Fifth Of July Hangover free porn video

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Fifth of July Hangover


Deputy Duffy

It was Independence Day when I got a phone message from my Aunt Peg.When I heard her whiny voice, I knew she wasn't wishing me a happy fourthor inviting me over for a cookout. She seemed to call only when she neededsomething. I wish that included something provocative, since she looked anddressed sort of like Peg Bundy, and that would have fulfilled a couple oflong-standing fantasies of mine. But usually it was just some sort of householdrepair or baby-sitting duty. She was a single mom, and I knew what that waslike. So, as much as I didn't want to, I returned the call.

And then, next morning, sporting my fifth of July hangover, I made the two-hourtrip, plumbing tools in tow.

The plumbing problem was easy to fix, just a hairball in the bathroom drain.My aunt offered me a much needed cup of Joe, so we went back to the kitchen.I walked behind her, admiring her black stretch pants and her way-too-high-to-be-sauntering-around-the-house-inhigh heels. Yeah, it was a strange feeling to be lusting after one's Aunt.But I'm not even sure if we we're still related. My dad's been married fourtimes, and I've lost track of who's who on his side of the family. I keep hopingthat one day she'll invite me over and offer to clean out MY pipe.

After some small talk, she started on about her kids. Being a 30-year-old singlemale, I tend to stop listening when people talk about their kids. I try notto be rude, but I don't really care how many goals Adam scored in his soccergame. I was too busy sipping my coffee and enjoying her sweater-covered assetsto hear much, although my ears perked up when she brought up her oldest daughter,Leanne, who had just graduated from high school, and who'd been giving herfits, lately, even being brought home by the police.

"Will you go next door and help me out…? I'm desperate." She finished by placing her hand on my knee, her face inches from mine, her perfume tickling my senses.

My mind started screaming, "Desperate women do desperate things." Inodded my head and puckered my lips. Next thing I know I'm being pushed outthe front door.

"Thanks," she said, as she shut the door behind me.

"What the fuck!" I muttered, shaking my head. I thought, "That never happens to my alter ego, Deputy Duffy."

I stood in front of the next-door neighbor's house for several minutes. I wasstill trying to regain my composure. I knew the girl that lived there and mycousin are best friends, and then I remembered that I had been there once acouple of years ago, to change the locks after the lady of the house threwher husband out, but for the life of me I couldn't think of her first name.The door suddenly opened, and she waved me in.

"Ah, hi there Mrs. Parker," I managed, with a wave, at least remembering her simple last name.

"Come in, Steve, I've been waiting for yah," she said, with a smile. "Nice to see yah again."

"Yeah, been a while," I said, feeling awkward as hell, as I entered her house.

Mrs. Parker had she'd lost a few pounds since I last saw her, but, in a simplesummer dress, she still looked like the proverbial housewife. She led me intothe kitchen, where I saw Leanne sitting at the table.

"Hey, Steven...,what are you doing here?" Leanne said, with a scrunched face.

"I-I-I," I, ah, stammered. I still didn't really know that either. I just stalled while she stared at me.

"Well, why don't we go into the living room," Mrs. Parker said, ending my desperate mumbling.

I walked into the living room, and Mrs. Parker told me to have a seat. I settledinto an old fashion wooden rocking chair, while Mrs. Parker took a seat onher couch, just off to my left. With a snap of her fingers, she had Leannestanding in front of her, her left profile toward me. Leanne was a cute brunettewith "girl next door" qualities. She was dressed simply in blue jeans,a small white top (that she filled out well), and a pair of black, high-heeledboots. She had blossomed quite nicely in the couple of years since I'd seenher last. Little did I know I was about to find out just how much.

"Now that we are in position, are you ready to begin your punishment?" Mrs. Parker asked.

I found myself rocking steadily back and forth. I don't know if it was nervesor just the simple fact that it was a long time since I'd sat in a rockingchair, and it was kind of fun. Leanne looked down at the floor and nodded herhead.

"Ok, then, let's get started," Mrs. Parker said. She leaned back, crossed her legs, and said a simple word: "Strip."

"What?" Leanne screeched. My rocking came to a sudden stop, as I was asking myself the same thing.

"You have a hearing problem?" Mrs. Parker snapped.

"You can't be serious!"

"I am."

"No way.... I'm 18 -- almost 19 -- I ain't no baby."

I started rocking again, and I'm pretty sure my rocking was from nerves now.

"You agreed to be punished by me, for your sins, while your mother punished Hillary, and already you're balking at my first command!" Mrs. Parker barked.

"B-b-but I…ah…didn't think.... I mean, I'm a woman now."

"I thought you knew this was going to be a bare bottom spanking. After all, your mother had no problem stripping Hillary to the skin and giving her a good one."

"B-b-but that was dif…. Nu-uh, she would've told me.... And what about him?" Leanne (seemingly flustered) said, pointing, but never looking my way.

"He will help me with the spanking, 'cause I have bad wrists…arthritis."

"He's going to spank me?" Leanne squealed.

My rocking stopped. I, too, waited for the answer.

"Yeah, that's why your mother called him. She knew it would be extra embarrassing for yah, and it might just teach you a lesson this time. Now, no more arguing; get going."

I was shocked, but at least I knew why I was there now -- mostly for embarrassmentpurposes. Still, my heart was racing. I don't really have a spanking fetish,but I was already picturing her stripped naked, cousin or not.

"I can't believe this," Leanne said, as she pulled off her left boot. "Unbelievable," followed the right one. "But I'm only taking these off," she stated, while wiggling out off her tight blue jeans. It was a struggle, but they were finally wrapped around her ankles. With a kick, they slid across the hardwood floor.

"But, I don't have to take this off," she said with a snap of her waistband. "Because it's a thong."

Yes, it was...a nice black one. I still couldn't see much, but I knew it wasonly a matter of time. I chuckled inside, feeling like a dirty old man andnoticing that I was instinctively rubbing my palms together.

"Let's get this over with," Leanne sighed.

"Well, who died and left you boss?" Mrs. Parker hissed, and then she crossed her arms. "I said, 'strip, girl.' Now get going, and don't stop until you're in your birthday suit."

I cheered inside, but tried not to smile.

"Are you insane?" Leanne quickly cried out, as if she finally realized Mrs. Parker's intentions. She looked at me, and then she added, huffily, "Yeah, like that's happening."

She bent down and picked up her jeans, whereupon Mrs. Parker jumped up fromthe couch. Leanne seeing this, raced for the door, while trying to step intoher jeans at the same time. I stood up and turned to watch the pursuit. Itwas a short one. After a couple of stumbling steps, the jeans won the battleand sent Leanne tumbling down to the floor. She came to an abrupt stop on thehardwood floor, with an ear cringing screech. Mrs. Parker stood over her ina triumphant pose for a moment, before she reached down, and, with an unsympatheticpull of the hair, helped Leanne to her feet.

"Please, my hands are burning," Leanne sobbed, as she rubbed her palms together.

"You'll forget about your hands soon enough," Mrs. Parker huffed. She bent, pulled the jeans off of Leanne's left leg, tossed them onto the couch, and then sat down right on top of them.

The ticking sound coming from the grandfather clock in the corner was the onlysound for a few minutes. Finally Mrs. Parker cleared her throat.

Leanne answered with a shake of her head.

"Keep stalling," Mrs. Parker said. "We have all day and all night, but you're not leaving here until I'm satisfied that you've learned a few lessons.... And Lesson #1 is you getting naked."

"This ain't fair! I only agreed to a spanking, not a strip show," Leanne whined.

"Funny, the cop that brought you home said you were wearing nothing but a smile when…."

