A New PastChapter 53: July Fireworks free porn video

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“Do you have time to talk to Mitt Romney?” Tamara asked as we headed from a conference room to my office in our Dublin building.

Mitt, the former CEO of Bain Capital, had taken over the leadership of the Salt Lake Organizing Committee for the 2002 Winter Olympics following a bribery scandal the prior year. PT Innovations, as one of the larger employers in Park City, had stepped up as a sponsor immediately after his announcement. I recalled just enough history to know they would be successful in turning the efforts around and having a very successful Olympics. I wanted to make sure I gave him whatever support I could but had resisted meeting with him directly or taking an active role in the organization.

“Talk, or meet?” I asked.

“Either, his secretary said.”

“What’s he want?” I glanced at the calendar on my phone. I had fifteen minutes until the next call. “Oh, hell, just connect me to him.”

Two minutes later, he was on my phone.

“Paul Taylor, thank you for getting back to me so soon this morning,” his rich baritone voice said in my ear. He was a fine orator, but obviously didn’t realize it was late afternoon for me.

“What can I do for the Salt Lake Olympic Committee, Mitt?” I asked.

“We’re having some discussions on infrastructure and planning and someone on the team suggested you might be able to help us out.”

“How so?” I asked.

“Not you personally, but your organization. We had the idea to see if you’d be interested in hosting a reunion show of ‘The Interns’ or re-launching for a season or two with a focus on the Olympic preparation efforts. It would be just the sort of thing to get us some top-notch talent as well as some publicity.”

I glanced at the clock and then at my computer. “Mitt, let me talk to my folks here. We’ve got a lot of irons in the fire right now, but some of my production crew might have capacity to take such a project on. I’ll get back to you by Friday, okay?”

“I can’t ask for more than that, Paul. Thanks.”

I ended the call and then briefed Tamara. “Put Jody on it and have her work with Tom and Billy. If they think is has merit, we can do it, but I don’t want it to be a distraction to our other work.”

Jody was at our Park City offices while Tamara and Kevin Tanner were with me in Ireland. Hunter and I were trying to finish redesigning our engine to optimize it for orbital and lunar usage before Lila had her baby. Right now, it was a race to see which came first, the engine or the babe.

“I’ve got it. Hunter said the updated specs were on the server for you. He said the simulation looked good, but that you needed to check it over.”

I nodded and looked for the model. We had managed another reduction in size, getting the engine down to a little over three meters long and only one meter in diameter. The superconductor and magnetic field manipulations we had been able to prototype gave us the ability to significantly throttle down the engine. I really wanted to eliminate the liquid propellant rockets from our OTV design for the landers. Lockheed would not be too happy to lose the contract with us, but I wanted better reliability with less risk before we got too far with our lunar plans.

My review of the engine was interrupted by my phone vibrating. I picked it up and saw a reminder on the screen. It was lucky I had set it.

“Tamara,” I called.

“The car’s downstairs, Paul. You should be fine with traffic. Nicole said she had Ali taken care of.”

“Thanks.” I grabbed a light jacket and headed for the door. I had promised to pick Jer up from his art lesson and take him to a museum exhibit opening this evening at the National Museum of Ireland at Collins Barracks.

Jeremy’s drawings had progressed quite a bit over the past two years. He had always liked sketching things, but the images had turned pretty dark after Jeryl’s death. It was not until he started meeting with his Great Aunt Helen and working through some of his emotions that he had returned to sketching people and landscapes. Not having much of an artistic eye, I had been surprised when his teacher suggested private art lessons last year. He had enjoyed them in Utah and asked to find a local teacher here in Dublin for the summer. At the tender age of almost ten, a local artist had called him ‘quite promising’ and agreed to guide him for the summer, but only if I agreed to visit some of the artistic scenery and venues with him to broaden his exposure to the world. Today was our second weekly outing.

“How are you doing, sport?” I asked as we climbed into the car and started the drive to the museum.

“Good, Dad. We worked on still-life’s with charcoal again today.”

He flipped open his sketch book and showed me a pair of still life drawings. Even I could see the improvement in his work.

“Those look good. You’re really developing an eye for perspective and depth of field,” I said. I had started reading about art and drawing to be able to at least have a conversation with him.

“That’s what Miss Emily said,” he replied.

Miss Emily was his art teacher here.

“How do you like Miss Emily?” I asked.

“She’s great. Did you know that she actually majored in art at school? She spent two years in Paris as well.”

I nodded. “I did know that,” I said; thanks to a full background check on her. “Did you know that she has a painting at the museum we’re going to tonight?”

He nodded. “I’ve got homework. I’m supposed to find it and then find three pieces I think influenced it or were influenced by it. Will you help me?”

I laughed. “I’ll try my best. You know I help with homework if you ask. Of course, I don’t know much about art,” I cautioned.

He shrugged. “It’s okay. All my teachers say art is in the eye of the beholder. You just have to decide what you like.”

We spent nearly two hours looking at the exhibit and doing his ‘homework’. By the time we had seen everything and decided on what pieces were influences on Miss Emily, it was time for a late supper. Our driver was familiar with the city, thankfully and called ahead to get us a table at a local eatery. We had just placed our orders when I heard a familiar voice a couple of tables over.

“Jer, would you like to help me pull a prank on someone?” I asked.

He looked a little shy. “Who?” he asked.

I pointed. “All you have to do is go over and tell her she looks familiar to you.”

“But she doesn’t,” he said.

I thought about trying to explain it to him, and then decided there might be a better way. “Okay, how about you go over and pick the prettiest girl at the table and ask if you can sketch her while you wait for your dinner?”

He pulled out his sketchbook and a pencil. “Why can’t I just sketch that one?” he asked as he pointed toward one of the women sitting in profile to us.

“Okay. Can you do it?”

He stuck his tongue out of the corner of his mouth, and concentrated as he started sketching. He had to pause when she moved, but he quickly did a line drawing, and smudged out some lines and then shaded her cheeks and neck. It was fascinating to watch him. He worked rapidly but was not quite finished when the food arrived. He looked from the drawing to his food and then looked a question at me.

