StaceyChapter 2 free porn video

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I was startled awake by the feeling of something pouncing on my bed. Cracking open my eyes as I groggily came around, I saw Stacey bouncing up and down like a little girl trying to wake her parents on Christmas morning.

"Daaaaaan, it's time to wake uuuuuuuup!" she whispered in my ear. Smiling mischievously, she straddled my legs and flipped up the covers. Poking her head beneath the sheets, she popped right back out and made a playful pouty face. "Awww, you really aren't up yet, are you? Let's see if we can fix that!"

I was finally fully awake and aware of what was happening. Stacey was sitting happily on top of me, having pulled back the sheets to expose my boxers. She was still wearing her pink panties, but she'd taken off her t-shirt; in its place she only had on a lacy pink bra. Similar to her panties, it wasn't see-through; nonetheless, she looked amazing in it, especially when she put her hands on my chest and leaned down to me. Her cleavage was simply awe-inspiring, and her just-out-of-bed tussled blonde hair was absolutely adorable. She even smelled fresh and warm, somehow reminding me of freshly baked cinnamon rolls.

"So what are we going to do with you today?" she smiled sweetly, sliding forward to where she was sitting directly on my soft cock. "By the way, good morning, baby," she breathed, giving me a tender kiss on the lips.

She'd never done that before!

"Good morning to you too, Cinnamon Girl," I said sleepily, arching my back as I stretched and yawned.

"Mmmm, I like your morning wake-up stretches!" she grinned, feeling my hardening cock pushing against her panties. "But what's this about 'Cinnamon Girl'? You've never called me that before."

"You've also never climbed on top of me in your panties and bra before, smelling like a freshly baked cinnamon roll."

"I smell like a cinnamon roll?" she asked, gathering her hair and bringing it to her nose. She sniffed her shoulders and arms, then ran her hands all over her body before bringing them to her nose. "I guess I do smell kind of cinnamony, huh? I've never noticed that before. I wonder what it is?"

"Maybe your perfume?" I offered.

"I haven't put any on yet. Besides, you've smelled my perfume. It's not cinnamony."

While sniffing up and down her arms again, she pressed her panties-covered pussy in small but insistent circles on my growing cock.

"I think he's finally waking up!" she giggled, giving me a huge grin.

She slid down to check her handiwork; as I lay flat on my back in a pair of loose boxers, she could clearly see the bulge of my cock. While staring at my partial erection, she wore a bright smile. "God, baby, it looks so good, it makes my mouth water. It really does. Don't guys normally wake up every morning like this, though? You know, with a huge hard-on?"

Reaching down to cover it with my forearm, I pressed it flat against my thigh, only to have her gently pull my arm away. "Baby, no, don't hide it from me. Let me see," she said quietly. Smiling, she stared admiringly at it for a few moments before reaching out to caress it. As she held me in her hand, her pretty smile grew into a soft, warm grin. "I love it, you know. I love your cock, especially when it gets hard. It makes me happy to see you like this, so please don't hide it from me, okay?"

I knew I must have been blushing like crazy, but I nodded anyway, and her smile grew even brighter. "Thank you. You'll see; it'll be more fun if you let me see you, just like I'll let you see me. You get to show off this big cock to me as much as you want, and I'll love it every time. Now are you hard because of me, or is this just your usual morning hard-on?"

"Stacey, it's you. C'mon, you felt it. I wasn't hard when you first jumped on top of me. I haven't gotten even a morning hard-on in over a year. Last night was the first time I came pretty close to having a full erection of any kind."

"Well, it looked pretty hard to me last night, and it sure looks hard now." Petting it, she grinned. "It feels hard, too. This definitely feels like a big, hard cock. This counts as an erection, doesn't it?"

"It's getting there, but it's not all the way there yet."

"Would this help to get it all the way there?" she cooed, slowly sliding her bra straps down each shoulder. Staring at me the whole time, she sexily darted her tongue between her teeth. When her straps were loose, she gently pulled each slender arm through the loops, leaving her shoulders and upper chest completely bare. Smiling seductively, she reached up and lightly caressed the newly exposed skin of her breasts.

Her nipples were still covered, yet I was seeing more of her gorgeous mounds than I had ever seen before. She began to get goose bumps all up and down her arms, then on her breasts too, which made them look even more beautiful.

After spinning in my lap to face my feet, she arched her back, and her shimmering blonde hair floated down to her pink panties. Lowering her ass onto my cock, she used her strong thighs and tight bottom to give me a firm squeeze. "Mmmm, you feel hard between my legs. You really love my ass, don't you? Are you fully hard for me yet?"

She leaned back on her hands until her silky hair kissed my chest, and all I could do was grunt. Though I couldn't see her face, I could hear the sexy smile in her voice as she said, "I want your big, thick cock to get rock hard for me. Please, baby, let me feel it pressing into me."

Sitting back up, she slid her hands inside her panties to squeeze her ass. She spread herself open, then slipped her panties halfway down her spectacular bottom.

I could see goose bumps on her golden curves, and her little moan was devastating.

Leaning forward until she lay flat on top of me, she slid her panties-covered pussy up and down the length of my cock. Then, while lifting her hips as she pushed back up my body, she used two hands to spread herself; hovering her half-uncovered ass over my stomach, she sexily wagged her tempting tail in my face. With a hot moan she lowered her mouthwatering bottom and slid down towards my feet; dragging her pussy over my arching bulge, she paused to grind her moist mound back and forth on my flared crown.

The crests of her ass and hips were absolutely incredible, and the split dividing her tanned cheeks was achingly beautiful. Stacey's ass was truly flawless. There was even a growing wet spot in her panties that became more prominent every time she pressed the thin cotton to her pussy by sliding her body up towards my stomach.

Perched atop my cock, she pushed herself up into a fully erect sitting position before reaching back to unclasp her bra. With her arms folded in front to hold her loosely hanging bra to her breasts, she looked over her shoulder. "Better?" she smiled. Grinding her pussy with a sensual dancing of her hips, she grinned, "Do you get even bigger and harder than this?" Adding a little squeeze with her ass, she moaned, "Mmmm, because you feel really big and hard now."

"Just a little bigger," I panted.

