Fathers Day Roast
- 4 years ago
- 34
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Please Note: This whimsical tale was written to satisfy the request of afan of the two actresses featured in this story. It is fantasy and not meantto demean or embarrass the celebrities.
Celebrity Roast
By DolSade
An Offer From New Heden
Elizabeth Hurley could scarcely believe her ears as her agent described thelatest role in her acting career. Granted, things had slowed down in the pastlittle while but this offer seemed outrageous. "Let me get this straight. Thisplace in the colonies, New Heden, wants me for a pilot TV show and to makecommercials urging young women to volunteer to become, what was the term youused, "spit muffins", to be cooked and eaten?
I admit that I have on occasion, eaten femcan meat since the liberalizationof the laws but enlisting women to volunteer seems a bit bazaar. Tell me moreabout the offer."
"This place, in the colonies, declared independence during the economic collapseof the USA. Some military and techs managed to take control of nuclear weaponsin their area and using nuclear blackmail, the state seceded and set itselfup as an old fashion city-state.
They, basically, set up a libertine country, where almost anything was allowed.A group of gynophages, that is people who desired to eat human female flesh,congregated there and soon held political influence and sway. So much so, thatthe name of their capital city is called Dolcett, named after an early advocateof gynophagia.
Anyways, the citizens of Dolcett claim to be among your most ardent fansand want you for a pilot TV series, a celebrity roast, in the entertainmentsense not the culinary sense.
You are to be profiled and your films honoured in a weeklong festival.
In addition, they would like you to make a series of commercials that willbe used world wide to encourage like-minded people to join their communityand, especially, to recruit women to volunteer to be culinary treats. The TVshow will also be syndicated worldwide.
Both the TV show and the ads should get you back in the public limelightand restart your flagging career with a bang. Of course, the decision is yoursbut I urge you to at least visit Dolcett for the Elizabeth Hurley Festivaland consider the other requests."
The bemused actress felt her pussy getting wet at the prospect of journeyingto the heartland of femcan and her own roasting, in the culinary and entertainmentsenses.
So after some consideration she was off, with her agent. The trip was keptsomewhat of a secret, in case things didn't pan out and because of the scandalousnature of the enterprise to "correct" British society.
The two set off for New Heden on a Lear Jet supplied by the backers of theenterprise.
Elizabeth was met at the airport by a throng of wild enthusiastic fans whowanted to see her in person, get her autograph and even touch her. She hadnot had so much attention, for a long time and she did all she could to accommodateall of her fans' wishes. The praise from the city fathers and mothers swelledher head and fed her ego.
Mayor Loco told Elizabeth that he would present the keys to the city to Elizabeth,the next day and a gala dinner was planned to fete her, later that week.
The next afternoon, the actress was given the keys to the city at a dazzlingcity hall reception, covered with great flare and élan by the TV pressand news media. Elizabeth was enthralled by the attention and honour bestowedupon her. An aide to the mayor suggested that Elizabeth be taken on a tourof the city to visit the venues of her film festival retrospective and of coursethe actress immediately agreed.
The crowds at all the theatres were even more overwhelming than the crowdat the airport and Elizabeth was in her glory greeting her fans, having countlesspictures taken with them and signing so many autographs that her writing handwas soon sore.
Later at her hotel, the best five star hotel in the city, Elizabeth relaxedwith her agent and enjoyed a special liqueur the hotel had sent up to her.It was a new liqueur that Elizabeth and her agent had never had before. Thetaste was full-bodied and very smooth with a fruity flavour. Very satisfying.It made Elizabeth tingle a bit and sent shivers up and down her spin and afterfinishing the drink; she was relaxed and a little horny. 'I definitely haveto find out what this liqueur is and take some home when I leave.' She musedto herself.
Later that evening, Elizabeth relaxed. She had enjoyed a leisurely dinnerwith her agent in the hotel dinning room. And the hotel staff had made it apoint to ensure that the couple was able to dine without the intrusion or interferenceof fans.
Back in her suite, a phone call broke Elizabeth's revelry. The conciergeof the hotel was on line advising Elizabeth that the hotel was sending up awelcome gift.
Elizabeth went to the door expecting a bottle of champagne or a fruit basketbut when she opened the door, a beautiful woman, dressed in a skimp black maid'soutfit and a hunky man in a conservative Harris Tweed jacket and brown pantsgreeted her. The man was handsome with light brown hair, about six feet talland muscular. The maid was in her early twenties with auburn hair and a petitbut shapely body. Her face was elegant and youthful and beaming a big smile.The outfit was lacy and brief, showing a lot of leg and cleavage. The maidwas holding the expected fruit basket and champagne.
The man introduced himself as James Cetti and said that he had been sentby the film production company to be Elizabeth's guide and liaison during herstay. He introduced the young woman as Judith and was about to proceed whenthe girl broke in. "I'm not really a maid but the hotel let me bring up thisfruit basket and wine. I'm your biggest fan in this part of the world and Ijust had to meet you. And furthermore, I was chosen to be your female entertainmentwhile you're here, if you know what I mean. After all this is New Heden. And,… TaDah, I will be the main entrée at your celebrity roast dinner. WhenI heard that you were coming to town, I had to volunteer to be the spit muffin.In fact all the girls in your fan club volunteered but in the end it boileddown to my friend Sarah and I. I was the picked for spit muffin and Sarah waspicked to be your stand-in during the tapings. I don't want to spoil thingsbut the studio made some changes to Sarah that will amaze you."
Elizabeth was taken aback by Judith's statement. Elizabeth knew that volunteeryoung women were spitted alive and roasted, but to have such an attractiveand sprightly young thing announce that she was willingly subjecting herselfto such a fate was a shock.
The couple was invited into the room and the "maid" proceeded to serve drinksto Elizabeth and James. Elizabeth was delighted to learn that the bottle wasnot champagne but the liqueur that had been served earlier. James identifiedthe liqueur as a blend of brandy and fruit and special herbs that was calledJoie De Vivre or Joy Juice by the locals. He told Elizabeth that the outstandingflavour was not the only selling point. "There are rumours that the herbs arebased on a Indian aphrodisiac and the drink has been know to raise some drinkers'libido."
Elizabeth had Judith join in the festivities and the trio were relaxing andletting the drinks take effect. After a short interval the little fan madeher move on the movie star and Elizabeth welcomed the attention. Judith sensuouslyand passionately undressed Elizabeth, kissing and licking everywhere. The girltargeted the actress's pussy and paid homage to the clit and labia with specialattention.
Elizabeth moaned quietly at the pleasurable sensations and then felt a setof lips on her lips. She opened her eyes to see that James had undressed andwas passionately kissing her. James moved his attention to the star's swollenbreasts and taut nipples, sending chills up and down Elizabeth's spine.
A now nude Judith had resumed her licking and fingering of Elizabeth's pussywith heightened intensity and fervor. The cunt was nice and wet when Jamesand Judith changed places and James penetrated Elizabeth hard and deeply. Elizabethmoaned and sighed as James rode her to a climax and the star moaned as shefelt James' moist ejaculation fill her love tunnel.
