SynergyChapter 4 free porn video

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"Wow!" was the only thing Marlin could say when she answered the door.

"I hope you're not disappointed," she answered nervously when he took the offered step in. "I didn't wear those shorts you seemed to like so much." She was wearing a relatively short, flowery summer dress that left her arms bare and showed just the hint of cleavage.

"Actually it wasn't the shorts I was interested in," he grinned. "You look wonderful. Better than I deserve in fact. Well, do I have to meet your father and reassure him I have no diabolical plans for his lovely daughter?"

"Dad's been dead for years," she smiled sadly as they stepped out onto the porch. "Besides you do have diabolical plans for me, remember?"

"Well, I wouldn't call them diabolical," he protested. "But I suppose it is open to interpretation. Unfortunately my devious campaign has been uncovered and now you are forewarned. I am completely undone!"

"It didn't take much to uncover them; you told me yourself, you idiot!" she laughed and wrapped her arm around his as they strolled down the road towards town.

"True," he mused. "Note to self: Diabolical plans work much better if kept secret. I'll have to remember that."

"No, you won't," she laughed lightly. "You are disarming me with your honesty and seducing me with your charm. I'll bet you've done this hundreds of times before."

"Hundreds of times!" he barked. "My God, woman! How old do you think I am? Where would I have found the time? Maybe I've been bragging about myself a little too much. You must think I am an incredible cad!"

"Incredible, yes; a cad I'm not so sure about," she said looking up at him. "You're the strangest man I've ever met. You continually belittle yourself and yet it's obvious you're witty and intelligent. You don't even pretend you don't want to take me to bed and yet are being honest when you say it doesn't matter if I say no. All in all, you are very puzzling."

"Oh? I'm telling the truth, am I?" he cocked his head and grinned at her. "Does that mean your Talent tends towards that of a truth-teller? In that case I'm going to be very careful what I say around you."

"It's not considered polite to talk about what makes somebody a witch," she dropped her eyes and bit her bottom lip. "But yes, I can usually tell if someone is lying to me. If you'd rather just take me home now..."

"Why would I want to do that?" he interrupted. "And deprive myself of your company? I think not! I'm sorry if I've embarrassed you or crossed some social boundary there but honestly I couldn't give a damn if you can tell when I'm lying or not. That's easily remedied by not lying. Which by the way I find works out much better in the long run anyway. It's too much like work trying to remember what you've said otherwise. If I tell the truth I don't have to think about it.

"I've told you before the fact that you have a Talent doesn't bother me," he chided her gently. "That your Talent manifests itself as truth-telling is interesting but not particularly important. You already know pretty much everything I would potentially lie about anyway. Yes, I think you're gorgeous. Yes, I'm sexually attracted to you and if ever given the chance would not only willingly but joyfully share a bed with you. But then I'm a man. If I'd of said anything different you wouldn't have to be a truth-teller to know I'm lying, now would you?

"And by the way, in the big city where I come from calling somebody a witch, even if they do have Talent, is considered impolite. The more usual term is Talented or maybe Gifted. Unless one of your Talents is the ability to turn me into a frog. If that's the case then maybe I'll reconsider the term witch."

"No!" she laughed and slapped the arm she was holding. "I can't turn you into a frog."

"That's good," he breathed an exaggerated sigh of relief. "Because if my hand just happened to stray, completely by accident of course, to places it might not be welcome ... Well, I'm not eagerly looking forward to an exclusive diet of flies if it's all the same to you."

"That won't be a problem," she laughed again. "If your hand does accidently stray where it's not wanted I'll let you know about it soon enough in ways that won't involve lily pads or frog gigs. Well, maybe frog gigs; that depends just how far it happens to stray."

"In that case I'll make sure I give you plenty of warning before any accidents occur," he assured her.

"How can it be an accident if you warn me about it?" she giggled.

"Good point," he admitted after a pause.

"So where are you taking me to dine?" she asked.

"Well, as to that," he began. "I noticed that inexplicably the five-star restaurant in town is closed for the evening. Who would have known? We could go to the inn I suppose, but honestly I haven't been particularly happy with the service there lately. How about this cozy little place I know of, The Sunset House?"

"You want to take me to your boarding house?" she laughed. "You just want me close to your bedroom."

