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"Are you human?", she asked me.

It was meant as a compliment. We had just spent an hour making love and the girl was deliciously devastated. She accused me of having god like powers. But the question could have been taken seriously. I make it a point of never letting a girl see my erection until after I've had it inside her. I have to forego hand jobs and fallacio until later. Since this was our first time together Cathy had still not laid eyes on the erection that had given her pussy so much pleasure.

Like other men, when I get excited I get an erection. But I also get this swelling about a third of the way up from my balls. It gets even bigger once I get inside a girl, so big that I can't easily pull out of her until much later - until after I ejaculate. I suppose it should make me feel trapped inside her, or something like that. But it's always been that way for me. I don't really know what it might feel like to be able to pull out before I'm done, maybe even stick it in her ass or cume on her face. No great loss, however. The fact that girls absolutely love having me inside them once they've felt it makes up for everything. Cathy didn't yet know why, but she was reacting the same way my previous hundred or so women had.

I'd met her in the park, jogging. We were both taking a break and naturally flirting a little, both sweaty but feeling good. I'm guessing she's in her mid twenties, about ten years younger than me. But I won't ask. I don't want to get too involved. None of this: "How old are you and are you single and are you thinking of getting married?" I have no intention of ever getting married, not even to a sexy dream angel like the one lying naked next to me on the bed. Asking a girl her age is like trying to figure out how soon she'll start falling apart. And it doesn't work anyway since some "babes" in their fifties are sexier than other women in their twenties. I never expect to see a woman for more than six months because it takes nine months to have a baby.

In private we call ourselves "werewolves" or sometimes "knobmen". I know three other men like myself. We suspect there are around a hundred of us and we probably all have the same grandfather. If it's a mutation it's probably only two generations old because there aren't that many of us yet, but we all tend to father two or three sons a year. The same number of daughters, of course. But they don't count. As far as we can tell they don't carry the gene and live fairly normal, non-promiscuous lives. You might assume we love 'em and leave 'em, and my father certainly did. He was out of the picture before my mom even discovered she had his bun in her oven. The fact that none of us have ever met even our own fathers is the main reason why we don't know much about half brothers and cousins or if we really all have the same grandfather. We've only found out about each other through our lovers. When I fuck a girl, she always wants to do it again. Eventually I have to leave them because they never want to stop. Anyway the second time she gets to see why she's so madly in love with me and one time one of them, Cindy, told me she had a girlfriend who had a lover with the same thing. So that's how I met Jack, who had already discovered Karl, another cousin. Since then we've discovered Larry. I think the three of them are either my cousins or half brothers. At this point we can't tell. I know for certain my father, who ever he really was, wasn't using his real name when he was getting my mother pregnant. The girls don't seem to care. Nothing is very important compared to getting that knob inside their pussies yet another time!

The affair I'm having with Cathy is pretty typical for my cousins, but only a break from routine for me. A few years back I discovered trust fund bunnies, girls who are independently wealthy at a young age. Usually it's because a father or grandfather had so much money that he gives some of it away to his offspring in trusts. The girl can't spend the principal but gets the interest or dividends as income, forever. I guess there are lots of men around with trust funds, but they don't concern me. Before this I was always getting girls pregnant and feeling bad about it. Girls like Cathy here lying beside me stretching her pretty body, trying to get me interested again. I know if I was ready she'd be riding me in a second. I guess it wouldn't be as bad for her as it was for my mother. Single mothers are much more common today.

But about six years ago I got picked up by a really stacked young woman. Gorgeous, but a little overly endowed for my tastes. The "DD" type and almost certainly artificial. I like a girl with medium big, shapely tits. Not so big that they sag and not artificial looking balloons. I've been spending the last few minutes studying an almost perfect pair. Cathy is probably a "C" which isn't too big because when she sits up they don't droop at all. In fact they're about as nicely shaped as can be. I'd rather have a smaller chested girl then one who sags. When Louise picked me up in a bar she was dressed, of course. Under her tight sweater she had on a massive support bra and everything just stuck out in front of her. I suppose the surgeon and the bra designer deserve the credit for the fact that a woman with tits as big as hers could look that good. The rest of her was even better, small waist, beautiful face and when I got to see them, long shapely legs. She was wearing pants at the time.

