even passion for that same man. It was not long after all this that finally, FINALLY, Mandys mother was had to go out of town for the night, and she left me in charge of the girls. I stopped by red box and got two movies. One was very family friendly for Jaime. I grabbed a second, much more adult movie I had seen and knew it had some very intense sexual innuendo and scenes, though it didnt actually show much, the implied sexual acts were obvious. After pizza we all sat and cuddled to watch the movie.
When it was over it was 9 PM which was Jaimes bedtime but she begged me to let us watch it again. Despite Mandys protest I put it on again. I could tell Jaime would be asleep soon and whispered to Mandy to follow me and went to the bedroom. She followed me and had a puzzled look on her face until I produced a loaded pipe of herb. She got a big smile and I made her promise not to tell, that this was another secret for us.
She agreed and we puffed in the bathroom. After our smoke session we went back to the couch and watched the movie again until i could see that Jamie was asleep. I told Mandy we should watch the other movie now but watch it in her room so that Jaime wouldnt wake up. Mandy agreed and we went to her room, but not before I grabbed the pipe out of the master bathroom.
I got on her bed and sat against the headboard. Mandy, who had changed into her satin pajamas put the blueray in the playstation and started the flick before snuggling next to me and pulling a comforter over. I offered her the pipe and she took it. I kept loading until I was fucking stoned, and I have been an occasional smoker since college, so I knew she had to be fucking blazed out of her mind. Despite my hard on and the feel of her next to me in those sexy pjs, I controlled myself as the caper movie went on. It was about a hour in when the first sexual scene came one. It was very dark on film and Mandy had turned off her lights so we were alone in the darkness. The noises of sex were coming from the movie and I could feel Mandy stir. Her legs kept adjusting and I deduced the pot plus the movie had the desired effect and she was getting horny.
I arm was around her holding her in a cuddle and I let my fingers slide up and down her bottom and thigh innocently, helped by the slick nature of her clothing. On her next squirm her head pressed hard into my chest and I knew it was time, she was definitely turned on. I slowly slid along her hip, past her pelvis until finally I reached to her crotch and my middle finger brushed the top of her folds. I could hear the harsh breath Mandy made. I slid my finger back up again and I heard a light umph!
She had to know now it was deliberate but the combo of trust in me, inebriation of the weed and the sexuality of the movie she had sank into that alternate reality we all succumb to where all our mind really cares about is climaxing the sexual feelings that have been jump started.
I continued my massage of her vaginal area outside her clothes until she moaned audibly into my chest. At that point I deftly snuck my fingers under her bottoms waistband and felt the wispy still filling in hair around her genitals. Her face was well buried in my t-shirt now and her waist squirmed to meet my fingers. I massaged the top of her slit and felt her clitoris emerge. I brought my other hand into the mix, rubbing the lower half of her pussy until she was squirming and groaning constantly. My shirt now had a wet spot from her saliva, and I decided it was time to go for the gold.
I took my hand and slid it up her leg under her pajama shorts until I had both hands on her pussy. The top hand massaging her clit, the bottom rubbing her labia. I crooked a finger and was able to slide it inside her rather easy.
Ohhhmm-ffffffmmmmnnn-uuuuuuuh! Mandy groaned and moaned into my chest, her hips thrashing up and down, trying to fuck my finger for all she was worth. I increased to two fingers and ramped up the pace until her body seized up and she screamed, Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! into me, and then went limp.
I pulled my hands free, watching her panting, but completely out, her face now fallen to the side. It wasnt but a moment and I heard very faint snores coming from her. I was going to just get up and leave, but her top button was undone on her top and I could make out the edge of her bossom. I couldnt help myself and I popped open the second button and dove my mouth onto her breast.
I couldnt see it well in the darkened room but I could sure as hell feel it. It was so perky despite its size, and zero support from a bra, not to mention laying down. It was truly miraculous. I sucked the breast, licked the nipple, bit it and went back to sucking. I could have stayed there all night, but when I felt Mandy starting to stir beneath me, I got control of my self and pulled off. I buttoned her shirt back up and quickly left her room, quietly closing the door. I went to the bedroom, through to the master bath and showered, and jacked off into my own explosive orgasm. I cleaned and then dried and took one more bowl session before getting into bed and having one hell of an amazing sleep.
