- 2 years ago
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The two men were sitting at the kitchen table still drinking, when Katie emerged from the bathroom. They watched her enter the kitchen and then stop short when she saw them. She was clutching her bundled clothing in both hands in front of her. She looked freshly scrubbed and they could smell the aroma of soap.
‘Oh,’ she stammered. ‘I, ah, just needed my bag to put my clothes in.’ She walked quickly over to it and knelt down, stuffing her bundled clothing into it. Reaching up she pulled the towel free from her hair. She appeared to take great care in not showing too much flesh in the process. Shawn observed this with a sly smile. He got up and moved toward her. Standing closely behind Katie, he reached down and stroked her wet hair. Suddenly, an arm came flying up at him and he had to move back quickly to stop being hit with it. Katie spun around with a wild look in her eyes. In another quick move, he leaned in and grabbed her by the throat with his right hand. Katie dropped the wet towel on the floor as he pulled her up into a standing position. She tried to struggle against him but with his free arm, had drawn her in close to him. She was gasping.
‘Now, now Katie. Don’t be like that. You still need our help, don’t you? You were so friendly before, we thought you might want a bit of fun before you go to sleep. I think you’d like that, wouldn’t you?’
Shawn tried to keep his voice level and quiet. It wouldn’t do to have his uncle or nosy aunt walk in right now.
The girl in his grasp stopped struggling. He looked down at her as her green eyes looked up at him. He felt his cock twitch.
‘Don’t get me wrong, Shawn. I am grateful for everything you and Lee have done for me tonight. But I think I really need some rest. I’m exhausted.’ Her eyes flickered before looking down.
He paused before rearranging his hold on her. He moved just enough to turn her around. He had one large forearm across her throat and his left arm across her front, making sure her arms were secured at her sides. They were facing Lee, who was sitting at the table watching them. His position concealed the erection he had. He was getting more than a little excited at the show he was watching.
The girl seemed to have given in to Shawn already, and he was a little disappointed. He enjoyed a bit of a struggle. He grinned at Lee while at the same time moving the position of his arm. Katie relaxed, probably thinking he was going to let her go. She was wrong. Instead he just repositioned his hand so that it slipped under her robe. He grabbed her right breast with his large hand and squeezed it hard. He noticed her nipple harden and he twisted it between his thumb and finger. She shifted against him and he heard her whimper.
‘Please Shawn, let me go to bed. Please,’ She rasped in a whisper.
‘Oh, trust me, I’ll get you to bed alright. In fact I think we may head over that way very soon. Is that what you want, Katie?’ Shawn growled into her ear as he tightened his grip on her breast and throat. She gasped.
Shawn glanced up at Lee again as he moved his hand from her breast. He trailed his hand down over the smooth skin of her belly, letting the robe slip open. Her breasts were now exposed and if it hadn’t been for Shawn’s hand over her pussy, Lee would have had a full frontal view. His cock was pressing hard against his jeans, making things very uncomfortable. He hoped Shawn would let him have fun with her too.
I closed my eyes as I felt Shawn’s hand reach down my body. My cheeks burned hot. The grip he had on my throat was making it difficult to breathe properly, let alone call out. My mind frantically tried to figure out how I had gotten into this predicament. But really, I knew the answer to that. I was a tease and always had been. Shawn’s hand moved lower and I felt him cup my pussy. Oh hell, I was in trouble now. I felt him tapping a finger on my clit. Oh hell. I tried to move away from him but the tightening of his forearm stopped me. His finger slipped into my cunt and I cursed myself for realizing I was actually getting horny. I opened my eyes a little and saw Lee watching. I looked at him until he met my gaze. He had a hand under the table and I wondered what he was doing. I closed my eyes again as Shawn started finger fucking me.
Lee was rubbing his hard on through his jeans. Shawn was grinning over at him.
‘Lee, you won’t believe how wet she is. And I don’t think it was from the shower, either.’ Shawn pressed his groin against Katie, hoping she’d feel his stiff cock pressed against her.
‘You don’t seem to mind giving Lee a little show, do you? You little tease. Shall we show him some more?’ Shawn voice was getting raspy. He was nearly down to a whisper. He moved his foot between her feet and tapped her inner ankles.
‘Move them apart.’
