A Stepmother's Sin - Chapter 6 - 4th Of July In The Adirondacks free porn video

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"Mom, do you think we can take a trip and go some place where nobody knows us? You know, where we could actually go on a date?"

I smiled at the thought.

"Robert, you are so cute," I said as I felt my pulse quicken at the very notion of traveling as a couple with my stepson. "I think I would like that. Let me see what I can do. I have four days off over the fourth of July. Maybe we could go someplace then."

I started an internet search to find some romantic options for my young lover and I to consider. I located a very nice lodge upstate New York in the Adirondack Mountains. The Fern Lodge looked exquisite on the internet and was a few hours from my Manhattan apartment. I reserved a luxury suite for three nights. It was fairly expensive, but this was going to be a very special weekend for Robert and me.

Living downtown Manhattan, I did not own a car. So I called Avis and reserved a Mustang convertible for the trip. Everything seemed to be falling into place.

Robert and I were both anticipating this mini-vacation with excitement and high expectations. This was going to be more than a sexual tryst; we both were anticipating a deeply fulfilling romantic weekend that we cold both cherish the rest of our lives.

I was confident we would not be disappointed.

 the day of departure:

Robert and I sat at the kitchen table, sipping coffee and eating bagels, the morning of our planned departure. I was wearing a pair of white shorts and a red halter top that tied behind my neck.

I knew that the halter top would attract some attention. I guess that is what I was trying to do.

"Mom, you look very sexy. Your high beams are turned on" Robert said with ample admiration as he stared at my erect nipples. "I love it when you don't wear a bra. Don't wear a bra while we are away."

I blushed at the thought of going braless in public at the lodge. I also noticed that Robert's tone was much more of an instruction than a request.

"Baby, it is one thing to wear a halter top in public. Everyone knows you can't wear a bra with one. But I have several outfits packed that would just be too revealing without a bra. Some of the blouses are pretty shear. My dresses are very clingy. I would be too embarrassed to go without a bra if I was wearing some of those."

I was suddenly aware of the pulse in my clitoris as we discussed possibly exposing my breasts to undue scrutiny by others at the lodge.

"Mom, you have fantastic tits. You don't need a bra. Your nips are always at attention. You will look great, I promise." He paused before continuing. He knew he was tempting me. He knew that I just needed a little more convincing to comply. "Let's leave your bras here at home so you won't be tempted."

"Robert, you are such a naughty boy. And you make me behave like a very naughty girl. Do you really want me to leave my bras at home?"

Robert smiled and nodded. He knew he had won. I went to my room, opened my suitcase and removed my bras. I handed them to Robert.

"Okay, you will have me braless for the weekend. I will be attracting a lot of stares at the lodge. You need to make sure no one gets the wrong idea. You need to stay with me and protect me, okay?"

"Oh, I will protect you. I promise you that."

"Robert, one more thing. You can't be calling me 'mom' while we are on the trip. The reason we are going away is to allow us to act like a couple in public. People have to see us as a young man and his Cougar girlfriend; not a mother and her stepson. Call me by my first name while we are away." 

"You got it, Cindy. You can call me Bob," he quipped. Just like his father, he always had an answer for everything.

"Okay, we better get going. I want to get to the lodge by early afternoon."

I called a cab to take us to the rental car outlet where we were scheduled to pick up a bright red Mustang convertible.

Standing at the counter, waiting for our final check-out, I saw Robert's and my image in a large mirror across the lobby. Robert was wearing shorts, sandals and USC Trojans t-shirt. Even in the mirror across the lobby, my erect nipples were obvious under the red halter top that covered my breasts and little else.

We made a strikingly handsome couple. While it was obvious that I was older than my 'date', I really could pass for twenty six or twenty seven years old. Robert looked to be in his early twenties. Yes, it was obvious I was a Cougar dating a younger man, but the difference between our ages did not look too extreme.

