Playing It Cool free porn video

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This is an entry for the 2014 Literotica Winter Holidays Contest. Contains: snow, high levels of drinking, weather-related peril, references to classic rugby matches, a pitched battle and perhaps some romance. Please vote and comment!


‘Fuckit, I’m cold.’

‘Fucking freezing.’

‘I’m starting to wish the pitch had frozen hard enough for the match to be postponed.’

‘Me too. Despite that I’m enjoying watching Danny run around being manly. I’ve missed him since he stopped training us.’

‘You and your crush on Danny, I just wish you’d talk to him sometime.’

A heavy sigh, ‘I know, but he’s never looked at me that way.’

‘And he never will unless you say something! Ooh, a break. Go Matt!’

The women cheered on the action in front of them, until someone’s frozen fingers dropped the ball and the ref blew.

‘That scrum looks lovely and warm, I’d love to be in the middle of it, surrounded by hot men. It looks far more exciting than our scrums.’

‘You’d get mashed. If we had a game tomorrow, it would have been called off, there’s a serious weather front supposed to be moving in.’

‘Nah, that’s for the north only. The weatherman said it would miss the south-east.’

A flurry of snowflakes whipped past the women’s noses.

‘I think Mother Nature says differently.

‘At least these bloody Christmas jumpers are warm. Well, warm-ish. When do you think it would be safe to move inside?’

‘When the final whistle goes? We’ll be fined if we head for the warmth before then, the Boss is watching.’



It had been decided several months earlier that the Harford Park RFC teams were to have a joint Christmas social. The first XV down to the vets and the women’s teams would unite for a night of drink-fuelled, festive-themed debauchery. Not that the average Saturday night in the rugby club was ever a quiet affair, but this would be special, with compulsory fancy dress, an ‘epic’ fines session for real and imagined gaffes, and later, whoever was left standing could use the VIP passes for Flames, a cheesy nightclub nearer Central London.

It was the most eagerly anticipated social occasion of the year, the local shops were cleared out of Christmas finery and the postman inundated with parcels to be delivered ‘c/o Harford Park RFC’. No one predicted that the unpredictable British weather would thrust a snow-covered spoke into proceedings.

Danny tucked his chin into the collar of his winter coat as he strode away from the raucous rugby club, trying to retain some body warmth for his long walk. He would never have even thought of walking the three miles home a couple of years ago, especially through ankle-deep snow, but now he saw it as good exercise and a decent way to sober up. Since he’d started training for triathlons, his stout build had slimmed down to a shadow of his former prop-playing self and he couldn’t drink so much. When the amateurs were desperate, he’d step in and make up the numbers, but he was at an age where his joints wouldn’t take the weekly rugby hammering.

The game that day had been a one-off and he already felt a few twinges and scrapes and bruises developing, overcoming the post-match-winning euphoria. It had been a good night but he’d had one hell of a ribbing for leaving early. It did help that those going clubbing had left earlier than expected too, before they were stranded in Harford. The flakes had begun coming down thickly at the end of the game and started sticking, despite the weatherman’s predictions. There was already a thick layer of several inches on the pavement and roads, cars were starting to skid and slide. However, as Danny had relied on instinct that morning, the boots he was wearing were sensible, with ridged soles so he wouldn’t lose grip in the deepening snow.

He shook some snowflakes out of his mop of curly blond hair, pulled a beanie on and started whistling as he cautiously stepped off the pavement to cross a side road.

‘Help!’ The faint voice came from down the dimly lit street.

Spotting something moving on the ground a few yards away, he stopped, ‘Hello?’

‘Hello, is s-someone there?’ The female’s voice was faint. ‘Please, help!’

Danny started walking towards the tremulous voice. ‘What’s happened?’ As he got closer, he saw a scantily dressed woman huddled on the ground.

‘Be c-careful! Ice!’

Danny skirted a dark patch and slowed. He could feel the lethal slickness under his shoes, disguised by the layer of snow.

‘I f-fell and I’ve h-hurt myself. Phone d-dead. C-can you help me st-stand please?’

The heavy snow obscured his vision again. He held his arms out and hands grabbed him. As he pulled the woman to her feet, he could feel them slip out from underneath her. ‘Bloody hell, are you wearing skates?’

‘Stupid sh-sh-shoes.’