"But I didn't see him coming," Leanne interrupted. "And that was with Donny. And it was dark, and-and we were just paying off a debt...."

"And?" Mrs. Parker snapped.

"And…I mean it's the middle of the day, and you want me to get naked in front of my best friend's mom and even worse, my cousin Steven. See what I mean?"

"Yes I do," Mrs. Parker said, with a wicked smile. "Hence the word 'embarrassment.' I guess your mom was right." With that, Leanne flashed me a look that could kill. For the first time I felt a little for her, but exactly what I felt, I wasn't sure. I knew I wasn't her favorite person in the world. (I think she knew that I was hot for her mom.) And it wasn't like I knew this was her mom's plan when she called me. Needless to say that, so far, I was glad that I returned that phone call.

For the next several minutes Leanne would tug at her top, but then she woulddo some more complaining, while I was using the time to mentally picture whather breasts might look like. They certainly looked substantial in her clingytop, and I could just make out the outline of her nipples. But her stallingwas killing me. I felt like jumping up and tearing off her top, just to geton with it.

"What?" Mrs. Parker finally said with a laugh. "Is someone still stuffing her bra?"

Leanne smacked her lips, but it finally got her moving. She turned around andpulled her shirt over her head. (And, no, she wasn't stuffing her bra; shewasn't even wearing a bra.) I got a right profile shot of her breasts (Jesus!),before her arm blocked my view. Arm pressed against her chest and face flushed,she turned back around and dropped her shirt on the floor.

But Mrs. Parker quickly barked at her, "Toss it over." She did, butwasn't happy, in fact, I swear she mumbled the word, "Bitch."

"Ok, just one more thing," Mrs. Parker said, pointing at Leanne's thong.

"But why?" Leanne cried, a tear rolling down her cheek.

"Because you've lost your thong-wearing privileges."

(I had to clamp my jaw to keep from laughing.)

Nervous minutes passed, and I began to wonder if Leanne was going to make anotherrun for it, but at last she turned around and rolled down her panties withone hand, keeping her arm across her chest. She turned and tossed her thongat Mrs. Parker, her actions quick enough that I couldn't see much -- but Iknew I'd see more.

"How times have changed," Mrs. Parker said, shaking out Leanne's thong.

"My mother would have killed me for leaving the house in these." Mrs. Parker wore a sour look, as she held them up.

Leanne moaned, "Oh my god!" Then she looked at the floor,one arm still across her chest, and the other covering her crotch.

Crossing her legs, Mrs. Parker sat back, and folded her hands in her lap. Weboth were focused on Leanne now.

"Hey, didn't someone say earlier that she wasn't a baby? Look at you."

I must admit that Mrs. Parker was indeed acting like a bitch and Leanne lookedlike someone about to go skinny-dipping for the first time.

"Well, she's all yours."

"Excuse me?" I squeaked, forgetting my place at this point.

"Remember the spanking? Hello...."

"Oh, yeah," I said, trying to play it cool, though I'd never given a spanking before, not even to a lover. But I do have the Internet. (Need I say more?)

The first thing I thought about was the position. With Mrs. Parker's presenceand my groin already a-flutter, I didn't think I could handle Leanne lyingacross my lap, so I scanned the room. I didn't really see anything that helpful,and I didn't think she'd go for "all fours" on the coffee table, so I figuredthe couch would have to do.

"Ok, move over to the couch." When she didn't move, I snapped my fingers.

"Let's go." Still nothing.

"Are you deaf, girl?" Mrs. Parker said, for the second time. Leanne shook her head and shuffled forward. I knew who was really in charge.

With legs straight and tightly pressed together, Leanne dropped her hands downon the seat of the couch, right next to where Mrs. Parker was sitting. I movedover by her side. Mrs. Parker was facing me, so I couldn't really be obviouswith my stare, but I could tell that she had a nice butt. I was about to seeif it was a nice butt for a spanking.

I gave her a test blow with the palm of my hand, since Mrs. Parker said nothingabout an implement. I almost laughed, not believing I was really doing this.A few swats followed, each a little firmer, until I finally got the smallestof a squeak from Leanne. I figured I found the correct strength behind my blowsnow, as pain really wasn't my goal. I must say I enjoyed the various noisesthat escaped from her lips as I continued. The ass cheek that I was focusingon was turning a light shade of pink. I figured I gave her a dozen blows orso, and wondered if that was enough, so I looked over at Mrs. Parker (who,I must say, had a great view from where she sat of Leanne's breasts as theyhung from her chest -- and maybe I was mistaken, but she did seem to notice).

"You can't be serious," she said, when our eyes met, and I was confused.

She slid to the edge of the couch. "She has two cheeks, you know," shesaid, rather wisely, her face only inches from Leanne's ass. I used the opportunityto shift behind Leanne and finally got a good look for myself.

(What do you know, she did.)

Leanne glanced back, as we examined my handiwork, but she quickly changed hermind (obviously embarrassed that we were checking out her ass) with a smackof the lips.

("Yes, a nice ass, indeed," I thought.)

"Can I go now?" Leanne asked.

"But we've only just begun, my love. Now get up there," Mrs. Parker said, with a pinch of Leanne's ass.

"Ouch!" Leanne crawled forward and knelt on the couch, her head resting on the top of it.

Mrs. Parker waved her hand in front of my face. "Ok, back to work, you,and put some muscle behind it.... If you have any."

Normally, I would have been a little insulted, but, after she said this, sheturned and picked up Leanne's right leg and moved it about two feet away fromthe left one. Leanne had to arch her back to adjust. What a view!

"Hey, what the...?" Leanne spat, reading my eyes, and she quickly moved her legs back together, just seconds after Mrs. Parker let go. But Mrs. Parker was at least as stubborn. Back apart they went. Back together they went....

I stood back, amused, enjoying the tug of war, which went on for five or sixrounds.

"So you wannna do it the hard way." Mrs. Parker finally wrestled Leanne's legs apart and slid her own legs in between them and sat down.

Leanne's knees were now resting on both sides of Mrs. Parker's outer thighs.Mrs. Parker slowly spread her legs apart which also spread Leanne's legs.

"What are you doing?" Leanne whined.

"Ok, back to work." I heard Mrs. Parker's voice, but as hard as I tried, I could not get over the implications of this position.

(And speaking of hard, I suddenly realized that I was now sporting a full-blownhardon. I was hoping my loose-fitting running pants that I had worn for thelong drive were hiding this embarrassing fact.)

I shifted to Leanne's side and quickly delivered some blows, whiletrying to wish it away. I think with the added excitement my blows were alittle firmer because my hand started stinging. I rubbed her ass-cheek afterevery blow to ease the sting. (At least that was my excuse.)

Leanne seemed to moan out after every blow now. It did little to soften anything.Harder blows followed until Mrs. Parker interjected, telling me to check herass. She wanted "red tomatoes." Honestly her ass was more like "red Zinfandel," butI lied when Leanne turned her pleading gaze my way, a small tear drop rollingdown her face.

"Let me check," Mrs. Parker said, in disbelief. She stood, pressing on Leanne's back as she was trying to get up. Mrs. Parker ran her hand along Leanne's ass cheek.

"She's not even that warm back here."

I nodded, but didn't even know why. I was simply focused on watching her rubLeanne's ass.

"Please," Leanne whined. "My bikini."

(I figured Leanne wore a thong bikini as well and was afraid of bruising.)

"What the hell!" Mrs. Parker suddenly cried out. My body shook, and then my jaw dropped. Mrs. Parker had both of Leanne's ass cheeks in her hands, her thumbs pulling them apart. "Where is your pubic hair?" I couldn't help moving in for a closer look at Leanne's shaved pussy.

