Cafe Lawyer Ch. 02 free porn video

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The momentary clink of her fork hitting her dish brought me back to my senses, refusing to accept the confused look on her face. The people at the next table were now watching, their gaze piercing the small distance between us.

‘Oh, my God, Jim,’ she whispered, ‘oh, my God, yes.’

‘I think we should go,’ she said, putting her napkin on the table and standing up. I waved for the check and after leaving five twenties, we left.

….. …..

The next evening, I returned home to find that Carol had left her ring on the bedroom dresser, emptied out the closet and was gone. I slept alone for the first time in weeks. The bed seemed so empty without her and as much as I didn’t want to, I cried that night.

A week later, she was still missing… not a word, not even a ‘Dear John’ letter. Not exactly what I was expecting, given everything that had gone between us. I mean, what the…, right? How had I misunderstood our relationship so completely? I guess I was foolish, thinking that love could really come my way. At least this time, I found out before making the serious mistake of getting married again. It’s like being able to look into a person’s soul and see their deepest secrets and darkest fears and I had been hit in the face with both of them.

….. …..

I tried to settle back into my original routine of eating at the café. I went so far as to return to my original breakfast of waffles and coffee. What did I care if I lived longer if I was condemned to be alone?

My aunt finally spoke to me. ‘What did you do? I thought you were both in love.’

‘I was,’ I said, quietly. ‘I was.’ I was.

After I went home, I laid on the sofa, my arm over my eyes, wondering just what had happened.

I didn’t go in the next day which caused an angry phone call from Suzie, wondering where the hell I was. I had totally forgotten about my eleven o’clock appointment. I apologized, said I’d be there in half-an-hour and to offer the woman a free lunch.

‘I’m sorry I’m late, Mrs. Grant. Car trouble, you know. I hope you enjoyed your lunch.’

‘Yes, thank you,’ she replied. ‘I trust you have all the forms ready?’

‘Yes, they’re all here,’ I said, passing the folder over to her. Another marriage had self-destructed and I had been delegated to document its death as it spiraled its way through hell.

There were still a couple of months remaining before Carol’s own divorce became official, so I hoped I’d be seeing, or at least hearing from her then but as time went by I began to doubt it.

That evening, I looked through the refrigerator for something to eat but found only a half-gallon of milk, some cottage cheese and a head of lettuce that was starting to wilt. I threw away the lettuce and poured myself some milk. It was sour.

How had my life come full circle to this? I knew I’d have to get myself together and chalk it up as another one of life’s miserable lessons.

….. …..

I looked at the calendar that I had been counting the days on. Carol’s divorce would become final tomorrow and what should have been a day of rejoicing was approaching with a whimper. I had not seen her in three months and began to wonder if she would ever come to talk to me or not. I didn’t know if I wanted to see her or not, my feelings were so unsettled.

‘Jimmy.’ The sound of her voice floated across the room, giving me a start. I had given up hope of ever seeing her again, knowing full well that she didn’t have to even acknowledge the six months that had passed to make her divorce final and there she was, standing between two men who anxiously looked around the room.

‘Carol…’ I tried to say, suddenly at a loss for words.

‘I just wanted to come by and say ‘thank you’ and ‘goodbye.”

‘Goodbye? What do you mean, ‘goodbye’?’

‘Jimmy, I have to leave.’

‘On God’s green earth, why?’ I couldn’t believe it. Here she was and now she was leaving me, again. What had I done to deserve such a cruel fate? I thought our time apart had been enough to break me of feeling sorry for myself but her arrival had brought it all back to me.

‘Why did you leave me?’ I had to know, even if it killed me. Why DID she leave me? It couldn’t have been just because I asked her to marry me, that would be insane.

Her face reddened. ‘May I sit down?’

‘Please do,’ I said and went to close the office door. I looked at her, wondering how bad it possibly could be. ‘Sure,’ I said, ‘if that’s what you want to do.’

‘I don’t want to do any of this but it’s not fair to let you go on thinking… what you’re thinking, when I’m never going to be able to marry you.’ She took a deep breath. She started to speak and then paused to take another breath and I wanted nothing more than to take her into my arms and hold her but I thought she might leave and I needed to hear what she wanted to say.

