We Saw Fireworks free porn video

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Burned out. That's what I was on the occasion of my boss's 4th of July party last year. I was 26 years old, just three years out of UC Heritage's school of Business, a junior accountant at one of the most prestigious firms in the greater Heritage area, and I was just as burned out as a man could be and still drag himself into work each day.

I had been at Breckman, Remington, and Dowel since my graduation and I had been working a minimum of eighty hours every week since. My wife - who had been my high school girlfriend and had put me through college by working as a waitress - had put up with my extended absences for 16 months before packing her bags and boogying on down the road to greener pastures. Our divorce had been finalized just weeks before the party. I think the lack of any social life in the wake of our separation contributed to what happened that night.

Stephen Remington III was one of the senior partners of the firm and was the direct boss of my division. He was a chubby, balding man in his fifties and a stern, unforgiving taskmaster to his underlings. He was also a very rich man, as were all of the partners, and he owned a winery in one of the lush valleys of nearby Lake County. It seemed that in order to reward the efforts of the sixty-one accountants that had spent the past year slaving under his command, he decided to throw us an Independence Day party at his spread, complete with barbeque, drinks, dancing, and fireworks. Attendance at the event, as was the case with any company function, was pretty much mandatory.

And so it came to pass that instead of sitting at home and enjoying one of the few days that the firm's offices were actually closed down and locked, I put on a stylish pair of khaki shorts, a stylish blue polo shirt, and hopped in my car for the ninety minute drive to Lake County.

The winery that Mr. Remington owned sat upon five hundred acres of prime real estate nestled against the side of a valley. Most of the land was of course taken up by the vineyards, which stretched up and down a series of gently rolling hills along the main road. The winery itself - a majestic, three-story building of classic Spanish architecture - sat on the far west end of the property, right off the paved entrance road. It was surrounded by a huge, immaculately maintained lawn that was landscaped with hedges, flower gardens, palm trees, and a large brick barbecue enclosure. Just beyond the lawn, between the winery building and the start of the vineyards, was a round duck pond, about three hundred feet in diameter. In the center of this pond was a small island that was covered with more of the hedges and five or six of the palms. In all, the property was a very impressive chunk of land, an opulent display of our boss's considerable wealth - wealth that we peons at the bottom of the ladder had been responsible for earning for him.

It was ten minutes after four when I pulled into the winery and parked my Mercedes (which was leased of course - my ex-wife was entitled to alimony and child support that amounted to nearly forty percent of my salary) among the other high-end automobiles of my peers. A short walk brought me to the barbecue area, which seemed to be the center of the activity. A bar had been set up here and two uniformed bartenders were on duty, mixing and serving drinks. There was also a bandstand upon which amplifiers, microphones, a drum-set, and a keyboard set were sitting idle. Recorded music was currently playing at soft volume from the speakers. Milling about everywhere, in groups of four or six or eight, were my co-workers, mostly men but a few women as well. Nearly all of them had a spouse or at least a significant other hanging on their arm or hovering close by. I felt a small pang of regret that I had been forced to attend alone but my busy schedule of late had precluded the possibility of even digging up a platonic date, let alone an actual one. I greeted people as I entered the crowd, shaking hands here, giving hugs there, passing a few phony words as if I really liked them. In truth, I detested almost everyone that I worked with. They were money-grubbing back-stabbers who would do anything that it took to get ahead and who would do anything they thought they could get away with to keep others down.

I found Mr. Remington near the bar and headed over to make the obligatory greeting. He was dressed in his own pair of khaki shorts and his own polo shirt with the firm's logo upon the breast. His ample stomach, forged from years of three martini lunches, bulged over his waistline enough to conceal his belt. He was sipping what appeared to be a scotch on the rocks and puffing on a large cigar. Standing next to him was his wife, whom I had never met before but who I recognized from the pictures on his desk. She was a trophy wife in every sense of the word. A striking brunette, she was slim and petite, her body firmly toned, undoubtedly from sessions with a personal trainer. Her breasts were small but firm, an aristocratic size that did not have the unnatural symmetry of enhancement surgery shaping them. She was decked out in a cute but fashionable summer dress. She looked about twenty, twenty-four at the oldest, but I knew from company gossip that she was actually thirty-one. That same gossip had informed me that she was his second wife, replacing an older model about five years before, and that she herself was now approaching obsolescence and eventual replacement.

"John," Remington greeted when I walked up. "Glad you could make it son. We've got quite a party in store today." He held out his hand to me.

"Uh... it's Jeff," I corrected, shaking with him.

"Sorry, Jeff," he said, shaking his head in amusement. "That was some good work you did on the Feller account last week. We couldn't have wrapped that up without you."

"Thank you sir," I mumbled, doing my best to appear gracious even though I had not done any work on the Feller account or anything remotely related to it. "It's nice to be here. A beautiful place that you have here."

"It's a good hobby," he said, looking around in pride at his acres. "Not a bad tax write-off either. Have you met my wife?"

"No, I don't believe I've ever had the pleasure," I said, casting my eyes on her and smiling.

"I'm Suzanne," she said, returning my smile and holding out her hand to me.

I shook it, feeling the soft skin of one that has never done a day's work in her life. I told her that I was pleased to make her acquaintance.

"Are you here by yourself Jeff?" she asked me. "Surely a good looking guy like you didn't come stag."

"I'm afraid I have," I told her. "I've been working kind of hard lately and wasn't able to find a date." I shrugged as if it didn't matter. "What can you do, huh?"

"Well hopefully we'll keep you entertained," she told me.

"Yes," Remington cut in, "I've hired some professional pyrotechnic technicians for the fireworks display tonight."

"Really?" I said, as if interested.

"Indeed," he assured me. "Of course I had to apply for a special permit in order to have a professional quality display, but it helps when you're poker buddies with two of the county supervisors." He laughed at his own wit. "Anyway, these guys are from Ukraine and they have ten years of experience in this sort of thing. They help with the New Year's Eve show in downtown Heritage every year. They've promised me a hell of a show."