At six foot two inches in height, Robert towered over my five foot three inch frame. His muscular legs and chest revealed to the world that he had a marvelous, youthful body. But only I knew how impressive the bulge in his shorts was when it was fully 'deployed'.

Well, I guess that's not really true. I guess a true statement would be, 'Only a few dozen coeds back at school and I knew how impressive my stepson's cock was.'

I felt a sudden twinge of jealousy as I thought about the young women who had enjoyed Robert's charms before me.

And I would never say this to my stepson, but I did not like the thought that in a couple of months, he would be back on the USC campus 'sport fucking' these coeds with my penis. That's right, in the weeks since Robert and I first became intimate, I had come to think of his penis as belonging to me, his stepmother. I knew it was silly and perhaps warped, but that is how I felt.

I knew that it was normal and healthy for Robert to resume his sex life with girls his own age upon returning to school. In fact, the only way I could justify our relationship was a firm belief that at the end of the summer, things would return to normal.

But I was jealous nonetheless. I knew it was silly. I knew what Robert and I had was simply a summer fling. He was several years my junior. We were having a torrid affair, that he would remember for the rest of his life. I was having the affair that would actually define my life going forward. I felt a pang of jealousy and nostalgia wrapped together.

Objectively, I knew what I had with Robert was temporary, and fleeting. Emotionally, I was feeling a desire for a longer term commitment. I knew it was stupid. I knew it was unrealistic. But I wanted this relationship to continue. I was falling in love.

But I had come to accept the fact that I would cherish these memories, but they would soon be just that; memories. I felt a sudden sadness.

Finally, we made it to the front of the queue at the Avis counter. The young black counter attendant was obviously impressed by the manner in which my nipples poked through the red cotton material. I knew his name was Jerome from the Avis tag on his shirt. Jerome stared fairly shamelessly at my erect titties.

Because I had gotten myself slightly irritated by the thought of all the coeds who had been or would be my stepson's 'fuck buddies' soon, and I was feeling sad at the sudden thought that soon Robert's and my affair would be ending, I did something I almost never do. I certainly never do it in front of Robert. I flirted with someone else. It was harmless and relatively innocent, but it was completely out of character for me. Honestly, I do not even know what I was thinking at the time. 

Jerome handed me the keys and instructed us that our vehicle was in space F-11, I decided to tease Robert and Jerome a little bit.

In my most flirtatious little girl voice, with a big smile, I said, "Jerome, do you know where we can pick up some sunscreen before we get on the highway? Robert insisted that I wear this halter top and I am afraid I could burn, driving all the way to the lodge in the convertible. I suppose I could just put on another top."

And then, in a manner that was totally inappropriate, I reached out and placed my hand on Jerome's hand and gave him a brief squeeze. Both Robert and Jerome looked a little shocked by my blatant flirtation. Jerome smiled back at me, then looking directly at my perky breasts, he replied, "Oh no, don't do that. That is a very flattering top. You improve the scenery every place you go. Get some sun screen instead. There is a grocery store just around the corner. You can get some sunscreen there."

"Thank you. I think I will do just that," I said, smiling one last time at Jerome.

 Robert's expression revealed a level of anger that I had not seen before, but he remained silent while we were still at the counter. We exited the building and walked towards space F-11, where Jerome told us we would find our vehicle.

"What the fuck was that?" Robert asked with obvious irritation.

"Whatever are you referring to?" I asked coyly with feigned innocence.

"Mom, you know goddam well what I am talking about. You were coming on to that guy back there. You did everything but giving him a hand-job at the counter."

"Oh, baby. I was just having a little fun. I was just teasing you a little bit. Don't be mad. I'm sorry if you didn't think it was cute and sexy."

"I didn't like it. It made me look foolish."


"Yeah, foolish. It looked like my woman was 'on the prowl'; like I couldn't satisfy you. You acted like you were looking to upgrade at the Avis counter. I didn't like it one bit."

I realized that my little teasing and flirtation game had gone horribly wrong. Rather than thinking I was cute and sexy, I had hurt and offended Robert. I felt terrible.

