Zak's FoundationChapter 2 free porn video

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Abigail Xu stormed out of the field house, her long, black hair streaming behind her like a war banner from beneath her mortarboard. Her now-ex-boyfriend would remember what she'd done with his senior ring for the rest of his days. Ever since he'd fallen in with those rednecks, he'd been treating her like dirt because she was Asian. Today had been the last straw. Selling copies of a secretly-made video of her giving him her virginity the year before after the junior prom on the internet was bad enough, but referring to her as ... THAT ... in the title...

She roared with rage and punched at the air. The feeling was only now beginning to come back in her right hand, and it was starting to sting. She ran into Howard Farrell on her way to the parking lot--literally. The two bounced off each other like giant rubber balls and ended up on the concrete.

"Watch where you're going!" she snarled.

"Sorry, Abs." he said, picking himself up. "What are you doing here? Don't tell me I missed the ceremony!"

"No." Abby said snarkily. "You can have your precious ceremony." He touched her hand and she yelped. She must have hit her ex harder than she'd thought.

"No wonder you're so grumpy, this must be agony." he said, gently examining her swelling hand. She cried out in pain as she felt something move. He wrapped her hand in both of his and closed his eyes. She felt the movement again, but it wasn't accompanied by the stabbing pain this time. When he released her hand at last, the swelling was already beginning to recede.

"What did you do?" she asked, looking at her now-healed hand.

"I was about to ask you the same question." he responded. Her face soured. His hand caressed her cheek, and on the second stroke he touched her temple--and her mind.

"I punched out that redneck ... He'd made a video of us at the junior prom when I gave up my virginity, and he'd been selling copies of it on the Internet for a few months. My brother found clips from it on Haporn dot com." Howard gathered her into his arms, and she began to cry.

"I don't blame you for punching him."

"That's not even the worst part!" she sobbed. "In the title ... he used ... a slur!" She couldn't bring herself to repeat what it was, and he didn't ask, but she felt him stiffen, his embrace strengthen, and a reflection of her own earlier rage build within him. He held her at arms' length and wiped away her tears.

"You're not going to give him the satisfaction of letting him drive you away from your own graduation." he said, and she felt strength flowing into her, making her feel a little silly for wanting to run away. They walked back onto the football field together and stayed that way until they got to her assigned seat in the back (since her last name began with an X). Even though he was all the way down with the F's, she could feel him as if he were sitting next to her instead of Jamie Wyatt and Phil Yachtsman. The ceremony proceeded almost as planned--when her ex's name came up, she learned that he had not regained consciousness yet. She took a measure of satisfaction from that, but put it out of her mind as the names continued to be read from the alphabetical list. Not long after she got her own diploma, the ceremony was over, and they were all tossing their caps into the air. Then, Howard was there, and they were hugging. Later, she didn't know whether he kissed her or she kissed him, but their lips were pressing together and her crotch was grinding against his leg, and she didn't care who saw. The time in between was a blur of emotions and hormones, but she found herself in a hotel room with him, and their gowns were on the floor along with the clothes they'd worn under them.

"No cameras, I promise." he whispered, and she found that hilarious for some reason. Then, she was guiding him inside her. He was bigger than ... she pushed that thought out of her mind. He was big. He filled her easily. Their minds were linked more deeply than surface thoughts. His memories were an open book to her, as hers were to him. His pleasure amplified hers, hers amplified his, and they both found release as one, in an explosion of ecstasy that left both unconscious.

She was awakened by the smell of breakfast. Opening her eyes, she found that he'd gotten a hotel room with a kitchen. Scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, sausage and more added their delectable perfume to the scent of last night's lovemaking.

"Lovemaking," she thought to herself, not "fucking" or "humping" or "doing it." She was amazed at how quickly her life had turned around, and for the better. Howard was humming the Mighty Mouse theme song as he poured orange juice for both of them.

They made love again after breakfast, this time with her on top, his hands guiding her hips. She was aware of what he was doing as he induced an ovulation, and for the first time in her life, the thought of being pregnant brought joy, not dread. They lay side-by-side, catching their breath, and she visualized what she would look like, swollen with child.

