Konquering Krista free porn video

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Jaspur sat on his bed listening to the sounds coming up from downstairs. His younger sister, Krista, and her friends were making lots of noise. How three teenage girls could make so much noise he had no idea. What he did know was that they were seriously getting on his nerves. It was bad enough that his parents had made him stay in tonight to 'baby-sit' the girls. It was made worse by how their noise interrupted his evening. He had planned to stay in his room, watching T.V and playing on his games machine. What he had not counted on was how much noise they would make. Playing their music, dancing and singing along. Then doing something in the garden that seemed to involve huge amounts of screaming.

OK, normally he did not mind his sister. If anything he liked her a little too much, he found her fit. Even though he knew he should not. She was his little sister, he should not think of her like that. Unfortunately he could not help it, she was fit. With her long, mousey brown, hair, and her pretty face. With deep red-brown eyes, sweet little nose and full mouth. As well as her cute little figure, with a small pair of breasts. Her crowning glory had to be her shapely legs and the sweetest ass he had ever seen. Oh yes she was fit, and so out of bounds. On so many levels, not just because she was his sister. Also because of her age, she was only f******n. Her next birthday was not for months.

Not that any of that stopped him fantasising about her. Imagining what it would be like to fuck her. How her young cunt would feel around his cock, or her tight little ass. Unfortunately, his sister did nothing to help the situation. As she seemed to always want to be around him. Sitting next to him on the sofa. Walking close to him when they went out. Often wearing small skimpy tops and skirts around him. Driving him to distraction with her closeness. He had learnt to keep himself under control, there was no way their parents would understand his feelings towards Krista.

He put his can of beer to his mouth, only to find it was empty. Glancing down he saw that he had finished all of the beers he had brought up. He decided that he needed another beer to handle the giggling, screaming teenage girls downstairs. With a muttered curse he paused his game and headed down to the kitchen. Halfway down the stairs he looked into the kitchen. Then he caught sight of Krista in the kitchen, and froze in place.

She had her back to him so could not see him, which was good. As she was almost totally naked. The only thing she was wearing was a pink thong. She half turned, Jaspur choked down a groan as he saw her naked body. Her small breasts, with their large pink upturned nipples. Her toned stomach from all the gymnastics she did at school. Her long shapely legs, that looked like they belonged on a woman not a f******n year old girl. And, or course, her sweet ass. Not even covered by the thong, exposed for him to look at.

He felt his cock hardening in his jeans. His mouth went dry, he forced himself to swallow. He stared at her for several seconds. Then turned to head back upstairs. There was no way he could go into the kitchen with her like that. He would not be able to control himself. He doubted very much if her friends would appreciate him fucking Krista in front of them. Back in his room he collapsed onto his bed, staring at the ceiling without seeing it. All he could see was Krista's naked body. Images flew across his mind, of her riding him. Her bent over letting him fuck her ass as hard as he could. Without realising it he began to undo his jeans and wank himself off. Imaging fucking Krista hard.

“Whoa, I guess Krista is wrong about you not liking her then.” A voice said from the doorway. Jaspur jumped in shock, quickly whipping his hand away from his cock. He turned to face the speaker. It was Amanda, Krista's best friend.

“W.What are you doing?” He asked her, his voice shaky.

“Watching you wank off over your sister. Unless there is another Krista you were muttering about. I'm guessing that the mutant on the computer screen is not called Krista.” She said pointing to the game on his TV. Jaspur shook his head. “I thought not, which means you're thinking of fucking Krista then. And she was telling us that you're not interested at all in her. In spite of her efforts to get your attention.”

“She what?” Jaspur gasped.

“You haven't noticed that she's been chasing you for the last six months at least.”

“Erm, no I hadn't realised she was doing that.”

“God she'll be so upset by that. According to her she's done everything but throw herself at you. And you've shown no interest at all. Poor Krista, she is downstairs now trying to think how to get over you. Wait till I tell her you are interested.”

“You can't, we can't.” He said sharply. Amanda looked at him, raising her eyebrows in surprise.

“Why not, if you both want each other.”

“Because, she's my sister and she is only f******n. I'm eight years older than her, too old for her. It's i*****l on so many levels.”

“Fuck that, you want her and she wants you. She's been moping around for weeks thinking your not interested. You have no idea, how boring it is listening to her moping over you. And now I find out you're interested, you think I ain't going to tell her. I'm almost jealous of her."


"Yeah looks like you've really got the hots for her, from the look of your cock. I bet she's in for a real fucking. But, as I'm not into guys it's no skin off my back." Jaspur looked at her in shock for a moment.

"You're a lesbian?" He asked, she nodded.

"I'm surprised Krista hasn't told you before. And before you ask I'm not interested in your s*s, she's a friend nothing more.”

“She smiled softly, then gave him a calculating look. “Out of curiosity which of her outfits she's worn has turned you on the most.” She asked carefully, he answered without thinking.

“Her school uniform.” Amanda blinked, her turn to be shocked.

“Her school uniform...” She said slowly, Jaspur nodded quickly.

“God yes, she looks so fit in it.” He told her. “Every time I see her in it I want to bend her over and do her.” Even though he guessed why she had asked he could not stop himself from answering.

“Out of all the short skirts and tight dresses she's worn, you're more interested in her in her uniform. I don't believe it, and I doubt she will when I tell her.”

“You can tell her and I'll deny it.”

“If you want to lie to her you can, but I'll tell her anyhow.” She turned to the door. “Of course it's up to you.” She said as she walked out the door. Jaspur sat on the bed, doing his trousers back up. He stared at the door after Amanda, not sure what to do. He heard the girls talking down stairs. Then they came back upstairs, going into Krista's room. As he sat, he thought of all the reasons why this was a bad idea. All the things he was going to tell Krista why they could not do this. He had a nice long list by the time he heard them leaving her room.

