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Business, Not Quite As Usual By Julie O. Edited by Amelia R. This story features the characters from Tess's Transformations in supporting roles. Chapter 1 Dylan Matson sat outside of the CEO's office waiting to be called in. He tried to remain calm, but this was very difficult as he had never been called into the big man's office before. Dylan had just turned twenty-four and had been working for Wade Industries for two years. He had been surprised that Wade had hired him and even more surprised when he was assigned to the sales department. Dylan had a degree in mechanical engineering from Purdue. However, Howard Wade had long decided it was easier to train engineers to sell, than it was to teach salesmen engineering. Even though he was in sales, Dylan wasn't complaining, his base salary was excellent, and he also earned a commission. His supervisor, Bill McKenzie, had told him that all new engineers spent a few years in sales before moving on to design. In his two years at Wade, Dylan had not only made all his sales goals, but had exceeded them. He wondered if this was the reason why Mr. Wade wanted to see him. Dylan casually glanced at his watch and saw that he had been waiting for twenty-five minutes. Well, there was nothing he could do about that, besides Bill knew where he was. Mrs. Taylor, Howard Wade's secretary for twenty-seven years glanced at the young man waiting to see her boss. She smiled slightly, wondering if he knew what he was getting into. Like most secretaries, Mrs. Taylor knew everything that was happening in the company. She ran her eyes over Dylan. His personnel record said that he was six feet tall, but she estimated him to be maybe five-ten. He was also thin, which made sense, as if was all part of the reason why he was here. His family lived in a Chicago suburb, and he had attended Purdue on a full scholarship. She also knew that Dylan was single and wasn't currently dating anyone. He had been dating a woman named Amy, who worked for an airline. They had broken up four months ago. The reason that Mrs. Taylor knew this was that she had read the special report that Mr. Wade had ordered on the young man. A red light flashed on her desk. "Mr. Wade will see you now," she announced. Dylan nodded. He noticed the strange smile on her face, as if she knew something he didn't, and he wondered what it was. Chapter 2 Dylan walked into Mr. Wade's office. He was struck by the fact that it wasn't what he had expected. It was far from being lavish; instead, it was sparse, but functional. Mr. Wade sat behind an old oaken desk. It was large, but not pretentious. Dylan had heard the stories of how Mr. Wade was still a working design engineer. The walls were real wood paneling. They were covered by the numerous awards won by the company. There was one wall that had several mounted fish on it, along with several photos of Mr. Wade with his fishing partners. Dylan had heard that fishing was Mr. Wade's primary form of relaxation. "Please sit down, Dylan," said Mr. Wade. He pointed to a leather chair sitting across from him. Dylan sat down and waited for his boss to speak. "I've been reading your performance reports; you've done very well," said Mr. Wade. "Thank you, sir," replied Dylan. "I'll get right to the point; I'm sure you're wondering why you're here," stated Mr. Wade. Dylan nodded. "Have you heard of Connell Aviation?" asked Mr. Wade. Dylan wasn't sure if this was a test or not, but he could tell that Mr. Wade expected a response. He had taken it upon himself to learn something about all the major contracts that Wade worked with. He had also found an article on Connell online. "Yes, sir. They're a major producer of private jets, catering to luxury personally designed aircraft. We've been a provider of ventilation systems to them since 1969. They're due to start production on a new jet next year." "I'm impressed," replied Mr. Wade. "Do you know anything about the CEO?" "Savannah Connell, age 45, is the only surviving child of the company's founder Harrison Connell. Her two brothers were both killed in flying accidents. She owns a rather large estate in central New Jersey and has the reputation of being somewhat of a recluse; at least, that's what the article in Aviation Weekly said," stated Dylan. "Savannah didn't get to be CEO just because she's the daughter of Harrison Connell. She has degrees in aviation engineering in addition to having an MBA from Stanford. She was also a highly skilled pilot," said Mr. Wade. Dylan looked confused. "Sir, what do you mean by was a pilot?" "I guess you didn't read the entire article, she was involved in a crash fifteen years ago and is now confined to wheelchair. From what I heard, the accident would have killed most people. She was hospitalized for over a year following the accident, and she found that, thanks to computers and video links, she could run the company from her hospital room. She took this to the next level when she left the hospital. Now, she runs Connell Aviation from her home." Dylan wondered what this had to do with him. "Savannah does have her quirks. While she runs her company remotely, she still insists on meeting all contractors face-to-face," continued Mr. Wade. "Your name made the short list for presenting our contract to Savannah." Dylan's eyes lit up. This would be a major coup if he was selected. "Now, I need to tell you, this task does have some rather 'unusual' aspects to it," said Mr. Wade. "Like what, sir?" asked Dylan. Mr. Wade stood up and began to slowly walk towards Dylan. "I'm going to tell you. Now, if you turn down this job, nothing else will be said. It won't be held against you in any way." Dylan wondered what his boss was talking about. "Okay." "I'm also going to ask you to sign this before I go any further," said Mr. Wade as he handed Dylan a form. "Read it and sign, please." Dylan looked at the form. It was a privacy form stating that Dylan agreed not to discuss anything he was about to be told. If he did, he would subject to immediate termination from the company. "I know this seems harsh, but Savannah insists on it," said Mr. Wade. Dylan signed the form and handed it back to his boss. "Okay, thank you, Dylan. Now, part of the reason why you made the list for this job is the fact that you're one of our best young salesmen. You also have the necessary engineering skills for the contract." Dylan wondered what was coming. "You also have the right body size," said Mr. Wade. Chapter 3 "Right body size?" asked Dylan. Mr. Wade nodded. "I said that Savannah has some 'quirks.' This will have a major impact on your decision to take the job. Everyone who works on her estate is a woman. This isn't by chance; Savannah only hires women to work on her estate. This gender bias doesn't apply to her employees at the Connell Aviation plant, but all males who want or need to set foot on her estate must dress as a woman." Dylan's mouth opened up. "You're kidding, right?" Mr. Wade shook his head. "Nope. Savannah insists on it, and if a man refuses to abide by her rules, they don't get on the estate. If they don't get on the estate, they don't get a chance to present their contracts to her." "Why?" asked Dylan. Mr. Wade shrugged his shoulders. "No one is sure. It may have something to do with the fact that she doesn't trust men. The jet that crashed was found to have some faulty components. The man who sold them to Connell knew there was a problem and didn't say anything. Many companies now only send female salespeople to see her." "But a woman can lie just as well as a man," said Dylan. "True, but I wouldn't say that to Savannah." It took a few seconds for this to sink in. Dylan then looked at his boss. "Um, does this mean what I think it does?' Mr. Wade nodded. "We don't have a qualified woman to present our contract to Savannah. If we did, you wouldn't be here right now." "You mean I'd have to dress as a woman?' asked Dylan. "Unfortunately, that's right. I promise that your privacy will be protected," said Mr. Wade. "I've never dressed as a woman before," stated Dylan immediately. Mr. Wade smiled. "Dylan, we understand that. There's a service here that will dress you and teach you what you need to know." "How long would I have to do this? I mean, what are we talking about, one day, two days?" "If we get the contract, it could be weeks," said Mr. Wade. "Several weeks?" asked Dylan. "Maybe longer," said Mr. Wade. "You would be expected to stay there and work out the details of the contract." Dylan took a deep breath and let it out. "Wow." "Like I said, if you don't want to take this job, I understand and nothing will be held against you." "May I think about it?" asked Dylan. "Absolutely. Take the rest of the day off. Today's Friday, why don't you take the whole weekend to deicide. Here's my private number, call me when you make up your mind," said Mr. Wade. He handed Dylan his business card. "This is legit, right?" asked Dylan. Mr. Wade nodded. "Just so you know, if you choose to accept this job, I can assure you that you will be rewarded quite generously. However, I don't want you to do this because you think that I'm bribing you." "I understand. I'll call you no later than Monday, sir," said Dylan. Mr. Wade smiled and extended his hand, which Dylan shook. "Just so you know, two of our regional VPs had to dress in fem. I have high opinions of both of them." Dylan nodded and left the office. He now knew why Mrs. Taylor was smiling. Chapter 4 The drive home seemed longer than usual, as Dylan was thinking about the rather strange offer his boss had given him. He barely noticed when it started to rain. He knew that the Connell contract meant a lot to the company. This wasn't just big, it was huge. If they didn't get the contract, it could mean layoffs or worse. In a way, he felt honored that he was being considered for the job. True, part of the reason he was being considered was his slim physical appearance. He also had a very young looking face. His co-workers kidded him about being carded when they went to the Seahawks game, even those who were younger than he was. Part of the reason for his youthful appearance was his almost totally lack of facial hair. It was a family curse, as no men in his family had beards. Thankfully, he had a full head of hair. It was currently long by corporate standards, but it was far from feminine. So, he'd have to wear a wig, he thought. He had told Mr. Wade that he had never dressed as a girl; this wasn't completely true. There had been a few times for Halloween. Then there was that party back in college. He had tried to put the events of that night out of his memory. No, it was best to lie and say that he had never dressed as a girl. He wondered about this strange woman who would make men dress in drag. Did she do it just to humiliate them? It couldn't be just that, otherwise Mr. Wade wouldn't still be going for the contract. Dylan wondered about who the others had been who had to dress up to appease Savannah Connell. It would be cool to be a VP, he thought. Dylan heard all the company gossip, and he had never heard a thing about what Mr. Wade had talked to him about. So that meant that if he did it, it was unlikely that anyone would find out. He then thought about the bonus. He mentally computed the standard commission for a sale against the size of the contract. He smiled at the figure he came up with. It would be huge! Well, he didn't have to make up his mind right now, he thought. He decided that he needed a mindless diversion that night; so after he went home, he changed and headed up to Seattle to watch the Supersonics play. Chapter 5 Dylan decided Saturday morning that he would take the job. The good things that could come out of it far outweighed the bad things. He waited until after nine before calling Mr. Wade. "I really appreciate you taking on this task, Dylan. I won't forget it," stated Mr. Wade. "So, when do I have to go there?" asked Dylan. "Not for a couple of weeks," said Mr. Wade. "In the meantime, you have some training to attend. You need to get a whole new wardrobe, and to learn how to apply makeup, do your nails, and things like that." "I don't even know where to start," replied Dylan sheepishly. "Don't worry; we have an expert who'll help you. We've used her before, and she can be trusted. Her name is Tess, and she runs a business that caters to the transgendered." "Um, okay," said Dylan. Mr. Wade laughed. "Dylan, she knows that you're not transgendered. Like I said, she's helped us before with this contact. I've already taken the