- 4 years ago
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New Felicity: The Mur
Cel was still looking for shelters with survivors ten years after the Gulf event. One team found a shelter that had seven women and an apparent wild man.
He refused to show his companions to the team and when one came up from the cellar he punched her hard.
The team subdued him and asked the women to step up. They were asked if they wanted too remain with him or go with them.
All ran outside. All were naked. It was brutally cold.
They left enough supplies for the man to survive for a year then left with the women.
The women were in shock and did not do or say anything until after they were covered with blankets and had a warm cup of chicken soup in their hands. Then one began to giggle. The others were stunned but soon all were giggling too. They finished their soup and promptly went to sleep.
Back in Cel they found none of them spoke a language anyone recognized. Test showed each to be about forty years old but all looked like they were twenty.
Suspecting they were not from Earth Moesha asked the resident aliens to come talk to them.
All the women immediately began to talk rapidly with the Kindred. All seemed to be pleading.
Rah’s father Yggs said, ‘They are from Mur, a warlike planet that was mostly subdued by the Federation many years ago. We were aware that they were close to achieving space travel but when the Federation confronted them they backed down. Recently they had a major war between the five nations that killed nearly all of them.
They treated women abominably and the warriors had as many wives as they wanted.
The man they left behind is a danger to all. He needs to be confined and his ship needs to be confiscated.’
Moesha called Carmen and she immediately ordered the team that had found them to return and arrest the man and bring back his ship.
Finding the man and his ship was easy, he was trying to take off in it. He in fact had fired a weapon at them but it had fizzled before it hit their ship. They forced his ship to the ground and he came out ready to fight but was easily subdued by Lord Jim’s third son Ichiro.
They restrained him and Ichiro went to inspect his ship.
It had been badly damaged and so had a young Devl male.
Ichiro helped him up and asked him if he could fly the ship.
The Devl was astounded that he could speak Devl and did not look at him with hatred. The human apparently understood he was not in league with the Mur.
‘Yes,’ he said. ‘But it will not leave the planet, its energy coils are mostly spent. When I told him that he beat me and decided to try anyway.’
‘We are not going off planet, we are going home.’
Ichiro told his wife Yara, daughter of Moesha and his ship co-captain, ‘We are going to lead you back at a speed that is comfortable for this ship. Tell your Mom a Devl will need medical attention when we get there.’
‘A Devl?’
The Devl managed to stay functional until they got home and the medical team immediately took him to Clara.
The Mur was put in a bubble on a tennis court in Felicity and the Council postponed deciding what to do with him until they heard back from the Federation.
All the resident aliens and many humans came to look at him. None had ever seen a Mur.
He did not look like the monster the stories had portrayed. He looked like a Kindred only taller and with hair. His manic behavior had terrified them at first but when he saw four different alien races staring at him he suddenly calmed and sat.
He had realized he was in Federation territory.
He ate his meals and answered questions from Yggs morosely.
He learned that it had been his clan that had started the war and had been the biggest losers.
The survivors of the other clans hated his a lot more than they hated each other so they all joined forces and attacked his clan.
All males of his clan were to be killed on sight.
‘How many space ships did your Clan have?’
‘Many. Most were lost in the war. Three of us left a battle and went home to pick up our wives. The other two ships were destroyed before they reached space. I survived because my Devl was a better pilot than the pursuers were.’
‘So if we send you home you are a dead man. If we send you back to your shelter you will soon be a dead man.’
‘I am safe where I am,’ he acknowledged.
‘True, and you will remain here until the Emperor decrees otherwise.
A word of advice, on this and several other planets the women are in charge. If you insult or hurt any of them they may choose to have you executed at once. Behave towards all as you would a chieftain.
You have already attacked royalty and he may wish to end your life at any time.
You will be transferred later today.’
Rah’s father left him not at all bothered by his exaggerated threats, he knew no one on Cel would harm him but the man was a savage and needed to understand.
The Mur tried not to think about anything.
A few centons later his bubble lifted and carried him to an island in a bay, it was the habitat of giraffes, water buffalo, zebras, ostriches, impalas and wildebeests. The bubble expanded to include a cabin on the island within it and he was now living in the most comfortable home he ever had.