“You can finish the drawing, just this time,” I said. We had to make a rule about drawing during meals to make sure he actually ate sometimes. He smiled at me and continued to work.

I chewed a couple of French fries while he worked.

“Okay, it’s done,” he said as he carefully signed his name at the bottom of the page.

As soon as that was done, he grabbed one of the chicken tenders he had ordered and chomped it down. Thirty seconds later, after chewing and swallowing, he looked up again.

“Can I go show her?”

“Of course. I bet they all will want you to draw them after they see it,” I said.

Jeremy scooted back from the table, grabbed his book and walked over to the table of four women with bags piled at their feet beneath the table. The girl he had drawn saw him approach and glanced my way. I smiled.

“Excuse me,” Jer said politely. His voice was still high and sweet, and his dark hair and blue eyes were striking, I knew. The girl smiled down at him. “Could you tell me your name, so I can put it on my drawing of you?” he asked.

The question surprised the girl, but the drawing immediately won her over. The others at the table asked to see it and encouraged their friend.

“I’ll tell you my name,” she finally agreed, “if you tell me yours.”

Jer nodded.

“I’m Jackeline Fay” she said. She spelled it out for him as he added it to the bottom of the sketch.

“Thank you,” he said when he was finished. “I’m Jeremy Taylor.”

Imogene’s head whipped around and spotted me. It was hard to tell what emotions played across her face. She finally settled into a smile.

“Is that your daddy?” Jackeline asked after seeing Imogene’s reaction.

Jer nodded.

“Did he make you come over here?” Imogene asked.

Jer shook his head. “He told me I could draw the prettiest girl I could see while we waited for dinner. Jackeline was the only one I could see in good light, so I drew her.”

The table laughed.

“Would you like to draw me?” Imogene asked.

Jer looked back my way. I wasn’t sure if he was looking for permission, or thinking about his food, so I just shrugged at him.

“Can I do it after dinner? My French fries are probably getting cold,” he said.

They all laughed again, and I missed what Imogene told him before he came back over and sat down. He was three bites into his fries before I could frame a question for him.

“Did they like the drawing?” I finally asked.

He nodded.

“Did they all want you to draw them?”

He kept chewing and nodded again.

“But not until you finish dinner?”

A third nod.

“So that’s why you’re eating instead of talking?”

Again, he nodded. I shook my head and then smiled as Imogene walked up to us.

“Your son is very talented, Mr. Taylor,” she said.

I stood and gave her a hug. “Mr. Taylor my ass,” I said softly. “Please call me Paul,” I added for the benefit of her friends who came over as well.

“It’s good to see you again Imogene. I didn’t realize the ABT was in Dublin.”

“The ABT isn’t. I’m visiting the National Ballet of Ireland for some summer shows. We had a late rehearsal around the corner at the Abbey Theater and came here for a bite afterward.”

“How have you been?” we both asked at the same time. We all laughed. Imogene explained to her friends that we had met in Monaco last summer. A few of them raised their eyebrows, but only smiled. I invited them to join us. They demurred but did invite Jeremy to visit them and draw them at practice some time.

They went back to their table, but I noticed Imogene switched seats, so she could keep an eye on Jeremey and me. They leaned close and chatted, with occasional glances my way. Jer kept eating. When he was about two-thirds complete he paused and took a drink of his water.

“Dad, will you let me go to draw them?” he asked.

“Of course. Maybe we can even have Miss Emily take you if it’s while I’m working. How’s that sound?”


“Do you like sketching them?” I asked.

He nodded. “I have to work fast when they’re moving and talking, which makes it a challenge.”

“You know they are used to holding poses as part of ballet, right?”

He shook his head.

“Well, maybe we’ll have to arrange to go see a performance then.”

“I can’t believe you did this for me,” Chrissy said over the phone.

“Hey, it’s just a favor for a friend who happens to be interested in the project,” I replied. The same team that had worked on the sewing robot several years ago had agreed to let Chrissy join them for a few weeks during her summer break to help build a first-generation construction robot. They coined the term 3D printer themselves.

“Well, I’m glad you do favors for friends like this,” she said.

“How is the rest of your break shaping up?” I asked.

“Really good. I did three shoots since the end of school. I’ll work on this project for the next two weeks and then be flying to Italy for a fashion show and then London for another. Some show producer said he liked my walk.”

“Well that’s good to hear. I’m glad you’re keeping busy.”

“How about you?” she asked.

“I was busy the first ten days in Ireland. Hunter and I managed to get quite a bit done before Lila had her baby. Ian Paul Greenwood is now their primary focus.”

“As it should be,” she interjected.

“I didn’t mean to imply otherwise,” I countered. She laughed.

“Anyway, since then, I’ve been keeping busy out at the factory fabricating new parts to for the updated design and doing some additional theoretical work.”

“That sounds cool. Any chance a friendly engineering student could get a tour when she’s in that part of the world?” she asked.

“Is that a ‘Daddy’ voice coming out?” I asked back.

“Maybe. But it would be cool to see. I mean, your generators and engines have already changed the world and most students have no idea how they work or how they are made. I’m going to be in London, could I come visit after the show?”

“When is your show?” I asked.

“London is July 8th, a Thursday,” she said.

“How about I arrange a few meetings in London and come back here on the 9th. You can fly back with me.”

“What sort of meetings?” she asked.

I wanted to dance around the answer but decided to just be candid. “Cameron, Billy, and Tom asked me to join them for some studio meetings over there.”

“Cameron? I didn’t realize you were working on a film with her.”

I was surprised she was unaware. I had just assumed someone had mentioned it to her. I told her a little about the project. “We’re in pre-production and need to work through some scheduling for studio space in the U.K.”

“I didn’t think stars did that sort of meetings,” she said.

“Cameron is taking a producer role in the project as well. The actual idea was hers. It was the whole reason she asked Kelly to have me take her to the gala last fall. She wanted to pitch the concept to me.”

