Being Neighborly
- 2 years ago
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Fate was in my corner when my wife, Linda, and I relocated to a community on the east coast of Florida, in anticipation of and several years before my retirement. We found a neighborhood between US Route 1 and the intercoastal waterway, only about fifteen minutes or so south of New Smyrna Beach. There’s a long, u-shaped street between the highway and the river, with a community dock jutting out into the river. We’re fully retired now, and still enjoying the benefits of neighbors in our community.
My name is John, and my wife and I were in our late fifties at the time of the move from our long-time home in New Jersey. Our two children were out of college and on their own, and since I worked from home as a manufacturer’s representative, we thought it made sense to move to where we planned to retire in only a few more years. Linda found a teaching job in an elementary school not too far from our new home. That’s a big retirement area, and we guessed that over half of the homes in our subdivision are owned by retired families.
I had never been much of a fisherman, but I decided to try out fishing on the dock, in hopes of developing that as an interest for when I became fully retired. The dock is secluded, starting with a concrete pathway between two homes at the end of the u-shaped street, and continuing through a lush area of trees and bushes. The wooden part of the dock begins about fifty feet from the water, over the ground as it slopes down to the shoreline. Then there’s another thirty feet of the dock over the water before reaching the expanded area at the end of the dock, where there are several benches.
You can’t see what’s going on out there until you take a slight turn, coming out of the bushes where the dock angles out into the river, and I found out that a few of my neighbors were taking advantage of the secluded dock. There aren’t any other homes along the river in that area, so the dock is very private, except for people turning the corner on the dock.
We had been living in our new home for a couple of weeks and were just getting settled, when I finally had time to meet a few of the neighbors and to start thinking about checking out the fishing situation. Our next-door neighbors, Frank and Jessica, were fully retired and in their late sixties. They are a very pleasant couple, and Frank is a normal guy, about my size at six feet tall and weighing one hundred and eighty-five pounds, and Jessica is incredibly attractive, especially for her age.
Jessica is about five feet and eight inches tall and weighed around one hundred and thirty-five pounds. She’s pretty, and with red hair and blue eyes, she looks a lot like the actress, Renee Russo. She’s bigger breasted though, with what I guessed were 34DD tits, with less sag than you’d expect for her age.
I also met Luke and Mitchell, two of Frank’s good friends from down the street. Luke was in his late forties and still worked, and Mitchell was in his late-sixties and fully retired. I noticed them going fishing together quite a bit, and even saw Luke at their home quite often.
Finding Out What Happens on the Dock
One day I expressed to Frank my interest in taking up fishing, and he replied, “You should come on out and join us sometime, John. We get a lot of enjoyment out of it, and I’d be happy to teach you all about the tackle and bait, and the types of fish that we catch out there. Be sure to give me a little warning when you’re planning on coming out, and I’ll bring some extra fishing gear.
I didn’t have enough insight at that time, when he asked me to give him a little warning before coming out and didn’t know there was a reason to avoid going out there unannounced, other than the extra gear. I never knew when I’d get hung up on a business call, and it was hard to plan when I might be free to meet up with them. I just let him know I’d try for the weekend or early the next week.
My neighbors often went fishing in the evenings, and the next day I decided to join them on the dock. It was twilight when Linda and I finished dinner, and it was a pleasant evening for the short walk to the river. I had just turned the corner onto the main part of the dock when I stopped in my tracks.
Mitchell wasn’t there, and Luke was sitting on a bench with his back to me, while Frank was standing in front of him, with his pants and underwear down around his knees and back to the dock's railing. I was totally unprepared for seeing what looked like Luke holding Frank’s bare ass with his hands and pulling him back and forth, as Frank held Luke’s head with his hands. I had never seen anything like that before, but it appeared that Luke was sucking Frank’s cock.
I didn’t think they had seen or heard me approaching, since Frank had his eyes closed and was moaning loudly, and I stepped back around the corner in the shadows, where I could peer through some tree branches to watch them. They must have already been doing that for a few minutes, because only another minute or so later, I knew that Frank was ejaculating into Luke’s mouth.
Frank held Luke’s head firmly and stroked his mouth, as he moaned and said, “That’s it cock sucker; keep sucking and get all of my fucking cream to swallow. This makes it all worthwhile for letting you fuck my wife.”
I obviously knew that some men enjoyed sucking other men’s cocks and seeing it for the first time was surprisingly arousing to me. My cock was getting hard, and I continued watching them. It was raw, man-on-man sex, and I heard Luke eagerly sucking and slurping Frank’s cock, as he continued to hold and even fondle Frank’s ass. It appeared that Luke enjoyed sucking as much as Frank enjoyed being sucked, but at the time I didn’t understand what Frank meant about Luke fucking Jessica.
When they finally pulled apart there was still enough twilight left for me to see Frank’s impressive genitals. His soft, uncircumcised cock is thick and meaty, and what looked to be over six inches long, with a prominent, mushroom cock head. I read somewhere that men’s balls naturally hang lower as we age, and his balls looked to be plum-sized and were hanging halfway to his knees in his long scrotum. I had never been attracted to men’s genitals, but there was something about his thick and fleshy cock and low-hanging balls that were strangely appealing to me.
I wondered at first why Frank hadn’t pulled up his pants right away and found out why when Luke began sucking and fondling Frank’s impressive testicles. He sucked and licked those big balls until it was too dark for me to see much, and I backed away into the darkness to go home.
It was hard to sleep that night, thinking about what I saw on the dock, and I couldn’t get the vision of Frank’s big, meaty genitals out of my mind. I’m well-hung myself, with an uncircumcised, nine-inch cock on hard and egg-sized, low-hanging balls, and I could only imagine how big Frank’s cock would be hard. The whole thing might not have had such an impact on me if Linda and I were still active sexually.
Linda and I had a great sex life, usually fucking three times a week, up until she went through menopause in her mid-fifties. Since then, I’m lucky to get pussy once every two months, and she never has been willing to suck my cock. I always loved eating her out, both before and after we fucked, but she wasn’t even in the mood to allow me to do that.
Following that first night watching the men on the dock, and for the next couple of weeks, I made it a point to watch for Frank and his friends to go to the dock in the evenings, and I’d follow a short time later to watch them. Fortunately, Linda was so busy with grading papers and watching television, that she never questioned me about not actually fishing with the men. When Mitchell was there, Luke sucked both of their cocks and balls, and I noticed that Mitchell also has a thick, meaty soft cock and huge balls.
I watched them enough times and from enough different angles, trying to be careful not to be seen, to realize that their cocks never got hard. I was starting to suspect that both Frank and Mitchell have erectile dysfunction (ED), but they still enjoyed having their thick cocks and big balls sucked, and their cum swallowed. But I still didn’t understand that comment about Luke fucking Jessica, at least not until one night when just Frank and Luke were there.
Luke had just finished sucking off Frank, and was beginning to suck his balls, when Frank said, “Oh yeah, suck those balls, Luke. This is a very nice arrangement. I’m not able to keep Jessica satisfied because of this fucking ED, and you’re able to fill in for me with your big cock. Even better, you have a taste for cock meat and cum, and keep Mitch and me satisfied. I don’t know what we’ll do if you take that job offer in Tampa that you’ve been talking about.”
