Bisexuel indian porn

4 years ago
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Erste bisexuelle Erfahrungen

Ich gebe es mir selbst gegenüber zu: Schwänze erregen michEs war mit Anfang 20, ich war gerade Student an einer mittelgroßen Großstadt, dass ich meine Bisexualität so richtig entdeckte. Als Junge hatte ich während der Pubertät schon öfters mit dem Gedanken gespielt, mal einen anderen Schwanz anzufassen und zu wichsen, es aber nie ausprobieren können. Knapp 10 Jahre später war das einfacher: Einerseits hatte ich eine eigene Wohnung und konnte tun und lassen was ich wollte,...

2 years ago
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Gettin Ass Pussy Licking Time

My boyfriend 'Fred' is the best damn fuck ever!! Never wanna turn back but over the years I got him totally into the fact that SEX can never be forgotten and must be shared with the right kinda of people exemple:With Bisexuel Women.,Bisexuel Guy's,Shemale,Young and Old & open to experience their wildest dreams!!!The other evening I was in the mood to lick and suck some pink ass clit...My boyfriend has the sexiest soft & sweet little tight baby ass. I started by spreading his leg's open...

4 years ago
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Bi Couple Going Crazy

We cannot believe how it's so hard to have the craziest orgy with another bisexuel couple or even just a bisexuel girl or bisexuel guy to come and join our wildest 'n' craziest dreams of sex!!!!!!!!My wife is a real bisexuel nympho and I love making her pussy really creamy,hot & juicy that she'll dripp for ever then I'll make her cunt squirt like a water fountain explosing for hours on end!!!!But now she has made me want the more 'n' more for a bi-guy to tease her pussy while i watch then i...

3 years ago
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2 Black Girls with 1 Brunette Girl

I finally found my taste of not 1 but 2 black bisexuel girls that I imagine it's my pussy there playing with....and I bet that it will make me sqirm and moan and scream and want more ''n'' more!!!!I've never been licked by a black girl before,i've never licked a black pussy other but I always say that a beautiful black creamy pussy would have the wildest taste ever and just thinking 'bout a thick black tongue on my white chubby pussy i wouldn't be surprised that i would drip right away!!!Then...

4 years ago
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Wildest dream with my boyfriend me with a bi

My wildest dream is to have pleasure with my man and another bi-guy who will fill my full feeling needs and enjoy every minute of it....It all started when I convinced my boyfriend to have a threesome with me and another bisexuel open girl who loves sex like me and when we were finished the in the moring he was sleeping so sexy and i could not help myself but to start licking his sexy little pink ass and making him think now it's a guy on him and more and more he was starting to like it...and...

4 years ago
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A threesome with a Difference part four

Before i continue with this story, this was back in the early 90s i was a single guy who had built up a good reputation on the then swinging scene , and word got round that i was not a selfish kind of bloke,just in it for my own pleasure etc fairly easy going , good company and not pushy, add to that being bisexuel seemed to intrigue some people, over time it afforded me plenty of new contacts as word got passed around, etc and i was in high demand, that might seem a bit pompous but thats how...

2 years ago
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St Bruno

Par une belle journée d'automne, je décide d'aller me promener au parc du Mont St-Bruno. Après avoir payé, je me stationne et commence ma marche. Je croise des chevreuils, vraiment pas peureux et quelques personnes. J'arrive près du petit lac, je m'assieds pour savourer ce silence qui fait du bien, je me ferme les yeux et me penche par en arrière pour profiter du soleil. Au bout d'un certain temps, j'ouvre les yeux et vois un homme assis près de moi, je ne l'avais pas entendu arrivé, il me...

2 years ago
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Loving Life Is The Best Thing You Can Do

Loving life is the best thing you can do,by doing so you share your passion with others carefully of course.Every year that goes by I other learn something new...or I remember the downfalls that I've had & we don't turn back around........................I am the more 'n' more deeply enlove with man who has been by my side through thick 'n' thin & he also the bestfriend you could ever have!!ROUND-1***When he looks into my eyes my pussy start's to throb slowly especially when a guy like...

4 years ago
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Californie Partie 2 sur 3

Le vol dura des heures, et pourtant Maxime n'en pouvait plus d'excitation. Une heure environ avant d'arriver, il se rendit aux toilettes, et se changea pour prendre sa tenue habituelle - jean, baskets blanches, queue de cheval -. Il se sentait ? l'aise ainsi. C'?tait ainsi qu'il comptait vivre aux USA. Galvin lui avait dit que tout ?tait pr?t pour lui, et qu'il n'avait plus qu'? arriver. Son logement, son contrat de travail. Un v?hicule l'attendait ? l'a?roport et devait le conduire ? l'embarcad?re puis jusq...

1 year ago
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A striptease in a bar got me gangbanged

Hi I’m Alison, bisexuel, recently divorced and am a bit of a nymphomaniac! I’m very clitoral and anal and I love masturbating my little clit while prodding the tip of my finger in my tight arse. I’m now 39 and lucky to still have young skin and a firm, slender, tall (1.80m) and leggy body. I love sex and have always enjoyed exhibiting myself. I’m the youngest of four sisters in my family. My mother is from french martinique and I guess my passionate hot blood is from my mother’s carribean side....

Group Sex
1 year ago
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A Summer To Remeber Part 2

Read also A Summer To Remember : Part 1. What wonderful eyes she had.What big breast she had.What a curvy body she had and what a shame it is that I can't fuck her.I was standing across the room from her and I couldn't stop stareing at her. "Yo,man snap outta of it.Whats wrong with you?" Jordan yelled at me. "That girl is beutiful" I told him,pointing at her. "Oh,thats just Keri.She comes here every year" "Are you two friends?" I asked him. "Well yeah.We shared a room for one night and thats...

