Purely a Business Arrangement
- 4 years ago
- 41
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I ask you, if this were to happen in your life, what would you do?
One exceptionally warm August evening and I had time on my hands. The thought of taking a drive offered at the least a cooler breeze and the possibility of some adventure.
My adventure came all too once, when I stopped to check out a traveling carnival and letting the Devil tempt me, I went to see the sideshow.
Friends of a feather, I met an ole school chum, as he too traveled alone and had sought the carnival for some sort of erotic adventure. We talked and began walking together, seeing the sights and keeping an eye out for the sideshows.
I was first to spot an obese woman, she is the sideshow huckster, a hard nose, there to gather in the crowd of foolish and gullible people. She sets in a chair high above the narrow isle. Her oratory beckons as it would seduce those in the crowd, they like you that should have better judgment, and enough sense to remember your mother warning you of things like this.
Maybe she noticed my camera or that foolishly eager face, she might have overheard of how I fantasized aloud, however this woman ignores my request to purchase tickets for the sideshow. She is antagonistic toward me, as if looking for that one special someone to become her pet peeve. As she expected to find someone, on this day will make a major mistake, and become fodder for her humor, and or pleasure.
Outspoken as usual, I broadcast loudly wishing all there to know this fat ole’ woman has impugned our, my dignity. Insults and indignation abound, enough for even a good friend to shy away, and blending into the crowd.
A yelling and cursing fool is demanding to be a witness of the sideshow, as those standing nearest you suggest one be silent, calm down, or just leave before there is trouble.
I stood there in one perfect rage, addressing the fat woman with insults, when form nowhere comes two strong men, they grabbing my shoulders and with the old woman following, rushed a sorry excuse for a patron into a nearby tent.
Once inside the tent and out of sight of those who could be witnesses to their plan for my abduction, I turn and facing the fat woman and with a harsh tone of voice, demand might right to enter the sideshow.
She wears a frown that quickly turns to a seductive sort of smirking grin.
The two men tie my hands with a rope and truss me up off the ground, then held suspended only inches into the air, left quite helpless.
Realizing my dire situation and being at the woman’s mercy, an attitude swing has me sounding apologetic, humble, and now wishing to be a reasonable sort of man.
Yet wisdom kicked in too late, the obese old woman motions her men to begin removing all my clothing. Shortly after they had begun, I am hung naked and feeling humble before this enraged woman. Her two men return with a wooden bucket, and using white wash brushes, they paint and smear my naked body with some vile oil.
Without a word to me, the old woman smiles and then reaches her hand into a black purse, tossing in my face some glittery dust.
This act scares the hell out of me, and like so many fools before, I too panic and take a deep breath. Doing so, I breathed in some of the glitter, it having a nasty and sour odor, as her second dose, was thick enough to chew and some got swallowed.
Choking and coughing ensues, leaving me totally unable to verbally defend my honor. The obese woman gives forth a degrading few added sentences. Her words are a chant, some in English, but most in a Celtic dialect, ending with her pressing a black stone hard against my nose.
Hung by the wrists, as two hardy men show their strength taking a firm grip on my limp feet, and lifting them up for my viewing make note as to what has begun.
Eyes drift down to see what is limp and feeling dull and lifeless.
A sense of horror suddenly prevails as toes have darkened, actually turning black as if dead.
This is but the beginning of my personal degrading by that old woman.
Blackened toenails begin to ooze a black slime from under my nails. They begin to meld together, beginning as a bubbling mass. She grabs my right foot and starts to mold it as if it were a lump of clay placed into the hands of a potter.
Stammering out a few terrified words, I beg her to stop her doings and plead for my release, offering to leave and be not a bother to her.
She remarked in a calm voice, looking at the faces of the men that hold me at bay. Then as if to disgrace you beyond all reason, she speaks of how I did try to make her look like asinine in public, and delights to inform me of how I shall soon feel that way and more!
Even as I eye her smirking grin, the sight of sprouting hairs spreading around what were my wrists brings on a terrified shiver. It springs forth, and spreads like a wildfire made of brown hairs, moving from the wrists up my arms as a coarse pelt of very bestial hair.
Things begin to happen as from sudden cramping of both forearms; that which was once human, were drawn by the muscles into firm toned appendages of an animal. The sensation is one of making me more than scared, but there comes this strange thought how this is really something quite delightful.
I mumble of my sensual delights, actually asking for me to become stronger and hearty, wishing to work diligently as how the woman would have need.
Fear then mingles with this odd sense of pride, anxiety flares, but not from any apprehension for what I see happening. Instead, the rank instincts that belong in animals invades my mind has me shaking my heavy head, feeling of floppy ears and of its heft and mass.
This massive sensation brings on a new and strange feelings as my neck became then longer, gaining mass in muscle. Added to the new feelings is a tickling from sprouting hairs that run the ridge of a lengthening neck.
The woman laughs and so do the two men as they see a terse human becoming what so many of their kind would so deserve.
I whimper as seeing helps the believing, my own perverse fantasies become then as undeniable fact. I know that transformation is possible, and quite real, as seeing of one’s own fantasy has come true.
I dared not speak, as my voice had turned to a coarse and gruff sounding bray. Yet if I could have spoken aloud I might have thanked the fat ole’ woman for making my fantasy dream to come true!
Enough is enough as one of the strong men uses his firm grip wrenching my shoulder, forcing me to turn and look. He also has an evil shit grin, almost unable to hold back his own laughter, as then speaking to me with soft sounding words, using some dim sort of dialect I could not understand. The three people there begin to speak in words that held no meaning.
Anxious moments tend one would try to communicate, but try as I might the only scream is as the panicking brays of one scared jackass.
