Family Business The story of The Katz Kittens
- 3 years ago
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Family Business- Fading Suns
Coran Brache' luxuriated in the bath. It had been a long, hard trip, takinghis House's War Galley out to the Island Republics for a raid, but in someways the trips was worth it, in other, a financial loss. He frowned slightlyat the thought. Lady Machiko of House Ise was worth a great deal of money.Her suicide after being captured was a loss that could not be recouped fora long while. He did, however, enjoy taking the money out of the hide who soldhim the information. He smiled at the thought, dipping his hair into the scentedwater.
The door opened.
He narrowed his eyes a young girl approached shyly. She was nude with theexception of a gold loin cloth bearing the House crest and a golden torc. Shewas one of the Bound, a slave born into servitude and trained from birth toserver her masters. Her features were pure human, his Sire insisted that theyonly use pure humans a slaves. It was an idea that he disagreed with, but sincehis Sire was the current House Leader, he was to be obeyed. Those who had evena touch of Sun Elf blood were deemed too valuable to expend as simple slaves.Those half breeds were currently used to attempt to breed true Sun Elf females.Those few females that remained were kept sequestered by their various houses,and in many ways they were as inaccessible as the moons. Coran wanted to finda proper wife when he assumed the leadership of the house, and at times lookedto the west and the Empire. There it was rumored that a very large and stablepopulation of female Sun Elves existed.
The young girl knelt respectfully at the foot of the bath, and he took thetime to look her over. She was young, just out of puberty, perhaps untouched.Small nipples topped the smallish breasts. She was bald, with several tattoosdecorating her pate. Large gauge rings dangled from ears and septum, and shemoved with a quiet grace. He floated over to the edge of the bath and gestured.She interlocked her fingers behind her head and lowered her eyes, spreadingher knees for inspection. Coran leaned against the edge of the pool and restedhis chin on his folded arms. He waited for a moment. Her form was excellent,a credit to the training programs. He reached out and moved the loin clothaside. She was hairless down there as well, but not pierced or marked. He didnot have to have her stand and turn to know there was a tattoo on her ass,proclaiming to all whom she belonged to. It was another benefit to being oneof the Bound, the lack of brands. In some ways it was a trust in that theyplaced a great deal of faith in their masters that they would not be permanentlyharmed or scarred. He knew there were other Great Houses that used human slavesup as firewood on a cold winter's night. House Brache' was great in that itused them wisely. Giving little freedoms to those who were obedient and loyal,and punishing severely those who disobeyed. This woman-child was obedient.He knew her mother well and was quite aware of the high standards of trainingto which this child was subjected.
She was a twentieth generation slave.
He rose from the bath and allowed the slave to dry him. She was quick withthe thick cotton towel, warmed before hand and ready for just this use. A silkrobe followed and she knelt down and touched her head to the floor as he passed.He could have sampled her charms had he wished, but that would take place indue time. He was not like his brothers, who would rut with anything that hada 'sheath' to stick their 'swords' in. No, he wanted his House to return togreatness. To return to that pinnacle of greatness that they enjoyed beforethe fall of the Royal House so long ago. He returned to his chambers and staredat the tapestries that lined the walls. Each and everyone woven by house slavesdetailing the history of House Brache'. He marveled at the majesty depictedat the works, the grandeur of the old ways before the Fall. His father rememberedthe old days. Coran was born not too long ago, right before the fall of Iceholmeand the destruction of the Lich-King by the Empire. The Empire. He turned fromthe tapestries to look out the expansive doorway to the balcony beyond. Farto the west he could see the outlines of mountains, the border between theEmpire and Gilead. Beyond those mountains a great enemy stirred. Beyond thosemountains lay the salvation for his race. His private chambers were quite largein scope, dominated by a single canopied bed at the center of the room. Thewalls were lined with tapestries and paintings, interspaced with weapons andarmor. The large vaulted ceilings held a fresco painted many years before hewas born. Upon it was detailed the last battle of the Sun Elf God with oneof the Forgotten, the Dark Lords that now roamed the land. Rumors had it thattheir God survived the battle, but changed. He did not place much faith insuch rumors.
He dressed quickly in a doublet and hose, topping the outfit off with apair of soft half boots. He only belted on a dagger, but kept his hidden stilettosready incase an ambitious relative decided to improve his lot in life. Murderand assassination seemed to be the order of the day as of late as the remainingGreat Houses spiraled down to what seemed to be oblivion. While it was truethat many of the minor Houses survive and thrive, the Great Houses of the Kingdomare failing. Lesser families are gaining prominence in business and commerce,and it would take a strong leader to unite the remaining Houses. Coran fanciedhimself such a leader. Self interest was the bread and butter of every SunElf still alive, and in some skewed view, Coran's self interest was to ruleabove all, by any means necessary.
All his life he was trained to lead, to conquer. He had the best trainingavailable in both weapons and strategy, served his time in the House Guardas a recruit and in the House mercantile fleet, and finally earned the rightto command one of the House Raiders, an independent unit in the House Guardcharged with the task of acquiring new blood for the Bound.
Dressed, he made his way to the study where his father held court. The olderSun Elf still stood straight despite his ancient age, and maintained and ironfist in the control of his House. He nodded to Coran as he entered and bowed.His two brothers and only sister sat in the large leather chairs that dominatedthe room. It was not much of a study, the books that lined the shelves longgone and the only remaining volumes relating to their House and their business.A large fire roared in the hearth, and a magickal lamp hovered over the tablewhere they sat. There were deep shadows where once sunlight streamed freely,another testament to the fall of a race.
"Welcome home Coran," Lord Tyberius spoke.
"I thank you father." Coran took a seat at the end of the table. His youngerbrothers sat and looked sullen, but his sister looked superior as always. Inmany ways she ruled here now, now that their mother had died of fever, andtook over many aspects of running the family business as it were. She was capriciousand cruel, but fair in her dealings. She was not the kind of person one wantedto piss off. She was also one of a dwindling number of pure Sun Elf females.
"Your raid was a success?"
"Only in part." Coran shook his head. "The biggest prize eluded my grasp." Herelated the tale of capturing a Princess of House Ise, one of the ancient noblehouses from Cathay, and her suicide on the trip home. "I did manage to reclaimthe money spent on getting that flawed information from the contact who soldit to me."
"Ah," Tyberius replied. "And the rest of the trip?"
"I got the best I could find father," Coran replied. "It is not much I admit,but the Islands are not the hunting ground they used to be."
"What about expanding to the western side of the continent?" Marko, hisyoungest brother, asked.
"The Realms?" Syal, his sister snorted. "The only place you might find goodstock would be Aquilia, and they have their own means of dealing with slavers."
"What about the Empire?" Dorn, his other brother spoke.
"Are you really that stupid?" Syal spat. "They would be all over us withina week of a raid. And they would not hesitate to lay waste to the entire countryif they felt threatened."
"Syal is right," Tyberius rumbled. "The Empire is out of the question, anda foolish suggestion." He turned to his daughter. "How is breeding programcoming?"
Syal lit a pipe and brew a smoke ring. "Slowly. Right now we have thirteenbloodlines that have bred true, and twenty seven more that are in the secondstage of breeding. Once I get my hands on the new stock I can see about incorporatingthe best aspects of it into the Bound."
"And the sales?"
"Sales are nominal." She frowned. "Only a few of the Great Houses buy ourproduct regularly, and the rest of the Houses seem not to mind the cheap slavesthat are easily expended."
"Have you thought about other markets sister?" Coran asked.
"Who would buy them?"
"The Magi of Falleen might be a good market." Coran replied.
She took another puff off her pipe. "I have heard…stories about them."
"We ported there on the way to Cathay," Coran said. "I spoke with a coupleof officials who mentioned in passing that they could always use some new 'stock'."