Usually, before I've fucked a girl, I have to do most of the seduction. With Louise this wasn't the case. I would have had to say "no" to have prevented the inevitable. An hour later we were lovers. Of course, as always, I made sure she didn't see my erection before she felt it inside her. Louise was one of the few women I've ever fucked who, after several orgasms, actually suggested we try a few other positions before I climaxed. I didn't tell her we couldn't separate until I ejaculated and she apparently didn't realize the monster inside her was stuck inside her. Since I didn't respond she let it drop and just enjoyed getting fucked the way women always do. Later she told me she just assumed men always want to fuck the girl in the ass and since she liked anal she liked to give her guys a present, both holes the first time. Of course she was telling me this after she knew the score and was already in love with my penis. She had always had this fantasy about getting fucked by a dog, probably a common female fantasy. I guess she liked getting fucked by a werewolf even better than the dog in her fantasy.

Louise really did like anal sex. Liked it a lot. So much so that, after seeing my erection, she still wanted to feel me inside her rectum. We only did it that way a few times because we couldn't do any pussy sex until the next time I was ready. I wasn't sure I liked it as much, but it was my first time and I was curious. It was obvious to both of us that when my knob swelled up inside of her sphincter, we were really stuck together. I found it a little scary. Louise loved it even more. As I explained, I'm not sure if I enjoy sex more than other men. But girls go bonkers feeling me inside them. Louise had an even stronger reaction to it in her heinie. We discovered that I had to nail her ass before I got too excited. If I swelled up all the way before getting inside her fanny we couldn't do it and had to satisfy ourselves with pussy fucking. Which is what we did most of the time anyway.

It turned out Louise had another thing on her agenda besides fantastic sex. She wanted to get pregnant without saddling herself with a husband. The thing about the trust fund bunnies is that they don't need the guy for financial support. And the modern girl apparently doesn't feel she needs a full time companion, that sex it better when she's playing the field. This probably isn't the way all wealthy young girls react, but Louise did. And she has a lot of friends who also feel the same way. Girls, beautiful rich girls, can play the field, which is what Louise and her friends did. Yes she wanted a baby, but she envisioned herself as a playgirl mother, not a married one. Of course, I thought we were just having a normal affair the first few times. I do refuse to use a rubber because I can't. But then, I've never tried using one. Girls seem to accept that. Most of them are on the pill anyhow, others think they've got rhythm. About a half dozen a year turned out to be wrong and I got them pregnant. As far as AIDS goes, well, so far I've been luck. But I don't do drugs and only do girls, never guys. Many a girl, I think, subconsciously wants to get knocked up. Which may be why she likes having my knob inside her and likes knowing we won't separate until I've filled her uterus with cume. But there was nothing subconscious about Louise's desire to get pregnant.

So that's how I became an "escort". Right from the beginning I tell a girl that I don't hang around long. Otherwise they start trying to get possessive the second or third time we hit the sheets. Girls tend to be very good when they feel like you're just looking for an excuse to walk out the door. So our second night together Louise suggested what seemed like a win/win situation for her, namely paying me for stud service. She could get me to stay with her for maybe a few months and hopefully get my baby inside her. I didn't tell her anything about all the kids I'd already fathered and that if she wasn't on the pill I'd almost certainly nail her during the first month. Anyway, it was also a win for me because she was offering me a really good "salary".