Bringing it Out into the Open with Frank
After hearing that Luke might be moving, I decided that it might be time for me to start fishing with the men. I was starting to see the potential for me to fuck Jessica, even though I didn’t think that I could ever become a cock sucker for Frank and Mitchell.
So that next day, I saw Frank out in his yard in the afternoon and said, “Hey, Frank, I think I’d like to take you up on your offer to get started fishing with you guys. Are you planning on going out there tonight?”
Frank thought for a moment and replied, “Sure, John. Mitch and Luke can’t make it tonight, but I’ll be going out at around 6:30 pm. I’ll bring everything you’ll need to get started.”
I was fairly sure that Luke had plans to fuck Jessica that evening, and I was happy to have an opportunity to be alone with Frank. I wasn’t sure what I’d say, but I wanted to get any insights I could into Luke potentially moving, and any opportunities I might have to fuck Jessica.
We walked down to the dock together, and after familiarizing me with the fishing gear and bait we’d be using, we sat on the bench together fishing. We were just talking about fishing at first, and then I wanted to try to sexualize our conversation by talking about Jessica. Since I knew that she was already fucking Luke, I wasn’t too worried about upsetting Frank, and it’s not unusual for guys to participate in some sexual banter about their wives.
But before I could say anything, it almost seemed like Frank was trying to do the same thing when he laughed before saying, “No offense, John, but your Linda is a very pretty lady. If I was ten years younger and in perfect health, you might have a hard time protecting her from me.”
Linda is pretty, looking a lot like the actress, Amy Adams, except with bigger breasts, and I furthered the conversation by saying, “Yeah, she is a looker, but I’m afraid she lost interest in sex a few years ago. But what about Jessica? She’s stunning, reminding me a lot of the actress, Renee Russo, and she looks much younger than her age. She must keep you plenty busy in bed, so you’d have no reason to think about my Linda.”
He seemed emboldened by my willingness to talk about my wife instead of getting upset, and he told me more about his personal situation, saying, “Yeah, well, I’m afraid that I’m not able to take care of much in bed these days, with this fucking ED. Those little blue pills don’t work so well for me, but in my day, I had the equipment to keep her more than satisfied, and I’d have been able to keep Linda satisfied too.”
I wanted to show concern and set the stage for further admissions on his part, by appearing to nervously ask a personal question and then apologize. I said, “Damn, Frank, I’m sorry to hear that. So, what, uh, uh, what do you two do to, you know, to take care of business? Oops, sorry, man, that’s getting too personal.”
He laughed at my faked slipup, and although I didn’t think he was aware that I knew about their relationship with Luke, it seemed that he wanted to further explore my interest in filling in for Luke, if he ended up moving.
Frank was obviously trying to be enticing when he answered, “Hey, no problem, man, we’re friends here. You’d be surprised what a couple might do if the need is great enough.”
I continued my ruse, saying, “Well, yeah, I guess the wife could always use those life-like dildos or something. But unless the wife likes to suck cock, how would that help the husband out?”
Frank smiled and replied like he was talking about a hypothetical couple, asking, “How strange and perverted do you think it would be if a couple in the situation we’re in, with her being hot to fuck and him having ED, if they enlisted the help of a well-hung friend, especially when the wife doesn’t like to suck cock?”
I acted shocked and answered, “Whoa, now that would be something. But even if the wife was, uh, uh, serviced that way, as I said before, that wouldn’t satisfy the husband?”
He rubbed his chin like he was thinking, and then replied, “I suppose that the wife would need to be hot enough that her lover would be willing to negotiate. Maybe the price for the friend getting to fuck the wife, is the friend would have to agree to suck the husband’s cock.”
I scoffed and asked, “Yeah, right, Frank, where would somebody find a guy like that?”
It was clear that he was through playing games, and I was shocked and embarrassed when he answered, “You can stop pretending that you don’t know, man. I saw you through my squinted eyes that first night when you watched Luke sucking my cock and balls, and I purposely said that Luke was fucking my wife, so you’d hear it. You’ve watched us plenty of times since that night, and if you weren’t interested in it or excited by it, you’d have stopped coming. And you damn sure wouldn’t have come out here with just the two of us tonight.”
I was still flustered when I said, “I, uh, well, uh I apologize for spying on you guys that way. It’s just that I had never seen anything like that, and it was strangely intriguing. It was hard to look away after watching Luke take care of you and Mitchell that way.”
Frank laughed and said, “No offense, neighbor, but most straight men would have been disgusted seeing that and wouldn’t have come back night after night to watch us like you did. What was the attraction; did you like seeing my meat and balls hanging there?”
I wasn’t sure how much to admit, but the whole conversation was turning me on, and I replied, “I’ll admit that your big cock and balls are attractive, and now that I know you have ED, I can’t help wondering how big you used to be hard. But the main attraction was because of what you said about Luke fucking Jessica. And no offense to you either, neighbor, but I wouldn’t mind getting your wife into bed.”
Frank smiled and leaned closer, saying, “I was hoping you’d overhear me talking about Luke fucking Jessica. He told me yesterday that he is moving, and we could use someone to take his place. There are only two requirements. Jessica likes her cocks big and hard, and you’d need to have at least eight, thick inches of meat. And I think you know the rest. You’d need to be willing to give Mitchell and me relief with your mouth, like you’ve seen Luke doing for us.”
As much as I wanted to fuck Jessica, I still didn’t want to seem too eager to suck their cocks, and I said, “Well, I’ve got part of that covered with my nine, thick inches of uncut cock, but I’ve never even thought about sucking a cock before. I’d hate to do something like that and have you guys think I’m gay. And by the way, why does Mitchell get a free ride on getting his cock sucked too?”
He put his hand on my shoulder and said, “Look, John, so long as you like pussy, and don’t participate in any huggy, kissy, or romantic shit with another man, then you’d just be bisexual. Mitchell and I are bisexual too by that measure, so no one’s going to think any less of you for taking care of us. I make sure that Mitchell is taken care of, because he was fucking Jessica for me before he got ED too, and that’s about the time Luke moved into the neighborhood. He wasn’t willing to suck me, though.”
I said, “Yeah, you say that would make me bisexual, but I heard you calling Luke a cock sucker that first night I saw him sucking you. That sure sounds like you were talking down to and dominating him.”
Frank responded, “That was mainly for effect since I knew you were watching. Although I can’t deny that taking a man’s cock in your mouth is certainly more submissive than being the feeder, and I enjoy watching and knowing that Luke is servicing me, and I have a little power over him. But shit, man, he’s also getting my wife’s prime pussy and her huge fucking tits. That should make up for being humiliated a little, and you’d have the pleasure of knowing that you’re not only fucking my wife, but I want you to be as intimate as you want with her.”
I said, “Being able to fuck Jessica sounds amazing, but I’m still not sure I could suck a cock.”
