Damn the AristocracyChapter 9
- 3 years ago
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I was startled awake by the feeling of something pouncing on my bed. Cracking open my eyes as I groggily came around, I saw Stacey bouncing up and down like a little girl trying to wake her parents on Christmas morning.
"Daaaaaan, it's time to wake uuuuuuuup!" she whispered in my ear. Smiling mischievously, she straddled my legs and flipped up the covers. Poking her head beneath the sheets, she popped right back out and made a playful pouty face. "Awww, you really aren't up yet, are you? Let's see if we can fix that!"
I was finally fully awake and aware of what was happening. Stacey was sitting happily on top of me, having pulled back the sheets to expose my boxers. She was still wearing her pink panties, but she'd taken off her t-shirt; in its place she only had on a lacy pink bra. Similar to her panties, it wasn't see-through; nonetheless, she looked amazing in it, especially when she put her hands on my chest and leaned down to me. Her cleavage was simply awe-inspiring, and her just-out-of-bed tussled blonde hair was absolutely adorable. She even smelled fresh and warm, somehow reminding me of freshly baked cinnamon rolls.
"So what are we going to do with you today?" she smiled sweetly, sliding forward to where she was sitting directly on my soft cock. "By the way, good morning, baby," she breathed, giving me a tender kiss on the lips.
She'd never done that before!
"Good morning to you too, Cinnamon Girl," I said sleepily, arching my back as I stretched and yawned.
"Mmmm, I like your morning wake-up stretches!" she grinned, feeling my hardening cock pushing against her panties. "But what's this about 'Cinnamon Girl'? You've never called me that before."
"You've also never climbed on top of me in your panties and bra before, smelling like a freshly baked cinnamon roll."
"I smell like a cinnamon roll?" she asked, gathering her hair and bringing it to her nose. She sniffed her shoulders and arms, then ran her hands all over her body before bringing them to her nose. "I guess I do smell kind of cinnamony, huh? I've never noticed that before. I wonder what it is?"
"Maybe your perfume?" I offered.
"I haven't put any on yet. Besides, you've smelled my perfume. It's not cinnamony."
While sniffing up and down her arms again, she pressed her panties-covered pussy in small but insistent circles on my growing cock.
"I think he's finally waking up!" she giggled, giving me a huge grin.
She slid down to check her handiwork; as I lay flat on my back in a pair of loose boxers, she could clearly see the bulge of my cock. While staring at my partial erection, she wore a bright smile. "God, baby, it looks so good, it makes my mouth water. It really does. Don't guys normally wake up every morning like this, though? You know, with a huge hard-on?"
Reaching down to cover it with my forearm, I pressed it flat against my thigh, only to have her gently pull my arm away. "Baby, no, don't hide it from me. Let me see," she said quietly. Smiling, she stared admiringly at it for a few moments before reaching out to caress it. As she held me in her hand, her pretty smile grew into a soft, warm grin. "I love it, you know. I love your cock, especially when it gets hard. It makes me happy to see you like this, so please don't hide it from me, okay?"
I knew I must have been blushing like crazy, but I nodded anyway, and her smile grew even brighter. "Thank you. You'll see; it'll be more fun if you let me see you, just like I'll let you see me. You get to show off this big cock to me as much as you want, and I'll love it every time. Now are you hard because of me, or is this just your usual morning hard-on?"
"Stacey, it's you. C'mon, you felt it. I wasn't hard when you first jumped on top of me. I haven't gotten even a morning hard-on in over a year. Last night was the first time I came pretty close to having a full erection of any kind."
"Well, it looked pretty hard to me last night, and it sure looks hard now." Petting it, she grinned. "It feels hard, too. This definitely feels like a big, hard cock. This counts as an erection, doesn't it?"
"It's getting there, but it's not all the way there yet."
"Would this help to get it all the way there?" she cooed, slowly sliding her bra straps down each shoulder. Staring at me the whole time, she sexily darted her tongue between her teeth. When her straps were loose, she gently pulled each slender arm through the loops, leaving her shoulders and upper chest completely bare. Smiling seductively, she reached up and lightly caressed the newly exposed skin of her breasts.
Her nipples were still covered, yet I was seeing more of her gorgeous mounds than I had ever seen before. She began to get goose bumps all up and down her arms, then on her breasts too, which made them look even more beautiful.
After spinning in my lap to face my feet, she arched her back, and her shimmering blonde hair floated down to her pink panties. Lowering her ass onto my cock, she used her strong thighs and tight bottom to give me a firm squeeze. "Mmmm, you feel hard between my legs. You really love my ass, don't you? Are you fully hard for me yet?"
She leaned back on her hands until her silky hair kissed my chest, and all I could do was grunt. Though I couldn't see her face, I could hear the sexy smile in her voice as she said, "I want your big, thick cock to get rock hard for me. Please, baby, let me feel it pressing into me."
Sitting back up, she slid her hands inside her panties to squeeze her ass. She spread herself open, then slipped her panties halfway down her spectacular bottom.
I could see goose bumps on her golden curves, and her little moan was devastating.
Leaning forward until she lay flat on top of me, she slid her panties-covered pussy up and down the length of my cock. Then, while lifting her hips as she pushed back up my body, she used two hands to spread herself; hovering her half-uncovered ass over my stomach, she sexily wagged her tempting tail in my face. With a hot moan she lowered her mouthwatering bottom and slid down towards my feet; dragging her pussy over my arching bulge, she paused to grind her moist mound back and forth on my flared crown.
The crests of her ass and hips were absolutely incredible, and the split dividing her tanned cheeks was achingly beautiful. Stacey's ass was truly flawless. There was even a growing wet spot in her panties that became more prominent every time she pressed the thin cotton to her pussy by sliding her body up towards my stomach.
Perched atop my cock, she pushed herself up into a fully erect sitting position before reaching back to unclasp her bra. With her arms folded in front to hold her loosely hanging bra to her breasts, she looked over her shoulder. "Better?" she smiled. Grinding her pussy with a sensual dancing of her hips, she grinned, "Do you get even bigger and harder than this?" Adding a little squeeze with her ass, she moaned, "Mmmm, because you feel really big and hard now."