"Is that right?" I asked, marveling to myself over the thought of Ukrainian pyrotechnicians running an American Independence Day show.

He nodded. "They're going to set everything up on the island out there in the duck pond and shoot them straight up. It cost me a pretty penny but it should be well worth it I hope." He winked at me. "Besides, it's all a write-off, right? Since this is a business gathering."

I spent another minute or so making idle chit-chat with the two of them and then Steve Randall and his wife showed up to make their own niceties to the boss, allowing me to slip away. I immediately headed for the bar and ordered a stiff drink.

Soon, the barbeque was fired up, filling the air with the odor of burning briquettes. As the fire roared and then settled down, bringing the coals to optimum cooking temperature, I mingled with my co-workers - as was expected of me - mostly listening as they talked of upcoming projects, past projects, current projects, and their own hopes and dreams of someday making partner in the firm. It was a commonly accepted notion that that particular reward could conceivably come after only twelve to fifteen years of eighty-hour weeks. They all seemed excited by this thought. It only served to depress me.

Most of the other accountants and their significant others visited the bar infrequently, getting a single drink and then sipping on it until the ice was completely melted. This was a company function after all and the boss was present. Nobody wanted to be seen swilling down the booze like they were having a good time. It might reflect badly on their careers and add a few years to that twelve to fifteen that making partner took. They did this despite the fact that both Mr. Remington and his wife were pounding down scotch like it was going out of style. I made no such accommodations. I put away four whisky sours in my first hour there, getting myself a premium, grade-A buzz going. I received a few strange looks from my peers for doing this but I ignored them, caring less with each sip that I took. I figured that since I had been forced to be here, ninety miles from home on a work holiday, I was going to have myself a good time and fuck what people thought.

It was during one trip to the bar that I encountered a man that seemed very out of place at the gathering. He was short and rounded, about forty years old, and dressed in a pair of ratty blue jean shorts and a tattered T-shirt. He held a whispered conversation with the bartender and I heard a distinct Russian accent drifting over, though I could not make out the words. He must be one of the pyrotechnicians, I figured. I thought briefly of striking up a conversation with him. After all, how often does one get a chance to talk to an actual fireworks lighter? I was pretty sure he would be more interesting to talk to than anyone else at the party. But then the whispered conversation with the bartender took on the tone of negotiation. They bantered back and forth for a few minutes and then some money exchanged hands, moving from the Ukrainian's to the bartender's. After that a bottle of expensive vodka and a bucket of ice changed hands, this time moving in the opposite direction. The Ukrainian made a hasty exit, disappearing in the direction of the maintenance shacks near the back of the winery.

The bartender saw that I had witnessed this and paled a little.

"Don't worry," I told him, setting my empty glass down. "I didn't see a thing."

"Thanks," he said gratefully, filling me up with a fresh whiskey sour and going heavy on the whiskey. "Just making a few extra bucks on Mr. Remington, you know? You accountants are lousy tippers."

"Yep," I agreed, tossing a buck into his jar. "Never bartend at a function where CPA's are the guests. We're the cheapest motherfuckers on Earth."

We had a laugh about that and I took my drink and disappeared. Later, when I went to the restroom near the rear of the winery I heard laughter and excited Russian phrases drifting from the maintenance shack. It seemed that they were well into the vodka they had acquired. More power to them. I never considered for a minute that it might not be a good idea to supply men who were going to be lighting off airborne explosives with alcohol. Apparently, neither did the bartender.

It was on my sixth or seventh trip to the bar, as the steaks and chicken were being cooked on the barbeque and the bowls of potato salad were being hefted onto the serving table, that I found myself standing next to Suzanne Remington. She was a bit unsteady on her feet and her face was a little flushed. The hem of her summer dress was just above her knees and she wore no nylons. I took a moment to admire her legs, which were toned and very shapely. I couldn't believe that old man Remington wanted to trade her in. She was a definite hottie. If she had been mine, I would've been banging her every night and twice on Sunday.

"You're... Jeff, right?" she asked me as we waited for the bartender to produce our fresh drinks. "The one who came by himself?"

"That's me," I confirmed. "This is a really nice party you've thrown."

She shrugged a little, giving a cynical look. "The best part are the drinks," she said. "We have an absolutely wonderful bartender, don't we?"

"I'll have to agree with you there," I said.

She looked me up and down for a moment. "You seem a little different than the rest of the guys. You've been over here to the bar as much as Stephen and I. Aren't you afraid he'll think badly of you?"

I hesitated for a moment before answering, wondering what her intentions were in asking me that. She didn't seem to be grilling me, she just seemed pleasantly curious. I didn't sense that she was going to go report what I said to her better half. "Well," I finally said, "when you're divorced and paying alimony and child support, you take all the free drinks you can get your hands on. Who knows when you're going to get offered some more?"

She smiled, a genuine smile and not the phony hostess smile she had offered before. "You're refreshing," she told me. "An accountant with a sense of humor. I thought you had to turn that in when you graduated."

"Not when you graduate," I said. "Just when you get hired at BR&D. But I put a claim check on mine and I take it out with me once in a while. Today seemed a good day."

"Careful," she said playfully, "don't let Stevie hear you badmouthing the company. You might have to put in another two years before they make you partner."

"That's another 8000 hours of work," I said reflectively. "If I sing the company song during the fireworks show do you think that'll make up for it?"

"Only if you do it in red, white, and blue underwear," she told me with a giggle.

We got our drinks and she walked back to the main part of the party with me. Her husband was currently on the other side of the crowd, regaling a few of the hard-core brownnosers with tales of his climb up the fabled ladder. His voice was loud and drunken and even over the babble of dozens of other conversations we could hear a few words drifting over. Remington was definitely one of those people that loved to hear himself talk.