“I guess I never knew that,” Chrissy said. Her voice sounded a little contrite.

“Why should you, since we were keeping the project a little under wraps. Anyway, the meetings are scheduled for the week after the fourth,” I said.

“It would be nice to see her again,” Chrissy said.

“Well, it sounds like the start of a plan, then,” I said.

“That was pretty neat, Dad,” Ali said as the dancers left the stage.

Jer and Miss Emily had been invited to a rehearsal of the dancers and then invited back for a dress rehearsal at the Abbey Theater. Ali and I had joined them for the second session. It was sort of like a private preview of the show.

I had been worried that the three hours would be too long for Ali, but she had been mesmerized by the performance.

“So, do you want to take up ballet now?” I asked.

“Nah, but it looks cool. Did you see Jer’s drawing?” she asked as Jer and Miss Emily joined us.

“I saw some, what did you think?”

“It’s really cool that he captured the feeling of motion even without all the detail.”

Jer had captured the significant lines of dancers while in mid-air. Miss Emily had encouraged his impressionistic representations of the dancers in motion. Over the course of the performance, his strokes had gained confidence and flair.

Miss Emily was nodding. “Jer did incredibly well,” she said. “I know artists twice his age that could not do as well.”

Just then Imogene and a few of the other dancers from the first evening came out. They all wanted to see Jer’s work. He was happy to show them. They were all smiles when they identified themselves. Jer was happy.

“How about you, Ali?” Imogene asked as she moved to my side. “Did you enjoy it?”

Ali was suddenly shy and only nodded.

“She was just telling me she wanted to take up ballet,” I teased.

“I did not, Daddy!” she said, coming out of her sudden shell. “You were beautiful,” she said to Imogene.

Imogene beamed. “Thank you. You’re pretty cute yourself,” she said. “If you don’t want to dance, what do you like doing?”

“I fly. Daddy and I got our private pilot’s licenses last year. I’ve got six hundred hours in single engine planes. As soon as I log a thousand, Dad says I can learn dual engine.”

Imogene gave me a surprised look. “That sounds dangerous for a young lady,” she said.

I shrugged. “We’ve had some of the best instructors in the world and make sure all the safety checks and maintenance are done. It’s a lot less dangerous that a lot of other things people do.”

“I also love to sail,” Ali said. “Daddy taught me how to do that years ago. It’s really cool to go out on the trapeze and hike out on a long reach. It can almost feel as good as flying. It’s probably a lot like you feel doing those leaps.”

Imogene laughed. “I’m usually worried about landing, not enjoying the feeling of flying. Leaps can be fun, but only if you land well.”

I smiled at her words. She caught my look and swatted my arm. The kids looked at us, not understanding, but Miss Emily had a knowing look in her eye.

“How about I take Ali and Jer for some ice cream,” Miss Emily asked. She was in her late forties, a grandmotherly sort of lady who had a passion for art and the local countryside. “There is a place a few blocks away, near St. Stephens park.”

I spotted Nicole at the doorway and nodded. “Sure, but please take Nicole with you,” I said.

The other dancers headed back stage or toward the door as the kids left. Imogene stayed with me, looping her arm through mine. She tugged me toward the stage stairs and I followed along willingly.

“It looks like all your hard work is paying off,” I commented as she led me backstage. “You are the principal dancer here, aren’t you?”

She smiled. “Yes, but only for this summer. They know I’m back to New York and the ABT in September. This is viewed as a test and growth opportunity for me. It’s another step on the journey, not a leap to the end,” she said.

“Well, I thought you were magnificent,” I said.

Imogene gave me a tight hug in thanks.

“Do you mind spending a little time with me? I know you want to catch up with your kids,” she said as we entered her dressing room and she started grabbing her things and stuffing them into her dance bag.

“Miss Emily and Nicole will ride herd on them for a bit. If they finish their ice cream before we catch up with them, I’ll get a call.”

Imogene smiled. “We? Is that an invitation?”

“Only if you’re free. I’d like to ask you to dinner,” I said. I surprised myself with the invite.

“Where? I’ve got nothing suitable in my bag today,” she replied.

“We can go casual, or I can pick you up later if that works better. I took the afternoon off, so can make pretty much anything work.”

Imogene finished packing and turned to face me with her bag on her shoulder. We stood about a meter apart. She stepped closer, looking at my face and eyes. I admired her wide blue eyes, and her inviting smile captivated me. She stepped closer and my arms went around her as I bent down to kiss her. She hugged me tight and ran her hands down my back. After a moment, we parted.

“I have to be back to my flat by midnight. I have to have a good night’s sleep before the opening tomorrow. This is too important for me to slack off on it.”

“As you wish, Ma’am,” I said.

She leaned against my chest and then stepped back and took my hand. “I’ve thought about you a lot over the past year,” she said as turned me to the door.

“I’ve thought of you, too,” I admitted.

We were quiet as we walked outside. We turned and walked toward the park a few blocks away. I spotted my driver trailing behind us but said nothing to Imogene who seemed happy to walk. I moved my arm to her shoulder and she snuggled next to me with her arm around my waist. I had forgotten how petite but strong she was.

“You still haven’t told me what you’d like to do for dinner,” I said.

“Something simple. I don’t think I want to go out someplace fancy. It’s been a long day.”

“I know just the thing,” I said.

“What have you been up to, besides continuing to change the world?” she asked. “I saw some things in the tabloids about you dating models and movie stars last fall.”

I chuckled and explained meeting Cameron Diaz and then the fallout from that. I also mentioned how I knew Chrissy and how we had played the media. Imogene laughed at a couple of the anecdotes.

Ali and Jer were surprised to see us walking so closely together but seemed happy to see Imogene with me. Miss Emily stayed with us until the ice cream was finished. She reminded Jer to finish a couple of the drawings she wanted him to work on, and then thanked Imogene for allowing her to see the rehearsal.

Imogene, the kids, Nicole, and I climbed into the Range Rover we were using today. It took about twenty minutes to make our way out of the city to our home.

