- 4 years ago
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"Oh no, no, no, no, please no!" sobbed Mandy, as the car just died on her.
No lights, no power, just a car slowly freewheeling to a halt in the middle of Exmoor. No passing motorists either and no sign at all of civilisation.
"Dammit!" she muttered when pulling out her mobile; no signal either, she really was stuck.
"Why me Lord?" she asked prayerfully. "Sorry Lord, your ways are mysterious and I'm sure there's a reason."
The car had drifted to a halt on the narrow road that purported to be an A road in this part of the country, it had just enough momentum to take it into a parking layby and left Mandy wondering what to do.
Come on, you're 'can do Mandy', the vicar's wife!" she spoke out loud and determinedly, before her shoulders slumped and the tears began to roll again.
Yes, she certainly 'could do', she was the reliable one, the first to volunteer, the first in line to help, the one with all the advice. So why was it that when she relied on others she was always let down? She'd asked Colin to sort out the car at the local garage, but he'd forgotten to book it in. Now, for a trip over Exmoor to visit an ill parishioner, she'd had to take a car where the electrics were dodgy and had died on the way back. Now, now, she told herself, he's a good man, a loving husband and father of our two children. Even if he seems to have forgotten his husbandly duties recently as he threw himself, wholeheartedly it seemed, into the new parish they'd been sent to.
Also niggling had been Colin's insistence on having a vasectomy. Mandy's suspicions as to why he'd done so remained. It wasn't like they even had a sex life these days nor had it improved after he'd had it done. But she was a good wife and a good Christian (she thought) and put those matters to one side as they tried to come to terms with a widespread countryside parish as opposed to the inner city one they'd been previously attached too.
Yes, it had been a culture shock (for both sides) but they had made some headway and gained new parishioners from the surrounding villages as Colin was a good preacher and spent a lot of his energies on visiting his parishioners to help as best he could as he was often wont to say.
Still mulling over the recent past wasn't helping the current situation she was in, though goodness only knew what she could do.
The darkness outside the car was almost absolute, not helped by a light mizzle (mist and drizzle), still, looking carefully, Mandy thought she could just make out a light in the distance. It was, she guessed, worth a shot, though she wasn't really dressed for walking, no coat and although she had her 'sensible' shoes on, they were only light canvas.
Mandy set off along the dark road towards what she hoped was help, the mizzle soon penetrated her light clothing and a light breeze began to chill her, making goosebumps rise on her skin. The mizzle also coated her glasses and made seeing ahead quite difficult, but she hoped, just hoped, that God was on her side in this and he'd lead her to help.
Fifteen minutes later, and soaked as well as chilled to the bone, Mandy was about to give up in despair when a quick wipe of her glasses revealed that indeed there was a light and it appeared to be some form of holiday cottage or isolated retreat, hopefully with a phone.
Ten minutes later Mandy was almost at the door when she tripped, ripping her tights and grazing her knee, but at least she could see her goal clearly and pulling herself to her feet she splashed up to the door to press the doorbell, which she heard faintly in the distance.
It seemed to take an age, but was only a couple of seconds when a shadow appeared in the door's window and she heard the lock click open.
"Yes?" came a deep male voice, though with the light behind him Mandy could not make out any features as yet.
"Hello, my cars broken down on the road and I was wondering if I could use your phone?" Mandy replied.
"Of course, dear Lady," came the voice and the door opened fully to allow Mandy inside.
Inside the warmth quickly had Mandy's glasses all steamed up and she still couldn't make out the stranger as yet, but finally she felt safe.
"The phone's here. Feel free to use it as much as you like," said the man, who, Mandy could now tell, was a good deal taller than herself, or even Colin come to that, as well as older, or more mature she corrected herself. As the steamed up glasses cleared she could also see that he was broad shouldered with a light frosting of grey hairs and eyes that gave the impression that they saw a great deal more than most.
Mandy's first call was to Colin who sounded distracted as ever, but who told her to call up one of the local garages and hung up before she could ask him to supply a number.
"Do you have a yellow pages or phone book?" Mandy asked the stranger. "I'm Mandy by the way, pleased to meet you."
"David," replied the man, as he stretched out his hand to shake hers, giving the impression that he was also caressing her hand too. "Yes, they are under the desk here," he said as he stretched down to retrieve them.
"Thank you, David," Mandy replied as she quickly looked up garage services and began punching in numbers whilst being very aware of David's close proximity to herself.
It took several tries before Mandy found a number that got her an answer, sadly it wasn't a one she wanted.
"We'll get out to you as soon as we can madam, but in this weather and with the fog rolling in it might be at least a couple of hours," came the voice over the phone. "It sounds like you are in a safe place and once we have reached the car we'll come and collect you."
"Thank you," sighed Mandy.
"I'm sorry, David. I hope you don't mind me imposing on you for a couple of hours at least?" asked Mandy.
"It will be a pleasure," David replied and in an old fashioned gesture he took her hand and gently kissed it. "Coffee or perhaps something stronger to take away the chill?"