Two things the Kindred knew about the Mur, they worshiped large beasts and they were terrified of deep water.
The Mur’s food and supplies were replaced every ten days but he soon got a note advising him that supplies would stop until his place was clean. He fumed for several days but had to have supplies so gave his home a token clean up.
He got token supplies.
He cleaned up everything including the trash he had left outside and he got full ten day supplies.
The visualizer in his home only received news. He did not understand the languages so he ignored it. Several days later he saw that words in Mur scrolled along the bottom of the screen describing what he was seeing. He was fascinated.
Later visuals featuring the animals on his island began to appear. He learned their names and habits and was fascinated by them.
He cleaned up after himself and when he began to smell something awful in his cabin he soon figured out it was he that stunk.
He was very surprised to find that the water in the shower was a comfortable temperature and enjoyed getting clean for the first time in his life.
He noticed his room still smelled and discovered the stench came from his bed. He took the mattress off and took it outside. Two hours later a small watercraft brought him a new mattress and took away the old one. The men that carried out that task ignored his presence and he stayed out of their way.
There were diagrams detailing how to make up a bed that puzzled him until he looked inside closets and found clean sheets that fit over the bed.
That night he slept on clean linens with a clean body. He was proud of himself.
The next morning he saw that the shield around his cabin was ten meters further out from the front porch. His cleanliness had been rewarded.
A week later women appeared on his island, they were rangers checking on the animals. He was impressed when the very largest giraffe came to them and took a treat from their hand.
He watched the women measure around a zebra and a wildebeest then took samples of the ground. When they were done they got on a platform on the water and left. They had never acknowledged him.
He was impressed with their bravery but had difficulty accepting the fact that he could not have done what they did. But eventually he admitted to himself that the beast was too big and the water was too close to the feet for him.
The next morning when he awoke there was a small shiny oblong box on the table next to the chair in which h
e sat to watch the visuals. It had three buttons and he pressed the red one, the visualizer came on. Panicked that he had done something wrong he pressed the button again and the visualizer went off.
Did he see the button turn green when he pushed it the first time? He wondered.
He pushed the button again and it went green and so did the other two buttons. He pressed one of those side buttons and learned he had just changed the program. He could control the visuals.
At home he had never had any choices in visuals, he had always watched what the Chieftain wanted him to watch.
He began to change channels and just pressed the side button until he saw he was back where he started. He was giddy until an image he had flashed past registered in his brain.
He went through the programming much more slowly until there it was, a note in Mur that read the news would begin in two centons.
He sat stunned for both centons then became manic when the image on the screen became his first wife.
‘Hello, I am told you are doing fine. I told them you were the most intelligent man on your planet and would figure everything out.
First, this planet had not just suffered a war as we thought when we first landed but had been hit by meteors and a large comet. Most of the survivors are on this island.
They were not looking for you when they found us, they were looking for other survivors. They were not your enemy until you hit me. In this planet hitting a woman is the most un-manly thing a male can do. The respect they would have given you vanished then.
The Devl is fine but hitting him did not help your reputation any. The man you charged that easily subdued you is royalty and has placed you there until the Emperor decides your fate.
Expect to be returned to Mur but I hope they allow you to stay even if it is where you are. In Mur you would be tried and executed as a war criminal.
There are Akkad, Devls, Sprites, Kindred, Dorans and humans on this island. There are also Saurans, they are not a myth.
All get along well, all love each other. All seem to love me and love all your other wives. One Duchess is sponsoring me to be a chef.
I am learning a language they call Spanish.
I will renew this visual when I learn you have seen it. Take care. Adios.’
He was stunned. His wife, his first wife had been on a visual. She was fine. She talked to him.
He began pressing buttons to bring her back but couldn’t so he put the controller down and went outside then sat on the grass.
He had never cared whether he lived or died as long as an enemy died with him. Now he wanted to live.
‘Even if it was on just this island,’ he thought.
Five days passed before there was another visual for him. Again it was his first wife.