‘The next morning, you know, after you asked me to marry you, I saw something very bad. I can’t tell you what it was, just that it destroyed our lives together. The FBI…’ I sat there while she continued to speak. ‘put me into protective custody and held me in what they call a safe house and now I’ve got to go into Witness Protection and I’ll never be able to see you again. They wanted me to just disappear and be gone and then just write you a letter explaining what happened but I insisted on coming to see you… to say ‘good-bye’.’

I cursed under my breath. She started to cry. ‘I’m so sorry.’ Her voice became very soft and high, like a small child. I tried to imagine what terror she had undergone but couldn’t. I wanted to comfort her but found myself unable to do anything. No matter what I did, it would seem not enough.

‘I’m sorry. You have a life here and I can’t be part of it. I love you too much to take all that away from you. I’m sorry.’

‘You had your turn, now it’s mine. I love you.’

She looked at me with a wistful look in her eyes.

‘My point is nothing you’ve said has changed my feelings for you. Just because… I LOVE you.’

‘You’ll get over it, you have to.’

‘That’s crap and you know it.’

All this time, she had been crying, the tears flowing down her cheeks. ‘It’s over.’

‘What do you want to do now, Carol?’

‘I have to leave. What we had has been the most intense, wonderful and exciting thing that’s ever happened to me. You’re the dearest man I’ve ever known and I thought that with you I could try this one more time. And, I do love you but I’m afraid I’m never going to be with anyone… after you.’

‘I can come with you,’ I said.

‘No, you can’t. They won’t allow it and I can’t do that to you.’

‘I know,’ I said, quietly, sadly, knowing it was over. The immediate sadness and fear when she had originally disappeared had tempered my feelings that last time I saw her but I was still crying. Our life together was stillborn and tumbled into a realm of possible futures that never came to pass.

I didn’t know what else to say. I felt I would have been better off just wondering what had happened but then realized that would have ruined any future relationship I might have with someone else.

I had nothing to say left to say. What could have I said? I sat there, listening to her go on about things might have been different if we had more time or had been married.

She left while I was still sitting there, staring off into space. Her explanation made the situation only a little better for me. At least, according to her, it wasn’t me, just a case of ‘wrong place, wrong time.’

…… …..

Five months had somehow gone by and my aunt was once again getting angry with me. My lack of interest in anything had not spilled over into my work but, as she was wont to point out, had indeed spilled over my belt. Eating the wrong food and a
couple of beers each evening had taken their toll on me and I was embarrassed to admit that I had really let myself go.

‘Are you going to start taking better care of yourself or am I going to have to drag you around for your own good?’

I looked down at my shirt, its buttons straining against the fabric. Thank God, I thought, that it wasn’t too bad, it was the same shirt size I had always worn. I hadn’t fallen that far, just far enough for an important wake-up call.

‘I’ve signed you up at the gym down the street,’ she said, ‘and you start tomorrow.’

‘Oh, all right,’ I said, realizing that resistance was futile, not that she looked like a member of the Borg.

….. …..

The next morning, I was at the gym at 7 am and after getting a tour of the facilities, started pedaling away on one of the stationary bikes. It didn’t seem too bad until I realized I was winded and it had only been a little over fifteen minutes. Damn!

I stayed with the bike until a full thirty minutes had passed and then I shifted over to the treadmill. Eventually, I went into the sauna and sweated out my frustration with everything that had gone wrong in my life since Carol left me.

Five weeks later, with a change of diet and steady exercise, I lost seven pounds and two belt notches and I was not winded any longer. I’ll admit, though, I missed my peanut M&Ms.

By the end of the second month my speed on the treadmill had increased, to my great relief and I, for a few strange moments, considered entering a local 5K. I laughed, thinking what a joke that would be and kept laughing all the way up to the point where my signature was on the entry form at the gym’s front desk. After all, what was the worst that could happen?

….. …..

That Saturday, while standing with all the others, I began to question whatever intelligence I still had left when the gun went off and I began to move down the street with the rest of them, reminding me of a stampeding herd of cattle running through town like in a cowboy movie.

I didn’t break any records but then I didn’t embarrass myself too much, either, coming in ahead of the soccer moms pushing their jogging strollers.

