Prodigal Father
- 4 years ago
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“Sheriff better come quick. They’re coming.”
The Sheriff looked questioningly at the Doc. “Go ahead, Pete. There’s nothing you can do for them. As soon as I can, I’ll be over to look at the boy.”
“Ok, Doc, but you know these folks will want some answers. Is there anything I can tell them?”
“Tell them that the young lady is alive and not likely to die. Both of the women are in shock. I don’t have anything else until I can talk to them. The boy I don’t know. Won’t know until I can look him over.”
The Sheriff was unsatisfied with that answer. “God, that ain’t going to be enough Doc. Please don’t waste any time. I’ll need your help.”
“I’m doing the best I can, Sheriff.”
As the Sheriff stepped back out onto the main street, his biggest fears were realized.
The dust was settling and Colonel Joshua Anderson was at the center of the main town square. With him was a burly black man with Sergeant Major stripes. He seemed as big if not bigger than the horse he was sitting. On the Colonels, other side was a young Hispanic boy. He was the direct opposite of the burly man. Not more than 5 foot and 100 lbs. He carried in his right hand a gleaming bugle. In his left, a 3-yard-long pike topped with a diagonal red and white guidon. In the center of which a gold R had been embroidered. The butt of the pike was fitted into a bracket on the boy’s stirrup.
To the Colonels left and right, both directions of main street held a double column of horse riders. To his rear was another double column of riders, that stretched down first street.
Not a sound was made beyond the restlessness of the horses and the rattle of equipment.
The Colonel turned to the young boy, “Pablo, scouts out if you please.”
“Yes, sir.” The boy raised the bugle to his lips, moistened them, and blew a military tattoo on the bugle. Up and down the columns, individual riders wheeled their mounts to the left and right and galloped out of sight behind buildings. Within minutes figures started appearing on rooftops up and down the main roads and, in particular, the town square. All of these men were armed with rifles that they carried at the ready.
The Colonel had spotted and ignored the Sheriff as soon as he stepped out of the Doctors office. Not raising his voice, he asked “Where are they?”
“The ladies are being tended by the Doc in his office, Colonel. He says they’re unharmed in shock but will survive.”
A brief moment of relief crossed the Colonel’s face quickly it faded. “The boy?”
“In my office. I felt it best to put him into a cell for his protection. He’s in bad shape, Colonel.”
Leaning back over to the young man, “Pablo, sick call.” Again, the boy moistened his lips and blew on his bugle.
As the riders in the ranks heard the bugle call, a murmur arose in the riders.
The burly rider on the other side of the Colonel whirled his horse around and faced the columns. In a voice that expressed both anger and projected a demand for obedience, he bellowed, “Silence in the ranks.”
From the center column, a white painted hard-sided wagon with large red crosses centered on each side came galloping down. Pulling up to one side, the older man riding in the jump seat asked “Where to Joshua?”
“In the jail, Julian. His condition is unknown. The two ladies are in the physician’s office being tended by him. I’ve met him. He seems competent. They are said to be ‘in shock’ but expected to survive. I suggest you look to the boy first.”
The older man, followed by a younger man in a white smock, dismounted the wagon. Another followed them from inside the wagon.
Two women dressed in nurse’s smocks also dismounted and headed into the Doctors’ offices. As they hurried on their mission, Julian called out, “A welfare report as quickly as you can Agnes, Thank you.”
The older of the 2 called out. “Yes, Doctor.” As they disappeared into the physician’s office.
The Doctor and his medics entered the jail, and immediately the older man came back out. “Sheriff, how the bloody hell do you expect me to treat my patient when he is inside of a locked goddamned cell?”
The Colonel turned and glared at the Sheriff, and another murmur ran down the ranks. The burly rider didn’t correct them this time.
Hurrying into his office, “My apologies, Doctor, I felt it best at the time.”
Quickly the cell door was unlocked and the Doctor brushed past him, followed by aides. When the Sheriff turned, he was face to face with the Colonel. “Colonel. I couldn’t be in two places at once, and I thought the women needed me more than the boy. I locked him up to keep the mob away from him more than anything else. He isn’t under arrest or anything.”