After a moment the girl did as she was told.
‘There we go. Good girl. Can you see everything okay, Lee?’ Shawn used his fingers to display Katie’s nearly bare pussy. He spread her open. Using his middle finger he tapped and rubbed her engorged clit. The girl leaned heavily against him and groaned. Shawn loosened his grip on her throat a little and kissed her ear.
‘Mmmmm,’ he murmured. ‘I didn’t think it would take long for you to see things my way.’ The sound of a scraping chair made Shawn look up and Katie open her eyes.
Lee was on his way over.
‘I can’t help it, man. I want some.’ Without looking at either Shawn or Katie, Lee dropped to his knees. Grabbing Katie’s thighs, he buried his face in her pussy. He worked his tongue into her folds and licked her deeply.
Katie gasped with a mixture of shock and ecstasy.
Shawn roared with laughter.
Lee devoured Katie’s cunt. Damn, she tastes good, he thought. His cock throbbed.
‘Lee, you bastard. I wanted to taste that first.’ Shawn was grinning at his impatient buddy.
Lee mumbled something into Katie’s pussy which caused the girl to groan and Shawn felt her knees weaken a little.
‘Lee, enough dude,’ whispered Shawn. ‘I’m not in the mood to get snapped by my aunt.’
As if on cue, Shawn’s aunt called out.
‘Shawn honey, can you come in here for a moment please?’
‘Fuck!’ swore Shawn in a frustrated whisper. ‘Lee! Get up, man!’ He pulled Katie backwards and quickly ended Lee’s tongue fucking session. Lee swore and reluctantly stood up.
‘On my way!’ replied Shawn to his aunt. He maneuvered Katie to a chair and sat her down. She wrapped the robe back around her and secured it with the fluffy white belt.
‘Get us all a shot of whiskey, Lee.’ Shawn ordered.
Lee had just made it to the bench when Shawn’s aunt entered the kitchen. She scooped up the towel from the floor.
‘Come on boys, let the girl get some rest. Oh Lee, she doesn’t need anymore of that. Take her to the guest house please, she’ll be much more comfortable there. I’m going to have a chat with Shawn and catch up with him. It’s been a while since we’ve done that, hasn’t it Shawn?’ She grinned pleasantly.
Shawn plastered a fake smile on his face.
‘Sure. Sounds good. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow, Katie. Lee will show you the way.’ His smile faded as he added, ‘Sleep well.’
‘Excellent’ Smiled his aunt. ‘I’ll see you two in the morning.’ She left the kitchen, pulling Shawn by the arm. The big man managed an icy stare at Katie before following his aunt into the lounge.
Lee poured himself a shot of whiskey and downed it quickly. He glanced over at the girl, devouring her with his eyes.
‘Okay Katie, let’s go.’
I stood up at Lee’s request. My breathing was nearly back to normal. It had taken some effort. I was confused at the emotions I was feeling. What Shawn had done was not right. But if that was the case, why was it that I could feel my pussy throbbing with lust?
I picked my bag up from the floor and followed Lee down the hallway to the backdoor. He held it open for m
e and I stepped outside. The door closed quietly and I could hear Lee breathing heavily behind me. He was pressing his body against my back as we stood on the back steps. The night was cool, and there was a slight breeze. His body felt warm against me and I could smell the aroma of pussy juice.
‘C’mon Katie,’ he said quietly. He moved past me and started down the steps. I followed him down to the path. It was a narrow cobblestone path and meandered gently past the gardens for about fifty meters before coming to a small gate. Beyond that was another gravel driveway and beyond that was the guesthouse.
I followed a few steps behind Lee, feeling a little like a lamb to the slaughter. I closed the gate behind me and made my way carefully across the gravel. Lee was waiting at the front door for me and again, held it open as I entered the house. It was dark. I heard Lee fumbling for the light switch and within a few seconds a pale light glowed. From what I could see, in the dim light, the inside was pleasant enough. The small foyer opened up into a kitchen and a comfortable looking living room. I could just make out a stairwell on the other side of the room, leading upward. I felt Lee’s arm around my waist and he was moving me toward the lounge.
