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Purely a Business Arrangement Lady Caroline Westhaven gave a grimace of displeasure as her maid tightened the laces of her corset. "That's enough Minnie," she said sharply. "Sorry My Lady, I'm just trying to get your waist down a little so that you will look your best in your dress." "I don't give a tinkers cuss how I look in my dress," snapped Lady Caroline. She was immediately contrite. "I'm sorry Minnie, I shouldn't have snapped at you, but I do so hate these odious social gatherings where I feel like some prize heifer on display to all the lecherous young bulls." "Maybe this one will be better and you will meet a proper gentleman, My Lady," said Minnie brightly. Lady Caroline snorted. "I'm not interested in proper gentlemen, Minnie; they all have the same agenda, which is to marry me for my money and title and then control everything, including me. Well I'm not having it Minnie and that's final." "Yes My Lady. Shall I get you into your petticoats?" "Yes Minnie I suppose you had better," Lady Caroline sighed. "Really these clothes we women are forced to wear are so dreadfully tiresome; how I wish that I could wear trousers like men do." "Yes My Lady, it must be very trying." Lady Caroline gave a short bark of laughter. "Oh Minnie, what must you think of me with my silly complaints when you would love to be in my position. Don't take any notice of me, I'm just in a bad mood." "That's alright My Lady; please raise your right foot and step into your petticoats while I hold them for you." Mechanically Lady Caroline raised first her right foot and then her left and felt the silky garments being drawn up her legs and tied off at the waist. Once Minnie was satisfied that the petticoats were hanging correctly she went to the large walk in wardrobe and removed a navy blue silk dress from its hanger and brought it over to Lady Caroline. "I thought this dress would be the most suitable My Lady, considering it will be the first time that you are out of mourning attire." Lady Caroline barely glanced at the dress. "I'm sure it will be fine Minnie. One dress is much the same as any other as far as I am concerned; they are all tedious to wear." Minnie wisely did not reply but helped her Mistress into the gown and then closed the long line of buttons at the back. She fussed for a while with the skirts until they sat correctly over the petticoats. "There all done," she said brightly. "You look lovely My Lady, I'm sure that your aunt will be very pleased." Lady Caroline gave a snort of displeasure. "My aunt will only be satisfied when I am married to some dreadful man and the inheritance of Father's estate is safe. Well I won't have it Minnie, I simply won't have it!" Lady Caroline's father, The Earl of Westhaven, had died just over a year ago and his wife had died of consumption when Caroline was quite young, so she had grown up as an only child. By the peculiarities of the Earl's family inheritance rules, Caroline could only inherit the estate if she married within 2 years of her father's death. If she did not, then the estate passed to a distant cousin. To Caroline's Aunt Clara this would be an unimaginable disaster and she was determined that her niece should not let this opportunity slip away. However, because Caroline was 22 and legally independent, her aunt could not force a marriage, so she had to rely on persuasion. As Caroline was extremely intelligent and very stubborn all Lady Clara's attempts had so far ended in failure. The Earl had been an incredibly wealthy man and perhaps unusually for one of his class, he had been a very good steward of the family fortune. The property included a country estate in Berkshire which included several tenant farms, a manor house in Dorset and a large house in fashionable Mayfair, where Caroline currently resided. Not surprisingly the lure of such a prize had sent London societies young bucks panting after Lady Caroline like a pack of randy dogs. She in her turn had barely concealed her contempt for them. Just as Minnie had finished adjusting Caroline's hair there was a sharp rap on the door and it immediately opened and Lady Clara swept into the room with a rustle of petticoats. She was an imposing figure; tall like Caroline and with an impeccable carriage. "Ah Caroline I am pleased to see that you are ready and looking most presentable. I have ordered the carriage to be brought around to the front door so if you are quite ready we shall depart." Caroline gave her aunt a sour look. "I suppose that I'm as ready as I'll ever be," she said sulkily and headed towards the door. "Caroline why do you always make such a dreadful fuss about attending a perfectly ordinary social event?" asked Aunt Clara in an exasperated tone? "In the first place I detest these perfectly ordinary social events. In the second place I hate the dresses and petticoats that I have to wear to them in order to attract a husband and in the third place I do not want a husband in the first place," cried Caroline as she flounced past her aunt and left the room. Aunt and niece left the house in an angry silence and settled themselves into the carriage for the short trip to the home of Lord and Lady Carmichael, were hosting a coming out party for their youngest daughter. After a few minutes of sullen silence Lady Clara decided to break the impasse. She reached out and gently took hold of Caroline's hand. "Dear Caroline try not to be too angry with me. I won't insult your intelligence by saying that I only want what is best for you when you know that I really want what is best for me. It's just that I cannot stand the thought of that dreadful cousin getting his grubby hands on the Westhaven estate." Caroline's anger quickly melted in the face of her aunt's honesty. "Don't worry Aunt Clara, it will never come to that. I promise that I will find a way to prevent Cousin Percy taking over Fathers legacy." Lady Clara sighed and said, "Well think hard my dear because you have less than a year to find a solution." "I won't fail Aunt Clara, I assure you," said Caroline with a confidence she did not feel. Less than a mile away a young man was walking through the streets, also on his way to Lord and Lady Carmichael's London home. He was fair haired, a little below average height and slender in build. In looks he took after his late mother much to the disgust of his tyrannical father. The Hon Charles Fenchurch was deep in thought as he walked and was not thinking much about the evening ahead of him. He was still shaken from the afternoon he had spent at the offices of the longtime family solicitor, James Beckwith, who had called him in to discuss the family's financial situation. A month ago his father had handed over all matters of the estate to Charles. "I'm done with taking responsibility for you and your blasted sister; it's time you became a man, not that that is likely, but from now on you are responsible for this damned family's affairs, so don't waste the chance like you have wasted everything else," his father had said in one of his drunken raging's. The same day Charles had moved out of the London house and found inexpensive lodgings in a property owned by one of the family's few remaining friends. "Come Mr. Beckwith, surely the situation is not as dire as you are saying?" Charles had said hopefully. "Actually it is probably worse," replied the lawyer gloomily. "I warned your father on numerous occasions but it was to no avail." "Oh Mr. Beckwith, don't for a moment think that I hold you at all responsible for my father's failings, which are too numerous to list, but has he really squandered all the family money and mortgaged the estate to the hilt?" "I'm afraid so." "Isn't it possible to obtain a loan until we can take some reparative action?" asked Charles almost desperately. Mr. Beckwith shook his head sadly. "It is very difficult to secure money at the moment and with all the properties so heavily mortgaged there is no real security to back a loan." "Where does that leave us?" Charles had asked. "I'll be very blunt," said Mr. Beckwith. "You will have to sell sir, probably within the next 12 months. It is the only way that I can see to clear all of the debt that unfortunately your father built up." This was the reason that Charles was in such a black mood as he walked along. He was estranged from his father, Lord Fenchurch, who had proved to be a drunkard, a lecher and a spectacularly unsuccessful gambler. Charles could have forgiven him all of this but what he could never forgive was that Lord Fenchurch was a despicable bully who had made Charles mother's life a complete misery and almost certainly resulted in her early death. Charles had been very close to his mother and had never really recovered from her death. Growing up he had seen little of his father. Boarding school and then Oxford had kept them apart and even the school holidays had usually been spent with a friend. He felt consumed with anger as he thought of the way his father had destroyed the future for his family. Now a degenerate drunkard Lord Fenchurch rarely appeared at the families London home, instead spending most of his time at his unfortunate club. Charles did not care so much for himself; he reasoned that he would find his way in the world in some manner but he was very concerned for his sister Charlotte. Charlotte was 15 and was currently at a girl's boarding school, where she too was shielded from her father's malign influence. However school fees were a significant financial burden and Charles wondered how he would be able to keep his sister at the school, where she had done very well and more importantly was happy. The bond between brother and sister was a strong one despite their difference in years. At Lord and Lady Carmichaels When Charles reached the Carmichael home he paused outside for a few minutes. Like Caroline he disliked these social events and normally would have found an excuse not to go. However Lady Carmichael had been a close friend of his mothers and he felt a duty to attend and support Anne, the young girl who was making her debut. Finally he took a deep breath and went up to the door which was immediately opened by a uniformed footman. Charles was conveyed along a hall to an imposing set of doors which was the entrance to the ballroom. "The Honourable Charles Fenchurch," announced the butler in a deep voice. A few people turned their heads but most continued with the conversations they were having. A moment later a smiling middle aged woman appeared to welcome Charles. "Charles how nice to see you, it's been ages," said Lady Carmichael. "I know you don't have much time for these social niceties so I really am grateful that you have come to support Anne. Do be sure to get your name on her dance card." "Lady Carmichael it is a great pleasure to be here for such an important event. Thank you so much for inviting me, I will go straight over to Miss Anne and ask her to put me on her dance card," said Charles giving a slight bow. He made his way through the room until he saw Anne sitting with an older sister, who was already engaged. Anne looked very young and very nervous and Charles heart went out to her. He felt that it was not right that so young a girl should be paraded in public in the hope of finding a husband, often someone chosen for her based on what was best for the family. He vowed that his sister would not have to endure such an indignity. "Miss Anne would you do me the honour of dancing with me this evening?" he asked after greeting the girl. Anne's face lit up with pleasure. Because of the age difference she did not know Charles well, but even as a young girl he had always treated her with respect and affection. "Why Mr. Fenchurch, how kind of you to ask; I would be delighted to accept." They chatted for a few minutes before Charles excused himself and drifted off to find another glass of Champaign. His encounter with Anne did not go unnoticed by Caroline and Lady Clara who were seated nearby. "Who is the young man talking to Anne Carmichael; he looks familiar but I can't quite place him," Caroline asked her aunt? "Oh that's Charles Fenchurch, Lord Fenchurch's son. Surely you remember that their estate is not far from ours. Absolutely dreadful man; the father, that is. The son, Charles, fortunately took after his late mother, who was a lovely woman. Charles is by all accounts a very nice young man and will not have anything to do with his father. I feel very sorry for Charles." "Why is that?" asked Caroline. "The poor boy is almost penniless. His father drank and gambled away all the family fortune and word is that they will have to sell everything; very sad." Armed with an elegant flute of Champaign Charles circulated around the room greeting people and sometimes joining in casual conversations. He did his best to hide his boredom. Eventually it was his turn to dance with Anne and he accompanied her onto the dance floor. She was a rather plain looking girl, unlike her older sister and Charles suspected that any possible male interest may be slow in coming. Charles was an excellent dancer, much to Anne's relief and they both enjoyed a sedate waltz. Charles noticed Lady Caroline, who he knew slightly, dancing with a tall, thin, foppish looking young man and it was obvious that she was not enjoying the experience. Just as they were passing Charles heard Lady Caroline give a sharp hiss of displeasure and he noticed a smirk appear on the face of her partner. It was not there long however, as Lady Caroline appeared to lose her balance and fall into her partner. Her full skirts prevented anyone but Charles, from seeing her knee which came up and landed in the fop's groin. He doubled up in pain and Lady Caroline made a pretense of solicitously helping him from the dance floor. Much amused Charles completed his dance with Anne before escorting her back to her mother and sister. "What on earth happened Caroline?" asked her aunt when Caroline rejoined her. "That scoundrel Lord Malvers pinched me as we were dancing," fumed Caroline. "Oh dear how upsetting," exclaimed Lady Clara. "Did you remonstrate with him?" "No aunt, I kneed him in the groin," said Caroline with obvious satisfaction. "Caroline," cried Lady Clare in horror, "that is no way for a lady to behave." "Then one can only conclude that I'm not a lady," said Caroline loftily. "Really Caroline I despair of you sometimes. What man will be attracted to you if you do your best to emasculate them?" "Aunt Caroline why should I care about what that despicable man thinks?" "Because he will tell his friends." "Excellent. That will save me the trouble of repelling their advances. Come on Aunt Clara let's go into supper; that might cheer you up." A few minutes later Charles went into the men's cloakroom. When he went to wash his hands there was another man at the adjacent sink. Suddenly the door opened and in limped Lord Malvers. "What ho Reggie," cried the man at the sink. "I say you're looking a bit pale old chap; something disagree with you?" "That damned hellcat Caroline Westhaven kneed me in the goolies while we were dancing. Only gave her bum a quick pinch to gee her up, what?" "I say that's a bit rough. Goolies are tender things and gals shouldn't knee them," said his friend sympathetically. "She needs a damn good rogering to knock some sense into her. I'd give her what for if I was her husband." "Doesn't sound as though you will be old man," said his friend with a laugh. Charles left the room as his anger began to build. Why were so many men of his class such pigs? He made his way through to the supper room were an extensive buffet was laid out. It consisted of several cold cuts of meat and fish together with a variety of salads. When he saw the thick cream sauce which was one of the salad dressings an idea began to form in his head. He filled his plate with an assortment of food from the table and added a large amount of the salad dressing on the side of the plate. He took his plate over to a tall counter that had some high stools where diners could continue their conversations. After finishing his meal he put a large amount of the salad dressing on his serviette and waited his chance. Eventually Lord Malvers came in talking to one of his cronies in a loud braying voice. Charles waited until he was in a small queue, which had formed around a chef carving slices of beef, before going over and deliberately brushing against his Lordships back and smearing the seat of his trousers with a large glob of the sauce. With a muttered apology he went back to his place. Lord Malvers never noticed a thing. Charles looked around the supper room and caught the eye of Lady Caroline. He smiled at her and inclined his head at Lord Malvers while patting his bottom. Lady Caroline looked at him quizzically so he repeated the gesture. She followed his gaze and suddenly burst out laughing, much to the surprise of her aunt. Charles grinned, tapped the side of his nose and casually left the supper room. Back in the ballroom the dancing was still going on and Charles strolled around feeling quite pleased with himself. A few minutes later a voice cut into his pleasant thoughts. "Mr. Fenchurch, I think it only proper that you ask me to dance, don't you? Then perhaps you will be good enough to explain your extraordinary behavior in the supper room." Charles turned around and found Lady Caroline surveying him with a cool look. "Why Lady Caroline how nice to see you; I would be honoured if you would dance with me," said Charles extending his arm. They entered the dance floor just as a waltz was beginning. Charles was surprised when he held Caroline at how hard and muscular her body felt. "Well Mr. Fenchurch I am waiting," she said. "I'm sorry Lady Caroline I was just thinking of something." "And what might that be?" "I was wondering whether you detest these events more than I do." Caroline raised her eye brows. "Am I to take it that your detestation includes dancing with me Mr. Fenchurch?" Caroline was expecting an embarrassed apology from her partner and was surprised when he gave a hearty laugh. "Nicely done Lady Caroline," he said. "Dancing with you has raised my level of enjoyment considerably; that and the dance with young Anne Carmichael and of course the incident with Lord Malvern's trousers. My goodness that is three treats, surely a record. It looks as though you might win the detestation stakes Lady Caroline." "I prefer to take a longer view Mr. Fenchurch. The evening is not concluded and then one must take into account events which may arise from this evening. But let us return to the question of Lord Malvern's trousers and your possible role in despoiling them." Charles relayed the saga of His Lordships trousers and the pleasure he took in staining them in the most embarrassing of ways, to Lady Caroline's obvious delight. "My only regret is that I could not have smeared the sauce in the front of his trousers, which would have embarrassed him even more." Lady Caroline subsided into a fit of giggles which she finally managed to quell. "Mr. Fenchurch I am going to pay you a great compliment although I fear that you may not think so. I think that you have the mind of a woman." "How so?" asked Charles. "A typical male response would not have been so subtle. You realised that what would wound Lord Malvers most would be embarrassment, the humiliation of being a laughing stock in a social environment. That is how the female mind works. There, I hope that I have not offended you." "On the contrary Lady Caroline, all the good things in my life have come from the female, my mother and sister, and by and large, the male contributions, namely my father and various sadistic school masters, have been memorable for the wrong reasons. So if I have the mind of a woman I may be able to escape these malign influences." "I shall follow your progress with great interest," said Caroline and as she said this a strange smile played about her lips. When the dance finished they said their goodbyes and shortly after Charles paid his compliments to his hostess and left. A Business Proposal It was three days later that Charles received a letter that surprised him considerably. "Lady Caroline Westhaven requests the company of Mr. Charles Fenchurch for luncheon at 12.30 pm on the 25th of June 1898. RSVP by return post." Greatly intrigued, Charles sent an immediate reply accepting the invitation and duly appeared at the Westhaven home at the appointed time. He was shown into the morning room by a uniformed maid and told that Lady Caroline would join him shortly. He noted that a table had been set up for lunch and wondered why this room had been chosen rather than the dining room. He was also surprised that there were only two places set. This surprise was mild compared to the shock he experienced when Lady Caroline walked into the room. She was wearing grey trousers, a white cotton shirt and a lightweight checked sports coat and her hair was pinned back close to her head. "Good afternoon Mr. Fenchurch. I apologise if my appearance has shocked you but I assure you that it is relevant to our discussion," she said with a smile. "Oh dear, I'm afraid that I have robbed you of the power of speech," she said as Charles continued to stare at her open mouthed. "Let me remedy that by ordering us a little Champaign as a restorative," and with that she rang a small bell. The same maid who had greeted Charles appeared and Caroline instructed her to pour 2 flutes of Champaign. "I think that we will eat now Elsie, so kindly serve us lunch." Charles waited until Elsie had served them both with poached fish and vegetables and a white sauce and retired before he spoke. "I believe that I am sufficiently recovered from my surprise for you to explain the idea behind this luncheon and please don't leave any detail out." "Well I thought that fish with a white sauce would rekindle pleasant memories of previous white sauces," said Caroline brightly. "No doubt they do Lady Caroline, but those were not the details I had in mind," said Charles drily. "I'm sorry but I could not resist the opportunity to tease you," said Caroline. "I know that you were referring mostly to my unusual costume." "Well unusual in a lady," replied Charles. "Ah yes a lady," said Caroline wistfully. "Tell me Mr. Fenchurch, what is your opinion of women and their position in today's society?" "Do you really want my honest opinion?" asked Charles. "I think that honesty is usually the best option," said Caroline. "Very well then, here goes," said Charles. "I believe that women of all classes are in an invidious position in today's society." "How so Mr. Fenchurch?" "They are almost completely under the control of men and have very little power of their own. Take our recent social experience. Young Anne Carmichael is paraded before a group of over privileged males in the hope that one of them may see fit to offer her marriage. If she succeeds then what awaits her? Her sole purpose will be to obey her husband and to provide children, preferably male, to continue the family line. All financial power will rest with her husband and if he neglects or abuses her she has to accept it. My sister is 15 and I fear for her future. She may be lucky and marry a good man who loves her, or her outlook could be quite grim. Either married to an oaf like my father or be despised as a spinster, having to scratch a pitiful living as a governess or paid companion. Well, have I been honest enough for you Lady Caroline?" said Charles bitterly. "Mr. Fenchurch I applaud you! You have been admirably honest," said Caroline. "I already thought well of you but you have exceeded my expectations. Now do you see why I choose to dress in this manner? It does not change my status, but it does allow me more freedom if I appear to be a male. I will now come to the reason for asking you here today. I have a business proposal to put before you, but please excuse me if I introduce it in a roundabout way." "You have my full attention Lady Caroline," said Charles seriously. "I had an unusual childhood for a girl of my class, any girl I suppose. My mother died when I was young and as a consequence I formed a very strong attachment to my father. Happily that attachment was reciprocated in the most wonderful way. You probably know that my father Earl Westhaven was fabulously wealthy. It is true that he inherited money and property, but unlike many of the landed gentry he was a very good business man and a very decent man. As a consequence of his shrewd management our wealth grew significantly. What is really unusual is that he involved me, a young girl, in all his business affairs. He treated me like an adult even at a young age. He was an unusually well educated man and he passed on a lot of that learning to me. He taught me mathematics and all branches of science and perhaps most importantly he taught me to think critically. When I accompanied him on his visits to our tenant farms he allowed me to dress like a boy, much to my aunt's dismay. As a result of his tutelage I have developed a passion for estate management in a way that not only benefits the family holdings but also the tenants. I believe that by looking after our tenant farmers and our estate staff everyone benefits. My plans would be considered quite radical and possibly unpopular in some circles but I am determined to make them work, but I need help." "What sort of help," asked Charles. "Wonderful as my father was he could not change one vital thing; namely the inheritance requirement which was introduced into my family over 200 years ago. Briefly it is this; I can only inherit all that my father had, if I marry within 2 years of his death. I do not need to produce an heir, just marry. If I do not, everything will go to a distant cousin, a repellant creature who would ruin the estate within a few years. The deadline is now 6 months away. You see my problem, Mr. Fenchurch?" "I do indeed Lady Caroline, but I fail to see why you are telling me this and what your business proposal might be," said Charles. "What I am putting forward Mr. Fenchurch, purely as a business arrangement, is that you consider marrying me." Charles gasped in astonishment and Caroline quickly went on. "Before you answer or ask any questions please let me continue." Charles nodded and Caroline resumed her presentation. "Let me tell you why I think you should at least give this idea some consideration. I have very good sources in the city that tell me that your family's financial situation is not good." Charles gave a short bark of laughter. "That is an understatement Lady Caroline. Catastrophic would be a more accurate description of the state my father has landed us in. The prospects for my sister and I are, in a word, bleak. The other issue which weighs even more heavily on my mind are the other people who depend on us for their livelihood. For them bleak does not begin to describe it." "Thank you for being so frank Mr. Fenchurch. You have my guarantee, that should you accept my business proposal, not only would all your debts be covered but you and I would rebuild your estate so that it became profitable and self-supporting again, with proper treatment of all your tenants and dependents." "Not a very romantic reason for marriage," observed Charles. "Few upper class marriages have anything to do with romance; at least this one would be honest," replied Caroline. 