"I will look into it." She promised.
The rest of the family meeting went without incident. Coran was sure thathis brothers would do something stupid, but they surprised him by remainingsilent through the rest of the meeting. His father rose and dismissed them,and all rose and bowed to the Patriarch of the House. One by one they filedout, Coran the last to leave after his sister. He caught up with her in thehalls of the Manor.
"Marko and Dorn showed remarkable intelligence in there." Coran remarkedto his sister. She turned and frowned.
"They said nothing." Coran smiled.
Syal laughed and relit her pipe, which Coran recognized as once belongingto their mother. She exhaled a stream of smoke to the ceiling.
"You have segregated one of the stock from your raid." She said.
"Yes," He replied.
"I thought about trying my hand at training." He replied. He had set asidea small woman aside from the rest. She was from Cathay, a peasant girl, butone remarkably skilled in combat who killed several of his raiders before beingcaptured. Instead of killing her outright and impaling her body as a warningto others, he took her. He wanted to break her slowly to his will.
His sister shook her head. "If you want her broken, give her to me."
"I have the right to train my own slaves."
"If it is your desire to put your cock in a lion's mouth then by all means,do so."
"Are you implying that women are better in breaking a slave than a man?"
"No, I am saying that you have no idea of what you are doing." Syal tooka deep puff. "You should have spent the time needed to learn that skill whenMother was alive and teaching it to me." She cast a sidelong glance at herbrother.
"How about a compromise?"
She stopped. "I am listening."
"I break her, you show me how."
"It is possible," She conceded. "You would need to be very careful in whatyou do with her. I would like to see her first before making any decisions."
"This way."
Coran led his sister down to the pens beneath the Fortress Manor. The homeof House Brache' was a massive ancient fortress near the border of the GreatForest. It had many layered defenses from the outer walls that surrounded thesmall town that grew up around the Fortress to the Fortress itself. The slavepens were located beneath the Fortress, right above the dungeons and torturechambers. There was always activity in the Pens, usually from the Bound asthey went about their duties. The more trustworthy Bound had small apartmentswhere they lived in family groupings in the upper levels of the Pens, but forthe most part the slaves were all kept in small cages until use. The totalamount of space in the pens was limited, and every bit was used to the maximumeffect. There were alcoves along the walls for special activities or privatepens, but for the most part, all in the cages could see what was happeningto those around them. The more compliant and obedient slaves resided near thetop of the Pens, the more troublesome slaves resided towards the bottom nearthe torture chambers. In all, the Pens comprised four levels underground.
The cage he led his sister to was one of the coffin style, that allowedno movement whatsoever from the slave within, and was positioned vertical forthe best effect. The insides of the cage were lined with small spikes to keepthe slave in place. The oriental woman stood ramrod straight in the cage, hateclear in her eyes. Syal puffed gently on her pipe as she circled the younggirl. She tapped the residue of tobacco out of the pipe and refilled it froma small pouch, and relit it with a flourish.
"She is an excellent catch brother," Syal commented. "Good muscle tone,no deformities." She cast a sidelong glance at her brother. "She has the widehips of a breeder."
"Will you help me?"
Syal came to the front of the slave and without warning reached throughthe cage and grabbed the girl's vagina. She massaged it through the bars amoment before inserting a finger into the now damp slit. She grunted to herselfas she pulled her hand back and licked her finger. She turned to Coran.
"I will help you…if you help me."
"What do you want?"
"For now your assistance here in the pens will suffice, but I will wanta boon when the time comes."
"Done," Coran keeps his eyes fixed on the girl.
Syal turned and returned to the main floor. They were just above the torturechambers and the faint screams and cries could be heard from below. Coran followedhis sister to the center of the room where a young girl hung from her wrists.She was one of Coran's catches, just out of puberty and quite combative. Syalturned to her brother.
"Now this one," She said, smoke leaking out from her mouth. "Acceptable,but only with a great deal of breaking. In some ways similar to your pet." Sheremained just out of kicking distance, but that did not seem to stop the child.
"What would you do first?"
"Whip her into submission." Coran stated.
Syal laughed. "Wrong. Although for a male that would not be too out of thequestion." She gestured and a pair of half elf males approached. One of themcarried a set of straps on the ends of a pole. In moments the girl's ankleswere strapped to the spreader bar and the bar fixed to the floor. A secondbar is brought forward and her wrists are rebound into the second spreaderbar and affixed to the chain.
"Shave her head," Syal ordered. The two men complied, both half elves longtime retainers of the Brache' Household. It only took minutes for the longblack tresses of the girl to end up on the floor, and the girl to begin weeping.Her pubic hair was left alone for the time being.
"The breaking of a woman is completely different than breaking a man." Syalled him away from the trio and upstairs. "You can brute force a man and expecthim to remain intact enough to make a slave out of him, but for a woman, forcecan easily destroy her where guile and finesse can make her compliant."
The tableau upstairs was completely different. This is where much of theslave breeding took place, and instead of cages soft beds lined the alcoves.Many female slaves were chained to the beds, all of them in the various stagesof pregnancy. Several breeding frames were occupied by females that were notcomplying with their master's wishes, and several more specialize frames wereoccupied by a few of the Bound. Coran rarely visited the Pens only the capacityto deliver stock. The Pens were his sister's domain for the most part, andshe did not tolerate interference in what she saw as her inheritance. He walkedto the nearest woman bound in a frame. The frame was rolled metal tubing witha great deal of leather straps attached. The woman was bent over at the waist,her legs strapped down at the legs of the frame apart at a thirty degree anglefrom her waist. Straps around her thighs, knees, and ankles kept her legs apartand off the floor. A soft leather pad took the weight of her body along herstomach, and a dual set of straps were tight across her lower back. a singlepadded bar ran from the stomach to her throat, dividing her breasts. Thin leathercords were bound around the base of each breast, making them seem purple asa set of leather cords pulled the breasts taut via the slave's nipple rings.The cords were stretched tight to the base of the frame. A clip at the throatwas the attachment point for the slave's collar, and extending from the endof the frame pole was an attachment point for various toys. In this case achin rest was added, and affixed to that was a leather ring gag that kept theslave's mouth open and ready for use. The slave's arms were bound behind her,wrists to elbow, with tight straps. A final set of straps ran from the paddedbar beneath her above and below her breast to finish securing her to the frame.
Coran circled the woman, who eyed him nervously though her head could notmove. He stopped behind her and looked at her open sex. A thin line of semenleaked from her open rose. Syal was busy checking the straps on another slaveand preparing her for breeding. He ran an appreciative hand over the woman'sass as he wandered over to observe. The young woman was bound in a similarfashion, only instead of a ring gag her mouth was stuffed with a leather phallus.Behind her a young male slave, just out of his teens, was fidgeting under thecontrol of a handler, an older Bound male. The young man bore the marks ofthe Bound with the tattoos and lack of body hair. Syal rubbed the smooth headof the young man and grasped his penis in her hand. A few gentle strokes andthen she applied a tight leather cock ring to him. Satisfied, she crossed overto her brother.
"Begin," She ordered. The older Bound moved behind the young man and tookoff his loin cloth. He applied a wad of lube to the head of his penis and proceededto push into the young man. The young man whimpered as his ass was stretchedopen, but did not move from his spot. Coran marveled at the level of controland training his sister's slave exhibited. He never really appreciated thatfact until he watched the larger male use his penis to guide and maneuver theyounger man into a position to mate with the woman. To Syal this all seemeda regular occurrence.
"Some of the older slaves are more in tune with their own sex, and can berewarded with time like this. I usually combine the breeding time with suchrewards, that way I can get all the nonsense out of the way at once." She commented.The young man entered the woman, who grunted as a rhythm was established.