Mandys mother was home before I got up and I woke up to her laying next to me kissing my neck. She was obviously horny and the memory of Mandys pussy smell on my fingers and her breast in my mouth was fresh and I was hard right away. Her mother saddled me and rode me to orgasm. Afterwards she complimented me on the aggressive pounding I gave her, having no idea it was the fantasizing of pounding her own daughter that had made it happen. I kissed her one more time before she went to shower and I went down to get some juice in the kitchen. Mandy was there.
Hi Greg. Sorry I fell asleep so early in the movie last night, She lowered he voice to a whisper, I think it was the pot! She giggled and took her cereal to the living room. Was it possible she was so stoned and so drained from the orgasm that she didnt remember what had happened? The playful demeanor was still there as was the trusting smile. No awkwardness, no lingering look. I smiled to myself and took the juice upstairs and hoped in the shower with her mother, for the second fuck of the morning.
The next two weeks went by like nothing had happened. Mandy and I continued to get along very well and we felt like a happy little family. What I did notice was how much more often Mandy started laying out on the patio to tan. She hadnt done that much when I first started coming over but now that I was there more than I was not, she seemed to constantly be doing it. And you know she was wearing a tiny bikini, dont you? I sometimes wondered how the top even covered all of her nipples but her mother didnt seem to care. Mandy got into the practice of asking me to help her put lotion on her back, which progressed to putting it on her legs (those amazing fucking thighs!). I loved how her thighs were so firm, while simultaneously being so supple and malleable.
Lets just say over that time, I was fucking her mother at least once a day if not twice. Her mother couldnt have been more in love, if she had only known it was my daily dose of drinking the vision of Mandy. Those long luscious legs and thick thighs, those CC cup breasts, so perky and tasty. Her beautiful smile and thin neck. Her expanding hips and too small waist. Everything about her was just how it should be, and I was constantly trying to figure out the next move to make in transitioning from being her mothers lover, to hers.
Instead it was Mandy who figured it out. The next Friday we had another movie night, her mom was home this time. Again it was a few movies, starting with a very family friendly one. We finished that one and next was a little rom-com. Jaime was curled up on the couch asleep and would likely just stay there with tomorrow being Saturday. Mandys mother Jolene was dozing herself. Mandy looked up and over to me from the ground where she was sitting wearing very short sweat shorts, which were practically bursting where her thighs came out, stretched to the max. The peach colored shorts were topped by a pink tank top with thin straps, her ample chest dangling just a tiny bit.
She just looked at me for a bit before hoping to her feet. She went to her mother and shook her awake lightly. Mom, did you want to go to bed?
Hmm? No, no, I want to watch the rest of this, I think they get together.
Well Greg and I wanna watch the new transformers movie, so were gonna watch it in my room.
Oh, nnn-kay sweetie. Jolene replied before dozing again. It was long past her bedtime. Mandy walked over to my chair and held out her hand.
Cmon. She looked at me very matter of factly.
Sure . . . I was a bit thrown off as we hadnt said a word about anything. I got up and took her hand, but she took it in the far hand and turned, so instead of being side to side, our arms were across behind her, and where she held the grip, I couldnt help but touch her butt on every step. Was she doing it on purpose? I just didnt know.
We got to her room and she let me go and loaded the movie. She kicked off her shorts, like it was nothing revealing a size two too small sponge bob square pants bikini bottoms. She hopped in the bed and grabbed the remote. She turned on the movie and said, Hit the lights before you lay down.
I clicked the off switch and gingerly walked over to the far side of the bed. What the hell was I going to do here? I was ready to do damn near anything, but her mother was just down the hall. I had to be cognizant. I was wearing an old pair of softball shorts, and a t-shirt. But being at home, after a shower, I usually went commando. And I was fighting a hard on into a chubby already.
I slid under the comforter and had just got propped up an the pillow before Mandy slid back towards me, firmly wedging her still growing teenage ass into my crotch. Her thick thighs were on top of mine, partially bare skin to bare skin. God she had great skin! So soft and tight and firm. Fresh. New. I still wanted to take care so I waited to see what happened next. We were at least 15 minutes in the movie, and I had no idea what was happening because of all my focus on staying soft in my shorts.