As they moved down the landing he climbed to his feet. For some reason he wanted to face her on his feet. Amanda entered first, followed by Krista. She entered slowly, almost nervously. Her eyes were on the floor, she lifted them to look at him. At the sight of her all his arguments went out of his mind. She wore her uniform. A emerald green blazer over a white blouse, with a green and white tie. Her pleated skirt was emerald green as well. She had her hair up in two small pig tails. She was even wearing her usual white ankle socks. However, he guessed that the high heeled wedge sandals with the cute thin ankle straps were not part of the uniform. He could see the fear of rejection in her eyes. There was no way he was going to tell her that Amanda had lied to her. Not when she looked so hot. Amanda took one look at him and quickly stepped around Krista towards the door. As she left all she said was.

"I'll leave you two alone then shall I." With that she left, leaving Krista alone with Jaspur. Krista looked nervously at her brother, but it was a different form of nerves now. When Amanda had first come downstairs, had told her that Jaspur was interested she had been sceptical. After all she had spent the last six to nine months trying to attract him to her. With no apparent reaction from him. Now out of the blue Amanda was telling her that he was actually interested in her. Then her scepticism grew when Amanda told her to put her school uniform on. She had a lot hotter outfits than her uniform, but Amanda had insisted. From the look on Jaspur's face it seemed that Amanda knew what she was talking about. When she had first come in she was expecting him to reject her. However, the look in his eyes told her exactly what he was feeling towards her. So, now she was nervous about what would happen next. Not that she was an inexperienced virgin, but, she was not a experienced slut either. Her sexual history involved a couple of rushed efforts in a park, and a short time with a lad two years above her at school.

Jaspur was just staring at her, his eyes seeming to burn her where his gaze moved over her. Krista felt herself blushing, her face burning. She took a deep breath, found that her lips were bone dry. She licked them without thinking, the reaction from Jaspur caught her totally by surprise. He moved across the room towards her. Grabbing her waist he pushed her back against the wall behind her. His eyes blazed as he looked down at her. He lowered his mouth down to hers. Pressing his lips hard against her mouth, crushing them to her lips. Krista gasped softly in shock at the power in his movement, in his kiss. For a second she could not react. Once her shock ended, she kissed him back. Responding in kind to the power in his kiss. She felt his tongue pushing between her lips, quickly opening her mouth she let him push his tongue inside.

She felt his hands running over her body. Up her back, then down again. Firmly cupping her buttocks, before he slid them up her sides. Moving them to her hair. She felt him fumbling at her hair, then realised he was undoing the pig tails. When he had undone them he softly fluffed out her hair.

“I always preferred you with your hair down.” He told her in a whisper.

“That was Amanda’s idea, she was trying to make me look like had just been to school.” Krista replied in a matching whisper.

“That’s my fault, I told her that I find you so hot in your uniform.”

“Oh great, so all those different outfits I’ve brought were a waste of time. I should have just put on my uniform and tried to seduce you.” He smiled down at her.

“Trust me they weren’t a waste. You look hot in all of them. You have no idea how often I’ve fantasised about you in one of those outfits.”

“Then why didn’t you do anything about it.”

“Because you’re my little sister. And I had no idea that you were interested in me like this.”

“What did you think I was wearing them for?” She snapped her voice climbing in volume.

“I thought you were just being a average teenage girl. But now I know different don’t I.”

“I hope you do.”

“This is a bad idea.” He said softly, “what will you friends think when they hear us fucking.”

“Oh they all went home apart from Amanda after the water fight.”

“Water fight?”

“Yeah why do you think I was naked when you came downstairs.”

“I had no idea.”

“My clothes were soaked, the others all ganged up on me. They headed home to get dried off. Only Amanda was staying anyhow tonight. She already knows, and I doubt if she’ll tell if we do fuck.”

“And talking of that.” His voice was suddenly thick with desire. Krista found her eyes pinned by his gaze. The heat in his eyes made her shiver, she took a deep breath. That just attracted his gaze to her breasts. Her nipples instantly went hard. He slowly lowered his head down. Pressing his lips against hers in a deep, lingering kiss. Heat flashed through her body, coming to rest between her legs. She had never had a reaction to kissing a guy like that before.

This time when he pushed his tongue into her mouth it was in a more controlled manner. She felt him wrapping his tongue around hers, tasting her mouth. His hands pushed her back against the wall. They slid up to her breasts, softly squeezing them. She could feel the heat from his hands through the thin material of her blouse. His finger almost clawed at her breasts as he squeezed them hard. His kiss growing stronger, harder, more passionate. Krista responded in kind, kissing him back with equal passion.

She reached down between them, rubbing her fingers against his cock. He was so hard, and felt so big. Bigger than any cock she had felt before. Not that she went around feeling up guys. However, she was no innocent girl. She quickly undid his jeans, reaching in to release his cock. It felt so thick, hard and long in her hand. She broke away from the kiss to look down. Her eyes widened at the size of him. He looked huge compared to what she was used to. Her hand seemed tiny by comparison. Feeling his gaze on her she looked back up at him. His eyes looked quizzical at her reaction.

“You’re just so big, bigger than I’m used to.” She told him, rubbing her hands along him.

“Used to?” He asked his eyebrows rising.

“Yes, sorry I ain’t a virgin. But I’ve not been with anyone in months. Not since I started trying to get you.” He lent down to kiss her on the lips.

“That’s alright.” He told her,” it’s probably better that you’ve had some experience. I’m not sure I could be as gentle as needed with you.”

“Lucky me then.” Krista said dropping down to her knees. She had quickly decided to suck him off, somehow it seemed right. She lent forwards and slipped her lips over the head of his cock. Slowly lowering her mouth down him. She heard him moan softly as she did.