He thought for a few moments, and said, “Look, John, it’s up to you. Luke didn’t think he could do it either, at first. But after he got his first taste, he found out that he loves it. Sex is sex, buddy, and being able to fuck my wife is his big reward. My wife likes for me to be taken care of too, and Luke has even sucked my cock while he’s fucking Jessica. My rod won’t get hard anymore, but I’ve already shot bigger than average loads, and he’s even kissed her and shared my cum with her while she’s aroused when they’re fucking; something she won’t do otherwise.”
All that talk was getting me aroused, and I asked, “So, what if I wanted to at least try it? Where and when would we do it?”
Frank smiled and answered, “There’s no place and time like the present, as far as I’m concerned, and I’ll need to make sure your cock is as big as you said. Let’s just drop our shorts and underwear, sitting here on the bench. You can start by getting a feel of my cock. If I’m right about your sexual leanings and demeanor, I’m quite sure your meat will stiffen up. Then, if the mood strikes, you can lean down and take your first taste of man meat. I’m horny and could really use the relief.”
I was starting to panic, and asked, “So, if I suck you, do you plan on shooting off in my mouth? I mean, shit, I hadn’t been thinking about that.”
He replied, “Fuck yeah, John, that’s the whole point for me. I can’t get it up, but I sure like to ejaculate into a warm, sucking mouth. If you want to make love to my wife, that’s the least you can do for me. It’s your choice, but if your cock is as big as you say, then you’ll have fun burying it to the balls in my wife’s sweet, fat-lipped pussy.”
Getting My First Taste of Cock and Balls
Frank’s graphic talk and matter-of-fact approach were getting me turned on, and I was starting to rationalize that since I had been eating my own cum from Linda since before we were married and enjoyed the taste and texture of it, that it wouldn’t be such a big deal to suck him off. Although, I didn’t want to appear to be too eager.
I said, “Okay, Frank, I’d really like to fuck Jessica, and I guess that I should at least get a feel of your cock. But I can’t promise that I’ll be able to go through with it.”
We stood up and pushed down our shorts and underwear, before sitting down on the bench. Frank looked over at me, and said, “Damn, John, you weren’t kidding about your cock. It’s about the same size as mine is on soft, and maybe even a little thicker. Come on a get a feel of my cock, so I can watch yours grow.”
I hesitantly leaned over a little to grip his soft cock and my face was enveloped by the strong, musky aroma of his hairy crotch. His cock feels a lot like mine does on soft, but the idea that I was gripping another man’s meat seemed surreal to me. I stroked his cock a little and precum was already oozing out of his long foreskin, as I watched his big, low-hanging balls rise and fall on the bench. I wasn’t paying attention to my cock, but Frank was happy as he brought my meat to my attention.
He said, “Damn, I was right about you, John. Your cock got fully hard in only a few seconds after touching my cock, and I think you’re just the kind of guy I was hoping for. Go on, John, lean down a little farther and take it into your mouth. Just think about my wife’s cock-hungry pussy while you’re sucking my cock.”
Even though his cock wasn’t hard, it’s still longer and thicker than most of those I had seen in the showers in high school and college. And according to what I had read, it’s even bigger than most men on hard, just like mine. I leaned down and lifted his oozing cockhead to my mouth, and I not only liked the familiar taste of his precum, but I also liked the texture and feel of his thick meat in my mouth.
I started sucking his cock and couldn’t help wondering what it would be like to suck a hard cock. But I liked that it was soft and pliable in my mouth, and I was able to take it into his balls. I was slurping, sucking, and moving up and down on his flaccid shaft, and he held my head in place, as he humped my mouth, and his big balls swung up and hit me in the face.
Frank was moaning, as he said, “Oh shit, John, it’s hard to believe this is your first-time sucking cock. You’re sucking me almost as good as Luke has been doing, and I love how enthusiastic you’re doing it. Keep sucking boy, and you’ll get your feeding in just another minute or two.”
I was starting to realize that not only did I love the physical, sexual aspects of taking a man’s cock in my mouth for the first time, but also the bitter-sweet emotional feelings of being submissive to another man that way, as he held my head in place and used my mouth.
Then Frank started breathing harder and thrusting even more aggressively against my face, as he said, “Keep sucking, boy! I can feel my juices flowing and bubbling to get out, and I’m gong to feed you my four-day load.”
Franks cock began to throb, and I felt spurt after spurt of his cum shooting into my mouth. It was hard to believe that a man his age could shoot so much cum and so forcefully, and I swallowed to get it down. I kept sucking and draining his cock as he continued holding me in place, until I got every drop of his tasty semen and sperm.
He finally released his grip on my head, and said, “Oh fuck, Johnny boy, that was wonderful. You drained my meat like a pro. Now get on your knees between my legs and get a taste of my balls.”
I moved in to suck his big, hairy balls and scrotum, as he lifted his legs over my head, with his shorts and underwear down by his ankles. Then he slid down on the bench to give me full access to his crotch area. His soft cock was laying across my face as I looked up at him, with the first one and then the other testicle in my mouth, as he held me tightly in place with his legs and looked down at me as my conqueror.
After sucking his balls for about ten minutes, he pivoted his hips up to expose his perineum. Then he said, “Go ahead and get a taste behind my balls. You’ve taken to sucking cock and balls so well, and I want to see if you have a taste for more.”
I began sucking his bulging perineum, and the musky aroma was even stronger down there, with my chin in his ass. He held me in place that way for another five minutes and then said, “That’s enough for now, since I think I’ve worked up another load for you. You’ve really taken to being a cock sucker and I want you to come back up and suck out another load.”
Frank pushed his cock to my mouth as he still held me in place with his legs, and I realized that I liked that feeling of being restrained by him, almost as if I was forced to suck his cock. It took him about five minutes to ejaculate the first time, but I had to suck his cock for what seemed like fifteen minutes to get him off again.
When it was over, we pulled our pants up and sat back on the bench. He said, “I almost think I don’t need to ask, but how did you like sucking me, John? You sure seemed to enjoy it.”
I was embarrassed and my face felt flushed, as I replied, “This is all kind of embarrassing for me, Frank, but I have to admit that I did enjoy it. I could never have even imagined doing something like this, but it wasn’t distasteful like I thought it would be. But now that I’ve done it, when do I get my turn with Jessica?”
He laughed and answered, “Not so fast. I think you need to sleep on what happened, and make sure that you still feel the same way tomorrow. You might start feeling self-loathing and decide that you don’t want to suck cock again. It can be a big blow to your self-image to admit to yourself that you like to suck off other men, and I want to be sure that you’re willing to continue doing it. The next test will be for you to suck off Mitchell and me, together, out on the dock. We can do that tomorrow night if you’re up for it.”
I was curious about what he was implying by something he said, and asked, “What do you know about self-loathing and self-image? Have you ever tried sucking a cock?”
Frank looked a little irritated that I would even suggest that, and replied, “No, John, I’m not built that way, and most other men aren’t either; even with the promise of getting some pussy. That’s why I was so happy to find out that you could be convinced to suck me off and swallow my cum. Hey, no offense, buddy, but I think that we’ve just learned together that you have a submissive side to you that can be exploited, even with that big cock of yours. There’s nothing wrong with that, and it takes all kinds. As for the other thing, I think it would be only natural for you to feel guilty about being a cock sucker, but you should get over it quickly.”
