- 4 years ago
- 60
- 0
It had been an OK party so far.
I was in Los Angeles for the week, enjoying spending some time with my cousin. While Paul and I were not real close, he was good for a free place to stay. So when he got invited to a party I was naturally invited also.
So here I was, in a town 2,000 miles from home on a Friday night, drinking beer with people I did not even know. What a dull way to spend the night. Well, at least there was a keg for me to pull from.
Most of the people here were kids. 16, 17, maybe 18 years old. There were a few around my age (25), but those that were female were either butt ugly, or with their boyfriends or husbands. But I did go ahead and dance with a few of the girls. One of them was a hot little thing, with titties that were obviously unencumbered by a bra because of the way they bounced all over when we danced. But she was probably no more then 17, and 3-6 years for pussy is not my idea of a good time.
After we finished, I went to the bathroom, and then decided it was time to go outside for a little breather. Los Angeles in April is fairly mild, so I did not need a jacket. Only 65 outside, a far change from the 20 and 6" of snow that we had back in Albuquerque. I was wearing a light jacket, more for the damp breeze then the actual cold. Compared to what I had been used to, this was practically a summer heat wave.
I went over to the far corner of the backyard, enjoying the cool night air, and looking up at the stars. Not that I could see many through all the light. But they were there. And it kept me from having to actually look at the couple pressed against the wall near the entrance, groping each other in the darkness. Well, at least somebody is getting lucky tonight.
I was about to sit at the patio table when I suddenly saw a flare of light a few feet away. I looked, and saw a young girl lighting a cigarette.
"Oh, excuse me, I did not see you there" I said.
A soft chuckle sounded through the muted sound of the DJ playing in the house. "It's ok. I came out here to get some fresh air. You are more then welcome to join me if you wish."
I smiled and took a seat, trying to see exactly who I was talking to. "My name is Mandy" she said. My eyes were finally adjusting to the darkness, and while she was a pretty little thing, I realized that she was far to young for me.
I had noticed her hanging out near the DJ off and on throughout the night. Barely 5 feet tall, with probably the longest hair I had ever seen. I had looked at her off and on throughout the night though. She was wearing a black dress which fit nicely on her. While on a normal gal it probably would have reached mid-thigh, it fell below her knees because of her short stature. And the glasses she wore gave her a big-eyed innocent look. She embodied the phrase "Sweet 16 and never been kissed" if I had ever seen it.
I introduced myself, and she said "Oh yea, you're Paul's cousin. He told me you were gonna be here this week. What do you think of LA so far?"
We then started to talk about my visit, and all the places I had been so far. I had done some of the usual tourist things. Disneyland, Universal Studios, Whiskey-A-Go-Go, Santa Monica, Hollywood, and a few other places.
"Yea, The Whiskey is pretty good, if you can stand all the punks and jerks there. I prefer some of the more quiet clubs myself. That one is just to "hip" for my taste."
I took a closer look at her after she said that. "How long have you known Paul?" I asked, wondering how old this girl really was. I found it hard to believe that she had been to The Whiskey if she was 16 as I thought she was.
She laughed, and replied "Oh, I have known Paul since he was a Sophomore. We dated for a little bit, but he was just to immature for me at the time, so we both kinda moved on. But we are still friends."
Well, I knew Paul was 21, so she must be around the same age. I took a closer look, and she again gave that sweet laugh. In addition to her hair and eyes, she had the most stunning smile I had ever seen. "Let me guess... I know exactly what you are thinking."
"Oh really? And what do I get if you are wrong?"
Another chuckle. "If you are wrong, I will go and bring you another drink. And if I win, you have to go get me a drink. Deal?"
"You're on." I said. I figured that if nothing else, I could use another drink.
"Well, I bet that you are wondering how old I really am. Right?"
All I could do is shake my head. "Yep, you got me there. I have to admit, I find it hard to believe that you are over 21. Tell ya what, how about double or nothing? Let me try to answer something this time."
"OK champ, you're on. Tell me, how old am I?"
OK, she had said that her and Paul had dated when he was a sophomore. Since that implied she was older, I assume she is 22. "22" I said, with a grin on my face.
"Nope, sorry. Wrong again. If ya wanna know, I'm 23."
Woah, no way! "Really? You're 23!?! Wow, I could never have guessed even close, if I had not known Paul's age. But I bet you get questioned a lot."
"You know it! It is hard for me to get into a new club at first, because they all think my ID is fake. I have often had to show my drivers license, ID card, work ID, and credit cards just to get into a bar or club. Now about that drink..."
I knew when I had been beat. I stood up and bowed, saying "Yes my lady, and what shall I get thee, a cup of ale?"
"Naw, I think I have had enough beer for the night. How about a wine cooler? Since you are playing fetch boy for me tonight, the least I can do is provide the alcohol. In the fridge in a paper bag is a 4 pack of wine coolers. Feel free to grab yourself one if you like."
I bowed, and went to do just that. While I ran the little errand, I started to think that maybe this party might not be so bad after all. And hot damn, she was 23! I took a quick peek into an upper cabinet, and was rewarded with wine glasses. I opened one wine cooler, and poured it into both glasses, putting a second bottle in my jacket pocket, and returning to the backyard.
I could see the whiteness of her teeth in the darkness when she saw the wine glasses. I could feel the reaction on my own face (and in another place) when I saw that. "That is a smile I would do anything for" I told myself as I sat down, this time on the patio loveseat next to her chair.
"What shall we drink to?" I asked.
"Hmmmm, how about new friends?"
"Agreed" I said, looking into her eyes as we touched rims and each took a sip. Not a big wine cooler person normally, I have to admit, this did seem to be the right drink for the occasion. And this was much better then most of the "wine soda" that I have had in the past.
We quietly talked, and she told me about her and Paul. It seemed that they were each other's first serious relationship. They had dated for about 7 months, until Paul's interest in his Nintendo started to take more precedence then she did. All I could do at that is shake my head. I knew my cousin had a few screws loose, but to give up this girl (no, lady now, no matter how she looks) for a video game was insane.
"I guess that after the first few times, he just took it all for granted. So we both went our separate ways. But we became friends again after some time. Is why I knew he was looking forward to your visit."
I shook my head and said "Wow, my cousin is a real fool. To choose a game over you? Did you say he was your first?"
Mandy nodded. "Well, not really. I had been with a couple of guys before him, but I was his first. But after about 3 months, I guess he thought I was only there for him when he needed some. That got a little tiring, so I decided to move on. Besides, at that time I was a serious smoker, and Paul always had a good stash of grass."
I nodded at that comment. "Yea, he still does. I don't use it myself, but he probably has a hit every day or so I think."
"Yea, that figures. I am clean 3 years myself" and she knocked on the wooden patio table in front of us.