At first I simply accepted one thousand dollar a week, cash under the table. I didn't have real steady employment at the time and didn't pay much taxes. I didn't mind the money but had no intention of giving a large portion of it to Uncle Sam. Since she was paying most of the expenses as well, this money was virtually all gravy. It was during this time that we figured out how she and I could engage in anal sex. Louise also loved being mildly tortured, things like nipple and clit pinching, spankings. Anything erotic seemed to cause her pleasure instead of pain when a guy was doing it to her. She once asked me to push a thin sewing needle through her nipple and smiled while I did it. More than smiled, I think she orgasmed! But when she tried to do it to herself she couldn't stand the pain. Mostly though, she loved my knob in her pussy.

Considering how soon I leave a girl, you'd think I don't like being with them when I'm not fucking them. This is hardly the case. Cathy has totally depleted me. Or perhaps I could say her loveliness has caused me to totally deplete myself. As always happens, I felt myself dumping a huge load in her sweet little pussy and then I stay inside, effectively plugging the hole. I can't help it and girls seem to really love it, even before they know why I'm doing it. Cindy told me once she felt like she owned me for the five or ten minutes I stayed inside her after ejaculating. I guess most guys pull out as soon as they're done hosing the girl's insides. Or even sooner like they always seem to do in the porn movies. But I love slowly relaxing while I'm still inside my lover, love it so much that I often stay inside her even longer than I have to. I stayed parked inside Cathy just now for maybe a half hour, probably twenty minutes longer than necessary. Once she realized I wasn't pulling out quickly she just accepted it. Thirty minutes probably didn't seem any stranger than ten. Just like the others, she loved it.

Anyway, I do love being with beautiful girls even when I don't have my knob inside them. Of course, I most especially love it when they're naked. And I love it when they're feeling good after getting fucked. Cathy keeps squirming around, sort of stretching, trying to get my attention. Not that she has to try. She's about five-seven and probably skinny compared to most women her age. Which means she's about perfect, my guess is one-twenty and the average girl her size is maybe ten or twenty pounds heavier than I'd prefer. Not that there aren't plenty of women weighing one-forty I wouldn't love to fuck! (And probably have already.) But for the moment we're talking about perfection: Cathy. Not only is she every man's ideal, the subject for wet dreams, but at the moment she's mine, all mine. I could keep her as long as I want. She doesn't even know my last name. But if I asked her right now, she'd marry me, last name unknown. Tomorrow she'd probably ask me my last name so she could write it on the invitations. On the other hand if I told her I wanted to keep her as one of my four concubines she'd probably accept even that situation. The thing is, I've had my knob inside her and that's the way it is with girls afterwards. Right now I wistfully regret that I'll be throwing her overboard in a few weeks. But I know my nature. Flawless skin, perfect breasts, a beautiful face, great figure and legs that look long and sexy. What more could a man want for a two week fling?

With Louise it lasted a lot longer. But she was paying me for doing something I liked doing. Eventually we decided I should officially be her "escort" which most people accepted as meaning "bodyguard". I wouldn't make a good one, no self defense training, no license to carry a hand gun. I barely know how to use one. But the idea isn't uncommon and these young women mostly want you to ward off unwanted attention. Which you do by simply being there. If the girl does like a guy you're supposed to fade out quietly and she then informs her suitor that you're "just" her bodyguard. That isn't the way it works with me. I'm not really there to be her bodyguard or escort, just her stud. If she's going some place I think I'll like, I go also. But she has to treat me the same way she would any date.

I worked out several rules almost from the start. One is I keep my own apartment, but am always welcome at her digs whenever I want to be there. She doesn't have any other boyfriend for the duration, but I'm allowed to have as many girlfriends on the side as I want. I do guarantee I'll have sex with her at least three times a week. But typically it turns out to be about twice that. Not difficult because I only accept jobs from pretty bunnies. And like most men, I'm usually horny. I added another rule, a ten thousand dollar bonus when I get her pregnant. Louise wanted to keep me on the "job" even when I demanded a 100% raise. Truth was I was going crazy, having never stayed with a girl before, even for a month. And she was five months pregnant when she reluctantly let me go.

