SixteenChapter 8 free porn video

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“Oh my god, hide me!” Tiff whispered as she ducked behind us. At first, I was all confused, but Charlie was instantly on guard and scanning the crowd.

“Over there, just coming through arrivals,” Tiff pointed at an oldish couple waddling forward with a trolley full of brightly-coloured suitcases. “They go to my parents’ church”

I saw them coming towards us. Clearly they’d seen us, and we probably stood out, the way we were standing still, transfixed, the only stationary group in the middle of a slowly moving crowd.

“Tiffany!” the woman exclaimed, and made a bee-line straight for us as the man tried awkwardly to change the direction of the trolley more to our direction. He steered it towards us in a big curve.

“Hello,” Tiffany said, defensively.

“Where are your parents?” There was an edge to the voice. It was a snap judgement, but I instantly didn’t like this woman. Anyone who was anybody knew Tiff’s parents clearly couldn’t be very nice, themselves?

Tiff shrugged. “At home, I guess.”

“So, you off somewhere nice? I didn’t know you were going away,” the lady tried to be polite.

“Oh, America. School exchange program. We must fly, we’re going to be late!”

Tiff grabbed Charlie and me by the elbows and pushed us past her, towards departures. We hurried away, almost running, without looking behind us.

We sat beside each other, three in a row, Tiff with the window seat, on the plane. But there was a tenseness to Tiff that didn’t bode well. We were taking a holiday to get away from reality, and yet reality seemed to be coming with us. Fears, at least. A flight attendant, seeing how tightly Tiff was gripping my hand, thought she was airsick and offered some tablets and everything.

Our large room was on the top-floor with a large balcony overlooking the pool area and with a great view of the sea. The flooring was slippery stone tiles, and cool to the touch. The air conditioning, nothing we were used to – coming from England – was on full blast. The main bed was king-size. The hotel, clearly having counted heads, had unfolded an extra bed. This wasn’t The Ritz, but it was much nicer than the kind of rooms I think are normal in Tenerifian hotels.

“Oh my god, what’s this?” Charlie squealed, holding up a something wrapped inside a pair of tights, a lump down each leg and joined at the top.

“You know full well what that is” Tiff smirked victoriously.

“And what is it doing in my carry-on luggage? It’s been x-rayed! What if security had stopped me?”

“Batteries like that aren’t supposed to be in the hold,” Tiff dead-panned.

“And they ask you if you’ve packed your bags yourself and if you’re carrying anything for anyone else,” Charlie was only pretending to be angry.

“It’s for you, too.”

I tried to work out what it was. The girls had started to unpack and they were in euphoric mood and were giggling even more than usual.

“Oh my god, what is that thing?” I asked, shocked too, as Charlie pulled it out dramatically.

“It’s a Deluxe Sapph Orgo Duo Pro, duh!” The name tumbled effortlessly off Tiff’s tongue as she rolled her eyes. Surely everyone could tell at a glance the make and model?

“It’s the reason Tiff’s parents barred her from meeting me.”

“They weren’t supposed to be home?”

“Tiff had me bent over the sofa.”

The girls collapsed on the bed in a fit of giggles and rolled over each other, wrestling. Somehow in the frolicking, the thing turned on and both ends started to wobble and the girls shrieked in glee. What had I got myself into?

When they calmed down, Tiff added “That wasn’t really the only reason they banned Charlie, they were against any friends I tried to make. It’s a lot more complicated.”

Charlie carried on unpacking, and carried on unpacking my little case, too. We hadn’t brought much, hand-luggage only, and all that we had brought was new and trendy. She threw a pair of swimming trunks at me. “Think we can get lunch near the pool?”

“Shower first? This place is massive!” echoed from the cold marbled en-suite bathroom.