"Once you have finished, return to your duties," She ordered the older slave.Sweat beaded on his upper lip, but he nodded in acknowledgment.
"How many slaves do you usually breed at once?"
"Depends on the market," She replied. "Right now we have thirty femalespregnant, and ten more on the list for breeding. Only three of those femalesare currently in the frames right now."
Coran glanced around the breeding pits. True enough, only three femaleswere bound, with only one being bred at this time.
"Have you ever tried breeding half breeds?" He asked
She made a face. "That is disgusting." She stepped to the third slave inthe frames. She examined the woman's vacant eyes and then walked behind her.Coran caught the vacant stare and wondered. She was an older human woman, butone not outside of breeding age. Syal made a motion and the handler broughtthe stud back over.
"She is leaking too much for my like. Have her bred some more until youare certain she has caught."
"Her expression seems…detached," Coran remarked.
Syal walked to the slave's head and looked again. "Normal for the fearusve ."
Spirit Broken ? Coran frowned. "I do not understand."
The slave's mouth was held open by a ring gag, and Syal extracted a vialfrom her clothing and opened it.
"This Elixir is a rather potent combination of herbs, mixed properly itcan affect the mind of the person who ingested it. In this case we administerthe Elixir and then have the slave fucked until all she can think about issex and will do anything to get it." She poured the contents of the vial intothe woman's mouth and watched her swallow it automatically. "It is good fora quick breaking, but it is addictive and makes the slave pretty worthlessfor anything but a quick fuck."
"How are you certain each one is pregnant?" He asked.
Syal indicated a small crystal that was attached to each woman's collar. "Whenthey are pregnant, the crystal will glow. Once the crystal is glowing, theyare moved to one of the Pens until they give birth."
"This is all very…"
"Regimented?" She offered. "Mother set this up after hearing about the Gnomefactories in Aquilia. If the Gnomes can mass produce some goods, why not wemass produce slaves?"
"I did not know the business was this well run."
She snorted. "All you and the two idiots ever worried about was acquiringmore slaves, or fucking them, or fighting, or trying to seduce me."
He grinned and stepped closer to his sister. "Now would I do that?"
She snorted, and then gave him a grin. "Yes, and I recall you did it beforeyou left for your little pleasure cruise." Her hand strayed to his cock. "Youknow how hard it is to get good cock around here?"
"Then why don't you tell me all about it." He bowed with a flourish. Sheshook her head and led him out of the Pens altogether. He watched her sashayup the steps, and into one of the side passages of the Manor. Traditionally,incest was taboo amongst all of the Elf Tribes, but the fall and continueddecline of the Sun Elves have warped much of their traditions and practices.Only a few of the elvish societies still functioned with any kind of stability.
Syal's room was located in one of the empty wings of the Manor, her realroom anyway. She maintained the fiction that she remained in the chamber nextto her father's just in case her father needed some 'attention', but with hisfailing health she knew it would not be too long before he passed beyond.
Coran reached around his sister and grasped her breasts, kneading them inhis hands. She moaned slightly and leaned into his hands. Her room was filledwith many trinkets and toys, from silken gowns from potential suitors to toysfrom the Pens below. There was even a frame that mounted the ivory carved reliefof a unicorn's cock. His sister was delightfully corrupt and decadent, whichsuited him in some ways, but he wanted more. A small shrine in one corner wasdedicated to Astrathe, one of the Dark Gods, and in some ways it worried him.
Syal slipped from his hands and left fall her silken robes until she wasnude. She was lithe and compact, large nipples topped small breasts, and herpussy was smooth and ringed heavily. Her round ass bounced as she knelt beforehim.
"Oh, master, what would you have your slave do for you?" There was somethingin her eyes that he did not see before. A hint of darkness that seemed to takeover her mind. The small, rational sliver that remained in him screamed forhim to run, to leave this place, but his cock ruled him. Here was a Sun Elffemale, wanton and willing, and he would not be denied.
Her hands reached out and slowly undid his belt and armored leggings. Witha determined glint in her eye she freed his cock and took it into her mouthin one smooth stroke. She moved slowly, sensually. Coran felt his buttockstighten under her oral skills as she worked his cock in and out of her mouth.She would glance up at him as she slowly withdrew to where the tip was justabout to emerge from her ruby gates, then plunge back down until he could feelher throat tight and wet against his glans. Her cheeks would hollow on thedown stroke, and her tongue would tease and stroke him maddeningly. She wasa very skilled fellatrix.
"Enough," He gasped, pushing her head away. She seemed to pout a bit.
"On the bed," Coran whispered hoarsely. She smiled and moved to the bedand climbed on it on all fours, her face peaking back over her shoulder asher pussy seemed to open and close all on its own. Coran could smell her acrossthe room. He pulled off his clothes and walked to the bed, taking up positionbehind her. With a hand he took his cock and rubbed the head along her slit.She moaned deeply and pushed back, only to have him pull back as well. He teasedher for a moment before sliding home. He had fucked humans and half elves,but nothing compared to the sensations of a pure blooded female. His fingersdug into her hips as he hammered her, pushing deep. His lips curled up in disgust,both at his sister for being such a wanton slut, and himself for giving in.The warm velvet that gripped him milked him wonderfully. He grunted once, andthen came inside her, splashing his seed deep within her womb. There was nochance of offspring with her he knew. She took measures to make sure no onein the House would conceive without her permission.
He withdrew and she was on him again, her mouth fixed on his cock, sucking,cleaning. He stared down at her numbly as she worked quickly, and then releasedhim. She took a cigarette from a case next to the bed and lit it, blowing awreath of smoke above her.
"Thank you brother," She said. "I needed that."
Coran crawled beside her. "You are welcome."
"Are you still wanting to break that slave of yours?" She cast a sidelongglance at him. "Or would you rather have me?"
Coran eyed her warily. Trust was not an easy thing to come by, and whilehis sister's charms did in many ways sate his lusts, he found himself incapableof trusting her fully. She could turn on him easily.
Astrathe. One of the dark gods that roamed the world. Goddess of madness,despair, corruption, and disease. She had her talons firmly sunk into his sister,and it did not take a genius to see that a long term relationship would destroyhim. He remembered the whispered tales of Calaya, the Damned. It was she whoreleased the Dark Gods from their imprisonment, and it was ultimately she whoorchestrated the downfall of the Royal House.
Coran had no desire to become the puppet of the Goddess of Madness. He wouldhave to tread very carefully.
"Why not both?" He reached over and pinched one of her nipples. She closedher eyes and moaned in pleasure. He gave the nipple a slight twist before releasingit.
"Have a care brother." Syal warned. "You walk a fine line."
"As long as I get what I want, I'll do whatever it takes."
Coran walked around the female slave again. His pet project was hangingfrom a pair of wrist cuffs, completely hairless and dejected. He allowed hishands to roam her body in random spots, a pinch here, and a caress there. Herankles were secured to the floor, and she was pulled taut between the chains.It was the only to make sure she did not hurt any of the other slaves thatcame near her. She already killed one of them with a surprising kick to thethroat. He did not want to give her the Elixir. No, he wanted her mind wholeas he took her. He wanted to savor the adoration in her eyes as she servicedall his needs. The Elixir robbed the slave of all thought, made her nothingmore than a pleasure toy, one to be used and cast aside. It was quite popularwith the other Houses who purchased such slaves. It also kept them docile anddid not require as many guards as a trained slave would. The Bound were expensive,and rarely sold to some of the eastern Houses.