'Would the title come with this proposal?" "A title would come with marriage, but you would not be Earl Westhaven. That title cannot be bestowed by marriage," answered Caroline. "Then what title would be bestowed?" "Lady Fenchurch." "But that would be you, that would be your title if we were to marry," said a thoroughly confused Charles. "Mr. Fenchurch I need to explain a little more. As you can see from my manner of dress, I am beyond frustrated by the constraints that society places on women. Women are not taken seriously in general and in matters of business they would be subject to complete ridicule. The only way that my ideas can work is if I assume the identity of a man." 'But how could we marry if you pretend to be a man?" "Because Mr. Fenchurch you would exchange your suits, waistcoats and trousers for petticoats and dresses. I would be the Honourable Charles Fenchurch and you would be Lady Fenchurch, my wife. You would have the double advantage of keeping your family name and gaining a title. Well Mr. Fenchurch, what do you think?" "I think it is the most preposterous idea I have ever heard," said Charles when he could speak. "Even if I wanted to I could never pass for you." In answer Caroline rang her bell again and moments later Elsie appeared. "Well Elsie what do you think?" asked Caroline. "Oh yes My Lady, it would not be too difficult to achieve a passing resemblance; the height and build are similar and makeup will do the rest. However it would take time to master all the other characteristics." Caroline turned to Charles and said, "Elsie is not a maid, she is one of the stages top makeup artists. Elsie could make a chimpanzee look like Lily Langtry. I asked her here to see if my idea could possibly work and you heard what she said. We would live almost exclusively in the country as I have no wish to be in society and people in the villages around the estate haven't seen me in years. It could work Mr. Fenchurch it really could." Charles was still shaking his head in disbelief. "Go away and think about it Mr. Fenchurch, think of all the advantages, the problems which would be solved and then come back here in two days. Come for tea at 4 o'clock and give me your answer then." With that Caroline stood, bowed to her guest and left the room. It was left to Elsie to escort Charles to the door. "Don't be offended sir, but you would make a very pretty girl," Elsie said as she opened the front door and let Charles out. He walked down the street for a while, not sure where to go, his head still reeling from the encounter he had just had. Meanwhile Caroline had entered the drawing room where Aunt Clara was sitting. "Well did he accept?" she asked. "No but he didn't storm out in a rage either. He will return in two days for tea and give me his answer then." "Caroline this is a completely crazy idea that has no chance of working. The sooner you take off those ridiculous clothes and put on a dress the better. You simply have to think of something else." "No Aunt Clara I will not abandon this idea yet and I certainly will not be wearing a dress today, so please get used to it. I shall wear a dress when Mr. Fenchurch returns." And with this her aunt had to be satisfied. Charles continued to walk and found himself in Hyde Park where he spent hours wandering aimlessly, his mind churning with Caroline's proposal. It was evening when he realised that he was both tired and hungry so he stopped at a quiet restaurant, ordered a bottle of Burgundy and a substantial meal. He took his time consuming both and consequently it was after 11 pm when he finally arrived home. With some difficulty he managed to get his key in the lock, opened the door and headed for the stairs and his own bedroom. On the way he passed a small table in the hall and picked up a couple of letters addressed to him. The first was from his sister Charlotte and he tore open the envelope quickly. "Dearest Charles I do hope that you are well and also that you enjoyed Anne Carmichaels coming out ball. That must have been so exciting for her. I would love to have seen her dress. Was it very pretty? Can you describe it to me? Did you dance with her? I hope that she got many admirers. Soon it will be my turn which is very exciting but it also makes me nervous. I am having a wonderful year here at school and have many friends. The teachers are very nice and not too strict. Next year will be even better because I will be a senior and perhaps a prefect. Our class is going to France for a week this summer and then I am going to stay with my friend Emily in Hampshire which will be a lot of fun. I hope that I see you this summer Charles as I have so much that I want to tell you. All my love Charlotte. Charles felt a huge burst of love for his sister as well as a sense of relief that she was doing so well. Things had been very hard for Charlotte after the death of her mother and this was the first time that Charles had seen a real lift in her spirits. He blessed the school and its forward thinking Head Mistress. The warm feeling Charles felt after reading his sisters letter only lasted until he opened the second letter. It came from Charlotte's school and it informed him that the fees for the next year were outstanding and if not paid within 2 weeks Charlotte would not be able to attend for her senior year. Charles felt a sickening weight in the pit of his stomach and as he lay in bed it was the thought of Charlotte having to leave her beloved school rather than his interview with Lady Caroline that prevented him from sleeping. The next morning his brain was still churning with the events of the previous 24 hours and he realised that he needed to take a complete break from his current cares. At breakfast he glanced through The Times and saw in the cricket section that Middlesex was playing Gloucestershire at Lords. Charles had never been a good player when he was at school but he did enjoy watching the game as he found it very relaxing. So after breakfast he took a cab to St. John's Wood and entered the famous ground. He took a seat in front of the Tavern and quickly became absorbed in the game. Gloucestershire were batting and to Charles's delight Jessop made a century in just over an hour and W.G. Grace played an innings reminiscent of his glory days. Throughout the entire day Charles did not think once of his problems and when he left the ground at 6.45 he felt as though a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. In contrast to the night before he enjoyed a deep and refreshing sleep with pleasant dreams that were a flashback to a part of his life he had almost forgotten. When he awoke the next day he knew the answer he must give Lady Caroline. Tea with Lady Caroline At 4 o'clock Charles was admitted to the drawing room at Lady Caroline's house, this time by a genuine maid. Lady Caroline was the only occupant of the room and she rose from her chair with a rustle of petticoats. In contrast to his previous visit Lady Caroline was dressed in an elegant tea gown. "So good to see you again Mr. Fenchurch, please take a seat." Next to their chairs a small table was set out with the afternoon tea. A large silver tea pot dominated the table and next to it were plates of delicate sandwiches and little cakes. ? "Shall I pour Mr. Fenchurch?" asked Lady Caroline. "Yes please." Milk, sugar?" asked his hostess. "Neither thank you." "Do have a cucumber sandwich Mr. Fenchurch, they are delicious." Charles helped himself to a sandwich and took a sip of his tea. Lady Caroline gave a small sigh and said, "Well we had better get down to business. I trust that you have had time to consider my proposal and I would be grateful if I could have your answer." Charles cleared his throat and began. "Yes Lady Caroline I have indeed given this matter considerable thought and my conclusion is essentially the same as the one I articulated at your luncheon two days ago. This scheme of yours is surely the most preposterous, hare brained idea I have ever heard. Not to put too fine a point on it, your proposal touches the confines of lunacy. For these reasons I must inform you that I fully accept your proposal of marriage under the terms you outlined." There was silence for a moment and Lady Caroline was careful not to show any emotion. "Ah I feared that must be your response Mr. Fenchurch," she began and then suddenly paused and stared at her guest. "Mr. Fenchurch did you just say that you accepted my proposal of marriage, to become my wife?" she asked with incredulity. "Of course I accept Lady Caroline. I could live for a thousand years and never have such a choice presented to me. If I turned you down I am certain that I would regret it for the rest of my life. I do however have some conditions." Lady Caroline had gone quite pale. She took a gulp of tea and fanned herself vigorously. "Name them Mr. Fenchurch," she said in a quavering voice. "Firstly as your wife I would expect to be treated with complete respect by you, your relations and your staff." "I wholeheartedly agree with that." "I would require a generous degree of financial independence for myself and my sister Charlotte." "Mr. Fenchurch, money will not be an issue between us," assured Lady Caroline. "I will need to be an equal partner with you in the business side of the estate. By this I mean that I would expect to make a meaningful contribution to the many innovative ideas that you have for the estate. Do not worry Lady Caroline, as your wife I would defer to you in public and give you all the support expected of a wife, but I will not be seen as some sort of ornament. You have chaffed under these conditions imposed on women in our society, so I would expect you to adopt a most enlightened approach to our marriage." "You have my word Mr. Fenchurch." "With regard to the matter of dress, I wish to decide what I wear myself. Do not worry Lady Caroline, I pledge that I will present as a lady in skirts, dresses and petticoats and of course I will welcome your advice on these matters ,but I reserve the right to decide on my under garments. I may at times wear a corset but will not subject myself to severe lacing. I trust that this will be acceptable?" "Mr. Fenchurch," answered Caroline, "As one who has consistently complained about the tyranny of women's clothing I would be the worst hypocrite if I imposed it on you." "You have stressed that this is intended as purely a business arrangement," said Charles tentatively, "But what about the more intimate relationships normally associated with a marriage?" "I am certainly not adverse to the idea and we may both wish for children at some stage, although this is not a condition for me. Perhaps we should see how our partnership develops." "That certainly sounds sensible," said Charles sounding a little disappointed. Lady Caroline noted this and was careful to hide a smile. Charles paused and then said, "There is a final condition and it is a vital one. My sister Charlotte is very dear to me and I would require her to make a home with us if this is her wish." "Mr. Fenchurch, your sister will be my sister. I am delighted that I am to gain a wife and a sister." "Thank you Lady Caroline you have satisfied all my conditions and now, if you don't mind, could I have another of those delightful cucumber sandwiches." "Take the whole plate Mr. Fenchurch. I am sorry to be such a poor hostess but your response has rather sent me into a flutter. I am beyond ecstatic, but I must say it was unexpected." Charles munched away contentedly for a few minutes during which time Caroline regained her composure. As he swallowed the last mouthful he turned towards Caroline. "I do have some questions Lady Caroline. Don't worry they will not affect my decision and I am confident that someone as intelligent as you will have thought of the answers." "Ask away," said Caroline with a wave of her hand. "When we marry am I to be the bride or the groom?" "Oh the bride," said Caroline with a smile, "I think that you will look gorgeous in a white silk wedding dress." 'But how will we fool the church person conducting the ceremony?" "It will be a very small wedding and will take place in the chapel on my estate. The curate is elderly, has not seen me for some time and is particularly short sighted." "Your false maid is convinced that she can alter my appearance to at least resemble you, but how do I acquire all the mannerisms of an upper class lady?" "Now that will be more of a challenge. Tell me Mr. Fenchurch do you speak French?" "Yes, my nanny was French, so I am quite fluent." "That is a bonus," replied Caroline. "Would you be able to spend the next 2 months in Paris?" "Yes. I have finished at Oxford and I have no commitments now that Charlotte is going to be spending the summer with her school and at the home of a friend." "Excellent. You will go to Paris and stay with a friend of mine, Michelle, who has contacts in the theatre. You will live the whole 2 months as a lady and receive intensive coaching in how a lady conducts herself. As soon as you arrive in Paris you will cease to be Charles Fenchurch and will become Angelique Boniface. All your male clothes will be taken away and disposed of, to avoid the temptation to slip out of character. When you return to this country it will be as Angelique. Shortly after that we will marry and you will become Lady Caroline Fenchurch. My maid Minnie, who greeted you when you arrived, has informed me that you would almost certainly fit into my dresses with little alteration. She will pack a trunk with numbers of dresses, skirts, blouses and underwear which will be sent to Paris tomorrow and will be there when you arrive. Any alterations will be done by a seamstress in Paris. There is one other thing Mr. Fenchurch. Your facial hair must go. There is a new hair removal technique, called electrolysis, which is being pioneered in Paris and you will need several treatments to make your face completely smooth. Do you have any questions?" Charles shook his head. "I have a question for you that burns on my tongue," said Caroline. "Ask it," said Charles. "As you have said, this seems to be a completely crazy idea; so why are you agreeing to become my wife; it would seem that you are giving up so much and that most of the advantages are mine?" Charles did not answer immediately as he appeared to be considering the question. "There is no one reason Lady Caroline but I will try to answer your question as best I can. Obviously the financial aspect is important. My father ruined us; not just my sister and me, but all the people who depended on us; the servants and especially the tenant farmers on the estate. When you promised to not only cover the debts but to restore the estate to a profitable business and to raise the lives of our tenant families the guilt I felt over lives ruined lifted. Knowing that Charlotte would be protected gave me such a sense of relief. Another reason is that I have a very deep love and admiration of women. The men in my life such as my father and most of the schoolmasters were monsters. I always had a fear that I might end up like them, but if I become your wife there is no chance of that happening." "What a delightful reason," said Caroline. "I am enjoying this discussion very much; do please continue." "I have always felt that if I married it would need to be to someone who interested me; someone with ideas and ambition, someone that I could form a definite partnership with. When I saw you knee Lord Malvern in the privates I knew that you were an extraordinary person but I must admit that I never considered you as a potential husband." "Oh Mr. Fenchurch, this is getting better and better," said Caroline when she had recovered from her laughter. "I have two final reasons," said Charles. "I have already indicated that my childhood was not a happy time. My mother, who I adored, died when I was 11. My father was and is a drunken brute who was frequently violent. School was a horrible experience. The headmaster had a warped idea that brutal treatment of young boys would build character and he seemed to favour sadistic teachers who followed his ideas with enthusiasm. We were beaten frequently, often on the flimsiest of pretexts, which meant our lives were lived in a constant state of fear. Bullying by the older boys was encouraged. Being relatively small and delicate looking I probably received more than my fair share of abuse. There was only one bright spot in my schooldays and that was because of the senior English teacher who, unlike his colleagues was an educated and humane man. He was especially interested in drama and was head of our Theatre Club. We usually did Shakespeare and the production was one of the events of the school year. As I said, I was fairly small and delicate looking so it was no surprise that I was chosen to play the female parts. The teacher, a Mr. Chandler, had a beautiful young wife and an even more beautiful daughter who was a teenager a couple of years older than me. Those two were the subject of almost every boy's wet dreams and because they took on the role of coaching me in the female roles I acquired a sort of prestige amongst the boys, which reduced the bullying considerably. When I was 15 Mr. Chandler decided to put on Romeo and Juliet and as you can guess I was cast as Juliet. Because my role was so feminine Mr. Chandler asked his daughter to give me special coaching. It was when I was fully dressed as Juliet that an astonishing thing happened. Well it was astonishing to me at the time. Elizabeth, Mr. Chandler's daughter, started to become very aroused when I was dressed as Juliet and at one point when we were alone she seized me and gave me the most passionate kiss you could imagine. After that she could not keep her hands off me when we were alone. I was very na?ve and did not really understand what was happening but after such an austere life it felt as though I was in heaven." Charles paused for a while deep in thought as though replaying the events of years before. "You are a nice boy Charles, but as a girl you light a fire in my heart," said Elizabeth almost panting. "I don't know how we managed to keep it a secret. If Mrs. Chandler knew she never said anything. Then the most wonderful thing happened. The play was to be performed early in the summer and as it was a demanding production we had started rehearsing early in the year. The Easter break was due; a much treasured weeks holiday. Because of the bad situation at home I was to stay at school for the week. The Chandler's were going to France for the holiday, but just before, Mr. Chandler was called home to deal with some family crisis. I remember Elizabeth coming to me and asking if I would like to go with her and her mother. "How," I said. "Leave that to me, but I'll want something in return," she replied. "What do you want," I asked. "I'll tell you later," she said, "But I think you will like it and I know that I will." I'm not sure how she did it but Elizabeth was able to persuade her parents to allow me to accompany them to France. The day before we were to depart I was told to pack my trunk and take it to the Chandlers house where it would join the rest of the luggage. We left the next day by train for London where we caught a boat train from Victoria station. The Chandler's had booked a cabin on the boat and our luggage was taken there. Mrs. Chandler said that she was going to lie down for a while and that Elizabeth and I could explore the ship. We walked around the decks and watched the sailors working at different tasks. One was painting some of the pipes which ran along the side of the ship. We waited until the man had moved away for a moment leaving his paint pot and brush unattended. "Get ready for my plan," Elizabeth whispered. She suddenly gave me a push, not hard, but enough to cause me to lose my balance and I fell, knocking over the pot and getting covered in paint. The sailor rushed back and helped me up and when I looked across at Elizabeth she was smiling. The sailor tried to wipe some of the paint off but it was clear that my clothes were ruined. As we made our way back to the cabin I asked Elizabeth why she had pushed me she just smiled and told me to wait and see. Once back in the cabin we told Mrs. Chandler what had happened. "Oh dear I think those clothes are ruined Charles," she said. "Never mind we will get you a change from your trunk." But when they opened it the trunk was full of girls' clothes. They opened the other two; one also contained girls' clothes and the other belonged to Mrs. Chandler. "How can this have happened?" cried Mrs. Chandler. I looked across at Elizabeth and saw that she had a huge smile on her face. So this was her price for taking me with her. "Oh Charles I am so sorry, this is all my fault," said Elizabeth and she started to cry. "I put some clothes in a trunk for storage and it must have got mixed up. Yours will be in our attic. Oh how could I have been so silly?" Her mother gave her a hug to comfort her and when Elizabeth looked at me she had a big grin on her face. "Well it looks as though you will be getting a lot of Juliet practice Charles," said Mrs. Chandler. She handed me a pair of bloomers and told me to undress and put them on while they left the cabin. When I was ready they came back in and within a few minutes I was in petticoats and a pretty dress. So for the next week I was Carlotta and only wore the most feminine of garments much to Elizabeth's delight. She took every opportunity to kiss me when her mother was not looking and a couple of times she came to my bed in the middle of the night and taught me how to give her pleasure as a woman. This week was such a departure from the harsh life I had led that ever since, I have associated petticoats and dresses with feelings of undiluted pleasure. Your proposal rekindled those memories and I felt the pull towards dressing as a lady almost irresistible." Caroline looked at Charles with a smile. "Well Mr. Fenchurch it would seem as though your experience with petticoats has been altogether more positive than mine; I heartily loath the things and cannot wait to hand them over to you. I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed your account of your French adventure en femme. Now, I do believe that you said earlier that there were two final reasons for your acceptance, so do please tell me the last one." "I am sure that you are well read Lady Caroline. Now imagine that you began to read a book by one of the great authors and part ways through, the remaining pages were blank. Imagine too, that at that moment, the author appeared before you and told you that they had selected you to finish the story any way you wanted. You have given me the unique opportunity to finish the life of Lady Caroline, to experience life from a totally new perspective and in the company of one you admire. Like you, I have long deplored the role society has demanded of women and now I shall have the chance to create a new woman fit for the 20th century. Well Lady Caroline, that is a challenge too enticing to ignore and I intend to embrace it with my whole being. There Lady Caroline, those are my reasons for accepting your proposal of marriage." Caroline stared at Charles for a long time unable to speak. Finally she did manage to say a few words and her voice was thick with emotion. "Mr. Fenchurch you take my breath away and I find myself lost for words. Please accept my sincerest thanks for what you have said; it has moved me deeply. I look forward to our marriage with the keenest anticipation and confidence." Charles rose to take his leave and turned to his hostess. "Lady Caroline I have one favour to ask of you and it pains me to do so." With that he produced the letter from Charlotte's school requesting payment of her fees. "I am ashamed to say that I am unable to meet it and I desperately want Charlotte to stay for her final year; it has done so much for her." Lady Caroline quickly crossed the room to Charles, putting the forefinger of one hand on his lips and with the other hand taking the letter." 