"Hmm, not a bad reason come to think of it," he replied. "But in this case ― this time anyway ― I was thinking it had decent food and maybe not so ... judgmental as some of the other places. However if you'd rather, we could stop by the store and pick up something for a picnic dinner down by the river."

"I like that idea," she smiled. "Maybe another time. It's possible the Widow Binder wouldn't be as persnickety as some of the others. She was always very kind to me and my sisters when we were young. I'm sorry this is such a problem for you but nearly everybody around here knows and thinks about us Hawking girls as being witches."

"Don't apologize to me," he insisted. "I knew the silly prejudices of these backward country bumpkins before I asked you to dine with me. Although it may somewhat limit our options I believe the company of one extremely attractive young lady is worth it. Pardon my language but honestly I don't give a shit what anybody thinks. Their petty little bigotry reflects poorly on them but nothing on you."

"You're a strange guy," she grinned, hip-bumped him and then reached out to grab his hand. "But I like that you're not scared off just because everybody else thinks I'm a witch or have these funny feelings once in a while."

"Believe me it would take more than being a witch or having funny feelings to scare me away from you," he grinned back and wiggled his eyebrows at her.

"Oh, you!" she huffed and then laughed. "Yes, you want to get into my panties and you certainly haven't been shy about making that known. But why me? There must be at least a hundred other girls out there who would trip you on the street in broad daylight and be under you before you hit the ground. Why me? I'm not going to be that easy!"

"Okay, I'll admit it," he continued. "If you had weighed four-hundred pounds when you rushed past my table that first day I wouldn't have followed you in as you tried to storm the inn. Do I want to bed you? Hell yes I do! I'm a man and you are one heck of an attractive woman. That's nature and I am a very natural man. But even if you never succumbed to my secretive seduction I'm still enjoying my time with you. You're funny, bright and generally seem to be a really nice person. That it comes wrapped up in an adorable sexy little package is a bonus.

"So if I'm coming on too strong and it irritates you let me know and I'll keep quiet. My desire will still be there mind you but I won't mention it out loud anymore."

"Oh, I don't mind too much," she said. "It's nice to know a guy thinks you're attractive and enjoys being with her. And Mama always told us girls not to think too poorly of the boys just because they only have one thing on their minds. Like you said, it's only nature. Truth be told girls think about it a lot also but until recently we had to worry about what comes after more so than our boyfriends."

"Well I'd think you'd both have to worry about it," Marlin replied. "I guess the only way to be a hundred percent safe is through abstinence and I'm afraid I'm not a big fan of that. But if you are, that's okay."

"I'm glad to hear that," she smiled. "So does the contraceptive not being fool-proof and given your many experiences, does that mean there are one or two little Cransons running around?"

"Not that I know of," he chuckled. "But if there were I'd do the right thing by them if I could. I'm not exactly sure what I could do given I can hardly feed myself now on the pittance they pay me but I'd do everything I could. Hey! What do you mean by many? You make it sound like I've bedded every woman in the capital. I can assure you that isn't the case."

"You might have missed one or two but I'm sure you'll get around to them sooner or later," Melody smirked.

"Not even close," he scoffed. "And here is our bistro for the evening," he said as they stopped in front of his boarding house.

"Okay," she answered nervously looking up at the porch.

"If you'd rather, we can still get that picnic..." he started quietly.

"No," she nodded firmly. "I won't let a bunch of bigoted pricks ruin our evening. I'm a big girl now and I won't let what someone thinks of me stop me from doing what I want to."

"Then, my lady," he smiled and offered her his arm. "Shall we dine?"

"Why Mr. Cranson, you're just in time for supper!" the Widow Binder greeted them at the door. "And you've finally brought a guest. How lovely!"

"Where else would I bring my date if I wanted to impress her?" he chuckled. "Since I can't woo her with my boyish charms I was thinking your heavenly cooking would do the trick. Mrs. Binder, I'd like you to meet..."

"Melody Hawking," Mrs. Binder gushed. "As if I hadn't know her since she was a wee one still in diapers. I'm so glad you're here, love." Then as an aside to the girl she said, "I'm glad to see this young man out with such a lovely girl. We were beginning to wonder if he is a bit antisocial or something like that."

"I was just waiting to find the prettiest girl in the Shire," he responded. "Since you keep refusing me." In a sotto voce he whispered to Melody, "I think she has a boyfriend she won't tell me about."

"Oh you go on now," Mrs. Binder pretended to huff as she lightly slapped him on the arm while Melody giggled. "You two go in and get yourselves a seat and I'll be right back out in a jiff with the first course."