‘Hello. They told me you had seen my visual. I am so proud to be doing this, everyone thinks I am capable so here I am again.
Cooking here is so much more complicated than cooking at home. The flavors are thousands of times more complicated, some for the worse but most are much, much better than we have ever eaten. My executive chef thinks I am doing well. I love her. She is human.
Your other wives are also doing well. The second has returned to her first profession, making cloths pretty. She has an amazing variety of fabrics to work with. Her tunics are popular.
Oh, the women that take care of the creatures on your island reported you made no gestures or uttered demeaning words to them. That seemed to have surprised many.
I have to finish my speech now. Maybe they will let me cook something for you. By the way if you want to save this visual press both side buttons at once. Adios.’
It took him a few seconds to realize the visual was over and he needed to press the buttons so he did so quickly. It did not work, he had only changed the visual.
His frustration with the hand-held unit was short lived, he was supposed to press both buttons at once and he knew he had not. He was now frustrated with himself.
Five days passed before he had another visual from his wife.
‘They are going to take you a meal cooked by me soon,’ she said excitedly.
‘When they do write me a note on what you think of it. Your other wives love it. My teacher tells me humans and Devl love it.
By the way, Sar has recovered well and has a new friend called Sehel. She is an important person here. They have already had sex but so far they are just friends.
He was asked about you and what he told them I do not know but it couldn’t have been all bad or you would be dead by now.
You have likely lost your fourth and fifth wives to others, a human and Kindred. You are about to lose all your wives as the law says if you become a prisoner of war your wives will be set free. They have decided you committed an act of war against the ship that brought you here. The ruling will be in two days.
I love living here and requested asylum. It has been granted.
I will record another visual soon.’
She did not say adios that time. He did not know what it meant but she seemed proud to say it. He pressed both side buttons and the visual restarted. He played it over and over until it was time to sleep.
Five days later the rangers were back and one brought a box for him. She walked through the shield and placed it on his patio table then placed a tablet on the table too. It was his messaging tablet.
The woman smiled and went through the shield and out.
He wondered why he had not attacked her, held her hostage and demanded a ship to get away. Five millicentons went by before he had the answer, he did not want to leave his home.
He was wondering when his cage began to feel like home then remembered the box. He opened it and found a note that said. ‘I prepared this. It is called paella. Please tell me what you think.’
His first thought was that she was more important there than she had been at home. Humans had brought him food from her.
When he opened the container his sense of smell sang to him.
‘It’s a trap,’ he thought. ‘But why would they poison him, beheading would be much simpler.’
He took a bite. His sense of taste overwhelmed him, it was the best thing he had ever tasted. He was licking the container before he realized he had eaten everything.
The tablet blinked, she wanted to know what he thought.
He wrote it was very good, then added very, very good. Then he wondered why he was holding back and wrote, ‘I was the best thing I have ever eaten in my life. Thank you.’
He had never thanked anyone in his life except the Chieftain. Then he remembered that the Kindred suggested he treat women like chieftains. It had sounded ridiculous to him then and it still did.
But he pushed the send button anyway.
A few centons later the ranger returned and picked up the food container and the tablet. He bowed to her and she smiled at him then got on the platform and left.
He wondered why his face felt weird so he looked in a mirror. He was smiling.
He did not see a new visual for five days and by the afternoon of the sixth he assumed he no longer had a wife and would not hear from her again. He was wrong.
Ten days passed before he heard her say, ‘I have bad news for you today. Apparently you are the last living male of your clan. There is glory for any that kill you but the other clans are decimated themselves. They have requested the Federation grant them Protectorship.
They will have an answer in three months.
They do not expect it to be granted although they are prepared to disarm.
More bad news, you no longer have wives, you are now a prisoner of war.
Your other wives are searching for suitable husbands but we have been told we do not need husbands at all if we don’t want one, we can live independently.
That thought seems t
o have terrified some of them.
The good news is that if your planet is granted its request to the Federation you would fall under their protection too.
I was so proud to read what you said about my cooking. Everyone tells me to keep my head on then they all praise me. I do love everyone here. I am home.’
