According To Chelsea free porn video

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"According to Chelsea" c.2023 Flyover State. "Bro, these girls, man..." "What happened this time?" I asked, knowing where it was going. "She gave me her number, but never answered or texted back," my best friend Cody answered. I was used to this complaint, I'd heard it many times before, and would likely hear it again. "You met this chick while she was working," I told him, according to his own story. Cody was 23, and still a virgin. He had no confidence issues, and he wasn't an ugly guy. He spoke to many women and had gotten numbers, and even had gone out on dates from his persistence. There was seemingly a myriad of problems that were at play, but I couldn't pinpoint just one, oddly enough, his looks wasn't one of them. Cody seemed to want a 'classically nice' girl, so he tended to get these micro crushes on women who were doing customer service jobs when he was the customer. I told him numerous times that those women were working, and were likely putting on a facade as part of their job, likely to get tips. He would gush about she was looking at him, touching him, and smiling at him; things that they were doing with every other man. Eventually, I would hold my tongue, and give non-committal 'yeah's and 'is that so' type answers, until the inevitable conversation, conversations just like this one. "I know man, but the way she was looking at me, you could just tell something was there." "Don't worry about it. It's her loss," I comforted him. Cody was truly misreading these women. How could there be such a disconnect? Oh well, sooner or later one of these things had to pan out, right? On to the next one in a couple of weeks. - My name is Chase, and I'm a pretty chill guy by all accounts. My best friend Cody and I are a lot alike, we like many of the same things, and hang out with many of the same people by extension. I would say that we are around the same level of attractiveness if I were judging. We were both around 6 feet tall, decently fit, with him working out more than me. I usually worse a full beard with a braid, and a curly stashe, with my reddish-brown hair in a nearly faded and lined pompadour. Cody had blonde curls that were usually covered with a beanie, with just some fringe sticking out, and he had the baby blues, too. We both socialized just fine, just our luck with women was the opposite. I would probably attribute this to our views on women. I'm no misogynist, but women simply exist. They aren't this special thing. I like looking at them, I like their company under the right circumstances, and yes, I love sex. However, Cody saw them as something more, and he also over-analyzes women, the things they do, and probably the way they think. He'd overanalyzed himself out of women's interest, or fumbled a couple of women by overthinking when it was go-time. I'd done this myself in my younger teen years, but I was able to escape, loosen up, and eventually see girls as just people. As a guy, I'd say he was a good-looking dude, he just needed to change the way he dealt with women. Currently, we were just post-college, and I was working in the gig economy. I drove for Uber, Lyft, Amazon, and food delivery services as well. I made decent money for that type of work by choosing carefully, but my car racked up mileage quickly. We roomed together in college and initially moved in together after we got our degrees. I majored in Business Admin, and he took Comp Sci, with Cody immediately putting his degree to use in IT. Cody moved out after I started having girlfriends over, he said that he felt like the third wheel. I assured him that this wasn't the case, and even tried to have my girlfriend at the time hook him up with someone, but he'd made the decision, and I had to let him do his thing. I figured maybe having a place to himself could help solve his problems. There was no bad blood, just some needed self-searching. I was heavily considering teaching English in Asia. The gig economy was an easy way to get nowhere fast. The number of rugs that could get pulled from under you was more than concerning. I decided that I would teach before I went into my respective career, for the experience more than anything. Japan was the main attraction for most, but pretty much every other country paid more. This was likely because the recruitment companies knew that people would settle to be able to move to Japan. I told Cody about the plans, telling him that maybe he could move with me, and work remotely, maybe meet a nice Asian woman as well. - I left my apartment to grab a sandwich at the Italian deli down the street. Their meatball sub was to die for. Every time you walked into the place, you could smell the cheeses, meats, and sauces tickling the nose. This was going to be a nice dinner, one that I wasn't delivering for once. Stepping outside, I checked my phone. I had a text from Nevaeh, a girl that was my friend with benefits. After confirming that I was in fact interested, I made a detour to walk the mile or so to her apartment. I tended not to put frivolous miles on my car, as I said, the miles were high for the age of the car, and I still had a payment to make on it. Nevaeh buzzed me in, and I asked if she minded that I eat, apologizing that I hadn't gotten her anything. We weren't dating, but we typically did minor things for each other, just in that general friendly way of looking out for your people. After I finished the sandwich, Nevaeh and I got to business. Now in post-coitus, I sat on the bed in my boxers, with my elbow bearing on my leg. Nevaeh was leaning on me, her boobs on my shoulder. "What's wrong?" she asked. I sighed, saying, "Nothing." In honesty, I felt a little guilty that I just had sex with Nevaeh, while Cody was struggling to land his own partner. "You're feeling upset about your friend?" "How could you tell?" "Women's intuition? Why would you let it bother you? He sounds hopeless," she huffed. "That's my dude, though. Do you know anyone?" I asked, for the 10th time. She shook her head saying, "I've already told you, I don't know anyone for him. He's not even bad looking, but that inexperience... maybe you should just buy him some ass?" she suggested. "Are you serious?" I asked with incredulity. Nevaeh rolled her eyes, and I sighed. "I'm sorry I keep asking you. I just don't know any girls," I said. I mean, I knew some, but I had already been with them. I knew that Cody wouldn't want my sloppy seconds, and he'd be insulted. I changed the subject with Nevaeh, and we hung out until I had to walk back home. It was pretty tempting to stay the night, but that could temper expectations in a way that I wasn't quite looking for. - Checking my phone, I began my walk home. I typically checked my phone at the beginning of a walk at night, then put it away. I didn't want to give someone the jump if I were being a mook walking down the street on my phone. "Hey, watch it," I said, as someone shoulder-checked me. The figure was hunched over, and pretty short. It was an old woman, like an old crone type, so I apologized, even though it was on her. I was respectful towards the elderly. "I'm sorry, I..." "No, young was my fault. I offer apologies," she said, with a somewhat hollow voice. "Oh, uh, okay. Well, be careful out here," I said nodding. "Let me make it up to you." "It was nothing." "I...I sense that you are troubled. Such a nice, caring young man. May an old woman lend her ear?" I considered the woman. Smiling, I said, "I don't have any real problems to bore you with, ma'am." In jest, I said, "If you have, uh, a granddaughter... I mean, for my friend? No, what am I saying?" I chuckled nervously. I shouldn't have said anything. "A nice, caring young man," she repeated. "You wish to help your friend out?" "I mean, I have this friend.." I raised my hand to stop the conversation. "Perhaps I can help." My eyes lit up. Maybe she had a cute granddaughter! "You can?" Slowly she nodded. "Your friend, what is his taste?" This was awesome, it was a start at least! As an adult, it felt weird asking girls that I knew if they had a friend that Cody could possibly talk to. I felt like that stage should be over during middle school, but here we were. "Um, I can't really pinpoint anything looks-wise. He just wants...uh, erm, maybe the type of woman that doesn't exist," I chuckled. "It's kind of hard to explain from the outside." "I see," she said with a thin-lipped look. "So it shall be." I immediately felt a wave of nausea overtake me, but I was able to hold it back. I kind of stumbled, with the old woman taking my hand. She was surprisingly strong, much as she'd been when we bumped into each other. Her looks were deceiving. "I'm sorry. I just felt weird for a moment," I said, catching my breath, and steadying myself. "Maybe food poisoning. I would love to talk, and meet this woman, but, I really have to rest. Like, I just don't feel good. But thank you, ma'am. I..uh, never got your name, Misses...?" "Clementina." "Ah, right. I'm Chase. Hopefully, I'll see you around." I waved, turning to go. "Be careful." I gave a weak smile, as I headed home before my stomach contents could prematurely exit, from a yet-to-be-determined orifice. Clementina nodded. - Normally, I would have offered to walk someone like her home, or at least to safety, but my stomach was having none of it. I simply turned everything off and went straight to sleep. No runs for anybody, not tonight. "Ugnh..." I awoke with a start, I felt like shit. "Jesus..." I could hardly breathe. I was sweating profusely, cramping all over, maybe this was the flu, or worse, COVID. I'd had it before, but was boosted, but even that wasn't as bad as this. It was definitely not food poisoning. I wanted to get up, but I sorely lacked the ability. I took the drenched covers off and rolled over to turn the fan on. I think I passed out as soon as I hit the button. - I awoke with a sigh. I inhaled deep breaths. Looking at the ceiling, I remembered last night and the awful pains, thankful that I'd seemed to have slept it off. I felt pretty good today. I sat up. Hair brushed the sides of my face. I yawned and stretched, feeling a weight on my chest. Wait, what? I shook my head, and brunette hair tickled my face, I looked down to see what looked like boobs. Pert boobs with pink nipples, and blue veins running through them. "What the fu.." I gasped, covering my mouth. I stood, and moved to go to the restroom. I was wearing plain cotton panties, and somehow didn't feel weird, despite looking down and seeing only a puffy mound. "Holy shit!" I sounded like a girl! Not even a woman. But a girl. As I looked at my body while getting up, I could see the bald mound and the flatness beneath, and the odd space between my legs as I got up. "This is weird." I raised myself, looked in the mirror, and was met with a girl, or young woman. She was kind of diminutive, with small shoulders, but pretty good childbearing features, nice larger boobs that looked quite different from the front than the top. Her body was was nice, not the nicest I'd ever seen, but I wouldn't kick her out of bed. Her front flat and featureless, the cleft and lips tucked below. On either side were soccer player legs, thicker than I preferred, but probably strong. I could see my ass cheeks from the front, something I liked, but maybe not quite as big of one as I seemed to have. Her face was my face, but clearly female. All my features, but soft. My same brown eyes, but bigger, my same nose, but smaller, my same mouth, but with fuller, kissable lips. She was cute. I moved around, and she did. "No way," I said, finally listening to my voice. It was like a cute 'girl next door' voice I'd say the whole vibe was 'girl next door'. My hands went to my chest, lifting the globes of fat, with their pink nipples. It felt as good, to do this from this angle as it did the other way, I quickly got an idea. I lifted a breast and stuck out my neck, reaching down. I licked a nipple, watching in amazement as it shot sparks of pleasure through me, and watching it go from soft to hard and lightly wrinkled was a huge turn-on. I sucked on it much as I would someone else's. This felt amazing! How could women not just play with these things all day? I felt a heat coming from below, and a moistness as I shifted my legs. I put my other hand down there, lightly rubbing along the puffy lips, it felt mostly like my scrotum, I took another finger to dig inside the slit, feeling the tucked-in inner lips, and I shuddered. I took my middle finger, running it a little deeper, feeling the viscous wetness near the hole I undoubtedly had, then I took my index finger, finding the button of flesh that had to be right above my hole. "Oh, God!" I exclaimed as every hair on my body stood at attention, the beacons on my chest also stood at attention. I continued to touch myself the way that I'd touched women, however, I was able to adjust my ministrations as I felt the veritable cacophony of pleasures. My breathing became ragged as I got closer, I tensed feeling my clit jerking; a similar feeling to coming as a man, but also I could feel something inside doing the same thing; a vagina, my vagina, clenching. My brain melted, and I lay there like a vegetable, in a sated bliss. Dragging myself out of the bed, I had to take stock of the situation. This was no dream. Everything felt too real, too strong. Where would I start? I went to the bathroom to get ready. I immediately noticed that there were women's care products in place of my body wash and shampoo. I ran to my dresser; yep. Girl stuff. Closet; girl clothes. I looked around, my apartment was still as sparse as before, but the vibe was different, slightly feminine. I rummaged through the clothes, grabbing a plain white bra, white tank, and blue jeans, with a pair of plain white Nikes, and pink-rimmed socks, showing right above my ankles. Oddly enough, nothing felt out of place, including the fact that I was wearing pink. Once clothed, I checked my phone. Different lock screen, as I kind of expected, as I began to look around, a text notification popped up. This was also a difference; I had always had my phone on 'Do not disturb', if I wanted to get back with you, I'd do so after checking my missed calls and texts. *Hey Chels, why don't you meet me for lunch?