By the time I crossed the ‘finish line’, my feet were almost ready to quit and I sat down on the street curb, getting run over by a charging soccer mom pushing an expensive stroller. I looked up into the eyes of a very attractive woman with long flowing blonde hair that reached past her shoulders.

‘I’m sorry,’ she said, right after she crossed my foot with the back wheel. ‘I didn’t see you.’

‘That’s all right,’ I said, ‘I’m used to that from women, I guess.’

‘Please, let me buy you a water or something.’

‘That’s all right, I’ve got to get home.’


‘No, turtle.’

She bent over laughing and sat down on the curb next to me. ‘I’m sorry but that’s so funny. Your first?’

‘Turtle? Actually, yes.’

‘I meant, first race.’

‘That, too. My name’s Jim.’

‘Hi, Jim, I’m Cecily but my friends call me Cee-Cee.’

‘Hi, Cee-Cee, glad to meet you.’ I glanced at her left hand. I don’t know why I did it but I said, ‘Would you like to have lunch with me?’

‘Well…’ She shifted from one foot to the other.

‘That’s OK, I shouldn’t have presumed, it’s just that I didn’t see a ring and all.’

‘I was going to say dinner would be better. I’m all sweaty and I don’t have a sitter lined up.’

‘Great.’ I walked her over to her car and gave her my phone number. ‘I can meet you at the restaurant, if that makes you feel more comfortable.’

‘Oh, no, you can pick me up. I’ll call with directions, say about four?’

‘Great… uh, thanks.’

I almost got hit by a car, I had turned around and stepped into the traffic lane so fast.

….. …..

I stayed as far away from the Charthouse as I could. It had lost its luster for me and I took Cee-Cee to the Warehouse in Marina del Rey. Its dark interior gave just the right amount of ambiance for a romantic evening and I was determined to take advantage of it.

As we walked in past the faux packing crates, I felt like a high school boy on his first date, which was almost what it was, anyway. Nervously, I tried to keep up a friendly banter until finally she put down her menu and asked, ‘You’re really nervous, aren’t you?’

‘It shows, doesn’t it?’

‘Yes. Take it easy, I won’t bite,’ she said, smiling.

After that, the evening went well. I told her about my law practice and the reason that I held my office hours in the café’s dining room. I think she must have wondered why we were at the Warehouse instead of the café. She told me about being a widow, her husband having been killed in a car accident after returning from Afghanistan two years earlier. It had taken this long for her to decide to date again and I happened to be in the right place at the right time.

As I walked her back to her apartment, she gave me a kiss on the cheek and asked me to call her again. I promised to do so, very much.

I waited until lunch time the next day before I called.

‘Hello, stranger,’ she said.

‘Cee-Cee, I had a wonderful time last night.’

‘Me, too. Thank you.’

‘Would you like to take in a movie or something?’

There was a silence on the phone and I wondered if she was looking for a polite way to brush me off when she said, ‘How about dinner at my apartment and we could watch a DVD.’

‘That would be wonderful.’ I went back to work, trying to make sense of another divorce mess that had dropped into my lap when the original lawyer had died from a heart attack. I looked down at my belt and smiled, knowing that if I did die, it wouldn’t be from being overweight.

Later, I went into the garage and use my drill to cut a new hole into my belt.

For the first time in a while, I slept well without the recurring dreams that had made me restless throughout the night.

….. …..

That afternoon, I stopped at See’s to get a two-pound box of soft center chocolates and the florist next door to get a bouquet of yellow roses.

No matter how much she had tried to make me feel calm, I still had a little nervousness surrounding me as I rang her bell. That made me laugh, realizing how much I really would like to ‘ring her bell.’

‘Just a minute,’ I heard from inside the apartment and then the sound of footsteps just before the door opened. ‘Come in, Jim. Oh, thank you,’ she said as I gave her the candy and flowers. ‘Would you like something to drink?’

‘Whatever you’d like is fine with me,’ I replied, not really knowing what her feelings about alcohol were or what she had in her cupboard.

‘Would iced tea be all right?’

‘That would be fine, thank you.’ I took the glass, squeezed the lemon and put in three teaspoons of sugar.