Suzanne stayed next to me and we talked, our conversation taking in more neutral topics. We discovered a mutual fondness for exercising and we spent a few minutes talking of our favorite techniques for engaging in that activity. As I had suspected, she employed a personal trainer who came to her house three days a week to supervise her workouts in the fully equipped gym on the bottom floor of her house.

"He's a gorgeous hunk," she told me, "right out of a Chippendale calendar, but he's as queer as a three-dollar bill." She shook her head in amusement. "That's what I get for letting Stevie pick the trainer for me I guess."

"He's just trying to keep the competition away," I said, and then, thanks to the alcohol coursing through my body, I added: "Can't say that I blame him, either." I felt a little burst of adrenaline as I realized that I'd made a half-assed pass at my boss's wife, but it eased up when I saw her smile instead of frown.

"You're sweet," she said, tapping my arm with her hand. "But I'd rather have someone training me who liked to look at me instead of you, you know what I mean?"

"How much does the boss pay for that?" I asked her. "Maybe I can take a shot at it?"

She giggled, slapping at my arm again. "You're a flirt," she told me, not seeming to mind in the least. "I can't believe you couldn't get a date."

"Strange but true," I said, looking at her glass. "Would you like another drink?"

"I'd love one," she told me.

Dinner was served a few minutes later. Suzanne went back to sit with her husband while I joined a group on the other side of the gathering. We sat at picnic tables and munched on the food and the conversations about mergers and acquisitions and tax-free municipals went on and on. A few people gave me thinly veiled warnings that maybe I was drinking a little too much. A few gave me more specific ones.

"You better be cool Jeff," Mike Wilmington said softly. "Remington might be drunk but he sees everything."

"I'm cool," I assured him. "Alcohol consumption was what I majored in at CSUH. I can handle it."

"Shit," scoffed Wilmington, who was the closest thing I had to a friend at the firm. "You can't handle anything. You were flirting with his wife man. His wife!"

"We were just talking," I protested. "Is there any law against that?"

"There is if you want to keep working here," he hissed. "Don't be stupid. Lay off the booze and stay away from his piece. This is a company function, remember? It's not a kegger behind the frat house."

"I'll take that under advisement," I promised him.

And I did, deciding that he was probably right and that my judgment just might be a tad bit affected by the alcohol. I vowed to stay away from Mrs. Remington and be a good little accountant, worthy of the great BR&D name.

My vow lasted until shortly after the dinner plates were cleaned up and carted away. The band took the stage and began belting out classic rock and roll tunes from the 70s and 80s. Couples formed up in the area that had been designated as a dance floor and began to move to the beat. That was when Suzanne came over to me and asked me to dance.

"Sure," I told her, casting a quick glance over at Mr. Remington. He was out in the dance area as well, moving and grinding with the young girlfriend of Aaron Rivers. "Let's do it."

The song was Too Much Time On My Hands, a good beat to dance to. We moved our hips and shoulders amid the other couples and Suzanne's face lit up with a pleasant smile.

"You're pretty good at this," she told me.

"My ex-wife and I used to go out dancing a lot when we were first married," I replied.

"Let me guess," she said. "It was one of the things that she missed when you gave your soul to the company, right?"

"You must be psychic," I answered.

"Nope," she said, "I'm just a corporate wife too, from a long line of them."

The next song was That Smell and it was followed by 867-5309 Jenny. Suzanne and I stayed together out on the dance floor through both of them, moving our bodies and sweating a little in the summer heat. A few times during our motions our hands or our hips came into contact with each other. Each time this occurred it was like a spark of electricity had fired, like some charge that had been building had been allowed to ground. Those brief touches of her flesh, of her body against mine were making me randy, my lust directed at her tight body. I could tell that I was having a similar effect on her. By the time the band struck up Everybody Wants You the contacts were more frequent and no longer accidental. I was also sporting a respectable semi-erection in my khaki shorts.

Of course our antics did not go unnoticed by the other members of the party. I can't even begin to count the number of disapproving and scandalous glares I received from my peers and their dates. I ignored them for the most part, even the throat-cutting gestures that Mike Wilmington was sending at me. The only time I became seriously worried was when Suzanne and I, both sweaty and breathing heavy from the dancing, took a break to get a drink and rest for a few moments. It was then that Mr. Remington came over and pulled me aside.

Uh oh, I thought worriedly as he took me out of earshot. Now I've gone and done it. But the conversation that ensued was not at all what I was expecting.

"Jim," he said, his breath strong with the odor of scotch, "I notice you've been dancing with my wife quite a bit."

"It's Jeff sir," I said slowly.

"Whatever," he said dismissively. He looked around, seeing if anyone was in earshot and then leaned in conspiratorially. "I really appreciate what you're doing."

I wondered for a moment if I'd heard him correctly. "You do?"

He nodded. "Of course," he nearly whispered. "I see where you're coming from, and let me be the first to tell you that I appreciate it."

"You do?" I repeated, trying to keep my mouth from dropping open.

"Hell yes," he said. "There's a cornucopia of young poon at this place tonight, just ripe for the picking. It's very decent of you to keep the old ball and chain occupied for me while I go... you know... fishing." He winked at me. "Keep up the good work son. You keep taking care of the boss man like this and you'll be up for partner in no time. No time I tell you." With that he clapped me on the shoulder as a father would a son and then headed back for the crowd.

I stared after him, flabbergasted. He actually thought I was dancing with his wife so that he could hit on the other accountant's wives and girlfriends. He had actually thanked me for doing it. Fucking amazing.

The band struck up Burning For You. I walked over to Suzanne and asked her to dance again. She smiled knowingly at me and a moment later we were back on the dance floor.

"Okay, I'm going to be psychic again," she said as we held hands and moved to the music. "He told you to keep me entertained so he could try his luck with the younger ladies in the crowd, right?"

