Celebrity Bondage
- 3 years ago
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There is a TV show titled as above but without the Celebrity word, although there are several programmes with the Celebrity prefix. I thought it could be an interesting, maybe humorous story using celebrity names and changing the format from a dating programme with a twist evident in the title, by adding the ‘slebs’ and very different twist. It’s highly unlikely and implausible, but I enjoyed creating it. I have imagined and described intimate details of each of my celebrity selection
“As you know ladies and gentleman you – the invited audience are her to witness the choice by this lovely man here Jim, the founder and owner of a massive chemical, synthetic oils and plastics to solvents used to produce insulin and antibiotics, the last item a worthy cause, no doubt you will agree...” There was massive applause and hoots of expectations from the carefully selected audience of rich, well known in business and entertainment people., she continued...” His choice to date a lovely lady and from then on its up to him and his chosen partner, whose legs you can see. Anything strikes you immediately?”
“I can see one immediately Anna,” I murmured, my eyes fixed on a pair of shapely muscled, black calfs and purple painted toe nails. The solitary black skinned female. “But quite honestly I’d be quite happy to meet whatever your fee is, to shag you,” I added at a low whisper I knew out of mic range, because one of my companies manufactures the damn things...
“Hey Jim, that’s naughty, but I won’t tell the audience what you said,” she giggled, catching my eyes, like ‘are you fucking serious?’ The well heeled and well pissed crowd bayed. She went on. “You know you can’t choose now, not till you’ve seen every one naked.” Much baying and cheering followed.
Anna carried on presenting to the exclusive audience, at least to hide my feelings etc, it wasn’t recorded on telly.
“Each one of these lovely ladies have attributes you admire and have stated, so they are matched in some way, is that OK?” I nodded, thinking come on for fucks sake, my Cessna is waiting at London City airport to whisk me to Ireland on business.
I also knew and so did the audience that the three females chosen, were whittled down from my initial selection of twelve. Nearly all the dozen were household names or very recognisable TV and film faces. Anna and I stood in the centre of a gaudy circular set in a nondescript studio set up in a huge industrial shed in Rickmansworth, Herts, UK. Apparently quite a few more risqué reality shows were performed and recorded in it and for tonight, because of the nature of the audience, the producers had created a mock restaurant, to feed and water the baying throng, at huge expense, not to the audience. Everyone had been chauffeured here too.
Anna Richardson presented a lot of those shows and is an attractive, lesbian 47 year old brunette, producer and journalist. She shacks up with another irritating TV presenter Sue Perkins. She was dressed in black slacks, a part transparent white high necked top, her white brassiere straps just visible. She’s nicely but not hugely stacked. Her arm was round my waist or on my shoulders a lot. She stank of Dior Sauvage, one of my favourites. My first wife liked it too. To add to the mood appearance I snuck my arm round her waist and top of her butt below her waist band feeling for the top edge of knickers or thong. Non detected so far.
The women not on the programme had either run a mile when discreetly approached, on the basis of - 1) no fucking way, don’t fancy him at all, 2) I’ve got too much to lose 3) politely declined no thanks, 4) how much? I’m worth twice that much, and possibly 6) it’s my time of the month. In the case of the latter, it wouldn’t have bothered me. My input was purely financial, cash to various charities. Fees designated by the women would be my responsibility and the audience were gambling at their tables on which one I would go for from the three unknown coloured screens. The bets had to be secured and closed when the first reveal was over. There would be three reveals, the first to be the screen rising from base to stomach, very revealing in that genitals would be completely bake naked exposed and might have to swivel to show their butt.
In the TV production, where there are six coloured screens, the contestant (me) would have to eliminate two, then the screen would raise to expose their tits and again, another elimination of two would take place and then, faces and voice would be the final reveal. At point, the contestant (me) would have to leave the screen, strip and return and make the final decision. It’s titillating TV on a main channel, but in my case I got to choose the names of the candidates, where as on telly they don’t. Now I’m no oil painting, sort of tall, gangly, specs not the best complexion and not the best health ... but a fucking billionaire! Prostate cancer visited me then thankfully left after pricey treatment, two of my mates have had their organs removed so with with no erection they can’t even have a wank, just doesn’t happen. Had a mild stroke two years back and I seem to be firing on all cylinders but of course my money has bought the best possible treatment wherever it is.
“OK Jim, the time is now, are you ready?.” Baying and cheers accompany Anna’s words. “ You’re going to see the bottom half of the girls behind the screens and you’re going to eliminate one OK?” I nodded and grinned at the noisy drunk crowd. My wife Alicia amongst them.
