Shiftless In Seattle free porn video

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It had been a rough week, so Craig knocked off early Friday afternoon. Actually, the whole engineering group knocked off early - there was a going-away happy hour for Patsy, the senior team leader. Patsy was a compact but plush little brunette who'd neatly been sidestepping Bud's passes for a year and a half, and he owed it to himself to make one more for old time's sake.

A couple of beers and one pleasantly cooperative hug later, Craig was on the road to Applebee's for dinner, decompressing from the week over chicken and mushrooms. He hoped the new team leader wouldn't be a hard-ass. He wished Patsy had been more interested in him, or that he'd been more assertive. Mostly he just wished he weren't living the life of an old and probably confirmed bachelor.

When he got into that mood, it was time for a visit to Marv's Place.

Marv's was a slightly run-down topless bar on the outskirts of downtown; one of the old-style places with aged wood and old beer signs where the girls (okay, the women) came from surrounding neighborhoods. Nowadays they had to come from farther away - downtown was going downhill - but the place still had that comfortable feel. Nobody had actually seen Marv for years; the representative of management was the bartender and bouncer, Big Red.

Craig liked the atmosphere. The dancers weren't stick figure Barbies but real women, peeling and posing for the tips and the thrill, not to make any kind of decent money from it. You wouldn't think there would be many women interested, but Marv's Place had four dancers covering every three-hour shift, twenty-one hours a day. Some of them danced in a bikini, most went down to panties or a g-string. A few would get adventurous sometimes and go all the way, but only if the crowd was down to just regulars.

You knew you were a regular if Big Red greeted you by name. Craig had been a regular at Marv's for a year and a half, showing up on an irregular basis when things at the office were rough, tipping the dancers without any particular favorites.

Craig waved from the door and got a gruff smile and a hello from Big Red. The place was crowded, and he had to twist between people first to get to the bar for a Heineken, then to find himself an empty chair along the back wall. The tables were a mixture of familiar and unfamiliar faces - off-shift dancers, friends, friends of friends, and what looked like a contingent of college students watching with wide eyes but generally behaving themselves. He didn't recognize the onstage dancer, a youngish brunette with marked tan lines. She was shaking energetically to something by Bon Jovi, and every so often one of the college boys would make their way up to the stage and slide a couple of dollar bills under the side of her g-string.

He made his own contributions to the dancers as the evening wore along, moving to a table closer to the stage when the college crowd left at eleven. It was a good time to move up; Marge was in the middle of her set, down to her dark blue panties, big pale breasts swaying as she hooked one arm to the pole and sang along with Cole Porter. Craig crossed one leg over the other and bobbed his foot along with the music. He liked Marge. Not just for her breasts, which had figured in more than one of his occasional erotic dreams, but because she was closer to his own generation and usually picked music that he enjoyed.

After Marge was Freda, whose husband always sat in front of the stage cracking his knuckles threateningly while she danced. Freda liked punk rock, and she thrust her body at the audience in a manner that never failed to make Craig hard. After her set, Freda made the rounds of the customers' tables and laps while her husband went outside. Craig often wondered what the deal was about him - but let Freda bypass his table just to be on the safe side.

Eleven o'clock came and went. Candy, the brunette who looked an awful lot like Craig's team leader, came on shift and Craig slipped two fives into her g-string. His groin twitched watching the front of her panty nestle itself under her sparse hair. Usually, he'd close out his tab and leave after having a drink with Candy, but this night Craig just hung around, occasionally trading his empty beer bottle for a full one. It was last shift, and he had no reason to get up early on Saturday morning.

Besides, he was a little curious to see what happened after last shift. It seemed odd that Marv's was so specific about dancing from 5am to 2am only. It would probably turn out that was the time they cleaned out the bathrooms or something equally mundane.

There were three other dancers closing out the night and he made sure each of them got a decent tip - Sylvia, the dark Latina; April, the chubby blonde who liked to wrap her breasts around the pole; and Hong Lan. Hong Lan was Vietnamese, stood only four foot nine in heels, had almost boyish flat breasts, and moved around the stage to some unintelligible Oriental noise - but when she moved you didn't hear the music or care about her physique. There wasn't anything overtly sexual about her dancing, but even the other women at Marv's would watch entranced and come up to the stage to take their time adjusting the bills under her g-string.

