Separated by Lies
- 4 years ago
- 25
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Her note said, “I would like to meet your friends Sioban and Ryan. Why don’t you invite them to go to the Cotswold’s with us? I think we could all have an exciting time.”
I never knew what Colette would do. But whatever she had in mind I always knew it would be an adventure. And I was quite sure that both Ryan and Sioban would like to be involved. So why shouldn’t I invite them?
The note went on, ”If you invite them and they agree you need not tell me, I’ll pick you all up at 9:00 on Saturday morning. If it cannot be arranged and neither can make it, we’ll go by ourselves. If only one of them can go I think that would be fun too. I’ll be driving a maroon-colored Range Rover, see you on Saturday,” Colette.
“No kidding,” Ryan said, “This British Airways stewardess WANTS me to come along? The one who you said sat beside you on the plane is coming over HERE? The one you went to the Cotswold’s with and slept in the other BEDROOM?”
Chuckling I said, “Colette is a rather special lady.” Ryan kept looking at me with his head cocked like he was thinking you lying son-of-a-bitch. “You BULLSHITTER. You slept in the same bedroom with her didn’t you?”
Merely smirking at his comment, I knew that given Colette’s proclivities for sexual pleasure, it wouldn’t be out of the question that she would want to have sex with Ryan too. Based on our experiences with Corey and Meghan he would be a worthwhile subject for her. I wasn’t as sure about Sioban. What I did know about Sioban though was that there was pretty much no sexual situation that she wouldn’t be able to flourish in.
“And the girl you shagged all night and made our room smell like a whorehouse?”
“Sioban? She’s Irish? A redhead?”
“All of the above.”
“Hmm,” Ryan said. “I think I might have seen you and her walking together on campus. You two were a little far away but she looked pretty hot.” I feel like Curious George getting curiouser and curiouser.”
“Then I had better give you real the scoop about what you have been accusing me of lying about.”
“It’s about time Dub. But don’t bullshit me this time around, ok?”
“My airline stewardess’s name is Colette Bentley. I’m not sure how old she is but I figure she’s in her early-to-mid forties, she looks like she could be in her early thirties. Anyway, just before we took off from Logan Airport in Boston she got on the plane and sat down beside me ... we were the only two people in our row. She told me she was deadheading—that’s taking a flight back to Heathrow before getting ready to make a return flight to the states ... said she was on a mini-vacation in the states and had to get back to London to start her cycle again. When it came to mealtime she went back to the kitchen and came back with two first-class meals, crystal glasses, and the whole thing. After that, she taught me how to play gin rummy and we played a bunch of games. She beat me in all but one. When the lights went down for everybody to go to sleep, she covered us up with our blankets and asked me if I minded if she could lay her head on my shoulder.”
“Like you didn’t have a problem with that right?”
“Like you’re mum?”
”Yeah, I can’t deny that. Strange right?”
“I ‘ve spent a bit of time fantasizing about my mum,” Ryan said. “Almost every bloke I’ve ever talked with admits to that.”
“Anyway, there I was with this gorgeous woman sitting next to me. Her head was on my shoulder and her leg pushing right up against mine. She smelled great ... had on this exotic perfume. Now and then my nose would get in her hair. I’ve gotta tell you Ryan from the moment she sat down next to me I had a hardon that would only go down when my balls started hurting too much. All the while, especially when she was sleeping, I was fucking her in my mind. I was wide awake, going through what I would call ‘blissful agony.’ Finally, I dozed off and awoke with the weird feeling of my zipper being worked down. It was COLETTE. Her hand brushed against me down there and she felt that I had a boner. Anyway, she was zipping down my fly. Then she pulled out my pecker and started jacking me off.”“GEEZ Dub, you’re shitting me, right?”
“No way Ryan. She was jacking me off. More than that, she must have known that I was a virgin or something because soon after she started, she took her hand off my pecker and pushed it inside my underwear. She found a soft spot between my balls and asshole and pressed hard to keep me from shooting. I figured she had done this with other guys before.”
“Anyway, when I settled down, she started jacking me again. She would do it for a while, would press my spot then start up again. Pretty soon it got to the point where she didn’t need to press the spot anymore. What she was doing was fabulous, but I was kind of numb down there as well. That must have gone on for about twenty minutes or a half-hour. It was almost like she was twiddling her thumbs or something. But she kept doing it. Suddenly, she started jacking me faster. I told her that I was gonna shoot and would make a mess. She said, ‘Go ahead and cum Arthur. I love messes.’ I couldn’t believe what she was doing and that it would be all right with her if I came all over her hand.”