Marlin led Melody into the dining room where three elderly men already sat at the long table. He knew them fairly well since they were three of the five or six that ate most of their evening meals at the Sunset. Pulling Melody's chair out he seated her and then nodded to the others.

"Mr. Grayson, Mr. Hardy, Mr. Blackstone. Good evening to you. I'd like to introduce you to..." he started.

"We know who she is," Blackstone cut him off sharply. "And while it seems yer not too particular about yer company, the rest of us folk don't appreciate breaking bread with witches..." Smack! He yelped as a large sliver ladle cracked against the back of his head. "Now what ya go and do that fer, Shasa?" he whined.

"James Blackstone!" Mrs. Binder growled at him dangerously as she waved the ladle under his nose. "You'll be keeping a civil tongue in that head of yours or you'll be eating your own slop for supper for now on. Do you hear me? This young lady is a friend of my boarder and a guest in my house and if I have to choose between whose company I'd rather be keeping, then you know your way to the door and you best not be crawling back anytime soon! You understand me, James?"

"Aye," he flinched. "But I weren't saying anything that everybody else weren't feeling."

"Well you just keep your feelings to yourself," she huffed. "And that goes for you two coots, too," she said waving the ladle at the other men.

"I don't want to cause any trouble, Mrs. Binder," Melody said with a sniff. "I'll just leave now..."

"The devil you will," Shasa rounded on her waving the ladle. "I may not have the best cooking no matter what that young rascal says, but you're my guest and you're going to get a good meal in you if I have to tie you to that chair."

"Yes, ma'am," Melody answered in a small voice.

"You'd better do what she says," Marlin told her. "She swings a mean ladle and it looks like she knows how to use it."

"Okay," Melody giggled softly. Mrs. Binder nodded once with a huff.

"Well I don't care if she can turn me into a frog or make me stiff as a board," one of the other men said out loud. "I say it's about time we had some pretty young thing to look at around here. We was beginning to think this young fella here was a monk in disguise from one of them monasteries or something.

"Ya can't make me stiff as a board now can ya, Miss Melody?" he asked with a wink. "Or maybe just parts as stiff as a board? Now that's a bit of witchcraft I could be using if ya know what I mean." Melody tried to cover up a giggle with her hand and shook her head no. "Well, that's a damn shame and here I was hoping..."

"And that will be quite enough out of you, Walter Grayson!" Shasa chided with exasperation. "Your personal problems aren't fit talk for the dinner table, especially in front of a young lady."

"I have a feeling just having you in the same room is going to help out with his little problem," Marlin leaned over and whispered in Melody's ear. She blushed almost purple and smacked him lightly on the arm.

"Mrs. Binder, as usual the meal was delicious," Marlin told her as they were leaving. "And now if she will consent I think I will take my lady for a walk by the river and let this settle."

"Oh, you go on, you silver-tongued devil," Shasa blushed and then turned to Melody. "I'm sorry about that ass Blackstone, my dear. But you know you are welcome here any time even if it's not with this rapscallion. In fact I insist. I will be expecting you. With your mother and sisters out of town I want to make sure you get a good meal now and then. That reminds me, say hello to Teresa and your sisters when you see them next and I'll be expecting them around the next time they're here."

"I will, Mrs. Binder," Melody dimpled.

"Well I've some cleaning to do," Shasa scoffed and left them at the door.

"So, a river walk?" Marlin asked once she'd left.

"First I'd like to see your room," she grinned and then added, "No, not for that. I've heard you can tell a lot about a man from the way he keeps his room so what better way to get to know you?"

"My disappointment runneth over," he sighed. "However if you really want to ... It's right up the stairs here. Now I will warn you its not very big and maybe a bit cluttered." He opened the door for her and once they stepped inside he left the door open. She smiled a little at that as she looked around.

"You weren't kidding when you said it was cluttered," she mused. "What in heavens name do you have in all these trunks?" Although remarkably clean there were trunks piled on top of trunks throughout the tiny room leaving little room for anything except his single bed, neatly made up, and a small writing desk.

"Hmm, books mostly," he admitted flipping the lid on the trunk closest to him showing it to be filled to the top. "I, uh, read a lot. I don't tend to accumulate much 'stuff' as is were but books ... Well, once I get one I just can't seem to get rid of it. I know I'm a bit of a pack rat when it comes to them..." he sounded embarrassed.

