Zak's FoundationChapter 2 free porn video

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Abigail Xu stormed out of the field house, her long, black hair streaming behind her like a war banner from beneath her mortarboard. Her now-ex-boyfriend would remember what she'd done with his senior ring for the rest of his days. Ever since he'd fallen in with those rednecks, he'd been treating her like dirt because she was Asian. Today had been the last straw. Selling copies of a secretly-made video of her giving him her virginity the year before after the junior prom on the internet was bad enough, but referring to her as ... THAT ... in the title...

She roared with rage and punched at the air. The feeling was only now beginning to come back in her right hand, and it was starting to sting. She ran into Howard Farrell on her way to the parking lot--literally. The two bounced off each other like giant rubber balls and ended up on the concrete.

"Watch where you're going!" she snarled.

"Sorry, Abs." he said, picking himself up. "What are you doing here? Don't tell me I missed the ceremony!"

"No." Abby said snarkily. "You can have your precious ceremony." He touched her hand and she yelped. She must have hit her ex harder than she'd thought.

"No wonder you're so grumpy, this must be agony." he said, gently examining her swelling hand. She cried out in pain as she felt something move. He wrapped her hand in both of his and closed his eyes. She felt the movement again, but it wasn't accompanied by the stabbing pain this time. When he released her hand at last, the swelling was already beginning to recede.

"What did you do?" she asked, looking at her now-healed hand.

"I was about to ask you the same question." he responded. Her face soured. His hand caressed her cheek, and on the second stroke he touched her temple--and her mind.

"I punched out that redneck ... He'd made a video of us at the junior prom when I gave up my virginity, and he'd been selling copies of it on the Internet for a few months. My brother found clips from it on Haporn dot com." Howard gathered her into his arms, and she began to cry.

"I don't blame you for punching him."

"That's not even the worst part!" she sobbed. "In the title ... he used ... a slur!" She couldn't bring herself to repeat what it was, and he didn't ask, but she felt him stiffen, his embrace strengthen, and a reflection of her own earlier rage build within him. He held her at arms' length and wiped away her tears.

"You're not going to give him the satisfaction of letting him drive you away from your own graduation." he said, and she felt strength flowing into her, making her feel a little silly for wanting to run away. They walked back onto the football field together and stayed that way until they got to her assigned seat in the back (since her last name began with an X). Even though he was all the way down with the F's, she could feel him as if he were sitting next to her instead of Jamie Wyatt and Phil Yachtsman. The ceremony proceeded almost as planned--when her ex's name came up, she learned that he had not regained consciousness yet. She took a measure of satisfaction from that, but put it out of her mind as the names continued to be read from the alphabetical list. Not long after she got her own diploma, the ceremony was over, and they were all tossing their caps into the air. Then, Howard was there, and they were hugging. Later, she didn't know whether he kissed her or she kissed him, but their lips were pressing together and her crotch was grinding against his leg, and she didn't care who saw. The time in between was a blur of emotions and hormones, but she found herself in a hotel room with him, and their gowns were on the floor along with the clothes they'd worn under them.

"No cameras, I promise." he whispered, and she found that hilarious for some reason. Then, she was guiding him inside her. He was bigger than ... she pushed that thought out of her mind. He was big. He filled her easily. Their minds were linked more deeply than surface thoughts. His memories were an open book to her, as hers were to him. His pleasure amplified hers, hers amplified his, and they both found release as one, in an explosion of ecstasy that left both unconscious.

She was awakened by the smell of breakfast. Opening her eyes, she found that he'd gotten a hotel room with a kitchen. Scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, sausage and more added their delectable perfume to the scent of last night's lovemaking.

"Lovemaking," she thought to herself, not "fucking" or "humping" or "doing it." She was amazed at how quickly her life had turned around, and for the better. Howard was humming the Mighty Mouse theme song as he poured orange juice for both of them.

