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Mandy By: Rachael Free xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I was like any other guy, going to college and just waiting to graduate in less than a few months. What was I going to do then? I had a lousy major and the job opportunities seemed to really be slim. With the turndown in the economy I didn't have much chance of a good job. That was for sure. I had transferred to Penn State from a Junior college and really didn't have many friends. My old friends from back home were few and we didn't keep in touch at all. Basically, I had my own small dumpy apartment, lived alone and didn't have any close friends or even girlfriends. Most of my nights were spent sucking down beer at the pub or just sit at home watching TV. My parents were divorced and I was an only child. I'd see my Dad maybe once a year and my Mom a few more than that but basically, they had their won lives, new mates and my dad even had some little rug rats from his new wife. Mom was the one who wanted the divorce and moved to Las Vegas with her "Sugar Daddy". My life seemed trivial to anyone, even me. One night while I was drowning my sorrow, this really cute girl came up to me and sat down next to me. She ordered a beer and I began a conversation with her. The normal stuff really, her major, where she came from, sister/brothers, dogs/cats, you know, that kind of shit. Boy was she ever cute though. Something about her was a bit odd though but it didn't matter, I like her and she wasn't a dog like most of the girls here (well I thought so at least). We talked for a few hours and she said she had to get going. I walked her to her apartment. She was a senior also and was graduating early like me. I had two more months to go and we would be out of school at the same time. I leaned forward and kissed her cheek. Her head lowered and I could tell she was blushing. Wow, this cute thing, blushing? Oh well. I said good night and she went inside. I was on top of the world. I talked to a really cute girl tonight, yes me. I went home and relieved myself, conjuring up all sorts of sexual activities I would do with her. I fell asleep still messy from my dreamy adventure. I woke up with dried cum all over my stomach and legs. The shower cleaned me up and I was almost skipping to class, high on my conquest last night. You see, I'm no Adonis. I'm maybe 140 lbs. soaking wet, have long blonde hair I wear in a ponytail and didn't have much body hair to speak of. I still look like a 6th grader really and didn't develop much. Oh I do have a nice piece in between my legs and can't wait to use it for real one of these days. Yes, I've never made love to a girl, never. Sad to say but I was still a virgin, to women that is. My hand, well that's another story. I found out the cuties name was Toni. Toni and I agreed to meet the next night. It was Saturday and the bars would be packed. We could hang out and have some more fun, and who knows, maybe I would get lucky. Toni and I met at the skellar and had fun watching people dance and drink away. We got along great and the evening went by as quick as it came. Toni held on to me as we walked to her apartment. She was a little tipsy and I was too really. Again, I kissed her cheek waiting for her to respond but she lowered her head again, almost embarrassed by the kiss. She just said goodnight and off I went. Toni and I dated for almost three weeks and each evening was the same. I couldn't even reach first base. One night I picked a quiet bar and met her. She looked fantastic in this short dress and heels. Her hair and face looked wonderful too. She was dressed to the nines. We sat and talked as I started probing about her past, and some intimate details of her life trying to get a read on her. She seemed to evade most questions and then said, "You have to come with me. I really need to show you something." Well who was I to say no. Toni and I walked a few blocks and turned down an alley I had never been to before. She knocked on a door and it opened. I could hear music inside and she took my hand, leading me past the huge bouncer. Inside was dark but you could see very pretty women in all states of dress lap dancing with men and even women, in embraces, kissing both men and women and other girls dancing on small stages. This was a strip joint. Why would she bring me here? Oh no, it hit me. She was a stripper. Oh well, that wasn't that bad really. I just couldn't get over the girl/girl thing though. We went to the bar and the bartender yelled out, "Hey there Bambi." Bambi, was that her stage name? There was s drink in front of her immediately and I had a beer poured for me as well. We sat at the bar while she smiled at several men and women and I took in all the action in the place. I really had to pee and asked her where to go. She pointed in the corner and I mad it just in time. I walked in and heard some noise behind me. Oh no, there were people in the stalls obviously doing something. Not reading a paper I might add. There were moans and a few screams. I was finishing when the door of one stall opened and a guy was there with his pants down at his feet. The girl was fixing her hair and walked up to the mirror, rinsing out her mouth and putting on more lipstick. I didn't flinch. I shook myself off and put my package away neatly. I went the sink next to her and washed my hands. She looked at me and in the deepest voice I had ever heard from a woman, she said, "Hey honey, want a ride?" Oh my god, this was a guy in drag. I could have sworn it was a real girl though. She, I mean he, had real tits and curves. Wow, a knockout too. As soon as she spoke though, realizing the she was a he, my cock almost had a mind of it's own and got super hard in my pants. The girl looked down and smiled at me. "No, my girlfriend is outside. I'll take a pass." She shook her head. "Your loss sweety." I was still in front of the sink when she left to let my monster calm down a bit. The guy came out from the stall and said, "Hey you really missed out. Wow could she ever suck a cock. And deep throat too. No gagging." I nodded back and I walked out, walking back to Toni. Toni had a guy next to her and trying to chum up to her. I felt a bit of jealousy but let it pass. Maybe she knew him. Then it hit me again Toni may be a guy too. Oh fuck. I find a hot chick and she turns out to be a guy. I sit down and am quiet as Toni is trying to get me to loosen up. "Hey what's wrong Jimmy. I thought you would love this place. A bit different but it can be a lot of fun. Just keep watching." Watching was all I wanted to do. I had never seen anything like this except in the porno magazines I read. Now I was experiencing it for real. Toni saw I was uncomfortable and took my hand leading me to a back room. It was much quieter back her with couples kissing and fondling each other but no sex. Phew, I'm glad of that. Toni sat me down in a booth and across from me. She took my hands and said, "Jimmy, I work here. I go to school to finish my degree but after I'm done, here's where I'm going to work." OK here comes the guy thing. "This is an alternative club for just about anything. I'm sure you got an eyeful in the bathroom. I saw the girl who came out. That was Trixie. She's a guy really. Nice boob job and the hormones really make her look hot." If you look around, most of the dancers are guys. Some in full transition others just crossdressers who like to earn a ton of money. Yes I dance here too but I have to tell you, I'm fully female. No cock on me and never have." Wow, that was sure a relief. "I bet once you saw Trixie, you thought the worst of me. No Jimmy, I'm a female with all the real plumbing. I found this place through another friend, a gay friend who danced here. He got me the job and I pull in about $5000 a week. Not bad for a schoolgirl huh. Most of the "Gurls" are here for the money from dancing but the back room sex is what they're really here for. Hook up with a rich guy and you're set. I just dance, that's it. Topless only. Oh, and I'm Bambi when I 'm here, not Toni. Yes Toni is my real name too. I just wanted to set you straight." I needed another beer now and Bambi had a round delivered. We sat talking some more, about the club, her lifestyle and why she wouldn't kiss me. She didn't want to get involved until I saw what her real life was like. All her dates dumped her after they found out and she really liked me and didn't want to drive me away. She thought I was different and not the macho type. I had a sensitive side to me and would understand. We sat for a while longer and then we got up and headed to her apartment. No good night kiss on the cheek tonight. Toni opened the door and as soon as we were inside, basically attacked me. We fucked and sucked all night long and wow, was she ever wonderful. I was in heaven, realizing I found a phenomenal woman. I woke up in Toni's arms and we went at it again in the morning. She was incredible. We showered together and I had to get to work myself. Only an hours sleep but I would last the day on pure adrenaline. The day drug along and I was at Toni's door at 6PM like I promised. It was Sunday and the club was closed so we had all evening together. We munched on appetizers, wine and each other until we moved to the bedroom and went fast and furious, pleasing each other to no end. We got up on Monday and both had classes. I had brought my things over for class and we both left, me dropping her off at hers and me gleefully making my way to mine. I had a hectic Monday and met her at her place at 4PM. She had to work that night and had to get some sleep. I sat in the living room while she got some shuteye. I woke her at 9PM and she fixed herself up while I cleaned the place a bit. Her clothes were hot and her body looked magnificent. I wanted to see her topless but was a little jealous too. All the other guys would be ogling my girlfriends tits all evening. This pattern went on, even on Saturday nights. The only night we could get together was Sunday and we had to get sleep too because of our schedules. One evening I asked her how we could see each other more and be together? She smiled at me and said I could change my schedule and get a job there too. She knew the owner and he would do anything for her. That evening she had a talk with him and then next day she told me were meeting with him for an interview. Wow, that was fast. Toni fixed herself up early and the two of us went to the club. It wasn't open yet so we had time to talk with the owner. We walked in and sat a table as he came out of his office. He looked very distinguished, not the sleazy kind of guy you would think would own a place like this. I stood and put out my hand. His hand wrapped right around mine, squeezing hit hard. I felt like I was being sized up too. I felt so small next to him too. "I'm Ed, Big Ed Coulter. Just call me Ed for short. He sat and told me Bambi asked if he could give me a job. "Well Bambi tells me you two are an item now. That's great. She also said you could use a new job. Well I have to tell you Jamie, I don't have many opening for bartenders or waiters. As you can see, the club only has waitresses. I have a cleaning staff that serves the place each night too so I can't use back room help. Here's what I propose. Bambi here tells me you're a pretty good dancer. I could use another dancer while my girls are working the crowd. Interested?" I looked at him and then at Toni. She was nodding her head and I just said yes. It was an alternative club, what the heck, I didn't have to show my privates, just dance on a stage in a small Speedo. That wouldn't be tough. I did like to dance and this could work out well. "I'll do it. " I signed the contract without reading it as I handed it back, shaking his hand again. "OK, you start Saturday night. Be here at 9PM sharp. The girls will show you your station." He got up and left and Toni hugged me. "This is great. We can now be together more. In fact, why don't you just move your stuff to my place? No need for you paying rent anymore. You hardly have anything and my place is big enough for the two of us. Oh and of course, we only need one bed anyway." She was right and the next day I cancelled my lease and moved the little amount of things I had to Toni's place. She gave me a few drawers and my things fit perfect. I had two days to change my schedules, quitting my burger flipping gig and settling into my new place. In fact, it was a two bedroom condo and very nice indeed. Toni was doing well for herself and bought it, not leased it. It was Saturday evening, the busiest night of the week, and I was a bit nervous. Toni wanted me there early so we got there at 8PM. I went in the back room with the other dancers. Strange thing was, there were no other guys. The real girls and other "gurls" were prancing around topless for the most part. They were all doing their makeup and putting on the slightest of costumes for the evening's entertainment. They could change as many as five times throughout the evening. Toni brought me back to her makeup area and sat me down. Now, let me loosened up your ponytail. She took out the rubber band and let my hair cascade over my shoulders. She primped it a bit then said it need a bit of work. A hair girl came over and was teasing it and spraying hairspray all over me as I sat looking at her away from the mirror. She was done in minutes and Toni smiled saying it looked much better. I felt sticky and stiff though. Toni then took an eye liner and told me to be still. I pulled back as she said I needed to enhance my eyes for the stage. It made sense. Then she took some eye shadow and put that on too. And then mascara. "There, that should do for tonight. It makes your features stand out. The crowd will love it." She then took some lipstick and was putting it on my lips. I pulled back again and she said, "Don't be such a baby, even the people on TV use lipstick. That's normal in our business. I just went along with the game and sat there while she got ready. She chose a one piece number, just barely covering her chest. She threw me some Speedos. "Get undressed and put these on sweety. They were pink and I figured, what the heck and put them on. They weren't Speedos though and went into the crack of my ass and barely fir over my package in the front. Toni finished dressing while I tried to cover myself. I felt naked in this skimpy suit. A girl came up to me and said that would never do and came to me with a short plaid skirt and white frilly top. Here put your arms in this. She wrapped the shirt around me and had me step into the skirt. This was really getting a bit unusual as she clipped up the side, making it easy to come off. She stood back and looked again. Here, put these on. I sat and slid a white and silky thigh up one leg. And then the other. There was a little bow in the back too. They were held in place with some type of elastic. Toni came over and smiled at me, kissing my cheek saying I looked great and was going to be a hit. I felt foolish in