The Morning After with Jessica
Linda had already left for school when I got up the next morning, and when I went into the bathroom and saw myself in the mirror, I better understood what Frank meant about self-loathing. I was embarrassed and ashamed of myself for being his cock sucker and wondered how I could have ever done such a thing. I was also wondering how I could ever face Frank again, after taking his cock, balls, and cum in my mouth.
Then I went into the kitchen to fix my breakfast, wearing just a t-shirt and some loose athletic shorts and saw Jessica out the window in her side yard. I knew that she’s physically active and works out at a nearby fitness center four days a week, and I was impressed with her fit body, especially for her age. She was wearing tight yoga shorts that clearly displayed her nice ass and bulging camel toe, as well as a cropped yoga top that showed her flat abs and melon-sized breasts. She looks amazingly sexy for being in her late sixties.
I started feeling a little better about myself and couldn’t help wondering if Frank had told her about trying to recruit me and had maybe sent her out there to help keep me focused on the prize. I decided to see if I could get any kind of vibe from her.
Jessica was only about ten feet away when I opened the kitchen window, and said, “Good morning, Jessica, you’re sure looking lovely this morning.”
She looked happy to see me and was obviously trying to see if it was okay to talk freely, as she asked, “Oh, hi, John, has Linda already left for work? I was hoping to run into you this morning.”
I responded, “Yes, she has to be at school early. I’m just fixing some breakfast. Would you and Frank like to join me on the lanai for some coffee and rolls?”
She responded, “Yes, I’d like that, John. Frank is out running some errands, though, but I’ll be right over.”
We just talked about the weather and the happenings in the neighborhood for the first few minutes, and then Jessica showed that she can be as assertive as Frank, when she said, “Frank told me that you two had a good time fishing yesterday evening, or at least he had a good time. He’s a little worried about how you might be handling everything, given that it was a new experience for you. How are you feeling this morning?”
It was embarrassing that Frank had told her about me sucking his cock, although she was bound to find out sometime if I was going to be able to fuck her. I know my face was turning red when I said, “This is embarrassing for me, Jessica, and I never thought I’d do anything so nasty. You must think I’m a namby-pamby weakling or something.”
Jessica laughed and said, “No, not at all, John. Frank told me all the nice things you said about me, and I think it’s sweet that you’re willing to, uh, uh, service him, just for a chance to get between my legs. And he said that you have the equipment to satisfy me too. So, where are you in your decision process? Have you forgiven yourself, and are you ready to take care of Frank and Mitchell tonight, so we can be together tomorrow? If not, is there anything I could do to convince you?”
I still could hardly believe how aggressive both she and Frank are and thought that I could at least get a taste of her that morning. So, I said, “It’s still a little humiliating to me that Frank told you about what I did with him last night, and it would help me if I knew that you’re serious about his offer. Will you really welcome me into your bed?”
She smiled and answered, “Yes, John, I’m yours for the taking, and I know that we’ll have fun together. Frank told me that Linda hasn’t been taking care of your needs lately, and I’ll happily take her place. Maybe I can give you a hint of what it’ll be like. Come here and give me a kiss, baby.”
I stood up as she stood up and we met in an embrace. We were immediately in a passionate, tongue-probing kiss, and I was surprised at how sexy she is, especially given the ten-year age difference. We continued as she pulled one of my hands to her breast, and the other to her ass, as she pushed her hand between us to rub my hardening cock.
We stood there kissing and rubbing each other for what seemed like five minutes, until she pulled away and said, “I really like what I’m feeling down there. Let’s take this to the couch.”
I led Jessica into the family room, and as soon as we sat on the couch, she pulled her tight, yoga top up and off, exposing her moderately-sagging, melon-sized breasts. I began sucking her brown, wide areola and nipple the size of my top thumb joint, as I fondled both breasts with one hand, and reached down to rub her thick camel toe with the other. She pushed her hand under the waistband of my shorts and began stroking my rock-hard cock.
Jessica leaned down to kiss my ear as I continued sucking her breast, and she whispered, “I want your big cock in my wet, married pussy so badly, John, and I know you can feel how wet I am for you. All you need to do is suck off Frank and Mitchell tonight, and submit yourself to them, and you can spend hours with me tomorrow. What do you say, sweety, do you want some of my wet, thick-lipped pussy?”
I was breathing hard when I answered, “Yes, Jessica, I’ll suck anything they want me to suck, if you’ll just give me a taste of your sweet pussy right now.”
She squealed with delight and said, “I’d love that, baby, since Frank never had a taste for pussy, and the other men I’ve fucked thought I was just a little bit too slutty for them. Come and get a taste of me, baby.”
I pulled back as she pushed her pants down and off, and then moved between her legs as she wrapped them around my back. She has an attractive, oversized vulva, that is long with thick lips and covered with neatly trimmed, blonde/gray hair. I covered it with my mouth and began sucking and probing with my tongue, as well as sucking her exceptionally large clit. I sucked it like a little cock, and she was squirming and moaning as she clasped her legs even more tightly around my back.
She shuddered with multiple orgasms over the twenty minutes that I was eating her out, and when I started moving up to try to fuck her, she said, “No, sorry, sweety, you need to save yourself for tonight and tomorrow. I want you motivated tonight when you’re with the boys, and then you can have me any way you want me tomorrow. This is hard for me too, and I can hardly wait to feel your big cock buried inside me and filling me with your cum.”
We talked and kissed for a few more minutes, and then Jessica left for home. It was smart of Frank to send her over to keep me interested, and I could hardly wait for the next day. And strangely, I was also looking forward to that evening with Frank and Mitchell.
A Busy Evening with Frank and Mitchell
I saw Frank out in his front yard that afternoon, and he was smiling as he came up and asked, “Are you feeling motivated now, John? Jessica told me that your encounter this morning went farther than she thought it would, and she’s more than ready to take you on tomorrow. I’m assuming that we’ll see you out on the dock about 6:30 pm or so, and I don’t think we’ll need to worry about bring any fishing gear.”
Frank and Mitchell were already on the bench when I arrived at about dusk, and they had brought a couple of cushions and a blanket. Frank said, “See, Mitchell, I told you he’d be here. After the taste Jessica gave him this morning, I think he’ll do just about anything to get into bed with her. He even told her that he’d do anything we wanted. Luke likes us standing in front of him, but John seems to like being on his knees, so let’s get our shorts and underwear off. Go ahead and do Mitchell first, John.”
Mitchell’s soft cock is thick, uncut, and the same length as Frank’s, and he also has huge, low-hanging balls. He rested his feet on the rail behind me as I put a cushion on the dock and moved between his legs on my knees. I began sucking his foreskin and big cock head, that was already leaking precum, as he scooted down farther, fully exposing his crotch to me.
He held my head and began fucking my face, as he taunted me, saying, “Yeah, boy, suck my thick cock. When I was able to get it up, I fucked Jessica with it all the time. But I have to say, your cunt mouth feels almost as good as her sweet pussy. She always loved my big loads of cum flooding her married cunt, and I’ll be feeding you my cream in just a couple of minutes.
