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Jennifer Shepard puttered around her kitchen. She'd lived in this house on and off for her whole life, yet she had never cooked a holiday meal in it. But after talking with Abby and Tony and finding out that Team Gibbs spent most holidays alone, she offered to host a Fourth of July cookout.

Most of the sides had been ordered cold from catering, but it was the thought that counted. She'd asked everyone to bring something special and the grill was fired up. They'd all bring packs along, just in case the alcohol was flowing and they needed to stay overnight. She had room in the federal rowhouse that had been in her family for generations.

The first one to arrive was Jethro, predictably punctual, carrying a bunch of flowers and two bottles of wine. He'd overdressed, the gray suit he wore accentuated his eyes, and she realized that he was wearing his age very well. He'd never been more handsome and she felt a little tingle when he kissed her cheek.

He drifted off to the living room and she heard the stereo go on, smooth jazz filling the house. The door opened and closed a few times and Jennifer was aware of some voices, the low tones of males and the higher tones of females.

Abby drifted into the kitchen first, her hair pulled back in a sleek ponytail, a black lace dress on. She was carrying a bowl of macaroni salad and gave Jen a gentle smile. Ducky followed, some Scotch and a plate of fruits and cheeses, prosciutto, and crackers. Ziva brought fruit and her own bottle of Kosher wine, and Tony lingered in the doorway, a box of chocolates in his hands. Tim brought along some dessert wine and crepes. They all drifted in and then out to the living room, where Jethro seemed to be playing the gracious host.

The steaks and burgers were perfectly done; dinner conversation was light and easy and they made their way into the living room. Jethro sat in a wing chair, Abby, Tony, and Tim on the couch with Ducky and Ziva on the love seat. Jennifer stood until Jethro rose, offering her his chair and taking the matching ottoman for himself. He gave Jen a naughty smile, his eyes sparkling in merriment.

"You old timers will remember, we had a tradition with our challenge coins. I know we haven't done this in years, but I think it is time for a refresher."

"What do you mean, Boss?" Tony was starting to look uneasy.

"Well, it goes like this. When asked you have to present your coin. If you don't do it within five minutes, you'll be challenged to do something."

Tony winced. "Like a truth or dare kind of thing?"

Jethro nodded. "Yeah. And I'm going to start. Abbs, where's your coin?"

"I've got it! I know I do." Abby went to pat down her pockets, but didn't have any in the skirt she'd chosen. "Give me a second, I know I have it."

She ran to where she saw the director put purses and jackets, and found her coffin backpack. Running back into the room, Abby was already digging through it. Pulling out a black satin draw bag, she opened it quickly and pulled the coin out holding it triumphantly in the air. "See, told you I had it! That means I get to pick the next person. Madam Director, where is your coin?"

Jennifer blinked rapidly, knowing hers was on her desk, in her office. At the Navy Yard. She shot Jethro a dirty look. "I don't have it here."

Abby grinned. "So you have to do what I say." She tapped her chin a few times, pretending she was deep in thought. "Okay. You Madame Director need to slow dance for ten minutes with any man in this room that you've kissed before. If you haven't kissed anyone, pick the last one who did you a favor."

Jen certainly hadn't kissed anyone else beside Jethro, but they hadn't told anyone else about their relationship. It was in the past anyway.

"Director?" Abby prodded and Jen stood up, sighing and reaching for Jethro's hand. He had that damn smirk on his face, that self-satisfied look that had always annoyed her. As Abby went to the stereo and began to fiddle around, Jen decided to pay Jethro back for this. She wouldn't have put it past him to have set this up.

"Jacket off," she said in her most sultry voice. He didn't immediately react, so she skimmed her hands over his shoulders, the crisp white shirt rustling under her hands. She allowed a fingertip to stroke along his nape, enjoying the way he sucked a startled breath in.


"I said jacket off, Jethro. We can't dance properly with this on. Anyway, you're far too overdressed." He stood still, shoulders tense as she slipped the sportcoat down his arms. He snagged the fabric just as it brushed the ground and placed it gently on the ottoman before looking at her—really looking at her.

He was in a lot of trouble here. Her blouse was form fitting and low cut, exposing her cleavage. The skirt was long but showcased those legs and the boots were knee-high. Fuck me boots, he remembered them being called. If she didn't watch herself he would, with her wearing only the boots. And he wanted her.

Great. His mind was already there. How was he going to remain icy calm when she looked that gorgeous? And she knew what she was doing to him. He just hoped the heightened color in her cheeks meant he was getting to her as well.

Something soft and jazzy swelled through the room and Jen reached for his hand. He tried to forget their colleagues watching them and just narrowed his focus to the feel of her body as he settled her against him. She still fit perfectly, curling one hand around his shoulder, the other lightly stroking the back of his hand with her palm.

They'd danced quite a bit in London, Paris, Seville, Lisbon. Even though it had been almost a decade ago, his body moved with hers, pressing lightly against her body, her curves and dips fitting his muscles perfectly, especially the hollow of her abdomen, which pressed enticingly against his rapidly hardening cock. He'd forgotten this was always the reaction to her nearness. Time hadn't changed his lust for her, and his body remembered.

He should have pulled away, moved back a foot, or hell, even an inch, but he couldn't. His pelvis reacted to her warmth by rocking against her. She gasped when she felt how hard he was, and it took even him by surprise, yanking a groan from somewhere in his gut. Or groin. He didn't know and didn't care. It was hard to think.

Jethro slid his free hand down to the small of her back, pressing her firmly against him as they swayed more intimately. Her hand moved lower as well, rubbing circles against his shoulder blade. Her lips were parted and her breathing had sped up. He knew all the signs of her arousal even before her unique scent hit him.

"Jenny," he whispered against her ear, for her and her alone to hear. "Feel how much I want you. You know this is going to end up with us in bed."

She tipped her head back and to the side, exposing the neck he loved to nibble. She'd climaxed by him kissing her neck before and he knew she knew he remembered. He trailed his mouth up the corded muscle, his arm supporting her when her legs started shaking. He nibbled lightly, pressing her against him, encouraging the way her hips moved. He was blocking the view from the rest of the room, so he urged her to move against him and she did, grinding herself against him, her breathing becoming harsher.