I wish we were watching that movie from last time. It was much more fun. I didnt reply to her comment. Then she stretched making the grimacing noise we all do and her hand kick back to me and over my hand. She settled on a soft grip of my hand and then stopped her stretch and pulled her hand back forward, coming to a rest between her legs, between those meaty thighs. Her hand was still on top of mine, my hand on the top of her pussy. I could feel the heat coming off those panties. I just let my hand sit there for a second, before doing a slight up and down with my middle finger.
Mandy exhaled loudly into the pillow, her breath a bit of a stutter. I moved my finger again and felt her move her hips, pushing in to my hand. This progressed to hard rubbing, at which point I couldnt keep my hard on away any longer. Mandy didnt seem to notice, or at least didnt care. She just continued to move to meet my hand and fingers where she wanted to and if that meant her ass cheeks masturbating my cock in my shorts, so be it. She would let out a soft whimper now and again but other than that the only noise other than the movie was the movement of the comforter.
Mandy broke all pretense then and reached down and pulled her bikini bottoms to the side and slid her top leg over the outside of mine, opening her nether regions to me. I let a finger go inside and warmed her up, her wetness a noticeable smell when the comforter would flap a wave of air up and out.
Uuuuuuu-hu-hu-nnnnnnnnnnn! Mandy grunted quietly into the pillow, only a corner of her mouth exposed for air. I added my thumb rubbing and slapping her clit as I felt her body begin to shiver. Her hips were grinding like a piston, compact and powerful and her ass was driving my dick wild. I was starting to pant myself. My nuts were tingling something awful.
Mandys hand suddenly gripped mine and she held me firm where I was and I felt her vaginal walls convulse around my finger. Mandy buried her head in the mattress and let out a muffled Wuuuuuu-eeeeeeeee!!!! She was way too loud for comfort but if there wasnt someone near by, it would sound like much, especially under the movie noise. Her hips kept jutting back and forth as she came, her panties were absolutely soaked and she was gonna have to change the sheets.
But that wasnt what really mattered. No, what really mattered was how close to an orgasm I was. There was no doubt Mandy had done all this intentionally and I wanted my turn. I slipped my foot over hers and pressed down, pinning her. I scooped a hand under her and pushed up her top, grasping her left breast and squeezing the perfect melon. I ground my hips into her backside for 10 seconds before my cum burst out of my cock and into my shorts. I felt like a fire hose of cum, a river of my seed being shared for Mandy.
I smooshed my face into her back and made a noise between the grunt you make when you shit and the sound of a sneeze stuck in your nose. It was odd but a perfect description of the way my orgasm felt. I dont think I have ever cum that hard. Gobs of gooey cum filled my shorts and spilling onto Mandys back thigh and contributing to the mess on her sheets. Damn, we cant forget to change these sheets.
Even after I was out of cum my dick kept clenching, trying to excrete more cum, but I had nothing left to give. It was glorious, dont get me wrong, but cumming without cum starts to sting. Every 5th or so clench, my whole body would strain and clench. It had been years since I came so hard it was hard for me to control my body. I laid clenched with Mandy for a good 3 to 4 minutes before I finally started to relax, but 20 before my heartbeat and breath were normal.
About 10 minutes after she gave me a mind numbing orgasm, Mandy had rotated her head up to look at me and said, I was wrong, this movie is better than the other one. Is this movie going to get better?
This is all the better I can make the movie tonight. Out of breath with just that one sentence.
Okay. Mandy rolled into the fetal position in front of me and I held her. She was asleep in minutes. I held her for another 10 before I got out and hopped in the shower, washing away evidence. After, I tossed my wrung out shorts into one of my luggage pieces and zipped it up. No need to explain wet shorts. I could wash them with Mandys sheets in the morning.
I went to the living room and grabbed my girlfriend and lead her to bed. As I laid in bed, feeling the summer breeze through the window, I just pondered what kind of movies I could rent, that my girlfriend wouldnt want to see.
like jacking off. Now that I had shared intimacy with Mandy, I didn't want anything to do with her mother. I tell you, the next four weeks were insufferable. Jolene wanted it to be like when we first dated and I was so horny watching my girlfriend's jaw dropping daughter, I would fuck her every chance I got. But now I only wanted the real thing. I also knew now that I was essentially getting what I wanted and on the road to more, I had to be extra careful. Things could still...
Mandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...