 "I see your point. It was stupid of me to tease you like that. I am sorry. It won't happen again. I promise."

Robert nodded but said nothing, indicating he accepted my apology, but he was still mad. I had inadvertently put a damper on the mood. I needed to work to correct this situation and not let it ruin our trip.

We arrived at our space and found the vehicle. It was a gorgeous car. We loaded our bags in the trunk. I handed the key to Robert and said, "Baby, why don't you drive?"

The smile on his face revealed the fact that he liked the idea of driving this sporty convertible. He was starting to thaw a bit from being mad. But he was not quite there yet.

Robert climbed in the driver's seat, put the top of the car down, started the engine and input the address of the lodge into the vehicle's GPS. I climbed into the passenger seat and we started our latest adventure.

We pulled out of the Avis lot a few minutes before eleven o'clock. It was a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky. The temperature was a very pleasant eighty two degrees; perfect convertible weather.

I pulled my hair back into a pony tail, tying it tightly to keep my blond locks out of my face. I sat silently, trying to decide how I could get Robert back into the proper frame of mind for our trip.

It was a stupid stunt that I pulled back at the car rental place. I knew that I needed to repair the damage. But how?

It took us nearly an hour to get I-87 heading to our destination. We did not talk much while driving out of the city proper. Robert was still mad at the silly little flirtatious stunt I pulled back at the Avis counter. I feared that I had really screwed up. I was afraid that I had messed up the one fantasy weekend we had to be a true couple in public.

Once we got on the intestate, traffic started moving faster and wind was coming in the open convertible.

"Are you okay?" I asked, trying to get us back on track.

"Yeah, I guess. I'm fine," Robert responded somewhat curtly.

I decided I would give him a little longer to get over his 'being mad'. I reclined my seat back and enjoyed the drive for the next forty five minutes or so. I was lying nearly horizontal as I basked in the sun, waiting for Robert's mood to improve.

We had been on the road nearly two hours when I decided that I needed to do whatever it took to salvage the weekend. I needed to get Robert in a better frame of mind, no matter what it took.

Looking around, I saw there were no cars in our vicinity. I took the bottom of my halter and pulled it up, exposing my left breast. "Baby, the girls don't like it when you are not happy." 

I tweaked my nipple before covering my breast by pulling down my top. Robert glanced over watched e flash my tit at him, and returned his eyes to the road ahead, without reacting.

 "Robert, I'm sorry. Don't be mad at me," I said coyly, reaching between his thighs and gave his penis a playful squeeze. His cock throbbed noticeably under my touch. "See, Willy's not mad at me. He likes me."

I could see Robert trying to keep from grinning. He was trying to stay mad, but I was starting to win him over. I reached up the leg of his shorts, and after some fumbling, I found the glans of his penis and ran my fingers softly around the ridge that separated the head from the shaft. His cock began to grew.

"Are you still mad at me?" I teased as I gently fondled Robert's cock.

 Robert was smiling now. He moaned, "Damn, Mom, you are a sexy bitch."

"Now Robert, don't be calling your mommy a bitch. She is a very nice lady. If you call her that, she might get her feelings hurt, and then she won't suck on your penis later when we get to the lodge."

His penis arched in my fingers at the very mention of me sucking on him later. By now he was about half erect and his cock was sticking out about an inch or two from the leg of his shorts.

"Willy likes me, see?"

"I like you too, Mom."

"Cindy" I corrected. "Call me Cindy this weekend; not mom."

"Okay, Cindy, I like you too."

I brought my hand to my mouth, placed some saliva on the tips of my fingers, and then lowered my fingers to the exposed head of my stepson's partial erection. I wiped my saliva on the glans, evoking another loud moan from Robert. I used my thumb to massage the slick saliva over the head of his cock. His penis pulsed at my touch and grew about a half of an inch.