“Wow,” Imogene said as we pulled into the estate. “I keep forgetting who you are.”

“What do you mean?” Ali asked.

“I was thinking you had an apartment in Ireland, not a country estate. That house is bigger than where I grew up,” she replied.

“It’s not that big,” Ali said. “Our house in Utah is bigger. This only has five bedrooms.”

“In the main house,” Jer added from the back seat.

Imogene looked at me. “The main house?”

“We have three cottages that security and the staff live in and three one-bedroom apartments in the renovated barn,” I said.

Imogene shook her head and then climbed out at the front door. Ali grabbed her hand and took her inside. Jer raced behind while I grabbed her bag and Jer’s sketchbook. Nicole laughed at me carrying things.

“Where are you going to dinner tonight?” she asked.

“I thought we’d just go down to Cassidy’s,” I said. It was the local pub about three miles down the road from the house. While I was never a frequent visitor there, the locals had gotten to know me well enough to treat me like a normal person. We’ll probably head down there around seven,” I added. “Can you make sure you or Jimmy is available to drive. We’ll have to run Imogene back into the city after dinner.”

Nicole nodded. “I’ll take care of it.”

I went inside, dropped Jer’s sketchbook on the foyer table, but carried Imogene’s bag upstairs, listening to hushed voices coming from Ali’s bedroom.

“We never spent that much time here,” Ali was saying, “so we don’t have tons of stuff here. Mom always let us keep some clothes here, but Dad had to take us shopping the first week since we had outgrown everything.”

“I like the horses,” Jer added. “Dad’s arranged lessons for us both, but Ali would rather fly.”

“I like the horses, too,” Ali said, “but would rather fly. Dad only lets me go once a week over here. It’s going to take forever to get another four hundred hours at this rate.”

I stepped into the doorway and the kids stopped talking. Imogene was sitting on one end of Ali’s bed with Ali next to her. Jer was standing by the window.

“Hey kids, why don’t you let our guest freshen up. She had a full rehearsal and probably wants to change and clean up before dinner.”

“She’s staying for dinner?” Ali asked.

“No, I’m taking her to dinner. You two will eat here with Mrs. Shannon.”

Their faces fell. “But Dad...” Ali started.

I raised my finger. She knew better than to whine and fell into a pout instead.

Jer just asked, “What are we having tonight?”

Imogene smiled at their reactions.

“Why don’t you run down and ask her?” I said. He moved around me, and I motioned to Imogene. “Would you like to get cleaned up? We’ve got a couple hours before the adults will eat.”

She nodded and stood up.

I showed her to the master suite. “You can take a nice bath in here, if you’d like,” I said while showing her to the bathroom with its large claw foot tub. “Or you can just have a shower. Whichever suits you,” I said.

“A bath sounds divine, but I don’t want to be a poor guest and ignore you or your kids,” she replied.

I reached past her and turned the hot water on. “Relax and unwind. I’d hate for you to not rejuvenate and be ready for tomorrow’s premier. Trust me, I get being focused on a goal.”

She smiled and kissed me. “It’s easy to forget that you are a very nice man,” she said.

“What do you mean?”

She felt the water temp and then turned on the cold water and dropped the stopper into the drain before answering.

“You’re a private person. Most people only see what is reported on TV or in the paper. They aren’t always complete pictures of you. I mean, nobody in the wider world knows how much you love your kids. Nobody really knows how hard you work. I hardly understand that. From what I’ve read about you, you jet around the world and spend a lot of money, which would make most people assume you’re just a rich asshole. You’re not.”

“Gee, thanks,” I said.

“I’m a little of the same,” she said as she bent over and pulled off her shoes. “People see me on stage, dancing, and forget about the ten-hour days practicing or the years I’ve put into my craft. I’ve literally been dancing for twenty-three years, and every year is harder. Dancers have a limited life span to perform. I have to take care of my body.”

She pulled the loose sweatshirt she was wearing over her dance leotard and tights.

“My usual routine,” she continued, “would be to go home, take a bath in a much smaller tub and bathroom, eat dinner and go to bed. I might watch some television but might just put on some music as well.”

She stepped close and hugged me again.

“You understand that I have to be a little selfish to get to my goals. I almost turned you down, assuming you had an evening of debauchery in mind, and instead, you’re giving me a better night off than I could have had on my own. I really value that,” she concluded.

I kissed the top of her head.

“You gave me some much-needed perspective last year. I do understand how important tomorrow is for you. I wouldn’t do a thing to jeopardize that for you.”

“Thanks,” she said. She pulled away and tugged the strap of her leotard over one shoulder, then repeated her move on the other side. Her breasts were as beautiful as I remembered. I watched in fascination as she rolled the leotard down and then pushed it down over her tights.

Her nipples were hard when she straightened. She kissed me again before turning around and rolling the tights down her firm ass and legs. She tested the water once more before standing and turning around, beautiful and confident even when just in her skin.

She kissed me again before stepping back into the tub.

“You’re so good for my ego,” she said with a smirk as she lowered herself into the steaming water. “Now, leave me alone with my naughty thoughts and let me relax and clean up.”

“No invitation to wash your back?” I asked with a leer.

She laughed. “No, because I might not resist your devilish charms. What would your kids think if you fell into the tub with me? Besides, I can’t risk being bow-legged tomorrow.”

I bent over and kissed her before pulling a plush towel out of the cabinet and putting it within easy reach.

“Take as long as you’d like. No one will bother you in here. The kids know it’s off limits for them.”

I closed the door to both the bathroom and the bedroom before going to see what trouble the kids were getting into.

“Thank you for the roses,” Imogene said over the phone.

“I hope the premier went well,” I replied. “I’m sorry I couldn’t see it.”

“Let me guess, you’ve already provided fusion to Ireland,” she said with a laugh.

“Actually, I had already promised to go flying today with Ali. She wanted to do some cross-country time, so we flew down to Waterford, then over to Killarney, then back to Dublin. We landed about the time you were finishing the first act.”

