SpaceChapter 32 free porn video

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"Yes Daddy."

"Where are we?"

"I decided to fly south to the lake and go east. I like the view of the shore."

"Keep it under the speed of sound."

"Yes, Daddy."

Mom said, "What do you mean the speed of sound?"

"Just that. This little baby has taken the kids into orbit a lot and cruised around Toronto. The cadets are getting in valuable flight time."

"But this can't fly!"

"We thought it couldn't but it can and it does a great job. The kids were sneaky. Everything they talked to us about was true. We only believed that it was an expensive toy for children."

"Come on Bert. It can't fly."

"June bank right then left twice."

"Yes Daddy."

The shuttle turned sharply one way then the other then did it again. "See Honey, we're flying."

Mom's eyes were big because the screen showed what was beneath us. June sped up and we were pulled back into our seats.

"What's she doing?"

"We are going out into the lake and then stop so you can get your feet wet. This baby can not only go faster than sound it has a lot of power. I was pulled back so hard my skin got tight."

"How can this fly?"

"Let the Doc tell you."

The rest of us talked to Mom and gave out the story a portion at a time. With all of us talking Mom had to believe what the rest of us said. Leslie talked about how she was introduced and didn't care if the details were said in front of Doc and Irene.

Mom got nervous when June passed off the helm to Patricia. The girl said, "Don't worry Mom. I've got lots of hours. Flying level is for babies. I've taken this into orbit and brought it home. What's fun is to go real slow and manoeuvre this into tight places without scratching the paint."

"But how can this fly? Nobody can do that."

Pop said, "Wally met an explorer. Wally seems to have a gift for tweaking some odd crystals to get them to do some fantastic things. Wally is also a good negotiator. He helps them out by improving the crystals and they gave him some information."

"You mean this explorer can make these ships. That means..."

"Yes it does Lillian. To make matters more interesting we find that the explorer is from the Aristis race. Wally got a history lesson too. The Aristis happen to be an offshoot of the Tomma race. Humanity is an offshoot of the Tomma race too. This means we are related. We look similar and our DNA is close too."

Mom spent a long time discussing this until June said, "Acting Captain Daddy, I stopped over the lake. Would you like me to open the hatch, Sir?"

"What's our altitude?"

"One point two seven metres, Daddy."

"Any shipping able to observe us?"

"The hatch is away from the nearest ships and it is getting dark now. The closest one that may see is twenty-one thousand metres away. I'll reduce internal lighting."

"Then open the hatch, please."

We could all smell the water now. Pop said, "Do you want to wet your feet or just sit there?"

Lillian looked out the hatch. It was getting dark but there was still light to see the water. "I think I will just sit here. Tell me what the aliens are like?"

"Well, actually there was only one. His name is Nadac. We don't pronounce the name right because the Aristis speak differently. In fact the Aristis hardly ever speak."

Mom just looked at Pop but said nothing. Pop said, they are like us. They liked cell phones so much they put a small one into their heads. There is a better computer in the phone and it can interface directly to the mind. All they do is think at the device and the call can go out to somebody in the same room. They do not have to utter a word and they can communicate. We will do this too as soon as we can miniaturise them small enough."

"So now the aliens or alien can think at us?"

"I can't talk to you if you don't have your cell."

"Ok. But Wally has one."

"He does. He gave me one and one was given to everybody else in this ship. That is why we knew where to come to pick you up. Wally and Paul told us that you were safe."

"But they could have been hurt or killed."

"A possibility but Paul and Wally communicated and came on the guy from two sides. Both of them have been taking karate but they did not do this very scientifically. They did succeed. That shows one of the many uses for our cell phones."

"What does this alien want if it is giving this ship to us?"

"He only gave the information on how to build. Almost every atom on this ship is of earth origin. The kids simply got some jobbing shops to construct parts then the kids put the parts together. Wally was born with the way to take some odd crystals and use his mind to move a molecule at a time. He rearranges the crystal to what Nadac needs. Some of those crystals went into this ship. Our scientists know that there are many more than three dimensions. You do not have to take my word for it, look on the net. The crystals extend into some of these other dimensions. One kind can influence gravity, another kind makes a new kind of radio wave.

"The humans went from the stone age then they went to bronze. After a while we progressed into the iron age. That is where we still are today. The civilised races of the galaxy did the same thing but went on until they came to the ceramic age and then the crystal age. The crystals have some amazing abilities but then again so does the new kind of ceramic."

"Let me get this straight. Wally meets an alien. The alien gives him a communicator, some plans for this ship, a history lesson and gets him to make or rather change some crystals. Tell me why the alien cannot do that for himself?"

"That ability does not extend to all of the Aristis. Nadac is both handicapped and improved in a way. Nadac long ago sat in a chair on his world and thought into a powerful computer. His memories were copied and then so was the structure of his mind and finally his personality. The man Nadac got up and left but also stayed within the computer.

"The king of that world was fighting some other aliens and needed probes to do some searching for him. Their kind of radio is not infinitely fast so a probe has to be intelligent. A computer can make intelligent decisions with programming. The Aristis computers are so sophisticated that they are self aware. They have to do a lot of thinking in remote areas. The Aristis found that the artificial intelligence is not as good as the natural variety. The crystals that contained Nadac's memories and personality went into one of the computerised probes. It was this computer that made contact with our Wally."

There was a very long pause as Lillian started to digest all this. Pop told June to close the hatch and take us up to a thousand metres and make a circle so we could get home. The lights got slowly brighter.

Mom said, "That explains how Wally is able to trade for knowledge but what about the rest that happened recently?" She was looking at the Doc and Irene now when she said this.

