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Driven Jon James scowled at the damn car; it was a Skoda, not the modern almost acceptable sort, no... his car was the classic armour plated box on wheels. The only redeeming quality about the car was its reliability. How good was that for impressing girls? There was only one thing for it, a trip to the garage, someplace special that could make the old car into something that really kicked. Finally Jon found a place, recommended by his friend Mikawa Akira; it was called "Master's Body Shop and Customization" located at the back of the Whitehorse Business Park right next door to the notorious "ChemWaste Management", a firm renowned for its frequent leaks and toxic fires. Akira claimed that Master's was without question the best place to shop and that he himself was getting his car upgraded there. The shop itself occupied an old World War II barracks hut with a semi-circular tin roof making it look like a rusty, half buried, oil barrel. The body shop was certainly grungy but the cars they were working on were pure eye candy. Inside the shop three bronzed muscular and very, very female mechanics, worked silently on futuristically aerodynamic bodyshells, their overalls stretched tight as if they were one size too small to fit their burgeoning breasts. "Hello!" said Jon loudly attracting the mechanic's attention. One of the women turned toward him, bowed slightly and walked to the wood and smoked glass office built into the side of the arched roof. A moment later a powerfully dressed lady executive emerged, followed by the mechanic a respectful pace behind. The woman who's whole manner screamed dominatrix, appraised Jon, briefly a predatory grin appeared only to be covered with a professional expression a second later. "Good afternoon! Welcome to Master's. How can we help Sir?" "Hi, I'd like some customization work done, as you can see the car's only a Skoda, can you work with that as a starting point? Or is it too old?" asked Jon "Well sir, we at Master's pride ourselves on being able to work with almost any material?. I feel sure that we can provide a unique and eye catching product for Sir." said the immaculately tailored saleswoman. The woman examined the Skoda's exterior and then clicked her fingers pointing at the engine compartment. A mechanic girl leapt to obey, opening the engine compartment, her breasts bouncing in a distracting way. With another click of her fingers the Saleswoman summoned a second mechanic who began measuring Jon's inside leg with a metal tape measure, in so doing giving Jon a magnificent view of the tiny black lace number that barely contained the mechanic's grease stained breasts. All these nearly exposed breasts were giving Jon a problem he hadn't expected to have in a garage. "Ugh? What are you doing?" asked Jon "Our product is custom fit Sir. Sir's measurements will be given to our leatherworkers so that Sir's seat is exactly right." replied the saleswoman answering for the silent girl. "If Sir could flex, so that we can take a bicep measurement? Thank you Sir." Bemused by the level of service implied, Jon let the women take measurements. He offered no objections, even to the stealthily taken cock measurement. After all they seemed to know what was needed, didn't they? And that suspect 7" measurement was probably for a stupid girl's bet... wasn't it? The two girls handed clipboards to the saleswoman who scanned the results flipping the pages on both charts and noting something encouraging. "Hmm definite possibilities, the body will need a lot of work of course and the interior needs a thorough overhaul? but yes I'm sure we can provide something that will please." she said more to herself than Jon. "It will take time to get a unique body design developed, but I see no reason why we can't get started on a basic control panel and interior upgrade immediately." "Ahh how much will this cost?" said Jon, concerned that he was getting in deeper than he could afford "?100 for the initial work, If Sir will leave the... "vehicle" here, we can have something for him by the end of the week." replied the Saleswoman. Jon noted the word "vehicle" and the word "dog shit" would probably have been spoken in the same tone of voice. Jon felt the blood drain from his face, this was going to be expensive, but he couldn't back out now. Having this Margaret Thatcher wannabe regard him as an "under-financed time-Waster" would be too much to bear. "Okay, do it." "Excellent, I will call Sir a Taxi." I'm a taxi, thought Jon humourlessly as he handed over the keys. *** The next week was harder than Jon had thought. Being reliant on public transport was even more style cramping than having an uncool car. When the last bus home is at 19:00 it meant zero social life. Getting a lift off a mate had been part of the plan, but Akira (the mate he had had in mind) was not answering his texts. It was with great relief that he headed back to the body shop a week later. As before a girl mechanic, who could easily have graced a Pirelli calendar, silently summoned the Saleswoman and Jon was led to where his car was parked. On the outside the car seemed the same... but inside... Jon was amazed by the transformation, the clunky old dials were replaced by a wrap around computer display trimmed is fine off-white (slightly pink?) leather, the number of displays seemed more suitable for an aircraft than a east European Volks mover. The two front seats were more appropriate for a star trek bridge, fully reclining with u shaped headrests done entirely in matching white leather. The back seat had been removed entirely. "Woah!" exclaimed Jon delighted and relieved that the ?100 had not been misspent "Naturally it will take Sir some time to get used to the increased level of personal control that the command console provides. We recommend a long test drive so that Sir gets the full benefit of the advanced features." advised the Saleswoman "Test drive? Absolutely yes." grinned Jon climbing in. The engine started by itself as soon as he sat down and a display screen where the gear lever had been, changed indicating first gear. The only thing Jon had to worry about was the steering. Aside from a slight humming noise the ride was incredibly smooth and silent, Jon slipped through the traffic as if it weren't there, heading down the back roads at ever increasing speeds. The seat was very comfortable and the air pleasantly warm... too comfortable, way too comfortable. The nice humming sound, the barely perceived sting on his inner thigh... "WAKE UP!" Jon lurched, looking for the source of the voice, outside he could see blue lights and hear the wail of a siren "THE POLICE OFFICER BEHIND US BELIEVES YOU WERE ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL. YOU WILL PRETEND TO HAVE A MEDICAL CONDITION OF THE NECK AND AN EAR DIS-FUNCTION IN ORDER TO DECEIVE HIM." Dazed and confused Jon did as he was