"Just a little bigger," I panted.
"Mmmm, there's even more of your cock for me to look forward to? I can't wait," she grinned. Tossing her bra to the floor, she arched her back again; pressing her pussy down hard, she began a steady rocking motion with her hips. Her naked back looked so perfectly sleek and sexy with her long shining hair spilling down to tickle my stomach, and the sight of her bare breasts swaying atop her ribs was making my mouth water.
Giving me a delicious final grind, she put her forearm over her breasts and climbed off. Turning to face me, she grinned, "Touch yourself, baby. I want to see you hold it and stroke it for me."
Though it was still covered by my boxers, I lifted my cock and squeezed it below the head.
'What a surreal moment, ' I thought. 'Here I am, holding out my dick for Stacey's inspection. Stacey, of all people! She's just standing there, with only her arm covering her gorgeous naked tits. She has nothing on but a sexy smile and tiny panties that are barely covering anything anymore.'
I could scarcely believe any of it.
Smiling happily, she exclaimed, "I think we're making definite progress!"
I waggled my cock at her, and she did the cutest little giggle as she jumped up and down, clapping excitedly.
God, she was gorgeous.
Beaming like a beautiful child opening her birthday presents, she said, "See, I told you! Isn't this fun?"
I laughed, "I'm certainly not going to complain about having you as my alarm clock!" Waggling my erection at her again, I grinned, "And as you can see, I definitely approve of your morning attire."
"I'm so glad," she said, reaching down to retrieve her bra while still covering herself with her forearm.
Because of the show she was putting on by going topless for me, I was actually somewhat able to overlook the fact that she was only wearing panties in front of me, which I found thoroughly amazing.
"Okay, sweetie, you're good and awake now, so I'm gonna go hop in the shower and get dressed," she said, still beaming brightly.
"Get dressed? Awww, do you have to?" I asked, pouting for her.
"Yes, silly, I do! I have big plans for you today!"
Never lowering her arm, she draped her bra over my head, smiling as she turned to leave. When she was at the foot of the bed she paused to tug her panties down below her ass, though only on one side, which somehow made it even sexier. Grinning over her shoulder, she swished her hips like a stripper before darting out of the room with another of her adorable little giggles.
Her bra was still draped comically around my head, and my cock was throbbing.
I noticed the subtle scent of cinnamon.
Once I heard the shower start, I got up and knocked on the bathroom door.
"Come on in!" she said.
She was singing in the shower, and the whole bathroom smelled like steamy flowers as I took my morning piss.
After finishing my business, I headed to the kitchen to make myself a bagel. I heard the shower shut off, then Stacey called out, "Dan, could you c'mere for a second?"
Returning to the bathroom, I found her standing at the sink wearing a bath towel ... a very short bath towel. Though she was holding it together in the front, the tops of her breasts were still showing. In the back it just covered her bottom, at least until she leaned forward to brush her teeth. The towel rode up then, exposing the lower third of her bare ass.
With her golden tan and luscious curves, her ass was like succulent fruit.
Continuing to brush her teeth, she took a few palmfuls of water to rinse her mouth before leaning down to spit out the toothpaste. With each rinse and spit she pressed her ass against me, until I began to rise in my boxers.
Looking in the mirror, she gave me a happy smile. With her towel tied in a loose knot between her breasts, she leaned forward to set her hands on the sink. Pressing her ass against me again, she closed her eyes for a moment before opening them to stare at me.
"Up or down?" she finally asked.
I had no idea what she was asking me.
"Put your hands on me, like this..." She took my hands and placed them on her hips. "Now, press into me."
Squeezing her hips, I pushed forward.
"Mmmm, nice. Okay, up or down?" she asked again. "My hair? Should I wear it up or down today?"
"Where are you going? You don't have to work this weekend, so what's the plan?"
"Where are we going, you mean. Didn't I tell you? I'm kidnapping you today."
"Okay then, Miss Kidnapper, where are we going?"
"I was thinking of taking us clothes shopping. I want to get you something nice to wear for me around the house that will show you off even more than your usual shorts do, and I thought you might also enjoy picking out some sexy panties and things for me to wear for you. Does that sound like a fun Saturday?"
Grinning, I nodded at her in the mirror.
Never taking her eyes off me, she shifted her hips. "You know what? I can't feel you the way I want to, not with this thick towel in the way. Let me feel you holding me. Go ahead, put your hands on my hips beneath the towel."
I slid my hands up her thighs, onto her bare hips; in doing so I managed to raise the back of her towel to where I could see her naked bottom.
"Yes, Dan, just like that." She leaned forward onto her forearms and pushed her bare ass against the front of my boxers, catching my hardening cock in the length of her warm divide. "Mmmm, I think you approve of this outfit even more than my last one," she smiled. "You're getting hard for me right away now."
Bent at the waist, her head resting sideways on her folded arms, she purred, "Press into me like you're fucking me, and could you rub some lotion on my shoulders? The bottle is right there ... the yellow one."
While pushing into her naked bottom, I leaned over her shoulder to grab the bottle.
Spreading her legs, she arched her back and pressed her bare ass firmly against me. "Lower..." she said, raising her hips. When I pressed again, she stood on her tiptoes, forcing my cock lower still. "Lower, baby..." she whispered, reaching back with one hand to pull my hip down and forward. "Put your cock between my legs, like you're going to slide it inside me, then rub the lotion into my shoulders."
Backing away, I took a glance down.
Though my cock wasn't fully hard, it was definitely jutting forward, sticking straight out in my boxers. With her towel bunched up on her lower back, her smooth, golden ass was completely exposed.
My god ... for the first time in my life, I was seeing Stacey's naked pussy. I stood frozen in place, spellbound by her glistening perfection.
