Prodigal Father
- 4 years ago
- 20
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Sun Hair motioned for Sergeant Jefferson’s attention. “Sergeant, we’ve got company.” and motioned over to the southwest. About 2 miles away on the top of a rise was a group of Indians. Their face paint stood out even at this distance.
“Yeah, I spotted them about the same time. Think it’s a war party?”
“They look like Paiute, Sergeant, probably a hunting party.”
“What makes you say that Sun Hair?”
“If they were a war party, they wouldn’t be making themselves obvious to us. They would be setting up an ambush. I think I should ride out and talk to them. The Shoshone are cousins of the Paiute.”
“Ok, check em out. But if it gets dangerous, you ride back here fast. We’ll back you up the best we can.”
Sun Hair wheeled his horse and started an easy canter towards the group. As he got closer, he could see that they were younger braves led by a senior warrior. As he got inside rifle range, he slowed and signaled that he was peaceful, which was returned. When he was in speaking distance, he started speaking Shoshone.
“Cousin’s, I greet you.”
A started look came over the senior warrior’s face. “You speak the Shoshone language? this is strange for a white man.”
“I was raised by the Shoshone. I am Sun Hair of the Bear clan. I ride with the whites now.”
“These whites you ride with? Are they pony soldiers? We have heard of their return to our lands. There is talk of war to chase them back east.”
“I ride with the pony riders, not the soldiers. These are friends of the Shoshone. They have fought alongside the Shoshone and protect them from the pony soldiers and other bad whites.”
“This is strange to me cousin. I will need to speak to our council about this.”
“Yes, that would be a good thing. When I get back to my lands, I’ll ask the council to send someone to speak to the Piaute, for the Shoshone.”
The suspicion and distrust was evident on the paiutes face. “But why are you and these pale riders in my country? you are far from Shoshone lands.”
“We look for bad whites. These bad whites have been attacking the houses pulled by horses. They have killed many people. We will stop them. Do you or your brothers have knowledge of these bad men?”
“We know of these bad whites. They are cowards that run when they see our warriors. They are weak and scream too soon when put to the the trials. We shun their scalps. Counting coup on them is women’s work.”
“We would take them from your lands. Do you know where they are? Where they camp?”
“They have a white man’s house by the white dirt to the northwest.” he pointed in that direction.
“Thank you, cousin. You have helped us. This will be remembered.”
“Sun Hair, I call you, friend. I am ‘Rides Spotted Pony.’ My cubs,” he motioned to the young men with him. “Know you. They know we are friends. The Paiute warriors will hear of our meeting. The Chiefs will hear of our meeting.”
“Thank you, ‘Rides Spotted Pony.’ The Shoshone warriors and pale riders will also know of our friendship. I will take word to the Shoshone council of this day. I will tell of the friendship of ‘Rides Spotted Pony.’” Sun Hair raised his arm as did ‘Rides Spotted Pony’. He then turned his horse and started riding back to his comrades. ‘Rides Spotted Pony’ turned in the opposite direction and followed by his companions rode off to the southwest.
When he was out of sight of the pale riders, he kicked his pony into a gallop. Without looking, he knew that his fellows were following. ‘Rides Spotted Pony’ needed to get back to camp, fast. This was important news that the Chiefs needed to know.
When Sun Hair rode up, Sergeant Jefferson was waiting impatiently. “Well, what’s the word Sun Hair. We gunna have problems with them boys?”
“No, Sergeant. As I thought they are a hunting party of youngsters led by a senior warrior. Probably more of a training mission. Although I expect that they are hightailing it back home right now, they need to let their Chiefs know we are here. It’s nothing to worry about. As long as we don’t do anything stupid.”
“Well, brother, I have no intention of getting the Paiute nation upset. Did they tell you anything about the raiders we’re looking for?”
“Yes, he did. ‘Rides Spotted Pony’ said that the folks we are looking for are to the northwest. Near something or someplace called white dirt. They apparently have a cabin up there.”