3 years ago
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Hausm dchen

Meine Name ist, nein, war, Johann. Ich bin 25 und arbeitete als Student nebenbei in einem Callcenter. Mit 19 habe ich damals meine Freundin geheiratet und seitdem waren wir glücklich. Na ja, nicht ganz. Ich hatte immer den Anspruch, mehr aus meinem Leben zu machen. Während meine Frau schon eigenes Geld verdient, muss ich noch schauen, wie ich die paar Kröten zusammen bekomme. Neben dem Studium zu arbeiten und trotzdem noch nicht mal ein Viertel von dem zu Haben, was die Frau verdient, ist...

2 years ago
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Ich bin Laura die Schlampe

Hallo, ich bin Laura S. und es könnte sein dass ich leicht nymphomanisch veranlagt bin. Ich liebe Sex und ich zeige das auch gerne. Ich mag die Aufmerksamkeit der Männer und da ich dabei auch noch gut aussehe, kann ich sogar Geld für Sex verlangen. Ich bin 18 Jahre alt und gehe in die 12. Klasse eines Gymnasiums. Erstmal zu meinem Aussehen: ich bin 163cm groß und habe lange braune Haare, grüne Augen und wiege ca 55kg. Ich gehe oft ins Fitnessstudio und bin daher schlank und durchtrainiert....

3 years ago
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Nylonsasha Fragebogen

Name: Nylonsasha Geschlecht: MannAlter: 34Augenfarbe: blauHaarfarbe: DunkelblondGröße: 187cmGewicht: 130kgPenis: 16x5Schuhgröße: 46Familienstand: halte meine Optionen offen Bundesland: Baden-Württemberg / HeilbronnStadt: UlmBist Du dominant: manchmal ja, manchmal neinBist Du sadistisch: JainBist Du devot: manchmal ja, manchmal neinBist Du masochistisch: leichte Schmerzen sind okWelche sexuelle Gesinnung hast Du: bisexuellWen würdest suchst...

2 years ago
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Un coup par la bande

Il y en avait une qui me plaisait particulièrement parmi ces trois filles mais elles n’arrivaient pas à se décoller et quand elles dansaient c’était toujours ensemble et je les regardais faire. Mes potes avaient fini par me lâcher et moi je restais comme un c o n à regarder cette fille puis ses deux amies ont fini par partir. La fille s’est dirigée vers moi et elle m’a demandé tout de go pourquoi je la regarde.Tout d’un coup, j’étais paralysé, incapable de répondre et de dire un mot à cette...

3 years ago
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Meine Frau Jennifer ndash Ihr neues zweites Ich

Jennifer und ich sind seit ca. 9 Jahren zusammen, sie ist nun 26 und ich bin zwei Jahre älter. Inzwischen sind wir auch 4 Jahre verheiratet. Sie hat eine sportliche Figur, die sie durch viel Fitness sehr gut in Schuss hält und mittellange blonde Haare. Ihr Kleidungsstil ist dem sportlichen angemessen, das heißt sie trägt gerne weite Sachen, Jeans, Turnschuhe und eben alles was bequem ist. Im Bett ist es bei uns ein wenig müder geworden, wir haben beide beruflich viel um die Ohren und Jennifer...

3 years ago
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Hausm auml dchen

Meine Name ist, nein, war, Johann. Ich bin 25 und arbeitete als Student nebenbei in einem Callcenter. Mit 19 habe ich damals meine Freundin geheiratet und seitdem waren wir glücklich. Na ja, nicht ganz. Ich hatte immer den Anspruch, mehr aus meinem Leben zu machen. Während meine Frau schon eigenes Geld verdient, muss ich noch schauen, wie ich die paar Kröten zusammen bekomme. Neben dem Studium zu arbeiten und trotzdem noch nicht mal ein Viertel von dem zu Haben, was die Frau verdient, ist...

2 years ago
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FBMO Club For Black Men Only

(subbi42© gefunden bei und leicht abgewandelt)So hatte ich mir mein Leben nicht vorgestellt, als ich von zu Hause in die Großstadt in eine eigene Wohnung wegzog und endlich frei sein wollte. Schnell waren meine Ersparnisse aufgebraucht und vielfach vergeblich hatte ich mich um einen Job bemüht. Jetzt stand mir das „Wasser bis zum Hals" und meine Lage war mehr als verzweifelt. Ein Job musste her, egal was auch immer. In dieser Stimmung sah ich in der U-Bahn als ich einstieg ein...

2 years ago
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Die verh auml ngnisvolle Keuschheitswette

Diese Geschichte ist nicht von mir fand sie aber sehr anregend und wollte sie euch nicht vorenthalten. Hoffe sie gefällt euchMax war ein erfolgreicher Banker, machte in seiner Freizeit viel Sport und hatte einen Körper der eigentlich gar nicht zu einem Banker passte. Er war sehr muskulös und gut gebaut. Seine Frau Hanna arbeitete in einer Firma, die Polizei und Gefängnisausrüstung herstellte als Entwicklerin. Sie sind ein glückliches junges Ehepaar. Sie 26 und er 27. Zusammen haben sie ein...

3 years ago
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Les f minisatrices pisode 4 Doria

R?sum? de l'?pisode 3: Michelle Le secret de Michelle avait ?t? d?couvert par ses parents. Son p?re r?agit avec une grande violence, et sa m?re, apr?s avoir d'abord ?t? horrifi?e par la f?minisation de son fils, d?cida de totalement soutenir son enfant, et de divorcer de son mari brutal. Nicole et Michelle se rapproch?rent durant ces ?preuves et les deux gar?ons f?minis?s devinrent tr?s amis. Nicole rencontra ?galement pour la premi?re fois Sylvie, la gyn?cologue qui fournissait son traitement hormonal. Apr?s une ?trange consult...