The Doc said, "Wally trusted us with all of his secret. We know about his fight with Caputo. Wally had some new tricks after he met his friend Nadac. He learned of the traps that were set for them at the fateful party. Wally knew that a lot of children were being hurt and the adults of this world did not know how to stop it. They sent out the DVDs but that caused Caputo to try to get rid of all the witnesses. Wally and the cadets had to put a stop to this. They had great communications but only a dart guns with only anaesthetic in them.

"Wally built some small drones. The armies of this world use their own version to monitor the battlefield. They are usually a small remotely guided aeroplane. Wally was given plans for ones that could hover on antigravity and use the power of the earth's magnetic field for power. Their output fed the laptop computers he bought but they also went right to his cell phone, the one in his head.

"Modern human soldiers have something similar. Some wear a television camera and a transmitter. Somebody far away can see the big picture and guide the individuals so they are safe. Wally's television cameras were all hovering and he did not have to hold them.

"The only thing that Wally was not telling us enough about was that he used his friend Nadac to fight Caputo on a different front. This tended to keep the man from focussing on somebody his son hated. Caputo sold off his properties. The house you now live in was purchased by Nadac through the net. He also telephoned lawyers and got them to do this work for him. Caputo was extremely wealthy especially with his position as the top mob figure in Canada.

Nadac bought up most of the assets that were worthwhile. When Caputo died, Nadac swooped down on the dead man's money held in offshore accounts and transferred it to his own accounts. Wally and Nadac now manage this money. Wally is learning the ways of high finance. Most of the money has been earmarked for the fledgling Star Fleet that he loves. I heard that he gave the children one billion real dollars to construct the buildings."

Mom was stunned, "But that was just play money. They were acting."

"Not really. They spoke the truth when they were asked questions. They knew that we would not understand and hid behind the adults' inability to see. Irene and I are working with the children to build this academy. Since its inception, it has been at your house or Gail's. They built their toy shuttles that fly. They monitored the skies over Toronto and even helped the police on occasion. They work with Nadac to make plans for ships then the children send out to get the parts manufactured. They build space ships. They do not like to skulk around. You are the one that may need the most coaxing to understand and accept the truth. That is why we are all here."

"I can understand it well enough. I don't like Wally making deals with aliens. That is a job for the authorities not a boy that just turned thirteen. He has no conception of what he is dealing with."

"Lillian, Wally knows more than all of us. If Canada got this information it would either be taken from us or there would be a war. Human authorities are not rational when it comes to nationalistic tendencies. Our neighbours from the south would come in or the two to the north. If the information were to be given out freely then there would be a mad scramble to get it to work for war before some other group beat them to it. Wally is building slowly until he learns more. The children almost know as much as he does. The academy will take those children in this area but will then extend to children of all nations. The next generation that will rule this world are actually the children of today. The slow transition will not have major wars. Do you happen to believe that the adults in power today are the finest examples of humanity?"

"No, they are ruled by those that bought them. Children do not know what to do either. They can do irreparable damage."

"That's true and that is why you are brought into this inner group. You have to monitor what goes on with the rest of the adults. They do not mind our coming into the group. They freely admit that they need help. At the moment we are planning what will influence the galaxy for centuries to come."

"The galaxy, Rod?"

"The academy will produce men and women to fly ships. The academy will build those ships. They are not limited by the speed of light. Colonies will be set up in the next century. The colonies will grow and send out their own people. That, to me, means that we are effecting the galaxy."

"Wally can do that?"

"Ask him yourself."

Mom had to turn around to see me. This had been planned when we boarded the shuttle. "It is not as easy as it looks Mom. We have to do a lot of thinking on how to use this knowledge. Earth is very backwards in every way. We do not have most of the tools that could be used to make the tools we need. We build machinery a piece at a time with the equivalent of sticks, vines and rocks. I need help to do everything. Thankfully my friends and family can do most of it."

"How did you meet this guy?"

"He met me. Nadac was doing a search of the human population. Some of those insect bites were not insects at all. My ability is rare in the human population. The Aristis have manipulated their own DNA to make the techs more common. When I was in the north I was visiting Nadac. He patched me up sometimes."

"Why hasn't he been found? I assume he came here in some type of ship?"

"That's easy. We have a shield around the ship we are in now. It makes the craft many times stronger and protects us from anything bumping into us. Light is also bent around us or absorbed. We cannot be seen unless we have our hatch open. The Beagle can fly too. It looks like it is made by and for kids but it could go into space too. Its shield will not deflect strong radar though."

"We are invisible? I don't believe it."

"File the question away until we stop. You can get out and see for yourself."

"Did you really get a billion dollars?"

"Sure did. The academy does not need it all just now but it will get the total sum. What I am concerned with right now is the new cadets we have to gather. We need stable people that will not go running off as they scream about an alien helping us. We are very lucky the people we have now are so rational. We need thousands more but as with everything we have to start small and grow."

"So you want to build ships and put children in charge?"

"Mom, have you noticed that none of us act like children to any great degree? Some theatrics was for your benefit and some was because we are still young. Betts and Patricia have IQs close to three hundred. The computer in our internal cell phone is very complicated. When it is freshly put inside our bodies, it interfaces and matches our own thinking. It has ram in it too. We have excellent memories and the computer works in conjunction with our minds to help us think. We are not adults yet though we are a lot closer than what you might think. The ships we want will take years to make. Betts will be a woman by the time she is able to serve on her. We hope that you too may decide to join the Star Fleet and ride as crew and not a passenger."

"I can't do anything in Star Fleet."

"You can help us now and later when you have taken some courses. Some adults I know have not been going to the gym. They need to get in shape. We can all study as we exercise and you five will be able to do that too."