‘You like it sweet,’ she remarked, watching me stir the sugar in the glass.

I thought for a moment a reply like ‘just like you’ but that sounded so inane that I was glad I was quiet.

We had roast beef, mashed potatoes, peas and a Marie Callender’s pie that she had picked up from the grocery store. It had been a shame when the restaurants nearby had all closed. I loved their blueberry sour cream pie and we had worked on trying to copy the recipe for our own café.

‘I picked up a few movies to choose from…’ she said, pointing to a small stack of DVDs on the coffee table. ‘Why don’t you look them over while on check on Mary?’

I walked over and went through them as she went to see how her child was sleeping. ‘The Proposal’ with Sandra Bullock, about an arranged marriage so she could stay in the US, ‘Bright Star’, the romantic telling of John Keat’s love affair with Fanny Brawne, the inspiration for his writings but we settled on ‘Love Happens’, a romance about loss and new love.

By the time the film was over, I realized wh
at Cee-Cee had been trying to tell me about life, love and the two of us. We kissed deeply when I left her that night and I felt better than I had in such a long time, I was surprised how life was changing for me.

….. …..

While I continued at the gym, I also found time to run with Cee-Cee every afternoon at the local park before dinner. After the first few times, I began to push the jogging stroller myself and bring little toys and other things for Mary. I felt bad for her husband, who through no fault of his own, had been destined to have another man love his wife and raise his daughter.

A month later, we were spending our Saturdays running along palm trees of the Strand in Venice Beach as early spring moved into Southern California. We stopped for hot dogs from a sidewalk vendor. Cee-Cee waited until I was looking and then made love to the hot dog in her mouth. I could feel myself blushing, the hot blood rushing to my face.

‘I’ve finally got your attention, I see,’ she said, pushing the stroller with one hand while eating the dog with the other. ‘Tonight,’ she laughed.

I nodded my head in relief and gratitude? did that make sense? I wondered.

We spent the rest of the day walking around and stopped for a moment underneath the giant mural of Jim Morrison painted on the side of a building. The madness of the beach area was in direct contrast from the few remaining canals that gave the town its name. We were passed by a woman with wild orange hair leading a dog on too long a leash and the inevitable happened when they tangled up around a streetlight. Just to the side, the surf rolled in, carrying two surfers unafraid of the early chill of the California Current down from Alaska. Life was good.

For a while, our route took us past bus stops where wide-eyed girls stepped onto the warm pavement, glad to be away from the cold of the Midwest and East, unaware that even this Eden had its own snakes waiting for them.

We finally arrived back at the original canals and slowed to a walk past the shallow waterways. Cee-Cee fished her keys out of her pocket and we entered her apartment and while she put Mary down for a nap, I took a towel and wiped down my face and neck. I went to the refrigerator and got a bottle of water and drank half of it before I stopped.

Cee-Cee came back into the kitchen, her long blonde hair frizzed out from our run and hanging halfway down her back. Her running shirt was plastered against her skin and her breasts’ nipples strained against the fabric as she breathed deeply, catching her breath as best she could. Cee-Cee took out her blender and threw a cutup banana and some yogurt, nutmeg and cinnamon into it along with some milk and made herself a smoothie. I stood there, drinking my water, watching as her breasts moved beneath her shirt, her nipples causing me to once again have an erection. I couldn’t help it, I found her to be the most entrancing woman to come into my life since my disaster with Carol. Praying that nothing would destroy our relationship, I stood behind her, kissing her neck as she tried to drink. She giggled.

‘Tonight, Jim… can’t you wait?’

‘No, not anymore. I’ve fallen in love with you.’ I tensed, wondering if I would end up with the same horrible response that ruined my life before.

‘I love you, too,’ she said, ‘and I want you, now and forever.’

Thank God, I thought.

….. …..

‘I want you so much,’ she said, breathing hotly against my ear. She shut her eyes and inhaled deeply. I brushed my mouth along her jaw and then trailed hot, wet kisses down the side of her throat.

Cee-Cee dug her fingers into my shoulders as I dragged my tongue to the underside of her chin. Her body shook in response as I began to suck her skin, knowing I would leave marks.

