Mr. Miller's 4th Of July Party free porn video

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Authors note: This is a sequel to Mr. Miller's Christmas story. You may wantto read that one first.

Mr. Miller's 4th of July Party


Deputy Duffy

Time moved slowly between Christmas and the 4th of July. Not a day went bythat I didn't think about the events that occurred at Mr. Miller's Christmasparty. It didn't help that I'd frequently run into people I saw at the party,but couldn't say anything because they didn't know I was even there. No onedid, aside from the Millers and the other Santas, that is. I saw Mr. Miller'scar at our gas station a couple of days before the 4th. He rolled down thewindow, and I raced over. He didn't say anything...just gave me a wink. Hisdriver, though, gave me an invitation. I was really psyched, happy that I'dproved myself worthy.

The 4th turned out to be a bright sunny day. Not too hot, but hot enoughfor a bikini for the women's bodies and the men's eyes. Mr. Miller must havehad one rule: a red bikini. It had to be more than a coincidence that all thewomen wore them, while the guys were dressed in an assortment of swimwear.

Debbie was there, hanging out with Mary. They were both looking good. Myface flushed when I saw the blonde that I'd had so much fun with saunter by.I gave her a smile. (I was right, she didn't even acknowledge my existence.)I kept waiting for a chance to talk with all of them, but really, what wasI going to say? I guess I chickened out and just enjoyed the beer, the bods,and the bands.

After what happened at the Christmas party I was expecting some wild stuff.But there was nothing really, other than a simple wet-tee-shirt contest. Idid hear that there were a couple of hot chicks giving blowjobs in the upperbathroom for a hundred bucks a pop. Of all days to leave my money at home.(Ahem!)

Even though it was a bit of a let-down, I did have a great time and couldn'twait for the next Miller party. Unfortunately that never happened. The newspaperreported that the FBI and the IRS were after him, and they had already seizedall of his property. I followed the story as the weeks went by, but they nevercaught up to him.

(The locals liked to joke that maybe he's hanging out with Whitey Bulger.)

As the months turned into years, I never really stopped wondering what happenedto the girls before and after the Christmas party. I finally ran into Debbieone night at a birthday party and got up enough nerve to flat out ask her aboutthe Christmas party. She wasn't really talking, although she did remember seeingme at the 4th party. Later in the night, fuelled by alcohol, I told her I wasone of the Santas. Then, having got her attention. I whispered into her ear, "Youwere great that night."

She flashed me a dirty look, and then she laughed. I was a little confused.She finally said that she knew it wasn't me because her Santa was a lot shorterthan I was. She pulled me close and gave me a quick feel and said rather archlythat even for a short guy he had a bigger dick then I did. Then (as if I neededmore), she threatened to kill me if I told anyone.

And that was that.

But it didn't end my search. If anything, it was now becoming an obsession,even though I knew how pathetic that was. I should have moved on, but it hadits hooks into me.

But, finally, about a decade after the party, I would get my answers.

It began with a stroke of luck that came in the form of a tall blonde namedCandy. Candy used to live next to me growing up (when she was known as Candice),and we were always good friends. She was also Debbie's best friend back then.

After years of traveling abroad, she moved back into town, and we pickedright back up with our friendship, which finally turned into a sexual one,one lonely rainy night. It didn't last too long, however, as we weren't a goodmatch. We were both dominant, both in bed and out, so it just didn't work.

Truth be told, the main reason it didn't work is that Candy likes to humiliate-- sexually humiliate, both men and women. I found this out for the first timewhen she used to be a cheerleader back in high school, but got thrown off thesquad for hazing. God, if you could hear some of her drunken stories aboutwhat she used to make those poor girls do.... (But I'm sworn to secrecy.)

I got a taste for myself one night when she announced that she wanted toride me naked like a stallion (not that way), complete with a horse's bit inmy mouth, and a horsehair dildo up my butt, while she beat me with a ridingcrop. Of course, I laughed it off, but then she emptied this bag onto the bed,and there was her equipment, just like she said. I looked at her in disbelief.She was serious. I can take a lot, but this was too much just to get laid.The relationship cooled with my refusal, but we managed to stay friends.

One night after way too many beers I even told her the Christmas story. Shecalled me the next day and wanted to hear it again. She even came over fora third telling.

It seem to light a flame in her. I think the biggest reason was that Debbiewas involved. She also didn't seem to know anything about Mr. Miller or hisparties and was a little pissed that she hadn't been invited.

Candy went on and on about Mary. It seemed like they were still friends butshe felt that Debbie had turned into a snob over the years. Debbie was nowmarried-with-children to this old rich lawyer worth millions, living the glamorouslife -- facts which Candy said Debbie was all too happy to point out. Candymoved to Vegas shortly after that (she never stayed in one place for too long),and I thought I lost my last chance at ever finding out what had happened.

Then about a year later I got a UPS package. It arrived a couple of daysafter my 31st birthday. Inside was an audio cassette tape and a handwrittennote.

It simply read:

Happy birthday, Steven.

Listen, do with it what you want and get on with your life.

Whips and chains, Candy.

I chuckled and picked up the tape cassette. I was a little perplexed. I mean,who has a tape player nowadays. I took it to the local Radio Shack, and thegeeky sales guy hooked me up with a cheap player and some headphones. I couldn'teven wait to get home; I plunked in the batteries and listened to it rightthere in the parking lot.

When the tape started, I was a little slow on the up-take, but it soon cameto me that it was a taped phone conversation between Candy and Debbie. It startedwith some small talk about Debbie's perfect kids and her husband's big cases.I yawned, but came to attention when Candy asked, "Debbie, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, Candy. What's on your mind? Your voice sounds funny tonight."

"Really, yeah, been fighting a bug that's all. Anyways, how was the wedding,Debbie?"

"Fine. It was for business, had to make an appearance. Everybody got sloshed.Just put hubby to bed. You know, men."

"Sounds like you had a few yourself."

"Yeah, but just wine. Someone had to drive home."

"Yeah, I'm having a drink myself. You?"

"Shhh...a little gin and tonic. Don't have to drive now, just sitting nextto the fireplace."

"I won't tell. Hey, Debbie, I was at the Mirage the other day, and I gota panic attack. I swear there was this guy in there playing craps, who lookedjust like Mr. Miller."

(Candy was lying here, I could tell it in her voice. She wasn't a real goodliar, so I wondered where she was going with this.)

"Mr. Who?"

"You know...Mr. Miller. I never knew his first name."