Doc said, "Me!"

"Doc we have great medical. You will live a lot more years. You have to be slim and trim when you represent the academy. By the way Mom, the Doc and Irene are going to run the institution for the first few years."

"What!" I heard twice.

"Doc, you and Irene have the future of the human race in your hands. The academy has to be set up and running smoothly before you jump ship and into a ship. Your exploring will be delayed the same as ours is."

"I'm not a school administrator. Irene could do the job much easier than me."

A staged verbal fight started. All this was designed to get Mom's mind off the bizarre and onto the mundane. The husband and wife team were quite entertaining and we were actually at home before they were done. The whole family had been drawn into the conflict and we drew sides so the fight would go on. Leslie and June did not know much but they too assisted.

We filed out of the ship and when Mom stopped and turned around just outside. She ran her hands on the vessel she knew was there but was not. It was the light coming from inside the garage that allowed Lillian to really feel but not see.

It was the quietest night yet at our home. The adults talked both ways but only Mom was unaware of the hidden dialogue. Paul was the hero though and his women treated him like a king. Like a good mate he took his time and made love not sex.

Betts said, "It looks like Mom is starting to argue how the academy is going to run not if. That Doc's a smart guy."

"He has had a lot of time to practice that."

Connie said, "I'm still amazed at how long I was taken in by you guys. You sounded like kids and even made noises with your mouths as you flew imaginary fighters."

Betts said, "Camouflage but thankfully we don't have to do that at home anymore."

The Doc and Irene had gone home to sleep even though it was late and they could sleep here. I made breakfast for the younger cadets then started on the older ones, "You guys going to get up or sleep all day? We have a party today and a lot of guests to get ready for."

They all grumbled but Mom did not hear it because I still had not activated her communicator.

At just a few minutes after nine, Rebecca and Silvia came by our house. Their foster parents came in and acted like foster parents. They didn't act like snoops but they would be asked about what they saw. Mom now played host and offered them coffee. It looked like she was coming along but she was going to be monitored just in case.

The girls gave presents to Leslie and she kissed them like a mother should and I saw that the girls responded to this. Betts and Erica separated the girls and led them to separate rooms. The med unit got one then got another. The med unit and I searched their brains looking for the naturally occurring crystals that caused telepathy. In a way they were like gallstones. I compared their brain to mine. I too had been altered to influence others the way Paul did this naturally.

Even with all of Nadac's memories I felt that something was wrong but I could not put my finger on it. Before they woke up I implanted a communicator in each. They may or may not make Star Fleet but I wanted them monitored much better. They were the only telepathic people I knew."

Betts said, "Why are you giving them communicators?"

"Part is for safety but they may make Star Fleet one day." In the back of my mind and hidden deep was my wish to find out if I could communicate with telepathically and cut Nadac and Rontem out of the loop.

We did whatever young teens did and did it with the rest. We got Gail and Leslie to go with us to the arcades as a way of doing something a normal kid would do. We fought each others at shoot'em up games. After Silvia made a comment about how good I was, I cut back but Betts smiled and beat me.

I was thinking at Silvia to turn around when I was behind her just to see if it worked but so far there was no response. Rebecca seemed to work better but the tests were inconclusive. Rebecca finally whispered, "Are you trying to send something to me?"

"Yes as a test."

"What was it?"

"If I answer then it is not that much of a test is it?"

"Ok try again."

Since she was looking at me I tried to push out the thought that she kiss me. After a minute she turned red and went back to playing with the rest. I was heartened because it may have worked.

Pop had most of the party set up and told us to come back now. I heard that dad drove Mom to the mall to get her car in The Beagle. He stayed above her all the way home but said nothing.

When we got home we found three banners. The original one for Leslie but now there was one for Rebecca and another one for Silvia. The girls were quite pleased to see this.

Rebecca saw how loving the munchkins were with Paul and Rebecca asked Erin, "Doesn't you mother care what you are doing?"

"Mom does care a lot. She also knows that we all love Paul. He is even more a man since yesterday."

"What happened?"

"Paul and Wally went after a guy that took Lillian's purse. They had to take on two big guys and flattened them before they cornered the guy with the purse. They put him in the hospital. Our Paul took the biggest guy alone. He was eighteen and so was the guy that took the purse."

"How come nobody told us that?"

"The guys are acting like they don't care but they do. I just told you because Paul is ours. We treated him nice last night."

"What did you do?"

"Guess? He is a good man and made us happy too."

"Really, Paul?"

"He's quite a man."

I had not set this up but since I could guess their thoughts I tried to listen to them. There was nothing clear and then again it was not much of a test if I knew what they might be thinking. The two girls had to stand by Paul now and he told them the particulars. This pleased Paul too because he didn't get much of a chance to crow about anything. Sam was even urging him on to tell the actual moves. The munchkins liked this too because he was theirs.

Betts said, "What are you trying to do Wally?"

I talked just to her. "Rebecca and Silvia are telepathic. I was just testing to see if they could hear me."

"Really, does it work?"

"Not yet. Don't let the news slip out. If Rebecca and Silvia are telepathic and pick up that everybody knows then they will know that I said something."

"Maybe girls can contact better."

"Fine but remember what I said."

People started to come over but they were to see Leslie. Sandy came with a gift and brought Willy. The poor boy was dragged away to hear about Paul and possibly be stimulated by some flirting girls. Erica got Chuck and Wendy to take Rebecca and then Jerry and Ashleigh to take Silvia to even us out. The Doc and Irene came later and they looked good. I had to guess that it was sex because that did it for me.