“Please raise the screen so we can see the bottom half,” Anna stated with a gesture, her other hand swiping my hand off it’s delicate grope of lower down her arse crack. Through that skirt, no undergarments I determined. I concentrated. Three blurred shadows, at least suggesting their height. The one black woman in the three, I guessed was my top choice for non Caucasian, the others were white women, any nationality, but a big name.
The screens lifted very slowly to an inane audience moan rising in tone, straight off cheap reality telly until the genitals were in full view, enhanced by close ups on four enormous TV screens scattered about the place for the mob and on the monitor Anna and I could see. I hadn’t been party to how my details were asked but all three of these certainly had one of my major attributes and it was possible I would see another with this reveal, knowing they’d have to rotate and display their bums. It would have been priceless when they each received the offer and details, to see faces and reactions. Of course priceless to me wasn’t an issue and most of theirs, but I bet it was a surprise.
I had to put a price on each candidate in the request and they ranged from £50K to £1million, depending on my selection. Charity would benefit totally from that of course, two of them Alicia’s favourites, this whole fucking crazy idea was hers anyway, cheeky bitch, she is 27 I am 55.
The black cunt on show was very hairy, typical Negro, thick but wiry, but trimmed sideways to be clear of the top of her thighs. She was in the centre screen behind yellow. Her stance was straight on, powerful looking legs together and I couldn’t see her slit. Through the semi-transparent screens I could make out all of their heights and I was still favouring yellow even though the other twats were to each side. Of the other attribute I’d listed, the blurred images showed promise. Her main interest to me was a bit of a surprise in that the lower part of her belly was domed very low, was she pregnant?
That could influence my choice, it would be a first.
To her left, behind a red screen, was a taller, slightly pigeon toed stance, with a gap between her thighs, on straight, no ankle, white legs and knotty knees. A fluffy, big, brown, unruly bush was gorgeous but in her case I surmised an older woman and in the gap, there was a suggestion of another of my criteria, dangling, thick pussy lips.
“Impressed so far Jim?” giggled Anna as I stooped slightly to inspect. I am very tall, bit gawky and the height of the albeit raised screens hampered my view ... just a touch! Although I was buying a shag with one of them and could hazard a guess which celebrity was behind the screens, I am a full blooded man for fucks sake and wanted to look at any bare naked minge as close as possible.
“Overwhelmed, they’re utterly gorgeous Anna,” I replied, playing up to the fact we were on a show.
My friends, mates and lets not forget - my wife and other rich people who’d shelled out a load of cash just to watch me squirm and grin, screamed their approval and jealousy.
“What about red Jim, closer look?” she suggested, to which I nodded, the row increased as we stepped forward. I stooped lower, being closer to the lower edge of the screen. I could see she was tallish. Her light brown bush was long through the gap, but not dense and yes another criteria was achieved. Her legs were a little wasted, showing minute wrinkles round the top of her thighs, certainly no spring chicken. Her toes were unpainted.
“Do you like her labia Jim?” just like on TV came the rude question. Howls of disgust surrounded us.
“Yes love it, like to see more,” howls and screeches, as the woman widened her stance, oh yes.
“Why is that?”
“Oh don’t know ... something to hang on to I suppose,” I bluffed, knowing the score and the hints I’d received before the show. Cue guffaws and howls.
“Can’t see hers,” I nodded to the yellow screen. The black girl never stirred, the crowd hooted derision, but she remained steadfast.
“OK now blue,” said the lesbian, leading me by her sweaty small hand across the set. I’d seen her for an hour or so before and admired her neat bum, in mid grey jogging bottoms. It was quite tight but no camel toe slotted to entertain me. There was no visible panty line then. Hmm! These dykes like to get straight in I had mused.
This very pale female was certainly dumpier but still with nice shapely legs and lovely ankles, again no toenail colours. She had a cute wide gap between her big toe and the next one. She stood in the standard glamour pose, albeit with chunkier thighs and hips, one foot in front and overlapping the other, so no vision up her crotch. A definite larger belly than the others fitted her sturdy legs and she was not as tall as the other two. There were traces of the onset of cursed cellulite. She had a deep cratered navel, where as looking across, the red was what is known as an outer and in the case of yellow, hers was distended.
Blue’s pubes were light brown to fair, full, not thick, although her stance bushed them out.
“Would you like to their bums Jim?” I nodded eagerly.
“Girls, would you turn round please?” said Anna and they did. Her and I were still at the blue screen and in the rotating shift, the blue exposed oh yes! thick protruding labia. She stumbled slightly and then I even saw her cunt lips flapping.
Yellow was tight hard and superb shiny brown globes. Red a bit droopy and longer, with the start of a second crease at the top of her thighs. Blue was low and wide slung, nicely dimpled.