"Mmmm, there's even more of your cock for me to look forward to? I can't wait," she grinned. Tossing her bra to the floor, she arched her back again; pressing her pussy down hard, she began a steady rocking motion with her hips. Her naked back looked so perfectly sleek and sexy with her long shining hair spilling down to tickle my stomach, and the sight of her bare breasts swaying atop her ribs was making my mouth water.

Giving me a delicious final grind, she put her forearm over her breasts and climbed off. Turning to face me, she grinned, "Touch yourself, baby. I want to see you hold it and stroke it for me."

Though it was still covered by my boxers, I lifted my cock and squeezed it below the head.

'What a surreal moment, ' I thought. 'Here I am, holding out my dick for Stacey's inspection. Stacey, of all people! She's just standing there, with only her arm covering her gorgeous naked tits. She has nothing on but a sexy smile and tiny panties that are barely covering anything anymore.'

I could scarcely believe any of it.

Smiling happily, she exclaimed, "I think we're making definite progress!"

I waggled my cock at her, and she did the cutest little giggle as she jumped up and down, clapping excitedly.

God, she was gorgeous.

Beaming like a beautiful child opening her birthday presents, she said, "See, I told you! Isn't this fun?"

I laughed, "I'm certainly not going to complain about having you as my alarm clock!" Waggling my erection at her again, I grinned, "And as you can see, I definitely approve of your morning attire."

"I'm so glad," she said, reaching down to retrieve her bra while still covering herself with her forearm.

Because of the show she was putting on by going topless for me, I was actually somewhat able to overlook the fact that she was only wearing panties in front of me, which I found thoroughly amazing.

"Okay, sweetie, you're good and awake now, so I'm gonna go hop in the shower and get dressed," she said, still beaming brightly.

"Get dressed? Awww, do you have to?" I asked, pouting for her.

"Yes, silly, I do! I have big plans for you today!"

Never lowering her arm, she draped her bra over my head, smiling as she turned to leave. When she was at the foot of the bed she paused to tug her panties down below her ass, though only on one side, which somehow made it even sexier. Grinning over her shoulder, she swished her hips like a stripper before darting out of the room with another of her adorable little giggles.

Her bra was still draped comically around my head, and my cock was throbbing.

I noticed the subtle scent of cinnamon.

Once I heard the shower start, I got up and knocked on the bathroom door.

"Come on in!" she said.

She was singing in the shower, and the whole bathroom smelled like steamy flowers as I took my morning piss.

After finishing my business, I headed to the kitchen to make myself a bagel. I heard the shower shut off, then Stacey called out, "Dan, could you c'mere for a second?"

Returning to the bathroom, I found her standing at the sink wearing a bath towel ... a very short bath towel. Though she was holding it together in the front, the tops of her breasts were still showing. In the back it just covered her bottom, at least until she leaned forward to brush her teeth. The towel rode up then, exposing the lower third of her bare ass.

With her golden tan and luscious curves, her ass was like succulent fruit.

Continuing to brush her teeth, she took a few palmfuls of water to rinse her mouth before leaning down to spit out the toothpaste. With each rinse and spit she pressed her ass against me, until I began to rise in my boxers.

Looking in the mirror, she gave me a happy smile. With her towel tied in a loose knot between her breasts, she leaned forward to set her hands on the sink. Pressing her ass against me again, she closed her eyes for a moment before opening them to stare at me.

"Up or down?" she finally asked.


I had no idea what she was asking me.

"Put your hands on me, like this..." She took my hands and placed them on her hips. "Now, press into me."

Squeezing her hips, I pushed forward.

"Mmmm, nice. Okay, up or down?" she asked again. "My hair? Should I wear it up or down today?"

"Where are you going? You don't have to work this weekend, so what's the plan?"

"Where are we going, you mean. Didn't I tell you? I'm kidnapping you today."

"Okay then, Miss Kidnapper, where are we going?"

"I was thinking of taking us clothes shopping. I want to get you something nice to wear for me around the house that will show you off even more than your usual shorts do, and I thought you might also enjoy picking out some sexy panties and things for me to wear for you. Does that sound like a fun Saturday?"

Grinning, I nodded at her in the mirror.

Never taking her eyes off me, she shifted her hips. "You know what? I can't feel you the way I want to, not with this thick towel in the way. Let me feel you holding me. Go ahead, put your hands on my hips beneath the towel."

I slid my hands up her thighs, onto her bare hips; in doing so I managed to raise the back of her towel to where I could see her naked bottom.

"Yes, Dan, just like that." She leaned forward onto her forearms and pushed her bare ass against the front of my boxers, catching my hardening cock in the length of her warm divide. "Mmmm, I think you approve of this outfit even more than my last one," she smiled. "You're getting hard for me right away now."

Bent at the waist, her head resting sideways on her folded arms, she purred, "Press into me like you're fucking me, and could you rub some lotion on my shoulders? The bottle is right there ... the yellow one."

While pushing into her naked bottom, I leaned over her shoulder to grab the bottle.

Spreading her legs, she arched her back and pressed her bare ass firmly against me. "Lower..." she said, raising her hips. When I pressed again, she stood on her tiptoes, forcing my cock lower still. "Lower, baby..." she whispered, reaching back with one hand to pull my hip down and forward. "Put your cock between my legs, like you're going to slide it inside me, then rub the lotion into my shoulders."

Backing away, I took a glance down.

Though my cock wasn't fully hard, it was definitely jutting forward, sticking straight out in my boxers. With her towel bunched up on her lower back, her smooth, golden ass was completely exposed.

My god ... for the first time in my life, I was seeing Stacey's naked pussy. I stood frozen in place, spellbound by her glistening perfection.

Turning her head, she noticed that I was openly staring at her ass, her pussy, and my protruding erection. "God, you look so damn good when you're hard, you know that? I love the way your cock sticks out so far," she said, giving me a smoky leer. "Baby, if you want to take it out, I won't mind. Mmmm, just slip it between my legs. Let me feel it touching my ass ... mmmm-hmmm ... pushing into my hot pussy."

I stepped forward, and she raised her ass before lowering it to trap my cockhead between her thighs, the top of my crown pressing against her bare pussy lips. I couldn't see any of it, but I could sure feel it.