They turned towards the main road, and she tried to walk, but cried out when she tried to put weight on one glittery, sandal-clad foot. Her feet slipped again, and if it hadn’t been for Danny, she would have crashed to the ground. She attempted walking again, but had to stem another shriek.

Danny felt her slight weight as she gasped, ‘Look, would you mind if I carried you? We’re not going anywhere fast with you like this.’

‘O-O-OK. Please…my skirt…’

He looked down. It was rather short, barely visible under her hip-length coat. ‘I’ll try not to let it rise up.’ He swung her up in his arms, settled her as she tugged at her skirt. He could feel her shivering and icy water immediately started soaking through his jacket. Her skirt was the least of her worries. ‘Where are you going?’

‘T-train station. Catch train home.’

‘Not tonight, they’ve all been cancelled.’ Her increasingly violent shivers concerned him. ‘Look, the rugby club’s a few hundred yards that way, we can raid the place for dry clothes, get some first aid for that ankle, and see if anyone there is heading your way. Sound OK to you?’


He could barely hear her voice, and started walking as fast as he could. Luckily, they were close enough, and the club’s drive was rough ground with a better purchase for his feet. The sounds of partying grew louder as his arms began to tire.

‘You OK?’ he asked.

There was no response from his bundle. He kicked the first set of double doors open, and turned sideways to get through, ensuring her legs weren’t knocked. He elbowed the lighter, second set ajar and walked into the noisy, warm bar.

‘Danny! You’re back so soon!’

‘Danny boy! Who’s the fair maiden?’

A woman gasped, ‘Oh my god, she’s fucking freezing, filthy and soaked to the skin. And look at her ankle!’

Immediately, the tipsy men and women surrounding him seemed to sober up.

The women’s captain elbowed her way to the front, ‘Emma, go put the showers on, she needs warming up ASAP. Matt, go find some towels. Jim, can we have some hot chocolate please? Anyone else, find dry and clean clothes. We’ll also need the first aid kit. Get Jim to call an ambulance too, although it’ll take ages to get here in this weather. Where did you find her?’ The last question was directed at Danny.

‘She was near the main road, said she’d fallen.’

The girl stirred, ‘Fall, where am I?’

‘You’re at the rugby club, we’ll sort you out here.’ Someone passed the captain a couple of towels. She draped one over the girl, gently lifted strands of water-darkened, long blonde hair out of her face and wrapped the other towel around her head. ‘What’s your name, sweetheart?’


‘OK, Amy. I’m Beth. Danny will take you to the changing rooms, we’ll warm you up and get you sorted in no time.’

‘Thank y-you. I’m s-so c-c-cold.’

Danny followed mother-hen Beth to the changing rooms, garnering many approving glances from the club patrons. He felt like Superman, despite his arms bu
rning like hell.

Emma jogged back towards them, ‘I’ve started running the small bath in the ref’s room. It’ll fill in no time and be better than the shower.’

‘Good thinking, Emma. We can’t put her in until she’s less cold, but it’ll help warm the room up.’

The smaller room was already beginning to steam slightly when they entered. Beth stuck her hand in the bath water and nodded approvingly, ‘We’ll remove the jacket, and then I’m afraid you’ll have to leave as all her wet clothes need to come off.’

They propped the shaking girl up on a nearby bench and stripped off the lightweight jacket, and a handbag that she’d had tangled around her neck. She was wearing a glitzy, silver halter-neck dress underneath.

‘No wonder she’s so cold, even without getting wet!’ exclaimed Beth.

Danny felt like he was deserting Amy as he backed out of the room, with other women rushing in either side of him, carrying hot drinks and clothes, and even a bottle of shampoo. The door closed and he turned to return to the bar area.

In one hand swung her silver handbag. Opening it gave him a slash of guilt, it felt intrusive, but there wasn’t much there, just a slim black phone, a small purse, tissues and a lipstick. He knocked the door to the referee’s room and handed over the bag, minus the phone. Someone in the club usually had a charger, he could give it some power for her to call home once she felt better.

Re-entering the club bar, he felt like hours had passed since he’d departed for home to catcalls ringing around him. He was handed a glass of whiskey and clapped on the back.

‘Good work, my man, get that down you.’

He didn’t give his training any thought at all as he slugged the drink. She had gone so quiet, so fast. He’d been really worried she wouldn’t survive. What was a few drinks compared to that?