"Hello, Debbie. You know who I'm taking about; it wasn't that long ago."

(More Silence.)

"You see Debbie, I know you went to his parties."

"W-what?" (Debbie mumbled.) "How?"

(Candy giggled a bit.) "You remember I dated Steven for a while. He toldme he saw you there at one of the famous 4th of July parties. I think it wasthe last one."

"Who, Steven?"


"Oh, that asshole." (Ouch. I thought we were still friends.)

"I see you know him."

"God, you don't still see him?" (What, do I have the plague or something?)

"Ah, no, I don't see him. I live in Vegas now. He's still in Vermont."

"Yeah, that's probably where he'll die, too. I can't believe you slept withhim?"

"Yeah, me either." (Now that sounded way too convincing.) "But don't tryand change the subject. I was talking about Mr. Miller's parties."

"What? It was a 4th of July party. You know: fireworks, beer, hotdogs, music,and that's all."

"That's all, eh?" (Candy prodded.)

"Y-yeah, What?"

"Debbie, do you remember that I'm a year older than you are?"

"Of course, so?"

"So I turned 21 first, like one year before...."

"I know, so?"

"So, I'm trying to say that a year before you went...."

"Oh my god, you went too."

"Bingo." (And the hook had been planted.)

"I-I, Ah, never knew that, but why now?"

"I was always too embarrassed, and, like I said, I just ran into a...."

"I know, a guy who looked like Mr. Miller, but it wasn't...?"

"No, just looked like him, but a flood of crazy memories rushed back."

"I've tried to forget."

"It was pretty crazy, eh?"

"Yeah, blame it on our youth."

"What was crazy was I actually had a good time at his 4th of July party."

"Yeah, I guess I did too, but I was on pins and needles all day."

"Yeah, like waiting for something weird to happen...."

"Yeah, I know what you mean, Candy."

"Something his Christmas parties."


"Yeah, every time I see a guy in a Santa suit."

"You, too?" Debbie gushed.

"Yeah, I can't even go to the mall around Christmas time."

"Yeah, but you don't have kids...that's when it will get really hard."

"Right, of course." (Candy moaned, before she added.) "How many?"


"Santas. How many did you get?"

"Look, I don't want to talk about this."

"C'mon, I was right there, the year before, so I know, I know. Jesus, I hadto take on two Santas." (Maybe Candy is a little better liar than I thought.) "Maybeif we talk about it we can finally put it behind us. I mean, no one I knowhas been willing to talk. It might help me as much as it helps you. Think ofthis as therapy." (Yeah, really good.)

"I don't know."

"Well, we should start from the beginning, like I was surprised to find outthat you were involved."

"I know. I wasn't as out-going as you."

"Emmm-hum." (I swear I heard Candy biting her tongue.)

"But Mary and me had become good friends after high school, and she justbroke up with that lacrosse guy, so she talked me into going. Silly us. Wethought we could just pop on by, and they'd let us in."

"Did you know anything?"

"No, I had heard about his parties of course but didn't REALLY know aboutthem."

"Did Mr. Miller give you that 'you got to prove yourself' line?"

"Oh, yeah, but only after."


"Well, first we made fools of ourselves by showing up at his 4th party uninvited.The guards just laughed us away. We even tried to talk some of the guys intogetting us in, but it seemed if you didn't have an invitation you didn't getin. We really felt like a couple of losers."

(Candy giggled.)

"And after that I didn't think about it much until I got home for Christmasbreak. (Debbie went to some fancy university in Europe.) Mary called me thefirst day I was back, excited that she ran into Mr. Miller, and begged andfinally got an invitation for us to a gathering at his place. Can you believeshe called THAT a gathering?"

"What, his Christmas party?"

"No, it was like a week before the Christmas party...didn't you have to gothrough that too?"


"Really, then how did you get invited; you were a local, too?"


"Never mind, I think I get it. You were always good on your knees."

"WHAT!" (I held my breath. Candy seemed to be on the brink of blowing it-- as it were.)

"Just teasing, but don't feel bad, I'm not too proud of my actions that dayeither. I should have let Mary go it alone, but she was my friend."

"Yeah, you didn't want to turn your back on a friend, and you're tellingme you didn't really want to go either."

"Ummm, not that bad."

"So what happened?"

"It was a cattle call. Basically a bunch of locals for the Millers to playwith."

(I wonder why I never thought of it that way.)



"C'mon, you have to tell me now."

"Really, I have too?"

"Yeah, I promise I won't tell anyone."

(After a lengthy pause.) "You better not."

"I won't, I swear." (Does this tape qualify as "telling" me?)

"Well, I don't know why I'm telling you this, but that night (I think itwas a Saturday night), Mary and I found ourselves in Mr. Miller's bar area.It was real nice. There were a couple of girls there along with Mr. Millerand his son...Derek, I think his name was. And I remember a couple of largemen roaming around."

"His name was Derek. Now talk about assholes."

"Yeah, but it was the first time I met him or Mr. Miller, so I had no idea.I was a worldly 21. I should have been smarter then these girls. Anyways, moreand more women started showing up. I knew a couple of them from around townbut none too well."

"How many?"

"Don't know really, maybe twenty or so. The bar area was pretty full. Wewere just sitting around drinking. The wine was flowing pretty good. Must havebeen why you had to be 21, although no one checked IDs. I figure the boozingwas planned, now that I think about it."

"So what happened?"

"Well, after a while, Mr. Miller went behind the bar and called everyonearound. He started yapping, making this speech, nothing memorable, until hesaid that he knew that we all wanted to go to his parties, but he only hada need for ten of us. And then he dropped the 'so first you're going to haveto prove yourselves' line. I should have grabbed Mary by the hair and draggedher out of there."

"But you didn't."

"Obviously, but that was only the start. Then he starts to tell us aboutthe Christmas party. He made it sound so innocent. But I remember the roombeing dead quiet as he spoke."

"What'd he say?"

"I don't remember his exact words -- I was too flustered -- but I knew hewanted us to play in some sort of sex game, for a chance to win ten thousanddollars. He even had a brief case full of money, which he opened up and passedaround."

"That's a lot of money."

"Yeah, especially all in tens and twenties. But I was insulted, I mean, howdare he...."

"That's what you say now, but back then you were just another college girl."

"I was never 'just another college girl,' though I guess it would have comein handy. But I'm no whore."

"Uh, huh."