* The person wasn't a contact. Odd. *Who is this?* *You met my grandma last night* Holy shit. I bet that woman did this! I don't think it was a coincidence that I felt like I did last night. I asked for the location and soon headed out. My wallet was replaced with a women's, and my license had also been replaced, "Chelsea Gray" I said aloud. Everything else had stayed the same, aside from the obvious; my description, and sex. As I walked, I checked my apps; my driving gigs were all the same, I had the same bank account, okay. Now, maybe this woman could explain the rest. I walked into the coffee shop, my sense of smell seeming to have been heightened, easily able to discern the different aromas of various coffees, and breads wafting about. Looking around, I saw a young woman, maybe my age, maybe a little younger. She definitely looked related to the old woman, with a slightly olive complexion, bright large hazel eyes, a dainty but slightly hooked nose, and pouty lips, with a smooth jaw contour. She wore her curly hair long and asymmetrically parted. She was striking, to say the least, she had a cute, unassuming smile, and was cutely waving to me. I could melt... "Hey, Chels," she casually greeted me as I sat, noticing she had two drinks; one for her, and another waiting for me. "Um, hi..?" I moved my head, and hands in a way of asking what I should call her. "Chloe," she said. Cute name for a cute girl. "So, I'm going to be blunt," Chloe nodded. "Did your grandma do this?" "Yes," she answered. "But, why?" "You want to help your friend with women, right?" she said as if it were obvious. "But how does being a woman help?" I asked as it came to me. NO! She can't think... "Wait, am I supposed to be the one that gets with him?" I asked, maybe a little loudly, as trepidation rose in my voice. "Just because you are a woman doesn't mean that that's how you'll solve this. Chelsea knows different people than Chase, and even those you do know, you may find that you have a different relationship than Chase did. I believe you'll figure it out." she sounded as if she were much more learned than her age suggested. "Well, how long will I be Chelsea?" I asked in my lilting voice. "Until you figure it out." "That' This can't be undone? If I am not the one that's going to sleep with Cody, I don't understand how being a woman helps me. Also, I really, really don't want to have sex with a guy," I added. None, nobody, ningun. Not happening. "It can't be simply undone. I'm sorry. Either of you, Chase, or Chelsea would cease to exist. However, Grandma thought that this would be the best way for you to help your friend. She could sense the strong feeling you had about it, to the point that it was visibly upsetting you." "Ah... I don't know what to say, what to do. I have more questions now than I did coming to this meeting. Who even is your grandma?" "A woman who helps the compassionate achieve their goals." I could see that I wasn't going to get a straight answer. "So, like, are you going to be here to help me?" She smiled, but nodded 'no'. "You have everything you need, I can promise that much." "How will I know that I've done the right thing?" I needed SOMETHING to go on, here. I needed to be able to return to my normal life! "You'll know. Maybe consider it women's intuition," she said with a cute smile. Even with everything going on, I couldn't get how attractive she was out of my head. Was it magic, or what? I sighed, nodding. "Okay. I guess I have to do this." I really didn't seem to have a choice in the matter. We rose, not having drunk anything, and Chloe placed a $10 bill on the table. She looked at me, and said, "If Grandma believes in you, I believe in you, too. You got this Chels!," she said familiarly as if we'd known each other for a long time. She gave me a hug, and I cried. I didn't know why I was so moved. Chloe seemed so pure, her presence was otherworldly. - I was back at my place, thinking before I went out on any runs. I had everything I needed, and it wasn't me that was going to be the one sleeping with Cody. Wait... I grabbed my phone and looked through it further. Pictures had been replaced. Some of them were the same, except my male visage had been replaced by the girl I had become. Some were gone, others seeming to have been created. There were fewer guy friends and more girlfriends, and I would imagine that our relationships weren't the same as before. I noticed one thing, Cody wasn't in any of the pictures. Was he in my contacts? Gone. Chelsea didn't know Cody? How was I supposed to help him get a girlfriend or laid, or whatever my goal was? Dammit. I checked his social media, and sure enough, everything was the same, I checked his friends, and mostly all the same, minus Chase. I perused my own Facebook, and I noticed that I was still friends with most of the same girls. "Ah! I get it!" I said aloud. I was still friends with these girls, but I hadn't slept with them as Chelsea. I could figure out who would be a good match for Cody, and kind of push them together. My approach would be different, I could convince a girl that Cody would be a good match. I could have this done, and over with in no time! Best of all, Cody would have a girlfriend and lose his virginity. It appeared that Cody still worked for the same company, and I knew where that was. So, one day, no...tomorrow, I would go figure out how to 'meet' him, and go from there. Plans were brewing in my head. - After a day of Ubering, and some deliveries, I was done. Guy passengers were subtly, and not so subtly hitting on me. They were trying to hold conversations for seemingly no reason. When I was a guy nobody did this. I did get a little self-conscious later in the evening as if some built- in ward was telling me that it wasn't a good idea to do this, as if it were Chelsea's natural inclination. I switched to delivery jobs, and I kept my head on a swivel when getting out of my car. I didn't know if I really felt comfortable doing my line of work, but still, going into an office, having to dress up, and being stuck at a desk for 8 hours...I'd still take my chances out here. It probably would suck even more since I was a woman. I shuddered. Where was I going to start on Cody? I was laying in the bed on my back, with my phone held in my outstretched arms. I looked down into the modestly sized cleavage that was being pushed up by the bra, my tits were so round looking from this angle. I had to shake it off before I decided to reacquaint myself, to myself. I would have to decide who would be a good match for Cody, and then start buddying up with her from this angle, and then do the same thing with Cody. I would start my plan into motion Monday, as I knew that Cody had work and could be counted on to be getting off at a fixed time. - I'd gotten ready, which seemed to come naturally, as I'd noticed from the first day. I was pretty much in a similar outfit of a tank and jeans, which was simple, and seemed to be my favorite. I was grateful for whatever innate abilities or skills I had, they would be a big help. Being a woman didn't really feel out of place. I lightly did my makeup, and put my hair in a simple ponytail. I parked a block from Cody's place near a record store. I saw his car pass me, and I got out to walk so that I would meet him with perfect timing. I rounded the corner and saw him do the same. He looked bigger, more manly. Obviously, he did. Compared to me, he was. As we approached each other, we met eyes, and I dropped my phone on the ground. As he went to retrieve it, I noticed his shoulders, and his jawline, for some reason, I appreciated them. He rose, and I could tell how much shorter I was than him. He handed me the phone smiling a smile that made me flustered, and involuntarily blurted, "Wow, Cody...?" Oh shit! I wasn't supposed to say his name. Whatever look he wore became a surprised one. "Yeah, that's me, um, do I know you?" What was I even going to say, dammit! I had to think fast. "Oh, um, I think I've seen you around. Maybe some mutual friends?" I offered. He looked puzzled. "No, I don't think so. I wouldn't forget someone that looks like you." I gasped, blushing hard. Did he really say that? Did I really react like that? "Was that a compliment?" I asked aloud, not meaning to. "No, I mean, I...I just don't think I've seen you before is all," he said defensively. "Oh, um." I was starting to pick this habit up when I was trying to figure out what to say. I had to keep him. "Well, I just happened to remember your name for some reason." C'mon Cody, ask me something, PLEASE, man! "I don't know you, but, I really would like to...?" He looked as if fishing for something.... "Oh, right! Chelsea. Haha, I'm so sorry! I would like that as well. You seem like a nice guy by all accounts." I forgot that he didn't know my name. Cody nervously smiled. "Well, then did you want to give me your number?" "I'll take yours." I saw him deflate, but he asked "When do you want to talk?" I knew he had problems with flakes. "Um, later this evening? I have to work. In fact, I was just finishing a delivery around the corner." "What do you do, Chelsea?" "I do Uber, Lyft, Dash; you name it, I do it." "I see. I... I guess I'll head on up. I hope I hear from you later." He stuck his hand out for a handshake. "You will, I promise." - I did in fact, complete a few jobs, and after getting home and showering, I checked my phone. Nothing but notifications. I checked them, and Cody had found me and sent a request to Facebook. I didn't know this as I used the mobile site as opposed to the app. He apparently sent it soon after we met. I accepted, then called him. We could become buddies again, and then I could figure out who was best for him. That was the goal. "Hello?" "Cody?" "Yes." "Hey, it's Chelsea." "Oh, hi Chelsea! You called!" "I promised you I would." I heard him laugh lightly, with relief. "Sorry about not accepting the request," I explained why, so he wouldn't think I was a flake. "No, you're fine!" he laughed confidently. So, we began to talk about various things. He was the same person, my best friend that I knew inside and out. Our conversation quickly became familiar, and natural. Of course, there was a reason we were friends for so long, and all those things held true, even as Chelsea. Time was getting long, so we had to wind things up. "Hey, did you want to hang out, like go and look at some records or something?" Cody asked. "Yeah, let's do it!" I needed a couple of days to talk to some girls, I wanted to be prepared. "Does Thursday sound good?" "Awesome." he answered. "Hey, it was really good talking to you!" "Yeah," I said. "You feel like an old friend," I said, with him not knowing the true meaning. "You have a good night, and be safe, Chelsea." "You too, Cody. Good night." - Luckily, Cody was still the same guy, therefore I knew his likes. One thing, the main issue he'd always had with women was not being direct after initially asking them out. If he saw a woman that he was interested in, he had no issues asking them for a number, but he was just a major overthinker. You know, how much time after initial contact before he called, that kinda thing. I'd tried to tell him that nobody cared about those old 'rules'. He was also afraid to advance things, worried that he was being too direct. He wondered about every little action he took, and worried about every reaction she made. He was afraid to take the lead, he would give the woman all the power. I tried to tell him it simply didn't work that way. Yes, they were testing you, and yes it sucked, but it was what it was. You had to play the game. In the end, his tendencies always got the better of him. But since I knew him, I could steer a girl in the right direction. I looked at my friendslist on Facebook, and much as with Cody, I knew the girls would pretty much be the same as they were before, just without having slept with me. A few had boyfriends that didn't before and vice versa. "Gabriella, yeah, she's perfect," I said to myself. Gabriella was a short, pretty Latina. She liked many of the same things as Cody and me, and I could easily picture them dating seriously. It was a case where I had linked with up her after a few days of hanging out. She was going to be the target. I had to talk to Cody a little, get any info I needed, and then get her susceptible to the idea of dating him. - "How are you, Chelsea?" Cody greeted as I sat down. I nodded. "Hey, you." "It's good to see you," he said, and I agreed. We ordered a light lunch at the upstart hipster eatery that we were at. As usual, the portions were small and way overpriced, and the whole place was gimmicky. It was called "The