"Wow, that is good. I never got much out of the stuff myself. But I think it is great that you stopped. Now if the two of us can get together, maybe we can get Paul to knock the shit off."
"Yea, I wish. I have been trying for years. I gave up trying. But at least all he uses is grass. Will you excuse me for a moment? I have to go use the ladies room."
"Of course" I answered, and am proud that I remembered to stand up when she did. The smile she rewarded me with told me that the gesture was appreciated, and she told me she would be right back.
I was treated with the sight of her hips swaying, silhouetted by the light coming from the patio door as she walked back into the house. Damn, but this girl has a body! Not being a real big "tit man" myself, her small dimensions there (maybe a B cup) did not disappoint me to much. But her nice hips and tight bottom was a thing of beauty. And the 3" heels she wore added just the right amount of sway to those hips.
I topped off our glasses again, killing the last of the two bottles I had brought along. I was just starting to wonder where she was when she came back into view. Her long hair blew slightly to her side as she walked back, and I could see that she had another wine cooler in her hand.
"I thought we were about out, so I went ahead and grabbed another one. I hope you do not mind."
I stood again as she got closer, saying "Not at all, I had just finished the last bottle refilling our glasses."
Mandy smiled, and this time took a seat next to me, instead of in the chair she had been using. I sat down again, and handed her glass back. She took a sip, then turned slightly in her seat to look at me.
"I have to admit, is rare to meet a true gentleman nowadays. Do you always act so gallant?"
"Only when I am with a pretty girl" I admitted, winning yet another of her laughs. I had to fight to look into her eyes, having a glimpse of her thighs because of the position she was now in.
"Thanks, is nice to hear that. So how much longer are you going to be in town?"
"Well, I plan on going home on Monday. I do not have to be back at work until Wednesday, so that gives me a full day to rest and take care of things before I have to go back. But I have to admit, am actually kinda sad to see it end now."
"Oh? And why is that?" she asked, one eyebrow arching slightly as she pulled out another cigarette.
I pulled out my lighter and another smoke for myself, lighting them both before I responded. "Because I finally met somebody here that seems worth knowing, and now I have to leave her." I tried to make that corny line sound as honest as I could, because it was true.
Mandy placed her hand free hand on top of mine, and told me she actually felt the same way. "To bad it is Paul that lives here, and not you. Any chance you will be coming back out here?"
I told her that my next vacation would be in the summer, and that I would try and make it back here if I could. But because of my work, that was sometimes hard to predict. But I did occasionally spend time on the road, and sometimes even came to LA for an overnight stop.
We then spent another half hour or so talking about our jobs, and a few other things. She actually made a pretty good amount of money for being only 23. But I found it amazing that somebody as pretty as her was single.
I am sure I could have seen a blush if there was enough light to see by. She seemed to exaggerate a shudder, and I asked if everything was ok, if I had said something wrong.
"Oh no, everything is ok. I am just getting a bit chilled here is all." She wrapped her arms around herself, rubbing her arms to prove the point.
Being the gentleman that I am, I stood and removed my coat, gently pressing her forward on the shoulder so I could wrap it around her.
"Oh no, I can't do that. Is not fair if you get cold..."
I told her it was, I was used to much colder temperatures then she was here in LA. I won another of those smiles and felt my blood race at it. Damn, but she could charm the gold fillings out of a miser with that smile.
I decided to take a chance, and sat back down, placing my arm along the back of the loveseat behind her back. Still smiling, Mandy turned so her back was diagonal to me, and leaned her back against my side, her hand resting on my thigh. Of course I did the natural thing, and moved my arm from the back of the seat to rest across her upper chest, resting on her outside shoulder.
"Hmmmmmmm, nice" she said softly, snuggling against me.
We continued to softly talk, cuddling like that. I have to admit, I had never felt so comfortable with a lady that I had just met. We were talking like old friends, and sharing things that I rarely shared with others.
Mandy shifted slightly, and arched her back, obviously uncomfortable being in that position for so long, so I removed my arm, letting her shift if she wished.
She turned her body so her feet were resting up on the seat (shoes on the ground I noticed), and I placed my arm across her back, giving her what support I could. I both expected, and yet was surprised at what happened next.
Somehow, we were just kissing. Not a passionate "I want you now" kiss, but a nice tender "I want to do this just because" kiss. I found my other hand reaching across her belly to rest on her waist at the same time her arms went around my neck. We broke and looked into each other's eyes, then moved to kiss again.
I slowly lowered her back onto my legs, and I bent over to continue the kiss. Time seemed to stand still as we continued kissing. I let my hand caress gently along her waist.
I felt the warmth of her skin under the dress, and gently moved it up and down, just a few inches at a time. Mandy kept one hand behind my neck, the other one running through my hair, caressing the back of my neck, and softly touching the side of my face.
I was amazed. Somebody that was a total stranger an hour ago was now kissing me with great skill. Be both began to get caught up in the kiss. As I felt her fingernails scratch along my neck, I started to move my hand up and down more and more. I was now caressing her hip, feeling the swell out from her waist, and could almost feel her pelvic bone through her hip. This girl had no meat to spare on her body, but had just enough to give those curves a fully fleshed feeling. And as I ran my hand slightly higher up her side each time, I could feel her breathing deeper each time.
I was gently tracing her ribs against her side when I felt her shift slightly in my lap. Now it was obvious that I was getting a hard-on against her back. But I did not care, and she did not either. She rolled slightly towards me, and I moved from her lips to kissing the side of her neck.
Mandy moaned softly, as I kissed back along her jaw line, reaching her ear and gently nibbling on it. Her hands moved down to gently scratch my back, and I continued my kissing and gentle bites.
At the same time, I started to caress her side with my thumb. And I resumed my hands slow movement up and down her side, each time moving up slightly higher. I was not thinking as much of trying to cop a feel, as much as giving her a chance to stop me if I went to far.
But 10 minutes later, we were still kissing, and my thumb was now gently caressing the side of her soft breast. And her breathing had moved to almost quiet moans. This girl had a VERY sensitive neck! Mandy had moved almost on her side now, her face buried against my belly, and almost kissing me through my shirt. I was moving from her throat back to her neck, then kissing along her shoulder not covered by her dress, then back to her ear again.
I slowly moved my hand forward, waiting for her to pull it away. But if anything, she pressed herself tighter against my hand as it cupped her breast.
Oh my, but what breasts she had! It fit perfectly into the palm of my hand, and I could feel her nipple, hard through her bra, pressing into the palm of my hand. I moved back to her lips, kissing her deeply as I massaged and caressed her breast. With gentle massaging motions of my fingers, I could feel her moans into my mouth, her nipple seeming to grow even harder against my palm.