We snacked at the long, cool bar, out of the sun behind the pool. It sounds ridiculous, but I honestly had never had tapas before. A confident Charlie, clearly used to holidaying and resorts and things, took care of the ordering. The girls brazenly ordered cocktails – which turned out to be rather boring, reddish things with lots of ice cubes in, and not the fancy rainbow thingies with the cocktail sticks and umbrellas I’d always imagined – and I had a cool lager in a tall glass. I felt my nerves were showing and giving my age and inexperience away, but the barman didn’t even flinch.

The bar area was kind of empty. The pool area was busy, but drowsy, with few free sun loungers. The other guests were mostly couples or groups of kids our age or slightly older. Charlie explained that the families tended to stay at family-friendly resorts and this hotel wasn’t one of them.

Embarrassment had ensured I had not looked at any of the sunbathers as we’d threaded our way through them to reach the shade of the bar, but now that I was safely at the bar I could avoid it no longer and my eyes roamed in shock. Most of them were topless! I ogled the woman and girls, stunned. Not all the women were nice to look at. I know, because I checked. Charlie jogged my elbow subtly, bringing my attention back to my girls.

“So, four and a half days in the sun. Checkout Friday morning.”

“And five nights,” Tiff squeaked excitedly.

“So how are we going to plan this?”

“Plan?” I queried.

“Tiff plans everything,” Charlie smirked.

“I’m not sure, actually, I’ve never even been abroad before,” Tiff squeaked, her voice still high-pitched.

“One thing I’d like to do is have a Date Night with Sam” Charlie looked nervous; this was clearly a subject she had been planning to broach and she wasn’t sure if Tiff would go along with it.

“Me, too,” Tiff squeaked.

“Take turns, I mean. And we can have a Date Night, just us two, too!”

“Yeah, I get it!” Tiff giggled.

And so it was decided; three of the evenings would be dedicated to the various couples we could form. The third wheel – gooseberry, as we called them – was to find something else to do. This first night we’d go out together and explore, and then the couple-dates would be ordered me-Charlie, me-Tiff, Charlie-Tiff and then the final night we’d go out together for a final time. Mostly, we were more three couples rather than a threesome, somehow.

Now that we’d eaten, Tiff and Charlie eased back and watched the sunbathers, too. “Perhaps we should work on our tans?” Charlie smiled hopefully. Tiff grimaced. I looked my girls over. Charlie had a kind of natural tan, except her boobs; you could just see the hint of paler skin peeking out around her revealing bikini top.

Tiff, on the other hand, was very pasty. I knew her sports bra kind-of bikini top must have some stuffing in it, but they were small, anyway. I looked at Tiff and saw only the orgasmic dynamite I knew she was, but I could tell she wasn’t feeling very self-confident.

And me? I could blind people, I was that pale! And weedy. Not to mention weedy. I wasn’t too bad, really, but I wasn’t a Chippendale. Girls were not going to be eyeing me up. There were several older boys around and they were all tanned and muscular and strutting or preening. All in all, I was feeling as unimpressive and uncomfortable and self-conscious as Tiff.

“Come on, we’ve got to do this” Charlie looked at us sternly, and slowly, dragging every foot, Tiff and I allowed ourselves to be towed out to the loungers and the bright, beating, afternoon sun.

Miraculously there were three loungers in a row free, so we took them. The downside was that they were right in the middle of the sea of glistening, tanned people and we had to thread our way through, feeling examined by people squinting to see who was casting a shadow across them as we passed.

“Sam, can you?” Charlie smiled happily and waved a small bottle of sun tan lotion. I nodded mutely, feeling the gaze of everyone else nearby. Tiff sank easily down onto the towel that she’d laid out. “You can unclip me,” she giggled invitingly. Was she completely unfazed by the leering, judging, silent crowd?

I sat on the thin sliver of lounger exposed by her hips and started squirting. She reeled as the first globs hit her. “Ohh, cold! Put it on your hands first, then rub it in,” she instructed. I could see her raising her eyebrows behind her sunglasses and trying to signal to Tiff who was smiling. “Boys,” she muttered. At least we were entertaining the spectators.