'Hush, say no more about this. You are my fianc?; of course I will take care of this for my future sister-in-law." She smiled at him and then they kissed for the first time. After she gave a little chuckle. 'Isn't it strange that we are engaged and yet we are so formal; Mr. Fenchurch and Lady Caroline? But perhaps it is appropriate not to use first names because in a few weeks I will be Charles and you will be Lady Caroline. Goodbye Mr. Fenchurch; the next time we meet we will create something beautiful." As Charles left the house a feeling of great contentment came over him and he felt that he was taking the first steps into a new life. Paris The next few days before his departure were very busy for Charles. First he visited Mr. Beckwith and arranged for him to communicate with Lady Caroline's legal firm regarding all outstanding financial affairs and also to forward them his mail. He next took a train to Oxford and then a cab to Charlotte's school. He met with the headmistress and informed her that she would be receiving full payment of all fees and that Charlotte was to attend the next academic year. "She is very intelligent Mr. Fenchurch and I really believe that she could go on to the University." "That would be wonderful and would make me very proud; after all I am a recent graduate and it would mean so much to have Charlotte follow the same path." He next requested an interview with his sister which was readily granted. He took Charlotte into the garden near the school office and they sat facing an ornamental pond. First he told her about the desperate financial situation that had been handed to him by their father. Charlotte's eyes began to moisten. "I suppose that means that I will have to leave here," she said dabbing at her eyes with a small handkerchief. Charles smiled and reassured her that her position at the school was absolutely safe. When he told Charlotte about his engagement to Lady Caroline she gave a squeal of delight and threw her arms around his neck in an enthusiastic hug. "Is it possible that I might be a bridesmaid?" she asked hopefully. "No, it is not possible," began Charles and when he saw Charlotte's face fall he burst out laughing. "Sorry to tease you dear sister but when I say that it is not possible I mean that it is beyond a possibility; it is a certainty. You will be a beautiful bridesmaid." This resulted in a bigger squeal and a harder hug. Finally Charles revealed the details of his intended marriage. Charlotte stared at him in stunned silence. "But why Charles, why are you doing this; it doesn't make any sense to me?" Charles spent several minutes going over the same reasons that he had given Lady Caroline. "Can you accept this Charlotte?" he asked. I'm not sure," his sister answered; "it is such a total shock." "Charlotte do you enjoy being a girl?" "Yes of course I do," answered Charlotte. "And would you wish to remain a girl all your life or chose to become a woman?" "Become a woman," she replied immediately. "Then dear sister, allow me that same honour," said Charles. Slowly Charlotte began to nod. "I would love to have you as my big sister if that is what you really want," she said. "It is," said Charles and this time the embrace lasted a long time. It was late when Charles got back to London and after a belated supper he went to bed. The next day was the last before his departure for Paris and Charles spent much of it going through his wardrobe and removing all his clothing. He sent a large amount over to Caroline's house to see if she wanted to keep any of it for when she became Charles Fenchurch. Just after lunch all was ready and he decided to spend his last afternoon watching cricket at Lords. He smiled as he watched the game. "Next time I'm here I'll be in skirts and I won't be sitting in front of The Tavern," he thought, "I do hope that I'll enjoy the game as much." The next morning Charles left his front door possibly for the last time and took a cab to Victoria Station where he boarded the boat train to Paris. "You're travelling light sir," said the conductor as he checked Charles ticket. "Buying everything new in Paris," Charles replied truthfully. On the boat Charles was amused to see a sailor painting part of the funnel and he thought back to an earlier time when Elizabeth had conspired to get him into skirts. "Not necessary this time," he thought with a smile. It was evening when the train entered the Gare du Nord, but as he had no luggage Charles was quickly able to get out to the cab ranks and hire one to take him to Michelle La Croix's house which was situated in the Left Bank area of Paris. 40 minutes later they drew up at a large gateway that opened into a courtyard. The concierge pointed in the direction of Monique's apartment which was on the second floor. His knock was answered by a dark haired young woman in her early twenties. "Good evening Mr. Fenchurch I have been looking forward to meeting you, so welcome to my home which will be Angelique's home too for the next few weeks." She showed Charles his room, which was small but very clean with a window overlooking a courtyard. "Your trunk has arrived and I have hung up your dresses, skirts and blouses. The underwear has been put in the chest of drawers next to the window. Please take a few minutes to refresh yourself and then we will go out to eat and I can explain the programme you will be under while you are here." Charles had a quick wash before joining Michelle in her small sitting room. "Let us go," she said, "There are many excellent restaurants close by where we will eat well and can talk." The place she chose was small and dark and only two streets away. There were just 6 tables and Michelle led the way to an unoccupied one in the corner. "I expect you are hungry so I would recommend the lamb shank; it is delicious." Charles nodded and almost immediately a waiter appeared and Michelle ordered the same dish for each of them, together with a carafe of the house red. When it arrived Michelle picked up her glass and smiled at Charles. "Shall we toast to new beginnings?" she said and raised her glass. "I have been a close friend of Caroline's for 5 years and now I am going to have the opportunity of meeting her and getting to know her all over again," she said. "You must think it very strange," said Charles. Michelle laughed. "Not so strange when I think of Caroline, she was always different, but I don't understand why you have agreed to it." Charles took another sip of his wine. "The short answer is that there are two people who are dissatisfied with their lives and see an opportunity to live a better one. In a funny way it is like two people each reading a book that they don't really like, so they exchange books hoping the new story will be better." "And will it?" asked Michelle. Charles shrugged. "I think so; I certainly hope so, but only time will tell." Their dinners arrived and as Michelle had said they were delicious. The wine, although not expensive was of good quality. "Time to run through your programme," said Michelle as she put down her fork. "From tomorrow on you will stay with me as Angelique. I will take you to the private studio of Madam Benoit, who is a first class acting coach, specialising in feminine performance, where you will spend most of the day. Your first appointment for electrolysis is the day after tomorrow. When you get home tomorrow you can model the dresses that Lady Caroline sent and we will see if alterations are needed. Later this week we will both go to look for your wedding dress. I know some good dressmakers so we will have lots to choose from." "Michelle I am overwhelmed at the trouble you are taking on my behalf," said Charles, "It does not seem fair that I have put you to so much bother." "Enough," said Michelle raising her hand. "Caroline is a very good friend and I was intrigued when I heard of her plan and I begged her to let me be part of it. I am a student at the Sorbonne, but we are not in class for another 3 months so I have time on my hands and I think that I will enjoy spending it with you." By now they had finished their dinner and Michelle called for the bill, paid it and Charles followed her out into the street. They walked in silence back to her flat and only when they were inside did she speak. "You must be tired and you have a very busy day tomorrow so you must sleep." She handed him a canvas laundry bag. "I have put a nightdress on your bed for you tonight. Undress and put all of your clothes in this bag and I mean all. Put it outside the door and by morning it will be gone, along with Charles Fenchurch. Once you put on that nightdress you become Angelique. Charles Fenchurch will only appear again at your wedding when he will become your husband." With that she kissed him on the cheek and gently pushed him into his bedroom. He slowly undressed and put his clothes into the bag and placed it outside his door. He then put on the nightgown, which was silky and came down to just above his ankles, and climbed into bed. "Goodbye Charles," he said, "You did your best, but that life needs to be lived by another; one who will make a better job of it." He closed his eyes and soon fell into a deep and peaceful sleep. Angelique woke to a gentle shaking. She opened her eyes and saw Michelle standing over her. "Wake up Angelique it is time to get you ready for your visit to Madame Benoit. I have put a razor in the bathroom so please shave closely. When you come out I will help you with your makeup and then get you dressed. We will have time for breakfast and then I will take you to Madame Benoit's." "I will be so pleased when I do not have to do this anymore," thought Angelique as she finished shaving her face and neck. Once back in her bedroom she put on a pair of pantaloons that Michelle had left for her on the bed. They came down almost to her knees and the final six inches were generously lacy. "I'm ready," she called and Michelle entered the bedroom. Michelle sat her down at a stool and swiftly and skillfully applied makeup to Angelique's face before turning her attention to Angelique's eyebrows which were plucked and shaped mercilessly. Finally Michelle lowered a wig over Angelique's head and carefully brushed it into the style she wanted. "Take your nightdress off and put this on "said Michelle handing Angelique a garment like a short nightdress that was made of fine cotton. "It's a chemise and it will protect your skin from the grip of your corset." "I don't intend to wear corsets," said Angelique. "You may make that choice after your marriage, but before that Madame Benoit will insist that you wear one to assist with your training," replied Michelle firmly. "Very well," sighed Angelique and raised her arms so that Michelle could fasten the corset around her waist. "I won't make it too tight for now," said Michelle tying off the laces, "But I suspect that this will not satisfy Madame." Michelle then rolled silk stockings up Angelique's legs and fastened them to the straps on the corset. 'Now your petticoats," she said, "I think that three will be sufficient today. My, they are rather plain," she said as she tied them off at the waist. Michelle fetched a dress from the wardrobe and lowered it over Angelique's head. When she had smoothed it over the petticoats she began to fasten the buttons at the back." "This dress is designed to be worn a little more loosely so I thought that it would do until we get you properly fitted for the other dresses," said Michelle. "It looks very pretty; what do you think?" Angelique looked in the long mirror and saw a tall slim young woman in a cream dress with a high neckline and full sleeves. The skirt was full and came down to the ankles. "I like it very much," said Angelique as she posed in front of the mirror. Finally Michelle produced a pair of white lace up shoes with a 2 inch heel and steadied Angelique while she put them on. "I think you are ready Angelique. Let's have breakfast." Breakfast consisted of a fresh baguette, yogurt and fruit with coffee which they ate in the tiny kitchen. "Time to leave Angelique, we don't want to keep Madame waiting," said Michelle when they had finished eating. With a last look in the mirror and a few adjustments to her hair Angelique was ready and she followed Michelle down the stairs, being careful to lift her skirts to avoid tripping. The walk took about 20 minutes through busy morning streets. Angelique was conscious of her dress and petticoats moving against her legs as she walked and the feeling filled her with pleasure.They entered a narrow street and Michelle stopped outside a building with a dark blue door and rang the bell. Footsteps were heard from inside and the door opened to reveal a distinguished looking, grey haired lady in a black dress. "Good morning Michelle," she said, "This must be Mademoiselle Angelique; please come in my dear," she said beckoning to Angelique. "You may collect her at 5pm," she said to Michelle and after bidding her goodbye, slowly closed the door. Angelique was led along a dimly lit corridor and through a door at the end. She found herself in a surprisingly large room that was full of sunlight and opened onto a small garden through a pair of French doors. She brought Angelique into the centre of the room and slowly moved around her, surveying her from different angles. "Well," she said, "Let's see what I have to work with." Letter from Angelique to Lady Caroline Dear Caroline It seems funny calling you that as soon that will be my name. I have been here, in skirts, for three days now and I felt that I should give you a progress report in case you feared that I had had second thoughts and run away. Of course I haven't- had second thoughts or run away; in fact things are going very well and living with Michelle is quite wonderful. So far I have not missed Charles at all; I have been far too busy. Madame Benoit is very kind but also strict, in a nice way and she makes me work hard. There is so much to learn, but I am determined to make a success of this and make you proud of me. Madame Benoit has spent most of the two days working on me moving in skirts; sitting and standing properly and walking as a lady should. Actually I find the long skirts make this easier as it forces me to concentrate. You will be amused that Madame did not think much of the petticoats you sent for me. She says that they are far too plain. Michelle and I are going to get me new ones tomorrow, at a very exclusive lingerie house, when I finish my lessons and I get to choose the style, although Madame Benoit has given me some ideas about what to get. I had my first electrolysis appointment today, which lasted almost 2 hours. It was not very comfortable, but when it is finally done I know that it will have been well worth any temporary inconvenience. Michelle and I go out to eat in the evenings and she has been very good in helping me, by reinforcing my lessons. We do not stay very late as I am finding all the work quite exhausting, so I go to bed early and sleep very soundly. Oh I almost forgot to tell you that Michelle took me to a jeweler near our building and I had my ears pierced. I am now sporting two very pretty earrings but I look forward to perhaps taking over some of yours, assuming of course that you have had your ears pierced. I trust that things are going well with you, especially some of the tedious legal issues. Please write soon as I am looking forward to hearing your news. Yours sincerely Angelique Letter from Lady Caroline to Angelique My Dear Angelique I was very pleased to get your letter and learn that you had arrived safely and are settling in well. Isn't Michelle wonderful? We met at a special school for young ladies in Switzerland and immediately hit it off. As you might guess we were quite rebellious and I think that we caused the teachers many problems. I am sure that they were glad to see the back of us. I would like to invite her to our wedding; what do you think?" My lawyers met with your Mr. Beckwith a couple of days ago. They thought it best that title stays as it is until after our wedding and then we can both make the changes so badly needed. Oh Angelique, I am getting so excited with the thought of us making such a difference to so many lives. I have been working hard in the gymnasium I built in our London house. Sorry I did not show it to you, but there really wasn't time. I have been following a programme set out by Mr. Sandow, in his book Sandow on Physical Training, for the last 4 years and as a result I am stronger than many of the farm boys on our estate. I am still improving, so I think that now maybe only Will Jacklin, a giant of a man, might be stronger than me. Anyway what you need to know is that I will have no trouble carrying my bride over the threshold on our wedding day. The side effect of this is that most of the clothes that you kindly donated do not fit me, so I am going to have to visit a very discrete tailor and have some new ones made. I am sorry about the petticoats, although I must admit to having a little chuckle when you told me about Madame Benoit's sniffy response to them. I detest the things and would only wear the plainest, much to Aunt Clara's annoyance. I hope you and Madame will like the new ones better. Also if you wish to get new dresses I am very happy for you to do so. I only sent mine so that you would have something to wear when you arrived. I am sorry that the electrolysis is so uncomfortable and I am very grateful that you are doing this for me. But once it is done you will never have to worry about shaving again, which I am sure will be a relief. Well I must close now my dear Angelique. Aunt Clara and I are going to the theatre tonight and I promised to wear a dress just to please her. I can't wait till we are married and I will be able to hand over the wearing of dresses exclusively to you. Your fianc?e Caroline Letter from Angelique to Lady Caroline Dearest Caroline I love my new petticoats! I am sure that if you had worn petticoats like my new ones you would have a better opinion of them. Madame Benoit insisted that the first petticoat I put on needs to be narrow, as this will help me to shorten my stride and make it easier to walk like a lady. It works Caroline, it really works! Because it is made of the finest silk I get the most wonderful sensation of it gently rubbing against my stockings as I walk. It really does restrict my stride and if I wear one at home, which I will, I would be quite unable to escape from you (not that I want to) if you chased me. The second layer is made of taffeta which makes a delightful rustling sound as I move. It feels almost like a small orchestra playing underneath my skirts. My outer petticoat is a heavy satin with rows and rows of gorgeous lace, especially at the bottom. I have ordered two more sets so that I will always have one ready to wear. Talking of petticoats, I must let you into a secret dear Caroline. Last Saturday was very sunny but breezy and Michelle and I took a lovely walk along the Seine. I wore a pretty dress of a very light fabric so that I would not get too hot. Of course I had my three petticoats on underneath. We were just passing a group of young men lounging on the embankment when a sudden gust completely lifted the skirt of my dress revealing all my frilliness below. How those men stared and some made comments which Michelle and I ignored. I felt a little embarrassed but secretly very pleased to have caused such a reaction. When Madame found out she took me out on a windy afternoon and made me practice holding my skirts down, but I must admit that I love to show a little lacey petticoat as I walk. Michelle says that I am very naughty so I hope you will not be too cross with me One thing about my wardrobe I do not like are the silly pantaloons that come right down to my knees. I have no idea why they are made so long. They spoil the lovely feel of my petticoats sliding over my legs so I have had Michelle alter them. She is a very skilled seamstress and she has been able to shorten them. They are still lacy but they now end at the top of my legs. She has kept the panta and got rid of the loon, if you take my meaning. I said there was one thing but really there are two. Madame Benoit insists on lacing me into my corset very firmly. It does make me feel very ladylike, which is her intention but it is not comfortable and when I am your wife I will either wear them much looser or not at all. I hope you will not mind this rebellion on my part. Oh Caroline I would love to have Michelle come to our wedding. Would it be possible to have her as one of my bridesmaids? I have promised Charlotte that she can be a bridesmaid but I would love to have two. I have not asked her because she was your friend first, although I suppose