"None of us were, but maybe you're right, the chance to win a lot of moneymay have played a small part. But, still, I had no idea what I was gettinginto when I agreed to participate. Funny, there were a lot of nervous faces,and yet no one said 'no.' It's like each of us was afraid to be the first tosay it. He let it be known after we all said yes that no one could change theirmind now. When he said that, I started to really get nervous. It was like hiswhole persona changed."


"Well, up to this point he'd been friendly and smiling. Now he glared anda smirked, and then he even turned a little slimy."


"Yeah, he said he had some questions for us and he went to the end of thebar and asked this blonde her name, but that was just for starters. Then heasked her if she liked sex, how many guys she'd slept with, how many men she'dsucked, and even if she took it up the butt. Only, he was a little more lewdabout it. He went around and asked us all. It was so embarrassing, becausewhen it was your turn you had to say your answers so everyone could hear."

"Did you lie?"

"I had nothing to lie about. I'd been with a couple of guys in high schooland a couple in college, nothing kinky. But I didn't want to broadcast it.Then he let it be known that if a guy picked us, we'd have to do 'anything'he wanted. Well, that did it for me; I wasn't going to be someone's plaything."

"But you stayed?"

"Yeah, I figured I'd stick out the night and then talk Mary into never evergoing back."

"What else happened that night?"

"Nothing much."

"C'mon.... Something happened."

"God, I can't tell yah this part."

"Did-did you have to see the doctor?"

"What? Wait, how did you know?"

"I knew it! I mean, I did, too. It was so embarrassing."

"Yeah, it always is, but the way Mr. Miller did it...Jesus."

"But at least the doctor was pretty."

"Pretty! Pretty! Yeah, pretty ugly."

"You didn't think she was pretty?"

"SHE! You got a she. No, we got this old gray-haired man, really homely lookingand creepy. But first we had to see this heavy nurse in the bathroom for ablood test. I think it was for HIV. We had to fill out a form, and she wrotea number on the back of our hand. I hadn't had a lot of blood tests, but shedidn't seem concerned about the wine we were drinking. It didn't matter; Iwasn't planning on coming back for the results, anyways."

"Then you saw the doctor?"

"Eventually. After all of us had our blood tests we were kind of spread outaround the room. Mary and I were hanging out by this pinball game, but stillit was pretty quiet. Mr. Miller introduced us to the doctor and another guy,who I think was his other son. He was holding a video camera. This drew someprotest, but they said it was for the doctor's safety, because he was a realdoctor...some BS about malpractice. He also reminded us to be on our best behaviorbecause they were only going to invite ten of us to the party. That was funny,'cause I'm not sure any of us wanted to go anymore. Mr. Miller turned it overto the doctor."

"What he say?"

"Well, first he explained that he was going to screen us all for STDs andcheck our overall health and fitness, but first...."

(After a lengthy pause Candy asked,) "First what?"

"He said, first we should.... "

"Strip?" (Cool.)

"Yeah, that's what he said, but not as lewdly as Derek, who was marchingaround the room, saying it over and over. We were stunned. No one was moving."

"What you do?"

"I looked a Mary and asked her if she wanted to leave. She nodded, and weturned

to leave, and that's when we saw...them."


"Yeah, there were a couple of brawny looking thugs wearing sunglasses, theirarms crossed, standing in the doorway. We looked for another door, but thatwas the only way out."

"Wow, you were trapped."

"Yeah, and about that time Mr. Miller came over and asked us why we weren'tundressing. He wasn't really wise about it, simply asking us if we ever hadan exam with our clothes on, before teasing us about being shy. He said somethingabout helping and then he reached over and started un-buttoning Mary's blouse.She batted his hands away and said she could do it. Then he stepped back asshe undressed. He flashed me a stern look, and this got me going. He didn'tleave until all of our clothes were piled onto the pinball game."

"All of them?"

"Yep, everything but our shoes. We tried to stop at our underwear but hewanted all of it off. Around the room there were naked women in all directions.I've never seen so many naked breasts in my entire life. Oh, god, and then...."


"That Derek guy came over with a red marker. He drew the same number thatwas on the back of my hand onto -- onto my ass-cheek, like a side of beef."

"Golly. What number were you?"

"Does it really matter...? I was a seven, alright, a fucking seven."

"Geez, lucky number seven."

"Wicked. Well, the doctor went in order, and, all too soon, he was over tome. He worked quickly, since he had a lot of flesh to get to. He had a stethoscope,and he used that first before doing a quick breast exam, which surprised me,because I hadn't been watching the others go. Then he had me move over to thepool table and lie back and spread my legs. I thought I might die. I mean,right there in the room full of people, I'm spread out like a porn chick onthe pool table while this ugly guy spreads my pussy open in all directions.He even stuck his finger inside of me and swished it around. He never eventried to put me at ease. No chit-chat; I just did what he wanted.... And theworst part of it all...."

"The camera?"

"Yeah, that guy with the camera, peering over his shoulder, getting it allon film. Finally, I had to lean over the pool table and look back and say myname and number into the camera. The tape of my so-called exam still hauntsme to this very day. God, if my husband ever found out. Did they tape yourexam, too?"



"Right.... Then what?"

"Well, after Mary went through the same embarrassment, we got dressed andgot the fuck out of there. Oh, Mr. Miller told us before we left that he'dbe in contact to let us know what ten were picked. I couldn't believe it. Heactually thought some of us would still want to come back to his place afterwhat we'd just been through. Ten grand be damned, I wasn't coming back."

"But you did."

"Obviously, but I, ah, not when I left. I wasn't planning on ever returning,and neither was Mary."

"Do tell."

"Well, after we left we didn't really talk about what happened. I think allweek went by before she called me and suggested we go out dancing to blow offsome steam. I think it was also her theory that we must not have been pickedbecause we hadn't heard from Mr. Miller. So, with relief, we dressed for anight of dancing."

"You never made it there, did yah?"

"No, when we were walking out to her car, a large black limo pulled up andthis huge guy gets out and opens the back door. He never even said anything.We peeked in and saw Mr. Miller. The big goon pushes us in before the car pullsoff. The first thing he does is introduce us to this beautiful blonde dressedin a shimmering red dress. She was made-up, heavily -- and chewing gum, feverishly.I didn't catch her name, but can you say bimbo?"

"Just the four of you in back?"

"Yeah, but the glass was down so his 'beef' wasn't far away. They never were."

"He picked you two?"

"Yeah, that was the next thing he said, and then he told us when and whattime. Mary tried to explain that we weren't interested. She was nervous, soI tried to help, but Mr. Miller wasn't happy. He pointed out that we alreadysaid we were in, and it was too late. Like I said, he wasn't happy. Actually,he said he was insulted."