Craig jumped when Big Red clapped him on the shoulder. "Hey, Craig, you gonna be okay to drive?"

The place was empty - apparently he'd dozed off. Craig stood up and stretched, tugged at his chin and rubbed his temples. "Yeah, I think so. I've only had what, four or five beers?"

The sound of the vacuum cleaner almost drowned out Big Red's voice. "Hang out a while anyway, I'd like to talk with you some, and it doesn't look like you're in a hurry."

Craig kicked back and watched while Big Red moved around the club cleaning up. She was big all right - built like a linebacker and dressed in her usual wide jeans and plaid shirt. The gossip was that Big Red had been one of Marv's original dancers, or maybe an ex-wife, but nobody seemed to know for sure.

"Anything I can do to help?" Craig felt obliged to make the offer, though he had no idea what needed to be done. Big Red turned her head and gave him a broad toothy smile.

"No, but thanks - I'll be done in just a little bit."

Craig picked up the last of his Heineken and took his time finishing it. "Hey Red, I've got a question. How come the place stays open all night but doesn't have a dancer shift from 2 to 5?"

Big Red put the vacuum away and wiped down the bar. "Taxes, would you believe it? There's this law on the books that kicks in if you offer entertainment around the clock. So we can sell drinks, but we can't have dancers without paying through the nose. I don't know what the folks in the state legislature were trying to prevent with that." She tossed the washcloth into the sink, poured a glass of bourbon, and came to sit down next to Craig. "My turn. What keeps you coming here? You don't hit on any of the girls, you almost never ask for lap dances, you don't seem depressed, you just show up and hang. Not that I'm complaining - good customers are good customers. I'm just curious."

Craig had never noticed her freckles before. They really brightened Red's face.

"I'm on disability from a car accident; I have to work irregular hours - I can't pull a full eight-hour shift at a desk. Luckily Star Engineering is really flexible on work arrangements." Red's leg was pressing against Craig's. It felt nice, solid and warm. "Anyway, this is a good break from work and everything else. It makes for a nice place where I can decompress and relax."

Red laughed a long time at that. "Don't let Candy or the other girls hear you say you watch them to relax." She started rubbing his right shoulder. Her fingers were strong, and they dug into the muscles in a way that hurt but felt good. "That's not the response a woman usually wants from a man." She moved around behind Craig and started massaging his left shoulder. "We're usually looking for something different."

Maybe it was the fourth beer, but it took this long for Craig to realize that Red might be coming on to him. When she moved her hands over his shoulders and started rolling her strong fingers over his pectorals, her chest a cushiony pressure behind his head, there was no doubt left. And relaxation was no longer an option.

"Want to know something, Craig?" she murmured into his ear. "I used to be a dancer here. I was one of Marv's first dancers, actually. You want to see if I can still shake it?"

It was a rhetorical question, of course. Red slid her hands across Craig's chest and stood up to go climb onto the stage and turn on the boom box. She stood up and held the pole with one hand, leaning outward from it. And then the music started - Herbie Hancock's Cantaloupe Island. Craig sat up a little straighter in his chair. You hardly ever heard jazz in a strip club.

Red was tall, close to six feet in loose jeans and a lumberjack shirt, and when she pushed the pants down she showed muscular long legs. Legs that flexed and bent and twirled, panties taut across her butt as she twisted and turned to the music. Herbie Hancock gave way to Frank Zappa, but Craig was no longer paying attention to the music - instead, he was focused on the now-nude woman commanding the stage. Her arms were up, hands clasping the pole over and behind her head, her small breasts were jiggling side to side, and her thighs and knees were opened hunching with primitive energy directly at Craig's erect cock.

The boom box went silent and Red climbed down from the stage, curling a finger toward him. "Take your clothes off, Craig, and join me on the stage. I already vacuumed the floor, and we're going to be getting real messy."