When the time came for cake it was Silvia's turn first. She was shocked at this. A cake was wheeled out with her name on it. She did everything including blowing out the candles. She was really broken up about this and then got her own presents. She got clothes mostly but also some nice CDs.

As soon as she settled down a new cake came out for Rebecca and the process done one more time. Chuck got in there and kissed the girl and she clung to him. Wendy didn't seem to mind or she might have even suggested this. Rebecca's presents were similar but not the same.

Leslie had hers next and looked pleased that people were doing this for her.

Later the girls put on some dance music and danced downstairs. The guys were good. I watched what they did and tried to do the same moves. It was not hard. All of us were dancing with two girls except Erin that had Willy to herself.

Gail came down later and we danced with her too. We even tried some different steps that she figured we should know. The adults came down later after some encouragement and they danced too. Connie turned out to be a good dancer and got the Doc to get up and exercise. I got Irene and did the same with her. She was good at this too.

I worked around and got Sandy then the other two police women Brenda and Lauren. My hand was purposely low and they did not mind too much. They knew me and I had to live up to my reputation.

Betts took the groups aside and they went to make out. This was odd but Betts had her own plan. Silvia and Jerry were kissing as Ashleigh looked on and critiqued the technique. She even went so far as to hold the bulge in Jerry's pants and said, "You must have done well. You got him all excited." Silvia blushed. Not to far away Wendy was kissing Chuck then doing Rebecca to teach. This got poor Chuck excited too. Rebecca was turned loose on Chuck and Wendy told the girl to check if she was doing it right. One light touch and her hand came back like it was burnt. A moment later after being asked a second time the hand stayed. Most of us stayed visible but Sam was excited and so were the girls.

Rebecca and Silvia had been allowed to stay over and Betts had them bunk with the couple she placed them with. As seductions went it was quick but none of the guys broke the girls' hymens. Mom was noisy enough so I took my girls into the Curiosity and took them aloft.

Connie was lashed to the netting again but also her waist was lashed then when we were in orbit I picked up her legs and lashed her ankles near her wrists.

We floated all around her to use her. She was almost incoherent with lust and this made us even more excited. Erica stuck her cock into Connie's mouth while I used my cock on Connie's pussy. Betts was using a dildo on Connie's anus. Connie stayed as our bed as we pleased each other. Connie was taken off and lashed differently but always she was helpless to fight us off. She finally conked out and we tenderly wrapped her in a blanket and put her into a seat.

Betts and I did Erica the same way then I had to put Betts into a seat alone as I piloted us down. The seats reclined and we slept in them that night for a change.

When I woke up I was Connie looking down at me. She must have been there a while. "Do you know that I love you more than anybody else I have ever known?"

"I know that. I am loving you more all the time too but I still love my other mates."

"I know that and I love them too. It is more than them just knowing what I need, it goes beyond that. It might be the communicator but I cannot get over how much I need you."

"I need you too. In fact I would never let a man have you and live." Connie was shocked and pleased. I was a little shocked too because I meant it. I wondered if I was becoming a caveman. I realised I felt the same way about Erica and Betts.

"I want no other man but you. I will give you all the daughters and sons you want me to."

"You are going to be alive long enough to give me a hundred."

"Then I would give you that many."

We were both worked up and we started again where we left off. Betts woke up and climbed on my face and Erica found the dildo and pleased Connie's butt.

The rest were up when we got into the house. Pop looked tired and said, "Connie was enjoying herself and transmitted to the rest of us. Mom didn't pick up on it directly but the rest did. I know you did something to help me out but it was not enough."

I said back to everybody, "She likes that net in the back. What am I supposed to do?"

"Whatever you did I guess but I was already getting tired when my girls got it into their head that they wanted more."

"You are just saying that because Leslie wanted her birthday present."

"We all helped give her the present."

"I wonder if the poor Doc and Irene were affected?"

We heard a voice saying, "Yes, and I'm an old man."

Another voice said, "You are getting younger, old man."

I said, "You can try the netting later. I'll leave the cords."

Doc said, "Now that is an idea. I need your toys too or I am going to get too much exercise."

Later, Silvia said to me privately, "You can talk like us too. I know it but I cannot seem to get your ideas."

"You're right but we do this with something like an ultra miniature cell phone that works more directly with the brain. The police would love to hear that."

"I know and we won't say anything. Tell me, I did not pick this from your mind but Miss Lime looks at you the same way as Betty and Erica. I won't say anything but do you make love to her too."

"We all do. It is not just me, the girls help me out. That could hurt Miss Lime a great deal if anybody else heard."

"I know that."

"You must have a lot of other secrets but if I find them out I won't say."

"If I did then I would never have told you. We still have to try to work with your ability and mine."

"Does everybody here know about you?"


"Do they treat you any different?"

"Not because of my ability. They would not treat you any differently either. They might ask questions about what it's like but as I said we already have this ability with our special cells."

"I'm not sure. We'll have to think on this."

"That's fine. There's no rush."

After breakfast, I got both sisters alone and I talked about my PK. They tried but could not do even a fraction of what I did. I looked at the fields in their minds and nothing increased except the area used for telepathy. I tied sending and receiving but they could not reach me. When they had sensed me before they had been resting and it came to them as if by accident.

When the tests were over Betts got them separated again to give Chuck and Jerry something to do besides work on the plans for our antimatter unit. Both guys were asked to think about either an apple or an orange but I did not tell them why.

Wendy seemed to like Rebecca and the taste of her too. Rebecca was not into girl/girl action yet but it could happen. Silvia was even more reticent. When Jerry got Silvia purring though, Ashleigh could move in and help.

After a shower with company, the girls went home driven by Mom and Pop.