liberty of setting up an expense account with her. I want you to call her today and set up an appointment. Starting Monday, you'll be officially attending training as far as anyone at work will know." Dylan copied down the number for Tess's Transformations. "Dylan, I'll call you later this week with the details of the trip to see Ms. Connell. I have a good feeling about this, and I have the greatest confidence in you." "I won't let you down, sir," replied Dylan. They talked for the next thirty minutes about details of the trip. By the time the call was over, Dylan knew that this would make or break his career. After he hung up the phone, he called the number for Tess's Transformations. "Good morning, Tess's Transformations, my name is Jackie, how may I help you?" asked the woman. "Hi, my name is... my name is Dylan, and I need to talk to Tess Wellington," he said. "Oh yes, she's been expecting your call. I'll transfer you," said Jackie. A moment later, Dylan was talking to Tess Wellington. "Your boss called me Friday and said that he expected you to take the job," said Tess. Dylan was slightly surprised by this, but it did make him feel good that Mr. Wade had that much confidence in him. "So, you know why I need your services?" asked Dylan. "Oh, yes, we've helped out several of your fellow employees with this issue. I'll have you know that I take great pride in the fact that your company has always gotten the contract," said Tess. "Really?" "Oh, yes. I take great pride in my work, and when I'm done with you, all you'll have to worry about is the contract," said Tess. "By the way, I have a stake in this too. We get a bonus when you get the contract." "That only seems fair," said Dylan. "So, can you stop by today? I'd like to get your sizes so I can start on your wardrobe," explained Tess. "That way, when you come in on Monday, I'll have something appropriate for you to wear." "Sure, why not," he replied. "Okay, I'll pass you back to Jackie, and she'll give you directions to my office. Oh, have you picked out a fem name yet?" "No, not yet," replied Dylan. "Well, you can always call yourself Diane." "I'd rather not. I dated a Diane for a while." "Okay, how about Dana?" "Um, I guess that sounds okay." "Trust me; it'll help you adjust to this if you already have a feminine name. So, Dana, I look forward to seeing you shortly," said Tess. Chapter 6 Dylan parked in front of what looked like an old warehouse. He looked around the neighborhood and judged it was safe. It was one of those old industrial areas of town that was undergoing a minor renaissance. He stepped out of his car and walked up to the main door and rang the bell. An attractive redheaded woman answered the door. "Hi, I'm Dylan, I called about seeing Tess," he said. The woman escorted him inside. "My name is Jackie. Tess will be out shortly, would you like some coffee?" "Yes, please. I take it black," he replied. He watched as the woman walked away to get the coffee. She was dressed in a stylish looking navy suit. A short time later, she returned with the coffee. "I hope you like it, it's Kona." Dylan was feeling slightly better about all this. If they could afford high end coffee, then it must be a legitimate business. "Can I get you to fill out this form, please?" asked Jackie. Dylan sat down and looked over the form. It had the standard information; name, address, phone number, and e-mail address. There were also places to fill in height, weight, shoe size, and things like that. "Just so you know, everything is kept in strictly confidential," said Jackie, as she sat behind her desk. "If it makes you feel any better, we've never had a security breach; and we have some very public clients." This caught Dylan off guard. "Really?" Jackie nodded. "Everyone from athletes to politicians, however, we treat everyone the same here. We understand the importance of maintaining a client's privacy." "I'm just doing this for work," said Dylan, sort of defensively. Jackie smiled. "There's no need to explain. What matters to us is that you get the best service possible, and part of that is maintaining your privacy. Trust me, I understand all about privacy." Dylan looked at the pretty woman and then went back to filling out the form. There was no way she could be a guy, he thought. A few minutes later, a black haired woman walked into the reception area and greeted Dylan. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Dylan, or is it Dana?" she asked. "I prefer Dylan, but I suppose I should get used to answering to Dana." Tess smiled. "That's the spirit, Dana. Follow me back to my office, and we'll get started." Chapter 7 Tess took a series of measurements and nodded approvingly. "Your size will make clothing shopping much easier. I'll have more options than if you were taller or more muscular." Dana cocked her head. "I'm sorry; I didn't mean to imply anything negative. I was speaking strictly from a wardrobe side. With some of our clients, obtaining a wardrobe can be... challenging," said Tess. "What do you mean?" Dana asked. "Do you know how hard it is to find high heels for a man's size fourteen?" Dana laughed. "I have no idea." "I finally found a company down in LA that not only stocks large size shoes, they're high quality too, but extremely expensive. Anyway, I won't have that problem stocking your wardrobe. From our past experience with your company, I know that you'll need enough changes of wardrobe for three weeks; and that is just for work. You'll also need casual clothes, and some evening wear. You're lucky that you're not buying this yourself," said Tess. "I imagine that they'll write this off as a business expense," said Dana. "I never thought of it that way," replied Tess with a laugh. "I'll also have to get you shoes, accessories, and makeup." "Accessories?" asked Dana. "Jewelry, handbags, outerwear," said Tess as she counted off the items on her fingers. "Oh, yeah," said Dana. "What about a wig?" "Won't be necessary; your own hair is long enough that we can have it styled. It'll be short, but I have a good hair stylist who can give you a feminine look. Trust me, you don't want to deal with a wig," said Tess. Dana hadn't counted on this. "Um, if you say so." "Now, according to your boss, you'll be leaving in three weeks. I suggest that we have you start dressing as soon as possible." "Do I have to?' asked Dana. "You need to get used to the clothes and the persona you're going to portray. Remember, you're going there to get a contract, and that should be the only thing you're worried about." Dana nodded. "Can I ask you a question; don't you think that this is sort of weird? I mean, why does Savannah require this sort of ..." "Humiliation?" interjected Tess. Dana nodded again. "Have you read about her?" asked Tess. "Just a few articles," replied Dana. "She's a very remarkable woman. She had to fight to get where she is; she didn't get to be CEO just by birthright. Before the accident, she was a top test pilot; in addition to holding numerous degrees from avionics to business. She didn't just succeed in a man's world, she excelled." "How do you know so much about her?" asked Dana. "It was right after your company first hired me. She intrigued me. I mean, here is a woman running a major company, who has enough clout to make men dress as women." "Okay, but what about that, I mean requiring men to dress in women's clothes?" "I suspect she does it to make contractors hire more women; and if that failed, to at least give the men a feeling of what a woman has to go through. Now, if you were going on a normal two to three week trip as Dylan, how many suits would you take?" "Three, maybe four, less if the hotel had its own dry cleaning service and could do next day service," Dana replied. "Exactly! A woman can't get away with that. If she shows up wearing the same suit, it doesn't look good. Also, she has to make sure her hair, nails, and makeup are perfect." "I hadn't thought about that. This is going to harder than I thought," Dana said. "From what I've heard, she's not doing this for anything sexual. She will try to push your buttons a little and push your limits. If you get the contact, expect to have to dress up for at least one fancy dinner," said Tess. "She also does something new each time." "What do you mean?" asked Dana. "Well, the last time, she rewarded the salesperson with dinner and a Broadway show. Of course, the person had to accept, even though he had to go as a woman." "Oh my god," exclaimed Dana. "It wasn't that bad. I talked to the person afterwards, and he had to admit that they had a pretty good time." "Wait a second; I thought Savannah never left her estate." "She doesn't. The salesperson went with a friend he knew out there." "A friend? You mean a woman?' asked Dana. Tess shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know, the person never said. He did say that they had a wonderful time." Dana wondered if it was too late to pull out. "Okay, I have your sizes and will have your initial wardrobe here Monday. Now, again I suggest that you transition as soon as possible." Dana nodded. "I suppose you know best." "Great. I already made appointments for you at my friend's salon." Dana laughed. "You're good." Tess smiled back. "It's my job. Trust me; you'll pass very well, Dana. Now, getting you dressed is just part of the program. We'll be taking you out; this way you'll feel more at ease by the time you get to New Jersey." "What do you mean by we?" asked Dana. "Well, you've already met Jackie; there's also my other associate, Lisa. Don't worry, you can trust both of them," explained Tess. Dana nodded. "So what sorts of places will we be going to?" "Stores, restaurants, and also I want to take you to a local club. If you can survive Anything Goes, then you'll definitely be prepared for Savannah Connell," said Tess. "Well, maybe when this is over I can write a book," remarked Dana. Chapter 8 Dylan drove home thinking about what was about to happen to him. Starting Monday, he would be Dana Matson. He was nervous about what was about to happen, and it had nothing to do with Tess's skills. At the same time, Tess was heading out to do some shopping. She already had a good idea of how she would dress Dana. She suspected that Dana was hiding something; she had been in this sort of business long enough to read her clients like a book. It didn't matter to her, as her own receptionist had once been a young businessman named Jack. Jackie was now engaged and living fulltime as a woman. Tess figured that if Dana had some gender issues, they would come out before or during her time in Jersey. She did place a call to Mr. Wade. "What do you think, Tess?' he asked. "Well, if you don't get the contract, it won't be because she doesn't pass," she replied. "Dylan is a damn good salesman. I have the highest confidence in him to make the sale," said Mr. Wade. "Um, don't you mean, highest confidence in her?" asked Tess. "True. I keep forgetting that. So, what's Dylan's new name?" "Dana," said Tess. "I plan on having Dana living as a woman Monday." "So soon?" "How soon do you need her in Jersey?" asked Tess. "Two weeks from Tuesday," he replied. "What do you think?" "Well, you've never been wrong before," he replied. "Oh, just in case Dana decides to stick around when this is over, she will have a job, right?" "Of course. So, does that mean you think that Dana will be like Leslie?" "I don't know yet," replied Tess. "By the way, how's Leslie doing?" "She's VP of marketing in our Minneapolis office," said Mr. Wade. "I'm very happy for her. I'm also happy that she works for such a progressive company." "Hey, it's the least we could do. I mean, I picked her for the job. If Dana sticks around, as you put it, then we'll definitely find a job for her." "I'm glad to hear that. I'll talk to you later this week and give you an update on Dana's progress." Chapter 9 Dana dried herself off as she stood in the shower stall. The lack of body hair felt strange, as if her body was suddenly more sensitive. Just fifteen minutes earlier, Tess had coated most of Dana's body in a hair removal cream. After Dana dried off, she slipped on the gaff, remembering Tess's instructions. Dana was still shocked when she saw how well it hid her male genitals. Next came the panties. They were white and made of cotton. Dana looked at the bra, and after several attempts, she was able to get the band hooked behind her back. She then picked up one of the silicone breast pads. It was surprisingly heavy, and Dana had to marvel at the way it jiggled. She slipped it into her bra, followed by