She met me with an openmouthed kiss that tasted of a light sweetness that was all her own. I matched her, thrust for thrust, drawing her ever deeper into our kiss as my hands slipped beneath her dress, caressing, rubbing, teasing her in ways that left her trembling with an urgent need to make love with me.

I unbuttoned her dress and slipped it down past her shoulders and stared. For the first time, I completely saw her breasts, the tips of her breasts taut and proud and her cheeks burned as she appreciated what we were about to do.

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Cafe Lawyer Ch 03

Shuttlepilot with calibeachgirl copyright 2012 all rights reserved * Looking for restaurant ideas, Cecily and I went to Disneyland, walked up Main Street and headed to New Orleans Square. After a short wait, we were sitting in the Blue Bayou Restaurant and I was amazed at the prices and seriously considered changing those of our café… at least, in the dining room for dinner. She had the Bayou Surf & Turf… ‘a sweet petite lobster tail from the Pacific Northwest, paired with an expertly...

1 year ago
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Cafe Latte

‘Two more lattes please,’ So Jennifer, how are things now, since your split with Jack?’ ‘Oh, so, so. I’m doing ok. But well, you know.’ Sue eyed her friend. They had known each other since school. They had kept in touch with each other and met regularly for coffee, but this was their first meeting since Jennifer and Jack had split up. Sue had been unsure how to broach the issue. The topic had been skirted around as they drank their first coffees chatting about all sorts of things, but now...

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Cafe Thrills

A bit of background, I am a 21 year old lady who works evenings in a café to help pay university fees. A couple of nights ago I was nearing the end of my shift and looking forward to locking up and heading home, unfortunately just then a group of 3 young men came in wanting coffees.Oh well I thought should only take a few minutes, so I agreed and put the kettle on and when to lay their table. As I reached over to place milk in the centre of the table, I felt a hand brush to back of my leg....

2 years ago
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Cafe blowjob

I answered his ad on Craigslist. It was titled "black male looking for blowjob". There were pictures of him from the neck down showing his perfect, dark skinned, heavily muscled and tattooed body and his glorious, seemingly 10 inch, very thick cut black cock. I knew I had to have it.I emailed him saying I was a white faggot bottom and I'd do anything for the chance to please him. He responded and we went back and forth a few times. He said he couldn't have anyone over. I didn't want him to come...

3 years ago
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Cafe Coffee And Night

“You might want to change the aperture settings” I said when she wasn’t able to realize why she was getting everything dark while taking a selfie with a DSLR in a coffee shop. She looked at me with a confused look. “That’s how much opening the lens has. it is like a human eye’s iris.”. She was still confused, so I just offered to click it myself. I set it to the right exposure and clicked a couple of pictures that she liked. She smiled at me and said “thank you” and then just looked at me...

1 year ago
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Cafe Thrills 2

Please read Café Thrills first.After the happenings in the café that night I slept like a log. However, when I woke up the following morning the first thought that came to mind was – Oh no they will be back tonight! I thought of phoning one of the other waitresses to swap shifts, but who. Eventually I decided on Alice as she is my age so I feel comfortable talking to her. However, Alice said she was busy this evening so unable to swap. Oh well I thought chances are they won’t be back and if...

4 years ago
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Cafe Thrills 2

Please read Café Thrills first.After the happenings in the café that night I slept like a log. However, when I woke up the following morning the first thought that came to mind was – Oh no they will be back tonight! I thought of phoning one of the other waitresses to swap shifts, but who. Eventually I decided on Alice as she is my age so I feel comfortable talking to her. However, Alice said she was busy this evening so unable to swap. Oh well I thought chances are they won’t be back and if...

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Cafe FunPart 2

Andreea and her boyfriend, Steve, had just left a café where they had just had some fun. She had given him a great blowjob, and he had made her come like never before while there were five men there. They had not been able to see them, but they had both known that the men knew what they had done. Steve wanted to go to the gym now, and she told him that she would go to their apartment and sleep. So they parted ways. Now she was thinking about the five men in the café, especially the one whom...

1 year ago
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Cafe LatteChapter 2

Jennifer was strangely excited after her chat with her friend, Sue, over their coffees. Although they had been friends for years, this was the first time they had spoken so candidly about their sexual predilections. What had particularly enthralled Jennifer was Sue’s account of how she had succumbed to the punishment delivered by Miss Palmer, the games mistress, all those years ago. Jennifer could remember Miss Palmer quite well. She had always been a popular teacher, despite her strictness....