I suppose I would have stayed on longer, mostly for the pay. I was getting a little on the side. I just couldn't help tumbling a few working girls like Cathy for variety. But the change came because Louise told her friends about me, our arrangement, and even about my knob. Her circle of close friends are all pretty much like her. Rich, independent, young, and above average in looks. The last goes with the money. These girls think nothing of spending serious money on cosmetic surgery. And I suspect most of them are attractive to start with. Eva also wanted to get pregnant. And she was dying to feel my knob inside her. For the first time ever, I let a girl see it first. Eva also offered me three thousand a week.

The pay isn't regular. After my experience with Louise I decided these affairs need a definite end date no matter how much the girl wanted to pay me. Besides, I was "earning" far more money than I needed, or maybe even wanted. I started reporting an income of fifty a year so I could explain a fat bank account. But my real income was more than double that. The limit I set was two months after the girl gets pregnant. Which is typically about two and a half months total. Some times there's another bunny waiting a turn. Sometimes I get a break.

I suppose I could limit myself only to the bunnies who are paying me to get them pregnant. I wouldn't have to feel guilty any more about getting the ones like Cathy, with no trust fund, in the family way. But for some reason I just can't keep my dick out of the innocent ones. I don't meant sexually innocent, just socially innocent. Cathy is really nice, especially compared to most of the bunnies. Eva, and all the ones after her, know what they're getting into. And they expect to receive service for monies tendered. I don't mind too much because once I've stuck my dick in her pussy I can dictate my terms and she now knows the real score. But until I dick a girl the only thing she knows is that I come highly recommended. She's almost certainly met me if she hangs around with the other bunnies. But the truth is I'm only average looking. Even if she knows about the knob she doesn't really think it will make that much difference. If she's not happy she can terminate our agreement immediately. So can I for that matter. What I don't tell any of them is that none of the more than a hundred women I've dicked have ever wanted to end our "relationship". I neither need to brag nor want perspective girls to realize just how addictive I am.

"Darling", she murmurs sitting up and stretching. Almost all the bunnies have had their tits modified. And not one of them has a pair as nice as the pair I'm looking at. Cathy notices my interest and seems pleased. She takes in a breath and holds it, and holds out her tits for me like a soldier hoping to pass inspection. Or perhaps more like someone offering a delicacy on a silver platter. I smile but don't reach for them. I want to make her beg me to fondle them. And she will. If there were two men in the room they'd be fighting just to be the one to touch such beauties. Yet without competition I can make her suffer from neglect. Not suffer too much, of course. I'm only human and Cathy's body would tempt the gods, male and female. My guess is she's never done it with other girls. She doesn't seem the least bit bi-sexual. But I'd guess she's tempted a few of her lesbian friends.

When Paulette reached the two month stage, Karen, the next one on my list was in Australia. She still is, but she'll be back in a another week. She offered to fly me out there or come back early but I said not to bother, I'd keep myself available until she gets back. She wasn't being generous offering to pay for a trip around the world for me. To her the money was insignificant. I have to keep my perspective with these girls, especially the really rich ones like Karen. I have nearly a half million dollars in several different accounts. To her that's pocket money. The important thing is I never let someone like her treat me as anything less than an equal. As far as I can tell Karen is relatively unspoiled in spite of her finances. But I have to play things carefully until after I've gotten my dick inside her. Then I explain all the rules. The one about no other boyfriends for her while I have girlfriends on the side, well, that's supposed to be so she can't claim some other guy accomplished what I'm getting paid to do. Some girls think they're going to cheat just on principle until after our first joining. Then they realize they don't want any other men. I could easily do without other women. But I assert the right and occasionally follow through on principle. It's my way of showing the bunny that in spite of her money, I'm higher up on the totem pole.