I slowly moved my hand across her chest, feeling her bra gently with my fingertips. I felt my breath catch as I felt the front clasp of her bra. I pulled the material together in the front, twisting it so that it would come open in my hand. I could feel her take a deeper breath as it came free in my hand.
I moved my hand slowly back to her breast, this time under the cup of her bra. I could feel her nipple against my palm now, very large and very hard. It felt so very big for such a small breast, on such a small girl. I could only compare it her own finger.
While Mandy had small hands, her nipple felt to be about the same size as the first part of her pinky. Very large around, and very long. I moved my hand down slowly, as our tongues dueled in our mouths.
I caressed her areola with my fingertips, tracing a circle around her distended nipple. I could feel the smooth skin around it, and even how it was crinkling up with excitement. I had only felt that when the gal I was with was VERY excited, so I knew that she was enjoying this as much as I was.
I continued to caress and play with her nipple, and felt her hand moving to the crotch of my jeans. I was glad now that I had decided to wear loose jeans, because it let her actually get a grip on my cock through the material.
I am not sure how long we were like that. It may have been 10 minutes, it may have been 2 hours. Time seemed to both stand still, and race by. I switched hands and breasts, letting my left hand rest under her neck and reach down the front of her dress, starting to caress her other breast as she rolled onto her back, arms going around my neck again.
As I moved to kiss her neck again, my hand started to caress her belly, moving slowly downward. I could feel how smooth and flat it was, actually making a small cave as I moved down. I found her navel, and played with it through the fabric of her dress.
It had been an OK party so far.
I was in Los Angeles for the week, enjoying spending some time with my cousin. While Paul and I were not real close, he was good for a free place to stay. So when he got invited to a party I was naturally invited also.
So here I was, in a town 2,000 miles from home on a Friday night, drinking beer with people I did not even know. What a dull way to spend the night. Well, at least there was a keg for me to pull from.
Most of the people here were kids. 16, 17, maybe 18 years old. There were a few around my age (25), but those that were female were either butt ugly, or with their boyfriends or husbands. But I did go ahead and dance with a few of the girls. One of them was a hot little thing, with titties that were obviously unencumbered by a bra because of the way they bounced all over when we danced. But she was probably no more then 17, and 3-6 years for pussy is not my idea of a good time.
After we finished, I went to the bathroom, and then decided it was time to go outside for a little breather. Los Angeles in April is fairly mild, so I did not need a jacket. Only 65 outside, a far change from the 20 and 6" of snow that we had back in Albuquerque. I was wearing a light jacket, more for the damp breeze then the actual cold. Compared to what I had been used to, this was practically a summer heat wave.
I went over to the far corner of the backyard, enjoying the cool night air, and looking up at the stars. Not that I could see many through all the light. But they were there. And it kept me from having to actually look at the couple pressed against the wall near the entrance, groping each other in the darkness. Well, at least somebody is getting lucky tonight.
I was about to sit at the patio table when I suddenly saw a flare of light a few feet away. I looked, and saw a young girl lighting a cigarette.
"Oh, excuse me, I did not see you there" I said.
A soft chuckle sounded through the muted sound of the DJ playing in the house. "It's ok. I came out here to get some fresh air. You are more then welcome to join me if you wish."
I smiled and took a seat, trying to see exactly who I was talking to. "My name is Mandy" she said. My eyes were finally adjusting to the darkness, and while she was a pretty little thing, I realized that she was far to young for me.
I had noticed her hanging out near the DJ off and on throughout the night. Barely 5 feet tall, with probably the longest hair I had ever seen. I had looked at her off and on throughout the night though. She was wearing a black dress which fit nicely on her. While on a normal gal it probably would have reached mid-thigh, it fell below her knees because of her short stature. And the glasses she wore gave her a big-eyed innocent look. She embodied the phrase "Sweet 16 and never been kissed" if I had ever seen it.
I introduced myself, and she said "Oh yea, you're Paul's cousin. He told me you were gonna be here this week. What do you think of LA so far?"
We then started to talk about my visit, and all the places I had been so far. I had done some of the usual tourist things. Disneyland, Universal Studios, Whiskey-A-Go-Go, Santa Monica, Hollywood, and a few other places.
"Yea, The Whiskey is pretty good, if you can stand all the punks and jerks there. I prefer some of the more quiet clubs myself. That one is just to "hip" for my taste."
I took a closer look at her after she said that. "How long have you known Paul?" I asked, wondering how old this girl really was. I found it hard to believe that she had been to The Whiskey if she was 16 as I thought she was.
She laughed, and replied "Oh, I have known Paul since he was a Sophomore. We dated for a little bit, but he was just to immature for me at the time, so we both kinda moved on. But we are still friends."
Well, I knew Paul was 21, so she must be around the same age. I took a closer look, and she again gave that sweet laugh. In addition to her hair and eyes, she had the most stunning smile I had ever seen. "Let me guess... I know exactly what you are thinking."
"Oh really? And what do I get if you are wrong?"
Another chuckle. "If you are wrong, I will go and bring you another drink. And if I win, you have to go get me a drink. Deal?"
"You're on." I said. I figured that if nothing else, I could use another drink.
"Well, I bet that you are wondering how old I really am. Right?"
All I could do is shake my head. "Yep, you got me there. I have to admit, I find it hard to believe that you are over 21. Tell ya what, how about double or nothing? Let me try to answer something this time."
"OK champ, you're on. Tell me, how old am I?"
OK, she had said that her and Paul had dated when he was a sophomore. Since that implied she was older, I assume she is 22. "22" I said, with a grin on my face.
"Nope, sorry. Wrong again. If ya wanna know, I'm 23."
Woah, no way! "Really? You're 23!?! Wow, I could never have guessed even close, if I had not known Paul's age. But I bet you get questioned a lot."
"You know it! It is hard for me to get into a new club at first, because they all think my ID is fake. I have often had to show my drivers license, ID card, work ID, and credit cards just to get into a bar or club. Now about that drink..."
I knew when I had been beat. I stood up and bowed, saying "Yes my lady, and what shall I get thee, a cup of ale?"
"Naw, I think I have had enough beer for the night. How about a wine cooler? Since you are playing fetch boy for me tonight, the least I can do is provide the alcohol. In the fridge in a paper bag is a 4 pack of wine coolers. Feel free to grab yourself one if you like."
I bowed, and went to do just that. While I ran the little errand, I started to think that maybe this party might not be so bad after all. And hot damn, she was 23! I took a quick peek into an upper cabinet, and was rewarded with wine glasses. I opened one wine cooler, and poured it into both glasses, putting a second bottle in my jacket pocket, and returning to the backyard.
I could see the whiteness of her teeth in the darkness when she saw the wine glasses. I could feel the reaction on my own face (and in another place) when I saw that. "That is a smile I would do anything for" I told myself as I sat down, this time on the patio loveseat next to her chair.