She couldn't possibly be ... It was impossible. She'd never been that responsive. He scraped his teeth over her throat, where her pulse pounded, her rough breathing ruffling his hair.

But she was near the edge, sub vocalizing moans, her hips now rocking against his, no pretense of subtlety in her movements. He nipped the hollow of her throat and she whimpered, clamping down on his hand in hers, her fingernails digging into his back.

"That's right, Jenny," he whispered again, nipping her earlobe. "Come for me, sweetheart." She rocked even faster, her own mouth clamping down on his neck, right above the collar, crying out her satisfaction in soft mewls against his skin. She was hot, branding him through their clothes and he was surrounded by her scent, almost reeling from the sheer pleasure of it. He'd missed her.

The room was dim, but Jethro knew the others had to realize what had happened, just from the rustle of her skirt against his pants, but he wasn't embarrassed, knew what happened here wouldn't go any farther. They'd all had a little too much to drink and everyone had been flirting all evening.

She was shaking like a leaf; he was almost holding her upright, her center pressed against his tortured cock. "Come on, Jenny. Have a seat. You've had a workout." Jethro turned to give Abby a look, challenging her to argue the point. She looked shocked, her mouth agape.

Nobody broke the silence and Jethro led Jen back to the chair, settling her down before sitting on the ottoman again, covering his hardness with his suit coat.

"Jethro?" Of course it would be Ducky who spoke up first. "I..." He sighed and stopped. "Would you and Jennifer like some wine?"

Gibbs cocked an eyebrow to Jen, who was starting to come down from her high. "That'd be good, Duck. Thanks." He was now calm enough to look at everyone else. McGee was staring down at his hands, DiNozzo examining the ceiling while Ziva's mouth quirked up in a smug smile. She was the only one beside Abby who was willing to meet Jethro's eyes. He was glad DiNozzo wasn't making off-color comments.

Ducky gave them a small smile as he handed them each a glass of red wine. "I approve," he said softly to Jethro. "She's marked you, my boy."

He knew. Jethro could feel the bruise on his neck. He would have blushed but all the blood in his body was much lower and he wasn't embarrassed in the least. Taking a beautiful woman over the edge was nothing to be ashamed of, even if it had happened with their coworkers nearby.

Jen drained her wine in a few swallows then leaned forward, rubbing Jethro's sore shoulder. She'd either pierced or bruised the skin there but he didn't much care. What was a dress shirt in the grand scheme of things? Her hand shook slightly and was overwarm but the feel of her stroking his back was right. So damn right. He'd never stopped carrying the torch for her.

"Jethro." Her breath tickled his ear. "Since I fulfilled the challenge, do I get to ask the next person for their coin?"

"You do, Jenny."

"Jethro." Her voice was smoky, pure sex, shooting right into his pants. "Produce your coin."

Too easy. He pulled his out of his pocket. "Okay, Ziva. Where is yours?"

Ziva rolled her eyes and reached into her top, withdrawing her coin. "Right here, Gibbs. And yours, Ducky?"

Ducky patted his pockets and sighed. "I must have left it at home. I suppose I must meet your challenge."

"I want an answer to a question, Ducky. Have you ever dated a coworker?"

Ducky looked at the ground. "I would like another question, please. I don't wish to answer that one."

"On the grounds that it may incriminate you?" Tony asked. He seemed to have recovered from their show earlier.

"On the grounds, Dear Boy, that it is the business of myself and the coworker, whomever she may be. Or was. You know, back in England..."

"Okay, Ducky," Jethro interrupted. "Ziva, try something else. Duck, this one you can't dodge, understood?"

Jen's hand tightened on his shoulder and Jethro had the answer to the question Duck wouldn't answer. Had they dated seriously? He turned to shoot a significant look to Jen but she shook her head slightly, squeezing and massaging his tight muscles. Her touch felt right, and as his arousal lowered to a slow simmer, he leaned back into her caress. Whatever had happened in the past was just that.

"All right." Ziva's voice was soft. "Not another question." She smirked. "You have to let Abby put some makeup on you."

Tim snorted, Tony choked out a bark of laughter, and Abby giggled but Ducky just squared his shoulders, the only reaction the splash of color Jethro thought he could see on the older man's cheeks.

"Very well then. Abby? Do your worst." He looked at the Goth and arched his eyebrows. There was some subtext there Jethro wasn't comprehending.

Abby rummaged in her backpack before coming up with a tube of lipstick, which she slicked onto her mouth. What was she doing?

"Uh, Abby? She said to put it on him, not yourself."

Abby grinned at Tony. "Don't worry, ye of little faith. It will all make sense soon enough. Ducky, come over here."

Abby crooked her finger, a sexy smile on her face. Oh, this was going to be interesting. When Ducky stood in front of Abby, looking more like he was waiting for a firing squad, she let out a soft laugh.

"Time to let cats out of bags, Ducky." She leaned in, brushing her lips over his. Ducky's chuckle was swallowed by her lips and then a moan rose as they deepened their kiss.

"What the hell?" Tony said hoarsely.

Jen leaned in, her lips against Jethro's ear. "In case you didn't figure it out, it wasn't me, it was Abby. They've been an item for months now."

Abby? And Ducky? It was surreal and yet it made sense in a ... what was the word Abby liked so much? Hinky? In a hinky way. They were both brilliant, worked closely with each other and were eccentric in ways that complemented each other.

And they were giving a show of their own, kissing more deeply, mouths opening against each other. Ducky stretching up to reach Abby's mouth should have been a bit ironic or comical, but they looked right together, in a way Jethro imagined he and Jen did. Despite Ducky's smaller stature, he was in command of the kiss, holding Abby's head close.

It was kind of sexy and Jethro didn't want to think that way about Abby. Or Ducky for that matter. Definitely not Ducky. Jethro averted his gaze, looking at Tony, McGee, and Ziva instead. Tim's shock was evident in the way his jaw had dropped, while Tony was smiling slightly, nodding as if he was in complete agreement with the pairing. And Ziva had a very self-satisfied smirk on her face.

"Jethro, they're sexy." Jen scooted closer, so that her knees pressed against his back comfortingly, his own sexy backrest. He'd be a fool if he didn't take advantage of what she was giving. And Jethro Gibbs was not a fool.