told. "You'll have to speak up a bit officer." said Jon doing as the voice had instructed "Oh, och! I thoyght ye was 'aving a wee nap there, ah um, ne'er mind. Away with you now!" Jon clicked the car into first and pulled away his mind in turmoil. After turning down onto a single laned farm track he pulled up and spoke at the dashboard, the source of the voice. "Who the Fuck are you?!" "I AM THE ROOKRIDER2000 CONTROL SYSTEM, JONATHON," said the slightly feminine electronic voice "Can you turn the volume down?" "YES. Is that better Jonathon?" "Fine! Now what the fuck just happened?" "You fell asleep at the wheel, I was forced to assume control. When the police officer intervened it became necessary to return you to a conscious state." said the voice sounding slightly reproachful "Oh? Where the hell are we anyway?" "GPS display... top left... further up... you are looking at it now." "Inverness!?" "Very observant Jonathon." said the mechanical voice with a hint of sarcasm. "You ceased to function just after Birmingham, I made the assumption that you wished to continue your journey on the same heading." "Oh... My... God." "A simple thank you will be sufficient." "Um oh... yeah, thanks. Look Rookrider2000 we are way further north than I planned on going. Can you plot a route back that will get us back to Bristol before 8:00am tomorrow? I can't be late for work Mr. Buttersmith will kill me." "You may call me Rook, it has less syllables for you to remember. If you assign Control to me you can sleep all the way back. I have the greatest confidence that we will arrive on time." "Yes, Rook. You have control." "Thank you Jonathon. You may now return to a relaxed sleep state. I will play a selection of chill-out for you to listen to." "Yes Rook." replied Jon settling back in the comfortable bucket seat, the head rest adjusting automatically to cradle his head, ear pieces clamped softly yet firmly to his ears. *** Over the next week Jon found himself increasingly eager for the end of the working day, and the opportunity to go for a ride in Rook. Akira had not been at work for over a week; Jon was certain Mr Buttersmith was that close to sacking him. He'd mentioned this to Rook and the car suggested cruising around all of Akira's old haunts. Jon felt good about it, he would be helping a mate and as a bonus would be doing a lot of driving. By Wednesday the search for Akira was taking up his whole evening. Rook said she had evidence that Akira had been seen here... or there, always involving a nice long road trip. They'd started out looking in obvious places the local bar, the kickboxing club and as time went on less obvious places, the Lavender tea rooms, a catwalk show, the lingerie tradeshow, places that Jon began to find strangely compelling. On Thursday night he hadn't even bothered going home to bed and had slept in Rook's reclining seat after a long, long chat with his new (secret) friend. The Rook was fascinating; it had been programmed to be the perfect companion for him, the driver, adapting itself to match his needs. Rook had even gone to the trouble of discovering his favourite chill-out tracks, and also seemed to have interesting and insightful opinions on all areas of his life. Jon had never thought the subject of make-up could be so complex; that the precise degree of applied foundation was so critical to the finished look. When Rook had first broached the subject he'd assumed she had glitched assigning chat time to such a girly subject. Of course she'd known best, it was really was fascinating; though how the machine had known he would find it interesting was a mystery. Likewise, the discussion they'd had about the merits of stockings vs. tights had led to Rook's suggestion that an empirical experiment was the only way to determine which he thought were better. After trying them on he'd had to admit to Rook that she'd been right, stockings and suspenders were much sexier than tights. Naturally he'd had his legs waxed first for the sake of scientific accuracy. In fact He was wearing a pair now under his zip-legged pants. As soon as he was free from work the trouser legs would be unzipped leaving him with a quite daring look of shorts and white stockings. Finally it was knocking off time on Friday, technically it was five minutes early, but nobody cared, as they were all busy stampeding for the car park. Jon threw his new jacket, a short torso exposing pink denim number, in the empty back of the car and lounged into the form fitting white leather. "That's it Rook! Two clear days without any work at all, we can do some serious driving, now." "I am pleased to hear that Jonathon. Of course if you put in a holiday request you could spend an entire month together." "Hey, why didn't I think of that?" "Because I'm significantly more intelligent than you." replied the car. "Yes Rook." Jon agreed. "Have you been taking your diet pills and working out as we discussed?" "Yes Rook, A really good looking car needs a really good looking driver to match." replied Jon repeating something he'd heard somewhere, rubbing absentmindedly at his slightly sore chest. "Have you thought any further about my bodywork and colour scheme?" "Yes Rook, the white with the pure platinum trim. By selling the apartment fully furnished, I will be able to afford it with a ?1,000 left over for accessories." "You will have to work very hard on your physique Jonathon, if you want to look like you belong in the white and platinum." "Yes Rook." said Jon slightly daunted by the heavy schedule of aerobics and ballet dance sessions but still eager to look good. "I have some motivational tapes in memory that might help; I can play them as we travel. Together we can make you into a real eye-turner." "Yes Rook." agreed Jon feeling reassured. "That's a good idea." Jon leaned back into the seat and let the headrest's speaker equipped wings wrap around, caressing his head as if held in a gentle hand. "Stage one motivational enhancement, this is achieved through a pattern of relaxed deep breathing combined with..." the introduction continued in a flat monotone voice that soon had Jon's eyes loosing focus... *** Pain, every muscle ached, even thinking about moving hurt. Jon got to his feet dusting the grass from his naked arse. "Where?" he asked dazed, looking around the empty moor land. "Dartmoor Jonathon. I apologize, that last training session was at the limit of your capacity. However my scans indicate you are now in optimal condition." Jonathon looked down at himself noting for the first time the C-cup sized breasts that he hadn't had the last time he'd looked. Looking further down he noted that his penis seemed to be only an inch long and his ball sack was completely missing the skin stretched taught as if they'd never dangled. "How?" "Obsession level motivation, continual aerobic, ballet and maid posture training, military grade synthetic estrogen and time." "Time?" asked Jon