‘What a stunner, but did you see how little she was wearing?’ His tall and handsome but surprisingly modest and shy mate Matt rolled his dark eyes, ‘And those shoes? If she’s broken her ankle, I wouldn’t be surprised. Fucking madness. Any idea how long she’d been there?’

‘No idea, she just said she wanted to go to the train station.’ As Danny shrugged, he realised the arms and front of his coat were wet, so stripped it off to drape over a nearby radiator along with his beanie and gloves. Underneath, he was wearing a tacky Christmas jumper and jeans, as per most in the bar.

‘There’s no way she would have reached the train station like that. You know, you probably saved her life.’

‘I dunno.’ Danny felt a blush rising in his cheeks.

Matt nodded at the window, the snow was now so heavy, despite the exterior lights, it was impossible to see more than a foot. ‘She was on the verge of hypothermia, her lips were blue and it looked like she’d been dragging herself quite a way, she had scrapes all over her legs and hands. You’re a hero, my man.’

A soft kiss was dabbed to his cheek, ‘I agree. Danny, you’re a hero.’ Emma smiled, ‘She’s come around properly, and we’ve cancelled the ambulance as she’s warmed up sufficiently according to the thermometer Beth is wielding.’

‘It wouldn’t have got here anyway,’ interjected Jim from behind the bar. ‘I’ve been listening to the radio, there’s been a massive pile-up on the dual carriageway, the road is blocked and there are possible fatalities. There’s been fighting at the taxi rank in town, most drivers have given up and gone home. Buses and trains cancelled. Police are advising for everyone to stay indoors.’

‘Lock-in tonight then, Jim?’ Matt grinned cheekily.

Jim sighed and looked around at the twenty-or-so drinkers left in the club, ‘Anyone who hasn’t left by now and doesn’t live within half a mile is stuck here, so I don’t have much choice. There are some mats you can borrow from the playgroup, and I’ve taken some blankets out of the cupboard to air, you’ll have to sleep on the floors of the function rooms. Or drink in here all night.’

Danny stared at the dregs of whiskey left in his glass, ‘In that case, Jim, I’ll have another. Thanks.’

An hour or so later, more of the women returned. Apparently, Amy had warmed enough to be able to get in the bath, they had helped her wash, towelled her off and cleaned her grazes. Beth thought the ankle was badly sprained and had strapped it up. A hairdryer had been magicked up to dry her hair. Danny had plugged the lifeless phone in to charge, and the dark-haired, petite Emma darted back and forth, but appeared to enjoy returning to Danny and Matt’s company.

Emma’s job had also been to keep the drink flowing between the changing rooms and the bar, once it was clear that Amy was OK, the women had continued drinking. They even had an impromptu, hilarious fashion show with all the clothes that had been gathered, including a scrum half prancing around in Amy’s now-dry dress and shoes. She had told the women she never, ever wanted to see the garments again, if it could be helped. They held an on-the-spot auction for the surprisingly undamaged designer items, and raised enough funds to raid the club shop for something more substantial.

A while after, the door opened and conversation hushed. A stunning blonde stood there, poker-straight shiny hair almost to her waist, green eyes gleaming in her make-up-free face. Her slim form was clad in a long red Harford rugby shirt with black leggings on her slender, shapely legs. A pair of red socks and crutches completed the picture.

Danny heard Matt gulp beside him.

‘I believe I have someone to thank for my life.’ Her voice was soft, her eyes travelling around the assorted occupants of the bar.

Danny gingerly put his hand up, ‘I…I don’t know if I saved your life but I’m the one that found you. I’m Danny.’

Amy’s eyes ran over him, finishing at his blond curls, jutting chin and smiling eyes, ‘Hi Danny, thank you.’ She hobbled into the bar, swinging carefully on the crutches towards their small group, and conversations resumed.

Beth followed her, looking pleased as punch at the result of her nursing. ‘She recovered really quickly, once we got her warmed up. And I’ve strapped up her ankle, I think it’s just badly sprained.’

‘Do you like my outfit?’ Amy did a whimsical twirl, ‘Your club shop had some base layers so I got a set plus the jersey and socks. I’m toasty warm now.’

‘You look lovely.’ Matt’s voice was hoarse and he had to clear his throat, ‘Err, hi, I’m Matt. What on earth were you doing there?’