the other one. As she walked around the bathroom, she was amazed at the way they felt. "This will take some getting used to," Dana said aloud. "Are you dressed?" asked Tess from the next room. "Yes, I'm coming out," said Dana. Tess nodded approvingly as Dana emerged from the bathroom. "Okay, turn around," Tess ordered. "I want to see how the bra fits." She then walked over and made some adjustments with the straps. "That feels better," said Dana. "Good, let's get you dressed. Then I'll do your makeup." She handed Dana a pair of black pantyhose. "Sit down on the bench. Now, what you do is roll up the legs and stick your feet inside." After two attempts, Dana was able to get the pantyhose on. "I'll teach you how to do stockings later, but for today, we'll keep it simple," said Tess. "What's next?" asked Dana as she ran her hands down her legs. "Stand up and try on this skirt," said Tess. Dana slipped on the dark gray skirt. She needed some help from Tess in aligning it. "Okay, now slip on this blouse." Dana held it and noticed how soft it felt. "It's silk," stated Tess. "The buttons are on the opposite side, but otherwise it's no different than a male shirt, at least when it comes to putting it on." Dana slowly buttoned it up. "Why are the buttons on the opposite side?" "Just to confuse people, I guess," replied Tess with a wink. "Okay, what's next?' "Try on the shoes. They're only two inch heels. I have some others that have a higher heel, but not for your first time," said Tess. "They fit perfectly," noted Dana. "Good. You're a size nine in shoes. Thankfully, you have small feet, so getting shoes isn't a problem. I bought you a couple of pairs of boots too. Now, sit down at the makeup table, and I'll do your face. We need to get to the salon; so right now, I'll just do your face. This afternoon, I'll give you your first lesson." Tess went to work on Dana's face. "How often do you shave, Dana?" "Only a couple times a week," Dana replied. "I've never had much facial hair." "Well, that's a blessing. Trust me, you don't need razor burn," said Tess. "Now, the trick of doing daytime makeup is to make it look like you're not really wearing any makeup." "That doesn't make sense," said Dana. "I know. But you can't wear too much makeup at work; it looks unprofessional." "What about my hair?" "I have a wig for you to wear until we get to the salon. It's close to your own color." Dana reached up and ran her fingers through her light blonde hair. "You have very nice hair; Maria will be pleased," said Tess. "Who's Maria?" asked Dana. "The woman who is going to give you your new look," said Tess. She then looked at the side of Dana's head. "I'm glad to see that you have pierced ears. That gives us a lot more flexibility. Put these hoops in." Dana looked at the two gold hoops that Tess had handed her and nodded. She took out the studs and then put in the hoops. "Good. They look very nice," noted Tess. She then handed Dana a watch, several rings, and a gold chain. "Here put these on too." "You spare no details," noted Dana. "Hey, it's my job! Now, I'm going to give you some notes that will tell you what will go with what, just in case you have any questions," said Tess as she brushed out a blonde wig. "Okay, let me put this hair helmet on your head. Trust me, even after a few minutes in one of these, you'll understand why it's best that we get your own hair styled." Tess arranged the wig on Dana's head and then styled it. "That doesn't look too bad; however, you're going to look fabulous when Maria gets through with you. Now, just so you know, she's worked with many of my clients and is really cool. She also did the hair for the last few of your company's salespersons," explained Tess. "I'm just a little uneasy about having to pass as female for the next few weeks," confessed Dana. "I mean, I'm not leaving for New Jersey for a couple of weeks." "You'll do fine, and by the time Maria's done with you, no one will suspect that you're really a guy. Now, here's your purse and coat; I'll drive," said Tess. Chapter 10 Dana sat nervously in the salon chair as Maria styled her hair. For Dana it seemed like an eternity. "Can't I see what you're doing?" asked Dana. "Nope," replied Maria, with a slight laugh. "I'm almost finished, and I want you to see yourself when I'm totally done. Trust me, I'm an artist, and you're going to look fabulous." Dana sighed and noticed that Tess was smiling. "Is she always like this?" "Yes, pretty much. She's right though, you will look great," replied Tess. Dana looked down at her nails. They were now long, thanks to the extensions that Maria had attached earlier. Dana was amazed at how feminine her hands now looked. The dark red color also would take some getting used to. She then looked at her toes, which also had the same color. "Dana, as a professional businesswoman, you're expected to have good looking nails. I'll give you the address of a salon in Jersey that you can use. They can be trusted," said Tess. "After all this, I'd better get the contract," replied Dana, as she held out her hands to look at her nails. "Actually, I'm surprised that they're not longer." "You'll find that they're long enough. You still have to function, and if your nails were longer it would make typing rather difficult; in fact, you'll find that it'll take some getting used to," said Tess. Maria then reapplied Dana's makeup. "I've selected a new lipstick that will go better with your new hair color." "Okay," replied Dana. "Okay, are you ready, Dana?" asked Maria. Dana nodded nervously. "Close your eyes," ordered Maria. Dana obeyed and felt the salon chair being turned around. "Open your eyes, hon," said Maria. Dana opened her eyes and was stunned by her reflection. Her hair was now a reddish blonde with highlights. It was now styled short on the sides and full on top. "I'll show you how to use mousse so you can style it like this," said Maria. "It's pretty easy." Dana nodded without taking her eyes off her new look. She reached up and touched her now narrow, thin eyebrows. They were arched and changed the entire look of her face. "I can't believe that's me that I'm looking at. I really look like a woman." "Am I good or what?' stated Maria. "You did a great job as always, Maria," said Tess. Dana realized that she now looked like many of the professional women she saw at work. She began to realize that she might just be able to pull this off. "Thank you," replied Dana. "You're going to knock them dead, Dana," said Maria. Chapter 11 "So, you feel up to doing some shopping?" asked Tess. "Right now?" asked Dana. "Sure, why not? Trust me; no one is going to make you; besides, the places I'm going to take you wouldn't care anyway. You have to do it eventually," said Tess. "It'll also give you an opportunity to study how other women dress and move." Dana thought about this. In just over two weeks, she would have to be out on her own, and the company was depending on her. "I suppose you're right," said Dana. "Are you hungry?" asked Tess. Dana nodded. "Great, let's go get something to eat, and then we'll go shopping," said Tess. They stopped at a small bistro in the downtown area. "There are several good boutiques within walking distance," said Tess. "Now, just relax, you'll do fine." "Please tell me if I do anything stupid," replied Dana softly. "Oh, don't worry, I'll give you a full grade tonight," replied Tess with a laugh. They walked into a small bistro and sat down. Dana followed Tess's lead and ordered a salad. She began to relax as soon as she noticed that no one was staring at her. "How're you doing?" asked Tess. "Pretty good, I guess. I may have a problem though," whispered Dana. "What?" asked Tess. "I need to go to the restroom," replied Dana. "Oh, okay, we'll go together," replied Tess. "What, here?" asked Dana. "No, we'll use the alley out back. Of course, here! Just follow me in, go into the stall and do your business. Afterwards, wash up and check your makeup, we need to reapply your lipstick after eating anyway," said Tess. Dana stared back, but couldn't think a reasonable counterargument. "Okay." "That's the spirit," said Tess. "Don't forget your purse." Tess and Dana stood up and headed to the restroom. Dana was hoping that no one else would be inside. They walked in, and there were two women standing in front of the sinks, reapplying makeup. The women were talking about what an ass their boss was. Dana went into a stall. She was relieved to hear the other women leave. After she was done, she came out and found Tess waiting for her. "Do as I do," said Tess as she began to reapply her lipstick. Dana followed suit and was pleased that she did it without any mistakes. "Let's go shopping," said Tess. Chapter 12 After passing the restroom test, Dana's confidence was pretty high. They walked down the street to a boutique. "That wasn't so bad," said Dana. "You did well, I'm impressed," said Tess. They spent the afternoon shopping, increasing Dana's wardrobe for the trip. "I had no idea how much I would need for just a few weeks," said Dana as they dropped another load of bags off at Tess's car. "You'll need everything we've bought. We've taken care of your work and casual clothes; we still have to get your evening wear. We'll do that later this week," said Tess. "We also have to get you some more shoes; however, I think we've done enough damage to your company's expense account for the day. Now, let's drop off some of this stuff off at the drycleaners, and then we'll drop the rest off at your place." "I never appreciated the fact that I don't know anyone in my apartment building until today," said Dana. "You mean, you don't know anyone in your building?" asked Tess, as they got into her car. "No, just the live-in manager. He keeps an eye on my place when I'm out of town," said Dana. "I live on the third floor, and he lives on the first. I suppose I'll have to call him and let him know I'll be out of town for a while. I wonder if I should tell him about my current situation; what do you think?" "What do you know about him? I mean, how open-minded is he?" "He's pretty liberal. We have two same sex couple in the building," said Dana. "I suggest you tell him, that way there's no misunderstanding," continued Tess. "Maybe," replied Dana. The man's name was Pete Lewis. Dana suspected he was in his fifties, judging by the gray in his hair. Pete was a large man, six-three, muscular, and had participated in several triathlons. He was actually a fulltime writer and had several works of fiction published. The problem was that none of his books sold many copies. Dana had read one of his books and thought the characters were very good, although the plot was difficult to follow. Chapter 13 Tess helped Dana put away her clothes and then set up her makeup. "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow morning at ten," said Tess. "I want you to practice doing your makeup this evening." "Yes, teacher," replied Dana. Tess laughed. "By the way, you did very well today. You surprised me; I usually don't see first timers as relaxed as you were today." "I felt comfortable around you," replied Dana. "Okay, see you tomorrow, Dana," replied Tess. They hugged at door. "Thanks again, Tess." As Tess drove back to her office, she thought about Dana. It was obvious to her that Dana was hiding something. Tess wouldn't press it, as it really wasn't her business, but having helped thousands of transgendered clients over the years, she could sense that Dana was dealing with something. Chapter 14 Dana poured herself a glass of wine and took a long sip. Her mind was swimming with the events of the day. Until the deal was done with Savannah Connell, she would be Dana Matson. She nervously picked up the phone and called Pete. "Hi, Pete," she said. "Oh hi, Dylan. What's up, are you heading out of town again?" replied Pete. "Yes, but not for a couple weeks. I'll be out of town this time for several weeks," she replied. "No problem. I'll keep an eye on your place again," he replied. "Pete, um... there's something else. Can you come up here?" asked Dana. "Sure, I'll be up in a few minutes," he replied. Dana hung up the phone and nervously refilled her glass. She took a sip and had to steady the glass with both hands. "Relax, damnit!" she declared aloud. A few minutes later, there was a knock at the door. Dana took a deep breath and walked over to the door. She looked through the window and saw that it was Pete. "Okay, here goes nothing," she stated. She opened the door. "Hi, Pete." Pete's eyes opened wide. "Dylan?" "Come on in, I can explain," she