"One more thing, Abs." he whispered.

"Yes," she agreed, and closed her eyes, letting his finger touch her forehead, letting consciousness fade away as she was evolved.

"You do know she's just gonna grow into a dorky little sister who follows you around everywhere, right?" Whitney asked.

"They tame easier if you catch 'em young." Penelope responded, looking up from little Orchid with a smile. Orchid was Victor's daughter by Kim Kahn and the oldest of the new generation. Whitney rolled her eyes. "Besides, I never had a sister. Or a brother either, for that matter."

"You're not missing much." Whitney responded. She was Penelope's age and a Halle Berry wannabe, but she had too much jaw for her face and too little in the breast department. Nevertheless, she didn't back down when Penelope asked for a little help with her rather strange family. Right now, she was feeding Julia, Marie's baby, from a bottle. In one corner, their friend Millie was thoroughly enchanted by Desiree's twin boys, while Margarita "Speedy" Gonzales, the junior-high track star, fed Inet's little boy, Alexander.

Penelope draped a towel over her shoulder and expertly shifted Orchid to that same shoulder. When the baby burped, what milk escaped ended up on the towel, not on Penelope's shirt. The others emulated her, sparing themselves a stained set of shirts.

"Thanks for the help, kids, we'll take it from here!" Kim said from the doorway as she entered with the rest of Victor's breeding-circle. Those who hadn't yet given birth to children of their own helped the others. Kim passed out twenty-dollar bills and told the youngsters to go have some fun. They took a special private elevator to the employee parking garage, where they met Arnold and two of his recently-graduated former trainees. There was D.J., nephew of the late, lamented Mr. Andersen, and Shane MacDuff, a veteran of the first Gulf War who had gotten a Purple Heart after taking a bullet meant for a Kuwaiti official. It was Shane who was assigned as their driver for the afternoon, much to the girls' delight--he was so easy, it was almost as if Penelope's friends had mind-control powers as well.

"Later, Arnie." Penelope said, drawing the tall, dark ex-Secret Service agent down to her level by his tie so she could kiss him on the cheek. "And one for your wife." she added, kissing him on the other cheek.

She had learned to enjoy life again with help from her family, and had reconnected with her old friends. Her growing ability to foresee the future had helped immensely--she could see an optimum future and what steps were needed to keep herself and her loved ones on the track to that future. She was still young, however, and not above using it to predict when a teacher would give a pop quiz, just as Inet, her adopted mother, used hers to anticipate Victor's needs or to help raise funds for the Foundation with the occasional trip to Vegas.

Shane drove them to the theater for a movie, then to Long John Silver's for dinner. Everything was going fine until they left the restaurant. Penelope and Shane sensed a shielded mind tailing them. Penelope took advantage of the evening traffic to shuffle drivers around the enemy car with subtle mental nudges until their tail had a quarter-mile coating of cars in both directions, the nearest ones to it being large, powerful trucks, and was forced into the center lane. Shane took the Waco Drive exit while Penelope forced the tail to remain on the road they had just left until the cars were far enough away that they couldn't possibly catch up before all of Penelope's friends had been dropped off at their homes.

"Later, Penelope!" the girls said as they each got out.

"Later!" she responded. She slipped into the front seat once her friends were safe. "Okay, Shane, do your stuff."

"Yes, ma'am." he responded. Shielded minds appeared in a different car as soon as they hit Franklin Avenue.

"These guys don't learn, do they?" Penelope remarked. "Keep it to two miles over the speed limit."

"Two?" Shane asked, but complied anyway. They took the usual exit and blew through a yellow light. Their tail was so intent on following them that it was unable to stop before plowing into a truck hauling concrete patio furniture. Penelope and Shane pulled over and ran quickly to the scene of the accident. Just as Penelope had known, the two agents in the car were knocked out, but alive. She reached into their mouths and pulled out their cyanide caps, wrapping them in a Kleenex and giving them to Shane, who pocketed them before shouldering the agents and putting them in the back of the car.