“No, lucky me.” She pulled her lips back up to the tip of his cock. Before beginning to slide them up and down him. Sucking on him as she did. She was not that experienced at doing this. Only having given two blow jobs before. Yet, somehow, she quickly began to know what he liked. That he liked it when she sucked harder, or licked her tongue over his cock. How he reacted when she held the head in her mouth and licking it all over. Or sank her mouth as far down him as she could. She felt his hand on the back of her head. Sensed that he wanted her to take more of him in her mouth. She was too unsure of herself to do it, and he did not push it.

Instead she increased the speed of her movement. Sliding her lips along him quickly. Sucking firmly on him. At the same time rubbing her hand up and down the base of his cock. He moaned deeply, his fingers wrapped in her hair. She heard him murmuring her name.

“Krista, baby, yes that’s so good. Keep that up and I’ll be cumming soon.” That raised an instant quandary for her. She had never let a guy cum in her mouth before. From what she had heard at school it was not nice. But she could guess that he wanted her to do it. He was her brother after all. And, she had been trying for this for so long. What if she did not like it though? Would he want it the next time. As she quickly debated this she continued to slide her lips along him. Sucking firmly on him, rubbing his cock with her hand. Then she felt him throbbing in her mouth. His fingers tightening in her hair. She knew instinctively that he was about to cum.

“Oh baby, I’m going to cum.“ He hissed to her, her decision was instant. He wanted to cum in her mouth. There was nothing she would not do for him. She pulled her mouth up until only the head was still inside. Sucked hard and waited. A second later he was cumming. Pumping his sperm into her mouth. Even with the warning she was startled by the power of the flow. She gave a single startled squeal, which cut off as her mouth was filled by his cum. She swallowed as she felt it starting to clog her throat. It slipped down, like warm jelly. It was not as bad as the girls at school had said, but it was not a great taste. However, she knew that from that moment on she would always swallow for him. Just from the deep moan of pleasure he gave as she let him cum in her mouth.

As soon as he had cum he was pulling her back up to her feet. Krista swallowed the last of his sperm, licking her lips clean of the final speck. Just in time before he kissed her. Pressing his lips hard against her. Then pushing his tongue into her mouth. She could feel how much he had enjoyed what she had done. That thought sent a thrill of delight down her spine.

“Krista that was fantastic.” He murmured as he kissed her. She smiled a small smiled to herself. His enjoyment was obvious in his voice. Then she felt him undoing the buttons of her blouse. Starting at the bottom and moving upwards. When he reached the top button he pushed the material aside. Leaning back to look down at her naked breasts. Now she was glad she had not bothered to put on a bra. His eyes went wide, and he gave an a****listic groan from deep in his throat. Lowering his face down he took one breast into his mouth. Krista gasped sharply at the feel of his lips around her breast. She had been concerned that they would be too small for him. The size of her breasts was a constant worry for her. She kept hoping they would grow bigger, but they just did not. However, he was seemingly trying to devour them. Moving from breast to breast. Licking and sucking on them with gusto. The fact that they were only small, not round and had a strange habit of turning up seemed not to bother him.

Jaspur was in heaven, he could not remember how often he dreamt of been able to suck on Krista’s sexy breasts. They might not be the biggest, or the perfect round globes of porn. Instead they were real, hers, totally Krista. He loved the way they pushed out like two small mounds. The way each on seemed to push upwards. Especially, he loved the two hard nipples at their peak. Pink buds of hard flesh. He licked them, sucking the breasts into his mouth. He would have been happy to spend the rest of the night just sucking on them.

He could not though, it would not be fair. Krista had sucked him off, swallowed even though he had felt her reluctance. That required he returned the favour. The difference was that he was going to enjoy it. He dropped down to his knees in front of her. Pushing her legs apart he lent forward to plant a soft kiss against her cunt. Only the small thong blocked him from her most private place. He ran his hand up her thighs until her reached the thong. With a slow movement he pulled it down. Deliberately adding to her anticipation by taking his time removing the thong.

Once it was gone he moved closer, further between her legs. Krista parted them for him, looking down at him. Her brown eyes flashing with lust and need. Her face showing her anticipation of what he was about to do. He kissed her cunt again, then ran his tongue up the outer lips. Krista gave a soft hiss. Reaching up he used his fingers to part her lips. Then he pressed his face against her, began to lick at her. Pushing his tongue into her cunt. Krista moaned softly, he felt her leaning back against the wall. She lifted one leg up onto his shoulder. He doubted if she even knew she did it. It did however give him better access to her.

He took that better access as a chance to lick deeply into her. Tasting her juices as he did. She was sweet, fresh tasting like a young wine. He licked at her, tasting her deeply. Loving having her juices on his tongue. Krista’s moans grew deeper, he felt her pushing herself into his face. He continued to lick at her, pushing his tongue into her. Simply enjoying tasting her, for enjoyments sake. Finally he knew he had to move away from her cunt, upwards those few millimetres to her clit.

The moment he flicked his tongue over her clit, Krista gave a sharp cry. A sort of low mew of pleasure. Jaspur smiled to himself, and flicked his tongue against her clit again. This time her mew was more high pitched. He began to run his tongue over her. Licking at her clit with rapid movements. Using his experience to repay her for the fantastic pleasure she had given him. From her rapidly increasing mews and gasps of pleasure he guessed he was succeeding. When she grabbed the back of his head to push his face into her he knew he was.

He licked at her clit, running his tongue over it and round it. Circling it rapidly so his tongue never lost contact. Then flicking at it with the tip of his tongue. Krista’s mews were now cries of passion. High pitch sounds of pleasure.

“Yes, yes, oh god baby, yes, please more.” She cried as he continued to lick at her. He ran one hand up to cup a breast. Squeezing it firmly, twisting the nipple between his fingers. Krista gasped then moaned. Pushing her body against him. Urging him to keep going with his actions. He could tell that she was close, right on the edge of cumming. He knew one sure fire way to tip her over. He quickly pushed two fingers into her cunt. Sliding them rapidly in and out of her. He felt her body react, tightening around his fingers.