"Please, he can see!" Leanne shouted. I felt guilty, but I could.

"Not so fast!" Mrs. Parker snapped. "Not until you tell me why." Her fingers pulled farther apart, and Leanne's pussy lips spread, her pinkish insides flashing into our view.

Mrs. Parker chuckled, grimly. "Yes, he can see everything now."

"Oh my!" Leanne squealed and managed to break free, but a ponytail grab jerked her back on the couch. Mrs. Parker looked steamed. A moment later I found out exactly why.

"Hey, I'm not the one who told you to shave down there. You betta keep that idea to yourself." Mrs. Parker was pulling on Leanne's hair, and Leanne was reaching up, grabbing at Mrs. Parker's wrists, probably trying to free herself. This offered me my first clear shot at Leanne's lovely ample breasts. They were nice and round and firm-looking. They were capped by light pink nipples surrounded by even lighter areolae, which looked truly erotic against her silky white skin.

"Let me go!" Leanne wailed, and she took a kick at me, probably noticing my stare. I stumbled back and tripped over the edge of the coffee table. It was now my turn to crash to the hardwood floor, down on one knee. Of course I quickly stood up like it was no big deal. But with the pain in my knee, I forgot about one little fact.

"What are you laughing at!" Mrs. Parker snarled at Leanne. "That could have hurt him."

Leanne pointed at me, "The perverts got a hardon!" I froze. (Shecould see?)

"Well, whose fault is that?" Mrs. Parker spat, and she pulled Leanne off the couch by the hair. When she landed in front of me, I instinctively covered my excited crotch with my hands.

"How is it my fault?" Leanne cried out. Mrs. Parker still had a handful of hair.

"All that moaning and groaning while being spanked...flashing your bare pussy.... It was supposed to be punishment, girl."

Mrs. Parker flashed a wicked look at me. "I bet you even shaved this morning,hoping this would happen."

"No way!" Leanne sobbed. "Please, I've learned my lesson."

"Lesson! I'm glad you said that, because Lesson #1 didn't work -- in fact, I think you even liked it. So maybe this'll be more effective.... Pull down his pants."

"What?" Leanne screamed out, and I gulped, thinking the same thing. But I wasn't running for the door either. I was frozen like a statue, a statue with a hardon.

She looked right at the bulge in my pants, which I quickly covered with myhands once again. "I don't do...."

"Oh, don't give me that. My daughter told me what you did to that punk, before the cops showed up."

"No way.... She wouldn't tell you THAT!"

"She did. She told me everything. She spilled her guts after I yanked the TV out of her room."

"God, I'm going to kill her," Leanne said, before she looked over her shoulder, up at Mrs. Parker. "But did she tell you, we were just paying off a debt, and that Donny helped us pass chemistry?"

"She did, but is that supposed to make it any better?" Mrs.Parker turned Leanne's head around and pushed her forward. She almost bangedinto me.

"Trading sex -- is that how you're gunna get by in college?"

"It wasn't sex!" Leanne snarled. "He wanted it, but it was just...."

Mrs. Parker's laughing drowned Leanne out. "Well, you did it once. Sosuck it up, Miss Clinton."

It was with that one-liner (which I think should have been "Miss Lewinsky")that I suddenly realized they were talking about oral sex. I was stunned. "Mrs.Parker can't be serious!" My brain screamed, "Not front of her." Ialso jumped back in surprise when Leanne reached for my pants.

"See, he don't want to either," Leanne said, as she tried to stand, but Mrs. Parker pushed down on her shoulders.

"No, I think you're mistaken," Mrs. Parker said, now standing directly behind Leanne, rubbing her shoulders. "I think he might be a little shy, that's all. Just ask him."

"Are you, ah, shy?" Leanne asked. I just shrugged my shoulders.

Mrs. Parker giggled. "No, you twit, ask him if he'd like...."

"Frig that!" Leanne spat and she tried to scamper away, but Mrs. Parker had her by her ponytails.

"Maybe she's had enough." I tried to offer, but I got the "Zip it" signal from Mrs. Parker.

"No, I think this is a good ending to the get over here."

It was weird. I suddenly felt like Leanne wasn't the only one being punishedhere. Maybe I should have put up more of a fight, but one look at Leanne, nakedand on her knees, ended any more actual thinking. I shuffled forward, dumbly.

"Now get them pants down!"

It took three or four repeats for Leanne to finally act. This time I didn'tback away when she reached for my pants. She offered one warning as she grippedmy pants waistband. "If you tell anyone...."

I bit my lip and nodded, and my pants found their way around my ankles. Myunderwear soon followed, and my cock sprang free. My face flushed. I swearMrs. Parker snickered, and then she added, "What do you know, he doeshave one."

I ground my teeth when Leanne wrapped her tiny hand around my cock, and then,after a few deep breaths, she put the head into her mouth. I felt her tongueswirl around it. I looked down, but she had her eyes closed tight. She continuedto lick the head of my cock and then started moving slowly back and forth,until Mrs. Parker yelled, "Faster." It startled me, because, forone brief moment, I was in heaven.

Leanne whimpered as Mrs. Parker moved Leanne's head back and forth over mycock. At first it was slow and easy, but soon she was really pushing back andforth vigorously. Slurping sounds filled the room. It felt great, althoughit was also strange. Maybe my mixed emotions were the only thing keeping mefrom exploding immediately in Leanne's inviting mouth.

Mrs. Parker let go of Leanne's head somewhere along the line, but Leanne keptsucking. For the first time, I ran my fingers over her hair and she lookedup at me and purred. I almost lost it, but for Mrs. Parker again.

"So you like sucking that big cock?"

Leanne stopped and looked back. "It ain't that big. Donny's is…." Shedidn't get the chance to finish, before I spun her head around and thrust mydick back in her mouth. (No, now wasn't the time for analyzing.)

The sound of Mrs. Parker's tapping foot was matched by Leanne's truly eroticslurping sounds as she continued. It wasn't long before we were interruptedagain.

"See, I knew you liked it," Mrs. Parker said, as she moved over next to us. "That is so disgusting."

I sighed and shook my head.

"I let go a while ago," Mrs. Parker teased. "But you kept sucking along."

Leanne broke her grip. "Hey, whose idea was this, anyways?"

"Why you little cock sucker!" Mrs. Parker snarled, and she reached out and tweaked Leanne's right nipple. Leanne batted her hand away. Mrs. Parker raised her hand like she was going to slap Leanne. "If you were my daughter...."

"Speaking of Hillary, did she tell you that she did this to Donny too?" Leanne said, before quickly covering her mouth with her hand.

Leanne's words seemingly hit like a body blow. Mrs. Parker gasped and thenbecame very red in the face.

"Why, you little liar."

I wasn't surprised that she went right for the hair again, and the strugglewas on. Leanne put up a good fight, but was outsized, and wound up defeatedonce again. She ended up lying on her back on the coffee table, Mrs. Parkersitting on her stomach holding Leanne's hands over her head.

The cat fight doing little to ease my excitement, I found myself stroking mycock watching them.

"Don't just stand there playing with yourself," Mrs. Parker said, looking up at me. "Get over here."

I shuffled over, obediently, but was more than a little confused. I lookedat Mrs. Parker, and she seemed to be in the right position, so I moved closer.

"Not me, idiot -- her!" she screamed. I jumped back. Leanne seemed amused until I knelt and turned her head. It was awkward, but I managed to get my dick back in her mouth. After a couple of minutes, my knee was quickly becoming a problem, so I suggested a change of position. Mrs. Parker wasn't too happy, until she heard the details, and then it was Leanne who wasn't happy. Mrs. Parker once again "helped" her into position, while I freed myself from my pants and underwear.