"Nice work, Shane." she said, patting the vet on the shoulder as they drove away.

Howard was supervising Abby and Teddy in telekinesis practice when the phone rang. "Hello, Howard." Victor said when the younger man picked up the phone. "Would you come down to the infirmary?"

"Uh, sure." he replied.

"All right, see you soon." Victor's voice said, quickly followed by a click.

"Not much for phone etiquette, is he?" Teddy asked, looking up from the 3D maze she was working. The BB she was manipulating fell onto a ledge in the middle.

"You're not supposed to let it touch." Abby said. "Now you have to start aaaaaaaaalll over again."

"Behave, you two, I have to see what the boss wants." Howard said as Teddy pouted.

"Can we misbehave when you get back?" Teddy asked with a wink.

"I think you're due a little misbehaving." Howard replied. "You're both coming along great, by the way." He kissed each of them in turn and walked out with a wave. The infirmary was in the third sub-basement. He found Victor waiting for him between two occupied beds. On the way, he said hello to Mirisynt, Zak's mate, who was watching over her quadruplets. He remembered Victor telling him that her species had been enslaved and bred for docility, which had resulted in a decrease in their physical stature and an increase in litter size--it didn't take a genius to figure out that that was a bad combination. Were it not for the near-miraculous healing powers at Zak's disposal, she would very likely have died. It was a sobering thought.

"Howard!" Victor called, beckoning him over to the beds.

"Sorry, gotta go." he whispered to Mirisynt, who smiled and waved him on his way. Howard looked at the occupants of the beds, but there was nothing familiar about them. They both had military haircuts, however. "Who are they?" he asked.

"Enemy agents." Victor said. "We managed to remove their psi-blocking chips without killing them."

"What about their cyanide caps?" Howard asked.

"Penelope removed those when she and Shane pulled them out of their wrecked car."

"No innocent bystanders got hurt, did they?" Howard asked.

"No, Penelope timed it perfectly so that the agents hit the bed of the truck, not the cab." Victor responded with a smile. Howard heaved a sigh of relief. "I've sent a check to the truck's owner and to the guy who was supposed to get those concrete picnic tables. But it's not often we get to scan an enemy agent. It's time you got some practical experience. You take that one."

Howard reached out his hand and touched the forehead of his subject--a bodybuilder-type with a jaw like an icebreaker. Both subjects were strapped down and heavily sedated. It took Howard a while to break through the fog of the drugs. When he did, he found a mind that followed orders, didn't ask questions, and trained itself to hate whoever he was told was his enemy with a passion akin to holy war. His name was Sigmund von Braun, and he was trained to hate telepaths. Howard pushed aside the hatred and delved deeper, finding mission specifics for Penelope's capture as well as every other mission the man had been involved in. He found the locations of sixteen minor bases in Texas, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Louisiana and New Mexico, four major bases in the latter four states and the names and faces of his immediate superiors. He pulled out and relayed the pertinent information to Victor, who in turn shared what he had learned from the other. There was a lot of overlap between them, but together the two knew the locations of twenty-five bases. Howard closed his eyes and cleared his mind of Sigmund's personality residue, just as he'd been taught. Struck with inspiration, he dove back in and flipped a few mental switches.

"What was that?" Victor asked.

"This guy's a career soldier, he doesn't ask questions, he just takes out the target. I just changed the target, that's all." Howard responded. Victor came over to examine Howard's handiwork.

"Subtle, you're learning." Victor said. "Now, let's see what you can do with the other one."