Twitching ears tells of further changes, I strain to speak but lips feel like rubber and the mouth and tongue have lost the coordination to form words. Adding to the insult of all this my vision has become definitely that of a nearsighted animal, as everything beyond twenty yards becomes a fuzzy blur.
My braying of wishing and pleads for some semblance of mercy makes the situation even more intolerable. Anxiety turns to a heightening of fear, as with pawing the air with forelegs I long for my freedom.
Mentally I was alert, awake and knowing what is happening, worse yet was how one feels the deforming of a manly body, as it becomes that of a quadruped animal of four legs.
The lengthening of my neck moved into the spine, doing similar, giving me a strong back equal to a beast made to haul or carry a burden. A drawing sensation above my stretched butt foretells of a sprouting tail. This in my alert mind is the worst sort of degrading, as a man becoming physically a beast.
Yet as the anxiety builds into a frantic instinct of fight or flight syndrome, I remember my longing desire to become a brute beast, a stud animal, and somehow learn to live as do the animals. These new and beastly feelings force my growing tail to swish, swat, and slick a protruded, bulbous, anus.
A gust of wind rattles the tent, entering under the apron flaps and then as it engulfs about me, the millions upon millions of furry hairs that spread to coat my body, suddenly tantalized by the breeze, charm the troubled soul.
The tail slows its wild motions, bringing me a new sense of calm. A revelation occurs, as fears and terror of my loss is quelled, as ideas of a coming to sensual life free of all the entangled morals of society is to be mine at last!
As thighs broaden, making my groin ever so deep, while feeling of testes gaining mass, resulting in a very bestial erection.
The great sense of lust builds, while it delights me knowing I have then a much longer shaft. I feel its heft, how the thing arches forward, throbbing with lust and intent. Jackasses have great sheaths for their massive penis, as mine feels quite ample to the task. I lift it high, aching memories of my great fantasy suggest how I should hold it up, mount, and then thrust, wow!
My entire body is suddenly feeling as if some eternal flame is burning within me. I carry a smirk upon equine shaped lips just thinking, contemplating why this mean ole woman had so blessed me with this my life’s one wild fantasy. I know she did not have the faintest of an inkling this would be to me something of immense pleasure; as she must think I should be terrified, but I am not!
I am giving to stretching what were my arms and have become to me as forelegs, hoofs, and part of the new way I shall walk. True I had experienced some pain, but nothing so horrible, especially when considering the outcome of this travesty will be my rebirth.
My shakes and shuddering shivers give humor and make the ole woman laugh with glee thinking I am terrified and in great pain. Oh but she is so very wrong, as I relish this wonderful transformation. My life has up until then had seen many of my accomplishments dashed to pieces by those who I trusted. This metamorphosis is to me a deliverance from what was becoming a worthless existence, now changed, revitalized, invigorated, granting me the wildest feelings of arousal, I cannot begin to describe my feelings of euphoria
The really weird sensation came when my human legs hunched into a tightly tucking, this as thighs had broadened, and leg muscles contorted with sharp pains. I winced facially, eyelids fluttering, lips quivering, but inside my alert mind was the realization of what this would lend unto, as soon I should have the hind legs properly belonging on one large breed of Jackass.
When the pain did subside, my newly reformed leg relaxed, dropping form its tight tucked position and touching the ground with hoof, hind foot, hock, and the stout strong hind leg I would need to propel me as I give to running, free and wild.
Human frailty of body, bone, and endurance has suddenly changed, now enhanced and increase ten fold. My waning strength of bone and muscle has a wondrous bounty of excitement for life and a longing then to live it with even more gusto than before this! I scream wild brays, the ole woman and her henchmen think this is but a human mind and will dying from the onslaught of a coming bestial and animalistic existence; but their so very wrong!
I yell for joy, wishing my good friend could see me then; knowing how he would be jealous of me. We were great friends, sharing much time and our deepest ideologies. If he were there instead or even with me, as if both were changing to become Jackasses together, our outlook would never be grim. Indeed we would scheme and plan our many conquests, delighting and totally delighted with our increased maleness. As in many a laughing conversation we chimed together stating our mission in life, this to be the ones to impregnate that with was thought as un-impregnable
Any of my uneasy thoughts drain away when with the first touch of a horse bridle to my hairy face I realize my erotic degradation was then upon me. As the woman placed a halter over your face and head, and then snugged it into a tight fit, I heard the solid snap of a rein clip attaching to my bridle. It sent a shiver down along my spine, shivering my entire body, as neck shook, by giving a shudder to my massive torso, and ending in my tail swatting as if urgently seeking to kill a tickling fly.
I turned my greater head, seeing one of the woman’s henchmen, his strong hand holding the rein, coaxing me to step forward, beckoning me to walk into a new and different world.
Although through all that had taken place my mind was so alert, as rational thoughts prevailed, and instincts remained in a back seat, viable and ready to take control if my wits should fail. In my thinking and rational ways of trying to cope and understand all the new sensations of being then as a full and completely transformed male Jack and Ass, I had a sudden realization. The man made noises, were as words to a human but with my transference to the animal kingdom his communication means nothing. I tilt my long ears to listen, but hearing, I hear tone and sounds but for any possible reasoning I fail to understand what he then spoke.
The realization of bestial ignorance is becoming my first degrade realization. My brain had to decrease in size to squeeze into the smaller cranium a Jackass has for holding of what he has to use for thinking. Obviously something had to go and my communication centers must have taken the hit.
I ponder this great loss, my mind thinking much as and with words, but taunted and they are twisted into some equine and bestial sort of language and understanding. My wants and passions must then be addressed in knickers and coarse ragged sounding brays of a bestial mind wishing to be heard above the din of noise human society calls as rational communication.