And it was quite a position. Leanne was lying on the couch in an upside downsitting position, her head at just the right height for some face fucking.I moved over, and, after a few attempts, Leanne finally relented, and I wentto work. I think I got caught up in the moment and was really giving it toher. I was holding onto her legs and made sure I had a good view of her pussy.I even managed to forget about Mrs. Parker.

It only took a couple of minutes for me to reach my limit. It just felt toodamn good. I pulled out of Leanne's mouth and let go of a few streams of cumthat landed on her cheek and chin. I pressed my dick against her lips, and,with a scrunched face, she finished me off. Mrs. Parker offered some mock applause.

I stepped back and Leanne quickly spun herself around.

"Ewww, gross," she said, as she ran her hand along her face.

"If I only had a camera," Mrs. Parker said, and then she told Leanne to take a shower. Leanne scampered away. I pulled up my underwear and pants.

Mrs. Parker was pointing to the door. "You were certainly a big help.Or shall I say 'LITTLE' help?"

And with that final quip, I was on my way. I walked back to my aunt's house,hoping that she had some beer in the fridge, because I needed one, big time.I washed up in the bathroom and then found my way to the fridge and was fishingaround when I heard Aunt Peg's voice.

"It's in the bin."

"Ah, what?" I said, a little embarrassed.

"The beer. Isn't that what you're looking for?"

I just nodded, and I guess my aunt knows me a little better than I thought.

We moved to the couch. It was strange sitting next to her after what had justhappened. I knew that she'd used me for embarrassment purposes, but I'd gonebeyond the call of duty.

"So, did Leanne enjoy her punishment?" she asked, after a few minutes of silence.

I felt my face flush. "I don't know." I said. (And I was really stilltrying to figure that one out.)

"It must have been really embarrassing to have you watching her get spanked."

I nodded, and then, a couple of seconds later, my brain screamed, "Watching?"

"I was surprised." I said, fishing for more information.

"I bet. I know spankings are a thing of the past, but I've tried everything else. I hope it didn't make you uncomfortable."

"Why, I mean, why didn't you do it…the spanking?"

"Marilynn thought it would be better this way."

"Would that be Mrs. Parker?" I said, beginning to get a strange feeling....

"Yeah, she wasn't happy, either. I mean, to open the door and have a cop standing with a hand on your daughter's shoulder. I shudder at the thought. They're just lucky that the cop knew Marilynn. And then to top it off, my daughter doesn't even tell me about it. I felt like an idiot when Marilynn brought it up, and I was clueless. I was also a little upset that she was trying to pin all the blame on Leanne."

"So you spanked her… I mean Marilynn's daughter." Trying to avoid one of my aunt's rants.

"Yeah, it was strange, and she wasn't happy about it, so I guess she learned her lesson."

"I see."

"Yeah, she's downstairs, playing a board-game with Adam."

"I see," I moaned again. I'll admit my mind wasn't working all that well, still a little flustered by the previous events, and maybe still a little hung over, so I asked.

"Did it today?"

"Yeah, right here on the couch."

"Over your knee?"

"Yep." She took a few playful swats with her hand. "I think Adam got a kick out of it."

"Adam?" I squealed with surprise.

"Yeah, it was the audience factor."

"Another Marilynn idea?" I asked, but didn't have to.


"But isn't Adam a little young?"

"No, maybe it taught him a lesson, as well."

By her matter-of-fact tone, I figured I knew the answer to this one, "Wasit a bare bottom one?"

"No," she said, before I even finished asking. "But she had on these thin stretch short pants, so she felt it.... Wait a second, was my Leanne's bare bottom?"

I nodded, wondering if I should drop this whole conversation.

My aunt giggled. "Wow, that must have been embarrassing for her. I understandyour surprise about Adam watching now. Yeah, he would be a

little young for that. In fact, I've never spanked my kids that way."

"But you've given one to Hillary before. I mean a bare bottom one."

She shook her head. "Gosh, I would have been too embarrassed. Why do you


I stammered a bit, pulling the pieces together. "I-I just thought bothof them got the same punishment."

"Me, too. But not from the sound of it," she said. And she had no idea.

"Oh, wow, it's time to take Adam to soccer practice." My aunt went downstairs and fetched Adam, leaving me alone with my thoughts. "I'm glad it's only practice and not a game, because I know I would have been dragged along, and I'd rather poke my eyes out then watch a bunch of ankle biters chase a black and white ball around. It was a strange first thought, I agree, but I was also glad that Leanne hadn't come back yet, because that would have been more than a little awkward.

I was about to leave when Hillary came upstairs, so I stayed. I had met heronly briefly a couple of times, so, when she sat down, we just said "Hi" toeach other. I started flipping through a newspaper, and she a magazine. Hillarywas the blonde version of my cousin, only a little taller. She was wearinga tennis skirt, so I figured she had some shorts on underneath them. My eyesran up her long legs.

"It's weird, huh?" she said.

"Oh?" I panicked, my heart fluttering, thinking she'd caught me looking up her skirt. "What the hell was happening to me?"

"No TV here," she said, gesturing, after a couple of seconds of my flushed silence.

"Oh," I said, with a chuckle. "Yeah, Aunt Peg isn't big on TV…corrupts the mind."

"I know; it's weird." (What I thought was weird was confessing ones sins to her mother just so she could watch it.)

"Ah-huh." I agreed, but I was thinking about her mom, and if she would follow in her perverted footsteps. I kept looking over to her, trying to muster up the courage to ask her about the night that the cop brought her home. The front door suddenly opened. Leanne ran in and headed right up the stairs to the bedrooms.

"I'm never going over there again!" she screamed out, as she made her way.

Hillary looked at me, and then got up and started to follow.

"Wait, give her some time," I barked.

"Why, what happened?"

"Your mom gave her a good one."

"Jesus, she should have known that, though."

"Why?" I wondered.

"Well, my mom was pissed...still is. We thought that cop wouldn't tell, after...." She looked up and got red-faced, like she suddenly realized who she was talking to. She jumped up from her chair. "I gotta get going. See yah."

And, just like that, she was gone.

I sat quietly, trying to pull the pieces together. I wished someone would finallytell me the whole story instead of my getting it in bits.

Leanne came bopping down the stairs, about ten minutes later. She flashed mea quick look. "You still here?" She went into the kitchen and grabbedsome soda from the fridge. I almost asked her to bring me a beer, but I bitmy tongue, deciding not to press my luck. She poured her Coke into a glassand looked up at me. "Waiting for my mom to come back?" I could tellby her tone that it wasn't really a question. "What, cat got your tongue?I noticed that happened a lot today."

I didn't really know what to say. I guess I was feeling a little guilty.

"Wait, you didn't tell Hillary anything?" She looked concerned.

I shook my head. "I just said that her mom gave you a good one. Iremembered your warning."

"Ok, thanks." She was leaning up against the dry bar in the kitchen, only a few feet away. She was looking my way, but her stare was blank.

"Do things like this happen often around here?" I finally mustered the courage to ask, after some awkward silence.

She just rolled her eyes. "What's that, a guilty conscience?"

"Hey, I had no idea this was...."

"I know, I know." Leanne interrupted. "Sometimes you get more than you bargain for."

"You had no idea, either?" She just shook her head at my dumb question. "Wait, are you talking about today or with that Donny guy?" I could tell by her sudden change of expression she wasn't happy at that question, either.

"Sorry," I offered, "I'm just a little confused."