Judith and James made sure that Elizabeth climaxed over and over again thatnight, as the threesome made full use of the liqueur's aphrodisiac qualities;and as Elizabeth drifted off to sleep she could hear Judith whispering, "Mymovie star, you have made my fantasies come true. Making love with you hasbeen the pinnacle of my life, till now.
I hope that my last and penultimate pinnacle and orgasm, will be when I becomeyour girl meat. And, I hope that it will be a highlight of your life also."
Elizabeth slept in till late morning and noticed that her new lovers werenot in bed with her but quiet sounds from the main room of her suite indicatedthat one or both of her friends were probably still present. Sure enough, whenElizabeth had completed her morning absolutions, applied her makeup and exitedthe bedroom, James and Judith were waiting for her. James was fully dressed,while Judith was completely nude except for high heel shoes. "I hope you don'tmind, but I have to get used to being nude in public for my big scene and soI thought I could start now", she shyly asked.
The three had brunch in the suite when Judith admitted that going to thedining room, nude, was still too much for her to handle.
Over the light meal, James laid out the tentative itinerary for the festivaland TV show.
Elizabeth had a week to enjoy herself, attend festival events and meet herfans. The spit muffin recruiting ads would take only one day, even if she decidedto make all the ads.
There would be a special celebrity interview done, by one of the most celebratedinterviewers in the world, on Friday afternoon, followed by an informal dinnerwith the TV executives and Studio brass, if Elizabeth was willing.
Saturday evening the live broadcast of the "Celebrity Roast of ElizabethHurley, screen legend" would be staged. The plans were for the culminationof the Elizabeth Hurley Festival to be broadcast live in New Heden and latersyndicated as a pilot for a new series, around the world.
Elizabeth was delighted and overjoyed. This would be the highest honour ofher career and the reception, she had already been accorded, left no doubtin the actress's mind that all would be a smash hit.
After brunch, James offered to be Elizabeth's escort for Mayor Loco's dinnerand Elizabeth volunteered Judith to be Elizabeth's agent's escort at the dinner.The little fan was ecstatic. James left to return home and Judith left, nude,with a bathrobe over her arm. The auburn cutie had resolved to see if she couldmake it to the hotel change room where she had left her clothes. The bathrobewas just in case. Elizabeth was left to enjoy the day and prepare for her grandentrance at the dinner.
The State Dinner
James arrived in the early evening dressed in a stylish tuxedo with Judith.Judith was a vision of loveliness in a satin purple strapless gown. Her hairwas done up and her makeup carefully and expertly applied. The studio had outfittedand groomed the young woman so that she would be a worthy adjunct to Elizabeth'srefined polished beauty at the grand affair.
Elizabeth was the epitome of the glamorous Hollywood film actress, in herwhite silk designer gown. The studio had made available funds and resourcesfor Elizabeth to acquire a suitable wardrobe for her visit to New Heden andthe actress took full advantage of the opportunity to obtain the best the Europeancontinent had to offer.
The studio makeup and hair professionals made sure that Elizabeth's appearancewould be prefect in all aspects and by all criteria.
The two couples were driven by stretched limousine to Dodge's Hilltop Restaurantfor the evening's festivities. Much to Elizabeth's surprise and relief, thedress was formal but the fun was courteous, colonial merriment and enjoyment.The speeches were few and brief and a live music trio added a party atmosphereto the proceeding with a mélange of current popular music that ran thegamut from jazz, to easy rock and light country.
But, a little to Elizabeth's disappointment, she was not to true star ofthe evening. The scene stealers at this gala were the opulent platters of girlmeat and the young spit muffins that were on hand to be oven roasted, spitroasted and grilled alive.
Judith knew the muffins and was excitedly pleased that her friends were beingmade into girl meat at such a gala event. She could be heard saying over andover again that she hoped her dinner would be as elegant and as memorable.
Elizabeth really was at a loss. She had eaten girl meat on occasion but thismeal was all girl meat with only a few vegetables. Moreover, there was stillsome reluctance to engage full heartedly in such cannibalistic delights.
But as the wine flowed and dishes were placed in front of her, Elizabeth'sEnglish resolve weakened and she was soon enjoying each dish with relish. AsElizabeth drank the wine, she thought she could make out the same taste shehad enjoyed in the hotel liqueur and the effect was very similar. 'So muchthe better', she thought. 'Tonight is a night to cast off inhibitions and gethorny. I have my aides to quell my passions, all night.'
Elizabeth was feeling no pain and slurring her words slightly when MayorLoco rose and announced that the volunteer spit muffins would now be put onto cook. The three nude spit muffins were led out of the kitchen by a cadreof chefs. All three women were in their twenties and Elizabeth could see thatall three were very attractive with shapely female bodies. Two were blondeand the third a redheaded colleen. All were smiling and seemed pleased to beparaded, nude, around the dining room.
Two cooks brought out a portable Jessica 3000 and a blonde beauty went overto the machine. The muffin was secured into place and the machine was readiedfor action.
James began to explain, "The young woman, or spit muffin as we like to callthem, has volunteered to be oven roasted for tonight's dinner. She has alreadybeen cleaned and spent the day in lovemaking. She has to be gutted and herbody cavity cleaned and then stuffed with a special mix of sausages and rice.This part is usually done in the kitchen, but to honour your presence here,the cooks will do the procedure live, in front of the guests."
The Jessica 3000 was used to gut the muffin without a big mess and a showwas made of stuffing the body cavity and arranging the muffin in the roastingpan. Elizabeth watched in amazement as the girl was cut open and stuffed. Thegirl remained smiling throughout the procedure, grimacing only occasionallywhen the pain was severe. The muffin was taken to a large oven with a windoweddoor and allowed to roast. Elizabeth noted that the girl was blinking her eyeswhile roasting.
The red haired colleen was chosen as the next spit muffin and placed in theJessica 3000.
James continued, "This girl will be prepared for live spitting and live pitroasting in the barbeque pit. The machine will not only gut the girl but willassist in impaling the cutie on a spit. Again, this is being done for yourbenefit and all efforts will be made to make the spitting as clean as possible.
As the girl screamed in pain, James continued, "The machine has gutted themuffin and allowed her internal organs to collect in the base receptacle. Thescream was more theatric than painful. The muffins are given Joy Juice anddrugs to deaden the pain and keep them alive, as they wish.
The spit is being inserted into the vagina and through the body cavity. Thecooks are directing each other so that the heart and lungs are bypassed. Ifthe heart is hit, the muffin will die and if the lungs are injured, the muffinwill not last as long on the spit roaster.
Watch for the point of the spit to emerge from the mouth.
Holes in the spitting pole allow for air.
The rectal post and other retaining accessories will keep the body in place.
The muffin is now being taken to the BBQ pit for roasting."