this get out. She sat me down again and took out some babydoll pumps in white. She put them up tot my feet then helped me into the shoes. They fit like gloves. This was weird. Almost like everything was sized for me. I stood, almost losing my balance as Toni showed me how to walk, one foot in front of the other and with little, short steps. Of course short steps, I couldn't handle anything bigger in these things. She then clipped some earring on my ears and put a choker around my neck in white lace. She then took her perfume and sprayed herself and then me, all over my face, neck and body. She stood back and said I was finished. I stood back up and looked in the full length mirror. Looking back was a schoolgirl, looking very na?ve too. I had makeup on making me look like a girl. My hair was teased out and there were two pigtails on each side of my head. My blouse screamed little girl and my short skirt was so short you could make out my Speedo. I'll bet it wasn't a Speedo either. Stepping back, two other girls and a few Guys dressed as girls came over and hugged me. "You look darling. You'll get lots of tips tonight girlfriend." Oh no, I was a guy, what was I doing here? I had to do something and made my way very carefully to the owner's office. I knocked and he opened the door. "We'll, well. You turned out better than I thought. No it's time to hit the stage. Move along sugar britches." He knew about all this. "Hey I didn't sign up for this. I was supposed to dance as a guy, not a girl. "Oh no little missy. The contract you signed locks you into three year commitment as a dancing girl. You should have read the fine print." He shut the door and I felt so used right now. I minced back to Toni and held her telling her this was a mistake and I though I was dancing as a guy. She looked at me weird. "But you know all the dancers look like girls. You've been here before. And didn't you read the contract? Jimmy, did you sign up for a week by week commitment." I shook my head no. "One month?" I nodded no again. "How long Jimmy? " I said three years. Her hand went to her mouth. "Jimmy, how could you. I mean....." as her voice faded off. She looked at me and said, "Well we have a show to put on. Forget about it for now, maybe we can change it later. For now, do your first round and then come back. Hilda will make the necessary changes for the next show." I followed Toni to the stage and the music started. There were only a few men and women in the club and I began to dance, very aware of the eyes looking at me. After 30 minutes I felt a bit more comfortable and even flirted with a few guys. I truly was a hit and got a few applauses for my dancing skills. We moved off the stage and back to the dressing room while other girls danced. Hilda, the house mama, helped me out of my schoolgirl outfit, into a slinky short length, strapless tight dress. Oh no, this screamed sex object too. She redid my hair, fluffing it up, I now had very high, teased out blonde hair. Hilda looked at me as she grabbed a few things in her hand. She pulled the top on my dress down and placed an object on my right chest and told me to hold it and did the same to my left chest. "Good thing you don't have much hair." She told me I could remove my hands and I no sported a pair of realistic looking breasts. She had me sit and blended in the edges to make them look real. The top of the dress came back up and voila, I looked like a staked woman. The weight was something completely different too. She redid my lipstick, making it lighter and I got in line with the other girls as we paraded to our stations. I wasn't one of the topless girls, just some eye candy on the side stations. At least I could stay covered up. I dance a bit more sexy this time, wiggling my hips and teasing some of the guys. I got money stuffed down the cleavage in between my tits and after the dance, I took the money out. They weren't ones but they were hundreds dollar bills. Oh my god, I was rich. Hilda had me change again, this time into a cat suit. No skirt or dress to cover me up though and Hilda had me drop my panties, pushed my balls up into me, tucked my penis up under me and used some tape from my groin and up under my ass, holding my penis in place. I though my balls would hurt but oddly enough they didn't. I pulled up the skimpy panties and then stepped back into the tight suit. There, the bulge was gone and a nice flat tummy. Black hose with black heel and a black face mask topped me off. I looked like the new cat woman, and oddly enough, felt like it. I was another hit, crawling my way around the stage, purring and clawing out while I danced very provocatively on a pole. I had never done anything like this before but it just felt so natural. The last set had me in a sexy nightie with pigtails again, licking away on a big lollypop. With thigh highs again and soft furry slippers to match. We finally ended the night at 2AM and I met Toni backstage. I was taking off my slippers and stockings when Toni said to leave the stocking and panties on, we were all going out. It was time to celebrate. I was a hit. It was Saturday night, no wait, early Sunday morning and we didn't have to work tonight. Time to party. She picked out the most neutral dress and had me put it on. It was bright pink and it was very tight, showing off my buxom chest and curvy body. Hilda had helped out there two with some strategically place pads, also glued on. Hilda fixed my hair to make me a bit more sophisticated and Toni put silver chandelier clip on earrings on me. A matching necklace and a few rings and I looked great. She chose some 4 inch pink heels too. I felt like Cinderella going to a ball. Toni gave me a small clutch purse and told me to keep it close to me. I stuffed my money I made into it and off we went, in the back of the bosses limo to his house. It was just out of town and it was huge. All us girls got out and we went in. There were all sorts of cocktails, appetizers, and even some good champagne. I could get used to this. This was great. It sure beat sitting at home sucking down a few beers. Being dressed at first really scared me but as the evening went on and I changed into the other costumes I looked at is as just a play or job, not anything really out of the ordinary. Of course I was really a guy but it was like a part in a play. I did feel very comfortable too around the other real girls and he-girls. I found myself even copying some of the feminine gestures I was watching, almost without even thinking. The night ended and the limo dropped us all off at our places. It was 4AM and Toni and I made our way up the stairs, arm-in-arm. We stopped at her door and she put her arms around me and laid the wettest and best kiss I had ever tasted on my pink frosted lips. Wow, her lips were soft too and we remained in our lip lock for the next few minute. We didn't care if anyone saw us either. Toni opened the door and as we got inside, Toni attacking me again and pulling me into the bed room. She pushed me on the bed and got on top of me. I wanted so bad to fuck her but I had to remove the tape and let everything drop into place. I told her to stop and I got up and hiked the hem of my dress. She saw how flat I was and gasped, then laughed. "You look so feminine Jimmy. Here let me help you with that." She was very careful not to pull out my hair and removed the tape, letting my penis to fall into place and my testicles to "pop" out of my body. Wow did that feel better. She pushed me back and we began to make love like two girls but with one having some extra parts. She felt up my "tits" as I made sure I brought her to an orgasm with my tongue. We stripped each other down and were naked by the time we fell asleep in each others arms. I woke after Toni and she was making coffee as I got up and put on one of her robes. It was the closest thing to me really. Her slippers were there too and I just slipped them on as I walked into the kitchen. "Well hello beautiful. Boy it sure looks like you had some night last night. Your hair is simply a mess, your makeup is a disaster and you look like you've been hit by a train. Other than that, you are simply scrumptious." I sat down as I grabbed a cup of hot coffee. I really needed the coffee right now. After I regained my thoughts and woke up, Toni and I laughed about last night and how I immersed myself into my role. Yes, I looked at it as a role, not a lifestyle. Just then I remembered my purse. It was on the table and I opened it up, pulling the bills out that were stuffed in it. I started counting. After I was done, I looked up at Toni in disbelief. "There is over $2000 here. How could that be?" I was amazed. I know I had the place excited but I couldn't believe I was that good. Toni sat down and smiled. "Not a bad take now is it Jimmy. You know, you can't be Jimmy any more at the club. That just won't do. What should we call you?" We went over name after name, but nothing really hitting me. Then Toni said. "Mandy". I said it and she said it again. "Mandy". Hey that's it. Not too sluttish but a bit provocative at the same time. Mandy it is. Ok I was now going to be Mandy. At least the people I knew from school would never know. To our neighbors, two hot women lived here too with the occasional man coming and going. Everything seemed very natural. If only they knew. Toni helped clean the makeup off of me but left my fake breasts on me. She wanted to have some fun with me today. That crazy girl. She had me put on a lacy pink push up bra, one of her tight pink sleeveless tops, a pair of pink panties and white jean skirt. She gave me a real tight pair of elastic panties too so I didn't have to tuck today. The panties themselves held me firmer and didn't show the bulge. After the get ups last night, this seemed very tame. I had washed my hair and she was brushing it for me. It felt great after all the hairspray and perfume sprayed on it last night. We had to be at the club again tonight. I took out the contract and I was committed to the same schedule Toni worked. Only two nights off, Sunday and Thursday. Thursday's were slow nights so they only need one shift of girls. The most senior girls always worked. They didn't need the money but the high rollers took them into the back where they really made out. Not for me. We sat around as she played with my hair, finally deciding on a French braid. It felt so nice running down my back and tight on my head. She used a pink bow at the end to tie it off. I had shaved real close after my shower but really had a very light beard anyway. I normally shaved every third day. She had me sit at her makeup table and put on foundation, powder, blusher for my cheeks, outline my eyes, used three or fours colors on my eye lids, and even thinned my brows a bit. Ouch that hurt. She used some extra curling mascara and I could feel my lashes actually curl back. Neat. She lined my lips and filed them in with a light pink moisturizing lipstick and had me look. Wow, I was pretty, actually pretty. My face was tight from my braid and made up perfect. My skin looked so natural and so clean. My lips were the best part. I loved how pouty she made them look. You would never have known I was a guy. We were about the same size but my boobs were now larger than hers. Oh and she did comment on them too. She was jealous of my breasts. How funny was that? She had me slip into a pair of strappy sandals with a three inch heel. After dancing last night in skyscrapers, I could handle these puppies with no problem. Toni looked at my feet and had me take them off as she polished each toe with a very bright pink color. They were now very cute and visible in my sandals. "We're going to have to work on your nails this afternoon too." How would I hide them during school? We'll see about the fingernails. All in due time. I got tickles looking at my feet. My pink nails looked "pretty" to be honest. I felt very comfortable in my top and skirt too. Last night was a crash course in girl and I think I passed. I stood up and stood next to Toni. There were two pretty girls staring back. I could pass without anyone ever suspecting anything. "OK girlfriend, grab a purse and let's go shopping. This is going to be so much fun. I can't wait." We went to the local mall and window shopped for hours. We went into some young girl shops and looked at fancy skirts and tops, high end department stores and sniffed perfumes and looked at the jewelry, and even the intimate shop, Victoria's Secret. I had never ever ventured into a place like this. All sorts of bras, panties, corset, lingerie, gowns and everything girly. I had the most fun in here really as Toni picked out some beautiful panty and bra sets for me, some silky nighties, a corset, some thigh high stockings and even fishnet stockings. Fishnets? Now why would I need something like that? The bill came to over $400. I paid for the things and off we went to shop some more. Toni and I walked arm-in-arm like to girlfriends as we stopped in front of Claire's Boutique. Oh no, now what did she have in mind? She pulled me in and we looked at earrings, pierced of course. Not for me. I didn't have pierced ears. We picked out hoops, and chandelier, and studs and even costume crystal sets. She then paid and I was asked to sit in the chair by one of the sales girls. Oh no she didn't, did she? Yes, I was getting pierced ears. At least I could hide the holes for the most part with a hat or some makeup or something. Well here goes. I sat there, had my ear lobes cleaned and "Pop" I had a hole in each ear. The lady then took two small hoops and told me how to clean the holes so they didn't get infected. Then I sat there and heard "Pop" again. She put a second hole above the first. One hole was one too many. Now I had two holes in my ears. Oh no, too late to change my mind now. She put small studs in this hole. I got up and was amazed they didn't hurt. I could feel the hoop dangle a bit. It was very light so I wouldn't hurt my new piercing. "How about your belly button Mandy?" Toni giggled as I threw her a nasty look. Here I was now, my hands full of all sorts of bags full of women's clothing and unmentionables, gliding along in my three inch heels and newly pierced ears. Nothing male about this picture. What would my mother say if she saw me right now? We got back to the apartment and I modeled everything for Toni. Toni helped me hang my new things in the closet and cleared out another drawer for my nice new bras, panties and stockings. Oh, it was my drawer she cleared out. My underwear and sock drawer to be exact. "Oh you won't be needing these silly things anymore. Just wear panties every day. You have enough now. I don't know how you can stand the stiff cotton ones anyway, Silky panties are much nicer." Oh boy, this new job is really making changes in my way of life that's for sure. The greatest thing though is that I have one hot girlfriend and making some awesome cash. What could be better. Toni and I sat around and had some dinner as we watched a "chick flick" on TV. I almost cried