They made love again after breakfast, this time with her on top, his hands guiding her hips. She was aware of what he was doing as he induced an ovulation, and for the first time in her life, the thought of being pregnant brought joy, not dread. They lay side-by-side, catching their breath, and she visualized what she would look like, swollen with child.

"One more thing, Abs." he whispered.

"Yes," she agreed, and closed her eyes, letting his finger touch her forehead, letting consciousness fade away as she was evolved.

"You do know she's just gonna grow into a dorky little sister who follows you around everywhere, right?" Whitney asked.

"They tame easier if you catch 'em young." Penelope responded, looking up from little Orchid with a smile. Orchid was Victor's daughter by Kim Kahn and the oldest of the new generation. Whitney rolled her eyes. "Besides, I never had a sister. Or a brother either, for that matter."

"You're not missing much." Whitney responded. She was Penelope's age and a Halle Berry wannabe, but she had too much jaw for her face and too little in the breast department. Nevertheless, she didn't back down when Penelope asked for a little help with her rather strange family. Right now, she was feeding Julia, Marie's baby, from a bottle. In one corner, their friend Millie was thoroughly enchanted by Desiree's twin boys, while Margarita "Speedy" Gonzales, the junior-high track star, fed Inet's little boy, Alexander.

Penelope draped a towel over her shoulder and expertly shifted Orchid to that same shoulder. When the baby burped, what milk escaped ended up on the towel, not on Penelope's shirt. The others emulated her, sparing themselves a stained set of shirts.

"Thanks for the help, kids, we'll take it from here!" Kim said from the doorway as she entered with the rest of Victor's breeding-circle. Those who hadn't yet given birth to children of their own helped the others. Kim passed out twenty-dollar bills and told the youngsters to go have some fun. They took a special private elevator to the employee parking garage, where they met Arnold and two of his recently-graduated former trainees. There was D.J., nephew of the late, lamented Mr. Andersen, and Shane MacDuff, a veteran of the first Gulf War who had gotten a Purple Heart after taking a bullet meant for a Kuwaiti official. It was Shane who was assigned as their driver for the afternoon, much to the girls' delight--he was so easy, it was almost as if Penelope's friends had mind-control powers as well.

"Later, Arnie." Penelope said, drawing the tall, dark ex-Secret Service agent down to her level by his tie so she could kiss him on the cheek. "And one for your wife." she added, kissing him on the other cheek.

She had learned to enjoy life again with help from her family, and had reconnected with her old friends. Her growing ability to foresee the future had helped immensely--she could see an optimum future and what steps were needed to keep herself and her loved ones on the track to that future. She was still young, however, and not above using it to predict when a teacher would give a pop quiz, just as Inet, her adopted mother, used hers to anticipate Victor's needs or to help raise funds for the Foundation with the occasional trip to Vegas.

Shane drove them to the theater for a movie, then to Long John Silver's for dinner. Everything was going fine until they left the restaurant. Penelope and Shane sensed a shielded mind tailing them. Penelope took advantage of the evening traffic to shuffle drivers around the enemy car with subtle mental nudges until their tail had a quarter-mile coating of cars in both directions, the nearest ones to it being large, powerful trucks, and was forced into the center lane. Shane took the Waco Drive exit while Penelope forced the tail to remain on the road they had just left until the cars were far enough away that they couldn't possibly catch up before all of Penelope's friends had been dropped off at their homes.

"Later, Penelope!" the girls said as they each got out.

"Later!" she responded. She slipped into the front seat once her friends were safe. "Okay, Shane, do your stuff."

"Yes, ma'am." he responded. Shielded minds appeared in a different car as soon as they hit Franklin Avenue.

"These guys don't learn, do they?" Penelope remarked. "Keep it to two miles over the speed limit."

"Two?" Shane asked, but complied anyway. They took the usual exit and blew through a yellow light. Their tail was so intent on following them that it was unable to stop before plowing into a truck hauling concrete patio furniture. Penelope and Shane pulled over and ran quickly to the scene of the accident. Just as Penelope had known, the two agents in the car were knocked out, but alive. She reached into their mouths and pulled out their cyanide caps, wrapping them in a Kleenex and giving them to Shane, who pocketed them before shouldering the agents and putting them in the back of the car.