‘Go and sit down, get comfy. I’ve got something that will help you relax. Just give me a minute.’ He left me there while he went into the kitchen. I sank down into the couch, leaving my bag on the floor. It felt good! I didn’t know what the time was but it must have been past midnight by now. I craned my neck to look over at Lee. He was at the kitchen counter and was hunched over, looking at something.
‘What are you doing, Lee?’ I asked. I didn’t know whether to trust him after what he did to me in the kitchen. I could feel my heart rate quicken again at the memory.
He looked up at me and gave me a smile.
‘Well Katie, it’s been a somewhat stressful evening for you. Is that about right?’
I nodded at him.
‘Okay, well I intend to change that. How do you feel about ecstasy?’ His grin got wider.
I looked at him.
‘Ecstasy? I actually haven’t tried it before.’
This was quite surprising really, because I’d tried a lot of different drugs. For recreational purposes only, of course.
‘Well you have to try this!’ he winked at me.
‘I’m not really into pills, Lee. I’m not sure about all this.’ I was starting to get uncomfortable.
‘No problem, Katie. I have some crushed up. It’s just powder so you can dip your finger in and just taste it.’ He put a half pill in his mouth and swallowed it before he made his way over to the couch. He straddled my thighs and stood there looking at me.
‘You’ll love this stuff.’ With that he held a small plastic bag out to me. It contained white powder.
‘Oh, Lee. I don’t know.’ I looked up at him and shook my head slightly. I felt his legs close against mine and my knees crushed together. He leaned down to me and dipped his finger into the bag. Drawing it back out, I could see a small amount of powder on his fingertip.
‘You’ll like it Katie, I promise.’ He said gently. ‘Just taste it.’
I looked into his eyes as he held his powdered fingertip a few inches from my lips. His eyes searched mine and I knew I was going to give in. My lips parted and I licked my lips. I took his wrist in my hand and looked at him as I softly tasted the powder on his finger. I drew away slightly as I savored the taste and swallowed. It was bitter, but not nasty. I leaned forward again and took his finger in my mouth. I closed my eyes as my tongue encircled his finger. I couldn’t help myself from sucking on it ever so gently before withdrawing. He groaned.
I sat back and licked my lips once more. Damn, it had been quite some time since I’d had powder of any form. I have been told that I have an addictive personality. I didn’t know what that meant, but I did know I found it extremely difficult to say no to a lot of things. Just to prove this I looked up at Lee.
‘I’d like a little more please.’
Lee grinned down at me. He stepped over me and landed on the couch next to me. I turned a little to face him and brought my legs up onto the couch and sat cross legged. I did nothing to cover my nakedness underneath the bathrobe. Lee observed this too. His grin got wider as he offered me the bag of powder.
‘Thanks,’ I said smiling back. I took it from him and opened it up. I dipped my finger in and got a lovely little pile of powder on my fingertip. Without hesitation I put my finger in my mouth and onto my tongue. Once again I savored the bitter taste before swallowing it. I licked my finger clean and glanced at Lee.
‘I’m going to get us a couple of beer chasers,’ he said. He got up and jumped over the back of the couch and jogged into the kitchen. I laughed and licked any remaining traces of drug from my lips. Within a minute we were both on the couch with a cold beer in hand. I hated to admit it but I was actually enjoying this.
Lee and I settled into the couch and started chatting. It was interesting hearing about his hobbies and growing up in the country. However after a while I noticed I was just watching him speak and not really paying attention. I know I was smiling a lot. I was watching his mouth move. He had luscious full lips, always parted in a smile when he wasn’t talking. Our knees were now touching and it felt burning hot. He was running his hand softly over my bare thigh. It made me feel totally warm and secure. I felt myself zoning out a little but didn’t have the stoned feeling I got from weed. I felt really good. And so did his jeans clad thigh. I don’t remember when I put my hand there. I watched my hand moving up and down his thigh, tracing the muscular outline. He was still talking and the sound was hypnotic. I looked into his sparkling green eyes and down to his mouth again. God, he was gorgeous. I reached out and traced his mouth with my finger. He stopped talking just as I leaned into him and touched my lips against his. I held that position for just a moment, feeling his warm breathe on my face. I kissed him gently and felt his tongue tracing along my top lip. I caught his tongue with my own and kissed him harder. His lips were soft and he tasted delicious. The kiss was long and lingering. We were stroking each others limbs and it felt so good.