"My, you seem to have a shallow opinion of your husband," I replied, refusing to answer her.

She scoffed a little. "You reap what you sew in this life," she said. "I stole him away from his first wife when I was twenty-four. She was thirty-three at the time. I have no illusions about my fate as Mrs. Remington. Stevie doesn't like them any older than mid-thirties. In fact, the older that he gets, the younger he seems to like them."

"Doesn't that bother you?" I asked her.

She shrugged, managing to make it to the time of the music. "Why should it? Do you think I married him because I was in love with him? I married him because he's rich. When he tosses me aside I'll be well taken care of. My lawyer insisted upon it in the pre-nup. Of course his lawyer tried to balk at it but we insisted and eventually wore them down."

I looked at her pointedly. "You had a lawyer conference just to get married to him?" I asked.

She shrugged again. "That's life in the upper crust for you. Romantic, isn't it?"

"It makes my heart melt," I told her, causing both of us to laugh.

We danced and danced, working our way through two or three more songs. As we moved our way across the dance area, our hands together, our legs and hips occasionally making brief, exciting contact, I happened to glance towards the duck pond a few times. I saw the four Ukrainians that made up the pyrotechnic team loading boxes into a rowboat that was resting on the shore. Even from a hundred yards away I could see the high explosive label on the side of the boxes. The Ukrainians themselves seemed a bit unsteady on their feet as they made first one then two then three trips across the water to the island, dropping off the boxes each time. They carried the boxes to the middle of the island, where the palm trees and the hedges were the thickest.

"Has Mr. Remington ever contracted with these people for a fireworks show before?" I asked Suzanne, my voice a little breathless from the exertion.

"No," she said, breathing a little hard herself. "He's never arranged for a fireworks show before. He thought it would impress everyone, give them something they've never seen at a party before. Why do you ask?"

"Oh... no reason," I said dismissively, casting another glance at the Ukrainians, noting that one of them had actually tripped over his own feet and fallen down while carrying one of the boxes. "No reason at all."

The sun gradually dipped below the horizon, imparting first an inky twilight upon the landscape and then a humid darkness. Mosquitoes, which were particularly heavy this season thanks to a wet winter without many frosts, made their appearance as well, feasting on the legs and arms of the guests. The temperature dropped from the low nineties to the low eighties and then even further when a pleasant breeze kicked up from the south. The guests of Mr. Remington actually seemed to loosen up a bit with the coming of the night, making more frequent trips to the bar and coming out to the dance floor in ever increasing numbers.

The band played on as the evening progressed and I continued to dance almost exclusively with Suzanne Remington, when we weren't hitting up the bar for more drinks that was. Finally a slow song was played - Waiting For A Girl Like You - and she and I found ourselves facing each other as the other couples held onto each other in intimate embraces. I took a glance over at Mr. Remington, seeing that he was still holding on to Aaron Rivers' girlfriend, who didn't, I might add, seem to be upset by his advances. I looked back at Suzanne and she held her arms out to me.

"I love the slow dances," she said. "Would you?"

"I'd be honored," I assured her.

I put my hands on her lower back and she put hers around my neck. We pulled together, our thighs touching lightly, her breasts pressing against my chest. I could feel the heat coming off of her skin from our exertions and could smell the pleasant, exciting odor of her perspiration filling my nose. My penis, which had pretty much behaved itself for most of the night, suddenly awakened and began to fill with blood.

"This is nice," Suzanne said dreamily, her chin resting on my shoulder as we swayed to the gentle beat. "Nobody's danced with me like this in years."

I pulled her a little tighter to me, unable to help myself, feeling the firmness of her skin beneath her dress, feeling her legs push a little harder into me. "It is," I agreed.

We didn't talk much more during the dance but we shared a certain sort of communication nonetheless, a communication that was dangerous on a primal level. She snuggled her head up against my neck, her chin resting on my shoulder. I could feel the moist warmth of her breath against my skin, a sensation that was far from unpleasant. Her arms tightened up around my neck, her soft fingertips softly caressing me in a manner that could only be described as sensuous. She pulled in tighter, allowing me to feel the full press of her breasts against me. I could feel the weight of them, the softness of them, the feminine intimacy of them as they rubbed in gentle circles on my upper stomach. I could also feel the push of her soft thighs against mine, the whisper of her thin dress gliding up and down, back and forth. More blood rushed to my penis, turning it into a full-fledged hard-on that pushed insistently into her stomach.

"Mmmmm," I heard her whisper in my ear, her voice with a tremor of excitement in it, "it feels like you're enjoying the dance as much as I am."

"I'm sorry," I said, a little bit of sobriety coming back to me, and with it, nervous embarrassment. This was my boss's wife, I had to remind myself. This was madness. I tried to pull away a little bit but she wouldn't let me.

"No, no," she whispered, her lips just touching my ear lobe, just enough to leave a kiss of saliva on it. "Don't pull back. It's been so long since I've felt a man react like that to me, and I'm just drunk enough that it feels really good."

"But I don't think Mr. Remington would appreciate it very much," I whispered back.

"Then don't rub it against him and he'll never know," she told me, snuggling in even closer and giving a deliberate grind against my groin.

I almost groaned at the sensation. I stopped trying to pull away from her. It just felt too damn good to hold her in my arms, to feel her softness pressing into me. As the song played on the caresses on the back of my neck grew softer, more sensuous, and her slow grind against my erection continued until I was almost panting with desire for her. Had she been anyone else, I would have kissed her, just angled my jaw downward and put my lips to hers, but I restrained myself from this despite the fact that I suspected that was exactly what she wanted me to do.