2 years ago
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M tamorphie

M?tamorphie 1. Les vacances Par Forestier Enfin! Le dernier jour avant les vacances. Et quelles vacances! R?ma ?tait certain que sa copine appr?cierait ce qu'il avait secr?tement pr?par? pour elle; apr?s tout, au prix qu'il avait pay?, elle ?tait mieux d'appr?cier! Comme la translation devait avoir lieu en milieu d'apr?s-midi, de mani?re ? profiter du souper ? l'h?tel en d?pit du d?calage horaire, R?ma quitta le travail plus t?t que de coutume. Vers 14 heures, il mit fin ? sa derni?re consultation. Par chance, il n'avait ...

2 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 5

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 5 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

3 years ago
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Hugo Chapitre 4 5 Face au Miroir

Chapitre 4: Face au miroir ********* Vendredi 6 f?vrier Hugo s'habilla, alla chercher son eau comme chaque matin, se lava, comme d'habitude, puis se pr?senta ? 10h comme pr?vu. Julia ?tait seule. Elle avait l'air tr?s excit?e de le voir. Il devait lui dire. - Aur?lia! Aur?lia! - Coucou, Julia! - Ohhhh, comme tu es bronz?e! Je suis trop contente de te voir! Alors raconte la Guadeloupe! C'?tait bien! - Oui, c'?tait super! Mais je dois te di...

3 years ago
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Tante Hilda

Tante Hilda Nach der letzten, wirklich schmerzhaften Trennung von Julia war es vor allem Tante Hilda, bei der ich Trost und W?rme fand. Die entfernte Verwandte meines allzu fr?h verstorbenen Vaters lebte allein in einem Haus am Stadtrand. Sie lebte recht gut von ihrer Witwenrente und von dem Verm?gen, das ihr Henry hinterlassen hatte. Das Leben hatte den Beiden keine Kinder verg?nnt, und so kam es schon fr?h dazu, dass Tante Hilda in mir einen Ersatz f?r entgangene Mutterfreuden s...

4 years ago
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Trixie oder die WG german Deutsch

Kapitel 1: KennenlernenEine Woche nach ihrem Geburtstag w?rde Trixie endlich diesen Albtraum hinter sich lassen. Vor einigen Jahren hatte sie sich in Miroslav, einen Serben, verliebt. Dieser war st?ndig in Geldnot gewesen und Trixie hatte deshalb in ihrer Firma, wo sie f?r die Datenverarbeitung zust?ndig gewesen war, Rechnungen manipuliert und so sehr viel Geld unterschlagen. Als das Ganze aufflog verschwand Miroslav nach Serbien und hatte nichts mehr von sich h?ren gelassen. Trixie durfte die Sup...

3 years ago
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Rahel Erziehung einer Jungfotze

Rahel - Erziehung einer Jungfotze (Teil 1 - 27) =============================================== by Alphatier, © 2014/2015*         *kopieren, ausdrucken, reposten ist alles erlaubt Entgleist       Alles begann, als meine Frau mir vor drei Monaten heulend erklärte, dass es aus ist. Einfach so hatte sie plötzlich mit ihrem kleinen blauen Sportrucksack in der Küchentür gestanden und mich mit einer Mischung aus Schuldbewusstsein, Vorwurf und Selbstmitleid angesehen, während ich nur zitternd am...

3 years ago
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SixteenChapter 8

“Oh my god, hide me!” Tiff whispered as she ducked behind us. At first, I was all confused, but Charlie was instantly on guard and scanning the crowd. “Over there, just coming through arrivals,” Tiff pointed at an oldish couple waddling forward with a trolley full of brightly-coloured suitcases. “They go to my parents’ church” I saw them coming towards us. Clearly they’d seen us, and we probably stood out, the way we were standing still, transfixed, the only stationary group in the middle...

2 years ago
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Sarah Followed me Chapter 3

I woke up the following morning with Sarah’s new dildo poking into my side. Sarah was still sleeping and I grabbed the toy dick to look at it. I brought it to my nose and could smell rubber and a hint of Sarah’s pussy. I reminisced of last night; fucking her with the dildo and watching her rub her clit at the same time. I also mused over the thought of flicking my tongue over her swollen clit causing her to moan in pleasure. It was hard to believe what I had done with my sister last...

2 years ago
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The Education of Simone

The Education of Simone - Part 1When the college president called her to her office Simone thought she knew what was up. She had been blackmailing one of her professors into giving her a passing grade although it was obvious she failed the course. Simone, a strikingly beautiful 19 year old blonde, was accustomed to using her sexy looks to get out of trouble.Her parents knew of Simone's naughty ways, that's why they sent her to this all girl's college in the suburbs of Paris. But they never...

3 years ago
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smokeSCREEN book6 1

* * * 4:20 * * * you’re looking down again / and then you looked me over / we’re laying down again / on a blanket in the clover / the same boy you’ve always known / well i guess i haven’t grown // same boy you’ve always known // * * * * * * After two weeks, we’re suddenly a family. Given that it’s year fourteen, it falls to Floor One to make a new claim for leadership. Seeing as Floor One’s leader is Phoebe, she’s back in the saddle again but infinitely more easygoing. We have a...

3 years ago
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Bed Breakfast and Sex Ch 15

It was the day before Thanksgiving, and Louise had cooked a delicious meal for her tenants. Attendance had not been mandatory, but all of them had come anyway. Overall, they were a very happy bunch. Louise was indeed thankful for the way things had turned out. Jeremy and Bonnie were present, as were Mark and Danny. Mark and Danny came with their girlfriends, introduced to them by Bonnie. She had turned out to be quite the matchmaker. Lonnie was present, and gave Louise a little wink. Although...

3 years ago
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Barnyard OrgyChapter 10

The pickup truck bounced up and down even on the highway. How different from the smooth ride of the Corvette. Lynn continued to giggle a lot. She felt full of bubbles. She was sleepy, and she dozed on and off, usually waking to the flash of headlights from an oncoming car. With nightfall, the temperature had dropped enough to make the ride in the pickup chilling with the windows open. The old man had asked her several times whether she was cold, but each time she just giggled and answered...