She just smiled then ended the transmission.
He was not as saddened by the news on his planet as he thought he would be. A Protectorship would mean overseers on his planet but that was what was needed. If no one had arms they would have to talk. They could build things other than war machines.
He regretted losing his wives but the only one he had cared about was his first. He had seen her gain her individuality. He had seen the pride she had in herself. She was happy.
He then realized he was happy for her.
He did not expect any more visuals or meals.
The next day the rangers came back and handed him an earpiece, it was a translator. He put it in his ear and he heard the taller lady say, ‘ We are very busy and we thought since you live here you could just as easily check our creatures for us.
This tablet has all of them listed and our notes on their condition. It has your language and ours so you may make all the notes you want and when you click send the tablet will send the data to us in our language. If you want to see something we wrote just click on it and it will appear in your language.
Lets start with the big guy, his name is Pete.’
He spent the entire day following them and making notes. The rangers were pleasant and allowed him time to assimilate information before continuing.
The beasts he had been terrified of did not seem to be dangerous at all, many came to the rangers for petting.
He walked with them to the platform although he could not get closer than five meters to the water. The women said ‘Adios’ and waved as they left.
He now knew what adios meant.
He spent the night reading every entry on the tablet and as soon as he got up the next morning he went out and double-checked that he had the animals identified correctly.
He was sitting on the grass writing notes amid the herd of zebras when it finally dawned on him the shield was gone.
Of course he knew he would not have the courage to challenge water, Mur can’t swim. But he now had a meaningful job and an exciting job and an entire island to wander in.
He felt himself grinning.
He had risen to the rank of Captain because he had a great memory and was very good with details.
The rangers were very impressed with his reports.
It was all fine for about five weeks until the zebras began to give birth. He sent that message immediately and within five centons five rangers were there to help him. He assisted in a difficult birth, helped carry out a still birth, and wrote copious notes.
That evening in the news he saw himself on the visualizer helping the rangers. He saw that the story was about the zebras, not him, but there was no mention of the fact that he was a captive.
He did not have time to wonder what he thought of that because before the zebra finished giving birth the wildebeest started and he was again working frantically.
Everything eventually calmed down and he had eight weeks before the giraffes would begin to give birth.
He was very happy the gazelles and impalas had already given birth before he got there.
He spent his time sitting amid all the babies which now included about two hundred baby ostriches. He was very proud to see that none of the animals were afraid of him although he was still a bit afraid of their parents, especially the three male ostriches that baby sat their chicks.
Yet he was as content as he had ever been.
Four baby giraffes were suddenly there, they had been born during the evening. He called it in and he received a message asking him if he needed any help.
He almost said ‘Yes’ but stopped. They were really asking him if he thought he could handle it by himself. There were just ten female giraffes but only eight were pregnant. The four babies he saw were well.
He answered that he would contact them if he needed help.
Then he added, ‘Thank you.’
That evening he found a ranger uniform on his bed. The name tag read eGr.
It was his.
He laughed out loud and began to get in it then suddenly stopped and took a shower then when dry put it on and looked at himself in the mirror.
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SeductionWhen Brittany woke up the next morning, she thought about the night before. Surprisingly, she was not as sore as she thought that she would be after such an anal pounding. Thinking about being dp'ed over and over again by those 6 college guys and then letting them all cum in her ass, she began to masturbate. While she rubbed herself, she thought about the party tonight, and she decided that she was going to let anyone fuck her who wanted to. Now that she had experienced her first dp she wanted...
The next morning started early for John when he was awakened by a naked Brenda snuggling her back closer and closer to his chest. When she realized he was responding she said, “I seriously doubt we’ve time for anything but cuddling this morning. I had horrible nightmares last night, and I need to be held for at least a few minutes.” “For you, my lady, I think I can do that. Especially, if you can restrain your bottom from grinding into my groin.” She gave a mischievous giggle, and playfully...