So could she, apparently. "Yes, that's it, I can feel you against my lips. You feel hard, baby, really hard, even through your boxers. Rub me now."

Leaning into her, I began spreading the lotion over her soft, smooth shoulders and upper back.

"Mmmm," she said as I rubbed her, and really we were rubbing each other; while I was stroking her upper body with my hands, she was using her ass and pussy to caress my cock. As I applied the lotion to her shoulders, I was actually sawing back and forth, almost in a fucking motion. My hands kept bumping into her towel, until finally I slid beneath it to smooth the lotion over the center of her back.

She lifted her chest from the sink, and her towel noticeably loosened.

With the towel bunched up at her lower back, my hands slid easily over her body. Peeking down, I noticed that her towel had opened all the way, leaving her bare breasts pressing against the sink top. Her lower back and stomach were still covered, otherwise she was completely naked.

"That feels so good," she purred, writhing beneath my hands; she was trying to make me rub wherever she arched her back. "Is this your favorite outfit so far? I can't tell if you're as hard now as you were before."

I sawed more conspicuously into her.

"If only you weren't wearing those silly boxers, then I'd be able to tell for sure," she grinned, moving her pussy up and down my shaft. "I wish I could feel your bare cock touching me ... pressing into me ... sliding deep inside my pussy. Wouldn't that feel sooooo good? Mmmm, but I know we can't do that."

As she lifted herself onto her elbows, I looked into the reflection of the mirror. Her bare breasts were visible; I could also see them from the sides, yet my view stopped just shy of her nipples.

Smiling sweetly, she cupped her hands over her breasts. "By the way, you still haven't answered my question. That's why I called you in here, remember? Do you want me to wear my hair up or down today?"

"Down. Always down, or in a ponytail. Never take your hair away from me by wearing it up. I want to be able to see it moving."

"Moving? Like this?" she giggled, swinging her hair back and forth over my hands. "Does my long hair turn you on?"

"Stacey, your hair is always amazing, but it's even more incredibly sexy against your beautiful back."

She gave me a gorgeous smile. "You've really been studying me a lot lately, haven't you?"

"I really didn't mean to. It just started happening one day, and the next thing I knew I was constantly noticing you ... all of you."

"Baby, I want you to notice my body, so don't apologize. I want you to become as hard as a rock every time you see me. I love this new you, Dan. I love how I can always feel your eyes on me now, checking me out. God, it turns me on, and I'm doing the same thing too, you know. All those times you've hung around here wearing nothing but your little shorts, don't think I haven't noticed. I love seeing your bare chest, and I especially love the way your cock makes such a perfect bulge in your shorts. Sometimes my mouth literally waters when I see it, like when we were in your bedroom a few minutes ago. I'm telling you, I enjoy looking at your body every bit as much as you like to look at mine."

As she was smiling at me in the mirror, I noticed my cock had partly worked its way through the fly of my boxers. I felt moist heat directly on the top of my shaft, and suddenly she noticed it too. "Mmmm, yes, that's it..." she purred, clenching her pussy lips around me while sliding back and forth along my length. "God, baby, I want you inside me," she moaned, coating me with her juices.

When my bare shaft suddenly popped straight up, slipping between her ass cheeks, she cried out in celebration. "Yes! I can feel it! Baby, you did it! You're totally hard!"

Yes, I really was. Finally, for the first time in far too long, I was fully erect. While part of me was deeply thrilled, another part of me was in a panic. Mainly, though, I just felt ... relief. I knew it made no sense, yet my overriding emotion wasn't so much one of lust but rather a grateful feeling that there was real hope for me again.

Hugging her from behind, I said, "You did it, Stacey. It's all you. Thank you, angel."

Again holding her towel together with one hand, she turned to face me. Though I'd stuffed myself back inside my boxers, she giggled at the obscene pup tent I was still making. Beaming, she draped her arm around my neck while burying her face in my chest. As I hugged her close and kissed the top of her head, I felt her warm tears on my skin.

"It's coming, baby ... it's coming. You're going to be fine, I just know it," she said, smiling warmly while wiggling her hips against me.

For a few perfect moments we simply held each other, until finally she grinned, "Okay, I'm going to go get dressed now. We'll have fun today, you'll see." Then she turned and walked out of the bathroom.

The second she was gone, I closed the door and pulled my boxers off; still erect, I climbed into the shower and immediately began to masturbate.

More than anything, I wanted to cum. Damn it, I just wanted to cum again.

Nothing. My cock began to flag, and without Stacey there to keep me excited I soon went soft again.

As I stood dejected beneath the warm spray, I thought, 'Still, it's progress. Try to be positive.'

Driving along in Stacey's convertible, I was once again struck by her sweet beauty. With her flowing golden blonde hair complementing the bright shine of her perfect white teeth and full, pink lips, she was simply radiant. When she caught me glancing at her toned, tanned legs stretching out from beneath her yellow sundress, she teasingly pulled up the hem and slid a scarlet fingernail between her sexy thighs.

"Enjoying the view?" she smiled.

"You're just gorgeous, Stacey ... absolutely gorgeous," I said, nearly in awe.

"You're not too shabby yourself there, baby, with that hot body and big, bulging cock," she smiled, squeezing my hand. She was really laying it on thick, and she laughed over how slutty she knew she sounded. She always laughed, which was just one of the countless things I was discovering I loved about her.

Something had changed, though, and it was me. I realized I was beginning to lose my usual reticence. I was becoming comfortable with telling her how I felt, and I was no longer ashamed to talk with her about my sexual problems.

I also realized that when I was with her I was genuinely happy, and I couldn't recall the last time I'd felt real happiness.

"So," she smiled, "we're not finished with you, not by a long shot, but are you at least having some fun now? Are you enjoying your new toy?"

"You mean you, or getting hard-ons again?" I asked, laughing with her.

"I meant your hard cock, silly, since that's what started all this. But sure, since you brought it up, are you enjoying playing with me too?"

"Yes, to both. Truth be told, I'm having way more fun with you than I am with my other new toy."

I had decided to let it all out.

"See, Stacey, my other new toy still isn't working right."

"Oh, c'mon!" she exclaimed. "I felt it, clear as day! I still haven't seen it, not naked anyway, but I definitely felt it, and it was as hard as a rock! Plus you showed it to me in your boxers. It was definitely hard, Dan. It was long, hard, and absolutely gorgeous."