Ducky and Abby pulled away slowly, the longing clear in their eyes. Tim coughed a couple of times, but the room was otherwise silent for a couple of minutes, Ducky and Abby gazing into each other's eyes all the while.

"Ziva, my dear, I believe that covers both of your conditions." His voice was trembling, and he was as ruffled as Jethro had ever seen him.

"Indeed it does, Ducky. Thank you for the show. It was very ... enlightening." Ziva stood, motioning Abby and Ducky to the now-vacant loveseat, and settled next to Tim on the sofa.

Ducky took Abby's hand and led her to the couch.

"I think you two could use your own glass of wine." Jen started to stand, but Tony waved her down and went into the kitchen himself. "Tony, just bring the bottle and some glasses in. It's that kind of night."

Tony disappeared and returned with glasses and a couple of bottles of wine. He poured Ducky and Abby each a large glass, and then snagged one of his own.

"Nothing that happens here leaves this room, does it?" Ducky asked softly, looking at Jethro for confirmation.

"Yep, Duck. Anyone object?" Tim shook his head rapidly, but Jethro expected that. He was more concerned with Tony and Ziva. "DiNozzo, David? Do you object? Your gums better not flap about anything you saw or learned tonight or there will be serious consequences."

"No problem, Gibbs." Tony had been uncharacteristically quiet all evening, but he looked deadly serious now.

"Ziva?" Jenny broke in. "Do we have your vow not to repeat anything you see here?"

"Of course, Director."

"Well, then. Since I've met the conditions of both of the challenges, I get to ask someone else to produce their coin, correct? Who do we have left. Timothy? Tony? I'll choose Timothy first."

"Um ... I don't have it." Tim looked apologetic. "I guess I have to take the challenge."

Abby leaned over and whispered into Ducky's ear and they had a quiet conversation. Finally, Ducky looked up at Tim. "Abby had a suggestion, my dear boy. Have you heard of something called 'Seven minutes of heaven'?"

Tony choked off a laugh, but Tim just shook his head. Jethro certainly had never heard of it either, but Jen's quiet chuckle let him know she wasn't a stranger to it, whatever it was.

"Abby? Can you explain? I'm certain you can explain better than I could."

"Oh, Ducky, let me." Tony's grin was smarmy. "Seven minutes of heaven involves a guy, a girl, a small room and what guys and girls do best. Kissing, groping, whatever happens, for seven whole minutes. In your case, Probie, I think you'd finish up with six minutes to spare."

"That was mean, Tony!" Abby admonished. Jethro rolled his eyes. This was more like the way the team normally acted and there was comfort in that. Not as much as the feel of Jen's knees against his back, but some sort of comfort anyway.

Tim looked grim but nodded his head. "All right. Seven minutes of heaven. When do I have to do it?"

"Now, Probie," Tony replied. Tim's face paled as he looked around the room. "Boss?"

"Sorry, McGee, the rules are that a challenge has to happen immediately." Jethro would have felt bad, but Ziva had a defiant look on her face and he had a feeling that Tim would have his hands full for the next seven minutes.

"I ... um ... I have to choose someone to do this with?"

"Yep, and don't look at me, I'm not your type," Tony retorted. "Oh Zivvva, I think you're the lucky lady, seeing as the director was all over Gibbs and Abby seems to like much older men."

"Tim, it would be my pleasure to spend the next seven minutes alone with you. Director? Where can we go to have some privacy, away from Tony's Peeping Todd..."

"Peeping Tom," Ducky and Abby chorused.

Jen stood and Jethro hated the blast of air-conditioned air on his back. She led Tim and Ziva to a room down the hall, a large sitting room, Jethro remembered. Tony checked his watch and counted off softly.

"Seven minutes starts ... now. Go for it, Probie-san!"

"DiNozzo, your turn is coming. You'd better hope you have your coin." Jethro glowered at his senior field agent, grim satisfaction blooming when Tony patted his pockets and paled. He was just going to bait the younger man more when Jen called to him softly.

Jethro followed the sound of her voice to the kitchen. Damn, she looked good. Her hair was a little mussed and her expression still lazy, that after-sex smile on her mouth. "What?" He tried for casual but knew she could tell he was on edge.

"You've been very patient. Would you like your own seven minutes of heaven?" Her hands went to the front of his pants and he hardened immediately, feeling more like a horny teenager than an adult.

"Jen..." He started to speak, but when she sank to her knees, all he could do was widen his stance slightly, allowing her easier access. It had been too damn long since he'd felt her mouth—or anyone else's—on him. "I'm not as young as I used to be. Seven minutes..."

"You doubt my skills?" She'd undone his fly and belt and was shoving his pants down, her hands running over him, boxers the only thing between their skin.

"No, you're damn good. It's me I ... Oh God, Jen!"

She'd tugged his boxers down and engulfed him in one endless move, sucking gently right down to his balls. He staggered a bit before regaining his balance, hands fisted at his sides, blood boiling in his veins. His cock hadn't been this hard since he and Jen had last been together.

"Boss? Everything okay?" Tony's voice held amusement.

"Yeah, DiNozzo," Jethro managed, knowing he didn't sound like himself, almost moaning the words. "We're good. Real good."

"Mmm," Jen echoed, the vibrations running through Jethro's body. He began thrusting in and out of her mouth, eyes closed, his entire being focusing on the sensation of her hot wet mouth around him.

Forget seven minutes. He'd be lucky to last three. Or two. Or a few more seconds.

Jen scraped her teeth over him, not quite hurting, adding to the sensation of her suction, her fingertips stroking over his inner thighs, her tongue teasing the underside of his head, hand cupping his balls, which were already pulling up tight. Screw seven minutes. She was too good. Way too good.

She pulled off, teasing his cock head, tongue dipping into the slit before she swallowed him again, the slight prick of her teeth on his shaft driving him closer.

"Jenny ... Don't stop ... harder..."

Then she did that thing that always blew his head clean off, flicking her tongue against the underside, over and over again. His legs started shaking, his eyes flying open. He had to see her, to watch her swallow. And she would swallow; Jenny had never wasted a drop.