My Mandy, aka ‘Mandy the Magnificent,’ had gained a certain notoriety in her chosen profession in the local Clubs. She was simply the best, and she hadn’t cared how she’d used her ‘talents’ to get there. Now as I lay awake with four am showing on the red lights of the alarm clock beside the bed, I was unsure of what she was going to be attacking me with when she, even later than usual, came to bed. She came bustling into the apartment - the front door slamming shut with scant regard for the...
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Mandy's 34 and has three lovely k**s with Sam, her husband of 10 years, but something happened recently which she will never ever forget and it's going to haunt her for a very long time indeed. She'll probably never trust another man again after this nightmare. Why did she give in to temptation?Mandy's very attractive, just over 5ft tall and has worked hard to keep her slim shapely figure despite her three pregnancies. She has long dark hair in a frizzy perm.She's well used to all the men...
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MaturePart 3 : Mandy and the Finale “woof!” Mandy wasn’t sure she heard it correctly. Through eyes half closed in sleep. She looked at the number. Trish! “Woof!” Baffled, she listened more carefully, but was only greeted by another woof. A dog ? Her mind conjured up an image of Trish as a bitch on a leash, and she couldn’t help laughing. Probably though, Trish was using one of Mgwabe’s dogs (see Part two) to pull a prank on her. Her doubts were confirmed when she heard Trish’s voice on the...
Put Your Muffin Where Your Mouth is, MandyWritten by irish4skinStarringMandy Muffin as herself Josephine James as herself T-Girl Candy Surprise as herself MILF Delilah as Linda Herrin T-Girl Carla Novaes as herself Corina Curves as Dr. Carolyn Dick T-Girl Elisangel as herself Donita Dunes as herself Sasha Grey as herself ...
An all American story of football and beer, of mysticism and sex, of heroes and heroines. Mandy rubbed her eyes and looked at her watch. It was seven o'clock in the evening. She turned her attention back to her history textbook and thumbed through a few pages. She figured that by eight she should be through with her reading and ready to join the party that was already in progress next door. The music and talk were already pretty loud over there. But it was Friday night in a college dormitory....
Atragantadas con su orgullo( I ) Desde hacía variosdías, los miembros parecían algo mas alterados que de costumbre.Glizia, me lo había comentado ya mas de una vez. Pero cuando realmenteparecieron alborotarse mas, fue a raíz de mi respuesta a un comentariode Glizia. Días antes, mediantelos mensajes del Club, había comentado ligeramente la idea de quenosotras dos podríamos con 50 de los miembros del Club, a lo querespondí en abierto también, que sí, que era una deducciónmuy buena, aunque...
"Mandy, time to get up!" "Yes Mom.." The young girl was lounging in her bed, the sun was shining in her eyes. She got up and grabbed her clothes. Mandy was 15 years old now. But she was looking younger, maybe because of the braces she still had to wear. She was a conspicuous slender girl, quite petite and dainty. She somehow seemed fragile. But she had such a cute face, so fresh and innocent with red cheeks. Mandy was very shy. Most girls in her class yet had sex or at least a...
CONTRUCTIVE COMENTS! Part 2 I was still stupefied of what just happened. Mandy seemed worried. I took a big breath and asked -ok ok ok ok ok okk… tell me everything. -ok…I was born a witch. I leant magic till level 2… and…yeah… -ok…How dose magic work? -it is not how they show in the movies… we cannot do anything without a ingredients… like the sand and flower. -Ok…Do you have a place of reunion… -Yes there is a place where we meet. There is a school we go too as well to learn...
Mandy was a good friend of ours. She was in her mid 30’s and had a daughter – Lauren, approaching 18. Mandy was very protective of her daughter since her husband Jeff had left, and perhaps saw us as parent figures as her own parents were many miles away. Mandy was sweet and quiet, and was one of these people who had a sensational body without being aware of it. When she was younger she had been rather plain, but now into her thirties her body had developed a sensational shape which she,...
Mandy - Stuck as a wife Based on a really existing woman She was one of my colleagues, i first met her when the company she was working for hired me. Mandy, 43, 160 cm of femininity and cuteness, a brunette with medium lenght hair (on her shoulders), a bit skinny maybe but far from ugly: she seemed to wear nothing but dresses (completed by pantyhose and boots during winter, or sandals or flip flops of any kind during summer) which enhanced her curves, her breasts in particular...