"Does my baby like that? Do you like my spit on your cock? I will put some saliva on your penis with my tongue when we get to the lodge. Would you like my tongue on your cock?"

 "Fuck, mom, you're killing me here."

"Cindy! Remember, this weekend, I am simply Cindy. I better stop teasing you before I make you crash."

"Good call, Cindy."

"Drive very carefully now," I instructed as I unsnapped my seat belt and moved so that was kneeling in my seat. I bent over, placing my head in Robert's lap, and pulled his cock out the leg of his shorts as far as I could. I took the head of his cock in my mouth for a brief second, sucking the glans into my mouth.

I released his cock, sat back in my seat and buckled up. It was a risky thing to do, but the situation seemed to demand drastic measures. I think I now had gotten Robert past being mad at me.

"Baby, that was to say I am sorry for being so stupid back at the car rental counter. I will show you a real genuine apology that you will never forget when we get to the lodge. Okay?"

"Mom, I love you so much."

"I love you too. But you need to remember, I am 'Cindy' this weekend, not 'Mom'. Okay?"

"Okay, Cindy."

 Robert reached over and gave my thigh a squeeze. He then reached up and teased my left nipple with his right hand, all the time keeping his eyes on the road. Robert reached behind my neck and started untying the halter top.

"Robert, what the hell do you think you are doing?"

"I want to give the girls some sun."

"Oh no, you don't, there are too many people around us. People will see," I said with my voice quaking now from the excitement of my stepson trying to expose my breasts this way. But I did not actually stop him from untying the top. However, I did move my arms across my chest, preventing the top from actually falling down and exposing my tits. 

“Let’s give the girls a little sun. They will look good with a little tan. I think you will look great with brown titties," Robert argued as he continued to pull my top free. The tie in the back came free easily as he pulled the top from my chest.

“Robert, people can see!” I said, covering my breasts with my arms now.

“No they can’t. Not when you are lying back the way you are. Not unless they are in a truck looking down.”

“Well there are plenty of trucks on the road!” I protested, trying to grab my top back again.

“Mom, these poor truck drivers live the most monotonous life on the road. A quick little flash of your pretty titties will be the high point of their entire trip. Give the guys a little thrill. What can it hurt?”

“Robert, I can’t do that. It’s way to embarrassing.” I said continuing to cover my breast with my folded arms.

“Just relax and try it. It will be fun. It will break the boredom of our drive. You will enjoy this, trust me.”

"I thought you didn't like men ogling my breasts? You sure didn't like Jerome ogling my tits back at the Avis counter."

"That was entirely different. Back at the car rental place, you were acting like I was nothing but a toy you were willing to discard if Jerome had invited you into the back room. You acted like you would crawl over to him on your knees regardless how I felt. It was embarrassing."

Robert paused, and I sat silently, still covering my breasts with my arms. He continued, "This situation is different. Now you obviously belong to me, and you are doing this to please me. You are not humiliating your man, you are pleasing him by showing off your breasts."

I now understood the workings of my stepson's psyche' a little better. And yes, I wanted to please Robert. I would do almost anything for him right now.

I had to admit that the wickedness of such an act had its appeal. And there did not seem to be any harm. It did seem kind of exciting to flash men I did not know with no risk to me. I laid back in the seat, with my arms folded over my chest for several minutes before a slowly unfolded my arms, and felt the warmth of the sun on my breasts.

"Thank you, Mom."

"Cindy. I am Cindy."

"Thank you, Cindy."

It took several minutes until we wereTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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Preachers Sinful Daughter Chapter 4 Sinning at the Club

Chapter Four: Sinning at the Club By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “And you are sure this is a good idea, dear?” Mother asked Daddy. As always, Mother wore a conservative dress: skirt long, neckline high, though it was sleeveless, a concession to the summer heat. Her hair was perfectly coiffed even after a day spent weeding at the church. I didn't even recall her slipping into the bathroom to fix herself when we returned home, she just changed out of her garden jeans and looked...