Yoshiko's eyes snapped open as she noticed strange holes in her mental perception. Taking up her swords, she rose from her meditative position and rushed outside to alert her fellow ninjas--but then, those with any talent were already aware of the threat; she was just the first out of her house. Helicopters circled the village, launching gas grenades at the temple. Man, woman, child, the gas claimed them indiscriminately. Humanoid shapes descended with the aid of jet packs, landing at the very doors of the temple. She called the ones who had the necessary skill, and they moved as swiftly and silently as a falcon's shadow in the temple's direction. Putting barriers around themselves, they created envelopes of breathable air to sustain them in the wicked miasma, which the circling helicopters kept concentrated in the vicinity of the temple. Enemy agents fell to pieces before Yoshiko's blade, but the one she truly sought launched himself through the temple roof, carrying the clan's treasure aloft with him. Just like that, the helicopters were gone.

"If this message has been activated, then your sacred crystal has been taken hostage." said a voice. Yoshiko glared at the recording device sitting in the crystal's exalted place. "Do not attempt to recover it directly, or the container in which it has been placed will be detonated with sufficient force to destroy the crystal and whoever is sent to enact the recovery. It will be stored aboard a top-secret satellite until you have completed our task: Eliminate Victor Phillips." Yoshiko's blade cleaved the recording device and the crystal's violated pedestal. She exited the temple in shame. Looking around, she found that almost half of the village had succumbed to the gas once it was free to spread out from the temple.

"Yoshiko! What do we do?" asked Kaede, pulling the mask off her face.

"We have no choice. If we are to recover the sacred crystal, we must kill the target they have set before us." Yoshiko said. "Once we have it back, we will take our revenge. No one holds our treasure for ransom and lives!"

"Yoshiko!" a young voice called. The clan's most skilled ninja and most accomplished practitioner of the fading art of combat-meditation turned to find its youngest, little Kagome, hopping in her direction and trying to get her left shoe on. "I'm coming!"

"Kagome..." Yoshiko began.

"Yoshiko, I'm coming." the little girl responded. "I have to."

"You can't. There's no room for children on this mission."

"Yoshiko, you remember when I told you about my hunches? How they only happen when it's really important? Like when I decided to go pick herbs the day Fuji's baby came, and the herbs I brought were the very ones the healer needed to cure the infection she caught? Last night, I felt I had to sleep in a tree, and then this morning the gaijin came and used a gas that sticks to the ground. Well, now I've got a feeling I have to come with you."

Yoshiko sighed. Kagome was very young, not even ten, but already she had a burgeoning precognitive ability that manifested as strong hunches. Only recently had she begun to have conscious awareness of them so that it did not seem quite as much like the whims of a child. One day, she would be able to predict a foe's attacks before they had even formulated them, but for now...

"Fine." Yoshiko said. "Kaede, gather the best of whoever's left."

"Any hunches about who we should take, 'Gome?" Kaede asked.

"Everyone we can." Kagome responded. Soon, twenty ninjas had assembled at the edge of the village--twelve males, eight females. Kagome shed a tear as she cast a final look at the village of her birth, those who could not fight preparing to bury the dead. Then she rushed to catch up with the others.

Mirisynt opened one eye as the door to the infirmary opened. Her Master, mate and father of her children came in, embracing her mentally until he was close enough to do so physically.

"Did I wake you? I'm sorry." he said.

"I'm not." she said, snuggling her head into his chest and under his chin. Her voice trilled with pleasure at his presence, and her eyes shone in the dim light of the room. The maternal mortality rate for Krei'i was close to forty-five percent, but when she looked at their little ones, she felt it was worth the risk. With careful incubation after the Caesarian section, the little ones had grown strong. Their nostril slits were concealed by snow-white hair that would darken to cobalt blue before the end of their first year. Other than that, they looked a lot like the dominant life form of the planet they were inhabiting at the moment, at least as long as no one looked too closely at their hands.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better every day, Master." she said, kissing him. She felt him touch her mind and allowed her love for him and the happiness she felt in his presence to flow across the link. His hands roamed over her body for several minutes. He slipped his hand through the disinfecting force-field around the incubators to caress the infants--two males and two females--before he curled up beside Mirisynt, who lay her head on his chest to listen to his hearts beat until the sound lulled her back to sleep. Technically, they had quarters elsewhere, but Mirisynt was unwilling to leave their offspring, and Zak was unwilling to press the issue lest she think it was an order. The rare moments together were a treasure to be savored.