"You want to know what happened, is that it, how I got into this whole mess?"

I nodded, and held my breath. (Was someone finally going to tell me?)

"Then I guess you have to promise never to tell anyone about anything that was said today, as well." I quickly crossed my heart, knowing I was hell-bound anyways.

"Donny is just this guy we know who graduated last year and he took chemistry and aced it, not because he's smart, but because he had the answers to all the tests. Seems like our retarded teacher never changes her frigging tests from year to year."


"So, we tried, but c'mon, it's chemistry, so we made a deal with the devil."

She turned and started idly going through some cabinets. I guess that's allshe wanted to tell me, but I wasn't satisfied.

I cleared my throat. "But, it's July, and this just happened?"

"Oh, brother," Leanne sighed."Yeah, we kept putting him off and thought we might get away, you know, after we graduated, but he found us at the mall and still wanted his payment. He said it was our last chance, or he'd haunt us. We could tell he was pissed."

"He didn't hurt you or anything, did he? I could kick his ass...."

"Please," Leanne said, with a laugh. "A little late to play the protective cousin. Plus, he didn't. He just know."

"A...BJ," I mumbled.

"Yeah, right!" Leanne cried out. "No, his promised payment. I guess in the end that's basically what he got. Well, after we parked, we were told to strip and he tossed our clothes into the front of the SUV. We were in the back, me on one side, Hillary on the other...our heads, well, you know. That's why we didn't notice that cop when he showed up, although I was glad to see one, for once. You see, Donny had this perverted list of sex things he wanted. He even had this bag of toys."

Leanne wasn't looking at me as she told her story. Instead, she was focusedon her glass. "He said we could choose which one of us did what, but we hadto complete the entire list, and then he'd never see us again. I mean thatwas the original deal. Jesus! What were we thinking? I've never even did halfthe stuff on that list before. See why we were trying to put it off?"

I nodded, but she was focused on her glass. "Are you sure you don't wantme to kick his ass?"

Leanne smacked her lips and flashed me that "you idiot" look. "He's like6'4" and 250."

I chuckled. "Ok, you want me and a couple of my friends to kick his ass?"

Leanne shook her head. "No, we talked to him later, and everything's cool.Seems like that cop put the fear of god into him."

"That cop seems like a cool guy."

Leanne gave me that look again. "No, he is a guy, a horny guy, a guy withan offer. Well, after he chased Donny away and confiscated his sex toys."

"Oh, my!" I moaned. (He sounded like my alter ego, Deputy Duffy.)

"Yeah, but I'm sworn to secrecy on that one. Let's just say that I've done most of the stuff on that list now, well except for...." Leanne paused and finished her drink off. "Funny, I was sooo scared, but ended up really getting off on the fact that I was doing stuff to him and even Hillary that I'd never do otherwise. Honestly, it prepared me for today."

She looked at me sheepishly. "Can you believe she made me do that to you?"

"Yeah, that was s-something," I mumbled.

"Can I ask you something?" Leanne said, looking at the floor, and I nodded.

She looked up at me, and I nodded again. "Not that I really like it, andI've only done it a couple of times, and no one's really told me before but...wasI, ah...?"

"Awesome!" I answered.

Leanne fluttered her eyes. "And my b-b-body?"

"Sexy as hell."

"Better than my mom's?"

"Light years."

Seemingly satisfied, she headed for the stairs. She turned to me and smiled. "Doyou think Mrs. Parker actually has arthritis?" Then she continued on herway. She poked her head back. "Whose idea do you think it was to haveYOU watch my spanking, anyways?"

My jaw dropped.

Leanne nodded her head. "Hillary warned me that her mom always gave barebottom spankings, and I knew if I pleaded with my mom not to call you thatshe would. But again, I got more than I bargained for. I just thought thatyou'd see my butt. I was just trying to prove a point. I think she just tookadvantage of the fact that I'd be so embarrassed that I'd never tell. But nowthat's it's over...."

"I know I'll never forget it," I said.

"No kidding, me either." Leanne gasped. "And can you believe that she pulled me out of the shower and took my temperature. She said I acted like a baby so you can guess where she took it."

"Wow!" I said, mentally picturing it.

"Yeah, wow!" Leanne flashed me a sly smile. "Sorry, you're gunna have to take care of that little problem in your pants yourself. It was a one-time thing," Leanne turned and headed up the stairs. "That is, unless I get punished by Mrs. Parker again."

After a few minutes to regain my composure, I grabbed my keys and headed forthe door. But I stopped short in the foyer, dreading the long ride home, especiallyin my fired-up mood.

"Don't even think about it!" my conscience screamed into my ear.

But I was listening to that horny devil on the other shoulder who was reviewingeverything that Leanne had just said, every little sordid detail adding fuelto my mood.... Making a deal with that punk, accepting the cop's offer (andbeing double crossed), agreeing to be punished by Mrs. Parker -- and wantingme there to witness it when she found out about Mrs. Parker's penchant forbare bottom punishments -- and, most important, admitting that she did findmeasures of pleasure and excitement in it all....

I glanced at the clock; I still had some time.

Leanne did say it was a one-time thing. Well, that "time" wasn'tover yet. Her confessions had left me more than ready for an encore, only thistime she wouldn't get away with just a blowjob. No, I was hot for more. AsI crept upstairs to the bedrooms, I wondered if anal sex was that one thingon that sex list still remaining...AND if she would ever joke about my or anyone's "size" again.

I snickered, also wondering if Mrs. Parker really took her temperature rectally,or if that was just for my benefit...maybe to plant the seed of an idea inmy thick head.

Although Mrs. Parker had been more than helpful. I knew I didn't need any moreassistance from her. No, Leanne had said enough to lead me to believe thatmy actions, however perverse, would be forgiven.

But not forgotten!

Then, halfway up the stairs, I paused, thinking about that tall blonde,just next door. I began to develop a follow-up idea -- and I wondered ifthey might be up for another threesome....

"But, first things first," I said, knocking on Leanne's door.

The End

I quickly swung the door open and marched in like I owned the place. Leannescreeched out when she saw me. She was hurryingly trying to put something intoher desk draw.

"Jesus, Steven you still here." She slammed the draw shut and swung her headmy way as I bounced down on her bed.

"Nice and comfy," I sat with a bounce.

"What? I, I, a-ah" Leanne stammered, and then her eyes flung open "Don'teven think about it buddy boy."

"C'mon, you're not going to make me drive home all horny for more." I letmy intentions know by patting my crotch. (My hardon had faded, but my hungerwas growing by the second.)

"I AM!" Leanne sneered. (I quickly figured I was wrong about her being hornyfor more as well.) Leanne glanced at her digital clock. "Plus, mom's gunnabe home soon."

"Not for a while now, call her cell phone."

Leanne rolled her eyes, admitting the truth. "But still, I told you it wasa one time thing. Plus...."

"I know it wasn't your idea."


"And nether is this, you see, I wanna fuck you, right here, and right now,on your bed. There I said it."

Her jaw dropped. I held my breath. She sighed. I said a prayer. She pointedto the door. I cursed, and then the room fell still. I held my gaze steadfast,while she would look away and then back. She finally shook her head, "No."

I answered by kicking off my sneakers. "I'm not going anywhere."

"C'mon, get out...please." Leanne pleaded with a bat of the eyes, and a sexyvoice. "Please."

Save the school girl antics, I know you're not that innocent.

"I ain't no whore either." her voice quickly back to normal.

"I know that," I said with a chuckle. "I just meant I'm not here to stealanything from you. It's just sex. You've done it before."

"Oh, yeah." I couldn't miss the sarcasm. I scratched my head, I thought thatthis was going to be easier.