"There must be thousands here," she gasped in amazement.

"Well, not that many," he muttered.

"Have you read all of them?" she asked.

"Not all," he shrugged. "I got two or three of the ones I brought with me still to go but I suppose I'll be done with them soon. Do you know of any bookstores around here? I haven't been able to find any."

"You'd have to go to Brighton," she replied absently. "One of my sisters works there. I'll write her and ask if she knows where any good bookstores are." She turned and looked at him appraisingly.

"Now you know my secret vice," he shrugged

"That and seducing young innocent woman into your bed," she chuckled.

"I have a hard time thinking of that as a vice," he grinned. "Plus it appears I'm a much better reader than a seducer."

"Oh, I don't know," she let her fingers trail across his chest as she past him leaving his room. "But for now you did promise me a walk by the river."

"Ouch! Damn, these heels are killing me," Melody muttered as they started out on the road back to her house.

"I'm sorry about that," Marlin commiserated. "But they do make your legs look spectacular!"

"Thanks, but right now you can have both the heels and my feet," she grumbled.

"Wait," he said stopping her and she looked at him quizzically. Moving around behind her back he said, "Spread your legs a little." She turned and arched her eyebrows. "Trust me."

"I'll bet you've said that a few times before," she laughed but did spread her legs to about shoulder width apart. Suddenly he bent down, stuck his head between her knees and stood up lifting her up and onto his shoulders as she squealed.

"There, hold these," he said pulling one shoe off and handing it up to her and then doing the same to the other.

"Put me down, you idiot!" she shouted laughing and screeching at the same time. "I'm too heavy for you to carry!"

"No, you're not," he said starting out down the road. "Maybe a few months ago but I've been carrying that damn heavy backpack over half this silly shire for the past two months. Believe me you feel light as a feather."

She giggled and protested as he carried her home, ignored her by blandly commenting on the sights along the way. Once they met a farmer driving a horse-drawn wagon heading into town and he looked at the farmer letting loose with a loud whinny.

"How embarrassing!" she cackled. "It's bad enough you're carrying me like a two-year-old playing horsey. Why did you have to do that?"

"I figured he probably thought you had bewitched me into thinking I was a horse," he shrugged causing her to squeal again and wrap her arms around his head. "So I thought I'd act the part."

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Extreme animal sex on holiday in Greece

After I left the village where farmer Norman introduced me to my first bestial experience I seemed to drift from place to place. There was no contact at all with old friends from the village so I just started over again, and enrolled in evening classes one year because I got so bored. It was much more fun than I thought. The course was about classical Greek life and architecture, yes I know it sounds very dry and boring, but it interested me. The Greeks were a very open minded lot and much...

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Moms the Family Slut

I’m a little feminine and maybe gay with a small frame, good figure, and nice round bubble butt. And, even though I’m feminine, I thank God I was blessed with a nice, fat, 8 inch cock. My name is Jimmy and I’m a freshman in high school and live with my mom in Ohio. My mom is 56 and not beautiful, but attractive, she’s the weight she should be, but more like an older woman’s body. Her boobs are big but a little saggy and her waist is straight and not so tight ending in what I think is her best...

1 year ago
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Video tape

"You're kidding, right," Becky said incredulously to her Dana!?! "I'm telling you the truth," Dana said with a giggle, "just take a look at this," as she shoved the tape into the VCR and hit the play button!!! Both girls stared at the screen while waiting for the first images to come to appear, which turned out to be part of a bedroom!!! "See," Dana whispered, "there's dad, he's gettin' into bed!!!" They watched a little longer and Becky offered, "He's just reading a book, Dana, this is soooooo...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 74 Fun Falls Flat

“Well you see, buddy, it is like this,” the tire man said to the bus driver loud enough that I could hear him. “Your wheels weren’t made to take the load of the bus without a tire on them. That’s why they run two tires back there case one goes flat. When both your tires went, your wheels flattened right out like you see them now. Aren’t a standard lug pattern I can pick up anywhere around here neither. Seem they gone got them some artsy type who had them made special for this bus line. We can...

2 years ago
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Chrissy my one true friend

My dad bought a house back in his college days (he was really well off) just off campus. He was the big football jock of the school and so was always the one hosting the toga parties; In fact, he met my mom on one occasion and never had to meet her again. For that reason, almost everything in his house was convertible. Couches could turn into beds, chairs could transform into stepladders to reach the booze on the higher shelves, tables could become either study desks or poker tables, and...