Jethro let out a moan, not caring who could hear him, not caring what they thought. Not when it felt this good. He fought to hold her head in place but instead gripped her shoulders, both for his own balance and to keep her steady.

"Close, Jen ... so close..."

She moaned her own assent, sucking harder, driving him to the edge and over, the sounds of him slipping in and out of her mouth audible. Just as he threw his head back, eyes fluttering shut, the kitchen door banged open.

Jethro was past the point of no return, and as he glimpsed DiNozzo's shocked face, he exploded into Jenny's mouth, growling his satisfaction as her lustful sounds reached his ears. His eyes refused to open for a minute or so, Jenny cleaning him off with slow soothing strokes of her tongue. Tony wasn't there when his eyelids opened and he wondered if he'd imagined the interruption, his fantasy of being watched taking over.

Jethro pulled Jen to her feet, kissing her deeply, tasting himself on her. "That was incredible."

"It was," she agreed. "And only six minutes, forty-five seconds. You doubted my skills? I forgot how good you tasted."

"I shouldn't have." He tugged his pants and boxers up. "You look just fucked. They're all going to know what we did.

"And you look smug." She regarded him with a sexy smile before kissing him hard, tugging his lower lip into her mouth and sucking firmly. He could feel the blood flowing into it.

"There, now you look just fucked too. Come on, Jethro. McGee and Ziva must be done. I hope they had as interesting a time as we did."

"Not likely!" Jethro reached for her hand and squeezed it gently, turning back when she pulled away. "Jen, is there a problem? Do you not want anyone to know you're mine?"

"Yours?" She sounded unsure all of a sudden.

"Yeah, mine. Jen, this isn't ending here. If you want it to, I've got news for you, I'm no—"

She clamped a hand over his mouth. "I didn't understand, Jethro. I wouldn't have done what I did with you if I was only looking for a casual fling or a one-night stand."

"Good. No problem then. Let me hold your damn hand, Jenny."

She giggled, and the innocent sound brought a grin of his own forth. "Come on; let's face the music, Jen. I got a little loud there."

"Mmmhmm, you did. I liked it. Showed me that you loved what I was doing. Otherwise, I wouldn't feel moved to do that again."

"Jen, I need you to do that. A lot. Multiple times a day. I just don't know if my heart can stand it."

When they walked out of the kitchen, McGee and Ziva were just approaching. Jethro glanced over them, immediately assessing that they'd been getting lucky too. McGee's face was bright red; Ziva looked as smug as Jethro felt.

"Hey, McGee," he said quietly, trying to draw the other man's attention.

"Xyz!" Tony exclaimed and Tim automatically looked down, blushing darkly as he realized his fly was open.

"Uh, yeah. Director, thanks for dinner. We need to go. Have to watch the exploding worms." Ziva scurried over and grabbed her purse, shooting Jen and Jethro a significant look.

"We'll see you at work on Monday. Thank you. Goodbye, everyone. Come on, Tim." As Tim struggled to zip his fly one handed, Ziva dragged him out.

"Well, I think that is our cue to go. Abigail? Mustn't leave Mother with the nurse too long."

"Are you coming, Tony?" Abby asked.

"No, he isn't. He still needs to meet his challenge and I have just the thing," Jethro replied smoothly. "Thanks for coming, Abby, Duck. Drive safely."

"You too, Jethro. That is, provided you will be driving. If you've had too much wine to drink you realize that it would be much safer to stay where you're comfortable and..."

Jethro rolled his eyes. "I've got it covered, Duck. See ya tomorrow. Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"That, my dear, leaves the schedule quite open." Ducky managed a smile and wink before Jethro pointed to the door. As soon as they left, he turned to Tony. "Now, as for you, DiNozzo. You have your coin or not?"

"Well boss, it's like this." Tony knew that is coin was in his work pack. Since they had the full weekend off, not even on call, he didn't figure he needed to bring his pack with him. "It's at home. But since everyone else is gone, I think I should be let off the hook. No one to embarrass me in front of, which takes the fun out of it right?"

Quickly heading towards the door, Tony could only hope that he made it out. But he knew the likelihood was slim to none. "You and Jenny have a good night; I'll see you back at work Monday morning."

"Get back here, DiNozzo! If I hadn't seen the little stunt you pulled a few minutes ago, I might have let you off the hook. But I know I saw you, and you know you were seen. What I want to know is what you were thinking when you walked in on us. I was kinda preoccupied, but seems to me you liked it a lot. Which is a coincidence because I like being watched, and so does Jenny."

Jen gasped and Jethro shrugged. "He walked in right when I came, Jen. No big surprise there. And you should have seen how uncomfortable he was after we danced. He was studying the ceiling but I know he was hot and bothered." He turned to look at her. "You okay with whatever happens?"

She gave him a shaky laugh and nodded.

"Speak to us, DiNozzo, and be honest."

"What do you want me to say, Boss? I'm not sorry that it happened." Tony decided to go the defiant route, since he had nothing to lose. The boss knew he enjoyed what he saw, and they didn't see that bothered by it. "Can't say I haven't thought about having Jenny in the same position. I never thought it would happen, seeing as she's the director and all. But if she's offering, I'm happy to take her up on it."

Jethro laughed, shaking his head. "You think your challenge is a reward? Oh no, Tony. First off, Jenny only gets you when I'm done with you. And secondly, I haven't even begun to play."

Alarm flashed in the younger man's eyes and Jethro grinned. "Her bedroom is up the stairs, last door on the left. You have five minutes. If you're not okay with anything goes, walk out that door and neither of us will ever bring this up. You met the challenge already. What do you want, DiNozzo? You want the night of your life, just go up the stairs. We'll give you time to think about it."

He jerked his head toward the kitchen and Jen followed him inside. He leaned against the counter, looking at her. "I think he wants it. You?"

Jen could only shrug. She and Jethro had played with the occasional third partner but that was way in the past, and never a co-worker. She wasn't nervous, just shocked that things were progressing this quickly ... and incredibly turned on by the thought.

The kitchen door swung open and they both looked up. "Tony?"