Sergeant Jefferson pulled a map from his saddlebags and opened it out. Once he got it oriented, and their position pinpointed, he started looking to the northwest.
“This might be it.” He pointed to an area that was labeled as ‘Gypsum Flats.’ On the west side was a town labeled ‘Empire City.’ The Sergeant chuckled. “If this place is anything like others around here, the founders had inflated egos.”
“Alright, guys saddle up. We need to check out a lead.” the group turned to the northwest and started riding at an easy gallop.
The group arrived in the Empire City area well after sundown. Sergeant Jefferson estimated that it was about 21:00. He selected a camp location to the north of the city itself.
His original estimate of Empire City wasn’t far from the mark. There was the standard saloon, a dry goods, and mining supplies store. There were four other buildings that looked like homes. On the east side of town was a dozen or so tents, some with campfires in front.
Once the team was bedded down, Sun Hair and Sergeant Jefferson went into town on a reconnaissance. The store was closed, but the saloon was open, and it sounded like they were having fun. A loud and out of tune piano was playing once-popular dance tunes.
Pausing, Sun Hair surveyed the room from the window. Inside was the Bartender, a piano player, two very bored looking ladies, and six men. Four of the men were dressed in faded torn and dirty clothes. They were at a table near the entrance playing cards. The other two men were slightly better dressed. Still, they were just as dirty and dusty as the others. But their clothing was newer and in much better condition. They stood at the end of the bar with a view of the entire room.
Both the Sergeant and Sun Hair backed off and started checking out the rest of the town. The buildings that had visible lights got close attention. They then moved off to the tent camp. Staying outside of the campfire light, they looked and listened.
At about midnight, they returned to their camp.
As they sat, huddled close together, Sergeant Jefferson started, “Well, Sun Hair, those 2 in the saloon might be involved. But outside of those dark houses, I didn’t see anything else.”
Sun Hair replied “I didn’t either. I suggest we get a good night’s sleep tonight. Lay low tomorrow. Then I’ll take a sweep further out tomorrow and see what else is out there.”
“That’s a good idea. Meanwhile, I’ll get a couple of our snipers out and watch what’s going on around here. We’ll get together when you get back and compare notes.”
“A good plan, Sergeant.”
Sun Hair got situated in his campsite while Sergeant Jefferson checked on the guards and made sure that the camp was secure.
The next morning at false dawn, Sun Hair rose and got ready for the day. He advised the guard of his plans and asked that the Sergeant be advised. He then rode out towards the southeast.
He rode slowly and stuck to the concealed paths that he could find. He was looking for lone cabins as well as signs of humans traveling in the area. There were a few of these on the east side of the gypsum flats. But they increased on the north and west sides of the town. It was when he got south of the town that things started picking up.
There were horse tracks all over the place. It was when the footprints started showing up that Sun Hair got more cautious. He dismounted and continued on foot. It was late in the day when he found the lone cabin.
Usually, a lone cabin wouldn’t be that interesting. The exception here was the guards. Sun Hair found two guards on the ground. One on the path leading to the cabin. The other in the back of the cabin on the opposite corner. Between the two of them, all four sides of the cabin are under observation.
Additionally, and more problematic was the lookout on the roof of the cabin. This guard had a full circle vantage point.
Sun Hair was able to watch the cabin for 30 minutes until the sun started going down. Just before he was going to break it off, the cabin door opened, and they started changing the guard. It was with satisfaction that he recognized the two from the saloon the previous night. Once that was completed, Sun Hair was satisfied that he had found their target. He returned to camp as fast as he could.
dear to whomsoever it may concern: hello, hey, hi, … hello. hey. hi. how are you all doing among yourselves, huh? & you know like say, or how you say like since that being of the last time that i myself was upon this one particular social-media website-address being of a pornographic nature, I do sincerely hope that those persons being among yourselves being of whom are of whatsoever races, &/or likewise from whatsoever walks of life, factions of society, or lifestyle preferences,...