said. Pete walked in. Dana noticed that he ran his eyes over her. They walked to the living room and sat down. Dana took care to make sure that her skirt was arranged carefully. "I'm doing this for work," said Dana. Pete cocked his head. "Okay... why?' Dana explained about the business trip, without giving away specific details. "And your boss picked you for this?" asked Pete. Dana nodded. "Well, I have to admit that you pass really well, Dylan... I mean Dana," said Pete. "Thanks. I have a good teacher," she replied. "I just wanted you to know what's going on, as I'll be like this until I leave. I'm not worried about the other people in the building, as I don't know any of them all that well." Pete smiled. "No problem, Dana." "Thanks, Pete. Oh, can I get you something to drink? I just opened a bottle of red wine." "Sounds good," he replied. Dana got up and walked to the kitchen. It might have been her imagination, but she thought she could feel Pete watching her. She returned with the wine and gave him his glass. "Well, here's to a successful trip, Dana," said Pete as he tapped his glass against hers. "Thank you," she replied. They talked for another thirty minutes before Pete got up to leave. "Thanks for trusting me, Dana," he said. Dana smiled back. She then had a funny feeling run through her body; it was one that she hadn't felt in a very long time. Chapter 15 "You did a nice job on your makeup this morning, Dana. In fact, I'm very impressed with you entire appearance," noted Tess. Tess was wearing a dark green blouse, dark brown skirt, and brown boots. "You might ease up a little on the eye shadow," said Tess. "How about my eyeliner?" asked Dana. "It's a little heavy too, but not bad," replied Tess. Dana nodded. "So, what are we doing today?" "We'll go out to get you some eveningwear. From what I've been told, you'll need several outfits. We'll get the one item that is indispensable in any woman's wardrobe, the little black dress," said Tess. "Is it really that important?" asked Dana. Tess nodded vigorously. "Yes, it can be used for everything from a funeral to fine dining." Dana laughed. "Hopefully, I won't be going to a funeral." "True. We'll also get you a nice evening gown. That also means shoes, jewelry, bags...." "Okay, okay, I get it," replied Dana with a laugh. "I'll take you out this morning, and then we'll meet Lisa for lunch. She'll take you out this afternoon. In addition to doing some shopping, she can give you insight on what it's like to be a business woman. She just left the corporate world six months ago," said Tess. "Okay, that sounds good," replied Dana. "How did it go with Pete?" asked Tess. Dana laughed. "How did you know that I talked to him?" "I can tell," replied Tess. "So, I take it everything went okay, right?" "Yes, he was really cool about it," replied Dana. "That's good to hear. Okay, let's head on out," said Tess. They made two stops before going to lunch. In addition to the little black dress, they found a nice navy blue cocktail dress. "I think we did pretty well this morning, Dana," noted Tess as they pulled into a parking spot near the restaurant where they were meeting Lisa. She'll help you pick out the right shoes and accessories." "How did you hire Lisa?' asked Dana. "I met her through Jackie. They used to work at the same company," said Tess, as they walked into the restaurant. "Jackie used to be a client." Dana stopped in her tracks. "No way!" Tess nodded. "I know it's hard to believe looking at her. She started her transition last year." "I never would have guessed," said Dana. "She's one of my star pupils. I'm so proud of her," continued Tess. "You definitely have an interesting job," said Dana. "I love it, every day is different." They walked inside and saw an auburn haired woman sitting at a table waving at them. "Oh good, she already got a table," noted Tess. "Follow me, Dana, and I'll introduce you to Lisa." Chapter 16 Dana was immediately struck by how energetic Lisa was. She also liked her from the start. "I think it's so cool that your company is giving you this opportunity," said Lisa. "I mean, from what Tess has told me, it's a direct path to a major promotion." "If I get the contract that is," replied Dana. "Well, by the time we're done with you, the only thing you'll have to worry about is your sales presentation. By the way, how are you getting to the east coast?" "Company jet," replied Dana. "It would be difficult for me to go on commercial airlines without the right ID. The jet also has the type of ventilation system that we're trying to sell. We'll let their technicians examine the actual system." "Does this woman have her own airstrip?" asked Lisa. "From what I understand, there used to be a small one on the grounds of her estate, but she had it torn out after her accident. There's an airport near their corporate headquarters. I'll also be bringing a computer demonstration," said Dana. "I did some more research on Savannah last night before going to bed. I'm impressed with her business skills, but I still don't know why she requires what I'm going to have to do. I mean, there's nothing that stands out regarding gender bias in her past." "Tess and I talked about this, I agree with her idea. The company that I just left only had two women in my department... well, three if you count Jackie," said Lisa. "They weren't against hiring women; in fact, our boss wanted to keep Jackie on, even after he knew she was transitioning." "I have a question for you, Dana. Assuming you get the sale and the promotion, you'll have a much better insight into what businesswomen have to go through. Do you think that will make you a better manager?" asked Tess. "I suppose so. I hadn't thought of it that way," Dana replied. Chapter 17 Dana had fun shopping with Lisa. Maybe it was because they had a lot in common, having worked in the corporate world. "Now, have you ever dealt with a woman who's in charge?" asked Lisa, as they looked at some jewelry. "No, not really," replied Dana. "Okay, the first thing is don't let your guard down. Savannah didn't get to her position by being a pushover. She'll do whatever it takes to get the best deal possible, remember that," said Lisa. Dana nodded. "Also, don't treat her like a date. The worst thing you could do is to treat her differently than you would a man. When that was done to me, I usually found a way to make the offender pay," explained Lisa. "Do you read Dilbert?' Dana laughed. "Wouldn't miss it for the world!" "Good, just remember that Alice has the fist of death," said Lisa. "I won't forget that," replied Dana. "Cool. By the way, these earrings will look great with your cocktail dress," noted Lisa. "Okay, if you say so," said Dana. "So, what else will we be doing this week? I mean, we've bought a lot of stuff." "That's true," replied Lisa. "We'll still go out every day, so you'll feel more at ease. Also, I'll work with you on your voice and demeanor." "I see," said Dana. "You can practice your presentation with us," added Lisa. "The thing is for you to feel relaxed with your new persona, so that your presentation is flawless." "Wow, you've thought of everything," said Dana. "Hey, if you knew the size of the bonuses we'll get if you the contract, you'd be thorough too," replied Lisa with a smile. "Well, that just increased the pressure on me," replied Dana. She began to laugh. Lisa started laughing with her. "Okay, let's pay for this, and we'll go get a drink." Chapter 18 They sat together at a bar a few blocks from Tess's office. Lisa closed her cell phone. "Tess will be here shortly," said Lisa. "What about, Jackie?" asked Dana as she picked up her glass and took a sip of her Cosmopolitan. Lisa shook her head. "She's off to be with her boyfriend, Chris." "Wow, that's strong, do you drink these often?" asked Dana. "They can take the edge off a long day," said Lisa, as she took a drink of her own drink. "So, you worked with Jackie before being hired by Tess?" asked Dana. "Yes. We worked together," replied Lisa. "We didn't know each other that well as we spent much of our time in cubicles. I got to know her as she started her transition. We sort of bonded, and then she introduced me to Tess; the rest you can say is history." "That's incredible," said Dana. "Any regrets over leaving the corporate world?" "None at all," replied Lisa. "I like this job a lot more, and the money is much better. I also don't have to deal with the office BS. Do you want to work in an office your whole life?" "No, I'm due to move out of sales soon, maybe even after this job, and then I'll be assigned to an engineering department," replied Dana. "Oooh, engineering, that's so exciting," said Lisa sarcastically. "It is, I plan on modeling my career after Wally," added Dana, referring to the Dilbert character. "Good choice," replied Lisa with a laugh. "Seriously, I enjoy designing things. I love the problem solving aspects of the job," said Dana. "What about other things? I mean, do you..., is there someone else in your life?" asked Lisa. "No, not right now, which is probably good. It makes things less complicated," replied Dana. "I see," replied Lisa. "Well, just so you know, work isn't everything." "I know, but I still have a lot of loans to pay off from college. This job could be just what my finances needed." "What else do you want?" asked Lisa. "Damn, you're nosey," replied Dana with a smile. "Yep, it's one of my many flaws," replied Lisa. "I don't plan on spending my whole life in an office, and work isn't the only important thing in my life," replied Dana. She took another sip of her drink. "Okay, that was sufficiently vague," said Lisa. She winked at Dana. "Point taken, I guess haven't planned out my life too much so far." "That's good, because if you plan out things too far in advance, you may miss some interesting opportunities that life throws at you. I mean, look at me; this wasn't what I thought I'd be doing," said Lisa. Tess walked over and took the stool next to Lisa. She picked up one of the near empty glasses and examined the contents. "Well, I see you two have been busy." "I'm teaching Dana how to drink like a businesswoman," explained Lisa. Tess laughed. "Well, do you want another round?" Dana and Lisa nodded. Twenty minutes later, a group of businessmen walked into the bar. One of them looked over at Lisa and smiled. "I'll be damned. What are you up to, Lisa?" he asked. "Hi, Mark, how're things at Chambers?" asked Lisa. "Hectic as always," he replied. "So where do you work now? We were surprised you left; I mean, we all thought you were on the fast track to the top." Mark was in his late twenties and had dark brown hair. He was in good shape, and had a rather high opinion of himself when it came to women. He had asked Lisa out several times, and after she kept turning him down he assumed she was a lesbian, although he never would say this to her face. Lisa always thought of him as being slightly annoying, but harmless. "I got a better offer; I now work for a personal consulting firm," she replied. "I like the more flexible hours." Tess turned to Dana and winked. Dana did her best not to giggle. "Well, that sounds interesting," replied Mark. He looked over at Tess and Dana. "So, how about introducing me to your friends?" Lisa made the introductions, introducing Dana as a friend from out of town. Dana couldn't help but notice the way he ran his eyes over her. "Pleased to meet you; so where are you from?" "Detroit," Dana lied. "So what brings you out here?" he asked as he moved closer to her. "I have some business up in Seattle. I came down here to have dinner with Lisa and Tess," answered Dana. "Oh... well, maybe if you're free another night, we can do dinner; would you like that?" he asked. He handed her his business card. "Here's my number." She took the card and stared at it. "Thanks, but I have a rather full agenda this week," replied Dana. She felt that strange feeling run through her body again. It was the same feeling she had felt when Pete had looked at her the previous night. "Well, you can't blame a guy for asking," he replied with a grin on his face. "Well, good seeing you again, Lisa. Nice meeting you, Tess, and, Dana, if you change your mind, give me a call." He then walked over to join his friends. He glanced over at Dana again and shrugged his shoulders; why did the good looking business women always turn out to be lesbians? he thought. He figured that any woman who turned him down had to be a lesbian. Lisa and Tess leaned over towards a much relieved Dana. "You passed another test - with flying colors, I must say," stated