“Oh wow! Some beautiful bums Anna,” I gasped, genuinely in awe. “Want to see your bare arse later, what’s it worth?” I whispered.
Cleverly she feigned as if she didn’t hear, but murmured, “In your dreams arse hole,” leading me back centrally, smiling benevolently.
“OK girls, let Jim see you waggled those gorgeous bottoms,” she called out. Scream of pleasure, howls of encouragement, drunken slurs of something indistinguishable emanated from the audience.
Again the black performed a sort of ‘well if I must’ wiggle and when she turned there was definitely a typical black bubble butt, nothing to do with her belly, could have balanced a pint of beer on it. The others were more energetic, red certainly ungainly and flabby as if she wasn’t used to the action and flabby.
I confirmed my interest in all three to Anna and they turned.
“OK Jim a little more reveal, this is where you’ll see the upper half of their body. You ready for this?”
“More than ready Anna,” I crowed, rubbing my long bony fingers together. The audience hooted.
Up went the three screens, which brought heir tits into view. The crowd went wild.
“Where do you want to start Jim,” giggled Anna, as red, without a prompt, made her long, narrow, full boobs sway. Her nipples were large buttons on very dark areolae which surprised me because of her skin tones.
Yellow confirmed her pregnancy with an immense, low slung, loaded womb under big robust udders capped with small, black areolae.
“Pregnant yellow?” asked Anna, getting a thumbs up from the candidate.
“How long gone?” A pink palm with all fingers and her thumb was presented, plus a finger on her other hand. The crowd bayed and chanted yellow – yellow - yellow in her support. I was very nearly swayed on her bravery, but knew I had a role to play. The palm of her hand was like a road map of Mississippi with life lines contrasting in dark brown. I tensed my cock, this was great and two more to go.
Her tits were very big and topped with wide, must be four inch, smooth, black, cone like areolae and huge thimble like teats. I would love to see her squeeze them and spout milk. She looked sporty somehow, but of course her waist was non existent. Strolling across the set, Anna again clutching my big mitt, I examined Red’s mature frame, enjoying the many imperfections of looser skin, extra sag, wrinkles where once smooth and stopped at blue. Mature, blue veined low slung boobs with a large space between their sag but the weight and sensual shape of the sag was in full quivering bloom.
Contrasting to the other two, she had pale almost smooth areolae and the same colour wide inverted teats.
“How do you feel about nipples Jim? They’re all very different,” Anna suggested.
“I like to feel and suck them,” I chuckled. The audience went wild – again. “But must admit the bigger and chunkier the better, lovely mouthfuls to nibble.”
“Ah nibbling nipples, a poet, yeah good point,” she guffawed.
“Good point indeed Anna,” snickered, looking pointedly at the tips of hers now starting to crest under her top.
She glanced down, shook her shoulders, altering the folds of it and moved me to the centre of the set. The crowd were laughing hilariously and chanting to her ‘ Get them off, get them off, get th...
“OK decision time Jim. Which is it going to be?”
“Hang on Anna, I want to see their faces,” I argued a little sharply. That word was now echoing round as a chant. I had a good idea who the naked celebrities were, but that was the point of the whole performance.
“Shi ... gosh sorry Jim, sorry folk, I go a bit distracted with ... well never mind,” she glanced sternly at me and then down at her bust. Her teats were still proud. I must admit, she is a superb TV presenter but a woman, a raving fucking lesbian woman, what a fucking waste, so being put on the spot blatantly wasn’t new but in this case a little unusual I guessed.
“The time has come,” she announced turning to the audience. Huge cheers and jeers emanated from the howling drunken mass. I managed to glimpse my wife, nearly engulfed by the people standing round her table. She was grinning widely, as excited as them all. She didn’t know the initial list I had nominated for the show, just grateful her beloved cherished charities were going to massively benefit.
“We are now going to see the completely naked celebrities, raise the screen please.” The noise was deafening, as the three screens were ratched up, much much slower.
All three women were smiling, yellow a little less but all waved to the baying, gasping and partly stunned crowd. At first a stunned unbelievable silence eerily enveloped the mock studio, then a rumble, a roar and loud cheers echoed round the huge shed like structure as faces they’d never thought of or expected, were high lighted by three intense coloured spot lights, matching the colour of the three screens round the three celebrities, now without three fronts. Each spotlight which varied in breadth of vision, with small close up beams to areas around the significant zones of three vastly different nude women, roamed the naked bodies, pinpointing cunts, bellies, tits, faces and their bums as rear views were knitted onto vast split screens for the audience.
For myself I was in awe at the thrilling reveal, production skills, blatant exposure and sheer chutzpah of Serena Williams, Jenny Campbell and Carol Kirkwood in the order of the coloured screens they remained standing in. The simple acknowledgement of overall welcoming applause then morphed into cheers, then drunken whoops filtered in and dominated the noise.