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The Hotel Maid1

Staying over in hotels was always a part of my job I disliked. I always liked to be at home at night in my own bed next to my wife rather than alone in some out of the way place. Unfortunately on this occasion I had no choice. It was late and a 300 mile drive through the rain didn't appeal, so reluctantly I checked into a hotel. One of the bonuses was that I could put the hotel bill on expenses so I found a place that looked reasonable and checked in for the night. I told the girl behind...

1 year ago
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PD Cams Trans

I don’t have to tell you how many fucking cam sites you have to choose from nowadays. Just visit ThePornDude and you will find a fuck ton of them that I have reviewed over the years. You have so many to choose from, and you don’t have to look that fucking long to find something that will appeal to your cock!That goes for you horny fuckers that get off to watching transsexuals get off for your viewing pleasure. If you only want to watch trannies with the big dicks, I urge you to check out...

Live Trans Sex Cams
3 years ago
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I smoothed down the front of my piny. My uniform was looking sharp today. Mistress told me I must look my best for this special day. But that’s all the information I had been given. I picked up the tray with mistresses breakfast and started the walk up stairs. My hands were trembling with anticipation. I pushed open the door to her room. I was greeted by her beautiful smile and a gentle wave towards her breakfast table. I put her tray down and stood back waiting to be dismissed but the...

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Innocent Strict Mom Gives Son Her Pussy

We stay in Mumbai in a 1 BHK house. My family consists of three members, me – Rahul Chordekar, 18 years old, studying in college, height is 5’3. My dad is Rajesh, 48 years old, working as a manager in a corporation. He goes abroad once a year for 2 weeks for work. My mom is Sunita. She is so innocent, but a strict and religious woman. She never ever thinks of cheating on my dad. She looks like the film actress Nithya Menon. When she goes outside the house, she wears a salwar kameez and a big...

2 years ago
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A scifi bookworm discovers the many pleasures of a different kind of worm

She was known for reading too much. At least, that’s what the other kids at school said. She was the class nerd, always delving whole-heartedly into biology class while the others talked about the homecoming game and flipped bits of dissected frog up into the light fixtures. Naturally, she was not well-liked, but she didn’t seem to notice too much — her world was on paper. Her favorite books were science fiction, and she must have gone through two or three a week....

3 years ago
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Morris Family side story Yuukos destiny

This is a spin off of the Morris Family, I wanted to put some background on Yuuko. Thanks to frogprince for his help editing it. I was raised to be the proper wife of a person I had never met. Behave well, don’t talk unless spoken to and don’t think more than what I am told. That was until I got the opportunity of my life and a view of the world that had been hidden from me forever. During my last year of high school, I won a scholarship to a university in the US. Without thinking twice I left...

2 years ago
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Dream MasterChapter 38 Group Therapy

Most of the time it was a basketball court – and a nice one at that. It took up one end of the warehouse and was used by the employees for recreation during lunch or on particularly slow days. In the season it was used by a local youth team coached by the building's owner, and hosted games almost every weekend. The league's championship game had been played there for the last three years – ever since he had installed the state of the art, collapsible bleachers along the back wall. Oddly...

1 year ago
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Prekrasna IsidoraChapter 8

Our lovemaking was very tender and gentle that night. As Grandma requested, we didn't make a lot of noise. The next morning was a different story. Isidora woke me with a gentle kiss and a big surprise. "We should get married soon." She whispered in my ear. "Why is that?" I responded sleepily. "Because you're going to be a father. My monthly visitor hasn't come, and she's always very prompt." I did some quick mental arithmetic. I'm usually pretty bad with days and dates,...

2 years ago
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Jane Part IV The Granny Gangbang

Wednesday finally came, and Jane phoned my work once again as my ‘Aunt’ to tell me her ‘cover’ story about how we knew one another. “If anyone asks, we play golf together Jane informed me. “Only my two best friends know about you”. “Also, 7pm is too early for you, arrive about 8.30pm and wait in the bar. I want to make it look like a chance meeting. Not an invite”. I was listening intently to Jane’s soft voice, getting slightly turned on. “Seems a bit over the top, but ok.” I replied before...