"Then what happened?"

"Gee, why so excited?"

"Sorry, it just sounds so...."

"It was nerve racking, is what it was. We knew we were out of our leaguewith this guy and his whole crew. And then he tells us that we will both beat his house, and we'd better be on time. I tried once again to politely explain,but he shook his head and leaned forward and flipped on this small TV. Whenit started up it was a little out of focus, but then it cleared up."

"Oh, my, it was the tape his son took."

"Yeah, you're paying attention. He made us watch. First the doctor with meand then with Mary. It was the first time I saw Mary's exam because I didn'twant to watch it when it happened. I couldn't believe the doctor had had Maryclimb on her back onto the pinball machine like that. She even had had to lifther legs high into the air. It was so not right. Of course, the camera zoomedright in between her legs as the doctor probed her with his fingers. It wastough to watch. The other thing I couldn't believe was that Mary had shavedher pussy completely, so you could see everything."

"So he blackmailed you?"

"I guess. I mean, he never made a specific threat, but it was enough thatwe both agreed to participate when he asked us again."

"Then he dropped you off?"


"Wait, Debbie, what else happened?"


"Don't lie, I can hear it in your voice, silly girl."

"Jesus, I know you're enjoying this, but please."

"Maybe a little."

"I shouldn't tell you this but -- what the hell, I've told you this much.Before he dropped us off he had a little fun with us."

"He had sex with both of you?"

"No, a different fun."


"Well, like I said he wasn't happy.... Think punishment."

"Oh, oh..., OH! He spanked you?"

"Ah-hah. Well, Mr. Miller spanked me, and the blonde did Mary. It was alsothe blonde's idea that it be a bare bottom one. That bitch. But that's allI'm saying about that. Before he dropped us off he handed us invitations andtold us to not worry about what to wear because he'd have something for usbut he said we should do up our hair and makeup. I think he said look 'hot.'Then he...."

"Then he...?"

"The last thing he said as we got back to Mary's car was that he wanted usboth shaved...ah, down there."

"Like Mary."

"Yeah, but I knew he meant me. If it couldn't get any worse."

"So how did that go?"

"Just one more humiliating step. Later that night, Mary showed me how shedid it, and then I tried it. It was so weird. I mean, I'm sitting on the edgeof the counter shaving myself in front of my girlfriend. Although, Mary hadto help around my, you know...."


"Easy for you to say."

"So you were shaved clean?"

"Yeah, for the first and only time. So, anyways, after a sleepless nightin which we changed our minds a million times, we finally decided it'd be bestif we went. There were just too many unknowns to not go."

"He was pretty scary."

"Yeah, but I wonder if it was all an act. Anyways, Mary drove us over. Thedrive was eerily quiet. I think Mary knew I was more than a little mad at her.I mean, this was her stupid idea in the first place, and yet, I knew she hadhad no idea that any of this was going to happen. In fact, I don't think anyof us did. Only now am I guessing that that was Mr. Miller's master plan. Thinkabout it. With his money why not just pay ten whores? They're not too hardto find."

"Just stick to the story."

"Right. When we got there, all the girls together, it's easy to see thathe picked the ten of us who looked the best...well, naked. Mr. Miller, dressedin a black tux, finally sauntered in. He was back to his chipper personality.He tried to put us at ease. Then he broke out that case with the money andstarted explaining the rules. He made it sound so simple. I looked over atMary and wanted to strangle her. I mean, up to this point, I just thought Imight have to have sex with some guy. But now I knew it was all luck of thedraw. Could be one guy, two, three, maybe more. When he paused, a bunch ofus tried to ask questions simultaneously, but he just glared at us, and thenhe went right on with what he was saying...and it just got worse and worse."

"What he say?"

"He explained that he was only giving them one hour, so we all needed tobe prepped for sex, since he had a feeling the guys were going to skip theforeplay. He made it sound logical, but I kind of felt it was just an excuseto play some more of his power games with us. His sons walked into the roomwith a couple of hulks shadowing them. At least they didn't have cameras. Theygave each of us a brown shopping bag and a marker, and we had to spread out.We all had to write our names and our numbers from last time on the bags. Thenwe had to open them and place them at our feet. When we were all ready, theycollected the markers. My heart was pounding. I had a bad feeling."

"Why the bag?"

"A little slow, girl. Mr. Miller cleared his throat and said that frigging'S'


"S-word...? Wait.... 'Strip'?"

"Yeah, I REALLY hate that word. Why couldn't he just say undress or disrobe?"

"Because you weren' were stripping. Stripping for their viewing pleasure."

"Yeah, well, as it turned out, but he could have at least said 'please.'This time no one tried stopping at underwear. It was like we all knew he meantto the skin. They even wanted our shoes this time. His sons came around andcollected the bags. Funny, when they took them away, I really felt naked --buck naked. I had to look around the room at the nine other naked women justfor comfort. It was brief because Mr. Miller said something about oral sex."

"Really, wow, who did you have to blow?"

"You're such a pig. Although, that's what I thought, too. But in walked thatblonde bimbo again followed by a red haired mini-bimbo, both wearing slinkyred dresses. Mr. Miller handed them both something while he was telling usto form two lines. I snuck in behind Mary, but watched as the blonde stuckthese 'things' on a couple of barstools."


"Yeah, I don't know what they're called. They were made of rubber and wereshaped to look like penises."

(Candy laughed.)

"Well, I'd never seen one before. They must have had suction cups becausethey stood up on the stools with no problem. One by one, we had to move upand take them things into our mouths. It was so disgusting. They didn't evenwipe them off in-between girls. The guys were standing behind the bar, andthey seem to enjoy watching us. But at least watching is all they did."

"What were the girls doing?"

"Oh, thanks for reminding me, like I'd forget one perverted detail."

"Just wondering."

"Ok, well, they each stood by a chair. I got the blonde bimbo. The firsttime by she made suggestions. She even grabbed my head and moved it up anddown until I gagged."

"It takes practice."

"Whatever, like I really wanted to know how to suck cock -- no, thank you.That's why I got married. Then we even had to go again. This time she boldlyfondled our breasts, as we sucked, and then the next time she, well, she fingeredus, as we sucked. I'm glad I didn't go first, or I think I would have slappedthe bitch."

"The guys must have really liked that part."

"They did. One of his sons even suggested we go again, but there was a knockon the door, and that heavy nurse from last time was back with a younger gal."