During Mandy’s time volunteering as a member of a cooking committee for her company’s sponsored employee organization, she often came home with an obvious air of having consumed an acholic beverage. When I commented about the apparent acholic beverage smell, she said all the members of the committee had a drink or two while they were preparing the dinner meal and no one ever over indulged. My wife said she always limited her participation in the pre-dinner cooking activity to a single Harvey...
He checked out his sister’s sexy legs, from the hem of the short robe to a small golden anklet with several small charms dangling from it. He saw how the thin material of the robe molded to the crevice of her ass then answered, “I’m watching a movie about some people lost on an island. There are five guys and two women, things are getting tense because all the guys want to screw the women, but they won’t let any man fuck them.” “Smart girls,” Mandy said as she flopped down on one end of the...
Derek wasn’t stoned when he got up that morning so he worried that he and his sister Mandy had taken chances with unprotected sex. Later that morning, he questioned her, she assured him that she was close to her cycle, that she felt safe. But regardless of what she said, there was a slight hint of doubt in her eyes. Other than him questioning her safety, nothing else was said, the two expressed no excuses, apologies, or pleasure for the long night of intense sex; the two quickly resumed a...
The living room was a total mess, Mandy Allwood gazed around the room with a look of disgust. She'd just got in from work, after a hard day at the hospital where she worked as a nurse. She didn't want to come home and find her house like this. There were magazines strewn across the sofa and over the coffee table, videos cases left on the floor by the television and cups and plates scattered in various places around the room. Only one person could be responsible for this Mandy thought, her...
I was thinking of getting Steve to undress Mandy while you and I sat at opposite sides of the room watching. He could take his time, taking each piece of clothing off very carefully, he could leave her stockings on and lie her down in between us. I thought maybe then he could take his time to rub that cock of his up and down her body for a while, just like he probably did on holiday. You and I would still be fully clothed, until..... until I offer you a drink from the table. we both go over to...
CHAPTER 1 Mandy Jack had another of those useless thoughts: Why had she given up smoking? For health reasons you useless dope, she sniffed, waiting for coffee. She wished she could have thought useless slut but a guy hadn’t popped her for close to a month and so the word slut was inappropriate. Also why give yourself a bad name? God she was bored. She hadn’t found work since returning home fifteen months ago. No sex was a worry. What was happening? Had she lost her sex appeal overnight or...
Chapter 1 Bob held Mandy tight and whispered into her ear, "I need you too Mandy. I want you to stay forever. Please stay forever!" Mandy sighed, kissed Bob's ear and softly whispered into it, "Yes!" They were sitting in the warmth of the tub. Safe. Secure. His arms wrapped around her and he sighed, thinking, "It has been so long since I have been with a woman. So long." Bob had never been with anyone as young as Mandy. Never had sex with anyone so young. He had been in his mid...
Meeting Jon & Mandy again….The sun had gone down by the time we left Jon and Mandy but the evening was still warm with not a hint of a breeze but I couldn’t help but notice Marie’s nipples still standing proud. We walked by several guys who clearly had noticed the same thing too, much to my enjoyment.I had my arm around Marie and we excitedly chatted about what we had just done and how much fun it had been. Our main intention had been to find a couple with a bi-wife who Marie could play...
Introduction: Oh boy what a night I am now 56 years old and I still to this day wank about this actual episode some of you younger ones who may read this may think err an old man wanking well we do, so get over it or get with it, who knows you may like it. I have lived with partner for four years she is a fine looking women with a wonderful set of tits and a very small waist she was blessed with a fine figure and has never lost it. She can be a right pain in the ass but with her body at your...
I have lived with partner for four years she is a fine looking women with a wonderful set of tits and a very small waist she was blessed with a fine figure and has never lost it. She can be a right pain in the ass but with her body at your disposal, it is a small price to pay. She works in a department store in London and to protect her and those involved in this true story I will call her C. This event took place on a Friday evening after work like so many groups of employees a drink...
Thursday morning, right after dad left for work Mandy came into my room, she was crying, “what’s wrong? I asked.” “Dad came into my room again last night. I was horny, I was about to get up and go to your room so you could make love to me. At first, I thought it was you that came in, but I soon found out, by the smell of alcohol that it was Dad. I pretend to be asleep. He stood over me for a while before he pulled his Sweatpants down and off. He played with himself until he was hard. He...