"Stacey, I still can't cum."

That one stopped her in her tracks. She just stared at me.

"I tried, Stacey, two more times. I took a shot at it last night after you went back to your room, and I tried again this morning in the shower. I thought it would be a sure thing this morning, since you'd just turned me on so much. For a few moments there, you had me completely hard."

"You were definitely hard. I could feel it," she giggled. "I just wish I could have seen it, too, along with the look on your face as you were experiencing your first full erection again. I didn't get to see it, but it felt awesome against me. You have no idea how badly I wanted you to put it inside me."

"I'm glad I didn't."

"Why? Because we're 'just friends'?" she grumbled, dripping bitter sarcasm.

"Well, yes, that's part of it. I don't want to lose my best friend, even if she is no longer the tomboy she used to be," I said, gently teasing her.

"Yeah, I would hope by now that you finally see me as being more than just 'one of the guys, '" she said, grinning mischievously.

"You know I do, Stace, but I also like the idea of moving slowly with this, like you said."

She sighed. "Baby, I'm trying to keep it slow. I really am. Listen to me, because I mean this in the very best way: If it was anyone but you, I would have fucked you this morning for sure when I was lying on top of you with my panties halfway down my ass. I wanted you to see me ... all of me. I wanted you to pull my panties off, and I was dying for you to bury your tongue and especially your cock inside me. God, I wanted it so badly. I didn't do it, though, and I didn't do it in the bathroom either, where I wanted you even more. Because it's you, I'm trying to be good."

"I appreciate that, Stace. I really do appreciate everything you've done."

Ignoring me, she continued, "So what's the other reason you're glad you didn't put it inside me?"

"It's what I'm trying to tell you, Stacey. I'm still not all the way there. I can't cum! When I have sex again, I want to be able to cum! I want to get hard and do it whenever I want, just like I used to. Fuck, I want to be able to masturbate again! Do you know what it's like to not even be able to masturbate? And yeah, if we ever do have sex, I want to be able to explode inside you. I want to fill you with cum, and not just once in a blue moon."

"Baby, it's not 'if' we have sex, it's only a matter of when. Don't think for one minute that I'm letting you off the hook with just a great hard-on. I blew it with you when we were younger, but I'm not going to blow it this time. After spending nearly our whole lives together, we found each other again for a reason. Believe me, you're going to fuck me until I scream, and I'm going to fuck you like crazy. I'm going to make love to you with everything I have. We have so much catching up to do, and I'm not the least bit worried about your cock or its ability to perform. Don't you worry either, because very soon here you're going to be inside me every single day, filling my happy pussy and hungry mouth with gallons and gallons of cum."

Her expression became more serious, then she put her hand to my cheek, caressing me with the backs of her fingertips. Her eyes had again filled with tears. "I promise you that, on my heart. Baby, this is my life's mission now, to make you whole again, and to make amends for the mistake I made in letting you get away from me before. Don't you understand yet, Dan? This isn't just a game. I love you, and I've always loved you. Now that fate has given us a second chance, I'm going to make you want me forever ... the same way I want you forever."

As we stared into each other's eyes, I took her hand and kissed it. "Stacey, I love you too. Every day I realize more and more that I have completely fallen in love with you. I've always loved you, and I'm certain you've always known it. We were just too young, that's all. It wasn't our time yet to be together. You're a miracle, and even though I couldn't see it back then, you've always been perfect. Maybe it is fate, the two of us coming together now like this, but I just want to be whole again before I try to be with you. I need to know that I'm able to give you everything you deserve, and right now I still can't."

"You will, baby, you will. Just be patient; there's no hurry. I'm not going anywhere, and there is no deadline here. Whether it's today, tomorrow or whenever, it'll come when it's meant to come, but I promise you, it will come ... and when it does, so will I," she added with a sly smile, a cool fire burning in her beautiful deep blue eyes.

When we got to the mall, the first place she led me to was a lingerie store.

"Those shorts and boxers of yours have to go," she grinned. "I want something that displays you much more nicely ... something silky to the touch."

She went to a saleswoman and quietly spoke to her as she gestured back at me. Smiling, the saleswoman waved me over.

"I think I have just the thing for you. Here..." she said, leading us to a display table, where she handed me a pair of silk shorts. "Go try these on for her."

She pointed out the changing rooms, and I headed into one of their little booths. I took off my shoes, pants and underwear, leaving my shirt and socks on as I slipped on the new shorts.

Stacey knocked lightly on the door. "May I come in?"

Once she came inside, she took one look at me and laughed, "Oh no, that definitely won't do! Silly boy, lose the shirt and socks, then come outside and let me see you!"

After she'd stepped back outside, I stripped off everything but the shorts. "Ready?" I called over the door.

"Ready and waiting," she called back, the grin obvious in her voice.

When I opened the door, there she was, standing with the saleswoman. I hadn't counted on that!

"Come, stand in front of the mirror," Stacy said. "Let us look at you."

Standing behind me with the saleswoman at her side, she positioned me before the mirror. After looking me over, she asked the saleswoman, "Do you have any smaller ones, maybe with an opening in the front?"

"I sure do. I'll be right back," she said cheerfully.

When she took off, Stacey put her hands on my hips and whispered in my ear, "Don't look now, but I think she likes you! Did you notice the way she was checking you out?"

"You're imagining things," I chuckled.

"We'll see," she grinned.

The saleswoman, Veronica, according to her name tag, came back with a pair of light blue shorts.

"Perhaps these might be more what you have in mind," she smiled to Stacey, handing her the shorts.

Stacey held them up to the light. They were certainly quite a bit smaller than the first pair, and they had a large opening in the front that closed with a single snap in the fly. They were also semi-transparent, which Stacey was discovering to her great glee by moving her hand around inside the material.

"These just might do the trick. Go," she said, handing them to me.

I went into the changing room and swapped the one pair for the other. "Ready?" I asked again.

"She went to go check on something," came Veronica's voice.

Stacey called from across the store, "Come on out. I'll be right there."

Exiting the dressing room, I stood beside a smiling Veronica in front of the mirror as Stacey returned to inspect me in the smaller shorts. "Turn around and face us," she grinned.