“God, god, oh shit yes, yes.” She gasped then cried out as her orgasm hit her. Jaspur quickly pulled his fingers out of her. Replacing them with his tongue. Licking at her as she came, tasting her orgasm. Krista was making repeated cries of passion as her orgasm swept over her. Jaspur licked at her until her felt it beginning to die down. As it did he pushed himself back upright. Hooking the leg off his shoulder into his hand. Quickly he positioned himself against her, his cock pushing at her entrance. When he saw the flash of realisation in her eyes of what he was about to do, he rammed up into her. Thrusting his cock deep into her cunt.

“Oh god!” Krista squealed as he rammed into her. He pulled out and slammed in again, and again. Repeatedly ramming his cock up into her cunt. Krista gasped, crying out at the sensations he was causing in her. Jaspur moaned softly as he felt her tight, warm cunt opening around him. It was everything he had ever fantasised about, and so much more. This was Krista, in the flesh. Her cunt wrapped around his cock. Her moans and cries of pleasure as he fucked her. He slid one hand up to cup her breast, squeezing it hard. His other hand hooked under her thigh. Feeling the firm muscle moving with each thrust.

“Krista, you feel so good.” He gasped to her.

“So hard, you’re so hard in me.” Krista gasped back. He lent forwards to kiss her hard. His tongue pushing into her mouth, matching his cock. She kissed him back, curling her tongue around his. He felt her pushing forwards towards him, meeting his thrusts. His cock was pushing deep into her, he could almost feel it hitting the top of her cunt. Each thrust made her shake softly. Made her cry out in pleasure. Her cries growing harder, shriller, as he continued to pound into her.

“Yes, yes, oh god yes.” Krista squealed as he thrust up into her. “God, I’m going to, Jaspur baby, fuck yessss…” Her words faded into one long loud squeal as she came. Her body seeming to shatter around his cock. The only thing that kept her whole was the feel of him thrusting up into her. Ramming himself deeply into her body. After the orgasm he had given her before this one shook her totally. If this was the way it was going to be with him she was glad Amanda had pushed her to try it on. He continued to thrust hard into her as she came, adding to her pleasure. Sending ripples of feeling through her that acted like a counter point to her orgasm.

Jaspur suddenly slid his hands down to grip her buttocks. She was lifted off the floor as he carried her across the room to his bed. Dropping her down onto her back. Krista lay gasping as the orgasm’s final tingles died down. Jaspur stood between her legs. Staring down at her, his eyes flicking across her body. She could feel his cock resting against her thigh. It felt warm against her skin, and still frighteningly hard. He reached up to reverently run his hands over her breasts. Then down her stomach before returning them to her breasts. His expression was one of almost disbelief, as if he could not fully grasp that this was real. Krista knew the feeling, she still could not believe that he had just been fucking her. Only now she wanted more.

Reaching down between them, she took hold of his cock. It felt slick under her fingers as she rubbed them along it. She realised that it was her juices she was feeling. He gave a sharp jolt, as if waking up. Then looked down at her with eyes that burned with lust. Krista put her hand to her mouth, licking the juices off it. His eyes flashed deeply. He reached for her, pulling her towards him. Krista felt him pressing his cock against her pussy. Then with a hard thrust he was in her again.

If she had thought his thrusts were hard before, they were nothing to now. He slammed into her, pushing his cock totally into her. Each thrust ramming him as far inside her pussy as he could possibly go. Shockwaves of pleasure shot out with each thrust. Taking her breath away. She gasped hard with each thrust into her. Unable to, and unwilling to, resist the growing heat between her legs.

“Krista, god yes, baby. Fuck you’re so tight.” He grunted as he rammed into her. Krista could only moan and mew loudly in reply. The force of his thrusts had stolen the power of speech from her. Her brain could not function under the massive assault of pleasure. The heat became an inferno, her pussy felt like molten fire. She writhed on the bed, crying out in passion as he brought her to the edge of another orgasm. A third time in one go. Never had anyone made her cum more than once. Now she was on the edge of a third…

“OHMYGODFUCK!” Krista screamed as her body shattered totally. All awareness went as every cell seemed to fire at once. She was sure that her body was splitting apart the orgasm was so strong. She screamed wildly, rolling, twisting on the bed. Only Jaspur’s grip on her hips holding her down. As he continued to ram into her. Fucking her hard and fast through her orgasm. As the orgasm began to die she dimly heard him gasping.

“Krista, so close to cumming.” He hissed, she pulled her thighs tight around him.

“Yes, cum baby, cum for me.” She told him in a quick gasp. With one final hard thrust, he slammed his cock up into her. She felt the head hitting the top of her pussy. Then felt him cumming inside her. The sensation jolted her orgasm back into full passion. She cried out, calling his name as the orgasm swept through her again. She heard him gasping her name back as he came in her. His body shuddering with his orgasm. He held himself stiff for several seconds, before pulling out of her and collapsing beside her on the bed. Krista lay still, gasping hard for breath. Just letting the orgasm die down within her. Then she rolled over to look at him.

“Jaspur you can do that to me any time.” She said with a soft smile. He looked up at her and laughed, a short gasping laugh. Then he reached up to cup her face.

“Any time you want baby, any time you want.”

“I’ll remember you said that.” She said teasingly.

“Good, I meant it.” He smiled up at her, she smiled back. Then frowned as she had a thought.

“How is this going to work around mom and dad.” She said, it was something she had not really thought about until then.

“Easy, how often are they home. They’re always off doing something to do with work. Like this weekend, they’re away until late tomorrow. They both go out before we even get up, and I can’t remember the last time they got back before nine. We could have a relationship right under their noses and they’d have no clue.” Krista thought about it for a moment, then nodded. Everything he had said was true. Hell her mom did not even know she had been on the pill for a year. Whenever she wanted clothes she just asked for the money, her parents never went shopping with her. Yes they had a nice big house in the country. Fancy computers and gadgets, but they never saw their parents. Jaspur began to run his hand gently over her buttock. Softly rubbing his fingers against her skin. She smiled and looked down at him.