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Preachers Sinful Daughter Chapter 3 Sinning Behind the School

Chapter Three: Sinning Behind the School By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 I must be the most sinful preacher's daughter in the entire world. How else to explain why I was on my knees at the back of the school giving my former steady, Ricky, a blowjob with a dollar bill clutched in my hand—his payment for my service. And he was just the first blowjob I would be giving this morning before classes. Two more guys waited their turn to spurt cum into my naughty mouth, their dollar bills...

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Preachers Sinful Daughter Chapter 1 Sinning in the Dark

Chapter One: Sinning in the Dark By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 I wonder if there is a moment in every child's life when they realize their father is a hypocrite. While the Reverend Gary Powell preached about the sanctity of marriage and the sins of the flesh, he had no qualms about indulging in them, violating his own marriage vows to my mother by desecrating another holy bond. Last week, I spied on him and Donna Paxtor, a deacon's wife, engaging in a sin of carnal delight. My...

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Preachers Sinful DaughterChapter 6 Sinning for the Cameras

Discovering my preacher father was a hypocrite had awakened me to the sexual desires I had suppressed. As I watched him through the window of his church office at Thousand Oaks Methodist fucking the redheaded Donna Paxtor, married to Deacon Bill Paxtor, I realized how the adults in my life had lied to me. They told me sex outside of marriage, and in it strictly for procreation, was sinful. It was a chore to create new life not something to be enjoyed. It was the Devil itching my vagina and...

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Preachers Sinful DaughterChapter 5 Sinning with a Woman

“You take care of your father,” Mother said as she stood in the foyer of our house, the summer heat spilling in through the open, front door. “Of course I will,” I said, trying to keep the naughty smile off my lips. I would take care of him so well. A weekend without Mother. She was about to leave on her annual women’s retreat. It was every July. I have been waiting for this weekend. Tomorrow night, Daddy promised me a treat. Finally, he had found the woman who would have a threesome with...

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July 4th Celebration

On July first I returned home from our health club. Ann was packing my suitcase for a mini vacation at a bayside resort. My suitcase was filled with all my girlie things: lubes, vibes, wrist and ankle restraints and the paddle she used on me when I was bad. She also said Ben, his brother Josh, and two others were joining us. Before continuing, I should mention how I became the man I am and how Ann took charge of me. My wife Ann and I met in college and had been married for twenty-five happy...

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Happy 4th of July

Our son and his college room mate named King Hut (nick named King, were home for the fourth of July and my birthday. King's dad was a military man and his family was stationed overseas so it was natural for him to me with us for the holidays. King is a very good looking black guy with lots of personality and is very polite. He is the kind that makes a woman wish she was young again and hoping to date, well... wonder if he would date a white gal? or would I date a black guy? The answer for me...

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Assassins Creed Brotherhood The Portuguese Parisian Assassin Comes to Roma

(Outside The Tiber Hideout) John's Horse Laid Dead beneath his Arrow-Ridden Body, but Still He Clung to Life, His Belief in the Creed in the Assassins Brotherhood Unbroken and Unbeaten, He Crawled through the streets, bloodstained Robes and Stab wounds all red and bleeding red. He Finally Collapsed in front of the Tiber Bridge. (Inside the Tiber Hideout) John Awoke to A Sweet singing, he tried getting up, but he felt several Stitches Pull and the Pain Causes him to groan and pass out. John had...

4 years ago
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A Mothers Sin Chapter 1

Introduction: A Mother’s Sin – My excuse These events took place in November 2011, a little over a year ago….. My mind wanders frequently; often in ways I do not intend, or want. I do not know if I am unique or not, but on occasion, I find myself thinking about things that society deems highly inappropriate. When I allow myself to explore inappropriate fantasies, I used do so with the strong belief that these were only fantasies; I would never actually act upon them. Further, I was comforted...