Same as Stacey
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Her hair flew behind her like ribbons in the wind as she ran towards the church. Sloane was late, really late. Momentarily distracted by the ringing coming from her clutch, she stopped to retrieve her cell phone. She checked the caller id and flipped it open. ‘Hey Gigi,’ she greeted a little out of breath, ‘now isn’t the best time.’ Gigi had been Sloane’s college roommate from London. The combination of Sloane’s conservative Southern upbringing and Gigi’s unapologetic sexual nature proved...

2 years ago
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Why Not

"Damn it, why did my dad have to ground me? I'm eighteen, and I should be able to send nude selfies if I want," I whined in a tone, lying on my bed. "Just because I still live under his roof, and he found out that I sent Ryan one nude selfie, he just grounds me? I feel more pissed off, and I can't get that horseshit off my mind. What the hell am I supposed to do, just stay in the house all day?"I didn't know what to do, but lay there for a little while, not doing a damn thing.I kept going...

2 years ago
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My Aunt Lucy Part 3

My Sexy Aunt Lucy Part 3I woke up Tuesday morning, refreshed and relaxed, and was in anticipation on what the day would bring. I felt Lucy stirring on the other side of the bed. She said, “Wake up lover boy, it’s almost noon.” She threw the covers off and seeing a naked Aunt Lucy was the absolute best way to start my day. Amazingly, I wasn’t hard. Lucy got on her hands and knees and crawled to my crotch. Without saying a word, she took my limp penis in her mouth. I was totally erect in less...

1 year ago
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Gray Shades of Evil

Prologue: Three Months Before The road was desert dusty; any driver would have known the end of it was off the paved path. The truck contributing to the dust had seen better years, and had a few worse ones yet to go. The driver was paying more attention to the bottle of beer the passenger was swilling than the road. The driver and passenger's skin was darkened with the passage of days in the sun. Their happiness at a stolen hour with their patron's truck described life in simple pleasures:...

3 years ago
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For Want of a MemoryChapter 28

Mitch and Tim stood on the lip of the drop off, looking down. "Shit," Tim cursed softly. "I know," said Mitch. Tim looked around at the big panel truck that was parked in front of Mitch's patrol car. It was called the "Roach Coach" by everybody in town. Sally Lazenby owned it and made her living driving around selling hot food out of it. She was sitting behind the wheel weaving to and fro, listening to music. Mitch had hired her to sit there and have the interior of the truck as hot...

4 years ago
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Chris and Sarah Part 2

Sarah waited patiently as Chris locked up the house, and she put her hands in her pocket, walking side by side with him. They talked about a ton of subjects from what was going on in the country and how it was affecting his job, to the classes she was gonna be taking in school. After about an hour of walking they turned and headed back home. ‘Well, the move was a hard one.’ She said, looking up at the sky, which was a hue of pick and orange, blue and purple. It was getting darker, and colder....

3 years ago
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Sheenas wild brutal punishment

Friday afternoon I joined Camilla at Laura’s home. Our good girlfriend had invited us to have tea and to kiss and tell for a while.There we found Sheena, a blonde bimbo with perfect curves and a very slutty smiling face. We were all around our late thirties; but the stupid bimbo was just barely legal.After having some drinks, the whole conversation centered around sex toys and sexy outfits or anything that had to do with sex. A week ago Laura and me had done some good purchase at the mall,...

4 years ago
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Janinersquos first time cuckolding me

One night, after a few drinks, my girlfriend Janine and I started to discuss our fantasies. I had some very unusual fantasies that flowed through my head from time to time, and the alcohol made me much more vocal about them. So that night, I told her about my cuckolding fantasies. I had never told anyone about them, and I had especially never told her about the number of times that I had thought about her with another guy over the past two years.She was a little shocked at first, but a slight...

1 year ago
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PornHub Blowjob

Here we go, guys—the big bad wolf of the porn industry. Yes, I’m talking about It’s the website everyone knows and loves, but we’re not here to talk about it in general. Oh no, today I’m going to bring you one of the best categories that you probably hoped to find me talking about, and that means the blowjob category. If you don’t like blowjobs, then something is definitely wrong with you. You should go ahead and get some professional help if you’ve ever said no to a blowjob that a...

Blowjob Porn Sites
3 years ago
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MAA BETA AUR BAHU Hi I am Huma with the second part of Matherchod, my previous story. I hope you will like this hot incestuous threesome of mother, son and bahu. Matherchod gets lucky and fuckes his mom and wife. Main Amit apni kahani ko aage badhane ke liya hazir hoon. Uss raat apni maa Suman ki chudayi karne ke baad mein agle din subah deri se utha jab Suman naha dho kar rasoi mein nashta bana rahi thi. Ussne ek cotton ki patli see kamiz pehni hui thi aur kuchh nahin pehna hua tha. Maine...

4 years ago
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Times Up

I was so horny, driving back from the office after a long day. I don't even know what I was thinking when I pulled into the parking lot of that adult bookshop. Maybe I'd find something to take home, a video or maybe a playtoy. Scanning aisle after aisle of naked skin, visualizing the dozens of women want to fuck, it pushed me over the edge. I knew my pants were barely concealing the forming erection underneath my trousers. That's when I caught glimpse of the sign - "Adult Video Arcade". I had...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Lauren Phillips Note To Self

Lauren Phillips, a masseuse, leads David Lee into a massage parlor, where it is revealed that he is there to interview Lauren on the topic of Nuru massages for his magazine column. David asks if he can record the audio of the interview on his phone, and Lauren accepts. He asks her some preliminary questions, and some flirty tension arises between them. David requests that Lauren take him through the entire Nuru ‘experience’, which she happily agrees to do. They both fully undress,...

1 year ago
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Melissa Blog 070118

Ich trage eine rosafarbene Hipster über meinem engen Keuschheitsgürtel während ich nachts schlafe. In den Morgenstunden wache ich durch einen aufregenden Traum auf.Ich denke an einen starken und brutalen Mann. Er liegt neben mir. Schlafend. Nackt. Ich bin seine Sissy-Dienerin. Er besitzt viele Sklavinnen, auch weibliche, doch ich bin in dieser Nacht an der Reihe. Ich bin für sein Wohlergehen abgestellt. Ich krieche unter die Decke zu seinem riesigen, fleischigen Penis und beginne seine Hoden zu...