“So we can basically fuck all we want and they’d never know.” She said, he nodded.

“Hell, we could have a whole relationship right under their noses.”

“That’s good, because I think I want more than just sex.” He lent up to kiss her.

“Me too Krista, me too.”

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The following Friday Grace received an email from Mike telling her that he was due back in the UK on Wednesday 2nd May with a debrief on Thursday followed by a fortnight’s leave. He would go home to his parents for the weekend but would like to visit her the following Friday for the weekend and make a plan for the rest of his leave. Grace was thrilled and excited. She replied with directions to her flat but warned him that she would not be home before half past five. She wondered about...

1 year ago
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Hollys 8 blackman gangbang

Bob handed her a tape measure and she placed it along it length and yes he was 9inchs long, Well there you are that’s the bench mark I don’t want any smaller than that so it would be nice if you are all as big as my Bobs monster’ Holly then started on the rest of them HOLLY’S’ 8 BLACKMEN GANGBANG! PART 1 Claire and me got talking about sex again last week at work & got on to ‘Holly’ Now Holly is the girl at work that all the lads would like to shag stupid, She is 21 &...

2 years ago
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My Widow Professor 8211 Part 9 Romantic Fantasy Fulfilled

Namaste to all of my brothers and their sisters. How are you all? I am really sorry for the delay. This is a continuation of my story about my romantic fantasy. Please read the previous parts to enjoy the story. With a heart filled with tears, I am announcing to you that this story is going to end very soon. But this is not the end. It is just the beginning. There are many more to come. So stay tuned. Thank you for the unconditional love shown by you all. I will never forget this till the end...

2 years ago
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Rajni my juicy lips girl

Hey dear friends, I am one of the new member of this website and enjoyed reading the real time fantasies and some daring confessions of the strong persons and I really congratulates the makers of this website to provide we people a platform to confess our doings whether right or wrong. I am going to narrate a very interesting real story which has given me my first real time experience. I am PHD scholar at present and my name is Neelabh. This incident was of those days when I was student of...

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FantasyMassage Pristine Edge Chocolate Massage

Connor Kane goes over to his buddy’s house to drop off some chocolates. His mother, Pristine Edge, invites him in telling him her son’s not home. He notices some rare chocolate on the counter, she tells him she incorporates it into her massages. Intrigued she suggests that since he’s here she may as well give him a massage. He happily agrees and follows her to the massage room. When he confesses that’s it’s his first massage she makes sure to give him some extra...

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Change of Direction

April 2, 1997 A Change of Direction: An Alternative Ending to Mike Allegretto's Change of Pace This story is based on and derived from the situations and characters developed by Mike Allegretto and Caitlin B. in their collaborative story, "A Change of Pace", posted 2/16/97 on ASSTG. If this story is published on any newsgroup under this author's account, it is done with the express permission of the original authors. No archiving or redistribution of this work is permitted...

1 year ago
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My Belated One Night Stand

I woke up randomly in the middle of the night and couldn't get back to sleep. Tossing and turning for 30-40 minutes."This is useless," I think, "I’ll just mess on my phone until I fall asleep." I picked up my phone, it's flashing green which means I have a Facebook message. It's from Josh. Josh is somebody I added about 6 months ago, he is pretty sexy to be honest, gorgeous bright blue eyes, toned just beautifully, tanned and about 5'9". We have never spoken before so I was wondering why he...

First Time
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Honeymoon Night in a Perfect World

Part 1: Romance Peals of giddy laughter could be heard in the hallway as the newlywed couple approached their suite. Outside the door, there could be heard the rustle of many layers of clothing and clumsy fumbling for the keycard. There was a loud thump against the door followed by snickers and more laughter. Anyone nearby could hear that these two were having entirely too much fun for their own good, and they haven't even gotten into the room yet. Finally, with a click and a kick, the...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 25 More and Less

September, 1980, Milford, Ohio On Sunday morning after I called Karin, I swam with Stephanie, then dressed for my breakfast date with Debbie. “Where are you going at 8:00am on a Sunday morning, Stephen?” my mom asked. “I’m taking Debbie V to breakfast.” “Haven’t you corrupted enough girls? Do you really need to corrupt that sweet girl? I can’t believe her parents let her go out with you.” “Her parents like me. The same as all the other parents of the girls I go out with.” “Only because...

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Invitation To A Drag Club

INVITATION TO A DRAG CLUB by Throne I don't even know where to begin. They've given me this recording device and want me to tell my story. And by 'they', I mean the people who are keeping me here. Well, they're not forcing me to stay but I certainly can't just walk out, not looking the way I do now. Let me try to relate it from the beginning and explain everything as best as I can. It started on a Friday night when I got home from work. My wife Adele and I had plans to leave for...

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Hope I

“Stop,” I commanded with an authority I'd never before exercised with her. She stopped and looked at me. I got up from the futon and walked past her to the door as she watched me, locking it when I got there. “Where do you think you're going?” Hope smiled bashfully at me, a smile I'd seen only once before, but would see frequently in the days that followed. I first met Hope in my English 101 class. I was thirty-four years old when I decided to go to college, and thirty-five when...

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Learning Together

I am sure would have been different if she were fifteen and I was only twelve, but just the opposite was the case. I was almost three years older than my pretty little sister. I had just “enjoyed” a serious growth spurt and had reached almost six-one and about 165 pounds which was Ok but the big thing, no joke intended, was that my genitals had matured wonderfully and impressively. At least they were impressive to the guys I showered with at school. It was hard to measure because it curved...