It’s hard to get, eh, hard when you have people watching. What would have been a delicate caring moment if we were alone – just the three of us – was an awkward and completely unsexual experience in public. But I marvelled at how soft her big side-boobs were, squashed into the blanket and flowing outwards seductively. And Charlie has such soft, springy skin that oozes between the fingers as you work in the glistening lotion. Charlie even slightly spread her legs so I could make sure I got the insides of her thighs. She was enjoying it slightly, even if I was feeling as awkward as hell.

“Now do Tiff, before she burns,” Charlie commanded, and I scooted across to do her, too.

Tiff’s bikini top, more of a sports bra, really, didn’t seem to have any clip front nor back. I just massaged in the oil above and below it. Even her bikini bottoms were more like shorts than knickers. But the extreme tone of her body more than made up for it. I could feel the firmness of the muscles just beneath the soft, perfect skin under my probing pushing fingers. The intimacy with Charlie, and now Tiff, was slowly chipping away at my awareness of the public around us. I brushed right up to the tops of the insides of her thighs. She was grinning and making eyebrow signals at Charlie. It was like they had a lewd competition going.

“I think she’s done,” Charlie twittered eventually.

“I just can’t get enough,” Tiff grinned, perhaps more at ease now.

And so it was we settled down, completely forgetting to oil poor old Sam up!

It was several minutes before Charlie jumped up, shocked and worried, and pointed out our mistake. She left her bikini bra, two skimpy, little, limp cups, lying on the lounger as she rushed over to me and started squirting cold cream straight onto my back. Tiff burst into giggles and Charlie had to pause and ask what was wrong.

It took a while to work out that Tiff was giggling because Charlie was topless in public. Nothing Tiff wasn’t intimately familiar with in private, but embarrassingly giggle-worthy in public. Charlie surprised us both by then leaning so close to me that her nipples grazed my back and sent electric tingles all through me. She smeared the cream all over my back with her breasts. I no longer cared who was watching. Tiff was going a very bright red.

After an hour or so, I got up to get my girls something to drink. Charlie was chatting with the middle-aged topless neighbour. I wasn’t surprised that Tiff was pretending to sleep and ignoring her neighbour. These were their public personas. To treat my girlfriends, I asked the barman if he had any little umbrellas to put in the cocktails.

“Sam, I’m really impressed with you” Charlie giggled as we trooped into our penthouse room and wandered straight out onto the balcony and the sun again, a couple of hours later.

“Oh?” I shrugged, not paying much attention.

“We’ve been here several hours and you haven’t been trying to bonk us sideways like a randy goat yet!” she grinned sillily. “Tiff and I had bets on how long you’d go before trying it on.”

“Oh?” I was more interested, now. “Who won?”

“You?” Charlie batted her long lush eyelashes seductively. Her bikini top, which had only been put on for the quick journey back up to the room, sagged and fell away as she released it.

“Oh pleaaase,” Tiff sighed dramatically. “It’s not a fair contest if you try and get him randy. Put your tits away and close your mouth. That’s cheating and you know it! That means I’ve already won!”

Charlie and Tiff started to bicker as I strolled over to the balcony and leaned on it. I saw movement below and noticed a middle aged man with a pot belly and bald head standing on the balcony beneath ours. He was looking up and looking stunned. He saw me and gave a thumbs up. He must have heard enough to have a very confused idea of what his neighbours upstairs were like exactly. I turned back to the girls and tried to shush them into submission. We ended up getting ready for dinner without going at it, because Tiff kept deliberately cockblocking me. I guess both my girlfriends are quite competitive.

Sure we were probably a year or two younger than the other youth about, but we probably didn’t look it. The girls looked quite mature, in fact. Nice, expensive, new clothes, courtesy of our expense account. Both Tiff and Charlie looked stunning, strutting in high heels. Tiff had her hair back in a bun like she’d had when she did ballet; she was so slender and elegant. Charlie, of course, had her killer bust on display, and the rest of her was extremely feminine and gorgeous too. Neither girl could ever look ugly.