Tess. "Yes, you passed on the 'blowing off the sexist jerk in a bar' test," added Lisa. She held up her glass in a toast. "Was he really trying to pick up on me?" whispered Dana. "Oh, yes," answered Lisa nodding. "He's actually not that bad, but he's not my type." "Nor mine!" interjected Dana. "Hey, I'm all for trying new things, but not that!" She lifted up her glass and touched those of Tess and Lisa and took a long sip. "It's okay, Dana, it happens a lot to our clients," continued Lisa. "Consider it a sign that you're doing a great job." Chapter 19 Back at her apartment, Dana thought about the encounter at the bar. She looked at herself in the mirror and could see that she was really a male, but could others? Was Mark really fooled, and did he see her as a woman? This was becoming more complicated than she had ever thought it could be. She knew that there had been no chance that she would have accepted Mark's offer, but what if something like this happened on the trip? She thought about that Halloween night back at college. When it had happened, she had convinced herself that it was just a one time thing, that she had been drunk, and that it would never happen again. Yet, she had felt those... those feelings, twice since she had become Dana, and neither time was she drunk. She knew that she would have to be on guard at all times from now on. Meanwhile, Lisa and Tess were discussing Dana over dinner at Lisa's house. It was takeout Chinese, and they were sitting on the couch passing around the boxes. "I agree with you, Tess; this can't be the first time that Dana's dressed," said Lisa. "If it is, she's the most relaxed client that we'll ever have." "Did you see the way she reacted to Mark back in the bar?" asked Tess. "Yes," replied Lisa. "She's definitely fighting some feelings." "I'm torn right now, Lisa. I don't like to interject my feelings about clients without them first bringing it up, but it's obvious that Dana is dealing with some gender issues," said Tess. "Don't get me wrong; as you know, I have nothing against her if she is transgendered, but I hate to see someone in denial." "I know. Granted, I don't have as much experience in these sorts of things, but if Dana is a straight male who's content with his gender, then I'm June Cleaver." Tess smiled. "No one would ever, not in a million years, confuse you with her. By the way, when are you going to let me teach you how to use chopsticks? I hate to see you use a fork." Lisa laughed. She had a bit of wild side and had shared some of her adventures with her co-workers. "I've tried before and usually end up with more food on my lap than in my mouth," replied Lisa. Tess then reached into her bowl with her chopsticks and pulled out a small piece of Kung Pao chicken, held it out in front of her and then ate it. "Show off! Well, maybe we should have Jackie join us some night; maybe if Dana talked with her, she'd be more likely to open up. What do you think?" asked Lisa. "Maybe," replied Tess. "I just don't want her to get hurt. I mean, this is different than one of our usual clients. Dana didn't come to us on her own accord; she was picked by her boss because of her experience and body shape. It's different when we get a crossdresser who turns out to be a transsexual." "That's true," said Lisa. "A couple of years ago, we had another Wade salesperson named Larry Hill; I had the same feelings about him," stated Tess. "What happened to him?" "She's still working for Wade as Leslie Hill. She wrote me last year when she was recovering from her SRS. Mr. Wade told me that she's now a VP," explained Tess. "As long as she's happy, what does it matter?" asked Lisa. "Hey, you don't have to convince me, but I hate to see someone struggle with their identity. What if I'm wrong and say something to Dana?" "Do you really think you're wrong?" asked Lisa. Tess shook her head as she ate. "I have something I want to try." Chapter 20 The next couple of days passed quickly. Under Tess and Lisa's watchful gaze, Dana practiced her dressing and makeup. "I'd like take you out to dinner Friday evening. It'll give you an opportunity to dress up and practice your evening makeup," said Tess. "That sounds good," replied Dana. "Will it just be us?" "Yes, Lisa has a date that evening," replied Tess. "Now, you'll be on your own for the weekend, but Monday, I'm going to have Jackie go out with you." "Sure, that sounds okay," replied Dana. "I have to study this weekend anyway. I want my presentation to be perfect." "Don't over study," said Tess. "Try to relax too." "I was thinking of going to the movies one night," said Dana. "Good. Now, do you want to meet here, or do you want me to pick you up this evening?" asked Tess. "Why don't you come by my place? That way, you can grade my appearance before we go out, and also make any corrections," said Dana. "I want you to wear the black dress tonight; let's keep it simple," said Tess. Dana then discussed accessories to go with the outfit. Tess was impressed. "You've been studying," said Tess. "Well, you told me to look at other women, and I have. I also have those fashion magazines that Lisa gave me," said Dana. "I can see why you were picked for this job," said Tess. Dana smiled back. "Thanks." "I want you to try wearing stockings tonight," said Tess. "It'll be a good learning experience for you." Chapter 21 Dana sat on the edge of her bed and slowly pulled a stocking up her left leg. She had already ruined one, and was determined not to repeat the mistake. When it was near the top, she stood up and attached the garters. In some ways, she was sort of surprised that women still wore stockings. Most of the women that Dana had dated as Dylan wore pantyhose. She stood up and examined herself in the mirror. The stocking looked straight, and then she noticed a mistake - she had her panties on under the garters. That would make going to the bathroom rather difficult, she thought. It took her a few minutes to correct this error. Dana smiled and knew she'd have to tell Tess of the mistake. She then finished getting dressed. Her dress was a simple short, black sleeveless number with a matching jacket. Dana remembered how Tess and Lisa had told her how it could be easily adapted to look either formal or casual. A short time later, Dana was applying her makeup. Eyeliner was still a problem, as Dana either applied too much or not enough. However, this evening she seemed to apply just enough. Pleased with this, she worked on her mascara. It also looked pretty good. Dana shook her head at the fact that she was becoming pretty proficient at putting on makeup. Dana finished just a few minutes before Tess arrived. After she let Tess in, Dana stood in front of her and smiled. "Well?" Tess ran her eyes over her student and nodded. "Very good, Dana. You're definitely the fastest learning pupil that I've had in a long time." Tess was also wearing a black dress. "Okay, one last thing, you need to put on some perfume," explained Tess. "Now at work, you should be careful about using scents, as too much can be really annoying to others, but for evening you can be more creative," said Tess. "Here's a scent that I think will suit you." Dana sniffed the bottle and nodded. "Not too bad." "Now, don't soak yourself in it, just a few drops will do," explained Tess. Dana did as she was told. "How's that?" "Perfect, now let's go out," said Tess. Chapter 22 They arrived at the restaurant and were shown immediately to their table. It was an upscale place that was rated as one of the best in the area. "How'd you get reservations for this place? I tried once for a date and was told it would be a three week wait, and that was just for a weeknight," whispered Dana. Tess glanced around and then motioned Dana to lean closer. "The head chef is a client." Dana cocked her head. "You're kidding, right?" Tess shook her head. "I only use our relationship for very special events." "I'm honored," replied Dana. "Well, you've done so well this week, I figured you could use a little celebrating," replied Tess. "Besides, I love the lamb here." Dana laughed. "I also want you to know that I now consider you a friend," continued Tess. "Thank you, I really appreciate that," said Dana. "I don't do this for all my clients. Granted, I get to pick and choose who I help, so I can afford to drop the ones that creep me out, but I've also made some wonderful friends through my job." "Like Lisa and Jackie," said Dana. "Exactly. You'll be spending a lot of time with Jackie next week, and I just know that you'll get along famously. I'm a good judge of character," stated Tess as she began to scan the menu. Dana picked up her menu. "I've only talked to her a few times, but she seems really nice." "She's very sweet. I brought her in initially to be my receptionist and assistant, but I want to move her up to working with clients too," said Tess. "From what Lisa said, Jackie was on the fast track at her old company. I'm surprised that she'd take a position as a receptionist," said Dana. "Jackie needed a big change. She had been hiding her feelings for so long, and when they came out, there was no way she could have stayed at her old job, even though her boss was supportive. She needed a position with less stress, as she had enough to deal with her transition." "But I thought her transition was going smoothly," said Dana. "Oh, it is, but there's no such thing as an easy transition, even when you know it's the right thing to do. I'm just happy to provide her with a job that allows her to bloom," said Tess. Dana nodded. During dinner Dana didn't say much, as if she was lost in her thoughts. "Is everything okay?' asked Tess. "Oh, my halibut is wonderful," replied Dana. "Then what's up?" asked Tess. Dana sighed. "May I talk to you after dinner about it?" Tess nodded. "Thank you," replied Dana. Chapter 23 They drove back to Dana's place after dinner. "Would you like some coffee or tea?" asked Dana. "What are you having?" asked Tess. "Brandy," replied Dana. "That sounds good," replied Tess as she sat down. Dana poured two glasses and handed one to Tess. She then sat down next to Tess and took a sip. "I don't know where to start," said Dana. "How about wherever you feel comfortable?" replied Tess. "Okay," said Dana. "I feel really comfortable as Dana. I never really thought about this sort of thing, but the last week I've felt so relaxed." "I've noticed," replied Tess as she took a drink. "Ohhh, this is really nice." Dana nodded. "I lied when I said that I never actually dressed before... I did it twice before." "Tell me about it," said Tess. "The first time was in high school. I dressed up for a costume party; actually, my sisters dressed me up." "Did you even think about dressing up in women's clothes?" "A few times, it was very confusing, and I did my best to fight off the feelings," confessed Dana. "I was expected to excel in school, and being different wasn't part of the program." "I see, so you were an overachiever?" asked Tess. "I graduated from Purdue in less than four years; what does that tell you?" asked Dana as she took another sip of her brandy. "Point taken, let's get back to Halloween, what did you wear?" "My sister's cheerleader uniform," replied Dana. "I looked really good, almost too good. My sisters kidded me that I should try out for the team the following year. At the party, I fooled a lot of people. I ended up winning the top prize." "So, it was their idea?" asked Tess. "Yes, but I didn't put up much of an argument. They had been kidding me for years that I would make a cute girl, and when they suggested that they turn me into a cheerleader, I readily agreed." "Anything else happen?" Dana shook her head. "Well, that's not true; I got a date with one of the cheerleaders out of the deal." Tess laughed. A smile broke out on Dana's face. "It turned out that I lost my virginity to her." "Can I ask you a question about that?" asked Tess. Dana nodded. "How did it happen? I mean who instigated it?" Dana cocked her head, and then it hit it. "She did. Wow, I never really thought about that, but she took charge." "Did she dress you up; I mean, in girl's clothes?" Dana looked shocked. "How... how did you know?" "It's not that uncommon," replied Tess. "She just put a bra and panties on me. Oh, she also put lipstick on me," said Dana. "Wow, I totally forgot about that." "What about the next time?" Dana took another long sip and almost emptied her glass. Tess reached over and put her hand on Dana's shoulder. "You don't have to tell me." Dana shook her head. "No, I want to - I need to." She reached over and pic