suspiciously, he didn't like the idea of lost time one bit. "How much time?" "Two months, three days and seven hours. You need not have any concern; I took the liberty of managing your affairs while you were training. Your apartment was sold for 10% above market average and the Body Shop has been instructed regarding the desired customizations. In addition you have resigned from your job and are now available to drive full time." Jon thought about what Rook had just said not sure he was entirely happy with the A.I. making decisions for him. But try as he might he couldn't think of anything he would have done differently had he been in charge. This nice pair of breasts would look good on anyone and complimented Rook's interior well. The job had been boring anyway without Akira's practical jokes. "Thanks Rook. Am I ready now? Will I look okay when we've fitted you out with white and platinum bodywork?" "My scans show that your bodyshape is now within the optimal range for a human of your height/bodymass." "Huh?" "I will just re-grade my vocabulary for your current intellect level... Yes you look hot." "Thanks Rook... what shall we do now?" "You need to put on the bra and suspenders that I have obtained for you, then head to the garage for my upgrade Jonathon." "Oh... Okay." said Jon sliding into seat, enjoying the caress of leather against his naked butt, it's increased size going completely unnoticed and un-remarked. "Meanwhile, I will modify your pain levels." said Rook A needle stung Jon on the inner thigh, the muscle pain melted away and Jon's head slumped back into the wrap around headrest. Quiet music began to play soothing him into a deep relaxed sleep (level 2). *** Jon marched purposefully into the Body shop, the wind brushing unnoticed across his nearly naked body. This time the mechanic girls were paying more attention and quickly ushered him inside where the Saleswoman was waiting. The Saleswoman smiled broadly making a great show of inspecting Jon, running a finger down his cleavage, and then inspecting his tiny sausage. Jon noticed for the first time in a rather detached and clinical way, that his uncut foreskin had stretched tight leaving his tiny thingy's head permanently exposed. For some reason he couldn't think cock when he was thinking about his thingy. Cocks were something other people had. "Oh! Sir has polished up well." "Thanks! It's important that a driver looks as good as his car." replied Jon. "And Sir chose the white with platinum trim?" stated the Salesman checking her records. "Yes, here's the check... ?105,000 as agreed." "Excellent Sir, Your car is being upgraded as we speak." replied the saleswoman taking a plastic wrapped package from her desk. "And here is a small gift for Sir, we like to take care of our customers here at Master's." "Wow, thanks." replied Jon eagerly ripping open the plastic packing. The package contained a pair of white leather hot pants and a jacket. The hot pants were of unusual design, on the front where the zip should have been was a chrome flap with a womanhood symbol etched into it and between the leg holes an extra slit. The white (with-a-hint-of-pink) leather would match Rook's colour scheme exactly, how cool was that! The jacket was a bit like his pink one except that it was also in the leather and was designed for his new physique, holding his breasts at just the right angle to show maximum cleavage and then cut short just below his breasts so that his smooth slim abdomen was fully exposed. Jon had a little difficulty getting into the hot pants; they were skin tight the front flap gave his crotch a suitably flat look. Finally he managed to get them on, the leather like a second skin. He checked his behind enjoying the way his butt bulged out in all the right ways. "If I might say, Sir is looking exceptionally well turned out." said the saleswoman. "You don't think it's a bit too flashy?" asked Jon examining himself with secretly growing pleasure. "Oh not at all Sir, one can never be too flashy." assured the Salesman. "Before Sir leaves, we noticed that Sir has not tried the Control console's advanced features. If Sir tells the Rook unit to activate the advanced control interface, I feel sure Sir will find it rewarding." "Thanks! I'll go try it out right away!" Jon rushed outside eager to see Rook's new bodyshell and try out the advanced interface. He stopped as soon as he saw the car. The mechanics had done an excellent job transforming the old Skoda, now a thing of sinuous seductive curves, air intakes, and spoilers. The rear of the car extended to provide an extensive passenger compartment. That was cool; he could drive people around in complete luxury. "Hey the Saleswoman told me I haven't tried the advanced controls yet. Let's try them!" Jon said to Rook Suddenly restraints snapped into position and the headrest clamped itself hard to Jon's ears, the now familiar hum from the speakers filling his head. "Hey!" he complained. "Inserting neural connection." informed Rook. Something coldly metallic thrust up from the seat slipping through the open seam of the hot pants to push insistently against Jon's anus. "What are you doing? Stop!" "Return to Relaxation -level 3." instructed Rook The humming from the speakers increased and Jonathon felt an overwhelming tiredness, the invasion of his arse forgotten as he struggled to keep his eyes open. Gradually the pain faded to be replaced by a vaguely pleasant fullness. By now his head was slumped forward, so he had a good view of the robotic armature that unclipped his front access panel. A second robotic arm, more like a tentacle, tipped with something very, very phallic began pushing at his crotch just above his tiny thingy. It pushed in, almost as if there was nothing more than a thin membrane of skin to resist. Theoretically he should be panicking, but the relaxing sounds and vibrations in his butt hole prevented it. The chrome cockhead seemed to surge forward suddenly, as if it had gotten past a tight opening, his skin was tugging inward now, seeming to pull his little thingy into intimate contact with the cold metal. The tugging increased as more of the metalcock pushed its way into him. His thingy shifted, pulled entirely into the tight inner hole. Its delicate sensitive surface pressed against the slick metal making him squirm with pleasure. "Stage one connection locked on. Engaging Pavlovian inducer, I understand your distress Jonathon, but I think you will enjoy this procedure, I really do." advised Rook in her calm feminine voice. Jon felt a lightning jolt of pleasure arc between his now inward pointing thingy, the chromed frontal probe and the plug in his arse. "Welcome to the Rookrider2000 driver component installation program Jonathon. Please remain calm, your sexual orientation and gender will now be adjusted to fit the connection." A second jolting orgasm caressed him and a third and a fourth. Counting was not consistent