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Earths CoreChapter 5 Long Awaited Breakthrough

"Don't force yourself, Zax, stop. You should take a break". In an incomplete apartment with dust all over and a two meters in diameter hole in the floor, an apartment in Zetsa's building, a Mor and her Tal were seated in a meditative position. A month and a half had passed since Zax's tenth birthday. The date for this year Great Earth's Core Pursuit has been decided and released to the public. This year the Great Earth's Core Pursuit will launch earlier than the year before, in the...

2 years ago
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Kate Good Woman Hungry Cunt Part 2

Kate got ready for bed with some trepidation. Earlier Bob had caught her fisting herself in the master bathroom and Kate didn't know what was going to happen now. They'd played monopoly with the boys and had a normal evening, but now the boys were in bed and Bob would be in the bedroom soon. Kate changed into a teddy with no panties and got in bed, hoping for the best. She had just got into bed when Bob came into the room from the master bath. He was naked and his cock was stiff as he walked up...

2 years ago
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My cousin Michelle

Introduction: First time with my cousin. Were both Korean My cousin Michelle and I have always shown affection towards one another. We were very close, even from a young age. Because Michelle and I were always hugging, and leaning our bodies into each other, people always assumed we were dating, this is where my sexual thoughts for my cousin was birthed. Because Michelle was also a very beautiful girl, and I had already fucked our mutual cousin, Jane, the thought of fucking Michelle seemed like...

1 year ago
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My first wife

She was always ready to fuck. I met my first wife at work. I was manager of a distribution warehouse for a TV manufacturer during athe advent of color TVs in the early 70s. She came to work for me as a 16 year old typist /clerk in the despatch office, she typed the invoices and delivery dockets for all goods leaving the warehouse. We were work acquintances for 2 years, she was attractive, average build, then I was invited to her 18th birthday, it came out of the blue, she was dating a guy so I...

4 years ago
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A Time in a Life Part One

I guess I've always been sexually aware.   From my earliest childhood the need to touch and be touched has always been paramount and I learned at a very early age how to touch that sacred little orifice between my legs and give myself the ultimate pleasure.   At the age of seven I was regularly giving myself multiple orgasms at night in bed not knowing that the best was yet to come. I matured at a very young age.   Frankly, at thirteen I had the breasts and curvaceous body of an eighteen year...

First Time
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Defending Sis Again

This is a sequel to a story I did last week called "Defending Sis." It's best to have read the first story to understand this story. It's a little bit long, hope you will not get boared reading this story...Ryan was busy chugging his big glass of orange juice when he felt a soft touch on his back. He turned and saw his little sister Natalie smiling up at him. She looked around cautiously and when she realized no one was in sight, she threw her arms around her brother and gave him a long wet...

2 years ago
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Fucking Nafiss Husbands Ass

The short walk next door with Steph proved to be uneventful, even in her 6-inch heels. Steph substituting for the wife, who was away working in the US, decided to take the opportunity to show off her ample charms in a very tight PVC dress which formed a second skin over hers. The extremely tight and short Red PVC dress, which took 2 of us to help her get into needed to be pulled down every second step before it rode up past her bum cheeks.. The minimum of material, showing ample cleavage and...

2 years ago
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Sue Blindfolded for an Evening

He had arranged with some friends to take his wife Sue to their house, blindfolded for the last part of the journey. He had instructed her in what to wear - a loose, twirly, short skirt which swayed when she walked and at the slightest breeze, rose to show her tanned thighs and bottom and more as she wore nothing underneath. Her blouse was filmy and silky and showed the shape of her bare breasts and nipples. She knew she would be used that evening but did not know how or by who or where. Would...

2 years ago
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The only black kid

Introduction: The adventures of a well hung black nerd in a town of hot white bimbos. Story is inspired by characters from John persons though story is way different than the comics. No racism is approved by the author. Chapter one Craig and Jenny. The bell rang for the last time in coxville High as the kids packed up their books to be put in their lockers or carried back home for homework. One kid was the first out of class, wanting to get home quickly. His name was Craig, and he had made...