The blonde settled against a nearby bar stool, taking the weight off her feet. ‘I’d been at a house party. It was supposed to be an elegant, civilised affair, instead it turned raucous and I left when the local scumbag drug dealer arrived.’ Amy rolled her eyes, ‘I was hoping for a taxi, but my phone died and I had to walk away from the house as some wasted middle-aged guy kept trying to feel me up. Then I got lost.’

‘Very unlucky.’

Amy shivered, ‘And cold. I never intended on walking anywhere in those shoes, they’re sitting down shoes only. I’m supposed to be training for a race next month.’

‘Not on that ankle, you won’t,’ warned Beth. ‘You’ll need an x-ray, I don’t think it’s broken but I could be wrong.’

Amy sighed, ‘Just my luck. Has anyone seen my phone?’

Danny fumbled behind him, ‘Here it is – it should have enough charge by now.’

‘Great, I’ll try calling a taxi. Or waking a friend up.’

Danny coughed, ‘Ummm, Jim says we’re snowed in and the roads are blocked. No one’s going anywhere soon. ‘


The barman bustled over, ‘I hear my name being used in vain? Evening, lovely lady, you’re looking much better.’ The grey fox gave Amy a flirtatious smile, ‘Booze or bed?’


‘Your choice is either to try to sleep in one of the function rooms, or keep drinking in the bar here. Unless you live within walking distance?’

‘Nope, the other side of London. So we’re all stuck here?’

‘Yep, weatherman got it utterly wrong.’ Jim looked like he was enjoying being the portent of doom. ‘Roads won’t be ploughed until morning.’

Amy shrugged and grinned, ‘Well, I might as well make the most of it, there’s no one at home waiting for me.’ She brought a fifty-pound note out of her handbag, ‘Next round on me?’

It probably wasn’t the best of ideas for someone who’d been on the verge of hypothermia to be boozing it up with the rest of them a couple of hours later, but the first aid crew were satisfied she was fine. The women returning from the ref’s room plus others who had failed to catch a taxi or train sheepishly wandering back swelled the group to thirty or so. Some headed for a nap, but most stayed in the bar, drinking chatting and singing. Jim had found some old, classic rugby matches to watch on the TV screens, and they dragged some of the mats into the bar. They even unlocked the kitchen and fried chips to stave off the munchies.

Danny lay with a pint in one hand and a chip in the other and a woman either side of him, watching the Barbarians beat New Zealand in 1973. The large bowl of fried potatoey goodness was balanced on his flat stomach and both women were digging in with him. Beth and a couple of the other women were the other side of Emma with their own helpings of chips.

It was unusual for Danny to spend so much time with women, even when he was coaching their team, but he was enjoying it. Emma had a really offbeat sense of humour, and she used her hands to talk enthusiastically. Every now and again, she lightly touched him to make a point. Amy chuckled and added in some dry comments. He felt quite dizzy from the attention. And they both smelled so good.

They had all giggled over the awkward haka performed reluctantly by the New Zealanders, so unlike the present-day tour de force, and over the dated hairstyles and kit.

‘You know, I’ve seen that try a million times, but never the rest of the match,’ commented Amy.

‘You watch rugby?’ Danny and Emma turned to her in surprise.

‘I played in uni, and…ummm, my dad played for the Saints.’

‘What was his name?’ When Amy whispered the answer, Danny nearly choked on his chips. ‘Him? Bloody hell, he won England and Lions caps too!’

Amy blushed, ‘Ssshhh, I don’t usually tell people in rugby clubs, they start asking me for autographs or expect me to use his name. Or start calling me ‘the Smith girl’.’

‘OK, we’ll keep shtum. Won’t we?’ Danny elbowed Emma.

Emma nodded and hummed as her mouth was full of chip. They carried on watching the match, and Matt came to join them, sitting down on the other side of Amy. He was quiet, which was unlike the normally ebullient Matt.

‘You OK, mate?’ asked Danny.

Matt nodded, he seemed to be blushing slightly, ‘Good, thanks. Ummm, it’s been a long day. How are you feeling, Amy?’

Amy yawned, ‘Brighter than I usually feel at four in the morning, but not by much.’

‘Ummm, would you like a drink?’

Amy held up the pint of bitter she had been nursing, ‘I’m struggling.’

‘Something shorter?’

‘All right.’

While Matt went to the bar, Amy turned to Danny, ‘This night has turned out more enjoyable than I thought, barring the awful house party and near-hypothermia. That wasn’t so great.’ She shivered.