Pie Place" of course, using the pi symbol. "So, how've you been doing?" "Just busy. You know, this gig economy keeps you from being lazy, if nothing else." "Ah. So do you like it, is it temporary?" "Yeah, I just graduated, so I wanted a little time before I had to put on a skirt," he laughed. I did as well, at the irony. "I was also thinking about going to Asia to teach for maybe a year or two." "That sounds awesome..." he began. We picked up where we left off, talking as if we had been friends forever. Of course, we had been. At first, he couldn't make eye contact, but that quickly subsided as he got comfortable. From this angle, I couldn't see how he couldn't get a girlfriend, even with his many flaws. Even though he liked girls that portrayed themselves as super nice, there had to be one that actually was all those things he wanted. Cody was a good-looking guy, better looking than his track record would have you believe. I thought the girl that I had become looked pretty cute, and I imagined that we looked good together, maybe even like a couple to passersby. "So, are you dating anyone?" I asked directly. Cody swallowed, and I could sense the nervousness, so I added, "I just don't want to hang out with a taken guy, is all." "Ah, no." He laughed nervously, ruffling the back of his head. It was pretty cute. I could appreciate the nuances differently for some reason. But, did I say 'cute'? "Hm, why not just out of curiosity?" I asked with an inquisitive look. "I don't know, you know. Just eh, just doesn't happen." "For lack of trying?" I inquired. "Heh, I dunno," he repeated. Ah, what was I doing? First of all, he wasn't going to tell me about his woman problems, and secondly, I probably sounded like I was interested. "I'm sorry, um, I shouldn't be asking you this stuff. It's not my business." "Hey, no, you're fine! There are worse things than talking to a pretty girl." I looked away. Having him compliment me made me blush. It was my turn to laugh nervously. We met eyes, and both looked away. This was harder than I thought it'd be. "So, you wanna get outta here, and look at some records? You said you're into music, right?" "Yeah, cool." We walked around the corner, and I noticed his height as we walked side by side. He wasn't any taller, but he was now taller than me. He kept his eyes straight ahead, probably feeling shy again. When we arrived, he held the door as I walked in, and I thanked him. He smiled. I hadn't seen him like this before, and he was likely on his best behavior, but even so, girls didn't appreciate this kind of thing? It was too early to judge, I supposed. We looked at various vinyls, CDs, tapes, and other forms of music that weren't really used anymore. It was becoming fashionable to have these things again, but we were young enough to have never grown up with them, and in terms of quality, only redbook CDs were better than an HD stream. We talked about various artists and songs, and as expected, we were on the same page. "Nice, a gold LP of Thriller," I commented. "That's cool, a top five for sure," he added coolly. He actually loved Thriller, he played the main role in a Halloween play rendition in middle school. After Michael Jackson died, his music made a comeback to the mainstream, and kids doing his routines were a thing in school talent shows when we were growing up. After doing Billie Jean solo, all the girls were all over him, but he was too nervous to receive the attention. I had the record in hand, inspecting it, and noticed his presence behind me. For some reason, it was reassuring. After walking around the store for a bit, we both picked up standard copies. Cody offered to pay for mine, and I couldn't accept something like that from someone that I'd supposedly just met. "No, I insist. If nothing comes out of this, at least we have this," he said. This guy was such a cheeseball. "And what do you expect to come out of this?" I asked. "Nothing. But a friendship would be awesome," he answered, smiling slightly. Great answer. "I would like that." It really didn't feel bad; him wanting to be nice. This was much different than the brooding guy he'd become. I imagined that a real girl would love this. This wasn't anything that I didn't do when talking to women, so how could he be so bad at it? He looked nice, he was respectful, I didn't understand. "Well, Cody, thank you so much! I'll put this on my wall, I promise." Cody smiled. I continued, "I've never had a guy buy me anything before," which was truthful on all accounts. "Oh?" I smiled. "Nope. I guess I'm too much like a guy for most of them," I said, chuckling at the inside joke. "Well, anyway, thanks. Um, I do need to make some money, so as much as I've had a good time, I need to go home, grab my car, and check my apps." "Okay, next time, then," Cody said coolly. I walked away carrying my record, thinking that if he could be like this with Gabby, he should be in there. So, I was his practice dummy to be able to comfortably talk to girls without overthinking himself out of her notice. -- "Hey Gabby, it's been a while." "Oh, hi Chelsea!" she greeted me with her bubbly attitude. She had a matching girl-next-door vibe. She had a cute bronze face with dimples on her cheeks, and deep brown eyes, she had a dainty nose, and full lips. She typically wore her hair in a bun, but when she let it down, her tresses would cascade down her shoulders. She was a little on the shorter side, maybe 5'3", but she had a voluptuous figure. She was aware of her innate hotness, as you could see in her gym pics, but she didn't give off haughty vibes. That kind of drove me towards her. Had I been looking for a girlfriend, of the girls I had been with, she'd have been a top pick. Maybe after Nevaeh Thinking about it, that absolutely sucked; my relationship with Nevaeh was gone, or different. Did she hook up with chicks? Maybe I'd have to see if that was a thing. "I wanted to run something by you." "Okay." "I want to go on a double date. Um, I met a guy, and we're going to go out next weekend, and he's got a friend. He was wanting to know if I had a friend, and I immediately thought of you. So, what are you doing next weekend?" "I don't know. What's he look like?" she asked. "I would say he's handsome." I pulled up his Facebook. "I've been told he's a little shy." "He's not bad. I don't think I've seen him." "So are you in?" "Yeah. Cody, was it?" YES! I made up the whole double-date thing. I was going to talk to Cody, and get him and Gabby together and I would make up an excuse about my own supposed date ditching on me, leaving the pair to get to know one another. This was going to go smoothly. If Cody started overthinking things, I would be his ear as I had always been, but this time, maybe simply being a woman, he would listen to my words better, and with Gabby, I could also play the concerned friend, keeping her from getting frustrated. Hopefully, the two would go on to have a good relationship, and I would be back as Chase, just this time, Cody would be telling me how awesome being with Gabby was. By bedtime, I had again sated myself. Once I got Cody and Gabby together, this was something I was going to miss. Not going to lie...too good! -- Life was life. I was counting down the day until the next weekend. I had only waited an extra week because I thought I needed time to convince both to agree and make sure I had planning time. Neither of which was needed. I just hoped that Gabby wouldn't get interested in a guy before then. But then again, she wasn't always on the lookout, and I knew this. I spent time looking into my plans to teach in Asia. This wasn't anything that would be affected by my change. Other than that it was work, work, and work. I'd spoken to Cody a few times, and it was now time to bring the double date up to him. "Hey what are you up to?" "Nothing much, probably going to the gym soon. What's up, Chelsea?" "Um, are you interested in going on a double date next weekend?" "Uh...yeah, sure!" he said with some excitement clear in his voice. "I have this friend, she's really nice, you'll like her a lot." "Oh...yeah. Yeah, that'," Cody said with a sound of confusion. How could he sound disappointed? This was the first time I was ever able to get him a date. This was great news! "You okay?" "Yeah," he answered "Uh, so you're talking to someone then?" "Well, my friend wanted to go out so we decided to pick the best guy we knew for each other. So..something like that," I lied. I heard him breathe. "Hmm." "You get the good end of the bargain. She's way prettier than I am." I wasn't lying. I didn't even think I looked quite as good as my male self, or even Cody. Maybe I was kind of average to make Cody more comfortable. "Don't say that about yourself, Chelsea. No one should ever have to feel that way. If I were right there, I'd hug you." Why did his words make me feel this way? I thought I was cute, but simply nowhere near as good as Gabby. "Cody..." I sighed. "You're really a good guy." I think my smile could be heard over the phone. "Gabriella is a good girl, and I picked you for a reason. Thank you so much." "Yeah.. okay. Um, good night. Just...make sure you call me if you need anything. Anytime, Chels..." I cried uncontrollably. Why was this even happening!? This was supposed to be easy! Like, why was Cody so fucking....god dammit. He wasn't this perfect before! And the way he called me 'Chels'.. I felt like..he..I don't know, but I hated it. I liked the fact that I could separate myself from this whole thing. Now, I was really part of this...thing, I was Chelsea, not simply Chase playing a role. After a while, I calmed down and sent Cody a 'good night' text. Then, I gave myself attention, I lay with my legs splayed, my mouth open, fingers working my sensitive nipple, breathing heavily as I repeated "Chels" thinking of Cody saying my name like that. "...Ungh..." I shuddered as I had my strongest orgasm yet... I felt wrong, bad, as I wiped a tear from my face, and slumped, soon falling to sleep. - It was now date night. I had kept in touch with Gabby, and even gone out with her, and the same with Cody. Cody was extra sweet when we hung out, and surprisingly, I enjoyed it. This being Chelsea stuff couldn't be over soon enough. How would I even be able to face him when I was Chase again? Maybe I would forget about all of this. That was my hope. Even though I wasn't going to actually be part of the date, I still had to look the part. So, I did dress nice, at least for my low-maintenance self, this evening, wearing a cute white tight jeans and jacket outfit, my face with a creamy foundation, and pink blush, with bubblegum lipgloss. I had a very light salmon smoke to my eyes. I'd done my hair in a mid-2010's bump. All in all, I'd never looked cuter. I was pleased with my skills, again thankful for the old woman not leaving me high and dry in that regard. I'd not felt like I had always been a woman since this whole thing began. I would greet them, and get them acquainted. Once I left, I would likely dress down, and do a couple of runs. Probably save someone else from getting a DUI. "Hey, Chels!" Gabby greeted me with a hug. I hugged her back, giving her a light kiss on the cheek. We were soon joined by Cody. I introduced them. "Gabriella, this is my friend Cody, and Cody, Gabriella!" "Nice to meet you!" Cody said, smiling. He gave her a light hug. He then looked at me with a somewhat surprised look on his face before also giving me a hug. Gabby's look when he smiled. She liked him! She probably felt like I had. "Um, same! Nice to finally meet you too!" I looked around as if I was expecting my date soon. When "he" didn't come after about five minutes, I pulled my phone out, pretending to have received a message. I sighed, "I got stood up." "Oh, no!" Gabby said sympathetically, grabbing my shoulder. "I'm sorry," Cody said, doing similar. "Hey, it's okay. Um, I'll get out of here, and do a couple of runs," I said, trying to look disappointed. "You guys should go in, and have fun." "But, Chels, you're already here, why not go in?" Gabby suggested. "I'm not in the mood now," I answered, shaking my head. "I'll be okay. I'll have a drink tonight, or something." I gave a weak smile. Cody looked as if he wanted to say something, but I turned quickly to leave. Getting back to my place, I stood in front of the mirror. What a waste. I thought I was pretty tonight. Before I undid myself, maybe a selfie for the Book of Faces, or Insta. And done! I would soon hear about the date, I supposed. I could only hope that Cody was as good with Gabby as he had been with me. She'd definitely fall in love. - I awoke to text messages from Cody and Gabby, both thanking me for setting them up. That was pretty wholesome. I called Gabby for the scoop. "..Yeah, he was a cool guy! And his smile's so gorgeous!" I nodded like 'JackNicholsonYes.gif' "I knew you'd like him. So, how did it go?" "So, we talked a bit, and decided to go somewhere quiet, so we went for a coffee." "That's cool." "Yeah. He was a good gentleman. He knew music, and he even knew about my culture. Girl, why are you not dating him?" "Eh, well, it was a double date. I had someone, but ugh!" I said in mock disgust at being flaked on. "That's so messed up! What'd you say to him?" "Oh..uhm I told him that he embarrassed me in front of my friends, so we would not be talking anymore," I lied. "Damn, girl!" "It's his loss," I wanted her to get off of this. "So, is there another date in your future?" "Of course. We're going to