Monday morning Gail drove us to school and then drove north to our assembly building. This was the first time in the building and she had to make notes of what was needed. She studied like Leslie now did.

The trucks were late in coming. They backed up far into the building and the construction workers used the two rented twenty five ton forklifts to lift the first shell while the truck now drove out from under it. The second truck had to have the load lifted differently. Slings were attached to the top and the forklift picked these up. The two forklifts had to work in tandem to put the load down close to the bottom half.

Same as Space
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Comforting Mom pt 3 Christmas Cruise Day 1

“Honey, Grandma wants to know if you can come home this weekend. She has early Christmas presents for each of us that apparently can’t wait until Christmas” Mom texted. “I have finals next week, then I’m off until the New Year, but if she needs me too, I’ll come home.” I respond. “That would be great. I’ll get your room ready. Not that you will be spending much time there. ;-).” She actually used a wink emoji, my mom has come a long way, I guess I should be glad she didn’t use the...

2 years ago
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Wife Fucked By My Cousin

This is the story of my wife rittu whom I got fucked with my cousin dimpy. I got married to rittu in 1996 and before my marriage me and my cousin dimpy who was 3 years younger to me was very frank with each other. In fact I taught dimpy how to mastubarate in our teenage years….it was I used to hold his dick in my hands and used to stroke his cock and he often used to cum in my hands. Dimpy also stated jacking my hard cock and in fact we used to rub our cocks with each other until we came...

3 years ago
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Santas GiftChapter 3

Well it is time to go see if Suzi sleeps naked. Ha, like I could do anything about it if she sprawled naked and begged me to fuck her. Still, I put a fresh battery and tape in the camcorder. It has the capability to take still pictures as well as video. Paul's house was dark, but not quiet. Music was playing upstairs. I wanted to check out what was happening upstairs, even though I had just been thoroughly fucked by four women, I had only cum once. I knew that if Suzi was naked, I would be...

3 years ago
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Voluptuous Lady Six Guys Steam and a shared cock

I popped to my local sauna this weekend for some relaxation and maybe a nice cock to suck. They've started mixed times as well as men only, and tonight was one of those. I had two hours available before picking up my wife and telling her my adventures.When I arrived it looked deserted in the jacuzzi and sauna, and so I headed to the steam room. Here there were people sitting and standing with quite a focus on one corner. I found the other corner and settled down to warm up, and get a little...

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Black mans promise to his dying white best friend

Story of older white couple the husband was at home terminally ill with cancer, hospice was already taking care of him , he was also on heavy medication of morphine his long time best friend for many years stopped by the thing was he is black and he had an affair with the wife years earlier, they broke it off, twenty years ago now as soon as she went to the door and saw him her pussy became instantly wet, he came in and saw his friend basically u*********s close to comatose as he said his good...

1 year ago
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Thickumz Nikki Delano A Moist Hole In One

A fun day at the arcade is just what thickie Nikki Delano has been waiting for. She gets her videogame fix before heading out to the mini golf course for some swinging fun. The whole time she is handling the club, she imagines it is a thick cock she can play with. So, when she finally gets some alone time with our stud, she breaks out his nine iron and makes him stroke a hole in one. He gets on her fairway and drives it home with some hard muff pounding. Then, she licks his wood up and down...

1 year ago
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Childhood friend and far far beyond Part 1

-This is my first time writing anything , so please feel free to criticize my writing or anything at all. It would not discourage me at all. I want to do this more. Just wish to improve my writing. -I know there is not much sexual content . But it felt wrong to start a story without an introduction. Sorry , if you dont like emo part. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a...

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College Cuckold

My parents dropped me off during move-in weekend right before classes started. I decided to go to a state school several states away, just to put some distance between me and my hometown. Not that I had a bad time growing up, but I needed a fresh start. I wanted to go where nobody knew my name. Now here I am: all alone in my college dorm room. My roommate Steven hasn’t arrived yet. We chatted a bit over zoom. He seems like a cool and confident guy. He’s also very attractive. He stands at a...

1 year ago
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PARBER Breeding Adventure

Among the many places in which one could call a place of relaxation, there is one specifically tailored to those with a passion for fertility. However, many were not fully aware of this place sadly. Thus the staff began an ad campaign to give a lucky winner one free week at this mythical place. Upon deciding a winner, the location was revealed and thus the glorious week at the Pregnant And Round Belly Entertainment Resort began! Greeted by sprawling sandy beaches that spread forth for acres and...

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TollFree Signed Out

A notification popped up on Miranda's computer screen with an alarmingly loud noise. Ker-plink! High-pitched and sudden, like her computer was disapproving of her incessant lack of work.She’d been meaning to finish up these emails before her first service meeting today, but that clearly hadn’t happened. Between the report dropped on her by her manager Kelly, her phone buzzing non-stop by her boyfriend, and fucking Jason’s overbearing voice parading down the cubicle rows, her focus had been...

Office Sex
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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 76 Ryoko my darling

Night had fallen at last. Still feeling the effects of Washu's minor surgeries, Tenchi made his way cautiously up the long darkened stairway. Pausing every now and again glancing around, It was only when he was most certain his accent had gone unobserved, he finally climbed the last few steps. Making doubly sure to 'skirt' the actually open plaza area of the shrine however. With everyone understandably up in arms over what happened to his father and having a stranger in the house to...

4 years ago
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To MoltChapter 7

We discussed Mila during the two hour trip to Portland with Gail driving her old green Volvo. I told Gail her history, her years lost under the abusive domination of a thug and how I pulled her out of it. "What was she like before she was sucked into the destructive relationship?" asked Gail. "From the little she's told me, she was a good student. She had close friends and relatives. But despite all appearances of being a good girl, she felt rebellious and cynical, a quiet troublemaker...