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Free X Cafe? I know what you’re thinking. You’re probably thinking that finding a good site for the best porn pictures of hot babes is impossible. Moreover, you’re probably thinking that the only way you’re ever going to get some high-res pornstar goodness in image form is by paying for premium sites. I’m here to debunk that shit piece by piece. Not only are you able to find porn pictures for free, as you already know, but there is a site out there that offers high-resolution porn images as...

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Websites such as might seem to be very average at first glance and to be honest. There isn't much that separates from the rest, as the design of the page is very simple, the content is pretty normal, there are no unusual categories...and so on. However, I wouldn't say this is a bad thing because in my book simplicity is valued when it comes to pornography. To put it short: The Porn Dude wants his porn, and he wants it quick. It's as simple as that.Now, this doesn't only...

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Being faced with the horrible reality of flunking out of Law School in the second semester of my final year, I submissively knelt before Professor Collins on the pink satin pillow he had carefully placed directly below his slightly parted 46 year old legs. Desperate and willing to do whatever it took to get my Law Degree and to enjoy the so called Good Life, I viewed his long thick but quite limp cock with a high degree of scorn, contempt and true hatred!Yes right then I realized that all of...

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Inmates Girlfriend and his Lawyer

Yes sir, she murmured and swiftly drawing down my zipper. She expected a limp cock to appear, but was suprised by a vigorous hard sizable cock leaping out of my trousers and filled her hand. Katia leaned forward, and gently ran the tip of her tongue around the purple head of my cock. A small drop of precum gave her a taste of what was to come, as she slowly opened her mouth wider to take the tip inside. Katia felt me tighten as I raised my hips, pushing myself deeper into her throat. Swiftly...

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Striped Searched by Lawyer

Yami was refered to me from a friend in India. Her hair was shoulder length and framed a sexy face; green eyes, long eyelashes, full red lips and a strong chin. She wore a short blue skirt that was a bit tight around her ass and a white silk blouse that clung to her 36C cup size breasts. Yami entered my office, I sat behind a large wood desk in the center of the office. I greeted her as she sat down in front of my desk. I let my eyes travel over Yami's body before I spoke: " Welcome,...

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The Lawyer

Prologue ? ????????????????? The message kept running through his mind. Was it a prank? Who sent it? What did it mean? He had picked up the phone to call the number several times. Each time he had paused, unwilling to make a fool of himself. ????????????????? The envelope had arrived at his office several days ago with no return address. Opening it, he discovered a cream note card with a plain black border. Written on the card in a feminine hand was a cryptic message. It...

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The Grocery Store Stock Boy and the Lawyer

May 10th 2003 Farmhouse Indiana high school town of Farmhouse Indiana 18 Year old Mike George is at his high school graduation ceremony when it is his turn to accept his diploma. He walks up to the front of the gymnasium and he accepts his diploma then he returns to his seat. When the ceremony Mike and his fellow graduates walk to the cafeteria to enjoy the small party that the school staff has setup for them. After partying for two hours Mike and his grandma Hallie George get into his Ford...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 63 Letter From A Lawyer

July 28, 1996, Chicago, Illinois On Sunday morning, we awoke to news that a bomb had gone off in Centennial Park in Atlanta, where the Summer Olympics were being held. One person had been killed and a dozen injured by what was reported to be a pipe bomb hidden in a backpack. A security guard, Richard Jewell, had discovered the bomb just before it detonated, and had cleared people away, reducing the casualties. He was being hailed as a hero. “Real terrorism this time?” Elena asked. “I’d...

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HeadacheChapter 4 The Good Lawyer

Sunday was interesting. Virginia and I experimented with my new powers. We found out I could make contact with her within a five mile radius and if in contact could stay connected until she was about 10 miles from me, then I would lose the connection. After a morning nap to sleep off the effects of the headache we ate lunch. I then worked with the pencil and was able to lift it two feet above the table but had a tremendous headache, which made my eyes light sensitive so I went back to bed and...