I pulled back and smiled at him. He stood up.
‘How are you feeling? Can I get you anything?’ He was readjusting his jeans.
‘Yes,’ I replied, and I sat up and reached forward for him. My hands grasped each thigh and I gently pulled him to me. I wanted what was under these jeans. He didn’t resist as I undid the button and lowered the zipper. I looked up at him as I pulled the denim down. He had his eyes closed. His hands were resting on either side of my head.
He got up and then stepped out of his jeans and pulled off his t-shirt. He stood there in his boxers. The fabric was soft as I cupped his ass cheeks in my hands. My hands trailed along the dark skin of his back. I could feel every defined muscle. My hands ran down his sides and over his stomach. I kissed his navel as my hands reached up to his chest. I couldn’t stop touching him. I continued to kiss his body. His growing erection was now pressing against my cheek. I kissed it through the fabric of his boxers. I opened my mouth and ran my lips along the outline of his cock. The heat I could feel was incredible. The moment seemed to continue for an age. He bent down and kissed me. When he stood up, the boxers were gone.
I took a moment taking in the beauty of the engorged cock before me. I had the security of Lee’s hands, once again on either side of my head. His rigid cock bobbed before me as he shivered slightly. I pressed my cheek against it and felt the softness of the skin, and the hot hard muscle beneath it. I kissed his gorgeous cock and ran a finger along its length. I licked it and heard Lee take a breath. I felt encouraged and did it a
gain. Suddenly I wanted him in my mouth. I licked my lips and maneuvered the tip of his cock to my mouth. My tongue swirled around its swollen head before I sucked his cock into the depths of my hot, wet mouth. Lust filled my body in one short breath. I devoured his cock like a woman possessed. I couldn’t get enough. I sucked and slurped on his cock and balls like my life depended on it. I could hear him moan and move and grasp my head tighter and tighter. I had saliva dripping from my open mouth as I gasped for air.
Lee groaned and then things started to get very serious. My hands had moved off his cock and my nails were now pressed into his ass cheeks. He was gripping me roughly and fucking my mouth hard. He was grunting with every forceful thrust and I felt his hot cock growing even more. My robe was open and his force was so intense that my tits were swinging. I gripped his ass and pressed my face into him. His cock was hitting the back of my throat. I positioned myself so that I could accommodate his cock better. The next thrust had his cock down my throat. The following few movements had the same effect and Lee then started swearing. He fucked my face so hard I thought I would pass out. I grabbed his cock and sucked hard, giving my throat a rest. It had the desired effect. His cock swelled and started pulsating. Lee growled loudly and ceased movement. I knew what was going to happen next. I placed my mouth over the head of his cock just in time to catch his first load of cum. His body jerked as he came. He pumped my mouth slowly as his semen spilled over my tongue. I swallowed it quickly and was rewarded with another taste of his cum. I sucked tenderly on his cock until he was done. He released his hold on my head and relaxed. His cock slipped from my mouth as he stepped unsteadily back.
‘Wow,’ he said, getting his breath back.
‘That’s just what I was thinking,’ I replied with a smug grin. I wiped a trickle of cum from my mouth with my finger, and sucked on it. I couldn’t stop smiling.
Lee had stumbled naked into the kitchen and was grabbing a couple of cold beers. I’ve always enjoyed the sight of a naked man in the kitchen. My eyes were glued to his muscular thighs and ass. He kicked the fridge closed then looked over at me.
You,’ he said. ‘Upstairs, now.’
I tried to contain my excitement as I got up off the couch. He passed me a beer and followed me up the dark stairwell. As I reached the top step, I caught sight of the view and had to pause. It was breathtaking. Along the length of the far wall were large windows. The drapes were open and the moonlight was spilling in through them, giving a room a luminous blue appearance. I walked toward the wooden coffee table and set my beer down. Moving to the windows I slowly walked along the length of them. Lee followed slowly behind, opening up the windows one by one. When he was done, I heard some old Blues music start playing, at a low volume. Nice.