you cannot really have a bridesmaid. In addition to the new petticoats I have several new pairs of shoes. I really needed them as yours did not fit me very well. Now I have some elegant boots; some for walking (very comfortable) and some that are very dressy. The new fashion here is for high heeled shoes with quite a narrow heel. I love wearing these as they make a lovely clicking sound, which accompanied by my rustling skirts, make me at least sound very feminine. Do I mind sounding feminine? Do I mind being feminine? Actually Caroline I adore it and I do hope that you will like me this way too. My only slight complaint is how hot I feel in the wigs I need to wear. I can't wait until my hair grows long enough for me to have it properly styled. I have now had 5 treatments at the electrolysis clinic and uncomfortable as it is I am certainly seeing progress. I am sure that by the time of our wedding I will be as smooth as a glass ornament. As you may know many Parisians leave the city in the summer to escape the heat, but this year it has not been a problem as it is a cooler summer. Fewer people on the streets has been a boon for Michelle and me because everywhere is less crowded and we have been going out a lot now that I have got over my early fatigue. Being a woman in Paris is so exciting! French women seem to have much more freedom to express themselves than their repressed sisters in London. How will you feel about having a French wife, will I scandalize you? Something tells me that this is the sort of wife you wish for? I have two other pieces of news. The first is that I have started dance lessons with a friend of Madame Benoit. These consist of two different approaches. I am learning the usual dances, but of course in the female role. As you know this requires deft work with skirt management but I daresay that I will soon become adept at this as my teacher is excellent. She is also instructing me in ballet as Madame feels that this will help me become more feminine in my movements. I don't get to wear a tutu but instead wear a flowing skirt, which is perhaps more fun. I do hope that you are also practicing your new part in the dance as I will need to be well led. The second piece of news is very exciting. I have chosen my wedding dress with Michelle's help. After looking at several designs I found one that I fell in love with and the dressmaker has already started on it. Of course I cannot describe it to you as it must be a surprise, but I'm sure that you will like it. Well done on the training! It is just wonderful that you are so strong and I am sure that it will help you in your new role. Should I be nervous? You are much stronger than me and I cannot run from you in my skirts so I trust that you will always be gentle with me. Sorry my dear I cannot stay awake another moment. With love Angelique Letter from Lady Caroline to Angelique which Accompanied a Small Parcel My Darling Angelique If you have begun reading this letter before opening the parcel please stop now and open the two items. Now that you have opened your presents I will explain more about them. Two days ago I cut my hair! Now it is as short as a schoolboys and that is how I intend to keep it. I anticipate spending most of my time at the estate and if I need to go out as Caroline I'll use a wig. Anyway I thought that my hair, which is quite rich and long, would suit you very well and certainly be cooler than a wig. Any good hairstylist will be able to weave it into your own successfully. I realised after you left that you do not have an engagement ring. The one you are looking at belonged to my mother and I would be so pleased if you would consider wearing it as a symbol of our engagement. Of course it may not fit, but if you do like it and want to wear it any jeweler can make the necessary alteration. Now that you have read that please go on to my letter proper. I cannot tell you how relieved I was to receive your letter. Of course I was anxious to hear about all your adventures, but your excitement on getting new petticoats lifted a great weight from my shoulders. You see, I have been feeling very guilty ever since you agreed to be my wife that I may have taken advantage of your grim financial situation and was forcing you into a reluctant feminizing. I could never imagine that anyone would want to wear petticoats, but when I saw how much you love wearing them I realised, with relief that I had not forced you into anything, that you loved becoming feminine. Although I am not feminine myself I love it in others. By contrast, I have never been much attracted to the men of my class. However a feminine man, not an effeminate fop, is very attractive to me and I am delighted that you are embracing femininity with such enthusiasm. Do I have Elizabeth to thank for that? I was very amused with your account of flashing your petticoats at the gentlemen. Michelle is correct, you are a naughty girl and I am delighted that you are. I am most certainly NOT cross with you, quite the reverse in fact. You are becoming a girl with spirit and I love that about you; do not for a moment think of changing. I am sure that the men were attracted to you when you flirted and my only concern is whether YOU were attracted to THEM; please say no! As to the corsets, they are an even worse abomination than petticoats and I strongly encourage you to please yourself as to whether you wear them. I will be absolutely delighted to have a wife who behaves like an irrepressible French woman. It is a pity that we will not feature in London society because I would love to see you scandalise our stodgy Victorian society. I think, deep down, that I knew that luring you into petticoats would be a success, but you have exceeded all my expectations. Do not change I beg of you. I put the announcement of our engagement in The Times yesterday and it appeared in today's edition. I bought several copies and will of course save them for you. I am overjoyed that you would like Michelle to be one of your bridesmaids and rest assured that it has my absolute approval. Can I leave it to you to arrange for the bridesmaids dresses? If you choose the style you want Charlotte can send you her measurements and any alterations can be done here when you return. Speaking of dresses I am so excited that you have chosen your wedding dress and I long to see it, but only of course with you inside it on our wedding day. My dear Angelique, please, please do not be nervous about me being stronger than you. After all it is the same position almost all brides face; a physically dominant husband. I will always be gentle with you and never use my physical superiority against you. I have seen too much of our society's inequities when it comes to spousal abuse and I know that you have too. You will be an equal partner in each and every way; that is my promise. This also means that I want you to be physically strong and I would love to show you the exercises that I have found so helpful. That said, a naughty part of me would love to chase after you in your restrictive skirts. And when I catch you I will kiss you unmercifully; there you have been warned! Do enjoy your last week in Paris, while I long for your return. With all my love C Letter from Angelique to Lady Caroline My Darling Charlie Yes I believe it is time that I started using your new name and I happily bestow it upon you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your wonderful gifts. The day after I received them I took your hair to Michelle's favourite hairdresser and she very skillfully wove it into my too short thatch. It looks terrific and it means so much to me being able to carry part of you on my head. She blended the colours very well so that there is a very good match. The other thing that I love is that it is much cooler. I must confess that I cried when I saw the ring. It only needed a small adjustment and I now wear it with tremendous pride. It is beyond beautiful with the gold and diamonds so exquisitely styled. Sadly all of my mother's clothes and jewelry were sold or destroyed by my depraved father after her death. It is part of your family's heritage and I am honoured to be its custodian until the next generation is ready to bear it. I cannot believe that Michelle and I leave here for England in 4 days. Where has all the time gone? I have worked very hard to present as a lady worthy of you, but it has also been the most tremendous fun and I have loved every moment. Of course you will be the judge as to whether I have succeeded. My electrolysis is complete! I am so relieved to have had my last treatment and now every last hair has gone, never to tarnish my face again. Hoorah, hoorah, no more shaving! My other news is that I collected my wedding dress two days ago after the final fitting. It is even more beautiful than I dreamed it would be and I know that you will love it. Michelle and Charlotte's dresses are also finished, but of course we still have to see if Charlotte's fits properly. I will pack them very carefully and I am almost scared to let them out of my sight on the journey home. I do have a confession to make Charlie dear. I was so enthralled with the wedding dress that I had the dressmaker make me several more, dresses that is, not wedding dresses. I only intend being a bride once after all! I know that you gave me several of your old dresses but you see the Paris styles are so much more delightful that I simply could not resist and I do so want to look pretty for you, especially now that I know you want me to be feminine. Charlie, my soon to be husband, I have another confession to make to you; this one much more serious. I have fallen in love with you! This feeling has been building for some time and now it is practically bursting out of me. I know that this was supposed to be purely a business arrangement but I cannot help it. I can only hope that you will manage to develop tender feelings towards me. You cannot possibly know how happy I am! I realise now that this feeling started after I put my former clothes into the laundry bag and left it outside my door for Michelle to dispose of. The next morning when I stepped out of Michelle's flat and felt my dress and petticoats swirl around me I knew that I had left behind a sad grey world and entered one full of light and glorious colours. Being out on the street in my skirts makes me feel very vulnerable, but in a strange way it is also a very exciting feeling. I could never, never go back to trousers. When I arrived at Madame Benoit she said "this must be Mademoiselle Angelique." The words sounded like music and I thought yes, I am mademoiselle, that is the real me and I felt a burst of happiness surge through me like an electric current. I realised what I had been missing and I am eternally grateful to you for being responsible for this transformation. Almost as soon as I became aware of this there also came the realization that I loved you and I have been almost giddy ever since; just ask Michelle. I must close now dear, dear Charlie as Michelle is waiting for me. We are going on a river cruise which includes a grand luncheon. I have managed to see many of the famous sites of Paris and I would love to show them to you. Maybe we come here on our honeymoon that is if we are having one; you haven't said and I suspect that you are deliberately keeping me in suspense. If that is the case I forgive you. Oh I almost forgot. Do not for a moment be concerned that I might be attracted to men. My experiences with men have, on the whole, not been happy ones and I am only attracted to women; well actually one woman and that of course is you my darling Charlie. I long to see you in London and to feel your arms around me. With all my love Mademoiselle Angelique Telegram for Mademoiselle Angelique from C Fenhaven Madly in love with you STOP Will meet train at Victoria STOP Charlie STOP Letter from Madame Benoit to Lady Caroline Westhaven Dear Lady Caroline I am pleased to provide you with a report, as promised, on Mademoiselle Angelique Boniface who has been studying with me for the last 10 weeks. General attitude: Excellent- takes instruction and criticism very well and was always very keen to learn. In fact I would go so far as to say that she is perhaps the most conscientious student I have ever taught. The mandate you gave me was to teach her all the essentials that would allow her to present successfully as a lady. Of course I am unable to change physical characteristics but fortunately she came to me with a number of natural advantages, namely a slender physique and delicate, almost feminine facial features. Happily I was able to enhance these with the correct use of makeup which Mademoiselle Angelique has been taught. She has worked hard to develop a feminine speech pattern and now is able to speak in the alto range. Other accomplishments: Mademoiselle Angelique has acquired excellent deportment. In particular her management of her skirts is usually exemplary. The only caveat would be an unfortunate tendency to display her petticoats when she feels there is an appreciative audience. Personally I regard this as fairly harmless coquetry which could be considered quite charming. She has also become a proficient dancer during her time here. Angelique quickly adapted to the woman's role in all the usual society dances and she will be a perfect partner for you on the dance floor. In addition she has done some novice training in ballet and her teacher feels that she has some potential in this art. Conclusions: I believe that Angelique has acquired the necessary skills to acquit herself well as a lady in the highest circles. Permit me to make one further observation. She is one of the happiest people I have had the pleasure of working with and positively relishes her femininity. I offer you my warmest congratulations on your upcoming marriage and have every confidence that Angelique will prove to be a loving and joyful wife. Yours faithfully Sophia Benoit London Angelique had been up early and was already dressed when Michelle came into the kitchen for breakfast. "Michelle you are not dressed yet," Angelique said in horror. "I'll get dressed as soon as I have had breakfast," said Michelle with a shrug of her shoulders. Michelle was amused to see Angelique nibbling anxiously on a piece of bread and playing with her serviette. "Why are you wearing that dress?" asked Michelle indicating the cream coloured frock Angelique had chosen. "I wanted to look pretty for Charlie," said Angelique feeling a little embarrassed. "But it is such a light colour," said Michelle. "After our long train journey that dress will have soot spots all over it" "Oh no," cried Angelique, "Do I have time to change?" "Of course you do," laughed her friend, "After all I'm not dressed myself." 15 minutes later they met again in the sitting room. Angelique had changed into a burgundy coloured gown with 3 tiers of lace, while Michelle was much more practically dressed in a black skirt and a grey blouse. "Angelique you look wonderful, your lover will be enchanted," said Michelle. "Are you certain that we won't be late?" Angelique said anxiously. "Calm down my dear Angelique," said Michelle soothingly. "It is a 20 minute ride to the station and our train does not leave for another hour and a half. We can go downstairs now and be waiting when the cab arrives if you like." "Do you think that the dresses will be okay?" "Yes Angelique the dresses are well packed and will not leave our side throughout the journey. Come let us go down now." They left the flat and waited just inside the courtyard. Angelique paced up and down fretfully while Michelle sat placidly on a bench. After a few minutes the cab arrived and the driver was sent upstairs to fetch the trunks containing their clothes. The bag containing the wedding dresses stayed right by Angelique's side. As Michelle had predicted the trip to the station took 20 minutes and after buying their tickets there was still an hour before the train left, which they spent in the Ladies Waiting room. Eventually it was time to board the train and fortunately Angelique and Michelle had a compartment to themselves and Angelique was able to keep the case containing the dresses on the seat next to her much to Michelle's amusement. "The case won't run away, Angelique; you don't have to keep hold of it." "Oh I know, I'm just being silly," sighed Angelique as she let go of the case. Michelle laughed and gave her friend a hug. "No my dear you are just behaving like all brides; nervous as a kitten." "I am nervous," admitted Angelique, "But when you have spent all your life as an unhappy boy and be suddenly given the chance to be a girl, well it takes some getting used to." "You aren't a girl, you are a beautiful young woman and your husband to be won't be able to take his eyes off you," said Michelle giving her friends hand a squeeze. The transition from train to boat went smoothly and Michelle and Angelique were able to relax in their First Class cabin. A few minutes after they had left port Angelique suggested that they go up onto the deck and promenade. "You just want to flash your petticoats in the breeze you naughty girl," said Michelle sternly. "Oh dear, am I that obvious?" "Yes you are," said Michelle laughing at Angelique's crestfallen expression. "Come on let's do it, the fresh air will do us good." The fresh air did feel wonderful and many of the male passengers enjoyed it as well, or at least they enjoyed the sight of two giggling young women struggling to control their skirts. It wasn't until the ship had docked and they had disembarked that Angelique realised that she would have to go through Customs. She was suddenly very nervous, but Michelle appeared unconcerned. Michelle proved to be correct. "And what brings you two young ladies to Great Britain?" asked the official when their turn came. "We are here for a wedding," said Michelle in a marked French accent. "Enjoy your stay ladies," he said waving them through. They were again fortunate in securing an unoccupied compartment for the final leg of their trip to London. As they were passing through the Kent countryside Angelique thought back to the last time she had made this journey. "It seems so long ago," she thought, "Literally another lifetime. Poor Charles he was so unhappy, but soon he will rise to great heights and I will be there to help." Angelique felt a crushing nervousness as the train pulled into Victoria Station and she had to take several deep breaths before she felt able to descend from the carriage. She had just put down the precious case that Michelle had handed to her when she felt a presence behind her. She turned and stared at the young man in front of her. "Charlie," she cried, before all other sounds were smothered as the two embraced and kissed almost violently. "My God, you look beautiful, you are beautiful Angelique," gasped Charlie when their lips parted. It was some time before they separated completely and remembered Michelle. They apologised profusely to Michelle and she and Charlie briefly embraced. "Well it looks as though I am to call you Charlie now, you certainly look the part," said Michelle with a wry smile. "At first I found it hard to believe that the girl I knew was going to live as a man, but now that I see you I must say that you look the part." Charlie's hair was cut quite short and styled in the typical fashion of a young man. He was wearing a suit that had been cleverly designed to hide his feminine curves and his chest was flattened. There was no mistaking the powerful set of his shoulders. "He looks much stronger than I ever did," thought Angelique as she watched Charles effortlessly pick up the dress case and guide the ladies towards the platform gate where a uniformed porter was waiting with their trunks. A cab was waiting and Charles assisted the ladies to climb in. "Something else I need to adjust to," thought Angelique as she arranged her skirts about her after Charles had lifted her up the two steps. "Before I would have just leapt aboard but now it feels very satisfying to be treated with such courtesy." "I have booked us into a small and discrete private hotel near Regents Park. I will of course have my own room and you two ladies will share a large room. Your room has two beds and I think that you will find it very comfortable. I hope that arrangement is satisfactory to both of you," said Charles anxiously. 'Speaking for myself I would be very agreeable to sharing with my friend," said Angelique. "Angelique is the perfect partner with whom to share," said Michelle. A few minutes later they pulled up outside a small hotel on a quiet street. Charles quickly alighted and helped Michelle and Angelique descend to the pavement in a gentle frou frou of skirts. Once inside Charles strode confidently to the reception desk. Angelique giggled when she heard him say "I have two rooms booked in the name of Fenhaven." Charles handed one of the keys to Angelique. "I didn't want to use my own name or yours for obvious reasons and I thought Westhaven was quite clever.I know you must be tired so I have arranged for us to dine here in a private room this evening. I imagine that you would like to freshen up beforehand." Angelique giggled again. "Charlie you of all people should understand the needs of ladies. We will most certainly require need to remove the grime from our journey and I will most certainly want to change my dress." Charles gave a theatrical sigh. "How quickly one forgets the ways of the fairer sex," he said. "Well my darling, if I am to dine with my future husband I certainly want to look my best. Do you not agree Michelle?" "I completely agree," said Michelle firmly. "Charles you can always wait for us in the bar." Half an hour later they found Charles sitting at the bar nursing a whisky and soda. Angelique was wearing a sleeveless silver coloured evening dress with a low neckline. She was also wearing gloves which reached above her elbows. A necklace of emeralds and matching earrings completed the look. Michelle had also changed and she also wore an evening dress of dove coloured silk. Charles jaw dropped slightly as he looked at his future wife. "Well darling shall we eat?" asked Angelique with a smile. "Sorry, you both look so beautiful I was lost for words," said Charles recovering well. "So here is the plan I have made for the next two days," said Charles as they were eating dinner. "Tomorrow I have some business with my lawyers regarding the two estates. It will require your signature Angelique but fortunately you do not have to be there in person. I have the papers with me and we can get Michelle to witness them. Maybe you two ladies could do some sightseeing while I am engaged and we could meet in the park for lunch." "A very good idea," said Angelique enthusiastically; "what do you think Michelle?" "Oh yes I agree," she said in a rather vague manner. "Is something bothering you Michelle?" asked Charles. "Not really bothering me, but I can't help thinking how strange this all is. Over two months ago a young man comes to my apartment and the next day he has turned into a young woman. She in turn invites me to be her bridesmaid because she is marrying my best school friend, who has decided to live her life as a man." Angelique frowned. "When you put it that way I suppose it does sound a bit unusual," she said. Michelle hooted with laughter. "You English have such a flare for understatement," she said. They had now finished their meal and Michelle looked at Angelique. "I think that we two ladies need to retire for the night or we won't be capable of anything tomorrow," she said. Angelique suddenly found herself yawning and shortly after she and Michelle were in their room preparing for sleep. "Sleep well sweet girl," said Michelle, giving Angelique a soft kiss on the cheek; "One thing I can tell you is that your lover's telegram did not lie; Charles is absolutely besotted with you." The next morning after they had breakfasted together Charles went off to the lawyer's office and Angelique and Michelle went