4 years ago
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The Yellow Sundress Ch 19 Returnee

19 - Returnee His planned heart-to-heart with Judy never eventuated, at least not then. As he approached home he recognised the black jeep. Uh-oh, seems like Sharon's back. He walked in to find Judy and Sharon sharing a bottle of white wine. Unusual as Judy seldom drank, and then only with a meal. It seemed that Sharon had been dumped by her girlfriend and was now in a very "I hate girls" mode. Despite his femininity Adam was very aware that Sharon knew he was really a boy so when...

2 years ago
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All Things Being Equal Id Rather Have a Pepsi

I'm not a perfect person. Anyone who tells you they are is trying to sell you something. And yes, I don't go to church that much. But I go most years on Christmas and Easter with the family. And my wife and I have talked about going more often than that. So that has to count for something, right? Do I believe in God? Eh, who knows? I mean, I believe in something. Let's just leave it there. So when I hit that damn patch of ice on I-87, and tried with all my might to steer my...

3 years ago
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Mom Dom Part 2

ABSOLUTELY NO FRIEND REQUEST ACCEPTED WITHOUT COMMENTS ON STORYRead Part 1 first. ==============================================================================A strange series of events had turned my mother into a dominatrix (read part 1) and now she was beating the crap out of me abusing me verbally and physically."You motherfucker! Your asshole is bigger than mine and I was a whore for 10 years!" she said running her index finger roughly along my anus, pulling it open.I heard her spit and...

2 years ago
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My Life With My FatherChapter 8

Karol and I rehearsed our scenes, when we had a chance; at least all but 1-1 and 2-1, which both needed Phyllis. We were rehearsing Act 2 at the theatre this week, then going off to eat somewhere and do some improv, if we felt like. We have a week left before Hell Week, also known as Tech Week, which is what you call the final five days before opening night, in the theatre. You add costumes, makeup, set pieces along with lights and sound during this week. You stay later — you work to perfect...

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A Jedis Training Ch 06

Chapter 6 – A Jedi’s Concentration After a hard day of ‘training’ under Star’s supervision, Jacen finally got a well-earned night of rest on his own, in his own shelter. With the end of his training trip rapidly approaching, his thoughts again turned to Eryn – what had she been doing while he was gone? Attending classes and training exercises like a good student? Taking liberties with herself and her open sexuality in her room, their shared living space, the kitchen? His room? Jacen’s mind...

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My Purge pt 10

The home we bought the day after the Purge last year has been fortified and modified. The upstairs had metal 8 inches from the drywall, cubbies built into the metal against the wall, and filled with water to stop any fires that might be started against the house. A gravity fed fire suppression system, gotta love it. The floor had been torn up and drainage put into it. When we poured the new concrete we made sure to put angles into it to drain properly. Cells were placed on the wall facing...

1 year ago
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My War

Chapter 1 : Homecoming It was Saturday the 15th Dec 1940 at about 07.30 in the morning when Lt Tony Nash RNVR wearily trudged homewards, he was feeling dirty and tired after traveling nearly all night from Portsmouth Harbour Station to London Waterloo, and then on to Stratford underground station, the nearest station to his home in East London. The underground railway platform was full of people still sleeping on the platform or, just beginning to wake to face a new day of queuing for food or...

Erotic Fiction
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Break Down

Pu-Pu-Pu (Cough). Rattle. Hisssssss. Bang!Robynn's car gurgled and grumbled, slowly crawling along until finally coming to a complete halt."Uggg . . . Not again!!" Robynn teared up in frustration. "Not now!" With all of the burdens she was currently carrying this was like the straw that broke the camel's back. As would be expected with most Sissies, Robynn wasn't mechanically inclined and had no idea what was wrong with her car. All she knew was that she was stranded in the middle of...

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The Hotel

Jed walked into the bar at the hotel where he was staying. His cock was on fire as he needed to dip it in a nice wet cunt to relieve the pressure he was feeling. He got a drink at the bar and when he turned he saw her. She was a gorgeous blonde in a tight low cunt red knit dress showing a lot of her huge tits. He got her another drink and walked to her table and sat down and asked her "Want some company?" She smiled and said "Sure." He sat the drink in front of her and they began talking as he...

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A visit from the girls

One of my early sexual encounters that I remember best was when I was eighteen or nineteen at a church youth weekend away. Two or three times a year a bunch of the teenagers at the church my parents took me to went away for a weekend of games, country walks and uplifting talks. After all these years I’ve forgotten some of the detail so in places I’ve added details which being a sex mad teen boy I’m sure would have happened.There would be about four of us boys in a dormitory. I still remember...

4 years ago
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Finding BalancePart 2

The third week, the Fourth of July week, my scout troop was going to scout camp. On Saturday night I helped my brother Andy get packed. Even though he was twelve and in his second year of scouts, this was his first year at scout camp. Last summer Andy had a chance to visit our cousin's farm in central Pennsylvania and went there instead of going to camp. This was my fourth year at camp. I was experienced. I planned to take Canoeing and Environmental Science Merit Badges. I also signed up to...

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Starting OverChapter 2 Locked Out

Monday, at work, was uneventful for Trisha. She was surprised. Over the past six months or so, her boss had been continuously vindictive toward her — assigning her the menial of tasks and micro-managing everything she did. That was one of the straws that finally broke Trisha's proverbial back and convinced her to leave her city job. The pay was okay; the users were nice; her manager and other team members were unbearable at times and only tolerable at others. Because Mark had chosen to work...