The girl, whom he named Uruitewen , or Fiery Maiden,remained silent throughout the ordeal of being shorn. The hate remained inher eyes, but it was lessened. Fear replaced some of the hate, and it thrilledhim. She would be a prize catch once he had finished. He picked up a small,leather phallus and applied a layer of oil on it. He wrapped an arm aroundher waist and slowly rubbed it along her slit. She struggled and tried to moveaway from the dildo, but was unable to as his arm held her in place. The oilcoated toy slowly pushed inward, and she grunted as it spread her labia obscenely.The oil he used was one that had several unique properties, first among themit caused a slight irritation of the sensitive flesh that was inside the genitals.Among other affects was an ingredient that would cause a hyper-sensitivityin the slave, as well as an aphrodisiac to further arouse and inflame the slave.He worked the dildo in further, making soft, crooning sounds to calm her asshe fought to eject the invader. The dildo was only six inches long, but itwas quite large in girth. He flicked his finger along her clit as he shovedthe entire toy home. Her body stiffened at the penetration, her breath comingin gasps. A second, smaller dildo was worked into her ass, this one the sizeof a finger. Syal said it would be best to get a slave slowly used to the feelingsof anal penetration. Force would only require a healer, and they were expensive.Coran strapped a waist belt around her and threaded a leather strap betweenher legs to hold the toys in place. He motioned with his head and the halfelf attendant left the room. Uruitewen struggled and fought the toys, her protestsweakening as the oils were absorbed into her blood and body. As a final note,he took a pair of nipple chains and clamped them on her small nipples. Shewas almost flat-chested, but her nipples had the potential of being quite large.He would work them until they were the size he desired.
Coran left her hanging in the private alcove and entered the main Pen area.Syal was working with a young female Bound, observing and correcting her posturewith a crop. The young girl had not even in her menses, but was by all appearanceswell used. Syal motioned for him to come over as she idly flicked the tip ofthe crop across the young girl's nipples. The slave girl bowed low formallyas he approached.
"Open," Syal ordered.
The slave girl opened her mouth to reveal a toothless mouth. The gums weredecorated with small tattoos, but there was not a tooth in her mouth. Coranblinked.
"You like?" Syal crooned. "She is a test subject I have been working on.If it works out I think I will have all their teeth removed. Makes less ofa fuss when riding their mouths don't you think?"
Coran nodded absently. Syal circled them both as Coran stared at the youngface. There was no fear in her eyes, no spirit. He looked down to see Syal'shands undo his codpiece and open his pants. With a flick of her wrists shepulled his cock out and stroked it once.
"Suck," She ordered. The young girl crawled on her knees towards him andtook him in her toothless mouth. The sensation was quite unique. She workedhis shaft like a consummate professional, showing him all the tricks she hadlearned in her training. He reached out and took her bald head in his handsand began truly fucking the slave's face. Her throat opened with each thrust,and after a nice long ride, deposited a great deal of semen into her stomach.The slave girl sucked him clean and crawled backwards after the fellatio.
"Isn't she wonderful?" Syal gushed.
"She is quite unique." Coran restrained his racing breath. "Are you thinkingabout selling her?"
"I might if she proves her worth."
"I think I might have a buyer for her."
"Lorca Keniyal."
Syal laughed. Lorca Keniyal was the current Lord of House Keniyal, and awell versed purveyor of flesh. He was a good client for which a good deal ofproduct was sold.
"I'll think about it brother," She said, replacing his penis in his trousers.She glanced at the alcove. "Still intent on slowly breaking her?"
"I just placed the twin dildos in her and will visit her again shortly."
"Be sure to spank her a lot. You will want to make her associate pain withpleasure. She will be putty in your hands once that happens."
"I'll keep that in mind." Coran replied, stepping away from his sister.He returned to the upper mansion and sought out his father, who remained inthe study where he went over the household expenses.
"Father, I have an idea." Coran spoke.
"Oh?" Tyberius looked up. "What is it?"
"What if it were possible to secure several Sun Elf females from the Empire."
Tyberius frowned. "I thought I ordered no actions to be taken it that regard."
"You have father, and I have obeyed that order, but I have also been thinkingabout how to get some of the women back from them."
Tyberius leaned back into his chair. "I am listening."
"What if the Empress was assassinated? What if all the evidence was madeto look like say… the Falleen or any of the other Republics might havebeen responsible. The Empire would quickly go to war against them, and leavetheir borders lightly defended."
"An interesting, but ultimately doomed thought my son," Coran's father replied. "Thereis no way to successfully accomplish such a task. It has been bandied aroundthe Regency Council many times, and each plan brought up more dangers and threatsthan positive benefits. As much as I would like to see more females of ourrace present, right now the sensible course would be to get the remaining scatteredbloodlines breeding true again. It might take time, but it would be more riskfree than what you propose."
"I see," Coran frowned.
"You wonder about finding a mate?" Tyberius chuckled. "House Deveron hasthe greatest number of pure females of all the houses. Oh, there are stilla great many of the lower class females, but their bloodlines are not as pureas the Houses. I have spoke to the Lord of House Deveron in seeking a possiblematch for you, but the cost would be your sister's hand in marriage to a childof House Deveron. THAT Syal would not accept."
"Perhaps she could be made to see reason," Coran mused.
Tyberius shook his head. Despite his age and infirmity Coran knew his fatherwas well enmeshed in his sister's coils.
"Thank you for your time father," Coran bowed and left the chamber. He returnedto his private chambers and sat on the large bed and pondered patricide. Ifhis father was dead, he could assume control of the House, and quite possiblymake the changes he wanted. He rolled his head to stare out the window to thewest. Always his eyes glanced towards the west. His thoughts rolled like aship in a storm. He would most assuredly raid the Empire had he the opportunity.He would find a female to bend to his will, to breed a pure heir for his House.But first he needed a plan. He rose from the bed. Perhaps a little playtimewas in order.
His slave was right where he left her. Sweat formed a glistening sheen onher flesh, and her breathing was labored. Her eyes were closed as the concoctionof oils worked on her mind. Her nipples were swollen by the clamps, and verysensitive to the touch. With a hand he spread her labia to access her hoodedpearl and stroke it lightly. She shuddered at the touch, and he quickly pulledthe clamps off her nipples. Her eyes opened in shock as the blood returned,her breath hard and fast. Coran unbuckled the belt and pulled the twin dildosfrom her, taking a moment to enjoy the sound of the suction as she was quitewet. She may hate him, but her body loved what he was doing to her. She closedher eyes as he placed a short hobble chain on her ankle cuffs, and then releasedthem. With practiced ease he unchained her wrists and placed them behind herwith a short chain. He picked up her slim form and carried her out of the smallalcove and down stairs. The torture chamber was clean, with all the devicesin immaculate states with the various whips, irons, and tools hanging in variouspoints where they could be easily accessed. He carried the slave to the backroom, where much of the branding and tattooing took place. The wooded and metalframe was built to hold the slave in a fixed reclining position for easy access.He set her on the leather padded strip that ran along her spine and attachedchains to the outer rings of the ankle cuffs. he pulled the chains taut, andthen released the center hobble chain. Her legs were slowly forced open andup. Straps were pulled around her lower thighs as she squirmed, trying to escape.A soft padded leather strap was pulled around her under jaw as the leatherstrap helmet was affixed to her head. With her head immobilized, he reachedbeneath her and released her wrists. She flailed at him, but he was ready.He caught her right wrist and strapped it extended out to part of the frame.Her other wrist followed, and he stepped back. Her ass and pussy were exposedfrom the top and bottom, and very little was left hidden from his view. Hepulled out a leather ring and inserted it into her mouth, then lowered herhead so that her mouth would be in a perfect position should he decide to relievehimself. He turned and looked around the room. It was all open shelving thatoccupied the room, with several hanging scroll work that detailed the variousparts of the body that were of interest. He looked amongst the shelves andfound several pieces that he needed. Many of them were designed to pierce theflesh of the slave for modification, usually rings. Of particular interestwas the piercing nipple stretchers. They were a cunning little device thatallowed for the nipple to be pierced, and then threaded into a screw like devicethat would pull and stretch the nipple until it was at the desired length.He returned to his slave and pulled out several more straps, one fastened tightlyaround her waist, right above the pelvic bone, and the last as set of breastbinders. She fought the straps futilely, never once showing any sign of submission.