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Friends big tit milf mom

When I was younger I was friends with a neighbor of mine who lived across the street from me. His mother was very kind to my family and to all our other neighbors. I never really thought of her as hot, she just wasn't that kind of hot women who you think is hot the first time you see her. Well once I went into 8th grade her family moved out of the neighborhood. My family stayed friends with them but we didn't see them as often. A couple years later when I was 18 and going into the hospital...

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Person Creator

Zachary Sanders is none other than the college loser. As an 19 year old guy, All he does is sit at home, playing online video games with his friends from school, while all the hot girls go out partying with the guys from the football team. He sees these pictures on his social media pages, all the guys hanging out with all the girls he could ever dream of even being near, let alone dating or fucking any of them. A Thursday morning came along, and Zach did as he usually would to get prepared for...

Mind Control
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Some People Are Just Lucky I GuessChapter 15

Back in Chicago, I monitored Winston's actions in his office, and he was doing exactly the kind of job I wanted him to do. He was going after Al Qaeda cells right and left. I gave him copies of all of the intelligence that we had gathered, including stuff from outside his jurisdiction, so that he could pass along anything that looked worth while to other offices. If Winston stayed on his current path, he should have the terrorist situation in the Chicago sector under control within six...

2 years ago
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The Tide RisesChapter 2 War of Worlds

Humorous, sexy, depraved, and tongue in cheek philosophy. I Hope Entertaining! Is the secret of happiness, audible, visual, sensual, cerebral? Or purely an emotional state? The Tide Rises: Chapter TWO “War Between Worlds” ( Inside my head ) “I will make it worth your while to listen, an offer you can’t refuse!” I’ll throw in some sex pots, my succubi daughters, Aphrodite and Venus!” Lou smugly declares. Now THAT sounds like a real hell of a father speaking. “Accept the deal, my nasty...

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Meals on Wheels 5 Ruths mother

Once I had finished emptying my sticky mess into her, I took my dick back out, letting all of my mess drain right back out of her. In my usual style, I caught it in my hand and spread it over her big white cheeks. I stood her up and helped her walk back to the bathroom. When we got in there, I grabbed the chair out of the tub and put it aside. We stepped into the tub and I turned on the water. I grabbed the soap and washed off my arm, and then worked on cleaning up Ruth’s rear end and ...

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His Promise Ch 02

Thank you to everyone who wanted me to continue the story. I’m glad I have people who like it. I also want to say thank you to those who gave criticism. That always helps me out. I like to know what needs to be fixed or changed in my writing. This is the second installment and I hope you enjoy it!!! Thanks morningjewel ******************* ‘Gabriel’ she whispered. She couldn’t believe it, he is actually here. I cant believe I didn’t place him before, but now, it all makes sense, she...

2 years ago
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Eddies Visit

It was pure coincidence that my parents chose the exact two weeks to go on a second honeymoon that my husband, Mark was to be gone to a medical convention in New York. I happily agreed when they asked if my fifteen year old younger brother could fly out and stay with me while they were gone. I hadn’t been able to spend much time with Eddie since getting married and moving from Atlanta to Dallas. Being seven years older, I’d practically raised him while our parents were both working. I hadn’t...

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Outward BoundChapter 18

April and I were in the housing planning section. We were going over the plans for the incoming contractors and new crew members when the receptionist interrupted us. “Ma’am, Commander Sullivan?” Looking up from the documents we were going over, she said, “Yes? What is it?” “Ma’am, there’s a delivery boy out here. He says he has something important for you. I tried to tell him that I would deliver it, but he insists that he has to hand-deliver it.” April looked at me, I shrugged. “Don’t...

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ChristinaChapter 18

It was the next evening before Tina and Cindy were on the phone together again. Tina excitedly related the experience to her friend. It wasn't until later that evening that Dan and I talked about the incident. It was a standard week, at least as far as work. Things were rolling along pretty much as planned. Tina's reports from school were happy ones. I was glad. I reflected back to the time when we first met, and I was wondering what I was gonna do with a high school dropout. Now, was...