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It was late in the afternoon. The cloudy sky above was a burning amber, and the fleeting sun casted gentle rays onto the dark grey waters below. Hovering over the waves on my Boneknapper’s back, the vast sea around me seemed to stretch for leagues beyond the horizon. I searched for the island Hiccup had asked me to meet him. “Where is this damned place?” I cursed, reaching again for the item I had tucked away under my coat. A folded journal page torn from a notebook. Hiccup had slipped it into...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 5 Transition

August 8, 1996, New York, New York On Thursday morning, Mike Ziffer and Abel Duranona met me at the Admirals Club at LaGuardia Airport. “Thanks for coming to meet me,” I said as we got our coffee. “You’re the boss,” Abel laughed. “You say ‘Jump!’, we ask ‘How high?’!” “It’s not like that, and you both know that! We’re a team. I can’t imagine Cèlia has said anything to the contrary.” “No,” Mike replied with a grin. “But Abel does have a point.” “Well, let’s just be colleagues today. I...

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06 The Julie Journals

.... Julie settled back into the business class seat and kicked off her shoes and wiggled her toes. Picking up her bag, she opened it and took out a crumpled and tear stained piece of paper. Carefully unfolding it she began to read ...." Dear Julie, I have never asked you to choose between our marriage and your work as I know how much both mean to you. I don't think it's fair to put you in a position of having to choose so I have decided to make the choice for you. I love you now and always...

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Just Another FuckedUp Love Story

Introduction: Siblings arent supposed to adore each other this much. Breanne: My little brothers loud mouth interrupts my homework session yet again. Dang! I was so focused on that trigonometry packet. But what Dalton says this time really strikes me: Can you come over and cuddle? Sure, why not? I drop my pencil and head straight to his room. Cuddle me all you want. Climbing onto his bed, I cant help but smile at how lovely it feels to just relax for a moment. You dont hate me, do you? he...

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Like a Hole in the Head

Don't read this if you shouldn't, or think it'll damage your mind. It's a pretty dark one, I blame the heat. Enjoy! Sushi xxx Like a hole in the head By Sushi Radical I couldn't tell you exactly how it started, it happened so gradually that for a long time I didn't really notice anything wrong. At first, it just seemed like drifting off, like when you lose track of a conversation, and suddenly 'snap together' with no idea of what the other person had been saying. I'd never...

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It was a warm night as Sonal was lying in her bed. Resting peacefully, her thoughts gently strayed into a gentle sex scene with another woman. Her breaths quickened as the heat slowly built, these thoughts came more and more often now. It was only ever in the mornings that she felt any amount of guilt about her thoughts the night before, however during the night, nothing stop her. She had never, not once, had touched herself when thinking about women daring not to take that step, but this time...

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Teachers Pet Part 1

It was wrong. There were no two ways about it. As a trainee teacher, any digression was liable to impact my entire career. But I couldn’t help myself. He was just that gorgeous. He wanted me and I wanted him but I should never have told him that. Never admitted to thinking about him after seeing him in the boy’s locker room, naked. It hadn’t been a big deal at the time but I’d become obsessed. I’d frigged myself over his tight teenage body twice a day for weeks and every time had been like...

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Kenyan FantasyChapter 3

I put on a tight red dress that was well above my knee along with my ‘fuck me red heels’. I didn’t bother with a bra and put on a red thong which didn’t really do a great deal in covering my cunt. I went down to the hotel bar and Jane was already sitting at a table. I sat down at the table and my skirt rode up, a lot of leg was on show as she said, “you look up for it” and laughed. Immediately the waiter was at the table. I hadn’t seen him before, but he was similar to the rest. Black as...

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Janet in Training 06

When the limo left her in front of Erica's house one weekend, Janet was eagerly looking forward to seeing Erica. Over the past few weeks, Erica had been placing her in more stringent and difficult bondage positions. In addition, the Mistress had been punishing her in many more different ways. Janet had learned the cat and the flogger, and had been able to stand many more strokes than she had before. She was pleased that Erica had also decided to use her in the bedroom as...