Turning her head, she noticed that I was openly staring at her ass, her pussy, and my protruding erection. "God, you look so damn good when you're hard, you know that? I love the way your cock sticks out so far," she said, giving me a smoky leer. "Baby, if you want to take it out, I won't mind. Mmmm, just slip it between my legs. Let me feel it touching my ass ... mmmm-hmmm ... pushing into my hot pussy."
I stepped forward, and she raised her ass before lowering it to trap my cockhead between her thighs, the top of my crown pressing against her bare pussy lips. I couldn't see any of it, but I could sure feel it.
So could she, apparently. "Yes, that's it, I can feel you against my lips. You feel hard, baby, really hard, even through your boxers. Rub me now."
Leaning into her, I began spreading the lotion over her soft, smooth shoulders and upper back.
"Mmmm," she said as I rubbed her, and really we were rubbing each other; while I was stroking her upper body with my hands, she was using her ass and pussy to caress my cock. As I applied the lotion to her shoulders, I was actually sawing back and forth, almost in a fucking motion. My hands kept bumping into her towel, until finally I slid beneath it to smooth the lotion over the center of her back.
She lifted her chest from the sink, and her towel noticeably loosened.
With the towel bunched up at her lower back, my hands slid easily over her body. Peeking down, I noticed that her towel had opened all the way, leaving her bare breasts pressing against the sink top. Her lower back and stomach were still covered, otherwise she was completely naked.
"That feels so good," she purred, writhing beneath my hands; she was trying to make me rub wherever she arched her back. "Is this your favorite outfit so far? I can't tell if you're as hard now as you were before."
I sawed more conspicuously into her.
"If only you weren't wearing those silly boxers, then I'd be able to tell for sure," she grinned, moving her pussy up and down my shaft. "I wish I could feel your bare cock touching me ... pressing into me ... sliding deep inside my pussy. Wouldn't that feel sooooo good? Mmmm, but I know we can't do that."
As she lifted herself onto her elbows, I looked into the reflection of the mirror. Her bare breasts were visible; I could also see them from the sides, yet my view stopped just shy of her nipples.
Smiling sweetly, she cupped her hands over her breasts. "By the way, you still haven't answered my question. That's why I called you in here, remember? Do you want me to wear my hair up or down today?"
"Down. Always down, or in a ponytail. Never take your hair away from me by wearing it up. I want to be able to see it moving."
"Moving? Like this?" she giggled, swinging her hair back and forth over my hands. "Does my long hair turn you on?"
"Stacey, your hair is always amazing, but it's even more incredibly sexy against your beautiful back."
She gave me a gorgeous smile. "You've really been studying me a lot lately, haven't you?"
"I really didn't mean to. It just started happening one day, and the next thing I knew I was constantly noticing you ... all of you."
"Baby, I want you to notice my body, so don't apologize. I want you to become as hard as a rock every time you see me. I love this new you, Dan. I love how I can always feel your eyes on me now, checking me out. God, it turns me on, and I'm doing the same thing too, you know. All those times you've hung around here wearing nothing but your little shorts, don't think I haven't noticed. I love seeing your bare chest, and I especially love the way your cock makes such a perfect bulge in your shorts. Sometimes my mouth literally waters when I see it, like when we were in your bedroom a few minutes ago. I'm telling you, I enjoy looking at your body every bit as much as you like to look at mine."
As she was smiling at me in the mirror, I noticed my cock had partly worked its way through the fly of my boxers. I felt moist heat directly on the top of my shaft, and suddenly she noticed it too. "Mmmm, yes, that's it..." she purred, clenching her pussy lips around me while sliding back and forth along my length. "God, baby, I want you inside me," she moaned, coating me with her juices.
When my bare shaft suddenly popped straight up, slipping between her ass cheeks, she cried out in celebration. "Yes! I can feel it! Baby, you did it! You're totally hard!"
Yes, I really was. Finally, for the first time in far too long, I was fully erect. While part of me was deeply thrilled, another part of me was in a panic. Mainly, though, I just felt ... relief. I knew it made no sense, yet my overriding emotion wasn't so much one of lust but rather a grateful feeling that there was real hope for me again.
Hugging her from behind, I said, "You did it, Stacey. It's all you. Thank you, angel."
Again holding her towel together with one hand, she turned to face me. Though I'd stuffed myself back inside my boxers, she giggled at the obscene pup tent I was still making. Beaming, she draped her arm around my neck while burying her face in my chest. As I hugged her close and kissed the top of her head, I felt her warm tears on my skin.
"It's coming, baby ... it's coming. You're going to be fine, I just know it," she said, smiling warmly while wiggling her hips against me.
For a few perfect moments we simply held each other, until finally she grinned, "Okay, I'm going to go get dressed now. We'll have fun today, you'll see." Then she turned and walked out of the bathroom.
The second she was gone, I closed the door and pulled my boxers off; still erect, I climbed into the shower and immediately began to masturbate.
More than anything, I wanted to cum. Damn it, I just wanted to cum again.
Nothing. My cock began to flag, and without Stacey there to keep me excited I soon went soft again.
As I stood dejected beneath the warm spray, I thought, 'Still, it's progress. Try to be positive.'
Driving along in Stacey's convertible, I was once again struck by her sweet beauty. With her flowing golden blonde hair complementing the bright shine of her perfect white teeth and full, pink lips, she was simply radiant. When she caught me glancing at her toned, tanned legs stretching out from beneath her yellow sundress, she teasingly pulled up the hem and slid a scarlet fingernail between her sexy thighs.
"Enjoying the view?" she smiled.
"You're just gorgeous, Stacey ... absolutely gorgeous," I said, nearly in awe.
"You're not too shabby yourself there, baby, with that hot body and big, bulging cock," she smiled, squeezing my hand. She was really laying it on thick, and she laughed over how slutty she knew she sounded. She always laughed, which was just one of the countless things I was discovering I loved about her.
Something had changed, though, and it was me. I realized I was beginning to lose my usual reticence. I was becoming comfortable with telling her how I felt, and I was no longer ashamed to talk with her about my sexual problems.