Preparations were started for the final spit muffin when a message was broughtto the Mayor. After consulting with some advisors and the remaining spit muffinthe Mayor announced, "A special volunteer has come forward for tonight's festivities." Hewaved papers that could easily be seen to be volunteer spit muffin authorizations. "OurRachel has agreed to allow her meat to be auctioned off, for her favorite charitiesand to honour Elizabeth Hurley, providing the auction and enjoyment of herflesh take place tonight. Our muffin Beckie has graciously agreed to wait forthe Celebrity Roast, to be made meat. So we will proceed with the display ofRachel and the sale of her prime cuts, if all are agreeable."
The Mayor nodded to Elizabeth and when the bewildered Elizabeth nodded back,the Mayor took that as a signal of agreement and motioned for the cooks toproceed. The brunette woman was let around to each table and examined by thepatrons. As the delicate looking woman approached Elizabeth, Elizabeth thoughtshe recognized the face and heard a quiet whisper saying, "Don't let them dothis to me. I'm Rachel Weisz."
Elizabeth was shocked and turned to James.
His response was reassuring but not totally comforting. "The muffin is aminor celeb around here. She volunteered to become a muffin, if she could haveher face altered using plastic surgery to look like Rachel Weisz, for her lastdays; and she asked to be treated like the movie star, around town. The requestwas accepted and the muffin was allowed a month, after healing from surgery,to make her theatrical rounds. The Joy Juice and the night's happenings haveprobably disoriented the darling. The Mayor and the guests will honour thegirl, one more night, to give her a grand send off. Play along and enjoy thefun."
Elizabeth sat back and considered. Hadn't she read, recently, that RachelWeisz had been killed in a car accident in East Asia. However with the nextround of drinks, Elizabeth was back to her playful, unconcerned self, readyto enjoy the auction.
A chef, in white uniform with a chef's hat, did an examination of Rachel'sbody. The movie star was presented spread eagled on a wooden frame, for allto see and examine in minute detail. He caressed and fondled each part of thebeautiful body and commented, "The mons-veneris will make a premium cunt filetand is considered to prime cut of girl meat.
The breasts are firm and tender, best served stuffed with rice and herbsto soak up the rich fats and juices, oven roasting will produce and servedwith a cream sauce make using muffin breast milk, a culinary delight.
The ass cheeks or rumps are fleshy and well marbled and will both make excellentstuffed roasts or cutlets.
The loins and upper thighs are meaty and firm and with proper tenderizingwill produce tender steaks, chops and London Broil.
The leg and arm shanks are meaty and suitable for a femcan osso bucco.
The feet are shapely and free of calluses and bunions and a dream for thefoot fetishes amongst us.
Ribs, and the internal muscles will, no doubt, produce tender and flavourfulBBQ style short rib dinners and prime steaks, chops and filets.
The fingers are dainty and long, ideal for Lady Fingers."
The chef went on till all parts of the spit muffin's body were extolled andthen the Mayor announced that bids and orders would be taken for the next hour,for Rachel's prime cuts.
He announced that Rachel had requested that her pussy filet be served toElizabeth, the guest of honour and that Rachel's request would be carried out.
Beckie re-emerged to clean and pleasure Rachel one last time. Beckie gaveRachel a glass of Joy Juice and then proceeded to, sensuously and erotically,towel Rachel's nude body, lingering over the breasts and genitalia for longintervals.
James whispered to Elizabeth that Beckie had been a porn movie starlet beforejoining the ranks of the spit muffins. Beckie spent the hour, during whichorders and bids were taken, demonstrating her expertise in lesbian love making,on a moaning appreciative Rachel. Elizabeth watched in wonder, drinking glassafter glass of the liqueur, she had grown to love and she was getting veryhorny. She wasn't the only one. Most of the restaurant patrons had their handsunder the tables and were writhing in pleasure, as they watched the show.
As Mayor Loco rose to his feet, Beckie curtsied to the restaurant patronsand left to polite applause. The Mayor announced that Rachel would be takento the kitchen and her prime girl meat cuts harvested from her living bodyto fill all the orders that had been taken. He told the patrons that almostall of Rachel's tender flesh had been ordered and thanked everyone for theirgenerosity, adding that Rachel's designated charities would be very appreciativeof the donations and that Rachel had thanked all, for their generosity. Headded that Rachel had left for the kitchen; saying that she hoped all wouldenjoy her fleshy treats. Again polite applause broke out.
Many of the diners flocked to the restaurant bar, to view the live butcheringof Rachel. A large window allowed the bar customers to view the systematicprocessing of the young actress. The kitchen chefs and butchers provided aspectacular show of harvesting the cunt filet as the girl screamed in pain.The oval of prime girl meat was wrapped in fem-can smoked bacon to be servedas a Fille Mignon to Elizabeth.
The breasts were massaged to tenderize the meat and then removed whole. Aguest had ordered the flesh stuffed with an herbed rice pilaf and the dishwas to be served in a creamy muffin milk béchamel sauce.
Thighs were skinned and the flesh cut from the bone, to be pounded into tendercutlets.
The cheeks of the ass were sliced away and oven roasted in moist heat totender, savory flesh.
The feet were cut off whole. They would be roasted and served in black highheel pumps to the two lucky foot fetishes that had put in generous monetaryoffers, for their favorite meat.
No part of the beautiful actress went unpurchased and the cooks took greatpains to harvest the flesh from a live muffin, as long as possible.
By the end of the evening, no part of Rachel Weisz, the actress born on 03/07/1971,in London, England, UK, and trained at Trinity College and the University ofCambridge, would be left uneaten.
Elizabeth noticed that there was activity at the oven and roasting pit andasked James what was happening. James explained that the two spit muffins hadexpired while Rachel was being pleasured and the meat girls were being removedto the kitchen for adjustments, to protect body parts from damage and burning,during the cooking process.
After further explanation, James advised Elizabeth that the two live spitmuffin preparations had been staged to allow the actress to see the show. Theheads of the two muffins would be removed and attached to two muffins thathad been put on to cook earlier that afternoon, so that all the restaurantpatrons could enjoy well cook tender girl meat. James advised Elizabeth thather spit muffins were disappointed that their girl meat would not be servedat the gala dinner but agreed to this manner of presentation, to honour thefamous movie actress.
Elizabeth was allowed to nod off for a while at her seat, by her dinner companions,as the dining room waited for the girl meat to be served. The refreshing naprevived the beauty and she was ready for the feast of girl meat. A decorativeplatter with a fully cooked spit muffin was wheeled through the restaurant.Elizabeth was entranced by the sight of the young beautifully golden-brownbody. The girl seemed to be peacefully sleeping. A wonderful smell of cookedgirl meat assailed Elizabeth's nose and the beautiful actress began to salivate.
The cooks carved and served the girl meat to the appreciative patrons, asthe barbequed spit roaster was removed from the roasting pit and wheeled throughthe room. Elizabeth noted that this muffin was a bright reddish brown and notas beautiful as the first muffin.
This girl meat looked like a delicious suckling pig on a grand and impressivescale. The skin looked crisp and flavorful and Elizabeth could imagine thatthe girl meat would be moist and tender.
She would have to taste both spit muffins before the night was over, sheresolved.