“So now we reveal the three brave and spectacular beauties,” Anna announced grandly, dragging me to the yellow box to start with. “As if you didn’t know,” she guffawed, to the crowd. “I knew, the crew knew, but Jim here didn’t know which of his initial choice would be finalists and I say finalists as they are still in competition, because now Jim, the final decision is yours to choose you sex partner is going to be.”
Whoops became screeches.
“Is it going to be gorgeous international tennis champion, the very pregnant Serena Williams?” massive roar. A few steps took us to the red box
“Is it going to be the lovely Jenny Campbell, British entrepreneur and business woman star of Dragons Den?” not quite as massive roar, we stepped on.
“Or is it going to be the magnificent national treasure and BBC weather girl Carol Kirkwood?” the crowd bayed and laughed then whooped as the blonde meteorologist jokingly shook her droopy tits.
“I am sure you will know - everyone, the three finalists have agreed they will have sex with Jim ... if chosen ... in private ... hah hah,” Anna giggled at the boos and catcalls. “Are you all prepared ladies? I know Jim is,” she giggled as I gestured in the time honoured way of thrusting my groin forward and pumping my fists.
Serena, Jenny and Carol all grinned and nodded, the black bitch’s face wasn’t quite as eager as the others.
That evening continued in a even more drunken party, limos were everywhere and after my ordeal I was very pissed too. Alicia was tipsy, she’s always careful whatever the occasion where drink is concerned. She’s very strict with the boys, not hers, our daughter gets away with a lot of things, and she can be very picky but she’s great fun hence her cheeky submission to the show and willingness to stand for the ribald, rude and filthy atmosphere she’s endured watching the show amongst a gang of friends. The sex I was going to enjoy was matter of fact as she was concerned, she was well shagged and the one million I was donating to her two cancer charities, softened her somewhat.
Her long dark brown hair traced across my lap while she gobbled me in the limo taking us back to our London residence. Her mouthful of my jism was a picture when she finally gazed up at me when I indicated we were nearly home, her elfin pixie round face was a dirty slimy mess, but that’s she way she likes it when going down on me. I had to be up early the next day to attend a function on myyacht moored in Poole, hence the blow job on the move because it was very late.
A week later, Serena, Jenny and Carol met me in the Grenadier pub, one of my favourites in Wilton Road, Belgravia, London. I am well known there when in town and of course three lovely companions for lunch proved a big attraction. We’d kept it secret but word filtered from the locals or the staff and soon the media were all over us, but we went upstairs to a private room to avoid in pap intrusion indoors. It had proved difficult to fix the date so early but all of us had pulled strings, shifted appointments to fulfil the contracts we had signed.
Serena’s frizzy hair was tied back in a severe black band that dragged her hair sharply back from her brows. I know she’s not the most attractive black sportswoman, when you think of Katerina Johnson-Thompson or that cute little USA gymnast Simone Biles, but I’ve fancied her since she burst on the tennis scene, because her big boobs bounced about in well trussed underwear. She has a pugnacious featured face and tigerish eyes, complimenting her magnificent bum, which I imagined must be hard and hot. She wore a stark white close fitted dress that I wouldn’t have thought suitable for a heavily pregnant woman. The hem just about covered her meaty knees. It hung vertically from the rotund extremity of the front of her bump. Her belly button thrust through the material and her nipples – wow! Through a no doubt stout brassiere they were like lumps in snow. The hemline promised scintillating views up under it to a passing voyeur, but she’d carefully chosen immaculate white Lycra skin tight shorts ending midway down her thighs. I couldn’t miss them. I noticed when she sat, her decorum was immaculate, knees together, the rear hem swept under her massive butt on the velvet banquette. At home in private after she’d visited I would have sniffed the seat. I wondered if she had knickers beneath the shorts. Her whole body glistened shiny brown. She wore white, pink and pale blue pristine Converse trainers over small pink socks.
Jenny offered a complete contrast in a knee length, dark blue, scoop neck, pencil skirt and black plain stilettos. I could see nylon tights or stockings. Her long, light auburn hair was styled but loose, below her shoulders and a double row of pearls decorated her slightly freckled chest above two inches of cleavage. Jenny’s blue eyes are captivating, having a sleepy come to bed, yes please, sort of hooded, lazy but piercing look.
Carol, I know had come straight from BBC studios having done the Breakfast show weather live and wore her trademark outfit, a knee length dress in cobat blue. It fitted her full figure beautifully, she must have a stack of them made, with a wide vee neck, exposing an inch of full cleavage. The upper slopes of her breast quivered with each movement. Her torso which of course I have seen naked, was well supported with miracle underwear, pinching her waist filtering to her hips and torso. The undergarment wiring and seams were evident and from the side I could see brassiere straps. Her legs were bare and she wore white two inch peep toe sandals.