I also realized that when I was with her I was genuinely happy, and I couldn't recall the last time I'd felt real happiness.
"So," she smiled, "we're not finished with you, not by a long shot, but are you at least having some fun now? Are you enjoying your new toy?"
"You mean you, or getting hard-ons again?" I asked, laughing with her.
"I meant your hard cock, silly, since that's what started all this. But sure, since you brought it up, are you enjoying playing with me too?"
"Yes, to both. Truth be told, I'm having way more fun with you than I am with my other new toy."
I had decided to let it all out.
"See, Stacey, my other new toy still isn't working right."
"Oh, c'mon!" she exclaimed. "I felt it, clear as day! I still haven't seen it, not naked anyway, but I definitely felt it, and it was as hard as a rock! Plus you showed it to me in your boxers. It was definitely hard, Dan. It was long, hard, and absolutely gorgeous."
"Stacey, I still can't cum."
That one stopped her in her tracks. She just stared at me.
"I tried, Stacey, two more times. I took a shot at it last night after you went back to your room, and I tried again this morning in the shower. I thought it would be a sure thing this morning, since you'd just turned me on so much. For a few moments there, you had me completely hard."
"You were definitely hard. I could feel it," she giggled. "I just wish I could have seen it, too, along with the look on your face as you were experiencing your first full erection again. I didn't get to see it, but it felt awesome against me. You have no idea how badly I wanted you to put it inside me."
"I'm glad I didn't."
"Why? Because we're 'just friends'?" she grumbled, dripping bitter sarcasm.
"Well, yes, that's part of it. I don't want to lose my best friend, even if she is no longer the tomboy she used to be," I said, gently teasing her.
"Yeah, I would hope by now that you finally see me as being more than just 'one of the guys, '" she said, grinning mischievously.
"You know I do, Stace, but I also like the idea of moving slowly with this, like you said."
She sighed. "Baby, I'm trying to keep it slow. I really am. Listen to me, because I mean this in the very best way: If it was anyone but you, I would have fucked you this morning for sure when I was lying on top of you with my panties halfway down my ass. I wanted you to see me ... all of me. I wanted you to pull my panties off, and I was dying for you to bury your tongue and especially your cock inside me. God, I wanted it so badly. I didn't do it, though, and I didn't do it in the bathroom either, where I wanted you even more. Because it's you, I'm trying to be good."
"I appreciate that, Stace. I really do appreciate everything you've done."
Ignoring me, she continued, "So what's the other reason you're glad you didn't put it inside me?"
"It's what I'm trying to tell you, Stacey. I'm still not all the way there. I can't cum! When I have sex again, I want to be able to cum! I want to get hard and do it whenever I want, just like I used to. Fuck, I want to be able to masturbate again! Do you know what it's like to not even be able to masturbate? And yeah, if we ever do have sex, I want to be able to explode inside you. I want to fill you with cum, and not just once in a blue moon."
"Baby, it's not 'if' we have sex, it's only a matter of when. Don't think for one minute that I'm letting you off the hook with just a great hard-on. I blew it with you when we were younger, but I'm not going to blow it this time. After spending nearly our whole lives together, we found each other again for a reason. Believe me, you're going to fuck me until I scream, and I'm going to fuck you like crazy. I'm going to make love to you with everything I have. We have so much catching up to do, and I'm not the least bit worried about your cock or its ability to perform. Don't you worry either, because very soon here you're going to be inside me every single day, filling my happy pussy and hungry mouth with gallons and gallons of cum."
Her expression became more serious, then she put her hand to my cheek, caressing me with the backs of her fingertips. Her eyes had again filled with tears. "I promise you that, on my heart. Baby, this is my life's mission now, to make you whole again, and to make amends for the mistake I made in letting you get away from me before. Don't you understand yet, Dan? This isn't just a game. I love you, and I've always loved you. Now that fate has given us a second chance, I'm going to make you want me forever ... the same way I want you forever."
As we stared into each other's eyes, I took her hand and kissed it. "Stacey, I love you too. Every day I realize more and more that I have completely fallen in love with you. I've always loved you, and I'm certain you've always known it. We were just too young, that's all. It wasn't our time yet to be together. You're a miracle, and even though I couldn't see it back then, you've always been perfect. Maybe it is fate, the two of us coming together now like this, but I just want to be whole again before I try to be with you. I need to know that I'm able to give you everything you deserve, and right now I still can't."
"You will, baby, you will. Just be patient; there's no hurry. I'm not going anywhere, and there is no deadline here. Whether it's today, tomorrow or whenever, it'll come when it's meant to come, but I promise you, it will come ... and when it does, so will I," she added with a sly smile, a cool fire burning in her beautiful deep blue eyes.
When we got to the mall, the first place she led me to was a lingerie store.
"Those shorts and boxers of yours have to go," she grinned. "I want something that displays you much more nicely ... something silky to the touch."
She went to a saleswoman and quietly spoke to her as she gestured back at me. Smiling, the saleswoman waved me over.
"I think I have just the thing for you. Here..." she said, leading us to a display table, where she handed me a pair of silk shorts. "Go try these on for her."
She pointed out the changing rooms, and I headed into one of their little booths. I took off my shoes, pants and underwear, leaving my shirt and socks on as I slipped on the new shorts.
Stacey knocked lightly on the door. "May I come in?"
Once she came inside, she took one look at me and laughed, "Oh no, that definitely won't do! Silly boy, lose the shirt and socks, then come outside and let me see you!"
After she'd stepped back outside, I stripped off everything but the shorts. "Ready?" I called over the door.
"Ready and waiting," she called back, the grin obvious in her voice.
When I opened the door, there she was, standing with the saleswoman. I hadn't counted on that!
"Come, stand in front of the mirror," Stacy said. "Let us look at you."
Standing behind me with the saleswoman at her side, she positioned me before the mirror. After looking me over, she asked the saleswoman, "Do you have any smaller ones, maybe with an opening in the front?"