at the end too holding back my tears. Tomorrow was school. What would I do with my new pierced ears? "Oh don't even worry Mandy, no one will even notice." She, she called me Mandy not Jimmy. What gives? I don't want to piss her off so I guess I'll just let it slide. We took off our makeup, Toni undid my braid, and I took off my breast forms using the special remover I was given. My chest felt lighter without them attached. I had gotten so used to them today I didn't even feel I had them on. I did get lots of looks to today I noticed from many of the guys. Toni let me use a silky nightie and I slipped it over my head without a thought. We were inside, no one would know. We fell asleep and heard the alarm ring the next morning. Toni did her girl thing and I went back to showering, shaving, pulling my hair back in a pony tail, and getting dressed. I opened my underwear drawer and I forgot, all I had were women's panties. I grabbed the ones on top and slipped them on. They did feel kinda cool as I put my jeans on over them. I grabbed a shirt and then went to get a pair of socks. Oh no, we got rid of my socks too. I looked in Toni's drawer and found a short pair with pink trim. Oh well, they would have to do. I hope my pant cuffs cover the pink and the little bow on them. Toni suggested I replace my earrings with even smaller plain studs to make them less visible. She was always thinking. I replaced them without any problems and she was right, unless you really looked, they just blended in with my skin. The two of us were off for class. Classes were long and boring and I knew I was going to pass anyway so I was just going through the motions, showing up for attendance only. Toni was right. No one even notice my ears. In fact, I don't even think any even knew I was in the class room. No one cared. We met back at the apartment and Toni said she had to have me do a few things before we went to work. She told me to get in the shower and put the lotion all over my body but not from the neck up. I did what she said. Boy this stuff really stunk. She came in and even did my back. That was weird. I was told to wait ten minutes and then shower. My whole body tingled as I stood there. The buzzer rang and I let the warm water flow over me, letting the soothing lotion to go down the drain. I washed my hair as usual and even conditioned it as she suggested. I'd never done that before but it did feel silky after the conditioning. When my hair was rinsed, I looked down. All my hair had been stripped off and I was standing there completely devoid of any hair from my neck down. My groin looked like I did when I was in sixth grade, no hair anywhere. Even my arm pits were soft and smooth. Oh boy, Toni had me use a liquid hair remover. What else did she have in mind. I got out and she came in telling me to stand there as she put another lotion on my back, legs, arms and belly leaving my chest alone. "We need to keep that clean so we can attach your boobs, remember. Ah yes, the old boob trick. I now smelled like lilacs, very feminine indeed. Toni cam back in and had my slip a pair of panties up my legs but they were special and had a small pouch and were very skimpy. 'It's a special gaff so we don't have to use tape Mandy." There it was again, Mandy? She helped push my testicles up, slipped my tool into a small elastic sleeve and raise the gaff up holding it in place in the front and then pulling up on the back, tying up the pouch to my waist. I was really tucked away and about as flat as I was the other night. Not bad. "There now, all girly again." Just remember, this is only a role I am playing, just and act. Toni had me lie down on the bed and put some adhesive to the back of the forms and then to my chest. After the adhesive dried, you positioned the form in place and press it against the body. The natural temperature of the body would "cure" the adhesive and would be attached until the special remover was used. Toni did one and then the other and voila, I had boobs again. She worked on blending in the seams and wow, they looked very real. I stood up and remember the familiar weight on my chest. Toni had me pick out a nice peach push up bra and matching panties we bought yesterday. The panties slip up my silly legs and over the gaff. I looked like a girl up front again. It hooked the bra, slid it around and filled the cups with my fake boobs. My arms went through he straps and Toni let out a giggle as she watched me adjust the straps and make sure my boobs fit perfect. "My you've got putting a bra on down like a real girl. It's so cute watching you get ready." I could tell she was tickled. Again, remember, it's only a part in a play. I opened a pair of sheer to the toe thigh highs and carefully slid them up my legs, making sure I didn't put a run in them. My pink toes beamed through the toe. My how silky they felt against my soft, hair free skin. "OK Mandy, before we do any more, I have this special lotion the club uses for the "male" girls. It's for your beard. It actually goes deep into the skin and dissolves the hair follicles so you never have to shave again. Only one application from what I understand. It mixes with your body chemistry too to help soften other features. It's really a "magic potion" as I'm told from other "gurls" at the club. The combination of hormones, enzymes and minerals will keep your face looking young and hairless the rest of your life. It's like a mini face lift. It's much stronger than the lotion we used on your body and someone has to help you with the application. I'm that someone so lie back on the bed." I lie back and she puts a mask over my hair, down my ear line, over my forehead and eyes, under my chin and under the beard line, leaving only my bearded skin exposed. "Now just be still. I'm told this works very fast and we have to neutralize it in exactly five minutes." I sure hope she can tell time? I feel a cool sensation as she squeezes a cream out and spreads it over my face. Toni's wearing gloves. I wonder what this will do to MY face. "There, now let's just wait. " Toni actually set a timer as she got herself ready. The timer went off and she came over, lifting on edge of the now hardened mask and it pealed right away. I was about to get up when she said, "That's only step one. We have two more to go." Oh boy, this is such a pain. I felt a warmer cream this time and it stung a bit. Five more minutes and that peeled off. "OK Mandy, the last step." I just lay there as I feel a hot cream now being applied. It's actually burning. "Ow, it hurts" I say as she tells me to stop being such a baby. After five minute she peels that off and removes the protective wrap from my face and hair. "There all done. Get up and look at the results." I got up, went to the mirror and gasped. My face was devoid of any hair, smooth as a babies behind and my nose, chin and cheeks look different. My skin is tight but very soft and conditioned. "How do you like your face dear?" I kept looking, liking how nice I looked and definitely how more feminine I looked. "That's a side benefit of the treatment dear. Your skin actually reforms the collagen under your skin to make it more feminized. I knew you would love the results. It even dissolves some cartilage and bone to chisel the masculine features" My chin looked thinner, my nose perkier with a little upturn and my cheeks very defined and high. Oh my, I look so delicate and actually more feminine. Still masculine but definitely more feminine. I loved it but what about school. Now I would really stand out. "Now I bet you're worried about school. Well no one saw your earrings, right? No one will ever notice the slight changes to your face either. Trust me." I guess she was right. "Ok baby, let's get finished. Now we'll do our makeup at the club so just some blush, shadow, mascara and lipstick and you will be fine. I do my best and am pleased with my makeup job. Not like Hilda but I do pass, I think. Toni helps me with my hair to let it flow over my shoulders, parted in the middle with some teased ringlets on the side to spice it up a bit. My, what only a curling iron can do. Now I was all secure in my lingerie, Toni had me put on a frilly skirt we bought and a nice silky blouse. I felt like I was floating in heaven the clothes felt so light and airy. I looked like any other girl in college going out on a date only I'm going to play a role in a play (keep on telling yourself that bucko). Toni said she was done. Gave me my purse and we left for work. I slipped into a pair of 4 inch white pumps as we walked a few blocks and knocked on the door. Hugo, the bouncer saw us and asked how the little ladies are doing tonight. Little ladies, he knows I'm a guy. We went to the changing room and I removed my skirt and blouse, neatly hanging it so I could put it on after work. The other girls commented on how wonderful my face looked and Toni told them about my treatment they had all had too. They giggled and talked among themselves, now why did they do that? Oh well, I had to get changed. I removed my heels and pantyhose and let Hilda get to work on my face. She worked wonders with my new facial features, even enhancing my femininity even farther. She put my hair up in a tight bun. My first dance was as a sexy secretary. I was to drop my skirt and top tonight too. No nudity but show off my beautiful lingerie. I just kept on the things I came in. I felt nice in them and they were really woman's things. I donned some nice silky tanned thigh highs and six inch black heels with a black pencil skirt and white designer top. I would be one hot office girl for sure. I even used a pair of fake woman's glasses to make me look more studious. Remember, it's only a role in a play. A spray of perfume and I was in line for the first set. Wow, I was a hit again. Most of the other girls are trying to be like girls but my "acting" was the bomb. I strutted around on stage, teasing the guys and even the girls this time. I opened my top exposing my creamy breasts and beautiful peach bra and then dropped my skirt exposing me in all my wonderful lingerie. The audience went wild, even more than for the girls actually taking their tops off. I was a hit. My second set was a schoolgirl again, the third a slinky slut and the fourth, a police girl with handcuffs and all. I had some audience assistance with that one and really got some guy hot. The evening was over and I felt like I was another success. I cleaned off my stage makeup, fixed my face up a bit, put on my blouse and skirt and freshened my lipstick. Toni and I were ready to go home. I stuffed the cash in my purse and off we went. I laughed as she told me about the men ogling me and the women getting a little jealous. My acting worked. We got inside and Toni attacked me again, kissing me and feeling me up. I loved the attention as we finally made it to the bedroom, stripping off our clothes and lingerie and hopping in the sack for some sex. My cock was ready for some action. I was really horny from all my antics tonight and Toni screamed in delight as we fucked away. I got up in the morning and took my usual morning shower. My face looked great I thought. The changes were subtle but definitely more feminized. No irritation either and no pimples. I always had a few pimples on my face but not now. My skin looked very moisturized and free from any blemish. Boy that stuff really worked. I really didn't care who thought what as I did my normal guy stuff although I didn't have to shave. That was a relief. My small studs were in and I woke Toni up to remove my breasts. Toni got up and was ready to help. As she carried the remover, she tripped over our things we dropped coming in last night in heated passion and dropped the remover solution on the hardwood, breaking the bottle and with it, my release from my tits. I just stood there with my jaw hanging open and my tits flopping as I jumped up and down. "No, no, that didn't just happen. Now what do we do?" Toni was devastated and tried calming me down. She put her robe around me and told me to stay calm. I was in too much of a state to think right now and she said she would try some things she had in her cabinet that may work. Finger nail polish remover, acetone or maybe even paint thinner. She tried everything she could think of but it was no use. These babies were stuck so tight that I would have to almost cut them off to get them loose. I couldn't do that, I could cut myself too. What was I going to do? Toni just looked at me when she had an idea. I passed the other day with earrings on and no one even knew who I was. She could dress me very androgynous that no one would know if I was a guy or a girl. I only had to sign in the class with my ID and social security number to be sure I attended the class. Today was a test anyway and everyone had their heads in their books. Only one class and I could make it back here without any incident. I would be ready for work a little early then. She giggled. I didn't see any humor in the situation. Of course I needed a bra so Toni gave me a sports bra that may flatten me out a bit. No use. These puppies were standing at attention. If I was going to show them then I needed proper support. I chose the most neutral, tee shirt bra I had and of course matching panties, and got dressed in my baggy jeans. I put the loosest shirt Toni had over my bulging chest that had a pastel color to it so I didn't look too fake. Toni suggested some regular sandals but my toes were panted pink still. No time to work on them. I had to get going. She gave me a pair with low heels and closed toe but very feminine looking. Oh well, I didn't have any choice now did I? You could tell I had a beautiful rack and I hunched a bit to cover it a bit. Not the best disguise but it should work. I grabbed my book bag and I was off, hoping to pull off this charade. Toni pulled my hair into a feminine ponytail, high up on my head with a pink scrunchie. The look was very androgynous. You couldn't really tell if I was a guy or a girl. Two hours later I came bopping into the apartment very happy. I not only passed, I was hit on by two guys after class. I pulled it off and no one had a clue who I was. I took the test and probably aced the last test before finals. The guys hitting on me just supported my female act. I was almost giddy I did it. I stripped out of my itchy jeans and shirt and put on a nice sundress we bought in the mall. If I had to wear these boobs all day I should be comfortable. I was sitting with my legs under me on the couch watching a sop opera when Toni came in. I had let my hair down and had my legs up under me like a girl would and she giggled saying how cute I looked. I just blew her a kiss as she got changed into something more relaxing. The two of us watched TV together and she brushed out my hair, making me feel very relaxed. We only had a few more weeks of school and didn't have to go to the lengths to hide everything every day. It was bewitching time and I just got up and put on some sandals, fixing my makeup very lightly and leaving