It was starting to bore him.
Coran pulled out several grommet style rings. He would pierce her labia,both inner and outer with the rings. First would be the nipples. He walkedaround her to her left breast, taking the abused nipple in his fingers andpinching it roughly. She uttered a slight whine as he did so. A pair of openclamps pinched the spot where the needle would go, and she bucked and shookas he forced the needle through the hole and out the other side of her nipple.A simple bar was treaded through the hole and the clamp released. Her breathcame hard, and he could see her chest heaving beneath the web of straps. Hecrossed to her right breast and copied the left. Both nipples were bleedingfrom where the bar pierced them, and her eyes fluttered, as if the pain wasabout to send her into unconsciousness. He applied the screw to the first nippleand applied the tension just enough stretch the nipple slightly. He did notwant to over do it just yet. With both her nipples pierced and stretched, hemoved between her legs. A simple needle would not do for the next set of piercings.No, applying the grommets would require a hand punch and setter. Coran settledon three in each of the outer labia, and two in the inner labia. She was dryas he slipped a finger along her slit. No matter , hethought. It would make things a bit easier and less slippery. She screamedloud as the punch tore through her flesh, and fought the straps for dear lifeas he set the grommet and then pounded it closed.
"Allow me," Syal spoke from the doorway.
Coran turned to look at his sister, who was dressed in leathers that accentuatedher slim form. Her eyes lit up at the sight of the blood and the slave in torment.
"What?" Coran said.
Syal came to him and undid his trousers and let his cock spring free.
"Allow me to do the piercings, and take your cock and stick it down herthroat. The feeling will be wonderful," Syal's eyes flashed with maliciousglee.
Coran allowed his sister to take the tools from his hands and guide himaround the frame to the slave's face. Like she was working with her pet Bound,she guided his raging erection into the slave's mouth. She moaned as he slidin.
Syal returned to between the slave's legs. "Are you ready?" She asked.
Coran nodded numbly. A part of him wondered what she was doing to him. howshe could affect him in such a way.
Uruitewen screamed, and his cock slid further into her throat. The musclesof her throat contracted, and he was rewarded by the feeling of having hiscock massaged. He pulled out as she started to choke, but slid back in as shetried to scream again as Syal rapidly punched and sealed each grommet intoplace. It only took moments for Syal to finish all ten grommets, and Coranfound himself ejaculating into her throat as the last one was set. He stumbledback as Syal admired her handiwork.
"I take it you wanted to stretch these out as well?" She asked.
Coran nodded numbly, and watched Syal strap a pair of lower thigh cuffsto the slave's legs. Thin chains were run from the cuffs to the rings, stretchingboth the inner and outer labia.
Coran regained his composure and straightened back up.
"Do you want to fuck her?" Syal smiled evilly.
Coran walked around to look at his slave, her pussy open and exposed. Hegrabbed his sister by her hair and drove her to her knees.
"Make me hard."
Syal licked her lips and opened her mouth. It did not take much time beforeshe had him hard again. He opened his palm and spat in his hand, and then rubbedthe saliva into Uruitewen's folds. He shoved into her quickly, eliciting aweak moan from the slave. He leaned over and pulled on her nipples as he fuckedher, then feeling a cool breeze on his ass as Syal fully lowered his trousers.He felt her tongue lick and tease the crack of his ass, as he thrust in andout of his slave. There was a great deal of friction as she was not wet atall, and his fucking did not arouse her to the point where it would becomepleasurable. His fingers dug into her breasts as he came, spurting his semendeep into her, Syal's tongue deep in his ass. He withdrew and pushed Syal away,and then pulled himself together. Uruitewen did not fight as he released her,nor did she offer any resistance whatsoever as he reapplied the hobble chains.Syal sat on the floor, a shocked expression on her face as he walked by her.
Coran deposited his slave back in her cubicle and made sure she was secure.An idea popped into his head as he fucked his slave. One that required hisimmediate attention. He made his way up to the Seneschal's office. The battlescarred elf nodded as he entered.
"Can I help you my lord?"
"I need you to secure a piece of property for me, just north of the GreatForest. It needs to be in a very secure location."
"I will see to it immediately sir," The elf spoke. "Is there a time limiton this purchase?"
"Yes. As soon as possible." Coran spoke. He needed a secure piece of propertyfor which to base the operation. It would take years to pull the job off, buthe had the time to wait. He further outlined the need for the services of alarge group of discreet engineers to build a Keep and underground fortress,as well as the need for a few loyal servants to guard it. As he left he soughtout his brothers. Both were amusing themselves in the training salle.
They were both fighting off several half breed warriors, and making a goodshowing of it. Coran watched them for the longest time, both were very proficientwith their chosen weapons, but both lacked the singular quality of actual combatexperience. They could talk the talk, but neither seemed able to walk the walk.As the training session wound down, both Dorn and Marko preened like peacocksat their seeming invincibility.
"Are you actually ready for battle, or is that all just for show?"
"What would you know of it?" Marko sneered.
Coran raised his eyebrow. "I have a mission for the both of you," He said. "Ifyou are up to it."
"What do you want," Dorn said cautiously.
"I have need of a pair of warriors to take care of some business in thecapital. I cannot use standard retainers, but I have to trust family for this."
"What is the job?" Dorn spoke.
"I require several items from a dealer in Kendraspire. You will both begiven the funds needed for the items, as well as…discretionary funds."
"We're listening." Marko replied.
"I have need of a pair of Mithrael blocks from the Coreasyn Metalsmiths,and a bundle of Aerlys root."
"Why us?" Marko spoke. "Why not get this yourself?"
"You both have nothing better to do. It is past time you started to earnyour keep." Coran replied. "This is family business. There is no need to bringoutsiders in on this."
Both looked at each other. "Alright," Marko replied. "But this had betterbe worth it."
"Oh, it is." Coran replied. He pulled a bag of coins from his belt and tossedit down into the salle. Dorn caught it and hefted it appreciatively.
"I need those items by next week." Coran said as he turned to leave. Hereally did not need those items; he had plenty to satisfy what ever he mightneed them for. As he left the training hall he passed one of his personal retainers.
"Make sure the boys are aware of the brigands in the area."
The solider paused, nodded once, and then returned to this patrol. His brotherswere expendable at this point, and the less family member that survived, theless he had to share when the time came to claim leadership of the House. Hisonly worry was his sister.
The tragic news was delivered two days later as the family ate their simplemeal together. The Seneschal entered and bowed formally, then made the announcementthat brigands from one of the neighboring lord had raided the caravan thatMarko and Dorn were a part of. Both were killed as they fought.
Tyberius frowned, and looked to his children. Syal seemed taken back, butCoran kept his face impassive.