"Nice work, Shane." she said, patting the vet on the shoulder as they drove away.

Howard was supervising Abby and Teddy in telekinesis practice when the phone rang. "Hello, Howard." Victor said when the younger man picked up the phone. "Would you come down to the infirmary?"

"Uh, sure." he replied.

"All right, see you soon." Victor's voice said, quickly followed by a click.

"Not much for phone etiquette, is he?" Teddy asked, looking up from the 3D maze she was working. The BB she was manipulating fell onto a ledge in the middle.

"You're not supposed to let it touch." Abby said. "Now you have to start aaaaaaaaalll over again."

"Behave, you two, I have to see what the boss wants." Howard said as Teddy pouted.

"Can we misbehave when you get back?" Teddy asked with a wink.

"I think you're due a little misbehaving." Howard replied. "You're both coming along great, by the way." He kissed each of them in turn and walked out with a wave. The infirmary was in the third sub-basement. He found Victor waiting for him between two occupied beds. On the way, he said hello to Mirisynt, Zak's mate, who was watching over her quadruplets. He remembered Victor telling him that her species had been enslaved and bred for docility, which had resulted in a decrease in their physical stature and an increase in litter size--it didn't take a genius to figure out that that was a bad combination. Were it not for the near-miraculous healing powers at Zak's disposal, she would very likely have died. It was a sobering thought.

"Howard!" Victor called, beckoning him over to the beds.

"Sorry, gotta go." he whispered to Mirisynt, who smiled and waved him on his way. Howard looked at the occupants of the beds, but there was nothing familiar about them. They both had military haircuts, however. "Who are they?" he asked.

"Enemy agents." Victor said. "We managed to remove their psi-blocking chips without killing them."

"What about their cyanide caps?" Howard asked.

"Penelope removed those when she and Shane pulled them out of their wrecked car."

"No innocent bystanders got hurt, did they?" Howard asked.

"No, Penelope timed it perfectly so that the agents hit the bed of the truck, not the cab." Victor responded with a smile. Howard heaved a sigh of relief. "I've sent a check to the truck's owner and to the guy who was supposed to get those concrete picnic tables. But it's not often we get to scan an enemy agent. It's time you got some practical experience. You take that one."

Howard reached out his hand and touched the forehead of his subject--a bodybuilder-type with a jaw like an icebreaker. Both subjects were strapped down and heavily sedated. It took Howard a while to break through the fog of the drugs. When he did, he found a mind that followed orders, didn't ask questions, and trained itself to hate whoever he was told was his enemy with a passion akin to holy war. His name was Sigmund von Braun, and he was trained to hate telepaths. Howard pushed aside the hatred and delved deeper, finding mission specifics for Penelope's capture as well as every other mission the man had been involved in. He found the locations of sixteen minor bases in Texas, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Louisiana and New Mexico, four major bases in the latter four states and the names and faces of his immediate superiors. He pulled out and relayed the pertinent information to Victor, who in turn shared what he had learned from the other. There was a lot of overlap between them, but together the two knew the locations of twenty-five bases. Howard closed his eyes and cleared his mind of Sigmund's personality residue, just as he'd been taught. Struck with inspiration, he dove back in and flipped a few mental switches.

"What was that?" Victor asked.

"This guy's a career soldier, he doesn't ask questions, he just takes out the target. I just changed the target, that's all." Howard responded. Victor came over to examine Howard's handiwork.

"Subtle, you're learning." Victor said. "Now, let's see what you can do with the other one."