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Unexpected Sex With Eloped Chennai Sister 8211 Part 1

Hello guys, this is Raj Kumar from Chennai. I am writing this incident as a story as I want to tell each and every moment of that particular incident that changed the lives of me and my sister forever. Moving to the story, my sister’s name is Rajeshwari. We call her as ‘Raji’ at home. She is three years elder than me. She is 5 feet tall with a medium body. She has a wheatish complexion with a figure to die for. Anyone would want to press those beautiful breasts. Such was the beauty of my...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 3 Life On The SavannahChapter 49 Whorsquos Ready To Party

I walked into the kitchen with the moisture of Erins lick on the inside of my underwear still wet on my balls and holding hands. Erin and I had just finished a nice round of good morning hugs and kisses with the wives and children when the bell rang from the front gate. Lynn took off to open the gate and then wait by the open door for the cab to drop Bonnie off at the front of the house. Lynn paid and tipped the driver and then welcomed Bonnie to our home. “Welcome to The Savannah! Let me...

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Consensual ConsequencesChapter 7 Another Subject

Moments after Eve had gotten herself cleaned up, a light rain began to fall, spattering the windshield. Just over the patter of the drops, the two women heard voices. Looking towards the apartment complex, Eve saw the front door open and three young women walked out: Shirley, Mila, and Casey. Mindy was mysteriously absent. "Hmmm" Mistress thought, "perhaps I can move things a bit faster than I had planned." Once the three women had gotten into their cars and pulled away, Mistress...

2 years ago
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Like Mom Like Daughter 8211 The Big Secret

This is the second part of the story “Like Mom Like Daughter- The beginning”. The past one week was hectic as I had exams daily and had a load to prepare. But that’s not the only thing that annoyed me. First it was Ranuk, my boyfriend who wanted to fuck me in his car but I couldn’t as I had promised my mom that I won’t get fucked in a car. Secondly, Ranuk was not ready to fuck me in our house. Even after I told him that my mom has given us her permission to fuck in the house. He said he is not...

4 years ago
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Passion and devotion

I escort you into the bathroom and assist in removing your clothes. I slowly and attentively rub every part of your body as I part you from your attire. Once you are naked, I then remove my clothes. I move into the warm tub and guide you with me. I sit down and follow between my legs. As you lay back against my chest I begin to run the warm water over your body. You begin to relax as I lather some soap up and gently wash your delicate skin. By the time I move ever so slowly down your arms and...

2 years ago
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A Change in RebeccaChapter 1

I don’t actually think that anyone is to blame for what happened. Not even me. Maybe if I had been raised differently ... well, who knows? My parents were extremely devout Catholics. We seemed to go to church all the damned time. They wouldn’t have put it quite that way. In our home the answer to every question was to be found in the bible. I went to all girl Catholic schools from pre-school through my senior year of high school. As a result of that cloistered education I knew nothing of...

3 years ago
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Truth or Dare With DanaChapter 2

Once again, I awoke with a hangover in an unfamiliar bed, this time to find that I wasn’t alone at all. There was a hand tugging on mine, pulling me up with a physical strength that belied its owner’s twinky persona. It was definitely a man’s hand, and as I looked up at its owner, I saw the beaming face of my best friend and best man, Carlos Suarez. The sassy Puerto Rican had a big grin and then a kiss for me on the mouth, making no mistake as to his intentions, especially as he pointed the...

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Daytona Beach DesireChapter 4

Caitlin and Mickey showed up the next morning, looking more than a little worse for wear. They had spent half the night sleeping on the deck of a boat tied up in the marina, but then got rousted by security and finally spent the rest of the night on the beach. After leaving us yesterday, they had gone water skiing on a boat full of other kids but finally gave up when they figured out that everyone else on board, including the driver, was completely stoned. They managed to convince him to take...