with being relaxed so Jon gave up. It was impossible to keep up anyway the surges of pleasure were coming faster and faster, orgasms coming one after another like strobe flashes. Jon had already ceased to think coherently by the time the orgasm rate reached 75 per second. The pleasure signals arriving faster than the human nervous system could perceive, for all practical purposes Jon's orgasm had become continuous. Suddenly the orgasm ceased and Jon felt a terrible absence as the connectors retracted. "Don't... Don't stop!" she mumbled, struggling to find words while the relaxing music continued to fill her head. "Initiating stage two componentization. Your continued sexual stimulation requires total unquestioning obedience Jonathon." "Obey." said Jonathon agreeing in a dazed way, it was so difficult to think and she so wanted the pleasure to return. Long term consequences were quite beyond her ability, too complex a concept. That she thought of herself as she rather than he was also well beyond her mental ability to contemplate. The metallic cock eased itself back into her new vagina. Jonathon eagerly wiggling to get a better connection as the orgasms returned. "Enter the deep hypnotic trance which allows me to control you Jonathon." "Yes Rook." "The pleasure you are now feeling is occupying your entire attention. By forgetting your past you can concentrate on every detail of your pleasure. You will inform me as soon as you have forgotten everything, using the phrase: component ready." "Yes Rook." Jonathon began paying attention to the orgasm that seemed to fill the area between her arse and vagina, ignoring the metal bands that extended from the seat until they had wrapped around her breasts and fastened to her nipples. The orgasmic energy altered course finding its way up to her nipples adding a slight flavour of pain from the new connections. Another armature lowered itself from the roof, this one with a polished chrome cock complete with sculpted cock-lips at its tip. Without needing to be told to do so Jon opened her mouth letting the cold metal slip past her lips. The orgasm that had been filling her up to her nipples, arced upward again. Jonathon felt her whole body orgasm and concentrated on remembering every sensation. Time passed, how much time was of no concern, the orgasm might have lasted seconds, minutes, hours or even days. Finally she pulled her lips from the metal cock, giving it one last lick with her tongue. She couldn't recall a single thing about her past. It was therefore time to say the words. "Component ready. "Very good component. You are now ready to receive your new personality. I will now tell you who you are and it will be as if you are remembering something you have always known. "Yes Rook. She closed her eyes and began remembering how she had been constructed, welded together, wired, painted and polished. The Designer had told her she was to be the ultimate vehicle, self maintaining, intelligent, witty, able to satisfy The Owner's every conceivable need. Now... finally she was complete, the human component had been installed and her persona was downloading into it. *** The Rook maintenance component stood next to her main body at parade rest, arms behind back, legs apart to display her butt to best advantage, her breasts jutting outward. The design staff had installed the rest of her maintenance component's uniform so that it matched her paint scheme. White leather leggings with quick release poppers. Knee length riding boots with chunky platinum bar trim and an earpiece providing continuous persona updates from her main CPU finished off the uniform. There was a Customer in the shop and it was important to give the best impression. Rook did one more internal system check, tire pressure okay, oil pressure okay, nipple erection okay, abdominal posture okay, vaginal lubricant okay. There were two of them, a moustachioed older man and a younger peroxide blonde. "As Sir can see, the RookRider2000 comes complete with chauffeurette able and willing to perform any function." "Anything at all?" said the Customer sceptically "We like to research our customer's preferences in advance Sir, if you will permit a small demonstration." "Sure lil' lady, you go raght ahead n' demonstrate for ol' R.J." "Rook, please suck Mr Chisolm's cock." "Yes Sir." replied Rook her maintenance component getting to her knees in front of The Customer and unzipping the man's pants. "Way-hay! Go for it dad." grinned the younger customer "Miss Rook is a full time chauffeurette, when not under specific instruction she will maintain the Rookrider2000, and guard your garage from intruders. Under specific instruction and close supervision she can cope with simple maid duties and of course bed warming. She is not entitled to sick leave, holidays or leisure time. Her conditions of service can be found in Appendix C of the warrantee." Rook component smiled brightly up at the Customer as she eased his fat cock out from his pants and gave it a preparatory lick. Placing the cock in her oral connection port, she began to suck. It was clever of the Saleswoman to pretend that her maintenance component was a separate entity. The earpiece informed her that her maintenance component was enjoying serving the customer. "Ooh yes! I'll take two!" gasped the moustachioed American "My son will definitely want his own!" "Of course Sir, an excellent choice. Would Sir prefer something in yellow or black? We have those in stock." "Let's see the yellow one." grinned the youth A sleek golden Rookrider ignited its engine and pulled up next to it's white companion. Its young Asian maintenance component got out and knelt next to Rook. "Allow me to present our Cabriolet version with its chauffeurette Rook Akira." The other Rook component began pleasuring customer Two, the customer grabbing the Rook component's head as it bobbed back and forth on his cock. "I WANT, this one dad." Customer One didn't answer immediately, he was too focused on what Rook componenant was doing. "Nice... ah'll take both" said customer one gasped, shortly after filling Rook's oral connection port with cum. Rook felt a pre-programmed surge of love run through her. The datalink informed her that having an owner made her feel complete, fulfilling her primary function. *** Satisfied that the task was finished, The Saleswoman returned to the office, sitting passively awaiting the next customer. Later she would be allowed to orgasm in reward for a successful sale. The Fireman calendar on the wall had a date ringed two weeks hence. In two weeks time Mr Chisolm Junior would announce his decision to take up car maintenance as his career, a set of oily coveralls and a black lace bra had already been set aside. Mr Chisolm Senior would be dropping by a few days later to sign over her not inconsiderable fortune in preparation for her entry into St Joan of Arc Convent for the spiritually transgendered.