3 years ago
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Welcome To The Neighborhood

I wake one morning to the sound of rain through my open window. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I drag myself out of bed and pull the curtain aside to reveal the dreary day. The sky is thick with moisture and grey as far as I can see. The rain is coming down in a steady drizzle. I don’t even bother pulling a robe on over my silky, light blue nighty as I head to the kitchen for my morning coffee. I run my fingers through my long blonde, sleep tousled hair and head for the porch with my coffee...

2 years ago
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Hope Chapters 1 2

Hope and Despair: Born at the Light of a New Day By: Tiffany Taylor The Judgment "Litl, my dearest brother, your accusations against my father and your step-father lack proof and are totally unfounded. I miss our mother as much as anyone else, but to accuse her loving husband of such treachery is negligent at best. You know to make such claims against anyone of the royal family without proof even from someone of your status is punishable by death. My hands are tied dear brother. ...

4 years ago
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The Road to Chrissie Part 2

Chapter -4- The next four days dragged by with life at home much as before, that's to say me doing everything, while he sat back and watched. Once or twice he raised the question as to what I had in mind for him and what was my motivation. I glossed over these questions saying that all would be revealed in due course. In the mean time I was considering just what changes I would implement during the coming weekend. So far he'd been much more compliant than I'd expected, offering only...

3 years ago
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Through the Woods

Scott was scrawling away when the bell on the cafe door jangled. He was surprised to see the girl from the stationery shop step in. She scanned the room as her eyes adjusted from the summer brightness outside. The moment she saw him, her face lit up and she strode to his table.“Eager to get started, huh?” She hovered, clasping her forearms. “I love a man who gets straight to things.”“Uh, yes, miss. Just ducked in here to get out of the heat and get the hang of this pen.”Scott rose and offered...

1 year ago
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MomPOV Kendall Horny MILF with all natural body

– 32 years old MILF from Texas – She’s ready to cross porn off her bucket list – Is currently a personal assistant – Is a divorced mother of two – She usually dates older men and does have a boyfriend – Loves giving blow jobs it gets her really turned on – As she gets older she is opening up to try new things – Her ass was super tight but we got my cock inside her – This freak loves doggystyle while getting her hair pulled – Had a very nice all natural body, was very fun to work with – Jerked...

1 year ago
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Hot text makes for a great afternoon

When i woke up in the afternoon and i had a text on my cell "Hey....come over we are ready for that amazing cock again, cant stop thinking bout it", i texted back i was on my way. I took a quick shower and threw on a jogging suit with no underwear i figured i didnt need them anyways. I pulled up to their apartment building and parked, i found the door and they buzzed me in. When i walked in the door it was pitch black and i felt two hands running over my body, they stripped me out of my clothes...

2 years ago
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Susan Her Search Part II

Susan:She strategically picked a spot near her place. As she drained her last glass of wine she pulled on a nice black dress and started to put on her make up. Just thinking of what was possible tonight she could feel herself getting wet. As she pulled on her panties she almost thought of not wearing them. Although that would take the fun out of having them pulled off. As she locked the door and headed out She walked into the bar and scanned the area. It was a quite bar and there were few...

3 years ago
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Auntie Emma puts out once again

Introduction: Emma tries to resist but soon becomes my whore like the rest Names and places changed to protect identities I spent about the next week just chilling out around the new apartment, buying new bits and pieces and making the place look really nice. Id stuck to my word and completely left Fiona and Alice alone by not even once trying to stick my dick in any of their holes. I gave them money when they wanted it and shopped and went out spending time like normal mothers and daughters...

3 years ago
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How I Fucked Indian Sex Stories Reader

Hello, guys, Firstly thanks for the love and appreciation that I got for my story. Through this story, I met a woman with whom I had sex encounter last month. Let me thank Indian Sex Stories dot net for sharing my sex story and making me meet a stranger and we both are sexually satisfied. So any unsatisfied woman in Hyderabad can approach me on and your privacy will be my priority. Your feedback and suggestions are most welcome. I’m Asad from Hyderabad, 5’11” tall, with an average body, 6”...

2 years ago
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The teacher lV

After eating we sat on the couch. As he put his arm around me Mr Smith asked, are you having fun more relaxed now I said, yes. This is the most fun I've had in a long time. Pulling me to him, I sat on his lap facing him. Wrapping his arms around me he kissed me deeply. Breaking our kiss Mr Smith said lay back. Laying back, my head hung down off his knees. He held my legs by my ankles. Pulling them up he spread my legs wider and set my heals on the back of the couch. Fully exposed Mr Smith ran...

3 years ago
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Halloween Night With Jill

I told Jill the dreamlike story that night as we lay in bed. Initially, she was quite jealous and a bit angry, even though it was obviously a dream. There was no other possible explanation.In her anger, Jill repeated, "How could you cheat on me after all of our years together?"But, as I told and retold the story, she listened more closely. She realized that if it was real, then they had some apparent power over me. Then there was the fact that I went after her, choosing her over them in the...

2 years ago
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Dark Days 2 Dawns Early LightChapter 11

The bathroom was small, but well-arranged and was more like the ones I had seen in movies shot in Japan and China. It was a ‘wet’ bathroom in that the sink was on the back of the toilet so that gray water then was used to flush. The shower was a hose that would spray water over everything and a drain was set in the floor. Curious, I looked for, but couldn’t find, any way of opening that drain to let the water out. It wasn’t until I turned the water on that I found the drain opened up and a...

1 year ago
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Needy BIG Brother

100% fiction! My name is Brandi and after seven years of a sexless marriage I thought I was doomed to a life of celibacy. I am a 42 year old woman blessed with jet black hair and bright blue eyes that scare men off. I always noticed my brother growing up as a handsome man with a bulge always turned me on regardless of the wrong to have a rush for my big brother. Well it turns out he had secretly lusted after me for a long time as I found his footlocker full of pictures of me naked from high...

3 years ago
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Wifersquos Version Wifes Ass Too Small For Ana

After our first lovemaking session with my future husband Al I discovered what it was like to be fucked by a long thick healthy nine inch cock. I came four times that first night and it was the beginning of our four year marriage. With that nine inch cock buried deep inside me almost every night I was one happy wife. I even learned to take half of his large organ in my mouth. We both wanted to experiment with new things. But when it came to anal sex we had one problem.I am a petite, 5”2”, 110...