1 year ago
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When I first got the link for Blow Pass, I immediately imagined a subscription service offering unlimited blowjobs for one low monthly fee. It turns out I was kind of right, though the actual service doesn’t include full service from the local crack whores. This is a premium smut network dedicated to beautiful women giving has been around in some form or another since 2005. I’m already hard as a rock looking at their landing page, so I have a feeling I know how they’ve lasted...

Premium Blowjob Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Pune Diary Episode 2 8211 Encounter With A Hot Team Mate Of My Project

Hello friends, I am Saurabh Sharma and I’m back with another encounter happened last night. For readers who don’t know me , let me introduce myself (other can skip it :p ) Well I am working in pune in a reputed it company located in hinjewadi (punekar readers must be knowing), and I live in a posh society in wakad (near dutta mandir)I am 24 and have been god gifted with 6 feet height, athletic built as I am gym addicted stud :-p, charm on the face (as a compliment by girls at the office ) and...

2 years ago
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Helpless Struggles Muffled Moans

HELPLESS STRUGGLES & MUFFLED MOANS A Piece of Fiction by THE Traveller PROLOGUE: A constant buzzing noise and soft, muffled moans fill the otherwise silentroom. Alfred took a sip from the coffee as he went through Vanessa's laptop. Hewas looking at her pictures taken at a coctail. A busty brunette with a nicefigure, "chubby just a tiny bit but otherwise with the nice make up, thecute dress and the shiny heels, a striking 28 year old" Alfred thoughtas he took another sip from the coffee....

4 years ago
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Transformations DiversityChapter 14

His parents and Marty were not the only people who cared about Caz. He had become one of those very successful people whose success almost no one begrudged. His long-burning hatred had been unable to kill the basic respect and care for people that had been a trademark of young Carter Calloway. Within his MLM company, there were literally hundreds of people who thought he walked on water. From the many under him who had earned enough extra to stave off bankruptcy, to those who had...

1 year ago
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Amateur dramatics

My wife and are both keen amateur actors. Recently I’ve got more into directing but my wife, Sylvie, stills prefers to perform. She’s in her forties and has a full but still very attractive figure. Recently our amateur dramatic group put on a farce. One of those sex romp things where everything gets mixed up and nobody knows who is getting off with whom. As director it was my responsibility to do the casting and I made sure Sylvie got a part that involved a lot of kissing and canoodling with...

1 year ago
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Swingers Roundabouts

Hiya I have never really considered myself as one of those people that is happy enough to lay back and ‘think of england’ during coital relations. On the contrary, I also try not to put the blame of an ‘average sexual encounter’ on just one side. It is an experience to be shared on both sides, each person should do what they can to both enhance the others pleasure and also to make it obvious that they themselves are actually ‘enjoying’ something. It shouldn’t be a guessing game, with all the...

3 years ago
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To Whom It May Concern

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I know, you probably found me in a bizarre compromising position, an 85-year-old woman in a run-down old-fashioned house in some hard-to-imagine circumstances. There is a story here that you probably won’t believe, but ask yourself, what else could be the reason to find a woman my age sucking on a baby bottle with a vibrator buzzing on her clit, or her hair up in pigtails wearing little girl socks impaled on a dildo bouncy ball, or whatever of the three other possible...

2 years ago
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The Bad BetChapter 25

Frank Jr. sat there, staring at his naked sister as she stared back at him. They both heard their mother's moans as she was carried off. They now knew exactly what she was going to experience in the coming moments. "I did miss you," said Frank, his voice low. "You did?" The thrill that went through her made her nipples tingle and she lifted her other hand to squeeze one, and then the other. "I did," he said firmly. "I believe I need a bath too," he added. Nothing was said as he...