"I mean, why would I?" Leanne asked. I felt my face flush, it was the questionI'd been hoping for.

"For my silence, and for playing the game."

"" Leanne repeated with a shrug.

"Yeah, I know you want my silence...."

"You already promised." She interrupted.

"I did, but I promised with the expectation that I shall be rewarded."

(She flashed me that "fuck off" look that women give. I know it well.)

An new idea flashed into my mind. I acted without even analyzing it.

"What was that?" I put a hand to my ear, "Is your mom home already?"

Leanne gasped and dove across her bed to look out the window. "I don't seeher car." She turned around and her eyes bulged. I held up the object thatshe had stashed into her desk upon my entrance. The cover read "Dear diary".

"Give me that," she rushed over. I held it teasingly behind my back. Aroundand around we went. This went on for several minutes. I'm an only child, butI can still tease with the best of them.

"Now maybe I will find out what really happened that night," I jumped onthe bed, my head just brushing the ceiling. When Leanne tried to follow, asolid stiff arm sent her back, several more followed (the last one copped afeel.) She finally stood on the floor in defeat. I thought it was in good-naturedfun until I saw the tear rolling down her cheek. I felt bad for a second, butquickly shook that from my system. I didn't really have any intention in readingit, but it occurred to me that it was a bargaining chip for something evenmore wicked.

"Why read about sex when you can have it." (Or so I've been told.)

She gave me the finger. I opened the diary, that wasn't locked in Leannehaste.

"I'm gunna fucking kill you," she picked something off her desk and it whizzedpast.

"Hey Pedro, easy there." She was scanning the desk for more ammo.

"Here you go, sissy," I said tossing her the diary. "I know how much it meansto teenage girls...I watched the Brady Bunch."

She sighed, but seemed more confused than relieved, as she clutched it toher chest. "What was that all about?"

I stepped off the bed and stumbled at her. I grabbed her shoulders and whisperedinto her ears. "It's just because you're so friggin hot."

"Oh, please," She rebuffed.

I huffed (nothing was working) and I stepped back and sat on the bed beforegrabbing my sneakers. "Man you are tuff."

"No, just have standard and you ain't up to mine. Even if you weren't mycousin. Be happy with what you got."

I looked up and she just flipped her nose up at me. I began adjusting myshoes as my mind raced. Maybe I needed Mrs. Parkers help after all, becauseI wasn't happy at all. I guess I could've just had her by force, but I didn'tneed to get laid that much. Maybe I should have smacked her ass "tomato red" whenI had the chance?

She wasn't done as she added. "Like I said you're gunna have to take careof that little problem in your pant's yourself. Now get out of here and youcan go back to brownnosing mommy dearest."

"Just be thankful I'm a nice guy, or I'd...."

She giggled. "You ain't gut the balls."

And with that finally insult I made my way, Leanne slamming the door behindme.

I got to the front door again. Funny, standing there I was the bravest guyin the world again. That voice was telling me to go back to Leanne's room andnot take "no" for an answer this time. I pictured her clothes torn to shredson the floor. Her naked body lying on her bed in the fetal position, my cumleaking from her asshole.

I opened the door this time with a laugh. "Just take your salad-ass home.You ain't Kobe Bryant."

"Excuse me."

The voice startled me. looking to my left, cutting across the grass was thatblonde from next door.

"Leanne still here?"

"Yeah, but she needs more time."

"Oh, really," she said with a shrug. "Her?"

She turned to leave again sputtering to herself. "What did my mom do, now?"

"Do you want to know what happened over your mom's?" I blurted out. She lookedback over her shoulder, with a curious look. I nodded with a knowing smile.We talked for a couple of minutes, but I felt we needed more. She was a littlereluctant to leave with a strange man, so I suggested she meet me at a smallcoffee shop down the road, since she wasn't old enough for a barroom. She agreedand met me some twenty minutes later.

The talk was awkward at first. I still didn't have a definite plan, but Ienjoyed the company. Funny it was the first good looking blonde that I've talkedto in a long time that didn't smell like cigarettes and wasn't slurring herwords. I started slowly telling the story, trying to judge Hillary's response.It looked like she was enjoying hearing Leanne's humiliation, so I continued.She didn't really seemed fazed that her mom was involved at all, although Isoften her roll a bit.

I got to the good part, my words barely a whisper.

"Oh my god, she sucked your...." Hillary gasped and then she giggled. "Iwould have just died."

I cringed. I mean, I understood, but was getting a little punchy at thispoint.

"Ok, now that I told my story let me hear about the night that cop broughtyou guys home."

She gulped and shook her head, quickly.


"No way," she offered. "I can't."

"Sworn to secrecy?"

"Yeah," she said and then she snapped her head up. "How did you know?"

"Leanne said the same thing," I said and then I added. "But...."

"B-b-but w-what?" Hillary mumbled.

"Funny the things you'll blurt out when your ass is on fire and you're worriedabout your bikini bum."

Hillary shook her head back and forth. "S-s-she wouldn't." She didn't soundso sure.

I figured I would start with something Leanne actually said. "Lets see...somethingabout you sucking on Donny too."

Hillary's jaw dropped. "She didn't tell my mom that!" Her voice filled withconcern. "She'll kill me."

I nodded my head. (Now it was time to be creative.) "And how it was youridea to trade sex for the answers...." I didn't even get a chance to finishbefore Hillary began rambling.

"No, no, no that's not true. Donny, that was her idea. I didn't even knowabout the sex part until after. I was pissed. We weren't even flunking, butshe wanted an A. She is always doing things like this to me, because I'm alittle more conservative then her she thinks she's so cool. Using sex as aweapon and it's me that it usually blows up with that cop. It washer suggestion that he search us and then let us go. It was so humiliating.I mean he was old and, and, I was helpless, and then he touched me...everywhere." Hillarysat back and sobbed. "One of these days...."

Normally I would have felt uneasy with her tears, but I was still picturingthe two of them being searched by that cop whishing it was me. I also had afeeling (judging by her last four words) that I had a partner in the making.She got me thinking "And if she was only half as good as her mom was...."

I cleared my throat, "I have an idea." She slowly leaned forward and I driedsome tears before I told her the guise of my plan.

The End

Part Two "The Plan" -- Soon.

Thanks for reading my story

Would love to hear your feedback.

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The Tale of Two Julys

I hadn't seen him at all in nearly 20 years and it has been 23 since we first met. We had a hot night of sex when I was 19 years old on a hot July night. Twenty one years is a long time, he had found me on social media just two weeks ago. We had been emailing and texting almost non stop and here was the day I would see him again. The past 2 weeks we have flirted online with each other talking about what an incredible night we shared on a late night 4th of July after he had seen me earlier in my...

2 years ago
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Fifth Anniversary

The morning did not start well.

Kevin and Susan Greyson rose on a working day. It was a sunny morning and Kevin felt great. So far so good. How had it managed to go so steeply downhill from there? Well, he would later have to admit that he had nothing and nobody else to blame but himself – and her of course! He always accepted that he had a stubborn streak, and when it bit, he could not help but dig his heels in. 
He was eating his muesli and drinking his coffee, and Susan was doing the...

2 years ago
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A Lily in July

I am an only child. My mother died during child birth and my father never remarried. My father died in a car accident the summer after I graduated; a drunk driver crossed the double lines and hit him head on. I sold the house and his business. Between the money from the sales and his life insurance, I was able to buy a house close to the college I was to attend and have plenty of money left over that I wouldn’t have to worry about money for a while. It was a nice little neighborhood;...