have a proper dinner date Wednesday!" she exclaimed. "Oh, wow! Nice!" This was going great! Bullseye! We soon said our goodbyes. - It shouldn't be long now. This was fairly easy, except for some of the emotional stuff, and sometimes feeling weird about Cody. I really hoped that this wouldn't mess with me when I turned back. I attributed this to the same magic or whatever that caused me not to be weirded out by being a woman. I knew I saw Cody differently than before, but I didn't feel 'gay' about it or anything. Hopefully, when I was back, it all went away. I spoke with my parents. Mom was the same doting mom that she'd always been, still wanted me to come home, and work a normal 9-5. Dad, however, was different. I was his little "Muffin", and he also wanted me to come back home. As Chase, he figured that I was making my own way, and would do whatever I was going to do. As Chelsea, he wanted to protect his little Muffin from the cruel world. It was different. I couldn't say if it was better, or worse. It would be nice to visit them for a bit and see how things were in person, but Chelsea wouldn't be a thing if Cody and Gabby were moving along. Hmmm, what could've been? This whole experience was going to be a big 'what could've been?' Oh well. - After a few days, I received a text from Cody asking if I was good. I told him that I was, then he called. "Haven't heard from you." "I'm sorry. Um, I know that you and Gabby are getting on well, so I felt that I should back off." "Nonsense. We're fine with it, you're our friend, you got us talking. I am grateful that you just appeared in my life like you did. I had never been able to get along with a woman. Like, I mean, I don't know. You are so easy to talk to, I don't get nervous, or overthink things like I tend to do. We haven't known each other long, but I feel like we've been friends forever, and I don't want to lose you over this." "Cody," I began. "I haven't known you much longer than you've known Gabby. Should it matter?" "Yes, it does. Don't people normally have friends that are the opposite sex? You've shown me that." Everything he says is so good. How? Had my perspective shifted so much? He was still the same guy I'd always known. However, I didn't seem to need to play babysitter with him. I guess I had accomplished my goal, he was better with women now. The problem was that I was a woman... - I decided to see if Cody was up to hanging out, like the good old days; two weeks ago. I was still a woman, and that fact was a bit concerning. Cody and Gabby liked each other, right? I would use this opportunity to see just what the hell was going on and see if I needed to intervene. I texted: *sup m8* *Hey Chels* *Wanna hang out?* *Sure let me tell Gabby* *Cool* We made plans for all three of us to go to a local grille and pub. We would probably eat, shoot some pool, maybe go to a store and browse. I dressed in my typical casual stuff; a tank and jeans. Upon arriving, I was met with Cody, and Gabby, with Gabby holding onto Cody's arm. Was he flexing, or did his arm look muscular? Either way, I greeted the pair, and we walked in to be seated and made our orders. I sat across from the pair, noticing how close Gabby was to Cody. This was great, but how hadn't it happened yet? Wraslin' was a guilty pleasure of ours, so I struck up some conversation about it. "So, who do you think they'll let win the Royal Rumble?" His eyes got wide, as we'd never talked about it since I became Chelsea. "Dude, I don't know, just as long as they don't have some old guy come back and win it, or fuckin Bork Laser." "BROCK LESNARRRRR!" I shouted in way too loud a voice, making myself laugh at the pure ridiculousness of my voice. "I know. Those guys had their time, it was before us. How is some 60-year dude that can barely walk gonna come and beat up a bunch of dudes our age?" "I know right?" Cody laughed. Gabby was looking at him pensively, then at me with a look that I couldn't place, like she was saying 'Bro?' "So, anyway..," I began. We ended up conversing about a few different things, sharing laughs, and glances, before Gabby decided to bring up a topic. "Well, Chelsea, so, did you ever find another date?" "Nah," I shook my head. Cody looked at me, apparently interested. I shrugged, "Meh." "Do you want to meet a guy? What kind of guy?" "Um, I haven't thought much about it, but someone who I can talk to easily would be best. I would also have to feel at real ease. You know, like, some guys make it feel like it's all about sex," I answered. Some of these answers were taken from my memories as Chelsea. I was a virgin, and I did weirdly value that fact. For some reason, boys should lose theirs, and girls should keep theirs; it was a weird dynamic, and I had memories of being on both sides of that line. However, in current times, I would be considered a prude. I might also not be what a lot of guys were looking for. Chase was fine with casuals, I wasn't. As Chase, I knew hooking up was a thing, I'd done a fair amount. I mean, you click with a girl, and then 'boom'; it is what it is. It was always so simple. When I was a man, could I have had the patience that Chelsea required? Questionable, and that's why it never worked out with any guy that I'd ever remembered talking to in the past. "Girl, you still have your v-card, you are 23!" I gasped in shock, and I nervously glanced at Cody, who was also doing the same to me, with a surprised look on his face. Gabby had just told him that I was a virgin, and Cody was visibly uncomfortable at the mention. He pursed his lips, ruffling the back of his neck, and averted his gaze. I did something similar. Cody didn't know that I knew that he was a virgin, although he might have figured out that his reaction just gave that fact away. I questioned why Gabby would even say that. It was private knowledge, and it was especially embarrassing to have Cody hear that. I didn't know why, but it was. "Um, so yeah," Cody started, trying to get things back on track. He was getting good, or maybe he was already good. "I know this was short notice, Gabby, how was your day earlier?" he asked. Immediately, Gabby's expression brightened as she began to talk about her day. She scooted closer to him, smiling as she spoke. Cody would ask me a question here and there, and would smile as I answered. I could see that Gabby really liked Cody and that Cody was really comfortable with her. So, why was nothing happening? Gabby had not lacked for affection. All of the things he'd complain about, she wasn't doing. I wanted to talk to him one on one, like I used to be able to do as Chase, but when we split, those two needed to go together. Once we were done, I called it a night, wishing the couple well. Gabby cutely waved me bye, with her arm intertwined in his, and I did the same. I gave Cody a smile, and I noticed Gabby's expression darken for some reason. Cody gave me a look, as if he wanted to say something, maybe. I waved and went my own way. In my own thoughts, while walking home, the question about guys asked by Gabby came to mind. Cody's face also came to mind. I had basically described Cody when answering the question, I mean, from this angle, he was all of the things that Chelsea, I, would want in a partner. He was so easy to talk to, without the pretense I usually felt from guys. We could talk about anything, much as we did tonight. In fact, we talked more than he and Gabby did. I imagined what it would be like to be the one sitting next to Cody, instead of beside him, what it would feel like to walk closely snuggled up to him, shopping with him for cute trinkets, coming over to each other's house. I blushed, having come to the realization that I liked Cody. Ever since the first smile. I wondered if this was done to me, so that I would in fact be the girl that would get with Cody. I realized that that wasn't the case. I did, after all, have multiple avenues to fulfill the condition, including getting Cody and Gabby together which I had done. But if that was so, why did I like him like that? He seemed to be a perfect match to me; we still had everything in common, but now we were the opposite sex. Physically, I found him attractive. It's like in my eyes, all his maleness was increased from what I remembered. His jawline; strong, his arms, with the veins on his biceps, the way his shoulders bulged out, his smile, his kind eyes, his strong calves. My smaller stature next to him. I had those things as Chase, so he seemed like another bro; he WAS my bro. But from the eyes of Chelsea, he was something else. Something that Chelsea, I, was attracted to. - Having done enough runs for the day, it was now Thursday evening. I decided that I would visit my parents. I was interested in how I would interact with them, though my memories told me it was different than how Chase did. I would do some runs tomorrow, and min-max by way of seeing if I could catch any Uber runs that were on the way. I did want to relax, after all of this 'stuff' that was going on, and I knew out at Mom and Dad's was the perfect place, especially as Chelsea. I also wanted to kind of go off the grid, with no distractions, and sort myself out. - I pulled up to my parent's house. The same house, but I imagined that my room would be different. I got my things out of my car and carried my bag, and laptop up the door, where I was greeted by my mom, who I gave a big hug, and though I remembered apparently having done this many times, it was weird for our breasts to be smooshing into each other's, and for me not to be taller than her. I looked even more like her than I had as her son. "Where's Daddy..Dad?" I asked, correcting myself. "He'll be back soon. He's down at the speed shop, working on his car, or talking to the guys while they work on his car," she answered, giggling at her own joke. I nodded. "Mom, can I beg you for some real food?" I asked sweetly. "I'll make us a nice dinner tonight. " "Nice!" "What are you going to be doing?" "I'm going to head up to my room until Dad gets home. I just need to rest." With that, I went upstairs to my room. Upon entering it, the smell was different than I remembered, a feminine smell permeating the room. Other than that, it was mostly as it had been. There were some stuffed animals on the bed, and I remembered that I'd had them as long as I could remember. They were a source of comfort. I picked up Sam the bear. I'd never had any such things, or I was over them before I could remember. I pursed my lips, thinking about the past, a past that I hadn't actually lived, but remembered. Even so, this bear gave me a strange, but at the same time, familiar comfort. I laid with my back on the bed, putting Sam in the divot created by my arched legs, much as one would do with a baby. I completely cleared my mind, and before I knew itm sleep had overtaken me. - I awoke, groggily looking up, seeing my father standing in the doorway. He had one leg crossed, as well as his arms. He warmly smiled, saying "Good morning, Muffin." "Daddy!" I got up, giving him a hug, having to get on my tiptoes. "How long did I sleep?" "It's not morning." He held me briefly above the waist, saying, "Still the same little girl as always." he chuckled. "What?" I asked. He pulled out his phone, showing me a picture of me sleeping with my teddy bear Sam, I looked peaceful, childish, sleeping away without a care in the world, with Sam watching over me, making sure the monsters didn't get me. I looked further, and saw that the picture was captioned; "Some things never change. And that's fine by me. -Dad." "Hey, no! That's embarrassing! Erase that!" I whined, reaching for the phone. Dad shook his head, laughing, and yanked his phone away. "Hey, these moments don't happen often anymore. Besides, your little friends aren't going to see this. Unless I tag you!" "Ugh!" I relented. Of course, I wasn't actually mad or anything. I thought the picture was cute. Moments like that were not something I had as Chase, which was admittedly nice. "What do we owe the pleasure?" "Can't I just want to see my folks?" I asked, shrugging. This was the truth, as I wanted to see how things were different from when I was Chase. Even the playful nature of our banter was an admittedly welcome change. "Well, we're always glad to have you, Muffin. Anyway, your mom is done with dinner, so I was letting you know." Dad nodded, heading downstairs. "Okay, let me get this slobber off my face...that you shared with everyone," I jabbed. "They all think it's cute," I heard him, chuckling as his voice faded from earshot. - "Mom, this is amazing!" As either Chase or Chelsea, I missed Mom's cooking. This was her fried chicken, mashed potatoes, with chicken stock gravy, and her world-famous, gooey, cheesy, delectable mac and cheese. I made an exaggerated face, and grunt which I immediately regretted, as I looked like I had probably just., um, 'arrived', or even the 'agehao' face. "I didn't know that it was THAT good," Mom joked, while Dad gave rolled his eyes and looked away, with a face that said 'yikes!' "You must be getting used to all that take-out." "Well, what can you do?" I asked in jest, shrugging. "It would probably help if you used your degree," Mom said, going to a place that she usually did, regardless if I were Chelsea or Chase. "I know, once I come back from teaching in Asia, I'll be ready to get a job in my field." "Right now you're running yourself, and your car ragged. You know, I worry about you; a young single girl...still singllllee?" she slyly