Finally, to both my relief and my consternation, the song ended, forcing us to break apart. We did so with a certain reluctance. I looked around in the darkness at the other couples on the floor, who were also breaking apart from their own dances. I could sense the disapproval and the disbelief radiating from most of them at my blatant flirtation with Suzanne. Apparently our indiscretion had not gone unnoticed. But Mr. Remington, in whose name the disapproval was being registered, remained oblivious and uncaring. He was escorting Rivers' girlfriend over to the bar, his hand resting on her lower back, just above the swell of her shapely ass. No one seemed to be projecting hostile feelings at him for his indiscretion. Not even Aaron Rivers himself, who was standing over by the food table talking to one of the other accountants. An interesting bit of hypocrisy on my colleague's part I thought bitterly.

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Friday Night Fireworks

Friday Night Fireworks This is a story of a fantasy night I would like to have with my wife. We often talk about naughty sexual thing when we are having sex and when we are in the heat of the moment she has said she would like to do some wild things, so here is my version of what that could be like. I have been after my wife to try some naughty sexual adventures with me by role playing and letting each of us step outside of our everyday personalities and just let it go and have some down and...

3 years ago
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Lakeside Fireworks

"You know, Crystal, I want you in both choirs," Mrs. Mitchell said. "I think your voice is mature enough for the chancel choir, but you'll still be a special case." Crystal agreed to all the conditions. As the choirs started up for the fall, she was the only sophomore in the chancel choir, indeed, the only high school student. "I'm trying to recruit more young singers," Mrs. Mitchell told her. "There will be the Morgan boy, too. Craig is his name." It turned out that she was...

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It was Friday, July 2. I was on my way to visit my girlfriend Meg at her parent's house. They had invited me to their annual Fourth of July celebration. Meg is my college sweetheart, and we hadn't seen each other in nearly two months, so I was anxious to be with her again. That wasn't the only reason I wanted to be there, though. I was hoping that the weekend would finally be the right time for Meg and I to sleep together. Meg's 18 (almost 19). She and I had met back in January during the...

5 years ago
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Diwali Fireworks

Hello friends, this story is the true event in the life of a fan of mine who has sent it to me. Names have been changed for privacy reasons. you may email me your comments at sislover_man2yahoo.in Deepa is 20 years old girl who is chased by boys in her college. She is a sex bomb with a sexy figure of 36-24-36. She is fair, big eyes and long legs. She is craving for a cock but so far has only sarisfied her cunt with watching porn movies, reading porn literature and by masturbating using...

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It was a hot July 4th afternoon when my wife and I slowly began to get ready for the evening fireworks show, down at the lake. We live in a gated lakeside community. Our youngest child, Cody (16), still lived at home. His two elder sisters are married and have families of their own. They would not be attending. It was about 7:00 PM when Cody came running up the block with our next door neighbor's daughter Sammy (Samantha) 13, in tow. They had apparently just set off some firecrackers because...

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July 4th Fireworks

July 4th Fireworks I’m sitting at my small desk that was salvaged from the inventory of furniture that wasn’t purchased by the new owners of the company I spent almost forty years building, nurturing, and enjoyably making successful. Truthfully, I’m glad I don’t have to answer the bell every day. The reason I’m writing is because of what day of the year it is. I am truly a patriot who is a proud American. The kids say I have the T-shirt but I also have the scars and limp that signify the...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 3 JessicaChapter 55 Fireworks

July 4, 1989, Chicago, Illinois “What the fuck? What is SHE doing here?” I whispered angrily to my sister. “Len invited her as his date,” Stephanie said. “And it didn’t occur to you to tell him NOT to do that?” “No, but when they got here I pulled him aside and told him that if she said a single word about religion, I’d kick them both out. I’m sorry.” “Fine. I’m just going to ignore them. Unless...” “Thanks,” she said. “And I understand you might have to kick them out.” Kathy and Kurt...

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New Years Fireworks

It was a beautiful Summer evening in Australia, and the new years festivities were booming. Annie, an eighteen-year-old university student, was getting ready for her night at the harbour. This is where she planned to get drunk and get fucked. Putting on her sleek mini dress, she thought of her ex-boyfriend. Dumping her by email? What a jerk. She definitely deserved better, and hopefully tonight was the night she could get back at him. The dress she wore was black, only barley covered her...

3 years ago
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New Years Fireworks

It was a beautiful Summer evening in Australia, and the new years festivities were booming. Annie, an eighteen-year-old university student, was getting ready for her night at the harbour. This is where she planned to get drunk and get fucked. Putting on her sleek mini dress, she thought of her ex-boyfriend. Dumping her by email? What a jerk. She definitely deserved better, and hopefully tonight was the night she could get back at him. The dress she wore was black, only barley covered her ass,...

Straight Sex
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bathroom fireworks

Well, it was a good weekend, was invited to a cook out with bunch of friends. Though did not know everyone there wife and I knew a few and we worked around the party. This was casual drinks and a cook out, which they didn't start cooking till we got there so was going to be a while. Among the people there was the Hostess's sister, which we had dated long time ago. She was looking very good, at 5'3", light carmel skin, with nice dark hair, and her ass is one that you just want to dive into. ...

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Jennifer Shepard puttered around her kitchen. She'd lived in this house on and off for her whole life, yet she had never cooked a holiday meal in it. But after talking with Abby and Tony and finding out that Team Gibbs spent most holidays alone, she offered to host a Fourth of July cookout. Most of the sides had been ordered cold from catering, but it was the thought that counted. She'd asked everyone to bring something special and the grill was fired up. They'd all bring packs along, just...

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A New PastChapter 53 July Fireworks

“Do you have time to talk to Mitt Romney?” Tamara asked as we headed from a conference room to my office in our Dublin building. Mitt, the former CEO of Bain Capital, had taken over the leadership of the Salt Lake Organizing Committee for the 2002 Winter Olympics following a bribery scandal the prior year. PT Innovations, as one of the larger employers in Park City, had stepped up as a sponsor immediately after his announcement. I recalled just enough history to know they would be successful...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 231 Fireworks

"Roamer," Rhonda said softly after she'd thrown some switches on the console. "Camera three is located over your left shoulder about thirty feet away. I want you to pan to your left and zoom in on the operator." Rhonda had a finger on the monitor for camera two. The roof was being raised by the crane and we could see the other camera on the far side of it. "Camera one, you are live. Follow the crane and pull back to have the roof in full frame." Another switch thrown. "Camera two,...