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The Maiden and the Minotaur Part 1

The Lottery had taken place and the name had been drawn. Only in this Lottery, if your name was drawn you were far from the winner. Ariadne, the youngest daughter of Aegidios, a simple shopkeeper in the village was the name drawn this time.The town drew the name of a virgin girl every three months in this Lottery. You see, this was Pelatrea, and this town was cursed.Long long ago, there was a young woman in the town, an extremely lovely woman, who caught the eye of Zeus, the most powerful of...

Monster Sex
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Son of the Minotaur Ch 01

Some things are just so weird that they have to be written down. Normally I wouldn’t bother, but this is too weird. We actually call this a ‘true lie’ in my circle of friends, something that while true it sounds like a lie anyway. Well, here’s my true lie. Guessing from the fact that this is an erotic story archive you are reading this from, yes this is about sex. First, let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Joe, simple and easy. I am a very hairy man, always have been from the...

4 years ago
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The Maiden and the Minotaur Part 4

The next day, Ariadne got ready to go back to the village to talk to them and tell them about the ending the Lottery. Erinyes lit the torch again and showed her the way to the old door. After winding their way through the maze of the Labyrinth they reached the door. The Minotaur studied it for a couple minutes testing the chains that held it secure. Then he hooked on horn under a point in the chain and with a mighty twisting pull the chain broke! Then he repeated the same thing to the second....

Monster Sex
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My Minotaur Part X

(Story resubmitted with objectionable content removed) My story draws near its close, dear reader, and I shall do my utmost to do these final moments justice in their detail. The first thing I shall say is that Oluth was clearly born for the mantel of leadership. While I’d thought him to be little more than a beast when we first met, I had since come to recognize what a being of great power, intelligence, and patience he truly is. Even then, it was not until after the business with Aryth I...

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My Minotaur Part X

(Story resubmitted with objectionable content removed) My story draws near its close, dear reader, and I shall do my utmost to do these final moments justice in their detail. The first thing I shall say is that Oluth was clearly born for the mantel of leadership. While I’d thought him to be little more than a beast when we first met, I had since come to recognize what a being of great power, intelligence, and patience he truly is. Even then, it was not until after the business with Aryth I...

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Business as Usual

Business as Usual by Jessica17 I guess I had it coming; my lucky streak had been going for about 25 years. Right out of college, I got an entry-level position at a fast- growing genetic engineering firm. They thought I had promise and offered to pay for graduate school and I got my MBA. With that came promotions. I was a Vice-President of the Research & Development department when we had a breakthrough; a completely safe, reliable genetic retrovirus. We could replace as much of...

2 years ago
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Beasts Chapter Four Minotaur

"It is still two days to my home lands." he told her, "I am fine living on the lands but Tempest you are a carnivore." she nodded. for the last 5 days she had only been eating what they had been able to find. she had stashed the oranges from a tree the day before. her stomach growled, she knelt down digging through her bag yet again, hoping to find a piece of dried meat that have perhaps gotten lost but found nothing. Brick moved to her side and knelt beside her, "drink." he told her...

2 years ago
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Dancing with the Hypnotist

‘I am now going to place my penis in your mouth.’ Annabel was appalled but she could not move so much as a muscle without his command. She had watched as the man had quietly undressed, neatly folding his clothes on the chair, and been so relieved to see his penis flaccid. She had thought he intended her for sex but the physical evidence showed otherwise: how wrong she had been! ‘You need to open your mouth, yes, that is just right.’ He had come closer and closer to her, his hand reaching...

2 years ago
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Hypnotism Doesnt Work

Michelle Williams was a smoking hot 22 year old legal secretary. She was tall, blonde and had a killer, voluptuous body that drove men wild. The busty blonde still lived at home with her father and stepmother, as well as her young 18 year old stepbrother Hugh. Michelle was currently single, but never had too much trouble getting guys, most of them easily drawn to her curvaceous body and open sexual nature. Where Michelle was popular and outgoing, her Hugh stepbrother was the exact opposite....

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A Cuckold Story Part 1 The Hypnotism Show

I have been told that under hypnotism, you cannot be forced to do what you don't want to do. You can only do what you yourself consent to do. And that was what I've believed all along too. Then what the hell was happening?I was going out for a fun night with my wife of 3 years, Marisa, a brunette beauty, 5 foot 5 inches tall with nicely shaped C cup breasts and a gorgeous body to die for. She was wearing a sexy red dress while I was in my typical jeans and T-shirt.It was a Tuesday night, but...

4 years ago
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Business As Usual

It started out just like any other day. And then, with one glance, it wasn’t.As I did once every month, I got up early, got my daughter off to school, and headed out to a meeting they call “Coffee with the Mayor”. It is just like it sounds, suburban and banal. But as a Real Estate Agent, it’s nice to know what’s going on in the town where you are working. But it’s also a little odd when you are the only person under sixty in a room full of retirees with complaints about street lights and...