my hair falling down my back. I grabbed my purse and we were off for another night of my play. Tonight was the same as the other night. I had cleared $3,500 last night and tonight was about the same. If we kept this up, we would be rich after my contract was over. We got home, fucked again although I had a little trouble getting it up. I finally did and we made each other very happy. Night after night, day after day and weekend after weekend until school was over. Removing my breasts every day was too much so I just left them on and carried on my androgynous persona until graduation. My Mom and Dad were both invited and I would be in total Jimmy mode while they were here. Dad, of course, had some urgent business and declined. Mom was going to Europe for three months and would loved to have come, giving her apologies and two hundred dollars. Two hundred dollars? I made that in less than 10 minutes on the stage. Oh well, she tried. It was their loss. I graduated with honors as James Elliott. Toni graduated also but with Magna Cum Laud attached to her name. Yea, she was the smart one between the two of us. She was quite a business lady. Toni and I were getting very tight and became the best lovers in the world. I still had some trouble in the erection department now and then but Viagra came to the rescue every time and helped me out. The people in my class didn't even know who James Elliott was none the less where he now worked. No more having to change from Mandy to Jimmy mode and back again. I could decide when I would change and no more early mornings. Our job paid well, we got an extra day off per week together and we were raking in the crowds, well me actually. It was called "MandyTV" and I was a hit. My sketches became more edgy, more sexy and I began to show more skin. Oh, my costumes were also very provocative too. The whole package was coming together. Mandy was a sensation. Toni and I would come up with really creative persona. I would be Cher one week, Christina Aguilera in the Moulin Rouge costume, Elvira, Dolly Parton, and all sorts of other current female characters. Oh the police girl, schoolgirl, and cat woman all stayed as regulars and were big hit. We would work nights together, come home and fuck and lay around most of the day, with me in Mandy mode, more and more. It was such a pain to change back and forth and we could share so many clothes now I was down in weight and just about the same size. Who cared what we looked like at home really. Jimmy still went out as Jimmy at night but sometimes as Mandy. It just depended on which way the wind blew. We had standing waxing, pedicure, manicure, facial, hair and full body treatment appointments at the salon down the street and made sure we didn't miss them. We would giggle like two girls when we finished and minced our way back to our apartment. That was our day of pampering from our long evenings working in the club. We were into my second year of my contract and we invested large sums of money in companies, stock and other investments and our portfolio was growing in leaps and bounds. Toni and I never participated in back room antics. We made enough cash our front. We were probably the only two heterosexual couple in this business with the man as a drag performer. Quite a few performers, or actors as I put it, were gay but not me, straight as an arrow. We spent hours shopping for costumes as well as for Toni and Mandy. It was easy now being the same size. We bought all the newest fashions, shoes, makeup, and lingerie. It was so much fun being Toni's lover and more important, her husband. Yes we got married and became husband and wife. I didn't even bother to invite my Mother or Father figuring they were too busy anyway. I still had to dress in a Tuxedo. Toni had invited her parents and brother and sister so I had to be Jimmy the entire time they were here. I had to use makeup to create masculine shadows and even a detectable beard line. What a pain. I worked so hard to remove it now I was using makeup to create it. What a switch. I have to tell you, dressing in women's clothes and switching back to Jimmy clothes was tougher than first putting on a dress. The rough fabric, the fit, the bagginess felt awkward. Also, I had lost so much weight we had to buy new Jimmy clothes, my old ones were way too big except in my round butt. Round butt? I never had problems with jeans fitting. It must be all the walking in heels that changed my proportions. The wedding was kept very small. Only our best friends came. The CD's and TV's were in guy mode and the girls dressed nicely, not like the getups at the club. Even the owner, Big Ed showed up with date. A real girl too. Now that was different. He seemed to like the "gurls" he hired and he gave them "coaching" session in his office during the day. Everyone knew what was going on but really didn't care too much. The money was good, the clientele loved the place and you could practice any type of perversion you wanted within reason. No animals, children or torture but other things allowed within reason. Toni's family left and the next weekend we got married again in a huge all and invited all our friends who knew Toni and me, and Mandy looked simply ravishing in her beautiful white dress and long train. Big Ed gave her away. Toni too wore the same dress and the two of us were married and exchanged our "engagement" rings set with 3 carat, solitary diamonds. I felt so wonderful and so pretty as a bride. Our pictures were stunning also with only bridesmaids in the wedding party. You can guess which ones stood on my side. Not much changed for us the next year. I performed as usual and Toni stripped. We were the top acts in the club and both men and women would always hit on each of us. Toni and I were true to each other and never accepted the advancements. We had dressing rooms, yes our own dressing room Toni and I shared and all our wonderful costumes frilly accessories were on display. We carefully choreographed my sets now and Hilda became my personal assistant making me pretty every night. She commented though that she didn't have to try hard. I would always blush when I heard that from her. I felt some pain under the breast forms one afternoon and figured I needed to take them off to see why I hurt so much. Of course we replaced the broken bottle and I personally dabbed the seams with a cotton swab and slowly pealed the forms back. I was almost there and felt a relief when they came off. I looked down and got the surprise of my life. Not only had the forms pulled down on my own skin but I felt my nipples get hard and some major puffiness underneath. My chest was also very irritated and swollen. Come to think of it, I hadn't taken them off for over a month now. I just felt so comfortable and didn't even notice them on me. Putting on a bra and being in Mandy mode just seemed so natural. My nipples itched a lot too and my areola seemed bigger and wider. I scheduled to see a doctor the next day. Luckily we didn't have a show this evening so I could rest without the forms and let my chest get back to normal. We spent the evening on the couch with some ice packs on my chest. Ouch, my chest actually hurt now. The next morning the pain was down but I looked down and my boobs seemed bigger than yesterday, Yes, my boobs, I had my own boobs. How did that happen? Was it from the extended wearing of the breast forms. I certainly hope so. That could be fixed, right? The doctor examined me, took blood samples, felt all around my boobs, felt my testicles, took some measurements, had me do all sorts of bending and stretching motions and even put his finger up my ass. He had me dress and told me to meet him in his office. Toni was in the waiting room and I had her join me. The doctor looked at his records and up at me. "Well James, I have some troubling news." Oh no I was going to die. "It seems from all our tests that your male hormones are being blocked by female hormones and you are beginning to exhibit traits of a normal pubescent female. You can not stop the process without severe modifications to the chemistry of your body. There are huge risks to that though and I don't recommend it." Female hormones? I wasn't taking any female hormones. The worst part, the massive doses and continued exposure has left you chemically neutered. Oh my god, I would never be able to have a child. Now wait. I had a physical two years ago and it was suggested that I freeze my sperm because of prostate problems in my family and the potential for me to have problems being a father. It didn't help my current problem but I could still father a child. "What is going to happen to me doctor?" I was really concerned now. What should I do. "To be honest, you have absorbed so much female hormone, I'm afraid you will never be a man again. I believe the concentrated hormone mixture was absorbed into the skin, making it work without any supplements or, shots or even boosters. You still have an abnormal amount in your system and basically, you are becoming a woman." Oh my god, a woman. This was only an act, a part in a play. I don't want to be a woman for real. Toni and I went home. I cried all night not wanting to have this happen to me. We cancelled our show due to illness and asked for a few days off. The club had been so successful it wasn't a problem for us to take some time for ourselves. Toni and I got in our car and drove, just drove. We wound up in Chicago and stayed downtown. The next few days helped me comprehend my situation and accept what was going to happen. My breasts were really blossoming now and the itching was so intense I had to wear a bra all day and night. It was a training bra, just like for young girls. One day while shopping, Toni suggested we go out for the evening. She had been recommended to a fun show off of Halstead. I'd never been to Chicago before so I thought it could be fun. I dressed in Jimmy mode and had to wear a sweater. My boobs were getting a bit obvious and if I didn't try to look like a guy, I would have been targeted as a girl with my earrings and facial female features. Earrings in Chicago were so normal no one even noticed. We went to the show. It was a gay theatre and it was a comedy of a guy in drag going through life only to be outed by his best friends. In the end the drag queen got back at them and became one of the top female impersonators in the world. Sound a bit familiar? We then walked down Halstead and found a nice bar. Inside there were men and women, gays and lesbians, and all sorts of other transsexuals partying their butts off. I actually felt at home in the bar and Toni and I had a fabulous time, meeting all the girls and "gurls" and just seeing that it didn't matter if it was State College Pennsylvania or Chicago, we had sisters and brothers everywhere. We drove back home the next day and decided to go on with our lives. Mandy was going to become a real girl. There was no option of turning back and I was OK with the decision. I worked my show with some fake breasts, not glued on until my own got big enough to throw the fake ones away and show the world the real me. My butt had gotten a bit bigger and softer too from the hormones and my skin adapted to the change in chemistry too, become very soft, just like Toni. Toni and I loved each other even more. The only problem is that the Viagra wasn't working any more. Oh well, the hormones were working faster than expected. I could still make her happy and drive her wild with excitement making her explode in earth shattering orgasms. Only this time just with my tongue and mouth. Plenty of toys helped too. Oh well, I guess I had to get used to it. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx It was getting close to the third year of my contract and I had become not only a star in Pennsylvania, but I was being requested all over the country. Toni and I decided that we would renew my contract for another 5 years with some major changes in compensation, cuts on the door charges, interest in the club and some other investments to make us rich, allowing us to retire after five years. Upon the completion of the contract, we decided we would move to Chicago and I would work out of there while Toni became a mother and tended to a baby. The day my contract ended, we popped cases of champagne and the entire club cheered our new beginning. Money was no object now. We made so much that I really didn't have to work but I loved the stage and resenting myself as a female impersonator. We packed out things and off we were to the Windy city. Toni and I chose a beautiful brown stone, three story home in downtown Chicago right off the Miracle Mile. I worked at a club, with me doing my female impersonations and Toni acting as my manager. I had quite a following and quickly developed into one of the hottest acts in Chicago. By now, my boobs were 40D (with some implants of course) and I had very beautiful curves to match. These puppies on a 125 pound frame looked very large and boy did they make me stand out in the crowd. A nip and tuck here and there gave me a killer body. I felt so comfortable now in my own skin too. I was Mandy Elliott Female Impersonator. Jimmy was long gone. The female part was more than people really knew too. My mother and father tried contacting me in Pennsylvania but I never returned their calls. They meant very little to me now. I was with my beautiful wife Toni and we were going to have a child. My semen was used to impregnate Toni and she was already showing. We were going to be parents. I even wanted to change my hormone mixture to nurse our little one but Toni decided it would hurt the show, me having to cover my leaking nipples on stage. It would have been a big problem. Toni delivered our baby and we were so happy. I felt the need to be with our precious one so I took a year off, unpopular to my fans, but it was something I just had to do. It must have been the hormones rushing through my body but the yearning to be with her, hold her and nurture her was too compelling. The money we made in such a short period of time would last us into old age. I had the doctor change my hormones so I could feed her too. Wow, letting my precious darling daughter suckle on my wonderful breasts made me feel like a real woman. Toni and I would take turns nursing her and we became wonderful mothers. Wearing a maternity bra sucked but it was well worth it when she nestled in and took my nipple in her mouth, eagerly sucking my milk from me. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx In just eight short years Toni and I met, fell in love, graduated college, developed careers for both Toni and me, moved to Chicago, had a beautiful child and became the happiest parents in the world. Oh and one last thing, it wasn't an act any longer, I had the final surgery and now I was a woman, for real. There was no need to keep the last vestige of James, The plumbing was useless and I felt like what was left were unwanted appendages anyway. Our beautiful baby now has two mothers. Isn't life wonderful?