3 years ago
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A Contracted Change

This is my second story. Hope you like it, and hope it is an improvement over the first. CHAPTER ONE - MEETING Ralph Schuman sat in the back row at Jiggles strip club, nursing a $7.5 domestic beer. He knew he shouldn't be here. He should be home, with his wife Laura and their two kids. Laura was showing two houses today, and hopeful that she would make a sale... and Ralph knew that dinner time conversation would center around nothing else. That's why he was in no...

2 years ago
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Preacher sucks and dresses again

If you have been following the stories, I had just fucked the preachers daughter, Jaimie, 23 year old and pregnant with my baby, and Katrina, a 19 year old young married m_ommy for hours in a hotel. I used them well and had them use each other. This was the week the preachers wife, Pam, a real MILF and another of my sluts, was seducing my wife (or ordered to do so anyway) at the church ladies retreat.I left the Jaimie at my house to meet the school bus and my k**s, Katrina had went home to her...

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Wet by the pool

Hi, I’m Robyn and there’s a story I want, no - NEED to tell because it’s just too good to keep to myself. I’m thirty-one, single by choice and just moved into a new apartment with my best friend Emily. She’s twenty-eight and is adventurous as I am. It’s one of the reasons we get along so well. That and, well, she’s ridiculously sexy. More on that later.Emily and I have been friends for about six years and have been inseparable since we met at a mutual friend’s birthday party. It was a backyard...

Group Sex
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TalisChapter 3

I opened my eyes and felt exactly as I had before. I wiggled my fingers and toes, inventoried my parts and took a deep breath. I seemed the same physically, although I also knew that my DNA had been altered, and even now my body was adjusting to the life form that infected me. My memories were intact. I knew my name and recalled Christian clearly, aching with a deep urgency to be near him. I remembered my parents and the pain of losing them. The thoughts and memories that made Kelly Michaels...

1 year ago
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My Office Adventures

'I gotta nail this interview', I said to myself on my way to my interview. This was the last of many interviews that I was getting. If I don't manage to get a job after this, I think I'll go home and work for my father on his dinky little shop. 'I guess this won't be that bad..' I considered. I managed to arrive early and was waiting for my turn. I was sitting down on one of the benches when I caught sight of a girl. I deduce that she was a teenager working as an intern for the recruitment...

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Sirens of the Glans Helen gets the cream

I rush into the surgery. Helen’s singing along to the radio, she looks up and then looks at the wall clock with a frown. ‘The first picture of you, the first picture of summer – Morning. You’re late.’ ‘Morning, yeah sorry – just assisting a potential new client.’ I put Sirena’s card on the desk in front of Helen. ‘Sirena Poesia – Portrait Artist, interesting…’ ‘Fat cat.’ ‘Oh great, we like the rich ones.’ ‘No, she has a fat cat, wants me to pop round at 2 – keeps trying to eat her. Can...

4 years ago
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My Dress Is Too Short

My Dress Is Too Short Dad told me to get showered, shaved, and to put on clean underwear. He told Mom to basically do the same thing but to put on the dress that was on her bed. As soon as Mom came down the stairs we got in the car and Dad drove off. Mom fidgeted all the way. Just before we got there Mom said, “My dress is too short.” Dad laughed and said, “You’re just telling me this now. You agreed to wear it.” Mom said, “That was before I knew that my son would be...

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The Geezer Pt 4Rachels Toys

This is the fourth installment of the Geezer series. It can be read as a stand-alone but it will make more sense if you have read the first three parts as there are references to what happened earlier. If you take the time to read it, please take a few seconds to vote and comment. It’s the only way I know what you think. Chapter 1 I woke early and checked the clock—6:17. In other times I would have reached for my cock and started stroking in the hope of getting off. But I hadn’t jerked off in...

3 years ago
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The Mirror CrackedChapter 1

Two figures wing their way across the nighttime sky unseen by those who live and work below. "Quiet night tonight," said Angela to Broadway, who was gliding close to her. "Yea, we'll get a brake and get some time to spend by ourselves tonight." He reached out and took her hand. Angela smiled at the thought, and was about to voice similar feelings when... "Help! Someone please help me!" Both of them turned sharply at the sound of someone in need. "I guess we'll have to pick up...

2 years ago
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Big Game Hunting in AlabamaChapter 3

The husband must have been watching us through a front window. He came rushing out as soon as the boar died and ran to the car. His wife was still crying hysterically, and who could blame her? The boar was practically leaning against the door on her side, so the man moved the car a little bit so that the woman could not see the hog. He gathered her in his arms and let her cry until she got it out of her system. Meanwhile, the dance hall manager came out to see for himself what had happened....