2 years ago
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Wives of Africa part 2

Introduction: one women is blackmailed by her junior into sex a second woman arrogantly dismisses her servants views and abilities and pays a heavy price. Louise was tall with long dark red hair. She had been educated at a very expensive private school before Oxford. She had studied anthropology and considered herself an expert on many matters. She admired her naked body in the mirror. 35 24 34 her breasts filled a c cup. She leant back her breasts pushed forward they were young and firm and...

3 years ago
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Cumming from a Glance

Pog, aka my cousin Tanya, with her big round glasses, and driftwood brown hair that was starting to gray even though she was barely breaking into her twenties,  opened my room door,  and came in without knocking or warning and closed the door behind her,  stared at my confused ass sitting at my desk in front of my computer and said,  “I need some dick”I had just came to a lovely bit of porn.  So my eyes went wide and I sputtered.  “Well, I can’t help you with that.”“You got a dick tho,” she...

4 years ago
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Nick High SchoolChapter 26

Saturday, I relaxed. I took a walk around the park; had a nice lunch, watched some TV, read some of my book, and took a nap. My only work was thinking about the program that I was working on. I called Todd and told him that I was at the Ritz near the park. He talked to his mom, and she said that she'd just pick me up, so I didn't have to pay for a cab. They came by around ten on Sunday, and we drove to school. I had one bag, but Todd brought home laundry, and had received some presents....

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flight 233 by loyalsock

Colt Thompson hefted his small attache’ case into the over head compartment and sat down in the aisle seat and waited for the 737 to take off. Leaving the bone chilling cold of Detroit to spend a long weekend in New Orleans was enough to bring a smile to the face of any seasoned traveler! One stop over in Memphis, and it would be good by Woodward Ave. and hello Bourbon Street! This would be Colt's sixth visit to the Crescent City, and it was definitely his favorite destination, with all the...

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Service With A Smile

Service With A Smile Don't frown sweetie you know you love your frillies, and I do love showing you off. Oh sweetie they don't make fun of you they have fun with you. What do you mean you don't have fun? Oh sweetie you just love girl talk and I know you love to serve coffee and tea and you look so sweet in your apron and your little dress. Yes I know the shoes are a little tight but they will break in and you will get used to the heels soon. Those are the highest you have had yet...

1 year ago
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SusanChapter 7

On Saturday morning when Susan awakened, something was wrong. As she emerged from her sound sleep she realized what it was: Jeff was not beside her. Moreover, as she began to gather her wits about her, she realized that it was even more strange since today was Saturday. This was the day that always began with necking and petting followed by anything she could think of to try to get him to fuck her. Because she was never successful, all that happened was that Jeff would spend hours feasting on...

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How I met my GF and her daughter and stepson

How I came to meet my GF, and eventually her Daughter and Stepson......who now live with meMy situation began when after a divorce, I was in need of a place to live for a while. On the suggestion of a mutual aquaintance I spoke with a lady under his employ, who might be able to accomodate me for a while. We talked briefly and she offered to let me stay at her place, as her two c***dren were at friends for the summer in Baltimore MD. I followed her home after she finished work and she welcomed...

1 year ago
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I Fucked My Cousin

Hi this is jhon writing here first time.I am going to tell you my first gay incidence in which i fucked my cousin. first of all i will tell you about myself I am a guy of 20 with average muscular body.height 5’8 and having a big throbbing cock of 8′ in length and 3′ in size.I am now going to tell you my true incidence in which i fucked my hot cousin who was 15 then and made him my slut. so going to the story , last weak i went to my uncles house who lives in our city only.He was going to a...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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The Shortstop

Edited by Dave Lori was sitting alone in the small conference room waiting for her partner. She had the big monitor plugged into her laptop and was doing a little online window shopping before their meeting. Eventually, she heard the door open and her business partner, Brent, take a chair to her right and in back of her. "You're late," she said without turning around. "There was an accident coming down this morning." "Sounds like you stayed in Lahaina and needed one last blowjob this...

4 years ago
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The Agency Girl Part II

It was almost twenty four hours later when Bill opened his front door to Sal again. Once again he was stunned by her attractiveness. This time she was wearing a red velvet dress. Its top clung to her upper body, once again emphasising her breasts and slim waist. Its wide but modest hemline spoke of long shapely legs. This time her legs were covered in a much lighter denier material. He wondered whether or not they were stockings. Once again, his nostrils were excited by her perfume as she...

1 year ago
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Joey put a wine glass in front of me but I caught him before he poured.“Can I get a whisky instead?”“That bad a day?”“Some single malt that’s not going to break the bank, a little ice.”He poured and I sipped. I wasn’t fired. I sure as hell screwed up and the likelihood of promotion was flushed deep down one of those old really loud two-gallon toilets. Going back to face the team at work was not going to be easy.“You want another?”I guess I was sipping more aggressively than I thought....

2 years ago
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Meri Pehli Chudai

Hi dosto mera naam ritu hai aur main 18 saal ki hu aur main bahut dino se iss pe stories pad rahi hu to maine socha ki kyon na main bhi apni story aap logo ke saath share karu yeh meri pehli chudai ki kahani hai.agar aap logo ko pasand aye to mujhe mail jaroor karma on my id muje aapke mails ka intjaar rahega ok lets start the story gora gora badan 28-24-32 figure. Kale ghane baal bahut se ladke mujh per marte hai Baki ladko ke saath mere bhai ka dost bhi shamil tha. Toh shuru karti hu...

1 year ago
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She Tries To Forget Ch 03

Passion in James County XVI Martin Flannigan, Ann Wallin’s next door neighbor, was standing at his kitchen counter making coffee when he saw the big blonde man leaving Ann’s house. ‘Looks like Ann had another, ah, guest, again last night,’ he thought and shook his head sadly. ‘What’s going on with that girl? What makes a pretty woman like her act like that?’ Martin, a tall, bulky graying man of fifty-five, had been Ann’s neighbor for about a year. He moved to Jamestown at the invitation of...