“CRIKEY”... “So, what happened when you did?”
“First of all, I was like biting my tongue so I wouldn’t cry out. Then I shot a bigger wad than I ever thought possible—I guess from holding back for so long. Anyway, I must have shot about a half dozen times, and each of them major, not just spatters.”
“What did she do?”
“She said, ‘Nice’ the first time in a real sexy voice then opened her hand so she could get the jizz between her hand and my cock then jack me in a slippery way ... I could hear it making slurpy noises. After I stopped shooting, she kept squishing my jizz over my pecker until it became as limp as an earthworm. She reached up and pushed the service button. A stewardess came and she asked her to bring two towels, a wet one and a dry one.”
“Did she say anything?”
“She just gave Colette a smirk, looked back and forth between Colette and me and rolled her eyes then left to get the towels. When she came back, she handed Colette the towels, gave her the kind of “tsk, tsk” smirk like a good-natured teacher gives you in school when you do something wrong but funny, and went on her way. Colette cleaned me off with the wet towel and dried my dick and balls with the other.”
“Then what?”
I got a kick out of how excited Ryan was to hear the rest of the story.
“During breakfast, she asked me what was the latest time I could check-in at the residence hall. When I told her she said, ‘After we land you’re coming with me to my flat. We’ll spend the day there together. There are some important things I can teach you before taking you to your residence.’”
“What did you think?”
“I never had sex before Ryan. But because of the hand job she gave me I imagined that we might have sex together. What would you have thought?”
“I would have figured that between getting there and her taking me back to the Uni she would have tried to fuck my brains out.”
“Believe it or not that’s exactly what she did. And by the time I got to the Uni my balls hurt like a toothache. I had no clue that I would be able to shoot that many times in one day. But it wasn’t just fucking Ryan, she taught me how to eat pussy and lick her ass and pinch her tits ‘til she screamed. I have to tell you, it was unbelievable.”
“SHEESH,” Ryan said. “So, did you think you would ever see her again?”
“She treated me so well I was convinced that she would. But what did I know about these things? She told me that I was a special young man and wanted to see me often while I was in London. She said that if I wanted we could get together every other weekend or so. I’ve told her about you and Sioban and she says she wants to meet both of you either alone or together.”
“Do you think sex will be involved?” Ryan asked.
“You’re the one who told me about nymphomania. I don’t know whether Sioban is a nymphomaniac, but I guarantee that Colette is. If you asked me if sex will be involved, I would tell you that It’s not whether it will be involved but how much or how often.”
“CRIKEY’S,” Ryan said with a leering grin. “Count me in.”
I left a message at Sioban’s residence hall. Since having sex together we said our hellos and had short conversations before and after class each day ... frequently had coffee together but hadn’t gotten together for sex again. We both loved being together, but the obstacle was that we couldn’t make anything happen privately. Since she christened Ryan’s bed so completely and refused to climb up in the top bunk and said, “You know how wild I can get Arthur, I would hate to bounce out of your bed and fall and break my crown.”
When she called me back just after 10:30 pm and I said, “I have an interesting proposal for you that could turn into quite an adventure. I have no idea where it could lead though.”
“I’m listening.”
“Remember the older lady you suspected me of having sex with?”
“That’s an interesting way to start a conversation, Arthur.”
“With what I called to talk with you about Sioban,” I said, “I couldn’t figure out a better way to start. Anyway, your suspicions were right on about her but probably pretty far from what you might have suspected was the scene of the crime.” I heard a throaty chuckle on the other end of the phone.
“Crime,” she said. “There is no way just one crime could have been responsible for the moves you made in bed with me.”
“There certainly is Sioban if that crime were complete enough to have put me through my paces repeatedly during an eight-hour day. Please don’t interrupt me until I get this out okay?”
“Take your time you naughty boy,” she said. “I told you that you are special.”
“Here goes.” I took a couple of deep breaths. “On the flight over here from Boston, a British Airways stewardess sat down beside me.”
“You are not going to tell me...”
“I am. And you said you weren’t gonna interrupt me.”
“Sorry. Go on.”
“She’s older, probably in her forties. But apart from a few crow’s feet, she looks as young as you do Sioban. Her name is Colette, Colette Bentley. Anyway, in the middle of the night, she gave me a hand job under the blanket.”
“WAY. I was a virgin when I got on the plane Sioban. Colette has a penchant for young guys. Anyway, we got really chummy.”