2 years ago
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Inability And Fantasy 8211 Part 1

Hello guys, My name is Rohan. You can contact me at ,I am an unmarried guy from Pune, I am 26 years old engineer and work for a reputed MNC firm here. I have normal physic and I keep myself healthy by jogging and little exercise in morning. I live in a apartment at posh society which is somewhat away from the city. I used to participate in local body meetings at society so everyone in society personally knows me. In my apartment very few flats were actually used by owners for living otherwise...

2 years ago
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A Real TeacherChapter 4

In the spring, I was walking home thinking about school... and nothing in general... when I heard a gruff voice shout, "Hey, you!" I looked around and spotted a woman built like an army sergeant standing on the porch of a house I was nearly past. It was the house where Monica Schowinski lived, although I had never been in it. "Are you speaking to me?" I asked. "Yes, you. Come here!" she replied authoritatively. I retraced my steps and turned up her walk, wondering why she would be...

4 years ago
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Ministers Wife Pays for her earlier fun

If you want to know the background read sister in law and the minister's wife.Angela was worried that someone would blab about the weekend orgy, mainly because she had no idea what went on. The following day she had such a head ache and that was not something she was used to.Angela had asked Jane what went on during the weekend but Jane told her “Nothing happened. It was you and me and it was a very civilised time we had watching boxed sets.One day when Angela was shopping in the local super...

1 year ago
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Wandering MindsChapter 5

Over the next month, Sarah got better at breaking off her dreams, though she still could not control who or when she visited. It was around that time that Seth slipped into Sarah's room one night. "Sarah! Wake up." he whispered. "What's up?" Sarah croaked back sleepily. "Hey, were you just dreaming with someone?" Seth asked. "No, I started to earlier, but I broke it off," Sarah said. "Is that why you woke me?" "No, I woke you up to tell you that I visited with Dad tonight!"...

1 year ago
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GotMylf Jasmine Jae Fishnet Freak Fest

Jasmine Jae looks stunning in a fishnet outfit complete with a down coat, designer shades, and some sexy manicured nails. She rubs herself from top to bottom, taking pleasure in running her hands over her sensuous curves. She gets on the bed to be filmed topless by our lucky stud, but soon pushes away his camera to get a little closer. She takes his huge cock in her mouth, deepthroating his shaft with an intensity that only a horny MILF can provide. Our stud rips her fishnet pantyhose open and...

1 year ago
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Pulling the Trigger

AUTHOR’S NOTE: There is no sex in this story. This is the narrative of my first experience at a nudist resort, which happened recently. Enjoy! ***** I drove home from work feeling disappointed. As the sun was rising, a light rain began to tap and dance on my windshield. I had planned on doing something outside today, something to get me out of the routine of working at night and sleeping all day, only to repeat the process again and again. I had missed the sunlight for too long, and it...

3 years ago
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House guest lV

Bob found it hard to keep the car on the road as Megan sucked his dick.After her shower Rebecca didn't bother to cover herself leaving the bathroom. She giggled to herself feeling naughty walking through her sisters home naked. Fixing a drink, she sat on the couch. Raising the glass, she let the condensation drip down on her tits. Unable to take it any longer Megan sat up and looked around. It was still dark out and she knew it would take another thirty minutes to go to work. Unbuttoning her...

1 year ago
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Me With My Mommy Ruby

Hi! I am Zaheer Ahmed, the only c***d in my small family that belongs to the upper middle class in Hyderabad, India. My father, Mr. Zafar Ahmed, aged 46 years, is a successful mechanical engineer, working in the gulf for a very reputed multinational company and my mother, Mrs. Rubina Zafar Ahmed (Ruby, as she is mostly called), aged 38 years, is a typical housewife, whose daily routine is to do household works in the day and watching the tv serials in the evening.This incident took place when i...