The view was spectacular. Acres and acres of rolling countryside spread out before me. I was still in awe of the place when Lee stepped in close behind me. I was about to comment on the view when his hand appeared in front of my face. He put his finger to my lips and I opened my mouth, engulfing it. I tasted more of the bitter but wonderful drug. I sucked his finger clean and then he turned me around.
‘You don’t need this anymore,’ he said, as he loosened the belt and slipped the robe off me. It landed in a soft heap on the floor. My erect nipples were pressing against his muscular chest. Lee moved my hair away from my neck and kissed it lightly. He held my breasts in his hands, squeezing them adoringly. We both groaned simultaneously and then laughed softly. He moved away, taking my hand in his. The air was nearly cold with the windows open, yet I felt warm inside. I guess it was the mix of alcohol and ecstasy. I know it wasn’t the smartest thing to do, but at this moment it felt so right.
The slight yellow glow of sunset was filtering through the dusty windshield, the shadows dancing across the car interior. My wife was sitting beside me curled up in the front seat of our SUV, her curvy white creamy legs sliding free out of the bottom of her red summer dress. The fabric gripping up her hips as she rolled and shifted her weight in the seat. I couldn’t help stealing glances of her gorgeous curvy body, her dark chestnut hair cascading over her shoulders and a lock covering her...
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xmoviesforyouIntroduction: Ill try to get part two up in the next week, depending on how my life is going. *SLAP!* My head whips to the side and my hand comes up to my lip where he slapped me, feeling it begin to swell. I feel something warm and sticky, and know Im bleeding. Dont talk back to me, he says, and I quickly nod, the stubborn look that used to be in my eyes replaced by a frightened one. Behind those eyes, theres something more, but he cant see it: Lust. ————————————————————– It started a...
Note to the reader: Each entry in the diary can be read alone or as part of a series, but since I have a wide sexual appetite you may not find everything I've written to be such a turn on, so you may want to skip those chapters. *** If you have read the other chapters of this diary, you will know that I went travelling after I finished university, intending to meet up with people from adult personal sites along the way. So, after St. Petersburg I went all the way through Russia and Mongolia...
BisexualJohn Pollard had forgotten the visit of his old flame. His life had settled into something of a routine long before she had arrived, and after her visit it was regained. He visited his children; he visited his friends, and they visited him. The parish kept him busy visiting the sick and housebound. One day a week he helped at a shelter and hostel for the homeless, or more often if they were short staffed. He had no time to wonder why Claire had decided to visit after so long. He had assumed...
Hello guys..After a long break ek bar fir me apke samne apni nayi aur sachi kahani leke aaya hu..Pahle me apko apne bareme bata du mera nam rohan he me nagpur mh ka rehne wala hu meri age 24 he aur dikhneme thoda handsome hu se search krk you can read my earlier stories..Ye chudai story h meri or mere ek friend ki girlfrnd ki..Uska nam mayuri he..Age 25 figure sexy matlb 36d-28-34 height bhi achi he u know what I meant.. To ab story pe ate he ghatna thodi badi he islye shuru se padhoge to hi...
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I was in bed with Anh and Natalie later that evening. I'm not quite sure how they worked it out, but they managed to rotate using some complicated selection criteria so each night I had a slightly different combination of women in my bed. We'd found five to a bed was pushing things, but I had a feeling that would change as soon as the rest of the women arrived. Or maybe not, depending on how things went with my potential upcoming dates. We were having a good time. Anh was whispering advice...
Hi ftiends, neha here I am from punjab age 22 yrs tall figgure 34-29-30 hai mai single hu mai apnye bhai bhabi kaye sath rehti hu mom dad apnye puranye city maye rehty hai mai study or bhai job kartey hai bhabi housewife hai Yeh baat last month ki hai bhai ki shaadi ko 2 month ho chukey hai mai ghar aayi us din saturday tha ghar ka door lgaa tha door bell off thi mainye apnye purse saye key nikali door open kiya bhabi khi nhi dikhaai di mai apnye room maye gyi bag rakha bhahar aayi kitchen ki...
On the way home from work, I thought about the stuff Karen and I had packed. I wanted to be sure I had packed everything I needed for the week long stay. By the time I reached my apartment, I was certain that I had everything. I opened the door and yelled "Get our bags Karen. It's time to go." "I'm way ahead of you sis," replied Karen. I looked by the couch and saw that all the bags were lined up and ready to go. Karen came out of the bathroom and her attire got me hard instantly. She was...