“Chummier than a hand job?”
“When we landed after I got my bags, she asked me if I had to get to the residence hall right away. I told her that I had to get there by 6:00 pm. She took me by the hand and led me to the tube going to London then talked me into getting off about halfway and spending the day at her flat.”
“Crickey’s Arthur Chadwick.” She was quiet for a moment then said, “What is it about you that makes you so attractive?”
“I have no idea Sioban, but it happened with you and happened another time since I’ve been here. Anyway, Colette took me home and gave me what I would consider basic sex training during an eight-hour stretch.”
“From my experience Arthur, it came across more like advanced training.”
“Remember Sioban you’re the one who tried to get the story out of me when we were together that night.”
“I’m not trying to shut you up Arthur. I’m all earsS. But learning all that you showed me in your dorm room in just one day is a bit much for me to digest.”
“I ejaculated over a half dozen times with her Sioban.”
“And knowing how long you can fuck without cumming Arthur there must have been a lot of strokes involved he, he, he, not to mention licking pussy and whatever else you might have done during that time.”
“Anyway, she dropped me off just before six ... and my bollix hurt so much I could hardly walk.”
“So, I guess I have her to thank for the pleasure you gave to me. Have you seen her again?”
“Two weekends ago she picked me up on Saturday in her classic MG and we went to her place in the Cotswold’s. It’s FABULOUS Sioban. It’s right on a stream, has two bedrooms both with their own bathrooms. The master bedroom is covered with mirrors from floor to ceiling and even ON the ceiling. You won’t believe it.”
After a protracted silence she said, “Sounds heavenly. So, what’s that got to do with me?”
“I told her about you Sioban.”
“So much for confidentiality arsehole.”
“It’s not like that Sioban. She’s kinda like mothering me, without actually leading me into incest. When I asked if I were going to see a lot of her (as if we would be regularly exclusive), she told me I should be sowing my wild oats ... getting out there and practicing ‘what I have taught you so far.’ She wants to meet you.”
“She wants to meet you and my roommate, Ryan. He’s really a great bloke. You would like him as well. She wants us all to go with her to Bourne on the Water together this weekend.”
“So how would we all fit in a classic MG?”
“She’ll be driving her Range Rover SUV.”
“Sounds like the lady is doing okay. Maybe I should apply for a job at British Airways.”
“If you did, I bet Colette would give you a great recommendation.”
“So, I would have to ride all the way to the Cotswold’s in a car with the guy whose bed I soaked?”
“He never knew you were in his bed Sioban ... but he wanted to know all about you.”
“Did you tell him?”
“Only that we went through the three condoms he lent me. He said the room smelled like a whorehouse.”
“What kind of a bloke is he?”
“He’s cool. He and I made it with twins that are nursing students. We met them at Spikes.”
There was a snarky edge to her voice as she said, “You’re getting around quite well for a seventeen-year-old lad Arthur.”
“I’m gonna be eighteen in a couple of months.”
“So, you didn’t tell him anything about me, but you told him everything about this fly girl Colette.”
“She’s my mentor Sioban. She is treating me rather well. I didn’t want to blow your cover to anybody at school. I know you would really like Colette. At least you would be intrigued by her.”
“So, I expect this trip to the Cotswold’s will be just a sightseeing expedition?”
I laughed. “She’s a nymphomaniac Sioban. And as I recall, you liked sex pretty well yourself.”
“Could be interesting. I’ve never been to the Cotswold’s. Tell her I’ll go...”
I was sure that Ryan would go but not Sioban. I liked her a lot, but she had made it clear to me that our relationship was friendship and sex, sex, and friendship ... maybe the definition was just that confused. But I was no more interested in a romantic relationship with Sioban than she was with me. We both had to get through our schooling.
While we had been enjoying our sexual adventure on Ryan’s bunk—just my second carnal escapade—she voiced the opinion that I had been mentored sexually by an older woman. I thought it was either strange or interesting (being too new in the sexual universe to fully understand what she was talking about) that she had an almost educational perspective on sex in the midst of experiencing it. Sioban was like a student of sex. At any rate, she recognized that I was a newbie. Yet she could tell that I was quickly becoming refined.
It was like a second thought when she said, “Being given the opportunity to meet the woman who was able to recognize your natural sexual inclinations and mold you into such a surprising lover ... how many times were you with her before we met and had sex?” Sioban’s devilish chortle was such a turn-on that I found myself talking on the phone and fondling my hardening penis.