Hi my name is Sini. I am nurse from Kerala and working at a GCC country. I am single 25 years. I have joined reputed hospital in GCC country as a nurse, one year back. I have been given as sharing room with 36 year old Vanaja. Our room has 2 bed and small kitchen with bath room in hospital compound itself. Vanaja chechi was a simple lady who is working there around 5 years her husband and daughter settled back in native. She is not so beautiful but having good body shape of 36 32 38. Being me...
LesbianFor the few days after what happened in the media room Jakob saw very little of Alex. All of his old friends were dropping by at odd times to say hello and catch up over a carton of beer. Jakob only ever got glimpses of Alex, and, in the heat of the tropics she had taken to wearing really short skirts and singlets so Jakob got hard every time he saw her.Alex knew full well the effects she was having on him and loved it. If she caught his eye she would seductively lick her lips and watch him try...
IncestJack had only recently had his birthday, he had always hated having it so close to Christmas, as it never got him as many presents as usual. But I always tried to make it as special as I could for him. We had only known each other for 3 years, but I had never had a mate that I could relate to so much. We were almost telepathic, and enjoyed exactly the same things. He had only recently turned 18 while mine was months ago, so I couldn't go out without him. I felt a brotherly bond like ours...
First TimeJust a quick story about me at work, i work in a well known store and i love to wear my uniform skirt with tiny see through pantys. When i'm stocking shelves or sitting on the tills i make sure that customers get a good view. I've been very wet more than once because it turns me on knowing the view there getting, i even let one hunky guy touch me through my knickers when no one was looking, how risky but he had a massive bulge. My top is also white and see through and i'll often go braless...
Sunday, Sept 10, 2028The next morning, we got up early. Well, eight o’clock is early on Sunday; packed the ice chest, barbecue grill, chairs, and dry clothes, had a quick bite to eat and by 9:30 we were on our way east to the Sawtooth Mountains. There’s a lake we love, Lower Hanson Lake, that’s perfect for swimming on a hot day.It may be ‘Lower’ Hanson Lake, but there’s nothing low about it. The elevation is 7,900 feet. It’s small and isolated. The only road is a little-used Jeep road winding...
Wife LoversHello everyone, i am Armaan.. I came across this wonderful site around 4 years back and since then i am a regular reader of this site. If any aunties, girl wanna have fun with me, feel free to contact me on I hope you will my story and it will you hard on and make your pussy wet too.. This story of mine is about how i got to fuck my sexy cousin sister.. All this happened around 2 years back. Thanks for the response on my first story ” A Journey To Heaven (Pussy)..” To those who have not read...
Wednesday, the Angels went with me to show a couple units. They both borrowed clothes from Yann. My redhead had found a men's underwear company in California that sold thongs and briefs designed with built-in cock rings to put one's business on full display. The twins looked more like porn stars than real estate assistants. "Those are your assistants?" The husband asked me when the Angels and the wife went to view the laundry room. "They're, uh, trying to get a promotion." I said...
September 3 Dear Diary, I can't believe I was accepted into the TAU UPSILON OMEGA sorority, it is the absolute best one on campus!!! What a place, I share a room with sophomore girl from New Orleans who seems really nice, I think her name is Betty Sue, anyway it's one of those two namers all those southern girls seem to have!!! By the way diary, since this is my first entry, let me introduce myself, my name is Kim, I'm from St. Louis, and this is my second year at Tech!!! This place is a lot...
EroticI woke up early as the excitement didn't let me sleep. I replayed the events that had happened the night before with my niece, Debby Ryan, in my head. I already missed having her curvacious body against mine but I didn't get too upset since I had been invited to the gathering she had planned to celebrate her and a friend's 18th birthday.I spent most of the day watching TV waiting for the time to leave. I took a quick shower, put on some clean clothes and headed out. As I was driving to the...
The morning after the party Lana awoke to a familiar feeling and thought, "Oh Honey, I love you family pet, but it's Saturday, let me sleep." As the heat and moistness between her legs increased greatly between her legs and the aroma of an open inviting pussy continued to flow down to her nose (as well as a few drops of cunt juice) Lana couldn't fight her lust to have her tongue plunging in and out of that beautiful bald pussy anymore and her eyes finally shot open. She found herself, as...