4 years ago
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Unexpected DiscoveriesChapter 4

Susan followed me back to my cottage. As she got out of the Astra, I noticed Sue was carrying an overnight bag. God, I thought, she was confident that I would fall for her charms. The moment we were inside the door and we were in each other's arms and our mouths were locked against each other's, I felt Sue's tongue force its way between my lips. This somehow, didn't seem to be the Susan I remembered; it was me that always used to take the lead. But I went with the flow; I had really been...

4 years ago
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catching my husband

It was a Saturday evening after supper my daughter had fallen asleep next to us on the bed. I picked her up to take her to her to her room when my husband said he was going to shower. I tugged my daughter in and then went back to our room. I started going through the channels on the tv to find something for my husband and I to watch. After finding something I decided I would quickly join my husband in the shower. On walking into the bathroom I found him with his cock hard and busy jerking...

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The World s First Futa 10 Futa s Wicked Campaign Chapter 2 Futa s First Wicked Speech

Chapter Two: Futa's First Wicked Speech By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “What was your favorite part of campaigning for president?” Adelia Tash asked me. I shivered, and the answer came immediately to my lips. “The rallies.” It was so interesting to talk about the most public part of my life: my bid to become the first futa-president of the United States. I was popular. Almost every woman in America wanted to have my daughter. The all loved me. I just had to keep them...

2 years ago
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The CameraChapter 13

“Hey Ricky ... thanks for coming over and helping us on short notice. You know Kori ... and this is Mariah and Amelia Jenkins, our new sisters.” Bobby Joe greeted Ricky Belden after he backed his pick-up up to the garage and stepped out with his younger brother. “Hey, Bobby. No problem. I brought Joey to help too. “Hey Kori, “Hello Mariah, I remember you now. You sure have changed. Girls, you look hot, dressed like Kori. I bet she showed you how she knocks all the boy’s eyes out, didn’t...

4 years ago
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Their First Taste

As always, your thoughts and comments are welcome and encouraged. Also, feel free to write any questions you have for Brian. He will likely be reading them, and if not, I'll be sure to pass them along. Enjoy. Their First Taste An original true story by Starrynight The music was loud and upbeat, the basses' vibrations flowing through the air as random feet tapped on the floor. The bar was packed, yelling, laughing, and singing echoing throughout it, and everyone around the table raised...

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A Cloak of Lies Ch 01

This story was previously posted and now back by popular demand. Or demand, anyway. Please be sure to let me know what you think. ~Molly A Cloak of Lies His fingers began to cramp. He forced himself to loosen his grip on the steering wheel, to ease his foot back on the accelerator. Too dangerous to call the attention of the police, he told himself. It would be daylight soon, he’d need a place to pull over, someplace to lay low during the sunny hours ahead. If only he could’ve taken a...

2 years ago
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Who wouldn t stare

My perfect meet. I have always loved the idea of being pushed to be more of a sissy than I dare to be. Being made to look girlier or dress sissier or do something only a sissy sub would do. Firstly, even before the meet. I'd be told what to wear and would be told to comply. Whether this be me turning up with panties, garter, stockings, plugged and caged under my male trousers (or women's or shorts) to something else. I would then make my way to the hotel. Once there, I'd have...

4 years ago
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New Girl

Mary is 19 her first day at school first time away from home. Her mom and dad helped her move in two days ago but now it was real no one to fall back on. Thing went pretty good till History, World history it was her worst thing but she had to have it. Walking in the teacher a woman about 35 tall and classy her hair lite brown she had eyes on Mary from door to seat. Walking around the class she looked the students up and down moving them where she wanted them. Mary she sat right in her line of...

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An American woman in Malta

Jackie loved Malta, a small island in the Med. The sun, the friendly people, the sea and its history made her come back frequently. She had some Maltese friends but this time she wanted to spend some time alone going around the historical places.Although not young anymore she had a lovely body, nice round breasts, a curvy figure and a lovely spankable ass. She liked to have her pussy shaved and smooth. She loved the feeling her sexy lingerie with her smooth pussy. It made her wet quite...

4 years ago
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The Choice

"It's time to make a choice, John Doe." An eerie voice calling your name wakes you from a deep slumber. Looking around, you can see nothing in the immediate vicinity—you're floating in an endless void of darkness, your body weighing not much more than a feather. "For reasons that I shall keep to myself, I've decided to bestow an ability upon you. Consider it a gift." The voice continues to explain things, but in your dreamy haze, you can't make much sense of it. It doesn't help that there's no...

Mind Control
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My kinky wife sunita

Please send me your feedback on Hi I am akash, a software professional, in mid thirties and I have a very hot and sexy wife. If it wasn’t for an arranged marriage, I would have never made a hot girlfriend. My wife sunita is well educated, worked at two offices already, had great sense of dress and a born socialite. She is cheerful and fond of cricket especially the shorter versions. She preferred to be a homemaker after marriage. But I guess she missed some office action and would be happy to...

2 years ago
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Kim Power PlayChapter 02

Standing in the doorway is an elegant looking woman in her early thirties wearing a form fitting executive business suit over a nice form and a very expensive looking briefcase in her hand. Beside her is a late forties man in casual clothes with a light canvas bag over his shoulder. Kim smiles at them as he nods at the two steel frame chairs beside the bed. They both enter and sit down. Kim knows them both very well. Kim looks at the woman. She opens her briefcase and takes out some papers...

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Road Trip Pumped

A young roadhouse gas station attendant gets pumping....It was Erica who noticed the fuel gauge was hovering on the brink of empty. She was surprised because Bethany never ran on empty. She always needed filler between her legs. Still the brunette didn’t bother her blonde angelic sweetie, who was taking her turn driving as they motored down the endless kilometres of the barren inland highway with their music blaring and pumping out of their old combi van speakers. Erica instead punched some...