However, Elizabeth's revelry was broken as a bell sounded and a waiter broughtRachel's cunt filet, on a gold plate, to the actress. This was the first cuntfilet Elizabeth had ever enjoyed and she bit into the tender flesh with gusto.The meat was surprisingly tender
and sweet. Elizabeth decided to enjoy the flesh of Rachel Weisz, a beautifulactress and rival, secretly wishing that she could absorb her rival's sexualpowers and feminine assets into her own body, as she enjoyed eating the girlmeat.
The rest of the dishes made from Rachel's body were served and the din ofthe dining room increased as the patrons partook of the pleasures of the threemuffins' girl meat.
Elizabeth did manage a taste of all three muffins and was pleasantly satedas she left the restaurant.
A very raunchy Elizabeth got into the limousine with James and Judith. Elizabethalmost immediately attacked Judith, in wild sexual passion. The actress washardly a lesbian but all the beautiful spit muffins' nude bodies and exquisitefemale flesh had triggered a new lust in Elizabeth's passion. The movie starhad to enjoy live girl meat. She had to enjoy the feel and taste of a femalebody that was destined for the roasting spit or oven. Of course an equallyhorny Judith responded in kind and the two beauties were locked in passionatelovemaking. James undressed but let the women pleasure each other and instructedthe limo driver to take the long way to the hotel.
James, with the help of the hotel concierge and the service elevator gotthe women back to the suite without creating a memorable scene. He joined thewomen in bed and the trio spent the night in wild passionate sex.
The threesome got up together just before noon and enjoyed a leisurely lightbrunch.
After the meal, the three split up to return home and recover from the night'srevelry.
Elizabeth relived the gala dinner and felt a tingle in her pussy every timeshe thought about the spit muffins. Perhaps the volunteers were not as crazyas she had originally thought. Being spit roasted or oven baked in such anopulent, sexually charged manner would have an overwhelming appeal for the'die young and leave a beautiful body' set.
The filming of the spit muffin ads was to take place in two days and Elizabethlooked forward to the experience.
Recruiting Spit Muffins
James and Judith arrived in a limo to take Elizabeth to various festivalvenues and events. Of course the actress enjoyed her fans' adulation and adoration,but there was nothing special or awe inspiring about the attention she wasreceiving. Pretty much the standard fare for festival gatherings. However,one thing did stick out. When scantily clad or nude spit muffins attended theevents, the girls were always introduced to enthusiastic applause and cheers.The volunteers often flashed their pussies or nipples to show their meat girltags. Even shy Judith flashed her pussy and stripped to join a group of nudespit muffins.
Elizabeth decided to spend the evening alone, to recover from the jetlagand the gala dinner, much to Judith's dismay. She dinned in the suite, on asimple room service meal and studied her lines for the spit muffin recruitmentads, which were to be shot the next day.
James and Judith picked up Elizabeth the next day and were driven to thestudio.
At the studio, Elizabeth was greeted by the production company as Judithremoved her clothes and joined a group of nude spit muffins. Elizabeth wasin for a shock when Judith introduced Sarah to Elizabeth. The nude girl lookedlike a younger version of the actress. Sarah blushed and explained that herface had undergone plastic surgery and intensive makeup to make her look likeElizabeth. Sarah would be Elizabeth's stand-in and nude body double duringthe filming of the commercials.
Sarah gushed that Elizabeth was her favorite actress.
Judith reminded Elizabeth that Sarah had volunteered to be the entréeat the Celebrity Roast.
Sarah gleefully said that she was honoured to meet Elizabeth and act as theactress's stand-in.
The director met with Elizabeth and explained that he wanted Elizabeth actout certain situations that would be later edited to make the ads. Some ofthe scenes involved nudity and Sarah had agreed to do those scenes. Lookingat Sarah, Elizabeth couldn't help but notice that the young woman had a moreshapely, toned body with large full breasts, and Elizabeth was thankful forthat little blessing.
The scenes were rehearsed and taped all day long.
Elizabeth urging women to volunteer to offer their bodies and girl meat forspit roasting.
Elizabeth explaining that all travel expenses and accommodations would beprovided for suitable candidates.
Elizabeth extolling the sexually charged environment the muffins spent theirlast days enjoying.
Elizabeth signing a volunteer authorization form herself.
Elizabeth nude, mounting a Jessica 3000 awaiting the ecstasy of live spitting.
Elizabeth interviewing muffins, who showed their enthusiasm and ecstaticjoy at the prospect of being made into girl meat.
Elizabeth interviewing beautiful women and handsome men who expressed theiradmiration and thanks to the muffins who had volunteered for the dinner plate.
After her scenes had been filmed, Elizabeth watched scenes, involving thespit muffins, being taped. She watched in wonder as all the muffins, includingJudith and Sarah were practice spitted using a special Jessica 3000 that useda magnetic modular spits to hold the muffins in spitting position without completepenetration of the body cavity. James explained that an inventor, who wentby the nickname of Leo, had invented the machine to allow the muffins to practiceand enjoy the Jessica 3000 spitting experience without damage to their bodies.Judith and Sarah gushed as they explained to Elizabeth how the machine inducedthe most intense orgasms the girls had ever experienced. The giant dildo-likeprobes in their vaginas, asses and mouths combined with the knowledge thatthey would soon be delicious girl meat was the ultimate turn on. Of course,all the spit muffins had already been filmed making the same kind of statements,earlier.
Elizabeth's pussy tingled at the thought of riding the Jessica 3000 but herBritish reserve once again held her back. Judith sensed Elizabeth's reservedinterest and casually offered that she and Sarah were staying after the othermuffins and the production crew had left, to practice being spitted. Jameshad also offered to stick around and help the girls. When Judith invited theactress to stay and watch; Elizabeth jumped at the offer.
James produced some of Elizabeth's favourite liqueur and after a few roundsof Joy Juice and watching Sarah and Judith ride the Jessica 3000 to satisfyingorgasms; Elizabeth was nude and waiting her turn on the fucking machine. Itwas awkward at first, learning how to manipulate her body into the right positionsand learning to relax, but finally Elizabeth was rewarded with a volcanic climax.The three women fucked each other and rode the Jessica 3000 for the remainderof the day. James was finally invited to join the action and satisfied thethree beauties and himself.
Elizabeth invited the two spit muffins and James to join her for dinner inthe hotel dining room, where all four had tender succulent cunt filets. Thegroup moved on to the suite and the two young women were entertained by Elizabeth'sstories of her movie shoots and her movie star lovers. A few more rounds ofJoy Juice had the women ready for some more carnal pleasures, but while thecouplings were satisfying, they were brief, so the two girls and James wenthome and left Elizabeth to enjoy a peaceful night's rest.
The next few days were spent visiting festival venues and meeting the fans.
Later in the day, Elizabeth or one of the muffins always seemed to find anexcuse to ride the Jessica 3000 practice machine and all three women practicedbeing spitted over and over again.
Elizabeth was becoming a bit concerned that she was getting so turned onby the idea of being live spitted, roasted alive and eaten, during the fewhours of sober reflection she managed each day. But the liqueur and the unbridledglee of Judith and Sarah soon had the actress lost in a revelry of fun andgames.