walking in Regents Park. As she strolled along Angelique thought back to when she had been Charles and had walked the same paths on numerous occasions. Then the walk had been brisk and purposeful, a man on a mission. Now as Angelique the walk was a much more leisured affair. Angelique had forsaken her narrow inner petticoat but retained the silk and taffeta garments, so that she could enjoy the rustle and still flash the occasional flutter of lace. She realised that she was seeing the parkland, flowers and bushes as though for the first time and the feeling filled her with a joy she had never known. When Angelique and Michelle did tear themselves away from the pleasures of their surroundings they spoke in French, which did produce some interested glances from some of the people they encountered on the paths. When one shifty looking man tried to insist that they needed to buy a ticket from him to walk in the park Angelique spoke very sharply to him in English and threatened to call the police. He scuttled away with a look of surprise on his face much to the amusement of Michelle. After another hour of gentle strolling they made their way to the outdoor caf? where they were to meet Charles. He was there already and had secured a table with a large umbrella to provide some welcome shade. They had a simple but enjoyable meal and talked about their mornings. "Things are proceeding normally on the legal front," said Charles. "I gave them the papers you signed so that is done with. How was your morning?" When they told him about the encounter with the fraudster Charles face darkened with anger. "I wish I'd been there," he said clenching his fists. "Calm down Charlie," said Angelique, "it's not as though we were in any danger and besides I'm not a delicate flower. I had to be resilient to survive my boarding school." "I know, it just makes me angry," fumed Charles. "Well don't let it spoil a lovely day," said Michelle and the atmosphere returned to its former cheerfulness. After they had finished their lunch Michelle announced that she wanted to spend the afternoon visiting a friend and so they all walked to the nearest park gate where she was able to get a cab. "You two enjoy yourselves, it's time you were alone together," she called as the cab drove off. "Well, shall we?" Charles smiled as he offered his arm to Angelique and she eagerly took it. "Angelique," Charles began awkwardly after they had been walking in silence for a few minutes. "Yes Charlie?" answered Angelique. "Angelique I just want to say that if you don't want to go through with this I understand. I'm asking so much of you and I'm worried that I'm being unfair," he said with a rush. Angelique at first looked astonished and then alarmed. "Charlie what on earth are you talking about?" she said. "I've asked you to give up being a man and I'm worried that is just too much to ask of you. Look I really do love you and I want to marry you very badly. Why don't you stay as a man and I'll be your wife?" said Charles in a very agitated tone. Angelique did not answer but she steered Charles to a vacant bench and sat down close to him. "Charlie," she said softly, "You are being a very silly boy. I am not giving anything up; I have found something that I never knew I was missing. Actually I have found two things; you and the delight of living as a woman. Charlie, the last few weeks have been the happiest in my life, a happiness I didn't think possible. I don't want to be your husband Charlie, I want to be your wife. One of us has to be in a dress for our wedding and one has to be in trousers. I bought the dress of my dreams in Paris, so sorry Charlie but it's trousers for you. After the wedding you can wear what you like." "Oh Angelique I really, really love you," said Charles as he embraced her. "Now Charlie are you satisfied?" "Yes Angelique completely satisfied." "No more talk about you going back to petticoats?" "No my dear, I'll leave that entirely to you." "Good," said Angelique, "Because I intend to hold you to that. And now if you are quite done with your silliness let's resume our walk." Charles burst into laughter and gave Angelique another hug. "Agreed, no more silliness my darling girl but I do have business to discuss with you." "I firmly believe that wives and future wives should take a keen interest in their husband's business affairs, so I'm all ears," said Angelique with a grin. Charles shook his head in mock exasperation. "Will you be as saucy when you are Lady Caroline?" "Oh I expect so," said Angelique giving Charles arm a gentle pinch. "Thank goodness for that; I'd hate to have a demure wife." As they walked Charles began to outline some of his thoughts for the future. "Angelique are you comfortable to have the wedding in a week? It will be very small and I don't think we should tell anyone except our closest family and friends." "Oh yes that is what I was expecting," replied Angelique. "Good," said Charles. "I thought that we should all go up to the estate tomorrow so you can settle in, meet some of the servants and see the chapel. What do you think?" "Well I do have concerns about the staff and how they will react to me. After all it must be a very strange situation for them," said Angelique. "I fully understand that and I can assure you that there will not be a problem. I have talked to the staff and while they were very surprised, they were also very relieved that the estate will not be inherited by my feckless cousin. They have all sworn to treat you with the utmost respect and will guard our secret completely. They are good people and very loyal. Minnie is my personal maid and we are quite close, so I hope that you would be open to her being your maid; I know that she would like to be." "You have eased my mind Charlie. I am sure that Minnie will be very helpful to me; I?m certainly going to need all the help I can get. What about the rest of the staff?" "The inside staff are all female. After Father died our old butler retired and as there was only Aunt Clara and me it seemed unnecessary to hire male servants. Mrs. Grant is the housekeeper and she too will be very supportive. The outside staff, gardeners and my steward are men and you won?t have as much contact with them but if anything they are even more devoted to me and the estate." "What about your Aunt Clara?" Charles gave a short bark of laughter. "Aunt Clara was both horrified and scandalised when I announced my plan and she almost fainted with disbelief when she learned that you had accepted. But do not worry; her fear of Cousin Percy inheriting Westhaven is far greater than her bruised sensibilities. Basically she is a kind woman, but I would advise you to stand up to her from the very beginning. If you come across as assured and proud of your position she will respect you." "I?m sure that will be an interesting encounter," said Angelique drily. "We can?t really talk about your family?s properties until the sales go through, but is there anyone who you would like to retain?" asked Charles. Angelique thought for a moment. "Because of our insolvency we are down to a skeleton staff and I don?t think any of them would consider moving to the country. I would like to give them a generous severance allowance for their years of service under difficult circumstances and help them find a new position. However there is one person I would love to see again and if she is willing, I would like her to come to us. Her name is Collette Renaud and she was the nanny to Charlotte and me when we were small. She left us after my mother died and I think that she went back to France. Her people were from a small village just south of Paris so it may be possible to find her. She was wonderful to us and we loved her dearly." "How would we use her?" asked Charles. "Charlie I have an idea. I would like to organise a school for the children on your estate so that they could get a really good education. Collette is a trained teacher and she was only our nanny because she loved my mother. What do you think?" "I think you are the best person I have ever met. I?m sure that Michelle will know how we can go about finding her." "There is another thought I had about Collette," said Angelique hesitantly. "Go on." "If we decided that we wanted to have children then she could be their nanny," said Angelique, not wanting to look at Charles. "Do you want children?" "Well you would have to have them but then I could be their mother and you their father." Charles stared at her and then took a quick step forward and swept her off her feet. "I don?t deserve you," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "Oh yes you do Charlie Fenchurch or Fenhaven, whatever you call yourself. You deserve all the love I can give you." Westhaven The next day Charles, Angelique and Michelle travelled together by train and eventually arrived at the small station of Westhaven. They were met there by one of the estates coachmen who helped them aboard, stowed the luggage and made sure that the curtains were pulled on the windows to ensure maximum privacy. It was a 15 minute drive through narrow hedge lined lanes and the scents of the countryside filled the air. They passed through an imposing stone gateway and down a long drive. After 5 minutes a large house appeared and they turned off the drive and approached it. "Is this your ancestral home?" asked Angelique in surprise. "Oh no," Charles laughed, "This is the Dowager House where the mother of the Lord lives. Our home is much bigger, but I thought that it would be better if you and Michelle were here up until the wedding. Privacy for the bride and all that. Charlotte will stay here too when she arrives." As the carriage pulled up at the entrance Angelique noticed 5 women dressed in various uniforms waiting near the door. After the coachman had assisted Angelique and Michelle down a middle aged woman in a plain black dress stepped forward and curtsied respectfully, followed immediately by the four younger women who wore maids? dresses. "Good afternoon ladies and welcome to Westhaven. I am Mrs. Grant the housekeeper and I will do my best to see that you are comfortable here at the Dowager House. This is Minnie who will be your personal maid." A young woman in her early twenties stepped forward and curtsied again. "Doris here is the parlour maid and Annie is the chamber maid and Gladys is the assistant cook. You will of course be dining at the main house but I thought that you might prefer to have breakfast and the occasional meal here, which Gladys will provide." Three teenage girls stepped forwards and curtsied. "Now," said Mrs. Grant "I will show you to your rooms and answer any questions you might have." They entered a spacious hall and Mrs. Grant led them up a broad staircase to the first floor and along a corridor. She stopped outside a door and opened it. "This will be the bed chamber of Mademoiselle Michelle. I expect you would like to freshen after your journey so I will leave you to do that." Mrs. Grant then guided Angelique to the room next door, ushered her inside and followed her in. "Mademoiselle Angelique may I speak plainly to you?" "Of course," answered Angelique, who was not sure what to expect. "I realise that you must feel in a very awkward and strange situation. As far as the staff and I are concerned we are delighted that you are here. We were surprised when Lady Caroline first outlined the new arrangement but we quickly realised that it meant the survival of Westhaven as we know it was assured. Westhaven is exceedingly dear to us all and the thought of losing our dear Lady Caroline was too dreadful to contemplate. Lady Caroline has explained your background and I hope that you will not consider me impertinent when I say that I think you are very brave and will be a splendid new Lady Caroline. I can assure you of my full support and I look forward to working with you and calling you My Lady." Angelique felt her eyes water and she dabbed at them hastily with a small handkerchief. "That is very kind of you Mrs. Grant. You are correct, it is an enormous adjustment, but I am confident I have made the right decision. I will be relying on you a lot in the days ahead and it is very comforting to have your support." "I?ll send Minnie up to you, so she can help you unpack," said Mrs. Grant as she left the room. A few minutes later there was a timid knock at the door and in response to Angelique?s call to enter Minnie came in and curtsied. "Can I help you with anything Miss?" said Minnie respectfully. "Yes Minnie, but I?d really like to talk to you first and I would prefer it if you would sit," said Angelique indicating two armchairs next to a small table. "It doesn?t seem right for a servant to sit Miss," said Minnie looking at the floor. "I understand Minnie, but you are not just a servant, you will be my personal maid, one that I will rely on a great deal. We will have a very close working relationship and I want you to feel comfortable around me." "Thank you Miss," said Minnie perching on the edge of the chair. "Minnie I can only guess at how difficult this must be for you. I know that you were very close to Lady Caroline and to have someone usurp that position, someone who is not even anatomically female, must seem totally bizarre. All I can say is that I love your mistress very much and would do anything for her and that includes living my life as a lady, as her loving wife. I intend to do my very best to help your mistress achieve her ambitions and be a credit to her. I need your help Minnie, I need it very much." Minnie looked up at Angelique and her expression was serious. "Thank you Miss, thank you very much. I promise I will do my best for you; you can count on me." "Well Minnie I have a very important first job for you. I?d like you to unpack my wedding dress and the two bridesmaid?s dresses. I have been guarding them like the crown jewels and now finally I can relax. Don?t worry about ironing them now, they?ll be lots of time in the next day or two" Minnie opened the case and carefully removed the first dress which was wrapped in tissue paper which she slowly removed to reveal Charlotte?s dress. Most bridesmaids? dresses of the period were white but Angelique had decided that as this was an unconventional wedding the bridesmaids? dresses would also be different. Charlotte and Michelle?s dresses were both of a soft blush pink and Minnie carefully put them on a hanger in the wardrobe. Finally she removed the wedding dress, removed the covering paper and gently shook it out. She held it up and gasped. "Oh Miss this is absolutely beautiful; you are going to be a lovely bride. Don?t worry I will take very good care of it and of you also." "I know you will Minnie." After Angelique and Michelle had washed and changed their dresses they went downstairs where Charles was waiting to take them over to the main house for lunch and a meeting with her Aunt Clara. As the weather was warm and sunny they went via the lawns and gardens and Angelique got her first sense of the beauty of Westhaven. They passed a couple of gardeners who touched their foreheads in greeting. Charles stopped and had a few friendly words with them. They passed through a copse of trees and there before them was Westhaven. They had come upon it from the side and had a splendid view of the building and the large lake that was situated to the front of the building. Westhaven was dominated by four tall square towers at each corner. There were three stories, each higher than the one below. Although over 300 years old the building was very well maintained and the grounds, were not surprisingly, in immaculate condition. "We?ll go in the front entrance as I want you to get the best perspective of our Great Hall," said Charles as they swung around to the front. Immediately Angelique was struck by the magnificent windows which soared from floor to ceiling on the two top floors. They arrived at the front door, a massive oak structure, which surprisingly opened soundlessly and to the lightest of touches. When Angelique and Michelle stepped inside they both gasped at the sight of the great hall. Unlike most entrance halls which were at right angles to the front door, the hall at Westhaven ran straight through from front to back like a cathedral. The ceiling added to the cathedral like feeling as it extended up to the third story and together with the great expanse of windows gave the whole hall an unusual amount of light. The walls were lined with portraits of rural scenes and various ancestors. "Your portrait will be up there some time after our wedding," said Charles as he noticed Angelique gazing at the pictures. They walked past a grand staircase which led to the upper floors and Charles turned down a broad corridor leading off the Great Hall and paused outside an open door. "Michelle, I think it would be best if Angelique was to meet my aunt alone so if you would wait here I will return as soon as I have introduced my soon to be relatives." Angelique and Charles continued down the corridor to the end where Charles paused. "Aunt Clara is in the drawing room and after you have had a talk she will bring you to the morning room where we will have lunch. Now remember what I have told you and don?t be nervous," said Charles noting Angelique?s look of apprehension. With a gentle push he propelled her into the room. Angelique made an extra effort to be as feminine as possible and was conscious of the swish of her skirts and petticoats as she crossed the floor. A middle aged woman was seated in a wing back chair at an angle to the door and as she heard Angelique approach she rose in a smooth movement and advanced to meet her. Lady Clara Westhaven was wearing an elegant ivory coloured high necked dress in Chantilly lace and she wore her hair piled up onto her head. Angelique curtsied respectfully and Lady Westhaven gave a small smile and bow in return. She stood appraising Angelique for a few moments before gesturing to a chair opposite hers. Angelique sat and arranged her skirts in a manner that would have met with the approval of her teacher Madame Benoit. This display did not go unnoticed by Lady Clara. "Well Angelique I must say this is a little confusing for me. The last time we met you were Mr. Fenchurch, now you are Angelique Boniface and soon you will be Lady Caroline Westhaven. It is enough to make one feel a little dizzy. During this period I however have remained Lady Clara Westhaven." Angelique was determined not to be intimidated by this sally. "I agree it must seem terribly confusing for you but do remember that for me it is also confusing. Now you are Lady Westhaven but after my marriage you will become Aunt Clara," she said and smiled sweetly. To her surprise Lady Westhaven laughed in a pleasant manner. "Touch? Angelique, touch?. I am pleased to see that you have spirit; you will need that and more in the days and years ahead." She sighed and shook her head. "I won?t pretend that I was not shocked and dismayed by my niece?s scheme and frankly dumbfounded when you accepted. The scandal if this ever became public is unimaginable." She paused and then went on. "However the prospect of a repellant distant cousin getting his hands on Westhaven is even more unimaginable and horrible, so really I suppose that puts me in your debt for agreeing to be my niece. All the same I cannot for the life of me understand why you are doing it. You have acquired a remarkably lady like poise in a very short time, but I fear that you will find the reality of a life in petticoats to be rather like penal servitude. Why on earth are you doing it?" "Three reasons I suppose," answered Angelique. "The first is I love your niece, soon to be my husband. Two the happiest times of my life have been when I?ve been in petticoats and the third is that I have been given the priceless opportunity of exchanging the life of an ordinary man for that of an extraordinary woman. Why wouldn?t I do it?" Lady Clara stared at Angelique in wonder and then did something completely unexpected and out of character; she rose quickly, pulled Angelique to her feet and hugged her. After a moment Lady Clara released her grip and stood back. "You?ll do," she said. "From now on call me Aunt Clara; I?m proud to have you as my niece." "Thank you Aunt Clara, thank you for your support and understanding. I have one favour to ask of you and that is whether you would do me the honour of walking me down the aisle. It would mean so much to me." "Oh my dear girl, you take my breath away. It is I who would be honoured to be your escort; thank you so much for asking." She brushed a few tears from her eyes and then taking Angelique by the arm she walked with her out of the drawing room to the morning room where lunch and Charles and Michelle were waiting. "That looks as though it went well," said Charles with a grin. "It went very well Mr. Fenchurch and I?m warning you now that you had better take very good care of this remarkable young woman or you will hear from me," said Lady Clara sternly. "Oh rest assured, I?ll treasure her for as long as I live." After lunch Charles gave Angelique and Michelle a tour of part of the estate. It was simply too vast to be seen in one afternoon but they did get a sense of the grandeur of the land, its gardens, woods and fields and of course the chapel where they were to be married. When they returned it was time to dress for dinner. Angelique was assisted first by Minnie who then went and helped Michelle. Their evening gowns were silk and made by the most fashionable dressmaker in Paris and Angelique was excited to show them off to Charles. Charles sent the carriage to bring them to the main house and was there to greet them when the coachman helped them down. He was wearing a typical dinner suit and looked very dashing. They had a delightful dinner and their conversation was helped by liberal amounts of some very fine wines. Finally Lady Clara rose and turned to Angelique and Michelle. "It is customary for the ladies to withdraw and allow the gentlemen to enjoy their port and cigars. I am afraid that you will be a little lonely this evening Charles but then it was your choice," she added smugly. Angelique and Michelle found themselves giggling uncontrollably as they followed Lady Clara out of the room. "Well," said Lady Clara when they were in the drawing room, "You have the advantage of having been in each position Angelique so do tell us which you prefer." "Oh to be with the ladies of course," said Angelique whole heartedly. "Yes," said Lady Clara, "Femininity does suit you. Perhaps this mad idea will work after all. That night as Angelique lay in her bed, dressed in a long silk nightgown listening to the hoots of owls in the woods she thought to herself ?in just a few days I?ll be sharing a bed with my new husband," and with that happy thought she fell asleep. The next morning Angelique was woken by Minnie who had brought her a cup of tea. "Thank you Minnie, could you please return in 15 minutes to help me dress." "Very well Miss," said Minnie as she curtsied and left the room. When she returned Angelique had completed her toilet and was waiting to get dressed. "What dress do you think I should wear this morning Minnie?" Minnie returned from the wardrobe with a buttercup yellow dress. "It?s a warm day Miss so I would recommend this one. It is a cool cotton but also pretty." "All my dresses are pretty Minnie; what is the point of wearing a dress that is not pretty?" "Quite right Miss, you have lovely dresses." "How many petticoats do you think Minnie?" "I think that two should be enough with this dress Miss. Do you have a preference?" "I must confess Minnie that I like my petticoats to rustle just a little," said Angelique archly. "Then I suggest a silk inner petticoat and taffeta on the outside." "I?m sure that will be perfect Minnie, thank you." A few minutes later Angelique stood before the mirror surveying the results of Minnie?s work. "Well Minnie do you think I?ll pass," she said, raising her skirt a little to reveal a flutter of lacy petticoat. "You look lovely Miss," said Minnie