My huge stud Mr. Supercock held me by my little hand and led me into his private elevator to take me up to his private residence leading me over to a seat ,sort of like a throan sitting down in it he lifted me onto his lap and was squeezing my huge tits through my sexy new bra ,"Fuckin huge tits you have my little slut as he mauled them with one hand his other went for my tinny throbbing clitty his big strong fingers engulfed my entire clitty/cock the second he touched me I came a huge gush of...
Hello friends this is Manas and a regular reader of ISS from past 5 months. This is a real story which happened a couple of weeks back. This is my first posting, so please ignore if there is any mistakes This story describes my sexual encounters with my cousin mother. When i was living as paying guest with them. I had a great job, but it required me to get up before anyone else. But one day I was tired and I slept in. Everyone was off to school and work except her mother. She was beautiful for...
IncestHi all iss readers i m ashish from indore this is my first story hope u will enjoy this real incident. mien 22 saal ka jawan ladka hu with average hieght & health and good looks. meri ek girlfriend hai jiska naam pooja hai aur wo bohot sexy hai uska figure 34-28-34 hai. ab mien apko apni real story par le jata hu. Mien aur meri gf ek dusre se bohot pyar karte hai. hamari life mien sab kuch tha “khushiya,pyar,sex”. hamari sex life bhi bohot achhe se chal rahi thi. mien pooja ko roz chodta tha...
Story starts around 12:40 am in the streets of Cairo at Dokki street exactly, she was half asian half swidish, she was heading back home when she stopped by metro market to buy some stuff, i saw her at the cashier when i was buying a pack of cigarettes, i smiled at her giving her a look every woman knows, alook that says you are so fucking sexy n feminine without saying a singke word, she smiled backn then i took the change n went out to my car, i let a cigarette n waited for her to come out,...
Previously on MAU - Slayers... Guided by a dream, the Slayers headed to Washington where they believed they would find an active MAU. Instead they have accidentally created copy of the person Faith used to be, they decided that they must head back to the Agency and take on the man who wants to capture them. But before they could do anything, they were captured. Faith found herself in a fantasy world where she was a normal girl. She managed to escape and found herself and Buffy...
Saare iss readers ko mera namaskar.Main hoon amit from kolkata.My age is 24 and mera lund ka size hay 7.5 inch lamba and 2.5 inch mota.Aur body pefect kiu ki main gym jata hu.Ye mera pehla story hay.Umid karta hu aapko accha lagega.Ye meri zendegi ka sacchi ghatna hat.To aaplog mujhe feedback zarur vejiyega.Mera mail id hay To ab time waste na karte hue main story pe ata hu. Main us wakt 20 years ka tha.Main sch khatam karke clg main varti hua tha.To main ek pg main rehta tha.Us pg main sirf...
So about a couple months ago I went to a Halloween party in the woods, I was dressed as slutty elf. I was wearing some really tight green spandex that barely covered my big round juicy plump bubble butt, I was wear a black thong that you can kinda see through my spandex, I was wearing a small elf shirt that barely covered my waist, and I was wearing an elf hat. My spandex barely covered my thong! When I got to the party I caught every guys attention. I went to go get a drink and From...
When he returned to the office from lunch, Dr. Eisenstadt noticed a man, in his mid-thirties, wearing a suit, sitting in his waiting room. He smiled. "You must be Dr. Barton." "You can call me Kevin. Is now a good time to conduct the interview, Dr. Eisenstadt?" "Please, call me Jason." He glanced at his watch. "I guess now's as good a time as any. We may have to take a break when my next patient comes in. Won't you come back with me to my office?" "Thank you." As the two men...
Gina Valentina’s back is killing her. When she calls her favorite massage parlor to see if she can get an in-house visit that day, she’s relieved to find out that they can send someone over within the hour. She answers the door to find Romeo Price eager to service her. As she sets up his massage table in the living room, Gina retreats to the bathroom to change. She lies down on the table as Romeo lifts the towel to check out her ass. When he notices that she’s wearing...
xmoviesforyouThis is the time that some guy in my geology class blurted out, “Are you high right now?” as class was ending one day. Of course, I was, otherwise I would have delivered the smack upside the head that that kind of lack of discrepancy warrants. Instead, I gave a stupid chuckle, pffft, no, of course not?!? Such a preposterous idea had never been proposed. But I was, and I guess that means I was in with him. Low standards if you ask me, but I’m down. He was cute, a bit juvenile looking, but...