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I was sat having a coffee in a cafe I sometimes go to. Not a regular haunt as it was about fifteen miles away from my hometown, but nevertheless I do visit perhaps once or twice a month. Far enough away and more on the tourist trail than normal, it was a good place to go to have a bit of peace and quiet as I seldom, if ever, saw anyone I knew while I visited.Except today.I had been pondering the meaning of life, comfortably on my own, when I became aware of someone in the counter queue...

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Sissy MandyI haven't left the flat in months. But then, why should I need to? MasterJohn provides all I need, as long as I'm obedient and do as I'm told with asmile. And, I do.For instance, I've been told to entertain his friend this afternoon andit's Alex, the big man who does martial art. He's got blue-eyes, blondehair and a pony-tail, a bit like the one I wear sometimes. And, he's gotmuscles, biceps and chest muscles, so he fills his tee-shirts ever-sowell. Oh, he looks good? and, I felt...

3 years ago
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I was sat having a coffee in a cafe I sometimes go to. Not a regular haunt as it was about fifteen miles away from my home town, but nevertheless I do visit perhaps once or twice a month. Far enough away and more on the tourist trail than normal, it was a good place to go to have a bit of peace and quiet as I seldom, if ever, saw anyone I knew while I visited. Except today. I had been pondering the meaning of life, comfortably on my own, when I became aware of someone in the counter queue...