Getting undressed didn't take long. At Red's suggestion, Craig took up her pose with his hands over his head clutching the pole. She slid her hands up and down his sides, then knelt between his thighs and ovaled her lips around him. "Oh god..." he moaned, as her face bobbed forward and back, her nails plucking at his ass. It was all too fast and too much, and Red pulled back just as his cock erupted, spewing cum over her breasts, her face, her stomach.

She smeared it all around, including down between her thighs, and laid Craig down on his back. "Good, now that we've gotten you relaxed let's see about having some real fun."

With that, she straddled his thighs and ground her labia along his shaft. Craig was still half-hard, which surprised him. Red hovered over his body and fed him first one then the other soft breast; they may have been only B cups, but on her big frame they were more than enough to fill his mouth. First, she moaned, then Craig moaned as her fingers made sure he was ready to fill her.

The two of them made their own music, on a stage smelling of sweat and cum, first with her hips hammering down urgently then with Craig on his knees feeding her from behind and finally with their arms around each other rolling on the stage until both were gasping and neither one was inclined to move. Craig, in fact, fell asleep still twitching inside Red.

He woke up with Red bending over him giving him a sponge bath. She smiled warmly at his confused face. "I had to clean the stage anyway, figured you wouldn't mind being part of the action." She ducked her head and gave him a long wet kiss, and Craig was more than willing to cooperate. "I've got a proposal for you, Craig, if you're interested. The bathroom's over there. When you're freshened up and have your clothes on, let's talk."

Her kiss had gotten Craig aroused again, so it was with a slight pout of disappointment that he managed to go to the bathroom, wash up and get dressed. When he came out to the club area, Red had fresh coffee on a table near the stage and she was once again in her figure-hiding outfit. He pulled up a chair and took the mug of coffee she offered him.

"Here's the deal, Craig. I like having you around - you're a really nice person. And unless I'm totally off the mark, you find me pretty damn compatible as well." He had the old-fashioned manners to blush at that. "How would you like to trade your stressful job for a spot as co-manager of Marv's Place?"

Craig's eyes watered as he swallowed the hot coffee too fast, then shook his head as if trying to clear it. "Excuse me, did you just offer to take me on as a partner here?"

Red laughed, though not in a mocking way. "Yes, Craig, a partner. I'm getting on in years, and there are times it would help to have someone reliable to backstop me. I've been watching you a long time, and I've been thinking about this for a few months." A more serious look took over her face. "Also, I hate to deliver bad news, but your employer's about to announce major cutbacks. You hear things in this line of business."

Craig set the coffee mug down carefully. "This is an awful lot to process. I've got to figure things out." He glanced at the clock and smiled weakly. "And I sure don't want to help you open up for business as a freebie!" They both laughed at that and Craig left with a head full of questions.

The following Monday, Craig's group was supposed to meet their new team leader. Instead, they met a representative of human resources who gave half of the group pink slips and the other half offers of positions in Kansas. The rest of the day was a blur of condolences, packing boxes, and discussions about who might be hiring. Everyone in his team knew that Craig's disability status would be a problem for him, but he was remarkably low-key about his dismissal notice. "I'm sure things will work out," he said when people asked.

Craig didn't go to Marv's on Monday night.

And he didn't go to Marv's on Tuesday night.

But Wednesday morning, when Big Red unlocked the front door of Marv's Place, there was Craig. He brushed past her and looked around the quiet club. "I want you to know," he started, "I'm not considering this just because I got laid off. It just happens that I want to stay in Seattle and your offer's interesting."

Big Red closed the door, leaned against it, and waited for him to continue.

"I have two questions, though, before I can say yes. First, how did you wind up running this place and where's the real ownership? And second, what's your real name? It can't actually be Big Red!"

Quietly, behind her back, she locked the door. Then she smiled and started unbuttoning her shirt. "Shannon. My real name's Shannon." More of her clothes dropped off as her smile widened. "And I actually own the club. I told you I was one of Marv's first dancers. Well, I wound up being his second and last wife too. You're wearing too many clothes to be a full partner, by the way."

Craig wasted no time meeting his new partner on a fully equal basis.