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Preachers Sinful DaughterChapter 4 Sinning at the Club

“And you are sure this is a good idea, dear?” Mother asked Daddy. As always, Mother wore a conservative dress: skirt long, neckline high, though it was sleeveless, a concession to the summer heat. Her hair was perfectly coiffed even after a day spent weeding at the church. I didn’t even recall her slipping into the bathroom to fix herself when we returned home, she just changed out of her garden jeans and looked perfect. I had to spend an hour in the bathroom when we returned home. I was a...

1 year ago
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The Jaylynn Chronicles The 4th of July Massacre

One of my favorite holidays has always been the 4th. Fireworks, swimming, barbecue. What's not to love. My family has always made a trip to the lake every year to celebrate, and this year was no exception. I was tring on my new bikini when my father knocked at the door, "jay jay you ready," I heard from the otherside. "Almost dad, be out shortly." Looking at myself in the mirror wearing my new swim suit I thought, wow I am looking real sexy right now. I bet everyone is gonna be checking me out...

Group Sex
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A Stepmothers Sin Chapter 10 A Date with Gary

My head is spinning, thinking about all the unexpected twists and turns. As you may recall, I fell into an inappropriate, but wonderfully fulfilling intimate relationship with my step son, Robert, a little over two years ago. Robert spent the summer with me in a my one bedroom flat in New York City. Our intimacy started out innocent enough; I witnessed Robert masturbating one night while he was watching porn on the computer in the little office adjacent to my living room. I am ashamed to...

1 year ago
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My Own 4th of July Fireworks

I had been dating my future husband for only a short time that summer, but I wasn't interested in just him. Chris and I had been hot for each other for some time, but his girlfriend got in the way. Anyway that is another long story. It was the evening of the 4th and I worked and lived at a local resort. Chris ands some of his friends were hanging out with us watching some tv. As usual a lot of the girls were off with their BF and I was alone with 4 guys. Tim and I were lying in bed togethor and...

Group Sex
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A Stepmothers Sin Chapter 5 I try to unde

I arose early, slipped out of bed without waking Robert. Silently, Iwent into the bathroom. I turnedthewateron, giving the hot water time to work its way through the pipesfor mywarm shower.While waiting for the water to warm up, I stared into the mirror and assessed mythirty nineyear oldbody. Objectively speaking, I was in excellent shape. My breasts were firm and perky, my waist wasflat and small, and my hips and buttocks were in excellent proportion to the rest of me. Most peoplewould have...

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A Stepmothers Sin Chapter 11 We share the same room

My head is literally spinning. My life was already fairly complicated, but recent events have added to the complexity of my emotional and physical entanglements. I simply do not know where to begin.  As you may recall, I fell into an inappropriate, but wonderfully fulfilling intimate relationship with my step son, Robert, a little over two years ago. Robert spent the summer of 2012 with me in a my one bedroom flat in New York City. Our intimacy started out innocent enough; I accidentally...

Group Sex
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The 4th of July

In a world that avoided a global pandemic, it was a typical hot July day in a small town in the Midwest U.S.A. Temperatures were high, the birds and the bees were out in force, the sun was high above. Just a typical summer day, in a typical small town called Highland, located some thirty miles from the "Gateway to The West" as it had become known as. The skies are blue, clouds are few, the sun is high, the smell of barbeque fills the neighborhood. Bills paid, grass cut, everything a good home...

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he 4th of July BigI mean BIGGGG Black cock I to

So we were looking for a stud...white or black, it really didn't matter. We just wanted to have some fun...we looked here on Xhamster first...came up very short...so we posted an ad on Craigslist. I am very leery of strangers over the possibility of std's or weirdo guys. We posted our ad and had over 25 hits in the first 15 min! We asked that in the first pic the guy hold up three fingers and a card of that days date 'which was July 4th' and in the second pic to hold up seven fingers with a...