Moreover, Elizabeth had convinced herself that it was her obligation to makesure that Judith's last days and nights be memorable. And Sarah's expert cunnilingusmade it imperative the Elizabeth's look alike spit muffin was also includedin any carnal activities.
The Interview
James sat at a boardroom table with the studio executives, organizers ofthe festival and production crew. He was updating everyone on Elizabeth's stateof mind and any problems that might be on the horizon. "Elizabeth doesn't appearto be aware of our true purposes. The subliminal messages played back whileshe is asleep and in all the print media she sees, are making her very receptiveto the idea of offering herself as a spit muffin for her roast. I think shewill be a willing victim by the time the weekend rolls along. The two muffinshave become her playmates and the practice Jessica 3000 the trio's favoritetoy. The Joy Juice with the extra herbs is acting as advertised. I guess thoseherbs are an aphrodisiac to some women. All in all, things are progressingbetter than planned."
"Also, we had no problems obtaining the signed volunteer forms. The airheaddidn't even ask about them, after she signed away her life. Thought it wasjust part of her role, I suppose. So legally, we can do as we wish, in anyevent."
"Her agent is more concerned about the number of muffins he can screw andthe liqueur seems to be an effective aphrodisiac for him, also. There is noone else concerned with Elizabeth's well being after the weekend."
"Today we will shoot the scenes for the interview and all the rehearsal sceneswill be shot tomorrow. The look alike muffin, Sarah, will also be taped ina variety of scenes. She looks so much like the Brit that all the viewers willthink she's Elizabeth Hurley, the actress. We also have lots of shots of Elizabethand Sarah riding the Jessica 3000, surreptitious taken with hidden telephotolenses. We can use them to strengthen the case that Elizabeth was a willingparticipant, even practicing being spitted with the other spit muffins."
"After the final tapings today and tomorrow afternoon, we can edit togetherany scenario we want. Elizabeth Hurley will be feted and honoured at her celebroast tomorrow. And, if I'm reading the consensus of this meeting, the lookalike will be spitted and barbequed as Elizabeth Hurley for the mass TV audienceand our wealthy dinner guests can dine on the real Elizabeth Hurley Sunday."
"I think all the bases are covered and l see only smooth sailing ahead. Itwill be interesting to see how willing our entrée will be, come roastingtime Sunday. Anyone care to place wagers?"
"Just make sure everything runs smoothly this time. We lost a fortune whenwe had to use that other actress, what was her name, oh yea, Rachel Weisz,ahead of time", interjected one of the studio execs.
"Not really." James replied. "The local diners paid well for that dinner.Maybe not as much as the millionaires and billionaires will pay for the dinner,Sunday, but still a great deal of money; and we owed Mayor Loco and the citycouncil. After all, everyone at the dinner knew the real Rachel Weisz was thestar entrée.
After their unexpected treat, I'm sure that things will be copasetic fora long time."
Elizabeth arrived at the TV studio, early Friday, lucid and semi-sober. Shewas quite used to giving interviews in such a state, so she foresaw no problems.When it was explained to the actress that the production crew wanted to filma large number of scenes for the final edited interview and the Celeb Roaston Saturday, Elizabeth thought little of the request. Her only real concernwas that it would lessen the time she could spend with her love muffins andher new toy, the Jessica.
Elizabeth was somewhat relived when she was introduced to the interviewer.She recognized the man as one of the good guys, who was more interested intrying to turn ordinary actresses into screen sirens and legends than in findingand dishing the dirt.
Moreover, the promise that Elizabeth could ignore any questions she didn'tlike, and the reassurance that both Elizabeth and her agent could view thefinal interview and make changes before airing, set the actress's mind to rest.
The interview began.
" Elizabeth Hurley was born on 06/10/1965,in Hampshire, England, UK. She is 5' 9" tall and weighs 117 lbs. ElizabethHurley attended London Studio Centre and began her career in popular Britishshow "Rumpole of the Bailey".
Tonight we will show the human sideof this famous actress and share childhood memories, relive past roles andget a personal insight into the things that make Elizabeth the person sheis."
Elizabeth didn't like the reference to her age but the rest of the introwas OK. The interviewer and his staff had done an amazing amount of researchand had uncovered a great deal of Elizabeth's life. Elizabeth was astoundedby all the information and data.
She couldn't believe all the positive comments made about her and her workby her peers, both in front of the camera and behind. The topper was, not onecomment or remark was negative.
Elizabeth was lost in the whirl of scenes that were shot that day. If shehad any doubts about any scenes or any lines, those doubts were quickly squelchedby her agent who urged Elizabeth to get on with it.
Finally the taping was all over. Elizabeth and her agent had a sumptuousdinner of girl meat dishes with the interviewer and the studio bigwigs. Elizabethsavored the meat. It was now her favorite. But Elizabeth's major concern wasfor Judith. Tonight would be the lovely girl's last night, and Elizabeth andSarah had promised the muffin to make the night special.
When Elizabeth arrived at her suite, she found the two muffins nude sprawledacross her bed. The girls had spent the day on the practice Jessica 3000 tomake sure all would go off without a hitch, so their vaginas and asses werevery sore.
A round of liqueur soon got the women in the mood and soon the trio werefucking like bunnies. The two spit muffins had brought their favorite dildosand vibrators and Elizabeth had gone to an adult sex shop to pick up a fewgems of her own.
The love toys, tongues and fingers were put to good use, all night.
Copious amounts of liqueur was consumed, mixed with other drugs to make theevening special.
When the women could no longer muster energy for their love games, Judithpromised Elizabeth that she would do her best to make Elizabeth's day memorableand the spit muffin made the beautiful actress promise to eat her cunt filet.
With that declaration, the three slipped into blissful sleep.
The Roast
The three beauties rose early for the big day and had a light breakfast.Judith was filled with glee and nervous energy. Her big day had come. Elizabethwas a bit torn but she could understand her paramour's enthusiasm. Elizabethcaught herself wishing she too could ride the Jessica 3000 for real and feedher fans, her ultimate offering.
At the studio, the three women were meticulously cleaned and groomed. Ofcourse, special attention was paid to the muffins anuses and vaginas.
As Elizabeth got ready for her makeup, the director announced to the womenthat the climax of the Celebrity Roast would be the real spitting, roastingand consumption of Elizabeth. As Elizabeth sagged, he quickly announced thatSarah would, of course,
be used for the actual spitting and roasting and she would be eaten.
Judith and Sarah hugged joyously, as a bewildered Elizabeth wobbled to makeup.
A radiant beautiful Elizabeth returned from makeup dressed in a sexy, stylishred satin gown.
She sought out the muffins and listened to a joyful Sarah tell her, "I'min heaven. This has always been my fondest dream. Not only did I get to makelove with my screen idol and share in her life. But I get to be eaten at herspecial dinner. This is a lot better than when we won the cheerleading finals,last year. But, there is one problem. Can you manage to eat two cunt filets?"
Elizabeth promised to try.