"I sure do. I'll be right back," she said cheerfully.
When she took off, Stacey put her hands on my hips and whispered in my ear, "Don't look now, but I think she likes you! Did you notice the way she was checking you out?"
"You're imagining things," I chuckled.
"We'll see," she grinned.
The saleswoman, Veronica, according to her name tag, came back with a pair of light blue shorts.
"Perhaps these might be more what you have in mind," she smiled to Stacey, handing her the shorts.
Stacey held them up to the light. They were certainly quite a bit smaller than the first pair, and they had a large opening in the front that closed with a single snap in the fly. They were also semi-transparent, which Stacey was discovering to her great glee by moving her hand around inside the material.
"These just might do the trick. Go," she said, handing them to me.
I went into the changing room and swapped the one pair for the other. "Ready?" I asked again.
"She went to go check on something," came Veronica's voice.
Stacey called from across the store, "Come on out. I'll be right there."
Exiting the dressing room, I stood beside a smiling Veronica in front of the mirror as Stacey returned to inspect me in the smaller shorts. "Turn around and face us," she grinned.
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Club Dom! Like female domination aka femdom videos? They say variety is the spice of life, so today I’m going to look at something completely different. I’m usually pointing you perverts in the direction of women being banged up the ass so you can drain your balls into a tissue or old gym sock. ClubDom, the hardcore fetish site I’m going to be looking at today, is more likely to show you videos of dudes getting pegged up the pooper by mean mistresses who would rather step on your nuts than help...
Premium Fetish Porn SitesI could feel the heat of the day on my naked body before I got out of bed. Sun streamed through the large window. Barely a breath of air stirred the garden trees. As usual my neighbor, Mike, who lived just across the tiny lawn, had his eyes glued to my penis which was large, hard and wanting action. I waved to Mike and he waved back, pulling on his long penis, fondling his heavy balls, now and then touching his nipples which I knew he loved having sucked. I began rubbing my own always erect...
GayLiuz watched as Tabia swept the workshop floor. It was a silly job for the Kikker woman to be doing. Not only was it early in the day, the floor not yet having the build up of sawdust it would once afternoon came, but if she WAS the skilled seamstress she claimed it was a horrible insult to her talents. If. Liuz believed his sister, naturally. There was no way she'd invent such a story, no animosity between her and the woman that would lead to a fictional charge of spying. But, it made no...
Hi dosto mai bhut dino se yaha per nhi aya hu sabse pahle mai ye bta du ki mai aaj se pahle ek stories likh chuka hu jo ki mila jula response mila jo nhi padha hai to padh lena stories name dost ki ma ko patni banaya by sanu alam aap mai apna new stories batane ja rha hu ki jo aaj se 5 month pahle ghati hai baat us time ki hai jab mai chennai gya to waha maine ek serch ker rha tha ki waha ek uncle se maine puvha to oo bole ki chalo mere sath fir oo room bata diye or maine ja ker room puchne ke...
The Confessions of a Sex-Crazy Cross Dresser Book I: The incredible first few weeksChapter 1: Panties Thief and the Late Night Swim My name is Sandy. My name is Tony. I know it sounds confusing, but when you are a cross dresser life is always confusing. Just the terminology alone to describe you…crossdresser or cross dresser? Transvestite, tranny, she-male and many other names used to describe people like me can make you confused. I prefer to be called a cross dresser and yes you can call me...
CrossdressingOn Friday, Zoli left to go back to New York. All of us went in my father's car to see him off at the train station. My mother had baked up a lot of Hungarian pastries and some poppy seed and jelly cake for Zoli to take back to Eva, his wife. I was happy to have my own room back again. Saturday morning, Bill came by to get me to go play some football at the park. It was the first time that he and Kate had seen each other since that Sunday dinner. Had it really only been six days before? I...
The unfortunate guard was standing his post, watching the countryside below. He hated this shift, midnight to dawn. The cold wind from the north, blowing down off the Westron Mountains made his loose long hair blow erratically and penetrated through his threadbare cloak like icy fingers. He scanned the valley below, noting that once again, there was nothing to see. He paced down the crenelating for a few paces and peered out again. Wizards are so damn paranoid, he thought. His fingers were now...
I couldn’t believe I had been offered an interview for the job but I am well qualified and a quick learner so will have to accentuate my positives and distract him with my great tits.I dressed to impress, a little slutty but professional, a suit topped with heels and a red satin blouse, suitably unbuttoned to showcase my cleavage. I gathered up my portfolio and the data stick with my presentation on it, checked myself in the mirror and went to the car. I tuned in to a dance station on the way...
This is a continuation of the story in Jennifer's Shame, so if you've not already read it, I suggest you start there. As always, all comments and scores are gratefully received. When she got home, Jennifer went upstairs and ran a bath. Easing herself gently into the warm water, she lay back, closed her eyes and let her mind drift back over the events of the afternoon. She could almost hear the sound of the swishing cane and again experienced the searing sting as the rattan bit into the soft...
SpankingAnya Olsen is working out at the gym when she notices that her friend’s husband, James, is working out there as well. They talk a bit to catch up, but as Anya leaves James notices that she left her phone on the gym equipment. James rushes to catch Anya and ends up walking in on her in the changing room. Anya is a quick one as she is naked by the time James gets to her, but Anya wanted to be caught naked cause she wants some of James’ big dong. James is a little reluctant to give her...
xmoviesforyouSummer is fading fast, we are now at that time of year when here in Spain you often get temperatures over thirty with glorious sun at midday and then storms and quite a chilly evening. Last week I went out on my bike as I have often done over recent weeks, trying to do some exercise in the now cooler evening air. Over the summer I have had to go to the gym and exercise inside, where they at least had air conditioning, but now at last I can get out. I was home early from work, instead of...