3 years ago
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Third Party

We took a long time - several months - before choosing. The decision was important because we are not an irresponsible young couple playing the field. We are both nearer fifty than forty, in the third decade of our marriage, still very much in love but wise enough to recognise that sex, though pleasurable, was fast becoming routine. Before we got together we had both enjoyed other relationships, I more in number than Monique, but in marriage we had been sufficient to each other. Until...

Straight Sex
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A Night To Remember With Crush

I live in a rented apartment, I’m 5’6 with a normal body and cute looks. I love cracking good jokes which can make anyone smile.I joined one MNC in Gurgaon post my stint in Hyderabad. It was a new project in the same company so I use to see new joiners almost every day.Out of those new joiners, I saw a beautiful girl named Sophia (not a real name). She hailed from Delhi, was from a well-off Punjabi family, 5’5, almost my height, not skinny but the right amount of curves at right places. I liked...

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Blonde college girls fucks with old man

I had been lucky and retired early from my own business. A divorce 5 years earlier had not been that messy. We both decided that the marriage was not working. She had her own career that was time consuming and it came to an end. No alimony, no kids, reasonable settlement on money issues and we split. Having lived in Florida for over 20 years I had the toys that go with the lifestyle. A condo in a marina community. A 45 foot sail boat with everything a sailor could want in the way of gadgets. It...

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Porn shop pickup

I was brousing around in a porn shop last summer and it was quiet busy with a few customers and only one shop assistant. As I wondered around there was this young girl looking at the vibators and other things that girls like put in their pussy. I watched her fo a while and she seemed impatient that the assistant wouldn't come over and help her select something.I took the opportunity and moved over close to her and whispered to her that I could help her as my partner had some of these products...

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A Womans Touch Ch 1

For a very long time now, the thought of having sex with another woman, has always been a turn on. There is something about the way that a woman touched me that excites me. Not that I don’t like men, because I love the feeling of a nice, hard, hot, cock in my mouth, pussy and ass, that totally satisfies me sexually. My favorite thing to do is have a FMF, where the women don't only have sex, but in turn they drive the man crazy, as they both work on his hardened member. Let me start at the...

Group Sex
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Adventures of Me and Martha JaneChapter 3A

Just before my 9th birthday my godmother, great-aunt Frances, bought me a new dark brown suit and new shoes for my Confirmation ceremony at St. Mary's Catholic Church. It was a dim, cloudy Sunday afternoon outside; but inside the ornate, high-ceiling Gothic church, hundreds of banks of candles cast a warm, glorious light over everyone in the church. Mom and Aunt Frances and my deceased father's mother, Grandma Rose, drove me to the front entrance and let me out on the sidewalk while Aunt...

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Emilys First Solo Holiday Part 08

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous part. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 08 DAY 13 ****** I woke to sound of Dani shouting my name. As usual, I’d gone to bed leaving the balcony door open so Dani’s shouting soon woke me. When I emerged Dani told me that I had about an hour before we were getting picked up to go to the Party Boat. “Plenty of time.” I said and rushed to the...

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One Way Conversation

Brian stood outside Jenny’s front door for what seemed like ages. He didn’t know what to expect, but hoped that she would be clairvoyant. Would she just know he was there? His eyes bounced around the four corners of the doorway looking for a way in that didn’t need him to press the doorbell. His thick-rimmed glasses started to cloud over as a result of his rising breath in the cold night air.He questioned why he was there? Wondered what she would look like and whether he was doing the right...

First Time
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The PiperChapter 14

“Can you change just anyone?” “So far - I’ve been able to.” “You must be very powerful. You changed me, my two daughters and my four granddaughters all in one swoop.” “I saw your photos in the hallway, all of which appeared to be taken each year for at least ten years.” “That’s exactly what they are. Did you actually change the photos? Or just those of us in them.” “The photos are changed too. Makes me wonder, do your daughters have copies of those photos?” “Yes they do and I know what...

4 years ago
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Bday BJs

Today is the birthday of our young and hardworking Man, Jack. An average man, he works hard at his Office desk, a regional manager of an investment banking firm, he is well off but is modest. The only problem with Jack is that he is always concentrating on work and never fully relaxes, even on his birthday. Today however is an exception.Over the past month, Jack and his girlfriend Lucy have been having discussions about having an open relationship. More specifically, Lucy had asked Jack if they...

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Dragons in the Bathroom

"It's nice and warm." She takes the soap and starts to lather herself. Her silvery scales gleam as she washes off the grime of their last adventure. Tobias tosses his clothes and armor off, and joins her, his own scales dull with dirt and grime. His chest has a large scar going from his left shoulder to his waist, and he has more smaller ones all over his left arm. He begins soaping up as well, taking furtive glances at the half-dragon beside him, his eyes rolling over her chest. She...

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Once you have black 2 America Goes Sissie

Once you have black 2 - America Goes Sissie! Father Samuel walked into the oval office after talking to every secret service agent on the way in and giving them, their new lives, those agents were now leaving their posts to meet the black members of the Church of the coming light so that they could be taken to be re made into the image of how they should be. The man behind the desk looked up and said, "Who are you? GUARDS." "They won't be of any help to you now, Mrs former...

3 years ago
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My Play With A Rich Aunt In Bed

This is Vinay working in a software company and staying in Hyderabad. I have athletic body and very good experience and a pro in pleasuring rich hot aunties. Hot rich Aunties and girls from Hyd Reply to my mail for such experiences. After my graduation in Tamilnadu, I got placed in a software company in Hyderabad as developer. I was staying with my friend based out of Hyderabad in a 2 bhk where the apartment has two floors. We were staying in the ground floor and his aunty was in the first...