who was clearly pleased to have her work appreciated. When Angelique arrived in the morning room she found Michelle and Charles already there eating their breakfast. After greeting his fianc? with a kiss Charles asked her about Charlotte?s arrival. "She gets into London early this afternoon and I have arranged to meet her at the Savoy. We?ll come straight back here this afternoon." "Would you very much mind me not going?" asked Charles? "I have work to do on the estate and I do hate going into the city." "That?s fine," Angelique assured him, ?"Michelle and I can go early and do some shopping." "You had better get changed then," said Charles looking at Angelique?s light dress. "Why, this dress is so pretty?" said Angelique with a pout. Charles laughed and said, "Oh Angelique I do love you; you have become such a girl. That dress is very pretty but it will get covered in soot from the train, you need a darker colour." "Oh alright," said Angelique with a sigh and went up to her room to change. Michelle laughed and said, "She did exactly the same thing in Paris before our trip home. I really think that she cannot help it; she is so feminine." Angelique and Michelle arrived in London with over an hour to spare before they were due to meet Charlotte and they spent the time browsing the high end shops in the area. "Six months ago I would have hated to do this," said Angelique s she and Michelle looked at a window display of dresses. "How silly I was." "Well you are making up for it now," said Michelle with a smile. "I can?t wait to go back to Paris; Parisian clothes are so much prettier." "What a good thing you bought so many," said Michelle drily. The hotel had a special reception room where guests could greet their friends and this is where they found Charlotte waiting. At first she did not recognise Angelique and it was only when Angelique approached and called her name that Charlotte reacted. "Oh My God," she screamed as her hands flew to her mouth. "Charles, is that you?" "It?s not Charles now my sweet sister; someone else now owns that name. I now go by Angelique but I will soon be Lady Caroline." Charlotte started to cry and Angelique took her in her arms and comforted her. "Oh this is dreadful; you have done this all for me," she sobbed. Angelique waited until Charlotte had calmed and then sat down beside her. "Now listen carefully my darling. If I had Aladdin?s lamp and could make any wish I would not change a thing. I love being in dresses and I swear I will never, never go back to wearing trousers. I feel that I was born to be a lady like you and in a few days I will be. Now dry your eyes and say hullo to my dear friend and your fellow bridesmaid Michelle." After hugs were exchanged it was time to travel back to Westhaven. Fortunately the return journey went just as smoothly as the trip out and when they alighted at Westhaven Station they found the carriage and coachman waiting for them. Angelique watched with pleasure as Charlotte?s eyes widened as the carriage made its way up the drive to the Dowager House. "This is where we are staying," said Angelique, "Just wait until you see the main house." Angelique took her sister up to her room accompanied by Minnie and opened the wardrobe. "Before we do anything else I want you to try on your bridesmaids dress," she said. Charlotte squealed with excitement and danced a little jig when she saw it. She threw her arms around her sister neck in delight. "Oh it is absolutely beautiful," she cried and immediately began to take off the dress she was wearing. Minnie lowered it over her head and began to do up the buttons at the back. When she was done they looked closely at the fit. "Will Miss Charlotte be wearing a corset?" asked Minnie. "I think not," answered Angelique. "She is too young and besides her figure is perfect as it is." "In that case, provided she wears an extra petticoat, I think the fit is perfect," said Minnie and the others agreed. "Oh Charlotte you look beautiful," said Angelique sincerely. It was true. The soft pink of the dress perfectly matched Charlotte?s delicate complexion. The bodice was tight, accentuating Charlotte?s small well formed breasts and the skirt with the two flounces of white lace hung perfectly. "I can?t wait till the wedding; I believe that I?ll die of excitement," cried Charlotte. "Just two days dear sister, just two days," said Angelique feeling a surge of excitement herself. They realised that it was time to dress for dinner and Angelique had a further surprise for her sister. "I couldn?t resist getting you a couple of dresses from Paris Charlotte. Perhaps you could wear one for dinner? I?ll wear one of my Paris gowns as well so that we will match." This of course resulted in more squeals and hugs before they parted to dress for dinner. The three women met downstairs to await the carriage and spent a pleasant few minutes admiring each other?s dresses. As soon as the carriage pulled up at the entrance to the main house Charles emerged to assist them alight. "Charlotte, this is the new Charles, soon to be your brother and my husband. I have no doubt that this Charles will make better use of the name," said Angelique as she introduced them. Charlotte made a pretty curtsey and Charles kissed her hand. "Charlotte," he said, "I am delighted to meet you and I thank you with all my heart for supporting us in our marriage." They joined Lady Clara in the drawing room before going in to dinner. Dinner was a very pleasant affair and was especially enjoyed by Charlotte. She felt that for the first time she was treated like an adult and her confidence grew as the evening went on. After dinner the ladies once again withdrew leaving Charles with his port. "Dear brother, sorry I mean sister, you have certainly become a lady," said Charlotte as the sipped coffee in the drawing room. Angelique smiled and said, "And in two days I?ll be a Lady and a wife." Back at the Dowager House Angelique and her sister spent a long time together talking about their plans and hopes for the future and it was well past midnight when they finally retired to their beds. The Wedding Despite swearing that she would not sleep at all Angelique was woken by the gentle shaking of her maid Minnie. "I thought that I should wake you Miss because it is such an important day and you will want to savour every second. I hope that I did right Miss." "Thank you Minnie that was very clever of you; you did exactly the right thing," said Angelique rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "I brought you some breakfast Miss as I know that you won?t be going over to the main house before the wedding." "Oh Minnie you are a gem; I don?t know what I?d do without you." Although she did not feel like eating, Angelique knew that she had to have something in her stomach to give her energy so she nibbled on a piece of toast and sipped her tea. To her surprise she felt some appetite returning and managed another piece of toast with marmalade. When she finished she lay back in the bed for a few minutes and then slowly pushed herself up and got out of bed. She put on a satin robe over her nightdress and walked over to the French windows that opened onto a small balcony which had a lovely view over the estate. She leaned on the stone railing and gazed at the scene lost in thought. Her thoughts took her back over the last 3 extraordinary months and how far she had come. "Do I regret anything: am I having second thoughts? No, no and a thousand time no. I have relished every moment and I?m sure that the future will be just as enthralling," she told herself. Just then she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder and she turned to see Charlotte smiling at her. "How are you feeling dear sister, nervous I expect?" "Not nervous just tremendously excited. Charlotte I feel as though I am on the brink of a strange and wonderful adventure accompanied by people I love," said Angelique. They stood together for a while enjoying the morning sun and view over Westhaven before they were interrupted by a call from close by. Looking to their right they saw Michelle on her balcony also dressed in her nightwear waving to them. "Imagine the scandal this would cause," called Michelle merrily; "Three ladies in their nightwear disporting on balconies of one of old England?s most famous family homes." "Well," responded Angelique, "If I am to be a lady, which I am pleased to be, I?ll be an outrageous one." "I am relieved to hear it," replied Michelle. They chatted for a while until they were interrupted by Minnie. "Excuse me ladies, but it really is time you were getting dressed; you don?t want to have to hurry." "I?ve run you a bath Miss," Minnie said to Angelique when they were back in the bedroom. As Minnie had washed and styled Angelique?s hair the day before she was careful to protect it as Angelique relaxed in the warm bath. After she had dried herself she put on her short pantaloons and a silk shift before Minnie helped her into her dressing gown. "I?ll help Miss Charlotte dress first Miss, because she badly wants to help you dress and I don?t want to run out of time. Another maid will help Mademoiselle Michelle and then you will have 3 of us to get you ready." When Angelique drifted into Charlottes bedroom Minnie already had her in her pantaloons and shift and was preparing her petticoats. "I brought you something else from Paris dear sister, which you might want to see before Minnie goes any further," said Angelique as she took her hands from behind her back where she had been hiding three beautiful petticoats. Predictably Charlotte squealed with delight and crushed her sister with another hug. "I?ll be wearing exactly the same ones so we will match," said Angelique. "They are very swishy so I do hope you like them." "I love them," cried Charlotte "And knowing you will be wearing the same sort makes it extra special." Because Charlotte was not wearing a corset it did not take Minnie long to get her dressed and just as she finished making the final adjustments Michelle walked in wearing her bridesmaid dress. The two stood together smiling and looking radiant. "Now it?s your turn Miss," said Minnie as she led the three women out to Angelique?s bedroom. Angelique slowly removed her dressing gown. "Will you be wearing a corset Miss?" asked Minnie. "Yes Minnie, I want to look my very best, so go ahead and lace me in." The corset was quite long and Angelique found that she had to carefully position her unladylike genitalia to avoid severe discomfort, but at least it gives me a realistically flat front. The corset was specially made to give the illusion of breasts and Angelique was pleased with the effect. "Is that too tight Miss?" asked Minnie after she had hauled on the laces. "If your former Mistress could put up with it so can I," replied Angelique. She looked over her shoulder into a long mirror and admired how evenly and neatly Minnie had managed the laces and the bow. Next Minnie rolled white silk stockings up Angelique?s legs and attached them to the straps hanging from the bottom of the corset. This resulted in a delightful pull on the stockings that Angelique felt all the way up her legs. "Will three petticoats do Minnie?" "Yes Miss that will be perfect. Which ones would you like?" "The prettiest, frilliest and the most musical please Minnie" Minnie arranged them carefully on the floor and Angelique stepped into them while holding on to Charlotte and Michelle. "All done Miss. I?ve woven the laces of your petticoats into the corset laces so there is no chance of them coming loose. Now Miss are you ready for your dress?" "Oh Minnie I have been ready for weeks and I feared that this moment would never come." Minnie with the help of Charlotte and Michelle took great care in lowering the wedding dress over Angelique?s head and down over her petticoats. "I?ll do you up at the back Miss and then we will arrange the skirt of your dress over your petticoats." As Minnie worked, Angelique could feel the dress gradually tighten around her body, until the last button was in place and Angelique felt herself in the grip of something wonderful. Minnie fussed with the skirt and petticoats for a few minutes until she was finally satisfied. During this time Angelique had made a show of keeping her eyes closed. "You can open them now Miss, the mirror is right in front of you." When Angelique opened her eyes and looked in the mirror she gave a little scream and her hand flew to her mouth. The dress was absolutely beautiful and quite unlike the typical wedding dress of the time. It had a v shaped neckline, which although respectable was somewhat lower than was customary. The bodice hugged Angelique?s chest and extended down to the waist in a profusion of lace. The sleeves were tight and ended in lace, which hung down several inches below the elbows. From the fitted bodice the dresses skirt cascaded down in a waterfall of silk and extended at the back in a train of several feet. Both Charlotte and Michelle gasped in astonishment at the sight before them. "Angelique you are absolutely gorgeous "they both cried and then giggled when they realised they had both said the same thing. It was several minutes before some semblance of normality was restored and of course it was Minnie who did so. "Ladies perhaps you should consider going downstairs so you will be ready when the carriage arrives." "But Minnie you are not dressed yet," said Angelique smiling at her maid. "What do you mean Miss?" asked a clearly confused Minnie. "Well you can?t come to the wedding dressed like that," replied Angelique. "But I?m not invited, I?m just the maid." "Minnie next to my bridesmaids and my husband to be, you are the most important person in my life; of course you are coming to the wedding. And you are not just a maid; you are my personal ladies maid and I can?t do without you." "But I?ve nothing to wear," wailed Minnie. Angelique nodded to Michelle who went to her room and returned with a midnight blue dress on a hanger. It was of a quality that Minnie had never personally experienced but had often dreamed about. "We got your measurements from Mrs. Grant, who will also be coming, and I had this made in Paris. I have also brought you two pretty petticoats so let?s get you dressed," said Angelique. Minnie collapsed in a flood of tears unable to fully comprehend what was happening. Michelle and Charlotte took her in hand and swiftly removed Minnie?s uniform and plain petticoats and replaced them with her new finery. Finally she stood before the mirror still not believing what she was seeing. "I?ll never be able to thank you enough Miss," she sniffed. "Not necessary," said Angelique briskly, "So stop crying; you can save that for the wedding, where I expect I shall be joining you in tears of happiness." "Well ladies," said Michelle taking charge, "I think that we should all go downstairs so we are ready for the carriage. Minnie, you walk with Mademoiselle Angelique to stop her from falling down the stairs and Charlotte and I will take care of her train." The four arrived safely in the main hall where they found the bouquet?s they would be carrying arranged on a table. Also there were flowers for Angelique?s hair and her veil. A few minutes later a small carriage arrived containing Mrs. Grant. She too had been given a new dress and she seemed as overcome as Minnie had been. The coachman helped Minnie aboard and they set off for the chapel. Ten minutes later a second and grander carriage pulled by six white horses came around the driveway and stopped at the front door. The only occupant was Lady Clara and Angelique wondered whether there would be enough room for the four of them considering the size of their dresses. It took the two bridesmaids and the coachman to get Angelique aboard without spoiling her dress, but once this was accomplished Charlotte and Michelle followed without difficulty. The trip through the estate to the chapel was one that Angelique would never forget. With each clop of the horses hooves she realised that she was getting closer to her union with the love of her life and the prospect thrilled her beyond measure. The small chapel was in a secluded part of the estate in an open space surrounded by forest and Angelique could not imagine a more romantic setting for her wedding. The driver of the first carriage was waiting at the door and after the ladies had been helped down and Angelique?s dress had been adjusted for the twentieth time he indicated that all was ready for the bride?s entrance. "Are you ready my dear?" asked Lady Clara. "Oh yes, I have never been more ready for anything," said Angelique as she took Lady Clara?s arm. The coachman opened the chapel door and as the organ began playing Jesu Joy of Man?s Desiring, Angelique began the slow walk down the aisle. The chapel was dimly lit but she could plainly see Charles and another man waiting at the front with an elderly clergyman. Charles turned to watch the progress of his bride with an expression of utter bewitchment on his face. He was dressed in the typical morning suit and Angelique thought that he looked incredibly handsome. She recognised the man by his side as the steward of the estate, who had been Charles?s long time mentor. Angelique had the feeling that she was outside her body and that she was watching the procession from somewhere above and this sense only ended when she arrived at Charles side and they gripped hands. The clergyman peered owlishly at them over his thin spectacles, took a deep breath and began. "Dearly beloved we are gathered here today ....." Angelique was in a daze throughout these preliminaries and was only aroused when she heard Charles declare "I do," in a firm voice. "Caroline, Catherine Westhaven do you take this man Charles Fenchurch as your husband, to love honour and obey, in sickness and in health until death do you part?" Charles appeared to hold his breath as he waited for Angelique?s response. She slowly turned to fully face him and said, "Yes, oh yes I really do." "Then I pronounce you man and wife. Mr. Fenchurch you may kiss your wife." Charles carefully lifted Lady Caroline?s veil and then lips met in a long tender kiss. When they adjourned to the vestry to sign the wedding register Charles distracted the clergyman allowing his wife to sign next to Charles Fenchurch and then he did the same thing in Lady Caroline?s name. "Oh Charlie I?m really your wife," said Lady Caroline as they left the chapel. "Are you sure you would not prefer to be my husband," Charles asked anxiously. "Oh no my darling not in a thousand years; I would much rather be your wife and be a naughty girl." "Are you going to be a naughty girl?" asked Charles with a grin. "Oh I do hope so Charlie." Photographs were taken outside the chapel, which took quite a long time even though the bridal party was so small. Charles took Caroline for a short walk along one of the smooth forest paths with Charlotte holding her train. "You look absolutely beautiful Carrie and I love your dress," whispered Charles. Caroline giggled and said "Would you like to wear it Charlie; I?m sure we could get it adjusted to fit you." "No my darling I?ll happily leave the wearing of dresses to you. You are very good at it, much better than I ever was." They returned to the chapel where the carriage was waiting and Caroline squealed with delight as Charles lifted her effortlessly aboard. When they reached the front door of the main house Charles reached up and took Caroline in his arms and carried her through into the great hall while all the servants formed a line of honour and cheered loudly. The wedding party went into the dining room where they began with long flutes of well chilled Champaign and a detailed discussion of the wedding ceremony. After they were all well lubricated they were called to the table where a wedding dinner was served. Soup, followed by fish and the main course of tender lamb cutlets and vegetables from the estates owns gardens were the features. Once the plates were empty there remained the traditional cutting of the wedding cake. Before that however Charles tapped his wine glass to get everyone?s attention. "Ladies and gentlemen I believe that it is traditional for the groom to make a speech at the wedding dinner and I do not intend to disappoint anyone. Thank you all for being here for my wife Caroline and me; your support means the world to us. I can vividly recall making my proposal to Caroline and as I did so the full madness of my offer struck me, such that it was difficult to proceed. To her eternal credit Caroline treated me with courtesy and appeared to treat my idea seriously. I requested an answer within 48 hours. My aunt will tell you that those 48 hours were the longest and most tense I have ever experienced. I knew that really there was no chance of her accepting but hope, even in dire circumstances does not disappear easily. The answer, when it came, shocked me to my core. After telling me that my proposal touched the confines of lunacy my darling said that she had every intention of becoming my wife and that the very absurdity of the proposal was instrumental in her acceptance. I think that this was the ideal start to our relationship you have seen today culminate in our marriage. I ask you all to charge your glasses and drink a toast to my adorable wife, Lady Caroline Fenchurch." The speech was greeted with loud cheers and warm applause. As soon as the noise died down there came another tapping on a glass and all eyes turned to Lady Caroline. "Ladies and gentlemen," said Caroline, ?I believe that it is unconventional for the bride to make a speech, but as I fully intend to be an unconventional lady I suppose it is appropriate. I echo Charlie?s thanks to all of you for your support; you have all been truly wonderful. I will do my best to live up to the traditions and standards of Westhaven and to do that I will need to lean on you all to help me in my unfamiliar role. Finally I want to give my very deepest thanks to my dear husband, who I love more than life itself. I am still not sure what Charlie saw in me but I will do my very best to be the sort of wife he deserves." After the cutting of the cake they all went through to the ballroom, Charlotte sat at the piano and Charles led Caroline in their first dance as husband and wife. After all the practice in Paris Caroline easily assumed the female role in the dance. Gradually the evening wound down and Charles found himself escorting his new bride to the master bedroom. He opened the door, scooped her up and carried her into the room, closing the door firmly with his foot. Their first kiss alone was long and sensuous and they both found their excitement mounting. "Er Carrie, I?m afraid to tell you that I am somewhat inexperienced in these matters," said Charles with great embarrassment. "Don?t worry my love I will be very gentle," said Caroline soothingly. "If you don?t mind I wish to keep my beautiful dress and petticoats on for our first intimacy but I would love you to be naked." Deliberately taking her time Caroline began to undress her husband. Finally she unwound the tight garment that bound Charles breasts and watched as they dropped and hung as small perfect orbs. She leant forwards and gently kissed them causing her husband?s body to quiver. She took him by the hand and led him over to the bed. Carefully arranging her dress she lay down on her back and beckoned Charles to climb onto the bed and kneel over her so that her husband?s vagina was just over the top of her face. Smiling up at him Caroline said, "My love, you originally promised that our union would be purely a business arrangement, so please spread your legs a little. Yes that?s good, now you are truly open for business and I am going to make my first deposit." And with that Caroline reached up and delicately licked her husband?s clitoris which caused him to utter a most unhusband like squeal. Squeals were followed by moans, gasps and even little screams which went on a long time into the night. Business had never been better or more enjoyable. The End