3 years ago
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Swetha Loves Her Life Part 9 Neha8217s Confusion

Please read my previous parts for continuation. If you like to reach out to me, write to me at All my clients are very discreet with their naughty sides. So obviously our interests are also maintained discretion. Any girls and aunties who are interested to be part of my gang and enjoy the fun can reach out to my email id. Also, any cuckold husbands who like to see there wife’s getting fucked. Let me know. The next morning I woke up around 10 am and saw Sundar next to me sleeping like a baby. I...

1 year ago
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The Comfort Room

First, I need to acknowledge and sincerely thank dirtymindedmom who has so graciously allowed me to barrow her scenario and characters. I would suggest that you read her story, "Stroke Break" before you read mine below. That story will give you a much better idea than my attempt below.I had spent more than an hour this morning; this is my first day of working for the company, with the pleasant HR lady. Jennifer is her name and she is kind of cute. She is relaxed, helpful, and pleasant. So we...

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The Return of Lilly RoseChapter 11

Paul, Lilly and Lane get in to the city late in the evening. Paul persuades them this would be the best time to go see his friend. They walk in to the strip club. Paul walks over to the bar. A few minutes later Frank Gannon walks out of the office. He sees who it is and motions them to follow him. Lane is wearing his trademarked mask. Frank wonders who he is. He sits down behind his desk and says, "Hi Paul, what brings you here?" "My friend here needs some equipment." "Who is...

3 years ago
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Battlemage Nonetheless Book 3 EnvoyChapter 3

"So it went well?" Suzan asked as she sat and brushed her hair at the vanity. She could tell by Dusty's large smile that he had a good testing. The vanity was the only furniture she had brought with her when she moved into Dusty's room and it was small enough that it took up no real space in the corner. Dusty always enjoyed sitting and watching her work on her hair. While she only wore makeup for some of their special times together he still enjoyed watching her movements. To be honest...

3 years ago
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Sexual Compulsion Out of Space

Cautiously, I listened; I glanced about and, finding nothing else amiss, I approached the cold, exposed racks. Nothing was gone or out of place among my neat assortment of foodstuffs, except--there was one wedge of cheese which was particularly out of place! Writhing, boring, squirming with utmost repugnance--maggots were having their orgiastic lively-hood on my cheese. They were a bit unusual, being pitch black in colour; one could have easily mistaken them for some terribly over-cooked...

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JamiLins Graduation Cruise

JamiLin's Graduation Cruise Hello again. I am JamiLin. I was born as James, but life has led me to the feminine side. I shall preview me in this early paragraph, buf for more insight into Jami, read, The Rebirth of Jami and What Now Jami? To make a link with the Rebirth and What Now Jami, and his story, I would first like to do a brief introduction. In my first story I introduced myself as James a high school aged boy. Although slight in build and not so macho, I was merely...

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just friends

Butterflies filled my stomach for no apparent reason as I was walking to his house. I’ve been down the same route so many times I know it like the back of my hand, never had nerves, yet this time was different for some reason. The butterflies were starting to hurt as if they were trying to escape my tummy. Maybe I should start by explaining that the ‘his’ I’m referring to is my best friend Henry. What can I say about Henry? Gorgeous, luscious blonde hair, amazing green eyes that I can never...

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Fall lawn mowing part 3

One night I had been out, I went home a little early, about one o'clock in the morning to the townhouse I lived in with my parents. I snuck in the front door and as I came home I saw my parents walking around naked. They had gotten up from the couch. Dad tried to hide, but I could see that he had a standing dick and Mom was damp in the crotch. Her pubic hair looked sticky. Did they have sex on the couch? "Excuse me," I said anxiously. Mom had pretty big tits and a little belly. Her...

1 year ago
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Threesome skinny dip

Note : This story is completely fictional! First, it's important for you readers to understand that, to my knowledge, my wife has never been with another man. Here's what happened the first time she was.. It's a nice late spring Florida evening. Rob, my brother, is down visiting my wife, Marcy, and I. It's about 9:30 in the evening and we're all watching TV, nothing really interesting. Rob speaks up saying, "I've always wanted to go skinny dipping. You guys feel like it?" Marcy and I both look...

Group Sex
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Mias Verwirrung

Mia war auf dem Nachhauseweg, als eine dunkle Limousine neben ihr hielt. "Mia Sanderson?", fragte ein Mann, der aus der Beifahrert?r gesprungen war. "Ja", sagte Mia. "Darf ich Sie bitten, kurz mit uns mitzukommen. Es gibt da wahrscheinlich ein Missverst?ndnis Ihre Person betreffend. Aber das wird sich bestimmt ganz schnell aufkl?ren." Der Mann zeigte ihr einen Ausweis, und ?ffnete die Hintert?r. Er deutete mit der Hand in Richtung R?cksitz und l?chelte freundlich. "Wie gesagt, es handelt sich h?chst w...

1 year ago
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Not Your Average Jane

There I was; cockless in life until about ten minutes ago and now I had two. The karma in my life was taking a turn in the right direction. You get used to being overlooked. I mean you don’t like it but you pretend it doesn’t bother you. Some of the reasons for being perpetually overlooked belong to you and others are the perceptions of others. You are average height and not skinny or plump but you believe you don’t have that one feature that draws any guy’s eyes to look...

First Time
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An ClochnChapter 11

It was 0300 hours at An Clochán when Breacadh woke up Briana's Clan with, "Sensors are detecting unusual activity between us and the ravine on the NNW side." "Did you alert Amy's Clan?" "Yes. Erica wants all of you to meet them in the Security Control Center." "Okay. Wait, all the cruisers are on that side of An Clochán." "Correct." "Then have Súsanna's and Caoilinn's Clans join us there. Tell them to wear tac suits. Is there any activity among our visitors?" "Our...

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The Piper Ch 5

You always pay the Piper - To pay a price that you deem high or unfair, but failing to pay the price will result in dire consequences... It's Saturday morning. Anna awakes alone as Joel has left early for work. She had a sleepless night thinking about today's upcoming date with Camille and Lucas. She knows Joel will like them and if he can relax he will enjoy their company. Anna had fanaticised about having sex with a woman when she first started watching porn. One of the forum members had been...