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1993Chapter 13 End of year fireworks

Thursday, the sixteenth of December, 1993: At nine AM the first email arrived from one of the investors and by ten-thirty, there had been nine emails or faxes giving me authority to represent the trust in purchasing the Denver building, with no reservations stipulated. I was to negotiate the terms of the purchase based on my best judgment. Some of the investors' e-mails and faxes were followed by telephone calls assuring me that I had their full support. I put everything in an interoffice...

1 year ago
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My Own 4th of July Fireworks

I had been dating my future husband for only a short time that summer, but I wasn't interested in just him. Chris and I had been hot for each other for some time, but his girlfriend got in the way. Anyway that is another long story. It was the evening of the 4th and I worked and lived at a local resort. Chris ands some of his friends were hanging out with us watching some tv. As usual a lot of the girls were off with their BF and I was alone with 4 guys. Tim and I were lying in bed togethor and...

Group Sex
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Warsaw Encounter

Traveling around the world for my work, spending endless nights in hotels, from the absolutely beautiful and impressive to low-end shit holes, I have encountered many people. One of my encounters went like this. I had been in Warsaw a number of times. I had set up a company there and as I always do, had changed hotels on each trip. I want to get the feel of a city, especially important in a city like Warsaw as there is no real city center. The Old City, or Stare Miasto in Polish, was totally...

Straight Sex
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Sawli Aunty Ki Din Mai Hi Chudai

Hi.. friends, Mera naam karan hai aur mai ISS ka purana reader hu. Meri age 26 year height 5′.11″aur mere Cock (lund) ka size 8 inch hai. aur mai Karnal se hu. Dosto jaise maine ISS ki bhut sari story read ki hai jinme kafi story milti julti hai… Meri ye ISS par ye pheli story hai.. yeh story ek vastvik jise pad kar aapko sex ka pura aanand milega… Dosto aapko bore naa karte hue mai Story par aata hu Ye baat us samay ki hai jab mai MBA ke exam hone ke baad mai job ki talash mai Delhi aaya mere...

4 years ago
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Sawaan jo aag Lagaaye

Mere pyaare pathako aur pathikaao. Main prem guru umar 32 saal ek multinational company me manager. (; ) ye kahaani nahi sacchi ghatana hai. Koi 10 saal purani baat hai jab engineering ki ek training ke program ke silsile me jab main aagara mausi ke ghar 10-15 dino ke liye thahara tha. Lalita (lata) meri mausi ki ladaki umar 18 saal 32-24-34 b.a. 1st year me padh rahi thi. Lo aage usi ki jabaani suno : Ye shama ki bacchi bhi ek nambar ki chuddakad hai. Apane bhaaijaan ke saath chudaai ke kisse...

3 years ago
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Warsaw Encounter

Traveling around the world for my work, spending endless nights in hotels, from the absolutely beautiful and impressive to low-end shit holes, I have encountered many people. One of my encounters went like this. I had been in Warsaw a number of times. I had set up a company there and as I always do, had changed hotels on each trip. I want to get the feel of a city, especially important in a city like Warsaw as there is no real city center. The Old City, or Stare Miasto in Polish, was totally...

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Jigsaw fucks Ariel

This is fiction! Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year. Girls get to dress up slutty without anyone thinking you’re a whore. The guys gets to show off their six pack! I’m a grown woman now, but Disney princesses still have a big place in my heart, and growing up Ariel was always my favorite. In order to dress up like her on Halloween, I had gone through the trouble to dye my hair red. I had the shell bra, and a green skirt that looked like a tail. The night started well. We sat in...

4 years ago
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Saws Magic and Bums

Your name is Daniel Jackson and you are 19 years of age living with your mum and 2 sisters. Your family situation is not as normal as most others but its normal enough. Dad ran out, Mum is doing her best and both sisters are currently studying at uni. You've always had a fascination with stage magic and have self taught yourself many different illusions and card tricks. You've even managed to convince your mother to practice with you in her spare time. One thing nobody knows though is that your...

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Brothers love Part 9 Cause baby youre a firework

Well, hello guys. I'm finally done with the first half of my year and I can say, It's been a good one, all A+ grades. ;D Anyways, I just wanted to say that I will be posting more stories around this and/or next week because I have 2 weeks off and I can get around to writing stores for your pleasure. Also, I wanted to thank you all for showing support in the comments in my previous parts. Because of your support I am still writing stories and I think I can continue until the next...

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Saw The Slutty Side Of Her Wife

Hi readers and thanks a lot for your responses for my earlier incidents. All those who are reading me for the first time I am 28 yr old single guy from Delhi . The incident I am going to describe is a true incident and happened just a month back. This is a true incident and it just only shows how much a flavour it can add in your sex life if a couple tries to do a different thing. This incident happened with a couple Vishal(34 yrs) and her wife Amrita (30 yrs). Vishal is an Engineer in an top...

2 years ago
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Saw Mom Getting Fucked From Dad Again

Hello Everyone. I am Amit again, back with a kind of sequel of my story. I hope you all have read my previous story. It was my 1st story that I published on Indian Sex Stories (ISS). Lot of readers showed interest in the story and enquired a lot about the incident which I have mentioned. Seeing the response from the story, I would like to share one more incident which I saw just few days back. I really couldn’t believe I am watching my parents having sex at this age. Now I know everything about...