‘Yeah, I was worried for a bit. You muttered something about going to the station, although as Matt said, I’m not sure you would have got there.’

‘I can’t remember much from shortly after I fell, just a lot of white and pain. I can’t explain why I didn’t just knock on the door of any nearby house, but the cold got to me, I couldn’t think straight. Scary.’ She shuddered again.

‘Tunnel vision. I’ve seen people on the rugby pitch or triathlon field ignore serious injuries to carry on. Sometimes your brain doesn’t realise that circumstances have irrevocably changed.’

‘Yeah, getting to the station was all I could think about. Even when you found me, then you mentioned a rugby club and that sounded tempting and I knew I would be OK at a rugby club. The women were epic, you were epic too.’ She kissed his cheek and smiled widely at him.

He happily grinned back, feeling an unexpected warmth in his groin. Danny was used to being single, he trained so hard that his love life had taken a back seat. Amy was a stunner, and it occurred to him that if he asked her nicely, she may go out on a date with him. He was already in her good books for rescuing her. He opened his mouth, ‘Amy-‘

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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 26 Anxious To Get Back To The Game

Just before practice on Monday, Coach Neville called me into his office. "How are you feeling, Mr. Porter?" He sat back in his chair, taking his glasses off. "I feel pretty good," I replied. "Your doctors have given you their permission to resume playing?" "Yes, sir. My only real restriction from the doctors was to stay out of the weight room for a couple of weeks after the stitches came out." He smiled briefly, knowing full well that I was only an occasional visitor to the weight...

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Playing the BluesChapter 3

The first half of their set went without a hitch and left Jenny feeling good about playing again. She spotted the girl from the music shop in the crowd and gave her a smile, receiving a smile and a wave in return. As they sat down for their break the girl came over to them. “Hi you’re great again tonight.” She said as she shook Jenny’s hand. “Thanks, I’m still not as good as I used to be, still a bit rusty. I’m Jenny by the way.” “Kate,” The girl smiled. “I would have to disagree with you...

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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 41 Points Of The Compass North And South

The next few weeks were the most hectic of my life. We were on the home stretch toward graduation, and the pace was picking up. Two weeks after Prom, there was a banquet scheduled for the athletes who competed on all the school teams. It was held in a large banquet hall, and there were about a thousand people in attendance, students and families, coaches and administrators. The Athletic Banquet was one of the highlights of the school year, because it was the only time all the teams were...

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Playing the GameChapter 17 The Hot Lazy Saturday

Saturday morning dawned hot and sunny. Molly and I met Lori at Kip and Davey's soccer game just before ten o'clock at the park where the boys and I had drilled. We all sat together on the sidelines and watched as the boys tried out some of their newly learned skills. We cheered and hollered every time one of them touched the ball, shouting out encouragement. Kids that age tend to drift back into the habits of the group, and Davey and Kip were no exception. It was swarmball at its ugliest,...

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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 5 Tournament Weekend

I kept up my schedule through the end of the school year. Since I didn't have a girlfriend to spend any time with, I kept on running, with and without a soccer ball. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I worked with Davey, Kip, and Justin before the Warriors practices. I wasn't sure how productive these sessions were, but we had fun goofing around in the park, at least. And, at that age, any time spent working the ball was time well spent for a kid who wanted to be a better player. The recreational...

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Playing for Time

The Red Dragon - 9:00pm If a person wanted to find Michael Cross in Reno, they would only have to look as far as the Red Dragon Casino. There, you would find him sitting at the bar watching the poker tables. Looking for weaknesses in the other players. He did this every Friday night. His blonde hair partly covering his deep blue eyes. If a person was to look at him, they would think he was a picture of innocence... That's a laugh. Michael Cross did look youthful, but that was OK, because...

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Playing the Maid

Playing the Maid As far as old country houses go, this one was entirely too big to be quaint, but too friendly to be imposing. It stood on its own acre of land about three hours north of San Francisco, up near Napa Valley. While this was a long commute for us, my wife Emma and I had already been telecommuting to our respective offices a few days each week, and we made arrangements so we only had to be in San Fran the same two days out of the week. It was only by luck that we'd...