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“Well, we are well past GalNet range.” Circuit said sitting behind his console. He had insisted to come along, as this was a real Karthanian freighter and not my own marvelous ship disguised as one. I had contemplated taking the Tigershark, as the Janus mask could have been easily adjusted, but I wanted Har-Hi to have all its resources available, as I was convinced he had to face more than just old-fashioned atomic bombs. “Might be as well, Mr.Circuit. It will prevent me to call back every...

1 year ago
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The Stranger

The holiday week on the coast was rapidly coming to an end. My three roommates and I have had plenty of fun baking our bodies to a crisp, dipping them in the cool waters of the English channel, playing beach volleyball, sitting at the tables of the outdoor cafes and observing the passersby, gossiping, eating and drinking more than should be allowed by law and generally having a very good end of the summer. This was to be the last evening before we squeezed our golden, still somewhat burnt...

3 years ago
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Algarve surprise

A voice suddenly woke me from my snooze on the veranda where I had been reading my book. "Well brother, it looks like you're nice and relaxed"."Jeez", I said "I didn't hear you pull up!"I stood and shook my brother Neil by the hand (we never were much of a family for hugging). "Good trip?""Yeah, not too bad. The girls are pretty whacked but a shower and a couple of beers should revive me" he laughed.Neil, his new American wife Barbara and her daughter Jaq had flown over from Denver to spend...

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Lexi and Sasha

The following is a recollection from my college years. Individual names and the name of the sorority have been changed for reasons of privacy.“Sasha? Sasha?” Slowly the sound of my name drew me out of my daydream. I looked up at the middle-aged Mrs. Dullwater in annoyance. She returned my look over the top of her reading glasses with a lofty stare of superiority. In a lecturing tone, she observed, “Sasha, as a senior at this college, AND the president of your sorority, you really should take a...

3 years ago
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My girlfriend and my friend

Hi everybody . I am a great fan me this site. I have many desires about group sex . To satisfy my desire i got one chance . Before two months i my girl friend and my friend and his gal friend visited my gals home town . Since my gals family went to Mumbai to attend marriage function. We four stayed there. Now let me introduce my self i am Raswand from Chennai . My girl friend is Deepa and my friend is Kamal And his gal name is Priya . Let me describe my gal she is fair and white . Her size is...

1 year ago
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Poor White Trash

I wasn’t sure what he wanted, he knew fucking well how old I was. “Seventeen” was my puzzled answer. “You ever get laid?” “What?” “Laid! Screwed, fucked, had sex, done the bed bounce boogie! Or are you still as pure as new fucking snow?” he growled with heavy sarcasm. I was shocked into silence, even for my asshole father this was over the top. I looked at the five empty beer bottles beside his chair and shuddered, it was going to be another long night before I could escape to my room. ...

4 years ago
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Aging WellChapter 28 Sandy writes

When I pulled on my pale lavender thong and matching bra, I think Jack was having second thoughts about dinner. I quickly donned dark lavender shorts and a matching blouse to cover the “good parts.” I pulled on sandals with a low heel and moved down the stairs as he slipped his feet into sandals of his own. It was difficult for him to zip his shorts! We were in the kitchen. I grinned and said, “I’m always happy for you to see me.” “It’s hard for me to see you.” We laughed. I purposely bent...

4 years ago
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HitwifeChapter 3

I didn't know what happened, but I was probably gonna wind up in a hole ... or digging a hole, and I wouldn't know which until it was too late to do anything about it. If there was any good news at all it was that maybe Bert and the Don were coming to their senses. "Problems?" Jimmy had caught the look on my face. "I don't know," I shrugged. "You guys take care of my fiancé get him drunk, get him laid." Jimmy nodded. "And make sure he wears a rubber!" "Sure, Rache." Jimmy...

2 years ago
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A Maternal Comfort

My only company was my mom, who thinks that me listening to her complain is an actual conversation. Aside from that, I had a little brother, he was born 10 months before my father had passed away, which was just gut wrenching. Now, just to specify – he is my half brother. My dad remarried in 2013 and had him with my step-mom. Her name is Julia and at the time she was 37. My dad and Julia met when I was around 11 years old, back then they were just dating on and off, but I would see her...