“That’s sweet. Did you have fun?”

“Actually, I did. I do wish I had been there for your premier, though.”

“What are the kids doing now?” she asked.

“They had best be asleep or pretending to be. It’s after ten o’clock. Why do you ask? Fancy a late dinner?”

“I just got home and cleaned up. I’m sitting here in a bathrobe, not ready to go anywhere. You’ve got to give a girl a little more notice.”

I could hear the pout in her voice.

“Oh? I don’t seem to recall you needing much notice to look ravishing,” I teased. “Do you get any time off this summer?”

“I do. Since this is a summer company, we’ve got a bit better schedule. I’m off tomorrow and Monday and back at it Tuesday with a performance in Cork on Saturday.”

“Would you care to do something tomorrow or Monday? Tomorrow is the 4th of July, not that there will be much of a celebration here for it.”

Same as A New Past
Chapter 53: July Fireworks Videos

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This was turning out to be much more enjoyable than Jocelyn would have thought. She certainly hadn't been looking forward to spending the fourth of July with her stepdaughter Stephanie and the girl's boyfriend. She was still pissed that Robert hadn't taken her to Tokyo with him and left her here to baby sit. Stephanie was hardly a baby--she was 19! Still, Robert was right not to trust her alone with the house. Especially with that boyfriend of hers. He was obviously a gold digger--it took...

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Taking the Road TogetherChapter 14 Fireworks

Stephanie kissed her children good-bye and reminded them to behave for their grandparents. Darren's arm felt perfect around her waist as they waved from the doorway. They watched as his parents drove off to their cabin in the mountains for a week. Stephanie felt both sadness and excitement. A week without kids meant more time to spend with Darren. They hadn't connected this well in years and she wanted badly to be with him all day. Tomorrow was the fourth. Fireworks. Yes, she wanted to see...

4 years ago
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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 184 Fireworks

(Kujiranami, Mumyoui, Banjin and Otowa are gathered looking at something with expressions of amazement on their faces.) Otowa: These are-- Enishi: Have you forgotten? These are the upgraded weapons I spoke of earlier. Please, use them to the best of your abilities. Well, the sun will be setting soon. Shall we go? To deliver up our earthly justice... Let us go to our long-awaited day in style! (At the Kamiya dojo. Everyone is waiting in the yard.) Kaoru: The sun's gone down... Yahiko:...

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And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. It was the fourth of July and my flag was at half-mast as I kissed you and fondled your soft round breasts through your thin halter-top. It felt sexy, as you were not wearing any bra. We were sitting in a car parked on a hill overlooking the city. We were in a fallow field with weeds growing almost as tall as the grill of the car. There was one other car in there about 25 feet away....

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I saw her across the crowded ball room. Gliding effortlessly around the floor, like a bird of paradise. Delectable. A Swan like neck, perfect bosoms, sparkling blue eyes, perfection in human form. Dressed in an exquisitely tailored gown of a vivid green hue with ermine trimmings, my heart skipped a beat. Suddenly my whole being yearned to reach out to her, to unwrap her swirling ball gown, to extract her perfect bosoms to feel their firm softness to slip off her underthings and unlace her...

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Chapter 1 When I first saw her, she was going through the interview. Her boss to be asked my help - to interview July on some special skills she will need in her job. Actually she was not so very good in the skills, but while listening to her I could not keep my concentration. Just imagine - big blue eyes, nice small nose, a little puffy lips... her teeth were not perfect and she was aware of that, trying not to smile too much, but for me it didn't matter. I enjoyed myself a lot looking at...

4 years ago
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June and July 2nd try

Introduction: My wifes friend, June, comes to live with us It was 6:30pm on Friday evening when I got home from work. I wandered around the house searching for July, my wife of 10 years. There was a large casserole cooking slowly on the stove. That was a good sign. Eventually I went outside at the back of the house to our pool area. There on two recliners were July and her close friend June, both stark naked. Whats going on?, I asked. Junes broken up with her boyfriend. I told her that she...

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Friday Night Fireworks

Friday Night Fireworks This is a story of a fantasy night I would like to have with my wife. We often talk about naughty sexual thing when we are having sex and when we are in the heat of the moment she has said she would like to do some wild things, so here is my version of what that could be like. I have been after my wife to try some naughty sexual adventures with me by role playing and letting each of us step outside of our everyday personalities and just let it go and have some down and...

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Lakeside Fireworks

"You know, Crystal, I want you in both choirs," Mrs. Mitchell said. "I think your voice is mature enough for the chancel choir, but you'll still be a special case." Crystal agreed to all the conditions. As the choirs started up for the fall, she was the only sophomore in the chancel choir, indeed, the only high school student. "I'm trying to recruit more young singers," Mrs. Mitchell told her. "There will be the Morgan boy, too. Craig is his name." It turned out that she was...

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June and July 2nd try

“What's going on?”, I asked. “June's broken up with her boyfriend. I told her that she can move in here, with us. We've been discussing how that could work.” “Oh! And what have you come up with?” “Well. I started by telling her that we sleep naked and often walk around the house naked and we are always naked when we use the pool.” “And I said that I wouldn't want you to change that for me, so I'll follow your example. That's why we're out here naked, starting the way that...

4 years ago
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Daisies in July

Asters in September Frost before the snows fly Violets in the springtime Daisies in July I remember the valley from when I was a very little girl. I don’t think it’s really changed much from then even though it’s been, what, almost thirty years. God, it couldn’t have really been that long, now could it? Of course I wouldn’t expect it to change very much. Most things in this part of the world tend to change slowly if at all. This valley is nearly a half mile from my house, up the mountain a...

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Porn on the 4th of july

by williacjlast year i wrote a story about fucking Dylan Dreyer of the today show this July 4th i have a brand new-""well hello there,we meet again" a voice says,I turned around."whoa dylan what are you doing here?" i asked."celebrating the fourth of July" she said. I looked her up and down."damn Dylan god look at you whoa shit i know you're married but damn you look good in that dress." "oh wow you're checkin me out aren't you?" she asked." honestly dylan i can't help it look at you pink and...