2 years ago
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Okay. Call me stupid if you want. But I am still alive aint I?Maybe my plans didn’t go exactly according to plan, but it was only a slight oversight. And thanks to Jack, it all ended well.It was the weekend before last, and I set myself a challenge, as I often do. It wasn’t, perhaps, the most sensible of challenges, but, in my mind, once I think of an idea, it burns in my head until I do it.A little about myself I guess would help.I am 36 years old, and an outright masochist. No matter what...

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Bob Milton was 55, his life was a mess. He was literally broke. He had had enough. More then anyone could take, he thought as he parked his Ford F150 Pickup Truck in front of the liquor store. He was a recovering alcoholic but tonight he just couldn't take anymore. He just could not think. He could not handle the thrashing he had gotten from his ex-wife about their financial affairs or for forgetting important things. He was three months shy on his alimony. It was just beyond his means for...

4 years ago
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(This is a story I wrote back in 2003 to fulfill an online friend's desire for an interracial story, which it is. But I'm just enough of a history buff and a mushball who likes happy endings that this is what the end result was.)The last thing that Abraham Lincoln Tucker remembered was a loud blast as the tank he was walking next to hit another of Rommel's mines. The force of the blast knocked him across the road and into a small grove of trees, where his helmet protected him from a...

3 years ago
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How I Started Turning Girls into Lesbians

At the time of this story, I was eighteen and had never been with a woman. Sure, I'd made out with a few, it's the in thing in high school, but I'd only been with boys.I was also a perfect specimen at the time. 5'5", 128 lbs. and the perfect dimensions of 34C-24-34. I had brownish-red hair midway down my back and, of course, I was and still am completely shaved.I learned from my very first seduction and the ones that followed, that I love women. Don't misunderstand me: I'm bi and enjoy the...

4 years ago
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Read It Feel It And Cherish It

Hi, folks, this is a real experience which has helped me evolve as a better person and made me learn several things in life. Live is short live it the way you want to live, you don’t know what will happen tomorrow. Nothing is wrong in fulfilling our needs, fantasies, and expectations in life unless we personally don’t feel guilty for it. Every problem open up better opportunities in life. Read this story completely, of you like it recommend it to others, if you comment I will be more obliged...

4 years ago
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I am sitting in our front room when you arrive. You are over an hour later than we agreed we would meet to leave for our weekend away. You had called to say you were meeting a few girl friends after work for a beer. We agreed that we would meet at 5pm and as per our agreement that is when I arrived. It is now, however, well after 6pm. You enter the room and I look up from my book. You are a vision of loveliness, sultry, sexy with just a hint of wild tramp thrown in for good measure. Looking at...

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Military Reunion

I dragged my ass to a reunion finally and saw old mates from past military days. As we held it this time on the beach, there was plenty of hot young ass running around but not for me. I ended up finally working the bar giving a pal a break when a 30 something came up in a bikini and shawl skirt and I asked her for her reunion badge or ID. She laughed and said theres no room on her and I said I can think of a place. I asked her who she was property of and she said a guy from another unit I didnt...

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Lights Out2

It was nearly 3 a.m. before we arrived at the United States Naval Base for basic training. The Company Commander boarded the bus screaming out orders and we were rushed off the bus and into formation. The cold temperature had caught me by complete surprise, because when I had left Pensacola the previous day the temperature was at least 93 degrees. Despite my Company Commander’s order to stand still and at attention, I found myself shivering uncontrollably. There I was, in a formation of about...

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Charlie Zeros Lastditch AttemptChapter 1

In his apartment that morning, he knew himself well enough to declare upon waking that he was no longer the same saint he initially was. Actually, it’s not as though he had one day decided in his youth to become a saint. Sainthood was just a concept or an idea that he thought would be considerably useful in a day and age when the world fell to cynicism and sin, and at one point he attempted to become a saint, perhaps because it was easier to do so when the mores of his world seemed to be...

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The Island SMC part 4

The preface to the story is in part one. The discreet summer modeling camp for budding beauties continues. Almost two weeks after Amy's birthday, the camp was coming to an end. Amanda was longing to leave, after feeling a bit guilty for what she got her 10 year old sister for her birthday. Amy was starting to show a slight bulge in her tummy. Amanda was in denial, attributing her own swollen belly to just putting on weight. Emily was showing the most, as she was at least 6 weeks...