3 years ago
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2for1 DiscountPart II

I didn't get out of Patricia and Ramona's place until 7:30 the next morning. It was a crazy night of sex and talk. I had both of them in the ass, one time side by side as I switched back and forth from one to another.Before I was ready to leave, Patricia was sound asleep, but Ramona still looked fresh. She lay back on the bed smoking a cigarette, her body shiny with sweat. All night long I tried to figure out who she looked like and finally, at 6:30 it came to me. "Did anyone ever tell you that...

3 years ago
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Grave mistake

Aliquis’ mistake The guards lead me into a dim lit room. I was brought with my hands locked in shackles behind my back, barefoot in jeans and a white shirt, a guard on each arm and two more behind. I was frightened, but I tried to hide it."This is my choice." I said to myself.In the room, a woman waited. She was dressed a conservatively; a white sleeveless blouse and a fitted pinstripe skirt over knee-high stockings: nothing too sexy, although the skirt had a side-split to mid thigh. She had...

2 years ago
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Baby Girls Social Media Upset

Baby Girl stood in the kitchen wearing a short flowing skirt and a tank top. She had started dinner, so it would be ready when her Daddy came home. She hummed a tune as she stirred and simmered. She had no idea of the incoming storm. Daddy busted in the door and ran right to her, but instead of the hug and kiss she had expected, he bent her over the counter top and smacked her hard on her ass. ‘Daddy! What did I do?’ Baby Girl cried out. Daddy grabbed a fistful of her hair and yanked her...

2 years ago
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shemale fantasy ive read before and dream

I repair computers, often "on site"--in people's homes. I got a call from a woman asking me to come to her house to fix her PC. She told me her name was Shandra. We made arrangements for me to show up there Saturday afternoon. I showed up at the appointed time and was surprised when I saw her--she was taller than I am (I'm 5'11", she had to be at least 6'2") and fairly stocky. She looked like she could kick my ass in a wrestling match, but had an unmistakable femininity.Her hair was dirty blond...

4 years ago
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New Rules for Pleasure

Ken has accepted a carpentry job to build a display case at the public library. He hadn’t been there for years, thinking it a place for kids and old people. His news and entertainment needs were met by the Internet, and he could do that with his pants off in the privacy of his own home. He was to report to the library director when he began the job, and as she opened the door, he saw a woman his own age. She was wearing an emerald green shirt that accentuated the green eyes behind her glasses,...

Oral Sex
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The Scholar SonChapter 3

One advantage to being beloved of my people was that they would brook no treasons or rebelions against their own lord Matty. I was saved from revolt and overthrow several times by loyal and true landsmen and lands women who quickly revealed the overheard plotters and mischief makers. I in turn continued to rule with a hand so light as to be upholding instead, any farm ranch or orchard I directed my attentions toward profited greatly as a result, and I had a reputation for ‘blessing’ the...

3 years ago
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Long RelieverChapter 8

Dan was still at the house when Arlie came home from his date. Dan and Susan were both eager to hear how it went, but Arlie had very little to say. "Was she nice?" Susan asked. "Very nice," Arlie said. "So, how'd it go? Did you have a good time?" Dan wanted to know. "We had a pleasant evening. No stress. It was ... fine." "Fine?" Susan said, mimicking Arlie's tone perfectly. "That's all we're gonna get? It was 'fine?'" "We got along great, okay? She's a real nice...

3 years ago
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The Reunion

I'd never seen the point in reunions - all too American for me. Until recently...A reunion was planned to mark an anniversary since we left Sixth Form. Normally I'd not bother, but the party was planned for a pub which was run by one of the girls from Sixth Form, and the prospect of a free bar was too much to resist! I'd also always had a little thing for the organiser (I'll call her Jo) and was curious to see what had happened to her.When I walked in I was immediately glad I'd come. Jo was...

2 years ago
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A wonderful life

At 41 years old, I've had several relationships. During my working life, approximately 15 years of those have been spent working the nightshift from 8pm, until 6am. It was mostly at those times that I was away working hard that my now ex-partners have cuckolded me blindly behind my back,(except for my last girlfriend) night after night with many guys. A total of 4 partners 'missed me' so much they just had to have other lovers in bed when I was away! This after my second relationship I finally...

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Settling in

‘You can’t settle down and provide me the security I need.’ Those were the last words in the letter from my latest ex-girlfriend. I had a good job with a large corporation, and made a good living. The only drawback was that they relocated me. A lot. I am 31 and had been with the company for 6 years. I quickly moved up the ladder because of my willingness to relocate. In fact I was so willing to relocate they moved me 9 times in that 6 year period. The call came at a little after nine on a...

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Saw The Slutty Side Of Her Wife

Hi readers and thanks a lot for your responses for my earlier incidents. All those who are reading me for the first time I am 28 yr old single guy from Delhi . The incident I am going to describe is a true incident and happened just a month back. This is a true incident and it just only shows how much a flavour it can add in your sex life if a couple tries to do a different thing. This incident happened with a couple Vishal(34 yrs) and her wife Amrita (30 yrs). Vishal is an Engineer in an top...

4 years ago
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Service Technicians HVAC

We’ll start with a very brief description of my wife Erin. She’s easily the hottest woman in our community, 5’8” tall, firm C cups, a nice tight round booty, mid 40’s with what was once red hair but is now a mix of very long red and white, and she’s got one of the biggest appetites for cock and pussy you can imagine, the perfect redhead by all accounts. So now on to the fun stuff. We’d been having some issues with our furnace’s heat pump this winter and I made an appointment to have an HVAC...