Mandy's cheeks were burning with a blush at the unexpected gesture from David and her mind seemingly blanked.
"Oh, yes, please," she forced out eventually.
He moved away and Mandy sighed out loud realising she had been holding her breath in his presence. 'I don't understand' she thought, 'he's just a man, I know lots of men.'
"This way," came David's voice from what she thought might be the kitchen.
Two steaming mugs of coffee from a filter machine were waiting and smelled delicious as David added cream then a little Irish whisky.
"Oh! I don't normally drink," Mandy felt obliged to say.
"I can make fresh," David replied.
"No, no, it's alright. It smells heavenly," Mandy said, blushing again and wondering what was wrong with her.
David handed her the mug with his fingers again lingering on Mandy's slim fingers far longer than necessary, it seemed to her.
Hot and sweet, the coffee slid down her throat and tasted, it seemed to Mandy, like ambrosia itself.
"Oh wow, that's so good!" she sighed.
"You are welcome," murmured David. "Too many don't appreciate what talents others have."
Er ... yes," stuttered Mandy, a little confused and realising that David was very close to her, almost touching, yet she felt no desire to move away or even any fear of the man.
"Tell me a little about yourself, Mandy," David asked.
"Well, I'm just me, Mandy, the vicars wife," Mandy replied.
"Must be more to you than that," David murmured again, but close, oh so close to her ear. "Still the vicar is a lucky man to have such a lovely wife."
"Er yes, I suppose he is!" gasped Mandy, as she felt strong but soft fingers gently caress her side over her wet clothing.
Mandy was almost in a daze, it wasn't the 'Irish', her head was clear, but she should be telling this man to stop! But somehow the words just wouldn't form.
As if in a dream Mandy felt herself drawn towards David, his hands seemingly using no pressure, but there she was gazing up into his all-seeing eyes. Eyes which looked upon her and perhaps saw everything better than she saw herself. Raising her palm as if to push them apart was the only token resistance Mandy could find to make. Yet David just lowered his head to kiss her fingertips and that rebellion died stillborn.
"You, musn't!" gasped Mandy half-heartedly.
"Mustn't I?" was all the reply she got as he softly kissed her full soft lips in the manner of a lover, not a friend or acquaintance.
Mandy was in utter shock as she felt her body respond to this unwanted intimacy ... well, it should be unwanted surely? Yet her lips parted and David's tongue slid into her mouth to gently probe at her own as his arms enfolded her and she pressed tight against him.
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Frank Williams was just about through with his shower, and was letting the warm water beat down on his shoulders, when he heard door to the bathroom open. The shower scene from "Psycho" flashed through his mind, but he was quite sure it was not some maniac with a knife. He was right. "Daddy?" a sweet young voice said to him. He recognized the dulcet tones of his darling daughter, Mandy, and his cock started stiffening."Hi, Honey. Why don't you come in and join me?" The thought of what she would...
I started the story about how I shared my husband with my daughter Lily. I have another daughter named Amanda. She and Lily are almost like twins, even though they are almost five years apart in age. I knew that opening the door for Lily meant letting Mandy in, too. Things went well with Lily and Amanda needed the instruction, too. I'll let Chuck tell Mandy's story... Lily's breakup from Chris was hard. He was pretty pissed when he found out she'd gone to bed with me. The little shit came...
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I was sitting in a bar having a beer one night.It was Friday night so it was pretty crowded.After chatting with the bartender for a little I started looking around the bar.I noticed three cute young women sitting at a table and they were looking my way.I smiled politely and they giggled talking between themselves. Then one got up and headed my way.I thought she was going to the restrooms,but she stopped and said "hi." "Hello" I said.She introduced herself as Mandy.I introduced myself. She said...
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Hi, my name is Namita, 30 years old Gujarati female from Mumbai. I am a bit bubbly but still a curvy female. My stats are 36-32-36 with a nice round bouncy ass. And I am proud of it. It was not the case before I met my husband and sexy mother-in-law. I was a plump girl with flab on my tummy and a fat ass. But after my boyfriend left me for some other girl 2 years ago, it has been a changeover and a life turnover for me. I am a businesswoman and have my interiors business. I stay with my dad,...
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Interracial"Hello, Prin," he said. The girl turned from the table where she was arranging a display of women's shoes. "What are you doing here?" she said, scowling. She was wearing black lipstick and had a ring in her nose. "It's your birthday," he said. "I thought we could go to lunch." "Go away," she said, turning back to the table. "Prin, please." "Stop calling me that name." She dropped a shoe on the floor and cursed, picking it up. "Could we go out to lunch?" "I'm working,...
Lola’s friend Lisa asked her if she’d like to go to the local beach to skinny dip. Many people were out of town for the weekend, so it was a great opportunity to get out to the beach without worrying about a bunch of drunken college students. Lola excitedly approached her partner to tell him that she’d like to go. Unexpectedly, her partner asked if he could go along. This was unusual, as Lola’s partner didn’t much like Lisa and wasn’t usually interested in swimming nude among other people. Lola...