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E072 Fourth of July

The next month or so flies by for Donald and Emma.  Plans for their pool are developing, and the building of it will soon begin.  All the work needed to be done on Emma’s house is finished, and a realtor has placed in on the market.  The asking price amazes Emma some as she did not realize the value of the property. The furniture auction is complete, there are still a couple more things to sell, but her bank account is rising substantially.  The one-hundred-dollar bills are saved for future...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Sharing CIndy Chapter 28 4th of July Fun

Introduction: My wife teases in the pool and the shower. Sharing Cindy Chapter 28 A Fun Fourth Of July I have always loved the Fourth of July holiday. I love watching the fireworks. I love the food, the fun and being together with friends, having a great time, celebrating the independence of our great country. I also love the fact that it falls right in the middle of summer, meaning the women are usually wearing very little clothing or simply bathing suits. When Cindy and I purchased our...

1 year ago
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Lactating Hot Wife Chapter 5 Fourth of July at Vail CO

The relationship: In retrospect, I should have seen this coming. In the weeks following my decision to open my marriage, as well as my thighs to my husband's best friend, Glenn, the emotional entanglements became more obvious and real. Glenn claimed that he was in love with me. If I am honest, I shared those feelings towards him as well. My emotional connection to Glenn was not surprising since he was only the second man with whom I had made love, and the second man with whom I had ever...

Wife Lovers
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Jock TalesHappy 4th of July

Happy 4th of JulySummer had been great---and so was life. I had coined my own little phrase--“one lucky white boi”. Finally achieving 6', and those big ass jock feet now at a 12, poppin 8 hard squares of abs, 9” of vein poppin cock, and that hard round hairy ass. I admit, sometimes I just stood in front of the mirror and jacked off, sniffin on my bushy pits. I tried to keep myself in check, and not brag, or get a big head about it all. Damm, I had more shit than most seniors. But—I could...

4 years ago
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Fourth of July breeding bang Day 1

My Master decided to breed me. He took me off birth control last month, and had me count the days to my ovulation this month. He settled on the 4th and 5th of July which is my most fertile time. He wants me to have a black baby without having any idea who the baby daddy is so he set up two breeding gang bangs for me. Last week I got my underarms, legs and pussy waxed so I’m nice and smooth and I got to go shopping for some new slutty clothes. The first gang bang was set up for July 4th. When...

1 year ago
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Micha and George on the Fourth of July

Micha and George on the Fourth of JulyMicha is a very sexy latina girl that I met just a couple of weeks ago. We had already spent several hours exploring and becoming intimately familiar with each other, body and mind. We discovered that we were both bisexual and had discussed a threesome, but made no firm plans. When she called me and asked me to join her and her boyfriend George for a holiday picnic, there was something in her voice that made me wonder. "Is there a threesome in the works?" I...

3 years ago
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A Neighborhood July 4th Celebration

Denise looked around at all of the happy faces and smiled because the party was going so well. It certainly took the stress off, as she was the one who made most of the arrangements for the large neighborhood gathering. Everyone seemed to love an Independence Day celebration and the party atmosphere spread through the entire neighborhood. Denise was over the top, as everyone came up and thanked her for the great party.It seemed someone was constantly shoving a drink in her hand and it felt like...

2 years ago
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July 4th Celebration

On July first I returned home from our health club. Ann was packing my suitcase for a mini vacation at a bayside resort. My suitcase was filled with all my girlie things: lubes, vibes, wrist and ankle restraints and the paddle she used on me when I was bad. She also said Ben, his brother Josh, and two others were joining us. Before continuing, I should mention how I became the man I am and how Ann took charge of me. My wife Ann and I met in college and had been married for twenty-five happy...

2 years ago
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Happy 4th of July

Our son and his college room mate named King Hut (nick named King, were home for the fourth of July and my birthday. King's dad was a military man and his family was stationed overseas so it was natural for him to me with us for the holidays. King is a very good looking black guy with lots of personality and is very polite. He is the kind that makes a woman wish she was young again and hoping to date, well... wonder if he would date a white gal? or would I date a black guy? The answer for me...

4 years ago
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As a brief résumé of my situation,my name is Shirley,i run a lesbian escort agency and have a lovely clientele of gorgeous ladies,many of whom are married,yet crave the sexual attention of another woman.Yes,i was married to Paul for 3 years and our sex life was good while we were together and I loved sucking his big black 9 inch cock. I refer you to my early blogs where I describe my lovemaking with him. I may be a lesbian,i have discovered my true feelings,but please do not be surprised at my...

4 years ago
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Memorial Day Memories 2 Fourth of July Feelings

Memorial Day Memories Part 2: Fourth of July Feelings End of Part 1: And harder I went. In and out, back and forth, harder and deeper. One of my hands roamed to her tits, the other to her clit. Pulling on her nipples and massaging her tiny button she began to moan loudly and thrash back and forth on my cock, nearing her orgasm. Nearing my own I started to lose my rhythm, and mercilessly pounded her. Jocelyn’s arm’s finally gave out and she rested on her chest and head as I came deep insider,...

2 years ago
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The Visitor Monicas Diary Friday July 7

Monica's Diary: Friday, July 7 After clearing our visits to Amarillo with Nathan last night, we packed our lunches and laid out our clothes. He did point out the need for more prayer on this matter, since we were now placing Timothy into the hands of what he called the "system." I must confess that at first, I did not understand what he meant. "It's not like we're taking Timothy to a physician to diagnose the meaning of physical symptoms," Nathan said as we were getting ready...

4 years ago
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A Neighborhood July 4th Celebration

Denise looked around at all of the happy faces and smiled because the party was going so well. It certainly took the stress off, as she was the one who made most of the arrangements for the large neighborhood gathering. Everyone seemed to love an Independence Day celebration and the party atmosphere spread through the entire neighborhood. Denise was over the top, as everyone came up and thanked her for the great party. It seemed someone was constantly shoving a drink in her hand and it felt...

4 years ago
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A New PastChapter 53 July Fireworks

“Do you have time to talk to Mitt Romney?” Tamara asked as we headed from a conference room to my office in our Dublin building. Mitt, the former CEO of Bain Capital, had taken over the leadership of the Salt Lake Organizing Committee for the 2002 Winter Olympics following a bribery scandal the prior year. PT Innovations, as one of the larger employers in Park City, had stepped up as a sponsor immediately after his announcement. I recalled just enough history to know they would be successful...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 57 Independence Day and July 5th

Year 4 Independence Day is one of my favorite holidays because I am one of those right-wing nut jobs that loves his country and loves to celebrate it. My wives are pretty much the same way. Very unlike my second wife who left me because, “I can’t stay with someone who would not vote for that wonderful man, Barack Obama.” Yeah, that’s right. I came home from a competition and half the furniture and all her clothes were gone. I called her. “Hi. Is there something you want to tell me?” “I am...

3 years ago
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RecoveryChapter 6 July

Greg was preoccupied as June moved slowly toward July and freedom from Bonner with finishing his classes and dealing with the rapidly transforming shape of his personal life. He had let his dad and Debbie organize their return to St. George. Once he had established that the condo would be in the right location he had lost interest in it. A few friends who had lost touch over the winter months started to make contact with him. He welcomed it, but found he had separated wheat from shaft and had...

1 year ago
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Fourth Of July

My husband has been trying to get me to participate in a threesome with another woman, now I'm not averse to the idea, the problem has been trying to find another girl who turns me on. I've met two so far, one in a restaurant bathroom, she did make my pussy get wet, but she thanked me for the offer and said no thanks. The other I met in a supermarket and when I made the offer to her, she called a fucking pervert and stormed away, so I'm still looking. Our annual Forth of July Bbque was coming...