Then the director yelled the infamous line, "Lights. Cameras. Action" andthe show began.
The interviewer, acting as the emcee, began with the Elizabeth Hurley bioand all was set into motion. Elizabeth was lost by what was happening but byglancing at the monitors and with her knowledge of how TV productions went,she knew her comments with edited clips were creating a seamless tribute toher and her acting career. At least she hoped that was the case.
After a commercial break, the emcee announced that the time had come forthe spit muffins to be prepared for the oven and the barbeque pit. He announcedthat Elizabeth Hurley had volunteered to be roasted for her Celebrity Roastto honour all her fans in New Heden and a video clip of Elizabeth signing hervolunteer form was shown. The next scene was Elizabeth removing her dazzlingred gown and undressing completely.
It was announced that Elizabeth and Judith, a spit muffin volunteer and amember of the Dolcett Elizabeth Hurley fan club would pleasure each other,to intensive the flavour and tenderness of their flesh. For an hour the studioaudience and the TV audience were treated to the two beauties making wild,passionate lesbian love.
Beckie and another muffin were introduced and toweled Elizabeth/Sarah andJudith clean, sensuously and erotically.
Judith was led to a Jessica 3000 and was gutted as the emcee explained theprocedure to the few in the audience who were not familiar with the steps.The public show version of the gutting, minimizing the gore of blood and intestines,was used. Judith was stuffed, arranged on the Jessica 3000 and spitted as theemcee announced the familiar steps of the process. Spitted and properly secured,Judith was taken to the roasting pit. A, on site, reporter got a raspy commentfrom the muffin as she was being taken to the pit, "This is the crowning momentof my life. I hope all the diners enjoy my meat."
A video clip of an excited Judith talking, about how she was looking forwardto her spitting, roasting and being made meat, was aired.
Elizabeth/Sarah was led through the studio audience and acknowledge all theirpraise and good wishes. She enthusiastically mounted the Jessica 3000, as clipsfrom the commercial tapings were aired. The actress was extolling the virtuesof volunteering for spit muffin status in New Heden and the joys that wouldaccrue.
A clean gutting was done for benefit of any queasy viewers. Most of the time,the camera was focused on the muffin's face, showing a radiant smile, onlyoccasionally marred by grimaces of pain. The empty body cavity was stuffedand the wound sealed with special glue and meat girl bandages that hid thewound. The cooks moved the body into the position they had earlier decidedupon. The muffins magnificent breasts and pussy were fully displayed and thebeautiful face made the focal point of the presentation. To the polite applauseof the studio audience Elizabeth/Sarah was taken to the large oven, where boththe in studio audience and home viewers could watch her cook to a perfect goldenbrown.
Approximately 40 minutes into the cooking, the cameras zoomed in on the beauty'sface and the announcer reported that Elizabeth/Sarah had become meat.
A similar declaration had been made 10 minutes earlier for Judith. Each timethe audience quietly applauded.
The tributes continued all afternoon and into the early evening with clipsof the various interviews and scenes from Elizabeth Hurley's movie and TV career.Of course, there was a great deal of coverage centred on the two roasting spitmuffins.
When cooks pronounced the girl meat ready for dining, special carts arrivedon site and the two roasted spit muffins were ceremoniously plated and wheeledthough the studio to waiting vans.
TV cameras followed the vans a short distance to Dodge's Hilltop Restaurant.
The ornate meat girl platters were ceremoniously wheel into the dining roomto a loud standing ovation.
Mayor Loco motioned for the restaurant patrons to be seated. Next, he saida New Heden style of grace, thanking the spit muffins, especially Elizabethfor their gift of meat and instructed the cooks to serve dinner. Applause brokeout once again as the cooks carved girl meat and served the guests. As a gestureof kindness, portions of Judith and Sarah's cunt filets were taken to a sequesteredElizabeth. Elizabeth kept her promise to her lovers and ate their flesh.
The meat was tender and savory and with each bite Elizabeth reminisced overthe past few days with the lovely girls.
Of course, the cameras continued to roll and present to an envious home audience,a scene of opulent consumption.
For the home audience, a local resident of Dolcett that had been chosen torepresent the common people and he was interviewed. Mr. Katatoauton hada big smile on his face, as a plate of Elizabeth was brought to his table,for him to enjoy. As he savored the meat, he commented that Elizabeth Hurleywas his favorite actress and eating this portion of her flesh would be thehigh point of his life.
Of course, all the city dignitaries and studio execs were counting theirblessings as they enjoyed the girl meat.
Elizabeth Hurley – Spit Muffin
James had insured that Elizabeth had been given copious amounts of her liqueurand other drugs to sedate her. Elizabeth's agent had been told ahead of timethat Sarah would sub for Elizabeth and no harm would come to his client. Twoexpert muffins had been assigned to keep the man preoccupied and happy, sothe agent presented no problems. Just to be on the safe side, the agent wouldbe kept confined.
The next morning, James awoke Elizabeth and allowed the beauty to regainsome sobriety. Elizabeth sobbed pitifully when she was told that she wouldbe spitted and roasted like Sarah, later that day. James told Elizabeth that100 of the richest men and women in the world had paid $10,000 each, to dineon her flesh. The $1,000,000 legacy would find its way to Elizabeth's chosenheirs as a final payment to her. James asked Elizabeth to remember Judith andSarah and the last few days. He told Elizabeth that she had spent the lastweek as a spit muffin with her spit muffin brethren. He urged Elizabeth toembrace the experience as a muffin and go to the spit joyously.
Elizabeth simply responded by drinking a copious amount of liqueur.
Early that afternoon, James arrived to take Elizabeth to Dodge's HilltopRestaurant for her final performance. The actress was somber and docile. Shehad been dressed in her red satin gown and groomed to perfection by the studiomakeup artists.
Just to be sure, James offered a large glass of liqueur to Elizabeth thatshe greedily gulped down.
Elizabeth was escorted into the restaurant by James, to a thunderous standingovation. The roasting would take hours but everyone had arrived early for thecomplete show.
A special platform had been erected as centre stage and Elizabeth was takento that stage. Beckie and another spit muffin joined Elizabeth. The muffinswere nude. The girls proceed to undress Elizabeth as erotically as they could.
Mayor Loco, acting as an emcee, told the assembled elite that the two womenwith Elizabeth had volunteered to give their meat that day, also. There waspolite applause.
He announced that in keeping with established practice, the spit muffinswould pleasure each other to impart special flavours that only sexual orgasmcould produce.
Beckie once again demonstrated the skills she had learned as a porn star.Interest was so great that many patrons left their seats for a momentary close-upview of the spectacle.
James and his associates gauged the audiences' interest in the sexual extravaganzaand allowed the show to go on for one hour.
At the end of the hour, a Jessica 3000 was brought to the platform and Beckiewas secured for gutting and spitting. The public display mode would be used,only this time a little blood would be allowed to splatter on the cooks' whiteuniforms. As the gutting blade torn into Beckie's torso, the muffin screamedin agony and thrashed about. As the cook finished the gutted and stuffed thecavity, the beauty screamed that she had changed her mind and pleaded for mercy.The cooks ignored the screams and pleas, and soon the yelling was stilled bythe spit poking out of Beckie's mouth. Beckie was ceremoniously taken to theglassed in barbeque pit and put on to roast.