"That's what I was thinking, but I'd come this far to know it wasn't good.Mr. Miller smiled like the devil and announced that there was one more partof our anatomy to be prepped. I didn't even know what he meant, but a coupleof girls whimpered. I dumbly followed my line into a bathroom along with theheavy nurse while the other line went with the younger gal. I still didn'tknow what was going on, but at least the guys were gone for now."

"You, ah, she was there to give you an enema, wasn't she?"

(There was a long silence before Debbie continued.)

"I almost forgot that you went, too. I didn't even really know what thatmeant. I mean I'd heard of it, but never.... There were so many really rottenparts to it. Like, we have to get them in front of each other, and then, whenwe had to go, you know, and then we had to get another one to rinse out andgo again, and then we had to wash our lower bodies in the tub with a handheldthingie. And then, as if to cap off our humiliation, the nurse shows us thistube of lubrication, and then she had all five of us line up and bend over,hands on knees. One by one she went down the line and put her finger...I mean,lubed us all.... Both openings. I cursed her and myself. I still wonder whywe let her do this to us. She was just a nurse. I mean, no one even argued."

"Wow, that does sound brutal."

"It was, there were a few tears shed, but I didn't, until it hit me."


"Well, it hit me that I'd just been prepped for not only regular sex, butthat other dirty kind as well."

"It's called anal. I don't even have to ask, do I?"


"At least until that day."

"Glad you're enjoying yourself."

"C'mon, I'm just trying to help. Now, what happened next?"

"What, are you writing a book?"

"Let's not start again."

"Ok, but you better never ask me this stuff again. God, it has to be thebooze."

"I won't. Now quit stalling."

"Ok, so let's see. Oh, the two women brought in our outfits -- or maybe Ishould say 'slutty Christmas costumes.' It wasn't much, but I was glad to havesomething on and was a little surprised that it included white panties. Itfelt funny putting them on with the lubrication and all. After we dressed,the blonde opened this closet, and it was loaded with red boots. We had totry them on by trial and error until we got a pair that fit. The other girlcame around with these silly stocking caps. Finally the bimbos came aroundand applied more makeup and sprayed us with some cheap perfume. I didn't reallyknow, but I figure we all now looked and smelled like cheap whores. Well, cheapwhores going skiing."


"Yeah, the red stocking hats."

"Oh, I get it." (Candy laughed.)

"Yeah, laugh, but then we had to wear all this down a runway like a bunchof airhead models or something. The darkened crowd seemed to enjoy it. I'dalmost forgotten about the party part of the evening, for obvious reasons.Just when I didn't think it could any worse...."

"What happened, Debbie?"

"I can't, I just can't."

"No, you can, because I kind of know what's coming."

"Jesus, they did that to you too?"

"Yeah, it caught me by surprise."

"Wait, it just hit me. If you went through all this the year before, whydidn't you tell me. You could have saved me."

"Me, well, I, ah, wait, if I remember right, you hardly talked to me afterhigh school." (Nice save.)

"Oh, do we have to go over that?"

"No, no, it's in the past. I'm happy that we've patched it up." (I have mydoubts about that, and I think Debbie did too, because she started right upagain.)

"Ok, We got back to our room and Mr. Miller came in with his crew. He saidwe looked good out there, but there was something missing. He pulled Mary overand put this red thing in her mouth and tied it around her head. She was whimpering.And then the bastard started to tie her arms. I tried to help her out, butone of his goons grabbed me. His sons joined in, and they tossed her aroundpretty good. Her top even got ripped in the process. She's busty, so they hadtheir fun, groping. After watching what happened to her, most of us were prettyscared."


"I know, what next. Mr. Miller left, but the rest of them helped us formthis circle and kneel down. Then we had to press our chests down to the floorand fold our hands behind our backs so our heads were almost touching. Theycame around and tied our arms and gagged us. I didn't get why they had to dothis. It wasn't like anyone was fighting them."

"It was just a final reminder of who was in charge."

"Maybe, or maybe it was so we wouldn't complain anymore. I knew I would havefor

the next part."

"Yeah, it might have been that, too."

"It was the worst yet. The blonde bimbo came around the circle lifting upall of our skirts, and the other girl came around and cut off our panties withscissors. I closed my eyes, I didn't want to see anymore. I figured there wasa reason for this, and yet, when I felt a hand on my naked backside, I hadto look back. It was that blonde again wearing a sly smile and holding a smallobject in her hand. I felt something cool on my asshole and then.... Well,you can imagine what that object was and where she put it. If felt so strange,but didn't hurt as much as I'd been led to believe. She left it in me and movedon to the next girl, and around the circle they went. There was a bunch ofpeople walking around that circle, some stopping to move the object in andout, some just gawking. That's when I finally saw him."


"It was that guy again with the video camera. Just another reason why theygagged us and tied us up. No way I'd let that happen, but it did. It seemedlike forever before the thing was removed, and Mr. Miller came back in, andwe were led back to the stage. No one wanted to walk back out onto that stage,dressed as we were, but they had a solution.


"Yeah, they had these collars waiting and each one had a chain, like we werepuppies on a leash. One by one, down the stage and back. Because my skirt wasso tight I could feel the lubrication and its slimy effect with every step.I swear it was oozing out of me and down my thighs. Finally, we were led upstairsinto these rooms. I got a small bathroom. I remember thinking I'd seen waytoo much of his bathrooms. Jesus, Candy, how many bathrooms did his place have."

"I don't know...a bunch."

"No shit. So I'm left to just sit on the potty and pray."


"Yeah, pray that no one would walk through that door. Because what Mr. Millersaid about us doing 'anything' was ringing in my head now."

"Oh, I thought you were praying for the ten grand."

"Hardly. Because of all that happened earlier, I had forgotten all aboutthat. I still wonder if anyone even got that or if that was just a ruse."

"Maybe." (Candy giggled.) " many guys?"

"Just one. The door opened, and there he was."


"Yeah, of all things. I just shook my head. How fucked...."

"Yep, you were about to be."

"Funny, Candy. He just sat there, looking at me like a Christmas goose justout of the oven. And then this horn goes off and scares the shit out of me...."

"No, the enema took care of that."

"You're so gross.... He rushes over and, well, had a good time with me. Endof story. Goodnight."

"Not so fast. What he do? I mean, you were in a bathroom."

"Yeah, but that didn't stop him. Ok, let's get this over with. He strippedme naked, and then he was all over me. He found a groove and did that positionfor a while and then went on to something else. It was sex. Just sex, you knowwhat that is."