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Sallys Fourth of July Picnic

“I’ve got the cooler all packed,” said Sally. “We have chicken salad sandwiches, potato chips, and plenty of beer. I think we’re ready to go.” I grabbed Sally by both ass cheeks and pulled her to me. “I’ve got the buns.” She laughed and pushed me way. “Angela will arrive any minute so cool your jets and load the car.” I grabbed the cooler and put it in the trunk of the minivan with the rest of the picnic supplies. We were going to the lake with Angela, Sally’s best friend. Angela had gotten...

Group Sex
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Fifth PlaceChapter 8

Karen was five months along. I find pregnant women intensely appealing. They give off a feeling of hope and possibility and renewal. They confirm the elegance of nature. Tell me I'm with my pregnant woman, and I need none of the other elements which ordinarily make a situation erotic. We were walking back to her house one afternoon. I stopped near the corner and turned to her to rub her belly. Her condition was unmistakable. She made a satisfied sound that came from deep within her throat....

2 years ago
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Changes in Paradise Timeline Pod Tree as of July 2007

Changes in Paradise By Patricia Time Line & Pod Trees - as of July 2007 Posted in deep appreciation for "Dan_from_warm_Los_Angeles" thoughtful comments! Thanks to Fran(k) for invaluable work done on the first time- line (I didn't use an outline until Chapter 07, when ... yes, Dan, you can smile ... I was getting people mixed up in my own head). Chapter 01: Patrick and John arrive on 399 (Mermaid Island) - A Radio repairs -A + 2...

2 years ago
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Patron Saint of a Hundred Hangovers

Patron Saint of a hundred hangovers knows the score of the Game. He doesn’t bother with trifles like friends & family, jobs & jabber, he has all the answers in one cupped hand. Sitting atop a glass mountain with a nose of broken blood vessels, he laughs at all the little people below, scurrying everywhere with so little to show for it. When their disillusioned young approach for tutelage he simply slurs. ‘Comeback to me when you can claim Jack Daniels as Kin, grasshoppers. The road to...

3 years ago
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Play It Again SamChapter 8 Hangovers

The following morning I was up early and feeling bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. I suspected the three party goers wouldn't be feeling nearly as good as I did when they eventually woke up. Yes, my two Angel's were still knocked out. I slipped out of bed, quickly checked to make sure Kim was all right then I took a leak, showered, and got dressed. After another quick peek to make sure all three ever so lovely winos were still sleeping I took the Blue Bucket and drove around from store to...

2 years ago
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A hot July 4th

Only story I have written from the female perspective. Enjoy The day was starting off perfectly, I thought as I scrubbed the soap into my muscles. The sun was hot, the sky blue, and I was extremely aroused. I leaned my head against the shower wall and closed my eyes. The steam wafted up around me in a haze as I climbed from the shower and softly padded my body with the lush terrycloth towel. Checking myself in the mirror I took the extra time to fix myself perfectly, eyebrows plucked, shiny...

3 years ago
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New Jock TalesFreshman YearChptr 12Happy 4th of July

Summer had been great---and so was life. I had coined my own little phrase-- “one lucky white boi”. Finally achieving 6', and those big ass jock feet now at a 12, poppin 8 hard squares of abs, 9” of vein poppin cock, and that hard round hairy ass. I admit, sometimes I just stood in front of the mirror and jacked off, sniffin on my bushy pits. I tried to keep myself in check, and not brag, or get a big head about it all. Damm, I had more shit than most seniors. But not just the awesome...

4 years ago
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Kylies 4th Of July Quickie

It was the summer of 2008, the week of the 4th of July, and I was on vacation with a couple of friends on a little island off the coast of Carolina. Even during the tourist season, the island is often secluded, making it easy to spend an entire day at the beach without seeing anyone else. That’s exactly what we went for. My friends, Daniel and Amy, a married couple, and I always preferred the laid-back relaxing atmosphere of a deserted beach.Early in the week, Daniel and I had dug a huge, deep...

Quickie Sex
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Another Night In July

Throughout July I’d been extremely horny — and I mean more than normal. I was pleased to have a Saturday swinger’s party on the horizon but, before that, I had quite an amazing night.I was invited out to dinner with a new woman at work who is, technically, my boss — one of many bosses in the firm. We’d been talking and emailing a lot, and I guessed she liked me more than the rest. She's of similar age to me but more educated, and I thought she was gay. I liked that idea. It was at lunch when...

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Like Last July

copyright ©2008 All rights reserved. Author’s note: This is the last 20 pages from story I wrote a while back, about an 18 year old guy who fell in love with his stepmother. His father, Steve, wasn’t totally selfish, yet his attentiveness to his new, younger wife, Pam, waned a couple years after the wedding. The most important thing in life to Steve was his business career. Jeff got along better and better with his father’s new wife, never thought of her as a stepmother, nor did Pam ever...

3 years ago
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July 27th

I knew it was going to be the longest day of the summer. Work started at 9AM on July 24th, and it dragged on for eight unbearable hours. But as soon as that clock struck 5:00, I was gone. I fought the urge to run and instead walked calmly to the parking lot, where my car was waiting with a full tank of gas and my weekend bag already packed. I made the drive at 90 miles an hour, and admittedly my mind wasn’t very focused on the close calls in traffic, but more concerned with the girl waiting at...

1 year ago
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A discovery on a hot July day bring a mother and daughter much closer

Beth Wilson walked down the path from the old farmhouse, where she lived with her family, to the river that flowed through the woods. Beth was thirty nine years old, willowy with long legs and soft brown hair. She had a pretty, classical face with a sharp nose and a dazzling smile. Even after three children, she was an A cup and her small breasts rode high on her chest. She didn’t need a bra and today her nipples were long and hard from the slight breeze on a hot July day. She had been...

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Fourth Of July Fuck

Fireworks whistled and popped high in the air, filling the sky with explosions of color, as the ground filled with smoke. Laughter, music and of course plenty of drinks, kept the night going strong. I celebrated the Fourth of July with my main group of friends, relaxing and partying on one of my favorite days of the year. I arrived at the party with Kyle, with whom I’d been hooking up off and on for a few months. We were old friends and once I became single, that quickly turned into a...

Group Sex
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A drop of sweat dripped over my temple and landed on my pillow while I swatted hopelessly at the darkness in front on my face. It felt like I was being robbed of my sanity by the persistent high-pitched hum of the mosquitos floating around my head. In my fitful state, I fantasised what Emily’s shapely legs would feel like wrapped around me with my cock deep inside her.‘This is hopeless; I can’t sleep.’ I thought.I was on holiday at the family lake house in the middle of July. My older cousin...

2 years ago
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The 4th of July

In a world that avoided a global pandemic, it was a typical hot July day in a small town in the Midwest U.S.A. Temperatures were high, the birds and the bees were out in force, the sun was high above. Just a typical summer day, in a typical small town called Highland, located some thirty miles from the "Gateway to The West" as it had become known as. The skies are blue, clouds are few, the sun is high, the smell of barbeque fills the neighborhood. Bills paid, grass cut, everything a good home...

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Cat Diary human point of view July 2020

This all started when I noticed a stray cat crossing my property a few times. Apparently, that is all it takes. Beware!When I was in the Army, back in the early-to-middle 1980's, I was privilrgrd to know and serve under some sergeants who were Viet Nam veterans. One of them used to love to say, "Do you know what the difference between a fairy tale and a war story is? A fairy tale begins with, 'Once upon a time, ...' & a WAR STORY begins with, 'This is NO BULLSHIT, because I was THERE, and I...

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