Muffin two was tried by her hands and feet to a rectangular frame and thepatrons were invited to order their favorite body parts, which would be preparedaccording to the diner's wishes. The muffin would be displayed for one hour.As orders were taken, the unavailability of the flesh would be indicated bya blood-red marker.
The room dimmed and a spotlight centred on Elizabeth. The Head Chef movedto prepare the movie star. Elizabeth had been jolted back to reality by Beckie'sscreams. James had advised the Head Chef to administer another dose of liqueurto quiet the beauty, but when the drink was offered, Elizabeth declined andwhispered that she wanted to honour Judith and Sarah by going into the ovenas a true spit muffin. The chef looked to James and at his nod, the drink wastaken away. A local anesthetic was applied to the star's torso to ease thepain of the very sharp knife and the stuffing of the empty body cavity wasdone quickly. Gluing and taping of the wound was done expertly and quicklyso that the body appeared to be intact and whole. Elizabeth was arranged inthe same position as her stand-in, the day earlier to display her breasts andmons-veneris and highlight her beautiful face.
Once in the pan, James had the star loaded on to a cart and asked the actressif she had any last request. Surprisingly, Elizabeth asked to be wheeled throughthe room to acknowledge her fans. James slowly wheeled the cart to every tableand Elizabeth bravely acknowledged each compliment and all the praise, sometimeswith a small smile. A thunderous last standing ovation ushered Elizabeth Hurleyinto the roasting oven.
Hushed murmurs went through the crowd as first Beckie and then Elizabethwere made girl meat.
The second muffin was taken to the kitchen to have her meat harvested forentrées after an hour of being on display. The restaurant patrons spentthe rest of the afternoon watching the Elizabeth Hurley Roast and Testimonial,while watching Elizabeth cook to a delicious golden brown.
Many of the patrons of the grand meal had made other arrangements to keeptheir lust and passions churning as the spit muffins cooked.
Some took advantage of the bar viewing window and watched the cooks harvestthe girl meat from the pretty muffin. The thrill of watching the preparationof their meat was an orgasmic turn-on, which could not be denied. As with Rachel,the harvesting of the cunt filet, breasts, rumps and leg meat was accompaniedby quiet moans as both men and women rubbed their genitalia in lust and passion.
More often than not, a rendezvous with a spouse and/or lover was consummatedin a waiting limousine or hotel room. Glamorous call girls, provided by theevent sponsors, also did a brisk business.
When the Head Chef pronounced the roasts ready, the waiters removed Beckieand as her flesh cooled, Elizabeth was plated amid a colourful mélangeof vegetables and wheeled through the dining room.
The room was silent and in awe as Elizabeth was wheeled through the roomslowly so that all could ogle the beautiful golden-brown form. The cart stoppedin front of the tables of the most distinguished luminaries and the choicestcuts of girl meat were served on gold plates, with local seasonal vegetables.The Fille Mignon went to a senior member of the White House. Breasts were servedto CEOs of the top Fortune 666 companies. The actress's feet fed a senatorand four-star general. Before the evening was over, all the restaurant patronswould receive a portion of the savory flesh.
The two other muffins ensured that all patrons would be well fed and. inthe end; all the patrons unanimously agreed that their exorbitant bill of farehad been money well spent and the evening had been memorable.
A week later, newspaper headlines announced that a private Lear jet carryingthe popular British actress had disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. The actresshad been vacationing and pursuing a part in a TV series, in the West Indieswith her agent.
After the search and rescue was called off, the interview and retrospectiveof Elizabeth Hurley, filmed in Dolcett, received worldwide play.
Introduction: While left home alone Jessica finds out about her mother and fathers roasted secrets. Porno Tape Roast Story: #14 Copyright 2005 Written: January 14 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed By: PiasaBird2004 Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** For a long time I really hated my parents, they were always away, it seemed that every weekend I can remember since I was a baby they were always...
The invitation sat in the other room. It said long pig roast, starting at 6 PM. He wondered what was meant by longpig? Some special type of pork perhaps? Nick finished his shower, stepping out onto the bath mat. He toweled himself dry thinking of anticipation of the party he would be attending tomorrow. Alicia had told him this would be a special party. Anything with Alicia was special as far as Nick was concerned. He'd met Alicia just six months ago. Six months that had drastically changed his...
Story: #14 Copyright ©2005 Written: January 14 2005 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed By: PiasaBird2004 Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************************** For a long time I really hated my parent's, they were always away, it seemed that every weekend I can remember since I was a baby they were always out on some great far away weekend get away, get away from what?, that was always my question. Get...
An almost true story Story: #40 Copyright ©2008 Written: June 15 2008 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ******************************************** I woke up that morning like I do every morning with my legs open wide, my girlfriend Stacey's head between them and her tongue buried deep in my pussy, "Good morning sexy?" she said to me when she noticed I was awake and enjoying the stimulation her...
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Story: Ani-Can 7 Copyright ©2005-2006 Written: September 11 2005 - November 3 2006 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ******************************************** When Lina Inverse got out of bed this morning she had no idea just how crazy the day would be for her and how a simple act of revenge would cause her to "meat" the same sticky end as her large busted co-partner Naga the serpent, Naga known...
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Here, you can fuck the shemale version of your favorite celebrities! Feel free to add new celebrities! IMPORTANT: Leave a like for whichever celebrity you want me to write a shemale story for first!
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Mind ControlIf you're like me, and you like celebrities and erotica, you've probably got a million little story ideas that probably don't warrant their own thread. Maybe they're not developed enough to go off in a million different directions. Or maybe the celebrity isn't famous enough. Well that's no problem now. This thread is for all those stories. I will try to denote updates. Contributions and Feedback are encouraged. Thanks Here is our current story lineup: Angelina Jolie teases Brad Pitt about the...
Celebrity Survey A drabble by Jezzi Belle Stewart Jennifer Aniston woke up bald. Goldie Hawn stepped out of the shower and groped for her bra. When she looked, what she had grabbed was little more than a training bra. Carmen Electra found that her slacks, while still tight at the waist, had suddenly become baggy around the hips and butt. Brooke Shields screamed as her upper body fell to the floor, her legs and feet having vanished. Her eyebrows, however, remained securely on...
Here you can add any female celebrity you want to have the story be about. The thread following that should be a location or scenario (such as at the pool, or being out with friends). Try to leave as many options open at the beginning so others could create a different thread with ease.
Dear Mr. Doe, On behalf of everyone, I would like to welcome you to our organisation. Hopefully you have found the transition to your new location to be smooth but we are fully aware and understanding that life on the island can be disjointing at first. Please do not hesitate to let us know if there is anything we can do to make your time here, whilst under our employment, more comfortable. In regards to your role here. As explained to you before during my visits, you have been specially...