asked, raising an eyebrow. "That'll also have to wait," I said, thinking 'as in never'. I would be Chase here soon enough. I had never spoken to Mom about anything regarding women when I was Chase, but of course, I wasn't him anymore. That said, because I never had relationships as Chelsea, I hadn't talked to her about that aspect of my life either. "She'll be fine," Dad said to Mom, "We can't expect them to finish college and then go into a career immediately without testing the waters of what they want to do. It's a different world for them." I got up, and hugged Dad around his neck. "Thank you Daddy!" I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. I surprised myself, but knew instinctively, this was just what I did. "Yeah, I know. Just remember your room is always here," Mom said, patting my leg as I was now seated. This was still a welcome change. I loved that Dad was on my side, and not just merely observing. "It's okay. I like how things aren't so easy right now, but on the bright side, I can work whenever I want. It would be more awesome if the companies didn't take the cuts they did, but it works for me, for now. Um, when I get the car paid off, I'll go to teach, then I'll go from there." "What if we pay the car off, Muffin?" Dad offered. "No," I protested. "I have to stand on my own two feet. I'm ahead of the loan, and I don't mind how I live. I'm not destitute or anything. The only thing I want from you guys is a place to park my car when I leave. I mean, if it's worth keeping," I laughed. "Okay, Deb, I tried," Dad said with a look that told me this was planned, and the result was as he expected. "Well, she listens to you, so..." she replied. "Mom, thank you for the offer. I appreciate all you do," I said, hugging her, "especially feeding me. Just keep this dump truck on me, and we'll be okay," I laughed. "So how long are you going to be here?" she asked. "The weekend," I replied, having successfully changed the flow of the conversation. "I'll send some food with you." "Thanks, Mom. I love you so much," I kissed her on the cheek. It was refreshing how natural it felt to do this with them. I retired to my room, letting memories flow through my mind. For the number of parallels between these lives, there were as many differences. While things weren't perfect, I liked the interactions better this way. Dad was more or less nonchalant about me or anything I did as Chase. I knew as a man of his time; a younger boomer, older Gen X, he simply wanted to let me do what I felt I needed to do, and as long as I wasn't hurting myself or anyone else, he had nothing much to say. As Chelsea, he still wanted me to do my own thing, but the way he doted on me made me feel supported, even if I didn't know what was coming next in life. In fact, it gave me more motivation to try different things without feeling pressured. Mom, on the other hand, this go around was still on me a bit, and the same reasons, but different motivations. She wanted Chase to be able to stand on his own two feet, and be that man; Dad's mini-me. It would help my stability, and things like getting a wife, but what she didn't understand was that those things weren't important to me, not quite yet. As Chelsea, Mom wanted me to get on stable ground as well, but she also didn't want me to be working these jobs due to safety concerns. There'd been stories of drivers attacked, killed; men and women, but being the slight woman I was, I totally understood. The first night I was Chelsea, I got super sketched at night, and I felt an innate fear, and worry, which put Mom's perspective, well, into perspective. Mom thought the sooner I left this work behind, the safer I'd be, and she wasn't wrong. Even so, I still had to figure out what I was going to do. It had to be something that I wanted to do. Even with my shiny new degree, nothing guaranteed your stability. I could get a nice cushy job, get used to a certain income and lifestyle, and get canned because arbitrary reasons were definitely a thing, and then I'd be back to the gigs anyway. I'd used this weekend for reflection. I kind of went off the grid, not speaking to anyone, no social media, just kind of investigating my parent's dynamics with Chelsea, which was actually just hanging out with them. With Mom, I mostly kept the topics light; she'd talk about what some of her friends were doing, and things that she found cute. She'd asked me if I found any guys cute, and I blushed because I did in fact find one cute. The only problems were that he was my best friend, and I had gotten him together with Gabby. She noticed this and gasped. "Awww, you like a guy!?" her face brimmed with excitement. "Tell me about him!" she grabbed my hands excitedly. "There's nothing to tell. There's a guy that I think I like, but he's dating someone else." "Oh, Chels, I'm so sorry," she said softly, giving me a hug. "It's fine," I didn't even know why I admitted this to her in the first place. I mean, it wouldn't matter soon enough, right? I'd be Chase, and this would never have happened. God, I hope I didn't remember this. "Do you want to talk about it? I just never imagined, well, you, and then he's taken." I was as secretive as Chase had been, so she never knew if I was talking to anyone or not. "It's not a big deal, really. I'm sure you didn't get with every guy you ever liked before Dad, right?" "Of course, I didn't, but for you to show any emotion about this is significant. How much do you like him?" "He's my best friend." He literally was. Mom knew Cody, she was like a second mother to him, as was his mom to me. Well, as Chase anyway. "I've wanted to have this conversation with my daughter for so long, and now it's.." she exhaled, "Rather complicated." "It's all good, Mom. I never imagined things would ever be this way either," I began with a double meaning, "But, life goes on. I'll be fine. I think." I really wasn't sure. I had feelings about this whole thing that I wasn't wholly comfortable with. Mom pursed her lips, rubbing my shoulders. "Is he blind?" "He's clueless. But, so was I. I was the one that got them talking." Speaking of, I'd expected to wake up as Chase while I was out here, and this weekend was almost over. "You think you'll ruin your friendship if you take it there?" "I...don't know." I looked down considering that question. Internally, there was much more to it. I had to reconcile the things in Chelsea's mind once I was Chase again. But her desires were my desires. I needed Chloe, surely she had an answer for this. Anyway, that was as much as I was willing to talk to Mom about, I wasn't comfortable, man or woman. Just a little less so as a woman. A little later, as I was heading off, back to the concrete jungle, Mom blessed me with some Tupperware dishes of home-cooked food. I gave her a hug and a kiss telling her "Bye Mom! Love you so much!" "Don't be a stranger, Darling," Mom said, with that mom smile. I then moved over to Dad, giving him a hug, then a kiss. "Love you lots, Daddy!" Dad cleared his throat. "Alright, my little Muffin." he smoothed my hair and kissed my forehead. Years involuntarily came to my eyes. I didn't want to leave. I wanted to feel like this longer. - I'd driven down the road, and stopped on a private side road. "Chloe!" I looked at my phone, searching my history and texts, and she was nowhere to be found. "Chloe!" Please!" Please, if you can hear me, please call me!" I shouted. I rubbed the sides of my head. I needed someone to talk to! No one else could know what was going on, not that they'd believe me. I waited a few minutes to see if maybe she'd call or text, but she didn't. "Cody.." I knew talking to him would make me feel better. "But I can't selfishly hog his time when he's dating Gabby." I sighed, hitting my forehead on the steering wheel. "Okay..." I said, patting my legs, "Let's get home, and relax." I exhaled deeply, then started the car, heading home. - Back at home, getting ready for the grind to begin again, I sat thinking about this past weekend. I was more than a little sad that I'd have to give this part of things up. I don't know if my thinking was 100% my own thinking, I mean, it felt natural to be my parent's little girl, it felt natural to call my dad, 'Daddy', it felt natural to kiss him. More than that, the warmth that he had towards me felt so good, I was his little Muffin, after all. Were these things that Chelsea wanted, or were they things that I wanted? I mean, Chelsea was me, if I had been born a girl, right? Even if I hadn't lived her life until now, I did, right? I had been that girl that my parents doted over, the girl that loved the idea of having a pony when I got older, that girl whose mom told me to start carrying a pad in my bag when that time approached, the girl that was my dad's little Muffin...and... the girl that had a crush on Cody when I first saw him? I knew that I liked Cody, and it took until now to admit it to myself. Was this why I was changed or was this a side-effect of who I now was? I was now conflicted as to whether or not this was done for a reason. Did it matter? Being Chelsea didn't bother me, my life, the life of a young woman felt natural. No, I liked this. But should I? Was it wrong for me to want to be a woman, and like my guy best friend? - I had expected to wake up one of those weekend days as Chase, but that obviously hadn't happened. I was going to have to check in on Cody, wondering exactly why I wasn't a man yet. Chole said that I'd know. I was guessing that basically, that meant, if he slept with Gabby then I'd be a man again, and then it'd be obvious. I was back to doing my thing, and I was missing my parents. As Chase, I kind of took their presence for granted, but then again, the relationship was different. Now, being out here and alone did feel just that... alone. Chelsea, I, had always felt a little sad being away from them. I began to wonder if my own preferences were why I went to visit them in the first place. The only reason that the emptiness hadn't really bothered me since this began, was mainly because I was focused on getting Cody with Gabby, but also because I had Cody. Most of my friends were cool, and nothing was much different about them than when I was Chase, but Cody was still my best friend. I had only been friends with him for a short time, and we were already back. - It was Tuesday. Monday had been super busy, there was a decent amount of good work, and since I was at the parent's, I hadn't gotten in on that Saturday night goodness. I had finished up a Dash and was lounging at home, browsing social media. I saw Dad's pic of me, and the comments about it. I smiled. Then I teared. This would come to an end soon. It had to. I was interrupted by my phone ringing. "Hey Cody, what's up?" "Hey, Chelsea," he greeted, with a tiredness to his voice. "You okay, buddy?" I asked at this. "Hey, you wanna go have a drink?" he asked. I didn't like this. He was brooding, and this was something that hadn't changed, regardless of who I was. I closed my eyes. "Is something wrong?" I heard a hesitation, but he answered, "Nah. I could use a friend." "Okay, sure. I got you, man. O'Reilly's?" - Cody and I met, and I could see that guy, that guy that I was supposed to help. So, why was he like this? Why hadn't Gabby come with him? Don't tell me... We sat at the bar, and ordered two beers. We drank a little in silence, and I noticed Cody's hunched-over look, with his elbows on the bar, propping himself up. He ruffled his hair, looking at me, smiling a defeated smile. "So, what's up?" I asked, rubbing Cody's back. My hand went to his temple, brushing back some loose hair. It just felt like a natural thing to do. When I had been Chase, a sulking Cody was kind of an annoyance, now my heart ached. I saw his look come to life a bit, as he looked at me, sighing. "It's Gabby." "She's amazing, right?" I asked, not understanding how there could be a problem. "Yeah, she's great, she's beautiful, smart, and a lot of other good things. A lot of guys would love to be with her." I didn't know why, but those words felt like daggers. "Oh, that's... good! I knew you'd like her, I had a hunch. It's almost like we've been friends forever, and I just know these things," I laughed. "Well, we aren't talking," he said plainly, taking a sizable sip of his beer. "What? Why?!" This was why I hadn't changed back! "We agreed that it was best," he said, nodding. "Well, actually, after we all went out the other day, she was coming on aggressively, and you know, I couldn't do it." Had he really overthought himself literally out of this woman's bed?! He was at base three and a half! "She got mad, understandably so. She said it wasn't going to work. I got up, agreed and wished her well..." "Cody, I'm sorry... I don't know what to say. I thought that you and Gabby would be perfect together." Cody looked at me, exhaling. "Maybe we would've been." He swigged the rest of his beer and asked for the tab for both of us. "Can we finish this outside?" "Um, sure." We stepped out and went the small distance to where Cody's car was parked. It was this little tree-lined park-like downtown island, with benches, with paid parking on either side. We walked through the middle, which was kind of like a nature path, if nature paths were in the middle of the city, contained within a block's distance. We stopped near the entrance or exit, marked by the end of the wrought iron fence into pillars with mood-lighting sconces. Cody looked at me, I could see him thinking very