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Hello readers!!! Thank you for all the love you have shown.. It’s been a blessing to be apart of ISS who has got me in touch with so many romantic girls and woman!!! I hope all the readers I have met and I have chatted with, are pleased physically and mentally… And this is for all you lovely readers, that I can’t stop sharing my experiences here on ISS!! I guess most of you know by now, I quickly do I respond to all your queries.. And I would love to do this as long as I can.. So please my...
Having got dried off we went into my bedroom together and lay down on the bed cuddling one another. We started talking and neither of us had any intention to become lovers when we first met but circumstances had changed during our time together and we both were pleased with the result. It was lucky I went to the airport to see off my girl friend today or we would never have met I remarked. He agreed and said a lucky day for both of us and it was a good job my girlfriend wasn’t here seeing us...
Gay MaleAuthor's Note: I have read the reviews left on my first two chapters of this story. I was particularly interested on the review left by Elrod W on Chapter 2. I didn't realize I had deviated from the rules of the MAU universe. I apologize for doing so. Before starting this story, I searched for the rules and was unable to find them. I am a real fan of the universe and would hate to see it shut down due to deviance from the original intent. I already have 6 chapters written in this...
Marcie & Erskine Despite her prolonged sexual activities of the previous night, Marcie was the first of the girls to wake up and after donning a tee shirt and skirt; she brushed her teeth and applied a basic application of lipstick, forgoing any of the usual foundation makeup she normally used because she was starving for something to eat. She went into the kitchen and made some coffee, poured a glass of grapefruit juice and put two slices of bread into the toaster. She was taking a...
This is a sequel to my previous story.Its 430 am and I hear a snore,I feel my wifes back and see her in the moonlight shining through the window.I see that our friend Glen(Fats is his Nickname) is in our bed sleeping.I don't see his wife,but I know we shared wifes last night as we have done most of our vacation.I decide to wake and get ready for our last few days left.I go to our bathroom,as i am brushing my teeth,Glens wife Kay comes into the room from their bedroom and closes the door to my...
A week had passed since Chloe caught Jimmy jerking off in his bedroom. He tried to avoid her as much as possible since hiding in his bedroom when Chloe popped around to see his mother, Alice. He thought he'd got away with it, until later that week ..."Jimmy, do you have a moment?" Chloe called out.Jimmy was arriving home from his class on photography when he heard Chloe call to him. He glanced across to see her waving him over, leaving him with little choice but to go and see what she...
MasturbationA man picks up a hooker and tells her that he wants to see a sample of what he might get before he spends his hard earned money. The slut, feeling very confident spreads her legs and says, "Put your hand all the way in," which the man does. Impressed, the man is ready to plunk down the cash when she says, "Put your other hand all the way in too." Once both his hands are all the way in she says, "Now spread your hands apart." As the man attempts to spread his hands apart she says proudly, "Tight...
Hallo iss readers kaise hai aap sab aaj bahut din baad koi nayi kahaani sumbit karne ja raha hoon aur ab to har koi apni maa chuda raha hai yaani ki har launda apni maa ko chod raha hai jab se maine apni aur mummy ki chudaayi par kahaaniyan likhni kya suru ki har koi usi topic par likh raha hai koi apni g/friend ko chodna pasand hi nahi karta aakhir yahaan ki ladkiyon ko kya ho gaya hai unki taraf aakhir ladke dhyaan kyon nahi dete…? Kabhi sochiye is baat ko meri pyaaaari…pyaaari haseen bur...
It had been a crazy weekend, and frankly I wasn't completely upset to be hitting the road again. In the space of a few weeks, I'd gone from definitely straight to definitely lesbian to, well, bi-confused. I needed time away from Stacey and Michael to work it all out in my head. On the surface, things were pretty good. Stacey had moved into my old bedroom; it was much more spacious than her old apartment and I was only there on weekends. I was more than happy to share the bed, if you know...