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Nancys summer diary july

July 5 Dear Diary, Had a great 4th of July!!! A bunch of us had a big picnic down by the lake and Isaac took me into the woods, leaned me up against a tree, and really fucked me hard!!! I've never really thought about it, but I saw another couple fucking and this other dude's cock wasn't nearly as big as Isaac's!!! When he was pounding my cunt, I started realizing what a lucky girl I am to have such a big pecker to take care of my pussy!!! I made sure I made enough noise so that she would see...

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13th July 1985 can you remember what you were doing

13th July 1985 - can you remember what you were doing? Can you remember what you were doing that day, I can, it and the day before and the day after were three days that would change my life forever. Firstly let me introduce myself, my name is Robin Sherwood (no men in tights jokes please) and in 1985 I was 17 years old. I lived in a bleak northern town in Thatchers 80's Britain, having moved there to be closer to my grandparents after my parents divorce. My father with his...

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The Visitor Monicas Diary Tuesday July 4

The Visitor Monica's Diary Tuesday, July 4 "Consternation to the enemies of the Republic! God save the United States of America!" This is how Nathan usually greets the holiday, after he has awakened us by firing a blank black-powder charge from a miniature cannon he took in payment for some carpentry work many years ago. He always takes this day off and always uses it to catechize the children on the Declaration of Independence. Hannah has memorized the preamble paragraph, the...

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Mr Millers 4th of July Party

Authors note: This is a sequel to Mr. Miller's Christmas story. You may wantto read that one first. Mr. Miller's 4th of July Party By Deputy Duffy Time moved slowly between Christmas and the 4th of July. Not a day went bythat I didn't think about the events that occurred at Mr. Miller's Christmasparty. It didn't help that I'd frequently run into people I saw at the party,but couldn't say anything because they didn't know I was even there. No onedid, aside from the Millers and the other Santas,...

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4th of July Parade

The 4Th of July Parade, By G. lacy panties It all started with a string of bets, and ended up with me walking in the 4th of July Parade wearing a Red, white and blue dress, with a giant petticoat, stockings, high heeled shoes and a giant floppy hat. My wife and I are fiercely completive and constantly make bets with each other over the silliest things! And push the losers willingness to do outrages things eat things that are disliked, do all the chorus around the house for a set...

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It was Friday, July 2. I was on my way to visit my girlfriend Meg at her parent's house. They had invited me to their annual Fourth of July celebration. Meg is my college sweetheart, and we hadn't seen each other in nearly two months, so I was anxious to be with her again. That wasn't the only reason I wanted to be there, though. I was hoping that the weekend would finally be the right time for Meg and I to sleep together. Meg's 18 (almost 19). She and I had met back in January during the...

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Diwali Fireworks

Hello friends, this story is the true event in the life of a fan of mine who has sent it to me. Names have been changed for privacy reasons. you may email me your comments at sislover_man2yahoo.in Deepa is 20 years old girl who is chased by boys in her college. She is a sex bomb with a sexy figure of 36-24-36. She is fair, big eyes and long legs. She is craving for a cock but so far has only sarisfied her cunt with watching porn movies, reading porn literature and by masturbating using...

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It was a hot July 4th afternoon when my wife and I slowly began to get ready for the evening fireworks show, down at the lake. We live in a gated lakeside community. Our youngest child, Cody (16), still lived at home. His two elder sisters are married and have families of their own. They would not be attending. It was about 7:00 PM when Cody came running up the block with our next door neighbor's daughter Sammy (Samantha) 13, in tow. They had apparently just set off some firecrackers because...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 55 Fireworks

July 4, 1989, Chicago, Illinois “What the fuck? What is SHE doing here?” I whispered angrily to my sister. “Len invited her as his date,” Stephanie said. “And it didn’t occur to you to tell him NOT to do that?” “No, but when they got here I pulled him aside and told him that if she said a single word about religion, I’d kick them both out. I’m sorry.” “Fine. I’m just going to ignore them. Unless...” “Thanks,” she said. “And I understand you might have to kick them out.” Kathy and Kurt...

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July July

July is my favorite month as it’s beach weather in New England and I love the beach — and, of course, sex!  The month had started with a few great swingers' parties but nothing worth recording as it was my husband and I who had fun together.But I also had fun on my own. I met the gym boys for a threesome, but it ended faster then it started. I love those guys, but it’s becoming routine and I hate routine.Then there was Nate (see Stanley Cup Part Two). I was absolutely in love with him, and he...

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Fourth Of July Party

+++++ Fourth Of July Party My wife and I decided to host a family “Forth of July” party on our farm. We have several hundred acres of land and can do just about anything that we want to do. It was planned several months in advance so that I had plenty of time to prepare a field up in the back forty to hold the party. Since the forth was on a Wednesday this year we invited everyone that we knew to spend the entire week and both weekends too. People could bring their tents or...

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Fourth of July Texas Style

Shay adjusted her red, white and blue sun visor to filter the glare from the bright Texas July sun from her eyes. She enjoyed watching him in her world. Her family and friends were so impressed with Rick. She smiled to herself remembering what her eighty year old Uncle Gip had to say about him. ‘He is all right by me Shay, and one lucky dayum Canadian at that to have you on his arm!’ he scarfed as he swatted at her rose bush with his walking cane. Followed by, ‘ see if he can do something...

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Gay 4th Of July

Gay 4th Of JulyBy: Londebaaz Chohan College had notified Dylan in writing that from next semester, he will not be given a room in the dormitory and still having no otherwise arrangements made, Dylan moved back home and at home he was given the news that if he had to continue his education, he better look for some financial aid, some scholarship or get his ass off to some work every morning and save a decent amount of money showing his will to study and also to pay for the room rent. His mom had...