"Right, don't give me that."

"Ok, it was dirty sex. He went in both places, but thankfully he never tookmy gag off. When he started really pounding me, it was the only time I wasglad for the head start, because it hurt a little, but I know it could havebeen worse. He came a couple of times and washed me off in the shower. Afterthat I found Mary, who'd had a similar experience, and we got the hell outof there."

"You sound like you didn't like it."

"Just because YOU liked it.... Yeah, all tied up, while some stranger doesyou. Wait, you said TWO guys, so you probably LOVED it."

"Not really, but if it happened now.... I'm older, and maybe I would."


"Think about it Debbie, has anything like that ever happened to you again?"

"I have had sex, you know.... I've got two kids."

"I'm not talking sex or making love. I'm talking about being ravished whilebeing bound and gagged. Being totally helpless to stop him from exploring yourbody. Helpless to stop his darkest desires from being unleashed. I'm sure hedid things to you that no other man has ever done. Been to places no man'sever touched before. Scratched an itch you didn't even know you had. All forthe simple reason that he could. I know you, Debbie, you would never dare givea man such an open-ended invitation to use you for his sexual pleasure. No,you'd be worried that someone would call you what you were that night...hisfuck-toy."

"I, ah...I, ah..." Debbie stammered. "Gross."

"Don't tell me you don't think about him, from time to time. The dirty thingshe did to you and, more importantly, the way he made you feel: so wanted...solusted after. And the best part, you didn't have to battle with your high moraldos and don'ts. No, you had no decisions to make. Hmmm, maybe just one: whetheror not you were going to enjoy some pleasure for yourself."

"I didn't like it.... I didn't."

"Sure, tell yourself that. I suppose he never made you come?"

"No, no."


"Ok, ok, maybe, but that's not fair. I mean, I'd been stripped naked, pokedand prodded, first with fingers and then toys.... It was a case of so many fought feelings. Yeah, maybe I was more than a little readyfor sex. And yes, maybe he was good. Ok, great, or maybe it was that he wasbigger or thicker than.... And maybe I gave up fighting it. You're right, Iwas his and that was that. He did to me things a proper woman just shouldn'tlike.... Oh gosh.... But still, you're not going to get me to say that I likedit."

"You don't have to. You just did."

"No, wait, no, you just tricked me, that's all."

"Yeah I did, but you always think you're so high and mighty. Really, what'sthis 'proper woman' shit? You've never worked a day in your life. You marrieda rich mark twenty years your senior, for what, love? Please. I'm glad youat least got to have kids, and they're doing well. Although having a nannyand a maid on duty does help, huh? Wouldn't want to miss your tennis lessonswith Pier Antonio. You see, you and me aren't that different after all. Weboth use men to get what we want. We just wanted different things out of life."

"What are you talking about?"

"You see, I did trick you, but not like you're thinking."

"Again, what the fuck...."

"You remember at the start of this conversation, when you said that my voicesounded different, and I said I had a bug."

"Yeah. So?"

"Well, I feel fine...real fine. It only sounds like that because I'm tapingthis

call, you twit."

"Taping what...? WHAT?"

"That's right, someone smarter than me set it up. You see, I don't know whathappened to the Miller tapes once the feds raided the place, but now I havemy own."


"So, I let you in on another secret. I never went to the Miller party. I'venever had sex with even one Santa. I've never had sex with any two guys atthe same time. And I've definitely never let a guy tie me up."

"You little bitch!"

"Yeah, maybe, but only when needed."

"So what're you planning to do with the tape?"

"It's not what I'm planning to do with the tape."


"Well, I've already had my fun with you. Like, I know that wasn't the firsttime you've been tied up, now, was it?"

"Oh, you bitch, you said that was behind us."

"No, I lied. I can't believe you dumped me like a rock after that. I knewyou wanted to try, but would never let go of your fears."

"No, I'm not like that; I'm not."

"Sure, you complained, but once I tied you up you seemed to enjoy it. Rememberall those fun little toys I had back then. They made you come and come. Orwas it because you were too helpless to stop me from using them? And then whenI climbed up your body, my pussy over your face, you didn't say no. No, I rememberyou licked and licked. We had some fun times. It was only after -- when youtold Mary -- that you changed, eventually into her little ass-kisser." (Wow!I always wondered.)

"Bite me."

"Been there, done that. But I know someone who'd love a piece of you. Infact, I think you've been his fantasy girl for years now."


"Yeah, you see I'm going to send him this tape, and, well, what he does withit is up to him."


'Yeah, I'm sending it to Steven."

"Steven? Your Steven?"

"That one."

"But why?"

"He's my buddy and I don't turn my back on one because of what other peoplethink. I only wonder what he'll do with it. We both know he was one of theSantas. Don't we? I'm sure it was the best night of his life. He's kind ofa control freak. Likes his women to follow and obey. He'll probably cum inhis pants just listening to this." (I didn't, but was pretty close.) "I mean,I know you'll probably do anything to keep this tape from your husband."

"Why? It's just a tape. Doesn't prove anything." (Despite her words, Debbiesounded concerned.)

"No, maybe not. But does prove that you're not as pure as hubby might think.And let's not forget that there are tapes out there of his wife in all thosecompromising positions and, funniest of all, tapes of her having sex with Santa.And let's not forget that the feds might have them. Doesn't your husband workon a lot of federal cases?"

"Yeah, I guess, and it wasn't Santa. Stop saying that. But why?" (Debbiewas really whining, now.)


"Yeah, why would you do this? Jesus, are you that jealous that I finallyhave it all?" (Debbie sobbed.)

"No need for that, Debbie. I think I already told you why. Plus, nothinghas even happened yet. But I assume you'll be hearing from Steven some timethis year. Maybe around Christmas time. Heck, I might even send him a Santasuit this year."

"You wouldn't!"


That's where the tape ended.

I wiped my brow. A grin slowly formed on my face. It was the best birthdaypresent I ever got.

I rubbed my palms together. After ten long years, I'd finally heard whathappened to Debbie and the girls. I took the cassette out of the player andkissed it before heading home to plan the next step. I think it was time forDebbie to recreate the events that happened that historic night...for me...liveand in person.

I guess sometimes persistence does pay off.

The End

Thanks for reading my story.

Please post your comments.

Edited by C. Lakewood

Thanks C. L.