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Luscious Lady Lawyer

In her first case before the notoriously unforgiving Judge Victor Randolph, she stands, quaking inside with fear, behind the Defense Counsel table as she prepares to present her opening arguments. Little does she know that before this trial is over, she will have learned many, many things about the inner workings of the local legal system. She's a great attorney, but is still intimidated by the judge. He reminds her of an old owl, perched high up on the bench, glaring down at her, making her...

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Damn Lawyers

The first time I met Calvin and Ned (not their real names) was after I was arrested for solicitation in downtown Kansas City. Another girl in jail with me recommended them. They not only bailed me out but got all the charges against me dropped. They also did it pro bono (no fee). Both men were in their mid-forties and in good shape, Calvin played basketball and Ned played tennis. Both liked to hang out at the lake on their boat and party. They invited me along one weekend and picked me up in...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 137 On Cops and Lawyers

When I left the scene of the over bearing cop confrontation, I went right back to Jen's office. "I need to see her," I said to the receptionist. Then I spoke to the large plant by her desk. "Mike, you need to bring those tapes and come in here. We should speak to Jen about what happened out there." "I told you it might be a while," Jen said as she walked through the doorway into the reception area. "This is about something else and it could be serious." I replied. "Mike, should be...

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The ProfessorChapter 28 Loving lawyers

Chris and I collected the dinner plates from our glass dining room table and carried them into the kitchen only a few feet away. I brought back a second bottle of wine and picked up some of the side dishes as Ash rinsed and put away. Marcia and Ash were in a vibrant discussion with Gabe and Jill about how they’d moved from a traditional parent-child relationship to lovers, and everything about them. Ash was particularly interested given the burgeoning relationship with her mother. In return,...

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Not Quite a White Knight Book 1Chapter 47 Trap For Lawyers

When my alarm went off I took a 60-second shower, got dressed in the dark, and was out the door without waking anybody. I took the Porsche without even looking at what else was present, I would call Zar when she was up to get things worked out. The drive in the lithe, responsive car revived me and relaxed me. When I arrived at work I went straight to my office where I jotted down some ideas for for the Water Rights that had come to me. It is the type of project I cannot help but think about...

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Cafeteria Bathroom Workers BBC

I walked into this cafeteria bathroom down a long empty corridor and heard shuffling then a stall door slam. I went to the urinals and pulled out my cock and waited. The stall door opened and this black guy / k** late to mid 20’s facility worker walks out staring at me and walks over to the sinks. I turn a little and let him take a peek any my cock and he turns and comes walking right over to the urinal next to me and hauls out this thick soft 8” black cock and starts stroking it! I bout...

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JudgementsChapter 28

Elspeth sat, nerously, picking at the fabric of her skirt as the group of patients around them slowly whittled down and down. "Did you want drink?" she turned to Brianna, seeing the slight grin there. "What?" "You've only asked me that about once every five minutes... relax, it'll be fine." "You can look smug now, you were the one that wasn't talking to me over this, remember." She pointed out, returning to gnawing gently at her cheek. "I know... I'm sorry." "You said."...

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So, what is it about the hentai on this website that makes it "hentai from hell" exactly? I don't see any hellish ghosts on the page haunting it and terrorizing the cute babes that can be seen here. In fact, I do see a few, but those aren't anomalous, the animators put them in the purposely. All kinds of demons are found in here, damn. Some are tall, some are short, but they all have massive dicks that are just too much to take for these typically submissive girls.Do all men really want to...

Hentai Porn Sites
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Love Me Like its Valentines Day

I was an aspiring rock star in London. Aspiring, you see. That means still trying, not having accepted defeat yet. I had a full-time job in an off-licence in south-west London, but my band did gigs once a week or so. There was a pub right on the river and we played in the basement.It must have been May or around that time. It was the weekend of the Rugby League Cup Final between two teams from the north of England. We didn’t usually attract much of a crowd, so that Saturday night when there was...

Group Sex
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First Threesome

Years ago a group of us guys at work started having Monday Night Football parties, different house each week. Just hanging out with our Wives and eating snacks and watching the games. Good times. One friend had a stunning Red Haired wife and one night after the game something very unusual happened. My Wife did not go that night so I was alone, and after everyone left it was just me and this couple. I started to leave and they suggested I stay for one more drink.We were sitting on the sofa, him,...