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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 9 New Tricks and Opportunities

My club team had started up again by mid-summer. Eric and I were joined by Jorge, who made the team as keeper. We had practices four evenings a week, and played either one or two games on the weekends. At about the same time, the Duane Olchick clinic began. Olchick was a Czech player who had been playing for three years in the U.S. and was scheduled to go back to Europe in the fall to play. He had a couple of months of down time before he left, so he was running clinics in several cities in...

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Playing cards with Shirley and the guys Resubmitted

My wife and I were discussing some of the things that we did when we were younger. I told her she usually lost control when she was drunk or tipsy. She said that she didn't do anything she didn't want to drunk or sober. This got me to thinking back to when we were living in the apartment. Let me described what Shirley looks like. She was 29; 5' 2" and very petite. Her tits were very small but were firm and perky with no snag. Her measurements were 34A-22-35. She had very long dark,...

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Playing cards with Shirley and the boys

My wife and I were discussing some of the things that we did when we were younger. I told her she usually lost control when she was drunk or tipsy. She said that she didn’t do anything she didn’t want to drunk or sober. This got me to thinking back to when we were living in the apartment. Let me described what Shirley looks like. She was 29; 5′ 2″ and very petite. Her tits were very small but were firm and perky with no snag. Her measurements were 34A-22-34. She had very...

1 year ago
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Playing The Part Chapter 2

Playing the Part - Chapter 2 Day 290: Wow. I didn't intend for this to turn out like I was writing some porn story. But Ms. Cambrai said I should be detailed in writing down what I've experienced. Detailed, specific, and heartfelt. So, I shouldn't be embarrassed or hesitant about it when my emotions come out like that. She asked me if she could read my journal. I don't know how she even knew I was keeping one. I must've mentioned it in passing some other time. I was a bit...

3 years ago
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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 34 A Very Crafty Girl

Over the first part of that summer, Kayla and I didn't get the chance to share her gift very often. We still went out quite a bit, we were hanging out together as much as we could, and we still fooled around in the Lovemobile, but she was adamant about not wanting to make love in the back seat of my car. She did relent a couple of times, succumbing to her own desires as much as mine, but for the most part we satisfied ourselves with oral and manual stimulation and release. As my good but...

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Playing the GameChapter 7 Untied Shoes

When I got home, I took a shower and grabbed something to eat. I had another game to work, so I headed over to the soccer fields. I was working as a line judge for a girl's under-sixteen game. Working as a line judge was easy. Plus, since I was only working half the field, I could talk a little with some of the kids on the teams while they were on the sidelines. Since both teams, the Sting Rays and the Kickin' Chicks, were from our school, it was a friendly game, with the girls on both...

4 years ago
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Playing the Mommy

Playing the Mommy By Kresha Matay While Paul was still a toddler his father and uncle were killed in an airplane crash. They were twin brothers who owned an employment service that provided household help, such as maids, cooks and bartenders, to the rich. It wasn't a large business, but it was somewhat successful. Neither brother, Tom nor Dick had expected to die so young and therefore carried very little life insurance. All the profits, other than those they took out in...

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Displaying for Mr Collins

I went to Mr Collins’ office, David’s, for my normal briefing. I enjoyed working for him, he was a quiet kind man. The corridor to the office was long and quiet, it being above what used to be the stables in the old house where our offices were situated. Unusually Mr Collins was sitting, not at his desk but at the low coffee table near the window where he and clients often sat discussing work. The door was open, as it was when he wasn’t busy, and he motioned me over to him. I closed the door...

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Playing with Mommy

"Ready for a bath honey?" Anne asked her son as she stood in the living room doorway, already in her flowing white dressing gown."Almost mummy," Sammy replied. The dark-haired c***d was kneeling on the floor, wearing just his Spiderman pyjamas as he scribbelled in a colouring-book with wax crayons."It's getting late," Anne replied, "It'll be bedtime soon. C'mon honey, it's a school night. You can't stay up forever.""Okay mum," Sammy said. He sighed and put the book and crayons on the coffee...

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Playing the BluesChapter 4

A little later the girls were sitting at their table having a last drink as most of the crowd were leaving. Several people had approached them, mostly to welcome Jenny and thank her for playing. Jenny was amused by the way Kate seemed to try to get between Jenny and every woman that came over but eventually she pulled the girl down into the chair beside of her to keep Kate still. “So Jenny,” Julie asked smirking at Jenny, “Is there something you forgot to tell us?” “Well not really, up...