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Sales trip to Uganda

            As I said before in my story, I traveled as a salesman for several years. Not only did I travel in the states but also in other countries. I remember one such visit to Kampala , Uganda . I had to go there to meet with some perspective customers. I had to spend a couple of nights there. I checked into a hotel downtown. After I had gotten settled in and had made my first visit, I came back and changed clothes. I asked the clerk where the best place would be to have some fun that...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Maddy O8217Reilly Penny Pax Lexi Belle Wrong Room

Lexi Belle responded to an ad for a casual hook up. She instructed the girl to be in her bedroom waiting for her. When she finds Penny Pax blindfolded, in her bed playing with her pussy, she walks in and starts kissing her. Earlier that day, Maddy O’Reilly walks into her new house and wonders if anyone’s home. Penny comes down the stairs to greet her and gives her a big hug welcoming her new roommate. Penny tells her if she needs anything, she just has to come find her. She excuses...

2 years ago
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Revision with a Sting

I had always enjoyed spanking stories but never imagined I would be spanking Jenny naked or that soon afterwards she would be spanking me. We were off school with ‘study time’ and I was supposed to be revising for my end of year exams - the mock A levels, as the teachers were keen to point out. I was no worse at revising than everyone else but that didn’t make my guilty conscience any easier. The phone rang and it was Jenny, a beautiful girl but like me she needed to work hard to get results....

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Bitter LoveChapter 19

Grace Wheathers was the most beautiful bride anyone had seen as she became Grace Maloue. The Presbyterian Church was filled to overflowimg as Frank slipped the simple golden band on her finger. Her gown was her mother's. Pure silk and lace with a long train attended by two young girls dressed as brides maids in a light pink chiffon full length dress. Their job was to trail the bride to make sure the train would always be straighten or curled about Grace's ankles for photographs. New...

3 years ago
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Himura BattousaiChapter 80 The Sword Which May Not be Drawn

(Seikuu throws open the door to the shrine. The sword, in a plain wooden sheath, sits before an altar.) Seikuu (thinking): "I made swords to build a new era"... I never accepted the words my father spoke long ago. Now I finally understand. It's presumptuous to think a sword can build an era. A new era is made by people. And to the one who protects the era he built, who continues to fight from the shadows to protect the peace, I will give my father's sword--! Chou: I'm not going to take...

4 years ago
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The Training Of Jennifer 2

This is a story I wrote for Helen long ago. I never finished it but I will keep adding parts and try to complete it this time, if there is enough interest. The story still gets Helen off, any power games turn us both on.The Training of Jennifer 2Graham, sat before the screen and observed his star pupil with both a teacher’s pride and a voyeur’s lust. He watched as she responded to the polite rapping on the apartment door. He knew she was still wet and aroused by the finger fucking he was giving...

2 years ago
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Garage TV 8211 Part II

Hi friends this is your friend directly come to the story ye kahani un dino ki hai jab main 12 class me thha. mere uncle ne ek garage khola thha. meri uncle se achhi patne lagi thhi to mai bas garage me hi baitha rahta thha unka naam thaa “raj”raj uncle ko sexy books and magazines ka bahut shauk tha. wo apne garage me un kitabo ko bahut secrecy k saath rakhte thhe. Khair maine ek do books dhhondh li aur mujhe bhi maza aane laga un kitabo ko padhne me. to phir kya ? jab kabhi uncle kahi jaate...

1 year ago
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Anusha From Gym To The Washroom

Hey fellows, this is Ankit here again, with another wonderful sex encounter but this time with gym partner, if any suggestions or if you want to know me, feel free to mail up at And in no way, I am going to share any of the girl’s details. So kindly please don’t ask for it in mail. If any girl and ladies in Bangalore, want to have some fun, you can mail me up. Coming to the story, I am 25 years old with 5 ft 8 in height and 6 inch tool. I hail from an eastern state of India, but reside in...

3 years ago
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Bangkok fucking pleasure

I would like to share my sex enjoyment in Bangkok. I was traveling to Bangkok for Technical meeting. I arrived at 9apm and went from airport to my hotel. It was about 11pm. I was tired and was looking forward to rest as soon as room was given. The receptionist was charming, sexy with very good figure. She smiled and welcomes me. The room was given and I started to move to my room. She requested me to wait as someone will accompany me to my room with my luggage. As there was no bell boy around...

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