She Males"You need to listen to this," Evelyn whispered. We knelt together and listened; Johanssen was still telling a story and even though I hadn't been concentrating, I still understood where he was up to; perhaps the seated Alex who just got the tongue-fucking of her life had been listening on my behalf. He was re-telling David Adley's tale of the stone idol; he and Evelyn had honeymooned in South America and sought out a local mystic – a witch woman, the locals claimed – who was said to...
‘Have you given any thought to what we talked about the other day?’ Mary asked as they sat at the kitchen table, eating. Matt made sirloin tips in gravy over noodles for them and it was delicious. ‘You mean that stuff about me getting involved with someone younger?’ he asked. ‘That, among other things,’ Mary said. Matt gave her a puzzled look and asked, ‘Why are you pushing that?’ ‘Because I love you. I don’t want you to wind up hating me because I deprived you of things you could have...
It is a sad fact of life that many of our teenage children come off the tracks. There are many hypotheses that try to explain how it is, our society cannot cater for the younger generation, how it fails them at a fundamental level and leaves them to learn and fend for themselves. We teach our children the usual things, History, Geography, to read and write, numerical skills, but we seem to have forgotten how to teach them social graces and how to behave. But, for a large slice of the...
“I’ll make it very special” she said her blonde hair tickling my stomach as she brought my cock to her mouth. “Well it will have to last me three weeks at least” I replied. “Yeah I bet, boys away on business” she replied licking the length of my full and very hard erection. I didn’t reply for my wife knew me very well, but not as well as she thinks I smiled loving the warmth of her tongue on me. “Just don’t bring anything home” she mumbled as she took the bulbous end of my uncut cock into...
Bisexual“That’s surprising”, Supreme Ruler Ariel began to narrate in a voice only he could hear. “He must have been really close to a breakthrough ... But it truly is marvelous and voracious, the Seven Stages Of Bodily Refinement. I use a little formation to accelerate the healing process and it completely absorbed the herbal ointment and even the bandages ... the fibers they were made from were not simple, to say the least, and still nothing remained!” Zax clenched his fists in bewilderment. ‘How...
Suzy and I had been married for six years when she began to change. At first I didn't notice but that soon changed. We had recently moved into a new house with lots of extra space for c***dren. Suzy and I had known one another for twenty of our twenty six years. We were sweethearts by high school and married at college. After graduating we took high paying jobs in our respective fields and saved for a house and family.Everything was going according to our plan. We had everything we wanted...
Hi guys. I’m Naresh from Ambernath, a small city in Mumbai Suburbs. I’m a regular follower of ISS and a big fan of this site. This is my first story here. In this story I’ll tell you how I enjoyed sex with neighbor’s girl (shreya) who seems very shy otherwise but was lioness in bed. Hope you’ll enjoy it. I’m a Maharashtrian guy and hence I’ll narrate the dialogues in Marathi. Trust me; Marathi will take the erotic dialogues to a new height. Story is little bit long. Be patient. Shreya and I...
Monte Cristo uttered a joyful exclamation on seeing the young men together. "Ah, ha!" said he, "I hope all is over, explained and settled." "Yes," said Beauchamp; "the absurd reports have died away, and should they be renewed, I would be the first to oppose them; so let us speak no more of it." "Albert will tell you," replied the count "that I gave him the same advice. Look," added he. "I am finishing the most execrable morning's work." "What is it?" said Albert;...
I m a regular reader of iss.and i’m particularly interested in those stories involving wives and girlfriends.i’m writing on iss for the first time as i really couldn’t help but share this with all of you. These events took place only a few months back.and trust me friends this is a real one.i’m 25 and from the city of joy.i’ve completed my mba and i’m a executive in an mnc.i’ve been engaged to my girlfriend for the last 5 years and we are into a very stable and beautiful relationship. She is 24...
He’s beautiful, yet he can’t see it. He’s strong and wise, yet he doesn’t believe it. He’s worth time, energy, and love, yet he doesn’t want it. He has his mind made up. There’s something he’s going to do. Nothing anyone can say or do can change that. I still try. I try to come up with inspirational words, reasons, excuses. I beg, I plead. Alone I cry, my heart aching for a forsaken soul. My heart breaking for the young man that doesn’t believe his life is worth living, for a gentle man...