2 years ago
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Childbirth Hypnotherapy

I was feeling much better. I usually don’t take sick days, I’m the kind of girl who shows up completely trashed sneezing and coughing, determined to make at least one coworker sick in exchange for a sick day. This one destroyed me. I couldn’t move, I was shivering, the coughs actually hurt, the medicine did nothing. I was getting older. I was twenty-nine. I know, that’s not old, but it’s the little things at first, those tiny little things you don’t notice, or at least that you shouldn’t...

3 years ago
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My Minotaur Part IX

Without Valsivale, our journey had grown much more dire. We were forced to march long hours during the day, and barely slept at night. As we traveled North the weather grew cold and my flesh felt somehow too thin to protect me any longer. But Oluth was a beast possessed! He set a fast stride and at night fucked one or more of us to sleep with a newfound vigor. It was a good thing we moved quickly, I hated to admit. There were days when we could hear the great mob in pursuit of us, the legion...

2 years ago
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My Minotaur Part IX

Without Valsivale, our journey had grown much more dire. We were forced to march long hours during the day, and barely slept at night. As we traveled North the weather grew cold and my flesh felt somehow too thin to protect me any longer. But Oluth was a beast possessed! He set a fast stride and at night fucked one or more of us to sleep with a newfound vigor. It was a good thing we moved quickly, I hated to admit. There were days when we could hear the great mob in pursuit of us, the legion...

2 years ago
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The Bank Notary

I got out of my Jeep and headed inside. The marine layer was still thick this morning, clinging onto that June Gloom mantra. I stepped inside and was greeted by a young gentleman. I let him know I needed the services of a notary. "No problem sir, our notary is with another customer at the moment. You can just have a seat here. Can I get you a bottle of water?" He asked. I accepted and took a seat in one of the awkwardly uncomfortable chairs. He soon returned with the water as I...

3 years ago
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Hypnotised to Quit Smoking Ch 01

My name is Kate and I am 28 years old. I have been married for 5 years and have a little boy. I started smoking when I was 14 and just before I gave birth I was smoking 20 a day. I managed to cut back but soon after giving birth I was quickly back to 20 a day again. Whilst my husband has never smoked, he has never pressurised me to quit. That was until our little son had arrived. I love smoking. Despite all the negatives, I find nothing better than kicking back lighting up and indulging in...

4 years ago
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The Hypnotist

I had known this amazing hypnotist for years. In fact, I am 46 and have moved 46 times. Every town I moved to, he was the Hypnotist when there was going to be that kind of show at one of the clubs or the bars. We had become pretty good friends and I say he was amazing because I have a Bachelor Degree of Science in Mental Health and while training,Hypnotism was a much debated topic in almost every class and I had learned quite a bit of it. I will call this guy Newton. Newton to my...

2 years ago
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Businessmans New Employment

I had been sent by my employers, a well known U.K. bank, to Bangkok in Thailand for a few days work. First a little about myself. I had joined the bank straight from school and had worked myself up to be Manager International Far East. Although based in London I travelled extensively around the Far East, to include Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore amongst other places. I am a widower my wife having died prematurely a couple of years ago. I was 45 back then and found it difficult to...

4 years ago
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The Minotaur and the Jewel Thief

The billionaire was in the middle east. He was a greedy and bulky man who honestly wouldn't notice if a golden necklace went missing, one encrusted with jewels, rubys, diamonds, and her favorite, sapphires. Wearing a skin tight, black, latex suit. She had a master escape plan, however, if an alarm sounded she had another. A dirtier, more complex one, but another non the less. Her latex suit was snug but fit comfortably. It squeezed her tits quite a bit, but that just made them pop more, the...

3 years ago
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Beasts Chapter two Minotaur

"Yes father." She looked back down at the book before her trying to concentrate but her mind kept moving to the battle from the night before. The Minotaur that her father held for sport. Though she hated watching beast kind fight and kill for show she had become enthralled by him immediately. The raw power he held, the way even under a cloth his manhood swung. How even that appeared to have been a mighty weapon of it’s own. Her legs pressed together at the thought of such a brutish male...

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The Preparation of Helena VoutrakisChapter 7 HMS Minotaur

The ship that was transporting Helena and myself back to England was hardly the largest in Her Majesty's Navy. HMS Minotaur was a "pistol ship" one of a new class of vessels, designed for the rapidly changing nature of sea warfare. Faster than the dreadnoughts but much smaller, she carried a single 12 inch breech-loading gun in a fixed mounting on her bow. Fighting tactics for the pistol ships were simple: they drove straight at the opposing fleet at high speed, aiming to get as close as...

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Visit at a hypnotist

This is a story that I write together with a member a long while ago. It has an open ending -- so if anyone wishes to fill in the blanks, you are very welcome :)It is Saturday and I am on my way to a hypnotist. This is quite extraordinary for me since I don't usually believe in this hocus pocus, but two things came together. First, I really want to get rid of my smoking habit [disclaimer: I don't in real life], but I didn't manage to do so with normal means and second, a good friend of mine...

2 years ago
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Dr. Lewis was ill tempered when he unlocked his office door. It was a little after eight and he had sessions back to back through out the day. He hated it when Ginger booked them like that. He needed time to recuperate and ground himself. He was doing memory work with some of his clients and that kind of therapy could be intense. He ached for Thursday – two days to go before he could see her. In his journal, which stayed in a locked drawer in his office at home, he had started referring to...

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Business Not As Usual

A few months ago I attended a business conference in Pittsburg, PA.  It was only to last three days but for various reasons stretched into taking the full week.  We even allowed some of the sessions to run into evening to try to avoid the full week possibility.  Didn’t happen. Thursday evening when I arrived back at my hotel armed with a six pack of beer I was disappointed to see that the indoor pool and hot tub area had closed at 9 PM, it was now 10 PM.  Fred was on the front desk for the...

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Business Not As Usual

A few months ago I attended a business conference in Pittsburg, PA.  It was only to last three days but for various reasons stretched into taking the full week.  We even allowed some of the sessions to run into evening to try to avoid the full week possibility.  Didn't happen. Thursday evening when I arrived back at my hotel armed with a six pack of beer I was disappointed to see that the indoor pool and hot tub area had closed at 9 PM, it was now 10 PM.  Fred was on the front desk for the...

First Time
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An American WereHypnotist in London

An American Were-Hypnotist in London Author's Note: There are other Were-Girl stories out there by other authors, this story is not set in that universe. Everyone's heard of what happens if a werewolf bites you, but I'm telling you, there are even stranger were-creatures out there waiting for the moon lay heavy on the sky. Ok, here's the story, I was an archeology student, part of an expedition sent to deepest London to dig up a Roman mosaic; but that?s not important,...

1 year ago
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Lucy The CockSucking Angel of Notre Dame Part 1

The funny thing is – it was a line-up that my three buddies and I had seriously considered leaving. I mean, we’d purposefully gotten out to Notre Dame as early as possible, and dealt with the early-morning rush hour metro crowds, when people are literally packed into the train cars like sardines, so we could AVIOD long line-ups at this huge Paris tourist attraction... but to no avail. After enduring a moderate line to wander through the cathedral itself, we’d exited and turned right to join...

Group Sex
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Robert Requited Loves

CHARACTERS: Robert Smith ... male lead character, eighteen at graduation from a military academy Roberta Smith ... female lead character, two years younger than brother Robert Lila ... female supporting character, thirties, sexually insatiable I believe I'm a fortunate man, a very fortunate man. So many people go through life with love unrequited-that is, unattainable, unfulfilled, unconsummated. Whereas I on the other hand, have had multiple and requited true loves. How did this come...

2 years ago
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Family EnslavedChapter 16 Requite

"What a messy slave!" I clucked my tongue, but only barely. Mostly I was trying to catch my breath as Katrina worked her tongue deep into the hot confines of my well-spermed cunt. Daddy had loosened me up good and now gravity and Katrina's hungry mouth were working hard to remove his incestuous load. I lifted my ass slightly, enough so that Peter could film long clinging dollops of cum dripping out of me and into Katrina's mouth. She'd always been an exceptional pussy licker, but this...

4 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess3e8 Maree 57 company director from Nottingham

Series 3, Episode 8: Maree Our drone is flying in over the top of the Wollaton Park Golf Club in Nottingham on a drab and dreary cold day. The sky is grey, and the trees are leaning slightly in the wind. We come to rest on the fairway of the 15th hole. Four players, two husband and wife pairs, are wheeling their clubs toward us. We focus in on the two wives who are walking together a few paces ahead of the husbands. One thin, the other more ‘bulky’. We close in further on the bulky one ......

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS10E18 Ayesha Shah 37 from Nottingham

Once again – just as we have for the last seventeen shows – we fade in on the same bedroom set. A rusty old bedframe and a dank old mattress, illuminated in a circle of harsh light from a single spotlight. It strikes us, as it does every week, as the perfect example of the depravity this show has sunk to. It’s disgusting, and people love it ... So, let’s continue... From off camera we hear the clicking of heels on concrete as this week’s guest approaches. Those with good stereo-sound will...

2 years ago
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Randomness and Nothingness

Colloquialism Vs. Lexical purity: A semantic showdown random / ran-duhm / adj. 1. made, done, etc., without method or conscious choice. 2. contemporary colloquial expression, used for variety of purposes to describe unforseen events, erratic behaviour, unpredictable personality traits, generally anything that is either beyond explanation or normality. (man, you are so random). As he was walking home, his iPod was not being random enough. Music was blaring in his ears and the setting was on...

4 years ago
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My Minotaur Part VI

It was, dear reader, a most trying time in the life of this lady. The least of our worries was that it was raining. While the droplets rolled off of Oluth, and Valsivale somehow kept dry with an invisible barrier, Saela and I were becoming soaked to the core. My decorative parasol was no match for the weather, and in time the dye of my dress was fading, revealing the frigid, supple skin beneath, my nipples pointing the way for us as my teeth chattered. Saela’s inferior little bust was also...