Yoshiko's eyes snapped open as she noticed strange holes in her mental perception. Taking up her swords, she rose from her meditative position and rushed outside to alert her fellow ninjas--but then, those with any talent were already aware of the threat; she was just the first out of her house. Helicopters circled the village, launching gas grenades at the temple. Man, woman, child, the gas claimed them indiscriminately. Humanoid shapes descended with the aid of jet packs, landing at the very doors of the temple. She called the ones who had the necessary skill, and they moved as swiftly and silently as a falcon's shadow in the temple's direction. Putting barriers around themselves, they created envelopes of breathable air to sustain them in the wicked miasma, which the circling helicopters kept concentrated in the vicinity of the temple. Enemy agents fell to pieces before Yoshiko's blade, but the one she truly sought launched himself through the temple roof, carrying the clan's treasure aloft with him. Just like that, the helicopters were gone.

"If this message has been activated, then your sacred crystal has been taken hostage." said a voice. Yoshiko glared at the recording device sitting in the crystal's exalted place. "Do not attempt to recover it directly, or the container in which it has been placed will be detonated with sufficient force to destroy the crystal and whoever is sent to enact the recovery. It will be stored aboard a top-secret satellite until you have completed our task: Eliminate Victor Phillips." Yoshiko's blade cleaved the recording device and the crystal's violated pedestal. She exited the temple in shame. Looking around, she found that almost half of the village had succumbed to the gas once it was free to spread out from the temple.

"Yoshiko! What do we do?" asked Kaede, pulling the mask off her face.

"We have no choice. If we are to recover the sacred crystal, we must kill the target they have set before us." Yoshiko said. "Once we have it back, we will take our revenge. No one holds our treasure for ransom and lives!"

"Yoshiko!" a young voice called. The clan's most skilled ninja and most accomplished practitioner of the fading art of combat-meditation turned to find its youngest, little Kagome, hopping in her direction and trying to get her left shoe on. "I'm coming!"

"Kagome..." Yoshiko began.

"Yoshiko, I'm coming." the little girl responded. "I have to."

"You can't. There's no room for children on this mission."

"Yoshiko, you remember when I told you about my hunches? How they only happen when it's really important? Like when I decided to go pick herbs the day Fuji's baby came, and the herbs I brought were the very ones the healer needed to cure the infection she caught? Last night, I felt I had to sleep in a tree, and then this morning the gaijin came and used a gas that sticks to the ground. Well, now I've got a feeling I have to come with you."

Yoshiko sighed. Kagome was very young, not even ten, but already she had a burgeoning precognitive ability that manifested as strong hunches. Only recently had she begun to have conscious awareness of them so that it did not seem quite as much like the whims of a child. One day, she would be able to predict a foe's attacks before they had even formulated them, but for now...

"Fine." Yoshiko said. "Kaede, gather the best of whoever's left."

"Any hunches about who we should take, 'Gome?" Kaede asked.

"Everyone we can." Kagome responded. Soon, twenty ninjas had assembled at the edge of the village--twelve males, eight females. Kagome shed a tear as she cast a final look at the village of her birth, those who could not fight preparing to bury the dead. Then she rushed to catch up with the others.

Mirisynt opened one eye as the door to the infirmary opened. Her Master, mate and father of her children came in, embracing her mentally until he was close enough to do so physically.

"Did I wake you? I'm sorry." he said.

"I'm not." she said, snuggling her head into his chest and under his chin. Her voice trilled with pleasure at his presence, and her eyes shone in the dim light of the room. The maternal mortality rate for Krei'i was close to forty-five percent, but when she looked at their little ones, she felt it was worth the risk. With careful incubation after the Caesarian section, the little ones had grown strong. Their nostril slits were concealed by snow-white hair that would darken to cobalt blue before the end of their first year. Other than that, they looked a lot like the dominant life form of the planet they were inhabiting at the moment, at least as long as no one looked too closely at their hands.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better every day, Master." she said, kissing him. She felt him touch her mind and allowed her love for him and the happiness she felt in his presence to flow across the link. His hands roamed over her body for several minutes. He slipped his hand through the disinfecting force-field around the incubators to caress the infants--two males and two females--before he curled up beside Mirisynt, who lay her head on his chest to listen to his hearts beat until the sound lulled her back to sleep. Technically, they had quarters elsewhere, but Mirisynt was unwilling to leave their offspring, and Zak was unwilling to press the issue lest she think it was an order. The rare moments together were a treasure to be savored.