The mood dropped dramatically, and silence reigned in the hall for the remainderof the night. Coran excused himself as the meal wound down and made his waydown to the Pens, where his toy awaited. The slave was bound in a kneelingposition, her pussy rings attached to the floor. Her arms were bound behindher in a leather sleeve and pulled taut, forcing her breasts out. A strap ranfrom the armbinder beneath her, digging into her swollen cleft and was attachedto a leather waist cincher. Her feet were encased in toe boots, which forcedthe slave to walk on the very tips of her toes. A very small heel jutted behindthe boots giving some semblance of stability, but it was an illusion. All ofher weight went on her feet and toes. Walking was possible, but painful. Theboots were strapped tightly to her legs, and when she was not bound kneeling,the pussy rings were affixed to the boots. Already both the inner and outerlabia were stretched out. A leather helmet encased her head, with a leatherring that kept her mouth open and ready. Already he could see a puddle of semenresting in her mouth. Her breasts were bound tightly with leather cords, andthe nipple stretchers still in place. Coran was quite pleased with the lengthof her nipples so far, but he wanted them longer. Her sight was taken fromher by the hood, but he knew she was aware of his presence. She still harboreda great deal of hatred for him.
He let his fingers play over the elongated nipples, then stopped to pullhis cock from his pants. He relaxed and let the stream of urine splash intoher mouth. She gagged, and the urine and semen mixture bubbled forth from hermouth and down the front of chest and onto the floor. No ,he thought to himself, that will simply not do . He finishedrelieving himself and tucked his penis back into his trousers. He turned asSyal entered the Pens and strode towards him.
"You did it, didn't you," She hissed into his ear.
"Did what?"
"You had the idiots killed."
"No, brigands killed them. Is it my fault that they were to incompetentto take care of themselves? You should be thankful they are no longer in thefamily tree."
Her eyes smoldered. She was not truly angry, more like displeased.
"You weren't fucking them were you?" Coran looked surprised at his sister.
She said nothing.
Coran laughed. "I am disappointed in you sister. I thought your standardswere much better than that."
"It is my responsibility to see that the family survives. The loss of anyblood member of the family is a grave one. You threaten this house with yourrecklessness."
"I find the idea of a worshipper of the Goddess of Madness spouting rationalarguments amusing." Coran sneered. He leaned close to her, his face inchesfrom hers. "I will rule his house…you know this to be true. You caneither accept it or be a victim to it."
The darkness in her eyes flared. She did not like being given ultimatums.
"Your choice sister…now," Coran said quietly. "You can be a partof my destiny if you should desire it."
He ran a hand up her arm, her shoulder, and rested his fingers on her neck.He could snap her neck in an instant, but that would be unwise. In truth heneeded his sister. She knew much of the lore and wisdom in the training ofslaves, of poisons, and power.
Her lips parted.
"I will follow," She said. He knew that 'for now' was an integral part ofher statement, but that would suffice. For now. He would have to watch hercarefully.
"And how would you gain the house?" She asked.
Coran stepped back. "I will leave that , in your handssister." He turned back to his slave and adjusted the nipple stretchers. Theslave gurgled as her nipples were elongated even further. He noted Syal's exitfrom the pens, but it did not matter. He would get what he wanted from herone way or another.
Coran came away with a start as someone pounded on the door to his chambers.He pulled on a pair of silk trousers and picked up his sword. On the otherside of the door a pair of retainers stood, both fearful.
"What is it?"
"My lord…your father…" One of them stammered. Coran frowned,but followed the two out into the passages towards his father's bedchambers.
Syal stood by the door with her own retainers, her face pale.
"What happened?" He asked.
"Father paid a visit to the pens this evening and selected a bedmate…." Syalsaid quietly.
Coran opened the door. His father was dead, his body looked peaceful onthe large mattress, but the odd angle of his neck told his fate. There wasblood on the floor, as well as several bloody rings along with what lookedlike scraps of meat. The rings were quiet familiar to him.
"You let him take MY slave?" He said sharply.
"I tried to convince him otherwise, but he was adamant." She raised herchin to stare at him levelly.
He remembered the bondage he had placed her in before retiring for the evening.Her arms were tightly bound in a sleeve behind her back, a high posture collararound her neck kept her head in one place. A tight waist cincher enclosedher waist, and her pussy rings were affixed to a pair of tight leather cuffsthat were positioned above her knees. Firmly embedded in her pussy was a spikeddildo designed to keep her compliant. Her mouth was held open by a standardring gag, and he was seriously contemplating removing her teeth much like hissister's Bound pet.
He entered the bedchamber and walked around, his sword at ready. He founda blood trail leading to the window of the manor, and from there, the bloodended at the railing of the balcony. At the foot of the balcony was the spikeddildo, coated with blood and flesh. The ground was only twelve feet down, andhe was sure that she jumped and survived the landing.
"Rouse the guards," Coran said, turning back to the chamber. "I want herfound and brought back to me."
The retainers bowed and left, leaving him alone with his sister.
"Is that wise brother?" She asked. "After all that trouble to get fatherto pick her too…"
"Why her?" He crossed over to her and stood toe to toe with her.
"Why not?" Syal spat. "She was perfect. She hated us, in particularly you." Syalturned to her father and composed his body. "You would have had to put herdown eventually. That one would not have been broken by physical or mentalmeans. If you drugged her, then she would be the docile little pet."
"I wanted her whole."
"Then you are a fool." She looked up at him. "You speak of your destinyand your plans, but all of those plans would have been for naught if you letthat one live. She would have killed you the first chance she got." She sighed. "Youare still so naïve."
Coran glowered at her. Her reasoning was sound, but he did not like it. "Thenwhen they return with her you may have her." He acquiesced.
She beamed at him. "You are learning brother."
Coran returned to his bedchambers and sat heavily on the bed. He snappedhis fingers and one of his sister's bound hobbled over to him and knelt. Theyoung woman waited patiently for his command, eyes downcast. He pulled offhis trousers and spread his legs, and the young girl immediately crawled betweenhis legs and began to suck and lick him.
She had no teeth.
He closed his eyes as the door to his chamber opened and his sister entered.He glanced at her after a moment, and she was by the bed, taking in the scenequietly. Without another word she removed her robes and crawled onto the bed,head down and ass up in a submissive gesture to him. He allowed the slave tobathe him with her tongue for a few more minutes before taking his cock fromher mouth. He rolled over and sank immediately into Syal's warm opening. Shegrowled in pleasure as he fucked her hard. It did not take him too long toempty his load into her, and he pulled out as she spun on him and took himin her own mouth. She was gentle in her ministration of his cock, sucking andlicking very much like one of the Bound. He knew he would have to do somethingabout her eventually, but did not know what. In the end, self interest wasthe guiding principle of the Kingdom of the Fading Sun. This was the lessonthat Coran always took to heart. Success was easy, just so long as it fit everyone'sinterests.
At that moment, he had it all. He was lord of House Brache'. He had the wealthand power that came with being the House Leader, and he had a plan for thefuture. Of the slave, there was never a sign. Only a faint trace right beforehis hunters got to the edge of the Great Forest. No Sun Elf would enter thewoods, for the Guardian within was hostile to the degenerate race. The newKeep was nearly complete, and with the meeting of the Regency Council, Coranhad gained a new post. Ambassador to the Empire…
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TrueIt was the first day of March Madness. Normally, I would have taken off the first Thursday of the tournament to drink and watch basketball, but money was tight and I needed every shift I could get. Unfortunately, I was relegated to mostly day shifts and today was no different. It was lunchtime and the bar was emptier than I had hoped with only a scattering of men watching the basketball games. Bill was at his normal spot at one end of the bar. I stopped and chatted with him for a while but...
TrueI laid in my bed staring up at the ceiling. I had been able to fall asleep for maybe two hours before my brain took off like a runaway train once again. I wondered how Derek was and wondered if he missed me. I wondered where Donnell was and how he was able to cut off ties so easily. I thought about how many good times I had with Courtney. I also thought about how easily she had turned on me - embracing my sexuality one day and then shaming me for it the next. I concluded she was just...