The sensation of standing naked as an animal is lulling you into thinking such is not wrong, but fun. Once out side the tent where my change of species occurred, I find myself enjoying being openly naked. The social morays do not include animals, and having then become as an animal tends to bring on the desire top taunt society with one’s own very bestial self.
My ears turn to gather the whines and whimpers of mothers turning their children from looking at the vile animal. I chuckle inwardly, remembering of my own youth and so many trips to the zoo, asking about what the animals did so openly and with such little concern.
Luck, fate or just random chance I see coming in the passing crowd a man, someone who in my human existence was one royal pain in the ass. He walks toward me his attention is turned to looking at anything other than some virile male jackass standing reined to a telephone pole, swishing his tail, and waiting for the chance to deliver his just due to an unsuspecting person.
I wait, bidding my time, one eye captivated upon the man. He stops, standing just near to my huge round rear, oblivious to my slowly rising tail. I bray softly, enough to turn his head and attention to me and my big rump.
Whether the three eggs I ate for breakfast or whatever was inside of me as I changed from human to animal, but I felt bloated and exasperated, filled with a horrid amount of rank gas.
Timing is everything when telling or bringing about a joke. As he turned to take a short check unto the animal standing only a few feet from him; I pressed hard on a then massive diaphragm, compressing my gut, and exploding into his face the gush of vile wind that might turn his hair gray.
Sputtering, coughing, and straining to gasp for a clear breath of oxygen or air; the dear man had bugged eyes, a mouth open, and hands clasped to his cheeks, as if any of this helped him not to breathe in my blessed Jackass fart.
The man comes and takes a firm grip to that tuft of hair growing on the back of my neck, at my withers, turning my body, he urges me to walk along. As I plod along the head bobs up and down with each stride, an odd feeling but then proper to how I walk and move.
My large nostrils capture the strong scents of animals drenched with dried sweat, caked in manure and the urine of many of their kind. The smell is at first disgusting, but once rattling about in a Jackass brain they rank scents give way to instincts and a new knowledge of what each scent means.
Soon I have joined the others some are as great dappled gray and black Percheron horses, as beside them stand donkeys, ponies, and now one excited and enthralled Jackass. Standing as calm as one newly reborn Jackass might, I sniff of the air as it too brings new sensing of those to which I would desire to know more.
The hot breeze fills of scents, as many I never noticed before, some bring on pangs of hunger, while others boast of excitement, driving my Jackass penis to unravel from the sheath, and stand at the ready!
Another man comes and greets me, as his tone of voice tells how he dislikes me and I feel uneasy in his very presence. The other man takes a firm hold of my head, and in a rough manner slips something up over the face and behind nervously twitching ears, it is fixed then into the mouth, as this hurts.
A click of a rope to the thing put over my face draws my thinking thoughts of the woman, and of my wish to see a good friend. Yet, this new man says nothing to me, but reaches down picking up a hind leg as he eyes my hoof.
The sensation I realize is of a rasping file, it scrapes, scuffs and shapes my hoof giving an uneasy and un-nerving sort of feeling.
Hoof after hoof is shaved smooth as without a word of apology he reaches a rough hand up inside my groin and takes a firm grip squeezing on my balls.
Then at last as he speaks his words have some meaning, I struggle to embrace them, remembering, as they begin to fade into a dark oblivion of senseless sounds. I cry to one’s self as from a mind now ravaged by forgetfulness, what was and is then becomes ignorant from the sensations that engulfs the mind. It all is tending me to act brashly and with a harsh personal interest for seeking comfort, food, and male pleasures.
The man takes the rope in hand and with a tug, I follow mindlessly along, as everything around me offers either pleasure or fear.
We came to the rear gate of a horse trailer. It is reeking of dung, as I look up wondering if this is my new home.
A swat of his hand upon my hairy rounded rump makes me jump ahead, stomping my hoofs up and into the trailer, when in the tailgate slams shut, locking me inside.
Turning my entire body around, I then stand peeking between the wooden slats of the trailer. His one odd word rattles about in the mind until at last, the cogs catch, and in a foggy brain it is grasped, gaining meaning, he called me a Jackass, oh blessed wonder, I then know my name to be Jackass!
At first I had the thought this is not a nice name and in response comes a round of braying my kinked beastly thoughts. Satisfied with my own disdained remarks, I turn from that distraction to sniff a musky scent.
Ears twitch and nostrils quiver, the scent enters my head, tickling both nose and fancy. Turning one’s big body rather than just twisting my head seems a new but strange reaction.
Standing off to the darkened rear of the trailer home is another, an animal too, just like me. A sniff of the gentle breeze wafting my way brings suggestions of their gender. Having met girls before you remember some with strong perfumes, but this one reeks of sour urine, manure, and a heady scent of female juices marking her gender.
As I raise my head higher, catching the heady scent, the upper lip curls inside out, a frantic try to capture a smell, bring on the decided thought of it is due time to breed.
Dropping my head in sudden embarrassment, a lapse of past memories forces one to consider his new and strange actions I had displayed. Just then, that well enjoyed sensation of getting a Jackass size erection suggests this donkey is there for my pleasure.
As breathing deepens, becoming faster, the excitement builds both anticipation and the erection to something as solid as a 2 x 4. I think how my body is responding to the female before me.
My balls churn with excitement, that jackass big cock stands stout and ready. Indeed, the thing is directing my every move, as instincts prevail and an equine courtship begins. A half of one full step forward, a jousting bounce up of the forelegs, and this one is as mounted, straddling her flanks and a quivering rump.