5 years ago
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Planetrise and MoonfallChapter 6

Epilogue New Imperial date 7962 NI My learning curve in becoming an Admiral, a Rear Admiral in fact, after leaving my last Imperial service as a Second Lieutenant, and Militia as a Lieutenant-Commander, as my father Duke Jolyon was never one to promote even his own family members until time and experience served, was an extremely steep one. Fortunately, as Velda had so astutely assessed, my Vice-Admiral Alana was supremely efficient, ever-ready with advice, and she actually made me look good...

3 years ago
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Soul Cakes

In the little village in which I grew up, the whole idea of making soul cakes to give out to the poor on All Saints Eve was a bit … well … strange. Apart from the Mays (who owned both Manor Farm and the stone quarry) we residents of Lower Steadlea were all as poor as each other. Nevertheless, sometime during the last few days of each October our cottage was always filled with the heady aroma of allspice, nutmeg, cinnamon, and ginger as my mother demonstrated her skill as the village’s...

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Training Day Secret Powers 5

continued from Mary Learns Her PowerIn the morning, I wake up alone in the bed, with delicious aromas wafting up from the kitchen. I lazily rouse myself, find a robe and slip it on. Padding downstairs, I see the other two preparing breakfast, also wearing their robes."Good morning, sleepyhead!" Melissa chirps.Tara smiles at me. "Sleep well?""Yes, actually - best in a while.""Well good," Tara says, "Do you have to leave at any particular time?""No," I reply, "I'm not working today.""Great!" Tara...

4 years ago
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Soul SearchChapter 13 The gathering of the four

Elisabeth had watched Karen with concerned consideration during the time she was under some form of hypnotic state inside the tent. She sensed it best not to wake her but remained vigilantly alert in the event she was needed. After Karen slumped to the floor Elisabeth helped her friend to the car and then drove them to Karen's hotel. "I understand now." Karen told Elisabeth gravely as both women sat tentatively in Karen's hotel room. "I know." Elisabeth responded with sincerity. She...

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Celebrity Naked Attraction

There is a TV show titled as above but without the Celebrity word, although there are several programmes with the Celebrity prefix. I thought it could be an interesting, maybe humorous story using celebrity names and changing the format from a dating programme with a twist evident in the title, by adding the ‘slebs’ and very different twist. It’s highly unlikely and implausible, but I enjoyed creating it. I have imagined and described intimate details of each of my celebrity selection “As you...

2 years ago
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Perverted father in law stays over

True sexual account of my horny married body being exposed to my drunk divorced father-in-law and something I didn't share with my husband for years despite our open relationship.I woke up from the soft noise coming from the lounge. I was slightly more on guard than usual because my husband Jay had to leave on a short notice business trip that wasn't ideal. Jay's dad William was staying with us for a couple of weeks and the business trip wasn't something that was planned.William was divorced...

4 years ago
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Madam Ki Gaand Chaati Trip Pe

Hello. Mera naam Ritiesh hai aur mai Agra mai rehta hu.Meri age 23 saal hai aur mai abhi padh hi rha hu. Agar koi lady ho Agra ya aaspaas ki milne mai ya chat krne mai toh vo pe mail kr de. Ye story pichhle saal ki hai jab mai college trip pe gya tha, Manali. Toh hua yu ki humari college bus ki gayi thi jisme kuch ladkiya thi aur kuch ladke, aur humare saath ek male aur ek female faculty gayi thi. Mera stop sabse last the chadne ka bus mai toh mujhe koi seat nhi mili sivaaye madam ki bagal...

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Mother in law arse licker 2

Joan, my 60 year old Mother in law welcomed with a smile. The day before I had, once again, wanked myself off in her bathroom, leaving a heavy deposit of spunk in a pair of pale blue silky panties. She had phoned me earlier to thank me and insisted I visit her for a proper payment. As soon as the door was closed, she went straight into dominant mode.“Good to see you, you little pervert, I hope you are ready for some more pussy and arse licking.”“Yes Joan, whatever you want.”“Well firstly I want...

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Becoming a Warrior

It took a few years and a lot of sleeping in class, but now you've graduated school and are ready to attack the world with all of your knowledge! Well, kinda. "Graduation" just means leaving school, right...? Well, anyway, that doesn't matter, because now you're free to finally pursue your dreams of becoming a Warrior and keeping your city safe from the horrible, mean-looking monsters all over the rest of the continent! Hey, maybe one day you'll even clear out enough space that they can build...

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Lewd LayoutChapter 4

Alisa and I went out again the next night; we hadn't gotten too many shots taken the previous night. Karen was there, drinking a glass of wine and coming on to me. We made a date for the following Friday--she wanted to do some nude shots. She made it plain which part of her I should focus on and I agreed with her. I left with Alisa, who looked even more gorgeous than her roommate. We practically groped each other in the restaurant again-- Alisa was adorable. She had on a loose white oxford...

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Email as foreplay

The following emails went between myself and a girlfriend shortly after we first met. We had gotten a bit frisky in a hotel stairway before we had to go our separate ways. For a few months after we kept in touch with sexy emails then great phone sex before meeting again. (see photo's - "Chunky sexy girlfriend")I've edited out most of the chit chat and give you here the the good bits.-----------------------------Been thinking about you often since that weekend but ermm well, errr…… Imagining...

2 years ago
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My New Playmate Chpt 01

It had been close to two weeks since our new neighbors had moved into the upstairs apartment. They decided to stop by and introduce themselves. The mother, Kimberly, had just been promoted to a six-figure income job in high-end management at a downtown firm. Her and her husband, Matt, decided they'd use a portion of the new income to get Matt's new home computer business off the ground, and place a nice chunk into a savings account for their daughter Nichole. Nichole, however, was just...