Same as Purely a Business Arrangement Videos

3 years ago
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Lateshay and Eric cum to an Arrangement

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is a copyrighted work of fiction under my pen name Dean Denhomme. The inspiration—my muse if you will—for this vignette is the incomparable Lateshay. She can be found on x hamster under that name.Now, before we begin my little fuck story, allow me a word or two about Lateshay. If you visit my site on x hamster, it is easy to see that I am a tit man. So, it should come as no surprise that she provides the physical template for my imaginary fuck buddy in the story that...

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Final Arrangement

Theirs was an arrangement of logical and mutual convenience. Through the various risks they both had to take with their respective partners, they managed to attain rewards never before dreamed. Beyond the protective walls of the Hotel, they were respectable, law-abiding individuals who demanded decency from all they came into contact with. Within those Hotel walls, well, that was a different matter… He was married. His Wife, a School Teacher with an avid interest in Religious Studies, was...

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The Arrangement

Which is why I entered into the arrangement I’m currently in. It’s perfect. There’s no other way to say it than I am the plaything of a couple I’ve known for years. They like to adventure out and I am submissive so … it works perfectly. I don’t want to ruin their marriage, and none of us really want anyone to know what our situation is. It’s for the pleasure of those involved and it works for us. Unlike most of my friends, I don’t have pets, I don’t have kids … I’m free to do as I...

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Enduring The New Arrangement

ENDURING THE NEW ARRANGEMENT ENDURING THE NEW ARRANGEMENTIt's so hard listening to the moans of ecstasy...Daphne never moaned like that, even in the old days when I was permitted to make love to her. And Tanner's laugh, the way he lights up a cigarette in the middle.  Not that I am allowed to watch. I'm just kneeling in a corner...the corner of the bedroom. The bad little boy, punished as always. Kneeling in the corner, facing those joined wooden walls, staring for an hour. Listening...

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The arrangement

Hello all ISS readers! I am back again with a hot sizzling story. As u knows me I’m Abhishek Singh 18 male living in Delhi near mother dairy of pandav nagar. I will hope that u will enjoy the story. Mail me any comments, queries or anything on or I was a skinny, and shy college freshman when I met Ana, a blue-eyed, red-head with legs that never stopped. I was in the adult section of a run down bookstore, reading what I had only imagined and beat off to during my adolescent years, a fold-out...

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Purely pleasure

You walk into the bar, glancing nervously around the room. You spot me sitting in a secluded corner. Straight away you notice my dark hair, tied into pigtails, slowly moving your eyes over my body you notice the black lipstick, my cleavage, almost bursting out of the black leather corset. Panic runs through your veins, have you made a mistake? Your head is reeling with so many thoughts, but deep down an inner voice is telling you that you need this, you want this. You walk over, I stand to...

Straight Sex
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The Arrangement

 “So what do you think?”Ruth bit her lip. The studio apartment was tiny, no larger than a bog-standard hotel room. The location, however, was perfect.“Bills are inclusive, there’s free Wi-Fi and residents get a key to the basement gym. Did you take a peep at that?”“Not yet.” She smiled.“It’s excellent. You’ll like it.” The smartly-dressed man, holding iPad and keys, peered at Ruth through thick glasses. “So, you’re a student?”“Yes.” She smoothed down her dress, conscious of the creases. “Is...

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The Arrangement

John Usher is driving home from work one day and sees this car coming at him on his side of the road it is a convertible and a woman driving but as it gets closer he sees another woman sucking on the first ones tits and the car gets back in her lane , as they pass he is frozen by the sight the woman sucking the others tits is his wife Ann. He whips around and follows them to a house on the lake where they get out the driver has a dress on but her top pulled down but, Ann his wife is naked from...

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The Arrangement

The neighbourhood was quiet as the NonDe rolled into the driveway. That’s how Detective Chief Inspector Walsh liked it; nice and quiet. Since he became head of his CID, crime had dropped by more than half? and he had tonight’s dinner host to thank for it. He flashed a smile at the buxom woman waiting for him in the car port. Stopping the car, he got out and handed her the keys. She carefully drove the car off to a parking area as he ascended the marble steps and knocked on the heavy oak...

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Seeking Arrangement

Some people say money can’t buy you love or happiness. Other people say any sexual or romantic relationship is actually just a business agreement at heart. The folks behind Seeking.com seem to agree with the latter, or at least they expect you to. The top of the landing page says it’s Where Beautiful, Successful People Fuel Mutually Beneficial Relationships. That’s a little vague, but the next section talks about Sugar Daddy Benefits.For the dense, retarded or undermedicated, let me spell it...

Hookup Sites
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Sex on the Beach Our Yearly Family Vacation The Secret Arrangement

My family actually owns a beach house, but it was currently having the roof repaired so we were renting this one. I’m not sure who the “real” owner of our house is -- maybe my grandparents, but my whole family used it as they pleased. We just coordinated amongst each other to make sure two parts of the family didn’t unintentionally try to use it at the same time. (We often all went together every summer, but sometimes different subsets of the family took mini-trips by themselves, especially my...