All sense of embarrassment and worry over morality and what anyone watching might think, fades into a deep need for personal satisfaction. The feeling of my raging cock bonking at her hairy round rump brings waves of sensual urges. Prodding blindly with that stiff shaft adds to the anxiety of the moment. The realization of beastly desire comes when with a sudden sensation of warmth and a slick moistness, my expanded dickhead enters her winking lips of an equine size vulva.
Then the sense of urgency, thrusting in, ramming with harsh moves, panic and a sweet desire from feeling my cock as it slides in and out, all with a love sucking rhythm.
Indescribable feelings of desire enthrall the mind, passion for the moment and some instinctive pattern of thought drives the breeding, as two horny animals feel their mutual orgasms.
Stretching her head toward me a female Donkey brays what deep in my mind says is an offering of her thanks. She steps forward allowing one to pull free her hot tunnel and fall, as is she to stand on all fours. Then she slowly turns around giving a round rump aside my twitching nose. She ducks her head low, snorting softly while she gives the nicest blowjob a jackass could love to know. As to add meaning to that lusty moment, with her tongue she begins licking away the vaginal juices, and of the semen that still coats my softening shaft.
Drinking in these wild sensations of bestial passion, I have to think of being willing to forget my humanity, embracing the life and ways of a virile Jackass and stud.
Her soft muzzle strokes down along my flanks, her hot breath suggests of her desire to do it again. As my hormones blend with her pheromones, a beastly desire comes to a boil.
This time as she then turns her rump to my face and with her tail held high but to one side, my jennet brays a nice welcome.
My brain is all a boil with strange thoughts and even crazier desires. As this time I reach my nostrils forward sniffing, as lips nibble at her winking vulva, and an eager tongue samples her seductive juices.
Instincts are in control as a rational and considering mindset takes the back seat. As if then a spectator in the bleachers I watch my body doing things that from my learning years as a human I would never have dared to do.
Here and then I was not human, but an animal and a Jackass, standing at stud, mating and breeding animal style. My moves are slower, more directed to the plan of mating but in as much doing it to enhance the sensation and gain the greatest amount of personal delight.
The bulbous head of my highly excited shaft pressed past her black lips of juiced hot sex. Feeling the delighted excitement as inch by glorious inch of Jackass cock enters the female; both are braying enough to draw those outside our world of pleasure to stop and peer through the trailer slats and watch the orgy inside.
As if yet a man with stiffened arms I grip her with forelegs upon her flanks. Meanwhile I probe with my erect shaft, pressing in and working it all the deeper, beginning an instinctive ritual as I would seek the depths of this jennet’s raging desire.
When I but touch her cervix with the end of my stiffened shaft, my entire body becomes as one steel rod. A pelvic thrust presses that very stiff cock so deep I can feel my sheath mingling with her still winking lips of equine sex.
One has to wonder of this female, her grip on your shaft tells of a wild sort of desire and passion, as if she is more than a dumb animal in heat and longing for relief.
A few thrusts had me so enthralled with the sensations they are enough to bring on a massive orgasm. My very equine self feels as does a stud, desire fades, while soon replaced with acts and actions only described as being brutal. An urgency to breed and be done builds in my mind, as does a fear of possible attack, death, the rush of semen spewing relieves all, and once spent I side out, sated at last.
Thoughts of this my first breeding as an animal is fresh in the mind. I compare it to past human experiences, considering and setting my mind at ease, deciding that of either, this is the way of life I do prefer.
An erect but limp hung shaft is helping the delight of my actions to remain clear in the mind’s eye. The thought of expounding aloud of my feelings, as if wishing to explain to someone else of these new feelings, bragging with a sense of pride about, this was my first raw sexual breeding as and with an animal.
As from deep in the mind comes this faint remembrance of a word, something that describes both one’s sense of pleasure and a status as marking my action of breeding with an animal, the word is Zoophile.
Suddenly I hear words, turning I look at dozens of faces along the side of my trailer home. A sense and feeling of embarrassment then turns to rage as I note men and they in the company of their females, stand gawking, pointing and peering at me, they are laughing, making lurid remarks, the sounds of their voices tells me all I need to know.
The Donkey female below twitches, rocking her rump and in as much longs for the return of her stud to his duties. Suddenly sparing the rod seems foolish, and wishing to satisfy the moment along with this horny jennet, the ritual begins, anew.
A young man stands peering into the trailer as his lady friend clings to his arm, both gawking and learning as he says, "See Marge, even that big Jack there knows the old saying, never go off half cocked!"
A stud is humping over a Donkey's rump, I turn and look at the two people, as if wishing I would have said to them if I could, "We are as you if only larger and somewhat different, you mate and we as animals do breed."
The quiver of the female below me brought my attention to the pleasures at cock end. Again, I am blessed with another massive erection as the jackass shaft becomes so perfectly rigid.
Wham, as a rush of semen spews out into the jenny, and after nine rounds of exhausting delight, I am spent and sated, the stout cock withers and retreats into its dark home.
”Clomp,” my hoofs hit the dung laying upon the floor of this our trailer home. The jolt seems to have knocked the sensual desires out of line and my only thought is for a cool drink.
A look about denotes the trailer is dry, no water, no food, just my overly eager mate stands with her bestial nymphomaniac desire, beckoning me to give her more and more sexual delight.
Then the sighting of my friend walking past brings on my urgent need to warn him of my situation. In as much we both would have eagerly accepted what I had then being a Jackass and stud cum animal body, as I wanted to tell of my new depravity.
He does stop and peering between the slats takes note of my anxious braying, looking at me as are still so many other people.
I eye him with a longing care, as all the while my love struck Jenny is taking to licking clean my royal shaft.