hard, mulling things over, before finally speaking. "Chelsea, I believe that Gabby would be the perfect girl for me. All of the things I could have asked for, and she really liked me for some reason," he said, giving a light chuckle. I listened intently. "What's wrong, Cody?" "You exist. I'm sorry, Chelsea. I can't think about her, when you stole my heart with your smile on that fateful day." Cody looked as if a huge weight had been lifted from his chest. "The reason Gabby and I aren't talking is that she could tell that I liked you. But, she also has this ridiculous notion that you like me as well." He laughed lightly, then grunted. "She's right...about me. I'm sorry to tell you this, just needed some liquid courage." "She's right, you know, about me, too." It was out there from both of us. I went for it, no second guessing, no trying to figure out a certain way to say it. "I like you, Cody." "Chelsea..." His eyes grew bright. "But I just want to get something off my chest. I'm not Chelsea, I'm not a woman." He looked me up and down. "Are you saying you're trans? I mean that's totally cool," he replied, a little more nervously than he may have wanted. "No! I'm your best friend, Chase." "I don't know anyone named Chase," he responded. "Are you playing with me?" he asked, looking sullen. "You think I've always been Chelsea, and so does everyone else; my parents, my friends, everyone. I was Chase, and then I was changed into Chelsea." "I don't get what you're telling me. This sounds crazy," he said, with uncertainty in his voice. "I know it does, but you need to believe me, you're the only one I can talk to. You're my best friend!" I pleaded. I knew how I sounded, but this whole thing was crazy and driving me insane. "Chelsea, I don't know what I'm supposed to do, or say." "We've been best friends since the second grade," I began, I listed off various things that had happened, who his family was, and various other things that I knew as Chase, and that Chelsea wouldn't ever know. Hell, no one would know these things unless they were his best friend. "That scar," I said, pointing to his ankle, "You got that on a fishing trip; a hook got your leg, and it got infected because of the freshwater organisms. You were in the hospital for 2 weeks, and they saved your leg." I cried thinking of the pain and suffering that he went through. I cried when this actually happened, we were 10 after all, but even though Chelsea hadn't lived through it, those thoughts of my best friend, now the guy I liked, having gone through that, was now going through my 'Chelsea filter', and I was wailing. Cody grabbed me. "Chelsea..." "I'm sorry. Chase's memories know that this happened, but this is the first time that I...have gone through these's painful. Like, it's so complicated..." I gritted my teeth. I couldn't articulate my feelings well right now, for so many reasons. "That happened; it was me and Dad, I didn't have any real friends that knew about that. I just came back to school a few weeks later without much fanfare. So, you were there?" He asked, in realization, looking down at me. "Yes," I answered, looking back up into his eyes, which looked conflicted. "Our parents knew each other well, you were like a second son to mine, and the same was true of me." "Wow." "And even more important right now; you've always had problems talking to girls. Like, you'd crush on a girl that was serving at her job, and you'd complain to me that she gave you a fake number or something. At first, I used to try to convince you that were doing their job, but you wouldn't hear it. Then, I just went along with it, but always wished the best, and hoped that someone would make you happy one day.." Cody got a mortified look on his features. "That, that sounds like stuff that has happened, but I never talked to anyone about it..." "That's because it was ME that you confided in. If I don't exist as a man, you didn't have that friend to talk to." "Well, then, why all of this? If you were my best guy friend, why are you now this woman?" I told him about the old woman, my subsequent change, and then meeting the woman's granddaughter Chloe, and what I was told. "I was told this was how I was to help you. At first, I didn't get it, why did I have to be a woman? I was told that it wasn't that I was necessarily supposed to be the one to..." I looked nervously, continuing, "Then I figured it out; my relationships with everyone I ever knew had changed." Cody looked pensively, saying, "Go on." "The women I had been with as Chase, I never got with, since he didn't exist. But I knew all of their personalities; likes, and dislikes, without that whole sloppy seconds thing. You would have never gotten with a girl that I saw first, even if just to lose your virg..," I stated, as Cody hushed me quickly. "I'm sorry!" I covered my mouth. "You know that?" Cody asked in shock. "What don't you know?" "I'm your best friend, after all," I smiled a little. "I.. erm.., well, I'm one too, now," I added without thinking. "So, if I believe what you're saying, then is Gabby a girl you slept with before?" I nodded. "Yes, but no. Now, that hasn't happened, she's just a friend that I thought you'd get along with. That's been the case, hasn't it? I was there to help you be better at talking to women. Think about how shy you were at first. Now, look how you're holding me." Cody let me go quickly, as if he'd done something wrong, or that I was gross. "What am I supposed to think about this?" "I didn't hate, you know, being held..." I admitted, crinkling my bottom lip "But, I don't know. The reason I'm telling you this is because I like how things are." "What do you mean?" Cody questioned.. "You know I was at my parents right?" he nodded. "My relationship with them has also changed. I have these memories from Chelsea and Chase. There's this feeling I get from them that I didn't have as Chase. I mean, I know they love him, me, just the same, but you know, it's different. I'm going to lose that once this is over, and I don't know how I feel about it," I explained, sniffing. "I, I'm sorry," Cody said, with uncertainty in his voice. "There's ...other... things that I like, too. I don't know why. I don't know what to do... I thought that this was going to be easy. I know I probably shouldn't have told you all of this," I actually started to chuckle. I knew he thought I was crazy. "Look, um, if you never want to see me again, I understand." I exhaled, I just didn't know what to do next. "I'll probably be a memory soon enough." Tears ran down my face. This was much harder than anticipated. "Chelsea," Cody began, "I believe you." "Cody...Thank you." " knew my name, and where I lived, and it wasn't a coincidence that we met, was it?" he asked as the light came on in his mind. "Yes, I knew all of it. What I wasn't prepared for was how I felt when you smiled back at me. My chest fluttered like the girl I am." "Do you feel that way now?" "I do." I just wanted to reach up and tell him I would be his forever if he wanted it. "Then don't become a memory. I want this to be a reality. I like everything about you. I apologized to Gabby, but as I told her, she was right, as long as you exist, I can't think of another woman." "Does what I've told make you feel any differently?" "It doesn't matter. I don't know you as 'Chase', I only know the pretty girl who bumped into me, and flashed a smile that I will never forget. A girl who is friendly, thoughtful, witty, likes what I like, and apparently knows me inside and out. A girl who's literally my best friend. How could I not have fallen for you?" My mouth was on the ground. "It's not fair!" "What's not fair?" Cody asked. "You! You are so good, you say the right things, and because I know you, I know that you mean them. Chelsea - I, like you, Cody. I know that I was Chase, but I'm Chelsea now, and to me, you are the perfect guy." Cody grabbed my shoulders, kissing me. "Chelsea.." I pushed back. "We can't. Once you do it, I will be Chase. I'm scared, Cody. I don't want to be Chase, and I don't want to remember this if I become him," I cried. "Look, Chels... if I believe you, then I want to believe in us." he hugged me close, and it felt so good, just another thing that I could experience as Chelsea, but not as Chase. "You want this too, don't you? Maybe this was how it was supposed to be?" "Can we stay like this, for a little while?" Cody kissed my forehead. "Anything you want." I put my small hands against his chest, being enveloped in happiness from his embrace. "Cody." I looked up to meet his gaze, "Can we go to my place?" Cody nodded, holding my hands in his large ones. This didn't feel like we were bros, this felt right. We got into his car, and as we headed toward my place, we both looked at each other, and then quickly looked away nervously. As we looked ahead, I placed my hand on his free hand down by the automatic shifter. I looked at him again with what I hoped was a reassuring smile. He lightly smiled, and nodded, looking back at the road. Upon arriving at my place, we went upstairs to my apartment. It was just as I remembered it. Before I had another thought, Cody spun me around. We kissed. His height, his size, and his maleness, felt right. "Cody, this feels right. I don't know what's going to happen after this, but right now I don't care," I told him huskily, as I removed his shirt. "It does..." he said, removing mine, as we kissed more. I began to pull him towards the bedroom, all while feverishly kissing and removing more clothing. Cody noticed the Thiller record hanging on the wall, he looked between me and the record, "Wait, you knew about that, don't you?" he asked as the realization hit him. "Yep!" I chirped, "You were the coolest kid in town" His smile got wider as he hugged me softly, then I told him, "Cody, be careful. It really is my first time." He gulped, then gained his composure back, saying quietly, "Okay, Chels. I'm glad you decided I was the one." he punctuated that statement with a kiss. "I'm glad to be doing this with you, too." We stood, him leaning down and kissing me more. He softly grabbed my ass, saying, "I've wanted to touch this so much, you've got such a nice ass, Chels..." He guided me as I lay on my back, with Cody over me, kissing and rubbing parts of my body. I had my head turned, taking in all the pleasures. I didn't know where he would suck, kiss, nibble, or touch next, every new sensation drove me absolutely wild. Having my breasts sucked on, while my legs were raised submissively was the ultimate turn-on, I held his head, bringing it to my face, and we began to kiss voraciously, then I pushed him down lower, and lower. "Oh my god, Cody!" I bit my lip as he gave me oral pleasure. "That's amazing!" "You are so sexy, Chels..." he said as he reached up tweaking my nipples, bringing me over the edge. I involuntarily squeezed his head with my legs, "Oh, I'm so sorry!" I exhaled, "You were amazing. Now, can I have the real thing?" It seemed like his dick pulsed just hearing me say that. I grabbed it lightly, being used to women who for some reason thought that you manhandled them for maximum effect. I caressed it as if it were the most precious thing in the world. I straddled him, rubbing his head along various parts of my needy body. I touched his cock head to my nipples, and wrapped my tongue around both, making us both shudder. I moved down so now his cock was level with my tits, I squeezed them together enveloping his cock, with the head peeking out, and I licked it as it bobbed. Cody grabbed my tits as he fucked them, pushing my nipples together, this made me cum again. I shuddered yet again, as I felt Cody grow tenser. "No! Put it in!" I panted. I quickly lowered myself so that my soaking wet pussy was aligned with his hard, pulsing cock. I gently slid down, taking some in. "Oh my God..." I grimaced. "It hurts." I sucked air through gritted teeth. I got up and flipped onto my back. Missionary would let him be as gentle as he needed. He positioned himself, then grabbed my face, kissing me, and caressing me gently. His ministrations felt amazing, and for a virgin, Cody was being a very attentive lover. As I loosened up, Cody pulled himself up to me, I said, "Okay..." I pursed my lips in anticipation, and he slowly pushed, going deeper, and deeper. I grabbed the sheets, spreading my legs as if it would give him more room. He slid as much as he could in, then I felt it. "Our virginity...we both just lost it," I said breathily. Cody huskily grunted, kissing me, I kissed back making our tongues dance. Cody began to pump, and everything melted into the most pleasure I'd ever felt. I concentrated on the feeling of Cody's strong hands on my body, and then I moved his hand to my clit, and used my hands to guide his fingers along that bundle of nerves shooting sparks of pleasure rippling through my body. We both came simultaneously. We lay in the wake of our lovemaking, with me nestled into Cody's arm, catching our breath. This felt right. "Cody?" "Chels?" he responded with a kiss. "That girl Chloe that I told you about? She said I'd know when I did the right thing. This was the right thing," I said, smiling with contentment. "Chelsea," Cody said, grabbing my hand. "Yes?" I asked, feeling content, bringing our hands to rest on my breast. "Is it too early to say 'I love you'?" I reached over and hugged him in our sweaty nakedness. "It's only been 15 years," I smiled, wiping a tear from my eyes. "I love you, Chelsea." "I love you, too Cody." *END*