"Is this some sort of test you two put everyone through eventually? See if the horn dog takes you up on the offer of a threesome, and then do something to torment him when his defenses are down? If it is, just tell me and I'm out of here." Tony was nervous, these were his direct superiors, and they were offering him a fantasy evening. But it could all go so badly. "I won't hold it against you, and it will be like you said, I won't bring it up. I just need to know you aren't fucking with my head."

"No, Tony. We've been in this place before but never with a coworker." Jen realized her voice was shaking. "And we don't play with people's emotions, surely you know that."

"You know," Jethro began conversationally, moving closer so that he was in Tony's personal space. "I have a hell of a lot to lose here. So does Jen. You probably least of all of us, the least time invested in NCIS. We've taken a risk already. How do you think everyone would react if they knew I had a taste for cock? How do you think everyone would react to knowing Jen likes to watch me with another man? We might fuck your body, DiNozzo, but we're not fucking with your head. You telling me I've been reading you wrong, that I haven't caught you watching me when you think I'm not aware? Don't tell me I'm misreading that look ... yeah, that's the one, where your eyes mist over and you lick your lips, as if you're lost in some hot fantasy only you know about."

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Succulent Desires Chapter 5

Alice pressed her head back against the headrest and closed her eyes as Aidan drove towards the Malmaison hotel.   The car was silent, but not a heavy silence.   Alice reached for Aidan’s thigh since his hand had to be used to shift and delighted in the feel of him underneath her hand.   She remembered how he felt, how his hands felt on her and in her.   These thoughts caused Alice ’s breath to quicken and her pulse beat a bit harder.   When the car stopped and Aidan turned the engine off,...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Kianna Dior Busty Cum Slut 8 Part 10

The scene opens with hugely buxom Kianna Dior kneeling naked before a raging hard-on. The auburn-haired, statuesque MILF and her man role-play: Kianna talks a filthy streak of maternal seduction and age kink as she sucks dick, slobber streaking her massive jugs. Her guy grips her head for a slobbering, deepthroat face fuck. She hand-strokes his meat, squeezes his balls and blows lewd, slimy saliva bubbles. Kianna begs for cum, bringing her slutty, taboo talk to a head. The subject of this...

4 years ago
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Kalpana The Lover Of Lust

Hello ISS fans, I’m here to share my experience with you.( I’ve changed all the names) I fucked my maid(valli 25) & my house owner(kalpana 29). And I’m Ashok 26 working as a manager in a beauty parlor in chennai. When I came to chennai, I was searching for some PG accommodation. Finally I found one. The owner of the PG was Mr.Aravindan & Kalpana was her daughter. She was married then. Her husband was in Qatar. So she stays with father since her mother was no more. I got a place where I have to...

3 years ago
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The Diary of Sarah DuncanChapter 8

Part B continues... What we witnessed between Charlie and Uncle Stavy was pretty wild as it was, but what we saw of Kara Winters and Demy was even more intense. My boyfriend was hog-tied for several minutes while Charlie’s mother pegged him good and hard, not that he objected. Of course, it was rather tough to protest through a ball gag in his mouth. She also cracked the whip on him a few times, but she kissed every mark that it left ... after she pulled out of his gaping asshole. As for...

2 years ago
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Bet of My Life Altheas Night

Bet of my Life- Althea's Night I sat there, trying to comprehend what happened. I'd picked this up by accident, thinking it was my phone, hadn't I? I touched something, I was. But had any of it been real? Not seconds ago I was....well, that was crazy. Seconds ago I had been a tall supervixen with giant boobs and the world's most sensitive vagina. Or had I just been daydreaming? Hell, what was this thing in my hand anyway? I put it down and picked up my actual...

2 years ago
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Mistress Adelaides Travelling Gimp CircusChapter 3 The Hasebury Nag

The White Horse Inn by Hasebury Green had been known as “The Hasebury Nag” for as long as Jennifer could remember and she had lived in the village all her life. It was small, though large enough for the village’s needs and though the building’s twisted wooden frame made it look ramshackle it showed every sign of standing for as many years as it had already. Jennifer was standing at the bar, enjoying a pint of the landlady’s own beer, along with three of her friends, Janice, Aimee and Nisha....

4 years ago
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Twin Sister Banged By Me And Friends 8211 Part II

Hi all thank for all your reply for the previous post and that encouraged me now to post the continuation of the previous one. People who have not read my previous post please go through it and read this you would understand things better. Anyway let me describe my Twin sis Stats again she is 36 28 36 and after a lot long time group session with my friends we all went back she was with my mom and all of sudden she came into my room and said me she wants my cock again. Swaroop: Then I said her...

2 years ago
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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 40

I crossed the Mississippi state line a few hours after dark. But it was only after I turned on the radio in the Accent that I realized it was Christmas Eve. If my mind and body hadn’t been racing around trying to stay alive, I might have remember the date. I knew from the decorations in the cheap used car dealer’s office, that it was immanent, but not exactly what the date it was when I bought the car. It had slipped my mind as a lot of things did recently. I knew that I had taken care of...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Aaliyah Hadid Masturbating in Step Dads Room

Aaliyah Hadid is constantly horny. So much so that when she found herself home alone, she snuck into her step father’s room and started to masturbate. Little did she know, he would return home early. He walked into the house and instantly heard her moaning. As he followed the noise, he caught her in the middle of the act. Once he confronted her, Aaliyah decided to show him just how much of a bad girl she is, she started sucking him off on the spot. Eventually, things moved further along....

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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 79 Something MUCH More Interesting

April 8, 1984, McKinley, Ohio “Natalya Vasilyevna Antonova, please meet Larissa Sergeyevna Federova,” I said. I laughed as the two girls instantly switched to Russian and I had to focus to catch everything that was said. Clarissa smirked and rolled her eyes, and I just shrugged. The gist of the conversation was hometowns, parents, churches, majors, and to Tasha’s obvious shock, Lara’s age. “Perhaps we should switch to English so Sveta isn’t left out,” Tasha said in English. “Mike looked...

2 years ago
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Lillys 18th Birthday

Today is Lillys 18th birthday. And she just can't wait to go out and celebrate. But first things first before getting out of bed Lilly must start her usual morning rituals. She skims the tips of her fingers over her stomach and moves them up to her nipples where she begins lightly pinching and rubbing them bringing both to full attention. After a few minutes she can feel herself becoming wet, she drops her right hand down to her pussy and gently starts rubbing her clit. Lilly is becoming more...