He remarks to me his own rank desire, the words stick in my twisted mind, rolling around they click and come to realization.
“Damn, to feel my passion as does that lucky Jackass!”
I wanted to bray to him and would cry out of your bestial depraved body and mind. Wishing I could again join him, or he me, both together as studs, walking, galloping, and discovering those delights known to Jackasses, and studs.
Ah, hours pass and the heat of the afternoon causes an increase in the lusty needs of my jennet friend. As if a new form of distraction, a young man enters the trailer door, he has dragging along his friend as both are talking of seeing me up close and private.
The two young people laugh and touch, feeling me all over, bringing back that insatiable desire for sex. My tortured balls have just a little leftover seed, while more than sufficient cum is building a future release.
My jennet friend watches in silence as these two people taunt a tired out jackass into another wild round of sexual and oral pleasuring.
The coming of night brings us freedom, water, and a meal of hay and cracked corn. I stand close to my chosen lover, she with me, we are a team, and in coming days, weeks, and months we earn our keep.
Brutal form brings on brutal treatment, whips crack, people swear, angered voices make my ear twitch and turn. Fear and pain abounds but come the evening she is there, her lusty desires for me and mine is what makes the life of living as a jackass worthwhile!
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It was late, around 9.30pm. The rest of the staff were long gone. She decided that she needed a drink, badly. She picked up her jacket and left the shop. She walked a few blocks and went in Harry's. She had been passed this bar many times, but had never been in. She sat at the bar, removed her jacket and ordered a Jack and coke. A large one. She looked great. She was still only 31 and looked as good as she did at 21. She had a smooth tanned complexion and sexy brown eyes. She was proud of...
Letting out a long sigh, Katherine glanced down at her phone as she waited for Mark to call her. He said he would, and yet he hadn’t. It made her slightly worried, and almost because she wanted to attempt something with him. Phone sex. Being away from your loved one was hard, especially for Katherine who was separated from her husband for the past three months because their jobs demanded it. It would be another two months before she could see him as they were on practically opposite sides of...
CheatingThe last thing Jack had said to her before he left was, “Red is a good a color for you.” Lin had puzzled over this remark, and the ironic smile that had accompanied it, for the entire subway ride home. Because she hadn’t been wearing anything red at the time. Or so she’d thought. It wasn’t until much later, when she was undressing for bed, that she realized what he’d meant: Her panties. Oh God. Lin Kanazawa didn’t think of herself as ‘Japanese-American’, ‘Asian-American’ or any other hyphenated...
SpankingThirty minutes of pure oral sex A fulfilled wild fantasy A kinky date night A one-hour G-spot massage A striptease show Tie up your partner and spank them A romantic bubble bath • A one hour-long sensual massage “Which one would you like to try?,” I asked. “Let me thinks about it while you give me an hour-long sensual massage and a G-spot massage,” I replied. “Start with the insides of my thighs, then my big ass.” “Lets be creative and combine four of them at the same time,”...
Thirty minutes of pure oral sex A fulfilled wild fantasy A kinky date night A one-hour G-spot massage A striptease show Tie up your partner and spank them A romantic bubble bath • A one hour-long sensual massage “Which one would you like to try?,” I asked. “Let me thinks about it while you give me an hour-long sensual massage and a G-spot massage,” I replied. “Start with the insides of my thighs, then my big ass.” “Lets be creative and combine four of them at the same time,”...
I can’t resist any longer as we stand on the pedestrian bridge, watching the headlights and taillights passing below. I’ve been turned on and thinking about it from the moment we left the apartment. The fantasy is just too tempting. He shivers when I lean in to tell him how horny I am. He groans when I squeeze his swelling cock through his jeans. I can see the panic in his eyes as I sink to my knees, but he doesn’t stop me. Though I’m hidden from the traffic by the sides of the bridge, I know...
PureBBW is serving up the unadulterated good stuff, at least if the name is to be believed. These babes are pure fat sexiness, with no silicone or artificial preservatives. Something tells me there’s a hell of a lot of high-fructose corn syrup going into those bodies behind the scenes, but on camera, it’s an even stickier fluid. (Spoiler alert: I’m talking about sperm, fruitcake!)For the better part of the decade, Pure-BBW.com has been serving up hearty and steady servings of premium BBW porn....
Premium BBW Porn SitesPureTS! If there’s one thing I hate, it’s impure pornography. I like to think dirty thoughts while looking at unadulterated smut, with beautiful perverts doing kinky shit on camera and no filler between the acts of depravity. Just looking at the landing page to Pure-TS, I get the feeling that’s what they have to offer.You’ve probably already guessed from the name, but Pure-TS.com is a premium adult site specializing in 100% pure videos of shemales, trannies, and ladyboys getting their fuck on....
Premium Shemale Porn SitesPure Love By Jennifer White Matt was a Junior at Central High school. He was smart, taking advanced classes. He was athletic, playing on the football and baseball teams. However, he was very shy, and didn't do well with the girls. He looked at them longingly, but didn't communicate with them well enough to get any dates. In particular, his eyes were on one girl, named Tori. She was also smart and athletic, but she was also strikingly beautiful. She was well developed for her...
It was late evening as the bus moved slowly down the busy street. It was now approaching 49th avenue and anyone could tell that the couple sitting in the back was getting very excited. They were squeezed against each other, as close as close could be. The man was wearing a red cotton plaid shirt and jeans. He was handsome with dark wavy hair, and appeared to be quite tall and well built. The woman who was leaning against him, and had his undivided attention, was very pretty, with long flowing...