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Fourth Of July Party

+++++ Fourth Of July Party My wife and I decided to host a family “Forth of July” party on our farm. We have several hundred acres of land and can do just about anything that we want to do. It was planned several months in advance so that I had plenty of time to prepare a field up in the back forty to hold the party. Since the forth was on a Wednesday this year we invited everyone that we knew to spend the entire week and both weekends too. People could bring their tents or...

3 years ago
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Hot Fourth of July Pool Party

My Fourth of JulyMy boyfriend and me were having some problems. Well, I was having a problem that he wasn’t turning me on anymore. I liked him, but I didn’t want to be with him anymore. There were so many hot guys that I wanted to play with. I wanted to play with others and him, experiment with fetishes like leather, BDSM, lycra/spandex, web camming, etc. And, he thought I was sick and pervie. He wasn’t up for it at all, so when I got a call from a buddy inviting me to a pool party on the...

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4th Dimension The Start

4th Dimension: The Start By Busko "Some people believe that time is the fourth dimension. I, myself, say parallel worlds are the fourth dimension." Dr. Frank Manson was giving his lecture in front of 1000 people. "To visualize the fourth dimension we must go back to 2 dimensions. Imagine a square. It has width and length. Let's say that the length and width are both 10 units long. Whether these units are in meters, miles, yards or feet isn't relevant. Take any point in this...

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4th Grade

Here is the first part of a story for your enjoyment. The story may continue, or it may not. In any case, it contains material situations, and descriptions of an adult nature and those under 18 should not read it. In addition, some adults may be offended by scenes involving forced cross-dressing and abuse of authority and power by parents, educators, and siblings. Those potentially offended are invited to move on to a different story. They are not the intended...

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4th of July Mfm funfiction

First let me tell you about my wife Jennifer. She is a gorgeous blonde with a hard, sexy body. She has nice firm tits and an ass that turns heads wherever she goes. Jennifer also has an extreme passion for showing herself off whenever the mood strikes her. Being an exhibitionist, she likes to wear short skirts and low cut tops without anything on underneath, that way she can flash herself to anyone she wants to wherever she wants to. Ever since she started flashing herself to strange...

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July 4th Uber Bang

Hi Y’all,Last night I had some fun seeing the fireworks show in Kirkland with my family and then went home and thought I’d go to bed. As I lay in bed with my husband, who was a bit drunk, I told him all the details of my exciting fun with the guy I blew by the water tower. My husband jerked his little dick to my story as I rubbed his chest and in under a minute had cum all over himself and was asleep in the next minute. I on the other hand was now very horny and honestly frustrated. I decided...

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4th of July Mfm funfiction

First let me tell you about my wife Jennifer. She is a gorgeous blonde with a hard, sexy body. She has nice firm tits and an ass that turns heads wherever she goes. Jennifer also has an extreme passion for showing herself off whenever the mood strikes her.Being an exhibitionist, she likes to wear short skirts and low cut tops without anything on underneath; that way she can flash herself to anyone she wants to wherever she wants to. Ever since she started flashing herself to strange men she has...

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4th of July Birthday

Annie was bouncing up and down, pulling my arm. "Daddy, they're doing fireworks at Puddle Park." The park wasn't really called Puddle Park. That was a nickname. At the bottom of three steep hills, the park filled with water after any rainstorm. The local weather forecaster would report how much rain we got by how much of the swing sets were submerged. High and dry above the depression were parking lots for visiting citizens. "So, Daddy, will you take us? Pleeeeese?" 'Us' was the...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 911 Happy July 4th

This group is compliments of Uncle Podger God’s Problem Now: His wife’s graveside service was just barely finished, when there was a massive clap of thunder, followed by a tremendous bolt of lightning, accompanied by even more thunder rumbling in the distance. The little, old man looked at the pastor and calmly said, “Well, she’s there.” Are You a Pilot? An old Marine Pilot sat down at the Starbucks, still wearing his old USMC flight jacket and ordered a cup of coffee. As he sat sipping...

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Jimmy Ts Family Fun Bk 1 MomChapter 6 Beach July 3rd and 4th 2011

Mom still put on the wig the next day. And the shades. And the drooping hat. We didn't want recognisable pictures of us to be floating around out there on the Internet. But there was no paint on her body when she slipped out of her clothes at about one o'clock in the afternoon on the nudist beach three miles out of town. There were no spectators that second day. Instead it was nudists only. Almost a thousand other nudists were there besides us. The bike ride had been more show for the...

2 years ago
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Chapter 1 When I first saw her, she was going through the interview. Her boss to be asked my help - to interview July on some special skills she will need in her job. Actually she was not so very good in the skills, but while listening to her I could not keep my concentration. Just imagine - big blue eyes, nice small nose, a little puffy lips... her teeth were not perfect and she was aware of that, trying not to smile too much, but for me it didn't matter. I enjoyed myself a lot looking at...

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June and July 2nd try

Introduction: My wifes friend, June, comes to live with us It was 6:30pm on Friday evening when I got home from work. I wandered around the house searching for July, my wife of 10 years. There was a large casserole cooking slowly on the stove. That was a good sign. Eventually I went outside at the back of the house to our pool area. There on two recliners were July and her close friend June, both stark naked. Whats going on?, I asked. Junes broken up with her boyfriend. I told her that she...

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June and July 2nd try

“What's going on?”, I asked. “June's broken up with her boyfriend. I told her that she can move in here, with us. We've been discussing how that could work.” “Oh! And what have you come up with?” “Well. I started by telling her that we sleep naked and often walk around the house naked and we are always naked when we use the pool.” “And I said that I wouldn't want you to change that for me, so I'll follow your example. That's why we're out here naked, starting the way that...

4 years ago
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Daisies in July

Asters in September Frost before the snows fly Violets in the springtime Daisies in July I remember the valley from when I was a very little girl. I don’t think it’s really changed much from then even though it’s been, what, almost thirty years. God, it couldn’t have really been that long, now could it? Of course I wouldn’t expect it to change very much. Most things in this part of the world tend to change slowly if at all. This valley is nearly a half mile from my house, up the mountain a...

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Fourth of July Slumber Party

This Fourth of July started out just like any other. Little did I know that this day would change my life forever. I went over to my boyfriend's house in the middle of the afternoon for the family picnic. The plan was for me to watch fireworks with Danny, my boyfriend, and his family and then take his sister, Whitney, to their aunt's house. The day went exactly as planned. We went to Danny's grandparents' house for dinner, then to the park to watch fireworks. After fireworks, I gave Danny a...