3 years ago
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U Chapter III

His mobile rang and he rose from the bed to answer it. U lay back on the bed and watched the porn. The scene had changed now to a chamber where a woman was naked and bound to a St. Andrew's Cross. Two men in Nazi uniforms stood on either side of her while a uniformed female stood in front. She held a flogger in her hand. "You filthy Resistance bitch!" the uniformed woman screamed. "You think you can use your sex to entrap my men? I'll teach you". She raised the flogger and flogged her...

3 years ago
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Stepmom Godaughter from Portugal Pt16

We started getting dressed as I got my Khakis shorts and a polo on to watch Maria get ready. I watched her put on some white panties and no bra then slipped over a tight one piece dress over her head. I watched her pulled it down that just made it to the bottom of her butt cheeks. She looked at herself in the minor and I don’t like it. I do! Mark thanks sweetie but you see my panty lines…give me 10 minutes I will will be ready. Ok, I will bring the bags down to my car. Maria walks out of the...

2 years ago
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Maa Ko Randi Bana Hi Dala

Mera naam raman hai mai delhi ka rehene wala hun ye kahani mere aur mere maa sushma ki hai (mere story pe commet jarooe karna mera mail address hai —( ) mere age 22 saal hai aur mere maa ki age 49 hai ( mai aapko bata du ki wo puri actress mausmi-chterji ke jasi lagte hai) koi bhi usko dekhta hai to apna lund pant me set karne lagta hai log uske boobs ko bhooke aakho se ghurte hain.wo ek shrif aurat hai par bohot mast hai wo ab mai kahani suru karne jaa raha hun . Hum log ghar mee teen log hain...

1 year ago
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The SisterhoodChapter 64

That night the two girls looked exquisitely regal as they entered the banquet hall flanked by Duke and Duchess, both meticulously groomed for the occasion, and both pacing with their heads up high as if they were escorting a monarch to his coronation. For the occasion the girls were wearing the tiaras they had last worn at the gala in Prague. The sponsors of the award dinner were nonplused. First, the computer and software people are famously casual; it's not uncommon for someone to show up...

2 years ago
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Coming Out

COMING OUT "Oh Mum, do I have to get a haircut?" Darren asked his mother, Eileen Jones. "But it's halfway down your back Darren, do you like being mistaken for a girl?" "I'll go next week I promise, I'm just round Bill's, I won't be late." And with that he was off on his bicycle to his best friend William Boyd's house a couple of streets away. This was the last weekend before the long summer holidays, his exams were done, so he knew that as long as she knew where he was, his...

1 year ago
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Antheas Baby Part VI

They saw Ben again on the following Friday. The project that he was working on in Manchester had overrun by three days and so Anthea was very excited to see him. Jack watched them warmly kissing and embracing after the door had closed behind him. He also saw Ben give her bump a long and gentle rub as he enquired about his daughter. Anthea looked at Jack as she explained that she had a forthcoming scan next week.They went into the lounge and it was there that Jack gave Ben a small gift-wrapped...

4 years ago
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Bangalore Unsatisfied Neighbor

Hello ISS readers, my name is Aryan I’m 20 years old studying in Bangalore I’m 5’7 average body with great stamina as I’m an athlete and this story is between me and my neighbor Shweta who is 34 years old. This story took place 4months ago. My email address is I’m available in Bangalore for all women and do give your feedback. Coming to the story Shweta 5’4 32 30 34 is a housewife with a 5 year old kid and husband working in software firm who’s bald already. Where as Shweta was hot she had 32D...

2 years ago
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Sissy For My Flatmate Chapter 2 ndash The Contr

If you've only just tuned in, here's what's going on in my life. Until recently I was a closet crossdresser trying to keep my hobby from my flatmate. When he caught me in the act, I found out that not only had he known about me for a long time but it was a turn on for him. I agreed to become his sissy slave and started the most incredible journey of my life.Arriving home after from work, I threw my jacket down on the sofa and breathed a sigh of relief. It was Friday and I now had the...

3 years ago
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The Invisible Neighbor

"I'm going to bake her a banana cake, that's what I'm going to do! You have to open your door when a neighbor brings a cake!"Greg put down his coffee cup and looked wearily at his wife, the adorable and sexy love of his life. Madelyn had seen the couple next door the day they moved in, but since then she'd only seen the husband leave and return. She hadn't seen the man's wife a single time in two weeks, not even to go out and get the mail, and she was utterly obsessed by it.Greg, on the other...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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My first Grandma

My first Grandma…This story involves the first time a fucked a 62 year old lady. This lady was a fucking sexual b**st and surprised the hell out of me more than once.Every year me and 6 or so buddies go up to Alaska to go fishing for big King salmon. We have a favorite fish camp where we go, only accessible by float plane. As the crow flies, the camp is about 90 air miles north east of Anchorage. We usually fly in to Anchorage and spend the night at a motel, then fly up to the camp the next...

1 year ago
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Ryans dilemma

This was an unexpected turn of events for a Friday night. I had planned on spending the evening on a wonderful date with my girlfriend. She already knew what the plans were, she never liked surprises. Me being the romantic type, this took a lot of fun out of the relationship for me. We were to begin the evening at a fantastic, and very expensive, restaurant. She had wanted to go ever since her best friend’s boyfriend took her there. I wanted to take her this evening and tell her about the...

3 years ago
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Summer HeatChapter 16

I knocked on the door and was met by Rachel who kissed me hard and long. It was lovely. Then, I came inside. Matt walked up. He said, “I’m glad you broke that clinch so I could get in.” He grinned. I grinned back. We went inside. Rachel took my hand with my body willingly following her to the sofa. She had been here long enough to change clothes. She was wearing a tiny pair of short shorts and a sleeveless blouse that was minimally buttoned. There was a lot of Rachel for me to see and it all...

3 years ago
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Immortality of Emotion Part 2 of 2

Chapter 10 - Terror "We can't let Heather take the chance," Brennus said, restating his view in case no one heard him the first ten times. Halloween morning found them in the lounge beyond Tess's apartment, now converted into a war room. Analysts occupied the kitchen, while others handled communication with Diva and Boii agents in the field. Agents who appeared in the moment as police and left no memories amongst those with whom they spoke. Still Ken felt all alone. The prior...

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