Straight SexMy bags were packed and waiting by the front door of my former McMansion. I was more than ready to go.Thinking back over these past ten years, I concluded that I should never have married in the first place. However, my conservative religious culture of origin, a shitload of societally coercive brainwashing, and a fair amount of young adult lust pushed me straight into Sipir's arms.Now his conventionally attractive visage scowled at me. Sipir desperately tried to hide his contempt."Are you...
BisexualPyare readers (choot waliyon aur lund walon) Main Dinu Sabse pahale main sabhi choot waliyon aur lund walon ko danyawad deta hun kyun ki meri Kahaniya, logo ko kaphi pasand ayee aur muze E-Mail ke jariye male/female ka kafi response mila, logo ne muze aur Satya Katha likhane ka hosala diya. Isliye phir se aap logo ke pass ek sachi Kahani pes kar raha hun, Aasha hain pichhali kahanion ki tarah yeh kahani bhi aap logo ko pasand aayegi. Mai Ek sarkari daftar me kam karta hun aur Bombay me akela...
This is the pure fuckmeat of our story, as she arrived at a "work" place. The red? Well, you can imagine bright blue, pink, jet black, etc, for she had those colors in similar ultra-short styles.Not just for work, she walked all over campus in this type of dress.Outfits like the above? Fairly common on campuses of the late sixties and early seventies.When your wife does real prostitute duties, it is rare or impossible for the husband to watch those duties being done. All those other guys are...
Hardcorethe theater, where we were suppose to meet the others. "I talked to Sharon today," Mary said as we walked along. "She is fine. You don't need to worry about her. She is already figuring out what to do for the next game, assuming, of course, that you don't chicken out. Sharon really has some interesting ideas for the next game." "I don't know if I like the sound of that," I said. "You know the old Chinese curse: `May you live in interesting times'. Maybe I should...
Hallo again! Time has been extremely short lately, which seems to be an increasingly frustrating problem as I have been very keen to complete my story. With some degree of persistence I have finally achieved my goal, and the final chapter is now ready for you. I would love you to read the preceding three chapters first, and you can find these by clicking on my name beside the story title, but if you are impatient and wanting to read on now, here is a summary of the events that brought my...
PURE, PRIMAL PASSION A COUPLE REDISCOVER CHAPTER 2 Hallo again! I did promise some of you Id have this chapter posted a week ago, so to you loyal readers I sincerely apologize. I was hoping to complete this chapter before leaving on a business trip to Thailand, but my MD needed assistance with some last-minute preparations and I simply ran out of time. Our trip was busy but ultimately successful, and we had the opportunity to spend a couple of leisure days before flying home. We were staying...
Father: Name Rajanna. A very good person. But looked thin and weak. He worked in a lathe cutting factory. Was a d***kard because he will be very tired working in the factory. Even though he was drinking he took care of the house very well. Used to get less salary around Rs. 3 thousand. So it was difficult to maintain the house. Was aged around 30 – 32 Mother Name Shobha. She was also a very decent and soft spoken homely lady. Took care of the house very well. Even though husband brought less...
The man was naked, sweating, red-faced. His hands were cuffed behind his back as he knelt in front of a woman, his face between her spread thighs. She was wearing a black bustier, opaque black thigh-highs, a tiny sheer black thong, and spike heels. He was licking the front of her crotch, pushing his tongue against the nylon to pleasure the swollen clit within. As the camera came closer, there was a glint of gold, apparently from a piercing in the woman’s clit. The only sound was the man’s...
BDSMFirst of all, I wish to thank all the readers who took an extra step in coming forward and expressing your thoughts on mail. To get a look at my first sex story, “Pure Lust – We Lost our age and had an Affair Part 1” You can comment or if you want any sexual casual encounter or discrete phone relationship which some of my viewers currently having you can contact me on This is the continuation of the first part so do please have a look at it, after our first encounter I started developing a...
Incestcopyright © I sat on the edge of the bath, admiring my son's beautiful naked body. It was wonderful that we could enjoy each other like this — he liked looking at my body too — with no sexual overtones, and my heart welled up with love for him. As usual, Vincent had an erection — he was at the age when his hormonal activity was burgeoning, and I knew he couldn't help it. Not that I minded — his penis was as lovely as the rest of him, with a long, glistening, heavily blue-veined, startlingly...
Greetings everyone, Today we are starting a longer story that features several more stories within. Our three protagonists will tell lurid tales from their sex lives the way they may have happened. They have been varied and different, and it will return that way when they meet. Just be prepared for anything, though… Note: I apologize if it seems to be a bit slow in the beginning, I can promise it will pick up soon. -Lady Daisy ***** Pure Imagination Part 1: Fairyland ‘Don’t you know that...
Chapter 5: Imaginary Country Charlie and Lucy had spent the last few days together. They would have meals together, play tennis out on the courts, and take nature walks. Of course, at nighttime they would retire to one of their rooms for a session of good, long sex. This had become a routine for them and they had already decided to extend both of their stays. One morning, Lucy and Charlie both woke up to each other next to them, remembering the fantastic sex they had the night before. Both of...
Chapter 6: Over the Moon in Ecstasy The drugs finally must have put me to sleep, because when I woke up, it was morning in the desert. Dr. Gonzo, my attorney and traveling companion, had apparently been driving through the night. I guess I could have taken over at that point, but I didn’t really feel like it. Las Vegas was still a long way away. Our drug supply was running low, however, so we were going to stop at a female contact’s home to ‘refill’. She lived there with her sister. They were...
or fifth time, I decided to sleep on the floor. Those romantic pictures of couples sleeping in each other arms look good in the movies, but you can't really sleep that way. I thought about sleeping in Beth's bed, but wasn't sure what Mary would think about that so I dragged the blanket off Beth's bed and went to sleep on the floor next to Mary's bed. When I woke up Mary was standing next to me in a bathrobe. "Good morning sleepy head," Mary said with a...