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A Carnal Neighborly Arrangement

Fate was in my corner when my wife, Linda, and I relocated to a community on the east coast of Florida, in anticipation of and several years before my retirement. We found a neighborhood between US Route 1 and the intercoastal waterway, only about fifteen minutes or so south of New Smyrna Beach. There’s a long, u-shaped street between the highway and the river, with a community dock jutting out into the river. We’re fully retired now, and still enjoying the benefits of neighbors in our...

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Until Sequel to The Arrangement

WARNING: This story contains reference to an often misunderstood form of BDSM relationship called Daddy/little girl. To be perfectly clear, it has nothing to do with either incest or pedophilia. It is a depth of emotional bond between a Dom and submissive that intensely mimics the father/daughter trust. Anyone that has read my story, The Arrangement, knows what Samuel would like done to pedophiles. *** ‘Daniel, are you sure about this? We really don’t mind keeping them a few more days?’...

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A Very Satisfactory Arrangement

“... and she was saying how lonely she is. You know, we really must invite her round soon,” Rose was saying, as they were eating their breakfast one Monday morning.“Yes, dear, whatever you say,” Kevin mumbled into his newspaper and went back to reading the match report of Saturday’s big game.“You didn't hear a word I said,” said Rose, slightly irritated.“Erm, what dear? What was it were you saying?” replied Kevin, putting his paper down and giving his wife his full attention. After thirty-five...

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Taking panties as payment for sucking cock A delicious arrangement

As you all know, I love stuffing my cock into panties and I love sucking dick. My lingerie collection is pretty big now, but I cannot seem to stop expanding it. One way that I have managed to keep my collection growing and ensuring that I have plenty of cute outfits to wear on my dicksucking expeditions is that I developed a very convenient relationship with a very generous sugar-daddy. That arrangement is fairly straightforward. He takes me to Victoria’s Secret and I pick out lingerie sets...

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The Arrangement

After Sue had left, I’d barely had time to tidy up, stack the dishwasher and pour myself a glass of wine before the doorbell rang. I opened the door to be greeted by Helen’s impish grin. ‘Helen! What a surprise! Come in. Would you like a drink? Tea? Coffee? Or join me with a glass of wine?’ ‘I’m driving, but one glass of wine should be okay,’ she smiled. Helen was an ex-colleague of Sue’s. They’d kept in touch even though Sue had moved on – although I hadn’t seen her for a month or two. At...

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The Perfect Arrangement

Part of me says I’m the one to blame for the stagnancy in our marriage. I didn’t want to shoulder that responsibility; after all, what wife would want to say that she’s the reason that her marriage is falling apart? Surely my husband’s emotional negligence was a kindling to the fights that led to this moment, but as much as I tried to avoid it, I knew that it was an impulse decision on my part that caused my life to capsize. It all started when my husband, David, announced ecstatically a new...

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The Arrangement

After Sue had left, I'd barely had time to tidy up, stack the dishwasher and pour myself a glass of wine before the doorbell rang. I opened the door to be greeted by Helen's impish grin. 'Helen! What a surprise! Come in. Would you like a drink? Tea? Coffee? Or join me with a glass of wine?' 'I'm driving, but one glass of wine should be okay,' she smiled. Helen was an ex-colleague of Sue's. They'd kept in touch even though Sue had moved on – although I hadn't seen her for a month or two. At...

3 years ago
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The New Arrangement

THE NEW ARRANGEMENT • (or, ?An au pair thing.?) ?Daniel, sweetheart? Daphne said to me one afternoon as we shared the Sunday ?Times?. ?Yes,dear?? I asked, ?Do you want some more Irish coffee?? Daph smiled and lookedat me affectionately. ?No, I wanted to talk to you, honey?I have some interestingnews?it's about taking things in our relationship a little further. Do youremember you were telling me that?? I was confused for a moment ?Further?? We'dbeen married nineteen years??Oh, that.? I...

1 year ago
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A perfect arrangement

Note : This story is completely fictional! Donald came home early and caught his eighteen year old daughter sucking her boyfriend's prick. He took her to get birth control pills immediately. A week later as soon as he was sure they were in effect he ask her to try them out. "With my boyfriend?" "With me" said her father. "You're joking" said Krista. "No I'm not, I want to fuck you" "I won't let you, that's sick and disgusting" "I don't think so" replied her dad. Krista stomped out of the house...

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Purely pleasure

You walk into the bar, glancing nervously around the room. You spot me sitting in a secluded corner. Straight away you notice my dark hair, tied into pigtails, slowly moving your eyes over my body you notice the black lipstick, my cleavage, almost bursting out of the black leather corset. Panic runs through your veins, have you made a mistake? Your head is reeling with so many thoughts, but deep down an inner voice is telling you that you need this, you want this. You walk over, I stand to...

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Nicks Family Business0

“Now, let's go back to the basics. Start with step one, if you will Sam. Nick continued to lay there, bracing for Sam’s clumsy technique to hurt him. Sam began to roll his wrist’s down the center of Nick’s back and for a moment Nick thought that Sam had actually found one method that would not give him bruises when he woke up in the next day. But unfortunately, Nick’s hope quickly faded as Sam pushed to hard and made Nick yelp out a little cry of pain. “Too hard man” Nick said to Sam,...

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The Business1

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Syrian Businessmans Wife

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The Business0

March 18th, 2002: “You have a cigarette?” Patrick asked a passing man on 42nd Street. The man hardly stole a glance in Patrick’s direction before scurrying passed in tattered tennis shoes. Patrick only muttered to himself and leaned back against the wall of the abandoned shoe factory. The night was cold, and he was desperate for a smoke. His money was gone, along with his hovel directly across the road. Apparently another stray had discovered the nice enclosure and decided to take it for...

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Power Chapter 34 In BusinessFor Real

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Another businesss trip a mile high

This is a continuation of my previous story. http://xhamster.com/user/bigpapa0u812/posts/458064.htmlGinny had moved in for a month, and she and my wife Laura had taken every chance they could get to eat each other out, or finger fuck each other, and I wasn't getting any of it. Even my boy even made a comment about how chummy the two ladies were getting. I'd fucked Ginny on that last business trip, but didn't get a chance to do anything since she moved in, because we didn't want it to get weird...

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Businessmans New Employment

I had been sent by my employers, a well known U.K. bank, to Bangkok in Thailand for a few days work. First a little about myself. I had joined the bank straight from school and had worked myself up to be Manager International Far East. Although based in London I travelled extensively around the Far East, to include Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore amongst other places. I am a widower my wife having died prematurely a couple of years ago. I was 45 back then and found it difficult to...

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Arab Businessmens PlaythingChapter 2

By the time Abdul had filled my hole with his cream I was exhausted. I must have cum a dozen times that afternoon, the meeting or should I say shag fest then broke up.I adjusted my dress and tried to clean myself up a bit. Everyone seemed very pleased and Abdul said to David that they'd sign the contract next morning- mission accomplished I thought. As a celebration he said we'd all have a special meal that night and I would be allowed to attend. I would have been a bit miffed if they...

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Most Agreeable Arrangement

Chapter 1: The Wager John Theiswyde-Parted, Esq. was entertaining two of his old friends, Sir Reginald Randistaff and the Right Reverend Philp Lichsbottoms, at his palatial country estate. Over brandy and cigars after dinner, John was regaling his guests with the sad state of today's youth and speculated that the cause was that the practice of flogging young bottoms was on the wane. "I say, John, you must know that is not true, particularly here in this part of the country," Reggie...

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Purely Scientific Part 3

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Purely Scientific Part 2

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Purely Scientific

"I think that about wraps everything up for this part of the module," Dr Spencer said, clapping his hands together. "Remember, if you have any questions, you can always email me and set up an appointment during my open hours." Considering this for a second, Sophie bit her lip and tightly gripped her folder before joining the rest of her classmates who were now noisily making their way out of the lecture theatre. Sophie, however, made her way to the front where Dr Spencer was alone and...

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Purely Tempted

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The Family Arrangement

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Savita Bhabhi Episode 81 A Special Arrangement

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A New Arrangement

I opened the door at the first knock and gazed at her, tall, despite the flat-heeled knee-length boots, a magnificent bosom too, under the tightly drawn nondescript coat which accentuated her shapely form, all capped off with tied-back dark blonde hair held up in a bun by a pink clasp. “Going to invite me in, Dave?” she asked with a sultry knowing smile. “Yes, Marion,” I replied with a smile of my own. Call me Dave, just about everyone I know does, save for my Mum, naturally, and possibly...

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JuniorChapter 25 The arrangement

Charlie met me at the airport, saying he and Debra had enjoyed their time together. He added that Victor and Gladys had been no trouble. "She made your bed and cleaned the whole apartment." The apartment was spotless. I could tell that Gladys had done a thorough job of cleaning under my bed when I saw four tennis balls on my desk. I put three of them in a can and kept the fourth handy for squeezing while studying. My first telephone call was to Kelley. There was no answer at the Harvey...

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Jenny Part 1 The Arrangements

Jenny Part 1 - The ArrangementsI am a member of a group of friends who meet occasionally. We are five men in total, and we discreetly correspond to arrange group sex meetings.We are all straight, but enjoy some of the shall we say wilder aspects of sex. We have no regular meeting schedule, preferring to arrange meetings when an idea strikes the group, or a willing female makes herself available.The group knew Mandy for some years now, and had used her at several meetings. Mandy was a woman in...

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Its Just For The Business

I must thank Caroline for her kind comments and edits. She knows which Caroline I mean. Once again, this is a work of fiction and errors and omissions are mine entirely. It's just business It was about 2 am on a warm Sunday morning. We had just returned after the party at the restaurant we owned. The event had been a great success and more than we could have hoped for some weeks ago. We had received many compliments and it seemed we had also found many new and regular patrons for...

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Before I let you in on what happened last Thursday, I’ll let you in on something else: I’m all business. Always have been. As a kid my favorite game was “Business”. In the game “Business” me and my other child friends would sit a few feet away from each other and pretend-work in silence. Every now and then one of us would shout “I’ve made an advancement! This company and everyone in it is gonna be rich!” Then we’d all cheer and then get right back to work. As time went on, the other kids grew...

Group Sex
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Business Account

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For The Business

For the Business By Karin Roberts It started of innocently enough, an invite to a Halloween party for small business owners. "Darling we really need to attend this," my wife said as she opened and sifted through the day's mail. "I hate Halloween, it's just an excuse to get people to spend money," I replied "Oh lighten up Scrooge, anyway were going I could make some useful contacts there." "So that was it then, we were going, I suppose," I sighed as I glanced through...

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For The Business

For the Business By Karin Roberts It started of innocently enough, an invite to a Halloween party for small business owners. "Darling we really need to attend this," my wife said as she opened and sifted through the day's mail. "I hate Halloween, it's just an excuse to get people to spend money," I replied "Oh lighten up Scrooge, anyway were going I could make some useful contacts there." "So that was it then, we were going, I suppose," I sighed as I glanced through...

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Hotwife Mother and Whore for the Family Business

The bad economy over the past five years or so has been devastating for many companies. That is especially true for small businesses that don’t have the resources to ride out the hard times. Larger companies can survive by laying off employees, or otherwise having adequate funding. Our family was especially hard hit since I lost my job as an administrative assistant in a large company, and my husband’s small business suffered the loss of customers and sales volume.My name is Cassie, and I was...

5 years ago
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my new wife and I have an arrangement

It was nice to have Ken and Beth over to our new home for supper since Ken has helped us get settled. It was also nice that Debra and I could have a sexual relationship with them and not have to steal away or cheat on one another. They were both much older than us but both were attractive and soft spoken. The only weird thing was that they were Debra’s aunt and uncle.Her uncle Ken took her virginity at 15 with help from her aunt Beth. Debra didn’t know that they told me that and claimed...

2 years ago
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A Domestic Discipline Arrangement

Maureen and Chris Mills were a long time married couple, she was aged sixty and he was fifty-seven, and they had an ongoing sex life.They would sometimes incorporate spanking in their lovemaking as they both enjoyed giving and receiving.They also had in a cupboard a cane but that was only used for disciplinary reasons and not as foreplay.The cane had been used as discipline on both the Mills' son and daughter until their late teens and since the children moved out it had been retained as an...

4 years ago
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The Arrangement

My father’s former business partner sat behind his large desk as if he was still a lieutenant colonel in the Air Force. His graying hair made him look very distinguished, and at 49 he was still quite an attractive man. In fact, he looked even handsomer than I remembered him when I was younger. I hadn’t seen him in nearly a year, but when my boyfriend left me and I became desperate to see a familiar man. I just had to go and see this man. ‘Well, Valerie, how are you doing?’ he asked me. ‘You...

3 years ago
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The Arrangement

My father's former business partner sat behind his large desk as if he was still a lieutenant colonel in the Air Force. His graying hair made him look very distinguished, and at 49 he was still quite an attractive man. In fact, he looked even handsomer than I remembered him when I was younger. I hadn't seen him in nearly a year, but when my boyfriend left me and I became desperate to see a familiar man. I just had to go and see this man. "Well, Valerie, how are you doing?" he asked me. "You...

3 years ago
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The Arrangement

My wife and I have been married for 10 years and are very much in love but we do have our own little fantasies as we have learned over the years. She is 5'8" tall, blonde hair blue eyes, in my mind, quite a sexy body, with great legs, a nice ass, and ample breasts. She really looks pretty hot.......when she wants to. As for, me I am 5'10" about 165-170 lbs, and as her I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I have a fairly nice build, having been a collegiate athlete and still in ok shape. That being...

4 years ago
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Results of the New Arrangement

?You know I love you, Daniel? Daphne said, as she leaned back, her hand on my inner thigh, watching me pullthe string with my mouth. Her boobs bounced slightly in the sweater as shelaughed gently. ?I am so proud of you, and all you've done. You've made MasterTanner and I just the happiest couple alive.? Oh, how she knew how to hurtme! But what could I say back? My mouth had string in it! As I stared up at Daphne, she looked down at me, smiling. "This is whatyou wanted, dearest...isn't it?...

3 years ago
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The Chastity Arrangement

Chapter 1 of 3 The BargainingAt first, I was confused, then I became a bit fascinated. My husband had sent me a link to a porn site with every genre you could possibly think of. I came across a man and woman and the man had this little cage around his cock. Something about it I found not only entertaining but erotic. I asked myself, “Why would a man want his cock locked up in a tiny cage for who knows how long?”“Why does the thought of it make me tingle inside?”“Would my husband want to try...

4 years ago
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The Arrangement

Pamela Jean Armstrong stepped out of the elevator and toward the double glass doors with a purposeful strike in her step. The twenty-four-year-old blond paused for a moment as she checked her reflection in the glass, then opened the right door, stepping into the offices of Dawson, Davis and Douglas. The clock on the wall read nine fifty, but the recently promoted Account Manager knew very well that no one was going to make any reference to her being late. Just as no one was ever going to tell...

4 years ago
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It was a Saturday morning and I had just walked out of a computer class when I heard a friendly voice. " Hey Bob, how about some coffee and donuts... My treat ". I turned around and saw an attractive woman, with bright blue eyes and a blond ponytail waving at me. Kim was almost 30 years old, but still half my age. We had been computer lab partners all summer session. She was working on her graduate degree in Microbiology, which required a lot computer work, and I was brushing up on my data...

4 years ago
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The Arrangement

Jenny Marie Jenkins was apprehensive about her drive home after work. It was Thursday, and her husband's birthday. She was going to have to do something special for him. She wasn't looking forward to it that much. It seemed like her whole life had been sort of a "fuck-or-walk from a yacht two miles from shore." She didn't have that much objection to the men she'd had sex with so much as it never seemed to be her choice. As a teenager, her parents had been enamored with their young youth...

2 years ago
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SouthboundChapter 17 A New Arrangement

"Is Phil going to be all right?" Fiona asked quietly as we lay in bed that night. "I think so. It'll take some time. He's hurting, but he's young and resilient and I believe he'll get over this in time." "And what about you?" "Good question. I've been wondering what would have happened if I'd still been married to Carla when this occurred. How would I have handled it? How would I have felt afterwards? It's pointless, really. I spent a lot of time at night wishing I was here...

3 years ago
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The Package DealChapter 9 Floral Arrangement

Lily is flat-chested. Rose has B-cups, but Lily gives only hints of her future potential. She is also still wearing clothing, something none of the rest of us is encumbered with, as we lie on the bed. She has a pair of shorts and a t-shirt top. Her hair comes down to her shoulders and is, as with all Filipinas, black and straight. Compared to me, at her age, she is a little slip of a thing. I had felt like a sausage. There is no sausage appearance to Lily. She is thin and probably weighs...

1 year ago
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Perfect arrangement

Sher & me had been living together for 6 years. We had a more than stellar love life. Not that we were growing apart, but more that we wanted to spice things up & "take a walk on the wild side". Sher is 35 & me 37. We're a yuppie couple & so are our friends. She is a busty 5' 2" chestnut brown & me a 5' 10" blond. I have a 6" cut & she is a 34 double D. Last Year's Eve we did a swap for the 1st time. She ripped my best friend dry, riding on top twice, until he was spent while me lickin' his...

First Time

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