My girlfriend Cristy had enjoyed becoming a tease to other men and I allowed her to because I found it extremely erotic. I encouraged her to show off and work up other men to an erection. She got off on this and it usually lead to a kinky sex session. Cristy is 5’2′ with cherry blonde hair and brown eyes. She may be short but she has a sexy body with 34Ds and a bubbly perky butt. We are both 22 years old and very horny all the time. This particular night, Cristy and I were drinking at a local...
Analog Time, Part Four "Nix" by Sandy Man Her glazed eyes grew wide when she looked up and saw me, eyes that spoke of a woman who had just entered hell. And I was the devil. "What do you want?" she asked. "Who are you? What is this place?" Her jaw trembled as she spoke. I could see the pulse on her neck, like a jackrabbit. Her chest quivered with sharp, quick breaths. Her hands stayed at her sides, but I could...
I met a girl named Alice the other day. She was taking a walk with her dog. My dog Frankie noticed Alice’s dog and started barking. I thought Frankie was trying to tell me that Alice’s boobs are going to squeeze her little doggie to death. They were large indeed, and she had her dog Bond right between them. Bond got so afraid of Frankie’s barks, that he flinched. He flinched so tightly that the place between Alice’s boobs got too wide for him. Bond fell apart, and ran away into the forest. I...
LesbianMy first ever story. Depicting sex between a man and a transsexual.It is lengthy but personally I enjoy these best. Constructive feedback is greatly appreciated, so feel free to write to me. Enjoy ; )Nathan (Nate for short) was an average eighteen year old boy; liked girls, sports, partying, and being on his summer holidays he enjoyed the time off school. With some exceptions to the average rule, he loved his kinky dirty thoughts and porn. Frequently watching shemale porn, gorgeous busty women...
After the country had fallen to chaos due to a revolution to topple the dictator, the Russian oil field security staff had such a good plan to drive all the way to the south and then just hop on a commercial flight at the first possible chance. They had taken Theresa, the German young woman working on an archaeological dig, with them and were keeping her safe. They seemed to be all ex military and their leader, Vassili a battle hardened man in his late forties, and Theresa 20 years his junior...
GLORYHOLEI'd love to be in a booth with a woman while she does her thing to all of those unidentified cocks! I have taken my wife to a local porn theater and made her take off her bra and pantyhose. She was wearing a very short skirt so hiking that up was no problem. I had her unbutton her blouse so the guys in the row we were sitting in could see her tits. They would move close to her and in the beginning she would panic but I held her there and told her to settle down and go with the flow....
My wife’s parents have a condo on the beach in South Florida. She often went there with them during her spring breaks and semester breaks when she was in college. This story occurred in December during the semester break of her junior year. Each morning she would check out the pool then go for a walk along the beach, looking for good-looking guys to flirt with. She usually wore a skimpy two piece swim suit that displayed much of her sexy hot body. She liked walking on the beach with her...
Marian peeked out her dining room window to see if her “Adonis,” as she called him, was on schedule. Sunday morning at 10 … if he wasn’t there by 10:15, it wasn’t going to happen. Marian’s heart rate was elevated. She stood there in a bra and panties, a vibrator in her hand, peeking around the window rail, awaiting the arrival of the beautiful young man in the house across her shared back garden. She felt completely silly, but nevertheless determined. It was the best part of her week.She had...
MasturbationSuper-busty MILF Kianna Dior models for exquisite titty tease footage in a sheer, blue bra. Director Jonni Darkko’s POV camera represents Kianna’s new stepson. In the kitchen, she washes dishes, ‘accidentally’ wetting her bra, and telling him that they need to get to know each other — maybe they can share a little secret! In her bedroom, the dirty-talking stepmom seduces the college boy, oiling her jugs and hand-greasing his boner. Kianna makes sexy eye contact...
xmoviesforyouMy wife Jaq is a very sexy fifty-year-old who never fails to surprise me. On a recent trip to a large hotel in town, she surprised me once again. We had enjoyed a good night out enjoying a show and a few drinks and we returned to our a hotel a little after midnight. After a final nightcap, we went up to our room, once there we were soon engaging in some sexy play. Jaq was sucking my cock when I noticed the curtains were still open. I mentioned this and Jaq became very aroused indeed. After a...
VoyeurEmily’s room was a mess, laundry scattered across the floor amidst discarded packaging and the tangled cords from various electronics. Action figures from Shinobi Souls, dvd cases, and parts of old cosplays were strewn about as well as she hurriedly packed a bag for an overnight stay at the hotel near the convention.“Ugh, this is so… it’s so fucking stupid!” Emily spat in frustration, pushing her toothbrush and toothpaste into a travel pouch for toiletries. What do I even care for, rushing off...
NovelsIt was a long restless night; Lorrie was called twice from Morton to make special flights to get members of the OPS team. I was called once from the Doppler tower at AF479 at 2 AM, “Ma-am, we were told to call you with any activity. A small twin engine plane just landed at the airfield at La Jarita - we were ordered to watch it for you,” the caller said. “Thank you sir, appreciate the call very much,” I replied. I went back to the command center and looked at La Jarita with the State...
seli smo u auto i uputili se nezanjuci ni sami gde cemo stici,po obicaju i mojoj veoma velikoj zelji i masti smislio sam iznenadjenje za zenu,bilo je prolece onako lepo prijatno u autu od garderobe ne bas nesto previse na sebi,zena i majci na kratke rukave dole framerke grudi ko grudi lepe dobro stojece dekolte umeren i takoupitimo se prema dunavu,posle nekoliko kilometara ugledao sam jednog stopera ,pitam maju dali da ga ponesemo ,klimnula je glavom i rekla kako oces ,stanem on udje pozadi...
The small craft of which Colonel Vashti was the pilot weaved in and out of the relentless barrage of hostile laser fire that streamed towards her from the approaching fighter jets. The moment she failed to avoid being hit would be the moment when her craft would be no more and her mission terminated. Although her firepower was outmatched by the weaponry set against it, she made sure that each one of the laser-propelled missiles she launched hit its target. All around and ahead was the...