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Sinful CyndiChapter 8

After my swim, I got a towel out of the closet by the pool and wrapped my nude body in it. I went up to Cyndi's room to wait for her. They were still at it, I saw through the viewfinder... I suspected they would be at it for some time. I lay down on the bed, feeling my cock get hard again. God damn! That little bitch was the hottest vixen I'd ever had wrapped around my cock. I never would have suspected that my own sister could be such a whore. But she was, and she did it quite admirably....

2 years ago
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The Internet Porn PimpChapter 23

After the ass fucking, they both fell asleep. When Latoya woke, she didn’t know where she was at first. Then she thought back to the events of the day. She had been sold, sold to Dazhawn. He was her Master now, her owner. He was also the sexiest man she had ever met. And his cock was wonderful. She thought back to how wonderful his cum had tasted and how wonderful her pussy had felt when he fucked it. And he had fucked her in the ass! It had hurt at first but then it had felt wonderful. It...

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Leslies Punishment

“Leslie, get in here!” he yelled to his 16 year old daughter. He had been putting away the laundry his lazy kid was too busy to take care of when he’d made a discovery. It was hard enough being a single parent, but the way she acted was as if he was her slave. “No way is she getting off easy this time,” he thought silently as he waited for a reply. “What now?” she asked herself as she heard the roar of her dad’s voice. She rose from the couch and made her way down the hall to her bedroom where...

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I need you to cum in the living room for me1

“I thought you might be doing that. I’m sorry I pushed you away earlier. It’s just that I heard my mom moving around, and I didn’t want her to hear us having sex. I’ll tell you what, if you stop that right now, I will make it up to you later. I think you’d really enjoy what I’m planning for you, but you need to save up that cum for it.” I responded back to her with “I’m not sure, I’m pretty close to cumming now, and I really need to cum right now.” “Remember, a cock in the bush is...

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My First Time With My Lovely Mami

Hey guys it’s Aditya back with another story. So for starters who don’t know me I am 18 years old and just finished my 12th about 5’6-5’7 in height and average physique with an 8.5inch in length and 6inch in breadth cock with a brown complexion and about my Mami her name is Pooja(name changed) she’s 5’5 in height and a plump physique with around 38-30-36 figure and a really light complexion. So now everything started when my 12th board exams got over and i had a lot of free time at my hand i...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Serena Santos After School StepSibling Sex

My stepsister Serena is so bad, she is always getting in trouble and sneaking around. She was supposed to show up so we could fool around but of course the little deliquent was running late because she got detention again. Her mom & my dad we’re gonna be there in like 20 minutes so we didnt have time, but she was so insistant. She pulled out her big tits and then made me touch her pussy to show me she was already wet thinking about me, her stepbrother! I couldn’t help myself, I...

2 years ago
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The Roommate Agreement Chapter 6

“You did what?”Julia’s screeched question and slack jaw told me that she didn’t miss a word of my confession though.After the events of last night, I knew it was finally time to tell her everything. I needed to vent and get advice from someone.“So let me get this straight. You got drunk and slept with, bi, not gay, Eric the night of your birthday. Thanks for telling me when it happened by the way,” she groused with a light hit to my arm. “Then you were so mortified you acted like nothing...

4 years ago
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Escaping Hell

You look around wildly, your attacker and her gun still smoking in your mind and you duck down. "Stand up now, child," floats a kindly voice over you - looking up you behold a very tall man, taller than anyone you've ever seen, holding a golden book. "You are at the gates of Heaven and here I will pronounce your judgment." "Oh," you can only answer, meekly. You mentally cross your fingers. The very tall angel spends several minutes silently reading through pages upon countless pages of his book...

3 years ago
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The Skate ParkTransfer of Power

The Skate Park---Transfer of PowerMornings at the sk8t park were always the best. Still lots of tree shade, but in the summer, still hot as fuck by noon. I was surprised at how many of the guys showed up---it was kinda short notice. Dustin and Kelso were sk8tin around the short track. I was just hangin on the table, waiting for the rest of the guys.Finally they were all there---I gave out a loud and hard whistle---lots of dudes were so jealous cause I could do that. We all were assembled now....

2 years ago
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Her Four Legged LoversChapter 4

Tammy opened her eyes, a dreamy smile on her face as she remembered losing her cherry. She rolled over, her arm seeking out the man who had turned her into a woman. Her hand groped at the empty space. Bill wasn't there. The realization started her and she sat up in bed, the sheet coming away from her jiggling tits. "Bill!" she called. "Bill!" There was no response and Tammy threw the sheet off her legs and climbed out of bed. She picked up the robe that was lying at the foot of the bed...

3 years ago
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Story of C

It was a Thursday night. I had just flown in from Boston. I was tired after three separate delays at the airport caused the flight to take three times the normal flight time. I wanted nothing more than a scotch on the rocks and some overdue playtime with Christine, my wife of exactly three years that day. We had celebrated our anniversary before I'd left the week before, but I was more than willing to celebrate again as long as it didn't require getting dressed and going out on the...

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Seduit Seduced

We spent the morning playing with Jacqui’s toys. Among my favourites were the double dildos because we could enjoy them together and see the effect we were having on each other. The expression on her face as she came, again and again. The smile on her face as I came, again and again. Finally, arm in arm, we climbed into that wonderful bath, feeling the little jets of water playing on our sensitive skin.Refreshed, we dressed and decided to take a stroll around town. A bit of shopping, maybe a...

1 year ago
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Jake an unexpected love

THERE IS AN EXTENSIVE AMOUNT OF GAY CONTENT HERE, IF THIS OFFENDS YOU, PLEASE JUST LEAVE. THE NEGATIVE RATINGS AND BAD COMMENTS ARE NOT NECESSARY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My name is Max. It was the summer of 2006. I had just turned 16. I wasnt very athletic, very thin, weighing at 102 pounds. I have long, strightened brown hair. I wasn't the best looking kid in the...

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610 Express to St Pancras

 At 6:10 in the morning, I stand on the platform in St Albans waiting for the same train, waiting to sit in the same seat with the same tired, grey faces. Monday through Friday, every day the same. The seats are a weird green-bluish colour darkened by grease and grime. God, I hate commuting. One morning, huddled inside my overcoat as the train approaches, a blonde woman runs up and stands near me, waiting for the train to stop. People squint as a cold drizzle blows across the tracks into our...

Straight Sex
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The Smell

The smell The smellBosnia July, 1995 ? A fountain Boris approached a group of Dutch soldiers. He shortly greeted Fritz - a sergeant he had been drinking with after the Dutch general had surrendered without a single shot firing.  Ivan ? his second in command just stood and looked at the five youngsters, the Dutch should have protected. However, instead of protecting them, it had been arranged that the Dutch would separate men and woman from each other turning the male over to Boris...

1 year ago
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Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

My friend Merry took me Christmas shopping last Wednesday. She knew I had been down in the dumps about life. I moved out of my parents’ house earlier this year, living on my own. I had my own studio apartment, a decent job, and… And that was the problem. I wanted a boyfriend, a man. Merry had a boyfriend. His name was Jared and he was as a courier. Merry was hoping he would deliver an engagement ring to her for Christmas. I crossed my fingers for her. That was part of my depression. My best...