I loved sucking his thick, soft cock, and in only a few minutes, he held my head as his cock throbbed and he shot squirt after squirt of his tangy cum into my mouth. I sucked to get all the remnants of his tasty cream, as he said, “You’re right, Frank, this cock sucker loves to eat baby batter. Now he can get a taste of my balls.”
He tilted his hips farther back and I began sucking his big, hairy balls, until he said, “Wait, John, I have another idea. You can sit with your back to the bench and lay your head back on a cushion, while I sit on your face and really feed you my balls. Come on, boy, if you want Jessica’s pussy, you’ll do it.”
I positioned myself as he told me, and he straddled my torso and sat on my face, just as if he was sitting on the bench. I first sucked his big, low hanging balls, and then he shifted his hips forward, while saying, “Frank said that you didn’t mind sucking behind his balls, and I want to see just how far you’re willing to go.”
His long, bulging perineum was in my mouth, and I sucked and licked it as he pressed down on me, which put my nose right in his ass. The aroma and taste were musky and gamey down there, but I found that I loved being pinned under him that way. After sucking him that way for a few minutes, he spread his ass cheeks with his hands and slid farther forward, enveloping my face in his hairy ass.
I sensed what he wanted and kept sucking and licking up and down his ass crack, as I gripped his thighs to hold him in place over me, and I began sucking and licking his asshole, and probing it with my tongue. He squirmed on top of me, and I could barely hear him say, “Holy shit, Frank, this cock sucker is sucking and rimming my shit hole. We’ve got a real keeper here. Eat it, boy, eat my fucking asshole!”
Mitchell stayed on me for what seemed like ten minutes, and I learned to breathe by twisting my head to the sides periodically. When he finally lifted off me, Frank said, “Stay right there, John, and you can eat out my ass before I feed you my first load of the night.”
Frank moved over me and settled down on my face, and I first sucked his balls before sucking his perineum and ass. He loved being on top of me that way, and when he was finished, I sucked him off in only a few minutes, even though I had sucked him off twice the previous night.
I went back and forth between those two men for the next two hours, alternately sucking their cocks and balls. Even though they only ejaculated twice each, I spent a lot of time casually sucking their soft cocks and balls, as they praised me for being the best cock sucker they ever had.
When they were finished with me and we were heading home, Frank said, “You’ve sure earned the right to fuck my wife, and when she hears that you have a taste for ass, she’ll want you to rim her sweet hole too. Come over anytime after Linda leaves for work, and you two can have a few fun hours together. I’ll be there at least the first time, to make sure everything goes okay.”
Fucking Jessica the First Time
I went over to my neighbor’s home at 8:30 am the next day, and they were waiting and ready for me. Jessica was wearing a light robe with nothing underneath, and Frank was wearing athletic shorts and a t-shirt. There wasn’t much to talk about as Frank said, “Let’s go to the bedroom and get this started, John. I’m looking forward to watching you pleasure my horny wife.”
Jessica took off her robe and laid on the bed as Frank and I stripped, and he sat in a chair, as I moved up on the bed next to her. I was still amazed by her fantastic body, with only a little sagginess as you would expect for her age, and I leaned over to kiss her as I rubbed her melon-sized breasts.
Frank was stroking his soft cock as I passionately tongue-kissed his wife for what seemed like ten minutes, while pressing my rock-hard cock against her thigh. Then I slid down and sucked her breasts, as I began fingering her wet, thick-lipped pussy. I buried my face in her breasts, and then kissed and sucked my way down her torso until I was between her legs sucking her pussy.
Jessica squealed with delight, saying, “Oh fuck, yes, John, suck my pussy. I wish Frank had a taste for my wet gash like you do.”
After sucking her pussy for about ten minutes, and giving her an orgasm with my mouth, I moved over her and pushed my big cock into her receptive, married pussy. She moaned as I buried my cock to the balls in her, and Frank moved down between our legs to watch as I impaled his wife’s pussy.
I alternated between kissing her and sucking her breasts as I fucked my neighbor with long, deep strokes, and she wrapped her legs around my ass to hold me in place and help pull me insider her on each stroke. I only lasted about four minutes inside her that first time, after all the excitement and foreplay the previous day, sucking Frank and Mitchell the previous night, and the foreplay that morning.
My cock began to throb and pulse, as I inseminated her adulterous pussy, and she screamed out, “Oh yes, fuck yes, John, I can feel your cum shooting into the depths of my pussy. I’m so happy you’re willing to be a cock sucker for my husband and Mitchell, so I get a chance to feel you inside me.”
I continued stroking her as my cock softened, and then I slid down between her legs, pulled them over my shoulders, and feasted on her pussy again, sucking my own cum from her. She pulled her legs tightly against my back, and said, “Oh shit, John, that feels wonderful. Luke and Mitchell weren’t into eating what they fucked, but you have a hunger for it.”
I finally pulled back and laid next to Jessica, and she said, “Frank tells me that you have a taste for ass too, John. Just relax there on your back while I experience that for myself. No one has ever sucked my ass before.”
Jessica straddled my head, facing my feet, and first pressed her sweet, wet pussy to my mouth again, before moving forward. I supported her ass with my hands and spread her ass cheeks as she settled on my face, and I began sucking and licking her ass cleavage, before zeroing in on her asshole. I sucked her sphincter and probed it with my tongue, as she squirmed on my face.
I sucked her ass for what seemed like ten minutes, and when she rolled off me, Frank straddled my chest, facing my head, and pressed his soft cock to my mouth. I began loudly slurping on and sucking his cock as Jessica watched. She giggled, saying, “You’re right honey, he does have a ravenous taste for cock.”
Frank stayed on me, fucking me mouth the best he could with his soft cock, until he ejaculated into my mouth. Then he moved forward, feeding me his balls, until he moved farther and pressed my face into his ass cleavage. I sucked and licked his ass for what seemed like ten minutes, until he rolled off next to me.
We sat on the bed together to relax for a few minutes, and when I leaned over to kiss Jessica, as I rubbed her tits, she laughed, saying, “Gee, I don’t know about kissing you now, John, not after you’ve had both of our assholes in your mouth.”
She kissed me anyway, and then I slid down and snuggled in her big breasts. I almost went to sleep with my head cushioned in her tits and hearing her heartbeat. After resting a half hour or so I moved down to suck her pussy, before fucking her again. She was happy with my ability and interest in fucking her again, and it took me over ten minutes to shoot my second load.
My New Normal Relationship with Jessica, Frank, and Mitchell
Following the first morning with Jessica, we got into the routine of me fucking her four times a week on average, most of the time during the day when Linda is at work, but sometimes in the evenings and on weekends when Linda is at school-related events. Frank joins in some of the time, but I enjoy being alone with Jessica the most, almost like we’re on a date or something.
I’m also sucking Frank’s and Mitchell’s cocks out on the dock three or four evenings a week. Linda is happy that I’ve found good friends and a hobby to keep me occupied, and sometimes we really catch fish to bring home. So, I’m enjoying my neighbors in ways that I could never have imagined, and I’m getting all the pussy, cocks, and cum I want.