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Sarah and Jason Thibadeau received a letter from the publishers of their story Thibadeau The Pirate. Opening it they read: Jason, we have just received a letter from a person by the name of Thibodeaux located in North Carolina. She has asked me to put you in contact with her. She claims to have information about an ancestor of hers that very possibly could be the same person as the first Jason Thibadeau of Vermont. According to this lady there are too many similarities between her ancestor and...

3 years ago
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CharleneChapter 3

A great burden had been lifted from us as we returned to the hotel. We both had been wound up tight from all of the gunplay over the past month. We mutually showered and later found ourselves in an embrace on the queen-sized bed. My hand starting on her hip, I caressed her naked body, sliding my hand up the side of her body, part way to her breasts and stroking back down to start over again. Charlene was swooning as I roamed my hand over her prone body. She turned away, lying on her back as I...

2 years ago
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DriveIn Seduction Chapter 14 Dedication

Two and a half years later, a soldier drove down the empty dirt road alongside the river in an old, familiar pickup truck. It had been cold for days, and the wind had just started whipping around earlier that morning. Now, as he drove alongside the river, the snow was just starting to fall, in bursts of snow squalls. Suddenly, he spotted the large boulder in the middle of the river. He pulled into the open space surrounded by bare trees and climbed out of the pickup. He limped to the water’s...

First Time
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First Time Sex With Jaya Akka

Hi friends this is my first story in iss site. Hi this is sarath from southern part of tamilnadu.I am sarath 28 year only son for my family dad working I govt office mom housewife.I am average body good color ad fit body… And now I tel about jaya she is married lady 38 year old very slim weight is around 48to52kg she is black but its beauty.Her husband is 13year older than jaya akka so he is not interest in sex after give birth to boy kid..He is 8th std.We are distance relative but we both are...

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MyPervyFamily Dolly Leigh Locked Out Bored Horny

When my stepsister Dolly Leigh & I (Tyler Steel) get locked out of our house while our parents are at work – we have to think of something to pass the time. Fortunately, Dolly gets goofy & I get a peek at her panties. She seems a little perturbed so I decide to show her my hard cock to even things out. I convince her to touch it and as long as I promise not to tell, she is game. It doesn’t take me long to persuade her to put my raging boner in her mouth! She blows her older...

1 year ago
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Oscar and IreneChapter 2

He said, “Hi! Are you Irene Pena? Wow! If you are, it’s my lucky day to work with such a beautiful lady.” I said, “That’s a good start and you are?” “I’m Rob Malone. My company in the States has contracted with your company to market our products overseas. I’m told you are to be my contact. Do you have some time to spare that I may present our company’s mission and products to you?” I thought, “My, My. Who is this gorgeous American? I’m in love.” He’s at least 6’3” in English terms with...

2 years ago
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Frankie the evil arrow my 1st and my 1st

Had a business meeting last week in Westchester. Did an overnight which turned into something else.Lost my virginity to Frank about 30 years ago. It was a 5 minute event not worth writing over. Tall, great bod and an unusual dick, quite long, straight as an arrow and with a cockhead smaller than the shaft girth. And that cock produces the strongest most acrid tasting cum I've ever had the displeasure to gag on. It also needs to be said that Frank is one of the top high volume semen...

2 years ago
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Sword Saint Book Two IncompleteChapter 7 I am

“You are a Sword Saint.” Sister Emily accused me. I am? “I was accused of being one when I first arrived by two old men on a porch, I didn’t know what one was but it sounded right whereas being called a Wizard Lord didn’t feel right.” “I could be. It sounds right, but I don’t know what one is. Remember, I am still new here and not all that familiar with the religions on this world. Hell, I wasn’t even all that familiar with the religions on my world. Just the basics. And I am definitely...

3 years ago
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My Final Months

It was a perfect day. It’s august seventh. It was the hottest day ever recorded in my town, at 112 degrees, which is very irregular for Spokane. I went to a water park and had so much fun! ‘Ow!’ I woke up next morning to a frightening sight! I was red as a tomato and then some. See, when I was at the water park, I had no sunscreen. It was so bad, I was certain I’d gotten cancer. I called a cab to go to the doctor (Yes, it was that bad). When the cab arrived, the driver said, ‘Hey hey, wait! You...