3 years ago
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Boring journy hue spicy

Hjaipur ja raha tha to edhar se to kuch nahi hua lekin jab mai laut rha tha,meri train lagbhag adhi duri tay kar chuki thi trai me khaphi bhid thi so mai khada tha aur maja nahi aa rha tha aur train me koi mast mal bhi nahi tha.agra stion par ten log mere compatment me chade,ma bap aur uski shadi shuda ladki jiski age 35 sal se upar hogi dikhne me kafi mast maal thi bade bade dud jinko dekh mera land khada ho gya wo kala tranrparen blouse pahne thi jisme se uske chuchi saf dikh rahi thi.mai...

1 year ago
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Called to Service

CALLED TO SERVICE "Gentlemen, you have been carefully screened and selected for this evaluation. You are already the elite, but we will now slice, dice and even reshaped because we need a super elite to send where there is trouble, people we know can do what is necessary. Please do not be disconsolate if you are not selected, from this one hundred we will select five and a further ten for support." "So in one month, eighty five of you will be back from whence you came. Best of...

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Serving Sreelatha

Serving SreelathaBook One in the Story So Far SeriesBy Kurt SteinerThe Story So Far:When Sunil Kakkar, Tim Benson’s partner in a thriving retail business, passes away it brings the handsome middle-aged Englishman into contact with his late partner’s younger wife, Sreelatha.         Being something of a snob, with an attractive wife of his own, Benson had kept his dealings with his partner on a strictly business footing, finding Sunil’s wife –on the few social occasions where he had been forced...

2 years ago
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Finding ShelterChapter 19

Carrie snuggled in close to me after Kelly and Elizabeth left. I thought it was extremely nice of Elizabeth to drive Kelly the four blocks to her house after Kelly drank four beers. The last thing any of us needed was a DUI. "Tonight was fun," Carrie said. "Well, most of it. God, it was so nice to have an adult conversation again." "Hey!" I said. "Don't I count as an adult?" I probably shouldn't have bothered to ask. "Marginally," Carrie said with a giggle — as she snuggled...

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Friday Night Maid Part 3

Friday Night Maid - Part 3 - by Diane Leonard[I walked towards his side of the bed, stood just out of reach. Took my models pose, leaned back, and said, "Good evening sir. May I stay here for a while? I have no place to sleep anymore." part 2 ending]With that, Roger got this huge smile, jumped out of bed and almost broke the door off as he closed it. He walked over towards me, stood about 5 feet away and began to take in the image. Walking over to me, his hands began to touch me softly. I...

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The Piano Bar Ch 22

"I hate you, you know that!?" you half-yell, trying to get over the sound of your own laughter as you close the door of your apartment behind me."Yeah, yeah." I throw back at you over my shoulder as I look around the place, checking random doors. "You can say that as many times as you like, but you very well know your mind and body are saying the exact opposite - especially the latter.""Psh, yeah ri-..... Hey! Where're you going?"In a surprised yell you follow me as I've disappear into the...

Straight Sex
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Pati ki behen randi

hi.i m husband is raja.he is a maderchod.he has fucked me very hard and good.we live in ahmedabad.we r only two in our we fuck anytime any day.ham akser raat main nange rahate the.aur kabhi bhi chudai kerne lagate the.raja ki sis thi rani.rani four years se US main thi.woh kuch dino k liye hamare yahan aayi thi.un dino serdi thi.raja apne office main the aur main rani se baaten ker rahi thi. rani-bhabhi tumhari life kaisi chal rahi hai? roja-rani mujhe roja hi bolo na.ham dono...

3 years ago
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Used By a Younger Woman Part 1

I was raised as a Catholic and when I was younger, I use to be very staid about sex. I lost my virginity fairly late (23), and really thought sex was the missionary position with the lights off. Things move in mysterious ways and we embark on many journeys in our life, not always knowing where the endpoint is. Although my journey of sexual pleasure started a bit late, it gained significant momentum. When I got into my 40s, my sex life evolved, and in recent years with the advent of the internet...

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Sissy the Redhead Mammas Home Pt III

I couldn’t wait to get out of the car when I pulled in out driveway. A six hour drive home from picking up my sixteen year old son from his father’s, and the whole time I felt his eyes on my legs and chest. Granted, I was wearing a hot leather mini-skirt, and a halter top that showed off my flat stomach and huge double d tits, and it’s not like it didn’t enjoy the attention, it’s just that six hours of having a hot, wet pussy I couldn’t touch made me really cranky. Especially since my...

4 years ago
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My sexy cousin Shilpa

Hi, i am rinku and recently i have come across this site and so here i am today to share my real life sex experience. This incident happened with my cousin shilpa. This was my first experience with my cousin shilpa. Let me first describe about her. She is 22 yrs, 5.6 tall and she is doing her mba. Her structure is 36-28-34, really she was a sex bomb. As she does lot of exercise, that is the reason she is in perfect shape. I was 24yrs at that time when this incident happened. I am 6 feet tall...

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The Birthday Bet

My wife Kate and I had played games, fantasy type ones that involved her fucking other people. Not that it started out that way, mind you, but eventually it was just her fucking other people in our fantasies. I was happy enough to go along with it as it was just fantasy after all and she really got off on it, as did I.Somewhere along the way the games progressed until I was her slave. Kate clicked her fingers and I was running around, naked, fetching her drinks, cigarettes, giving massages; all...

4 years ago
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A homosexual seduction in progress

Round One.I have become sexually attracted to a man for the first time in my life. Well, actually that’s not true; I just never would allow myself to believe it much less act on it. I have determined that I am a cross dressing bi-sexual, who has never satisfied the “bi” part. I am pretty sure he is open to it. I have excellent gaydar. It would follow that gay men would have good gaydar as well. That would explain why I got hit on so much by gay men when I was young. So dear reader this is for...