(Okay heres number 2 let me know what u think) Dante grabbed his belt and strapped her arms above her head to her bed post. ‘Dante?’ She asked as he did the same with her legs. ‘What?’ He whispered against her wet pussy lips. All her words left her as Dante began to slowly lick herp ussy lips. She wanted to grab his hair and push him down, but he had tied her up good. Dante smirked as small moans of pleasure escaped Isabells mouth. ‘You like that baby?’ He asked. ‘Dante, Dont stop.’ She...
My heart full thanks to all my readers who enjoyed my story and posted their comments. I am really surprised and happy to inform that so many females had now started commenting on their desires and internal fantasies. Most of the time it were Husbands only who want o know more or want to try new things but slowly trend is getting changed as more couples are feeling that they can make a big difference and can enjoy lot of new things if they are ready to give it a try. For all the readers who are...
Thank you to VillageWordsmith, for editing this work for me. I’m enjoying working with you on these stories, as well as future ones I hope you’ll continue reviewing. Thanks, Red * Elizabeth looked out the window of the log cabin, rain was pelting the window. Another day of muck and mud would await her tomorrow. She turned from the cold glass, and slid off her robe. Her bed called to her, an empty place that she went to each night. It had been empty for the past three years, her soul mate long...
The following morning at breakfast, Linda told the group that the gear for the outing had been delivered to the island and that the launch was 'on' for the following day. She advised the guys to talk with Pete on their return to the cabin while the girls were at the showers so that they could get organized. At lunch, Hartwell announced to every one that he would be leaving in a few minutes for his conference and that he was leaving the camp in Jennifer's capable hands. The afternoon...
Authors note: This is a sequel to Mr. Miller's Christmas story. You may wantto read that one first. Mr. Miller's 4th of July Party By Deputy Duffy Time moved slowly between Christmas and the 4th of July. Not a day went bythat I didn't think about the events that occurred at Mr. Miller's Christmasparty. It didn't help that I'd frequently run into people I saw at the party,but couldn't say anything because they didn't know I was even there. No onedid, aside from the Millers and the other Santas,...
Megan opened the door to her mother's house with her key. Buster the dog heard her come in and came running. She heard her mother's voice, coming from the study. "Meggie, is that you?" "Yes, Mama," she said. She hung up her coat, took off her shoes and walked down the hall to the study. Her mother was sitting in front of the computer. Megan stood beside her and put her hand on her mother's shoulder. "Mama, can we talk?" Her mother smiled up at her. "Of course we can, baby. I'm...
Introduction: The awaited party begins Brittany and Justin were an hour earlier than everyone else as the pair of them caravaned the alcohol to the partys location. After walking for quite a few long, awkward minutes, Brittany finally broke the silence. Okay, on a scale of one to ten, how pissed are you at me? She asked, hoping to make Justin proud by the end of the night. Im not pissed. Im just hella disappointed. That strong-willed girl better show up to this party, because this weak little...
Jeffrey looked himself over. He realized how lucky he was. The bayonet that rebel had thrust at him only gave him a deep scratch, not an opened wound. The wound was ugly looking but the doctor said there wasn’t much chance of infection. Though it bled quite a bit, he simply cleaned it and put a clean wrapping on it. He told Jeffrey to keep it clean and wear a fresh shirt. Not much advice under these conditions. Jeffrey had already removed the dressing and decided to keep it off. As he...
“Who are you talking to Chad?” Oh god theirs only one person I know with a voice louder than an opera singer, my best friend Stacey. “No one, I’m just talking to myself.” I barked embarrassed by my bad habit of talking to myself. “I was reading a post on Facebook.” With that gentle and warming smile of hers she just giggled and said, “Sure but did you know whenever you lie your voice gets low?” “Did you hear about that rumor that’s going around school?” I asked trying to change the...
Hi, my name is rashid. Main eke jammu family ka hu. Meri umar 30 hai. Buchpan se mughe hindi movie dekhne ke adat hai. Maa or meri do bhane hum sub sath rehate thi. Meri do behno ki shadi ho chuki hai. Mai abhi college me last year mai hu. Mughe acting karne ka bohut shoek hai. Specially forced scene. Jabhi bhi forced scene hota hta me apne maa pe chad jata tha. Lakin use malum tha ke ye majak karta hai.Kyo ke use adat hai.Jab mai maa ke upper chad tha tha tab mai.Movies ke dilog bhi martha...
I approached the door and all I could hear was moaning. Maybe it was coming from the stairwell so I looked inside to find two guys, so I carefully closed the door. I opened the door with my card key and walked in to see two more guys fucking the Fiance’ and the Mom while the Dad was eating the pussy of the young girl while she was eating out the Toy. I called the Toy over to help set up the food. The Toy looked at me and said, “you just had sex didn’t you”. Yes, I answered in the stairwell...
From her vantage point on the couch, Sara looked down at her body, wondering what Brii had that she didn’t. She was skinny yet muscular, thanks to soccer, with long blonde hair and big blue eyes. At 5’8, she only weighed about 120 lbs. Her breasts were 34C, with a nice ass to match. Dave and her, both seniors, had had great sex. Well, at least she thought it was great. I guess that slut freshman, Brii, is even better, thought Sara. Pushing it out of her mind, tv forgotten, she got up from...
One of the phenomena I was thoroughly thankful for was the acceptance of our new relationship between me and Vassy by her parents. At first they were leery of me, even though my unknown actions were the catalyst that brought Vassy back from her very dark place. That fact kept me awake many a night attempting to figure out just what I had done, whatever it was I was eternally grateful for the result. I had Peter Grate to thank because of his hours of comments about his hometown, Abbotsville....
Part 3 in which I'm agreeable and cruelly disappointed.The next morning, before dawn, I got on my bike for my ride but this time I stopped in front of their house. I could see the flickering light from their television through front window. I walked up to the porch and tapped on the door. The man yelled "It's open. Come in." And I did. They were watching a video of me masturbating in front of them a week ago. They were both on the couch in a darkened corner I could see that they were naked....