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Resort Bar Lesbian Affair

Hi, I’m Kathy, last year my husband Phil and I bought the business of our dreams, a lakefront resort and bar in Southern Wisconsin. My husband used to be a wrestler in college and he still had a body builder’s physique that any women would die for. But frankly, I was becoming bored with him, he just had no class. I had been a bodybuilder also and am still a large, but very muscular woman in her forties. I still love sex with my husband, but often I think back to my college years when I had...

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First Cousins

Jack and Joe were two of the most popular baseball players on the team at the small junior college where I was teaching. While Jack was only two months older, he was in his sophomore year while Joe was only a freshman. It had to do with the state law about starting grade school. The two were inseparable. We had no offical dorms, but the baseball players all lived in an old hotel near the campus. Naturally, Jack and Joe roomed together. The girls followed them around like bees around the...

3 years ago
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A Quick but Risky bang

Dear all After few weeks I am in again…This happened during last Dec. I have a distant relative stays about few kms far from my office. As it was a lazy day – I was planning to leave Office early. That time I got a call from uncle – a courtesy call from uncle. He was in hospital for 3 weeks post a surgery and the doctors advised him rest. He is short, smart and jovial but scared of his wife – I have noticed this many times.They stay at the North West area of Chennai and I had to travel 1 hour...

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Star Trek Mirror Universe Turnabout

Ever wondered how the events of 'Turnabout Intruder' might have played out in the mirror universe? STAR TREK: MIRROR UNIVERSE TURNABOUT by BobH (c) 2014 All characters herein are the property of Paramount Pictures -1- I beamed down to Camus II with a security team of five redshirts loyal to me, materializing in a large, recently-unearthed subterranean chamber. Janice Lester and her toady Arthur Coleman were waiting for us, as arranged. My...

2 years ago
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Just My Luck Part Four

Just My Luck - Part Four By Virginia Kane Standard caveat applies. Please do not post onto any other website without express written permission of the authoress. If reading explicit adult fiction is illegal where you live, or if you are not yet eighteen years of age, read no further and go do something innocent and constructive. 1. P.O.V Mel. I couldn't believe how my luck had suddenly changed toward the better!...

1 year ago
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Three for the Road

Our recently divorced friend has gotten a little from a few women since being on his own, he has been going through a bit of a dry spell as of late. At last count, we were up to 40 days give or take a day or two since he'd had any. We decided to take him on vacation with us to cheer him up. I began teasing him in my tight jeans and t-shirt without a bra as our vacation began in the airport bar. We spent our days sight seeing and our nights at local hot spots. Some evenings we just enjoyed...

Group Sex
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A little background: James was a high school teacher. He had never even thought about fooling around with any of his students, despite the fact that many were model beautiful and he was a single man in his mid twenties. Over the four years he had been teaching a number of the girls girls had tried to get him to notice them. One time a senior girl even met him in his classroom at the end of the school day and began unbuttoning her shirt, exposing the cleavage of her D-cup breast to his eyes. He...

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An old friend stays over with a family couple, the most interesting show begins at night when a husband pretends sleeping, just see what his wife is doing, when she thinks her husband is sleeping… My old friend prakash stayed for the sleepover, of course. We used to go to college together, then we were working for the same company. Then he went to mumbai, and i hadn’t seen him for more than two years. Prakash was more than just a friend. I can say i owe him my girl. Mala used to be his...

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he uses the wife

We were a newly married couple, I was 20 and my pretty little wife Helen was only 18. She had been listening to older women chatting at the hairdressers about wife swapping and had been turned on by it. She eagerly told me all the gory details that she had heard and seeing that I was turned on as well, asked me if we should try it. Well the thought of being able to get my hands on lot’s of other women seamed a great idea. I hadn’t really thought about how I would feel seeing Helen with another...

3 years ago
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Changing Amy CH2

“Fuck….your pussy is so tight, you fucking cunt!” A huge cock fucked me hard and fast. He started to pull on my hair hard. My hands were tied down; my breast was also bonded. Tears ran down my face. A empty room. All white with a large window. You couldn’t see anything behind the window. The cock kept pounding hard inside me. My tight pussy hurting me; making me scream for help, but he’ll slap me. I cried harder. Where am I? Who he is? How did I got here? Why is he fucking me? His cock...