“Blimey Arthur Chadwick for the life of me I can’t figure out why we’ve only spent one night in bed together. You’re such a fucking turn-on. I’m looking forward to meeting your Colette Bentley and your roommate Ryan whose bed I practically laundered with my explosive secretions. Seems like the three of us have something in common with the Yank-child from Boston Massachusetts. Sounds like it could just be one helluva weekend.”
Standing out in front of Ryan’s and my residence hall with our backpacks we were all early, anticipating the appearance of the maroon Land Rover. Ryan and I were wearing polo shirts and Bermuda shorts. Sioban had a green tee-shirt and an emerald, green cap with her red ponytail protruding through the back (said she wanted to impress Colette with her red hair). She was wearing tan short shorts. When Colette had called, she said, “Tell Sioban I’ll be wearing short shorts, I’d like to see what her legs look like.”
“Interesting request from a woman I suppose,” Sioban had said. “But the truth is I would like to see what her legs look like as well, not to mention her bum.”
Not telling her that I thought they would be seeing more than just their legs over the weekend it was Interesting how quickly I was adapting to Colette’s “normal.” I considered anything that would happen with her would just be some kind of new revelation or adventure. The fact that Sioban was wearing her backpack made her breasts more apparent. I wondered if Colette would be jealous that hers were not as large as this college girl.
At 8:48 when the shiny maroon Range Rover pulled up Ryan said, “That woman drive’s some nice cars.” He had been impressed that he had seen her pick me up a couple of weeks prior in her classic MG roadster.
Colette got out of the car for introductions. She wore white short shorts that showed the shadows of her vaginal lips and the hint of a camel toe, a dark blue British European Airways t-shirt with a large red (target looking insignia) with a white circle around it and large white letters BEA in the center. She wore the same-colored cap with her auburn ponytail protruding through the hole in the back. It was as if she were a walking advertisement for her employer.
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Hi friends and I’m Riya wants to share my two day with my cousin. I am fair girl with 5’6″ and my figure is 32c 24 31 and I know everyone admire my body. My story begins when I came to my uncle house that lives with his wife and they had one boy name Mohit who is elder to me and after 10th. I was admitted to 11th class in my uncle’s town and started to live here. I also went for coaching and there I met Rahul who loves me and I also but I have to become doctor for that I don’t like all this so...
Incest"Hold on a minute," I said as we prepared to go ashore. "What?" like triplets. "Gimmie a minute," I mumbled the thought over and over, like a dog gnawing on a used up bone until he finds a good spot. "I got it. Who is Olav?" "The auto-pilot," Wendy said. "Took ya long enough," Inkeri said, grinning. "I believe drink took the idea away," I said. "That's not all it took," Art said, and he snickered. "What auto-pilot?" I asked. "The one hooked up to the 'detect,...
"Im sooooo sorry, I had to pick my lil brother up from school and take him to daycare for 3:30pm....and my math teacher Mrs.Wright wouldn't let me..." "Shh!. I dont want to hear anymore. Your already 10 minutes late, just head on back, get changed into work attire and get to work!". " Yeah yeah.." I mutterd to myself. Well as you should know by now, my name's Brianna....Brianna Harrison (to be exact), and Im a currenlty in my last year of high school. I live at home with my...
It seemed to me that my birthday party had just as much of an effect on the other people attending the party as it did on me. Three weeks later, when Ed Nulty had his fourteenth birthday party, his mother rented out my mom's dance studio for it. There were about twenty of us invited to the party, with Ed inviting the guys he wanted to have attend, and my mother and Mrs. Nulty inviting the girls. It was a sock hop themed party, where dancing was expected and encouraged. I had made sure that...
The fun continues from where we left off at the end of Part 1. I’ll set the stage in case you haven’t read that: At the time of this story my girlfriend Ivy is an 18 year old pixie minx. 5’1”, 90 pounds, short red hair, hazel eyes, abut a zillion freckles, tiny AA breasts with tiny pink nipples, the tightest, tiniest ass you can imagine and her pussy is shaved clean. Barbie is 19, an ex girlfriend of mine who went to high school with Ivy but was a year ahead. They knew each other in school...
She smiled as I ran my hands over her body, breasts soft and round and her ass firm. I kissed her neck as she laid silently on the bed, her dress now discarded on the floor, the red lace hugging her curves. I remove my shirt and kiss her neck again, my hand slipping underneath the waistband of her panties, rubbing in circles over her already moist pussy. I sit up and undo my pants, my cock revealing itself as it slips out of the top. I grab her waist and turn her over, pulling her ass up...