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My Minotaur Part 8

Traveling with Talitanitia was spectacular. Some mornings I would wake up mid-orgasm, her greedy, long tongue snaking in and out of me, lashing across my clit at the same time. Others, I would instead awaken to some audacious act of lovemaking between her and Oluth, one morning the two of them caught in some acrobatic ball of sex, another the great bull on his hands and knees, massive prick pulled back between his legs as she licked and slurped upon the undersides of his upside-down balls. In...

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Sacrifices to the Minotaur

Every seven years the Athenian youth shivered in fear, for every seven years seven youth, among the most gracious and beautiful, were chosen as tributes to be sent over to Crete. While the four young females and three young males boarded the dreaded black sail ship, miles from there on the island kingdom of Crete a lithe young woman was sneaking around the tall structure of the labyrinth. Her silky golden hair flowed behind her as she ducked out of sight to avoid a patrol. Everything about her...

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My Minotaur Part 8

Traveling with Talitanitia was spectacular. Some mornings I would wake up mid-orgasm, her greedy, long tongue snaking in and out of me, lashing across my clit at the same time. Others, I would instead awaken to some audacious act of lovemaking between her and Oluth, one morning the two of them caught in some acrobatic ball of sex, another the great bull on his hands and knees, massive prick pulled back between his legs as she licked and slurped upon the undersides of his upside-down balls. In...

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My Minotaur Part VI

It was, dear reader, a most trying time in the life of this lady. The least of our worries was that it was raining. While the droplets rolled off of Oluth, and Valsivale somehow kept dry with an invisible barrier, Saela and I were becoming soaked to the core. My decorative parasol was no match for the weather, and in time the dye of my dress was fading, revealing the frigid, supple skin beneath, my nipples pointing the way for us as my teeth chattered. Saela's inferior little bust was also...

3 years ago
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Beasts Chapter six Minotaur

"Is this it?" Clara asked him. "This is my home lands.” He answered. "Is it always like this?" Brick looked down at his small companion. "Yes, my kind are a loving, peaceful race. Clara, I will not swear this to be an easy adjustment for you but I do hope that you will call this home." "I know that game!” suddenly her ears perked up. Though still a bit floppy she looked excited. Her hand pulled on the cloak he wore, “Brick I know that game. Father always said it wasn’t appropriate...

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Brad The Hypnotist

This is my first venture.. Be kind. I’ve spent three years in therapy and I still don’t think I’ll ever get over what happened. In the years leading up to my need for therapy I lost my wife, my daughter, my house, my job and my self respect. I guess I better start at the beginning. My name is Dave. I’m 39 years old and I held an upper management position in a well known accounting firm. I’ve been married for 19 years to my incredibly sexy wife, Amy and I’m the proud dad of my 18 year old...

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The Hypnotist

When I was in my twenties I was in a relationship with a man who knew me so well sexually, that 25 years later, I still get wet thinking about him fucking me.Gabe was sexy. Not overly good looking but he had a great laugh, was confident as hell and loved making me cum. He also had a great cock and did literally anything to turn me on. He found my weakness in telling me stories of other people fucking. I really don’t know how that started, but I still get myself off thinking of some of the...

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Stan and the Hypnotist

By Shamus Stan entered the dressing room. He didn't know why he was there. All he knew was that there was this feeling, a compulsion to go meet the hypnotist from earlier that evening. Doctor Drake was a young man from his appearance, some would say a hunk. He was very young to headline a Vegas show. Stan knocked on the door and Drake opened the door, warmly greeted him and ushered him into the well furnished suite. Stan felt odd by the circumstances. This evening was a strange night...

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Unrequited love of an older sister Lars side of the story

This story is part 1.5 of the story “Unrequited love of an older sister”, that I published earlier, telling the events from Lars’ side. If you haven’t read part 1 yet, you should read it first. Part 2 will follow soon. “I love you, Lars,” she whispered. “I always have.” Words, whispered with shaky voice. Words, almost drowning in the roaring sea of thunder. Words, painfully proven by the tight wetness that surrounded me. Words. The truest words. Haunting, cursed words they were, but...

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Mommys Hypnotic Discipline Chapter 1 Hypnotized Daddy Spanks His Daughter

Chapter One: Hypnotized Daddy Spanks His Daughter By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Anna Miller “Valerie!” I roared when I walked into the disaster of my kitchen. Flour covered one counter and spilled over the floor. My induction stove, set on the island counter, had something burned and crusted to the glass surface. Eggshells were scattered over another counter, the milk was left out, and the sink was full of dishes. “Valerie, where are...

2 years ago
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One Saturday morning, I got a surprise call from Mrs. De la Vega as I was doing maintenance on my pool cleaning equipment.“Hello Tony, How are you doing?", she asked.With a smile on my face, I replied -“Hello Mrs. De la Vega. I have been good. I’m trying to balance my time between pool cleaning and school. How are you?”Mrs. De la Vega paused momentarily then remarked, “I’m looking at my pond and I noticed something dirty. I know you must be busy but could you help me Tony?”I checked my cleaning...

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The Hypnotism Show

Adam Jones was a little surprised to be invited along on his work colleague's birthday bash as they had only met two months ago and had little to do with each other even at work. However the invite was for all of them to attend a nightclub with a cabaret that was a hypnotism spectacle and it was to be a team building event. The invite said there were to meet at a local pub before taking in the show 'Rainbow Rosie's World of Hypnotism' and the dress code was to be casual so there was no...

4 years ago
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A Lil Hypnotherapy

‘God damn it, Jason, this isn’t the restaurant!’ Jenna slammed her purse down on the dashboard. She recognized the street and the building they were in front of. It wasn’t the posh restaurant he had promised to take her to. Instead, it was the office of Jason’s psychiatrist. Jason had been trying to get her to join him in a joint marital counseling session here for the past two weeks, while Jenna had steadfastly refused. Earlier in the evening, the two had a marital spat — yet another in a...

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(This is a chyoa version of a story I am writing on Hentai Foundry. You can find it by searching there for Unnoticeable by Galloway.) Alex just wanted to be invisible. He had just seen his long time crush, Sasha, flirting with some guy he didn't even recognize. As he walked through the halls of his high school, dodging people to get to class, he tried to be angry at her, but really he knew it was his own fault. This was the first semester where he had actually gotten to sit next to her in...

Mind Control
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High School Hypnotist

Story Summary - Brad Taylor enjoys his work as a high school guidance counselor and hypnotist. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy lives. Don't be a dick with other people's lives! Yeah, I have it pretty...

2 years ago
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The Hypnotist

THE HYPNOTIST We, that is my husband Alistair and myself, had been to see Earnest LaStrange shows previously. His shows were hilarious, just so funny. It was unbelievable what he could make people do once he got them up there on stage. He could have adults behaving like children, grown men fetching balls and barking like dogs, have women singing opera, despite never been to an opera. It was two hours of side splitting entertainment. We knew the name Earnest LaStrange was just a...

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At work, I and a co-worker had been talking about a hypnotist that was coming to town with his show. My co-worker told me he knew somebody who could do that as well and we agree to go see him sometime. So a few days pass by and we go to see him with a whole group from work. He does his routine, and I'm told I have eaten sour grapes like they were oranges and that kind of stuff. What they actually did, I find out the next day. I go to work, and I felt the need to dress really sexy that day....

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Lucy der Schwanzlutschende Engel von Notre Dame

Der wirklich lustige Punkt an der ganzen Sache ist. Es begann schon mit einer Schlange. Einer langen Schlange von vielen, sehr vielen Menschen, die mehr oder wenig geduldig warten. Warteschlange schon das Wort ist eigentlich so gar nicht super. Meine drei Freunde und ich, mit denen ich, ursprünglich, aus rein nicht Touristischen gründen, nach Paris gereist bin. Wir stehen seit gut einer dreiviertel Stunde in einer dieser Warteschlangen. So angepisst wie ich, nicht nur, von der Warterei bin,...

3 years ago
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The Great Shift Snot Nosed Punks

The Great Shift: Snot Nosed Punks By Morpheus Harold gripped his cane tightly as he slowly made his way across the busy mall parking lot. He ignored the ache in his hip with a long practiced ease, keeping his attention instead on the cars that were zooming through the parking lot around him. Harold snorted in disgust as he watched one car tear around a corner so fast that it nearly slid right into woman and her son who were walking nearby. "Damn punks!" he snorted, and then...

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Bound in Nottingham

I found the website Bound in Nottingham and after a few weeks of chatting with the administrator and proving myself I was accepted for the first play session.My Instructions were simple; I had to be t location 45 min drive from my house at 8.00am in the morning.  Was to be wearing military style camouflage jacket and pants, boots and nothing else. I arrived at the old brick building and found an envelope with my name on it. Stage two of the instructions from the administrator that I had never...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess2e14 Eliza 20 stripper from Nottingham

A sign on the side of a building reads, “Welcome to PussyKats, Nottingham’s Finest Gentlemen’s Club” ... And then we’re inside. It’s a cheesy, dark, noisy – BUSY - dive. Plenty of ‘gentlemen’ enjoying a drink whilst mostly naked woman dance (or writhe) on the stage and in a couple of cases, on the businessmen themselves. We watch one woman in particular, spinning around a pole, upside down, legs spread wide with a g-string barely covering her crotch. Under the harsh flashing lights we can...

3 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS12E1 Felecia Istead 18 from Nottingham

We begin by fading in on an establishing shot of a large two-story building with big letters high on its second level spelling out “PALMER-FRASER SCHOOL”. The ‘school’ is surrounded by a 10-foot-high wire fence and has a heavy steel gate that most prisons would be proud of. Inside the car park there several cars and a small collection of school mini-buses. A couple of pupils inside the building are staring out of the windows - staring at us, but not attempting to wave or pull faces. We...

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