Bisex-Strapon con una patrullera.....Voy por una carretera secundaria, hace sol, no hay otros coches circulando. De repente veo una motocicleta acercarse por detrás, lleva encendidas unas sirenas, no puedo ver de quien se trata, doy por hecho que es un agente de la autoridad, reduzco la velocidad, giro el volante y me aparto un lado, mientras salgo de la carretera me meto en lo que parece un camino paralelo a la carretera principal, paro justo detrás de unos arbustos. Por el retrovisor veo que...
I wasn't ready for it. I knew what I was going to find when I got there, but I still wasn't ready for it and it didn't help any to know that it happened because of something I'd done. I met Mandy when she came to work at the XYZ Corporation as a secretary. I had started at XYZ the week after my graduation from Eastern Michigan University and in seven years I had risen to regional manager. Sarah, my secretary was going on maternity leave and personnel had sent Mandy to me as her...
I saw Mandy in school. She had very long black hair going down to the beginning of her legs. She had very pale skin, almost like if she never went into the sun. her hair was frizzy. But she was rejected by everyone. She was not clumsy or stupid. She was in fact a nerd under a Goth body. Her marks where always among the best. Even with that, everyone made fun of her. They even pulled some tricks and bad jokes on her. She was in some my class and I was the only one not making fun of her....
She’s GoneMy Wife Mandy and I have been married for 25 years, and she looks to be in her early 30’s, not bad, considering that she is 45 years old. We have two k**s that are grown up and have left home to pursue lives of their own, leaving us empty nesters. Things between us had become stagnant over the past few years, as she and I lives our lives separately, but we admit that we still love and need each-other. Mandy stands five feet, six inches tall, and weighs one-hundred and forty lbs. She...
Author’s notes: It has romantic elements as well as sexual situations. Please skip it if this is not the kind of story you like. There are many great stories on this site with more explicit sex. Please do not read this if you are under 18, or are not allowed to read it in your region… Please do send feedback and comments, they are greatly appreciated. Special thanks to AnotherWannabe and Visioneer for their excellent feedback. All mistakes are the author’s however. A Date with Mandy ...
. Mandy and I had finished showering each other after having some fun at pool side, and paying particular attention to each other’s intimate areas. “Would you like to come back to my Caravan for a Drink, and a get to know you chat?” Mandy said with a wink and a smile. “How could I refuse such a sexy woman?” I replied. With that, she took my hand, and we said goodbye to everyone else as we left the pool. As we walked along the gravel pathway Mandy was telling me all about herself, and how she...
The bell for the end of lunch sounded, and Mandy stood up, slinging the strap of her bag over her shoulder as she did so. Walking to home room, she wondered what her homeroom teacher would be doing when she arrived, reading, or marking papers maybe.In the hall now, kids were jostling and shoving one another, eventually making their way to their homerooms. Mandy followed suit, slipping into class 3 c after a group of chattering girls. She sat down at the back of the class, skimming the room for...
AnalAfter I became Mandy's foster parent, our love life just got better and better. She had moved into my bedroom on a more or less permanent basis. Mandy did go out on a few dates from time to time, mainly for appearances' sake, but mainly came home to me for her loving. When she turned fifteen, Mandy became good friends with a girl in her class named Tawny Bledsoe. Tawny was a gorgeous blonde, slightly taller than Mandy, but equal in all other departments. Since they were in high school...
Introduction: mandy and i go to crete for a holoday, she isnt very outgoing sexuakky but she is fucked in every hole, body modified, and life will never be the same again We arrived at our apartment in Crete at about 4 in the afternoon, hot and sweaty and tired from a 5 hour flight from the UK. We needed a break we had decided as we were not getting on fantastically well so me and the wife left our kids with their grandparents and jetted of for a week of sun, sea and sex. The sex we got was not...
Suzie explained that when she needed a big cock she went to the Ebony Room over in the black part of town. She said, "You'd be surprised at the women you'll see there especially late at night after the other bars close. It's a nice crowd, overall, both black and white; some of the black men are good looking, and a couple of them are hung like a horse." Mandy had thought all week about the notion of trying her luck at the Ebony Room. She had heard of the reputation of black men as...
afternoon, hot and sweaty and tired from a 5 hour flight from the UK. We needed a break we had decided as we were not getting on fantastically well so me and the wife left our kids with their grandparents and jetted of for a week of sun, sea and sex. The sex we got was not what we had in mind and this is our story. The apartment had a shared pool with one other villa, when we got out of the cab, the couple in the other villa were laid out on sunbeds,...