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FembotsChapter 6 Slaves of the Fembots

In spite of her air of determined confidence, Amanda was feeling very uncertain. She didn’t really have much of an idea about what to do next and while she thought herself a fairly self determined woman who liked to get her own way, she had never taken a dominant role sexually. Even so, she knew that was exactly what was going to be needed here. Perhaps, she thought, I can convince the fembots that I should take Gerry and Mike for “further training” or something similar or perhaps I can get...

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The Training of Lucy prologue

"Hello, Lucy. Nice to see you at last." Lucy had just walked into the room. It was a fairly standard, but nicely furnished hotel room. A king-sized bed took up most of the space, across from an armoire, with a TV in it. At the far end of the room, was a window with its curtains open to let the afternoon sun was stream in. Since they were on the 23rd floor, it was, at best, unlikely they could be seen. Lucy was wearing a rather form-fitting black evening gown. She felt quite overdressed, and it...

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Gina was a married neighbor that had a white mother and a Portuguese father. She was mid thirties, 5’6” and a toned 145 lbs. Brown curly hair, brown eyes and dark olive skin. Besides Gina’s white smile, her best features were her small waist, big round ass and hints of a large bust. Gina didn’t mind wearing tight jeans but always wore floppy loose tops to hide what was there. The way she tried to hide them made me even more interested in finding out what she had. Her husband was Dan. Dan...

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A Marriage of Convenience

Sorry about the slow going of the story-writing. You are Crown Prince John III of Creagachtír and you are not happy. It is not your country which displeases you. Despite what others might think, Creagachtír is a great land. Its scenery is the type which requires quiet reflection, but this just makes you appreciate its subtle beauty all the more. The exposed rock faces tells the story of the mountains over innumerable years with thousands of fractures. The moor which dominates between villages...

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A Hot Afternoon

The hot afternoon sun beat down on Trish’s shoulders and it felt so good. She lay on the concrete pool deck, her colourful beach towel laid out underneath her. Trish had just turned onto her stomach, unclasped her bikini top and eyed the pool population from behind dark sunglasses.The tots played at the far shallow end with their mothers, while the majority of adults buoyantly hopped from one foot to another, immersed up to their necks while they chatted. It always surprised Trish how little of...

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Love in Late Afternoon

As we walked in the partial shadow of the buildings, I strode, one foot in front of the other with my arms out, balancing on the wall while he walked on the flat ground beside me. “Hey, careful” he laughed, extending his fingertips to steady me by my hands. I jokingly retorted, turning my head toward him. “Oh, shut up! I’m perfectly capable of walking on a little wall like this.” I slowed our pace, not looking away from him, and him not looking away from me. My heart skipped a beat, and I’m...

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Extended Vacation

Hi Everyone...this is the first chapter of my second book. I will publish more chapters if you like this one.  Extended Vacation Chapter 1 Hello my name is Cassandra. You can call me Cassie (or Sandy, but recently, I like Cassie). I have been cross dressing for many years. However, the last year, since I turned 40, I have been dressing more than I ever have in my entire life. I made a very smart decision two years ago in regards to my cross dressing. I spent almost a year preparing to be...

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Xmas Gift From My MotherInlaw

It was the holiday season and I always had a hard time finding a gift for my wife. So I decided to ask her mother if she had any ideas that might help me. She took it one step better and offered to go shopping with me one evening after she got off of work. I thought this was a great idea so I agreed. She was a good looking woman about 45 at the time, nice tits, dark hair, slim and about 5' 2". I had thought for along time that she was attracted to me by the way she sometimes dressed if she knew...

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The JAG Crew Gets It OnChapter 22

Mac had something she wanted to do now since she was pregnant with Harm's baby and they were soon to be married. She'd never forgotten that day when she'd basically force-seduced Admiral Chegwidden and fucked him right there in his JAG office. That had been one of the hottest sexual encounters she'd ever had with any man. Now, Mac wanted to experience the pleasure of fucking a sexy virile older man like the Admiral one more time before she gave herself to Harm forever as his wife. Mac...