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Taken as a Slave Part 2

If the bad grammar offends you please don't read's meant to titillate not educate. This is the second part to Taken as a Slave. In the first part Carol has been caught and forced to start to service men. The poking and prodding stopped and the conversation dies to a murmur. I couldn't really see what was going on, but then I wasn't really looking or making an effort. I was still dazed from the evenings events. A couple more minutes passed and then I heard and yell of...

2 years ago
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Training Programme leads to unbelieveable sex Part 1

He wondered if he would be able to do anything or only think about them and masturbate. He was idly wondering on the difficulty level of getting them to bed. He thought the older females would be getting inadequate sex and would be easier and the younger females would be hard to get as they would have sufficient sex. He was going to be surprised. The trainer made the mandatory introductions and divided them into teams. Hari was a born leader and took charge of his team. He led from the front...

3 years ago
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With My Hot Sister 8211 Part 6

Continuation of my story With my hot sister Part – 6. Finally she came out wearing the black transparent saree which I have presented to her. Madan exclaimed loudly “what a gorgeous babe”. Bindu become angered and started scolding madan for commenting her in such a way. (She was happy inside for his comment but she pretended to show anger as i may take her wrong if she showed positive reply). I was taken aback as my plan may fail because of her resistance. I called Bindu inside the room and...

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The StormChapter 12

On days that were nice, Jennifer and I had taken to walking all over on the island. I’d probably walked over virtually every square inch of the island but Jennifer hadn’t and it was interesting to watch her reaction as I showed her some hidden treasure. I didn’t realize it until much later but I’d also unconsciously started looking for a site for a newer, larger house. I guess my mind was saying ‘man plus woman plus marriage equals children’. Without realizing I’d been looking for it, I came...

3 years ago
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The Commando

When the real estate market tanked in the early 80’s I bought a two bedroom condo for $89,000. I put $3000 down and rented the extra bedroom to a friend from work. We worked long hours and had different start times, he also usually stayed at his girlfriend’s place on weekends, so we rarely saw each other. Four years later the place was nearly paid off, and my boarder was about to get married. I agreed to move out and he agreed to sign a three year lease on the condo. Real estate had heated up...

Group Sex
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Going Out Of Business

If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed it. But there it was, a big hand written sign on the plate glass window, GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. I sat in the car, staring in disbelief. Lexi must be heart broken for sure I thought to myself. She poured her life into this place, and now… Movement inside the coffee shop caught my eye and interrupted my train of thought. I could see the shape of a woman moving slowly about inside the dimly lit shop. Once a thriving gathering place...

3 years ago
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Mail OrderChapter 3

I took the drinks straight into the bedroom, for what I knew was going to happen next the couch just wouldn't do. I called out to her and after a few seconds, she was standing in the doorway smiling at me. She'd taken her bra off and was now completely naked and the full beauty of her mature body was exposed. Her breasts, though they sagged slightly, were still pretty firm and her nipples were hard and inviting. I was sitting on the side of the bed and patted the mattress beside me,...

4 years ago
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A Morris Mans Tale Part 2

This is a fiction story, not fantasy and while there is a lot of passion and some very erotic action in later parts and in book two if you are looking for raw action then I am sorry but this isn't the book for you. Chapter Three Love? “Ok, you stay there whilst I get myself sorted out and then get things started”. I push back the duvet and unzip my bag, getting out I scoot to the edge of the bed and locate my t-shirt and trousers, sliding into them next stop is the bathroom,...

4 years ago
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Detroit City DGHChapter 2

On Thursday, I mentioned to Sam that I was going to go see my uncle and his family on Friday and asked her if she wanted to go along and meet them. We were already going to another Tiger game on Saturday. "I'd like to, Jeff, but that's my night with the girls. I can't disappoint them on such short notice. Maybe another time." It was every Friday with the girls and Saturday with me. I knew at some point I would have to have a heart-to-heart with Sam. My feelings for her were strong and...