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TommyChapter 9

Because his schoolwork was not what either he or his parents wanted, Tommy did not try out for the basketball team that winter. He hit the books hard, stayed away from girls on most school nights and managed to get on the honor roll by the time he had to start thinking about PSAT tests and college admissions. He rationed himself to two girls a week and managed to stick to that limit except during a couple of snow days and then over the Christmas holidays. Track season found him, now at about...

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The Hypnotist Chapter Two

The Theater, as it turns out, was a dark cavernous rooms with no windows. It was a strange room that gave Alice a sense of vertigo when she first walked into it with Robert, Grace, and Daniel. It was taller than it was wide, and the black walls and extra high ceiling made her feel as if she was standing in a silo. It was very, very warm inside, and Alice was already beginning to sweat from the heat. Robert smiled at her, and asked, ‘So, what do you think? Do you like it?’ Alice paused before...

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The Girl Stories Man on the bench 1

When they started to exercise, she purposely positioned herself every time to give the man the best view. Soon she was happy to see the man was mostly staring at her. --- "Why this man is staring at us." --- said Ms Summers, as she noticed the man on the bench. Lilly was preoccupied in giving a good show to the man, that Ms Summers remark startled her. She thought quickly, as the teacher clearly considered shouting something to the man. --- "Oh. I know him." --- she said pretending to...

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Shadows From the PastChapter 63

For once, Diane actually wanted to go to the abandoned church. Jason had infiltrated her dreams again. She had awoken that morning with a wet and aching pussy that would not relent. She had been forced to let her slave persona take over, whereupon she moaned and writhed through an extended masturbation session, all the while imagining Jason's nice hard cock slow-fucking her. She had had her feelings largely under control until Richie's comment about her boots, then all her slave ego could...

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Game of Thrones How Davos Saved the DayChapter 52

Eastwatch-By-The-Sea Just after the arrival of the Iron Fleet Yara Greyjoy, Queen of the Iron Islands, better known by her latest epithet of “Yara the Bottomless,” now prepared her nasty surprise for the Night King. Wildfire. “Prepare the jars! Prepare to launch!” Yara ordered the crew, even as Lord Darren Haerd, her lover and deputy, began to carry out her commands. Now was the test of her strategy. There was no doubt that the ships would burn. The only question was ... what would happen...

3 years ago
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A Time to Behold

He stood against the far wall, leaning into it as he waited for something exciting to happen. Naked men and women surrounded him, already on to the most desired part, the fucking. Just one look at his chiseled frame and my mouth watered as well as my more hungry flesh. His rich blue eyes locked with mine as he found me staring. He was probably hoping that I would be an entertainment for the night, and I sure didn't want to disappoint. Yet how could I go about seducing him? Nervous energy ran...

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Sex with older men in a car

Having anal sex with Alan for the first time was an amazing experience, especially since I'd not even masturbated properly until a few weeks earlier! I was quite proud of myself for going so far and having the confidence to try new things and not be embarrassed about it. Alan said that he hadn't done that for a long time and I was really good at being fucked, bearing in mind it was my first time. He told me the fact that I had ejaculated while he was fucking me was a sign that I really enjoyed...

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The Boss and Her Camera

The first job I had after graduate school was with a graphic design company. By small, I mean there were about twenty people employed and, while it was considered up and coming, the company that hadn't yet solidified its reputation.Anyways, my decision to work there - as opposed to another more established company that had offered me a better pay/benefits package - was made after meeting the woman who ran the company.After being interviewed by the personnel director and a project manager I was...

Office Sex
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A Late Night Call

“Talk dirty to me.” “How dirty would you like me to get?” “Really dirty. Shock me. Make me cum here in my empty bed, totally fucked by what you dream of doing to me.” “I dream of sinking my fingers deep into your wet pussy in a crowded lift as we travel upward, and feeling you shudder in silent climax as you try desperately not to cry out.” “Oh, that’s good. What else?” “I dream of making you paint my toenails while a roomful of men watch, wondering if we’re lovers, dreaming of us...

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Christmas Climaxes

Step dad, mum and college lass: Everything under a Christmas tree should be opened with relish and delight....Some may say I’m lucky, others who share the same birthday as me, will take a different view. My birthday falls on Christmas Day. Yet here I was getting up excited and very early on Christmas morning just turned eighteen. I was prepared as usual for the ‘single double’ present that covered both birthday and Christmas. But at least it was under a tree. The tree I had helped decorate with...

1 year ago
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PornPics Vintage

It’s hard to beat the classics. Those hot pornstars of old had a unique technique the studios just can’t capture these days. And, hell, porn shot on film just has a whole different feel to it. And to be precise, I’m not referring to the early 2000s porn featuring scene bitches and dudes wearing parachute pants. That shit isn’t proper vintage. I’m talking about that good stuff from the 80s and back when just having a porn shoot of a mixed-race couple was a goddamn sensation. I want sluts with...

Vintage Porn Sites
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Minuet In G Chapter VI

Alice stopped reading and said, “He really was a control freak, wasn’t he? I think I don’t like him very much.” “I don’t either. There is something really creepy about the way he likes to keep people off balance, so that he can order them around,“ Gerald replied. “I’m so glad he wasn’t part of the family. Well, not blood, anyway.” “Oh,” Alice said, laughing, ”you have a little of that in you, too. You’re just lucky that I’m immune to your little games.” She paused, and said, bemusedly, “Doris...

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My Kinkiest Sex Experiance

My name is Wendy, I’m a 30 year old Lesbian and although I’ve had a lot of Lesbian lovers in my time, I never really been into Kinky sex. However, Iv’e got to tell you about my Kinkiest sex experiance – god my pussy gets wet just thinking about it! I’ll start by describing myself. I’m 5′ 5″, 145 lbs., with Brown hair, Green eyes. I measure 44-34-38 ( I can be described as Rubinesque ). My breasts are huge as you can tell and they are very...