The Colonel brushed past the Sheriff and approached where the Doctor was tending his patient. “Doctor?”
“It ain’t good, Joshua. I can’t say anything other than I hope. And I’m hoping a whole hell of a lot.”
“Very well, Doctor keep me updated as permissible.”
Turning to the Sheriff, “If you would sir, I require a report concerning the abuse that has been made on my people. 2 women one under 16 years. And a young boy just past his 14th birthday.”
“Please, Colonel, don’t blame the townsfolks. It appears that when your ladies and the young man were finishing their business with the shopkeepers well, the boy was dragged behind the saloon, and four or five assailants started beating him. The two ladies tried to come to his rescue but were also attacked. There was some question about the condition of the little girl. Her clothes had been torn during the attack. And she was unable to answer any questions. The boy was beaten unconscious and unable to answer questions. Because voices were being raised that the boy had assaulted the little girl, there was talk of a lynching. I thought it best to safeguard him in one of my cells until I could get better control of the situation. I’m at a loss as to how you heard about it so quickly.”
Ignoring his question, “And what about the true perpetrators? Why aren’t they in custody? Who and where are they?”
“Colonel, I’m not sure they were in town earlier and have disappeared since then. But the women aren’t talking, and the boy can’t.”
“Sheriff, you are trying my patience. Either you have suspects, or you don’t. Which is it?”
“Well, and remember, I have no proof I think it might have been Billy Jackson and his bunch.”
Before he could continue, the Colonel turned and walked out of the jail.
“Pablo, officers call please” “Yes sir,” Followed by a bugle tattoo.
From various points in all three columns, 12 individuals came galloping to the town square. Dismounting and gathering around the Colonel, he quietly started talking. When the Sheriff tried to approach, he was intercepted by the burly Sergeant Major. “Apologies sir, this is a private conference. If the Colonel wants you to know something, he’ll tell you what you need to know.”
“Gentlemen, the two ladies appear to be alright. But we won’t know the full details until the surgeon can see to them. My desire is to get them safely back home as quickly as possible. Depending on the surgeon’s recommendations. The boy has been badly beaten. Again, I want all our people home and under our care. With young Hans, we may have to wait. Until he is ready to return, I want a security detail here. Sergeant Major 8 of the best if you please. 4 on four off. Quarters in the livery. See Clive for details.”
dear to whomsoever it may concern: hello, hey, hi, … hello. hey. hi. how are you all doing among yourselves, huh? & you know like say, or how you say like since that being of the last time that i myself was upon this one particular social-media website-address being of a pornographic nature, I do sincerely hope that those persons being among yourselves being of whom are of whatsoever races, &/or likewise from whatsoever walks of life, factions of society, or lifestyle preferences,...
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xmoviesforyouI’ve said before that I’ve never been one for sleeping late, but that Saturday was an exception. It was after nine when I woke but it seemed I was still the first one up. Or so I thought. I had a shower, got dressed then went over to the canteen for breakfast. I’ve slagged off the canteen, but one thing they did get right was breakfast. Okay, it’s difficult to get bacon, sausage, egg, hash browns and beans wrong, but even in that first week, I’d very much gotten used to starting the day that...
Back with part two of Elina Takigawa. She is now wearing her gift. To remind you she and her friend were spending the day together. They have been friends for some time and have enjoyed each other’s company. But on this day, Valentine’s Day they are together and he gifts her a box of chocolates. And not only does he give her some chocolates that she starts to consume like a hungry monster, but he also hands her a bag with a soft gift inside. It is a new nighty, lingerie in lace and see through...
xmoviesforyouLast night my 19 year old cousin Julie showed up at our door all in tears. Babs let her in and tried to find out what was wrong. Julie’s tears kept flowing for nearly ten minutes before Babs was finally able to calm her down enough to speak.Julie told her that her boyfriend dumped her because she was terrible at sex. They had been dating for two years and only recently had she given in to his sexual longings. Julie told Babs that she tried to give Clint a blowjob but he told her she was...