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1st Incest Sex Experience With Sex Lordest Cousin

As i told you this was my first story plz ignore mistakes. This story is about me n my cousin Sneha. She is daughter of my aunty (mom’s sis).I have crush on her from my childhood. Hardly we get chance to meet at festive of rakshabandhan at mama’s house. Mama lived in M.P. Aunty lives in Indore. She visits our house only my cousins have holidays. Let me introduce my cousin my love. She is 20yr old with bomb figure 34-28-36.She fair in color. I’m of 22yr n m doing engineering in Pune. Baat 1yr...

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Hot Milf Wife Bar Tease

Hi,  just sharing a sexy night out with my hotwife! She is a super strong and in shape Pacific Island MILF. She's a little over 5' tall, long black hair, super lean and perfect little 32B boobs with large and dark nipples and a great bubble butt.Over the past years of our marriage, she has been a voyeur and likes watching me with other women. I've been fantasizing about changing up our routine and watching her, we talked about it and she was nervous but up for it. We also have a dom sub...

3 years ago
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My first time with a girl Part Three

We’d already arranged a sleep-over for the upcoming weekend before the kiss in the park. I’d be over at her house with just her dad there too – Louise’s mum and sister would be off somewhere.As the day approached, I started to prepare myself for what I knew what would happen. It was more than a drunken meaningless kiss between us. I knew we were going to sleep together when we next saw each other.I watched some lesbian porn on the internet late at night, to see how they did it. Yes, I knew that...

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Delta OriginalChapter 5 Essco Gets Lucky

Hue was getting worried. Ed and Ria were giving him grief about only being able to be with him on level four. He’d only let them fuck him in the lab or occasionally if it was very late in his room. He wouldn’t go to their place, and he wouldn’t sit with them at mealtimes. The fact their room was opposite to William’s didn’t help. The lab they had set up on the ship for growing the crystals had a decon door. It was also one of the few labs on the fourth level. Due to the chemicals, they were...

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SweetheartVideo Aidra Fox Gina Valentina Without Hesitation

Alison (Gina Valentina) just moved to Los Angeles after a terrible break up. She needs to relax and decides to get a massage. When Debby (Aidra Fox) puts her soft hands on her back, she can feel this strange feeling growing inside her. Under the gentle caress and kind voice of Debby, Alison finally starts to relax. Slowly during that exceptional moment, Alison opens up to Debby, the two beautiful women gradually get to know each other, you can feel the tension building between them in the small...

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Controlling the town 3

Introduction: Meeting the townsfolk The people all started to arrive by nine in the morning. As they came in to the house, I collected each of the questionnaires. I scanned most of them and was quite impressed with the variety of choices that were highlighted. My task may not be as difficult as I had first imagined. I had locked all of the rooms upstairs, which I did not want people to enter. There were five bathrooms available to my guests. All rooms had the CCTV cameras in place and working....

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A couple of days after HIS son had fucked me, I was sitting on my bed reading and listening to the latest records, I hadn’t been home from school that long but I was in my PJs, no bra but did have knickers on. My bedroom was in the attic when I heard someone coming up the stairs, there was a knock on the door and a female voice said “Donna can I come in”. I let her in and it was Valerie, Jerry’s wife, HIS daughter-in-law, I immediately sensed trouble.She sat next to me on my bed and said “Did...

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HannahChapter 7 Words and Complications

I woke up slowly, listening to two voices whispering. I caught only small snatches of the conversation. " ... it was safer." " ... want breakfast?' " ... later, maybe. Let her sleep." I felt covered and warm, although I was a little sweaty. I had my arm across Evan's chest, and my head was tucked into his shoulder. He was facing me and our legs were intertwined. I had a general feeling of euphoria with a dull ache in my nether regions, and my arms and legs felt like spaghetti. I...

3 years ago
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Lottery Winner TravelsChapter 11

I lazed around some more eating a light breakfast and drinking more coffee. I decided to skip lunch and went to the clothing optional pool. I walked in to the enclosed area to see one couple and two single women there sunning. One of the women was nude while the other was wearing a tiny thong suit that left her completely exposed. I wasn’t sure why she had bothered wearing it. Nothing was hidden. Both women were shaved. All three were in their forties and in very good shape. I picked a...

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