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Stories I like My wife s BBW Grandma

My wife’s BBW Grandma I am 28 years old and my wife is 26. She is 5’2′ tall and weighs 105 lbs soaking wet. ,-) we had been married for a couple years when my wife’s grandfather passed away and left her grandma all alone. She is 76 years old and the f****y didn’t think she should live alone. We have a 3 bedroom home. Planning to have k**s but we don’t have any as of yet. So we invited her to come live with us. So she moved over 2,000 miles to come live with us in CA. I had never met Eunice...

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Sisters weekend visit with their big brothers chapter 1

Matt and I, (Roger), are sitting home Friday night waiting for our sisters to arrive they are staying the weekend to go shopping, and look for an apartment for school next year. The girls arrive around 8 pm Nikki Matt's sister is wearing a short white skirt and a low cut yellow top her big round boobs look fantastic, Gracie is also in a white skirt and a tight pink t-shirt her perky boobs look great her nipples straining the material. The girls smile and say hello each hugging their older...

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A Welcomed GuestChapter 12

Bast - Goddess of cats, protection, joy, dance, music, family, and love Sekhmet - Goddess of fire, war, and dance Hathor - Goddess of the sky, dance, love, beauty, joy, motherhood, foreign lands, mining, music, and fertility. Serket - Goddess of scorpions, medicine, magic, and healing venomous stings and bites Maat - Goddess of Truth and Justice Tefnut - Goddess of Rain, Air, Moisture, Weather, Dew, Fertility, and Water Mut - Queen of the goddesses and lady of heaven Isis - Goddess of...

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Below is a description of a few girls you can play as, through out the duration of the story. Blair Flannigan-18 years old. She had a crush on Jaden until she found he was dating, one of Alexis's bestfriends named Vivian. Serenity Wheeler-She is also 18 years old and never has had been with anyone. When she was 15 she had lost her brother Joey to the shadow games. Jasmine-She is 19 years old and has been all alone. Until age 5 when Chancellor Shepard took her in. When she was six she met Alexis...

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Latex Futa Nuns From Hell Chapter 1 The Gift

It was the hour of the wolf and Sister Jessica Felicita was troubled. She had been awake in bed for at least an hour reliving a particular event from the previous day and contemplating her life. Regret and anxiety had taken hold and no amount of prayer was getting her back to sleep. Frustrated, she tossed the thin blanket off her body and slid off the bed into the muggy Austin air of midsummer. The rays of a full moon beamed through her window, illuminating her ample curves through the...

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Whacked Round Ass Lass 5 Whipped Reporter Anal Lost Chapter 6

Kenny stared in the direction of the haystack. He was not interested in the hay, more like the two bodies standing around in it. Such a sight was not unknown to Kenny before this, but in this case it was his best friend Paul and Kenny’s girlfriend, Jennie. His girlfriend had her bikini bra and panties on, but Paul was buck naked and very interested in getting Jennie in the same condition. Kenny made a lot of noise coming near the haystack and by the time he arrived Paul was fully dressed....

5 years ago
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Fighting Terrorism Finding Love

There are no explicit descriptions of sex in this story. The computer devices and technology described are purely a product of my imagination. Although, to paraphrase what someone once said . . . . . ‘Yesterday’s science fiction is today’s reality’. So who can really say that they don’t already exist . . . somewhere. ‘The Agency’ is fictional but perhaps it isn’t. Who really knows what goes on hidden away from the eyes of the American public. Hopefully, the gremlins that attacked my last...

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Prisoner 113 an Innocent in Hell

The guard stood at the steel barred entrance to cell #4, with an air of dominating confidence and a huge bulge in his tan trousers. He took out his keys and motioned to the ancient looking old skinny women, shackled in thick old rusty chains behind him.Her sagging tits were chained to the stench emitting bucket she carried in her frail arms. Its putrid contents sloshed around as she tried to steady it.“Don’t spill any of it you old hag, or you won’t get any of it later. We’ll just make you eat...

2 years ago
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Deep Sea Fishing Part 1

Deep Sea Fishing -- Part One By Fixed Form Authors Note: This is my first story and a tribute of thanks to all of the authors who have given me many a hot night! I hope everyone enjoys! If you like to read about the act, then by all means continue. If this offends you, then buster, what are you doing this far into the website! You have been warned, hot stuff up ahead! ---------------------------------------- Luke...

3 years ago
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A Tale Of Forbidden Love

A Tale Of Forbidden Love My name is Shannon, and I work for an affluent college just outside of Chicago. I recently turned 30 years old, and have been single for the majority of my life. Admittedly, it's been an easy way to go for me and my finances since my parents were well off ever since I can remember. In fact, their large, charitable donations to the college landed me the job five years ago. I didn't see the point in working since money was never an issue for us, but now I clearly enjoy...

1 year ago
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Saturday Seduction

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was just another boring Saturday, nothing really exciting of great about it even if it is my 21st. Birthday so what if I can drink now, it’s not like someone is going to ask me out to a bar or anything thinking to herself as she sat out on her uncle Rafferty’s steps. Constance was a lovely woman long blonde hair that went cascading down her back with long legs , and dark creamy skin a Body that any woman would die for ,green eyes so dark that they...

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A Critical PathChapter 20

Sally was entranced by the painting. She noticed that the prince and the harpist were both sitting on actual bulges of rock from the cave wall. She wondered if they had really done that. Then she realised that the artist had used the surface of the rock to show folds in the men's clothes. She took more photographs of this clever and very effective demonstration of his skill. So enthralled was she that she never heard the rattle of falling stones. She did hear the bang though when the roof...