Charlene, because I never gave it to her. I had thought about calling her to see if she wanted to go out to a movie or something, but I just didn't know how to ask a girl out. I always found some excuse for putting it off, and there were midterm exams to keep me occupied. "Hi Larry, this is Mary," she said. "How are you doing?" "OK, how about you?" I replied. "I am doing fine. I was calling to see if you were interested in another poker game?" As soon as I...
Chapter 1 The Rules I was a PK (preacher's kid). If you are not a PK, you may have never though about what that means. As a PK in a small town, everybody knows your father. If you do anything, somebody will tell your father about it. This makes for a very restricted social life. You don't get invited to very many parties, and girls are reluctant to go out with you. When I was 10 or 12 years old things were pretty normal. Most of the kids in the neighborhood treated me as...
“Blade,” I said, as I looked around me at the doctor’s small sterile consulting room. “My name is Blade.”Her sudden movement brought my gaze back to the doctor across the desk. I saw her name: ‘Dr. Rachelle Deckard.’Dr. Deckard opened the file in front of her, looked me up and down and slowly stood up and walked around the desk. Her long black hair fell onto her shoulders and the buttoned-up white doctor’s jacket accentuated her full tanned breasts. As she stood next to me, she leaned forward,...
LesbianMy name is Cynthia and I’m a single lady in my early thirties. I lead what many of my friends consider is a privileged lifestyle, as I’m employed as the Personal Assistant to the Managing Director of a major corporation. In this role I have been fortunate to have travelled the world, and have enjoyed a career and lifestyle that permits me to pursue my hedonistic interests. Erotica in various forms has always been one of my interests, and I have finally found the time (and courage)...
Your eyes are covered by his hands as he gently leads you up the stairs. You’re obviously going to your bedroom, but you have no idea how he has set it up for tonight. ‘I wanna see!’ you squeal in excitement, but he softly laughs and kisses the back of your neck. When you’re at the doorway, the faint scent of vanilla tickles your nose, and you find out why when he uncovers your eyes and says, ‘OK, babe.’ You look to see the dimmed room aglow with slim ivory-colored candles, their flickering...
Tobias had waited so long this day. Because today was the day that he would do something he never thought he would do with the girl that he loved. He knew that she loved him and he felt so lucky and he wanted to give her pure pleasure tonight. Because she was going to spend the night at his. He’d just finished his strawberry and mint tea when Katya emerged from the bathroom. She had long black hair tied in a ponytail, her skin was pale and her eyes were a lovely green. Her smile was so...
It was late evening as the bus moved slowly down the busy street. It was now approaching 49th avenue and anyone could tell that the couple sitting in the back was getting very excited. They were squeezed against each other, as close as close could be. The man was wearing a red cotton plaid shirt and jeans. He was handsome with dark wavy hair, and appeared to be quite tall and well built. The woman who was leaning against him, and had his undivided attention, was very pretty, with long flowing...
Introduction: A COUPLE REKINDLE THEIR LOVE-LIVES Hallo! Ive been an avid reader of the stories on this site for some time, but this is my first attempt at writing an erotic story. My name is Cynthia and Im a single lady in my early thirties. I lead what many of my friends consider is a privileged lifestyle, as Im employed as the Personal Assistant to the Managing Director of a major corporation. In this role I have been fortunate to have travelled the world, and have enjoyed a career and...
This is the meat that was provided on that late summer day...When your wife does real prostitute duties, it is rare or impossible for the husband to watch those duties being done. All those other guys are working on their own fantasies. Directly or indirectly, they are paying for the services. And entertaining the boyfriend, fiancee or spouse is not on their list.That is why I could only hear of most encounters, or get the rare extra photo that was given to my wife. I became used to dropping...
To dosto yeh meri dusri stry hai. Pehle story mei maine batya ki kaise maine apni maa ki chudai ki thi. Kaamwali ki wajah se kaise maine apne maa ki chudai ki thi. Ab mai flashbback me jane ke bajay apni story par ata hu. Us din maa ke saath chudne ke baad mai bar bar unse chudwata tha aur mujhe kafi maja ata tha. Hafte mei km se kam 1 bar hum sath mei sote. Aur fir jab papa week end par ate the to maaa unse chudwati thi. Mai unhe chup kr dekhta tha aur muth marta tha. Ek din sunday ko rat me...
First of all, I like to thank and appreciate all the users who have come here to read my loveful neither lustful experience which I experienced. I would be much happier if you come forward to talk to me in person you can connect with me at Without wasting any time, we can straightaway head to the sex story. I come from Chennai and in this story, all the characters and every incident happened in Chennai only. So Chennai ladies who want any casual or secret relationship just hugging kissing etc...
A Sexy doctor invites her unmarried college best friend to spend the weekend, and then tempts her ..Horny House Guest Dawn chatted away heartily while Robert weaved the car through the scanty Sunday afternoon traffic on their way back home after dropping Jessica off at the airport. Although he made the right noises at the appropriate moments, Robert's thoughts were far from the topic of his wife's babble. His mind is preoccupied with memories of his dirty passionate encounter with Jessica the...
Buffy's lungs were burning from exertion. She'd never run so hard and fast in her life. Even when it felt like her legs were going to buckle, the pain shooting up her shins, somehow they kept pounding the tarmac of their own volition. All she could see was Faith's hair like a dark cape whipping behind her as she ran. God knows how far they'd gone but the totalled squad car was far behind them and they were sprinting into an unfamiliar part of town. Faith seemed to know where she was going...