I had found a dogging website late one night. I had always been fascinated by the thought of dogging. I mean the fact that some woman is alone in a park and you can just walk up and fuck her and then leave I thought was pretty cool. And I want ed to go see this first hand when I had the guts. Then one night this one ad showed up. This woman named Sara was going to be dogging in the park near my house. WOW! So I waited till the date and went to see what was going on. I found them, Sara and a fat...
Here's another one my buddy told me I had to shareMom remarried a few years after Dad passed away from a massive heart attack. It was hard life for Mom and me with Dad gone. When Mom met Henry, they had a whirlwind romance and married within the year of getting together. I liked Henry. He was a great guy, he spent time with me and told me he was not trying to replace my Dad, but he really was a great replacement for my Dad. He was much more attentive than my real father ever was, he took...
I unfastened the top button of my shirt. It was all I still had on; I'd removed my pants long ago when Lynne had sucked my cock. " Do it, slowly," she prodded, " make it exquisite." It was the same demand she had made of me last week, and she was trying to get a rise out of me. I gave her no such pleasure. " Only the lover can make demands of the mistress," I retorted, though I curled the corners of my lips up in a devious smile. " Now tell me you're sorry, and you want it rough and...
We are on our way to a friend's birthday party. Delilah is famous for her spectacular and spectacularly delicious cakes. I, however, am on a diet and so Sir reminds me before we get there that I will have to politely refuse cake when it is offered to me. All goes well until my friend's husband, Jake, asks me to come into the kitchen to light the candles and start the happy birthday song parade out to Delilah. When I enter the kitchen, Jake is awkwardly working to light the candles and...
BDSMEr aage masee’r kachhe ekebare hate-nate dhara pore chhilam bathroomer darja’r chhidro diye mayer chan kara dekhte giye. Sedin masee aamar kaan dhore kitrim raag dekhiye chhilo, ebong ma ke bole dibe bolechhilo. Kaan dhore aamake tar roome niye baka-jhaka kore bolechhilo “kire madana, paji, badmash, bathroomer darjar chhidro diye khub maja kore ma-masee’r nagta dekhish na? Aamake dekhish bhalo katha, didi jadi ter pay tabe ki kandota hobe bolto? Bashay bashe vcd, dvd te american, hindi, bangla...
I had learned to sleep anywhere, and I did. I slept just fine in the motel room. It was a little noisy, and I guess I should have been worried but I really wasn't. I believed more in misdirection than it gun play. I lay in bed thinking about what kind of trail I had left. First of all my cover got blown with the rescue raid at the vineyards. The officer in charge of that raid was so wrapped up in saving my ass, he wasn't trying as hard to cover it and that was okay, I was blown...
I would be the first to admit that the pay working the nightshift was not what I had hoped to be making after graduating from college, but the fringe benefits were certainly a lot better than I could have hoped for. Between the almost all-female work staff and the hordes of lubrication-needy women depending on me to solve their issues, I was literally in pussy-heaven. My delectable redheaded co-worker, Sue, was not happy unless I gave it to her at least once on each shift and we had almost...
I firmly believe a person knows when they have met the woman of their dreams. A reaction occurs that is clearly out of the range of normal everyday life. A mental or visual connection is established that cannot be denied. Some people believe that there is one person on this earth that was created just for them. I have spoken with people who have felt a tingling, developed goose bumps, or felt some other strange sensation run through their body. It can happen when you see a lady across the...
Hello to all ISS readers. I have been a big fan of this site. To begin with my name is Saurav. I am from Durgapur, a small town in west Bengal. This story involve my entire family i.e. me, my sister, my mom and my dad. I am not into incest but this incident happened when I was a kid and was not aware about sex. This happened somewhat like 10-12 years ago. Any female near this area may contact me for friendship or fun at my email: So let the story begins. We were a poor family and used to sleep...
IncestLost Trail Cabin (chapter 3) Once back at the cabin they put their groceries away. As Nancy goes back into the bedroom to put something comfortable on, Jake opens a bottle of wine and grabs a couple of glasses and heads out to the main room, turns down the lights, lights a couple of candles, then lays down on the rug in front of the fireplace. Nancy comes in from the bedroom wearing a robe. Jake pours them each a glass of wine, hands one to Nancy as she gets down on the floor with him. As...
Sibling Bitches By Bud -*- There was a long loud howl in the night. It was as cruel as the owner of it. A werewolf. Born of a pestilence unseen the wolves had come. It was a fortnight since we found the first manglee body and sent for the Helsing. Fifteen were missing. We presumed them all dead, until our sherif managed to kill one or them. It had transformed back into the town's butcher. How was I to ask for her hand in marriage now? My choice bride that I had worked so long and...
The night that was View of the crumbling of a marriage. The pavement was wet and cold from the light mid-west October rain. Vibrant colors reflected up from the street as if it were a liquid mirror. He was on his hands and knees crawling around at my feet, splashing around in his own blood. I swore I could hear him crying as I quickly looked around to see if there were any witnesses to my crime, but I saw no one. I jumped in my car and took off for home a few minutes...
Dorothea Reynolds and Victoria Leon stood on the doorstep of Gregg and Maxine's mansion. Both had been summoned by the hypnotic power of Gregg's suggestion. Maxine opened the door for them gesturing for them to come inside. "We are here for the Swami," they announced in unison, "and for his Avaruddha Stree." Maxine clasped her hands together and bowed to the newcomers. "Enter," she said, "for it is your time." Gregg lay sprawled on a couch on the centre of a large room hung with...
After getting up in Sarah’s room, while still in her altered state, Sherry had gotten dressed in the usual way that Mark had her dress as a submissive slut. After putting on a blouse and skirt, with no bra or panties, using Sarah’s hairbrush she brushed out her beautiful long dark-red hair that reached down to her slim waist. Sherry then had gone into the living room and sat down on the sofa to wait on Mark and Sarah to get up. “Sherry. Tim is coming over; so, go fix us some breakfast while...