Introduction: New neighbors move into the house next door, an invitation to a barqeque, gives them the shock of a lifetime. The Neighborly Thing To Do! Story: #43 Copyright 2009 Written: March 21 2009 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed By: KaosAngel Story Named By: Ay-Wun Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ******************************************** Noise and the rumbling of a truck coming to a stop can be heard from outside the house, Looks like someone finally...
Jake had always considered himself the neighborly sort, helpful, sharing and certainly caring. He had lived in this neighborhood for over thirty years and together with his wife Helen they had watched a variety of neighbors come and go, raised their two children and sent them off to college and enjoyed each others love, affection and company. Then two years ago Helen was diagnosed with breast cancer and even the radical surgery didn't help. Jake had taken her home and tried his best to help...
Ok guys so it's been quite a while since I've posted my last real life experience story. The wife and I have had a few get togethers with others since then but nothing like the story. Pretty basic experiences with mostly shy guys. This true experience happened to me not too long ago and Only 2 other people know about and I just feel like I need to tell someone. So here it goes...Where I live is considered a duplex apartment, side by side units. We share a back patio that has a view off into the...
Two years ago our extremely distressed 40 year old neighbor, Florence, banged on our door while screaming for help. When I pulled it open to see where all the noise was, I met Flo for the first time nearly a year after she had moved in. A quick scan showed me her hair was bloody and completely disheveled; she held a bloody towel against her bare chest and her yellow panties were blood smeared. She was otherwise naked and pressing a hand against her upper right thigh as blood overran it, poured...
Neighborly Lust (Part 2)Don Abdul ©2010I quickly rearranged myself and then took a few steps back from the window and then in my best innocent neighbor in distress voice called out, “Hello, anybody home?”After my third call out, the curtains were pulled wider apart and I was for the second time shocked. It was Gabrielle who came to the window, she was butt naked, the cum had been wiped from her face and gorgeous breasts, but they were still perky and beautifully naked. I licked my lips...
Neighborly Lust Don Abdul ©2010I remember the first time I went over to their house, it was my second day as their new neighbor. I had moved into the house next door to Santos and Gabrielle and the next day being Sunday, I went for an early morning run. After my run I returned to my new home only to realize that I had locked myself out of the house.My keys and my cell phone were inside the house and in my hurry to go running I had jammed the door shut locking myself out. “Shit!” I cursed, angry...
It wasn't long after we became empty nesters that my wife and I sold our huge house and purchased a smaller one in a suburban residential neighborhood. Evenings we would take walks with our two dogs and gradually we started to meet our new neighbors. One of our neighbors was a couple who lived 5 doors up from us. Joe and Sharon were also empty nesters and they were roughly our ages as well. It wasn't long before the four of us were spending time together going to shows, dinners or just hanging...
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Neighborly Lust (Part 2)Don Abdul ©2010I quickly rearranged myself and then took a few steps back from the window and then in my best innocent neighbor in distress voice called out, “Hello, anybody home?”After my third call out, the curtains were pulled wider apart and I was for the second time shocked. It was Gabrielle who came to the window, she was butt naked; the cum had been wiped from her face and gorgeous breasts, but they were still perky and beautifully naked. I licked my lips...
BDSMNeighborly Lust Don Abdul ©2010I remember the first time I went over to their house; it was my second day as their new neighbor. I had moved into the house next door to Santos and Gabrielle and the next day being Sunday, I went for an early morning run. After my run I returned to my new home only to realize that I had locked myself out of the house.My keys and my cell phone were inside the house and in my hurry to go running I had jammed the door shut locking myself out. “Shit!” I cursed, angry...
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Neighborly Lust (Part 4)Don Abdul ©2010Gabrielle weaved her vintage Mustang through the afternoon traffic with feline grace until we were headed towards the edge of the city. She suddenly had a wicked smile on her face and then before I could dwell on it, she dropped her hand to my knee. Without taking her eyes off the road she caressed my knee and then snaked her hand expertly up my skirt until she found my rapidly moistening shaven pussy.Her fingers rubbed my swollen lips up and down, and...
Neighborly Lust (Part 3)Don Abdul ©2010Continued from Part 2….Before I could answer his question though, he rolled off the bed and went over to the dresser to retrieve his cell phone.When he returned to the bed he untied my hands and feet and showed me the screen of his cell phone. My jaw literally hit the floor as I watched the recording of our recently concluded fuck fest. I looked up into his eyes and he smiled mischievously, and said, “You’re in big trouble bitch! Wait until Gabrielle sees...
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Carolyn had unpacked the last box when the doorbell rang. Pushing her hair back with a huff, she wondered who would be ringing the bell on her first day in her new house. Probably the neighborhood busy body, wanting to be the first to get the scoop, she thought sourly. She looked briefly in the newly-hung hall mirror on her way to the door, noting with dismay her rumpled t-shirt and less-than-pristine shorts. Well, people who popped over unannounced shouldn't expect perfection. Reminding...
MILFJust Being Neighborly Until now my stories have taken place mostly in the mid '60's to early '70's from my post-puberty to my early adulthood. This missive takes place just about in the here and now as I near retirement age! We have lived in a neighborhood for over 20 years, two houses away from the subjects of this story. The lady, “H”, is a 5'7' slender woman of about 55 yrs. A hard worker, nice looking, pleasant demeanor and a slight Northern Euro accent ...her figure is quite uneventful...
I'm 55, semi-retired and live in a modest home situated in a typical upstate NY suburban neighborhood. As in the past couple of summers, my immediate neighbor's smokin' hot little 19 year old daughter Tamara has come home from college for the summer. God damn, this chick can rock the fuckin' foundation of a volcano...she's gorgeous, statuesque, lithe, and friendly as all get out. As she matures, she's developing into a real stunner and has this hot Kendall Jenner but-a-little-older type of look...
Being Neighborly By Lord Stormbringer Doctor Lansing had it all: a woman who was his slave, a large house, lots of money, and two adoring dogs. He also had a profitable marriage counseling business. He no longer needed the business but kept it as a hobby. Where else could he live out his fantasies and bring them to life in the flesh of his patients? Mark and Matilda Slerm were happily married, or so they thought. They had the occasional tiff but overall had a sound marriage. The...
Neighborly Lust (Part 4)Don Abdul ©2010Gabrielle weaved her vintage Mustang through the afternoon traffic with feline grace until we were headed towards the edge of the city. She suddenly had a wicked smile on her face and then before I could dwell on it, she dropped her hand to my knee. Without taking her eyes off the road she caressed my knee and then snaked her hand expertly up my skirt until she found my rapidly moistening shaven pussy.Her fingers rubbed my swollen lips up and down, and...
BDSMNeighborly Lust (Part 3)Don Abdul ©2010Continued from Part 2....Before I could answer his question though, he rolled off the bed and went over to the dresser to retrieve his cell phone.When he returned to the bed he untied my hands and feet and showed me the screen of his cell phone. My jaw literally hit the floor as I watched the recording of our recently concluded fuck fest. I looked up into his eyes and he smiled mischievously, and said, “You’re in big trouble bitch! Wait until Gabrielle...