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Saw Mom And Dad Fucking

My mom and dad were schoolmates. They were quite young as I was born very early just after they completed their school. They fucked each other regularly even before their marriage. I was born after 6 months of their marriage. Being from an open minded family and a big city, me and my parents were quite frank about sex. My parents were also very modern. Mom was 38 yrs old housewife and very sexy and always wore short clothes or tight leggins and jeans with deep cut tops to reveal her cleavage....

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Saw Mom Getting Fucked From Dad

Hello, everyone. I am Amit (name changed) from Chandigarh. Age 22(correct age). If anyone wants to have fun online, contact me at This is a real incident. There is not a 0 % of fiction in this. I am just describing what I saw. Now I would like to start my story. This incident happened 6 years back when I used to be 16. This incident completely changed my thoughts for a small period of time but later I realized it is fine for a married couple to involve in sex after marriage and having kids....

2 years ago
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Saw Neighbour Girl Fingering Pussy Watching My WorkOut

Hi, horny readers and ISS fans, this is Arjun and I am sharing my experience here for the first time. I have been a huge fan of the ISS site for more than 7 years and visit the website daily. I have read every story posted on a daily basis. After a huge thought, I decided to pen down my stories and experiences here and also connect with like-minded people. About myself: My name is Arjun and I am from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. I am currently 25 years old. I am 6 feet tall and 65...

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Saw Roohi NewlyWed Neighbor Masturbating 8211 Part 4

Thank you, everyone, for your comments and suggestions. I love hearing those, and it means a lot to me as well. I appreciate that you take out time to comment, so keep them coming. Any new readers can send me their suggestions, feedback, or thoughts on [email protected], and please don’t hesitate before writing. Also, read the previous parts. I took a sip of my drink and said, “I stood on my balcony completely naked and hoping that someone would see me.” A naughty smile...

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Saw Heaven In The Form Of My Office Friend8217s Beauty

Dear ISS readers, My name is Vijay from pune. To describe me, I love keeping myself fit and I go to gym regularly. I am 5’11 height and little dark in complexion. Yeah thats all about me. Please share your feedback to me on first time im sharing my sexual encounter in this forum. For any mistakes please forgive me. Coming to the real incident which happened to me in May 2013. I work in an IT firm based in Pune, and it was Friday and there were lots of new joinees in the company, most were...

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Saw Roohi NewlyWed Neighbor Masturbating

 I was 20 years of age and was in the second year of my graduation. Everything was normal until this couple moved in next door. We were a native of this city for the past 20 years. But we decided to move to the outskirts of the city to a newly constructed society to avoid the hassles of the ever so fast-moving city. We had been living in this house for more than a year now. Not a lot of people were living in this modern small city. All of the houses were bought out mostly as an investment and...

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Saw this girl one time

My name isnt important. I make a habit of refraining from telling people my name for as long as possible… I enjoy the mystique. Though the mystery surrounding my origin doesn’t fully exist through my lack of name. Many would say it comes from my way of operating. My nature in itself is shady. My walk, something between the swagger of a man weighed heavy with sexual deviance and some kind of curious animal. Sexual curiosity threw me beyond my years. My age isnt important either, but i can tell...

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Saw Roohi NewlyWed Neighbor Masturbating 8211 Part 3

Thank you, everyone, for your comments and suggestions. I love hearing those, and it means a lot to me as well. I appreciate that you take out time to comment, so keep them coming. Any new readers can send me their suggestions, feedback, or thoughts on [email protected], and please don’t hesitate before writing. Also, read the previous parts. “So, how are we going to do it?” I asked. “Umm, I am making lunch for us right now. We can discuss it while we are eating,” she...

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A lover can always tell when he's no longer alone in his beloved's heart. He can sense when another man assumes primacy in her thoughts. All the heartfelt effort in the world can't stop the flow of love as it leaves you, and goes to another man. At least that's how its always worked for me. You know going in that some relationships aren't going to last, You know that your highschool sweethearts are unlikely to be the love of your life. Summer love ends in the fall. That sophmore college...

3 years ago
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Saw A Sexual Parody Part 1

When I woke up I was in a bathtub, in what looked like an abandoned warehouse. I was completely naked and my arms and legs were both restrained to each other. As I was looking around I noticed cameras in each corner of the room near the ceiling, a door in the far wall and there was also a TV on one wall. The second I looked at the TV it turned on to show a little porcelain doll. After a couple of seconds of looking at this doll, a very soft, strange voice emitted from the TV. It said: “You...

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Saw Her In Movie Hall With Her Lover

Hello everyone. I am writing this story on behalf of the person named Naveen who told me experience. You may give your feedbacks at or gmail.com. This story is about my mom whom is 46 year old, and has a figure of 36 34 38 and her lover. She generally wears salwar and kameez. Her name (fake name) is Shilpa. It happened so that once I bunked my college to roam around in the nearby mall with friends. We came out of Mc Donalds as I observed my mom in the same mall but with some young guy in late...

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Saw Sister Naked In My Dreams 8211 Part 1

She was standing there drying her wet hair. I felt cold air on my body. I was sleeping naked with my cock fully erect and she was smiling at me. She was naked with her small boobs greatly dominated by a lovely waist. She lifted her leg and placed it on the edge of the bed. She slowly spread her leg giving me an uninterrupted view of her hairy pussy. She started to dry her pussy with the towel. She then started to shake her body like a pole dancer. “I am cumming, Maddy..Mmmmm” she moaned. “I am...

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Saw Sister Naked In My Dreams 8211 Part 2

“Fuck me bhaiyya, make your sister cum” she kept moaning while my cock kept pounding her soft pussy. We were in a doggy position and I was holding her hair and pulling it hard. “Yesss bhaiyyaa, that’s the spot, yessss..” I kept pushing my cock deeper and deeper. She was holding my balls from below and rubbing them while I spanked her ass. My balls tightened and she sensed that I could pull out any moment as I liked cumming in her mouth. “Cum inside your sister’s pussy” she looked at me and...