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Big Brother He lives just beside my house, he was like a big brother to me since I was young. I remembered once it happened when I was five, a big and fierce dog was chasing after me, afraid and scared as he could be, he still took up a stick and shouted at the dog, miracly the dog just ran away. I, scared out of my wits, I cried. All I remembered next was I was lying by his hug. My First Relationship He was a very smart boy, since young, his grades are all distinctive As. I was just a...

3 years ago
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07 Home 2Chapter 27

Present – Jack – At the cabin SHIT! It sure as hell is pouring here! We finally get the main cover off the air access for the tunnels and there's something that looks like a machine gun in there. One of the Marines shoots it (typical Marine) then it begins spraying the tunnel with rounds and even gimbals up toward us! We dive to the ground just in time. I need to have a serious fucking talk with Jennifer if she's still alive - her fucking killer cabin bullshit needs to end! Then one of...

2 years ago
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Mothers Cure for ShynessChapter 3

When John woke up, he was disoriented at first. It took a few seconds before he realized that not only was he not in his own bed at home, but that he was in Betty's bed in Hawaii. "Oh shit!" he thought, as he remembered what had happened. The thought that he had fucked his beautiful hostess brought him completely awake, and also make him notice that he was alone in her king-size bed. "Well its about time you woke up. Your little nap turned into a full night of sleep, and I didn't have...

3 years ago
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Loving Bitch

Gilbert nervously dialed Jaicie's number. Her profile on the Boy Toy Phone Sex website indicated she had numerous BDSM interests, including smoking fetish, bondage, and cuckolding. He hoped that a sexual conversation with her would be interesting. Gilbert heard a pleasant voice answer the phone. "Hello?" "Is this Jaicie?" "Yes" "This is Gilbert. Are you available to take a call now?" "Sure. How long of a call would you like? "An hour please." "Would you give me your credit card number,...

2 years ago
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What Jehovah Witnessed Part Four

Just in front of the door I put her down on her feet, leaning her against the wall. "Just so you’re aware Dawn! There are cameras focus everywhere and you're already aware what I can do with the footage!" Again all she does is shake her head, her body trembling as she understands what we're here for. Opening the door, Dave and Mike walks right in, then Dawn comes in with me bringing up the rear. Without being told she walks right over to the bed,lays down, looks around to us. "Who...

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The Cliff

Mondays are always difficult becaue the weekends have been filled with hot and passionate love making! On my way to work thinking about the busty red head I ate all weekend. This one was hot and passionate her red carpet was neatly shaven and enough hair to excite my lips to a heated crescendo. We slept, we ate, sixty- nine was the main fair and best of all we her strap on was a perfect fit in my hot and wet pussy! pork was too far off in my mind and I was already planning another weekend with...

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A Picnic in the Park

It was a beautiful spring day, the kind of day a girl starts to think about wearing her new bikini to show off her hot body for lots of men. I was feeling frisky and thought meeting some new men would be fun. There was a county park near my town where lots of men go to meet up for some good blowjobs and hot encounters. I planned to go there today.My new bikini still had the tags on it and was smelling fresh and new when I pulled it out of the drawer. It was a sexy little silver bikini with a...

4 years ago
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A Family Gathering

This was just a little quickie that I threw together for the holiday, though it isn't one of my better ones. My Muse is still hiding under the bed, pouting after the loss of Excalibur Principle II. A Family Gathering By Morpheus As their car pulled into Uncle Jack's driveway, 10 year old David smiled faintly to himself, his hand inside his coat pocket, firmly clutching the object inside. He looked out the window towards the house and tried to keep from giggling, filled with...

2 years ago
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The Island Chpt 4

Chapter 4 "I knew what was to happen to me the next day. Had I not written it in the letter? I stood with my arms tied high and wide. They took great care that the bands of cord round my wrists were very tight. They even took close ups to show how securely my hands were held." Thalia chuckled. "I have learnt since that such pictures are sold at good prices all over the world. No doubt my k**nappers saw this as a small extra perquisite of their operation.""They did not raise my feet from the...

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Mrs Summers Slips www

Mrs. Summers’ SlipsChapter 1, "Curiosity" Shortly after my thirteenth birthday, I discovered the appendage between my legs had another use. As I experimented with these new-found sensations sometimes 3-times a day, and usually with the assistance of a purloined stroke mag), it became very clear that I preferred looking at pictures of partially clad women over full frontal nudity. By partially clad, I mean looking at pictures of women wearing seductive or frilly bras, panties, nightgowns, etc....

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 69 Field Trip Continues

Just as directed, we headed to one of the shuttle bus stops and waited with the mystery woman. It was only a few minutes before a shuttle stopped and it was loaded with kids wearing the same color t-shirts as us. Crystal, Annie, and I got on the bus while the woman joined the group of kids heading back toward the National Mall. I had to give it to Annie and Crystal, they were completely cool and calm as they continued to scan around us for any threats. They were more than sufficiently...

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The man in the nightmare

The man in the Nightmare. The nightmare came again. Laura moaned in her sleep and mouthed the words NO. NO. NO. In her dream she was in New Orleans in the French Quarter. HE was there smiling. A dark creole man about fifty. He walked towards her with an grin under a thin mustache that was as sharp as a carving knife. She tried to move but she couldn't. The ground under her feet was like grasping hands from a grave. He drew closer and his smile widened so she could see his crooked...

1 year ago
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Express action The Office Party

The office party never got beyond the boring stage. They never do when senior management pretend they are just part of the team like the rest of us wage salary slaves. No share bonuses in the company for us. I think we were celebrating ten years of the international business in Sydney, so some bright spark decided it should be on the tenth floor.My heels were killing me. I wanted a relaxing spa bath. I needed some quiet personal down time after completing a deadline review just before six. And...

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Cave Woman BluesChapter 2

Eve and her protégée Evita made a good killing team and they were in great demand on all raids despite the fact that females generally did not go on raiding parties just because they spent most of their time pushing out tiny new cave-dwellers. Both Eve and her follower Evita were fit enough to handle raiding confrontations up to about the halfway point of carrying a new member of the prehistoric cave-dwelling society. That meant about a four to five month period of non-participation rather...

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Letter from Chicago

LETTER FROM CHICAGODear Shoeblossom:My name’s Noelle. I was just reading ?LETTER FROM BOSTON??That dopey rich boy Franz the Fool wrote you about how I was his Candy Striper, when he was in the hospital in four cast traction?and how I teased his cock and balls, and beat the crap out of him?and made him suck off my gay cousin! God, it brings it all back!Truth be told, I was only on the Candy Striper volunteer bit because I had to do three hundred hours of volunteer work as punishment for selling...

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The ProtectorChapter 9

Myrna made me a cup of coffee as I sat at my empty desk, wondering how our CASA files figured into the investigation. All of my grandfather's stuff had been in unmarked boxes, so anyone finding them wouldn't know what they were unless they took the time to sit for hours like I had and go through them. The CASA files were what were worrying me because of their sensitive nature. The locations and addresses of several cases were written down, and would be a good tool for someone looking for a...

1 year ago
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Cockatoo Part 25

Cockatoo Part 25“Shoot him.”Aki’s voice bounced around the walls of the garage as I stared down at the gun in my hand, unable to grasp what was happening. Aki stood behind me, wrapped my fingers around the stock and pushed my forefinger through the trigger guard. He held his hand over mine and pointed the pistol at Jandaeng. “Shoot him and you will be rid of him.”I looked at Jandaeng and even now he stared defiantly back at me. My finger tightened on the trigger and inside a voice told me to do...

1 year ago
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Daughter gets taught my Mom

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was one of those nights were I just couldn't sleep. The air was warm and it was too hot. So I had turned my bed side lamp on to watch television. But of course, at 1AM there was nothing good on so I was feeling a bit horny so I went and put a porn dvd on. 'Cum Baby' was one of my favourites. I laid back down on my bed and watched it and I could feel my nipples growing erect under my skimpy nightgown and I could feel a moist feeling between my legs....

1 year ago
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Prostate examination by female doctor

I have always thought, that to tape a girls night out, would be a ball-buster, for guys listening-in.I am talking about professional ladies, graduates with professions like doctors and lawyers, part-time actresses and models, hot blooded ladies who, with a few drinks, tell what it really is like and what goes through their minds when confronted with certain situations.Case:1 Amber, is a medical graduate who became a GP, after working 15 years in the city hospital. She is married to another GP...

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Second ChanceChapter 9

I was ruminating on Rebecca's invitation as I limped to my rental. As Carl it seems like Beth Ann, Colleen, and Rebecca all like me, without much flirting, chatting, getting-to-know-you stuff. Without having to overcome being fourteen, and without having to overcome serious health disadvantages, I was finding that women, some women at least, think Carl is a good guy. My phone rang, almost before I was out of Rebecca's parking area. "Hello?" I didn't check the incoming number, just...

2 years ago
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MBBS Diaries 8211 Part 1 The Beginning

Introduction: To begin it was my internship (last year of MBBS). It’s a fun year for young doctors after 4.5 years of heavy studies. My girlfriend and I stayed in our respective hostels hence never had time or place for a fun time. We used to meet in the evening after the outpatient department closed on the 2nd floor. There we could just hug and give a peck. 3 months had passed. Our sexual desire was restricted to sex chat and a few light moments here and there. Sexchat gave creative ideas and...

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Party time

Party time again at our friends She and Pete's your, a big old place in a local village. They hold three or four a year and they tend to be fairly large gatherings that can get a wee bit saucy, especially in the early hours after plenty of alcohol.As it was summer I didn't overdress - shortish flared red skirt and a nice cleavage top with see thru bra and thong underneath. I knew from experience that most of the girls would be doing something similar. As I finished dressing I wondered if Sue,...

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The Last Resort Chapters 1 8

Contents Chapter 1 - Arrival 2 Chapter 2 - Accessories 7 Chapter 3 - Grounds 22 Chapter 4 - Beauty Salon 26 Chapter 5 - Accoutrements 35 Chapter 6 - The Tour Continues 40 Chapter 7 - The Dorm Part 1 53 Chapter 8 - The Dorm Part 2 62 Chapter 1 - Arrival Noticing her new guest sneaking a quick look back over her shoulder towards the Receiving building they had just left, Mistress Joy said "Relax honey, he's in very good hands." She smiled warmly at Her guest, Lorraine, not...

1 year ago
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BlackAmbush Lindsay 05042019

Ready for an anal extravaganza featuring a big titted blonde, blue-eyed amateur and BBC dark lord Jovan? Download the 1080p or SD version right now and open up a fresh box of tissues, you’ll need ’em. 23 year old Lindsay has done nudie photos before but today marks the big day she’ll officially be entering into the world of porn. White camera guy Troy wastes little time getting Lindsay naked and her natural tits and tight round ass oiled up, while having her answer all the...


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