BDSMNeighborly Lust (Part 6)Don Abdul ©2010The thought of being fucked by a group of strangers really turned me on. It felt just so dirty, exciting, and adventurous. My cunt was practically buzzing with sexual need as my head filled with images of sucking all three cocks, licking and sucking the two women’s pussies. Hopefully have my mouth, ass and pussy filled with cum too as I am used over and over until I pass out from exhaustion.Santos was standing by the couch and beckoned me to come on over,...
Neighborly Lust (Part 5) Don Abdul ©2010On the drive back home, I tried desperately to purge my mind of fantasies of Paige’s hot tongue on my hungry pussy, while Gabrielle sucked and nibbled on my taut nipples. Alas I was unsuccessful as being so close and yet so distant from Gabrielle made me suffer repeated relapse into an erotic daydream about a fantasy threesome of downright debauched strap on sex.I was so lost in the moment that I didn’t even realize that the distant moans that kissed my...
Neighborly Lust (Part 7) Don Abdul ©2010Omar was resting on a couple of pillows propped against the wall, his legs were spread open and his cock loomed menacingly in between his thighs. He must be at least 9” by 3” in size and I was immediately stricken with fear. ‘What the hell have I let myself into?’ I wondered, but my naughty inner freak soon took over and steadying my nerve.I took him in a double handed grip and knelt down as though in worship of some worthy deity. Lowering my head and...
Neighborly May DecemberBy: Londebaaz Chohan It was hard to believe, how many girls; Dylan had fucked by now. Even more difficult to believe was the fact that he was so spellbound by the sexy girls and the most surprising was; though, he did not feel or want to be a girl but he very much enjoyed seeing himself as crossdresser and look like a girl. Being in a broken family and living with the single mom; it was very easy to wear her panties and bra stuffed with socks and hose and even the high...
Neighborly Lust (Part 7) Don Abdul ©2010Omar was resting on a couple of pillows propped against the wall, his legs were spread open and his cock loomed menacingly in between his thighs. He must be at least 9” by 3” in size and I was immediately stricken with fear. ‘What the hell have I let myself into?’ I wondered, but my naughty inner freak soon took over and steadying my nerve.I took him in a double handed grip and knelt down as though in worship of some worthy deity. Lowering my head and...
Group SexNeighborly Lust (Part 6)Don Abdul ©2010The thought of being fucked by a group of strangers really turned me on. It felt just so dirty, exciting, and adventurous. My cunt was practically buzzing with sexual need as my head filled with images of sucking all three cocks, licking and sucking the two women’s pussies. Hopefully have my mouth, ass and pussy filled with cum too as I am used over and over until I pass out from exhaustion.Santos was standing by the couch and beckoned me to come on over,...
Group SexNeighborly Lust (Part 5) Don Abdul ©2010On the drive back home, I tried desperately to purge my mind of fantasies of Paige’s hot tongue on my hungry pussy, while Gabrielle sucked and nibbled on my taut nipples. Alas I was unsuccessful as being so close and yet so distant from Gabrielle made me suffer repeated relapse into an erotic daydream about a fantasy threesome of downright debauched strap on sex.I was so lost in the moment that I didn’t even realize that the distant moans that kissed my...
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Three months ago as my wife Jo and I were eating breakfast we noticed a moving van parked on the street behind our house. The house that backed up to our property had been for sale for several months and the sold sign had finally appeared about three weeks ago. Jo and I had been looking forward to having neighbors behind us so we were both excited about the prospect of meeting our new neighbors. Unfortunately I had to leave for work before they made an appearance. When I got home from work...
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Almira straddled my thighs and sat on me. I wasn’t sure, but I felt she was naked under the white lace blouse. I was so surprised I tried to speak but failed. She pressed her finger to my lips.“I want you to fuck me,” she said in a whisper.The warmth of her buttocks on the skin of my thighs confirmed my ideas. She had a wicked, mysterious grin on her sweet, high cheek boned face. I was still trying to understand what was happening when she added, “I’ve talked it through with Karl, and he...
Wife LoversStory: #43 Copyright ©2009 Written: March 21 2009 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed By: KaosAngel Story Named By: Ay-Wun Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ******************************************** Noise and the rumbling of a truck coming to a stop can be heard from outside the house, "Looks like someone finally bought the Wilks house next door" Steve said looking out the window as the new neighbors unpacked the moving van, "I wonder what...
It was early in the morning when we heard the sound of doors opening and shutting. It was our new neighbors,moving in the house next door. Behind the van was a car that had a family of three.There was a tall man,well tanned and well groomed. Beside him stood a very sexy woman. She looked as if she was bi-racial. She had shoulder length hair and full healthy looking breast. They also had a small c***d,about the age of five."Look hun. The new neighbors are here." I said. Mike just moaned and...
I left work early one day, and just wanted to go home to rest. Once I got home I noticed that my cute Korean neighbor, (I call her Hiccup, because I can’t seem to pronounce her name) had just got home we exchanged hellos and went about our business. I was watching TV when I saw her husband get into his delivery truck and left, since this was Tuesday I knew that he would be gone for the next day. But I didn’t think anything else of it.Now as neighbors we don’t talk to each other much, and when...
The groan of the old elevator softened into a squeal as it arrived on the 8th floor. A weak ding sounded from the above as the doors opened, letting me exit. I glanced at the various markings on the bare concrete to confirm that I am on the correct level. The potted fern rustled with the evening breeze, its leaves welcoming me back home. “The correct level today. I guess maintenance actually does help.” I mumbled under my breath as I walked towards my apartment. A woman was sweeping...
Chapter 1 Do you remember the first time you masturbated? I do. I'm a guy and the day is etched in my mind. It was summer, school was out, my mom and dad had gone to work and I was slowly waking up but not ready to get up and get my breakfast. So, I rolled over on my stomach and moved my hips around getting comfortable as my penis lengthened and began to feel very good. I scooted around some more as it just felt better and better. I flopped over onto my back as my dick pushed my white...
"The correct level today. I guess maintenance actually does help." I mumbled under my breath as I walked towards my apartment. A woman was sweeping the corridors, a pile of dust and dead leaves collected by the wall. She was one of my two neighbors. The apartment was a tall but thin structure built between two nicer ones, an oddity with only three units on each floor. The units were single file with a shared lift at the end. I lived in the unit furthest away from the lift, next to the fire...
Look, I was young, just another horny teenage boy looking for sex. My friends all bragged about screwing girls in our high school. I was a fish out of water, a bird without wings. I was a virgin. Before my senior year, that had to change.The only girl who had approached me as more than an awkward nerd was Alexis my next-door neighbor. We grew up together, played together from kindergarten until now, late summer heading for our senior year. She was in the Harry Potter club. I was in the computer...
TeenSo there i was laying out on my padio as i was fantasizing about malin my best friend whos been giving me what my boyfriend cant. Our relationship was good at 1st but he doesn't eat me out, I'm 26 6'2 125 pounds and very athletic physique with 36 dd breasts long black hair grey eyes, he doesn't get me off its like my sexual needs dont matter ive faked orgasms so many times i forgot what its like with a man. I started seeing malin bout 2 months ago and things were good she rekindled my desire...