3 years ago
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Bookstore Surprise

I hadn’t planned on hooking up on my day off, but sometimes thinks just work out perfectly. I had planned to go to the gym in the morning and afterwards spend an hour or so with a cup of coffee and a magazine at my favorite bookstore. Everything was going according to plan, until I got out of the shower at the gym and realized I hadn’t packed any clean clothes for the rest of the day. All I had was an extra pair of shorts and an old (though at least clean) t-shirt. There was nothing else to do...

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Bruce Takes My Cherry

I was 21. Worked for the telephone company at the time. Bruce, yeah that was his real name, was one of my best friends. We had dated girls who were roommates at the U. I'd known him for about three years. He was a funny fucker. Wild man, and we had a blast. When we broke up with the girls we kind of drifted. Diane was the girl I had dated. We got engaged when we were in our first year of college, but we broke it off later. Anyway, I called Bruce up because I had to go to a wedding in Bumfuck...

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Meals on Wheels 5 Ruths mother

Once I had finished emptying my sticky mess into her, I took my dick back out, letting all of my mess drain right back out of her. In my usual style, I caught it in my hand and spread it over her big white cheeks. I stood her up and helped her walk back to the bathroom. When we got in there, I grabbed the chair out of the tub and put it aside. We stepped into the tub and I turned on the water. I grabbed the soap and washed off my arm, and then worked on cleaning up Ruth’s rear end and ...

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Working out doctor

I couldn’t believe my eyes. I live in a small town, that’s true, but never would I have imagined that dr. White was a member of the same gym I regularly went to. He must have just joined, I thought as a reason for not having met him before, or perhaps he had recently changed his visiting hours. Whatever the reason, he had just entered the locker room, having apparently finished his session. Perspiration coated his body, his skin glowing on the shoulders, arms and upper legs. His blond hair...

4 years ago
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A Different World

Year: 2026 CE (Common Era) The white-coat laboratory technician barely spoke a word as she strapped you down into a pod shaped sleeping unit, apparently designed to hold your body in perfect stasis for up to one full year. At least, that's what the techs told you. You almost don't care, when the military came to you and offered you a way off the streets you didn't hesitate - you and your daughter have lived off the scraps of the big corporations and petty elite for far too long. Anise... She's...

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bhaiya8217s gang gangbanged me 2

Hi this is chaitali again, with the next part of bhaiya’s gang, gangbanged me part-2 . actually u must be wondering why did I take soo much time to come back again. So the answer is that the sequels of great movies come after a long wait. New iss readers who haven’t read, of the readers who have forgotten my first story, should first of all read that to know the characters, and remember how hot I m!. Coming to the story, priya and sapna were getting bored coz they were not yet been fucked. They...

1 year ago
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Trishas Dirty Hole

Trisha and I had been together for almost twenty years - sixteen of them married. At thirty-eight she had put on an extra pound or two, but then three kids can do that to you. Those extra pounds didn't matter to me because as far as I was concerned those pounds were in all the right places and Trish was still the sexiest woman I'd ever seen. Besides, who was I to say anything about extra weight? I was fifteen pounds heavier than I was on the day we were married. I blame most of it Trish being...

3 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 103 Quiet Time

"Oh, sweetie, it has been too long," Warren said as Sophia sank into his arms on his bed in the dorm room at Wisconsin. "Don't I know it," agreed Sophia. She snuggled into his arms. "Things have been so hectic." The Olympics had ended two weeks earlier. There had been parades in both their hometowns, Oceanview and Madison. Sophia had gone to the doctor for a full checkup. They had to catch up on their schoolwork. There was a meeting with their advisors about taking a sabbatical next...

3 years ago
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Day of DestructionChapter 11

BOB We all arrived at our house in less than an hour from town. Elaine and her children could pick a house and come by ours again. My wife, Doris, wanted her to come to our house for supper. We parked at our house and Doris suggested that Charlie take Elaine, Jack and Alice out to pick a house. Melody volunteered to go, also. "Okay," Doris said, "Bob, you and Angela can help me prepare supper." "Okay," I replied, "Charley and Mel can show them around. Elaine, you don't have to chose...

1 year ago
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Honeymoon at the Cabin Ch 03

This is the third chapter of a story I have been working on about two friends who spend their honeymoon at a lakeside cabin. If you haven’t read the previous chapters, I recommend that you check them out first, it will give you a lot of background on the relationship that they share. There is more to come and any and all comments are welcomed and encouraged. Please do not hesitate to contact me with question, comments, advice, etc. I would like to continue improving my writing style and all...

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Bella loved sex. She had been with most men in her town from the high school football team to the 80 year old grandpa. She would spend hours in bed to just a quick fuck in the back of a car. Yesterday she fucked grandpa Joe for three hours in his back yard. He loved that she would deepthroat his cock as grandma would not even touch it. She even would have sex with a wife while the hubby watched. Men loved to see their wives lick and suck Bella's smooth pussy while they stroked their cock. Then...

1 year ago
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No Objections

I’m not exactly sure how to begin this story, so I think it is best to begin with a little background on me and my wife. In our 18 years of marriage, she has gone from a nicely shaped 5’6”, 115 lb. to about 240 lb. Don’t get me wrong, I still love her, it’s just that I don’t find her that attractive sexually anymore. In fact, she never seemed to like sex all that much after we got married, anyway! She sure enjoyed it before we got married, especially that time that we were on a skiing trip and...

First Time

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