Ch 1 - Hell No"No Marnie. I wanna know why! I know they get better tips when they wear them. Why won't you let me?""I told you why." Marna states dryly, ignoring Shae's pleading gaze. Pressing save on her document, she puts it in an email titled 'Mirror, Mirror', and presses send. Shae spies the recipient, Joe Paulson, the advertising guru for their traveling show, and tucks it into memory. Marna closes her laptop and moves on to a stack of paperwork on her table."This isn't fair! I work just...
Emma and Ted had been looking forward to getting away together with no one else in tow. Just the two of them again, relaxed and having fun. When they had arrived at the resort there was the usual introduction from the rep and trips being offered and while they were both keen to do a bit of travelling and sightseeing Emma and Ted had decided to spend their first day on the beach and look through brochures later. It had been a great day for weather and alot of other people had taken the...
Hi dosto this iBhargav again from Mumabi with my new and 100% true story. pehle main un logo ko apna parichay de doon jo mujhe nahi jante , Mera naam Bhargav hain mumbai main rehta hoon Height 5.10” average body normal looks and only 7.5” dick. ab main apni story per ata hoon ek din ek friend ne mujhse mera naya no. manga which I hve changed recently to maine use sms kar diya per galti se no. galt type ho gaya or sms kisi or ko gaya us reply aya ‘Who R U’ main smjha ki mera dost mujhse...
Emma is so enjoying Donald’s finger attention to her. She always has, but today, him trying to redeem himself with her it seems he is paying extra close attention to making sure he does perfectly hit each wonder spot. She ponders if this is how he did it the first time with Subject A to get her to appreciate her desires. And when he looks up at her and asks if he could please pleasure his mistress with his tongue, Emma knows she is in for an extraordinary experience.And it is. Donald spreads...
Love StoriesI never believed anything like this could ever happen to me, but I'm here to tell you that everything here in happened just as it occurred one year ago. Just to set the stage and give you a little back ground, I'm a happily married woman for eight years now, with two beautiful c***dren and a husband who loves me! We aren't rich or anything, but my husband is a very successful corporate lawyer, so we're not hurting any, and by most standards we'd be considered upper middle class! At the time of...
Angie wanted him now, and caressing his cock guided it to her hungry pussy. The head easily entered her wet hole, and she sighed as he began to fuck her. Dan savoured every inch that his cock sank deeper into her pussy. You get only one, first time, and he was going to make the most of it. “After all these months of waiting, I finally have you fucking me!” She moaned, kissing him. Angie’s legs locked her lover in place, and they gripped each other tightly. Her hands smoothed up and down his...
The door to the rooftop squawks on its hinges, shutting out the smirking, pudgy-faced matre’d. We are alone in the soft night air. The Wedge Tower is not the tallest building in downtown Houston, but it is more than tall enough for me! I wonder again why you feel compelled to show me the view from up here instead of the cozy confines of the elegant 43rd Restaurant below. Still, the view is magnificent – especially when viewed from the center of the high rooftop.You hold me at arm’s length for a...
Straight SexHi Dosto Mai arjun aapse Aaj ek naya experience share karna chahta hoon . I hope you all are enjoying my story. and meri story padhne ke baad comments karna na bhoolain . … this is my email id. Kuch dino pehle ki baat h. Abhi summer vaccations chal rhe the humare college ke. So Maine socha ki kyu na fun nd food chale jaye.To friends ke sath plan bana liya kuch dino bad jane ka. To hum 5 frnds ne jane ka plan banaya. Jinki tickets humne pehle hi purchase kar li thi. Mere do dosto ko kahi kaam aa...
Hello! Incest lovers and this is Stein again obviously the names have been changed but the story is real. I grew up in a small town in Ban galore being the only son in the family and having educated in convent which is exclusively for boys. I did not know much about sex initially all the things changed for good I should confess when I was around teenager and a small house with 2 rooms. My father was around 40 but my mother was around 28 and like in hindu custom she was married at very young...
IncestHer hair was dark, not quite black, and would have extend halfway down her back had it not been held up by a thick ponytail. But her eyes were the first thing I noticed, similar colour to her hair, deep and mysterious. I'm probably just over thinking things again, she seems like a perfectly normal girl, wouldn't stand out in a crowd of other high-school girls her age. I had a call from her parents a few weeks ago asking if I could tutor their daughter Madeline, or Maddi as her friends and...