It was a typical late Spring Saturday morning on the Florida Gulf coast, hot, muggy and sunny with a slight breeze coming in off the water. My wife had to work until 3:00 and she had been gone for about an hour or so. I had showered and eaten breakfast and was sitting at the table reading the newspaper. When I heard the thunk from above my head I looked at the clock in the kitchen, 10:30. Mandy, our 18-year-old daughter, was finally out of bed.In a few minutes I heard her footsteps in the...
I had no sooner finished my final day of work for Mandy and had my "nooner" fuck with her at the local motel than I began to formulate my next step. It hadn't been an hour after I finished fucking Mandy that I called her and told her precisely what the next step in our relationship was going to be. The phone rang on Mandy's end and I waited impatiently for her to pick it up. It rang and rang and rang... I figured my sexy blonde fuck-mate was probably in the ladies room diddling her cunt...
In a few minutes I heard her footsteps in the stairwell as she headed for her morning breakfast of a bagel and orange juice before her shower. She wore her usual nightclothes, not stopping to put on a robe before coming down. In the past year or so this had become the rule rather than the exception with her. She wore a pair of silk thong panties and an old muscle shirt that a friend had given her; they did nothing to hide the growing woman beneath them. The big arm holes and scooped neck meant...
Mandy and I have been married for about four years now. She is still as stunning as the day we got together. She is about 5 foot 5 and maybe 115 pounds. She has an absolutely great set on perky low C cup tits. When we met she was a dirty blond, but recently has changed her hair up to a deep brunette with thin purple streaks on the sides. She was incredibly hot before, but her new hair suites her amazingly. We used to have quite a regular party/sex life, but have sinced moved away from our...
Sharon's Journey Part IX - Con Te Partiro As Sharon sat in Julie's kitchen, gazing out the window, her attention was not on the park below but on the sky, a panorama of bright blue mostly shunted into the background by huge patches of thick clouds, the sides facing the sun fluffy and white while the mass away from it a brooding dark grey. Though November was not quite a week old, New York's November sky was apparent, bringing with it a brisk wind. "Wishing on a star?" Julie asked...
While the girls took a shower he 'tidied' a little, occasionally listening at the bathroom door as they soaped and played with each others bodies. Once they were finished he had one himself, returning to the bedroom in a towel and stopping dead again. Once more they were wearing the 'costumes', but this time they'd swapped and Mandy was the 'Nurse' while Karen had donned her high-boots and jacket, her 'awkwardness' seemingly gone. She was sat on the bed, the coat was zipped up, but he could...
He opened the door with a mixture of anticipation and slight trepidation, and for a moment he was disappointed, but also a trifle relieved. "So, you couldn't persuade her?" "No," she smiled a little ruefully. Then a second or two later she chuckled. "Just winding you up! She'll be up in a minute, she's just paying the cab..." He smiled politely while she grinned up at him playfully. Even allowing for the very warm weather the shorts she was wearing were unbelievably short and the...
It had been nearly a year since I'd last been with Mandy sexually. What a run we'd enjoyed not only before my "last two weeks" were over but then for quite some time after that, Mandy had been MORE than willing to fuck me. Ahhh, Mandy, what a hot pussied fucking bitch you were, babe. What an amazingly sexy and orgasmic woman you turned out to be. Truly a delight to fuck and to make you suck my cock like your favorite personal lollipop. Well, almost a year to the day that I'd last fucked...
Qual è il desiderio segreto di molti ragazzi della mia età?? Frequentando molte chat nelle quali si parla di argomenti “piccanti”, un desiderio alquanto diffuso è quello di avere un’esperienza sessuale tra le mura domestiche con la propria sorella, la zia, la cognata o come me con la propria mamma. Mia madre, infatti, è sempre stato il mio desiderio sessuale più segreto. E’ una bellissima donna di 46 anni, alta, formosa, un bellissimo seno (una 5^taglia credo) e un culo ed una figa da...