The chat was easier than I imagined, we were now on equal fully dressed status and of course it was on me, but we didn’t eat much, more of a snack. I still had this sense of reticence from Serena who gave off an air of why am I here, forever messing with her hair and studying her manicure. In the end I told them I’d made my final choice and the TV programme would advise.
Serena called me two weeks later from her new home in San Fransico.
“Thanks for choosing me Jim, I am stunned to be honest ... but” Very pregnant pause.
“That’s an ominous sound or lack of sound Serena,” I chuckled. “The but I mean.”
“God this is awful, but I’m afraid I am going to ask if I can take a rain check on the deal, the contract ... you know...”
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Hi and welcome to Celebrity SPH! This story is focused on the sexual fetish of small penis humiliation (SPH), although other fetishes are allowed (see rules below for more information) and will centered in a male, 1st person POV. The sub-stories that are contained in this big story will follow the same idea: the protagonist of the story will be find himself exposed in front of a female celebrity or various, who will humiliate our main character for his lack of endowment in the crotch area, in...
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Welcome to the Celebrity Bondage Club! We are a service that pairs people with celebrities into BDSM for a little bit of bondage fun. First, we need to know whether you'd like to be a master or a slave. Then you can choose the celebrity you like.
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John flicked through the channels of on the television. Every time he saw a female celebrity he would grumble under his voice. He had an irrational hatred of them all. He wished he could make them all pay for thinking they were too good for him. After several hours of shouting obscenities at the screen he decided to go to bed. That night, as he slept, he saw in his dreams a fiery portal. Out of the portal stepped a well dressed, attractive woman. "Hello John," she said, "I feel your...
Hello, my dear Readers. I always wanted to write stories with characters that fall into the category of people we look up to. They may be an actor, a sportsperson or any famous personality. This is my humble attempt on the same. All characters mentioned in the story are fictional. Happy Reading! Welcome to Celebrity Sex News, the show where we bring you all the sleazy and spicy news of our favorite stars. My name is Rajeev, and I will be taking you through the weekly roundup of masala filled...
Celebrities become famous from many different paths of life, Whether they are a Actress, Singer, Rapper, Sports athlete, Politicians, Models, Monarchs from a role bloodline, Cable news anchors, Talk show host, Radio DJs, Cooks, Public media yoga instructors, Or just famous from public media outlets, Are just some local celebrity such As Local news weather women. They all something in common, They have many secrets Some non-sexual and some very sexual, Secrets that they rather not have in the...
Here, you can fuck the shemale version of your favorite celebrities! Feel free to add new celebrities! IMPORTANT: Leave a like for whichever celebrity you want me to write a shemale story for first!
TranssexualYour name is John Doe and you have just arrived in Hollywood. Unlike most people, who are here to see the sights or patheticly fail at their attempt to "catch their lucky break", you are here because you're sick of all the celebrities acting like they're above everyone else, and you've got a plan. You're going to rape all of Hollywood's sexiest celebs. Actresses, singers, and models, you name it. On camera. Uploading all the videos-of the most popular, stuck up, celebrities being so helpless...
BDSMMichael was a normal guy, he worked a 9-5 and was comfortably getting by. One day however he woke up with a strange ability. As the day progressed he realized he could control people's minds for how ever long he wanted. At this point he knew his destiny was no longer to work a 9-5 and be overlooked by everyone. From that day Michael set out to live life as best as he could while creating a mind control harem of all his favorite celebrities. First he began by manipulating a big time realtor to...
Mind ControlIf you're like me, and you like celebrities and erotica, you've probably got a million little story ideas that probably don't warrant their own thread. Maybe they're not developed enough to go off in a million different directions. Or maybe the celebrity isn't famous enough. Well that's no problem now. This thread is for all those stories. I will try to denote updates. Contributions and Feedback are encouraged. Thanks Here is our current story lineup: Angelina Jolie teases Brad Pitt about the...
Celebrity Survey A drabble by Jezzi Belle Stewart Jennifer Aniston woke up bald. Goldie Hawn stepped out of the shower and groped for her bra. When she looked, what she had grabbed was little more than a training bra. Carmen Electra found that her slacks, while still tight at the waist, had suddenly become baggy around the hips and butt. Brooke Shields screamed as her upper body fell to the floor, her legs and feet having vanished. Her eyebrows, however, remained securely on...
Here you can add any female celebrity you want to have the story be about. The thread following that should be a location or scenario (such as at the pool, or being out with friends). Try to leave as many options open at the beginning so others could create a different thread with ease.