4 years ago
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4th of July BBQ Sex with Me some CoWorkers and W

It was the forth of July and I was with my husband. We had been invited to a BBQ by one of hubby's co workers. I had never met Rick or his wife. My husband Ben drove and at this point I had no idea of how the day would end.We arrived at a nice house and walked around the side. We were the last to arrive and the party had already started. Ben introduced me to Rick, and he reminded me alot of hubby. Ricks wife Angie walked up and introduced herself. The weather was hot so I was dressed in a cute...

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July 4th Fireworks

July 4th Fireworks I’m sitting at my small desk that was salvaged from the inventory of furniture that wasn’t purchased by the new owners of the company I spent almost forty years building, nurturing, and enjoyably making successful. Truthfully, I’m glad I don’t have to answer the bell every day. The reason I’m writing is because of what day of the year it is. I am truly a patriot who is a proud American. The kids say I have the T-shirt but I also have the scars and limp that signify the...

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Chapter 31 Guilty Of Deadly Sin

In my school years, friends drifted in and out.  Fickle fate granted a lifelong few. Afterward, they were temporarily shipmates to a common port of call.  Unloaded, we embark to our different shores.I was blessed with a lifelong friend, Julie. We met in grade school.What first attracted us? I can’t remember. I was a protean, rural, Asian of dark complexion who snuck on a public-school bus. She was a pedigree, urbane, freckled girl with almost translucent skin, driven to school from afar by her...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 911 Happy July 4th

This group is compliments of Uncle Podger God’s Problem Now: His wife’s graveside service was just barely finished, when there was a massive clap of thunder, followed by a tremendous bolt of lightning, accompanied by even more thunder rumbling in the distance. The little, old man looked at the pastor and calmly said, “Well, she’s there.” Are You a Pilot? An old Marine Pilot sat down at the Starbucks, still wearing his old USMC flight jacket and ordered a cup of coffee. As he sat sipping...

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Jimmy Ts Family Fun Bk 1 MomChapter 6 Beach July 3rd and 4th 2011

Mom still put on the wig the next day. And the shades. And the drooping hat. We didn't want recognisable pictures of us to be floating around out there on the Internet. But there was no paint on her body when she slipped out of her clothes at about one o'clock in the afternoon on the nudist beach three miles out of town. There were no spectators that second day. Instead it was nudists only. Almost a thousand other nudists were there besides us. The bike ride had been more show for the...

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Preachers Sinful DaughterChapter 2 Sinning on Her Knees

“That’s it, whore,” Daddy grunted as he rammed his cock into me from behind after bending me over the dining room table. Through the swinging door that connected this room to the kitchen, I could hear my mom humming as she worked on breakfast, oblivious to the naughty acts her husband, my preacher father, performed on my sixteen-year-old body. “Daddy,” I squealed, bucking back into his thrusts. “What are you doing?” When I set the table for breakfast, I hadn’t expected Daddy to come up...

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Fathers SinChapter 2

"Did you remember your passport?" "Yes. It's right here in my purse." "What about money. You should always carry some, just in case something comes up." "In here too." "What about--" "Lisa! Will you stop fussing over me. As much as it might surprise you to know, your dear mother is not really as absent-minded as you believe. I'm only going to be gone for 2 weeks. Don't make it seem like a journey to the end of the universe!" Lisa's mom exclaimed, glaring at Lisa in mock...

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A Stepmothers Sin Chapter 5 I try to understand what is motivating my stepson

Chapter Five: I realize I needed to understand Robert's motivation and desires betterIt happens again the next morning.I arose early, slipped out of bed without waking Robert. Silently, I went into the bathroom. I turned the water on, giving the hot water time to work its way through the pipes for my warm shower. While waiting for the water to warm up, I stared into the mirror and assessed my thirty nine year old body. Objectively speaking, I was in excellent shape. My breasts were firm and...

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The Vampire Kiss Chapter Twelve Wanton Sin

Chapter 12: Wanton Sin by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Jezebel groaned in delight as her enemy, her hated foe, pleasured her cunt. The demon gloated in the depths of the priest's soul. He howled in agony as he was changed, transformed by the demon's domination over an angel. Even an angel as corrupted as Aurora had become still held a tenuous connection to Heaven. The succubus's red wings spread wide in Father Augustine's soul. The angel and demon were both inside the priest,...