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Decent into Beauty Part 3

Decent into Beauty: Part 3 By latexslut Chapter 7 Chantel was creaming. She had found that Henry was docile. And he was a good pussy licker too. He seemed to have talent. She didn't tell him that, of course, but she knew. Shaving him had shown off his true form. And he was ugly. Long skinny legs, narrow hips, and short torso: He has a body, women would die to have, she thought. She knew now, that he was becoming infatuated with her. A kiss here, a harsh word there....

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The Fantastic Masturbation Session

I was a single and lonely woman in her mid-thirties who lived alone in a one-bedroomed flat in North London. It had been years since I had been in a relationship, and ages since I had any sex. My sex life was non-existent. One night when the rain pounded against the window, I had made myself a mug of tea and walked across the kitchen to the living room in my nightie and dressing gown. I turned on the TV and then sat down on the leather couch, taking a sip of black tea. Half an hour later, I was...

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Trying anal

Mari had been dating Rick for about six weeks and could only get him to have “normal” sex. She had hinted to him that she liked to experiment and he told her that he liked things just the way they were. He seemed to blush a lot whenever she brought up the subject of sex. Mari would not give up. Rick was such a stud and had the biggest cock she had ever ridden. She wanted to experience that cock in more than just her pussy, which was the only place he would put it. One evening, Mari prepared...

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Caroline Flack Wants to Get Out of Here Part 1

Caroline blew another stream of smoke to the ceiling, “I’m sorry I brought you here under false pretenses, but I figured it best for a couple of reasons. First, I really didn’t want to be hanging alone in my apartment rotting away until someone noticed the smell, that’s just way to foul. Secondly, and I hope I’m right, I thought you might like the opportunity to spend some quality time with a corpse.” Lewis’s expression changed to one of inquiry. “I know you’re into some kinky shit, hell the...

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My moms first black cock

As the party was rocking mom showed up a little late my friends were already buzzed and the girls were getting drunk. we were in the gameroom. I greeted mom and got her a drink. When she was married her and dad almost never went out. Dad used to complain that she couldn't hold her liquor and tended to get a little loose. So knowing this I told her she would have to spend the night if she got drunk she smiled and said she hadn't been out in so long she was going to enjoy herself and...

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Bonding With Daughter 8211 Part 2

Thanks for the overwhelming response for the part 1 of this story. I wasn’t sure it got posted on ISS, so forgot totally to post the second part. So here it goes folks, enjoy reading: Vrinda was in her room looking at herself in the mirror, still excited about what was about to happen with her father. She fought with her incestuous thoughts about it being so wrong, her wetness damped in between her legs making her crave for more of such things. She wasn’t able to forget her dad’s sweet assault...

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Chain Gang WomenChapter 4

Lilly tried not to gasp as the salt was rubbed roughly into her torn back. In front of the crowd and with Marina watching she had been able to keep herself from crying out under the cruel lashes. But here, in the infirmary, it was a different matter. She was unable to suppress the odd gasp. In the ring she had been terribly hurt plenty of times and had fought bravely on, but the helplessness of being secured and unable to do other than receive whatever pain the flogger cared to dish out to...

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Little SisterChapter 23 Working in the Sun

Before I went back to Roxbury, I needed a change of clothes. We drove up to Hooksett, gathered wardrobe and drove back. On the way south, we stopped for gas in Nashua. The station had the usual real estate books. Standing in line, waiting for the attendant, I was struck by the thought that I might be spending a lot of time in, or commuting to, Boston. Nashua was about thirty minutes closer than Hooksett, and it skipped all the Manchester traffic. On the other hand, it was over half an hour...

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Mary Felix Seduces An Older Woman With Jimmys Help

True to her word, I received a brief note in the post on Tuesday morning from Amelia confirming that she would be arriving at Arundel Court around half-past five the following day and would expect to stay the night.Georgina was thrown into an orgy of anticipation and yet again had to be disabused of the notion that she would be joining in whatever activities I had in mind for my new friend. More pouting and flouncing followed until finally I was forced to grasp her firmly by the waist and look...


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