Hello ISS readers, my name is Rajat. I am an Indian boy, but I am living in Bahrain. My age is 24, and I am a pure bottom boy, and I always fantasize about being with older and mature men. I don’t like guys who are less than 30 years of age. Let me first tell you about me. I have a very slim and smooth feminine type of body. I have small boobs and a tiny round ass. Sadly, in Bahrain, there aren’t many decent men available on dating apps. The majority of guys are from the Indian, Bangladeshi, or...
Gay MalePureMature! Looking for some mature sex videos? I love ripe teenage bimbos as much as the next pervert, but MILFs really have a specific sexual magic that gets the blood racing to my cock. I’m not talking about the wrinkly old bitches with liver spots and saggy tits, but the hoes who have aged like a fine wine. Sometimes there’s some surgery involved, but these days they do it so well you only notice if it’s fucked up. Best of all, cougars like the ones you’ll find at PureMature have the kind...
Premium Mature Porn SitesChapter 5 A long silence ensued after he sat down. He looked at his nails, tapped his foot impatiently and ran his hands through his hair. Shane stared off into space the whole time. Finally Sam stood up. ‘You guys want to play a game?’ He asked suddenly. Chance and I looked at him as if he were crazy. He looked at Shane. Shane looked down quickly. ‘What game?’ I demanded angrily. Sam spun around and glared at me so hard I flinched. ‘A game ok? The rules are simple.’ He snapped. I looked...
‘How dare you talk to me like that?’ I finally managed to say. Sam stopped laughing. He spun around quickly and his eyes narrowed on me. ‘Piper. Stop acting brave. You’re just as scared as he is.’ He said. I glanced at Shane he stood up very slowly and came to stand beside Sam. Sam looked at him as if just realizing he was there. ‘Shane my man. Why don’t you join in?’ Sam asked. Shane looked at him uncertainly. Suddenly the phone in Sam’s pocket rang. ‘Hello?’ ‘Sam. It’s Nathan.’ ...
‘Are you sure you want to join our little group?’ Kia demanded. A smirk marring her perfect features as we looked around nervously at the woods. Angel and I exchanged glances and nodded together. Being 19, Lara was the eldest. Next came Kia at 18, me at 16, Angel at 15, and Star at 13. With an abrupt nod, Lara led the way. We climbed up a steep Cliffside. Ghostly winds shrieked and howled at us, while an icy fog played around our rapidly freezing ankles. Dressed in flowing white robes, with...
I must have nodded off for a while from emotional exhaustion or physical or both because when next I opened my eyes Sam was asleep as well. I looked at Chance. Knowing he was going to die if we didn’t help him soon didn’t sit well with me. But there was nothing I could do with the blizzard as bad as it was. I nudged Sam. He jerked in his sleep and opened his eyes. ‘Is there any other way out of here?’ I demanded. He glared at me. ‘How the fuck should I know? I’ve never been here. Did I not...
‘Take their blindfolds off. Leave the gags.’ A voice commanded. My blindfold was pulled down around my neck. I blinked against the harsh over head light and looked around. We sat on the floor of an old one room cabin. A hunting cabin by the looks of the animal heads mounted on the walls. I cringed when I saw on the opposite wall several hunting rifles and knives. One of the twins followed my gaze, his mouth twisting into a cruel mocking smile. ‘Nice huh? Our dad was an excellent rifleman. All...
Little more than two hours later a loud bang caught my attention. I stopped typing and stood up quickly heading toward the noise. It had gotten dark without me realizing it. I guess I’d been working too long again. ‘Chance?’ I called softly. He didn’t respond. I tried to flick on a light and nothing happened. A small butterfly of panic settled in the pit of my stomach. I swallowed a couple times with difficulty. ‘Chance?’ I called again. Still nothing. No other sounds met my ears. The small...
Chapter 8: Into the Wardrobe ‘Me? I’d have never thought you would ask.’ Lucy said. ‘Oh, I’m sure you have plenty of interesting stories and you’ll probably be a great storyteller.’ Jane said in encouragement. Lucy seemed as if she was going to refuse for a second, but evidently she decided to go on. ‘Well, I believe I know where to begin… yes, indeed I do… When I was younger, I was sent to an all-girls religious boarding school. Of course, there was little to no talk of sexuality, at that...
Chapter 9: A Perfect Nanny Finally, Jane said ‘Well, that’s all very fascinating. But that’s as naughty as the countryside gets, isn’t it?’ ‘Oh, that’s nowhere near the worst of it. The countryside can get very nasty.’ Lucy said in response. ‘I grew up in London, remember. The things I’ve seen…’ ‘Perhaps, seeing as you’re the only one who hasn’t entertained us with an erotic story yet, you could further your argument.’ Jane looked back at the parrot-headed umbrella. ‘Yes, I will… My...
Chapter 7: Golden Ticket ‘We should totally do that again.’ Jane said finally. ‘Allow me to agree with you. That was the best sexual intercourse that I’ve had in a long while.’ continued Lucy. ‘Shit, that’s some the best sex I’ve ever had. Maybe the best since the first time.’ added Charlie. ‘Oh, really? What did happen with number one, Charlie?’ asked Lucy. He laughed. ‘That’s a long story, I don’t want you to get bored…’ ‘Why don’t you tell us then? It’s not like we have anything else...
Chapter 3: The Candy Man Can Charlie Bucket woke up once again in his large bedroom. Turning his head, he saw a naked woman on the other side of the bed. Noticing he was naked as well, he concluded that they must have had sex the previous night, though he couldn’t remember it at all. The woman opened her eyes. ‘Good morning!’ ‘Oh, hello.’ Charlie said in reply. ‘Last night was one of the best nights of my life. We should definitely do it again.’ This girl was about to get disappointed....