For years, I’ve been playing with a guy who, really, I didn’t even fancy. Why I even bothered is beyond me. To make matters worse, he is the biggest tease I’ve ever met. I’m not talking about the type to tease you until you’re flying high and bring you to an epic orgasm. No, not Bob. Bob is the one who’ll bring you to that point and deny you. Repeatedly. The bastard. I’ve often had to go home and rub one out after his constant teasing. He’d keep telling me he’d change, not do it again, but...
Hi everybody my name is Sachin(name changed) today i would like to share my experience with u, right from my childhood i am very horny person i started masturbation at the age of 12 i used to masturbate thinking of my neighbour aunty sridevi(name changed) it was on july 11 2006 i went to theatre to see krissh movie while going to my house i found a randi her name is aruna she is sexy godess she has a big ass and big boobs which i really like it we both travelled on the same auto i presses her...
IncestDay 9: The dragon settled back into the center of a massive stadium carved from the mountain itself. The doorway they’d entered through had a mirror image on the opposite side of the arena floor. At the end, in the same direction as the stairs they’d come up, was the only break in the oval stands. It was narrow at floor level, but widened into a wedge shape leading out to what looked like massive siege-resistant walls behind. Ice coated the cavern ceiling, reminding John of the domes...
Mom’s eyes quickly peered at the doorway, and seeing us stumbling into the room here first reaction was to slam her legs shut on poor Duke’s head, yanked the sheet over her head, and pretended to be asleep. It must have been difficult shutting down such an intense orgasm so quickly, and I knew she was probably terrified…mortified at her children seeing the lewdness of what she was enjoying Duke doing for her. That was a defining moment in time for me as the man of the house. Mikaela...
Karma Rx is a legal assistant for a very aggressive lawsuit happy lawyer who believes that a current supreme court judge just may have appeared in an old gangbang video. When he is hit with a massive federal indictment for his false accusations, she must come to the help of her boss Codey Steele . Poor guy – he only wanted some publicity and to possibly run for president one day. Karma knows the only way to get him back on his feet and back into the game is to make him strong and self...
xmoviesforyouBrushing Mom’s Hair part- 02 The next day was the same as the day before. Mom acted like nothing had happened. I was relieved because she had looked so dejected when I’d left her room. I didn’t try to badger her this time, didn’t try to send or received any secret signals. I acted just like she did. I didn’t rush when she brought me a mug of hot chocolate. I took my time with it, relishing in her parting words, “Dad’s just gone to bed.” Though I had taken my time, Mom hadn’t yet sat down in...
IncestWe got up around 11 in the morning and went sightseeing. I was doing my level best for Chaitali to feel happy and comfortable. We did some shopping. After lunch, we went to a movie. We returned to the hotel around 7 in the evening and were tired. We had a bath and then freshened up. We planned for dinner in the hotel restaurant and started getting dressed. Chaitali was inside the bathroom. She came out, and I was stunned. She wore a strapless Cami Dress, exposing 70% of her thighs. As the dress...
Alessandra's arousals awake and deep disappointments developThis exciting erotic autobiography by Alessandra arises from our hundreds of hours of talks at several social media. Expect some hot highlights, several serious setbacks and deep disappointments in the tales of early teen times. As her guest writer, it took me many years to get a grip on all that stuff she tells me over those three years, in thousands of erotic and erratic exchanges in chats. Soon enough though, I discover that Alessa...
I asked tall blonde Kim Doney if she wanted to hang out with me,she seemed uninterested but I really wanted to get to know her more. A few months later eventually we ended up hanging out at The gig in Riverwest. I caught the 14 and got off and walked to the bar. When I got there I walked in and she was sitting at the bar chatting with the bartender. she looked over saw me and came strolling over, she looked stunning in a metallic and black dress and black flip flops. Man, I always fantasized...
Summer had noticed a man watching her from the across the way of her apartment building. A few nights she caught him staring at her. After that he shut his light off but kept the shades open. He was a tall, handsome but dark looking man. And she would always wear something sexy or make sure she was change in that window. Which was fairly easy seeing as not many people lived in the building. A small building at the village of town. Her apartment was facing the trees and had a beautiful view of...