"What shall we drink to?" I asked.
"Hmmmm, how about new friends?"
"Agreed" I said, looking into her eyes as we touched rims and each took a sip. Not a big wine cooler person normally, I have to admit, this did seem to be the right drink for the occasion. And this was much better then most of the "wine soda" that I have had in the past.
We quietly talked, and she told me about her and Paul. It seemed that they were each other's first serious relationship. They had dated for about 7 months, until Paul's interest in his Nintendo started to take more precedence then she did. All I could do at that is shake my head. I knew my cousin had a few screws loose, but to give up this girl (no, lady now, no matter how she looks) for a video game was insane.
"I guess that after the first few times, he just took it all for granted. So we both went our separate ways. But we became friends again after some time. Is why I knew he was looking forward to your visit."
I shook my head and said "Wow, my cousin is a real fool. To choose a game over you? Did you say he was your first?"
Mandy nodded. "Well, not really. I had been with a couple of guys before him, but I was his first. But after about 3 months, I guess he thought I was only there for him when he needed some. That got a little tiring, so I decided to move on. Besides, at that time I was a serious smoker, and Paul always had a good stash of grass."
I nodded at that comment. "Yea, he still does. I don't use it myself, but he probably has a hit every day or so I think."
"Yea, that figures. I am clean 3 years myself" and she knocked on the wooden patio table in front of us.
"Wow, that is good. I never got much out of the stuff myself. But I think it is great that you stopped. Now if the two of us can get together, maybe we can get Paul to knock the shit off."
"Yea, I wish. I have been trying for years. I gave up trying. But at least all he uses is grass. Will you excuse me for a moment? I have to go use the ladies room."
"Of course" I answered, and am proud that I remembered to stand up when she did. The smile she rewarded me with told me that the gesture was appreciated, and she told me she would be right back.
I was treated with the sight of her hips swaying, silhouetted by the light coming from the patio door as she walked back into the house. Damn, but this girl has a body! Not being a real big "tit man" myself, her small dimensions there (maybe a B cup) did not disappoint me to much. But her nice hips and tight bottom was a thing of beauty. And the 3" heels she wore added just the right amount of sway to those hips.
I topped off our glasses again, killing the last of the two bottles I had brought along. I was just starting to wonder where she was when she came back into view. Her long hair blew slightly to her side as she walked back, and I could see that she had another wine cooler in her hand.
"I thought we were about out, so I went ahead and grabbed another one. I hope you do not mind."
I stood again as she got closer, saying "Not at all, I had just finished the last bottle refilling our glasses."
Mandy smiled, and this time took a seat next to me, instead of in the chair she had been using. I sat down again, and handed her glass back. She took a sip, then turned slightly in her seat to look at me.
"I have to admit, is rare to meet a true gentleman nowadays. Do you always act so gallant?"
"Only when I am with a pretty girl" I admitted, winning yet another of her laughs. I had to fight to look into her eyes, having a glimpse of her thighs because of the position she was now in.
"Thanks, is nice to hear that. So how much longer are you going to be in town?"
"Well, I plan on going home on Monday. I do not have to be back at work until Wednesday, so that gives me a full day to rest and take care of things before I have to go back. But I have to admit, am actually kinda sad to see it end now."
"Oh? And why is that?" she asked, one eyebrow arching slightly as she pulled out another cigarette.
I pulled out my lighter and another smoke for myself, lighting them both before I responded. "Because I finally met somebody here that seems worth knowing, and now I have to leave her." I tried to make that corny line sound as honest as I could, because it was true.
Mandy placed her hand free hand on top of mine, and told me she actually felt the same way. "To bad it is Paul that lives here, and not you. Any chance you will be coming back out here?"
I told her that my next vacation would be in the summer, and that I would try and make it back here if I could. But because of my work, that was sometimes hard to predict. But I did occasionally spend time on the road, and sometimes even came to LA for an overnight stop.
We then spent another half hour or so talking about our jobs, and a few other things. She actually made a pretty good amount of money for being only 23. But I found it amazing that somebody as pretty as her was single.
I am sure I could have seen a blush if there was enough light to see by. She seemed to exaggerate a shudder, and I asked if everything was ok, if I had said something wrong.
"Oh no, everything is ok. I am just getting a bit chilled here is all." She wrapped her arms around herself, rubbing her arms to prove the point.
Being the gentleman that I am, I stood and removed my coat, gently pressing her forward on the shoulder so I could wrap it around her.
"Oh no, I can't do that. Is not fair if you get cold..."
I told her it was, I was used to much colder temperatures then she was here in LA. I won another of those smiles and felt my blood race at it. Damn, but she could charm the gold fillings out of a miser with that smile.
I decided to take a chance, and sat back down, placing my arm along the back of the loveseat behind her back. Still smiling, Mandy turned so her back was diagonal to me, and leaned her back against my side, her hand resting on my thigh. Of course I did the natural thing, and moved my arm from the back of the seat to rest across her upper chest, resting on her outside shoulder.
"Hmmmmmmm, nice" she said softly, snuggling against me.
We continued to softly talk, cuddling like that. I have to admit, I had never felt so comfortable with a lady that I had just met. We were talking like old friends, and sharing things that I rarely shared with others.
Mandy shifted slightly, and arched her back, obviously uncomfortable being in that position for so long, so I removed my arm, letting her shift if she wished.
She turned her body so her feet were resting up on the seat (shoes on the ground I noticed), and I placed my arm across her back, giving her what support I could. I both expected, and yet was surprised at what happened next.
Somehow, we were just kissing. Not a passionate "I want you now" kiss, but a nice tender "I want to do this just because" kiss. I found my other hand reaching across her belly to rest on her waist at the same time her arms went around my neck. We broke and looked into each other's eyes, then moved to kiss again.
I slowly lowered her back onto my legs, and I bent over to continue the kiss. Time seemed to stand still as we continued kissing. I let my hand caress gently along her waist.
I felt the warmth of her skin under the dress, and gently moved it up and down, just a few inches at a time. Mandy kept one hand behind my neck, the other one running through my hair, caressing the back of my neck, and softly touching the side of my face.
I was amazed. Somebody that was a total stranger an hour ago was now kissing me with great skill. Be both began to get caught up in the kiss. As I felt her fingernails scratch along my neck, I started to move my hand up and down more and more. I was now caressing her hip, feeling the swell out from her waist, and could almost feel her pelvic bone through her hip. This girl had no meat to spare on her body, but had just enough to give those curves a fully fleshed feeling. And as I ran my hand slightly higher up her side each time, I could feel her breathing deeper each time.
I was gently tracing her ribs against her side when I felt her shift slightly in my lap. Now it was obvious that I was getting a hard-on against her back. But I did not care, and she did not either. She rolled slightly towards me, and I moved from her lips to kissing the side of her neck.