Ever since I can remember, It has always been just me and my Step-Dad in the house. He recently got married and my Step-mom and Step-Sister moved in with us. It sucked at first until I started to watch my step-sister Evelin shower, she is really hot. I knew our parents wouldn’t be home so I made my move, I come into the bathroom and let her do all the talking. Evelin is creeped out at first but then like a good slutty step-sister she drops to her knees and starts sucking my big cock. I...
xmoviesforyouI stared at the small, non-descript stone on the table, next to the very tiny box it came in. It was wholly unordinary; I could have as easily picked it up from the sidewalk outside. Next to it was the note that was included. "Hold the stone in your hand, close your eyes, and wish. Whatever you can dream of, you will get it. One use, as soon as you open your eyes and put the stone down, your wishing is done...make it count!" Someone had to be putting me on, I thought. I mean,...
Alison grew up west of the Range, among sheep, wheat and summer dust storms. She learned to drive tractors and to repair dam pumps on the farm and everything else in the small school.Each Christmas holiday her brother, her mother and she drove out the farm gate towards the rising red sun. f******n or fifteen hours later they turned into the jungle garden of her grandmother's rambling white weatherboard house overlooking the bay and, beyond, the ocean. Already Alison's grandfather had died and...
Note : This story is completely fictional! How can I write this without sounding perverted when I know I'm not? It all started when I got home from up North. Well, not really my home, my sisters. my folks had moved on, and I had to start over,so my sister offered her place for the time being until I got up on my . I was greeted at the door by my niece. Just turned 18. Looking oh so innocently tempting. Petite, but holding in all the places that mattered. It was Summer, so she had on these small...
IncestRear Admiral Yurij Radionovich Zhukov tried to look at the view screen without giving away the uneasiness he experienced when looking at Admiral Gardner. His superior looked back at him somewhat glassy-eyed and Zhukov started to wonder if the pressure of war had led some of the higher-ups into having a drug problem. "Zhukov, Reed has gone rogue on us and stole Buran. They should show up on your doorstep at any time and I want the whole lot apprehended. They have five Vulcans, one Denobulan,...
This story is non fiction but would love to be Santa Claus.It was close to christmas and my parents decided to have a fancy dress house party, people had to dress in seasonal costumes. As the guests arrived all types of costumes where there from snowman to not so little elves to santa's help[ers anf of cause santa him self.My parents dressed in great costumes mum was a sexy santa helper and dad as The grinch. The party was swinging booze and food aplenty, I got chatting to a couple of identical...
Hi, this is my first upload. I’m a little nervous, but confident. First of all let me introduce myself… My name is Ziomara, 21 years old, 5’5, 120 lbs, long silky black hair, large brown eyes, succulent lips, nice perky tits, and an ass that won’t quit. I’m a full blooded Mexican, and damn proud! Straight from the beautiful state of Sinaloa, where the ladies are not only beautiful… They are dangerous hahaha… I’ve always been labeled the “black sheep” of the family, mainly because I’m a...
As she returned from the restroom, Daniella saw MzDominica talking with Janie the waitress, who nodded, turned and left. Daniella arrived at the table and sat down -- making sure to keep her legs spread, just as Mistress required. Dominica turned toward her slave and quietly asked, "Do you have something for me, slave?" Daniella was still holding the key in her palm. "Of course, Mistress," she replied. Despite everything, she found herself blushing as she lifted her hand, and stretched...
Chris pulled the belt to her fleecy robe tight around her still damp body and wrapping a towel around her sopping, freshly shampooed hair, emerged from the bathroom to find the landlord pacing back and forth in the living room a letter in one hand, a cigarette in the other. On the sofa sat Sandy, pale-faced and saucer-eyed, taking inhumanely long drags off her cigarette and exhaling with exhausting force. The blue smoky aura around her dark hair testified to the lengthy encounter between the...
Suzi was sitting in her recliner, drinking a JD and Coke. That seemed to be all she did these days. Life consisted of waking up, masterbating if time allowed, and jumping into the shower before running out the door to work. As a chef, it meant Suzi worked all hours, which had a pretty adverse effect on her social life. Infact, the only thing keeping her interested in work was the new guy that had started this week. His name was Chris. He'd just moved state from Washington and he was HOT. Tall,...