3 years ago
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Rain and Bath Water I

     Twila entered her huge walk in closet, running her fingers through her long black hair, twisting it up in a bun and securing it with a clip at the top of her head.  It had been a long day with her sister's kids and all she wanted more than anything in the world at that moment was a nice long bubble bath and soak the day away. She went to a set of drawers designed especially for her personal bath toiletries and removed sandalwood bubble bath, some scented salts and beads and a few candles. ...

2 years ago
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Pop Idol Fuck Slut Chapter 1 Getting Wild

Her big break arrived on one of those talent shows that are popular on prime time television. Miranda didn't win the seasonal contest, but it didn't matter. Once the world got a taste of her, she began a rapid rise to stardom. Lance was replying to a tweet thread about her latest concert one fateful afternoon when something astonishing happened. Some of his old college buds and random Miranda fans were going back and forth in a conversation that would ultimately change the course of his...

1 year ago
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The CircleChapter 2

This time it was Dad who drove to my uncle's to take me home. Before we loaded my stuff in the car, he had a private conversation with my Aunt Clare and my Uncle Tom. They were all smiling and from a distance it seemed as if Dad was beaming with pride over something. We loaded my stuff and I received some very hot kisses from both my cousins and my aunt. My uncle slapped my back hard enough to make me stagger and offered his hand for a firm handshake. I was embarrassed in front of Dad from...

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Mothers Pantyhose

It all started when I was 10 years old, the year my parents got divorced, a normal age for a lanky, soft-spoken only c***d to have his obsession with Grand Theft Auto blindsided by his first crush. I had just started junior high, where they made us read boring stuff like Romeo & Juliet, though I was too young to understand the dangers of forbidden lust, yet old enough to notice how my mother would often do the sexiest things without knowing it.Things might have been different had my mother...

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Silver ArrowChapter 18 The Next Chapter

Christie and I had a long talk that afternoon. The kids were out playing with their friends and we had the house to ourselves. "I won't be staying at Silver Arrow," I told her, now sure I had made up my mind. She nodded sadly. I had given her chapter and verse of what had been going on during the past week and she was very supportive. "Whatever you decide, Doug," she said, holding my hands and looking directly into my eyes. "Whatever you choose to do, make sure you'll be happy with...

4 years ago
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TemptationChapter 14

As Yumi walked down the hall, she started to wonder if leaving Maddie and Roxy was such a good idea. She couldn't remember the way to get back to them, and continued to wander around. She started to feel a bit anxious, almost claustrophobic, being surrounded by people that she didn't know. She clutched the front of her dress, and looked around, trying to find someone that she knew. "Hey pretty maid, wanna play with us?" She heard someone say, and Yumi shook her head. "No thank you." She...

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Stephanie my Cum Slut SlaveChapter 6

As with all sub missive females, there comes a time when they out grow the abilities of a particular master and often move up to more stricter masters or one with different likes and dislikes, this way they continue to expand their limits. So it was with Stephanie, She and I both agreed we had exhausted all the things she needed to learn to be a complete slut slave, however I told her she would not be moving far as I had arranged for Robbie to take on her training as he liked things I did...

4 years ago
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The Professor Part I

I glanced at my schedule one last time, just to double check that I had my poetry class next.Sighing slightly, I hitched my bookbag up on my shoulder and headed over to the building."Ali!" I heard a voice call behind me. I flinched and turned; there was my roommate's friend, Erin, running toward me in a pair of platforms, red curls bouncing, along with her breasts. I am 100% straight, but looking at Erin...sometimes I wonder.She's very pretty, with big lips and large, green eyes. Her boobs are...

Straight Sex
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Rehabilitation Part 9

Saturday 8th March, 2020; 08:23 I'd slept much better last night, obviously exhausted from all the stresses and exercise of the day before. Perhaps the pill Miss Stevens had given me had helped too, as apart from a brief moment of being semi- awake in the early hours of the morning when I'd thought the bed was shaking, I'd slept straight through. In hindsight, I wondered if that shaking I'd experienced had been Marcus jerking off again... I sighed as I realised I hadn't made it 5...

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Apocolypse chapter 11 12

If you don't like this stuff you shouldn't be here. This is all fake ok, in other words its fiction. It has situations and acts of a sexual nature between young boys. Like I said if you don't like that then LEAVE NOW. If you do like it then read on by all means. if you like it let me know [email protected] Apocalypse Chapter 11 (Ok just a little background to the characters of the story so far incase you can' remember who's who or if I have failed describe them...

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Tasha First time

This story is pending real-life events, and it is involving my real-life sweetheart. She is my girl, my wild girl, my special girl, and I am her ‘lil G” and she is a special lady to me. I have written a few stories starting her(my way of mentally fucking her). This one is multiple session types, falls into the “first-time” theme because well if we do this it would be our first time. In this story, I myself is having a first-time experience so it is a lot different than my other types of...

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Project PrometheusChapter 7

The crew of the Perseus gathered together, each member making their greetings with one another. The general mood of the group was of both relief and thankfulness. Everyone was crying tears of happiness as they all came together in a group hug. They stayed like that for a few minutes, glad they were all still alive. It wasn’t long before they remembered that they were in the presence of an alien tribe and were likely infringing on their home. Korsa spoke, making apologies for their rudeness,...

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Corina Chapter 15

I find out some secrets about my wife!!!ENJOY!!!!I got home from work and just as I walked into the apartment Corina called out asking me if she could go with one of the girls from work and get a couple drinks and something to eat. I didn't say anything because it was messing up what I had planned for the night after we ate. I asked her how late she was going to be and she said that Susie just needed to talk to someone a while and might be as late as eleven or so. I told her ok and I would fix...

4 years ago
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Too Much LoveChapter 38

Nick hadn’t meant to fall asleep before getting on the bus to the plane to Milan. He’d known that the party for Lev and Arwen’s engagement would run late into the night and that he’d probably be up even later talking to their relatives about things he could help out with financially. He’d even made plans with Tanvi, Zola, and Ainsley for how to gracefully extricate himself if he was still listening to financial requests when they had to leave. In the latter, he’d been surprised to find that...