Mandy moaned softly, as I kissed back along her jaw line, reaching her ear and gently nibbling on it. Her hands moved down to gently scratch my back, and I continued my kissing and gentle bites.
At the same time, I started to caress her side with my thumb. And I resumed my hands slow movement up and down her side, each time moving up slightly higher. I was not thinking as much of trying to cop a feel, as much as giving her a chance to stop me if I went to far.
But 10 minutes later, we were still kissing, and my thumb was now gently caressing the side of her soft breast. And her breathing had moved to almost quiet moans. This girl had a VERY sensitive neck! Mandy had moved almost on her side now, her face buried against my belly, and almost kissing me through my shirt. I was moving from her throat back to her neck, then kissing along her shoulder not covered by her dress, then back to her ear again.
I slowly moved my hand forward, waiting for her to pull it away. But if anything, she pressed herself tighter against my hand as it cupped her breast.
Oh my, but what breasts she had! It fit perfectly into the palm of my hand, and I could feel her nipple, hard through her bra, pressing into the palm of my hand. I moved back to her lips, kissing her deeply as I massaged and caressed her breast. With gentle massaging motions of my fingers, I could feel her moans into my mouth, her nipple seeming to grow even harder against my palm.
I slowly moved my hand across her chest, feeling her bra gently with my fingertips. I felt my breath catch as I felt the front clasp of her bra. I pulled the material together in the front, twisting it so that it would come open in my hand. I could feel her take a deeper breath as it came free in my hand.
I moved my hand slowly back to her breast, this time under the cup of her bra. I could feel her nipple against my palm now, very large and very hard. It felt so very big for such a small breast, on such a small girl. I could only compare it her own finger.
While Mandy had small hands, her nipple felt to be about the same size as the first part of her pinky. Very large around, and very long. I moved my hand down slowly, as our tongues dueled in our mouths.
I caressed her areola with my fingertips, tracing a circle around her distended nipple. I could feel the smooth skin around it, and even how it was crinkling up with excitement. I had only felt that when the gal I was with was VERY excited, so I knew that she was enjoying this as much as I was.
I continued to caress and play with her nipple, and felt her hand moving to the crotch of my jeans. I was glad now that I had decided to wear loose jeans, because it let her actually get a grip on my cock through the material.
I am not sure how long we were like that. It may have been 10 minutes, it may have been 2 hours. Time seemed to both stand still, and race by. I switched hands and breasts, letting my left hand rest under her neck and reach down the front of her dress, starting to caress her other breast as she rolled onto her back, arms going around my neck again.
As I moved to kiss her neck again, my hand started to caress her belly, moving slowly downward. I could feel how smooth and flat it was, actually making a small cave as I moved down. I found her navel, and played with it through the fabric of her dress.
-->Mandy By: Rachael Free xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I was like any other guy, going to college and just waiting to graduate in less than a few months. What was I going to do then? I had a lousy major and the job opportunities seemed to really be slim. With the turndown in the economy I didn't have much chance of a good job. That was for sure. I had transferred to Penn State from a Junior college and really didn't have many friends. My old friends from back home...
Introduction: Part 1 of 4 by PurpleCat42 Amanda Blake was alone and bored. She wasnt supposed to be alone but her big Brother Timmy who was supposed to be her sitter was across the street at the park, playing ball with his friends. Her Mom and Dad were visiting her Aunt Cindy and Uncle Jerry Barrett. They visited them one or two times a month and spent the whole weekend with them. They were very close, Aunt Cindy was her Dads sister and Uncle Jerry was her Moms Brother, They were married in a...
Mandy By Morpheus It had been a long day at work and I was relieved to finally be home, or at least I would be once I went through the door. But for the moment, I hesitated, feeling just a faint reluctance to do so, not sure what I might face once I did so. My name was Keith Summers, a 29 year old technician for a telecommunications company. I was pretty average looking, standing about 6 foot and having brown hair with a well-trimmed mustache, and I was married to a...
It was after school ended for the day that Kim, Tammy, and Cerise finally managed to catch up to Miss Kelvin. They were walking between buildings along a covered walkway when Kim spotted Cathy leaving her classroom building by a side door and heading toward the Vocational Building down the hill. The three girls broke into a sprint to try to catch up to her. "Miss Kelvin, wait!" Tammy called. "Cathy!" Kim shouted. Cathy stopped and waited for the three energetic girls to reach her. As...
Frank Williams was just about through with his shower, and was letting the warm water beat down on his shoulders, when he heard door to the bathroom open. The shower scene from "Psycho" flashed through his mind, but he was quite sure it was not some maniac with a knife. He was right. "Daddy?" a sweet young voice said to him. He recognized the dulcet tones of his darling daughter, Mandy, and his cock started stiffening."Hi, Honey. Why don't you come in and join me?" The thought of what she would...
I started the story about how I shared my husband with my daughter Lily. I have another daughter named Amanda. She and Lily are almost like twins, even though they are almost five years apart in age. I knew that opening the door for Lily meant letting Mandy in, too. Things went well with Lily and Amanda needed the instruction, too. I'll let Chuck tell Mandy's story... Lily's breakup from Chris was hard. He was pretty pissed when he found out she'd gone to bed with me. The little shit came...
This story relates to these photos in 1999 I split from a GF but who I later got back with 9 months later. During that period I took my friendship with one woman to the next level and she became my fuck buddy. I also met another woman and that also led to sex. Mandy would come to where I worked and would sit in the garden for some peace at lunch time. One day we got chatting and it turned out she lived and worked locally and whilst the...
I was sitting in a bar having a beer one night.It was Friday night so it was pretty crowded.After chatting with the bartender for a little I started looking around the bar.I noticed three cute young women sitting at a table and they were looking my way.I smiled politely and they giggled talking between themselves. Then one got up and headed my way.I thought she was going to the restrooms,but she stopped and said "hi." "Hello" I said.She introduced herself as Mandy.I introduced myself. She said...
I was sat having a coffee in a cafe I sometimes go to. Not a regular haunt as it was about fifteen miles away from my hometown, but nevertheless I do visit perhaps once or twice a month. Far enough away and more on the tourist trail than normal, it was a good place to go to have a bit of peace and quiet as I seldom, if ever, saw anyone I knew while I visited.Except today.I had been pondering the meaning of life, comfortably on my own, when I became aware of someone in the counter queue...
MatureSissy MandyI haven't left the flat in months. But then, why should I need to? MasterJohn provides all I need, as long as I'm obedient and do as I'm told with asmile. And, I do.For instance, I've been told to entertain his friend this afternoon andit's Alex, the big man who does martial art. He's got blue-eyes, blondehair and a pony-tail, a bit like the one I wear sometimes. And, he's gotmuscles, biceps and chest muscles, so he fills his tee-shirts ever-sowell. Oh, he looks good? and, I felt...