2 years ago
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1 Soul 2 Bodies

* I’m publishing with so little because I’m unsure if I’m going to continue, but feel free to enjoy what’s here The pair began to stir, instinctively holding closer to each other’s warmth in the cold summer night, before they eyes flung open in surprise. They stared at each other in confusion for a moment, then fear, and then more confusion as they wrapped their head around what they were feeling. On one side of their vision was a toned man with a shapely face and the other was a busty girl...

4 years ago
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Virginity Halloween Candy

I will never forget the day I gave something so dear to me to somebody I honest can say I care about: My Virginity to Jacob Lee Seymour.It was the day before Halloween. It was getting later an later an I was talkin to Carol. We both felt the need of being little k**s jus one more time be for we honestly had to grow up. I convinced my mom to take us both out so we could get some candy wen something totally diff was on Carol's mind. Mom drops us off an we get a little candy, but later that night...

2 years ago
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My Scholarship

Introduction: Shy coed gives her body to pay for school My name is Annie, and this is my story about earning the scholarship that is getting me through college. This is my first time submitting a story, let alone my story to a site like this, but reading through, Ill go ahead and share about me at the time of the story. Im a 19 year old girl from Washington State, going to school at a small, private liberal arts college in Canada. This story took place about a month into my sophomore year...

4 years ago
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ProfNigma Stories 5 If Wishes Were Hornets 1

iCarly/Victorious: If Wishes Were Hornets #1 – Chapter 1In Seattle, not much had changed since the end of summer for most of the iCarly gang. They slowly worked towards finishing their senior year, and Freddie actually was earning enough credits that he would enter college as a sophomore rather than a freshman. Even Gibby was pretty busy, his school basement food joint garnering more and more business every week, which prompted him to work extra time there. Sam helped out when she could, but as...

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Therapist Fantasy

Introduction: Really short story about a really sexy dream I had about my therapist! Sometimes I dream that Im seeing a therapist to talk about my weekly sins. After telling him about a few of my exploits he informs me that he thinks that hypnosis may help with my nymphomania. I am reluctant but I agree to let him hypnotize me. He puts a metronome on his desk and taps the arm, starting a smooth swaying motion accompanied by a ticking noise. After a few minutes of meditation on the...

3 years ago
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Nerd learns of his space bound destiny

"You're joking... Please tell me you're joking!""Jacob, I'm sorry," said a mildly sympathetic voice from the opposite end of the phone, the owner of the voice's attention firmly on the last minute touches of her up-do hairstyle. "No, Courtney, you're not. You call me an hour before prom to tell me you're going with your ex instead? You know what? Fuck off!" As Jacob put up a strong front he was broken on the inside.He threw his phone across his bedroom and ran downstairs. In his moment of rage,...

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Chrissyrsquos toilet adventure

I’m Chrissy 56 white straight acting subby bottom sissy. I had a need to piss so I pulled of the A35 into the service area and entered the toilet. There was a long trough urinal and three cubicle, the sweet smell of male piss filled the air. The centre cubicle was occupied but otherwise it was empty, I started to piss at the urinal when I heard a noise behind me I turned to see a camera disappear from under the door of the centre cubicle. I stopped my flow and entered the cubicle furthest away...

1 year ago
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Son Becomes Mom8217s Lover

Hi auntys and bhabhis this story is dedicated to all of you who love us helpless young boys and give us the love we want.Please auntys and bhabhis reply to me whether you like this or not I am open to love of any aunty or bhabhi who feels her life has become miserable due to absence of love. My mail id is This is pure fantasy so enjoy the story more parts if I feel like writing with the love and encouragement of readers(especially aunties). We were a happy family with me my father rajesh mom...

2 years ago
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A Black Man Rules The World

Brother Samuel Xavier here. America’s favorite big and tall, openly bisexual Black male urban fiction writer. The man without fear. Always eager to speak up on behalf of men’s rights and men’s issues, race issues and humanitarian causes in general. Also, an outspoken defender of environmental issues and animal rights, and the most dedicated member of Society Against Neutering. That’s me. You may have noticed that lately, my focus has shifted. I write more Black male and Black female-positive...

1 year ago
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PornMegaLoad Eliana Rose Precious Little Eliana

Age: 20; Born: January 22; Ht: 5’4″; Wt: 105 pounds; Bras: 34B; Panties: Sometimes thongs; Anal: Yes; BJs: Swallow; Masturbate: I’ve got lots of toys; Lives: Kalamazoo, Michigan. Take a look at precious little Eliana. How cute! But what is an innocent-looking piece of ass like her doing on a site like this? “I’m a yoga instructor and one of the guys I teach is a photographer. He told me to call you guys. I thought it would be fun!” Fun’s a word that...

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The Rest of the StoryPassed Out from Being Fucked

I have been nagged by several people to tell the rest of the story about what happened after I passed out. That's kinda hard to do since I really don't know what happened. However, I have talked to the guys that were there and I will tell you what they told me.All three guys said the same thing so I guess this is what really happened. Sounds like fun...too bad I was passed out and didn't enjoy it!They said they just kept taking turns fucking me while I was out and shooting cum all over my face...

1 year ago
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For Blood or MoneyChapter 31 Legs and Other Things You Miss When You Donrsquot Have Them

I WOKE UP WITH TUBES IN MY NOSE and other orifices and a weight on my chest that was unfamiliar. I was getting oxygen through the tubes, but my breathing was shallow. The weight on my chest was Riley’s head. Apparently, she’d crawled up on the bed during the night and went to sleep with her head on my chest. Boney pillow if you ask me. She was wearing a white silk blouse that in her present position gaped open showing rather more than she usually exposed. All right. A lot more. I could...

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