Purely a Business Arrangement Lady Caroline Westhaven gave a grimace of displeasure as her maid tightened the laces of her corset. "That's enough Minnie," she said sharply. "Sorry My Lady, I'm just trying to get your waist down a little so that you will look your best in your dress." "I don't give a tinkers cuss how I look in my dress," snapped Lady Caroline. She was immediately contrite. "I'm sorry Minnie, I shouldn't have snapped at you, but I do so hate these odious...
I turned forty this year. As a married mom of two teenagers, my expectations of real love, sexual gratification, and desire faded long ago. My husband George was a good provider, hard worker, and dedicated family man. Our love life was okay… just okay. I suppose I had almost everything to be thankful for! I read my share of romance novels, sometimes wishing I was the main character - Perhaps the woman full of lust, passion, and opportunity.During summers, the local families would get together...
LesbianFor quite some time now Seth had been watching his new neighbor in the house right next to his. She seemed normal enough, but far too gorgeous to be living on her own. He hardly even knew her, all he knew was she was very beautiful and had an usual name that he could never seem to recall. Seth dreamed of her often at nights, most of them being sexual in nature. They felt so real that he’d wake up having to relieve himself before he went to work. The girl was young, probably only about twenty...
Life continued between Abby and I as neighbors, but not as sexual lovers. Her deceased husband's former employers offered her a job in their HR Department and she took the job. I did not see her much as she worked a lot and we both had other things to do with our spare time. Then, one Saturday, she came over to see me. The company was slowing down and employees were being furloughed for three week periods. Abby volunteered for two furloughs. She was going to visit her daughters in California...
MILFIt's been awhile since I have posted on the blog, but yesterday an 1st came to me. It involved a neighbor woman - Linda. Linda is a middle-aged (40+ y/o) bbw who has always been overly-friendly neighbor - to me. Greetings have always been more than one neighbor to another. Anyway, recently, Linda brought me a cake (she bakes REALLY good cakes). Having finished the cake, I told her she could pick up the cake plate anytime. Thinking nothing more about it, I went about my business. Getting ready...
I had just moved into my new apartment. I was sitting in my living room when I got the smell of wood burning. I jumped up and asked my wife if she smelt it as well. She shrugged my off, so I put on some pajama pants and a tee and walked out into the hall where the smell was stronger. I walked down the hall to the neighbor and knocked on the door. To my surprise a sexy half white half Latino half naked MILF answered the door. Her curly brown hair flowed gently past her shoulders. Her brown eyes...
My neighbor of a few doors down enjoys sharing pics and vids of his wife with me. She is unbelievably hot and has the boobs and pussy of a college girl. A few months ago he even let me have sex with her while he watched. Since then, she and i have hooked up to play around.This morning, after my neighbor went to work, I walked over to her house for a bit of fun. She let me in and made some coffee. it didn't take long for me to walk up behind her and slide my hand down to her pussy. He once told...
This is the continuation of my previous "neighbors with benefits" post here...As we laid on the futon recovering from the intensity of our passion, I had my arm wrapped around Jenny and was teasing and caressing my fingertips over her flushed areola and still tingling hard nipple. Tracing my other hand over the smooth curve of her hip I replied, "Hmm, well, I'm thinking it would be fun to help my neighbor some more tonight...need any help in the shower?" Catching my eyes with a devious smile...
Crossing into my yard, I slipped into the back door. Brenda was sitting at the kitchen table, wrapped in a robe, contemplatively drinking a cup of coffee. Ben was not to be seen. Originally enough, I announced my arrival: “Honey! I’m home!” Brenda turned to me, smiled, and raised her face for a kiss, which I provided. “How did your night with Linda go?” she queried. “Not exactly as you predicted. Actually, it went even better than you predicted. How was your ‘date’ with Ben?” I...
It was something of a surprise when I found out that Paul Dirk had been making love to my daughters. Both Susie and Becky were on summer break from high school. They were just fifteen and sixteen years old. So they must have used their spare time to have fun with Paul. I must admit I was jealous. I had not been well serviced by my husband, Cal, for years now. Oh we often went on cruises and such, but he always ended up playing poker and then getting drunk and collapsing in our room. I hardly...
It was a Saturday afternoon when I saw Sue's car leave her house. My husband was playing golf and wouldn't be home all afternoon. I decided to go see if Mike was home. I wanted to reassure him that if I was pregnant with his baby I wouldn't hold him responsible. I had on a ribbed tank top and some running shorts. I had just gotten out of the shower and my hair was still damp. I had looked in the mirror and of course with my tight abs there was no bump or sign of anything different. ...
The golf club women’s championship was drawing to a close and Lori and Susan were in the last group of the day. They were both on cloud nine because their scores were the lowest of the three-day championship, which meant both would represent their club at the state championships. Lori sank her last putt and stood at the edge of the green, waiting for Susan to finish. The two women had become good friends after Susan moved to the city and into Lori’s neighborhood. They...
The warmth of the July sun baked into her skin as 31 year old Daniela Montreux lay on her teak lounger. She was relaxing next to her in-ground pool. Dani was exhausted after a long week at work. She had her cane with her due to the muscle fatigue. She hated looking at it so she lay on the ground next to her. She decided to soak up some rays wearing nothing. She was tired of being safe and subdued. Even sun bathing nude here was safe due to her new privacy fence. Sighing, she felt the warmth...
MY Neighbor Lady At 18 years old, I still had another few decades before I would even begin to figure out what life was all about. All I knew is that I was cursed by an insatiable sex drive that, because I was still a virgin, I had to take care of it with my hands, and I took care of it a lot. At least two or three times a day I would have to whip out my cock and jerk off. I came so much that it was always best to jerk off into the bathroom sink I wouldn’t leave any tissues or even...
I’m your neighbor and you knock on my door and ask me if I can help you put up some shelving in your apartment. I get my tools and within an hour the job is done. You ask me how much you owe me and I tell you not to be silly. We’re neighbors.A few hours later I hear a knock on my door. I open it and you are there in what looks like a long t-shirt with a scoop collar. You are barefoot and holding a bottle of wine. You tell me that you wanted to stop by and compensate me for hanging the...
Who's here? I thought to myself as the door bell rang. I answered the door seeing my sexy neighbor, Amanda, standing there holding a few pictures. "Can I come in David?" she asked, a sly smile forming on her pretty face."Sure. What's up?""I think you may wanna see what I have here." looking down at the photos in her hand.Amanda walked in and made her way over to the couch. I closed the front door and joined her where she sat. I began to feel nervous about the pictures she was about to show me....
ReluctanceMY Neighbor Lady At 18 years old, I still had another few decades before I would even begin to figure out what life was all about. All I knew is that I was cursed by an insatiable sex drive that, because I was still a virgin, I had to take care of it with my hands, and I took care of it a lot. At least two or three times a day I would have to whip out my cock and jerk off. I came so much that it was always best to jerk off into the bathroom sink I wouldn’t leave any tissues or...
MatureThe golf club women's championship was drawing to a close and Lori and Susan were in the last group of the day. They were both on cloud nine because their scores were the lowest of the three-day championship, which meant both would represent their club at the state championships. Lori sank her last putt and stood at the edge of the green, waiting for Susan to finish. The two women had become good friends after Susan moved to the city and into Lori's neighborhood. They golfed together a lot...