2 years ago
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A Sensual Touch

Hi, sex story fans, I hold her hand and look at her. She is looking down as if to reassure herself. The next moment I shift towards her and she reciprocates with the same. I feel a spark in my body and my inner senses start melting as my arm wraps to hers and her hair caress my face with their usual heavenly fragrance. I take the strands of her hair and tuck them behind her ear trailing my fingers down making a sensual contact of my fingers and her nape. She stills and closes her eyes. I place...

2 years ago
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Good Morning 2

It's dark in the room as the alarm on the nightstand starts going off and wakes you up. Another busy day where you don’t get to see me throughout the day and I don’t get to see you. You roll over in bed and see that I'm still sound asleep my back facing you, and my ass hanging out of the sheets. You're thinking of staying home and playing with me. Teasing me. Making me beg for you but you know that you can't, not today. You roll out of bed and head for the shower. You leave the door half...

Quickie Sex
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Seduced My Mami And Fucked Her 8211 Part 2

Hi readers I am back with my second story since you have read about my first story seduced my mami and fucked her this is the continuation of my story… So new ones must read my first story then read this.. I am Kunal and having 7″ tool and my mami stats 34-30-36 it will be more fun… So coming back to the story To us din sham ko jab unka beta aaya hamne noraml behave kia.. Aur ham sab tv dekne lage.. V dekte samay meine mami ke boobs ko pakad rakaha tha unke sari ke under se aur unka beta mere...

2 years ago
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NubileFilms Jill Kassidy Heat Of The Moment

Seductive babe Jill Kassidy cleans the house in short shorts and a crop top with no bra. Her swaying hips and sweet singing attract Tyler Nixon’s attention. Approaching her, he makes his intentions known with a deep kiss that causes Jill to lead him to the couch. Laying Tyler down, Jill kisses her way down his body and then tugs his jeans down until his hardon springs free. She takes him in her mouth, sucking and stroking for the ultimate delight. Tyler can’t keep his hands out of...

3 years ago
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Sex In Car At Lonavla

Hey guys and girls..! My name is Harsh. I am a final year engg. student. Age 21 I am in a long distance relationship with my girlfriend.Her name is Poorva. But this story is not about her. This story is about how I fulfilled my fantasy of having sex at the Tiger Point,Lonavla. Lets us go back a few months. It was the month of Jan. of my last semester of Engg. So me and my college friends decided to go out at night to Lonavla. This plan was made in just half an hour. The four of us immediately...

4 years ago
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The Resurrection of Crazy JaneChapter 5

I made eye contact with Zoey. It was remarkable that I'd only known this girl for about two weeks, and we were still able to communicate with just eye contact. It was the strangest damn thing. But the eye contact we had at this moment was perhaps the most important nonverbal conversation we've had through our short friendship - or tease-ship or whatever the hell you wanted to call it. Beth had finally let her guard down for a moment. She sat her shaken, tormented body on the couch...

2 years ago
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ImmutablePart 2 Sam

Saturday, February 27, 1993, 2:50 pm. Two figures trudged along a dusty trail leading to a side entrance of the Mount Carmel Center. The middle-aged man wore a pair of dusty Levis and a black tee shirt emblazoned with the word ‘Apocalypse’ in red and white. On his head was a red and blue bandanna, tied at the back in a knot. He sported a chemically induced, two-week growth of salt and pepper beard. An earring that wasn’t an earring gleamed in his left earlobe. His worn rawhide boots with...

3 years ago
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A Slut and Her Tentacle Monster Pt2

The next morning I woke up more refreshed than I could ever remember. I was sure I would be sore all over, especially in my kitty, but I didn’t even feel the least bit tired. I even woke up before my alarm.As I rolled over to shut it off before getting up, I noticed I felt…heavy. When I flipped off the sheets, I was in for a major shock. My tummy was HUGE! I stared at it in wonder for a long while, eventually rubbing my hand over the skin. I remembered how much of his slime my lover put in me...

4 years ago
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Sue and Lou Finally Get A Clue

Once there were two teenagers, named Sue and Lou, And they did all the things that most teenagers do. They went out for parties, and went out on a date, And sometimes got in trouble if they stayed out too late. They were friends to be sure, but didn't go with one another, Sue's parents were friends with Lou's single mother. Sue's mother was Grace and her father was named Larry, While Lou's mother's name they all knew was Mary. They would get together and talk about each others kid,...

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Spring Break Wife

It was 8am on a Wednesday, and Mom and I were exercising in the basement. I religiously worked out five mornings a week, and she was always right there with me. We started with a run on our two treadmills. Mom's industrial-strength sports bra didn't completely restrain the bounce of her D-cup boobs, which I loved to watch. She didn't seem to notice.Mom's big tits were a present from Dad for her thirtieth birthday. She told him she didn't want to go through her whole life with tiny A-cup boobs,...

2 years ago
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WildOnCam Binky Baez Binky Baez Is LIVE And Fucking Robby Echo

Naughty girl Binky Baez wants to know if her bra is showing too much. Or maybe not enough? Who needs a bra anyway? Binky is happy to be back and has Robby Echo and his hard cock to fuck LIVE for you all. She can’t wait to choke on that dick and feel Robby fuck her hard from all your favorite positions. Make sure you get nice and close to her pussy while Robby fucks her. Listen how wet she is while she gets pounded! The only thing that could make this show any better is if she got to taste...

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Cherry the Cheerleader chapter 8

Introduction: The final chapter of Cherry… Thank you, Lucky Mann, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. ***Read the first seven or youll be lost! Thanks for reading. Chapter 8 I had a dream that I was watching TV when I suddenly felt a familiar presence. I looked over at the couch and Katie was watching TV with me. She still wore her blinding-white dress, but she looked nervous for some reason. I said, Hello, Katie. I havent seen you in a while. How are you? Katie said, Hi. Im...

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Can you Name That Porn? We’ve all seen it at one point or another. Hell, some of you were probably responsible for it, aimlessly scouring the internet for the name of a girl that you saw in some obscure porno years ago and could never find again. This is such a common practice on every porn site out there – particularly free porn tubes due to the often anonymous nature of user-uploaded videos – someone, inevitably, popping up in the comments section with something like “WHO IS THIS GODDESS?” or...

Porn Search Engines
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My Best Friends Girlfriend Ch 03 Bad Dreams

“I’m telling you, she’s a nightmare,” I say as I put down Carl’s plate of food in front of him on the dinner table.“She can’t be that bad,” he says dismissively before taking a large and sloppy slurp of pasta.“She can. She is. I’m telling you, I’m worried about Maria’s safety.”“You’re talking like she’s in an abusive relationship.”“She might be,” I say while trying to use my spoon to help with my noodles. I could never figure this part out.“With a woman?”“Women can be abusive, too.”Carl lets...

Mind Control
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Adventures in a Womans Body Chapter 4 Public Humiliation

I stepped out of the shower and began to dry myself with a towel. On this bright Monday morning, all I could think about was what happened on Friday night. After being gangbanged and cumed on thoroughly, Daddy drove me home that night. On our way there, he explained to me the situation that I am in. Daddy took out his phone and showed me pictures he had taken of me being a dirty little whore. He said that from now on, he will truly be my Daddy and that I must do what he tells me to. Otherwise,...

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CHAPTER 12: GRATITUDE“I want your honest response.”Sharon and Raul were lying in their bed, her left leg d****d across his, her left arm across his chest, and her head in the notch of his shoulder. She completed the statement with a kiss to his body from the corner of her mouth, still easing back from her orgasm.“Okay.” She still hesitated for longer than a moment, but he patiently waited. They had become very close over the years of being in the same household and now very intimate. As he...

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Jock TalesDevestation PT1

Jock tales---Devastation PT 1(This is a pretty long story, so I broke it up in two parts. There is no sex in pt 1, it just tells the events that led up to pt 2--thanx for checking me out)Summer had been totally awesome. The best ever. Having finally got the jeep prolly helped the most—independently mobile, lol. The yard jobs were going great, and the 'personal service' that followed up on about half of them, I was bringing in about a grand a month. That was just about a years salary for a...

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Impossible Virgins Chapter 12 The Avalanche The

Chapter 12: The Avalanche - The Second Round Dee Dee had gathered the other three girls who would be Milking this day off to the side of the stage. They could clearly see all the action that was taking place with Toppsy and Lulu, but they weren't immediately involved with it. "Okay everyone, pay attention," said Dee Dee. "They're counting on us to really deliver a mammoth cum shot for the grand finale of this little escapade today. I don't mean to sound like a cheerleader, but we've got...