First TimeAlexa Chapter 12: Happy New Year The alarm went on my phone went off at 6:45 and woke me from a deep sleep. As I rolled over to give Jenny a morning kiss and to wake her up, I found that she wasn't there. This was the second day in a row that Miss Thompson had gotten up before me and it was 6:45! I roll out of bed and head to the bathroom and then out to the kitchen where I find Jenny getting the coffee maker all set up. As she turns around I can see her face light up as I come...
In this story the names have been changed to protect their identity The first time I saw a fully nude girl in person was when I was 14. I had gone to second base with my gf once but she was only topless and in her panties while i was in my boxer shorts. This time was different. It was late. Around 1am. We were at Sarah's house. She had a rather large house. Her parents were out of town and she had thrown a party. Her brother was at a hotel with his girlfriend. There were about 40 people invited...
Hi i am a child specialist practising in the north delhi.there are many patient who comes with the young mother as there kid fall sick frequently therefore sometime they come frequently and that way there develop some good personal relation with some of them but not beyond the dignity of the profession. Like this there is one patient chavi who is around one year old is my one of regular patient.and she comes with her mother neha and her father rajeev frequently as she often falls sick due to...
Hai ISS telugu readers, this is gadida koduku again. In the first part I narrated how my mom fuck Venkatesh and her personal peon Baba khan. I am continuing this in this part. I hope you all enjoy this. One day my mom proposed Babakhan and Venkatesh to go to our Farm House in the outskirts and fuck openly. Babakhan kissed moms nose and said “ok darling. But we shall take your hubby and son (me). They will serve us. We use them as ponys and enjoy. Mom kissed Babakhans long dick and said” Ihave...
Incest"... but the biggest news yesterday was of course the announcement of the impending marriage of anthropologist, philanthropist and heart-throb John Valiant with Liz Roderick. The wedding is sure to be the event of the year with - " John lowered the volume of the set and sat up from the hammock he had set up in the veranda of his house. As much as he'd been a public figure for quite awhile, the attention still made him a bit uneasy - he was a modest man, and not sure how to react to all the...
FetishI stood peering through the blinds in my kitchen waiting for him to leave. 'Just get in your car and fucking go already', I thought to myself as he made yet another trip up his stairs for who knows what. Eventually, he came back down and finally entered his silver Mustang and started the engine.I breathed a sigh of relief as I watched his car exit the condominium complex we both lived in. Finally able to exit my own house, I walked down my stairs to the pathway that separated his unit from mine...
CheatingHi all, I am conveying my heart full Thanks to each and everyone who had given their valuable comments, interest, and encouragement over e-mails and Hangout chats for my previous sex story. People who have missed my first part can read it (True Incident That Happened In Chennai: and can start reading this nowhere. Coming to the continuation, I am here giving the full story instead of making it in Part II...
Note : This story is completely fictional! It all started when Ricks father died on his way home from work in a serious car wreak that also killed two other parents. Five months after the tragedy, Rick and his mom are still recovering but its nowhere near the severe pain they went threough those few weeks following the tragedy. Those past few months were spent bonding and repairing their realationship and trying to reel in the slack, it was slow but steady and things were getting better but she...
IncestAfter my hot weekend fucking and sucking Ian and the girls, I was almost relieved to be catching the train home, if only for a little rest and relaxation. I say “almost” because the moment I boarded the train I just hoped I'd be seeing Lisa again, Lisa the sexy, blonde train manager who had helped to make our journey down so eventful. Every time there was an announcement I longed to hear the sweet Scottish tones of my super-hot lover. And every time I was disappointed.Until the train pulled out...
5:00 AM. I wake up and shower off the night. I grab my phone and text my Queen. “Good Morning my Queen. I hope You find the day to Your liking. (I also include a pic of my morning wood for Her.) I move on to my work out. 100 pushups, 100 body squats, and a two-mile jog. Once back home, I open my laptop, I log on to and see who is online as I make breakfast. As I look over the girls online, my phone goes off. It is my Queen. She has sent me a video with my tasks to honor Her...
I left school as soon as I could so I could get a job and earn because in them days there were plenty of jobs to be had. I got a job working at my local hospital and I used to catch a bus down the bottom of my road which took me all across to the other side of town and dropped me off at the gates of where I was working and when I was on that bus the same guy used to sit next to me as he used to work at the hospital but he was a theatre attendant. His name was John and he was 60yrs old but he...