Continuation of my story from celebrity sph. If not read here’s a little review of it You were on a tour bus with your friends at Nickelodeon when suddenly they pranked you by taking your clothes and leaving you naked. You run into a room and find Kira Kosarin in there she sees your tiny penis and humiliated you. You find a way to get her naked and also find out new things about her. You get her to agree be your fuck buddy as you swore to keep her secret of her kinks and how it looks down...
FantasyA virtual reality helmet you ordered on a porn site lets you have sex with any celebrity you want.who will you choose?
So, you want to collect, control, humiliate or breed a world renown celebrity? You've got your reasons? Fine. First Question:
Slowly you begin to open your eyes, as the rays of early morning sunshine begin to invade your sleep. A couple of months ago this would have bothered you, but as you feel gentle island breeze move across you and hear the hypnotic sounds of oceans waves outside your room, you smile to yourself. Carefully you roll up on your side to find your latest companion sound asleep on her stomach, naked except for the white sheet pulled up to the middle of her back. As you look at the white-blonde's face,...
Britney Spears liegt am späten Abend alleine in ihrem Bett in der luxuriös ausgestatteten Hotelzimmersuite und langweilt sich zu Tode. Zum Schlafen ist es noch zu bald. Seufzend langt sie nach ihrem auf dem Nachtkästchen stehenden Notebook, legt es sich auf ihre Oberschenkel und schaltet es ein. Sie will noch ein wenig im Internet herumsurfen. Beim Eintippen der Internetadresse ihrer Homepage macht sie jedoch einen Fehler. „Oh, mein Gott! Was ist denn das?“ denkt sie und betrachtet empört und...
Hello, My Dear Readers. Thank you for the positive feedback on the first part of the narrative. Happy to know you have liked the concept. This is not exactly a story, but more of an account, and of-course imaginary. Reading the earlier part may make this more exciting. All characters mentioned in the story are fictional. Happy Reading! Welcome back to Celebrity Sex News, the show where we bring you all the sleazy and spicy news of our favorite stars. My name is Rajeev. I will be taking you...
Title: Celebrity Trainers – Megan Fox (Part 1)Synopsis: Michael Bay, having been referred by Robert Pattison, tries to solve his problem and get a measure of revenge from Megan Fox. This is a story of kidnapping, bondage, brainwashing and rape.Author Name : SadoRuskiEmail: [email protected]: MF, nc, rape, Mdom, mast, BDSM, kidnap, abduction, bond, Disclaimer: This is fantasy. Fantasy is not real. Rape is wrong. I do not encourage rape or violence against women.This is part 1...
Celebrity Trainers: Kristen StewartSynopsis: After Kristen Stewart cheats on him, Robert Pattison gets revenge with the help of a mysterious agency. Disclaimer: This is fiction, it did NOT happen. Fantasy is legal. This story does not advocate violence against women. If you have any suggestions for this or any other future story, please email me. Don’t forget to spay and neuter your pets. Hope you enjoy the story.Story:Robert Pattison was still recovering from the breakup. Kristen’s affair...
My name is Johnathan Edward Doe. I live in Hollywood, and am the agent of a very sexy female celebrity. It's a well-paying job, obviously, but there is a slight...problem. She is such a bitch! She has no respect for me, calling me a creep and saying I picked 'bad publicity' for her to do, although I was suggesting she do various charity and non-profit events for her to visit. Was it my fault she had so much damn money she didn't know what to do with it?! No! It was her own fault for being so...
Mind ControlTrue tale. It was Saturday night, and we were camping out. All the way in the edge of the woods, like in the wilds, but only about a 2 minute run to the house if we got scared. It was 14th birthday, and I was with my 3 BFF’s, Tony, Stevie, and Mark. They were all 14, and were sipping on a bottle of Sloe Gin that we had a wino get for us. We were catching a buzz, and passing around a joint that Tony scored from his older brother, and roasting wieners over the fire. It was some bad ass weed, and...
Sarah and I had what you called a very active sex life, hers and mine fetish was old men and old women. We used to go to a club were generally older people used to go and play bingo and watch live bands, this particular Wednesday night was quiet and both me and Sarah were off the next day, so we thought we'd get dressed and go out for the night, deciding to go to the club, she dressed in a short black elasticated mini skirt, black stockings and high heels along with her tight black silky...
No one was sure what or how it happened. One day everything was normal and the next day women began to change. It didn’t affect every woman, in fact it seemed to be pretty rare but it was easy to see who it affected. The changes were always different, but the result was largely the same: dumbed-down, built for sex bimbos. The changes were sometimes minor and other times the woman everyone knew was almost unrecognizable. Bodies could change, pumping up tits, sculpting perfect asses, giving them...
FetishIn a sense it was an STD, transferring from person to person who was afflicted. This one only afflicted women, however. It did so in a spectacular fashion, too. Any woman who caught the infection changed dramatically. After the incubation time was up, the infection manifested itself by growing a cock and balls where the vagina used to be. At first it was a horrible thing to women, but like with so many things, it soon became normal. And, like those things, Hollywood embraced it with gusto. It...
David Roberson earned a PhD in psychology when he was only twenty-two. He then worked in the psychology lab of an Ivy League university, doing tests on subliminal messaging, susceptibility, and influence. He had dedicated his life to his work, and had no social life; though, he did have a rather active imagination, especially when it came to his sexual fantasies, which were almost always about fucking celebrities. Over time, he discovered a way to use hypnosis in a way it had never been used...
Mind ControlTransDim has established their most recent entertainment complex on Earth - your Earth, that is, one of a near-infinite number of parallel worlds with bigger or smaller differences. Their marketing material may be bright and glitzy, but everyone knows what their real trade is: Sex. Specifically, sex with alternate-dimensional versions of popular celebrities and fictional characters. These assets, as TransDim calls them, are rarely willing participants in this which requires them to be...
You've managed to gain access to a very special gym that few are privileged to even know about, let alone work out at. It's the whispered talk of celebrities, where they come and have sex to keep their fantastic bodies in shape. The membership roster reads like IMDB. The handbook reads like the Kama Sutra, listing 1001 positions and techniques that tighten every part of the body and use sex to keep both parties looking fit and fabulous. Some celebrities prefer to run the show as a trainer,...
My name is Robert Robertson, not a very good name but mine. I am an average looking nineteen year old man, dark black hair and brown eyes. Pale skin, my body is not fat or thin, but just maybe just over my best weight. Just under six foot. Not handsome or ugly, just a normal guy you might buy a beer with. Physically, emotionally and socially... normal and average. My mind, however, was genius level. It was also obsessed with sex and controlling the minds as well as the bodies of others. Which...
Mind ControlA new sport has taken the world by storm. It is the SEL, or Star Entertainment League. Pop stars, pornstars, and wrestling babes alike all battle each other in a wrestling ring for the title of World Champion Slut. The rules are fairly simple. Two female celebrities are in the ring together. The first one to strip off all her opponent’s clothes and make her opponent come wins the match. Tonight’s matches are: Briana Banks and Tabitha Stevens Carmen Electra and Pamela Anderson Britney...