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I Dream of DemieChapter 29 Whatrsquos up with Ron

I knocked on the door of apartment 1310. Ron hadn’t given me his phone number when we met a few days ago, so I couldn’t confirm beforehand if he was home. After a few seconds the door opened. Ron’s handsome face flashed me a smile as he opened the door. “Tom! Good to see you, squire.” He moved back to let me in. Again, I had trouble placing Ron’s muddled accent. I entered to find a nicely furnished apartment, similar to Demie’s, but less retro. Various potted plants hung from the ceiling...

3 years ago
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SpaceChapter 10

Betts said, "Mrs Watson asked me to help her. Patty and Liza want to rough it in their back yard. She wants me to be out there with them." "Smart move on her part I guess." "Can Patty and I go?" "I don't see why not." When the adults left, we hurried over to Gail's house. She said, "Hi guys. You are over early." I said, "Hi Gail. I have a favour to ask." "What is it?" "Patricia wants to have a camp out in your back yard with you and Liza. Betts is supposed to be here...

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Mara The Warrior

Mara The Warrior A Note Before: In the period when Fictionmania was "off the air" I was reading a lot of sword and sorcery fantasy books, including some by Terry Pratchett. So I decided to try my hand at the genre, keeping in mind that I dislike stories that "poof" change the hero into a heroine at the beginning for no logical reason. Prologue: Captain Andrus walked between the cells in the dungeon making sure the three remaining prisoners were securely locked up and...

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How Innocently I Got Fooled

How Innocently I Got FooledSince the day I was married at a tender age of eighteen every body at my in laws place was looking forward for me to get pregnant and deliver a baby. My father in law passed away with the unfulfilled dream in his eyes of seeing his grand son. My mother in law also started getting impatient when even after two years of marriage, I did not get pregnant. I was also not knowing what was wrong. Even though my husband frequently used to kiss me on my lips I was not getting...

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SweetheartVideo Lyra Law Brandi Love The Slightest Touch

Olivia (Lyra Law) is very nervous when she lays on the massage table. Tomorrow she’s joining a convent and she wants to experience a few things before she dedicates her life to God. This surprising revelation stuns Emma (Brandi Love). She is honoured that she has chosen her for this experience and she’s curious to learn more about what she has on her bucket list. Olivia smiles, she knows exactly want she means, Emma is curious about if she will have sex before she joins the convent....

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Total Drama Futa Villa

MONTHS AGO "So is this the lot that you mentioned?" Asked the goth girl standing next to her tanned brunette friend as they were standing before a large empty lot of land in the suburb. "Big enough to build a mansion with the money we have currently" Her friend replied as Gwen looked at the lot and then around the suburb where they were surrounded by villas of different design of shape, size, color and layout. Currently, they are in the most expensive suburb area with one villa causing over...

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BILLS Bisexual MMF threesome

it was sunny afternoon, Saturday, I went out to the dumpster to throw the garbage, and while returning in the lobby I have noticed that I have mail, opening mailbox, bills - what else ? at that point I hear clonky footsteps, typical for clogs. I have moved in recently, and I know nobody in the building, it appears to be female neighbor, in late 30s, pretty face, full lips, blue eyes, short blond hair with brown highlights till the neck, nice yellow body-tight shirt, with v-neck, showing her...

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Fooling around on a hot summers day

So im an average guy with a kinky hobby...... i have a feminine curvy smooth body which looks fantastically good in womens clothing!On this particular hot summers day i was walking in my local beauty spot as usual i had my normal clothes on but underneath was black lace suspenders crothless panties with matching bra.... i walked past plenty of people and even had the odd short conversations about the usual shite and no one was any the wiser what i was wearing underneath my jeans and t shirt!!...

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Gang banging Julie

Julie and Zoe were both very attractive young woman, and had been the closest friends since their school days. They were now both 20 years old and in their second year of university, sharing a dorm room in an all girls house. Julie was about 5'2" tall, with long dark hair and a lovely pair of large breasts. She kept her body in shape with regular gym sessions and running at least 4 times a week. Zoe was slightly shorter at about 5'0" with long blond hair and a pair of small pert breasts....

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CherryPimps London River MILFs Fuck The Best

London River is wanting to fuck and knows that her tight bra and panty set that show off her figure will get her laid tonight! London teases you with those beautiful large tits and loves to shake them right out of her bra! London gets busy on that cock with her mouth sucking all of Robbys shaft deep. How he doesn’t cum yet with those lips is a mystery but he still needs to fuck and feel that pussy and ass while it bounces all over that cock! London grinds all over that dick before giving...

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Mujhe garv hota hai ki meri Ma ne kai – kai laundo se ek sath chuda ke mujhe paida kiya hai … kyuki mera baap nikamma tha isliye. Ma ne padosi se apni chudai karwai, aur saher ke awara lundo ke samne khud ko parosa … jinhone noch-noch kar meri Ma ki jawani ke maje liye par Ma ne uff thak nahi kiya … … wo chudti gayi … chudti gayi … din raat chudai karwai … chut, gand aur muh mai ek sath lund liya … kabhi 100, kabhi 50 to kabhi kewal 20 rupee mai chudai karwai … Ma tum dhanya ho … aur tumhari...

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Law of the Raw V lsquoThey take what they wantrsquo By

Law of the Raw V (‘They take what they want’) By Cy. BlackThe pretty velvety soft bronze-skinned lady sat with her legs crossed in a well-lighted room. The brilliant sunlight bathed the nearly barren room which displayed beautiful scenic pictures of golden shores, turquoise water, and azure skies. She calmly adjusted her yellowish gold, open-toe slingback 3’ heels. Her slender ankles expanded gradually to her shapely calves, thighs, slim waist, which expanded upwardly to a pair of well-rounded,...