Dear Mr. Doe, On behalf of everyone, I would like to welcome you to our organisation. Hopefully you have found the transition to your new location to be smooth but we are fully aware and understanding that life on the island can be disjointing at first. Please do not hesitate to let us know if there is anything we can do to make your time here, whilst under our employment, more comfortable. In regards to your role here. As explained to you before during my visits, you have been specially...
Continuation of my story from celebrity sph. If not read here’s a little review of it You were on a tour bus with your friends at Nickelodeon when suddenly they pranked you by taking your clothes and leaving you naked. You run into a room and find Kira Kosarin in there she sees your tiny penis and humiliated you. You find a way to get her naked and also find out new things about her. You get her to agree be your fuck buddy as you swore to keep her secret of her kinks and how it looks down...
FantasyA virtual reality helmet you ordered on a porn site lets you have sex with any celebrity you want.who will you choose?
So, you want to collect, control, humiliate or breed a world renown celebrity? You've got your reasons? Fine. First Question:
Slowly you begin to open your eyes, as the rays of early morning sunshine begin to invade your sleep. A couple of months ago this would have bothered you, but as you feel gentle island breeze move across you and hear the hypnotic sounds of oceans waves outside your room, you smile to yourself. Carefully you roll up on your side to find your latest companion sound asleep on her stomach, naked except for the white sheet pulled up to the middle of her back. As you look at the white-blonde's face,...
Britney Spears liegt am späten Abend alleine in ihrem Bett in der luxuriös ausgestatteten Hotelzimmersuite und langweilt sich zu Tode. Zum Schlafen ist es noch zu bald. Seufzend langt sie nach ihrem auf dem Nachtkästchen stehenden Notebook, legt es sich auf ihre Oberschenkel und schaltet es ein. Sie will noch ein wenig im Internet herumsurfen. Beim Eintippen der Internetadresse ihrer Homepage macht sie jedoch einen Fehler. „Oh, mein Gott! Was ist denn das?“ denkt sie und betrachtet empört und...
Hello, My Dear Readers. Thank you for the positive feedback on the first part of the narrative. Happy to know you have liked the concept. This is not exactly a story, but more of an account, and of-course imaginary. Reading the earlier part may make this more exciting. All characters mentioned in the story are fictional. Happy Reading! Welcome back to Celebrity Sex News, the show where we bring you all the sleazy and spicy news of our favorite stars. My name is Rajeev. I will be taking you...
Title: Celebrity Trainers – Megan Fox (Part 1)Synopsis: Michael Bay, having been referred by Robert Pattison, tries to solve his problem and get a measure of revenge from Megan Fox. This is a story of kidnapping, bondage, brainwashing and rape.Author Name : SadoRuskiEmail: [email protected]: MF, nc, rape, Mdom, mast, BDSM, kidnap, abduction, bond, Disclaimer: This is fantasy. Fantasy is not real. Rape is wrong. I do not encourage rape or violence against women.This is part 1...
Celebrity Trainers: Kristen StewartSynopsis: After Kristen Stewart cheats on him, Robert Pattison gets revenge with the help of a mysterious agency. Disclaimer: This is fiction, it did NOT happen. Fantasy is legal. This story does not advocate violence against women. If you have any suggestions for this or any other future story, please email me. Don’t forget to spay and neuter your pets. Hope you enjoy the story.Story:Robert Pattison was still recovering from the breakup. Kristen’s affair...
My name is Johnathan Edward Doe. I live in Hollywood, and am the agent of a very sexy female celebrity. It's a well-paying job, obviously, but there is a slight...problem. She is such a bitch! She has no respect for me, calling me a creep and saying I picked 'bad publicity' for her to do, although I was suggesting she do various charity and non-profit events for her to visit. Was it my fault she had so much damn money she didn't know what to do with it?! No! It was her own fault for being so...
Mind ControlNo one was sure what or how it happened. One day everything was normal and the next day women began to change. It didn’t affect every woman, in fact it seemed to be pretty rare but it was easy to see who it affected. The changes were always different, but the result was largely the same: dumbed-down, built for sex bimbos. The changes were sometimes minor and other times the woman everyone knew was almost unrecognizable. Bodies could change, pumping up tits, sculpting perfect asses, giving them...
FetishVariation on a theme of human attraction. The AGM at Microweb’s Chicago office had just finished. By a bit of good planning and, even although I say it myself, ingenuity – I managed to sustain an interview with the chief sales guy TO introduce my new Android App.. . I was directed into a large fussy waiting room which adjoined the executive conference room so after the meeting was closed and the delegates piled out, I decided to take a gander inside My being of a very inquisitive...