Group SexCeci est l’histoire de ma première pipe et doigtage subis j'avais alors 1X ans, début 90, je ne connaissais pas encore mes préférences sexuelles. Mes souvenirs ne sont plus tout frais mais je vais essayer de ne rien omettre, ni trop enjoliver (juste un peut). Je suis parti seul dans un concert alternatif, la je rencontre Laurent un métisse plutôt carré, plus âgé que moi, avec qui le courant passe bien, nous discutons de la musique, il ne dit qu’il joue dans un petit groupe de musique...
Clarification:- Ginormous = extremely large. * As I lay resting, I realised that it wasn’t only the money that I was there for. There was Kylie to add into the equation. No, not the Minerva who’d coldly greeted me at lunch that day. The Kylie I’d walked on the cliffs, swam in the sea and lain on those rocks with out by the headland of the bay below the Cliff Head Hotel. The young woman I’d found myself falling in love with, in such a short time. You see that was the question that had...
Memoirs of a past that had some great times in it, this is a true story that happened to me in the early 1970s so I am showing my age now.I married young, just 19 and my wife was 17, we married as was the standard of the time, because she was pregnant, a man did not run away like they do today, he stayed and faced his responsibilities.I was already working for a large department of government and held a secure position so income to support us was not a problem and by the time I was 21 had...
So, I started seeing this girl in my 20s and she was hot and wild in the bed. She was hot tall nice ass great breast stunning in the face, and did i mention a freak in the bed. I noticed early on that she was very dominate in the bed, she was always in charge of the positions and how often. But that didn't matter it was nearly daily. She kept her pussy shaved and had her clit pierced she only wore sexy panties and bras no granny panties or boring bras colors bright pinks and purples were all...
Me and my hubby have been trawling erotic sites for a while. We'll him a lot longer than me. One night he persuaded me to take some sexy pics and put em on the site. I was amazed by the feedback and how much people liked them. We were texting a couple on night who asked us to skype it for them I pondered over this for a while and thought why not I will never see them. We turned on the lap top and I instantly got aroused as there was some guy sat there holding his cock. I told him right...
After about 2 years with Miss Britt she decided it was time to go out in public. "Lisa dear, I have decided it's time for you and I to spend a day shopping and lunch with one of my clients, a very special client. She is the managing editor of a very prominent ladies fashion magazine. I try to lunch with her about every 4-5 months as you know but this time you will join me and meet her face to face. I do not believe she knows you are a male so you will have to put on your best...
Our journey was so much more uneventful than the last time I made this trip, and on so many levels, I was grateful. I was both nervous and excited as we got closer, and would spend my spare time listening to stories of growing up, their schools and educational system, different celebrations, and much more. The crew seemed to enjoy sharing these stories with me, and in exchange, I shared with them about growing up on Earth, the places I lived, visited, and anything else they were interested in...
412 Dave`s reassuring hand holding pt4 The next two weeks passed slowly, oh they had sex, Gaye and Dave, but it was with the memory of that last weekend as a stimulant, Dan had promised Gaye that he would up the stakes if she so wished, and the prospect of both watching and of having the delightful Mary again had Dave more than a little interested. Meanwhile he finished the painting, one of his best so far. It was on the Monday of the second week as it happened the day that the client for the...
I am Bablee and have been living in the US with my husband and c***dren for the past few years. We are from Pakistan. My husband is a typical Pakistani man who thinks of Eastern customs, norms, and culture as essentially pure. That is why when my eldest daughter promoted in Xi Standard, my husband sent her back to Pakistan for marriage. He did not want his daughter to adopt or prefer Western culture.My older daughter and I were very similar to each other, people often did not recognize us. Both...
As I was growing up mom and dad did not worry too much about being naked in front of me. I even walked in on them fucking several times. Once I hit puberty, I wanted to see much more. Dad started to make comments about my pecker, how hairy it was getting and how much bigger it was getting. Dad would always make jokes about how he was going to have to watch out that mom does not attack me. Mom would just smile and say that she is thinking about it. Then dad was going to have to be out of town...
Angel & our friends wife Becky having their 1st joint gangbang----------------------------------------------------------------------About 3 weeks after our 'Fun at the Avengers' I needed to go see Carl aboutanother mining venture we had. We had some placer claims on the American Riverwe wanted to get going now that the spring runoff had ended & he & I had totalk about equipment & supplies that we need to get. Angel asked me if shecould go with me so that she & I could do...
PART 2A couple of evenings later that week we were attending a beach barbeque just along from our bungalow. We were usually the last ones to leave the beach bar which closed when the last guest left, this particular night I had been flirting a lot with the a beautiful young black barman called Jess and James my new black lover. At about midnight I told Rob I was making a move back to the beach bungalow, he said he would be along in a few minutes, as a parting shot I asked him to bring a bottle...