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Hot Fourth of July Pool Party

My Fourth of JulyMy boyfriend and me were having some problems. Well, I was having a problem that he wasn’t turning me on anymore. I liked him, but I didn’t want to be with him anymore. There were so many hot guys that I wanted to play with. I wanted to play with others and him, experiment with fetishes like leather, BDSM, lycra/spandex, web camming, etc. And, he thought I was sick and pervie. He wasn’t up for it at all, so when I got a call from a buddy inviting me to a pool party on the...

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Fifth of July Hangover

Fifth of July Hangover by Deputy Duffy It was Independence Day when I got a phone message from my Aunt Peg.When I heard her whiny voice, I knew she wasn't wishing me a happy fourthor inviting me over for a cookout. She seemed to call only when she neededsomething. I wish that included something provocative, since she looked anddressed sort of like Peg Bundy, and that would have fulfilled a couple oflong-standing fantasies of mine. But usually it was just some sort of householdrepair or...

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The 4th of July Massacre 2

As Cap approached me with his enormous smile which matched his cock he was stroking, I attempted to climb to my feet. The swelling in my pussy and asshole was increasing with every second. I continued to wipe the large amounts of cum from my eyes, tring to clear my blured vision. "That's ok doll stay on your knees, that's were I want you," Cap said as he made it to me. I glanced his direction and his fully erect cock was dangling in front of me. He lifted it up with one hand, taking my face...

Group Sex
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July 1966

Of course, I had attempted the juvenile fumbling with friends but, coming from a strict catholic family in the North of England, the very idea of any form of sex was likely to send me tumbling into the pits of hell, or so I thought. This was 1966; 9 years after Lord Wolfenden had advised the British government that homosexuality should not be a criminal offense and one year before they partially decriminalized gay sex. I was eighteen years old, naive, cute with dark eyebrows and curly blond...

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The Tale of Two Julys

I hadn't seen him at all in nearly 20 years and it has been 23 since we first met. We had a hot night of sex when I was 19 years old on a hot July night. Twenty one years is a long time, he had found me on social media just two weeks ago. We had been emailing and texting almost non stop and here was the day I would see him again. The past 2 weeks we have flirted online with each other talking about what an incredible night we shared on a late night 4th of July after he had seen me earlier in my...

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A Lily in July

I am an only child. My mother died during child birth and my father never remarried. My father died in a car accident the summer after I graduated; a drunk driver crossed the double lines and hit him head on. I sold the house and his business. Between the money from the sales and his life insurance, I was able to buy a house close to the college I was to attend and have plenty of money left over that I wouldn’t have to worry about money for a while. It was a nice little neighborhood;...

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E072 Fourth of July

The next month or so flies by for Donald and Emma.  Plans for their pool are developing, and the building of it will soon begin.  All the work needed to be done on Emma’s house is finished, and a realtor has placed in on the market.  The asking price amazes Emma some as she did not realize the value of the property. The furniture auction is complete, there are still a couple more things to sell, but her bank account is rising substantially.  The one-hundred-dollar bills are saved for future...

Love Stories
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Sharing CIndy Chapter 28 4th of July Fun

Introduction: My wife teases in the pool and the shower. Sharing Cindy Chapter 28 A Fun Fourth Of July I have always loved the Fourth of July holiday. I love watching the fireworks. I love the food, the fun and being together with friends, having a great time, celebrating the independence of our great country. I also love the fact that it falls right in the middle of summer, meaning the women are usually wearing very little clothing or simply bathing suits. When Cindy and I purchased our...

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Lactating Hot Wife Chapter 5 Fourth of July at Vail CO

The relationship: In retrospect, I should have seen this coming. In the weeks following my decision to open my marriage, as well as my thighs to my husband's best friend, Glenn, the emotional entanglements became more obvious and real. Glenn claimed that he was in love with me. If I am honest, I shared those feelings towards him as well. My emotional connection to Glenn was not surprising since he was only the second man with whom I had made love, and the second man with whom I had ever...

Wife Lovers
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Jock TalesHappy 4th of July

Happy 4th of JulySummer had been great---and so was life. I had coined my own little phrase--“one lucky white boi”. Finally achieving 6', and those big ass jock feet now at a 12, poppin 8 hard squares of abs, 9” of vein poppin cock, and that hard round hairy ass. I admit, sometimes I just stood in front of the mirror and jacked off, sniffin on my bushy pits. I tried to keep myself in check, and not brag, or get a big head about it all. Damm, I had more shit than most seniors. But—I could...

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Fourth of July breeding bang Day 1

My Master decided to breed me. He took me off birth control last month, and had me count the days to my ovulation this month. He settled on the 4th and 5th of July which is my most fertile time. He wants me to have a black baby without having any idea who the baby daddy is so he set up two breeding gang bangs for me. Last week I got my underarms, legs and pussy waxed so I’m nice and smooth and I got to go shopping for some new slutty clothes. The first gang bang was set up for July 4th. When...

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Micha and George on the Fourth of July

Micha and George on the Fourth of JulyMicha is a very sexy latina girl that I met just a couple of weeks ago. We had already spent several hours exploring and becoming intimately familiar with each other, body and mind. We discovered that we were both bisexual and had discussed a threesome, but made no firm plans. When she called me and asked me to join her and her boyfriend George for a holiday picnic, there was something in her voice that made me wonder. "Is there a threesome in the works?" I...

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A Neighborhood July 4th Celebration

Denise looked around at all of the happy faces and smiled because the party was going so well. It certainly took the stress off, as she was the one who made most of the arrangements for the large neighborhood gathering. Everyone seemed to love an Independence Day celebration and the party atmosphere spread through the entire neighborhood. Denise was over the top, as everyone came up and thanked her for the great party.It seemed someone was constantly shoving a drink in her hand and it felt like...

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July 4th Celebration

On July first I returned home from our health club. Ann was packing my suitcase for a mini vacation at a bayside resort. My suitcase was filled with all my girlie things: lubes, vibes, wrist and ankle restraints and the paddle she used on me when I was bad. She also said Ben, his brother Josh, and two others were joining us. Before continuing, I should mention how I became the man I am and how Ann took charge of me. My wife Ann and I met in college and had been married for twenty-five happy...