In a sense it was an STD, transferring from person to person who was afflicted. This one only afflicted women, however. It did so in a spectacular fashion, too. Any woman who caught the infection changed dramatically. After the incubation time was up, the infection manifested itself by growing a cock and balls where the vagina used to be. At first it was a horrible thing to women, but like with so many things, it soon became normal. And, like those things, Hollywood embraced it with gusto. It...
David Roberson earned a PhD in psychology when he was only twenty-two. He then worked in the psychology lab of an Ivy League university, doing tests on subliminal messaging, susceptibility, and influence. He had dedicated his life to his work, and had no social life; though, he did have a rather active imagination, especially when it came to his sexual fantasies, which were almost always about fucking celebrities. Over time, he discovered a way to use hypnosis in a way it had never been used...
Mind ControlTransDim has established their most recent entertainment complex on Earth - your Earth, that is, one of a near-infinite number of parallel worlds with bigger or smaller differences. Their marketing material may be bright and glitzy, but everyone knows what their real trade is: Sex. Specifically, sex with alternate-dimensional versions of popular celebrities and fictional characters. These assets, as TransDim calls them, are rarely willing participants in this which requires them to be...
You've managed to gain access to a very special gym that few are privileged to even know about, let alone work out at. It's the whispered talk of celebrities, where they come and have sex to keep their fantastic bodies in shape. The membership roster reads like IMDB. The handbook reads like the Kama Sutra, listing 1001 positions and techniques that tighten every part of the body and use sex to keep both parties looking fit and fabulous. Some celebrities prefer to run the show as a trainer,...
Alia and her best friend Tee sat very close at the far end of the school canteen, where they could ogle the attractive girls queuing for lunch without attracting too much attention. Where the queue snaked past the large south-facing windows the sunlight poured in straight through the thin summer dresses, clearly showing which girls were going commando. Tee was cute, black and pure lesbian – Alia loved her permanent big grin, stunning high breasts with the most gorgeous nearly-flat nipples,...
My name is Robert Robertson, not a very good name but mine. I am an average looking nineteen year old man, dark black hair and brown eyes. Pale skin, my body is not fat or thin, but just maybe just over my best weight. Just under six foot. Not handsome or ugly, just a normal guy you might buy a beer with. Physically, emotionally and socially... normal and average. My mind, however, was genius level. It was also obsessed with sex and controlling the minds as well as the bodies of others. Which...
Mind ControlA new sport has taken the world by storm. It is the SEL, or Star Entertainment League. Pop stars, pornstars, and wrestling babes alike all battle each other in a wrestling ring for the title of World Champion Slut. The rules are fairly simple. Two female celebrities are in the ring together. The first one to strip off all her opponent’s clothes and make her opponent come wins the match. Tonight’s matches are: Briana Banks and Tabitha Stevens Carmen Electra and Pamela Anderson Britney...
In the Battle babe stadium, there is an open invitation for any Female Celebrities to settle there beef in front of the world. The rules are simple: Both woman need to have a feud and hatred worth risking everything to be able to finally best their rival(s). All competitors must agree to their match type and individual loser punishments before the match is made official. No matter what, after the match is over the loser must submit and accept their punishment. The length of time, humiliation,...
LesbianRoadside Attraction By Tyrone Slothop Chapter 1: Exit To Nowhere The Peterbilt cab rolled into the Sunny Serve, over to the diesel section. Another Wal-Mart trailer on its way somewhere else. Betty looked out the window of the caf?. It had been the only truck today and she bet he would not even stop for coffee. She watched Bobby hobble over from the garage bays and talk to the driver. It was broiling hot in the high desert and she could not see the Sierras through the h...
This is nonsense. And yet... The modern belief is that a person cannot be hypnotized into doing a thing which they would object to doing if not hypnotized. There are three problems with that; first is the possibility that someone could be gradually conditioned into doing a thing which they would not do if presented with it as an immediate order. Second is that there is evidence it is not true at all, but a superstition put forward as self-serving propaganda by hypnotic...
Disclaimer: This is fantasy. Fantasy is not real. Rape is wrong. I do not encourage rape or violence against women. This is part 1 of a multi-part series. Please feel free to comment rate and appreciate. Any suggestions and requests for this or any future story are welcomed. Please include your username in the emails so that I may answer you. If I do not answer you email, it’s likely due to a technological failure. Thank you and...
Codes: MF, nc, rape, Mdom, mast, BDSM, kidnap, abduction, bond, Disclaimer: This is fiction, it did NOT happen. Fantasy is legal. This story does not advocate violence against women. If you have any suggestions for this or any other future story, please email me. Don’t forget to spay and neuter your pets. Hope you enjoy the story. Story: Robert Pattison was still recovering from the breakup. Kristen’s affair caught him by surprise. What resulted was a mixture of grief and anger. And...