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Playing Beside Hubby

Shelly is quietly laying in bed playing games on her phone beside Randy, her sleeping husband. Suddenly the phone buzzed in her hand. She hadn't been expecting anyone to text her at this time of night, but when it happened she knew immediately who it was. She quickly shifted her eyes to look at Randy and reflexively put her phone down beside her, afraid that he had heard it. It appeared that Randy was still sleeping beside her as she sat propped up in their bed. He hadn't stirred, yet she...

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Playing The Part Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Day 482: I'd like to strangle her! That damn little bitch. I'm so mad right now. What a selfish, thoughtless, nasty little girl. I'm glad she's not anywhere near me or I'd clock her! After Jayden dropped me off back at Paul's place I came as quiet as I could. I figured Paul was home and asleep by then. So, I took off my heels and was as silent as a girl could be getting into my little bedroom. I decided that I could wait until the next morning before showering...

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Playing the GameChapter 15 Varsity Soccer

School was starting in a few days, and the fall sports teams were busy practicing. Football was practicing in the mornings, soccer and tennis in the afternoons. Josh and Jake had both tried out for the football team and had made the junior varsity team. I was on the varsity soccer team, playing my right defensive position behind Skip Horvath, a senior and one of the stars of our team. Skip was chosen for All-Conference honors as both a sophomore and a junior, and was second-team All-State...

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Playing Games Part 1

Playing Games Part 1 They met up once a month, always in a different hotel. They've even been in each other's home a few times but usually it was in an anonymous corporate hotel. They'd meet up on a Friday afternoon and leave Sunday at noon, but the timing could vary. Once it was nearly a week and a few times only overnight. Both Scott (Zoey) and Keith (Stella) were successful if boring businessmen. They'd met online as simpering sissies looking for playmates. If they'd had a bit...

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As I sat on a bar stool drinking my beer, I watched as four guys repeatedly took turns fucking a good looking brunette as she leaned over a pool table. I had had a few turns with her and now was really enjoying just watching the show that was unfolding before my eyes. The woman was very attractive. She was wearing a mid-thigh mini skirt and a fashion tank top. She had a great figure, long dark hair, nice tits and shapely legs that went on forever. About three hours ago she came through...

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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 39 Playing The Game

One Sunday afternoon late in October, Kayla and I were in my family room. This time, we actually were doing homework, instead of merely pretending to. Stephen was in his room, presumably doing his homework, though in actuality he probably had his headphones on and was zoned out, listening to his new Van Halen album. The telephone rang, but before I could struggle up from the floor, my mom answered from the kitchen. "Sean! Telephone!" She waited until she heard me pick up, and then she...

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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 35 Looking Out the Window

By early August I was dead tired, and even looking forward to school starting up again. The workload had to be less than what I was struggling with during those hot weeks in July and August. The kids were learning too fast. Even with the help I had, and the amount of time we were spending with each group, it was hard for me to stay ahead of them. I was spending about twenty hours on the field with the kids and the coaches, running drills and supervising scrimmages and games, as well as...

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Playing to be princess

Playing to be princess!I remember when we played with my older sister, I was only 4 years old and she was 8 years old.We went running to her room, I liked to play with her princess or Barby costumes, and she liked to dress and make up like the prettiest princess while I looked in the mirror and I enjoyed being a girl.I remember that I laughed and sang, spinning aimlessly until I fell to the ground, breathless and dizzy. I felt like a Disney Princess. I felt feminine and beautiful, delicate and...

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After school I had to wait for my Mom to come home at our neighbors apartment he was a nice older guy named Cory he and my Mom became friends when we moved in and as he was retired she asked him to look after me until she got home...We spent a few boring days together just watching TV until one day Cory asked me if I would like to play with the Sex Box I didn't know what that was but I was bored and said sure lets play! Cory brought out this gaming box it was like an XBOX but different he...

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Playing the GameChapter 24 Contained Grief and Anger

The arrangement my parents worked out was that my dad was going to drop me off at school in the mornings and my mom would be waiting for me at the end of soccer practice in the afternoons. I climbed out of my father's car the next morning and walked dejectedly into school, about five minutes before my first class was to start. I sat down next to Jake and growled at him. "Thanks a lot, pal. 'I won't get caught. You can count on me, '" I mimicked him derisively. "I guess I know now...