3 years ago
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My introduction to sex by my mother uncle and their black friend

Introduction: I was caught peeking in on my mother when Dad was away. I had gone to bed at nine thirty as usual but after a while I woke up. I guessed that it was because I had to go pee. I looked at the clock and it was a little before one am. From down the hall I could hear moaning sounds. I recognized them as sex sounds as I had often heard them after Mom and Dad went to bed and had peeked a couple of times and saw Dad on top of Mom and the blanket going up and down where Dads butt would be....

4 years ago
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Papa Ne Apne Pari Ke Sath Maje Li

Dear ISS readers, welcome, yeh story mere dost ki real desi kahani hai jiska naam, Sunny hai. To aaiye shuru karte hai. Mai, SUNNY, UP ke chote se gaon Shahpur se hu. School ke samay se hi mujhe sex bahot pasand tha. Padhayi karne ke baad meri badiya si naukari apne hi sheher mai bijli vibhag mai lag gayi. Mai vaha J.E tha to meri salary bhi achi thi. Ek din meri pita ji achi si ladki dekh ke meri shadi kardi. Shadi hui meri Shanti se. Shanti ek behad khoobsurat ladki thi, uski umra 19 saal...

3 years ago
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The Wine Cellar

Somewhere in the ether between the conscious and surreal, Katherine awakes with a start. Her nightclothes cling to her body with a soft sheen of perspiration. Is it the humid summer night or perhaps something more feverish? Chaotic imagery flashes through her thoughts. She recalls wild dreams in restless sleep. In bare feet and wispy gown, Katherine pads across the large Elizabethan manor house. Her attire is hardly appropriate outside her bed chamber, but no one should be awake at such an...

4 years ago
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The Hunters Tale

It was mid October. Across the bristling hillside the cedar and silver birch trees were slowly swallowing the withered sun. Soon the night would reclaim them. And soon, thought Larissa as she felt the evening frost sting her fingers, soon the snows would come, and then perhaps he would come too. He had come to her last fall. Trekking back to Fort Compton to sell his furs and to shelter for the winter, he had asked whether he might rest awhile. He had stayed nearly a week. In their giving and...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Angie Lynx The Spanish Stallion Undefeated Sc 1

Raw sexuality from the boxing world: Athletic blonde Angie Lynx wears a tank top, mini-skirt, stockings and pumps. The gorgeous blonde teases and strips, showing off her big tits and sexy ass for boxing coach Erik Everhard. Angie grabs his big cock and deepthroats. Rugged Vince makes it a threesome. He worships Angie’s ass, and the dick-sucking dame rides Erik while sucking on Vince. Vince fucks her twat doggie-style. Erik gives Angie an anal fuck while she rims Vince’s asshole!...

1 year ago
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Skinny white girl in black lesbian gangbang

So this is the story about the birthday present I gave my girlfriend Kara. Kara and I had met about six months before her birthday, we met online. I had just turned 18 and moved here with my Family. I was technically still a virgin since I had never gone all the way with a guy and I had only been with one girl before. I’m white with auburn hair, blue eyes, 5’4 about 110 pounds with perky 34 b cup boobies nice muscular thighs and a little chunky in my nice round bum. Kara is a 28 year old...

2 years ago
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Rosetta Chapter 14

Rosetta: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 14 *We need to talk.* Lena knew she had to lead up to the grand revelation carefully. And Rose's confusion about Missy gave her an opening. They decided to meet at Rose's house, and soon they were sitting in her room - drinks and snacks in hand - talking. "First, the question you were trying to figure out how to ask. It falls into one of those gray areas you are finding increasingly annoying. Yes, there are people that narrow...

1 year ago
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Shemale maid

Colleen rushed through the mansion’s open gate and headed towards the main door. She opened her mini leather bag and searched frantically for her keys, although she knew she was hopelessly late. Was it her third or fourth unsuccessful attempt in a row to get there on time? Or had there been more? Oh, how could she answer that question when she had been at a complete loss for more than a month? Her boyfriend, Tom, who was a marine, had been sent to Iraq, as a member of an elite force...

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