2 years ago
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Garfield and Jennifer Kline

We met in a bar. Where else? The Castellano serves real Spanish cuisine and very good whiskey. That Jennifer Randolph was cruising the boulevard and looking for something or someone was obvious: her glance was everywhere. I was dateless, into my second round, and I decided to gamble and offer my services. "Miss, would I be out of line to offer to buy you a drink?" I said. She looked me up and down. And, apparently, decided that I wasn't a total loser. She took another look around, turned...

1 year ago
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Gender bent ndash Ch 7 The Gangbang room

Gender bent – Ch 7 -The gang-bang roomHey all. Thanks for reading my stories and all. I want to say if you enjoy them. Leave comments and let me know if there is something you would want to see. Sorry about the errors in advance. Also if you haven’t already noticed the stories are kind of out of order (Sorry) I took it upon myself to make this Table of contents as I will be numbering these stories from now on. I expect to get to chapter 12-15 and going to wrap this one up hopefully by the end...

1 year ago
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Barbara Clausen woke with the first light of dawn as it crept through the curtains. Moving slowly and carefully, she slipped from under the sheet and swung her feet to the floor. She stood and tip-toed to the chair where her clothing lay. She donned her dress, picked up her underwear, pantyhose, shoes and purse and left. She stood in the bedroom doorway and looked back at the bed. Lee's dark hair was scattered over her pillow, hiding her face. The sheet had slipped down, exposing one bare...

4 years ago
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It Started Here

The story is about myself and started when I was a boy 8 years of age. Family life for me was not the best, with a single parent alcoholic with no real time for me, so I took every opportunity to escape and by this I mean looking for affection wherever it was to be had. This meant that I would do errands for most of all the elderly people in my immediate area, shopping, collect their newspapers, walk dogs etc. and even help prepare meals for them. I had no real friends and found it very...

2 years ago
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Dedicated to my pals Enbreeze and Paula Jutras. Inspired by Eric, The Rebel, and Roy Del Frink. Bad Irving--where ARE you!? Ultramarine By Jacquie Windsor [email protected] All Rights Undeserved: 2001-DEC-08 Without ever having acknowledged his feminine self, Kelvin languished alone in a prison cell, with a bleak future staring at him every day from a cracked mirror over a tarnished sink. Not three miles distant, flying as a crow does, an unmarried woman faced a similar...

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Sisters Unite 30

After our interlude, I walked naked down the hall to the living room to find Mike on his hands and knees. His cock in Sara's mouth as Maverick lapped at his anal opening. I walked over to the trio and starting playing with Sara. I got my hand covered in her pussy juice and moved behind Mike and covered his ass hole with her secretions. Maverick must have liked the taste and bore his tongue into Mike's ass. Mike was so taken aback by his dog's tongue that he fell face-first into his...

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Guess whos coming at dinner

She Caught Me Looking, Part IIIt had been about a year since Dave had been caught masturbating, to pictures of his beautiful former female boss, Natasha. Although she had threatened to prolong his punishment, she had been bluffing, probably just to make him sweat for a further day or so. When he returned to the stockroom, where she had originally caught him, he found a yellow post-it sticking on the inside of the door, saying simply, "Don't do that again."Dave left the job shortly after and...

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NewSensations Naomi Swann Naomi8217s Step Dad Gives Her A Huge Surprise

Just as step father Steve was walking past his tiny teen step daughter Naomi on the phone in her room, he overheard her telling her friend she wanted to know why her mother is always screaming at night, and if it is because he has a big cock. As Steve asked her about dinner later that evening she wanted him to be honest and explain the screaming and that she wanted to see it for herself. Without hesitation she spreads her tight little pink teen pussy for him to lick up her juices and is happily...