4 years ago
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Extra towels

Extra TowelsThe day was sunny and hot, just right for watching those bikini clad beauties down at the pool. But for me this would be a lonely day stuck in the hotel room with my computer working on the new specifications for the equipment my company had to install. This was a resort town and I was on vacation but my boss phoned me with an emergency, the client needed a last minute upgrade to the equipment. The work was supposed to have been finished with me enjoying some rays, cool beers and...

3 years ago
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It was my daddy's birthday, mother and me we decide to making him very happy, a few days before while my grand father and my uncle were busy pleasuring each other in the bedroom, my daddy walk in the house, we were enjoying so much, none of us noticed, after a while I notice the door was a bit open with my daddy watching us and playing with his cock, whispering on their ears I told them what daddy was doing, both started sucking my pussy and asshole much harder, fucking me in the ass and mouth,...

1 year ago
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My Indian Beauty

I'm walking through the mall, minding my own business when I spot a picture of pure beauty walking inside one of the mall clothing stores. She is of Indian descent, and looks incredible. I take a seat on the bench outside and just admire her like a work of art. I can tell she catches a couple of my glances and smiles back. After about 10 minutes she walks out, glances back at me and smiles again. I then think, I have to do something or at least say hi. I immediately get up and follow her...

2 years ago
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squddies girl

She often turned up straight from school still in her uniform she wore a navy blue pinafore dress white shirt silky tie with white knee length socks and sensible shoes. All the squaddies her daddy worked with used to tease her saying how cute she was and they could easily get them selves into trouble given half the chance. One afternoon she arrived as usual to do her jobs for daddy before going home for tea, unusually this afternoon daddy wasn’t in his office so she went in and began...

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NubileFilms Isabella De Laa Work Can Wait

Isabella De Laa is quite in the mood, but unfortunately her boyfriend Ricky Rascal is engrossed in a business report. Isabella tries to interrupt Ricky’s concentration by sitting herself down in his lap, but Ricky rebuffs her. Instead of accepting defeat, Isabella closes the laptop and captures Ricky’s lips in a series of kisses that make sure she has his full attention. Once Ricky’s eyes are on her, Isabella doubles down on her seduction by getting to her feet and peeling off...

3 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 14 Erica BradfordChapter 17

He opened the door to a bedroom and went in. The bed was made, but he didn’t pay much attention to the rest of the room, as he went to the closet. He saw Will’s suitcase on the floor, next to three or four left shoes and hanging clothes that were for a man. He turned and realized the room looked spare and only partly furnished. He left and found another bedroom. That closet had her robe in it ... and something else that was odd. Clothes he had seen Will wear were hanging up in the closet....

1 year ago
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Daddies favourite gurl

I’d always been a daddies boy. At weekends when he was home from work I would leap out of bed and jump between him and mum as soon as the sun came up. He’d tease and joke around with me. Mum would laugh and get up and get breakfast ready as we lay messing about until she shouted that our food was ready. I loved playing with the hair on his chest and would snuggle in close as he would sing to me, holding me close in his big arms.As I got older I noticed that they were arguing a lot. My invites...

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Family Randi Whore

Family Randi (Bitch) Family Randi (Whore) M+/f, incest, humiliation, non-consentMy mother wasn?t the prettiest but wasn?t bad looking either. Simple and traditional are two words that fit her nicely. At 40 her figure wasn?t bad either. 38-28-38. Ok, so it wasn?t great either. As I said she was moderately fine. A perfect housewife. Traditional Indian dresses was all that she wore. Daily poojas (prayers) was part of her routine. Not once did I see any skin on her other than her arms and...

2 years ago
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Shanaya 8211 A Mysterious Woman To My Wife

A Lazy evening, I returned from HK and opened my account to pen down some points in my regular digital business diary and here I was pinged by someone who was unknown to me ..a complete stranger who has now become so dear to me .What do I say and this story is a tribute to that lovely soul who beared herself all open to me in today’s time and day..Thank you “angel”, this story is dedicated to your purity, innocence and love. Now back to the story- So as I opened the account it shared its...