She sat in the corridor, shaking and alone, her knees drawn and her head on her arms. Mandy was shaking. Dane got off the elevator, walking toward his hotel room. His very presence exuded power and authority. He was a man who was used to getting what he wanted. His eyes took in the scene before him as he came close to his door. One of the hotel maids looked very distraught. Instinct took over, and he touched her shoulder, prompting her to look up. “What’s the matter?” he asked her softly. ...
SeductionIt was just to hot to say no to the girls, all they wanted to do is go swimming with their friends. Even if the lockdown said not to. I wasn’t going to deny my stepdaughters and their friends from enjoying the pool. Let them enjoy hanging out for at least a little while.Erica is my oldest stepdaughter she’s 20 and was attending college across the state until they sent her home. Jessica my younger stepdaughter at 18, was going to graduate early this summer. She had just won a scholarship to a...
CheatingBritney Spears had her hands tucked under the table as she listenedextremely bored to what her manager was telling her.“And with the current research, I think we’ve found the perfectperson for you to go on tour with…” This immediately caught Britney’s attention. She was nervous for weeks trying to figure out who her touring partner would be. “….and I know you’ll be extremely pleased. Mandy Moore.”Britney’s jaw dropped to the floor. “Mandy Moore?!?” She yelled out annoyed. “You can’t be...
About a year after our strip poker threesome With Nick, He moved to a new place in the same town as Mandy and I. He had graduated with a Bachelors Degree and would be attending our university to get his Masters. Nick moved into his Uncles place. It was a rather large place with a game room upstairs that had a pool table. My wife Mandy has always liked houses with pool tables. I’m not sure why, since she’s not very good and we only played now and then when we went out to a bar. We...
Tom finished fucking Mandy and no sooner had he put his cock back into his boxers that morning than he began to hatch the next sex rendezvous that he would share with his busty blonde sex partner. He went and got a bite of breakfast, giving Mandy a little time to catch her breath after their lusty fuck that morning. About two hours later, Tom went to a phone booth and dialed Mandy's number at her office. The phone rang a couple of times and then he heard Mandy's sexy soft voice...
It had been nearly three months since Tom had last seen Mandy. He'd missed not being in town where he could get together with her. He'd found himself getting very horny and missing the sexiness of Mandy's full womanly body while he was lying in bed awake at night. Tom had always found Mandy to be extremely sexy and very desirable. Before she'd pushed him to the edge so that he'd felt compelled to submit his resignation from working for her, Tom had often fantasized about how hot it...
After a wide range of experiences as a gigolo, I developed a preference for a certain type of client: elegant, sophisticated women aged around forty five years old, with bodies anywhere between size ten to fourteen and not overweight. They were often a long way from home on business. Almost without exception these women would be very good communicators, uninhibited and able to articulate their sexual preferences. And if they enjoyed what I had to offer and recommended me to others that was an...
by Lubrican Author's Note: I got the idea for this story from one I read somewhere by another author. I don't remember the name of the story, or who wrote it, or even where it was posted. If it seems familiar, that's probably why. My intent is not to plagiarize, but I wanted to tell the story in a different way than it was originally written. Bob ======================================================= Bob didn't know exactly when he began to look at Mandy and see a woman,...
ADULT. Not for selling. By Jay Jay1: Accidental Introduction Mandy could not believe she was falling victim to her own devices. Had she never pushed her father into the 21st century, she would not be in the predicament she is today. Mandy was born and raised on the family farm. She had left to go to college and had returned after gaining dual degrees in Computer Technology and Financial Accounting. But in the five years since she had left the fourth generation dairy farm; it had become...
It had been almost six months since Mandy and I had played strip pool with our friend Nick. He had started seeing a girl, and she definitely was not the type to even consider getting involved in anything like that. Of course, either would Mandy unless she had been drinking. Anyway, Nick called us up one day and said that his girl would be out of town for a week so he was having a little get together with old friends that he didn’t really get to hang out with when she was around. He asked if we...
After a wide range of experiences as a gigolo, I developed a preference for a certain type of client: elegant, sophisticated women aged around forty five years old, with bodies anywhere between size ten to fourteen and not overweight. They were often a long way from home on business. Almost without exception these women would be very good communicators, uninhibited and able to articulate their sexual preferences. And if they enjoyed what I had to offer and recommended me to others that was an...