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Happy 4th of July

Our son and his college room mate named King Hut (nick named King, were home for the fourth of July and my birthday. King's dad was a military man and his family was stationed overseas so it was natural for him to me with us for the holidays. King is a very good looking black guy with lots of personality and is very polite. He is the kind that makes a woman wish she was young again and hoping to date, well... wonder if he would date a white gal? or would I date a black guy? The answer for me...

5 years ago
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As a brief résumé of my situation,my name is Shirley,i run a lesbian escort agency and have a lovely clientele of gorgeous ladies,many of whom are married,yet crave the sexual attention of another woman.Yes,i was married to Paul for 3 years and our sex life was good while we were together and I loved sucking his big black 9 inch cock. I refer you to my early blogs where I describe my lovemaking with him. I may be a lesbian,i have discovered my true feelings,but please do not be surprised at my...

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Memorial Day Memories 2 Fourth of July Feelings

Memorial Day Memories Part 2: Fourth of July Feelings End of Part 1: And harder I went. In and out, back and forth, harder and deeper. One of my hands roamed to her tits, the other to her clit. Pulling on her nipples and massaging her tiny button she began to moan loudly and thrash back and forth on my cock, nearing her orgasm. Nearing my own I started to lose my rhythm, and mercilessly pounded her. Jocelyn’s arm’s finally gave out and she rested on her chest and head as I came deep insider,...

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The Visitor Monicas Diary Friday July 7

Monica's Diary: Friday, July 7 After clearing our visits to Amarillo with Nathan last night, we packed our lunches and laid out our clothes. He did point out the need for more prayer on this matter, since we were now placing Timothy into the hands of what he called the "system." I must confess that at first, I did not understand what he meant. "It's not like we're taking Timothy to a physician to diagnose the meaning of physical symptoms," Nathan said as we were getting ready...

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A Neighborhood July 4th Celebration

Denise looked around at all of the happy faces and smiled because the party was going so well. It certainly took the stress off, as she was the one who made most of the arrangements for the large neighborhood gathering. Everyone seemed to love an Independence Day celebration and the party atmosphere spread through the entire neighborhood. Denise was over the top, as everyone came up and thanked her for the great party. It seemed someone was constantly shoving a drink in her hand and it felt...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 57 Independence Day and July 5th

Year 4 Independence Day is one of my favorite holidays because I am one of those right-wing nut jobs that loves his country and loves to celebrate it. My wives are pretty much the same way. Very unlike my second wife who left me because, “I can’t stay with someone who would not vote for that wonderful man, Barack Obama.” Yeah, that’s right. I came home from a competition and half the furniture and all her clothes were gone. I called her. “Hi. Is there something you want to tell me?” “I am...

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RecoveryChapter 6 July

Greg was preoccupied as June moved slowly toward July and freedom from Bonner with finishing his classes and dealing with the rapidly transforming shape of his personal life. He had let his dad and Debbie organize their return to St. George. Once he had established that the condo would be in the right location he had lost interest in it. A few friends who had lost touch over the winter months started to make contact with him. He welcomed it, but found he had separated wheat from shaft and had...

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Fourth Of July

My husband has been trying to get me to participate in a threesome with another woman, now I'm not averse to the idea, the problem has been trying to find another girl who turns me on. I've met two so far, one in a restaurant bathroom, she did make my pussy get wet, but she thanked me for the offer and said no thanks. The other I met in a supermarket and when I made the offer to her, she called a fucking pervert and stormed away, so I'm still looking. Our annual Forth of July Bbque was coming...

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Sallys Fourth of July Picnic

“I’ve got the cooler all packed,” said Sally. “We have chicken salad sandwiches, potato chips, and plenty of beer. I think we’re ready to go.” I grabbed Sally by both ass cheeks and pulled her to me. “I’ve got the buns.” She laughed and pushed me way. “Angela will arrive any minute so cool your jets and load the car.” I grabbed the cooler and put it in the trunk of the minivan with the rest of the picnic supplies. We were going to the lake with Angela, Sally’s best friend. Angela had gotten...

Group Sex
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New Jock TalesFreshman YearChptr 12Happy 4th of July

Summer had been great---and so was life. I had coined my own little phrase-- “one lucky white boi”. Finally achieving 6', and those big ass jock feet now at a 12, poppin 8 hard squares of abs, 9” of vein poppin cock, and that hard round hairy ass. I admit, sometimes I just stood in front of the mirror and jacked off, sniffin on my bushy pits. I tried to keep myself in check, and not brag, or get a big head about it all. Damm, I had more shit than most seniors. But not just the awesome...

2 years ago
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New Years Fireworks

It was a beautiful Summer evening in Australia, and the new years festivities were booming. Annie, an eighteen-year-old university student, was getting ready for her night at the harbour. This is where she planned to get drunk and get fucked. Putting on her sleek mini dress, she thought of her ex-boyfriend. Dumping her by email? What a jerk. She definitely deserved better, and hopefully tonight was the night she could get back at him. The dress she wore was black, only barley covered her...

3 years ago
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New Years Fireworks

It was a beautiful Summer evening in Australia, and the new years festivities were booming. Annie, an eighteen-year-old university student, was getting ready for her night at the harbour. This is where she planned to get drunk and get fucked. Putting on her sleek mini dress, she thought of her ex-boyfriend. Dumping her by email? What a jerk. She definitely deserved better, and hopefully tonight was the night she could get back at him. The dress she wore was black, only barley covered her ass,...

Straight Sex
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Changes in Paradise Timeline Pod Tree as of July 2007

Changes in Paradise By Patricia Time Line & Pod Trees - as of July 2007 Posted in deep appreciation for "Dan_from_warm_Los_Angeles" thoughtful comments! Thanks to Fran(k) for invaluable work done on the first time- line (I didn't use an outline until Chapter 07, when ... yes, Dan, you can smile ... I was getting people mixed up in my own head). Chapter 01: Patrick and John arrive on 399 (Mermaid Island) - A Radio repairs -A + 2...

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