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Rex of Great Cross Chapters 1 and 2

The town of Great Cross was named for a towering monument that never existed. The founders had talked of making a bid to become the state capital, and the cross was meant to be a declaration of their ambition. The ambitious talk was more fun than the actual work of building would have been, however, and no great cross ever materialized. The town reached a stable population of about four hundred, which varied up or down by only a few dozen as decades and generations came and went. Few who...

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Jack and JillChapter 116

I went upstairs with Jill to find Wanda sitting on the couch, looking almost like she was embarrassed. Jill said she was going to go in the kitchen to get something for us to drink. Wanda and I had never gotten close to one another. I reached down and took both her hands in mine, urging her up off the couch. I pulled her close and put my arms around her, pulling her into my body. She was stiff, her hands at her side as I pulled tight. "Thanks for doing this, Wanda. You obviously did a good...

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Hammerson House

Hammerson House by Zedd I inherited the old Hammerson mansion when I was 22, back in 1992. At that time I was busy doing my stint in the navy, keeping the country safe and all. So I never had the time to come and take a look at the old place until now. Of course, 'now' was seven years later with me out of the service and still having no source of money. All I had to show for my efforts were a duffel bag full of almost out of date clothes, except for blue jeans, and $27 in a...

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Autobody The Beginning

I'm really a pretty simple guy. My name is Drew and I like a drink now and then and read a good book or watch a good movie, but mostly I'm concentrating on figuring out my dissertation and moving on to teaching, maybe writing a novel or two and getting on a tenure-track as an English professor at a small private college somewhere in New England in the next decade or so if everything works out like I'm planning. That might sound grand, but I have no delusions of grandeur and I'm in no...

4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 282

Compliments of Andy K ‎ Another bar, a different night. It was a slow night at the bar, only a few tables full and, with one exception, the usual beer-and-a-shot crowd at the bar. The new guy waved Mike, the bartender, over and started a conversation “Mike, I’m Artie and I have a question for you. Are you any kind of a betting man?” Mike asked back “What kind of betting man do you mean?’ Artie said “Y’know, the usual stupid bar bets; anywhere from ten bucks up to fifty, depending on the...

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ForclosedChapter 4

A few days later, after our run, Ralph and I were out on the patio by the pool. Mayra brought us our beers. Kelly was at work. “What do you think of this anal sex thing?” Mayra asked me. “It doesn’t really appeal to me.” I told her. “Me either!” she exclaimed, “It’s a bit disgusting don’t you think?” “That’s what Kelly said at first.” Ralph said defensively, “But once she got used to it, she likes it.” “I think she just does it for you.” Mayra said, “No woman could really like...

1 year ago
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The PetChapter 11

The regimen continued for the next two days. Every two or three hours either David or Danielle would come down stairs and interact with Pet, which is all that they called her. They both knew the girl was getting little sustained sleep, and even as her pink legs and ass returned to normal, and the bruises began to fade, her movements became sluggish and a bit uncoordinated. The sleep deprivation began to do its magic, as Pet was simply too...

2 years ago
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Oh what a Memory

This is the writing of a memory that in my life will always cherish. The event is true, though the names have been changed to protect anonymity.   My day started as usual, getting up at the break of dawn clad only in a pair of loose fitting and putting coffee on sitting down at the computer listening to the familiar whirring as it booted. Waiting for the coffee to finish I logged on to my favorite news sight, all the while thinking about what the day held as well as the way last...

Straight Sex
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Rosie 6

Rosie Part 6 I will not dwell overlong on my experience with Annabelle and Georgie after leaving Rosie's room. To my relief, their response to my knock, entry, curtsey to the room, curtsey to Annabelle, reading at the desk, and Georgie, luxuriating in the bed, together with the prescribed greeting, was laughter. Annabelle's greeting was a question as to why I was wearing a pair of soaked panties over my face. I burbled an explanation about how it was my fault, that I had asked Miss...

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Sexretary 8211 Expert In Different Positions

Hey I have been reading ISS for some time now, and I find the stories shared by people quite stimulating. Am here today to share a story from my life, I am a divorced guy and got separated recently. Most of the time I am busy with work so don’t really get the time to date anyone, but recently a girl came for an interview to my office. She had already given two rounds of interviews and was waiting for the final round with me, and I came after 3 hours so she was tired of waiting and a bit...

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Lauren Gisal II In South AmericaChapter 25

Emma filled her bath, throwing two sachets of crystals in for good measure, shouting to Lauren that it was ready as she bent over the rim of the bath, whirling the water around with her hand. Lauren slipped into the room silently, taking hold of her hips and pulling her against her thighs. Emma stood and leaned back against her, swaying slightly. Lauren found the cord of the robe and undid the knot, pulling apart the sides and squeezing her small breasts in her hands. She kissed her ear as...

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Emma the Beautiful Girl With the Suckable Bonus

I had picked up this chick from the club and thought I'd bring her back to my apartment. Her name was Emma. She was so hot. She was about six feet tall, she had shoulder-length blonde hair and nice big tits. She was wearing a short black tube dress, showing off her beautifully tanned legs and wore black, open toe heels, showing off her soft, feminine feet. When we got to my door, she couldn't keep her hands off me. She rubbed her hand on my crotch and on my chest, softly kissing my cheek. I...

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Roberts Story Chapter 15

Stopping at the hotel desk I asked the clerk to send someone to find Mr. Powell’s children and have them sent to their room immediately. I grabbed a note pad and scribbled out a quick note then stuffing into an envelope to be delivered to Natashia. The TV’s behind the reception desk had helicopter views of a big warehouse fire bringing a smile to my face, I ushered the girls to our room. “Girls go pack now, get everything ready to go, we must leave”. Shelly began to...

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Librarians TrainingChapter 4

Gillian clutched the cold tabletop and lay there, sobbing. Her ass ached, and her body throbbed with the pain of the abuses she'd suffered. Desperately, she raised her head and tried to see if there was some way out of the room, but there was only the one door and she knew that it would be locked. The door opened and Dean and Rose came back in. Rose carried the whip, and grinned as she strolled over to Gillian. "Bit rough with old Marty, right?" she said brightly. "Well, don't worry,...