TrueJimmy had scored tickets to the National Championship. Florida was playing Ohio State. The only issue was the game was in Atlanta. Flights and hotel rooms weren’t cheap. Jimmy had asked around but most people he knew had gone to see Florida win the national championship the year before. I knew Jimmy must be desperate if he was willing to let me tag along. There was one problem. Jimmy said the cost of the ticket and hotel room was seven hundred fifty dollars and that I would also have to...
True“You don’t need to do this every time I fix something or put something together for you,” Javier said looking down at me.“I know,” I said as I rose from my knees.I had asked Javier to help me put together a cheap new dresser I bought. Somehow, someway I had ended up on my knees, blowing him as a thank you.I had told myself I was going to stop meeting up like this with Javier. His wife, Sonia, had befriended me out at the pool. She was sweet and nice and had made a habit of sneaking mixed...
TrueOver the next few weeks, I found myself clinging to Clint the same way I clung to other men who gave me attention. Whether it was Jimmy or Rick, Derek or Donnell, or even Javier - I craved the attention of people, particularly men. I knew what they mostly wanted and had accepted that providing them that was my most effective way of making friends. Clint was the same...yet different. We had a friendship before our first sexual encounter. Granted it wasn’t a strong friendship, but it was a...
TrueI leaned over in my lounge chair by the pool and grabbed another beer. It was only 11AM and I was already on my fourth. I could see Sonia and her overweight, pear-shaped body walking over toward me with her pool bag in one hand and a water in the other.“That’s pretty aggressive for this early in the day,” Sonia quipped looking at the empty cans next to my chair. “No work tonight?”“I got fired,” I shot back. “So even though it is Wednesday, every day is a Saturday for me now.”“Oh no. I’m so...
TrueIt was nine o'clock on a Thursday evening. I was bored and drunk and had sat in the chair outside my apartment, hoping to people watch. The apartment complex was eerily quiet since the landlord raised the rent two months ago. I was disappointed, and only a now nearly empty pack of cigarettes was around to keep me company. Not that anyone would want to keep me company, given my current state. My hair was now dirty blond as I could not afford to visit my stylist. I had lost weight – about ten...
TrueI had talked to Sonia who gave me the lead for the job being a nanny. I had interviewed with the woman of the house, Mary Anne, who was a housewife. Mary Anne was married to Chris who was typically either traveling throughout the United States or locked away in his home office doing some sort of hedge fund or stock market work. Mary Anne spent most of her time exercising or at the local country club and was looking for someone to take care of their five-year-old boy, CJ, and two-year-old...
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"Don't even think about putting this goopy thing anywhere inside me, pal." Kate softened her warning by continuing to stroke me. It was partly her fault, anyway. We had applied sunscreen thoroughly to each other, all over, and my cock was dripping with the stuff. I was fully erect, and Kate's nipples were standing straight up. She smiled. "But I'd really like you to come on my boobs, can you do that?" Silly girl. Of course I could. And in a moment I did, spraying each one...
Kapitel 1?Willst Du zu Hause geschult werden? Ist es das was Du willst?? fragt Georg seine 17 j?hrige Tochter. ?Deine Mutter und ich haben das oft genug mit Dir diskutiert, denke ich!??Nein, Sir.? Antwortet Jamie mit Tr?nen in den Augen.?Dann gehorche unseren Regeln, oder dies ist genau das was ich tun werde.? Knurrt Georg ver?rgert. Einmal mehr war seine Tochter einige Stunden zu sp?t aus der Schule nach Hause gekommen, etwas was ihn wirklich ?ber alle Masse ver?rgert. Er tolerierte keinen Ungehorsam vo...
I must thank Caroline for her kind comments and edits. She knows which Caroline I mean. Once again, this is a work of fiction and errors and omissions are mine entirely. It's just business It was about 2 am on a warm Sunday morning. We had just returned after the party at the restaurant we owned. The event had been a great success and more than we could have hoped for some weeks ago. We had received many compliments and it seemed we had also found many new and regular patrons for...
Before I let you in on what happened last Thursday, I’ll let you in on something else: I’m all business. Always have been. As a kid my favorite game was “Business”. In the game “Business” me and my other child friends would sit a few feet away from each other and pretend-work in silence. Every now and then one of us would shout “I’ve made an advancement! This company and everyone in it is gonna be rich!” Then we’d all cheer and then get right back to work. As time went on, the other kids grew...
Group SexChapter one Business Meeting This started as many things do in the business world…with a phone call. The woman on the other end introduced herself as Miss Sunny Starr. I was immediately struck with the unusual name. Seemed like a name fit for a movie queen or, frankly, a hooker: however, something about her voice and the way she put things together in the conversation; quickly put those thoughts away. She was organized, direct and very knowledgeable. Clearly, she had done her...
For the Business By Karin Roberts It started of innocently enough, an invite to a Halloween party for small business owners. "Darling we really need to attend this," my wife said as she opened and sifted through the day's mail. "I hate Halloween, it's just an excuse to get people to spend money," I replied "Oh lighten up Scrooge, anyway were going I could make some useful contacts there." "So that was it then, we were going, I suppose," I sighed as I glanced through...
For the Business By Karin Roberts It started of innocently enough, an invite to a Halloween party for small business owners. "Darling we really need to attend this," my wife said as she opened and sifted through the day's mail. "I hate Halloween, it's just an excuse to get people to spend money," I replied "Oh lighten up Scrooge, anyway were going I could make some useful contacts there." "So that was it then, we were going, I suppose," I sighed as I glanced through...
The bad economy over the past five years or so has been devastating for many companies. That is especially true for small businesses that don’t have the resources to ride out the hard times. Larger companies can survive by laying off employees, or otherwise having adequate funding. Our family was especially hard hit since I lost my job as an administrative assistant in a large company, and my husband’s small business suffered the loss of customers and sales volume.My name is Cassie, and I was...
ToysThe Family Business Belladonna Angela looked over the company books. She had spent the better part of forty years building the company from the ground up and could only shake her head at what she was seeing. The closely held corporation only had two shareholders when she started it, herself and her late husband, who provided some of the capital for the first store. The store served as a retail outlet for local designers and began turning a profit in its second year. From...
Purely a Business Arrangement Lady Caroline Westhaven gave a grimace of displeasure as her maid tightened the laces of her corset. "That's enough Minnie," she said sharply. "Sorry My Lady, I'm just trying to get your waist down a little so that you will look your best in your dress." "I don't give a tinkers cuss how I look in my dress," snapped Lady Caroline. She was immediately contrite. "I'm sorry Minnie, I shouldn't have snapped at you, but I do so hate these odious...
MINDING MY BUSINESS By Geneva A young man has been changed to a woman in a special government facility to divert him from a life of trouble. The new woman takes to a new life successfully, and helps a young businessman avoid a potential swindle. This story is set in England in the 1960's. The same government facility mentioned here also appears in my earlier stories, "A Dirty Night Out' and 'Subterfuge'. START A loud pounding and shouting at his door eventually penetrated into...
Lucy and Jo had had the trial run of their business and it was a resounding success. Karen was sure though, that they could do something different to add to their business. She was not sure what, though. Karen was the brains behind everything.At the moment it was just caning for caning's sake. Making people have a sore bum. Sure, some people wanted that. Some, she was sure though, had heard about them and stayed away, because of it.Lucy spoke to Jo one night."I think we should go into...
SpankingDear all, aap sab ko mere but bahut dhanyawad. Meri 1st story Pooja aur Uski Business aap sab ne pasand kiya. Bahut sari mail aur messages aye hai. Request karta hu ki Isko padne se pahle please 1st part ko jarur Mai apko ab Pooja ki dubatane jar aha hu. Waise aap sab jante hai ki Pooja ki business mai sambalata hu. Aur apko ye bi bata du ki Pooja ne hamara businesses develop karne bahut khas role ada kiya hai. Pooja ki role kya thi, wo apko iss story me dikhai dega. Office me Pooja aur mere...