I was sat having a coffee in a cafe I sometimes go to. Not a regular haunt as it was about fifteen miles away from my home town, but nevertheless I do visit perhaps once or twice a month. Far enough away and more on the tourist trail than normal, it was a good place to go to have a bit of peace and quiet as I seldom, if ever, saw anyone I knew while I visited. Except today. I had been pondering the meaning of life, comfortably on my own, when I became aware of someone in the counter queue...
Okay. Call me stupid if you want. But I am still alive aint I?Maybe my plans didn’t go exactly according to plan, but it was only a slight oversight. And thanks to Jack, it all ended well.It was the weekend before last, and I set myself a challenge, as I often do. It wasn’t, perhaps, the most sensible of challenges, but, in my mind, once I think of an idea, it burns in my head until I do it.A little about myself I guess would help.I am 36 years old, and an outright masochist. No matter what...
Bob Milton was 55, his life was a mess. He was literally broke. He had had enough. More then anyone could take, he thought as he parked his Ford F150 Pickup Truck in front of the liquor store. He was a recovering alcoholic but tonight he just couldn't take anymore. He just could not think. He could not handle the thrashing he had gotten from his ex-wife about their financial affairs or for forgetting important things. He was three months shy on his alimony. It was just beyond his means for...
(This is a story I wrote back in 2003 to fulfill an online friend's desire for an interracial story, which it is. But I'm just enough of a history buff and a mushball who likes happy endings that this is what the end result was.)The last thing that Abraham Lincoln Tucker remembered was a loud blast as the tank he was walking next to hit another of Rommel's mines. The force of the blast knocked him across the road and into a small grove of trees, where his helmet protected him from a...
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No matter how I tried, I could not find out what Mrs. Collingsworth had meant when she asked when I was going to receive my reward. She'd made it sound mysterious, and Suzanne did nothing to clear it up for me. "I don't know. It must be something the investors are planning." Wanda, whose mother was one of the investors, claimed she didn't know anything either. "Don't you think I'd tell you if I knew something, Sammy? My mother never talks to me about what is discussed at those...
Theatrical…..9 We arrived at the club and found a seat a waitress in a small skirt that was more like a pelmet came over and asked us what we wanted to drink, “a white wine and a coke” I said before he got the chance to order, she sashayed away to the bar, her buttocks clearly visible below the skirt, he watched her go, I slapped his hand, “hey, you are with me remember” I said, “and I thought we had an open relationship, after you and the waiter, well!, I’m gutted” he feigned disappointment...
A couple of weeks back we were out to a party. She had quite a bit to drink. She was yawning on the way home in the car and I thought she was falling asleep, but once we were in the bedroom getting ready to retire for the night, she got her second wind. She stripped, started pinching her nipples and said, “I’m so horny, I need you to fuck me!” I was pleasantly surprised by this change in her and couldn’t get my clothes off fast enough. As soon as I was naked, she stood in front of me...
Busty lovers Sofia Lee and Angel Wicky co-star in another too hot to handle and forever memorable DDFBusty premium porn piece. In the beginning on this steamy 4K glamour porn scene, it’s just the two of the voluptuous vixens enjoying titty play and sampling each other’s snatch. But then, Steve Q and his big dick and quick fingers join the big tittied Czech’s to fulfill their dick craving desires. Watch as the chesty cuties titty fuck his big dick with their huge knockers and...
xmoviesforyouJessica Fallon strolled along the boardwalk at a leisurely pace. Jessica was wearing her new oversized sunglasses with her favorite floppy straw hat and her new powder blue string bikini. Jessica smiled as she felt the beautiful new, gaily colored floral beach wrap flutter around her hips in the ocean breeze. She had her new beach bag, was wearing her new wedge sandals, her killer tan and of course, her crystal pendant necklace. The shops were all packed with shoppers. The vendor stands were...
By : Sushmit Patel Two (consecutive) incidents — one that we encountered or undergone year and a half ago, in the 4th month of our marriage. It so happened that along with my young Bengali wife, Sudeshna, who’d already missed her periods or conceived. And the other happened some 5 months after birth of our child. Both incidents incidentally occurred in Train, on our journey from Chennai to Mumbai. The first incident so happened that She got a call from her home (at Ahmadabad) : her mother was...
Making Dreams Come True by Writer345 1. Helena's Request I was waiting nervously in my library when I heard the doorbell ring, I didn't move: Concita would see that it was answered, that was one of her duties. Besides I knew exactly who was there, I had invited the damned woman after all. At 6'2" I am tall for a woman, I'm also blonde and people say that I exude confidence: I suppose that it goes with the job, I'm a merchant banker. As I am used to being in total control I...
The Savill Garden is gorgeous on this warm spring afternoon, the first really hot day of the year. I’m leaning over the footbridge that crosses the upper end of the Obelisk Pond, looking at the water flowing gently past, while Justin stands behind me with his arms clasped around my tummy, his cheek against mine. It feels nice, and I don’t mind when he starts to kiss my neck, nuzzling into the nape in the way he knows I like.I purr encouragingly, and one of his hands moves further up until it...
OutdoorThe Maddison family was coming over this afternoon to discuss the Sex Olympics and go over the videos they'd taken during mum's gang bang training session at their house.I was a bit nervous as I was really keen to see Alison again. I really liked her, but I was worried the sex was overpowering any relationship that might be between us. I wasn't jealous or anything. I knew she regularly fucked her twin brothers and her father, even her mother. I guess she also screwed plenty of guys outside her...
My name isnt important. I make a habit of refraining from telling people my name for as long as possible… I enjoy the mystique. Though the mystery surrounding my origin doesn’t fully exist through my lack of name. Many would say it comes from my way of operating. My nature in itself is shady. My walk, something between the swagger of a man weighed heavy with sexual deviance and some kind of curious animal. Sexual curiosity threw me beyond my years. My age isnt important either, but i can tell...
To make certain you haven't gotten confused, I'll rerun the principal players. Simone Berger: First generation American. German Irish descent. 19, student of anthropology at MSU. Attributes: Brainy, deep red hair, violet eyes. Perfection personified. 5 feet 2. 32D. Unpronounceable name. Called Ship by choice: 14,000, polite Alien entity on assignment to Earth. Attributes: Cloning, melding, shapeshifting, androgenistic. Chose to clone Simone for the visit to Mother. Barbara Belant: Native...
The Ol' Head-Swapping Trick By Kayooger PART ONE: MAKING PLANS "So what do you want to do tonight?" Nick asked his girlfriend, Lyla. "The same thing we do every night," she said in a deep masculine voice. "Try to take over the world!" "God, you're a dork," he said, grabbing her in a headlock and tickling her fiercely. "Guilty as charged! Guilty as charged!" she cried in between giggles, until Nick finally released her and she collapsed on the bed, trying to catch her...