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A Moment Of Madness

Alan Jones is in the bedroom wearing his school-uniform. A tight gym-slip hugs a crisp white blouse. Navy blue cotton panties keep his privates well protected. White knee-high socks and black Mary-Jane shoes make him the perfect sexy school-girl. Wearing a wig tied in bunches excites him to the point of masturbation. He poses in front of the mirror, picking his nose, eating strawberry bubble-gum. To his annoyance, the mobile rings at this important time. “Hi Alan its Louise your cousin’s wife.”...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 436 She rsquo s the Girl in the Rock

Time to show they are all outclassed. When my first match started, the dick came out talking shit and acting cocky. Being a black-belt match in this discipline, I had to get five points. I toyed with the guy for the first ninety seconds of the two minutes. He hadn’t gotten even close to scoring. “Bored yet?” I asked. “I am. Are you warmed up yet? The girls can do better than your best so far.” Don’t you know to control your anger? In the next fifteen seconds, I had my five points, and...

2 years ago
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Just The Three Of Us

It started out innocently enough. Every time my girlfriend went out of town, I would end up falling down some rabbit hole of porn. Watching different videos and reading stories all day, I'd get myself worked up until I had to masturbate. This time was different thought. It all started on Friday night. I read an erotic story about a couple meeting up with a guy they met on the internet for a hot threesome. That story set the theme for the night and I ended up watching videos with one girl and...

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Accidental Hero Chapter 12 A Most Amazing Rehabilitation Program

One week after my release, I was called back to the hospital for an examination to see how I was progressing. The stitches in my head were fine with no sign of infection. I was assured that my hair would grow back and cover the scar to the point where it wouldn't be noticeable. The leg was another matter. "We want you to start physiotherapy tomorrow, Ian," the doctor said, finally showing a slightly human side. "Our facilities are quite modern and trained therapists are there to guide...

3 years ago
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Daddy s Little WhoreChapter 2

“Oh Susan, I’m so sorry, baby! I don’t ... I don’t what came over me...” he said dropping his eyes to the floor. “Oh daddy, just shut up, I’ve read the things on your computer ... I know that you have been wanting to fuck me for a long time.” She stood up and walked over to her father still sitting on the sofa. She stood in front of him and took his hands in her small ones. “But that’s okay Daddy, because I’ve wanted it too.” Mike just watched, as his not-so-little girl stood in front of...

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My Wife s First Teaching Job1st Teaching Job Path 1

When the students left for the buses, Mr. Evans entered Beth’s room. “You left a stain on my pants and deserve to be punished for that!” Beth was feeling a little sassy, “That was a much your fault as it was mine.” “I’m not sure I like your attitude young lady, that may call for some extra punishment.” “Oh, please no!” Beth teased. The words were already out of her mouth before she had thought about them. She had never been a very successful flirt. She honestly hadn’t tried that much. So...

3 years ago
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First black cock

Anne's first black cock came out of the blue, we weren't looking for one and in Adelaide at the time you could have probably count the black guys on one hand excluding native aboriginals. My company CEO had put in new computers in all company premises round the country, at the time it was very forward thinking as in the early eighties they were still quite big and prone to problems. Of course we had plenty of teething problems and we needed an IT guy from the manufacturer to fix, back then it...

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Milf 2 Boys pt 3

He picked up the pace to the point they were making loud smacking noises. He roughly turned her around and threw her down onto the bed, he was fucking her deep now and started sucking her tits. He lifted her legs up and rested them on his shoulders just to plunge in as deep as he could. Her feet were almost behind her head and her vagina tightly wrapped itself around his hardening cock. She was barely even fighting it anymore, and Jeff suddenly started to roughly kiss her, frenching her deeply...

5 years ago
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glory hole

I've been been bisexual since I've discovered the joys of my teens I was a little afraid to experiment with my desires but when I hit my late twenties and lived on my own long enough I started looking for ways to satisfy those desires and I went on looking if I could live out my find women was “easy” enough, but my interest in men was more difficult to the time I might have been more interested in cocks than looking for “real men” but when you have some time...

3 years ago
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Delayed ReactionChapter 5 Expect the Unexpected

I needed another ally in my quest to sell the Chinese Project to our people. I was confident that John was on my side and even Wray had ceased his criticisms for a while. But, like any other corporation, there was an inescapable component that I needed to include. The money man. In this case it was the money lady, one Lynda Powell, CFO. "I'm quite cross with you, Cameron," she said sternly after I'd sketched out the strategy and where we were at. "You've given me very little time to do...

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Incident at LaayouneChapter 2

Hopefully you will enjoy this collaboration between Neff Trebor and Darkside... With the same lack of affection and inconsideration Joe swiftly led the stumbling and totally exhausted Katherine back from the central well directly inside the embassy compound's courtyard. Wordlessly Joe handed her lead rope over to an armed Arab wearing a ski mask. Shouting orders in Hassaniya two Arab women completely covered with black burqas rushed over relieving him of Katherine's lead rope. Not a word...

1 year ago
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Paid in full

During our poker games the guys had told me how I was a lucky guy to have a woman that looks like crystal. The last trip she made bringing drinks the guys watched her all around the… During our poker games the guys had told me how I was a lucky guy to have a woman that looks like crystal. The last trip she made bringing drinks the guys watched her all around the table. So when she left I folded my hand and followed her to the living room. I asked her if she saw the guys checking her out...

3 years ago
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One lucky Nephew

My name is Brian and I did something that I am sort of embarrassed about. I fucked the hell out of two of my sexy aunts at my cousin’s wedding reception. I didn’t feel embarrassed at the time as they swept me out of the hall in the hotel up to aunt Chris’s room. I didn’t protest when the pushed me onto the room couch and pulled my pants off and took turns sucking me. Let me go back to the beginning. I hadn’t seen two of my three aunts in years. Aunt Chris and aunt Lyn were known for parting,...


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