I had just finished lunch and headed outside to get the mail. I walked out to the sidewalk, opened the mailbox, and grabbed the contents. As I shut the door, I noticed an old Chevelle coming down the street. It was in great shape and I thought to myself: Wow, I haven’t seen one of those in a long time! I followed it with my eyes as it came down my street and, surprisingly, it pulled over in front of my driveway.The driver spoke from the window, “Hi John, how are you?” I had never seen this man...
Straight SexI was working at the local university as a professor of English literaturewhen the basketball coach approached me. He knew I lived alone in a largehouse so he asked if I could provide a room to one of his basketballplayers until the end of the current semester. He told me his name wasChuma that he was from Zimbabwe and a great asset to our basketball team. Iwas never that caught up in sports but I did think the coach was quite anattractive man and there were only eight weeks left in the...
Three days went by before Helen called me. I had become addicted to photography web sites and had spent many hours looking at nude studies of many famous photographers. I was surprised to find nude photos by famous names I had no idea had ever done nude works. But I found nothing that affected me in quite the same way as did Helen's brilliant studies. I agreed to go to Helen's studio at 7 that very evening. I wished I had made the appointment for earlier, because I found myself so looking...
I hear his footsteps and I close my eyes to sink back into a zone, a zone where I hope he doesn’t realise how much I like my spankings, how I crave them and act out to deserve them. The real punishment is not having them, and I would surely earn that punishment if he ever did find out. I thank him for the spanking I am about to receive, this is not one of his orders but rather something that I volunteered, being told my place always gets my neck tingling. At the age of 27 I find myself in...
Hi to all and this is is Preethi from Bangalore narrating an real horny incident which changed my life completely. My dad died when I was 10. So my mom went to work for our living as she could not care me well, I was sent to a hostel type school which is very far from my house. I usually come once in 5 or 6 months only to my house to spend few days with my mother. My mother Viji is so affectionate towards me and very free and open to me. We are from a very conservative family and so my mom...
IncestContinuation of 'Oh, Mr. Patterson'... Once she was out of sight, Mr. Patterson turned to me. His face was flushed pink with embarrassment. We both giggled quietly and ran upstairs. Mr. Patterson led me into his bedroom. I carefully closed to door behind me, I didn't want to wake up Louisa. Mr. Patterson grabbed me by the waist and held me against the door. He began kissing me on my neck. "Mr. Patterson, I want you so badly," I whispered into his ear. "I want you too, Jenna," he said,...
Love Storiesshe was 30 years old great big tits juicy pussy hot ass slim body but juicy and busty at the same time with dark brown hair.So i met her online we came good friends and after a few weeks we started getting hot for each other. we would tease each other over video chat,photos and even phone sex untill new years eve came we had a chat and said we would like to met and that we wont masturbate till we meet. so the day had come and i get a phone call telling me she's at the hotel i was happy and...
Jimmy ‘Six fingers’ Gambino, so called simply because he was born with 6 fingers, was a your average nice guy. A shade over six foot, with long black hair, the chiseled features and physique of a Greek God and a smile that made women swoon Jimmy was what most people considered model material. However it was Jimmy’s eyes that gave him away, they were the coldest gray and held the hint of someone who had seen and inflicted a lot of pain. The simple fact of the matter was that Jimmy was a hit man...
This part is a continuation of the previous parts. This, just like the previous parts, is also a narration of subsequent real incidents. And so will have dialogues in Bengali, as and how they took place. For your convenience, I will give the English translations side by side. We took some food, which the guys had brought for us and some rest and then got up at around 6 PM and Mimi started getting ready. She took out her make-up kit and started to get ready for her live sex show. She was looking...