5 years ago
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Nothing Gets Through Ch 10

Nothing Gets Through Ch. 10 © 2009 All Rights Reserved Lani curled up on the couch as she waited for Dom to come back with the wine. It was five days before Christmas, and the team's schedule was going to get hectic. Lani was flying back to Hawaii the next day, and so they had decided to have a small Christmas celebration early. It was a good idea, Lani decided. By trading gifts early, it felt like so much of the pressure of the actual holiday was removed. They were both more relaxed—joking,...

Love Stories
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Barber shop

Bailey hopped out of the cab and strode into the "Intimate Hair Salon" stopping at the front desk to confirm her 11:30 appointment. "Go right on in, Mrs. Drake," the receptionist said, "Marie has just finished up with her 11:00!" "Good," replied Bailey, "I'm kinda in a hurry so it's perfect timing!" Bailey went through the door and headed back to cubicle number six, where she found Marie waiting for her. Marie was a originally from France, and Bailey never got tired of hearing the young woman...

2 years ago
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FamilySwap Scarlett Hampton Summer Hart Why Are Both Of You Naked

What would happen if three families each contributed one member to create a new family? In this episode of Family Swap, Oliver Flynn and Scarlett Hampton won’t stop arguing. Their swap parents, Summer Hart and Dorian Del Isla know they have to do something. They take the kids’ phones and tell the swap siblings that they have to clean the house up. If the house is clean when the swap parents get home, they’ll give the phones back. Scarlett and Oliver pout for a while, but they...

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Pavadaikul puguntha paiyan

Hai friends, en peyar Anuja vayathu 34 aagugirathu. Indru kathaiyil ilamaiyaana 19 vayathu paiyanai epadi usar seithu sex seithen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Enaku thirumanam aagi iru kuzhanthaigal irukiraargal. En pakathu veetu paiyan ippozhuthu thaan palli padithu mudithaan. Ippozhuthu kalluri selvatharku kaathu kondu irukiraan, naangal thinamum kanam poochu vilaiyaduvom. Appozhuthu oru naal antha paiyan peyar raman engal udan vilaiyaadi kondu irupaan. Enaku avan meethu kaama aasai...

2 years ago
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NaughtyAthletics Alex Blake 23293

Alex Blake wants to get her workout on, but she just keeps getting so damn horny while she stretches that she has to masturbate! And that’s all fine and dandy, except for the fact that a lost food-delivery man peeks through her window and catches her when he’s just trying to see if he’s delivering to the right house! Well, he isn’t, because after pounding on the door some more, Alex answers all hot and bothered, eventually shooing him away. But wait! She’s horny, and he caught her doing the...

3 years ago
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The Start of the Domination

"What's the word for being devastated and incredibly happy at the same time?"Izzy asks me that one hot afternoon as we lay exhausted and tangled up in sweaty sheets on her bed. I'm naked. She's wearing my favorite black t-shirt. It's always like that: her covering up. The first time I was startled. She has an interesting little idiosyncrasy of getting up and getting dressed as soon as we're done. No dwelling. No hesitation. No explanation. Just hop up, pee, and get dressed.I didn't mind after a...

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Meeting the Parents

This would be Bruce and I’s first out of town trip together to visit his parents. He had felt we were serious enough to introduce me after a few months, however I was constantly complaining that we weren’t having enough sex. He was so consumed with his job that I was left to my own devices. I resisted every opportunity to stray. How many times I’d see a cute guy on the way home and want to approach him knowing Brad was going to be at work or too tired, and instead I’d end up coming home,...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 4

“All in a good day’s work, I suppose,” Missandei greeted her Queen, Daenerys Targaryen, as she returned from burning the Iron Fleet near King’s Landing, tempted as she was to go further and burn the Red Keep. “Is that any way to greet your Queen now, my dear friend?” Dany teased Missandei, both of them knowing that she didn’t actually object when in private like this. “Did you bag the whole lot, my Queen? Burn them all?” Missandei inquired of Dany, who smiled in response. “All charred and...

3 years ago
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Boyfriend Ke Lund Se Chudi

Hello friend main apko apni chudai ki sacchi kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise main boyfriend ke lund se chudi ye meri sacchi kahani h ap sab meri kahani ko padhne ke bad mujhe mail kriye main apse whatsapp par chat karungi. Ab main kahani par aati hu mera figure 36 30 38 h. Aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu. Aur main call center me job karti hu. Ye kahani kuch din pahle ki h. Mere boyfriend ne mujhe bahut baar choda h. Aur hum dono log hotel me bhi jakar chudai karte h. Aur wo mujhe bahut chodta h....

4 years ago
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Sonnet 57Chapter 7 Close Encounters of the Third Kind

In Warwick, Detective Inspector Ackroyd attempts to trace a mysterious telephone call Jennifer made one afternoon when she became disorientated and lost in Birmingham. Dr Elba Intervenes Corinne is in her office contemplating the view across the gardens. It looks beautiful, even on a late autumn day. She is thinking how fortunate she has been to be able to practice her academic training (psychology) and indulge her sexual interests (BDSM), to work with friends and congenial partners in the...

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Lost EmpireChapter 43

0001 - Tempro 0003 - Conner 0097 - Ace - Zimmel 0098 - Lucy 0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Derrick 0125 - Lars 0200 - Ellen 0301 - Rodrick 0403 - Johnathon 0667 - Marco - Brown 0778 - Jan 0798 - Celeste 0908 - Tara - Mara 0999 - Zan 1000 - Sherry - Lucie (for the moment) Derrick had spent the next few days crawling around the internal spaces of Shelby’s computer systems. At least now she had minimal propulsion and at least a fifty percent light shield. Still he hadn’t been able to get her...

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Fucked My Colleague Dhivya 8211 Part 1

Hi.. I’m karthik.. This is my first story in ISS. I hope you will enjoy this incident of mine happened. I’m 6ft guy with 6 inch cock which I measured now. Interested in women from my school days. Let me start my real incident which happened to me 2 years back. After completing my degree I was waiting for the date of joining from the MNC company which I got placed in my college campus interview. But it got delayed. So I thought of joining a college. I told this to my parents and they accepted....

3 years ago
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Well Trained

A Good SonMy Personal Trainer had set me a good routine to help me get up to nearly top condition before the season started and I was going to hit this speed in time for the trial's, I was not worried about my position on the team but I knew we had some who were waiting in the wing's, Let them eat cake.My part time job in the off season had helped because of the heavy lifting but I needed to work on my leg's and endurance as well.I had added, after consulting with my P.T., a five mile run to...

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Aggybook 2Chapter 28

The DDs of 119 returned. They were taken out to Ferguson's and underwent a quick refurbishment. That was all that was needed as the RMN had maintained the vessels during their time in Andrew. Being suspicious, Denny had checked that Holeinspace and Period were still fitted and found them as per the original equipping during the convoy years. Denny replaced the sets with newer equipment. The original crews claimed precedence of appointments. The 'surplus' Captains were allowed to borrow the...

2 years ago
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It Happened One Night

Part I I was in ninth grade when it happened. I think it was inevitable, not that I knew that before it happened. It was only after that I came to see the patterns. Karen was a year younger than I and in eighth grade. She was a walking wet dream, even for me, and I was just at that age when I could cum in a second, then a third, then a fourth etc. We had a different relationship than most brother sister tandems. We didn't argue and didn't put each other down. Oh, we teased each other,...

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A Flight to Remember

I can’t believe it’s been a month since meeting Robin and Tiffany, I think to myself as I drive to the airport. I begin to replay in my mind the events of that glorious day. It had been a busy day and I was on my way home. I had spent the previous three days in Washington DC on business. I was ready to get back home to Southern California.My meetings ended early that day allowing me to arrive at the airport three hours before my flight departed. I returned my rental car and entered the airport....

Straight Sex
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Marion 1

Do not read this story if you are of a religious nature When my daughter introduced me to her future husband I had to admit I was a little disappointed. He was an accountant. Slim build, about 5’9” tall and with those accountant glasses that numbers men always wear. On the other hand he did make good conversation, and more importantly he seemed to make my naïve young daughter happy. One of my and her mothers biggest mistakes was sending Marion to a strong catholic school to be educated. When...

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Poolside Pursuit Contd

A friendly recap of the girls in play from part 1. Allison:  Tall, skinny, long blond hair, sleek and slender build, very intelligent, blue eyes and is wearing a brown/orange/yellow designed bikini with ties around the neck, the back, and on the sides of the bottoms. Bailey:  Brown hair that hangs just past her shoulder, brown eyes, best friends with Candace, large D cup breasts, and is wearing a brown bikini with skulls that have hearts as eyes. Candace:  Long black curly hair, brown eyes,...

4 years ago
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Vicki Gould

Vicki Sanchez My name was Victor Sanchez. My mother is Polish and my father was from Mexico. He was never around much as I was growing up, preferring to avoid our Chicago winters by going back to Mexico. I was about ten years old the last time I saw him. He just stopped coming back North. Mother had her own problems, mostly of a mental nature and when I was eleven I was placed in the first of a series of foster homes. In Illinois when you turn eighteen the state stops paying for...

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