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Ultimate CockSlut

One of the most important things to remember about sex today, is the importance of practicing safe sex. That's why I live out my fantasies like this, and that's also why I urge all of you to keep yourself on the safe path through your sex-life and let your fantasy do for you what mine does for me. To help you I have written down my fantasies for you to enjoy and use to help keep yourself safe. Happy reading Hi my name is Cindy, and I was 24 years old when this occured. I've always been sort...

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Tough Competition Part 8211 3

My name is Amit and I’m from Jaipur. I’m 30 yrs old and work as an Engineer in a multinational company. This is my first story on and is completely fictional. Please feel free to share your comments at or Half way through the second drink, awkward nervousness gave way to more relaxed curiosity. “It looks like it went well for you,” Sonya said to break the ice of what they were both curious about. Maya realized residual from Amit’s cum bath must still be visible. She...

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You Ask I Tell

Forward Don’t Ask Don’t Tell was a policy instituted by President Clinton in 1993. While intended as a mechanism for LGBT servicemembers to serve in the Armed Forces, it created an environment of fear, blackmail, and intimidation. Over 17,000 servicemembers would be discharged from the military under this policy before its eventual repeal in 2011. Life under this policy impacted the day-to-day lives of LGBT servicemembers. How exactly did gay and lesbian servicemembers live under this policy?...

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My First Step On The Way Of Sex And Incest

Hi everyone, my name is Rahul and this is my first attempt to pen down the sexual adventures of my life. I was very curious about sex and female and male body parts since my childhood and this story is about my first incest encounter. So without any further delay I will now get you to the story. When I was 3 years old my maternal grandfather brought me to the city with him for my better education. My grandfather’s family consists 3 daughters apart from my mother, 2 sons and my grandmother. I...

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Gloryhole Girlfriend Part I

This is based on true events. I used to date a woman - I'll call her "Amber" - who got pretty wild once she had a few drinks in her. One night we were fooling around and I asked her if she had ever been to an adult bookstore. She replied that she had been in one once, with her old boyfriend. I asked her if she had liked it, and she said yes. So that night I took a little detour while driving her home, and we visited a seedy adult bookstore in a neighboring city. There were a few men in the...

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Friends With BenefitsChapter 3

Martin unlocked his front door and escorted Irene inside. “You don’t remember anything from your previous visit here?” “Only waking up in your bed.” “Come in and I’ll show you around ... again. Let me take your coat.” She slipped her low boots off and stepped in stocking feet into his foyer. “This is really cute,” she said. “It’s rather modest but it suits me ... one story, two bedrooms and one bath ... Here is the guestroom. This is the quilt, back from the cleaners. They were...

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Sexiyaana Gutharaiyai Usar Seithen

Vanakam friends, enathu kalluri kalathil oru sexyaana gutharaiyai eppadi usar seithu matter seithen enbathai intha tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren. Enathu kathaiyai intha inaiya thalathil pathivu seithatharku migavum nandri, vaarungal kaama kathaikul selalam. Enaku appozhuthu vayathu 22 aanathu, peryar suresh. Naan appozhuthu kalluri padithu vanthu irunthen, thanjavuril ulla oru kalluriyil padithu vanthen. Angu selvatharku kaaliyil busil thaan sela vendi irukum. Naangal gumbalaaga...

2 years ago
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Playing with Fire

© Copyright Ed Houle 2003 Please do not repost without permission I knew I was kidding myself. The divide in high school between grades is just too vast. She was a year ahead of me. She wasn't among the popular crowd, particularly. In fact she seemed more studious. Since the only class we shared was music, I assumed that she was as good at her other courses as she was at playing her instrument. Sharon was first clarinet. That cloistered little suburb of our high school that was the...

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