Codes: MF, nc, rape, Mdom, mast, BDSM, kidnap, abduction, bond, Disclaimer: This is fiction, it did NOT happen. Fantasy is legal. This story does not advocate violence against women. If you have any suggestions for this or any other future story, please email me. Don’t forget to spay and neuter your pets. Hope you enjoy the story. Story: Robert Pattison was still recovering from the breakup. Kristen’s affair caught him by surprise. What resulted was a mixture of grief and anger. And...
Well I am taking your clothes off because your hot said Elaine. Fair enough said Calvin. Do me in the but said Elaine. What said Calvin? Do me in the poop shoot said Elaine. I like getting butt fucked she said plainly. You do? Calvin asked. Oh yes it really turns on men I think. Okay whatever you say said Calvin, you are my idol and all. Elaine lifted her black business skirt and bent over so she was in the doggy style position kneeling on the elevator floor. Calvin saw her nice white...
You know how it is in dreams. How you aren’t always yourself. Well, last night I was Gordon Ramsay. I was about to give the Kitchen Nightmares treatment to a lady chef. I already had my shirt off as I strode into her large kitchen, resplendent with metres and metres of sparkling aluminium surfaces. There she was washing vegetables at the sink. All she was wearing was an apron. And she had the most gorgeous arse I’d ever seen, round and pert and gloriously pink. She had the figure of a...
Im probably gonna change the name of the story. Also I am very much encouraging that people add to it (anything freeze or hypno related) John has a serum that can freeze people in time aswell as a teleportation device. He also has a ray gun that can control minds , so he decides to go ahead and add beautiful women to his collection. What shall he do next?
FetishYour name is Roy, and you are fed up with your life. “Your a manger of one of the sexiest celebrity’s on the plant, and that’s not the bad part. The bad part was them always saying you weren’t good enough, and you could never negotiate good enough to get her enough money. She even called you names like loser, and she said that if you didn’t improve as a manager she’d fire you. You finally have had enough, and you had set up a television in your office that had a hypnosis spiral going, and you...
Mind Controlour main character (john) moves from a some small town to L.A to make something of himself.he had no family or any relatives basically he was a nobody but little did he know it was all about to change.he rented a tiny apartment with just a bedroom,kitchen and a bath.now it was time to put some furniture and a little bit of other necessary things.he went out for some shopping. he just had this sudden urge to into the pawn shop.he went in and was looking around when he came by what look liked an...
I enter the gym with a little tension . The public is so much and can not wait to attend a match like the one scheduled for today ... I just know that my opponent will be a famous woman , but not who. The referee comes over and tells me : " I remember you the the only rule ... the first to have an orgasm loses and becomes the slave of the winner ... are you ok with this ? " I look at him and nods, convinced i can beat a woman in few seconds , and I get in the ring . After a few moments I see...
BDSMEntro nella palestra con un po' di tensione. Il pubblico è tanto e non vede l'ora di assistere ad un incontro come quello in programma oggi...so solo che la mia avversaria sarà una donna famosa,ma non ancora chi. L'arbitro si avvicina e mi dice:"ti ricordo le regole..anzi,l'unica regola...il primo ad avere un orgasmo perde e diventa lo schiavo del vincitore...ci stai?" Lo guardo annuendo,convinto di poter facilmente battere una donna,e salgo sul ring. Dopo pochi istanti vedo salire la mia...
El entretenimiento ha revolucionado. Ya no se buscan programas donde se realizan entrevistas a famosos o concursos donde se pone a prueba el conocimiento. La gente busca la humillación. Un grupo de famosas españolas, cansadas de no aparecer en TV y que sean ignoradas, se les ocurre crear una empresa de lucha libre, pero haciendolo mas picante. Todos los combates, seran sexfights, en la que la primera que se corra sera la perdedora.
They come to us for so many reasons. Some have monetary debts they can't pay, or can't pay them publicly. Some have past crimes to be smoothed over and erased. Some have secret shames they wish would vanish, and hell, sometimes we create a record of those shames so that they have to come to us to make them vanish. We expect one thing from all of them: submission. Welcome to Starliner Cruises, where for the right price, the rich and famous can be made to do anything for you. Got a pop-star...
BDSM[DISCLAIMER: Probably don't have to do this but, hey, you never know. The following story is an obvious work of fiction. I do not in any way know or have met Daisy Ridley nor have I had any real life encounters with her I would like to say, though, that I've drawn inspiration from a fellow Chyoa writer, TheOptimisticDuck. If you haven't already done so, I'd highly recommend reading his Ultimate Fantasies: Emma Watson story. It is amazing. Fair warning, if you are looking for a straight romp,...