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An Erotic Online Encounter

One late evening I could not fall asleep for the life of me. I tossed and turned in my bed for hours, thinking about the woman I met online the other day. She was in her mid thirties, and since I was in my mid twenties and preferred older women, she was absolutely perfect. She was a free spirit like I was and enjoyed talking to people online. Our chats quickly became flirty and even turned into role-playing, fantasizing about meeting up at her place and having our way on her couch. I couldn’t...

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A Friend in NeedChapter 28

Greg woke briefly, and in searing pain, as the doctors and nurses worked frantically on his broken body. Once they noticed that he was awake, they started asking a bunch of questions that he did his best to answer, but the pain was making him confused. He saw the lights on the ceiling pass over him as they took him to surgery, and once through the doors, he felt the falling sensation as the anesthetic poured into his body. Then once again it was into oblivion. The nurse on duty came into...

1 year ago
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The substitute

Barbara Walker hurried up the steps of Central High, flung open the front door, and proceeded directly to the principal's office. She was greeted with a hearty good morning from Mrs. Bruner, the front desk supervisor and receptionist for Principal Bradley. "What have I got today," asked Barbara, hoping that it wouldn't be another math class?!? "Ah, let me see," replied Mrs. Bruner, as she scanned a list of absent teachers, "yes, here it is, you sub for Matt Kearny in English Literature, room...

2 years ago
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My New Life As A TGurl Slut Pt 2 2 Men My Girlfriend Me

It was only two weeks earlier that I'd met Lucy and the girls but what a fortnight it'd been.I was having the time of my life being girly and feminised so much of the time, being given an endless supply of gorgeous new lingerie, clothes, shoes, boots, and costumes to try on and wear - on top of my own already extensive slutty wardrobe.  All the girls took turns doing my hair and makeup and trying different looks, colours, and styles. I was learning fast and loved spending whole weekends as a...

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AlifChapter 18

Ana's life had set into a pattern in which on the whole she was still blissfully happy. As long as she could meet Binta every day how could her life be otherwise? She hardly ever spent the night in her own flat: she normally stayed behind at the Brothel with Binta and relished their hours together spent on her bed, trying never to think about all the men that had also been there during the day and had forced themselves onto her lover. She loved everything about Binta. Every freckle, every...

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The Neighbours Knickers Part 2

I was quietly wandering around my neighbour’s room again. Justine’s parents were away from Christmas until well into the New Year. They were rich enough to be able to do things like that. Justine wasn’t away – but she was at work, which gave me time enough to do the things that I loved to do; the things that I needed to do. I had a new sexual habit which meant I needed everybody out of that house. I wanted to indulge myself. I needed to indulge myself. It was Christmas after all. Justine...

Oral Sex
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“Did you like my pics, can we confirm some arrangements?,” she asks confidently two minutes later. “How old are those pics?” I ask. “A few hours, the room service boy took them for me this morning. Poor boy, his hands were shaking. He was most impressed with my body, specially my ass, forty-two inches I told him.” “Let’s make it four in the afternoon honey, if we hit it off we can have dinner together and make it a real event.” Zoe is staying on a high floor of a top hotel as I take in the...

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My Best Friend 11 The Surprise Pt 1

“For fucks sake. Are you fucking blind?” I heard Coach Morrison yelling at the ref for missing the obvious penalty. I wanted to snicker at Coach but at this moment I had to agree. The crowd was in agreement with coach saying that the ref missed the penalty. Some of them were even saying that the ref was making sure the opposing team would win this game. I looked behind me to see Amanda with the cheer squad silently watching the game before the specialty team goes out to receive the kick coming...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Deputy PorterChapter 232

I was back in my house and I left the security gate open. I didn't feel like going down to greet anyone. I did keep the .22 Mag revolver handy and the computer running a live feed from the security camera. Regardless of the threat evaluation. I saw Liam drive up in the typical Swamp Dog SUV. I watched him as he drove up to the house and park behind my Ford Ranger Pick Up Truck. "How you doing old girl?" he asked me at the door. "Come on in. Molly tells me I'll live, if I don't die...

2 years ago
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il le faut mon amour

Corto mon amour! La distance qui nous sépare, l'impossibilité pour toi de te connecter à ton aise exacerbent nos sens. Je rêve de ta bouche, je veux entendre ta voix prononcer mon prénom! Soraya! Mon mélange d'occident et d'orient te séduit. Ce que je suis, les sensations que je génére chez toi te submergent !! Nos agendas et nos vies respectifs nous tiennent éloigner l'un de l'autre. Ta présence virtuelle brûle mon âme, mon absence te consomme. Nous nous retrouvons pour un moment...

3 years ago
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Strangers from the Train

Travelling on the tube can be a right pain, but, it’s the best way to get to work. To make it more enjoyable I like to watch people, their mannerisms, and invent little fantasies about them. If you get the tube the same time every day you tend to see the same people so, it’s quite fun. There’s one bloke who I imagine as a very passive person, being dominated by a butch dominatrix. There’s an older woman, who I think of as the Madam of a posh brothel, catering for the Gentry and M.P.s. You get...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 294

On his 84th birthday, a man got a gift certificate from his wife. The certificate paid for a visit to a medicine man living on a nearby reservation who was rumored to have a wonderful cure for erectile dysfunction. After being persuaded, he drove to the reservation, handed his ticket to the medicine man, and wondered what he was in for. The old man handed a potion to him, and with a grip on his shoulder warned, "This is a powerful medicine. You take only a teaspoonful and then say...

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Sea KingChapter 18

The four of them strolled down the street curiously looking at the various shops and businesses while their diminutive guide kept up a continuous stream of chatter about the sights. Although they didn't seem to cause an unreasonable amount of commotion, it was not uncommon for those passing by, or even some of the shop workers, to stop and give them a small bow or curtsy, some obviously aimed at Dent but no few equally to Nesho or maybe Sosho. Nesho noticed and while this courtesy was...

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