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Sali nahi too sale ki biwi

Main 30 saal ka naujwan hon,meree shadee aaj se 2 saal pehlee howe thee, suhag rat ko mera 9″ ka lund dekh kar meree biwi buhat daar gayee thee aur jab main usee chodna shuroo kiya too woh buri tarah se chillane lagi thee, use itna dard ho raha tha k usne mera land aur ander lenee see saf mana kar diya, majbooran main ne apna land us ki chot se bahar nikal lya,mere land ka siraf top hi ander ja saka tha lekin us koo buhat dard hone laga tha,khair is tarah pura ek week guzar gaya, lekin main...

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Introduction To Anal Pleasure

I am Vijay. I had always been straight. I have studied at a boys school. In class 12th(was 18 at the time ) I needed a tuition teacher. That is when i met kishen sir. I liked him immediately. He lives in my society. He used to take tuitions in batches of five. At first there was hardly any personal communication between him and myself. Then one day i had a few doubts late at night. Because he lives in my society i could easily visit his home. When i went up to his home he welcomed me in. We...

Gay Male
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Beginning of a Party Slut

I walked into the party wearing my new ultra short skirt and a loose grey top i got from the Zara store opening last weekend. I'm wearing deadly high heels that make my legs look amazing, and as i walk in i see a few of the guys have noticed. I walk over to the make-shift bar to get myself a drink when Decker places his hand on my arm spinning me around to greet him. "Hey Tash," he says in his sexy husky voice. His muscles are rippling under his tight black t shirt, the package in his...

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Orb and Prophecy Concluding Chapters Orb and Epilogue

"True TG," where TG fiction meets reality. Episode 12: Orb Hope dawned purple at last on the fourth morning. Patience had paid off: my magic aura was beginning, faintly, to glow again. Richard and Alise had been marvelously gracious hosts in our confinement, and I had apparently learned something valuable about just waiting. It was yet a few days later before I felt strong enough in the magic to actually use it. I didn't dare just cancel the magic wards on the street; that...

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Not a merry Christmas

Well merry christmas to me, just had a very very bad nite. Maybe in a day or two I will laugh about it a bit more.Started out usual stuff, drink in my local while meeting some mates, we then headed off to a pub that was having a chrismas party. Jesus it was awful, we travelled a fair way there cause one of my mates said it wwas always packed with decent cunt.Turns out he was wrong. Place was mostly empty and what looked like the single bits of gash were noting special. But we were there and it...

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My experience with the twins

This is a true story that happened a few years ago.When I met them they were just out of high school, young and bright newcomers to the big city. Nataly was majorly shy but we shared a common interest in art and anime, so I talked with her a lot. She was average height, with long brown hair and the cutest face, her tits were large for a teenager but not huge. She did not pay much attention to how she dressed. There was really nothing outwardly sexual about how she acted. Her twin sister Jillian...

1 year ago
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Gangbanged Off The Highway

Hi ISS readers, life, I was never the same again, after so many strange encounters. Although things came back to normal, Rohit my brother-in-law cum pimp also stopped bothering me, but now I always felt emptiness in my life. My hubby didn’t change, and he kept on going for his long tours. I was forced to look around for fun. After my rough night out with Negroes (details in an earlier story), my hubby questioned me about all the redness over my tits and butts. They had squeezed and pinched me...

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The Rescue of HMS BeverlyChapter 6 The Order of the Cane

We meet Sally at the airlock, where she pointed out to me that she had a communicator so that I could call her if I needed to and visa versa. She also said that while she was on the bridge the ships communications system had received a message from the Lois. The Lois was underway to our rendezvous point, wherever that was. Somehow I knew that Sally had plotted an intercept point that would be accurate to 19 digits. Sally also said that the maintenance tasks were complete. We entered the...

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