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Playing House2

"Nikki language!" Her father protests. "Sorry dad." The eighteen year old says in exasperation. "Breasts." Shifting uncomfortably in his big leather chair, "That's great honey. I'm not sure why you’re telling me." Quinn says, looking at his daughter's growing chest. It was true though, he noticed. His little princess wasn't so little anymore. She reminded him of a younger version of his wife. Long curly red hair. Adorably cute face. Round spankable ass. And growing breasts....

1 year ago
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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 24 When I Saw Her There Again

Jake gave me a ride after our respective practices on Wednesday and Thursday. We would stop and pick up Luscious Kayla on our way over to my house, where the three of us would spread our homework out on the family room floor. My family quickly got used to seeing us working in there. By Friday I was really tired of dragging my mummified arm around. Besides, it was itching so badly it was driving me crazy, so I unwound the wrappings and threw them away. I spent a few minutes in absolute...

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Randy, we’re bored!” my sister Sasha whined. It was Sasha’s sixteenth birthday party, and she had invited her two best friends over for the evening. Our parents had already made a commitment to visit our Aunt Karen for the weekend. It was a good six hour drive each way, and Mom had “volunteered” me to keep an eye on the three birthday celebrants. I would have rather gone hunting with a game warden, but I really had no option except to do as I was told. This being Friday, Sunday night when our...

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Playing in the rain

I always like playing in the rain, especially during the summer. The summer is perfect to play in the rain because it will rain then sometimes it get back to hot, especially in the… I always like playing in the rain, especially during the summer. The summer is perfect to play in the rain because it will rain then sometimes it get back to hot, especially in the south. One day my girlfriend and I was in the living room watching TV, then it started to rain. The rain knocked out the...

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Playing around

I've been spending quite a lot of time in the Xhamster cam rooms. I love to watch guys masturbate and when they cum it is so exciting. I have a cam myself now and have been online a few times - actually, I prefer the complete anonymity of Omegle for that. It's amazing how easily you can find another man who wants to share a hot wanking session. My problem is I don't last long when I have a man watching me. But I cum so strongly.Lately if I am going to knock one out, I go online and make sure...

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Playing To Win Playing The Game IIChapter 22 The FiftyCent Bet

"Okay, I'll bite," I replied. "What can you do for me, Mr. Cropper?" The gruff voice on the other end of the telephone line said, "Do you know a young man by the name of Jesse Wilhoit, son?" "Yes, sir, I do. Is he okay?" I didn't think I could take any more bad news than I'd gotten over the past year or so. "Oh, yeah, Jesse's just fine," said Cropper. "In fact, he's the one suggested I give you a holler." "Um, okay," I said. I was still confused. "And how do you know...

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Playing The Part Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Day 430: Great news! They not only found a new manufacturer for the clothing line here in the US but this new company can get in operation a whole month faster! Yay us! Good thing I didn't wait any longer than I did for me surgeries! Mr. Simms is such a smart man! He's made such good decisions for me. Day 433: I was so bubbly about the news of the production starting sooner that Ms. Cambrai said we should go out and celebrate together. This being "together"...

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Playing around

I love to watch guys masturbate and when they cum it is so exciting. I have a cam myself now and regularly put on a show. To begin with, I preferred the complete anonymity of a random site for that. It's amazing how easily you can find another man who wants to share a hot wanking session. But now I use a site that you join and have a profile page. Lately if I am going to knock one out, I nearly always go online and make sure some other guy watches me shoot. I don't last very long when...

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Playing the GameChapter 11 The Motorcycle Promise

By the time I dragged myself out of bed the next day, it was almost noon. I had a soccer game to play. After that, I was supposed to go over to work with Davey and Kip again. I called Molly while I was eating a bowl of cereal for breakfast. "Hi," I said when she answered the phone. "How are you feeling?" "I feel great," she said. I could almost hear her smile in her voice. "A little sore, but even that's going away. How are you?" "I'm a little tired, but I'll be okay. I've got...

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Playing the GameChapter 18 The Bulls

Our first varsity soccer game was at home on Friday against one of the smallest schools in our conference. According to our scouts, they didn't have a very talented team, so I was hoping for a little playing time in the second half. The stands were not even half full. Not many kids at school cared much about soccer yet, but we hoped that would all change as we tore through our schedule. Even before our first game, we were whispering about going on to sectionals, and maybe even the state...

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