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A Stepmothers sin Ch 8 Robert returns to

And as you would expect, Robert shared my bed with me the rest of the summer. We had fallen into aroutine of sorts. Every day, before Icame home from work, I would insert my diaphragm, even afterthe pill was supposed to be adequate protection.I believe we made love virtually every night, often more than once. Even when I was menstruating,Robert still wanted me and had me. Robert found a sturdy, two step plastic blue step-stool that heplaced in the shower when I was menstruating, and he would...

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4th Dimension The Start

4th Dimension: The Start By Busko "Some people believe that time is the fourth dimension. I, myself, say parallel worlds are the fourth dimension." Dr. Frank Manson was giving his lecture in front of 1000 people. "To visualize the fourth dimension we must go back to 2 dimensions. Imagine a square. It has width and length. Let's say that the length and width are both 10 units long. Whether these units are in meters, miles, yards or feet isn't relevant. Take any point in this...

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A Step Mothers Sin Chapter 9 I meet Roberts Fiance

Introduction: As you may know from the first eight chapters, almost two years ago, my stepson, Robert came to New York to spend the summer with me. At the time, I was living in a one bedroom, split level flat in Manhattan. Robert slept on the couch in the living room. I slept upstairs on the loft. One night, I came downstairs for a drink of water. I wore my typical nighttime attire, an oversized t-shirt and my panties. It was after midnight. I saw Robert in the small study sitting at the...

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Preachers Sinful DaughterChapter 3 Sinning Behind the School

I must be the most sinful preacher’s daughter in the entire world. How else to explain why I was on my knees at the back of the school giving my former steady, Ricky, a blowjob with a dollar bill clutched in my hand—his payment for my service. And he was just the first blowjob I would be giving this morning before classes. Two more guys waited their turn to spurt cum into my naughty mouth, their dollar bills ready. It was all my hypocritical father’s fault. If I hadn’t caught Daddy fucking...

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4th Grade

Here is the first part of a story for your enjoyment. The story may continue, or it may not. In any case, it contains material situations, and descriptions of an adult nature and those under 18 should not read it. In addition, some adults may be offended by scenes involving forced cross-dressing and abuse of authority and power by parents, educators, and siblings. Those potentially offended are invited to move on to a different story. They are not the intended...

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Chapter 3 Janets Sin Eric wants to mount me

Chapter 3 – Eric wants to mount me…..Between the alcohol and my orgasm, I drifted off to sleep quickly as Eric cuddled with me, and spooned me from behind. I must admit, I enjoyed having his naked form next to me in my bed. I particularly liked his firm erection pressing into my backside as he nuzzled me and cuddled with me.I was amazed that he remained firm, even after cumming in such a large quantity. I could still taste the faint semen residual in my mouth. I liked the reminder that my son’s...

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A Stepmothers sin Ch 8 Robert returns to college the end of a wonderful summer

And as you would expect, Robert shared my bed with me the rest of the summer. We had fallen into a routine of sorts. Every day, before I came home from work, I would insert my diaphragm, even after the pill was supposed to be adequate protection.I believe we made love virtually every night, often more than once. Even when I was menstruating, Robert still wanted me and had me. Robert found a sturdy, two step plastic blue step-stool that he placed in the shower when I was menstruating, and he...

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A Step mothers sin Chapter 3 Reluctantly I repay him and it spins further out of control

Then it hit me, unexpectedly. Maybe it was the combination of my long overdue sexual release coupled with the enormity of my sin, but suddenly an emotional wave of guilt and panic came over me. I honestly could not believe I had just done what I had done. I had just had the most intense, powerful and longest orgasm of my life, and I had it with my stepson’s fist inside me and his lips and tongue on my clitoris. I could not believe I had allowed this to happen.“Oh, baby, I am so, so very...


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