4 years ago
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Moguls The Meating

Douglas Jackson looked at his phone for the directions. It was January 17, 2012. The 53 year-old, super tall man found his destination. He was at the historic Chicago Medical School to begin his practicum for his education specialist degree. The old man had taken a semester off in vacation time from his job at Eleanor Roosevelt High where he taught health and coached the girls’ basketball team to two state championships over the past twenty years.Doug found a parking spot and whipped his dark...

2 years ago
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Real is better than Fantasy

I always felt excited whenever any of my classmates were being punished in school Real is much better than Fantasy I always felt excited whenever any of my classmates were being punished in school. My panties would get wet from watching them get caned either on their palms or calves. The more severe caning was on the buttocks. Ours was a mixed school and so both boys and girls were disciplined. Strangely, I was equally excited, whether a boy or a girl was being punished. The whacks on...

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Conversations 13

This series is all about conversations around one event – the cheating spouse. But cheating affects more than just the two protagonists, and I wanted to look at those conversations as well. We all need love. However, when the conversation is finally over, the story ends. And if you feel it’s in the wrong section, well ... the others in the series are here and I wanted to keep them together. No sex in this one. Sorry. Enjoy. I was seated on my favourite bar stool in the Crown and Anchor,...

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Inside Me C05

----- 5 -- The countdown was on. I could only assume he wanted to have sex with me. He never tried though. The weekend came to pass. I slept with him Friday night. That was a given. I wasn’t about to leave him after that. Saturday night was a bit awkward. Pretty much the whole of Saturday was awkward. Ean somehow managed to recess back into his own mind. It seemed he only spoke his emotions in extreme highs. If not stimulated to the max, he regressed within himself and seemed to be in...

3 years ago
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The Bank Job 03

So sorry it’s taken me so long to update. With special thanks to my editor Misternik ***** When Rebecca awoke again it was early, but not before dawn. Sunlight was streaming through the windows. The room must be east facing, she mused. Jason had rolled away from her during the night, but he was still fast asleep. He was lying on his front with one arm raised over his head, causing the muscles in his shoulders and back to be more defined. She admired the gentle sweeping curve that ran from his...

1 year ago
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From Big Stores to the Great Pigeon Drop

I was in the cage as the customer handed me a bag. I counted the contents of the bag- it was the amount I was expecting- three million bucks. I thanked him, handed him the receipt, and watched him go and sit down to watch the race. The room only had about 10 other people in it besides myself. His horse lost, of course. As he ran towards the cage, men crashed through the doors, and fired a few shots in the air. He stopped running, and looked at the gunmen. A large man in a comically double...

3 years ago
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My first threesome

This all happen back when AOL(lol) was the thing to have. One night i was bored a little lonely i hope on AOL and enter an adult area chat room. I started to chat with this girl lets call her Katie. Well Katie and I chatted for an hour and then agreed we should meet if i could come to pick her up which i glad agreed to do. Well on my why there she called my cell and asked me to park the car on the street and go to the back yard by what she call a hot tub(was just a little k**s pool). So when I...

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The Forfeit Part 2

She sneered as she tore off the ribbon and paper, but her hands were shaking with excitement. From the roll of tissue fell a thick black rubber vibrator which landed on the bed in front of her. She picked it up and looked at it closely. When she turned the control at the base the shaft whirred and shook in her fingertips. She gasped softly. The red sheet fell from her body and she stood naked by the fire with the vibrating rubber cock in her hands. It tingled against her skin. She knew it...

3 years ago
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The Life and Times of Jim Horn Texas Ranger An Excerpt

Jim and Buck were working on their second cup of coffee when Jim glanced out the open door and noticed Jasper running down the street toward the office. He burst in through the door! "Sheriff Buck, Jim, please come quick! Bert sent me to tell you there's going to be trouble over at the saloon!" Buck followed Jim who was hot on the boy's trail as he headed back in the direction of the saloon. As soon as Jim saw the number of horses with Mexican rigs at the hitching rail he reached out and...