On the surface of it, Miles Mallison had everything that a man of his age and status desired. He had a business that had developed from a small real estate company that was a graduation gift from his wealthy father. It wasn’t, however, a gift given of love, because there was no love between father and son, it was a gift given of some filial obligation to a son. It was a sign of a father cutting all ties with a son that had been a disappointment to him. Miles had made it perfectly clear that he...
"Samantha Taylor is here." Gayle had stuck her head in the door to announce the visitor. "Bring her in Gayle." I said, as I moved around the desk to meet her at the door. "Samantha Taylor, this is Bob Eyestone," said Gayle, then turned and left the room. "Please have a seat Mrs. Taylor," I said. "Its miss Taylor," she said as she took the proffered seat. "Miss Taylor? Then are you the owner of the Trucking Company?" "Yes I am, my father left it to me." She replied. "I've been running the...
Love StoriesIt's All For the Business Part II Please read Part I first to understand the background and to get to know the characters better. The continued adventures of Billy and Abby as they immerse themselves into their restaurant /bar as a LGBT venue. It had been several months since our restaurant and bar became a meeting point for the LGBT community in our town. Business was good and growing. We had finalized our agreement with Robert/Roxanne, now a partner; he was a great help in getting...
Mike watches his wife and the businessman enter the elevator leading to her lover’s room. He goes to the bar and orders an old fashioned. He sips his drink and pictures his wife on her knees giving the businessman a blowjob. At least this time he gets to watch. He reaches in his pocket and subconsciously toys with his wife’s panties.Lynn and Derek kiss as soon as they are in the elevator. The elevator stops at the next floor and two other men enter. Derek has his arm around her waist. She is...
CuckoldThe Burns and Allen Show ran from 10-12-50 thru -09-22-58. [With apologies: I write this from my memory of some late-night TV shows I saw a few times on PBS, and _"Total Television" _(By Alex McNeil).] The Burns and Allen Show: The Power of Show Business By Ron Dow75 The Announcer: "Ladies and Gentlemen, Carnation Condensed Milk presents, "The Burns and Allen Show"!" [A thin man in a brown suit with a lit cigar comes onto stage from the side, the curtain still drawn. When...
Business, Not Quite As Usual By Julie O. Edited by Amelia R. This story features the characters from Tess's Transformations in supporting roles. Chapter 1 Dylan Matson sat outside of the CEO's office waiting to be called in. He tried to remain calm, but this was very difficult as he had never been called into the big man's office before. Dylan had just turned twenty-four and had been working for Wade Industries for two years. He had been surprised that Wade had hired...
Chapter one - Taking care of business David gets laid off I remember that fateful day, when everything changed as if it were yesterday. It was about ten o’clock in the morning on a Friday, nearly two years ago when my David called home. “Connie, I have some bad news.” “What happened?” I asked nervously. “I got laid off. Permanently furloughed is the actual term they used. They let sixty-eight of us go today. Rumors are that there will be more layoffs in other locations next week,” David...
CheatingHi beautiful friends. I am Seema with new exciting story for those who encouraged me for this. There is option in this site , on clicking author’s name you can access her all stories. You can read all my stories in just one click. That’s really good feature by iss. As usual this is another real story that I heard from conform source. Story goes That was an another business day in life of that couple. Yash (40) was dealing with his client in garden in early morning. They were talking some...
For the next few days the four of them just relaxed and had time out. At the pool Fred was reading the local paper and mentioned about a cargo plane company being run down by kids arguments. He showed the article to Helena and Suzanne. Suzanne replied “Looks like they need a white knight to fix.” Helena looked at Suzanne and smiled. Suzanne yelled “NO Helena, your on your honeymoon. NO.” Zac and Fred looked at Suzanne. Suzanne enlightened them “Helena is going to look to buy them out for...
Wednesday, September 27, 2028... God, the morning was really dragging. It was only nine, and I wasn’t due at Steve’s for lunch until twelve. Three hours and nothing to do will be boring. I decided to head to the CVS Pharmacy, so I could buy a spiral notebook and a pen. It didn’t take long to make my purchases. My next stop would be the Pacific Beach Library, which opened at nine-thirty on Fridays. The library would be a good place for me to start planning what I will do in the next few...
Karen arrived next Friday evening. She was not expected until Saturday, but both Lucy and Jo were very pleased to see her."Right, I have a print out of all your expected expenses and income. I have made lots of enquires about some things, so please raise any queries you have," said Karen.The girls looked at the printout and most of it did not mean much to them, it was just a whole lot of figures.Karen saw that the two girls were looking a bit confused."Let me go through the list with you,"...
SpankingShe had thought it was good news, not even sure how she ended up in this position Family RitualsCopyright 2006Co-Written by Powerone and SummerElizabeth8 M+/F, incest, oral, anal, mast Chapter 1The Marriage Proposal She had thought it was good news, and wasn?t even sure how she ended up in this position.?? Her parents had always been strict, not strict in the same sense that others used it, but strict in the sense of corporal punishment.? And it wasn?t just her, but also her mother,...
It's Just Business By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold Chapter 1 Twenty-three-year-old David Chambers was worried. Things at work weren't going the way he planned and he was concerned about his future at Bromberg Inc. He was in his sixth month of his current assignment as the personal assistant for Pamela Kennedy. Actually...
The Family Business (an alternative ending) Introduction I have long been an admirer of Belladonna's stories. The Family Business was one of the first I read and is still one of my all-time favourites. I especially enjoyed the obvious love that Taylor had for his wife and his wish to try to make amends for his many shortcomings. I began to imagine an alternative ending which focused on the changes in Taylor after his wife and mother feminized him. This story begins on Taylor's...
The kids were told to put away their things and get ready for lunch. Both were unsure what to do as the two didn't want to go into the wrong room especially as the twins were going to move in over the weekend. Paige led them up to the rooms and told them either of the smaller rooms was fine. Anne chose the room off front porch while Hugh chose the one overlooking the backyard, she liked the early morning sunlight while he liked the trees and shade. As they were putting away their...
Family First By: Light Clark Synopsis: Adam had always known his family was unlucky. Since before he was even born, it seemed like misfortune was just drawn to them. Now a grown man and off in the army, he'd thought that string of bad luck had finally come to an end, but apparently, life had one more curveball to throw his way. Warning: This story takes place in my Tannen universe and contains spoilers for events in Trials of Tannen 04: The Sword That Was Lost. It is not necessary...
Paige and Bryan went to bed with an ominous feeling as Valerie Finn didn't mince words when things are getting serious. They had to cancel their plans to visit some of the children's activities but it wasn't catastrophic to their week. The girls would be fine riding horses and playing with Lucy while helping Chef Paine with some of the meal preparations, something that Elise had always enjoyed but never let anyone else know. If they were lucky, Hamish Paine may come by to see them and...
Copyright A Strange Geek, 2005 Last modified 10/11/05 (header adjustment only) Feedback welcome! Please send email to [email protected] ( lose YOUR MIND to email me ) Please inform me if you wish to repost this work. Keep this copyright notice intact on any redistribution. Keywords: MF, Fdom, oral, cbt(mild), bond, toys I walked out of the restaurant to find that the heat of the southwest desert plains had quickly dissipated after sunset. A dark sky filled...
The Business Woman (A Lambs Story) This is the next story in the Lambs Club series, and follows The Inception of the Club. Though like the previous story, it's complete and self contained. by Anyport As a taxi driver I get to meet some beautiful women, but Melissa is without doubt the most incredible looking person I've ever met. When I picked her up, I assumed she must be a model going to or from an assignment. She carried one of those make-up cases models use and seemed to...