It was a Friday night, and Katie was at a dorm party. She knew most of the people there from classes, but there were a few older guys whom she didn’t recognize. It seemed a little creepy to her that these 30-something men were hanging out in a college dorm with 19 year-olds, but she figured they knew someone there, and anyway, who was she to judge? They all drank vodka and cranberry juice as the hours ticked by, and Katie was feeling pretty good, as she joked and laughed with her friends. She...
My name is Helga and my husband’s is Rick. I am a blue eye blond, wear a 34C bra and I am told that I have great looking legs and ass. We have been married for 10 years and my husband realized that I need more sex than he could provide. I have a tendency to climax readily, something that has been with me since I was a teen. I am now 35 and Rick is 37. Because of this need we agreed that I needed other sexual partners. My preference has always been black cocks because I experienced them as a...
The next morning, Roberta and Rose woke to a loud click. The collar around their neck fell off. "Happy?" Bianca stood at the foot of their bed, with the little white plastic bag the sensors came in. Together they nodded. "Thank you," they said together. Bianca smiled. "Have you noticed? You're talking together more often; finishing each other's sentences. And when you do speak, you take turns. That means you are synching. Your bond with each other is nearly complete." They looked...
It was a cool fall night when the lady walked into the lounge. She was dressed to kill her hair and makeup was perfect. She wore all black, dress, nylons and high heels. She ordered a “pink Lady” at the bar and walked to a corner table in the back. Every guy in the bar noticed her especially one gentleman standing at the bar having a beer. This tall blond stranger eyes the lady with his intense blue eyes enjoying what he sees, enjoying it even more as he undresses her in his mind....
Straight SexThis the story of my first time (although the names have been changed)He was an arrogant egotistical male but she loved him, she would argue probably more than life itself and although she fully believed he just saw their relationship as a close friendship every part of her yearned for more. When she closed her eyes she could imagine the feeling of his lips upon hers, his hands exploring her body...desiring her as much as she desired him.It came together in a happy coincidence....her; Bethan...
First TimeAwakening in new land you take stock of scenery around. Groggy from whatever magics brought you here, you notice the trace carvings of a sigil glowing faintly, dimming as the magic wears off. Atop a large hill, you have a clear view of the land around you. To the north the smoke of a nearby town drift towards the sky. To the south a dense forest stands tall, it’s thick trees shrouding what mysteries lay within. The east of the hill leads way to a looming mountain, the shadow of a cave can be...
BDSMIf you have ever played a turn-based RPG and thought to yourself, “this, but with chicks with dicks,” first of all, splash some cold fucking water on your face. After that, consider yourself a porn prophet of debauchery, because that’s exactly the kind of game you are going to find in Tales of Androgyny. You won’t find any teenage male heroes here like in your favorite animes. This is all about exploring a world full of androgynies people that are as horny as they are hung.Before you jump into...
Free Sex GamesMy name is Randi. I work at a large office where I am part of theoffice secretarial pool. I have worked here for the past three years andnot much fun stuff has happened. Just work, work, work for little me. I am5' 3'' tall and weigh 105 pounds. I am really thin and all my friendssay I am really 100 pounds, and 5 pounds of boobs. They are nice andshapely and come together really good when I wear a lift bra and low-cuttop. ??? I was getting kind of bored at work and was looking for...
Copyright© 2003-2006 Sexybeast "You would not believe the things this girl could do with her mouth," Fred told me over dinner. He was describing the hooker he'd had up to his room the night before. Or is escort the proper term? Can she be an escort if she only escorts you to the bed? "I don't think I care what she could do with her mouth," I told him between sips of wine. "You wouldn't be saying that if you'd been there. I'm telling you, this girl was unbelievable. She made it...
By : Arjunrampal I am sharing my story for your pleasure. I’m going to tell about how I slept with my married boss. I live in Bangalore and work in a finance company as ASM I’m 5’10 and 26 of age, moderately buillt but quite attractive. I have an average 7.5 inches penis but pretty big balls that cums hard each time. My boss is 5’4, 33 of age, long dark hairs, huge breasts, well rounded ass and a seductive face; she always looked attractive and desirable. One day she called me to tell that my...
Guys I am new to this site and loved the posted stories. I would also like to share my piece happened before few months back. I am 29 years working professional from Ahmedabad looking healthy and sporty. I had unplanned journey to Mumbai due to some urgent meeting to be held at our head office. I had booked 3rd AC seat in the train which had scheduled departure at 9.30 PMAs planned I boarded the train on before 5 minutes of departure. There were three people already sitting and I was fourth 2...
My son Jake doesn't like getting up in the morning. In fact, he'd stay in bed most of the day if he could. When he's back from university he spends a lot of time in his room and stays up until the early hours, glued to his computer screen. I'm not sure what he's doing, playing online games, chatting to friends and no doubt watching porn. he keeps his door shut and doesn't really appreciate interruptions. Although he's in his early 20's when he's home he behaves more like a teenager. I have to...
John and the girls sat around the dinner table having just finished a nice meal together. Everyone had been famished after working up an appetite in the busy day, but John noticed that Sparks was the exception and had only nibbled at her dinner, not eating much at all. “Not feeling hungry honey?” he asked her with concern. “I am,” she said coyly. “I’m just leaving plenty of room for later.” She looked at him lustily under hooded eyes and he decided they had waited long enough. He stood up...
I am awakened by the feel of soft lips kissing my naked back. I realize from the late afternoon sun streaming through the windows that I must have slept a couple hours. I roll over onto my back and DeSean covers my face and lips with more kisses. As good as it feels I realize I should be going. "DeSean I need to get cleaned up and go" I say,"You can't go home like this. We should probably wash my cum off you. Unless your husband gets off on stuff like that.""Like what?""You know, some guys get...
It was a simple X-frame mounted in a field near town. The Goddess Jolene gazed out at those who were attending her service, then tilted her head to see her arms raised behind her, stretched to where her wrists were cuffed to the metal frame by chains wrapped in soft, woolen bindings. Her legs were similarly stretched and spread wide, her ankles similarly secured to the lower girders of the X-frame, her breasts, bare belly and pussy displayed to all who could see her while the bare flesh of...
Hey guys, this is rockingchoot. I am sorry I am hiding my original name here :D. Well, this site has been a very nice place, where I get to read many real incest stories or incidents. Well, today I am going to write the real incident happened in my life. Our family is of nuclear size, me with my mom dad. Well, I lived in many places. Due to my dad’s job, we use to leave one place after another in every two years. Now coming to the story, well don’t think that I am telling an incest story since...