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A Day at the Mall

Writer's note: Long time no see, so this part will take place in a mall and I am aiming for 3 parts, a lot more story than I thought I would have in this part, in fact, the changes might be much fewer in this part than even I was expecting, I go the direction the story takes me, and that has been a lot more plot, a lot less transformations, sorry about that. I hope you enjoy it anyway. Part One: Dissent "A mall just seems kind of girly." Kim was not all that excited to be going...

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How I Was Seduced By My Neighbor

Hello to all readers, my name is John (pseudo name). I am 30 years old and living in Bangalore. I am a regular reader of ISS and also share here sometimes. Kindly request the readers to share comments or feedback after reading the story of how I was seduced by my neighbor. I like married women a lot and had few encounters with some of them. I am sharing this story about my neighborhood lady aged around 28 years old. She seduced me and took me to bed. I live in a small apartment complex, and...

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I figured out that sharing a two-bedroom apartment was cheaper than paying for a one-bedroom by myself, so with what little savings I had, I managed to cover first and last months’ rent for a two-bedroom apartment just outside the downtown area. I immediately put up flyers and advertised in the local paper for a roommate to cover half the monthly rent. I was a bit surprised at how few responses I received. I was getting kind of desperate when I got a call from a guy interested in sharing the...

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PornPics Indian

I have done reviews on thousands of adult-only websites, and usually, I’m satisfied with my work. But at times, I fall in lust with a particular website and have to revisit several of them. Sometimes it’s to comment on a platform’s blog; in other cases, it is to fixate on a fetish, and in this one, we will look at all of the picture erotica featuring dames of the Desi ethnic extraction.Hot Hindi Honeys Are Much In Evidence HereOkay, regarding the most fundamental (though not the only important...

Indian Porn Sites
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My New Life 3

My New Life 3, a story by Dee Ramone © D. Ramone 2018 My New Life is an erotic novel by D. Ramone featuring themes of chastity and cross-dressing and descriptions of sexually explicit acts which those of a sensitive nature may find not to their tastes. It is not suitable for such readers nor for anyone considered a minor by the authorities in their country of residence. My New Life is entirely a work from Dee Ramone and any similarities to places or people, either living or...

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SisLovesMe Aria Banks Handcuffing Stepsis

I’m not going to lie, I’ve always kind of had a thing for my stepsister Aria Banks. So, when I pick her up from a wild shindig, I’m a little jealous of all the fun she’s having without me. To make sure I don’t tell anyone about how hard she parties, she sucks my dick right in my truck! Later, I catch Aria snapping some sexy shots of her pussy and sending them to none other than my best fucking friend. The petite blonde works something out with me by taking my huge dick in her wet pussy. A...

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Appleby Blush Ch 06

Chapter 6: Kirsten and Alice head in different directions Alice checked her lipstick in the dim light of the taxi one more time. Carefully reapplying a layer of gloss over the pale pink colour, the young blonde woman excitedly blew a kiss into the compact mirror. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught the driver check her out and smirked to herself. She felt hot… Snapping the compact shut, she dropped it back into her clutch purse, squeezed her thighs together, and looked out the window. ...

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Walking With Melissa

I was in the Lindbergh Westfield Mall, minding my own business and shopping for a gift for my cousin Bobbi for her upcoming birthday. I wasn’t expecting any trouble out in the open, like the mall’s main concourse was, so it was quite unexpected when my front wheels wound up in a flowerbed and I almost tipped over. “Out the way, crackuh mutha fuckah.” “Sheeit. Gimpy muh fuckin’ road bump. Move out da way when we ‘round, hessay!” There were three of them, and I’m not going to disparage...

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Being Nosey

It was a warm summers evening, the breeze was genital. Brenda's windows were open, but her lights were out. Enabling her to look out and not allow anyone to look in. Her neighbor across the way was working out as usual, lifting weights, doing squats, jumping jacks and deep knee bends. He is a nice looking guy and Brenda enjoyed watching him get all sweaty. One evening Brenda ready herself to watch her neighbor work out. She had finally decided to masturbate while she watched. She had wanted...

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