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My 4th experience with men at spa excessgay bath

Last year I had my first three gay experiences at spa excess/gay bathhouse. Last night Friday april 1st was my 4th visit/ended up having a wonderful truly awesome gay/experiences/sex/fun My story begins, my last gay experience was sept 2015. That experience opened a door that I jumped through wanting more and hopefully have gay/bi sex often. But still shy exploring male sex. I decided to go back last night and live a little. Still very shy, scared of getting caught by people I know. Nonetheless...

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4th Dimension Men in Dresses

4th Dimension: Men In Dresses By Busko John is a bodybuilder. All that is male in society is common to him. John is more Rambo than Sylvester Stalone will ever be. Heavily built by his 5 days a week at the gym he is a hunk to all the girls. They all want to date him. John however is very shy, everybody thinks. John has a secret. He loves to wear female underwear. He would even wear dresses if he could, but western society 'prohibits' men to dress the way they want. Women can...

2 years ago
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Maa ne shaadi ki 4th floor ke Yadav ji se

Hi friends this abhijit once again ab me aapko ek aisi kaahani batana chahta hu jo ki meri maa ki chudai ki hai woh bhi ek bihari se najaane kyun yeh bihari log mere maa ko kyun chod the hai aur maa kyun unka lund pasand aata hai. Ek din main ghar pe tha kyunki mere school mein 9th std ki exam thi bahut dino se humne building ka jo maintainance ka jo paise hai woh nahi bhare the aur building ki taraf se notice bhi aayi thi maa ne mujhse kaha ki beta tum ghar pe rehna mein 4th floor par yadav...

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What Cooking out on the 4th can really mean

Hey I know it doesn’t often happen; getting good people together for a really hot orgy but sometimes it does and it can be intense. I want to give you a few kinky details about the 9 person bi orgy that I attended during the summer. Fireworks for the 4th, let me tell you it was explosions not fireworks. A couple that I had met on from an online swingers site from Cali came to town to visit some friends of theirs for the 4th. Well, the couple from Cali is Bi and also is into fucking and sucking...

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Nancys summer diary july

July 5 Dear Diary, Had a great 4th of July!!! A bunch of us had a big picnic down by the lake and Isaac took me into the woods, leaned me up against a tree, and really fucked me hard!!! I've never really thought about it, but I saw another couple fucking and this other dude's cock wasn't nearly as big as Isaac's!!! When he was pounding my cunt, I started realizing what a lucky girl I am to have such a big pecker to take care of my pussy!!! I made sure I made enough noise so that she would see...

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13th July 1985 can you remember what you were doing

13th July 1985 - can you remember what you were doing? Can you remember what you were doing that day, I can, it and the day before and the day after were three days that would change my life forever. Firstly let me introduce myself, my name is Robin Sherwood (no men in tights jokes please) and in 1985 I was 17 years old. I lived in a bleak northern town in Thatchers 80's Britain, having moved there to be closer to my grandparents after my parents divorce. My father with his...

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The Visitor Monicas Diary Tuesday July 4

The Visitor Monica's Diary Tuesday, July 4 "Consternation to the enemies of the Republic! God save the United States of America!" This is how Nathan usually greets the holiday, after he has awakened us by firing a blank black-powder charge from a miniature cannon he took in payment for some carpentry work many years ago. He always takes this day off and always uses it to catechize the children on the Declaration of Independence. Hannah has memorized the preamble paragraph, the...

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July July

July is my favorite month as it’s beach weather in New England and I love the beach — and, of course, sex!  The month had started with a few great swingers' parties but nothing worth recording as it was my husband and I who had fun together.But I also had fun on my own. I met the gym boys for a threesome, but it ended faster then it started. I love those guys, but it’s becoming routine and I hate routine.Then there was Nate (see Stanley Cup Part Two). I was absolutely in love with him, and he...

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Fourth of July Texas Style

Shay adjusted her red, white and blue sun visor to filter the glare from the bright Texas July sun from her eyes. She enjoyed watching him in her world. Her family and friends were so impressed with Rick. She smiled to herself remembering what her eighty year old Uncle Gip had to say about him. ‘He is all right by me Shay, and one lucky dayum Canadian at that to have you on his arm!’ he scarfed as he swatted at her rose bush with his walking cane. Followed by, ‘ see if he can do something...

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Fifth of July Hangover

Fifth of July Hangover by Deputy Duffy It was Independence Day when I got a phone message from my Aunt Peg.When I heard her whiny voice, I knew she wasn't wishing me a happy fourthor inviting me over for a cookout. She seemed to call only when she neededsomething. I wish that included something provocative, since she looked anddressed sort of like Peg Bundy, and that would have fulfilled a couple oflong-standing fantasies of mine. But usually it was just some sort of householdrepair or...

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July 1966

Of course, I had attempted the juvenile fumbling with friends but, coming from a strict catholic family in the North of England, the very idea of any form of sex was likely to send me tumbling into the pits of hell, or so I thought. This was 1966; 9 years after Lord Wolfenden had advised the British government that homosexuality should not be a criminal offense and one year before they partially decriminalized gay sex. I was eighteen years old, naive, cute with dark eyebrows and curly blond...

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The Tale of Two Julys

I hadn't seen him at all in nearly 20 years and it has been 23 since we first met. We had a hot night of sex when I was 19 years old on a hot July night. Twenty one years is a long time, he had found me on social media just two weeks ago. We had been emailing and texting almost non stop and here was the day I would see him again. The past 2 weeks we have flirted online with each other talking about what an incredible night we shared on a late night 4th of July after he had seen me earlier in my...

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The 4th Lady McKenzie

SET in New Zealand’s South Island. CHAPTER 1 Iona was not quite a year old when brought to New Zealand fifty years ago by her Scottish parents Ross and Jennie MacDonald. Ross, a keen fisherman, spent his first two years labouring on a farm on coastal Otago and working late into the night rebuilding an abandoned wrecked fishing boat, buying tools and materials as money allowed, the family surviving near the breadline. Men from his football team had helped haul the hulk off the reef and on...

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Dungeons Dragons 4th Edition

Dungeons & Dragons: 4th Edition Creation Page (Only the Creation Pages are in 3rd Person's Point of View, the rest is 1st Person's Point of View) First it shall be decided, WHICH world of D&D your character will be made in, there are many a different types of universes for dungeons and dragons, it is open to make your own world, but it will require a good deal of work for it to properly work. now, here's a list of the campaign settings of Dungeons & Dragons. 1 Al-Qadim 2 Birthright 3...


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