Chapter 2: Kirsten’s Audition The taxi pulled up outside the sumptuous looking building that boasted Appleby Modelling in red across the cream façade. Next to the words was the smaller red apple symbol that connected all Appleby businesses. Kirsten had spent an hour on the computer researching as much as she could before leaving the Met. Now she was on her own. She raised her eyebrows as the driver told her the fare—was travelling to Croydon really that expensive? Maybe she should have taken...
Mark awoke the next day to a strange feeling, his cock was being bathed in a warm, wet, suction feeling, it felt wonderful unlike anything he had ever felt. Then suddenly he had a feeling not unlike having to having to take a piss, then he felt as is he was pumping pee out, but not quite, it had a more wonderful feeling than that, then as suddenly as it started it was gone. Not thinking too much on it as he thought it was a dream he drifted back deeper into sleep. Stirring awake a few...
For three days straight I had dropped off my mother at her work place allowing me the use of her car. For three days straight I parked where I could see the school parking lot hoping for a glimpse of Ruth Pearson. I intended to follow her home so I finally would know where she lived. I hadn't planned anything beyond finding her house. I brought along a book for company but didn't see My Ruthie for those three days. I spent a couple of hours sitting there before the boredom was too much for...
Eliza Eliza by Carmenica Diaz
Sally floated into the condo as if walking on air. Betsy hadn’t seen her since the afternoon she had sent Steve over, with instructions that he was to kiss her. She had not been around the condo, her lab, or her apartment, for two days. She hadn’t answered her phone during that entire time, either. Betsy took one look at her and said, “I guess you’ve been kissed.” “Yes,” Sally said. Sally had been kissed! And, despite her lack of experience, she knew she had been kissed well. He had...
Ah what a day I'd had in work!? Didn't get finished til after mid night and just couldn't wait 2 climb in2 bed and get a good nights sleep.The drive home was long and tiring, as I walked in the house I was surprised 2 see the living room light was still on (My wife never stays up late during the week)I walked towards the living room and started 2 make out a slight moaning sound, curiously I peered around the door and noticed both of my wifes legs dangling over both arms of the arm chair, as I...
I was delighted when Alex called and said he would be arriving that weekend. It just wouldn't be Christmas without him. Shortly after his parents divorced, Alex's father had disappeared for greener pastures. His mother, my sister, became gravely ill and was unable to care for her young son. Unable to stand idly by and watch my own flesh and blood be placed in the hands of strangers, I took Alex in. Until last year, when he started college, mine had been the only home Alex had ever really known....
GayHi. I am 21 years old and this sex story happened 3 years back when I had just finished my 12th grade. I used to live in an apartment with only 3 floors and about 7-8 flats on each floor. It was filled with a lot of children with different age groups and used to always play in the flats. I used to play very occasionally, and since I had just completed my 12th boards, I decided to relax and play one day with the building mates. There was a party being held on our flat’s terrace for some...
It was a hot summer day in the city of brotherly love and memorial day weekend was over, but the summer had begun,after a wild weekend of fucking my various fuck buddies, i was going through the contacts in my phone and came across my voice mail. It was a voicemail from Karithy, a few months ago, she came back to Philly after moving to NYC with her husband from her unhappily arranged marriage to a man twice her age who was a slob with money. For months we've been talking over the phone and...
I love the rain. I love the coolness, the sign of renewal… I just love rain. I particularly love kissing in the rain– something about the sense of warmth surrounded by cold, the innocence it portrays… and just the feeling of cold rain on warm lips. I remember the first time I had sex in the rain. I had just gotten back from a high school bagpipe band trip to Scotland, for 2 and a half weeks. Scotland is kind of a wet and rainy place, in case you didn’t already know! I got off the plane, made...
part 2 Preparations I personally have four bedrooms at the estate. My main bedroom is on the third floor and is decorated in imported Italian marble. The bathroom is the size of a low income house in most civilized worlds. No one but myself and the cleaning slaves are allowed in. I have a main floor bedroom near the back of the main house I use for overnight fucking. It has a beautiful four poster antique bed made out of richly carved oak. I maintain this room for having one of my slaves as...