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Saw Sister Naked In My Dreams 8211 Part 3

“You are supposed to play with your sister, but not this way.” My sister said those words while she was riding my cock. “I never saw this side of my sister,” I said to myself. She was doing it like a pro, holding her boobs and moving her waist to and fro sitting on my cock. I held her boob and squeezed it hard. She fell on me instantly unable to contain the pleasure. I didn’t talk to my boss’s wife for a week after I asked for a piece of advice to keep my mind away from the thought of fucking...

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Saw Roohi NewlyWed Neighbor Masturbating 8211 Part 2

Hello everyone! Thank you for reading and responding to my last story (link above). Do send me your suggestions and feedback for this one as well. Also, a few people were asking as to where I am from. I am from Allahabad and I am 22 years old. My story continues.. My newly-wed muslim neighbor Roohi had an orgasm! She collapsed on the bed and laid there for a while. Breathing heavily with her eyes closed, her right hand was still over her wet vagina. Her left hand was subconsciously feathering...

2 years ago
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Saw this somewhere else about a black sorority slu

Fraternity Slut...and morePosted May 22, 2012 by The Dogs Bone | 4175 views | 15 commentsuserI attend an HBCU, where our fraternities and sororities are known as the Divine 9. The fraternities are the Ques, the Kappas, the Alphas, the Sigmas, and the Iotas. I've slept with members of the Ques, Kappas, Sigmas, and an Iota. I have slept with over 60 men, before I even turned 19. I just recently lost my virginity in October of 2011. So, between October til April. I've had sex with over 60 men,...

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A DISCLAIMERI would like to point out that this story is not BDSM and as such should not be associated with it.  Role play and submission are fun and natural ways to express sexuality among consenting adults, and it is certainly not about torture and suffering.  I have the utmost respect for the BDSM community, and I am grateful for the opportunity to publish on this highly trafficked site.  Please take this story as the work of a lonely, angry man, and not the work of a representative of the...

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Saw Neighbour Girl Fingering Pussy Watching My WorkOut 8211 Part 2

Hello, Horny readers and ISS fans. This is your Arjun back again. Thank you, readers and my dear fans who contacted me and appreciated my story. Special thanks to my female fans. Re-introduction about me. Arjun from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Twenty-five years old, 6 foot tall, fair and regular gym guy with athletic fit body and a 7 inch dick. Megha, my sex partner. Twenty-three years old, 5.6 foot tall and stats of 36-30-36. She looks like Shraddha Kapoor. Read the previous part for the flow in...

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Saw Neighbour Girl Fingering Pussy Watching My WorkOut 8211 Part 3

Hello, Horny readers and ISS fans. This is your Arjun back with a story of a great blowjob. Thank you, readers and my dear fans who contacted me and appreciated my story. Special thanks to my female fans. Re-introduction about me. Arjun from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Twenty-five years old, 6 foot tall, fair and regular gym guy with athletic fit body and a 7 inch dick. Megha, my sex partner. Twenty-three years old, 5.6 foot tall and stats of 36-30-36. She looks like Shraddha Kapoor. Read the...

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The GiftChapter 6

My four days in the past had been exciting. I remembered the smells and the sky, particularly the view of the stars at night! I had never ever seen them so bright! Once you got away from cities and people, the air had a clean smell that was amazing! We have been putting so much crap and pollutants into the air for so long, that there's just no comparison. I kept practicing taking in energy. I took several trips into the past just to use the energy I had stored. I measured my progress. At...

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The World of Erasthay The Son of Lust Chapter 5 Pregnant Mothers Passion

Chapter Five: Pregnant Mother's Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Lasla – Coral Isle, Jyou Sea “I need to cum,” my sexy sister, Pyrriah, said. She was...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 21 Nurse Ratched

October 11, 1994, Chicago, Illinois “Hi,” Mikela said when she walked into Bacino’s where I was waiting. “Hi. I have a table reserved.” I led her to the table and the waiter took our drink orders. I checked with Mikela and ordered our pizza right away. “Why did my lawyer dump me and tell me to talk to you directly instead of hiring another attorney?” “You’d have to ask him,” I said. “But I honestly don’t care why. We can resolve this between us.” “But I didn’t sign the release.” “No,...

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New Beginnings

New Beginnings: A Winnisimmet Tales Story By Efin Copyright 2015 Looking In Publications All rights reserved This book is a complete work of fiction. Any possible similarity to another work is completely coincidental and unintentional. Situations are made up based on the author's own feelings and are in no way based on reality. This book is dedicated to all of the...

2 years ago
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FantasyMassage Vina Sky Repaying The Babysitter

Derrick Pierce, a single dad and masseur, returns home to find his babysitter, Vina Sky, looking stiff. Although the kids were good, they got a bit rough while playing, even going as far as to wrestle with her! So she’s feeling a bit sore now… Derrick is embarrassed for the trouble, even though Vina insists that everything’s okay. Nonetheless, he offers to give her a massage to help her relax before sending her on the way. Given how much she helps with the kids, it’s the...

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Transformations DiversityChapter 36

[Lindsey & Madison] Early June Connie's life had been like Cinderella before Prince Charming. Madison's had been even worse. She definitely could have qualified to be removed by Social Services, but a concerned teacher led the effort to get her to Lindsey's instead. It was the gym teacher who started to suspect a problem. Between some obvious bruises and Madison's near terror at having to undress and shower, she stood out. The poor girl was dressed and groomed like a street waif,...

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Lost My Virginty With My Gayu

I am Rajaram, 24 years working in MNC company,this my story about myself and Gayu. She is very attractive and sexy girl.She is having sexy eyes,lips are like cherries,perfect bony structure, 34-32-34 her size.Really she is so hot.By seeing her everyone boy get their tool become hard and want to fuck her that much she is sexy. Me and gayu is working in same company in Bangalore. She joined before six month in our company.By seeing on the first time itself I’m falling in love with her.I don’t...

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