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GameplayerChapter 15

"Good morning. I'm Samuel Wicks. I have an appointment with Charles Breckinridge and Susan Hatfield." "Yes, Mr. Wicks! Just follow me, please." Sam followed the dignified, splendidly dressed silver-haired woman through the spacious foyer and into the interior of the grand old mansion that now quartered Twin Rivers' finest law firm, Stevens, Breckinridge and Shelton. Sam wondered whether Messrs. Stevens and Shelton were just old dead guys with their names on the letterhead, or were they...

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Club Life

Their eyes met across the crowded dimly lit bar, quickly she darted her eyes away telling herself what a ridiculous cliche that was, but still she felt the familiar twirl of heat between her legs.She glanced back, under her lashes just to see if he was still there and felt a pang of disappointment that he was not. Pull yourself together lady it was a look, a hot look admittedly, but thats all it was. She shrugged it off, there would be others to play with this evening there always were.Turning...

Straight Sex
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Taking the job seriously

Both cocks were rigid. I sucked Geoff first and then took Alan's cock in hand and placed it between my hot lips. One of the benefits of having a part time job is that it leaves me with a lot of spare time to take on some "Model Agency" work in the morning or afternoon. As I was checking out the agency website on Wednesday morning, there was a knock at the kitchen window. it was Joan from next door. Joan had introduced me to the agency a few weeks ago and we had even serviced a client together....

Sex With Stranger
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Bar Stool Orgasm

As I walked to the restroom from the bar I stopped and looked back at my wife. The dim light of the surroundings provided the perfect ambience. She had never looked more beautiful. Not only was she beautiful, but so damn sexy as well. If she had not been my wife I would have surely tried my best to get her in my bed. She was wearing her short brown skirt that she knew drove me wild. Even at her age she still had incredible legs and I loved seeing them in short skirts and heels. Her muscular...

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Adventures of a Greenie Vol 1Chapter 19 The Legend is Really True

Roy never really thought he would ever meet the Eternal Warrior, the man Uncle Sam respected so much, and now he was sitting across from the legendary man and was questioned. Stahl appeared to be a normal human being but Roy’s back hair stood on end whenever he looked into the eyes of that man. It was just as if staring into deep space. The legendary Admiral wasn’t exactly friendly and his voice had a razor sharp edge. Cara had left to talk with the Wurgus delegates. Ship crew was starting...

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Meri saheli nitu ki chudai

Hi iss readers, mujhe kafi mails mile regarding my past stories, mujhe bahut achha laga ki aap logon ko meri story itni pasand aayi. Aaj main aap logon se meri ek friend ke behalf pe uski ek story share karma chahti huin. Uska naam nitu hai, uski umar 26 saal hai aur uska figure 34-26-36 hai aur wo dekhne me bhi kafi sunder hai. Nitu ka ek boyfriend tha jiska naam vinod tha, nitu aur vinod ek dusre se bahut pyar karte the, nitu kuch modern khyal ki ladki hai wo pyar me sab kuch chahti thi, but...

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One Last Job With VengeanceChapter 62

Just over five months had passed since he had seen Ray and Bridget, and Dan was excited. Their flight had landed at Sharm el Sheik airport an hour and a half ago. It takes roughly and hour, by taxi, to get to Dahab and they should be arriving at his house any minute. The Egyptian sun was unforgiving to the unaccustomed visitor and Dan knew they would both be dry as the desert itself and gasping for a drink. Bern, in the kitchen, was already making a jug of fresh lemon juice and another of...

2 years ago
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Taking Advantage of Daddy

There was only 2 hours of school left, and I was in 5th period Health class. Mr. Robinson, the Health teacher was also the boys football coach. I think every girl in school had a crush on him, but he knew it too. I would catch him looking at everyone's ass and tits. He didn't do it real obvious, but everyone knew he did it. My friend Lana and I made it our mission to drive him crazy in class. After 4th period gym class, we would take a shower, and deliberately leave our panties in our gym...

4 years ago
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Seducing Muslim Friends Sexy Wife Part 2

Thank you for all your feedback. Please read the first part of this story about my friend’s sexy wife to understand the situation better. I’ll try to post the following parts as soon as possible. Also, the following parts would be a little more elaborate. This is neither a fictional story nor is she a roadside slut to just plunge my dick into her pussy. It took a lot of time for us to overcome everything and express our love for one another. She was standing exactly opposite me, leaning on the...

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Ayushs embarrassing day

Greetings to all readers this is my second story, i love reading tg fiction on fictionmania, unfortunately tg fiction with Indian content is very minimal on this website as English is not our first language so I can understand how difficult writing stories are, so any indian t-girl with interesting plot ideas can mail me at [email protected], I also do have several plot ideas in mind any interested indian t-girl can mail me.All your suggestions and feedbacks are most welcome.And indian...

1 year ago
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Bare bottom

Mrs. Larson glanced at her assignment book and announced to the class, "Everyone open up your texts to page 135 and read chapter six, I have to go to the office for a few minutes, but I shouldn't be too long!" She entered the Principal Solon's office and said to his secretary, "Hi Georgia, I just received a note form Mr. Solon and he wants to see me right away, is he available!?!" A slight smirk spread over the secretary's face as she replied, "Just a second, Mrs. Larson, and I'll find out!!!"...

Group Sex
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Mistress Cums for a Visit

I wake up and I realize that I have over slept and need to meet my new Mistress at her hotel in an hour! I met my Mistress on Lush and she came to visit and have some vacation time. She was staying for the weekend and I was to be at her beck and call all weekend. My Mistress I hot DD breasts and an ass to match. We had chatted online and even video chatted but this was our first meeting. I got up and got dressed in what she told me to come it…basketball shorts with no boxers and a t-shirt. I...

3 years ago
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My First Bestiality Experience The Dog

It was my birthday. My eighteenth birthday. As all young women my age, I was excited at the prospect of becoming an adult. But it had nothing to do with being allowed to drink, smoke and do all those other horrible things people do just because they can. My enthusiasm came from a completely different place. According to the rules of the family, I would finally be told the family secret. At least that was what I had been told over and over again. “You’ll understand when you’re eighteen,”...

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