Hi friends and sexy damsels! I am Manu from Delhi wanting to share my beautiful encounters with sexy girls and aunts. Let me start with my debut experience. Please read this and give your response without fail. About 14 yrs back, when I was 16 yrs young, we were living in a rented house. It was a cluster of houses and all the residents were very close with one another. Totally we were 2 boys and 4 girls. The other boy was 5 yrs younger to me. All the girls were older to me. We used to play with...
"Look, I really don't want to do it," said Katie emphatically. "I can't afford to take the time off from my other jobs!" Jackson threw the bar towel over his shoulder and leaned in despair against the bar. He watched her trim figure disappear out the door. With it went his last hope to keep his bar afloat. After the Super Bowl, next Saturday's Hawg Wild Poker Run was his busiest day. The summer had been slow. The extreme heat, the camp fire ban, and finally the weeks of wildfires had combined...
Mera naam raju hai main 22 saal ka hu.mi ludhiana mi rahta hu . Jab main 10 saal ka tha tab meri maa ki death ho gayi thi.uske ek saal baad dady me doosri shadi karli thi.2nd marriege ke samay dady 35 saal me the or meri nayi mummy 27 ki. Ab 38 sal ki hai or dady 45 ke. Unki shadi ke baad meri step bahan bhi hui chhutki wo 9 saal ki hai. Dady touring job me hai wo week me 3-4 din bahar rahte hai. Meri step mummy bahut khoobsurat hai unke bade bade boobs hai or patli si kamar hai jis per pyari...
IncestMy husband and I regularly talk about our fantasies and ideas to spice up our sex life. During one of these conversations he mentioned something new that he would like to try: ‘I would like to tie you up on the bed, blindfold you and then wank my cock. You will be able to feel and hear it but not do anything about it. I will tease the pussy at the same time and get you hot and horny and you will get really frustrated as I pleasure myself.’ I liked the sound of this suggestion. I love watching...
June 1993 LondonThe Hammersmith Apollo Theatre'She's the one, she's the one,she's one that I want,She's the one, she's the oneThe one that I need,She's the one, she's the oneThe one that I chooseShe's the one, she's the oneBaby come with me.'Our song was roaring along. I was on the right of the stage playing my heart out. My candy apple red custom Fender Stratocaster seemed like a part of me as the music flowed from it. Nigel on the drums was laying out the now familiar beat to our hit song....
Hello Friends, I am a regular reader of this wonder full story site and I would like to share my real story with all of you. Mera naam maddy hay, 19 sal ke hoon , aur pune main rehta hun, meri ek aunty hai jo pun mai hi rahti hai aur job bhi karti hai wo, aunty ki age kareeb 35 ki hai aur wo divorced hai, unki do betia hai jisme se badi ki umar 18 aur chhoti ki 14 hai. Dono ladki padai karti hai, aunty ka figur size 40-32-36 Aur unki bhari bhari gand main jab bhi jata to bus unke boobs aur gand...
“My lord, there is a man ... and woman here with very ... interesting information regarding the Mountain, Ser Gregor Clegane. Seems that, well, they can explain better,” one of his key officers, a fellow Unsullied known as Cat Piss, informed Grey Worm, now Master of War and Lord of the Dreadfort. “Who is it, Cat Piss? Bring them in ... but under close guard,” Grey Worm insisted, still getting used to the news that he had an actual castle of his own somewhere in the North, a gift from Jon...
I love watching Pilar with other men. Sometimes she has an unsationable appetite for cock. So I wanted to see how much she could really handle. I started cruising a few different adult sites looking for a few men. I wasn't looking for monster cocks but a little more above average. After a couple weeks I narrowed it down to 1 black guy and 2 latinos. The latino had the biggest cock 7.5-8" and the other two were about 7-7.5 but all thick. I found an old school hotel with adjoining rooms. I met up...
The next day Time: Thursday, January 24, 2019 10:20 AM Segundo was feeling very pleased with himself as he marched relentlessly down the black spiral line towards home. Fuck those bitches! The two muchachos were going to make it! He and Geraldo were going to make it home! He felt totally vindicated now in their decision to leave Ernesto behind. In the situation they were in, Ernesto’s hand wound was fatal, and they all would have died if they had stayed together. Segundo thought he made...
Sydney Leathers stops by her friend’s house to get her opinion on what she should wear for her date, but her friend isn’t home. But guess who is??? That’s right — her friend’s boyfriend, Mike! And the trouble begins. He offers Sydney their bedroom to go ahead and try on whatever she wants to try on, but when Sydney needs a man’s eye to see which of her lingerie is sexiest, she summons him to the bedroom. Mike doesn’t quite know how to act, what with his wife’s friend nearly naked in their...
xmoviesforyouHie this is rishav from ahmedabad,this is my first story on this site so let me know if you like it by mailing at About me, I am 6 feet tall little fair gujarati guy with a good built-up body due to my regular workouts. I am single, so I use tinder and one fine day I matched with a girl name Vandana. She is from Rajasthan and doing an internship here. We started chatting and it did not take long to move us from tinder to what’s app and phone calls. We felt that our humor is same. We were...
Tarryn and Tessa had a nice shower together, during which there was lots of kissing and hugging, and sexy talk.Back in Tarryn’s bedroom, Tessa noticed the toys lying on the bed.“Is that what I think it is?” asked Tessa pointing to the butt plug.“Yep,” replied Tarryn smiling brightly. “It is a butt plug, and it feels amazing.”“Wow,” said Tessa. “I’ve never tried one of those.”“Well then, my sexy friend,” said Tarryn with a wink. “You are in for a treat.”“Not sure I want to try that,” came the...
BisexualYou won’t find guys like me in the phone book. I work off referrals from the women who have been on my table. I’m in the underground world of Erotic Massage. It is a taboo subject among most professional therapists. I was taught many years ago to give my client what ever she desired, within reason. From the journal of an Erotic Massage Therapist: It was mid-winter here in western North Carolina and I had cabin fever. Looking at the same places same faces had given me the ‘itch’ to travel. My...
Mom Moves In – Final Chapter : Please read parts 1 and 2 first! Note : This story is completely fictional! Last Time in Part 2… He was about to cum and Mom turned to look at me as he shot on her face and turned back to catch the rest of his cum in her mouth. She sucked his cock in and cleaned it off all the while looking at me. I got sick to my stomach and went next door. After about 5 minutes I heard their truck start and pull out of the driveway. 5 minutes after that I heard the door to our...
IncestMonday and Tuesday came and went, with nothing exciting happening, except that Sandy called to say that she had gotten a nice offer on the house from a couple about 30. Her kids were back from their Dad’s, so she couldn’t come over, but wanted to. I’d gone to the gym after work Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and chatted with a pretty woman in the my age bracket that was “interesting” and had no rings or other evidence of commitment. We talked, as I helped her readjust a machine to fit her,...